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Application #:81997024F
Application Type:SITE PLAN
Application Name:Orchard Center - Target Remodel
Site Location:On Plum Orchard Dr, 310 feet W of Cherry Hill RD
Size:11.80 ACRE
Master Plan:White Oak Science Gateway
Watershed:Paint Branch
Application Accepted Date:9/12/2022
Application Status:Pending
Proposed Development
Application StatusZoningProposed Qty.Development Type
Original ApplicationCR0.750Retail Center-2 or more stores
Future Planning
Board Action:
Approved Development
Planning Board DatePlanning Board ActionApproved Qty.Development Type
0Retail Center-2 or more stores
OwnerMatthew Flansburg
Target Corporation
50 South 10th St
Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Contact PersonDeon Butler
Kimley Horn & Associates
1801 Porter St
Suite 401
Baltimore, MD 21230
Day Phone: (667)262-9356
Contact PersonDeon Butler
Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc.
1801 Porter St
Suite 401
Baltimore, MD 21230
Day Phone: (667)262-9356
EngineerJustin Becker
Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc.
401 B St
Suite 600
San Diego, CA 92101
Day Phone: (619)744-0619
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerPhillip Estes
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