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Plan Number: F20240160<< Back    Bookmarks this!
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Application #:F20240160
Application Type:Forest Conservation Plan
Application Name:Washington Adventist Hospital
Site Location:On Plum Orchard Drive 400' SW of Broadbirch Drive
Size:48.86 ACRE
Master Plan:White Oak Science Gateway
Watershed:Paint Branch
Application Accepted Date:3/11/2024
OwnerGeoffrey Morgan
Adventist HealthCare, Inc.
820 West Diamond Avenue
Suite 600
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Day Phone: (301)315-3374
Plan PreparerDaniel Park
Soltesz, Inc.
2 Research Place
Suite 100
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Day Phone: (301)948-2750
Contact PersonDaniel Park
Soltesz, Inc.
2 Research Place
Suite 100
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Day Phone: (301)948-2750
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerSteve Findley
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