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Application #:12019009B
Development Review Timeline:Click here for Development Review Timeline
Application Name:850 Sligo Avenue
Site Location:On Sligo Avenue, 0 feet East of Fenton Street.
Size:0.63 ACRE
Master Plan:Silver Spring Downtown Sector Plan
Watershed:Sligo Creek
Application Accepted Date:5/22/2024
Application Status:Pending
Proposed Development
Application StatusZoningProposed QtyDevelopment Type
CR3.085MF Apt/Condo-5 Stories or more
CR3.06912Retail Establishment, Auxilary
Future Planning
Board Action:
OwnerTeshome Asgedom
Moonlight, Inc.
7315 Georgia Avenue
Wahington, DC 20012
Day Phone: (202)882-9049
Contact PersonTheresa Polizzi
Lerch Early and Brewer
7600 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 700
Bethesda, MD 20814
Day Phone: (301)657-0748
EngineerAndrew Bradshaw
Johnson Bernat Associates
205 N. Frederick Avenue
Suite 100
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877
Day Phone: (301)963-1133
AttorneyStacy Silber
Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd.
7600 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 700
Bethesda, MD 20814
Day Phone: (301)841-3833
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerAdam Bossi
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