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Application #:220200100
Application Type:RECORD PLAT
Application Name:Clarksburg Town Center Lots 33-63
Site Location:SE Quadrant, intersection of Clarksburg Square Road and Harness Point Way
Size:1.24 ACRE
Master Plan:Clarksburg Master Plan
Watershed:Little Seneca Creek
Application Accepted Date:9/4/2019
Minor Subdivision:NO
Right of Way Dedication Only:NO
Reservation of Public Land Only:NO
Planning Board Date:3/26/2020
Recordation Date:4/2/2020
MNCPPC Plat #:641-99
*Montgomery County
Clerk Plat #:
SurveyorAdam Rook
3909 National Drive
Suite 250
Burtonsville, MD 20866
Day Phone: 3014214024
Owners RepresentativeKatie Kubit
CTC Development, Inc.
1355 Beverly Road
Suite 240
McLean, VA 22101
Day Phone: (703)734-9730
Contact PersonAdam Rook
Gutschick, Little & Weber, P.A
3909 National Drive
Suite 250
Burtonsville, MD 20866
Day Phone: (301)421-4024
M-NCPPC Lead ReviewerStephen Smith
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* Link to the plat on Plats.Net, the online Maryland plat repository.
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