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Application #:12006056A
Development Review Timeline:Click here for Development Review Timeline
Application Name:Shaare Tefila Congregation
Site Location:On Georgia Avenue, 800 feet N of Emory Lane
Size:4 ACRE
Master Plan:Olney Master Plan
Watershed:Upper Rock Creek
Application Accepted Date:5/29/2024
Application Status:Pending
Proposed Development
Application StatusZoningProposed QtyDevelopment Type
Original ApplicationR-2000Child Day Care Related
Future Planning
Board Action:
Approved Development
Planning Board DatePlanning Board ActionApproved QtyDevelopment Type
0Child Day Care Related
0 0Place of Religious Worship
0Educational Institute, Private
OwnerEric Marshall
Trustees of Shaare Tefila
16620 Georgia Avenue
Olney, MD 20861
Day Phone: (301)593-3410
Owners RepresentativeJeff Schwartz
Ashton Manor Environmental
17701 New Hampshire Ave
Ashton, MD 20861
Day Phone: (301)774-8201
Contact PersonDAVID AGER
Townscape Design, LLC
6030 Daybreak Circle
Suite A150-109
Clarksville, Maryland 21029
Day Phone: (301)704-4404
Contact PersonDavid Ager
Townscape Design LLC
6030 Daybreak Circle
Suite A150109
Clarksville, MD 21029
Day Phone: (301)704-4404
EngineerCarlos Ostria
10 G Street, NE
Suite 430
Washington, DC 20002
Day Phone: (301)943-4137
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerPhillip Estes
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