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Plan Number: MR2024021<< Back    Bookmarks this!
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Application #:MR2024021
Application Name:PLD Lot 44 & 4702 West Virginia Avenue
Site Location:On West Virginia Avenue, 150 feet E of Wisconsin Avenue.
Size:0.58 ACRE
Master Plan:Bethesda Downtown Sector Plan
Watershed:Lower Rock Creek
Application Accepted Date:6/28/2024
OwnerJeremy Souders
Plan PreparerPatrick La Vay
9220 Wightman Road
Suite 120
Montgomery Village, Maryland 20886
Day Phone: (301)670-0840
Contact PersonPatrick La Vay
Macris, Hendricks, & Glascock
9220 Wightman Road
Suite 120
Montgomery Village, MD 20886
Day Phone: (301)670-0840
AttorneyMatthew Gordon
Selzer Gurvitch Rabin Wertheim
4416 East West Highway
Fourth Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
Day Phone: (301)986-1301
M-NCPPC Lead Reviewer

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