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Application #:F20230420
Application Type:Forest Conservation Plan
Application Name:Tregoning Property
Site Location:On Kings Valley Road W of Preakness Drive
Size:37.61 ACRE
Master Plan:Clarksburg Master Plan
Watershed:Little Seneca Creek
Application Accepted Date:6/23/2023
Owners RepresentativeKate Kubit
Elm Street Development
1355 Beverly Road
Suite 240
McLean, Virginia 20876
Day Phone: (703)734-9730
Plan PreparerMichael Loe
CPJ Associates, Inc.
1751 Elton Road
Suite 300
Silver Spring, Maryland 20903
Day Phone: (301)434-7000
Contact PersonMichael Loe
CPJ Associates, Inc.
1751 Elton Road
Suite 300
Silver Spring, Maryland 20903
Day Phone: (301)434-7000
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerDoug Johnsen
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