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Application #:420241360
Application Name:Chick-fil-A Clarksburg
Site Location:On Clarksburg Road 600' NE of Cabin Branch Avenue
Size:2.49 ACRE
Master Plan:Clarksburg Master Plan
Watershed:Little Seneca Creek
Special Protection Area:CLARKSBURG SPA
Application Review Status:INCOMPLETE
Owners RepresentativeAustin Whitley
Chick-fil-A Corporation
5200 Buffington Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30349
Day Phone: (570)599-9451
Plan PreparerBob Kyte
Bohler Engineering
9711 Washingtonian Boulevard
Suite 375
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Day Phone: (301)809-4500
Contact PersonKelli DiPietro
Bohler Engineering
9711 Washingtonian Boulevard
Suite 375
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Day Phone: (301)809-4500
M-NCPPC Lead Reviewer

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