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Application #:220160070
Application Type:RECORD PLAT
Application Name:Spring Lawn Farm
Site Location:A. On New Hampshire Avenue, 250 feet east of Crystal Spring Drive
Size:6.18 ACRE
Master Plan:Sandy Spring Ashton 1998
Watershed:Northwest Branch
Application Accepted Date:8/17/2015
Minor Subdivision:NO
Right of Way Dedication Only:NO
Reservation of Public Land Only:NO
Planning Board Date:2/11/2016
Recordation Date:2/18/2016
MNCPPC Plat #:638-33
*Montgomery County
Clerk Plat #:
SurveyorMitch Goode
Goode Surveys LLC
PO Box 599
Damascus, MD 20872
Day Phone: (301)368-3700
OwnerDaniel & Jacqueline McGroarty
17720 New Hampshire Avenue
Ashton, MD 20861
Day Phone: (301)908-1160
Contact PersonMitch GOODE
P.O.BOX 599
Day Phone: (301)368-3700
Planning ConsultantDave Mckee
Benning & Associates, Inc.
8933 Shady Grove Ct.
Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Day Phone: (301)948-0240
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerStephen Smith
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* Link to the plat on Plats.Net, the online Maryland plat repository.
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