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Plan Number: 120220090<< Back    Bookmarks this!
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Application #:120220090
Development Review Timeline:Click here for Development Review Timeline
Application Name:MHP - Nebel Street
Site Location:On Nebel Street, 0 feet east of Old Georgetown Road
Size:2.66 ACRE
Master Plan:White Flint Sector Plan
Watershed:Lower Rock Creek
Application Accepted Date:3/10/2022
Application Status:Pipeline
Proposed Development
Application StatusZoningProposed QtyDevelopment Type
Original ApplicationCR3.0165MF Apt/Condo-5 Stories or more
Original ApplicationCR4.00No Development Type Proposed
Future Planning
Board Action:
Approved Development
Planning Board DatePlanning Board ActionApproved QtyDevelopment Type
7/21/2022APPRVD W/ COND.163MF Apt/Condo-5 Stories or more
Owners RepresentativeThomas Roberson
Montouri Property, LLC
2440 Virginia Avenue
Suite 910
Washington, DC 20037
Day Phone: (202)833-0390
Contact PersonJames Buchheister
VIKA Maryland, LLC
20251 Century Boulevard, Suite 400
Germantown, MD 20874
Day Phone: (301)916-4100
DeveloperArtie Harris
Maryland Housing Partnership
12200 Tech Road
Suite 250
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Day Phone: (301)812-4112
EngineerJames Buchheister
20251 Century Boulevard
Suite 400
Germantown, MD 20874
Day Phone: (301)916-4100
AttorneyPatricia Harris
Lerch, Early & Brewer
7600 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 700
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Day Phone: (301)986-1300
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerTamika Graham
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