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Application #:82010009B
Development Review Timeline:Click here for Development Review Timeline
Application Type:SITE PLAN
Application Name:9615 Medical Center Drive Base Building
Site Location:On Medical Center Drive, 0 feet S of Key West Avenue
Size:35.57 ACRE
Master Plan:Great Seneca Science Corridor Master Plan
Watershed:Muddy Branch
Application Accepted Date:4/28/2017
Application Status:PostDecision
Proposed Development
Application StatusZoningProposed Qty.Development Type
Original ApplicationLSC801938Research & Development
Original ApplicationLSC9998Retail Center-2 or more stores
Future Planning
Board Action:
Approved Development
Planning Board DatePlanning Board ActionApproved Qty.Development Type
7/26/2017APPRVD W/ COND.9998Retail Center-2 or more stores
7/27/2017APPRVD W/ COND.801938Research & Development
Owners RepresentativeSamantha Martino
JBG/NCI Campus II, L.L.C.
4445 Willard Ave. S. 400
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Day Phone: (240)333-3672
Contact PersonAndrew Bradshaw
Johnson Bernat Associates, Inc
205 N. Frederick Ave.
Suite 100
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877
Day Phone: (301)963-1133
Contact PersonCaroline LATIMER
Johnson-Bernat-Assoc., Inc.
205 North Frederick Avenue
Suite 100
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Day Phone: (301)963-1133x230
EngineerAndrew Bradshaw
Johnson Bernat Associates
205 N. Frederick Ave. S. 100
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Day Phone: 3019631133
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerTroy Leftwich
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