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December 1946 

No. 1 

The Great 
Seal of Maryland 

The Maryland 
State Flower 

The Maryland State Song 

|«nu R. Randall 

My Maryland. 

1. Tbe dei-pot'e beel b oo tby abort, Ma-ry-land, ray M»-n-l»r>d! Hu torch ii at tby 

2. Hark to aa ex- (Jed aoo'e ap-peal, Ma-ry-land, my Ma-ry-Iaodl My Hotb-ei Sutc, to 

3. Tboa wilt not cow - er m the aast, M»-ry-laod, my Ma-ry-land! Thygle-amoigr^TdrtiJ 

tern • pie door, Ma • ry-laad, my Ma 
thee 1 kneel! Ma* ry-laod. my Ma 
Qer - er mit, Ma - ry-laod, my Ma 

ry-laod I A - renge tbe pa - tri - ot - te gore Thai 
ry-landl For lite aad death, for woe and weal. Thy 
ry-landl Re- mem-ber Car -roll's aa-cred tnurt, Re- 

flecked the streets o( BaJ-ti-more,And be the bat-Ue-queen of tore, Ma-ry-land, my Ma-ry-laodl 
peer • 1pm cbrr - al - ry reveal, And gird thy beauteoos limbs wttfuteel, Ma-ry-land, my Ma- rj* land] 
member Uowart's*ar-UketbjTi9t f ADd ail tbj-alumb'rera with tbe jort,Ha-ry-Und, my Ma-fy'4andi 

(See Descriptive Artkle 
In'_Th5s Issue 

Tin* Ohverse of the 
threat Seal 

The Maryland State 


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Sui port 









Herewith Presents 


The Alumni Publication of the 

University of Maryland 

Cr^redicated on the conviction that there is a definite field for a publication with 
reader appeal to all interested in the University, ie. the Alumni, the Faculty, the 
Student Body, Next of Kin of Students and others wishing to keep in touch with a 
great University of a great state. 

TO THE ALUMNI: — Alumni News is the No. 1 "must" for these pages. Alumni 
news can go as far and no farther than the alumni itself will carry it. Keep 
us posted on changes of address of any Maryland graduate. Send in items of 
interest, social news, photographs. "You send it; we'll print it." 

TO THE FACULTY: — These pages offer an outlet for news items regarding 
the University in all its activities. Items that will interest the alumni, student 
body, faculty or next of kin. Make use of this news outlet. You submit it; 
we'll print it. 

TO THE STUDENT BODY:— Here is a news medium that is intended to cover 
everything that happens at Maryland or concerning Maryland, presented to in- 
terest you and your folks at home as well. These pages will work in coopera- 
tion with student publcations and will, as occasion demands, reprint items from 
student publications for wider than campus circulation. 

TO THE NEXT OF KIN OF STUDENTS:— These pages are for you so you will 
know what goes on at Maryland. Parents and other relatives of students are 
interested in University affairs. These pages will print the news. 




No. 1 

The Publication of the Alumni Association, University of Maryland. 
Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class mail 
matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. 

Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor. 
Jane A. Wells, Circulation Manager. 
{3.00 per Year. Twenty Five Cents the Copy 




Baltimore Sun Foto 

College Park campus of the University of Maryland, Washington Boulevard, in foreground, runs past Byrd Stadium, at one end of which appears 
part of Ritchie Coliseum, at other end partially completed Fire Extension Building. Long building just above Stadium in picture is the new Armory ; 
Admnistration Building is in rear of it. Flat-roof large building at lower left is Gymnasium-Armory. Almost in center of picture is Chemistry 
Building and behind it, and connected with it, Home Economics Building. Large structure to left of them is Agriculture Building. With tower, upper 
left, is Anne Arundel Hall. In background, right, are the dairy barns. 

Park, to be paid for partly out of this fund. 
And in anticipation of an increase in students 
next year, six new dormitories are projected. 
In Baltimore a psychiatric hospital is to 
be erected behind the University Hospital. 
A new recreation hall, to make life pleasanter 
for students in the professional schools about 
Lombard and Greene, is being planned. 

These are the high spots in the new build- 
ing program which foreshadows a new era 
But there are obstacles to be overcome before 
in its entirety. It is expected that the recent 
Federal restriction of building will affect only some items. It 
may eliminate the proposed swimming pool, the stadium and other 
structures not absolutely necessary in carrying on instruction at 
the university. Dr. Byrd believes that erection of laboratories, 
class-rooms and other needed buildings will not be affected, so 
long as he is able to find building material for them. 

But a formidable obstacle does stand in the way of completion 
of all the proposed buildings. Dr. Byrd and those who have 
consulted with him doubt that they can all be erected with the 
money at hand. The deterrent factor is the high postwar price 
of tabor and material. 

However, Dr. Byrd, with experience in real estate development 
before he became president of the university in 1936, belives that 
he has an idea that might permit carrying out the program with 
perhaps the addition of another $1,000,000. It is an idea by 

THE University of Maryland is now in 
the first phase of a building program 
which when carried to completion, will 
nearly double its housing facilities. More 
than 40 new buildings are planned, ranging in 
size from the major engineering units in the 
proposed Glenn L. Martin aeronautical re- 
search center to cottages for the faculty of 
the Negro branch of the university at Princess 
Anne in Somerset county. 

Thirty-two new buildings arc intended foi College Park, two 
for the professional schools grouped about Lombard and Greene 
streets in Baltimore, and fifteen for Princess Anne. Currently the 
university has available for this expansion about $6,250,000. 
Two and a half millions, the gift of Mr. Martin, are earmarked 
for the engineering and aeronautical center, which is to comprise 
fifteen structures. The State has added $750,000 to Mr. Martin's 
fund, thus raising it to $3,250,000; and for that amount Dr. 
H. C. Byrd. president of the university, hopes to build one of 
the most completely equipped engineering schools in the country. 

The. remaining $3,000,000 will be devoted to expanding the 
university's facilities in other directions. Included are a new set 
of buildings for the school of agriculture at College Park. Completed 
and dedicated on September ,.28, 1946 is the new fire extension 
headquarters, where Maryland firemen will be taught how to fight 
fire scientifically. A new auditorium also is proposed for College 

New Buildings Go Up 

With More To Come 

As School 


Baltimore Sunday Sun 

for the university 
it can be realized 

which the university, in effect, becomes its 
own builder, thus eliminating profits or- 
dinarily made by contractors. 

This idea already has been put into 
operation in erecting the new fire exten- 
sion building, across the Washington boule- 
vard from the main entrance to the uni- 
versity, dedicated in September, 1946. A 
building superintendent has been hired for 
a flat fee and through him the university 
buys materials and meets the pay roll. By 
this method Dr. Byrd hopes to complete 
the building for about $159,3 00, whereas 
the contractor's bid was considerably higher. 

Dr. Byrd has confidence in what has been 
called his "budget plan," which he employed 
with satisfactory results during the war. 
In 1944 the university was sorely in need 
of three dormitories. Contractors' bids 
for them amounted to $500,000, a sum 
not available. Dr. Byrd built them on the 
"budget plan" for considerably less. 

One of the dilemmas confronting the 
university in its present building project 
is the proposed psychiatric hospital. The 
State has allocated $400,000 for it but 
the architects estimate that it will cost more 
than twice that sum. It is to be four stories 
high and some have suggested that the first 
two floors be built and used until the other 
two can be added. But this is impractical 
because these floors are to contain only 
offices and clinics and provide no rooms 
for patients. 

Architects Busy 

Whether Dr. Byrd's budget plan can 
help to build this hospital within the appro- 
priated $400,000 is open to question. But, 
on the whole, the university president is 
confident that the bulk of the building can 
be done within the next two to three years. 
It will mean cutting corners for economy; 
"but in the meantime 22 architects in Mary- 
land, Pittsburgh and Chicago are preparing 
plans for the buildings. 

The largest- — -and most spectacular — 
single group of the scheduled projects is 
the Martin engineering center, to be erected 
just north of the campus at College Park. 
Plans for these buildings still are in the 
preliminary stage, but Dr. Byrd hopes that 
the unit will be ready for students by the 
Fall of 1947. 

One of the group is to be an administra- 
tion building. The fourteen other buildings 


The University's projected new auditorium, if constructed as sketched here, somewhat 
resembling Parthenon, will be largest building on campus. 

will be devoted to various departments of 
engineering — chemical, mechanical, civil, 
electrical, aeronautical and aerodynamics. 
It is probable that their architecture will 
conform to the colonial motif that now 
predominates at College Park. A tentative 
sketch submitted recently by an architect 
suggested a mass grouping of all the build- 
ings in an ultramodernistic design; but it 
is unlikely that such a design will be finally 
approved because, as one university official 
commented: "This is Maryland, where the 
colonial feeling still is sttong." 

Reason for inclusion of all the other 
engineering departments of the university in 
this group is that they are all component 
parts of aeronautical engineering. As Dr. 
Byrd says, chemists will be needed to devise 
fuel for rocket planes, mechanical engineers 
will design engines, and electrical engineers 
will have to do with ignition, radio and 
radar. However, students in the new engi- 
neering college are to have their choice of 
the branch of engineering they wish to 

The first facility of the Martin group to 
get under way is the wind tunnel. It is 
to cost around $800,000 and will be 160 
feet long by 40 wide. Ground was broken 


Building for school of agriculture at College Park. Colonial design is in harmony with 
that of most buildings on the campus. 

several months ago, building material de- 
livered, and the structure is fast moving 
to completion. Maximum wind velocity 
in the tunnel will be 350 miles an hour. 
That will give it a fairly long term of 
usefulness for many routine tests. But the 
coming of planes capable of speeds up to 
1,500 miles an hour is expected to make 
it partially absolete in about six years. 
Much higher wind velocities will be neces- 
sary to test models of such planes. 

The speed factor, indeed, will be one 
of the first study projects to be undertaken 
in the laboratories of the new center. Study 
will be made of the swiftness of man's 
mental reactions to determine just how cap- 
able he is of flying planes going 1,500 miles 
an hour. As a companion project to this, 
scientists will look into the feasibility of 
automatic navigation instruments in super- 
speed planes. Present methods of calculating 
position are too slow. By the time thte 
navigator solves his problem the plane 
traveling much faster than sound, would 
render his work futile. 

Subzero Temperature 

Another, laboratory program will concen- 
trate on the effect of cold and heat on aerial 
navigation instruments — subzero tempera- 
tures at great altitudes and the sudden 
change that comes with quick descent to 
earth. Special hot and cold chambers will 
be installed for these studios. The work is 
important because variations in temperature 
influence the accuracy of the instruments. 

Another research project with a high 
priority is to be the study of the human 
body's reaction to rarefied atmosphere at 
high altitudes. A chamber especially de- 
signed for this work, costing $150,000, 
has been presented to the university by the 

When the Martin engineering schools 
schools begin to function, two of the older 
buildings at College Park will be vacated — 
chemistry and engineering. They are to be 
taken over by the school of agriculture, 
which has expanded greatly in the last eight 
years. For example, in 193 8 the annual 
budget for the department was $800,000. 
New it is $1,700,000. In addition to 
these older buildings the department is to 


Maryland trirl students rest between classes 


have a new one. now being designed by a 
Baltimore architect, and to cost about 
$360,000. This building will house the 
school's headquarters as well as the extension 
and reasearch service. It also will bring 
together under one roof the various Federal 
agencies which have worked at College Park 
for a number of years. 

New livestock barns and meat laboratory, 
costing about $40,000, are to be erected 
on the university's farm at College Park. 
They will go far toward consolidating the 
work of the school of agriculture, because 
at present much of the livestock and the 
meat laboratory are on a farm in Howard 
county. Students of horticulture and agron- 
omy are to have thre2 new greenhouses (to 
cost about $30,000) for their work. And 
the former National Youth Administration 
building on the campus is to be remodeled 
and converted into a workshop for study- 
ing agricultural machinery. 

For Girl Students 

One of the proposed buildings at College 
Park is to be devoted to the extracurricular 
activities of girl students. Its estimated cost 
is $180,000. It is intended as headquarters 
for all women's organizations: the dean of 
women will have her office here. This 
building is expected to be of special service 
to day students, for it will provide a place 
where they may rest between classes and eat 
the lunches they bring with them. 

Because it is expected that the number of 
undergraduates at College Park will increase 
from this year's 3.600 to 5.000. the uni- 
versity has planned six new dormitories — 
three for men and three for women. The 
estimated cost for them is about $620,000. 
At present dormitories are urgently needed 
for girls. Dr. Byrd says. An official state- 
ment of the university says that their hous- 
ing is "deplorable" because of overcrowding, 
which is the result of the greatly increased 
attendance during the following war. Part 
of the overflow is now being housed in four 
men's fraternity houses. Dormitories for 
men are needed because the Government has 

Anne Arundel Dormitory, in the background ; 
pretty, too. 

indicated its intentions of sending more than 
1.000 veterans to the university next year. 

An auditorium at College Park to accom- 
modate 10,000 to 12,000 is on the list of 
buildings to be erected. It is intended for 
commencements and "other notable func- 
tions." The estimated cost is $520,000 
and, according to the present plan, the 
State would pay half, the remainder to be 
raised from the alumni and from the pro- 
ceeds of athletic events. 

If the auditorium is built as presently 
visualized it will be the largest structure at 
College Park and one of the most note- 
worthy in the State. It would be 294 feet 
wide and 396 feet long. The front of it, 
as drawn by the architects, resembles the 
Parthenon at Athens. Greece. The arch- 
itrave, covering the full width of the build 
ing, it is believed will be the widest of its 
kind in this country. It is to be supported 
by fourteen massive columns. An exceed- 
ingly wide architrave creates an optical 
illusion. When viewed in the center at close 
range the base seems to curve downward, 
giving the impression that it is breaking 
in the middle. To correct this the architects 
will put a curve in the base, reaching a 
maximum of nine to twelve inches in the 
center. This curve is not detected in casual 

Swimming Pool 

Another facility planned for College Park 
is a swimming pool, to cost about 
$125,000. A note in the university's list- 
ing of new buildings says: "The Uni- 
versity of Maryland is probably the only 
university of any size in the country with- 
out a swimming pool." 

It is proposed also to build a new infirm- 
ary at College Park. The cost of this if 
estimated at about $80,000. 

One item on the list not included in the 
current building budget is a new stadium. 

An addition to the dental school to cost 
about $70,000 also is proposed. Thii 
would put the school in position to increase 
its teaching and clinical work. 

The new building program from Princev 
Anne includes a $140,000 dormitory foe 
men; a dining hall and kitchen, at $100.- 
000; eight cottages for the faculty, to cost 
$32,000; a library, $50,000: barns and 
equipment for the agricultural school. 

The university's postwar building pro- 
gram, even if only partly realized, marks 
its greatest single step forward, particularly 
in engineering, agriculture and medicine. 
That it is fianced largely by the gift of Mr. 
Martin and by the State is in keeping with 
the traditional method of financing the 
university's construction. The actual cost 
of all construction at College Park, in 
Baltimore and at Princess Anne up to 1946 
totals $10,399,064.68; of this the State 
paid $6,795,361.70. The remainder came 
from tuition fees, grants by the Federal 
Government and donations by indivuals. 

Oldest Building 

The oldest building now in use by the 
university is its first medical school build- 
ing at Lombard and Greene streets. It was 
erected in 1812, about the time the legisla- 
ture authorized the use of the title, Uni- 
versity of Maryland. The building cost 
$50.000 — met by private subscriptions. It 
is believed to be the oldest medical school 
building now in use in this country. 

Growth of the professionajl schools 
around the old medical building was gradual. 
Not until 1823 was the Baltimore Infirmary 
(known as the Old Hospital) built, at a 
cost of $256,000 — high for those days. 
The State contributed $31,000. Then, at 
intervals came the law building. Davidge 
Hall, the Nurses Home. In 1904 the old 
dental school was built for $100,000, 
which was a gift. That opened the way 
for absorption by the university in 1923 
of the Baltimore College of Dental Sur- 
gery, founded in 1840, the oldest school of 
its kind in the world. The period from 
1923 until now was one of vigorous ex- 
pansion of the professional schools. Three 
additions were necessary for the nurses' 
home; the new dentistry and pharmacy 
building was erected at a cost of more than 
half a million, provided by the State; then 
came the new law building, for which the 
State paid $200,000: the new University 
Hospital, costing $1,723,756.14 (nearly 
all State funds) and the Bessler Laboratory, 
costing more than half a million, of which 
the State contributed less than $100,000. 

Future Expansion 

This backward glance at the building 
of the professional schools gives perspective 
to future expansions, which are to be con- 
fined entirely to medicine and dentistry. 
In the years to come it is expected that the 
Baltimore group of buildings will be de- 
voted entirely to these professions and their 
essential component — pharmacy. It is ex- 
pected that the law school in time will be 
moved to College Park, where it will be 
closer to its related studies, economics and 
political economy. 

The first of the university's schools at 
College Park was founded in 1858. That 
was the school of agriculture, the second of 
its kind in the Western Hemisphere. Six 
years later it received Federal support 
through the now famous Land Grant Act 
of 1862. That act provided that each state 

jl . 

and territory could take possession of un- 
claimed land in the West, sell it or exploit 
it in other ways, and use the proceeds for 
its colleges and universities, particularly 
those devoted to agriculture and the 
"mechanic arts." Maryland took over 200,- 
000 acres "somewhere in the West" — just 
where no one seems to know. Dr. Byrd 
is about to have a search made in the 
Government archives in Washington to 
determine its location. But that now is 
purely an academic question. Some years 
after the land grant, speculators in Cleve- 
land offered the Maryland Legislature 50 
cents an acre for the land ($100,000 in 
all). The Legislature accepted, and "sold 
th? university's birthright for a pittance." 
Five Units Built in 193 2 

That was the rather inauspicious begin- 
ning of the university group at College Park. 
But Dr. Byrd likes to think of what the 
university could do if it still owned that 
land, or had sold it prudently for the build- 
ing of such cities as Reno, Kansas City or 

The old agriculture building has long 
since been destroyed by fire. The second 
building at College Park was the old library, 
built in 1892. From that time until 1932 
building was sporadic but gradual. But in 
193 2 five units were erected — the coliseum, 
girls' field house, horticulture building, the 
new library and Margaret Brent Hall — 
and an addition was made to the engineering 

The great building era began in 193 6, 
the year Dr. Byrd took office. Twenty-nine 
building projects have been completed during 


Dean S. S. Steinberg of the University of 
Maryland College of Engineering has just been 
reappointed by Governor Herbert R. O'Conor of 
Maryland a member of the State Board of 
Registration for Professional Engineers and Land 
Surveyors for another five-year term to represent 
the Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors of the 

In making the appointment Governor O'Conor 
said, "It is in recognition of the valuable services 
you have heretofore rendered and of the great 
assistance you have given to the work of the 
Board. I take this occasion to commend you 
highly for the unselfish and public-spirited at- 
titude you have displayed in connection with 
your work." 

the ten years of his administration. If the 
postwar building program is completed, 
approximately 70 buildings will have been 
erected under Dr. Byrd's direction. The 
university had 45 buildings in 1936; now 
it has about 74. 

State Contributes One Third 
The cost of operating the university is 
about $5,000,000 a year. The State con- 
tiibutes about one third. The remainer 
comes from tuition and other fees. One 
source of income is medical charges at the 
University Hospital. Incidentally, the State 
puts up only 1 7 cents on each dollar re- 
quired for operation of the hospital. 

From the hill of the wide campus at 
College Park spread the fields, woods and 
rolling countryside of the university grounds 
— 600 arcres. Most of the buildings cluster 


In conformance with the growth and expan- 
sion of the University of Maryland, Dr. Harold 
F. Cotterman, (pictured above) former Assistant 
Dean, College of Agriculture and Professor of 
Agricultural Education, has been appointed Dean 
of the Faculty. 

Dean Cotterman has been at the University of 
Maryland since 1917. The University knew him 
as Professor of Agricultural Education, Associate 
Dean, College of Education, seven times Director 
of the Summer school. State Superintendent, 
State Department of Education, Assistant Dean, 
College of Agriculture and State Superintendent 
of Agriculture. 

Dean Cotterman graduated from Ohio State 
University in 1916 and holds an MA degree from 
Columbia University and Ph. D. from American 

on and about the hill. The larger ones 
house the administration offices and the 
departments of agriculture, arts and sciences, 
music, education, chemistry, engineering 
horticulture and home economics. 

There are at present nine dormitories 
for men students and two for women. A 
point of interest at the college is the recently 
restored Rossborough Inn, the oldest build- 
ing on the campus: it was built in 1798. 
Research On 800 .Acres 

The school of agriculture still plays the 
leading role, although the university has 
gone far beyond the mechanical and agri- 
cultural teachings of its early days. Approx- 
imately 300 acres of the grounds at College 
Park are used for teaching and research in 


President, University of Maryland 

agriculture, horticulture, livestock, dairy- 
ing and poultry. About five miles from 
the campus the university maintains another 
500-acre farm for plant research. 

In one sense the University of Maryland 
is one of the oldest state universities in the 
country; and in another sense it is one of 
the youngest. Its medical school, dating 
fiom 1812, and its agricultural school, 
founded in 1858, give it claim to age. But 
the fact that the schools at College Park 
and in Baltimore were not combined into 
a university until 1920 also gives it claim, 
officially, to youth. 


Dean S. S. Steinberg of the University 
of Maryland College of Engineering was 
notified by President Alfonso Caztello of 
the Association of Engineers and Architects 
of Mexico of his unanimous election as an 
honorary member of that Association, and 
as its representative to the engineering or- 
ganizations in the entire Western Hemi- 
sphere in all matters dealing with closer 
cultural and professional cooperation. 

This is the fifth country that has so 
honored Dean Steinberg, who last year 
made a good will tour of Latin America 
for the Department of State: the others 
are Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, and Uru- 


A $300 scholarship is sponsored by the 
B'nai B'rith Lodge through the Hillel 

In the spring of 1947, this scholorship 
will be presented to the person in the junior 
class who has contributed the most toward 
good will and religious life on the campus. 
The recipient may be a man or woman and 
must have at least a "C" average. Other 
activities will be considered but of para- 
mount importance is interfaith cooperation. 
Presidents of the various religious organi- 
zations will recommend candidates for the 

This is Miss Phyllis Strock, College of Home Econom- 
ics, Kapa Delta Sorority. Attended Mary Baldwin 
College. Daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Strock of 

Stanton Virginia. Miss Strock won the unusual honor 
o being selected Homecoming Queen during her 
freshman year. Terrapin Foto 



VISiTiNG alumni at College Park, 
who have not looked over the campus 
recently, marvel at the growth, additional 
buildings and general expansion. 

However, the physical change is but one 
difference. The student body itself differs 
from that of pre-war years. This change 
is brought about by the provisions of Public 
Law 346, the so-called "G. I. Bill of 
Rights" and Public Law 16, providing 
benefits for disabled veterans. 

At this writing the figures are not ab- 
solutely accurate and show the present en- 
rollement as 4,100 male students and 40 
female students under Public Law 346. 
Under Public Law 16 there are 400 male 
students and one female. 

President's Greeting 

In greeting this year's freshman class, 
mostly veterans, Dr. H. C. Byrd, Uni- 
versity President, referred to the crowded 
and abnormal conditions, the chow lines 
and other lines. The President pointed out 
that Maryland could have said, in effect, 
"This is high watermark. This is all we 
can take. This is as far as our facilities 
will permit us to go. The rest of you 
boys are just out of luck". That course 
would have deprived worthy war veterans 
of the chance to go to the university they 
had chosen. Or, Byrd emphasized, we could 
ask the ex-service men to bear with us just 
a little while until the new facilities were 
in operation and thus, through co-operation 
and putting up with abnormal conditions, 
allow Maryland to keep faith in accepting 
for enrollment the maximum number of 
veteran students who had chosen Maryland 
as their college. Maryland elected to pursue 
the latter course. 

One of the most virile and active student 
organizations on the campus is the Veteran's 
Club. Its first president was William L. 
Hoff, 29 year old junior who was a first 
lieutenant and infantry company comman- 
der. He's the father of a two year old girl. 
His wife is a student at Ohio State Uni- 
versity. This year's President of the Vet- 
eran's Club is William Kyriakys. 

Many of the University's athletes are ex- 
Service fellows. The football team is liter- 
ally salted with ex-Navy fellows, several 
Marines and a large group of soldiers. 

Purple Hearts 

The tennis team is an all-veteran outfit, 
including five Purple Heart vets and two 
Silver Star men. 

The boxing team show seven veterans. 
Two of them wear the Purple Heart. The 
team's experience in losing eight men during 
the 1946 season to selective service would 
indicate that it is smart ball to count on 
the veterans to make up the teams. 

Dr. Peter P. Lejins, Sociology, notes 
that veteran interest extends beyond the 
classroom. He made mention of the veteran 
student's special interest in the classes study- 
ing juvenile delinquency, as many veterans 
are planning to enter field having to do 

Ex - G. I's, Mature and 

Experienced, Seen 

As Good Students 

At Maryland 

with curbing juvenile delinquency. 

"They show their interest", said Pro- 
fessor Lejins, "by coming to the office for 
additional information. They obviously 
h~ve a definite objective and do not work 
merely for grades. On the whole I find 
them uniformly excellent students". 

Dr. Mary L. Andrews. English, was 
equally laudatory. She said, "I enjoy teach- 
ing them. They are workers. They do 
twice the work required. For example, 
they look up extra material in history in 
order to prove some questioned point in 

"I might add". Dr. Andrews said, "that 
I find them gentlemen, not by Act of Con- 
gress but because they are". 

Last year Professor H. Gravely rjpinted 
out that the avid interest shown by veterans 
contributes toward superior work submitted 
by them. 

"This reflects maturity" said Professor 
Gravely, "and the experiences of the services 
in the war". 

The senior women students, the only 
girl students who have had the opportunity 
of comparing the campus GI with his non- 
service predecessor, have few veterans in their 
classes. However, most of them speak 
highly of the veteran. 

One senior woman stated, "The boys 
have matured and have profited greatly by 
service experiences. They are still youthful 
and a lot of fun but they are definitely 
headed toward a chosen goal. They also 
give the impression that they will reach 


This picture illustrates better than words the presence of ex-service personnel on the 
Maryland campus. 

Seated left to right, Harold Moser, ex-Coast Guardsman of Frederick, Md. ; Franklin L. 
Carroll, ex-Army, Cumberland, Md. ; Jamie D. Lynch, ex-Marine, Plattsburg, N. Y. ; and Gene 
Getz, ex-Navy, Cumberland, Md. 

Helen Palovsky is a graduate of Bellevue School of Nursing, New York City. She was a 
Lieutenant (jg) in the Navy Nurse Corps. Served as Operating Room Supervisor, Naval Base 
Hospital, Netley, England. Commended by Admiral Stark. Later worked with amputation 
casualties at the U. S. Naval Hospital, Mare Island, Car. She is married to a Naval officer. 

Harold Moser, high school sports star, served with destroyer escorts in the Mediterranean 
and later at Coast Guard station in Newfoundland. 

Franklin Carroll, infantryman of the 29th, 99th and 85th Divisions, fought through the 
stirring actions at Castelforte and Italy and other sectors as well as the Gustav Line break- 
and the smashing of the Gothic Line north of Florence. He took part in the victorious march 
into Rome. Spent the winter in the Appenine Mountains and took part in the Po River Valley 
drive. He wears the Bronze Star and three campaign stars. 

Gene Getz, ex-Navy flyer, served on the Ticonderoga, Langley and Franklin. Badly burned 
and wounded when the Franklin was hit by a Jap kamikase plane. Wears the Purple Heart 
and Distinguished Flying Cross with seven clusters. 

His score against the Japs was two Zeros and a probable. Was in the first group to fly 
over Okinawa and also participated in air raids on Leyte, Guam, Mindanao, Gilbert and Marshall 
Islands. Shot down by enemy planes, Getz spent 17 days in the jungle until rescued by landing 
troops. Later flew wounded men to base hospitals as a pilot in the Naval Transport Service. 
A graduate of Northwestern Military Academy, Getz was Illinois All-Sate half back. He 
established a sectional record of 9.6 for 100 yard at the Drake Relays in 1940. 


Washington Star Foto 

"It Seems To Me I've Heard That Song Before" is the theme melody for ex-GI's, more 
than 300 of whom are bunking in the new gymnasium armory at the University of Maryland. 
Chow lines, lines for books, lines for this and lines for that. But the ex-GI's know it's tempo- 
rary and that every effort is being expended to correct the situation and they're taking it service 

Says Carl J. Zarcone, ex-Army, "Sure, there's griping. But it's service griping. We know 
the 'brass' is trying and will straighten things out." 

Adds former Marine Sergeant W. L. Cooney, "We have no kick. We agreed to come in 
until the dorms were finished and we know we're lucky to get a chance to go to a college like 

Pete Sane, ex-Army, laconically remarked, "I'm glad we found a place to sleep." 

"The school is doing the best it can under difficult circumstances," says Walter Claypoole, 
ex-service man from Baltimore, "but I don't see why they have to forbid those freshman gir's 
staying out after 1900." 

that goal. I imagine the service, particularly 
in combat, engrained in them determination 
of purpose". 

Tribute was also paid to age and ex- 
perience, a girl senior in psychology and 
English, who finds the veterans "easier to 
converse with; they've seen the world and 
can talk about anything." 

While the veterans are more serious 
students, and some of them at first found 
it difficult to settle down to thte idyllic 
atmosphere of college, they show no signs 
-»f neglecting campus social life. 

"I'd rather date a veteran anytime," 
declared Marion Benson, of Greenbelt. a 
junior in physical education. "They're older 
<n their ideas, and know what it's all about. 
They take their studies seriously, but they're 
a lot of fun too." 

More Stable 

Men who have had military service are 
emotionally more stable and more purpose- 
ful in their attitude toward life said a senior 
in English and wife of a navy lieutenant. 

Veterans were credited by Jasmine Arm- 
strong, business junior, with having done 
a good job of adapting themselves to college 
life, while Mildred Burton, physical edu- 
cation junior, is interested to hear them tell 
of their experiences, and usually encourages 
them to do so. 

However, the veterans did not get away 
with a perfect score. One Delta Gamma 
senior, majoring in Education, wished to 
remain unidentified but said, "The pre-war 
students were more politte, had more 'school 
spirit', were better class boys and spoke 
better English". ("So there, Kilroy!") 

The Veterans questioned were all intent 
on finishing school, even though some of 
them are starting as freshmen in their late 
20's or early 30's. 

Though they enjoy dating co-eds, they 
at times comment ruefully on the youth of 

the gi:ls. Most specific in hi.', criticism was 
Robert Hughes, an old man of 22 who 
seived nineteen months in the Army as an 
aircraft mechanic and now is a junior in 
mechanical engineering. 

"The girls are all right if you can keep 
up a conversation with them," he said, 
not bitterly. "I haven't met any. But 
maybe it's me. Most of all, the girls seem 
to want to give the impression that they 
know what it's all about. They don't." 

Comments in this vein were made by 
Carlyle Robinson, 22, a junior in business; 
Ralph Holmes, 22, a senior in business, and 
Franklin Carroll, 31, a sophomor in 
mechanical engineering. 

Bill Hoff, former President of the Vet- 
eran's Club recalled a "hot debate" on one 
occasion over a proposal to invite a group 
of WAVES from Washington to a club 
dance. The theory was that the WAVES 
would likely be older and therefore more 
suitable dates than thte coeds. The con- 
sensus, however, was that the idea was not 
quite cricket, and it was voted down. 
Veterans Predominate 

Classes are composed partly of the usual 
pre-war ex-high school youngsters. How- 
ever, the classes also include a great majority 
of the older former G. I's. Some are former 
enlisted men. However, thera are also 
lieutenants, captains, majors and even 
lieutenant colonels. 

The ex-service students are naturally older 
and more experienced. They have been 
around. Flying the hump from Burma to 
China or taking part in the Battle of the 
Bulge would certainly seem to be something 
that would add to the maturity and stability 
of a student. 

Today Maryland has freshmen who with- 
stood the hell rained from the skies at 
Pearl Harbor; freshmen who, in tiny PT 
boats, sped to meet the oncoming Jap at 
Midway; freshmen who piled ashore against 
the battlements of the Normandy Coast 


Maryland's tennis team, wearing six Purple Hearts and two Silver Stars. 
Left to right, front row — Kenneth Kefauver, Purple Heart; Jimmy Render, Purple Heart; 

Jack Wright ; De Witt Smith, Purplv Heart and Silver Star ; Stanley Cohen. 
Standing, left to right — Doyle Royal, coach, Purple Heart and Silver Star ; David Rothenhoefer ; 

Robert Grogan, Purple Heart and Silver Star ; Edward LaBerge, Purple Heart ; Ralph 

Holmes, Phil Glazer. manager ; Sidney Bare, Assistant manager. 


or held on by their toes at Salerno or 

Then too the ex-GI's include worthy 
fellows who, by Service to their country, 
earned the right to attend college which, 
in some cases, would not have been the 
student's lot had he not served in uniform. 
They appreciate that. 

The public prints have reflected the 
opinions of coeds at various colleges regard- 
ing veterans who now compose the major 
part of new students. 

At the University of Maryland, in a 
recent unscientific poll, most of them said 
that they would rather date veterans than 
nonveterans, and frequently applied such 
descriptives as "much more interesting" to 
the ex-GI's. 

Statements like this are not bad public 
relations either. The veterans far out- 
number the nonveteran and students. 

There is a fly in the ointment, however, 
in that some of the unmarried veterans, who 
average 24 years of age, tend to be dis- 
satisfied with the immaturity of the girls, 
who are being graduated at 21 or 22 years 
of age, not having had their educations 

The veterans are not soured on the 
situation to the extent of abstaining from 
social life, even if they do see room for 
improvement. They heavily populate the 
dances, now once again a regular feature 
of college life, and are by no means too 
blase or battle weary to indulge frequently 
in "coke dates." 

They're Nice 

Their attitude was summed up by a 
laconic veteran who interestedly listened to 
his buddies examine, at great length, the 
pros and cons of dating. Finally it was his 
turn to speak. Asked what he thought of 
the girls at the university, he turned the 
question over in his mind a moment or two, 
and then replied: 

"They're nice." 

"How do you like the ex-GI's on the 
campus?" is a question often asked of Mary- 
land co-eds. 

The reply, "They're O. K., I married 
one", is not uncommon. 

Shirley Rouse, senior, sociology student 
of Baltimore, stated that she would rather 
date veterans and went on to explain, 

"They are interesting. I like to talk 
with them during intermissions. They have 
had experiences a half a world away. Also 
they are fun to be with." 

"I have read countless articles," Miss 
Rouse continued, about the problem of 
'dealing with the returning veteran', as 
though he were something apart from the 
people who stayed at home. I had expected 
to find fellows burdened by psychlogical 
problems and difficulties of reconversion. 

"After talking to them" Miss Rouse 
concluded, "I found that they ridicule any 
attempt to put them in a class apart and 
I have yet to find the so-called 'frustrated 
veteran'. If he exists he is not on Mary- 
land's campus." 

Classroom life, too, is enlivened by the 

presence of veterans, notes Miss Rouse, for 

they often contribute to discussions and keep 

the professors on their toes by disagreeing 

,; th them. 

Professors as well as students find such 
questions stimulating to the class discussion 
and agree that the student vets keep the 
teacher on the qui vive. 

The appearance on the campus at the 
University of Maryland is rapidly chang- 
ing under the influence of the government- 
aided building program which is due to the 
doubling of normal student enrollment. 

Temporary living quarters have been 
brought from Portsmouth, Virginia to 
house veterans and their families and will 
be ready for occupancy by October 1 if all 
materials arrive as expected. Men's barracks, 
which have been transportated from Camp 
Davis, North Carolina, arc being improved. 
Those men who have been assigned quarters 
in uncompleted barracks are being housed 
in the new armory, where there are 615 

•'Heme's rooR C) 

3ooK;, T^E SORE 

ten) command- 

Two one-story dormitories are nearing 
completion in the area behind the Dining 
Hall. Three new men's dorms are being 
planned, one to complete the men's dorm- 
itory quadrangle and two north of Calvert 
Hall and west of dormitory 4. 

Not only have new buildings been con- 
structed, but also many old ones have been 

Increased population has not brought 
about housing problems alone. Classroom 
facilities have been taxed by the record 
enrollment. The NYA shops facing the 
Horticulture Building and in back of 
Agriculture will be replaced with classrooms. 
A "U" shaped addition which will be used 
by the College of Agriculture is planned 
for the Poultry Building. The new struc- 
tures will consist of a north and west wing. 

The old Gym now has 15 classrooms; 
the Department of Geography has taken 
over the quarters of the engineering shop 
in the west wing of the BPA building. 
The third floor of Home Economics has 
been provided with more classrooms and 
with space for foods research, textile, cloth- 
ing, and photography laboratories. 

Veteran Students 

The aptitude, ability, character and ser- 
vice record of a veteran should be given 
more than customary weight in admitting 
him to a college or university, the Con- 
ference on Emergency Problems in Higher 
Education resolved in a meeting held in 
Washington, D. C. 

Examinations and academic records should 
be taken into consideration, the resolution 
said, but shortcomings on these should be 
viewed in the light of the veteran's poten- 
tialities as a student rather than his record. 

This was one of several resolutions made 
by the conference, holding its last session. 
The conference is sponsored by the Ameri- 
can Council of Education. 

The conference called on the War Assets 
Administration to adopt a policy of selling 
surpluses to institutions of learning at a 
normal price, rather than on a competitive 
basis. Conference delegates appeared to be 
unanimous in this matter. 

Other resolutions made by the conference 

1. That colleges and universities should 
"jealously safeguard" their authority to 
select the courses individual veterans should 

2. That the Veterans' Administration 
should streamline the methods by which 
institutions make reports on veterans edu- 
cation required by law. 

3. That universities be permitted to col- 
lect the same fees from the Government for 
books, equipment, supplies, etc., used by 
veterans attending college under public law 
1 6 as are collected under public law 346. 

4. That educational benefits accruing to 
United States veterans entering colleges and 
universities be extended to foreign students. 

5. That for the time being the number 
of students from this country studying 
abroad, especially in Europe, be limited to 
those who have completed one year of 
graduate work in this country. 



r[E Great Seal and Flag of Maryland, 
pictured on the cover, are so intimately 
connected the one with the other that their 
history is inseparable. The flag of the State 
bears the escutcheon of the Great Seal — the 
Calvert and Crossland arms quartered. Mary- 
land is unique in her Great Seal, and presents 
a marked contrast with those of the other 
States of the American Union, in that it 
consists of Armorial bearings of a strictly 

heraldic character, while the others bear "emblems indicative of 
agriculture and commerce, plenty and prosperity, or kindred subjects 
represented in a more or less pictorial or allegorical manner." 
The first Great Seal brought over by Governor Leonard Calvert, 
in 1643, was "Treacherously and violently taken away by Richard 
Ingle, or his accomplices, in or about February A.D. 1644, and 
hath ever since been so disposed of it cannot be recovered." In 
1648, Baltimore sent to the province, through Governor William 
Stone, a second Great Seal cut in silver. The escutcheon bore 
the Calvert and Crossland arms, quartered. The first and fourth 
quarters consisted of "six pales" or vertide bar, alternately gold 
and black with a bend dexter counter charged — that is. a diagonal 
stripe on which colors are reversed — being the Calvert arms; the 
second and thrd quarters consisted of a quartered field of red 
and silver charged with a Greek, or equal-limbed cross, classified 
as "Botany" — its arms terminating trefoils — and also counter- 
charged, that is, with the colorings reversed, red being on the 
silver ground and silver on the red — the latter quartering} being 
from the Crossland, Baltimore's maternal arms — Alicia Crossland 
having been the mother of the first Baron of Baltimore, George 
Calvert. These quarterings were surmounted by an earl's coronet 
and full-faced helmet, which indicated his rank in America as 
that of a Count Palatine — his rank in England being that of a 
Baron only — a distinction which no other American Colonial 
charter conferred. On the helmet rested the Calvert crest, a ducal 
crown, with two half bannerets, one gold and one black. The 
escutcheon was supported on one side by the figure of a farmer, 
and the other by that of a fisherman — symbols of each of his two 
estates, Maryland and Avalon. 
Below them was a scroll bearing 
the Calvert motto: "Fatti 
maschii Parole Femine" — man- 
ly deeds, womanly words, or 
more strictly, deeds are males, 
words, females. Behind the 
escutcheons and coronets was 
engraved an ermined-lined man- 
tle, and surrounding all, on a 
border encircling the seal, was 
the legend: "Scuto Bonne Vo- 
luntatis tuae Coronasti Nos" — 
with favor wilt thou compass 
us as with a shield. The heraldic 
terms used in describing the 
colors in the Calvert arms are 
"Or" and "Sable," meaning 
'•old and black. 

The Obverse of the Great Seal 
The obverse of the Great 
Seal represents Baron Baltimore 
a; a Knight in full armor, with 
d awn sword and helmet de- 
corated with feathers. He is 
mounted on a richly caparisoned 
charger, in full gallop, adorned 
with his paternal coat of arms, 
below which are engraved a 
strip of seashore, grass and 
flowers: around the whole is an 
inscription containing his name 
and title, "Cecilius Absolutus 
Dorminus Terrae Mariac et 
Avaloniae Baro de Baltimore." 

The Great Seal of Mary- 
Land, the State Flag, 
Song and Flower 

The Great Seal of the State, or Nation, 
stands as her symbol of honor, and the 
signet by which her offical acts are authen- 
ticated and accredited. In colonial Maryland 
to every deed granting lands by the Pro- 
prietary, who held the fee therein, to the 
colonist settlers, was suspended by a piece 
of linen tape, a large wax seal, with the 
impression of both the obverse and the reverse 
of the Great Seal thereon. Upon the accession of William and 
Mary to the throne of England, Maryland became a Royal Pro- 
vince and the Church of England became the established church 
of the Province. During the sway of the Royal Governors, from 
1692 to 1715, other seals came into use, but upon the restoration 
to Lord Baltimore in 1716 of the Province, "The Greater Seal 
at Arms" was again used. The convention of 1776 adopted the 
Great Seal of the Province as ihe Great Seal of the State, until 
a new one could be devised. Later, notably in 1794, and in 1817, 
many changes were made in it, but in 1876 a joint resolution of 
the Maryland Legislature was passed restoring the seal to the 
exact description given of it in Lord Baltimo.e's Commission to 
Governor Stone on August 12, 1648. 

The flag of the State bears the escutcheon of the great seal — 
the Calvert and Crossland arms quarteied. The device seems to 
have been adopted by common consent, as there was no formal 
adoption of any design as the offical flag of the state until 1904. 
To Mr. James W. Thomas, of Clumberland. Md., the author 
of "Chronicles of Colonial Maryland," is due the credit of 
passage of the Act of 1904, Chapter 48, "to formally adopt 
and legalize the Maryland flag." 

That the Colony had a distinct flag or standard we know. 
The first recorded instance of the use of a Maryland flag occurs 
in Leonard Calvert's report of the reduction of Kent Island 
(February, 1638), in which he says that he and his force marched 
with Baltimore banner displayed. At the Battle of the Severn, 
in 1655. where the supporters of the proprietary government 
under William Stone, the Governor, we-e defeated by the Puritan 


The Annapolis Convention of 1786, forerunner of the Maryland and Massachusetts are the only two states 
Convention that framed the American Constitution, met with Capitol buildings dating from before Revolution, 
in the old Senate Chamber. Three years earlier, in this The building pictured is the third on this site. The first, 
same room, Washington resigned his commission as Com- built in 1697, was destroyed by fire, and the second, built 
mand?r-ih-Chief of the Continental armies. Here also in 1704, was torn down to make room for the present 
the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain was ratified in structure. 


party under Captain William Fuller, Stone's 
forces marched under the flag of Maryland, 
borne by William Nugent, "Standard bearer 
of the Province," while Fuller's party dis- 
played the Flag of the Commonwealth, 
charged with the crosses of St. George and 
St. Andrew. It is also said that a Maryland 
flag was carried by the Marylanders who 
accompanied Braddock's expedition against 
Fort DuQuesne (Pittsburgh), in 1755. 

Maryland's Flag 

The Maryland Flag, like the great seal, 
was evidently designed and adopted by 
Cecilus, Lord Baltimore, and sent out by 
him when the Coloney, as it was unfurled 
and officially used a few days after taking 
formal possession of the Province, when 
Governor Calvert, to more forcibly impress 
the natives, ordered the "Colors to be 
brought on shore" and a military parade. 
While there does not seem to be any distinct 
record of the design of the colonial flag 
of Maryland, it is believed to have been the 
same as the one now in use. Maryland is 
also as unique in her State flag as she is 
in her Great Seal, in that it, too, is strictly 
of heraldic design, and is an exact repro- 
duction of the shield or escutcheon upon 
the reverse of the Great Seal of the Province. 
Apart from its historic interest, the Mary- 
land Flag, as may be seen from the illustra- 
tion on the cover possesses marked symmetry 
and beauty. The parllel and diagonal lines 
of the Calvert quartering being in singular 
harmony with the crosses and transposed 
colors of those of the Crossland arms. The 
combination, too, of the colors of the 
former — gold and black — while in brilliant 
contrast with those of the latter quarterings 
■ — silver and red — are both effective and 
pleasing. Silver being a white metal the 
white color is substituted for silver in Mary- 
land flags made of bunting or silk, and is 
so provided for in the Act of 1904, Chapter 
48. When painted on panels or printed in 
colors, however, the rich heraldic colors, 
gold and black, silver and gules (blood 
red), should be adhered to. — (From book- 
let entitled Annapolis, History of Ye Ancient 
City and Its Public Buildings, by Oswald 

The Maryland State Flower 

Chapter 458, Acts of 1918, designates 
and adopts the Rudbeckia hirta, or Black- 
eyed Susan, as the floral emblem of the 
State of Maryland, and directs the Governor 
to declare the same by Proclamation. 

The winning horse in the Preakness 
Maryland's time honored turf classic, is 
blanketed with Black-eyed Susans. 


Dean S. S. Steinberg announces the 
appointment of 20 new faculty members 
in the College of Engineering, as follows: 

A. W. Sherwood, Research Professor of 
Aerodynamics H Manager of Wind Tunnel; 
Quinton Dabbs and H. R. Martin, Associate 
Professors of Mechanical Engineering; E. 
H. Small, Assistant Professor of Electrical 
Engineering; Dr. P. S. Symonds, Lecturer 
on Applied Elasticity; W. R. Ahrendt, 


Reversing Dante Alighieri, "Hold High Your Hopes All Ye Who Enter Here!" 

Lecturer on Automatic Regulation; H. W. 
Harden and N. W. Todd, Instructors in 
Civil Engineering: W. H. Young, Jr., 
Instructor in Mechanical Engineering; R. 
W. Allen, G. L. Arbogast. OR. Conklin, 
Jr., R. B. Crichton, J. A. Guard, and C. R. 
Lund, Jr., Instructors in Engineering Draw- 
ing; H. H. Osborne, Jr., and W. M. Redd, 
Jr., Assistants in Engineering Drawing; 
J. A. Clark, Instructor in Shop Practice; 
J. H. Bilbrey, Jr., and W. E. Lusby, Jr., 
Teaching Fellows in Chemical Engineering. 

Other changes in heads of departments 
are: Dr. Adolf E. Zucker, who just re- 
turned from his stay in Europe and will 
continue his work as head of Foreign 
Languages: Dr. John E. Faber. head of 
Bacteriology; Dr. J. G. Jenkins, Psycho- 
logy: Dr. J. M. Ray, Government and 
Politics: Dr. Harold Hoffsomer, Sociology; 
Dr. Irvin C. Haut, Horticulture and Dr. 
Wesley M. Gewehr, History. 

The Botany Department announced the 
following additions to its staff: Hugh D. 
Gauch. assaciate professor of Plant Physi- 
ology, and four new graduate assistants: 
John Smoot, Edward Irwin. Norman Horn, 
and Mrs. Anabel Owens. 

Professor Maurice Seigler announced the 
appointment of Herman Maril and Stephen 
Schoen to the Art Department staff. 

The Political Science Department in- 
creased its staff by five. They are Dr. 
Franklin L. Burdette, associate professor; 
Clifford R. Rader, associate professor; 
Edmond C. Gass, Robert G. Dixon, and 
Peter J. Turano. 

The B. P. A. staff has the greatest 
number of new members. They are Prof. 
W. J. McLarney, Industrial Management: 
Prof. Edwin H. Park, Marketing: Dr. C. 
J. Ratzlaff, acting head of the department 
of Economics; Dr. J. H. Frederick. Trans- 
portation and Foreign Trade: Dr. J. H. 
Cover. Bureau of Business Research: and 

Miss V. D. Brooks, Secretarial Training. 

Dean Henry Brechbill has announced the 
appointment of Dr. E. Meske, Home 
Economics Education, to fill the gap left 
by the decision of Prof. Edna McNaughton 
to devote all her time to Nursery School 
Education: and Dr. Clarence Newell as 
associate professor of Educational Admin- 

New officers have been assigned to the 
ROTC staff of the College of Military 
Science: Major Walter L. Miller and Cap- 
tain Earl L. Harper are the additions to the 
Infantry group. Lt. Col. Harold V. Maull 
will head the new Air Arm Section. Major 
Miller is a graduate of Maryland. 


Robert Kenneth Bechtold, Laurel, Mary- 
land, junior at the University of Maryland, 
won the 1946 Danforth Leadership Train- 
ing Scholarship as the University's out- 
standing junior agriculture scholar. He is 
an ex-Army GI Bill of Rights student. 

The award involved two weeks at the 
Danforth Purina experimental farms in 
Kansas City and a tour of the Kansas City 
markets and stock yards, followed by two 
weeks at the Danforth American Youth 
Foundation Leadership Training Camp at 
Shleby, Michigan. 

The stay in Kansas City was for the 
preceding two weeks. 

The Danforth Leadership Training 
Scholarship for freshmen went to Earl Al- 
fred Crouse, of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 
He is a student under the GI Bill of Rights. 
This award included two weeks of attend- 
ence at the Danforth American Youth Lead- 
ership Training Camp. 

Both students first visited St. Louis, 

These scholarhips are alloted once each 
year to one freshman and one junior from 
various Agricultural Colleges. 



THIS publication is predicated on the 
conviction that there is a definite field 
and real necessity for a publication of in- 
terest to alumni, student body, faculty and 
officials of the University of Maryland — 
Baltimore as well — and for all others in- 
ks colleges at College Park and those in 
terested in the Sta^e of Maryland in general 
and the University in Particular. 

The alumni news features will continue 
and will, in every way, be augmented. 
Alumni news depends largely upon the in- 
terest taken in these pages by the alumni. 
Articles of interest from the alumni are 
invited. Personal items are desired per- 
taining to such events as marriages, births, 
deaths, changes of address, naval-military 
news, personal photographs, etc., etc. You 
send them in. We'll print them. 

While other institutions of learning have 
continued to publish strictly alumni news 
magazines, some of them most excellent 
papers, the University of Maryland feels 
that what happens at Maryland and among 
Maryland alumni is of great interest and 
imoortance to alumni, student body, and 
faculty and to parents and other close rela- 
tives of students as well. 

Surely all with the interests of Maryland 
sincerely at heart will wish to read feature 
articles pertaining to Maryland, its academic 
and scholastic affairs, its campus life, its 
sports calendar and sports results. 

The strength of any publication lies in 
its circulation. The greater the circulation 
the greater will be the appeal to the ad- 
vertisers. Hence, greater advertising support 
which, in turn, justifies a bigger, better 
publication. It all comes back to the reader. 

This magazine may well develop into 
a publication of national scope and impor- 
tance as a medium for telling the world 
not only about the University of Maryland 
but also about the great, colorful and his- 
toric State of Maryland. 

The publication of this magazine is quite 
in keeping with the rapid expansion of the 
Universtiy in all departments. Every effort 
wil be expended to improve the paper in 
every way. Toward this goal the co- 
operation, support and criticism of its 
readers is invited. 

The day has come when Maryland 
alumni, Maryland students and those close 
to Maryland point with pride to the growth 
and advancement of the Old Line State's 
University and look with confidence to its 
future. In this premise we ask the assistance 
and co-operation of all who are interested 
in Maryland so that we may make of this 
publication one that will share the just 
feeling of pride in accomplishments at and 
by the University of Maryland. 


Some months ago a small group of un- 
thinking University of Maryland youngsters 
— a very small percentage of the student 
body — staged a demonstration in protest 
against the departure of a good football 

The coach left not because of any dis- 
like for Maryland and Maryland people 
but because he had received a better offer 
from another school. 

The demonstrators were unaware of the 
facts. They blamed the incident on the 
official who had hired the coach, i.e. the 
President of the University. That official 
told the small band of demonstrators that 
the whole affair was a surprise to him. He 
promised that he'd do his best to get another 
coach, the best he could obtain. 

As was to be expected from a man who 
has done more for Maryland and its students 
than anyone else, the promise was kept 
and the few youngsters now doubtless 
regret their hasty display of criticism. 

Shakespeare wrote "Experience is all". 
That takes in a lot of territory. The fact 
remains, however, that one cannot gain 
experience without also acquiring age. The 
very young cannot very well be the greatly 
experienced. Youngsters do things at the 
age of twenty that they would not do at 
the age of thirty. 

Criticism is valuable. It keeps people 
on their toes. Constructive criticism is 
best because it comes from individuals who 
know where they criticize. 

In the history of our country probably 
no other official was subjected to the vile 
abuse and vituperative criticism heaped upon 
the troubled head of Abraham Lincoln. 

He was called just about everything in 
and out of print. But he did his job as 
he saw it. Reaching the highest office in 
our country did not come easily to this 
great man of great sorrows. 

When Lincoln was a young man, he 
ran for the Legislature in Illinois, and was 
badly swamped. He next entered business, 
failed, and spent 17 years of his life paying 
the debts of a worthless partner. He fell 
in love with a beautiful young woman to 
whom he became engaged. She died. En- 

tering politics, he ran for Congress and 
was defeated. He tried for an appointment 
to the United States Land Office, but failed. 
He became a candidate for the United States 
Senate and was defeated. He became a 
candiate for the Vice Presidency and was 
again defeated. He was defeated by Douglas. 
But in the face of all this defeat and failure, 
he eventually achieved the highest success 
obtainable in life, and undying fame to 
the end of time. What did Lincoln have to 
say of critics? He had this to say: 

"If I were to try to read, much less 
answer, all the attacks made on me, this 
shop might as well be closed for any other 
business. I do the very best I know how — 
the very best I can; and I mean to keep 
doing so until the end. If the end brings 
me out all right, what is said against rm 
won't amount to anything. If the end 
brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing 
I was right would make no difference." 

Years later we had another great Presi- 
dent, sufficiently great to have his likeness 
chiseled into the Rushmore Memorial along 
with Washington, Jefferson. Lincoln. He 
was Theodore Roosevelt. He had this to 
say of critics: 

"In the battle of life it is not the critic 
who counts: not the man who points out 
how the strong man stumbled, or where 
the doer of a deed could have done better. 
The credit belongs to the man who is 
actually in the arena; whose face is marred 
by dust and sweat and blood: who strives 
valiantly; who errs and comes short again 
and again because there is no effort without 
error and shortcoming: who does actually 
strive to do the deeds; who knows the great 
enthusiasm, the great devotions, spends him- 
self in a worthy cause; who at the best 
knows in the end the triumph of high 
achievement; and who at the worst, if he 
fails, at least fails, while daring greatly, so 
that his place shall never be with those 
cold timid souls who knew neither victory 
nor defeat." 


A college education is supposed to fit 
students for leadership. However, a degree 
alone cannot do it. Education can only 
show the way. 

One of the most essential, yet most 
elusive qualities is that quality known as 
leadership. It is difficult to define. Yet 
il is so real that its lack makes the difference 
between just a good worker and a capable 
lender. It is something to consider. What 
is it? Read over these nineteen character- 
istics of a good leader which were listed 
by Dr. James A. Bowie, and ask yourself 
if you need to develop any of them. 

1 . Plenty of common sense. 

2. The ability to delegate authority. 

3. The ability to estimate accurately 
another's working capacity and special 



Chief of the Legal and Patent Division of 
Houdry Process Corporation, 225 South 16th 
Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa., is Gordon A. Kessler, 
former star quartterback of the University of 
Maryland football team. 

Mr. Kessler is stated as a thoroughly ex- 
perienced patent and attorney and legal Counsel. 

Maryland B. S. '29, Chemistry (A & S), 
Kappa Alpha, Gordon Kessler won the Silvester 
Medal for excellence in athletics ir. 1929. 

Coming to Maryland from McKinley Tech in 
Washington, Mr. Kessler, after graduating from 
Maryland attended Georgetown University and 
New York University. He received his law 
degree from the latter school and is a member 
of the New York bar. 

Prior to handling Houdry Process Corporation's 
Legal and Patent Division, Mr. Kessler served 
as patent attorney for the Texas Company for 
five years. Earlier experience included six years 
as patent attorney for the Allied Chemical and 
Dye Company for four years as patent examiner 
in the U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. 

Mr. Kessler writes : 

"In March, I had occasion to be in San 
Francisco to see officials of the Standard Oil 
Company of California and while there, I looked 
up a Charles Dodson whose technical papers 
I had seen in various publication?. 

"He turned out to be, as I had hoped, Charlie 
Dodson, 1930, who played on teams with me at 
Tech High in Washington and at Maryland. 
We just had time for a short visit, but I 
found that Charlie looked well and was getting 
along fine in the Production Department of 

"He has done some excellent original work 
with mixtures of hydrocarbon gases at extremely 
high pressures. Dr. Haring may have read his 
papers. They have to do with the phenomenon 
of retrograde condensation which was resur- 
rected by Drs. Sage and Lacey of Cal. Tech. 
in the late 1930's. 

"His address is, c/o Standard Oil Company 
of California, 225 Bush Street. San Francisco, 
California " 

4. Power to keep a group working to- 
ward a common goal. 

5. A voice that suggests confidence. 

6. A liking for making decisions. 

7. Ability to give clear-cut instructions. 

8. A habit of seeking new and improved 

9. Freedom from prejudice. 

10. Calm acceptance of criticism. 

11. Willingness to receive suggestion from 

12. Ability to praise work without fulsome 

13. Ability to criticize constructively with- 
out antagonizing. 

14. The habit of giving reasons for orders 
and seeing that they are understood. 

15. Courage to take responsibility for your 
own blunders. 

16. The habit of using facts in making 

17. Quickness in making decisions without 
"going off half-cocked." 

18. Ability to see a vision of achievement. 

19. Ability to remain calm, cool and ob- 
servant in times of stress. 


Until the late stages of the recent war, 
when we had the stuff to "throw at 'em 
everything but the kitchen sink," there 
were occassions when combat units got by 
as best they could on the tools they had. 

Pitifully underequipped were the Marines 
on Guadalcanal. Even underfed. They 
lived on Jap rations. In order to do so 
they had to first kill Japs. 

However, you do the best you can with 
what they give you. Most every service 
man knows the Marines' motto. Semper 
Fidelis, (Always Faithful) . Fewer are 
familiar with the Marines' working motto, 
"Do the best you know how with the tools 
you've got." 

The history of the world's accomplish- 
ments is studded with events made possible 
by men who did the best they could with 
inadequate tools. 

When most colleges and Universities, not 
blessed with Navy help, abandoned their 
athletic programs, the University of Mary- 
land carried on, doing the best they could 
with the tools they had. 

The value of the determination to deliver 
the goods even when under-equipped is 
beautifully set forth in the poem, "Op- 
portunity," by Edward Rowland Sill. Not 


Major Newton Cox is back at Maryland in 
the College of Military Science and Tactics, 
Physical Education, Health Education and Rec- 

Alumni will recall the Major as the 1939 
Southern Conference middleweight champion 
with a left hand that had dynamite in it. He 
coached a lot of boxing and other sports in the 
Army and handled a big program in that line 
in Europe. He also played a lot of first base 
with Service team mates from the major leagues. 


Back at College Park as Superintendent of 
Plant Maintenance and Operation is George O. 
Weber, of Washington, D. C. 

Mr. Weber, Engineering '33 (Sigma Chi) was 
class president '33, played basketball and was 
ROTC cadet commander. 

After leaving the University the new Plant 
Superintendent was with the U. S. Coast and 
Geodetic Survey and later was Sales Engineer 
with the C. A. Dunham Company of Chicago, 
as their Baltimore represenative. D ing well 
in his chosen profession Mr. Weber entered the 
Army in February of 1940 and served with the 
famed 29th Division. Later followed assignments 
in Miltary Intelligence in the War Department, 
Command and General Staff School at Fort. 
Leavenworth, Kansas, and the 92nd Infantry 

As an Infantry Battalion Commander he 
served in Italy where he was twice wounded 
and, for gallantry in action, received the Silver 
Star and the Bronze Star with oak leaf cluster. 

He also wears the Italian Military Order of 
Merit, the Defense Medal for pre-Pearl Harbor 
service, general service ribbon, Atlantic ribbon 
and European Theatre ribbon with three battle 

Leaving the active list with the rank of 
Lieutenant Colonel this officer will continue his 
interest and activities in military training as 
Commanding Officer of the recenrly authorized 
Military Police Battalion of the District of 
Columbia National Guard. 

a bad bit of verse to memorize. Here it is: 
"This I beheld, or dreamed it in a dream: 
There spread a cloud of dust along a plain; 
And underneath the cloud, or on it, raged 
A furious battle, and men yelled, and swords 
Shocked upon swords and shields. A prince's 

Wavered, then staggered backward, hemmed 

by foes. 
A craven hung along the battle's edge. 
And thought, "Had I a sword of keener 

steel — 
That blue blade that the king's son bears, — 

but this 
Blunt thing — !" he snapt and flung it 

from his hand, 
And lowering crept away and left the field. 
Then came the king's son, wounded, sore 

And weaponless, and saw the broken sword, 
Hilt-buried in the dry and trodden sand, 
And he ran and snatched it, and with battle 

Lifted afresh he hewed his enemy down, 
And saved a great cause that heroic day." 


The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the pub- 
lication by the alumni itself. 

Alumni are urgently requested to supply the office of publication at College Park with changes of address known to any 
alumni, news items of general or personal interest, occupational and professional items, social news, births, engagements, 
marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST" news and the more news received the better the publication will be. 

Please accord us your support. 

highest level of plans for redeployment of 

JN Chungking. China. Lieutenant Col- Chinese Armies. During this period, Lieu- 
onel John Logan Schutz was awarded tenant Colonel SCHUTZ worked with the 


'N Chungking. China. Lieutenant Col- 
onel John Logan Schutz was awarded 
the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Legion of 

Colonel Schutz, Agriculture '3 8, MS 
in Agriculture Economics '40, entered the 
Army in 1 940 and is in the regular 

The citation: 

Lieutenant Colonel JOHN LOGAN 
SCHUTZ, 0-24229, General Staff Corps, 
United States Army, is awarded the OAK 
MERIT for exceptionally meritorious 
service as the Assistant Chief of Staff. G-3, 
Chungking Army Liaison Group for the 
period 15 October 1945 to 3 January 
1946. and as a member of the Theater 
Planning Section for the period 4 January 
1946 to 29 March 1946. During the 
period 15 October 1945 to 3 January 1946, 
Lieutenant Colonel SCHUTZ performed in 
an outstanding manner the duties of G-3, 
Chungking Army Liaison Group. As a 
regular member of the Combined Chinese- 
American Staff he was responsible for the 
presentation to the Chinese of American 
operational advice, assistance, requi.ements 
and plans, and for the coordination on the 

Chinese Vice Minister of War in the prep- 
aration of plans for the post-war Chinese 
Army and demobilization program. The 
plans became the basis for the Chinese 
peace-time army plans which were adopted 
by the Chinese Government. Throughout 
his service in Chungking. Lieutenant Colonel 
SCHUTZ was in daily contact with high 
officials in the Chinese National Government. 
His accomplishments in this position con- 
tributed immeasurably to the successful 
implementation of American policy in 
China. In addition to official duties. Lieu- 
tenant Colonel SCHUTZ organized and 
supervised an athletic program for all 
military personnel in Chungking. During 
the period 4 January to 25 March 1946, 
he performed the duties of Assistant Plans 
Officer in the Theater Planning Section. 
He was charged with preparation of de- 
tailed plans for the Military Advisory 
Gioup. During the planning period, he was 
responsible for the preparation of all interim 
messages to the War Department pertaining 
to the Military Advisory Group. Lieu- 


In Chungking, China, Major General Macldocks, Deputy Commander, U. S. Forces in China, 
congratulates Maryland's Lieutenant Colonel John Logan Schutz. 


Alumni Association 
University of Maryland 

R. M 
A. C. 
T. T 

Founded in 1892 
Watkins, '23, College Park 


Diggs, '21, Baltimore 

First Vice-President 
Speer, 18. Baltimore 

Second Vice-President 
W. Cobey, '30, College Park 



The Publication of the Alumni 


Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor 

Jane A. Wells Circulation Manager 

tenant Colonel SCHUTZ assisted by a 
representative of the G-4 Section prepared 
detailed plans for the Tables of Organi- 
zation and Equipment required for the pre- 
integration training of Communist Forces 
in North China and later prepared plans 
for the target date and equipment require- 
ments for the Chinese peace-time army. 
Another important project which this 
officer handled was the preparation of the 
Operational Directive for the Nanking 
Headquarters Command. Lieutenant Colonel 
SCHUTZ outstanding accomplishments re- 
flect great credit upon himself and the 
Armed Forces of the United States. 


Back home at 818 N. Filmore St., 
Ailington, Va. is Robert H. Yeatman, 
University of Maryland, BS '43. Engineer- 
ing. Alpha Lambda Tau. 

Commissioned Ensign in 1943; called 
to active duty in September of that year. 
Mr. Yeatman trained as an Airborne Elec- 
tronics Maintenance Officer and was assigned 
to Carrier Air Group Eighty-six. 

The Air Group was assigned to the 
U. S. S. Wasp for the period from March 
to October 1945, participating in various 
strikes against the Japanese homeland. 

In November 1945 his duty with the 
Air Group ended. Mr. Yeatman was assigned 
to the Aircraft Assembly and Repair De- 
partment. Naval Air Station, Norfolk, 

He was promoted to Lieutenant (junior 
grade) in January of 1945. 


A recent visitor on the Maryland campus 
was Harry A. Jarvis. Merlin. Maryland, 
up from Argentina for a visit. Mr. Jarvis 
has been in Argentina since 1931 with the 
oil refining firm Cia Nativ de Petroleos. 

He began with that firm as an assistant 
in the technical department and moved up 
through the various offices to the position 
or President and General Manager. 

Mr. Jarvis will be recalled as one of 
Maryland's most active students. He was 
football manager and also busied himself 
in various student activities. 

He graduated with the class of 19 30 
with a BS after having majored in Mechan- 
ical Engineering. 

Mr. Jarvis is married to the former 
Lillian Clarkson. of Bradford, England. 
There are two youngsters, Harry A. Jarvis, 
Jr., age 9, and Joan Gail Jarvis, 7. 

His family accompanied Mr. Jarvis on 
his visit to his native land and the campus 
of his alma mater. They arrived in the 
United States in April and will return to 
Argentina this fall. 

Looking over the campus Mr. Jarvis gave 
out with the usual, "You'd hardly know 
the old place now". 

As they note Maryland's growth, former 
students, after visits to the campus, in- 
the institution. 


Major Paul E. Bruehl, Centreville, Mary- 
land, was congratulated recently by General 
Courtney H. Hodges, Commanding General, 
First Army, upon receipt of his commission 
in the Regular Army. Major Bruehl was 
one of forty-five First Army Officers to 
secure Regular Army Commissions when 
the Army recently appointed 9 600 addition- 
al officers through competitive tests. 

Major Bruehl entered the Army and 
served as Liaison Officer in the 29ih Division 
with the 3 6th Brigade, British Army, as 
Liaison Officer with the G-5 Mission to the 
First French Army, Sixth Army Group 
and as Military Government Officer with 
the Third Army. Major Bruehl served in 
the Assistant G-l Division of the First 

Major Bruehl wears the European Theater 
Ribbon with six battle stars, the Combat 
Infantry Medal and the Bronze Arrowhead 
for amphibious landings in North Africa 
and Southern France. 

Major Bruehl attended the University 
of Maryland. Graduate school in 1938, '39, 

His wife, Mrs. Margaret B. Buehl, re- 
sides at Centreville. Maryland. 


Lieutenant Colonel Francis X. Beamer, 
U. S. M. C, star University of Maryland 
all around athlete and great football end, 
BS '40 (Commerce-Accounting) is now 
stationed in Philadelphia as Inspector- 
Instructor for the newly formed Phila- 
delphia Reserve Battalion. 

His address is Quarters M-7, Marine 
Barracks, Naval base, Philadelphia, Pa. 

Charlotte Stubbs Mildred Stubbs 

These two Mount Rainier sisters, both 
honor graduates from the University of 
Maryland and more recently, teachers to- 
gether at the Bladensburg High School are 
now in separate places — one in Vienna, 
Austria, and the other in New York City — 
to gain new laurels. 

Misses Mildred and Charlotte Stubbs are 
the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Burns A. 
Stubbs of 4221 Twenty-ninth street. 
Mount Rainier. Their father is assistant to 
the director of the Freer Art Gallery in 

A year's leave of absence was granted 
by the Prince Georges County Board of 
Education to Charlotte, who finished No. 
1 in her class at the University of Maryland 
in 1942, to go to Vienna to teach children 
of American occupation force personnel, 
under the sponsorship of the War Depart- 
ment. She is 24 years old. 

Mildred, who received her master's degree 
at Middleburg (Vt.) College resigned 
August 1 from the county school system 
to work for the French Chamber of Com- 
merce in New York City. Now 25, she 

majored in French and English at Maryland 
and won her master's degree in those 

Both girls have followed almost parallel 
careers. Both attended Mount Rainier High 
School, and were members of Sigma Kappa 
and received the Motor Board Award at the 
University of Maryland. Charlotte majored 
in mathematics and English and won her 
master's degree after three summers at the 
College Park campus and one at New York 

Mildred joined the Bladensburg High 
faculty staff first and in her five years there 
has taught French and been in charge of the 
library. Charlotte began her duties there 
two years ago teaching mathematics and 
acting as guidance counselor when Principal 
C. Paul Barnhart was transferred there. 
She also served under Mr. Barnhart for two 
years at Greenbelt High School. 

Charlotte was recommended for the 
Vienna assignment by Maryland State 
School Supt. Thomas G. Pullen, jr. She 
will teach mathematics to high school pupils 
there also, it was learned. 


Lieutenant Colonel Bob Walton, U. S. 
A., is on duty in ETO after a tour of 
duty at San Antonio, Texas and Carlisle 
Barracks, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. 

Bob will be recalled as a lacrosse and 
boxing star who graduated in 1938. He 
turned in an outstanding service reaord with 
the 95th Division in Europe. 

As a member of Maryland's great 1937 
conference championship boxing team, Wal- 
ton turned in his best performance by 
knocking out Morty Caplin at Virginia 
to help Maryland win from the Cavaliers, 
5 to 3, all of the Terrapins' wins being 
kayos. It was Bob's first and only year 
on the team but he had learned something 
about correct, on balance, counter punching. 

Colonel Walton is the proud father of 
three youngsters, two girls and a baby boy. 


George A. Kelly, formerly of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, has been appointed 
to a teaching post in the Ohio State Uni- 
versity department of psychology. 

Kelly, who rose to the rank of comman- 
der in the aviation psychology division of 
the Navy during the war, took his bachelor's 
degree at Park College in Missouri, his 
master's at the University of Kansas, and 
his doctorate at Iowa State University. He 
taught one summer at OSU as a visiting 


"I'm in charge of the Salisbury office of 
the Farm Security Administration after 
serving four and a half years with the 
Army Air Forces." writes Howard M. 
Bailey, '41, from P. O. Box 34, Trappe, 



Selected for regular Army Commission is 
Lieutenant Colonel Earl L. Edwards, 7327 Piney 
Branch Road. Takoma Park, Md. 

Coloney Edwards is currently stationed in 
Ge many as Executive Officer of the Decarteh- 
zation Branch, Economics Division, Office of 
Military Government. . 

Colonel Edwards graduate from University o! 
Maryland as Bachelor of Arts in 1934. Ph. Delta 
Theta. He was commissioned a Se™nd Lieu 
tenant, Infantry Reserve in 1934. In 193- he 
w7u the Gold Medal as the student contributing 
most to the success of the University band. 


Clinton (N. J.) Board of Education, 
voted to accept the resignation of Robert 
T. Gray a graduate of the University of 
Maryland. (Agriculture 1 9 1 4) , as instructor 
in vocational agriculture in Clinton High 
School. Mr. Gray has been forced to re- 
sign because of ill health, a position he had 
held since 1926. 

Twenty years ago the Clinton Board of 
Education voted to establish a curriculum 
in vocational agriculture that would serve 
the interests and needs of farm people in 
the Clinton High School area. It then re- 
quested the State Supervisor of Agricultural 
Education to help select a teacher of agricul- 
ture to carry on the work. As a result of 
interviews with several candidates. Mr. 
Robert T. Gray who was a former teacher 
of agriculture in Maryland and a former 
county agricultural agent in West Virginia, 
was unanimously elected by the Board to 
fill the position. 

In his early years at Clinton, Mr. Gray 
not only taught vocational agriculture, but 
also was active in coaching baseball and 
football, and in teaching physical education. 
He also organized an active chapter of the 
Future Farmers of America, which his own 
students designated as the "Farmer Gray" 
chapter. As advisor of this chapter, he 
has developed successful applicants for the 
State public speaking contest and for the 
State Farmer degree; and has interested his 
students in high grade dairy animals, pull- 
orum-tested chicks, hybrid corn, farm and 
home safety, and soil conservation practices, 
including the growing of soybeans and other 
>oil-building crops. Thruout the years, too, 

his students have demonstrated their ability 
by winning trophies and other awards in 
such state cooperative activities as judging 
and project contests, pullet rearing, corn 
glowing, apple, and egg grading. 
And it Farmer Gray's many students were 
to speak, they would doubtless cite many 
numerous edifying incidents that occurred 
in the classroom and farm shop; and on 
field trips, tours and project visitations, 
not included here. 


Henry J. Rassier, Maryland '43 (Sigma 
Nu) in Soil Scientist in the Soil Con- 
servation Service of the Agriculture De- 
partment at Broom County in N. Y. State. 
He lives at 8 Pearl Avenue, Binghamton, 
N. Y.. with his wife and daughter. 

He has recently been discharged from the 
Army after serving overseas with the 80th 
Division of the 3rd Army, and was awarded 
the Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals 
while participating in the campaigns of 
Normandy. Northern France. Ardennes, 
Rhineland, and Central Europe. 


Daniel F. Lynch, DDS, Maryland '24 has 
resumed practice in Washington, D. G. Dr. 
Lynch did a lengthy tour of duty in the Navy 
Dental Corps. 


Lieut. Col. A. Edward Williamson, of 
Laurel, has accepted a position as Chief of 
Saniiary Mission of the Unitarian Service 
Committee, Rome. Italy. His work will 
center in . the refugee camps controlled by 
the Italian Government. 

During bis service in the Armed Forces, 
Col. Williamson spent two years in La 
Pa. Bolivia, South America, where he was 
detailed to the Inter-American Affairs Com- 
mittee, and was honored by an appoint- 
ment as honorary professor of engineering 
at the University of La Paz. Mr. William- 
son received his master's degree in sanitary 
engineering from the University of Mary- 


Melvin S. Baker, New Windsor, Mary- 
land, writes, "My Marine Corps emblem 
has been, since March 27th, replaced by 
the 'ruptured duck' ". 


Lt. Col. Raymond B. Graeves, Jr., 13005 
Gcoigia Avenue, was awarded the Army 
Commendation Ribbon for meritorious 
service, on July 3rd. In addition to the 
Commendation Ribbon, Colonel Graeves, 
holds the Bronze Star Medal with two 
Oak Leaf Clusters, the French Croix de 
Guerre, and five battle stars. 

In 1937, Colonel Graeves graduated from 
the Maryland University, where he received 
a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business 
Administration, and afterward worked as 
an accountant. He is a member of Lambda 
Chi Alpha fraternity. In 1940 he went 
into the Army, spending two years overseas. 

With his wife and two children, Mary, 
seven, and Carol, five. Colonel Graeves 
is residing at Belton, Texas, near Camp 
Hood, where he is stationed. 

Colonel Graeves plans to make the Army 
his career. 


Frank W. Taylor, Jr., of Ridgely, Mary- 
land, a graduate of the University of Mary- 
land with a B. S. in dairy husbandry, will 
continue work toward his master of science 
degree in dairy husbandry at Texas A. ft M. 

In addition to his studies, Mr. Taylor 
has accepted a graduate assistant instructor- 
ship in the A. 6S M. dairy husbandry de- 
partment and will teach creamery practice 
and dairy cattle judging. 

He is a member of Alpha Gamma Rho, 
on agricultural fraternity (Maryland 
chapter) . 


Out of the Marine Corps, married and in 
business in Chicago, 111. is Lieutenant Colonel 
Charles L. Cogswell, Arts and Science '36. Delta 
Sigma Phi while at the University, Charlie was 
active in all student activities but still found 
time to enlist, train and go to anuual field 
training periods with Coloney Heinie Miller's 
crack Fifth Marine Reserve Battalion. Upon 
graduation from Maryland. Cogswell was also 
honor graduate in the Quantico Platoon Leader's 
class. Mobilized on 1 November 1940 this officer 
served in Cuba and then in the Pacific on 
Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima and Okinewa. 

As an enlisted man Charley won his battalion's 
medals as the best drilled private and the best 
drilled guidon bearer. As an officer he continued 
the motion and came through with the Legion 
of Merit, the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the 
Purple Heart. On Guadalcanal, under fire, he 
was decorated for coolness a nd bravery in action. 


cro the ^Lumni! 



ARYLAND after the publication of the alumni of the University of Mary- 
land, herewith resumes publication under conditions which it hopes will enable 
it to keep pace, in size and appearance, with the rapid growth of the Univer- 
sity as a whole. It is the intention to make the magazine a medium of ex- 
pression which should represent adequately the University and the State. 

The University will finance the first three issues of the magazine. 

Copies will be sent to every alumnus whose address is available. It is hoped 

that after the first three issues, there will be sufficient alumni interest to 
finance in large part, if not completely, the publication. 

Also, plans are underway to develop, centralzie, and vitalize an or- 
ganization of alumni of the University, so that alumni strength and influence 
will be commensurate with the number of alumni. In this development the 
new publication will play a vital part. 

This issue of the magazine sets a standard that the University and 
alumni should maintain. 

The Editors herewith extend greetings to all, and ask your support- 



Colonel Bernard Dubel, U. S. Marine Corps. 
Maryland '17, a veteran of many years of 
Marine Corps service the world over, is now 
stationed at Marine Barracks. Parris Island, 
S. C. 


Hutton D. Slade. 125 Lake Avenue, 
Staten Island 3. N. Y., '35, Agriculture, 
(Alpha Gamma Rho) is at present work- 
ing in his prewar position as Research 
Bacteriologist and Biochemist in the in- 
dustrial development and production of 
enzymes and antibiotic substances. 

Mr. Slade recently finished 3 years service 
in the Sanitary Corps. U. S. Army as 
medical laboratory officer (Bacteriologist). 
He was commissioned 1st Lt. and received 
his Majority one year before discharge. 
His overseas service was in the ETO with 
the 83rd and 239th General Hospitals, and 
the 10th Medical Laboratory. 

His wife is the former Eileen Pryor of 
Baltimore and they have one son, Richard 
Gary. 4 years old. 


Mrs. Edith de Becker Sebald. wife of 
a former University of Maryland student, 
"a citizen of nowhere'' after 19 years of 
uncertainty, was "adopted" by the United 
States through a special Act of Congress. 

The daughter of a British father and a 
Japanese mother, and the wife of a State 
Department official, her immigration status 
has had a tangled background during her 
married life. 

She married William J. Sebald, a grad- 
uate of the U. S. Naval Academy. 19 years 
ago in Kobe. Japan, and automatically lost 
her Japanese citizenship by the marriage. 
Because of immigration laws restricting 
Japanese immigration, she was unable t» 
become a United States citizen. 

T n 1930. her husband resigned from the 
Navy to study law at the University of 
Maryland. Receiving his degree, he entered 
her father's law firm in Japan and practiced 
there until 19 39. The day following Pearl 
Harbor he reentered the service. 

During World War II he received com- 
mendation from Navy Secretary James V. 
i orrestal for his work as chief of the Pacific 
section, combat intelligence unit of the 
i i r st Fleet. He recently left active duty 
as a Captain. 

Mrs. Sebald worked for the Office of 
Strategic Services during the war as a con- 
sultant in psychological warfare work. 

Her sister. Mrs. Thomas J. Pratt, has 
. nly ucently reached the United States with 
het British husband after three years of 
Japanese internment in the infamous camp 
at Santo Tomas in the Philippines. 

A brother was killed while serving as an 
artilleryman with the Btitish army. A 
second brother has been unheard of since 
ihe end of hostil.ties. He also had served 
with British fo.ces. 

Mrs. Sebald. a Boston fininishing school 
product, was born near Yokohama. Her 
father founded the international law firm 
of De Becker. De Becker « Sebald. 


Charles M. Young. Engineering '41, is 
back at his home, 4824 7th St.. N. W., 
Washington. D. C. after a tour of duty in 
the Army Engineers. 

Upon graduation Young was employed 
by the Dupont Company, followed by 
service in the Army. He served in Europe 
with the 3.01st Engineer Combat Battalion 
of the 76th Infantry Division until VE 
day when he was transferred to the 105th 
Engineer Combat Battalion of the 30th 
Infantry Division. He was headed for the 
Pacific when the atom bomb on Hiroshima 
put the cue ball in the corner pocket for 
the Mikado. 

A tour of duty at Fort Belvoir. where 
most engineer troops wind up. gave Young 
a chance to take in some of the College 
Park sports events, thence to Fort Meade 
for discharge as a Staff Sergeant. 

During all of his service overseas Staff 
Sergeant Young regularly received the 
Alumni News. 


Governor O'Conor. appointed Omar D. 
Crothers. Jr., of Elkton. chairman of the 
State Board of Correction. 

Mr. Crothers. 3 7-year-old Marine Corps 
veteran and lawyer, succeeds Thomas N. 
Biddison in the post. Mr. Biddison resigned 
to become a special assistant to J. Bernard 
Wells. State's Attorney. 

Mr. Crothers. a grand-nephew of the 
late Governor Austin L. Crothers. is a 
native of Cecil County. 

He graduated from the Elkton High 
School in 1925 and graduated from the 
University of Maryland at College Park in 
1929. where he received a Bachelor of Arts 
from the Pre-Law School. He is a member 
of Sigma Nu, and in 1929 received Mary- 
land ring for Maryland man outstanding 
for the year in athletics. He studied law 
at the University of Maryland and in 193 3 
was admitted to the bar. He has practiced 
law in Cecil County since that time. 

Mr. Crothers joined the Marines and was 
assigned to the First Division. He was 
commissioned a lieutenant and. upon leav- 
ing the service, was a captain. He served 
in the Pacific. 



Mr. Richard S. Sutton has been appointed 
Assistant County Agent in Cecil County 
it was recently announced by Mr. E. I. 
Oswald. Assistant Director of Extension 
Service. University of Maryland, and Mr. 
J. Z. Miller. County Agent of Cecil County. 

Mr. Sutton is a native of Kent County, 
Md. As a farm boy he took an active part 
in 4-H club work, where interest started 
when he was 1 2 years old. He continued 
as a 4-H member until he left the farm to 
attend college. 

Mr. Sutton is a graduate of the Galena 
High School and graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1939. where he 
received a Bachelor of Science Degree from 
the College of Agriculture. He majored in 
Agronomy, for two years Mr. Sutton was 
Director of a State Agricultural Experi- 
mental Station in Venezuela. South 
America: for two years he was Assistant 
Director of Agricultural Experiment Station 
in U. S. Virgin Islands and in charge of 
dcmonstrational work in Agriculture for 
two of the Islands: for the last three years 
he has been Assistant County Agent in 
Harford County. Md. It is of interest to 
note that Harford County was the leading 
county of the United States in the number 
of 4-H National Contest winners in 1945 
at the National 4-H Club Congress. 


Etta C. Link. M. D., University of 
Maryland (Med) '42. B.S. '39. College 
Park, announces the opening of her office 
for the practice of pediatrics at 4510 Har- 
ford Road. Baltimore. 14, Maryland. 

Following graduation in 1942 Dr. Link 
interned for one year at the University 
Hospital in Baltimore and spent one year 
as assistant resident at the Receiving Hospital 
in Detroit. Mich, and two years at Child- 
ren's Hospital of Michigan. pediatric 


Dr. J. Fred Leinbach, Acting Dean, College 
of Agriculture, University of Maryland, who 
resigned to become President of South Dakota 
State College of Agriculture and Mechanical 


Maj. R. Eugene (Zimmy) Zimmerman, 
'40 Arts and Scenes, of Baltimore, has 
chipped in at iast with some news, and in 
a letter to Bill Hottel explained his service 
wanderings as follows: 

"I was relieved from active duty from 
the Army on May 10. It just occured to 
me that I never have written to the Alumni 
News since I was drafted on December 5, 
1941. As a matter of fact, 1 just received 
my first copy of the News in four years. 

"Right after I was drafted, I went to 
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and was a pri- 
vate there for eight months before going 
to Engineer OCS at Fort Belvoir. I was 
commissioned a second l.eutanant in the 
Corps of Engineers on August 28, 1942, 
and went to the Pacific Theater as a captain 
in 1944. While overseas I was assigned to 
an Engineer aviation battalion and did 
building work all through New Guinea and 
in the Philippines. I was p omotei to 
major in August, 1945, while in the 
Philippines and stayed there until I was 
eligible to return to th? United States. 

"It sure is great to be home and rijht 
now I am using some of my terminal leave 
to sharpen up my golf game. 

"Following the close rf mv terminal 
leave I will go to work for *hr Houston, 
Tex., Oil Company and w-uld like to hear 
from my friends at that address. 

"Give my bes~ rega-ds to your danghter, 
Betty, one of my classrmtes: Jim Keho-, 
Swede Eppley. Dr. Bvrd or anv other of 
my old friends you rmy rrn ac-os". 




First Lieutenant Do-othy E. White, 
former University of Maryland g'.rl. who 
has been in th; Women's Army Corps 
since early 1943. has a new and mo;t in- 
teresting job. 

Lieutenant White was recently assigned 
as special assistant to Brigadier Geneal N. 
H. McKay. Commanding General of San 
Francisco Port of Embarkation. Her duties 
arc those of an aide-de-camp. 

She is the daughter of M-s. George 
Luberoff, the step-daughter of Brigadier 
General George Luberoff. USA Retired, 
both residing at the Schuyler Arms in 
Washington, and the grand-daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Griffith, also of the 

Lieutenant White entered the Women's 
Army Corps as an enlistee. She was com- 
missioned in June 1943 and was shortly 
thereafter assigned to Camp Stoneman, San 
Francisco Port staging area. Next assign- 
ment sent her to the Army Hospital Ship 
Acadia in charge of the Educational Re- 
conditioning Program. She made four 
round trips to Europe and two to the 
Philippines. Coming ashore, she came back 
to San Francisco Port of Embarkation and 
her new assignment in the Commanding 
General's office. 

Native of Washington and graduate of 
Western High there, she attended University 
of Maryland in 1927-28. where she was 
a member of Kappa Xi sorority and 

graduated from University of California 
at Los Angles. During her college period, 
she studied art during the summer months Lhe late Charles Hawthorne at Prov- 
incetown, Mass. Her residence in Los 
Angles, however, aroused her interest in the 
motion picture industry and she became a 
script writer, first with Paramount and then 
with Hal Roach. Her last screen credit 
before entering service was for the movie 
"Miss Polly" with Zasu Pitts as star. 


The former Patricia Schutz who received 
a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1939, is now 
Mrs. Keith Henderson, wife of an Army 
Captain. Mrs. Henderson writes that mail 
to her should be addressed to 1305 West 
Street. Annapolis, from where it will be 
forwarded to her as she, being an Army 
wife, moves about considerably. She was 
enrolled in the College of Arts and Science, 
and is a member of Delta Delta Delta 
Sorority. Mrs. Henderson is currently in 
Germany with her husband who is with the 
Army of Occupation at Roth. Germany. 
Fiom there they expect shortly to be as- 
signed to duty somewhere in Bavaria. 


Fred Simon. Jr.. Theta Chi, class of '39. 
after a tour of duty as a Lieutenant in the 
Navy, is now with Butler Brothers, Balto- 
more. Fred writes. "I gave up accounting 
and am now selling." 


Paul Millinix. Agriculture '36 (Alpha 
Gamma Rho and Alpha Zeta), was re- 
cently piomoteJ to Assistant Director. 
Southern Sta e; General Distiibution Ser- 
v ce, with offices in Richmond, Va. 

Mr. Mullinix had been manager with 
Southern State; Management Service serv- 
ing Maryland-Delaware territory. He began 
with that firm in their Bel Air store and 
was made District Manager in January, 
1939. In June 1943 he was transferred 
to West Virginia, later returning to the 
Maryland-Delaware area. 

Mr. Mullin'x is married to the former 
Carolyn Young. Home Economics '3 7 
(Alpha Xi Delta). 

Writes an Executive of the firm employ- 
ing Mr. Mullinix. "Paul is doing a grand 
job. He's going places. He's a credit to 
the University of Maryland". 


Three University of Maryland graduates 
received Master's degrees from George Wash- 
ington University in the same class that 
graduated Miss Margaret Truman (A.B. 
in history) and awarded her father, Presi- 
dent Harry S. Truman an Honorary Degree 
as Doctor of Laws. 

The young ladies are Marjorie Lee 
Hackett, of Secretary, Md., M. A. in 
Education, who received her B. S. in 
Education at Maryland in 1940;, Jeanette 
Owen Jenkins, 4621 38th St., N. W., 
Washington, D. C. M. A. in History. 
who received her. A. B. at Maryland in 
1943; and Alice Susan Morgan, 1725 
Jackson St., N. E., Washington D. C. 
M. A. in Education, who received her B. S. 
at Maryland in 1938. 


The Maryland State Department of 
Education recently announced the appoint- 
ment of Harry M. McDonald as State 
Supervisor of Agricultural Instruction. Mr. 
McDonald has been principal of Sparks 
Schools in Baltimore County since 1930. 
An outstanding administrator and leader in 
civic and agricultural activities in Baltimore 
County, he is considered as one of the 
ablest school men in the state. 

A graduate of the University of Mary- 
land, (Agricultural Education BS '20) 
Mr. McDonald received his Masters De- 
gree at Columbia University. Additional 
giaduate work was taken at the University 
of Chicago. University of Wisconsin, and 
Johns Hopkins. 

Mr. McDonald will succeed Dr. Harold 
F. Cotterman. Head of Agricultural In- 
struction at the University of Maryland 
who, in addition, has been supervising 
agriculture in high schools throughout the 
state. Dr. Cotterman has resigned from 
his position with the state school system 
to take over additional administrative re- 
sponsibilities at the University. 


Writes Edith Scales Silcox. 1185 Park 
Ave.. Apt 8A. New York 28. N. Y. "I 
am working as a dining room supervisor 
for the American Telephone and Telegraph 
Company. It involves heavy week-ends 
as the restaurant business always does. But 
I'll take off one of the week-ends for 


"Four graduates of the University of 
Maryland are at the University of Illinois. 
Urbana, 111. They are: Ted Vial, who is 
doing graduate work in Chemistry: Mrs. 
Finch Stowell (former Lida Sargeant) and 
her husband — Lida starts teaching high 
school English this fall and has been work- 
ing at the University, and her husband is 
in engineering; Mrs. Robert Roose (former 
Bessie Arnold) and her husband: and Mrs. 
Robert Armagast (former Jady Woodring) 
and her husband, Mrs. Armagast is an 
editorial assistant at the University Press 
and her husband is working on his doc- 
torate. All the boys are going to school on 
the G. I. Bill of Rights." 



Dr. Franklin L. Burdettc of Butler 
University, Indianapolis, Indiana, has been 
appointed as an Associate Professor of 
Government and Politics in the College of 
Business and Public Administration, Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Dr. Burdctte, a native of Huntington, 
West Virginia, was graduated from Marshall 
College in that city in 1934, and received 
an A. M. from the University of Nebraska 
in 1935, an A. M. from Princeton Uni- 
versity in 1937, and a Ph. D. in politics 
from Princeton in 193 8. He has also 
studied in the graduate schools of the Uni- 
versity of North Carolina and of the Uni- 
versity of Chicago. 

Dr. Burdette served as an associate pro- 
fessor of history and political science at 
Butler University. For the 
past six years he has also been executive 
secretary of the National Foundation for 
Education in American Citizenship in 
Indianapolis. He will continue his relation- 
ship with the Foundation in an editorial 
capacity. Dr. Burdette served as an instruc- 
tor in politics at Princeton University from 
1936 to 1937 and from 1938 to 1939, 
and in the following year as a research 
associate with the Princeton Local Govern- 
ment Survey. 

Going to Butler in 1940 as assistant 
professor, he was appointed associate pro- 
ressor in 1943. 

He is the author of Filibustering in the 
Senate, a book published in 1940 by the 
Princeton University Press and is the editor 
of Education for Citizen Responsibilities, 
published in 1942. He is also the editor 
of the biographical directory of the American 
Political Science Association. The first 
edition of the directory was published in 
1945 and the second edition is scheduled 
for 1948. He has also contributed articles 
to professional journals and has written 
pamphlets in the field of political science. 

Dr. Burdette is a member of the Indiana 
War History Commission appointed by the 
governor, a member of the educational 
board of the Indianapolis Y. M. C. A. 
evening high school. He is a member of 
the committee on civic education of the 
National Council for the Social Studies. 


Stephen F. Cameron, Jr. 20-year-old 
Marine of 7303 Yale ave., College Park, 
Md.. has been appointed to the United 
States Military Acaremy by Senator Millard 
T. Tydings (D., Md.). 

Cameron was a Marine corporal at 
Omura, Japan, when he received word ot 
his appointment at the beginning of this 
month. He flew to the United States to 
accept it. 

A native of Philadelphia. Cameron is 
a graduate of Hyattsville High School and 
attended the University of Maryland for 
two years before joining the Marines in 
February, 1944, where he was enrolled in 
the College of Engineering. He is a graduate 
of the radar and radio school at the Naval 
Research Laboratory. 


Dr. George H. Yeager. associate profes- 
sor of surgery at the University of Mary- 
land Medical School, has been elected to the 
board of directors of the Associated Hos- 
pital Service of Baltimore. Inc. (Blue 
Cross) . 

Dr. Yeager left his post at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland during the war to serve 
as a colonel with the army's 42nd General 
Hospital in the Southwest Pacific. After 
four years of army service, he returned 
to the University last February. He is a 
fellow of the American Surgical Association 
and the Southern Surgical Association. 


Miss Marie Mount, dean of the College 
of Home Economics, Universtiy of Mary- 
land, has been elected Treasurer of the 
American Home Economics Association. 
The A. H. E. A. is the national profes- 
sional association for home economists and 
has a membership of 117,000 with na- 
tional headquarters in Washington. 


The State, County and City Assessors 
of Maryland listened to some of the fore- 
most authorities on assessing when they 
gathered the first of what will be annual 
school sessions to be held at the University 
of Maryland. 

The school emanated from the Super- 
visors and Assessors Association of Mary- 
land and was readily sponsored by the State 
Tax Commission, National Association of 
Assessing Officers and the University of 
Maryland. The school followed the lines 
of other state schools on assessing as held 
in Oklahoma. Connecticut. Texas, Ken- 
tucky and Colorado. The course covered 
basic assessing practice and procedure as 
well as the laws covering same. 

The school opened by Dr. Pullen of 
the State Educational Department and 
closed with the presentation of certificates 
for those completing the course by Dr. H. 
C. Byrd. President of the University. 


The Maryland School Building Institute 
convened at the University of Maryland. 

The program for the convention was in 
charge of Acting Dean Henry Brechbill, 
College of Education. 

Taking a prominent part on the con- 
vention's program was Dr. Thomas G. 
Pullen, Jr., State Superintendent of Schools; 
Dr. R. V. Long, Director. Virginia State 
Planning Board and former Director. Build- 
ing Construction. Virginia State Department 
of Education; Dr. Ray L. Hamon, Chief 
of School Housing Section, United States 
Office of Education; Mr. Paul D. Copper, 
Supervisor of new building constiuction 
for Prince Georges County. 

Dr. Edwin Broome. Supeiintendent of 
Montgomery County, gave a course in the 
Maryland University summer school en- 
titled "School Buildings and Equipment." 
Students in this class were commissioned to 
prepare a digest of the proceedings of the 
entire conference which later appeared as 
a report. The Institute was attended by 
superintendents, school board members, and 
other administrative officers of all the 
counties in Maryland, the City of Baltimore, 
and others outside the state. 

The convention's program consisted of 
a series of addresses and open discussions 
with Dr. Hamon as chief Consultant. 

There were a total of six sessions over 
the three days of the convention. 


College winners of the $1 150 essay con- 
test conducted by National Tax Equality 
Association have been announced by the 
faculty judges who supervised the contest. 

This nation-wide contest had as its 
theme: "The Tax Privilege of Public 
Corporations and Cooperatives and its Im- 
pact on Private Enterprise." National Tax 
Equality Association is insisting that co- 
operative corporations should be required 
to pay Federal income taxes. 

First prize in the contest — $750 cash — 
was awarded to Miss Lila Fundaburk of 
Luverne. Alabama. Miss Fundaburk is a 
student at Northwestern University. Evan- 
ston. Illinois. The second prize of $300 
went to Kenneth Paul Sanow, a student at 
the University of Chicago. John M. Doar 
of New Richmond, Wisconsin, a student at 
Princeton, won third prize of $100. 

Miss Fundaburk, a graduate of the Ala- 
bama College for Women. Montevallo, 
Alabama, gave her winning check of $750 
to that college as a gift. 

The winning essays all agreed that public 
corporations and cooperatives should forfeit 
their tax privileges. Miss Fundaburk's win- 
ning essay described this tax privilege as 

"The tax privilege accorded cooperatives, 
in particular producer cooperatives, though 
not as uniform and as widespread as in the 
case of publicly owned utilities is, neverthe- 
less, substantial enough to reduce the effect- 
iveness of competition, to diminish Federal 
revenue by reducing the Federal tax base, 
to increase the burden on productive tax- 
paying enterprise and to create unfavorable 
comparisons of operating efficiency with 
privately owned taxpaying enterprises." 



Conforming to the plans of development and 
expansion in all activities at the University of 
Maryland, Dr. H. C. Byrd, University President, 
announced the appointment on a full time basis, 
of Professor Harold C. Yeager, as Director of 
University Band and Orchestras. He will have 
charge of the ROTC band as well as the student 
band and student orchestra. 

Mr. Yeager replaces the veteran Master Ser- 
geant Otto Siebeneichen, U. S. Army, retired, 
who had been bandmaster since 1927 and retired 
from Maryland recently. 

The new band leader is a graduate of Carnegie 
Institute of Technology, with B. A. and M. A. 
degrees. He has been in professional music for 
years, having played in the Pittsburgh Symphony 
Orchestra, Pittsburgh Festival Orchestra and 
Band and the Carnegie Band and Dance Orches- 
tra. He was formerly chairman of the Western 
Pennsylvania Bandmasters' Association. Pro- 
fessor Yeager taught music in Pennsylvania and 
Ohio schools for ten years. 

During the war he served 42 months in the 
Army, leaving the service as a First Lieutenant 
of Infantry. 

Professor Yeager is married to the former 
Roberta Long of Spartansburg, South Carolina. 
They will make their home at 7009 Fordham 
Court, College Park, Maryland. 

Professor Yeager is a member of Pi Kappa 
Alpha (social). Phi Sigma and Phi Mu Alpha 

The University of Maryland Band and the 
ROTC Band both function under the Military 

The ROTC Band is composed largely of ROTC 
students, but all students are welcome to 

The University Band plays at athletic events 
and special University occasions. Membership 
in the University Band is open to all students, 
men or women. 


The northeast Section of Agronomists 
convened at the University of Maryland on 
July 22. continuing in session until July 

Thirty five members of the Vocational 
Agricultural Teachers of Maryland con- 
vened at the University of Maryland, from 
July 22 to July 27. 

Thirty two students of the Swedish 
Royal Institute of Technology, of Stock- 
holm, Sweden, due to graduate from that 
school in June of 1947, visited the Uni- 
versity of Maryland on July 24 and 25. 

The group was headed by Professors 
Georg Waestland and Bo Hellstrom. 

The students are studying airports, 
bridges, tunnels, dams, hydro-electric plants 
and other civil engineering projects. 

Their itinerary included New York, 
Boston, Troy, Ithaca, Niagara Falls, Ann 
Arbor, Chicago. Paducah, Chattanooga, 
Knoxville, Huntington, Pittsburgh, and 
Washington, D. C. 


Four members of the teaching staff re- 
signed th.s school year to accept calls to 
high posts in major colleges and universi- 

Dr. Fred H. Leinbach, assistant dean of 
the College of Agriculture and head of the 
department of animal husbandry, was 
elected piesident of the South Dakota State 
College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts. 

Dr. Leinbaih's rcsignat on ii effective 
January 1. He came to College Park in 
1938 as professor of animal husbandry. 

Other staff members who have resigned 

George Kelley, associate professor of 
psychology, to accept a post wuh Ohio 
State University and the Veterans Adminis- 
tration in Ohio. 

Dr. Arnold Joyal. professor. College of 
Education, named dean of the College of 
Education at the University of Oklahoma. 

Dr. Charles H. Mahoney, head of the 
horticulture department, named director of 
research for the American Canners' Associa- 


Dr. Chester W. Hitz, of College Park, son-in- 
law of Dean Henry Brechbill, will direct the 
work in Horticulture at the Maine Agricultural 
Experiment Station, President Arthur A. Hauck, 
of the University of Maine announced recently. 

Dr. Hitz is the husband of the former Edith 
Brechbill, BS '36 Education and also Graduate 
School, M.A. 1,940. They have one son, Chester 
B. Hitz. 

Dr. Hitz, a native of Missouri, graduated from 
Missouri in 1935 and received his doctor's degree 
from the University of Maryland in 1941 for 
his work in pomology. He did both teaching and 
research at Maryland. For a time he managed 
Skldmore Orchards, at Skidmore, Mo. 

During World War II, Dr. Hitz was in Europe 
,-s ood and agriculture officer for the American 
military government, in Bavaria. 


Dr. William F. Falls. Assistant Professor 
of Foreign Languages at Maryland sailed 
for Europe on the SS ROCK SPRINGS 
VICTORY, which vessel carried 800 horses 
to war-stricken Czechoslovakia. Dr. Falls 
used the summer months plus leave over 
the first semester to combine useful service 
to starving people and also see what war 
has done to Europe and to study in France. 



Close to 7,000 students are enrolled at 
College Park this year. In 1944-45 it was 
1.672. Twenty five new buildings near 
completion. Carloads of furniture roll in 
on the sidings. Students turned to and did 
the unloading. The campus population hit 
a new high with 3.200. There are 420 
students in twelve fraternity houses, 829 
in dormitories, 928 single veterans in tem- 
porary barracks, 104 married veterans in 
temporary apartments, 275 female students 
in nine sorority houses and 641 girls in 

Day dodgers come from points as far 
away as Hancock, Md. For miles about 
College Park homes in towns and farms are 
accomodating students. Awaiting com- 
pletion of barracks-dorms 350 former GI's 
are housed in cots in the new armory. Meals 
are in three shifts and chow lines are the 
order of the day. with a cafeteria on the 
ground floor of the dining hall. 

The book store works 24 hours a day, 
wrapping books at night for delivery in 
the morning. They're doing a great job 
in that department. 

Mail delivery is bad until new boxes 
are installed. 

It's quite a snafu'd situation but at 
Maryland it is not nearly as bad as at 
other schools. 

Big job to be done. Maryland can do it! 


The first English Catholic Church in 
America was founded in Maryland in 1634, 
St. Mary's County. 

Also the first Presbyterian Church, 1688, 
Somerset County. 

Also the first Methodist Church, 1764, 
in Frederick County. 

While there seems to be some question 
about it, it is claimed that the first Methodist 
Protestant Church in this country was 
founded in Worcester County. 


Back home at College Park is Lieutenant 
William K. Byrd, U. S. Marine Corps Re- 
serve, son of the University's President. His 
two brothers also served. Lieutenant Byrd's 
service with the Leathernecks was mostly in 
the Pacific, all the way to the land of the 
Mikado. He was tank commander. 

Bill Byrd played football under Clark Shaugh- 
nessy in 1942. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 



WTH appropriate ceremonies, preceded 
by a colorful parade of marching 
units, bands and fire apparatus hom Mary- 
land, Virginia. West Virginia. Delaware. 
New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the University 
of Maryland's Fire Service Extension Build 
ing was dedicated on Septembe. 28. 194t>. 

The dedication program: 

Opening Remarks __ Judge William P. Cole. Jr. 

Chairman, Board of Regents. University of Maryland. Presiding 

Invocation Rev. James M. Minter, Chaplain 

State Firemen's Association 

Welcome To The University .... Dr. H. C. Byrd 

President of the University 
Greetings Fiom Prince George's County. 

Congressman Lansdale G. Sasscer 
"Maryland. My Maryland'' _ Prof. Harlan Randall 

Greetings From The State Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 

Response To Greetings Mr. W. Bartgis Storm 

President. State Firemen's Association 

Response To Greetings Mrs. Mae R. Schoene 

President. Women's Auxiliary. State Firemen's Association 

"America" The Audience 

Dedication Address Mr. Richard E. Vernor 

Manager of the Fire Prevention Department. Western Actuarial 
Bureau; Chairman of the National Fire Department Instructor's 
Conference; Treasurer of Rotary National. 

Response To Dedication Address, ^^^^^^^^^ 

State Comptroller J. Millard Tawes 

"The Star Spangled Banner" .... Audience 

Presentation Of Awards 

Eugene J. C. Raney. Chairman, 
Parade Com 

Chief A. J. Bargagni. of the Bei 
Department, was parade marshall. In former 
years he was marshall of the Labor L 
men's Parades in Washington. D. C. '1 he 1 
prize-cup, the A. J. Bargagni trophy fp 
Maryland Volunteer company making the b 
showing in the parade at the Universii 
to the Independent Hose Company of I ? re 

First prize for the Maryland Company with 
the largest number of men in line went to the 
Independent Hose Company of Frederick with 
Silver Spring second. 

First prize for the company with largest 
number of unil umul men in line went to 
Conemaugh. Pa. with Laurel. Md.. second. 

The Ladies Aux- 
iliary prize 
best turnout in the 
parade wenl to r — 
Independent Hose 
Company of 1 
erick, firs; 
Reistersto\. i. se 

The Drum C 
first prize v. 
Hampstead. Md. 
and the second | 
to Leonardioun 

The firs: p 
for comibs M ( I 
Violetville. Md 
and the secon I 
award to Mt Rain 

Lonoconing. Md 
won the prize for 

Colorful Parade Precedes 

Ceremonies at College 



Herbert R O'Conor, Govern. >r cf Mary- 
land, LL B, 1 S»u< . ty of Maryland. 

the best band in the parade, with Sharp- 
town, Md. second. 

First prize for the Maryland company 
coming the greatest distance went to West- 
ernport and the second prize to Frostburg. 
First prize for out of the State units 
coming the greatest distance went to Cone- 
maugh. Pa., with Franconia, Va., second. 
The prize |or the best rescue squad went 
with the United Steam Company of Frederick second. 

The Board of Public Works of Maryland, the governing body 
for the State of Maryland, is composed of the Governor of the 
State, the State Treasurer, and the State Comptroller. The Gover- 
nor is Chairman. This Board now is composed of Governor 
Herbert R. O'Conor, State Treasurer Hooper S. Miles, and State 
Comptroller J. Millard Tawes. 

It was the interest of this Board which provided the funds for 
the construction of the Fire Service Extension Building. Already 
conversant with the work of the Volunteer Firemen, the Board 
readily recognized the potential values in the construction of a 
Fire Service Extension Building, when the request for funds 
was made by the State Firemen's Association and by the University. 
The short course at the University, and the voluminous records 
developed and maintained as a result of the extension course 
given throughout the State for several years, caused the work 
to outgrow its quarters in the Engineering Building, which made 
iry a new structure devoted entirely to this purpose, was the 
fust building for which funds were made avail- 
ble by the Board of Public Works, and it is the 
•st building completed under the University's 
\v building program. 

It should be mentioned that the Fire Service 
xtension Building has been one of the primary 
.lerests of the State Comptroller. J. Millard 
"awes. As a former president of the State 
emen's Association, the request for funds 
n the erection of the State headquarters, to 
ike more effective the work throughout the 
tate. fell on willing ears. Said Mr. Tawes: 

"I regard this building as an example of the 

ar-reaching efforts on the part of the State 

rnment to meet the needs of our people 

for education and for more effective service, not 

only in this field, but in other fields as well." 

Governor Herbert R. O'Conor's brief but 

pointed message: 

"I have taken great pleasure and pride in the 

this 1 Sen .ce Extension 

Building project jusi an I have taken great pride 

in the achievements 

Tin' Fire Service E^ztension Building, Dedicated September 28th, 


of the Volunteer 
Firemen of the 
State. I regard the 
money the State has 
put into this build- 
ing, and the money 
that it appropriates 
for carrying on the 
Fire Service Exten- 
sion work, not an 
expenditure, but as 
an investment in the 
s welfare I 
am glad to have 
b( n in a position 
to eon'nbute to-' 
waid this end. I 
latulaie you 
all on having this 
new facility." 

Mr. Miles, State 

The Honorable 

State Com. trailer 
Treasurer, in his characteristically modest 
ways, says: 

"It is a great job well done. This build- 
ing, and the Fire Service Extension p»o- 
gram, are significant of the University's 
effort to render greater service to the people 
of the State." 

Dr. Byrd. President of the University, 
has been an ardent supporter of the program, 
and the dedication of the building was the 
fulfillment of one of President Byrd's am- 
bitions for this field of effort. He wel- 
comed the Volunteer Firemen of the State 
with these words: 

"We welcome you on an occasion that 
marks the fulfillment of the dream that 
many of us have had for years, u e have 
all worked, the State Firemen's Association, 
the Governor, the State Treasurer, and the 
State Comptroller, and the University, to 
nake the Fire Service Extension more and 
more successful, and we know that this 
building will be the greatest single means 
of accomplishing that objective. This build- 
ing is evidence of a united eflort. and we 
appreciate your presence as evidence of our 
joint will to succeed. 

Benefits Entire State 

The Fire Service Extension work carried 
on through the Engineering College under 
Dean S. S. Steinberg and Chief J. W. Just 
reaches into every corner of the State. 
Lower insurance rates, conservation of pro- 
perty, knowledge of how explosions occur 
and how to prevent spontaneous com- 
bustion, and all other matters incidental 
to successful fire fighting and fire prevention, 
are taught in the Fire Service Extension 
work and. consequently, have saved millions 
of dollars for the people of the State. 

The University of Maryland is the Uni- 
versity of tthe State and is the educational 
organization through which the State 
renders service to its people, ih.ough re- 
search, teaching and extension. It will 
continue to help build a Fire Service Ex- 
tension program in Maryland so that, 
ultimately, it will be eflective in saving 
money for every citizen of Maryland 

With the construction of new builJ- 

ings for tht new Engineering College, the 
Glen L. Martin College of Engineering 
and Aeronautical Sciences, a new phase of 
Fire Service Extension will begin, namely, 
research. The University has on its 
Engineering faculty, one of the best men in 
the world in the field of explosives and 
much will be done in this direction, 
through the development of new methods cf 
prevention and through determining more 
of the factors that cause explosions. Also, 
there is a wide field for research in fire- 
proofing, particularly in relation to homes. 
The Fire Service Extension will benefit 
greatly through its close proximity and 
through connection with the other depart- 
ments of the University. Fire Service Ex- 
tension has the support of people of the 
State and actually is in its infancy. It is 
not only the objective of thte University 
and the State Firemen's Association to carry 
the message to the fire companies of the 
State, but ultimately through the public 
schools to the children and the people of 
the State. 

The Honorable 

State Treasurer 

Seventeen years ago during a session of 
the Legislature at Annapolis, Chief Jesse 
A. Fisher, of the Annapolis Company, asked 
Dr. Byrd. then assistant to the President 
of the University if a "Fire College" could 
he established at the University to teach 
Volunteer Firemen of the State how to 
fight fires, conservation of property, about 
spontaneous explosions, etc. The then 
assistant to the President said he would 
rake up the matter and try to arrange it. 
This was done, and shortly after that Chief 
Fisher, on formal motion of the State 
Firemen's Association, appointed a com- 
mittee to wait upon the officals of the 
University of Maryland and to arrange for 
a Short Course for firemen on the Uni 
versity campus. 

As a result of these conferences the first 
Short Course was held in September of 
1930 with an attendance of approximately 
50 men. These short courses became a 


peimanent event and have been held each 
year since with the exception of the four 
war years. 

The Short Course was resumed again 
this year with an attendance of over 250, 
which included repjesentation from Maine, 
New York, Connect cut, Pennsylvania, 
Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennes- 
see and the District of Columbia. 

The instructional staff of this year's 
school was made up of top flight men 
in their fields and came from Massachusetts, 
Illinois, Indiana. North Carolina, New 
York, West Virginia and the District of 

The orginial Short Course was held for 
three days but has been increased to four 
full days. 
Established in 1937 

Tn 193 7, upon further representation 
from the Maryland State Firemen's Associ- 
ation, the University established a Fire 
Service Extension Department to carry on 
a full-time training program in Maryland. 
Mr. R. B. Criswell, of Ohio, was the first 
Director of this program until his untimely 
death in January of 1939. Following Mr. 
Criswell's death, Chief Just came to the 
University in February, 193 9, from Wis- 
consin, to carry on the program. 

The Fire Service Extension Department 
is organized under the College of Engineer- 
ing in cooperation with the State Depart- 
ment of Education, and operates with the 
aid of both Federal and State funds. The 
Department provides in-service training for 
firemen through classes conducted through- 
out the State by Local Instructors. Last 
vear some 750 men were enrolled in 36 
classes throughout the State. 

A Basic Training Course (Section I) 
of seventy-five clock hours is given in the 
fundamentals of firemanship. as well as ?" 
Advanced Course (Section II) ui sixty- 
nine clock hours, covering the technical 
field of fire prevention, control and ex- 
tinguishment, and a third course (Section 
III) of fifty -seven hours, covering still 


D. rector, Service Extension, 
University of Maryland 

more advanced subjects in firemanship, such 
as "Air Crash Fire Fighting and Rescue"; 
"Elenentary Science in the Fire Service"; 
"Dust Explosions," etc. A training course 
of forty-five clock hours for Industrial Plant 
Fire Brigades has also been provided. This 
makes available 246 clock hours of class 
time in firemen's training courses. Firemen 
who have completed the prescribed training 
courses have been given preferential rating in 
positions in the military and naval fire 
fighting forces. 

The Department serves in an advisory 
capacity to the State Fire Marshal and 
municipal authorities in matters of fire 
prevention, fire protection engineering, 
safety regulations and kindred subjects. 
Frequent training courses are given for 
State and Municipal Fire Marshals. 

With the completion of the added fa- 
cilities, short courses will be conducted 
for Janitors and Building Custodians, 
Watchmen, Nurses and Hospital Attendants, 
Teachers and other like groups interested 
in the preservation of life and property. 


To meet the demands of the war emer- 
gency, the Director, J. W. Just, was made 
State Fire Defence Co-ordinator and the 
Department expanded its activity to the 
tiaining of auxiliary fire forces and rescue 
units in defense duties. There was also pro- 
vided a comprehensive training course of 
twenty-four clock hours in connection with 
Incendiaries, War Gases, Infernal Machines, 
Sabotage, and Fire Fighting as Applied to 
Military Explosives and Ammunition, that 
was made available for all Civilian Defense 

The rapid expansion of the Department's 
activities since its inception in October 
193 7, developed a need for larger quarters 
and greatly increased facilities which re- 
sulted in the building that is being officially 
dedicated today. 

The Fire Service Extension Department 
is available to the citizens of Maryland for 
any cooperation or advice in fire protection 

Herewith is a brief summary of the 
activities in firemen's training since its 
beginning in Maryland: 


"Whatever became of Horace P. Quigmire?" 

"Good old Horace P. He got his degree from 
Pharmacy, went to work in a chain drug store 
and had to come right back to school again". 

"What was wrong?" 

"He hadn't learned how to make a lettuce, 
tomato and mayonnaise sandwich so he enrolled 
in Home Ec to round out his education". 

Firemen's Short Course 
Year Attendance 

1930 __ 48 

1931.. 110 

1932 _ 105 

193 3 97 

1934 230 

1 935 95 

1 936 1 3 6 

1937 118 

1 9 38..... 1 7 8 

1939 186 

1940... . . .. . . 162 

1941 311 

1 946 265 

Number of Firemen Enrolled in Regular 
Training Classes — 
Sections I, II, III 
Year Attendance 

193 7-3 8 532 

1938-39 1.059 

1939-40 862 

1940-41 1,076 

1941-42 836 

1942-43 605 

1943-44.. 751 

1 944-45 605 

1 945-46 750 

Additional Training Activities 
Two-day Chief Officers Conference in 

Baltimore, with an attendance of 72 Fire 

Department Officers. 

A series of Teachers Training Courses 

which resulted in 1 1 5 firemen being qualified 

under the State Department of Education 

as Evening School Instructors. 

A series of Teacher Training Courses 

State, Municipal and Department Fire 



Mr. Frederick Harris of the Na\«al Re- 
search Laboratory, Washington, D. C has 
been presented the Meritorious Civilian 
Service Award for outstanding serviee to the 
Navy, Commodore Henry A. Schade, USN, 
announced recently. 

The award, presented Mr. Harris by 
Commodore Schade at ceremonies at the 
Laboratory consisted of a lapel emblem and 
a Certificate of Meritorious Civilian Service, 
and cited Mr. Harris' service as follows: 

"For outstanding effort and resource- 
fulness in developing ultra high frequency 
direction finder antennas and for designing 
suitable means of installation on sub 

Mr. and Mrs. Harris, the former Esther 
Snyder, live at 4413 3rd Street, S. E. 
He is a graduate of the University of 
Maryland, Eng. '3 8, and is back at Mary- 
land in the Graduate School. 


Marshall H. Downes. Centreville, Mary- 
and, Agriculture '42, writes, "I am cur- 
rently farming on the Eastern Shore paying 
particular attention to the production of 
hybrid seed corn and certified seed wheat. 
I strongly feel that the opportunity to 
study agriculture should be extended to 
all future farmers, as learning to farm from 
experience can prove to be tremendously 
costly both to the individual and the agri- 
cultural resources of the nation". 


Ex-GI, who fancies himself fast on the 
trigger — "May I call you by your first name?" 

Nice Party, not so slow on the uptake either- — 
"Big Shorty, you may call me by YOUR last 


First Lieutenant Bill Holbrook of Col- 
lege Park will be stationed in Europe in 
the U. S. Medical Corps. 

Lt. Holbrook is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland (AfcfS) where he was 
on the boxing team and a member of the 
track squad. Besides being president of his 
graduating class, he was also president of 
his class in Medical School. Not only a 
star in sports, Bill was also an honor 
student, winning the gold watch for being 
such an outstanding student at Maryland. 

At Medical School he continued to keep 
his good record by winning the faculty 
medal given to the outstanding medical 
student. (BS. '42) 


Dr. Albcrtus Cotton, who has been con- 
ducting orthopedic clinics on the Eastern 
Shore for more than fifteen years, has 
given up his practice because of the burden 
of his work else-where. 

Dr. Cotton, 72, graduated from the 
University of Maryland School of Medicine 
in 1896 and has been teaching orthopedic 
surgery at the institution for nearly 50 
years. He is at present professor of otho- 
pedic surgery there. 


Earl A. Grouse, ex-G.I. and s:cond 
semester freshman, was awarded $54 74 by 
James L. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation. 
Cleveland, Ohio, for his paper concerning 
the use of arc welding on the farm. Grouse 
was the only winner in Maryland. 

Crouse was the freshman in the College 
of Agriculture selected by a committee to 
represent the University and the State of 
Maryland at Camp Miniwanca through the 
sponsorship of the Danforth Foundation 
during this past summer. 


^ "T Bundles from Hcaveii 
>%& rf-tfS <*fe) 

Mr. and Mrs. Seymour B. Payne, 4917 
Crescent Street, Washington 16. D. C. had 
a new baby girl report at their house on 
September 21, 1946. The young lady is 
Catherin Anne Payne and is the Seymour's 
second child. 

Mrs. Seymour was Louis Gardiner, Mary- 
land 1940. 

From 1109 Ontario Street. Oak Park, 
Illinois, comes the announcement of the 
arrival, on September 28, 1946. of Frank 
Benjamin Cogswell, six pounds, 10 ounces 
of "crown prince" for Lieutenant Colonel 
and Mrs. Charles L. Cogswell. The very 
best we can think of to wish the young 
fellow is that he turns out to be a man 
like his daddy is. 

Its a boy for Mr. and Mrs. William 
Booth. She wos Rosaleen Pifer. Maryland 
BPA '43. Member of Kappa Delta Sorority. 

The father, Maryland. Commerce '42. 
Member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. 

Its a boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 
Kenneth A. Richer, 3 602 Southern Avenue. 
Baltimore 14, Md. Mr. Richer graduated 
from Maryland in 1943. B.S. (A « S) and 
was for two and one half years in the 
Navy's Radio Division where he held 
commissioned rank. 

The mother is the former Carolyn 
Radecke of Hamilton. 

Its a baby daughter. Barbara Jean at the 
home of Mr. and Mrs. Spence Betts, 
Chicago, 111. Mrs Betts is the former Betty 
Rowley, Kappo Delta, Home Economics 
'44, The proud father graduated in 1943, 
BPA, Phi Delta Theta. 

It was a boy at the home of Mr. and 
Mrs. William R. Maslin, Jr., Jarettsville. 
Maryland. The father was a member of 
the class of '42, Sigma Chi. The class 
of '43 will remember the mother as Dottie 
McAllister, Tri Delt. 

A boy also for Margaret Maslin Wilhelm, 
Tri Delt. The youngster was born in 
London, England. Mrs. Wilhelm was a 
member of the Red Cross Clubmobile when 
she meet her husband, war correspondent 
for the Chicago Sun. He is a graduate of 
the University of Michigan. 

Mrs. Gene Sullivan, nee Dottie Douglas, 
writes in from Kennedyville, Md.. to put 
us straight on the Maryland combine that 
now has increased to three. 

Dottie, '45 Arts and Sciences, and Gene, 
'43 Agriculture, were married on August 1, 
1945, and Gene Sullivan, Jr.. arrived on 
May 13, 1946. She says all of them now 
are bonafide Eastern Shore residents. 

However, both came to Maryland from 
other States. Dottie from Lansdowne, Pa., 
and Gene from Ridgewood, N. J 

Both were highly prominent in campus 
affairs. Dottie, who was a Tri-Delt, was 
Mortar Board among her many activities, 

and Gene, a Sigma Chi. took in about 
everything including ODK. He also was 
managing editor of the Diamondback and 
manager of the baseball team. 

She didn't supply many details on Gene's 
war service, saying only that he had 
served in England and France as a sergeant 
in the 9th Air Force. 

It truly can be said that the Eastern 
Shore has gained. May the Sullivans con- 
tinue to grow and prosper. 

P. S. — Dottie was good enough to say: 
"One of the best ways to keep up with our 
traveling friends from Maryland is to read 
the Alumni News. Keep up the good 


ITV^fWgN* \Jf 

n^V f.Zsheir Zring^rd 

Lockwood — Johnson 

Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Johnson, Jef- 
ferson, Iowa, announce the engagement of 
their daughter, Martha Lee, to Capt. Warren 
M. Lockwood, Washington, D. C. 

Captain Lockwood is son of Mrs. Coch- 
ran Lockwood, Silver Spring, and Merritt 
Lockwood, Hillandale, Md. He is great- 
grandson of the late Gov. John P. Cochran 
of Delaware. After attending Maryland 
University, he entered the Army Air Forces, 
serving overseas as a fighter pilot, and is 
now stationed at Boiling Field. 
Hoddinott — Throckmorton 

Engaged to be married are Miss Lenore 
Throckmorton and Mr. Richard Lc Mar 
Hoddinott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald 
Kenning Hoddinott of Baltimore. 

The bride-elect is a graduate of Southern 
Seminary and now is attending Maryland 
University. Mr. Hoddinott also is a student 
at Maryland University and was graduatted 
from the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. 
He served as a captain in the 15th Air 
Force in Italy. 
Robinson — Snowden; 
Morris — Snowden 

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snowden of Sandy 
Spring announce the engagement of their 
daughters, Miss Nellie Marie Snowden to 
Mr. Francis P. Robinson. Jr., and Miss 
Elsie Brooke Snowden to Mr. Charles 
Arthur Morris. 

Mr. Robinson, whose parents also are of 
Sandy Spring, served three years overseas. 
Mr. Morris, who served with the Navy, is 
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McClelland 
Morris of Unity, Md., and is now attending 
the University of Maryland. 


Announcement was made by Mr. and 
Mrs. Raymond L. Scaggs of Upper Marl- 
boro of the engagement of their daughter. 
Miss Hettie Gene Scaggs, to Mr. Robert 
O. Bigelow, son of Mr. and Mrs. George 
O. Bigelow of Baltimore. 

Miss Scaggs attended Dc Pauw Univer- 
sity and now is a junior at the University 
of Maryland, where she is enrolled in the 
College of Arts and Science. Mr. Bigelow 
also is a student at the latter university 
and during the war was a B-29 pilot, and 
made 3 6 missions over Japan. 

Mrs. Albert Middleton Briggs of Alex- 
andria recently announced the engagement 
of her daughter. Miss Elizabeth Thelma 
Briggs. to Mr. Albert Eugene Vogel of 


The bride-elect attended Madison Col- 
lege and is employed in the Office of the 
Quartermaster General. 

Mr. Vogel, a 1942 graduate of Mary- 
land University, where he received a Bache- 
lor of Science Degree from the College of 
Commerce, served for three years as an 
officer in the Naval Reserve during the 
war. He is now with the Capital Air 
McComas- Anderson 

Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnold Anderson of 
Silver Spring announced the engagement of 
their daughter, Miss Muriel Kathryn An- 
derson, to Mr. Harry Gough McComas III, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. McComas 
of Washington, D. C. 

Miss Anderson was graduated from Mont- 
gomery Blair High School and Marjorie 
Webster Junior College, and is physical 
education director in parochial schools of 
the District. 

Mr. McComas is a graduate of Massa- 
nutten Academy in Woodstock. Va., and 
has planned to return to Maryland Uni- 
versity. He served three yeais with the 
Army Air Forces in the Pacific theater. 

Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Burton of 
Washington have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter. Miss Gwendolyn 
Louise Burton, to Mr. Robert Francis Dee, 
formerly of Worcester, Mass. 

Miss Burton is a g aJuate of Annacostia 
High School, attended George Washington 
University and now is employed by the 
National Geographic Society. Her future 
husband was graduated from Central High 
School and has entered Maryland Univer- 
sity. He recently returned after three 
years 'service in the Army, two of which 
were spent overseas. 

Ethna Dawn Hunter, formerly of Oyster 
Bay, L. I., and now employed at the Civil 
Aeronautics Administration in Washing- 
ton, and Warren H. Moore of Chevy Chase, 
have announced their engagement. Moore 
was a student at the University for two 
years before going into the service and 
has returned. 

Doris Helen Lundquist. '45 Education, 
and Percy L. Wolfe, a senior in the Col- 
lege of Commerce, have announced their 
engagement. She is the daughter of Comdr. 
and Mrs. D. A. Lundquist of Silver Spring 
and is working in the Johns Hopkins Ap- 
plied Physic Loboratory at that place. 
Percy, who lives in Riverdale. is manager 
of the football team. She is a Sigma 
Kappa and he is a Sigma Nu. 

Major Charles E. Emery. USMC, and 
Mrs. Emery, of Annapolis, recently an- 
nounced the engagement of their daughter. 
Miss Margaret Susan Emery, to Lieut. 
Ronald L. Glendenning. USMC. son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Glendenning. 
of Denver, Col., and Long Beach. N. J. 

Miss Emery attended Mary Washington 
College. Fredericksburg. Va.. and Univer- 
sity of Maryland, where she was enrolled 
in the Arts and Science in 1944-45. 
Lieutenant Glendenning was graduated from 
the Naval Academy, class of 1946. and is 
serving with the Marine detachment aboard 
the U.S.S. Albany. 

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tauber announce 
the engagement of their daughter. Selma. 
to Robert N. Vigderhouse. son of Mrs. 
Jeanette Vigderhouse, Takoma Park, Md. 

Miss Tauber attended school in Alex- 
andria, Va., and is a member of Kappa 
Sigma Tau. Mr. Vigderhouse attended 
Maryland University and Virginia Poly- 
technic Institute, leaving in 1942 to enter 
the Army. 


Doctor and Mrs. Thomas F. Daniels, 
of Homeland, have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter. Miss Nancy Teresa 
Daniels, to Mr. William Joseph O'Donnell, 
son of Mrs. Joseph F. O'Donnell and the 
late Mr. O'Donnell. of Lakeside. 

Miss Daniels was graduated from Notre 
Dame of Maryland. Mr. O'Donnell is an 
assistant State's Attorney of Baltimore, was 
graduated from Loyola College and Uni- 
versity of Maryland School of Law, where 
he was elected to the Order of the Coif. 

Haller-Jones ( 

Making early fall wedding plans is Miss 
Frances Anne Haller. of Washington. D. C 
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Herbeit L. J. 
Haller, who announce her engagement to 
Jean Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 
R. Jones. Little Rock. Ark. 

The bride-elect attended Woman's Col- 
lege oi the University of North Carolina 
and was graduated in June from Maryland 
University, where she was a member of 
Kappa Kappa Gamma. She received • 
B. A. Degree horn the College of Arts 
and Science. A member of S.gma Alpha 
Epsilon. Mr. Jones attended Little Rock 
Junior College. University of Arkansas 
and now is in his senior year at George 
Washington University. 


Comdr. and Mrs. Russell B. Jones, Sr., 
USNR. of Breckenridge. Texas, who reside 
in Takoma Park, announced the engage- 
ment and approaching marriage of their 
daughter. Maxine Elizabeth, to Capt. 
Harry W. Saunders. Jr., U. S. Army 
Reserve, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. 
Saundes, of Abilene. Texas. 

Miss Jones attended Southwestern Uni 
versity and the University of Maryland. 
She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi and Pi 
Kappa Delta. 

Captain Saunders, a member of the 
graduating class of 1944 of Texas A. Srf 
M., was a Distinguished Student, associate 
editor of the "Longhom." member of 
the Architectural Society and Press Club. 

He served with the Combat Army Engi- 
neers in the European Theatre of Opera- 
tions with the 87th Infantry Division and 
holds the Bronze Star Award, the Purple 
Heart, and the European Theatre Ribbon 
with two stars. 


Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. McCoy re- 
cently announced the engagement of their 
daughter. Dona June, to Allen McBurney, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. McBurney. 
Buffalo. N. Y. 

Miss McCoy is a student enrolled in the 
College of Arts and Science at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland and a member of Sigma 
Kappa. Mr. McBurney recently was dis- 
charged from the Naval Air Corps. 



Announcement has been made of the 
engagements ot the Misses Margaret Leslie 
Helm and Snyder Helm, daughters 
ot Mr. and Mrs. William P. Helm, River- 
dale, Md. 

John C. Phillips. Jr.. son of Mr. and 
M.s. J. C. Phillips of Washington, is 
ilie fiance of Miss Margaret Leslie Helm. 
who is a graduate of the Maryland Insti- 
tute of Art in Baltimore. Miss Selma 
Snyder Helm will marry Martin J. Leader 
ol Hyattsville. son of the late Mr. and 
Mrs. William J. Leader of Baltimore. She 
was graduated in June. 1946. from the 
University of Maryland, where she was 

president of the Gamma Phi Beta sororuv 
and a member of the Mortar Board honor 


Mr. and Mrs. John Meador King have 
announced the engagement of their daugh- 
ter. Shirley Anne, to Robert Flaxman 
Krcimeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis 

Miss King is a student at Maryland Uni- 
veisity and a member of Alpha Xi Delta 
soiority. Mr. Krelmeyer also attended the 
University of Maryland previous to his 
^ntry into the Army. 


First Sergeant Gerald C. Covell. USA, 
and Mrs. Covell. of Glen Burnie. Md., 
and Fort Meyer, Va., announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter. Miss Geraldine 
Covell, a sophomore at University of 
Maryland, to Lieut. Frank Spencer Bringlc. 
USAAF. son of Mrs. Frank H. Bringie. 
of Arlington. Va.. and ihe late Captain 
B-ingle. USA. Lieutenant Bringie will 
also resume study at Maryland. 


Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Danoff of Wash- 
ington announced the engagement of their 
daughter. Miss Helen Danott. to Mr. Jerome 
Volkman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 
Volkman of Brooklyn. N. Y. Miss Danoff 
is a student at the University of Mary- 
land and Mr. Volkman is a graduate of 
the College of the City of New Yotk. 


Making December wedding plans is Miss 
Patricia Donovan, whose mother, Mrs. 
John G. Donovan. Bethesda, Md., an- 
nounces her engagement to David Pratt 
Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, 
also of Bethesda. 

Miss Donovan, daughter of the late 
Col. John G. Donovan, attended Chevy 
Chase Junior College and University of 
Maryland, where she was enrolled in the 
College of Arts and Science, and was a 
member of Delta Delta Delta. Mr. Bell 
attended the Citadel in Charleston. S. C 
before entering the Army. 


The engagement has been announced of 
Miss Ruth Roberts Sterling, daughter ol 
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sterling, both of 
Baltimore, to Mr. Henry Norman Stecklei. 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Steckler. Wii- 
kins Avenue. 

Miss Sterling attended University of 
Maryland, where she was enrolled in the 
College of Education in 1940. and Johns 
Hopkins University. Mr. Steckler. an 
alumnus of University of Maryland, where 
he received a Bachelor of Science Deg ec 
in 1942, from the College of Education, 
recently was discharged from the Army, 
after serving two years in Europe. 


The engagement of Miss Edith Scales 
Silcolx. '44 Home Economics, of New York 
City, to John C. Stidman. '43 Arts and 
Sciences, of Baltimore, has been announced. 

Miss Silcox is now Dining Room Super- 
visor at the American Telephone and Tele- 
graph Company in New Yo k. 

Mr. Stidman is teaching Selene; in Pat- 
terson Park High School In Baltimore, and 
is also working on his Master Degree in 
Education at Johns Hopkins University. 


Mr. and Ms. Tom E. Wrathall have 
announced the engagement of their daugh- 
ter, Miss Marion Lois W-athall. to Wil- 
liam Griffin Smith, son of Mrs. Margaret 
Cooper Smith, of Chevy Chase. Md.. and 
the late Olinus Smith. 


The bride-elect attended the University ot 
Maryland in the past year enrolled in the 
College of Home Economics, and is a mem- 
ber of Kappa Delta sororitv. 

Mr. Smith recently returned from four 
years duty in the Asiatic-Pacific area, and 
is now instructing in occupational therapy 
at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. 


Mr. and Mrs. Hal R. Garner of An- 
napolis. Md.. announce the engagement of 
their daughter. Joanna Rockhold. to Mr. 
Frank Barton Evans, son of the late 
Frank B. Evans and Eliza Hance Evans 
of Elkton. 

Miss Garner is a junior at Washington 
College. Chestertown. Md. Mr. Evans is 
a student at the University of Maryland, 
School of Pharmacy. 


No date has been set fo _ the wedding 
of Miss Vance Tennant Ricker and Pvt 
George Louis Shelhorse of Raleigh. N. C. 
Their engagement was announced by Mrs 
Lillian T. Ricker. 

The bride-elect attended William and 
Mary College and now is completing her 
senior year at the University of Maryland. 
Pvt. Shelbo-se attend:d High Point Col- 
lege in North Caro'ira and w^s a student 
at the University of Maryland before en- 
tering the service. 


Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Lewis B. Hershey 
have announced the engagement of their 
daughter. Ellen Margaret, to Sam L. Barth. 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Barth of 
Vincennes. Ind. 

Miss Hershey was graduated from Wood- 
row Wilson High School and attended the 
University of Maryland for two years. 
She is a member of Kappa Delta. 

Mr. Barth served in the ETO with the 
"547th infantry. Eighty-seventh division. 
He is at present attending Indiana Univer- 
sity, where he is a member of Alpha 
Kappa Psi. the collegiate chamber of com- 
merce and the YMCA council. 


Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Imirie of 
Bethesda announced the engagement of their 
daughter. Margaret Ann. to Mr. Wallace 
A. Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 
Ashby Marshall cf Washington. D. C. at 
a buffet supper recently. 

Miss Imirie is a g-aduate of Bethesda- 
Chevy Chase Hgh School and is now with 
the United States Public Health Service. 
Mr. Marshall was recently discha'ged from 
ihe United States Army after three years 
of service. He will r esume his studies this 
fall at Maryland Universi'v. where he is 
a member of Phi Sigma Kappa f-aternity. 
No date has been set fo- the wedding. 


Mr. and Mrs. Alvah W. Dodge. Lynn. 
Mass. announced the engagement of their 
daughter. Charlotte Elizabeth, to John 
Fergus Gifford. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 
liam Gifford. Jr.. Washington. 

The bride-elect attended BoUon Uni- 
versity. M r . Gifford is a graduate of Uni- 
versity of Maryland and is a veteran of 
World War II. having served in the Pa- 
cific theater. 

Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Porter of Pincy 
B-anch Court recently announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter. Miss Bettie 
Virginia Porter, to Mr. Fred Lee Wither- 
sooon. Jr., son of Mr. and M-s. Fred Lee 
Witherspoon of Silver Spring. 

Both Miss Porter and Mr. Witherspoon 
are graduates of Montgomery Blair High 
School and the University of Maryland. 

Miss Porter holds a degree as medical 
technologist and is now bacteriologist at 
Children's Hospital. 

Mr. Witherspoon, recently discharged 
from the armed forces, served two and a 
half years in the U. S. Naval Reserve 
with the rank of Ensign. He is now with 
the Western Electric in Baltimore. 

Comdr. and Mrs. Russell B. Jones, 
Breckenridge, Texas, and Washington, an- 
nounced the engagement and approaching 
marriage of their daughter. Maxine Eliza- 
beth, to Capt. Harry W. Saunders, Jr.. 
AUS. son of Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, Abi- 
lene, Texas. 

Miss Jones attended Southwestern Uni- 
versity, the University of Maryland and 
is a member of Alpha Delta Pi and Pi 
Kappa Delta sororities. Captain Saunders 
is a graduate of Texas A. ft M. He served 
with the Combat Army Engineers in the 
European theater of operations. 

Herring — Littleton 

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Littleton Herring, 
who were married recently in Ocean City, 
Md., are now residing at Hilltop Manor, 

Besides the Roberts-Beach School and 
Smith College, Mrs Herring was graduated 
fiom the Horace Mann School in New 
York and the American School of Paris 
in France. 

Mr. Herring, a former B-17 pilot in 
the AAF, was for several months a German 
prisoner. He received a B. S. degree from 
the College of Commerce of the University 
of Maryland last spring and this fall is 
beginning the study of the law at George 
Washington University. 
Foltz— Custer 

Miss V iv. ^n Lorraine Custer, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Willard R. Custer, became 
the bride of Robert Brown Foltz, Jr., 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Foltz, at 
the Hagerstown Christ Reformed Church 
on September 20. 

The bride was graduated from the Hagers- 
town High School with the class of 1942, 
and attended thte University of Maryland 
in the year of 1942-43 where she was a 
member of the Alpha Xi Delta sorority. 

Mr. Foltz was graduated from the 
Hagerstown High school with the class 
of 1945. He served with the U. S. Navy 
for a year and a half, eight montths of 
which were spent overseas. 
Kempton — McNaughton 

Christine Kempton became the bride of 
John Neil McNaughton recently in Wash- 
ington. D.C. 

The bride received a B. A. degree from 
the College of Arts and Science at the 
University of Maryland in 1938. She was 
a member of Kappa Delta Sorority and 
was very active in student publications. 
Osbom — Helm 

Miss Ruth Ellen Helm, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Clarence A. Helm of Duluth, 
Minn., was recently married to Mr. James 

McClain Osborn, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Herbert M. Osborn of Washington. The 
Rev. C. Stewart McKenzie officiated. 

Mrs. Osborn received her B. S. degree 
from the University of Minnesota and her 
M. A. from George Washington University. 
Her husband received his B. S. and M. S. 
degree from the University of Maryland. 
He formerly was a lieutenant commander 
in the Naval Reserve. 

Cleaveland — Blauchette 

December wedding will be that of Miss 
Mary Anne Cleaveland and Mr. William 
Aldrich Blauchette, jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Blauchette, of Takoma Park, whose 
engagement is announced by her parents 
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cleaveland also of 
Takoma Park. 

Mr. Blauchette served with the 3 6th 
Infantry Division and with the Trans- 
portation Corps for two years and now is 
attending the University of Maryland. His 
fiancee is employed at the Bureau of 

Hopkins — Clore 

The wedding of Miss Betty Clore, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Clore of 
Silver Spring, and Mr. LaMar H. Hopkins, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopkins of 
Philadelphia. Pa., took place in Chevy 

The bride attended Montgomery Blair 
and Coolidge High Schools and was grad- 
uated from the University of Maryland. 

Mr. Hopkins was recently discharged 
from the Marine Corps after three years' 


In Baltimore Harry A. Weaver, Engi- 
neering '43, was married to Margaret E. 
Wolfinger. Education '42. Harry was 
discharged as a Navy Lieutenant last April 
after 3 7 months of active duty, 29 of them 

The Weavers reside in Baltimore. Mr. 
Weaver is now an engineer with the West- 
ern Electric Company and Mrs. Weaver is 
instructor in physical education at Spar- 
rows Point High School, prior to which she 
taught for three years in Takoma Park 
Junior High and one year at Clear Spring 


The marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth 
Townsend. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. 
Gale Townsend of Cumberland, and Rob- 
ert Tabb Stewart, son of Charles A. Stew- 

iyj€M?, TOE TEH? S£Z> 

Old Silas Turnip- 
seed, alumnus of the 
class of away back in 
eighteen hundred and 
freeze to death opines 
that he's a-gettin' 
well fed up on this 
accent on youth in all 
lines of endeavor. 
'eem..! as though some folks figure 
that when y'r over 60 y'r jest a- 
shadow boxing with the door knob 
on the morgue and that a man 
over 50 ain't got no more pep than 
a salt shaker. Durned if I've ever 
heard of a formula whereby a man 
could acquire experience without 
also acquiring age 


art. Falls Church, Va.. and the late Mrs. 
Stewart, was solemnized in Washington 
D. C. 

Mr. Stewart and his bride reside in 

The bridegroom, a former first lieuten- 
ant in the army, is an accountant in Wash- 
ington. He graduated from University of 
Richmond and Benjamin Franklin. He 
;erved in the army four years with assign- 
ments in the states and the Philippines. 

The bride, a graduate of Beall High 
School, and University of Maryland, where 

he received a B. A. degree from the 
College of Arts and Science in 1938. served 
a> a lieutenant junior grade in the WAVES 
two years, as a hospital educational ser- 
vice officer. She is a District of Columbia 

ocial case worker in the department of 
public welfare. 


Saint Thomas Apostle Church. Wash- 
ington, D. C was the setting for the 
wedding of Miss Joan Pendergast Lamar, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Q. Lamar. 
Washington, and Pe cr Waldo Pence, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl S Peirce. Chevy 
Chase. The Rev. Robert Keesler officiated. 
Miss Patricia Moran was maid of honor: 
Edward Dinkins, best man. A reception 
fo'lewed at the bride's home. 

Mr. Peirce attended the University of 
Maryland prior to service in the U. S. Coast 


The wedding cf Miss Caroline McGill, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McP. 
McGill. of Thurmont and Baltimore, and 
Dr. Frederick Graf Wh:lan. son of Mr. 
and Mrs. William C. Whelan. Baltimore, 
took place in Catoctin. 

The bride is a graduate of Thurmont 
High School, in the class of '3 7, and the 
University of Maryland, class of '42, and 
for the past three years has taught at the 
Linthicum Heights Junior High School. 

The groom graduated from Baltimore 
Polytechnic and received his doctor's degree 
from Johns Hopkins University. June 1 1 . 
He will be employed in electrical research at 
General Electric in Schenectady. 


The marriage of Mile. Nicole Lucienne 
Elenore Giluiard, daughter of Monsieur and 
Madame Joseph Giluiard, Paris. France. 
and James Edwin Malcolm, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. James Emory Malcolm. 46 Wal- 
mur Street. Silver Spring, took place in 
the Bethlehem Chapel of Washington Ca- 
thedral. Mt. St. Albans. Washington. 

The bride attended the Ecole Du Louvre 
in Paris, where she majored in the history 
of art. 

The groom graduated from the college 
of engineering at the University of Mary- 
land, where he was a member of Alpha 
Chi Sigma fraternity. During the war 
Mr. Malcolm was a pilot in the Army 
Air Corps, stationed in France with the 
poop earner command of the First Allied 
Airborne Army. 


Married recently were Miss Eleanor Tits- 
worth, daughter of Mrs. Paul Titsworth 
of Alfred. N. Y.. and M-. William Keech 
Wilson, son of Mrs. E. Percival Wilson, 
of Bethesda. 

Following a reception in the Purple Iris 
'nn. the couple left on a motor trip South. 
Thev are making thei- ho-^e in Betherda. 

Mrs. Wilson attended Washington Col- 
lege and the University of North Carolina 
Library School. Her husband attended the 
University of Maryland, where he obtained 
his B. S. degree in 1932. 


The wedding of William E. Snyder, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Snyder, of near 
Thurmont. and Miss Miriam J. Tendvahl. 
Baltimore, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Flan- 
agan, of Boston. Mass.. took place at 
Frederick, Md. 


Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Tetlow were 
married recently at Ail Souls' Memorial 
Episcopal Church. The biide is the for- 
mer Jean Walker Langley. daughter of 
Mr. and M:s. Charles E. Langley. Wash- 
ington. Mr. Tetlow. son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Stanley C. Tetlow, Rockville. Md. The 
brideg.oom is a graduate of Maryland Uni- 


Miss Marjorie Louise Falk. daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Falk. of Pensa- 
cola. Fla.. became the bride of Captain 
John Jenkins Cobler 2d. AUS. son of 
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Dobler. recently 
in Houston. Texas. There was a reception 
at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt. 
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hill. Captain and 
Mrs. Dobler are graduates of the University 
o: Maryland. 


In a recent ceremony. Miss Mary Bessant 
Latimer and Jay Merritt Mount were 
uniied in maniage. The bride is a daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts Edwin Latimer, 
Washington. D. C. Mr. Mount is a son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Albert Mount. Cleve- 
land and Washington. 

The bride is a graduate of University 
of Maryland. Mr. Mount received his de- 
gree in chemical engineering from VPI. 
He served in the European theater for 34 

Kagle- Wentworth 

Miss Wilma Reed Wentworth, daughter 
of Mrs. Sidney W. Wentworth and the 
late Professor Wentworth of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, became the bride of Mr. 
John Horace Kagle, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. John H. Kagle of Riverdale. recently, 
in the First Methodist Church of Hyatts- 

Mrs. Kagle is a 1946 graduate of the 
College of Home Economics of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. Mr. Kagle, who 
was recently discharged from the Navy 
after a fine service record, is now attending 
the College of Agriculture of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. 


Miss Lucille Stewart, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Noble E. Stewart of Arnold. 
Md.. was married recently to Rutland 
Duckett Beard 2d, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Rutland D. Beard o f Chevy Chase, at St. 
Anne's Episcopal Church in Annapolis. 

The bride is a graduate of the University 
of Maryland and is a member of Kappa 
Delta sorority. She has accepted a teach- 
ing position at Hyattsville Junior High 
School. The bridegroom attended Vir- 
ginia Military Institute. University of 
Maryland and is currently attending George- 
town University. He is a member of 
Alpha Tau Omega. 


Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church 
was the scene recently of the marriage of 
Mi?s Elizabeth Morton Ring, daughter of 
Rear Admiral and Mrs. Morton Loomis 
Ring. Chevy Chase, and Kenneth Hill 
Bransdorf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. 
Bransdorf. Washington 

The bride is a graduate of Maryland 
University and a member of Kappa Kappa 
Gamma, Pi Delta Epsilon and Mortar 
Board. Mr. Bransdorf attended Maryland 
University before serving thr*>8 years with 
the Army Air Forces. He has now re- 
sumed his studies and is a member of Sigma 


Sherwood Presbyterian Church was the 
scene recently of the 3 o'clock wedding of 
Miss Mona Jeanne Keesling and Mr. Wal- 
lace E. Easter. Mrs. Easter is the daugh- 
tetr of Mr. and M.s. Harold C. Keesling 
of Washington, and her husband is the 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Easter, also 
of Washington. 

The bride received a B. A. degree from 
George Washington University, and the 
bridegroom attended Maryland University 
and Maryville College, Maryville. Tenn. 
At present he is a senior student at Prince- 
ton Theological Seminary. Princeton. N. J. 


Married recently in St. Jerome Catholic 
Church were Miss Cecilia Patricia Goodurn. 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Northrup 
Goodurn, Riverdale. Md.. and Paul Ferdi- 
nand Gleis. son of Prof, and Mrs. Paul 
Gerhart Gleis. also of Riverdale. 

Following a reception at Prince Georges 
Golf and Country Club, the couple left for 
the Pocono Mountains. They are living 
in Riverdale. The bridegroom attended 
University of Maryland. 


After returning from their honeymoon 
in Canada, both Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spen- 
cer Bringle are attending the University of 

Thev were married recently at College 
Park, where they are now living. 

Mrs. Bringle is the daughter of First 
Sgt. Gerald G. Covill. USA. and Mrs. 
Covell of Glen Burnie. and Mr. Bringle. 
a USAAF lieutenant, is the son of Mrs. 
Frank H Bringle and the late Captain 
Bringle. USA. of Arlington, Va. 


In St. John's Episcopal Church in 
Bethesda. Miss Evelyn Marie Kennedy, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. 
Kennedy of Bethesda, recently became the 
bride of Mr. George R. Kelley, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. George W. Kelley. Jr., of Chevy 

The bride is a member of Tri-Delta 
Sorority and is a graduate of Bethesda- 
Chevy Chase High School. 

The bridegroom is a graduate of Ran- 
dolph-Macon Academy and attended the 
Univeisity of Maryland before entering 
the service. He served in Naval Air Corps 

<"the uttue o^ 6 " f 

<Cr*-RRlES THe | 

} QINC.ER <=SUG /* A., 

lor four years as a radio gunner. 

After a trip to New York City 
the couple will live in College Park, where 
they both are students at the University of 


St. Michael's Church was the scene of 
the recent wedding of Miss Genevieve Hib- 
beit and Mr. George H. Jones. Mrs. Jones 
is ihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter 
C. Hibbe.t. formerly of Washington, and 
her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 
A. Golden Jones of Hughesville, Md. 

The bride is employed at the Naval Labo:ato:y in Washington. Her 
husband leceivcd his honorable discharge 
from mili.aiy service and has nearly com 
pleted his aeronautical engineering course 
at the Universi.y of Ma.yland. 


Miss Dorothy May Hastings, daughter of 
Mrs. William Peny Bigg; of Woodacres. 
recently became the bride o. Mr. Harry 
Clayton Ovitt. son of Mrs. Julian West 
Pollard of Chevy Chase, in the Chapel 
of the Redeemer. Fairway Hills, Md. 

After a reception at the Kenncdy-War- 
tcn in Washington, the couple left for a 
wedding trip to the White Mountains in 
New Hampshire. 

The bridegroom has resumed his studies 
at the University of Maryland. 


Miss Augusta Jane Nicoll. daughter of 
Mr. and Mis. William E. Nicoll of Laurel, 
was married to Mr. David Harry Chambers, 
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cham- 
bers of Catonsviile. at a recent ceremony 
in Laurel. 

They arc making their home in Balti- 
more. Mr. Chambers was graduated from 
the University of Maryland before entering 
the Army Air Forces, with which he served 
for three years. He will resume his studies 
at the University for his master's degree. 


F. Landis Hill. University of Maryland, 
4 3. a member of Kappa Alpha Fraternity, 
was married to Miss Elizabeth Stader, 
Gladwyne. Pa. 

Mr. Hill served two of his three years 
in the Marine Corps in the South Pacific. 
He was awarded the Purple Heart for 
wounds received during the invasion of 
Guam. He is now employed by the Phila- 
delphia Electric Company. 

Mrs. Hill attended the University of 
Maryland for two years and is a member 
of Tri-Delta Sorority. She is now com- 
pleting her course at Temple University. 
Pennsylvania. The young couple are living 
in Bryn Mawr, Pa. 


The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Ham- 
ilion. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank John 
Hamilton, of Wellesley Hills. Boston. Mas... 
to Cha-lcs Philip Freeland. son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Charles J. Freeland. of 2 3S 
Humbird Street, took place in Cumberland 

The bride attended schools in Chicago, 
where she received her R. N. degree. 

Mr. Freeland was graduated from St. 
Mary's High School. He was discharged 
from the Army with the grade of sergeant 
in November, 1945. after serving three and 
one-half years in North Africa. He is a 
fieshman at the University of Maryland 
studying electrical engineering. 


Robert J. Torvestad. son of Mayor and 
Mrs. Torvestad of Colmar Manor, with 
his bride, formerly Miss Loretta Ann Zigler 


of New York City, returned from their 
honeymoon in the Pocono Mountains. 

Mr. Torvestad was discharged from the 
Army Air Corps last September as first 
lieutenant, after having piloted a B-17 
Fortress 3 2 missions over Germany. 

Mr. Torvestad is a graduate of Bladens- 
burg High School and the University of 
Maryland, having received a Bachelor of 
Arts Degree from the College of Arts and 
Science in 1943. He is now studying law, 
having completed one year since his return, 
at Georgetown Law School. 


The wedding of Miss Anna Ellen Piel, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bertram L. Piel, 
of Baltimore, and Mr. Arlie R. Mansberger, 
Jr., son of the Rev. and Mrs. Arlie R. 
Mansberger, of Hollidays Cove, W. Va., 
took place in Howard Park Methodist 
Church, Baltimore. Mrs. Mansberger is a 
graduate of Western Maryland College, and 
her husband is a senior at University of 
Maryland Medical School. 


Miss Mary Ellen Hickerson, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hickerson, Western- 
port, W. Va., became the bride of Elmer 
L. Poffenberger. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 
PofFenberger, Sharpsburg, at Piedmont, W. 

The bride is a graduate of Davis, W. 
Va. High School, attended Potomac State 
School, Keyser, W. Va.. and tece.ved her 
degree from West Virginia University, 
Morgantown. At the present time she is 
a home economic teacher in Washington 
Junior High School, Hagerstown. 

Mr. Poffenberger graduated from Shep- 
herd College and received his degree from 
the University of Maryland, B. S. Educa- 
tion '42. He is the physical education in- 
structor at Washington Junior High School. 


At Chicago Richard E. Freese and Jean 
Rowley were united in marriage. The 
bride, the former Miss Jean Rowley, Kappa 
Delta, graduated from the University of 
Maryland, A. ft S. '46. The groom was 
stationed at the University with Army 
Student Training Program. 


The marriage of Miss Ethel Mae Smelt- 
zer, niece of Miss Margaret Mahaney, to 
Eugene Stanley Schlosnagle, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Howard Schlosnagle, of Acci- 
dent, Garrett County, was solemnized in 

The bride is a graduate of Memorial 
Hospital School of Nursing, class of 1943. 
She did graduate work in public health at 
Columbia University, New York City, and 
is employed by the Maryland State Depart- 
ment of Health. 

Mr. Schlosnagle graduated from the 
Accident High School, class of 1939, and 
received his bachelor of science degree at 
the University of Maryland in 1943, mem- 
ber Alpha Gamma Rho. He taught one 
year at the Accident High School before 
entering the Army, where he served for 
two years, of which nineteen months were 
spent in the ETO. 


Announcement is made of the marriage 
of Miss Edwena Durr, of 3 30 Avirett 
Avenue, to Lawrence C. Arnold, of Cum- 
berland, Md. 

Mrs. Arnold is a graduate of Allegany 
High School and of Frostburg State Teach- 
ers' College. She received her degree from 
the University of Maryland. B. S. '42, 


Miss Virginia Lee Freeman, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. William Granville Freeman, 
Brentwood, Md.. became the bride of 
Edward Walton, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Thomas Walton, Washington, D. C. 

After a wedding trip to Lake Champlain, 
the couple returned to College Park, where 
both are attending the University of Mary- 

Miss Julienne May Reynolds, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Reynolds, of 
Denton, became the bride of Mr. Andrew 
Woodall McCauley, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Herman S. McCauley, of Georgetown. Md., 
a: Hyattsville. 

The bride was graduated from St. 
Mary's Seminary. St. Mary's, Maryland, 
and is a junior in the college of Home 
Economics at the University of Maryland. 

The bridegroom was graduated from Mt. 
St. Joseph's School in Baltimore. He 
was discharged last summer from the Air 
Corps in which he served for three years 


Salty — "A real nice girl wouldn't hold a man's 

Sweetie — "Brother, in THIS league a nice 
girl would have to". 

as a first lieutenant with the 15th Air 
Corps in Italy. At the present time he is 
a senior in the college of Agriculture' at 
College Park (Delta Sigma Phi) . 

Following a wedding trip by automobile 
to Canada, the couple resumed their col- 
lege studies. 

Miss Nancy Kreider Boger, daughter of 
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Boger, and Warren 
Francis Coleman, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Coleman, were married in the Har- 
risburg. Pa., Presbyterian Church. 

The bride attended Mount Vernon Semi- 
nary and University of Maryland, where 
she was a member of Kappa Delta. Mr. 
Coleman also attended Maryland and is 
a member of Phi Delta Theta. During 
the war he served in the Navy. They will 
make their home in College Park, Md. 

Announcement has been made of the 
marriage of Mrs. Phyllis Evans Smith, 
widow of Lieut. Harry Lee Smith. Jr.. 
and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dono- 
van Evans, of Larchmont Woods. New 
Rochellc. N. Y., to Mr. William Robert 
Eckhardt. son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 

Thomas Eckhardt. of Baltimore, on August 

Miss Barbara Ann Evans, sister of the 
bride, was maid of honor and Mr. Charles 
Fardwell, of Baltimore, was best man. Mr. 
and Mrs. Eckhardt are living in College 
Park, where they will attend the University 
of Maryland. Mrs. Eckhardt is enrolled 
in the college of Education and a member 
of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. Mr. 
Eckhardt is enrolled in the college of 
Business and Public Administration and is 
a member of Theta Chi Fraternity. Mrs. 
Eckhardt is a graduate of Southern Semi- 
nary and Junior College. Mr. Eckhardt 
recently was discharged from the Naval Air 

Davis-Mc Williams 

Miss Margaret McWilliams, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. William McWilliams, of 
Wilkinsburg, Pa., and Mr. Aloysius I. 
Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. Davis, 
were married at Havre de Grace in St. 
Stephen Protestant Episcopal Chuich by the 
Rev. V. D. Kline. 

The groom is a graduate of the Havre 
de Grace High School and the University 
of Maryland, where he received a Bachelor 
of Science Degree in 1940 from the College 
of Commerce. He has a responsible po- 
sition with the Carnegie-Illinois Steei Cor- 
poration. He served in the Navy in the 
Central Pacific during the recent war. 

The bride is a graduate of the Wilkins- 
burg High School and of Miss Conley's 


Miss Edith Katherine Godwin, grand- 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cunning- 
ham, of Franklin, N. C, and Mr. Morde- 
cai Gist Welling, son of Mr. William Bray- 
shaw Welling, of Sykesville, and the late 
Mrs. Welling, were married in Franklin. 

They are living in Sykesville. Mrs. 
Welling, member of the Army Nurse Corps, 
for three years, served for two years in 
Europe. Mr. Welling is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland. He received a 
Bachelor of Science Degree in 1942 from 
the College of Agriculture. He is a mem- 
ber of Alpha Gamma Rho. Mr. Welling 
saw service in North Africa, Sicily and 
Italy as a captain in the 3 9th Division. 


Washington, D. C, was the scene re- 
cently of the wedding of Miss Nataly Faith 
Notz and Michael Joseph Fitzmorris, Jr. 
The bride is a daughter of Mrs. William 
F. Notz and the late Dr. Notz, dean of 
the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown 
University. Mr. Fitzmorris is a son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzmorris, Denver. 

The bride is a senior in the College of 
Home Economics at University of Mary- 
land, where she is a member of Alpha 
Omicron Pi. Mr. Fitzmorris, recently dis- 
charged from the Marine Corps after 21 
months' service in the Pacific area, will con- 
tinue his studies at MIT. 

Miss Jean Burnside, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Harold Whiting Burnside of Wash- 
ington, recently became the bride of Mr. 
John Stephen Lawton, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Ransom Lawton of Watkins Glen, 
N. Y. The Rev. William Sharp of St. 
John's Church in Georgetown officiated at 
the ceremony in the home of the bride's 
parents in the presence of relatives and 
intimate friends, and a reception followed. 

Mr. James B. Burnside. brother of the 
bride, was best man for Mr. Lawton and 
Mr. George E. Hall of New York, brother- 
in-law of the bridegroom, and Sergt. Bruce 
H. Burnside of Camp Hood. Texas, brother 
of the bride, were ushers. 


The newly married couple left later for 
a trip to New York State and Canada. 
They are residing in Chester Pa., where the 
bridegroom has entered medical school. 

The was g.aduated from Woodrow 
Wilson High School and the University of 
Maryland, where she received first honors 
in the College of Education and received 
a Bachelor of Science Degree this past year. 
She is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi 
National Honorary and Delta Delta. 


The marriage of Dorothy (Mont) Hoyle, 
daughter of Mrs. Grace Mont. 167 Center 
Streett. Frostburg. and George Rochefort. 
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rochefort. 
North Ridge. Calif., took place recently at 

The bridegroom is a graduate of Eagle 
Rock High School and a California art 
school and is employed in Washington by 
the Army mapping service offices as an 
engineer. He served in the Army Engineers 
Corps and went overseas August 3 1, 1942. 
He was stationed in England and in France 
until December. 1945. He received the 
Purple Heart medal and meritorious achieve- 
ment award. 

His bride graduated from Mt. Savage 
High School. Frostburg State Teachers 
College and attended University of Mary- 
land, where she was enrolled in Education 
summer school in 1945. Johns Hopkins 
University. Baltimore, for graduate work. 
She has taught school in LaVale for sev- 
eral years. 

Following the ceremony the couple left 
for a honeymoon trip to Florida. They 
are residing in Washington. 


In Washington. D. C. Miss Louise 
Rust, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James C. 
Rust of Hyattsville. became the bride of 
Mr. Bert Anspon. son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Bert W. Anspon of Upper Darby, Pa. They 
arc at home in Chicago. 

Mrs. Anspon formerly was employed by 
the Department of Justice. Mr. Anspon 
is a graduate of the University of Mary- 
land with second honors, where he was 
enrolled in the College of Commerce and 
received a Bachelor of Science Degree. He 
was recently released after serving four years 
with the Army. 


In Beth Sholom Synagogue, Washing- 
ton. D. C, Miss Ruth Sachs, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Colman Sachs, recently be- 
came the bride of Mr. Irvin A. Wolfson. 
son of Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Goodman. 
Rabbi M. H. Levinson officiated at the 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland, where she was enrolled in the 
College of Arts and Science from 194 3 to 
1946. She was pledged to Phi Sigma 
Sigma. The bridegroom is a graduate of 
Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Mr. and 
Mrs. Wolfson have made their home in 
Red Bank. N. J. 


Miss Dorothy Ann Clark, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Clark of this city, 
became the bride of George W. Jarmoska. 
son of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Jarmoska of 
Jersey Shore, Pa . in St. Albans Church, 
with the Rev. Charles P. Warner officiat- 

The bride graduated from the University 
of Maryland. Home Economics. December. 
1944 (Tri Delt). 

The groom graduated from Maryland. 
Education. Phvsical Education. February, 


Zenaide McMillan Jenkins, a senior in 
the CoJlege of Home Economics, was mar- 
ried recently to Caspar Wistar Woolredge 
of Waban. Mass. She is a member of 
Kappa Kappa Gamma. He has resumed 
his studies at Dartmouth. He left college 
to enter the Army. 


Announcement has been made of the 
marriage of Martha Jean Hummer of Wash- 
ington and Kenneth George Emery of Hy- 
attsville. She is a graduate of George 
Washington and he is a student at the 
University, where he will continue his 
studies next fall. 


The wedding of Miss Catherine Eliza- 
beth McMahan. daughter of Mrs. Herbert 
McMahan and the late Mr. McMahan. of 
Cambridge. Md.. and Mr. Kenneth Robert 
Jones, son of Mrs. Jenkins Jones and the 
late Mr. Jones, of Toddville. Md.. took 
place at Cambridge. 


Sehimmelphennig here is going to bear down 
hard on math. Has a job in view in Switzerland. 
Teaching the cuckoos the numbers before they 
put 'em in clocks. All schools have 'em. 

Mrs. Jones is a graduate of Towson State 
Normal School and the University of Mary- 
land. B. S. Education '41. and is at pres- 
ent a teacher in the Upper Elementary 
School in Cambridge. 


Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morton Selis, who 
were married recently »re now making their 
home in Arlington. Virginia. The bride 
is the former Betty Susan Pollock, daughter 
of Mrs. Samuel Pollock, Arlington, the 
bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron 
C. Selis. Washington. 

The bride attended Wilson Teachers' 
College. Mr. Selis studied at Washington 
and Jefferson and University of Maryland. 


Miss Josephine Hoffmeister. daughter of 
Mrs. Robert A. Hoffmeister and the late 
Mr. Hoffmeister. recently became the bride 
of Robert B. Perdew. son of Trial Magis- 
trate and Mrs. Frank A. Perdew of Cum- 


The bride is a graduate of Fort Hill 
High School and of Catherman's Business 
School. For the past two years she has 
been a student at the University of Mary- 
land, enrolled in the College of Arts and 
Science, where she is a member of the 
Delta Gamma sorority. 

Mr. Perdew is a graduate of Allegany 
High School and of the Curtis Wright 
School of Technology. Los Angeles, Cali- 
fornia. He is a veteran of the hTO. hav- 
ing recently returned from Germany. 

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Imhoff of Wash- 
ington announce the engagement of their 
daughter. Miss Patricia Ann imfioff, to Mr. 
\\ illiam Bromley Magruder. son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Elbert Magruder of Bethesda. 

Miss Imhoff. whose father is a Com- 
gressman from Ohio, attended the Univer- 
sity of Maryland for the past two years, 
enrolled in the College of Arts and Science, 
and is a member of Alpha Delta Pi so- 

Mr. Magruder recently returned from 
the European theatre, where he served with 
the 101st Airborne Division. 

Recently married, were Sylvia Klein, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klein, 
and Samuel Inoff. son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Joseph Inoff. 

The couple left on a motor trip to 
Mex co. The bride attended the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, where she was en- 
rolled in the College of Arts and Science, 
in 1941-42, and is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Michigan. Mr. Inoff has re- 
cently been discharged from the Army after 
31 months service in the European theater. 

The apartment of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard 
Gallagher in Wardman Park Hotel, Wash- 
ington, was the scene of the marriage of 
Mrs. Alice Fraser MacDonald to Lt. Comdr. 
Charles Moye Jones. U. S. N. R., recently. 
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. J. F. Fraser of Minneapolis and 
Minnetonka Beach. Minn, and Comdr. 
Jones is a son of Mr. and Mrs. .Charles W. 
Jones of Cumberland. 

Mrs. Jones/ was graduated from Rad- 
cliffe College and the University of Minne- 
sota. She is a member of the Junior 
League of Washington and the Army-Navy 
Country Club. Comdr. Jones attended 
Potomac State College and the University 
of Maryland, where he was enrolled in the 
College of Arts and Science from 1937 to 
1940. He was decorated during the re- 
cent war with the Distinguished Flying 
Cross and the Air Medal and Citation. He 
was in battles at Pearl Harbor. Midway. 
Solomons Islands and Tarawa. He now is 
on duty at the Naval Air Station at Ana- 
Barnard -Sponheim 

Margaret Sandra, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. H. P. Sponheim, Portland, North 
Dakota, was married to J. Deems Bar- 
nard, son of Mrs. Lydia Ann Barnard of 
Baltimore, and the late Joshua S. Barnard 
of Cumberland. 

Mrs. Barnard is a graduate of the Moor- 
hcad State Teachers Colllge in Minnesota, 
where she is a member of the Psi Delta 
Kappa sorority and the Art Club. She 
taught at Redondo Beach. California, last 

Mr. Barnard is a graduate from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland Law School. He also 
attended Temple University and the Uni- 
versity of West Virginia. He served three 
years with Military Intelligence and was 
recently discharged. 

The young couple spent their honey- 

moon in the Sierra Nevada mountains and 
visiting points of interest in California. 
They are now residing in Los Angeles, 

Maryanne Pitcher, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Ronald W. Pitcher, of Cumberland, 
and John Orwig Hobbs, son of Lt. Col. 
and Mrs. Edgar O. Hobbs. of Washington, 
D. C were married recently. 

The bride is a former student at Allegany 
High School and was graduated from the 
Willard, O., High School. She is a sopho- 
more at the University of Maryland, en- 
rolled in the College of Home Economics, 
where she was pledged to Alpha Om.cron 
Pi sorority. 

Mr. Hobbs is a graduate of Franklin 
High School. Reisterstown. and was a stu- 
dent at the University of Maryland prior 
to his induction in the Army in 1942, serv- 
ing with the Eighth Air Force in England. 
He wears the Distinguished Flying Cross, 
the Air Medal with three clusters, the Euro- 
pean Theatre ribbon, with two Battle Stars 
and the Presidential Unit Citation. 

In Washington, D. C, Miss Frances 
Anne Haller and Mr. Jean Jones were 
married recently. 

Mrs. Jones attended the Women's Col- 
lege at the University of North Carolina 
and was graduated in June of this year 
from the University of Maryland, where 
she received a B. A. degree from the col- 
lege of Arts and Science. She was a 
speech major and a member of Kappa 
Kappa Gamma Sorority. Mr. Jones at- 
tended the Little Rock College of the Uni- 
versity of Arkansas, and now is a student 
at the University of Maryland. 

William E. ("Bill") White 

William E. (Bill) White, known and 
beloved by thousands of Maryland students, 
grads and faculty members over a stretch of 
more than 30 years, died on October 10 at 
Prince Georges County Hospital. He was 
76 years old. 

Bill, who came to College Park in 1012. 
the same year that Dr. H. C. (Curley) 
Byrd returned to his alma mater to begin 
his great career for the University, made 
his start by opening a lunch room. He 
owned a large part of the College Park 
business section when he died. His wife, 
also well known to many Old Liners, died 
in 1941. 

Bill was a native of England, but came 
to America in 1888 and lived at La Plata, 
Md., for a time. Later he moved to 
Washington, thence to College Park. 

He is survived by his daughter, Mrs. 
Mary E. Chaney, with whom he resided, 
and three brothers, Albert, a retired farmer; 
Thomas E., a retired member cf the Mary- 
land Experiment Station staff, and James, 
who lives in Arlington. Va. 

Robert J. (Bobby) Chaney, a grandson, 
is a 1945 graduate of the University. He 
was a Sigma Nu. 

Alan B. Neumann 

Alan B. Neumann, 47, former president 
of the Maryland Garage W Machine Co. 
in Silver Spring and an employee of the 
Home Owners Loan Corp. for a number 
of years, died in Shanghai, China. 

Mr. Neumann went to Shanghai as agent 
for William Hunt W Co.. importers. 

Born in Washington. D. C. Mr. Neu- 
mann graduated from the University of 
Maryland in 1924 and was a member of 
Phi Kappa Phi. national honorary society 
of engineering. He was enrolled in the Col- 
lege of Engineering. 

After his graduation. Mr. Neumann was 
in business in Chicago for a short time. He 
came to Silver Spring in 1921. At the 
HOLC he served as assistant to the director 
of personnel. 

He entered the Navy at the outbreak 
of the war, saw service in the South Pacific 
and was discharged last year with the rank 
of commander. 

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Thelma 
M. Neumann, who was in Shanghai with 
h m, and two son; by his first wife, John 
W. and Richaid K. Neumann of Silver 
Spring. A sister, Mrs. Maud N. Knowlls 
of Washington, also survives. 

Nathaniel L. Warren 

Nathaniel Luff (Nervy) Warren, died 
in Veterans' Hospital #48 in Atlanta on 
March 8. 1946. He was a high spiiited 
cheerful, energetic and whole-souled person. 
His personality was so vivid that it is very 
hard to believe that he has passed on. Our 
heartfelt sympathy goes out to Mrs. Warren. 

Born in Selbyville, Delaware, September 
15, 1888, he served in the Marine Corps 
in World War I from May 1918 to March 
1919 and was discharged a Corporal. 

Construction Superintendent for Irvin ft 
Leighton (Philadelphia) at the Proving 
Ground, Aberdeen, Md. 

July 1941 - January 1943, manager 
of Roofing Dept. of Brooks Lumber Co.. 
Green. boro, N. C. 

January 1943 - July 1945. Estimator 
for Interstate Roofing Co. of Anniston, 
Ala. This concern was doing defense work 
only so Nervy travelled a good deal of the 
time. He worked on the Army Air Corps 
Replacement Center. Greensboro. N. C. and 
when that was completed he went to the 
Clinton Engineer Works, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 
(Atomic Bomb Plant.) Here they had a 
contract to put the roofs on 250 houses, 
29 barracks, a power house, etc. From 
there he went to Jacksonville. Fla. where 
they had a contract to roof several ware- 
houses at the Naval Bases at Yukon, Fla. 

During most of this time he was travel- 
ling to Atlanta estimating on new work. 
In November 1 944 he was transferred to 
Atlanta, mostly because it is the building 
center of the south. 

In July 1945, Nervy and Eugene J. 
Johnson from Montgomery, Ala., formed 
the Troup Roofing Co. with headquarters 
in La Grange. Ga. (65 miles south of 
Atlanta.) They did a good general roofing 
business and it was the very thing Nervy 
wanted to do most of all. He worked day 
and night to make it a success until he just 
couldn't go on any longer. 

He was buried at Ardsley Burial Park. 
Glenside, Pa.. March 12. 1946. 

Robert Lee Hall 

Pitts Creek Presbyterian Church. Poco- 
moke City, was taxed to the utmost to 
accommodate those who there assembled to 
pay their last respects to the memory of 
Dr. Robert Lee Hall, for many years a 
prominent physician in Pocomoke and vi- 
cinity. He died in the Peninsula General 
Hospital, his death occurring as the result 
of a complication of diseases. 


Dr. Hall was born in Marion, Md., June 
22, 1877, the son of John Wesley and 
Mary Elizabeth Hall (nee Colbourne) . He 
was graduated from the Marion high school 
in 1894, and afterwards received his M. D. 
degree from the University of Maryland in 

He began his career as a drug clerk in 
Crisfield. Maryland; was an interne in the 
University Hospital. Baltimore. 1901-2; 
after which he began his practice in Poco- 
moke and continued until his death. 

The deceased's ability, both as a physician 
and a public spirited citizen was recognized 
in many ways. He was courtesy member 
of the Peninsula General Hospital staff; 
postmaster in Pocomoke. 1928-3 6; delegate 
to Republican National Convention. Chi- 
cago; member of the local draft board; a 
member of the Republican State Central 
Committee; fellow A. M. A.; member of 
Maryland Medical and Chirurgical Faculty, 
of which he received the high honor of its 
presiding officer; Piesidcnt of the Worcester 
County Medical Society; President of the 
Medical Alumni Association of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland; a member of the Presby 
terian Church, this city. 

The deceased is survived by « widow, 
who before her marriage was Miss Mary 
Fulton Hanna. of Harford county; one 
son. Robert Lee, also survives. 
Dr. Harry M. Itumpf 

Funeral services were held recently for 
Dr. Harry Merryman Stumpf, Reisterstown, 
dentist and vice president of the Pikesville 

The Rev. Wallace Brashers. pastor of 
Grace Methodist Church, Reisterstown. 
conducted the services. 

Dr. Stumpf. wbo received his degree in 
dentistry at the University of Maryland 
dental school in 1906. practiced 40 years 
in Reisterstown. 

The son of the latte Henry Stumpr, 
he was born at Butler, Baltimore county, 
61 years ago. He married Miss Jessie Foster, 
and after her death carried Miss Grace 
Ankenery, who survives him. Other sur- 
vivors are a daughter, Mrs. Kriete Osborn, 
a sister, Mrs. Alvey Conway, and a grand- 

Dr. F. G. Cowherd 

Dr. Frank Garnett Cowherd. 61, well 
known local X-ray specialist, died suddenly 
in Cumberland of a heart attack. He had 
been in failing health for some time. 

A native of Cumberland, Dr. Cowherd 
was a son of William Cowhecd. of Wash- 
ington, and the late Louella (Conrad) 
Cowherd. He was graduated from the 
University of Maryland in 1909 and served 
in the medical corps during World War I. 

Dr. Cowherd held membership in the 
Allegany-Garrett County Medical Associa- 
tion and belonged to First Baptist church. 

Surviving, besides his widow, are three 
children by a former marriage: William 
Jerome Cowherd, of Petersburg, W. Va. ; 
Frank Garnet Cowherd, Jr., of Troy, N. 
Y., and Miss Louise (Cowherd) Stevens, 
of Washington; two sisters, Mrs. B. J. 
Coffman, of Richmond, Va.. and Mrs. 
Julian T. Winfree. of Washington, and two 
brothers. Louis Q. Cowherd, this city, and 
Clifford C. Cowherd, of Mayfield, Ky. Dr. 
J. Kile Cowherd, of Cumberland, is a 

Daniel E. Fields 

Daniel Allen Fields, 48, died at his home 
in Nanticoke. Md. on June 23, 1946 after 
a long illness. Dr. Fields had been engaged 
in the general practice of medicine at Nanti- 
coke. Md. for the past 21 years. He was 

.1 veteran of World War I. A student at 
the University of North Carolina in 1917- 
18, and a medical student in 1920-22, he 
won his M.D. at the University of Mary- 
land in 1924. Born at I.aurinburg. N. C. 
March J, 1898. he was the son of James 
Thaddeus and Belle (Tedder) Fields. He 
mariied Miss Dorothy Barker on January 
7. 1925. His wife, four daughters, two 
brothers, one of them. James Thaddeus 
Fields, Jr. '18, of Laurinburg: and a sister 

William R. Jenkins 

William Romulus Jenkins, 29, died sud- 
denly on April 14. 1946 at Ft. Bragg 
following a heart attack. Stationed at Ft. 
Bragg for only a few days prior to his 
death, Lt. Jenkins was previously stationed 
at Ft. Knox, Ky. He entered the Army 
Medical Corps after completing his intern- 
ship at University Hospital, Baltimore, Md. 
A medical student at North Carolina in 
1939-41, he received his Certificate in Med- 
icine in 1941. He had attended The Citadel 
in 1935-38, and Louisburg College in 
1934-35. He won his M.D. at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1943. Born at 
Franklinton, Juiy 27, 1917, he was the 
son of William Harmon Moor and Helen 
Jenkins of Franklinton. His parents and 
two sisters survive. 

Mrs. Otto Siebeneicher 

Mrs. Margaret E. Siebeneichen, 6 3, of 

1019 Upshur street N.E.. Washington, 
wife of Master Sergeant Otto Siebeneichen, 
U. S. Army, retired, for many years band- 
master at the University of Maryland, died 
at Walter Reed Hospital after an illness of 
six weeks. 

A native of Ganheim. Germany, Mrs. 
Siebeneichen came to this country in 1907 
and has lived in Washington for the past 
2 3 years. Her husband. Otto Siebeneichen, 
retired in 1928 as a member of the United 
States Army Band, and retired from Mary- 
land University a few months ago. 

Besides Mr. Siebeneichen, she is survived 
by a son, Paul O. Siebeneichen, stationed 
in the office of the chief of ordnance at the 
Pentagon Building, and a daughter, Mrs. 
Louise M. Walters of Washington. 

Funeral services were held at St. An- 
thony's Catholic Church. Burial was in 
Arlington National Cemetery. 


A baby girl. Donna Marie, was born 
to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur I. Duvall of Silver 
Spring. Md. 

Mr. Duvall was of the class of '36 and 
is now a Physicist at the Bureau of Mines. 

Mrs. Duvall, the former Angela Aiello, 
was in the class of 1945. 


Seven new professors, five holding Ph.D. 
degrees, have been added to the History 
Department staff. 

Dr. Fred Wellborn, American history 
professor, and author of the textbook 
Growth of American Nationality, which 
Maryland is using this year, received his 
Ph.D. degree at the University of Wis- 
consin. Assistant professor in American 
history. Dr. Beverly McAnear, spent four 
years in the military service before coming 
to Maryland this fall. Before entering the 
Army Air Forces he studied at Leland 
Stanford University and later taught there. 

Donald C. Gordon, assistant professor 

teaching American and English history, was 
graduated with a BA degree from the 
College of William and Mary. Afterwards 
he became a member of the Norfolk branch 
of the William and Mary faculty. He 
received his MA degree from Columbia 
University and is now working on his 
PhD. Mr. Gordon's special field is English 
and British Empire history. 

Dr. Herbert Crosman, teaching American 
and Latin American history, completed his 
BA, MA, and PhD degrees at Harvard 
University, and was previously with the 
faculty at Tufts College, Massachusetts. 
Ho has done research work in Mexico pre- 
paring for a biographical writing on "The 
Early Life of Jose Ives Limatour." 

Dr. Richard H. Bauer, PhD from the 
University of Chicago and associate pro- 
fessor in European history taught in the 
army universities in England and France 
and trained occupation forces in the newly 
created constabulary school in Germany. 
He also instructed at Mary Washington 
College in Fredericksburg, Virginia. 

Dr. Horace Merrille, assistant professor 
in American history, received his PhD 
degree from the University of Wisconsin. 

Dr. Wiehelmina Jashemski. a PhD from 
the University of Chicago, speicalizes in 
Ancient and Medieval history and has 
authored publications in this field. She was 
professor of history at Lindenwood College. 
St. Charles, Missouri before coming to 


After a lengthy tour of duty in the 
Navy, which service he left with the rank 
of Captain in the Medical Corps, Dr. 
Charles A. Young has returned to practice 
in Roanoke, Va., with offices in the Medical 
Arts Building. 

Dr. Young. Maryland '14. went on 
active duty on May 19, 1941 and returned 
to civilian life on January 21. 1946. 


Mr. Bowen S. Crandall, University of 
Maryland, B. S. '32 (Plant Pathology) 
formerly with the Forestry School, Uni- 
versity of Georgia, is now located at Tingo 
Maria, Peru. Why not let us have an item 
about your interesting activities in South 
America. Bowen. You send it. We'll 
print it. 


Edmond C. Young, 1 1 High Street, 
Woodbury, N. J. would like to hear from 
former classmates and advises that he re- 
cently married Miss Jean Auwetter, of 
Clarksboro, N. J. 

Mr. Young received B. S. degree at Mary- 
land, and second honors in Arts and Science, 
1938. Ph.D. in 1943: Phi Kappa Phi 



Dr. H. C. Byrd, President of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland was one of the speakers 
at the celebration of the bi-centennial 
anniversary of West Nottingham Academy 
held at Colora, Md., October 19-21, in- 

Other speakers were: Governor O'Conor, 
Senator Radcliffe, Congressman Roe, Mayor 
McKeldin of Baltimore, Dr. Norman T. 
Kirk, Surgeon General, Army. Rev. Dr. 
Frederick W. Evans, moderator of the 
General Assembly of the Presbyterian 
Church, U. S. A., pastor of the Second 
Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y., Dr. 
Glenn R. Morrow, dean of the College, 
University of Pennsylvania and Rev. Dr. 
Rex Clements, president of the Board of 
Christian Education of the Presbyterian 
Church, U. S. A., pastor of Bryn Mawr 
Presbyterian Church. Bryn Mawr, Pa. 

West Nottingham is the oldest secondary 
boarding school for boys in the United 
States. Other schools founded earlier are 
no longer in existence. 

West Nottingham was one of the earliest 
of the colonial academies. It is the oldest 
preparatory school in Maryland, and one 
of the oldest, either boarding or day, in 
the country. It started in 1744. The 
founder, Rev. Samuel Finlcy, was an early 
pastor of West Nottingham church, second 
oldest Presbyterian church in Maryland. 
After 17 years as principal of West Notting- 
ham, Finley became president of the College 
of New Jersey, now Princeton. 


An atlas, to take postwar stock of world 
mineral resources, will be produced by the 
University of Maryland and the Bureau of 
Mines, Dr. H. C. Byrd. university president, 
and Dr. R. R. Sayers, mine bureau director, 

The atlas will be of particular value in 
future planning for conservation of ir- 
replaceable resources they said. 

The text will be written by commodity 
specialists and will include location of major 
mineral deposits and potential reserves and 
salient facts on geology, mining and world 


Professor Edna B. McNaughton. College 
of Education (Nursery School) University 
of Maryland announced the resumption of 
Nursery School at Center High School in 
Washington, D. C. 

The courses are being taught by Mrs. 
Elizabeth Whitney, now Director of Center 
School, Remedial Education Center, Wash- 
ington. D. C. formerly of the Rockville 
Cooperative Nursery School. 

Mrs. Whitney did her undergraduate 
work at Mt. Holyoke. and graduate work 
at 69 Bank Street and New York Uni- 
versity. She was a teacher in 69 Bank 
Street Nursery School for five years, and 
while there was a lecturer of Education at 
New York University for four years. She 
has taught at the Brooklyn Friends School 
and this summer had charge of the Demon- 
stration Nursery School in College Park. 

Course can be counted for undergraduate 
or graduate credit. 



His Excellency, Galo Plaza, Former Ambassa- 
dor of Ecuador, recently returned to his native 
country. This distinguished Marylander made 
the Commencement Address last June. 


Maryland's Department of Geography in 
cooperation with the National Central Uni- 
versity of China, the United States Depart- 
ments of Interior and Agriculture, is pre- 
paring an atlas of China, which will describe 
and locate the resources of that country. 

When completed, this study will aid in 
determining China's ability to pay interest 
on the capital she needs to develop her 
agriculture and industry. 

Working with the Geography Depart- 
ment on the atlas which will be used by 
students of geography and natural resources 
throughout the world, are Dr. Huan Yong 
Hu. Professor Shu Tan Lee, Dr. Charles 
Y. Hu. Professor Shu Ching Lee and Mr. 
Chien Chun Hsiao, all of China. 


Marie Savage, '47, senior in the College 
of Arts and Sciences, majoring in sociology 
and serving her second year as president of 
the B. S. U. was elected president of the 
Maryland-D. C. Baptist Student Union. 

Other offices: Marion Ball, secretary, and 
Charlotte Spitzer, publicity director. 


Appointment of Dr. Howard L. Stier 
as head of the State Department of market- 
ing has been announced by Dr. T. B. 
Symons, Dean of Agriculture and Director 
of the Extension Service of the University 
of Maryland. 

Dr. Stier who grew up on a dairy and 
general farm near Lisbon in Howard 
County, has been assistant professor of 
horticulture at Maryland, before entering 
the service, in 1941, where he became chief 
statistician of the Quartermaster General. 

He returned to the University for the 
War Assets Administration. 

Dr. Stier completed his undergraduate 

work in igriculture education at Maryland 
in 1932, and earned the master of science 
degree in 1937. and the doctor of philoso- 
phy degree in 193 9 for his work in horti- 
culture and plant physiology. He spent two 
years, 193 3 to 193 5 in potato breeding 
work at the Bureau of Plant Industry at 
Behsviile. He is author of some 20 scientific 
papers in horticulture, and of several others 
in statistics and administration. 


Dr. H. C. Byrd, president of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, announced the appoint- 
ment of Howard Rovclstad, former assistant 
director of libraries, as acting director to 
succeed Carl Hintz. who resigned. 

Mr. Hintz has been named museum 
librarian of the Chicago Natural History 
Museum, according to an Associated Press 
dispatch from Chicago. He succeeds Mrs. 
Emily Wilcoxson, who retired after 41 
years of service. 

presentation of certificates by Dr. Henry 
Brechbill. acting dean of the College of 

Other guest speakers included Mrs. Ruth 
G. Ehlers of the National Recreation 
Association, Stephen James of the Auto- 
motive Safety Foundation of Washington 
and Dr. Thomas G. Pullen, jr., Maryland 
State Superintendent of Schools. 


Several new projects at Maryland have 
been established by the Veterans' Club. 

Planned now is a commissary, somewhat 
reminiscent of the "P Ex", at which vet- 
erans will be able to purchase food at 
wholesale prices. It is also hoped that a 
sufficient supply of milk may be secured 
from the dairy so that that item, too, may 
be sold at cost. 

The Vets' Club is the largest single 
organization on campus because of the 
number of service men registered. Total 
veteran enrollment is 4400. 

The club issued a call for men who are 
interested in participating in the Varsity 
Show, which the veterans will sponsor in 

An invitation has been sent other col- 
legiate veterans' organizations to exchange 
ideas of mutual interest. 

Several veterans were delegated to attend 
the Student Veteran Planning Conference 
at the University of Pennsylvania. Problems 
to be discussed include housing, higher sub- 
s'stencc allotments, and the size of classes. 

Plans are also being advanced to coordi- 
nate the collective weight of veteran student 
opinion to back legislation dealing with 
the educational benefits of the G. I. Bill. 


This 1936 Graduate of the University of Mary- 
land is internationally famous for having created 
Ferdinand, the Bull. 

The world knows the story about the bit? 
handsome bull who had weight, looks, class, 
speed. He had everything BUT THE DESIRE 

Mr. Leaf comes up for mention each year 
when the boxing season rolls around and the 
ring coach has a tough time finding heavy- 
weights. It is then that some unkind soub 
offer the thought that, possibly, Mr. Leaf got 
his inspiration for Ferdinand from campus 200 


A three-day conference of the Maryland 
Congress of Parents and Teachers was 
held at the University of Maryland. 

Mrs. Newton P. Leonord of Providence 
R. I., representing the National Congress 
of Parents and Teachers, was among the 
speakers at the first morning session in 
the university's new administration building. 

Mrs. Robert G. Doty, Cumberland, 
State president, also greeted the reprentatives 
at the opening session and explained the 
purpose of the meeting. 

In the first afternoon session, Dr. H. C. 
Byrd. president of the university addressed 
the delegates. 

Mrs. L. P. Ditman, chairman of by-laws 
of the Maryland congress, was one of the 
1 aders of an open forum the same afternoon. 

The conference concluded with the 


Lieutenant Colonel John J. Gormley, highly 
decorated Marine officer and a stand out in the 
fiercest actions in the Pacific where he served 
as a Battalion Commander. 

B. S. 1937, Gormley was selected for the 
regular Marine Corps from tthe Maryland 
campus. The Marines made no mistake. Gormley 
was a standout in baseball, football and boxing 
— one of Maryland's best ; Silvester Medal for 
Athletic Excellence ; Southern Conference's best 
blocking backfield star; with a broken hand 
winning tthe three points needed to give Mary- 
land its first Southern Conference Boxing 
Championship. He showed the same resource- 
fulness and fortitude he had displayed in Uni- 
versity athletics when the greater fight came 
off in the Pacific. Gormley is now stationed in 
Washington and is a frequent visitor to the 
College Park campus. 



THi/ 1/ a ytAc rcc greatne/j 

(V* 11 HIS is a year for greatness — and men 
\S) can be great by the grace of Christ. 
There are perhaps three outstanding dreams 
for which most men live. There are those 
who live to be secure. There are those who 
live to be loved. There are those who live 
to be significant. I've thought a long time 
about those three longings of the human 
heart, and I have come to one conclusion. 
A man will never be secure in this kind of 
world until he fulfills the conditions of security. A man will 
never be loved until he fulfills the conditions of being loved. A 
man will never be significant, surely within the Christian frame- 
work of personality, until he fulfills the conditions of significance. 
All three of these add up to the same total. That total reads: 
A man must be truly great if he is to be secure, if he is to be 
loved, and if he is to be significant. 

But what is a great man? Let's draw a sharp distinction 
between a great man and a famous man. Many great men are 
famous, but most great men are not. A moron, for example, 
thanks to highpowered advertising, can have a national reputation 
in thirty days. But that will not make him great. And. further, 
notice that greatness does not mean a dif- 
ference in kind, but in degree. Thus a man 
may be great on a one-talent pattern or 
a five-talent or a ten-talent. You see, all 
true greatness is cut off the same cloth. 

I am indebted to a friend for three words 
by which to describe, it seems to me, a 
truly great person. 

The first of these three words is GOOD. 
A man must be good if he is to be great. 
Before a man can be professionally great 
or intellectually great or politically great, 
he must be a great person. In other words, 
greatness is moral before it is social, intel- 
lectual, or prefessional. 

And now comes one of the hardest 
questions in the world: What is a good 
person? There is perhaps more unanimity 
of opinion on the makeup of the stars than 
on what constitutes a good life. How is 
this for a practical, working answer? A 
good man is one who deserves to be trusted. 
He may not be trusted, but he des.rves to 
be. That's the fundamental mark of a good 
man. So that a much more essential word 
than Love is confidence. It is the root from 
which love grows, blossoms, and blooms. 
Let's illustrate this idea. 

A famous queen is said to have made 
this prayer, "O God, keep me innocent, 
make others great". The queen evidently 
forgot that innocence is impossible, and that 
greatness includes goodness as its first 

constituent. What I think she really said was, "O God. keep 
me good, make others great". But she overlooked the fact that 
greatness includes goodness as its first ingredient. 

One of my Washington parishioners said to me. "I would 
have more confidence in my surgeon if I did not know so much 
about his personal life". Precisely. It is often tragic that many 
public characters are, in their private lives, not so well balanced 
as they are in their public performances. 

I am thinking of another Washington friend who is able to 
do his work in about eight languages. A young lady said to me 
recently, "My, he's a great man. He can read eight languages". 
To which I replied, "Yes, he is a great fellow, but not because 
he can speak eight languages, for you see he could be a liar in 
all eight". In like manner, the test of a man is not whether he 
can do higher mathematics, but whether he is honest in simple 
arithmetic. Thus, professional skill must be preceded by personal 
integrity and character, if a man is to be truly great. 

Well, here is where Jesus comes in. You remember the line 
in the old hymn, "He died to make us good". I believe it is 
fair to say that no other person or influence in history has produced 

A Timely and Inspiring 
Message To All 


Church of the Reformation, 
Washington, D. C. 


To be good, to be useful, to bs courageous. 

so many dependable people as has Jesus 
From a social point of view alone He justifies 
Himself by the production of dependable men 
and women, people you can trust. 

One day Simon Peter had a moment of 
special penitence and unworthiness, and cried 
out to Jesus. "Depart from me for I am a 
sinful man. O Lord". And. of course, that 
is exactly what Jesus would not do. He 
stayed by Peter, started a private revolution 
in Peter's life, and out of it came a character of rock. He can do 
that for us, too. 

The Psalmist prayed, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, 
and renew a right spirit within me". That prayer was never 
really answered until Jesus came. He pulls triggers in men's 
consciences. He gives them sharpness of moral judgment. He 
makes men good. Therefore, a man must be good in order to 
be great, and he really can be good only by the help and grace 
of Christ. 

But a man may be good for nothing, so that as we try to 
analyze a great man there is a second word to describe him. He 
must be good for something, that means he must be USEFUL. 

There are days of adversity, especially 
for young people. They are the chief 
sufferers of the world. And such days of 
adversity for every one of us are times to 
examine our motives, our ambitions, and 
our desires. What are you and I living 
for? In days when so many are giving their 
lives and their health and their future for 
others, the question must come home to 
every one of us. What are we living for? 
What is the meaning of life, anyhow? Let's 
try to get at that question. 

The first purpose of an education is to 
enable a man honestly to earn a living. 
For those of us with normal health and 
strength, the first description of a useful 
man is one who is able to carry his own 
weight and pull his own load. Who. ex- 
cept a weakling, wants to be guaranteed 
security from cradle to grave? But the test 
of usefulness is not simply to carry our 
own load. We must carry it with a margin. 
Tell me how much you can do and are 
doing beyoid actually supporting yourself 
ar.d your iamily, and I w 11 tell you how 
useful you are. The world goej forward 
only upon the shoulders of men and wcmen 
who support themselves, plus. Isn't that 
the principle of Jesus? "Except your right- 
eousness shall exceed the righteousne s of 
the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no 
case enter into the kingdom of heaven. . . 
What do. ye more than others?" 

I want to enter here a word of reserve. There are many people 
with physically frail bodies, known to society as shut-ins, whose 
beds of affliction have become communitv and family alt.irs 
We light our torches at their candles. We refresh our spirits 
at their springs. They may seem a burden and a liability, but 
I am personally acquainted with so many of the sick and of the 
shut-ins that I know they often render a spiritual, an inspirational, 
a courage-building contribution to all who meet them. Even 
though they are physically frail, they share that intangible 
something which moves men's hearts. Shut-ins are not exceptions 
to the principle I am pleading for — they illustrate it. 

There is a prominent inscription in Washington that reads. 
"Justice is the foundation of sce'ety". I don't believe it. Men who 
do justice only meet their fellow men half way, but they don't 
build a better wo _ ld. Men who bless society — the discoverers, 
the inventors, the pioneers, the creative spirits, the saints — don't 
stop with doing justice. The clash of mutual self-interest doesn't 
make the world better. The kinds of people by whom this 
world progresses are those who do justice with a great big plus. 


Suppose everybody in the world was able 
to carry his load unaided, and did just 
that, do you think the world would get 
anywhere? I don't think so. I believe it 
would simply mark time. Indeed, the world 
idvances upon the shoulders of people who 
do carry their load with a margin. 

There are some outstanding illustrations, 
of course — men with great margins who 
illustrate the principle. Take Thomas A. 
Edision. I suppose he could have supported 
his family with an hour's work a day, but 
the world is richer because he often worked, 
as I understand, twenty hours a day. Dr. 
George Washington Carver, the great Negro 
scientist, could have met his simple wants 
with a few moments work each day, but 
the world is far richer because he toiled on 
and on in his laboratory. Well, that's the 
principle which every one of us must seek 
to follow. Carry your load with a margin. 
And that measures our usefulness. How 
useful are we? 

These are days that compel us to get 
our thinking straight Consciences will haunt 
us, when we think of the suffering and 
sacrifices of others, if we do not "come 
clean" with life. 

A Minimum Person 

May God save us from being minimum 
persons. And what is a minimum person? 
He is one who lives for food, shelter, sex 
and position. He is the boaster, the bully, 
the easily angered and the self-seeker. You 
see that the business of Christ is to make 
maximum persons. 

I believe the following formula will 
prove true. Assuming that a man is nor- 
mally healthy, if he is lazy, indifferent, 
and selfish, it is proof that he is out of 
touch with Christ. No man can be in touch 
with Christ and lose his initiative. Christ 
sharpens a man's personality. He puts a 
cutting edge on his talents. If you want 
to see a glorious example of what I am 
trying to plead for, take a look at Mme 
Chiang Kai-shek. Read her confession of 
faith. You simply don't produce people 
like Mme Chiang Kai-shek apart from 
Christ. That's Christ mission in the world. 

Let's Be Big 
There are those who hold that the un- 
stable ages are the creative ages. May this 
be an age like that. And a man cannot be 
a creative thinker unless he begins with his 
own motives, ambitions, and desires. 

Rise up, O men of God, 
Have done with lesser things. 

Lesser themes for lesser days — let's be 
big. And I ask you, how big is your 
margin? To be useful by the grace of Christ 
is to be great. 

But there is at least one more word to 
say. A man may be good and he may be 
useful, yet have only a present tense. But 
a great man has, also, a future tense, for 
he has achieved the sense of destiny. That 
means he must be COURAGEOUS. 

You may know the story qf that little 
group of travelers who were huddled around 
a campfire on one December 31, as they 
watched the old year pass. One of them 
lamented his vanished gold; another, his 
faded honors; a third, his false friends; 
and the forth, his lost loved ones. But the 
last one told his story in a verse: 

Sad losses ye have met 
But mine is sadder yet — 
The believing heart 
Is gone from me. 

May I tell you why that is the greatest 
loss in life? The outstanding need of us all 
today is courage without hate. And how 
arc we going to get it? By whistling in 
the dark? I don't think so. By clenching 
your fists and determining to see a hard 
job through? That helps. By the cocktail 
hour? I don't think so. Here is the real 
secret of courage. Tell me what and Whom 
you believe in, and I will tell you your 
courage. Let's see how that works. 

Opinions are ideas men hold, but con- 
victions are ideas that hold men. Great 
ideals, great ideas, eternal principles, con- 
victions based on these principles are the 
hands of God by which He holds men and 
makes them brave. Tell me what and 
Whom you belive in. and I will tell you 
your courage. 

A little while past I heard Stanley Jones 
use words like these: "I don't know how 
this old world is coming out but I believe 
that the future belongs to those who be- 
long to Christ". The poet was right, "Till 
Thou hast bound me fast I am not free" — 
nor brave. 

Every night in these times, before I go 
to sleep, as far as I can control my last 
fading though. I try to say this over to 
Change and decay in all all around I see 

Thou who changest not. abide with me. 

The man whom Christ holds has the 
secret of abiding courage. When a man is 
thus held, he can believe in the high and 
eternal when the low and tragic are around 
him everywhere. He is sure that something 
enternal is being accomplished in the midst 
of this painful and difficult world, and he 
is struggling to find out what is going on 
and to share in it to the full. He believes 
each man has his part to do in history, 
assigned by Him who presides over all 

For thirteen years I have worked on 
Capitol Hill in Washington. Next in my 
affections to my own study, my favorite 
spot on the Hill is the lighted dome of the 
C ipitol Building. From Pearl Harbor until 
V 1 night the dome was dark. Frequently 

1 'ork at my Church late in the evening. 
D> ing the blackout of the dome on a 
pi icular dark night, as I rounded the 
Cr, tol near midnight with the sky as 
*•'-• •. as ink, one glorious star hung o'er 
rbv Capitol dome. I got out of my car. 
""'■" star seemed to say to me. "You love 
rbii dome?" And I answered. "I certainly 
do" The star seemed to reply. "I am only 
par' of the light that never will be blacked 
oul I am part of the light that the dark- 
est night cannot put out. Follow my 
light, and Him of whose light I am only 
a part, and find as many others as you can, 
to follow, too. Then some day this dome 
that you love may be relighted again". It 

So may we be great — great by the grace 
of Christ. That will mean: To be good, 
to be useful, to be courageous. 



Thirty persons met at the University of 
Maryland for the first regular meeting of 
the Study Group of Religious Philosophy. 
Though interest ran surprisingly high, the 
g^oup would like more of the men students 
to stimulate the discussions. 

McAllister visits 

Dean Charles E. McAllister, President of 
the Association of Governing Boards of 
State Universities and Allied Institutions 
recently visited the University of Maryland. 

Touring 85 institutions of higher learn- 
ing, Dean McAllister is gathering informa- 
tion concerning administrative problems in 
colleges and universities for the Association 
of Governing Boards of State Universities 
and Allied Institutions. 

Past President of the board of regents 
of the State College of Washington, he is 
serving his sixth year on that council. 
McAllister is Dean of the Cathedral of St. 
John the Evangelist in Spokane, Washing- 
ton. He serves actively in the Episcopal 
Church as well as on civic and educational 

The Dean is a member of the Washington 
State Board of Mental Hygiene which he 
served as president at one time, a trustee 
of Lakeside School for Boys in Seattle, 
Washington, a member of the Arboretum 
Board of the University of Washington, a 
member of the National Build of Book 
Reviewers and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. 
He is a past president of the Inland Empire 
Association of the last named group. He 
has also been president of the Washington 
State conference of social workers. 
Maryland's Bill Wisner. 


Anita (Peters) Burleigh, College of 
Education, '29, who married Bill Burleigh, 
College of Arts W Science, '28, writes 
"Bill and I had a wonderful trip home last 
May through Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, 
Jerusalem, Cairo and Alexandria where we 
took the Vulcania to New York. We had 
some time in Italy en route and enjoyed 
Sorrento and the Isle of Capri. 

"Upon reaching New York we visited 
in New Hampshire, Washington, and Ohio 
before motoring west by way of Glacier 
National Park and the Pacific Northwest. 

"Our address is 1825 St. Francis Way, 
San Carlos, California. 


Chaplain Arthur Keimel, U. S. Naval 
Reserve, presented to Dr. H. C. Byrd, 
President of the University of Maryland, 
a gavel made from the teak wood forward 
deck of the Battleship MARYLAND. 

"It affords me great pleasure to present 
this gavel to the University of Maryland," 
said Chaplain Keimel, "made from the 
decks of the U. S. S. MARYLAND. It 
is fitting and proper that a gavel made from 
one of the fighting ships of the Navy, 
which did its full part in winning the 
recent World War II in the Pacific, should 
be given to the University of Maryland 
which, with its sister colleges and universi- 
ties, may assist us all in the orderly pro- 
cedure of winning and establishing a fair 
and firm peace for all mankind." 



THE axiom. "A sound mind in a sound body," will become more than a mean- 

ingless shibboleth when Maryland's new College of Military Science and Tactics, 
Physical Education and Health Education, begins to function full swing with 
particular attention being devoted to tthe "sound body". 

Colonel Harlan C. Griswold. U. S. Army, is acting Dean of the new College 
with Dr. Louis Raymond Burnett in charge of Physical Education and Health 
Education. Dr. Burnett was formerly director of physical education and health 
education in Baltimore's schools. 

One of the outstanding features of this new college is the opportunity for 
veterans to major in Military Science, and to offer some of their service activity as 
transferable credit to the college. 

The entire physical training program has been placed under the Military De- 
partment and will be conducted in close cooperation with, and largely as a part 
of, the Reserve Officers Training Corps unit. 

Plans now are being drawn for buildings to increase the physical facilities available 
for these sports and for physical training. These facilities include the construction 
of swimming pools for men and women, a new stadium, and an addition to the 
women's field house, and a new building for indoor sports. 

The general plan of physical training for men will involve six major lines. 
These comprise military drills, general competitive games on an intramural basis, 
boxing, wrestling, judo and swimming. Under the direction of Dr. Burnett, 
the competitive games will be used as a laboratory in which to train future teachers 
of physical education. One man will head each sport, and probably be head coach 
of that sport. 

The plan provides that the 2500 freshmen and sophomores who will normally 
be enrolled in the ROTC Unity will all engage in these sports, and from them will 
be selected the varsity teams. Insofar as possible, the complete staff for the physical 
training program will b: drawn fiom former University athletes and physical 
training graduates who have been serving in the army the last war years in physical 
training capacities. 

All men students will take military training. If a man is not physically able 
to engage in military drill, he will be placed in corrective excercise classes. Physical 
examinations will be given to all men when they enter the University, and it is 
their intention to determine what disabilities they may have and then take such 
steps as may be necessary to remove or correct handicaps, insofar as possible. 

Administratively, the physical activities and training for women will be in the 
new college. The progiam generally will be expanded. 



who heads new College of Military Science and 
Tactics Physical Education and Health Educa- 

Newly Authorized Col- 
lege of Military Science 
And Tactics, Physical 
and Health Education 






Director of Physical Education and 

Health Education 

Director of Health and Physical Education, Public Schools, Baltimore, Maryland 

Furnished by the Committee of the American Physical Education Association 
at the time of awarding him a Fellowship in 1934. (With recent additions) 

Dr. Burnett is splendidly equipped for his duties in the University of Maryland's 
newest college. He received his education in the schools of Dcs Moines, at Harvard 
University, and at Tufts Medical school, where he received his M. D. in 1910. 
He also is a graduate of the War Department School for Aviation Surgeons, 1918. 

Dr. Burnett has a wide experience in the professional field. He has taught in 
the YMCA's of Des Moines, Iowa, and Kenosha. Wisconsin. He was on the staff 
of Harvard Summer School for many years, under the leadership of Dr. Dudley 
A. Sargent. While there he taught the courses in games and recreation. During 
a test of all Harvard students he established the college record score of 1342 in the 
all-round strength test devised by Dr. Sargent. He directed the Sargent Camp for 
girls in New Hampshire for three years. 

He served as instructor and demonstrator of anatomy and physiology at the Tufts 
College Medical School. 1911-19 14. He was director of the Goddard Gymnasium, 
Tufts College, and student medical advisor, 1914-1917; Supervisor of Hygiene 
and Physical Education, Paterson. N. J.. 1919-1923; Superintendent of Recreation, 
Paterson, N. J., 1923-1930: Director of Health and Physical Education, Public 
Schools, Baltimore, Maryland, 1930 todate. This includes supervision of the 
physicians and nurses and the athletic coaches in secondary schools. 

His affiliations have been with the Amer- ican Association for Health, Physical 
Education, and Recreation as Council mem-ber. Section Chairman, and Vice-President 
in 1943-44; with the Metropolitan Ama-teur Athletic Union, Boy Scouts, American 
Legion. National Recreation Association, New England Collegiate Athletic Council. 
He is a past president of the Society of 


City Administrators of Physical Education 
and a past president of the Maryland State 
Association for Health, Physical Education, 
and Recreation. This group awarded him 
a bronze plaque in appreciation for his work 
in the cause of health and physical education. 

Dr. Burnett wrote the "Health Code" 
for the Milton Board of Health while a 
commissioner in Massachusetts. He served 
on President Coolidge's Conference on Out- 
door Recreation, on President Hoover's 
White House Conference on Child Health, 
and for years has been active in civic clubs 
and parent-teachers groups. He gave radio 
addresses for the National Recreation Associ- 
ation which fostered recreation at Rochester, 
York, Trenton, and Port Jervis. 

Dr. Burnett served as flight surgeon in 
charge of the welfare of aviators and their 
physical examinations at five flying fields 
on Long Island, 1918-1919, and as flight 
surgeon with the Victory Loan Flying 
Circus which visited thirty large eastern 

He has contributed articles to "Mind and 
Body" on camping and hiking for boys. 
He compiled the first New England Rules 
for Women's Basketball, later adopted 
nationally, and is a past member of the 
National Rules Committee for Women's 
Basketball and Field Hockey. 

He has originated a number of elementary 
school contests and team games among 
which the best known is probably the game 
of Fieldball which is becoming increasingly 
popular in secondary schools and colleges. 
At the Olympic Games it was played by 
European teams and over two hundred 
thousand men players are listed on European 
Fieldb'll teams. 

Dr Burnett has written several recent 
article' such as: 

a. "Correctives for the Handicapped" 
appearing in "The Nation's Schools". 

b. "The Program of Health and Physical 
Education in the Baltimore Public Schools", 
published in the Baltimore Bulletin of Edu- 
cation, and reprinted in the Journal of 
School Health. 

c. "Health and Physical Education", 
The Impact of the War upon these subjects 
in public schools, Pratt library, Publication. 

d. Radio WOR, N. Y., "Training for 
Preparedness in Summer Camps". 

e. "Golf Psychology", in The American 

Dr. Burnett directed the 9th Regional 
Training Institute for Physical Fitness in 
Baltimore when the Victory Corps program 
issued by the U. S. Office of Education was 

Dr. Burnett has been a lecturer for 20 
seasons at leading universities such as Mar- 
vard (8 years), John Hopkins (5 years), 
Maryland (3 years), Texas, Oregon, and 
Morgan State College. His subjects have 
been the Administration of Health. Physical 
Education, and Recreation with demonstra- 
tions of coaching in games and athletics. 

At present Dr. Burnett is Chairman of 
a National Committee studying "Athletics 
in Secondary Schools" for the American 
Association for Health, Physical Education, 
and Recreation. 

He has recently been given a five year 
appointment (1945-49) to the Joint Com- 
mittee on Health Problems in Education. 
This is a national committee representing 
the American Medical Association and the 
National Education Association. 


A far-reaching Army Air Forces Officers 
Training Corps program, designed to pro- 
vide the AAF with a steady flow of college- 
trained officers, began this Fall at 76 col- 
leges and universities including the Uni- 
versity of Maryland throughout the United 
States with facilities available for an en- 
rollment of 16.200 students. 

ROTC courses will be available to 7,200 
elementary and 9.000 advanced students. 
Future plans anticipate participation by 
50,000 students at 150 colleges. For some 
years prior to the war, the Army Air 
Forces had no ROTC units. A few which 
had existed previously were abolished in 
the mid-30's when limited training funds 
were concentrated on the production of 

The four-year program for Air ROTC 
students will consist of a two-year elemen- 
tary course and a two-year advanced course 
lead-'ng to a commission as second lieutenant 
in the Air Reserve, General Partridge said. 

Elementary students will receive general 
instruction to give them a foundation of 
basic military knowledge. Advanced stu- 
dents will be taught the background, history, 
and various administrative, tactical and 
technical aspects of the Army Air Forces 
during the third vear of the course. Fourth- 
year students will receive specialized in- 
struction to qualify them for definite duty 
assignments in the AAF, such as a com- 
munications, engineering, or transportation 

The particular course offered to the 
student during his final year will depend 
upon the academic course he is studying and 
the courses available in his Air ROTC 
unit. Within certain lim ; tations, students 
enrolled in electrical engineering, for ex- 
ample, may take the Air ROTC com- 
munications course, and students taking 
business management may take the ad- 
ministration course. 

Between the junior and senior year. Air 
ROTC students will attend a six-week 
summer camp and put into practical appli- 
cation the theory learned in school and 
receive instruction in courses not presented 
on the campus. 

Orientation flight training will be pro- 
vided in the final year of the course and 
qualified students who desire to enter AAF 
flying schools will be checked at the end 
of this training. Students who show suf- 
ficient aptitude will be granted a high 
priority for selection as student officers at 
one of the AAF's flying schools. Air ROTC 
graduates who undertake this train : ng will 
do so as commissioned officers and will enter 
a program especially designed for such 
graduates to avoid repetition of instruction 
previously given. 

The program is open to all college 
students. Veterans of military service may 
rece : ve special benefits, with the approval 
of the Professor of Military Science and 

Tactics of the institution and its President. 
These benefits include credit for the first 
year's training if the individual had served 
at least six months active duty in the 
military service. If he had served one year 
or longer he would be permitted to enter 
directly into the advanced course. 

Instructors will be qualified AAF officers 
and enlisted men. They will all have been 
graduated from a special school established 
for Air ROTC instructors at Perrin Field, 
Sherman, Texas. Aproximately 600 in- 
structors will be needed 300 officers and 
3 00 enlisted men. 


Veterans Administration Training Offi- 
cers at the University of Maryland have 
advised veteran students that there are many 
points of importance embodied in the rules 
and regulations contained in Public Law 16, 
346, and 679, which provide educational 
veterans benefits or Veterans of World 
War II. 

Veteran students must enroll for at least 
1 2 semester hours of work in order to 
draw full subsistence. Disabled veterans in 
training under Public Law 16 must enroll 
for the minimum of 1 2 semester hours and 
they will not be permitted to remain in 
training unless they carrv this load. 

Veterans who filed for their educational 
benefits in any other area but that of the 
Washington. D. C. Regional Office must 
fill out a change of Address form. (V. A. 
572) in duplicate, and leave it with the 
Veterans Administration representatives on 
th; Maryland Campus. 

Veteran students must consult with and 
obtain the approval of the Veterans Admin- 
istration Training Officer on the Campus, 
in regard to all matters connected with 
their training, such as changes of enroll- 
ment, dropping courses, adding of courses, 
transfer from on» College to another within 
the University, >tc. 


College Park's elaborate $350,000 shop- 
ping center was denied approval by the 
Civilian Production Administration. The 
center was turned down on these four 
counts, E. M. Synan, District CPA con- 
struction manager, said: 

1. The need for it in the community 
had not been established to CPA's satis- 

2. It would create too heavy an impact 
on the veterans' housing program. Synan 
pointed out that he was forced to make 
the ruling although the contractor had made 
every possible effort to eliminate the use 
of critical materials in his plans. 

3. Construction of new veterans' homes 
had made present shopping facilities in- 
adequate, and 

4. The area had experienced only normal 
growth over the past year and therefore no 
real need was apparent. 


The Speech Department at University of 
Maryland, handicapped during the war be- 
cause of the insufficient radio apparatus, 
has installed the first Westinghouse studio 
console so that once again professional 
radio programs can be produced. The con- 
sole consists of four microphones, tran- 
scription turntables, and remote control 
channels for outside pickup. 


THEY called her "Baseball". She 
wouldn't play without a diamond. 


Some guys work like a horse so thev 
can draw a girl with a beautiful carriage. 


"So iss your boy alretty old enough he's 
goingk by Merrchlendt Universiteh?" 

"Hokay! Alretty six months he's goingk 
by dhe Universiteh." 

"Say. vat iss dhe name dhe boy?" 
"Iss named John." 
"Hooey! Vat a name, John'!' 
"So vot's wrongk dhe name John.'" 
"Oh. mebbe iss hokay dhe name John, 
onleh efery Tom. Dick and Herrch iss 
named John." 


Nice tall Juniah. 
Name o' Julia. 
Glory, glory, 


Little chap sitting on the curb with a 
cigarette in one hand and the neck of a 
flask protruding from his hip pocket. An 
old lady came up to him and said. "Sonny, 
why aren't you in school?" 


As one electrician asked 
another, "Wire you insu- 


Cow followed by ducks, 
i.e., to wit. namely, as 
follows, e.g. colon and 
dash, although most peo- 
ple like that viz — Milk 
and quackers. 


Guy spent so much 
dough on his ever lovin' 
sweetie that he had to 
marry her for his money. 


One of the junior Terps 
tells us. "F'r Easter my 
mother gived me a pink 
candy wabbit. I kep' it 
and I kep' it and I kep' it 
until it got so dirty I 
HAD to eat it." 


Rear Rank Rudy says 
he learned to play the 
piano because a glass of 
beer falls off a violin. 


"Hell, lady, I'm only three." 


A man must live with the man that he 
makes of himself. 


When you think the door to a successful 
future is closed against you. the ivory 
knob that holds it shut isn't on the door. 


Few people miss the man who fails in 
life, but a multitude will sing the praises 
of the individual who gains success by hon- 
est means. 


In getting to the bottom of things, one 
usually finds how to get to the top. 


Many a man has attained success merely 
by making the most of his blunders. 


If a man knows where he's going you 
can tell it by his walk. 


Some women stay broke because their 
husbands get up first. 


A girdle is an elastic supplement to a 
stern reality. 

Kilroy — "Any big men 
born in Cumberland?" 

Hoff — "No. only ba- 

She walked with him in the park. He 
was a little rough around the hedges. 


Everything comes to him who goes after 
the things other people wait for. 


King Solomon and King David 
Led very wicked lives. 
They had five hundred concubines 
And twice that many wives. 
When they'd grown old and weary 
And youth that lost its charms, 
King Solomon wrote the Proverbs: 
And King David wrote the Psalms. 


No wonder they were wise men with 
that many gals bringing in the daily info. 


"I vant some telcum powdeh" 


"Sure. You tecnk I vant vimmia's?" 


"No. I take it vit me." 


A lad from around Albrecht's chow 
emoorium tells us that the month of March 
is known for "coming in on a line and 
pong out on the lam." 


"Quick, you can save 
my husband from death 
in the electric chair. Just 
dive out that window and 
run like hell." 


"Do you know what 
good clean fun is?" 
"What good is it?" 


Ancient Egyptian girls 
always became mummies. 


Scotty MacPherson just 
called up his girl to as- 
certain what night she 
was free. 


Drunk, looking at re- 
flection of moon in pool. 
"How'd I get way up 


He had a stern look. 
His mother had been 
frightened by the rear end 
of a ferry boat. 


Wife, at 4 a.m., "What 
does the clock say?" 

He. "Clock shesh 'Tick 
tock. Doggies say, 'Woof, 
woof.' Li'l boidies say 
'Beep' and kitties say 
Meoow' " 

Guy beating the red light at the main 
gate corner ran over and killed a mongrel 
pup belonging to a College Park kiddy. 
The guy stopped the car, tried ot console 
the youngster with, "I'm sorry, sonny, but 
I'll replace your dog". "Mister", replied 
the kid, through sobs, "You flatter your- 


You can tell a gal from Maryland, 
By her get up and her style. 
You can tell a gal from Maryland, 
By her "Hello!" and her smile. 
You can tell a gal from Maryland, 
By her walk and talk and such, 
You can tell a gal from Maryland 
But you can't tell her MUCH! 


One of our campus clowns, having trou- 
ble with math, seems headed for a career 
o( teaching cuckoos the numbers before 
they put 'em in clocks. 


Shirley Rouse tells us about her quiet 
home in Baltimore, "Everybody talking; 
nobody listening. Like the Portuguese Navy, 
all officers and no men. Everybody giving 
orders and nobody carrying them out." 


Prof — "It gives me a great deal of real 
pleasure to give you a 'B' in this subject". 
Coed — "Why not have a REAL good 
time for yourself and give me an 'A'?" 


"Light coming to us from the sun at 
the rate of all those thousands of miles per 
second: Isn't it wonderful." 

"No! It goes down hill all the way." 


Sailor taking his girl to the movies stops 
to buy some popcorn on the way: 

"Don't put any butter on — we want 
to hold hands." 


Definition of Hitler- — A small man who 
played for big stakes unsuccessfully, in 
spite of a marked deck. 


"There was a funeral up in Paterson", 
said Ken Malone, "and among the mourners 
was an old fellow of 98. "How old are 
you?", asked one of the fellow mourners 
at the funeral parlor. "I'm 98", wheezed 
the old boy. "Hardly worth going home 
for, is it?", was the retort. 

He ast me could he kisst me, 
And he did it oncet or twicet, 
1 knew I shouldn't oughter, 
But, Gawd, he smellt so nice. 

Here's one that does NOT belong on 
a jokes page. Junior was pestering Father 
with a barrage of questions. To quiet him 
Father cut up a newspaper map of the world 
and gave it to Junior with the admonition, 
"Put it together right". Junior did that 
in no time and explained, "On the other 
side of the map was a picture of a man. 
I knew if I put the man together right the 
world would be right". (The kid had 
something there.) 


Want Ad — Will the senior who took a 
large fur coat from the Varsity Grill please 
return the blonde who was sleeping inside 
of it. 

O ■ 

Professor — "Is any one in the class a 

Ex-GI — "Not me. I volunteered early". 
— O 

The girl who does everything under the 
sun. sometime gets her hide tanned. 

Stude — "Waiter, there's a needle in this 

Waiter — "Typographical error; 
have been a noodle". 



A chemical stude named McDuff, 
Was mixing some chemical stuff. 
He dropped a match in the vial 

And after a while 
Classmates picked up one gold tooth and 
one cuff. 


"I fell in a mud puddle?" 
"Wearing your new shirt?" 
"Yes. I fell so fast I did not have time 
to remove it" 



"That's the trouble* with this country ; too 
many foreighners init7" 

Shyly, the mama gnu said to the papa 

gnu. "I've got gnus for you". 
Speaking of gnus they and okra did a 
heluva lot for cross word puzzles". 


"Yeh, part of my vacation money went 
for wine, part for women. The rest I 
just threw away on food". 


Adam, naming the aneemules — "That's 
a hippopotamus". 
Eve — "Why?" 

Adam — "Because he looks like a hip- 


Prof — "Who was Homer?" 
Tessie Toppleheimer — "A dope on the 
Henry Aldrich program". 


"This is the chamber of commas", said 
the coed, pointing out the English depart- 


A snuff manufacturer is a beezark who 
goes around sticking his business in other 
peoples noses. 


"Hello, Montgomery, we're glad to have you 
report for the first rehearsal". 

"What character do I play?" 

"You don't have any character ; you play 
the part of a heel", 

That guy with the long curly hair. He's 
from Yale. You've heard of those Yale 

■ O 

You can always tell a lady by the way 
she dresses. Watch one some time. 


Drunk in phone booth — "Naw I don't 
want no Warfield 3 800. You gimme my 


In the rear row of the theatre the 49er 
and his date were indulging in some plain 
and fancy necking. 

An usher tapped the Terp on the shoulder 
with, "After all, fellah, this IS a theatre!" 

Replied the 49er, "Chee, movies TOO?" 


Freshman from upstate who, even after 
eight months as a jolly tar afloat, was so 
dumb he insisted that the Chief of Naval 
Operations was the No. 1 doctor of ab- 
dominal surgery. 


First She — He tried to kiss me last night 
but he certainly didn't do it! 

Second She — How did he happen to 
change hit mind? 


make something of it?" 


She couldn't mail the circulars becau»» 
there were no round envelopes. 


New invention. Glass that will bend 
so drunks can wring out the bottles. 

The hen was in the cellar, laying in a 
supply of coal. 


The troop train pulled out. The crowd 
cheered. They weren't going. 

Great Big Elephant — "Gosh your small 
and insignificant?" 

Itsy Bitsy Mouse — "Yeah, I've been 
sick". | 


c -ii 


Maryland Quarterback 


k N interesting football study is offered 
t/1 at Maryland in the conviction of 
Coach Clark Shaughnessy and his aides 
ihat hopes for success in the final games in 
November lies in adhering strictly to a 
"two-team plan.'' 

Four games have been played. Two were 
won and one lost with the two-team plan 
in force and another was dropped when 
an attempt was made to consolidate the two 
outfits, known as Vic Turyn's lightweights 
and Tommy Mont's heavyweights. 

There are no troubles within the Ter.a- 
pin ranks. Everyone is eager to win. It is 
a strictly unique postwar grid problem, 
narrowing down to the simple fact that 
Turyn's all 1945 lettermen outfit, lacking 
the age and physical power of Mont's team, 
played almost as a unit last season and in 
spring practice and consequently has func- 
tioned more smoothly than a bunch of 
fellows thrown together for the first time. 

Turyn's team played most of the game 
and the better football, offensively and 
defensively, in beating Virginia Tech. 
However, Coach Shaughnessy and his co- 
workers are confident the heavies will find 

None of Mont's team, except Mont, 
Wright, and Chovanes, who were regulars 
on Shaughnessy s 1942 T'.rp eleven, ever 
played together. Guaid Hmile Fritz, who 
would shine on ANY outfit, is the only 
1945 letterman on the "big" squad. 

Aga'.nst Virginia Tech the "Turyn 
Team", consisting of Vic Turyn, Pat 
McCarthy. Walter Fehr, Dick Johnston. 
Gene Kinner. Ed Schwatz, Joe Drach. Bob 
C:osland. Bill Poling, Harry Bonk and 
Sammy Behr, averaged 21.47 years and 
177 pounds. The figures will remain the 
same if Bob Piker or Bob Troll replace 
the injured Sammy 

In the same game the "Mont Team", 
made up of Tommy Mont, George Simler. 
Jim Goodman. Ed Chovanes, Jim Kurz, 
Emile Fritz. Randy Bishop. Fred Davis, 
Vjrnon S?ibert. Lucien Gambino and Reds 
Wright, averaged 23.4 years and 201.3 


Fleetfooted Sammy Kehr, who tore off 
plenty of yardage for Maryland last year 
including that 90 yard touchdown run 
against Virginia. Sammy is out for this 
Season with an injured foot. 

k m^M 

., .-\ I M 


Maryland Quarterback 


With four Terp runners hitting the 
finish in a dead heat, Maryland took a 
low-score 15 — 44 victory over Johns 
Hopkins University in their first cross- 
country meet. 

Tied at the finish of the five-and-a- 
quarter mile course in a time of 28 minutes, 
30 seconds were Lindy and Sterling Kehoe, 
younger brothers of the Terp coach, Jim 
Kehoe; Jim Umberger and Jim Umbarger. 
The fifth man across, 45 seconds later, was 



Tickets for the Maryland-Michigan State 
Grme, East Lansing, Michigan, November 
23, 1946. should be ordered direct from 
Mr. L. L. Fremodig. Michigan State 
College, East Lansing, Michigan. 

None will be handled at College Park. 


In mist-shrouded Byrd Stadium, a ca- 
pacity crowd, standing room only and end 
zone seats filled. Clark Shaughnessy turned 
loose his new University of Maryland 
ball club. They defeated a devastated Bain- 
bridge Naval Training Center eleven lay in 
its wake, crumpled by a 54 — score. 

The Commodores heavy, but tottering 
line was drilled as the Old Line backs, 
provided with terrific interference, drove up 


and down the field like a herd of Sherman 
tanks. Bainbridge. once one of the nation's 
greatest Service teams, appeared as though 
they were going to give the Terps a little 
trouble for a few brief moments, but once 
the Old Liners began to move, they did 
so almost at will. 

Maryland scored once in the first quarter, 
three times in the second, and twice again in 
the third and fourth periods. The only time 
Bainbridge had a chance to score came in 
the dying moments of the game when 
Francis Curran, standing on his own 30, 
let go with a long heave to Johnny Lowery 
and the Bainbridge player appeared well on 
his way to the races when, suddenly, Ver- 
non Seibert took up the chase, ove. hauled 
him and pulled the sailor down at the 
Maryland 1 1 . 

Sammy Behr, the Talladega twister, 
bioke away for a 34-yard run in the late 
period for the Terps initial score. The 
shifty scatback broke through his own left 
tackle, then reversed his field, and reached 
pay dirt standing up. 

Tony Gambino, a husky 200-pound 
halfback, came up with Maryland's second 
score early in the second quarter. The 
powerful running Chicagoan took the ball 
from Tommy Mont, after the Terp quarter- 
back had faked a pass, and sprinted 45 
yards through a broken field, for the 

Big strapping 218-pound Jack "Reds" 
Wright, pushed over from the one-yard 
1 ne to score the first of his two tallies. 
And in the waning moments of the second 
stanza, Seibert broke away and slithered 
25 yards to make if to pay dirt. 

Pat McCarthy, the lanky former St. 
John's end, accounted for Maryland's fifth 
touchdown, which came as soon as the Old 
Liners got possession of the ball in the 
third period. Joe Mocha, who used to play 
for Shaughnessy at Pitt, pitched a perfect 
strike from the 12 to McCarthy at the 
four and the big fellow loped over un- 

Behr came up with his second touchdown 
at the fag end of the third quarter when 
he streaked 13 yards to climax a sustained 
drive of 3 9 yards. 

In the final frame, Leroy Morter snatched 
a 37-yard toss from Quarterback Turyn 
to hang the seventh tally on the scoreboard. 
The final touchdown of the game came 
when Wright bulled his way through the 
center of the line for four yards. 


Close to 12.000 Maryland fans watched 
the highly touted Terps take it on the chin 
from under rated Richmond. The crowd 
took a pasting too. 

3 7 to 7 the Spiders tore off gains, tossed 
passes, pushed through Maryland's line and 
generally won pulled up and going away 
from a team the ^experts had rated far 
ahead of Richmond. A short pass from 
Fenlon to Savage and a 3 5 -yard run scored 
first. Laluna smashed across for the next 
one. Collecting on a Maryland fumble 
Timberlake smashed over for another talley. 
Hofbauer scored the fourth touchdown after 
a 23 yard run. Ralston took a long pass 
to score again and Billingsly, intercepting 


Jchn O. "Reds" Wright, 225 pounds of 
convincing fullback. Back at Maryland 
Wright recently returned from military 

a long Maryland pass, took in 5 8 yards 
to the pay counter. Conversion accounted 
for the additional point. 

Maryland's only tally came on a pass 
fiom Mont to Emmett Shaughnessy with 
the Terps heaving the ball desperately. 

Those who did not witness the debacle 
can pretty well get an idea from the fact 
that Richmond gained 204 yards to 54 for 
Maryland. The reason for ALL post war 
teams is obvious whether it is football, 
basketball, boxing or what not. No one 


From Cumberland, via the military service, 
this 215 pound end is in his first year at Mary- 

knows what the other fellow has. Its a 
gamble. Everybody stuck their hands in 
the ex-GI grab bag. Richmond did O. K. 
They look like a mighty good ball club. 
As for Maryland, well, everything went 
wrong. It was one of those nights and 
recalled Jimmy Durante's story about the 
guy who tried to fix the cuckoo clock. He 
took all the innards out and put 'em back 
in wrong. So every hour the cuckoo backed 
out and asked, "What time is it?" 

North Carolina took advantage of the 
breaks and piled up a 3 3-to-O score against 
Maryland at Chapel Hill. 

The Tar Heels rolled to a touchdown 
in every quarter and added an extra one 
in the final period while the Terps' offense 
bogged down every time it edged into 
North Carolina territory. 

Drenching rain fell and the game was 
played in the muck. 

Two of the Tar Heel scores came after 
blocked kicks and two others resulted from 
intercepted passes. The passing of Tommy 
Mont, who completed 16 of 25 for 104 
yards, put Maryland in scoring position 
several times, but the attack always bogged 
down. At one period of the game Mont 
hit the targets seven times in a row. 

Maryland offered its best scoring effort 
early in the third quarter when the visitors 
marched 43 yards to the North Carolina 
44. but the attack fizzled out. 

Maryland's passing attack, used in des- 
perate fourth-quarter scoring attempt, 
boomeranged when the Tar Heels hauled 
down one of Vic Turyn't tosses on the 
Maryland 22 and scampered the rest of the 
way for the final tally. 


Maryland's football team boomeranged 
back from two severe lickings to upset a 
favored V.P.I, eleven, 6 — 0, before a 
capacity crowd. 

The truculent Terps appeared to have 
the game sewed up in the waning moments 
when a V.P.I, back was scooting for pay- 
dirt that could easily have won the game. 

Tommy Mont had punted into the end 
zone and V.P.I, had taken over on its 20- 
yard line with little time left. 

Bruce Gobbler, signal caller, took the 
ball from center and lateraled to Walton 
near the sidelines, who let go with a heave 
to Beard on the midfield stripe. Beard 
was off to market. Mont started tearing 
after him. The fleet Maryland quarterback 
caught the Gobbler on the five-yard line. 

Mont, whom Coach Shaugnessy calls the 
best "T" formation quarterback in collegiate 
football, thus saved the game but it re- 
mained for Vic Turyn, Harry Bonk and 
Bill Poling to win it. Turyn did most of 
the signal-calling and Poling did just about 
everything else. He scored the winning 
touchdown and his punts were what Mary- 
land has lacked all season. Bonk hit the 
line hard, often and effectively. Behr played 
a brilliant game as did also McCarthy, 
Fritz, Goodman and Johnston. 

Maryland scored when Poling went over 
from the 13 yard line after a drive of 63 



When Emile Fritz, Maryland guard, was 
not selected for all Conference honors, 
Marylanders were greatly surprised. They 
thought Emile was just about the best 
guard in the Southern Conference. 


Powerful William and Mary, playing 
with an eye on the Conference title, and 
a bowl bid, overwhelmed Maryland at Wil- 
liamsburg. 41.7. 

Coach Rube McCray. an outspoken foe 
of the T-formation, watched his ever-im- 
pioving young club run its point total to 
280 for the season and march to its fifth 
consecutive conference triumph. 

A passing attack that accounted for 211 
yards and four touchdowns was the key 
to victory. The big Ind an line gave its 
passer sample protection and from the 
pocket completed five of seven forward 
passes, including two touchdowns tosses 
from a dead run. 

Vic Turyn's Maryland lightweights, with 
Paul Massey and Jack Poling in star roles, 
romped down field in two 50-odd yard 
drives in the first period, but then the 
Indians got tough and completely bottled 
the Terps. 

Emmet Shaughnessy who saved Mary- 
land from a shutout in its one-sided defeat 
at the hands of Richmond, helped the 
Terps into the scoring column in the gath- 
ering dusk. He blocked a Buddy Lex punt 
on the Indians 10, and after Ed Reider 
made 9 yards Lavine scored. 


THE FATE OF ANY democratic 
government hangs upon the perilous hope 
that every citizen can and will do his own 

I know no safe depository of the ultimate 
powers of society but the people themselves: 
and if we think them not enlightened 
enough to excercise their control with a 
wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to 
take it from them, but to inform their 
discretion by education. 

— Thomas Jefferson 


Lieutenant Commander Albert F. Farrell, 
former Bainbridge sports mentor, is one 
of the University of Maryland's finest 
athletic products. He is now stationed at 
the Naval Air Station, Anacostia. 

Graduating wtih the class of 1937 from 
the University of Maryland, Farrell made 
a success of the athletic experience acquired 
at Maryland. Upon completing college he 
became athletic director for the Washington 
Metropolitan Police Boys Club. In 1942 
he entered the Navy to tour both the 
European and Pacific theatres and to con- 
tinue his work with sports. 

Comdr. Farrell began his athletic career 
during high school days at Gonzaga when 


Harry Bonk, rugged Maryland fullback. 
He boots 'em from the left side foot. 

he earned 12 letters in football, baseball, 
boxing, and basketball. At Maryland he 
was a nine letter man in the same sports. 
Before entering the Navy his job in Wash- 
ington primarily centered around the organi- 
zation of the huge Boys Club project now 
in full swing in that city. 

Lieutenant Commander Farrell took his 
indoctrination at the Naval Academy, and 
was assigned to the Anacostia Navial Air 
Station, Anacostia, D. C. There he organ- 
ized and coached boxing, golf, baseball and 
tennis. He carried on the same program at 
the Preflight school in Chapel Hill, N. C, 
and Hutchinson. Kansas. In Kansas he 
produced one of the best boxing teams in 
that part of the middle west. 

The ex-Maryland athlete served abroad 
several transports end tankers in and out 
of European ports until the Nazis were 
defeated and then against the Japanese until 
they quit. Then he returned to the States. 

Lt. Comdr. Farrell holds a high record 
at Bainbridge. He began coaching boxing 
teams which copped the District of Columbia 
Golden Gloves and Maryland State AAU 
championships. His teams participated in 
the National tournaments in New York and 
Boston. The 1946 Commodore baseball 
team, whuh he coached, enjoyed a successful 
season, with 36 wins and 1 1 defeats. 

Although Comdr. Farrell has not com- 
pletely decided on his post war plans, he 
has been approached by several colleges for 
public relations and coaching duties. He 
plans to continue his work in athletics. 


At the 26th annual Convention of the 
National Boxing Association held in Cleve- 
land, Ohio, Colonel Harvey L. Miller. 
Maryland boxing coach, was rejected ex- 
ecutive Secretary for the seventh term. 49 
boxing governing bodies comprise the NBA. 
Miller is a past president of the organization 
and is also chairman of the District of 
Columbia Boxing Commission. 


The Terrapin Club, an alumnus organi- 
zation at the University of Maryland, has 
begun a campaign to promote good will 
towards athletics and athletes of the Uni- 

George C. Cook, of Hyattsville, presi- 
dent, says that even though the club has 
no official connection with the university, 
scholarships established by the club will be 
administered by it. 

The Terrapin Club is comprised of 60 
members at present. It has four regional 
directors, one each for Baltimore, Wash- 
ington, and the Eastern and Western shores 
of Maryland. 


Mr. George Knepley, graduate of the 
University of Maryland, and former super- 
visor of athletic events for the Mt. Rainier 
Police Boys Club, has resumed his position 
as director of athletics with the club. 

jeB<d6«SSt*iSfflBfcVj^.- clh 

^ -T -».»'. 



Bill Poling, halfback, is a hard working 
fellow who gives all he has every time 
he's in there. 



One of the most rugged boxing schedules 
in University of Maryland ring history 
faces Terrapin ringmen this winter. 

Head Coach Heinie Miller, whose teams 
in prewar days twice won Southern Con- 
ference titles after undefeated seasons, will 
have as his assistants 

The schedule shows five dual meets at 
tCollege Park and three on the road, viz: 

Thursday, 1 9 December — Virginia at 
College Park; 

Saturday, 1 1 January — Bucknell at 
College Park; 

Saturday, 18 January— West Point ar 
College Park; 

Saturday, 25 January — Catho'.ic Univer- 
sity at College Park; 

Saturday, 1 February — South Carolina 
at Columbia; 

Saturday, 8 February — North Carolina 
at Chapel Hill; 

Friday, 14 February — Kings Point at 
College Park; 

Saturday, 22 February — Coast Guard 
Academy at New London. 


University of Maryland had another 
coach return to its fold when Fausto 
Rubini, boxing mentor at the school in 
1943, returned from the Navy. He had 
been on active duty as a Navy Lieutenant. 

He was assigned to the Physical Educa- 
tion Department as instructor where he wi.l 
concentrate on basic boxing in that depart- 
ment where participation in boxing is com- 
pulsory for freshmen and sophomores. 

The University also reported the return 
from the Army of Frank Cronin, former 
star on the 193 9 Maryland ring team. 
Cronin, who can be recalled as Maryland's 
surprise package 155-pounder on that 1939 
team, will assist Head Coach Heinie Miller 
with the 1946-47 boxing team. 

Cronin never had boxed before when he 
developed as a star back in 1939. He wen', 
through an undefeated season that year and 
topped it by winning the Southern Con- 
ference title at his weight. Cronin was on 
active duty as a Major in the Army. 

Maryland experienced many coaching 
changes in boxing during the war years, 
incidentally, due, of course, to the many 
mentors entering the service. Miller moved 
out in 1940 to command Washington's 
Fifth Marine Reserve Battalion. Mike 
Lombardo took his place in 1941, but 
Mike followed Miller into the Marine Corps. 
He is still on active duty as a major. 

Bobby Goldstein relived Lombardo in 
1942, but later left for the Army. Tom 
Campagna replaced Goldstein in 1943, but 
Tom, too, entered the Army, being re- 
placed by Rubini in 1944, who went into 
the Navy. Paddy Kane coached in 1945 
and then Miller returned to take over his 
old job for the 1946 season. 


Ray Richards, Maryland varsity boxer 
who was one of eight from the 1946 ring 
squad to be "invited to attend" by Uncle 
Sam, sends clippings from Camp Kilmer, 
N. J. describing two Army bouts in which 
Ray took part. He won both. 

The last one was with an experienced 


Lou Brown, former middleweight champion 
of the 29th Division in Europe, twice wounded, 
will be back in the Maryland ring lineup this 
year in the 155 pound class. 

colored boxer named Richard Marshall and 
the diping describes it as a great scrap with 
the Terp soldier, winning it with something 
to spare. 

Writing to Head Boxing Coach Heinie 
Miller, Richards stated, "That counter 
punching right hook you taught me is a 
convincing weapon and I hope to use it 
for Maryland one of these days." Ray adds, 
"You certainly called the Louis-Conn bout 
right on the nose and I won a few small 
bets on it. Some for Zale-Graziano." 

Ray would like to hear from Maryland 
friends. Address Private Ray Richards 
13207997. Headquarters Company (Ord) 
Operations Branch, Camp Kilmer, N. J. 

Richards, who boxed at 127 and 135 
while at Maryland, reports that he now 
weighs 147 and feels generally "stronger 
and bigger". 

Richards is one of eight members of the 
varsity boxing squad inducted into the 
armed services. Sammy Landau, 127-135 
pounder, won the lightweight champion- 
sh : p of Keesler Field. Phillips Rogers, 
winning find of last year's team, also boxed 
successfully in the Army. 


Lanky All ie Ritzenberg. erstwhile Uni- 
versity of Maryland Tennis' champion, came 
from behind to win the District of 
Columbia singles title over Army Air 
Fo-ces Capt. Art Dreyer in the finals at the 
Edgemoor Club courts. 

The Terrapin, himself a former army 
captain, rallied to win after losing the first 
two sets. Dreyer's cross-court drives and 
cunning headwork earned him an early 
lead of 6 — 2, 6 — 2. The match at this 
point appeared all over but the shouting, 
but Ritzenberg fine condition began to 
assert itself and Dreyer tired rapidly after 
the players took their positions for the 
third set, Dreyer was forced into repeated 
errors by his opponent's steadily improved 

The fourth and fifth sets found Dreyer 
merely going through the motions as the 
winner ran out the rest of the match with 
the loss of only two games. Final count 
was 2 — 6, 2 — 6, 6 — 1. 6 — 1, 6 — 0. 

A few weeks later Ritzenberg added the 
National Capital Parks tennis champion- 
ship to his growing list of triumphs since 
his return to District of Columbia com- 
petition. He won over Frank Dunham 
in the final at East Potomac just two weeks 
"after he had captured the men's District 
championship title at Edgemoor. 

Ritzenberg downed Dunham in three 
sweltering sets, 6 — 2, 7 — 5, 8 — 6. Dun- 
ham pressed the eventual winner through- 
out the second and third sets, but never 
was able to forge into the lead, with Allies 
reserve of speed and power the deciding 

Ritzenberg received the Bachelor of Arts 
Degree at the University of Maryland in 
1942. He majored in Sociology. 


Talbot T. Speer, Maryland '18, Vice- 
President of the Alumni Association and 
former Terp football player, now gets his 
exercise in competitive golf. Also he win:. 
His latest links triumph consisted of win- 
ning the 1946 Maryland senior golf champ- 
ionship at the Green Spring Valley Hunt 
Club, defeating last year's champion, George 
A. Tormey. 7 and 6. Mr. Speer is a 
member of the Green Spring Valley Hunt 
Club. Mr. Tormey represented the Country 
Club of Maryland. 

Speer started fast, winning the first three 
holes. He took the first hole with a par 
three. Speer won the second with a four 
after Tormey went into a trap. On the 
third hole a five put Speer three up. Tormey 
took a penalty stroke and carded a six. 

The fourth hole was halved. Tormey 
cut Speer's advantage to two up on the 
fifth. Speer drove into the woods and took 
a seven. However, Speer took the next 
four holes for a six up advantage at the 

Tormey conceded the sixth, drove out 
of bounds on the seventh, lost the eighth 
on a penalty stroke and took a bogey six 
at the ninth. 

Tormey's tough luck continued on the 
tenth hole. Both players were on the green 
in three but Tormey's putt knocked his 
opponent's ball into the hole and Tormey 
went seven down. 

On the eleventh Speer's drive went in 
a ditch and Tormey kept his slim chance 
alive by winning the hole but his hope of 
a last-ditch stand was nipped as Speer 
dropped a six-foot putt on the twelfth 
for a four. Tormey took a five. This put 
the winner seven up with only six holes 
remaining. The match was over and a new 
champion was crowned. 

The cards: 

Par out 344 543 445 — 3 6 

Speer out 345 573 545 — 41 

... Tormey out 456 565 7x6 — xx 

Par in __ 444 

Speer in 3 64 

Tormey in 555 



Left to right, top to bottom — Fabcr. Assistant Coach ; Norris, Berger, W 
ilson, Shipley, Coach ; Cohen, Ronkin, Pitzer, May, Chalmers. 

(7° HESE Terrapins were champions! were named guard and forward, respectively, THIS WAS THE TEAM 

\S) These pages recall them here as an on the All Southern quint. Berger, also George Chalmers, forward. __ Newark. Del. 

inspiration and model for present and future was declared to be "the one colossal figure Edward Ronkin. forward. Bronx. N. Y. 

Maryland athletic teams. of the eleven years the Dixie tourney has Fred Stieeber, forward, Towson 

National fame and the Southern Con- been held' was later named a member of Parker Faberforw ar d, . Washington 

ference championship was won by the 1931 the All-America,, five by John Murray ££ N- m, c t .... P.« b »,gh 

souad above, under Head Coach Burton New York expert, who ts .ntrusted »***£ J£J '. w2£ 

Shipley. They won 14 of their 18 contests that annual task. John p.^ ^^ Cumberland 

and then invaded Atlanta. Georgia, to cop In addition to their other honors. Berger Morris Cohen, guard, . . .__ Hyattsville 

the title in the days when tthe Southern and Ronkin also were picked on the All- Louis Berger, guard, Washington 

Conference extended into the deep South. State team by Paul Menton, the offical and SEASON'S RECORD 

As a result of their triumphant march sports writer, who saw the Old Liners in U. of M. Opp 

through a field of the ebts 16 teams in action not only at College Park but in the Gallaudet 3 8 27 

Dixieland. Bozey Berger and Ed Ronkin Atlanta tourney. V. M. I 38 18 


W. and L. 3 6 21 

Duke 3 2 24 

Loyola 30 3 3 

Johns Hopkins 33 20 

V. M. I. 44 20 

V. P. I. 33 16 

U. of Va. - 31 34 

W. and L. 28 17 

Catholic U. 24 21 

North Carolina 3 3 31 

Washington College 3 2 3 3 

U. of Va 34 21 

Western Md 45 3 5 

St. Johns 3 2 27 

Navy 33 36 

Johns Hopkins 3 6 23 


Miss Jacqueline Richards Won the 
National Junior A. A. U. championship 
3-meter diving event for women at the 
annual Meadowbrook swimming and diving 
meet, Miss Richards represented the Takoma 
Swimming Club of Washington. She 
graduated from the University cf Maryland 
this year where she majored in Physical 
Education, and received a Bachelor of 
Science Degree. Miss Richards is a member 
of Alpha Xi Delta sorority. After graduat- 
ing, she became a hostess for Pennsylvania 
Central Airlines. 


One ex-GI to another, "There we were, 
after we'd secured the beachhead at Saipan, 
stretched out for a little rest. Water up to 
here. Short on chow. Short on soap and 
water. Short on cigarets. Short a lot of 
pals too. Just short period. We talked 
of the days to come. No trouble getting 
into any college you wanted. No more 
standing in line for chow or for anything. 
Easy to get a job better than the one you 
had. Cash in your bonds and build a nice 
home for a couple of thousand dollars. 
Veterans would have preference in all 
things. Good State-side steak when you 
wanted it in any restaurant for about $1.50. 
What I mean. Mac. those were swell 


The First Steam Railroad, was drawn 
in Maryland by the Tom Thumb locomo- 
tive of the Baltimore ft Ohio — America's 
pioneer railroad. Built by Peter Cooper, 
the Tom Thumb in August, 1830, pulled 
a car containing passengers from Baltimore 
to Ellicott's Mills (Ellicott City of today) 
in an hour and three-quarters. It was a 
race between the Tom Thumb and a horse- 
drawn car. The horse won, but this did 
not deter the astonishing development of 
steam transportation that was to shortly 
follow. This engine held the world's record 
for speed for four years (about 15 miles). 


By Yardley in the Baltimore Sun. The man said "University of Maryland papers 
please copy". That's what the man said. You heard what the man said. 

President Paul F. Douglas, of American 
University, charged that football is a 
"human slave market", with human chattels 
surrendering their complete freedom to the 
coaches, today's slave drivers. Postwar 
college football has no more relation to 
education than bullfighting has to agricul- 

Coach Clark Shaughnessy of Maryland 
admits its "business" and that the Terps 
are in it — but wholesale. In that premise 
Dr. H. C. Byrd, Maryland President said, 

"Since the first game was played, foot- 
ball has been the subject of sporadic attacks, 
but has survived and developed into a 
great institution because in it are values 
that can not be discarded. This is the history 
of every great movement, whether it be 
Christianity, man's effort to win for him- 
self individual freedom, or football. 

"Of course, there are excesses at times, 
whether it be in the form of the Inquisition 
or in the enthusiasm which causes some 
schools to go too far in trying to acquire 
outstanding football players. The instance 
of excess, though, should not cause an in- 
dictment of the whole. 

"Because zealot puritans burned some 
maybe harmless old lady at the stake as a 
witch was no reason to discard Christianity. 
Because once in a while one gets a pain from 
eating too much pie for dessert he doesn't 
stop eating. Neither should we discard 
football because in it at times we find things 
we do not like. 

"Football has survived and will continue 
to grow because in it are values that are 
irdestructable and necessary, and which give 
it its high place in American life." 

Shaughnessy again took the ball from 
there and said, 

"Maryland has a sports program second 
to no other school in the country. That 
includes, of course, football. 

"We are going to establish the University 
of Maryland to its rightful place among 
the country's leaders. 

"The day is coming, and not too far 
distant either, when Maryland will be able 
to give full challenge to such schools as 
Duke and North Carolina as athletic rulers 
of the Southern Conference. 

"In the future, in football as in all 
sports: Watch Maryland!" 





IN collegiate boxing, as well as in pro- 
fessional fistic circles, there is consider- 
able opinion favoring the establishment of 
a "cruiser-weight'.' class, between 185 and 
190. It is intended to eliminate the business 
of heavyweights weighing over 200 pounds 
knocking out 176 pounders. 

The move would not be without prece- 
dent. Back in the Chicago of 1903 there 
was a mighty good fighter around in the 

person of Jack Root, who had outgrown the then 158 pound 
ringside middleweight class and did not choose to be slapped to 
sleep by the likes of James J. Jeffries and other true heavy- 
weights of 200 pounds or more. 

Al Houseman, of Chicago, was Jack Root's manager. Al was 
a newspaper man who also promoted boxing and managed boxers. 
Houseman had ideas and a head full of brains. Alone and single- 
handed he blandly announced, "We hereby establish the light- 
heavyweight division at 175 pounds." One man did that and 
made it stick! Immediately there arose opposition which insisted 
that the 175 pound class was not needed because Bob Fitzsimmons, 
a 161 pounder, had knocked out James J. Corbett for the world's 
heavyweight championship. 

Good old Bob Fitzsimmons! What a puncher he was! Those 
opposed to the establishment of a division between 175 and 
unlimited will, no doubt, dig up poor old Fitz again. Ruby 
Robert was born in 1862, boxed from 1889 to 1914 and died 
in 1917. That is pretty well back into ring history to prove 
an argument. 

However, Fitzsimmons can also be used to prove the need for 
a 185 pound class for, while Fitz did flatten heavyweight Corbett 
he was knocked out by heavyweight Jeffries. From there Fitz- 
simmons went on to win the newly created 175 pound light- 
heavyweight championship from George Gardner. Proving that, 
in his own class, Fritz was still a champion. Then too, Jeffries, 
when he retired decreed that the 175 pound Jack Root, previously 
referred to, should box 190 pound Marvin Hart for the vacated 
heavyweight title. Hart knocked Root out. Similar instances of 
true heavyweights belting out 176 pounders have occurred so 
often that many boxing men appreciate the urgent need for a 
class between 175 and 200. 

An outstanding example of a mediocre ring giant, with weight 
and little else, defeating a much more talented but smaller ringman, 
occurred in the bout between Camera, 250 pounds, and Tommy 

"The Bigger They Come 

The Harder They Fall." 

IF They Fall 


Head Boxing Coach, University of Maryland 

Loughran, 176, in Miami in 1934. 

Camera, an ex-circus performer, hardly 
belonged within 100 yards of any ring 
harboring classy Tommy Loughran. How- 
ever. Camera was big. He bulled Loughran 
around, stomped on the smaller man's feet 
and generally won by being too big for 
Tommy. The bout pretty well proved that 
small men should not be matched with big 
The late Tex Rickard, ever a fine showman, once jubilantly 
announced to a group of his cronies, "Gentlemen, I have a sug- 
gestion for the classiest match in boxing! Benny Leonard versus 
Pancho Villa!" 

"But," responded one of his listeners, "Leonard is a 135 
pound lightweight champion and Villa weighs but 112." 

"Well." countered Rickard, "but wouldn't it be a swell match 
if the weights were equal?" 

Don't laugh at Tex. His Leonord-Villa match would have 
been 23 per cent less off base than the Carnera-Loughran bout 
in Miami. Against Leonard Villa would have been giving away 
20 per cent of the smaller boy's weight. Facing Camera, Loughran 
actually gave away 43 per cent of his poundage to the Ambling 
Alps of the satchel feet. 

Applying the relative percentages to the smaller man's weight 
the Carnera-Loughran bout was equal to matching a 112 pound 
flyweight with a 160 pound middleweight. Bob Fitzsimmons 
gave away 55 pounds, 34 per cent of his weight, to Jeffries, or 
the equal of a 112 flyweight engag ng a 150 pounder. Bi ly 
Conn spotted Joe Louis 25 pounds, 14 per cent of bis weight. 
or a 112 pound flyweig' t :gain:t a 127 pound featherweight. 

Through the years in which 176 pounds was considered as 
heavy enough for the heavyweight division sight has been lost 
of the fact that the peremta^e o c ih: :ma!!c: man's weight cor.ceJed 
by him to his larger adversary is what really counts. 

Taking the we ght differe ces let ween the accepted collegiate 
boxing weights and listing the percentage of the smaller man's 
weight from one class to the class next above gives you this: 

From 120 to 127 the pecentage of the smaller man's weight 
is 5.8%; from 127 to 135 it is 6.3',; ; from 135 to 145 it is 
7.4%; from 145 to 155 it is 6.9%; from 155 to 165 it is 
6.5% from 165 to 175 it is 6.0%. But from 175 to 200 it 
is 20.%! 

Eddie Joseph, referee of the Conn-Louis match, who has been 

CARNERA - 250 

FIT2SIMM0KS - 161 


- 112 



Washington Star Fcto 

The sketch below illustrates the difference in weight between (1) Camera and Loughran; (2) Jeffries and Fitzsommons ; (2) a lightweight (135) 
and a flyweight (112). Between the latter two divisions are the featherweight and the bantamweight divisions. So lightweight and the flyweight, both 
inclusive are four divisons apart. The difference in matching them, however, is not as great in percentage of the smaller man's weight than actually 
took place in the Carnera-Loughran contest, which was equivalent to a 112-pound flyweight meeting a 160-pound middleweight, six divisions apart. 


around in the boxing game a long time, 
referred to the bout as the "worst stinkeroo 
I ever saw" and added the question "I 
wonder when folks will ever learn that a 
good little guy simply can't beat a good big 

In the wide spread cricism of the tactics 
employed by Conn in his bout with Louis 
much has been written about the effect; 
little about the cause. Conn, even had he 
been successful, had planned a run away 

Boxing has always been predicated on 
weight equality because a pugilist is sup- 
posed to punch bis weight. Punching cor- 
rectly he is supposed to be able to knock 
out an opponent of equal weight. Else there 
would be no reason for weight equality at 

There is precendent other than the 
establishment of the 175 pound class for 
the introduction of the proposed new 
division, between 175 and unlimited. 

There is Precedent 

Because little 112 'pounders got sick and 
tired of being punched over by 1 1 8 pound 
bantamweights the 112 pound professional 
flyweight division was established as re- 
cently as 1911. 

In the old days boxers were roughly 
graded as lightweights, middleweights and 

In collegiate and amateur boxing, as in 
the professional sport, many bouts have 
taken place indicating the inequality of 220 
pounders facing 176 pounders. The litt'c 
fellow in such matches wins only if the 
big fellow happens to be a poor fighter. 

This article is not intended to stress an 
analogy between collegiate and professional 
boxing except to note outstanding examples 
among pros and to point out that weight 
equality between contestants is certainly 
more important in collegiate ranks than 
among the more hardened professionals. 
Weight disadvantages may prove to be more 
dangerous among collegiate ringmen than 
among pros. 

The fairness of weight equality in boxing 
is so grass roots basic that most any man 
remembers the accepted admonition of his 
kid days, "Why don't you pick on some- 
body your own size?" 

The very basis of boxing is weight, 
eauality, even matches, sportsmanship. 
Matching a 176 pounder with a 220 
pounder is not weight equality, not an even 
match, not sportsmanship. In college box- 
ing in particular it is well to see to it that 
matches are even. 

"If Thev Fall" 

Bob Fitzsimmons once coined a phrase 
that persists to this day. When matched 
with big Jim Jeffries, Fitz cracked. "The 
bigger they come the harder they fall!" to 
which the cognoscenti has added "IF 
they fall!" 

Jeff didn't fall and few remember his 
retort to Fitzsimmons. It was "The smaller 
they are the further I knock 'em!" 

A 150-Pound Class 

Because the peak of the average weight 
figures for young Americans is 150 it has 
also been recommended that a 150 pound 
class be established in college boxing. 

As to the suggested 150 pound class for 
college ringsters, the following figures, ob- 
tained from the War Department, cover 
99,605 white male registrants for selective 


Under 100 





140-149 (Peak) 











250 and over 

















The folowing figures from the United 
States Public Health Service cover 103,889 
white male and 13,033 negro registrants: 


Secretary of the Navy James F. Forrestal 
announced the award of the Reserve 
Battalion Commander's Service Medal to 
Colonel Harvey L. Miller, Director of Pub- 
lications and Publicity and Head Boxing 
Coach, University of Maryland. 

Only fifteen such medals have been 
awarded to Marine Corps Reserve Battalion 

The award, in Miller's case, is in, recog- 
nition of services from 1929 to 1940, 
both inclusive, for recruiting, organizing 
and commanding Washington, D. C. re- 
serve troops who were activitated on 1 
November 1940 for training in Cuba. 
Some of them later served in Iceland. 

Miller's combined service totals 39 years, 
his active duty close to 19 years. He 
seived actively in World War II for over 
five years and is a veteran of World War I 
with previous service in Cuba, China, the 
Philippines, Nicaragua and Mexico. 

Practically all of the Washington Re- 
serve battalion splashed ashore at Guadal- 
canal with the First Marine Division and 
served in various Pacific engagements there- 


200 and 















The abolishment of the 120 pound class 
in collegiate boxing has also been advocated 
for the reason that the weight is too light 
for American youngsters. Too many of the 
lads in that weight have to resort to de- 
hydration to make the weight. Note the 
low percentage figure in the above tables 
for the 1 19-120 gnyip. 

It has been suggested by authorities close 
to collegiate boxing that the weights should 
be 125, 135, 145, 150, 155. 165. 175. 
185, and unlimited. That would provide 
a nine man team. 


Ed Scb«""7, Maryland guard. 


The Ninth National Conference of 
American Handweavers took place at the 
University of Maryland in August. 

The Conference used the buildings of the 
College of Home Economics. 

Delegates from some 25 states, Hawaii 
and Canada attended. Among the states 
most enthusiastic, were California and 
Oregon, Iowa, Pennsylvania, New York, 
New Jersey, all the New England States, 
Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Illinois, 
Texas, Hawaii, and Canada. 

This year the Provincial government 
at Quebec, in charge of all Handicrafts 
throughout the dominion, sent as delegate, 
Yvonne Rouleau, teacher of weaving at the 
Ecole Domestique, Quebec. 

Attending the conference were hobbyists, 
home weavers, who weave for pleasure: 
club women, who seek to create interest 
for their clubs: hospital workers, learning 
techniques to take to recuperating soldiers. 
(They are usually Occupational Therapy 
Directors) : Art directors of cities, who 
supervise the art work of dozens of schools 
in their localities; Home Economics teachers, 
learning this craft to add to their clothing 
curricula; Commercial weavers, who seek 
to establish a small home business, either 
part-time or as an entire field; heads of 
shops, who wish to know new styles in 
gift fabrics. 


Anne Arundel Hall and Margaret Brent 
arc filled with co-eds waiting for the con- 
struction of Dormitory X and the new 
Pi Beta Phi house. Margaret Brent is 
sheltering 156 girls: Anne Arundel, 161; 
Dormitory C, 174! Dormitory F, 94. 


A Maryland University student, Howard 
D. Ostman, of Laurel, was killed when he 
was struck by a car driven by another 
University student, William C. Greer, of 
Bel Air. 


quently raise the question: "Where can I 
do graduate study within my professional 
field?" Industrial Arts teachers and super- 
visors generally prefer to do their graduate 
work in a university where the Industrial 
Arts offering is sufficient to permit them to 
"major" in the area of their primary 

The Industrial Arts profession is greatly 
in need of persons who have substantial 
undergraduate prepartion supplemented by 
pertinent graduate instruction. 

The University of Maryland has an un- 
dergraduate Industrial Arts program and 
it also offers Industrial Arts people the 
opportunity to earn degrees of Master of 
Arts, Master of Education, and Doctor of 

Industrial Arts course offerings are 
adequately comprehensive to permit a stu- 
dent to earn major credit in his field. 

Course sequences from which the In- 
dustrial Arts student's graduate study may 
be developed are described below. This 
broad offering makes it possible to provide 
for individual interests and needs. Programs 
are prepared under the guidance of an advi- 
ser whose duty it is to see that the course 
arrangement has sound educational pur- 
pose and coherence. 

The following are Industrial Arts grad- 
uate courses offered at the University of 
Maryland : 

Philosophy of Industrial Arts Education. 
This course is inteded to assist the student 
in his development of a point of view as 
regards Industrial Arts and its relationship 
with the total educational program. He 
should thereby, have a "yardstick" for 
appraising current procedures and proposals 
and an articulateness for his own pro- 
fessional area. 

Content and Method of Industrial Arts. 
Various methods and procedures used in 
• eveloping courses of study are examined 
and those suited to the field of Industrial 
Arts education are applied. Methods of and 
devices for Industrial Arts instruction are 
studied and practiced. 

Shop Organization and Management. 
This course covers the basic elements of 
organizing and managing an Industrial Arts 
program including the selection of equip- 
ment and the arrangement of the shop. 

Modern Industry. This course provides 
an overview of factory organization and 
management. Representative basic industries 
are studied from the viewpoints of per- 
sonnel and management organization, in- 
dustrial relations, production procedures, 
distribution of products, and the like. 

Seminar in Industrial Arts Education. 
This seminar fosters the study of current 
Industrial Arts problems. Educational re- 
search methods pertinent to Industrial Arts 
arc studied. Students who are majoring' 

JOHT Co A^»«r 
r-inp, OUST Co 


Snorky — "Professor Markem, I don't think I 
deserved an 'F' in this subject". 

Prof — "I agree with you, Framson, but that's 
the lowest mark I'm allowed to give". 

in Industrial Education may prepare one of 
the two siminar reports required for the 
degree of Master of Education. 

Research in Industrial Arts and Vocational 
Education. This is a course offered by 
arrangement for persons who are conducting 
research in the areas of Industrial Arts and 
Vocational Education. 

An Industrial Arts student may broaden 
and refine his viewpoint of Vocational 
Education by enrolling in one or more of 
the following courses: 

Construction of Vocational and Occu- 
pational Course of Study 

History of Vocational Education 

Organization, Administration, and Su- 
pervision of Vocational Education. 

Principles and Practices of Vocational 

Seminar in Vocational Education 
Trade or Occupational Analyses 

An Industrial Arts graduate student has 
the opportunity of improving his under- 
standing of education in general or of 
r.nother phase of education in particular by 
doing work in one or more of the following 

Curriculum Development 

Educational Statistics 


History of Education 

Philosophy of Education 

Principles of Secondary Education 

School Administration 

A part of the graduate study of the 
Industrial Arts student may be done in 
colleges of the University other than the 
College of Education. The student may. 
for example, with the consent of his adviser, 
enroll in courses which have a bearing upon 
the social and economic phases of industry 

or upon the organization and management 
of industry. The courses cited are examples: 

Industrial Relations 

Industrial Psychology 

Labor Economics 

Personnel Management 


A gold alloy with low-melting and other 
unusual properties was described recently 
by Dr. Robert I. Jaffee of the Battelle 
Memorial Institute. Columbus, Ohio, where 
the alloy has been studied. 

It is a gold-germanium alloy. 88%gold 
and 12 r /r germanium, that melts at 673 
degrees F.. only 50 degrees higher than the 
melting point of lead. It is what scientists 
call a gold-germanium "eutectic," a term 
applied to an alloy with a lower fusing 
point than its components have by them- 
selves. Gold melts at 1945 degrees F., and 
germanium at approximately 1760 degrees 

This "eutectic" is harder than ordinary 
gold and has superior wearing qualities. 
Another property of the alloy is its slight 
expansion on solidification, which compen- 
sates for contraction in cooling to room 
temperature. Because of this property, ex- 
tremely precise castings, such as dental inlays, 
can be made, and these dental castings 
would require no correction to take care 
of shrinkage that occurs with most alloys. 

Because of the low melting point of the 
alloy, it can be used as a solder by jewelers. 
Gold-coated jewelry of long-wearing prop- 
erties can be made by merely dipping the 
object to be plated into the molten eutectic. 

The chief interest in the metal at pre- 
sent, Dr. Jaffee stated, is its potentialities 
as a rectifier in radar equipment. 

IN 1632 

The Landings at St. Mary's is a familiar 
chapter of Maryland history. Cecil Calvert, 
second Lord Baltimore, fitted out an ex- 
pedition in England in 1632. which set 
sail for the Chesapeake in the Ark and the 
Dove under command of his younger 
brother, Leonard Calvert. The vessels visited 
the Canary Islands and Bermuda, landing 
finally on American soil on March 25, 
1634. along a wooded bluff of a small 
tributary near the mouth of the great 
Potomac River. There Father Andrew 
White, the Jesuit priest of the expedition, 
conducted the first mass. Woodrow Wilson's 
"History of the American People" tells us: 
"Lord Baltimore called his province Mary- 
land, in honor of Queen Mary of England, 
and the first settlement there on the bluff 
they called St. Mary's in honor of the 


Almost as soon as early Maryland settlers 
had firmly established themselves they en- 
gaged in the business of tobacco raising. 
This picture of industry and contentment 
is properly indicated, because tobacco was 
then accepted as money, and Lord Baltimore 
had pledged the colonists entire freedom 
from taxation. 



Volume XVIII 

January, 1947 

Number Two 



iret Brent Hall, University of Maryland. 


"Announced by all the trumpets of the sky. 
Arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields. 
Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air 
Hides hills and wood's, the river, and the 
heaven — " 

"Come see the north winds masonry, 
Out of an unseen quarry ever more 
Furnished with tile, the fierce artificer 
Curves the white bastions with projected roof 
Round every windward stake, or tree, or door. 
Speeding, the myriad-handed, his wild work 
So fanciful, so savagf, naught cares he 
For- number or proportion." 

" astonished Art 

To mimic in slow structures, stone by stone. 
Built in an age. the mad wind's night work. 
The frolic architecture of the snow." 

— (From "The Snow Storm," 

Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1841.) 





— OR — 


What's The Difference? 

This Is 



The Alumni Publication of the 

University of Maryland 

It Needs YOUR Support! 

TpO THE ALUMNI: — Alumni News is the No. 1 "must" for these pages. 
Alumni news can go as far and no farther than the alumni itself will carry 
it. Keep us posted on changes of address of any Maryland graduate. Send in 
items of interest, social news, photographs. "You send it; we'll print it." 

TO THE FACULTY: — These pages offer an outlet for news items regarding 
the University in all its activities. Items that will interest the alumni, student 
body, faculty or next of kin. Make use of this news outlet. You submit it; 
we'll print it. 

TO THE STUDENT BODY: — Here is a news medium that is intended to 
cover everything that happens at Maryland or concerning Maryland, presented 
to interest you and your folks at home as well. These pages will work in co- 
operation with student publications and will, as occasion demands, reprint items 
from student publications for wider than campus circulation. 

TO THE NEXT OF KIN OF STUDENTS:— These pages are for you so you 
will know what goes on at Maryland. Parents and other relatives of students 
are interested in University affairs. These pages will print the news. 




JANUARY. 1947 


ism IMI>-HAI>L4M 

Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class 
mail matter under the Act of Congress of March "•. 1879. Harvey t». Miller. Managing Editor. Jane A. Wells. Circulation Manager. Board of 
Managers, Alumni Association: Talbot T. Speer, '18; Austin C. Diggs. "2 2: J. Homer Remsberg, '18: Hazel T. Tuemmler, "29; Harry ]£. Haslibger, 
'33; Charles V, Koons. '29; Agnes Gingell Turner, '33; Dr. Charles K. White. "24; .lames K. Andrews. '81. 

$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 
Twenty-five Cents the Copy 

"vke Star Spangled (Banner 


MOST any grade school youngster 
knows that Francis Scott Key, a son 
of Maryland, wrote "The Star Spangled 
Banner." Fewer know that the actual flag 
that inspired the anthem was the handi- 
work of Marylanders. Still fewer know that 
but for the effort of three people who were 
very close to the University of Maryland, 
"The Star Spangled Banner" might not 
have, by act of Congress, been made the 
official anthem of the United States. 

The story of the writing of the Star 
Spangled Banner is one of the most inter- 
esting in the picturesque and colorful his- 
tory of Maryland, one of the thirteen 
original states. 

There are many grand chapters in Mary- 
land history that have come in for little 
enough glory, probably because Maryland- 
ers themselves take the history of their great 
State for granted. 

That is nothing new, of course. Native 
Washingtonians seldom bother about climb- 
ing the Washington monument. Visitors 
do that. 

Some years ago Irving Berlin, after an 
afternoon of Stephen Foster music, was 
asked, "Why are there not more 'state' songs 
like 'My Old Kentucky Home,' beautiful 
numbers that will last?" 

States With "Color" 

"There are very few states," replied Ber- 
lin, "possessing sufficient color to immortal- 
ize in song. Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia, 
Carolina, Georgia, California. Such states 
inspire songs. Not all states do that." 

Probably the greatest inspired song of 
all time is our National anthem. 

Today many a genuflection takes place 
before the flag of our country. Peoples of 
all nations, races and colors, know what 
that star spangled banner represents. They 
know what the national anthem, dedicated 
to that flag, stands for. 


From the portrait by Charles Wilson Peale. 

Written by a Marylander, 
inspired by a Maryland- 
made flag, made official 
by Maryland efforts. 

a$y J^ucille (Bernard 

There are only two places in the United 
States where the flag is permitted to fly 
night and day. One is over the dome of 
the Capitol in Washington, D. C. The 
other is over the grave of Francis Scott Key, 
at Frederick, Maryland. 

Key, accompanied by John S. Skinner of 
Baltimore had boarded the British flag 
ship "Tonnant" to negotiate for the re- 
lease of Dr. William S. Beanes, a 65 year 
old resident of Upper Marlboro who had 
been locked up for hostile actions toward 
British troops. Key was then 35, Skinner 
26. Just two young Marylanders trying to 
help an older Marylander. The three were 
transferred to the British cartel ship "Sur- 

On the "Surprize" Key kept vigil during 
the long hours of the night as the British 
fleet bombarded the stout walls of Fort Mc- 
Henry. The fort protected Baltimore, the 
city the British called "The Hornet's Nest" 
because it sent to sea, at President Madi- 
son's request, more privateers than any 
other port in America. 

)r. Beanes' Question 

Old Fort McHenry stood up well, its 
walls made of brick set in oystershell mor- 
tar were fourteen feet high and thirty-five 
feet thick. 

"Can vou see," asked Dr. Beanes, ad- 
dressing Key, "the flag?" 

The morning fog lifted and by the 
dawn's early light Key saw the flag and the 
verses of the national anthem began, in his 
mind, to take form. 

Back in Baltimore, after being released 
from the cartel ship, Key sat alone in an 
inn. He wrote later, "I sat, alone with my 
God." In those quite hours he began his 
immortal poem with Dr. Beanes' question: 
O sav can you see by the dawn's early light 
What so proudly we hail'd at the twi- 
light's last gleaming, 
Whose broad stripes ir bright stars through 
the perilous fight 
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so 
gallantly streaming? 
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs 

bursting in air, 
Gave proof through the night that our 
flag was still there, 
O say does that star-spangled banner yet 

O'er the land of the free ir the home of the 

The mists begin to lift and Key catches 
the glimpse of the Maryland-made flag over 
Maryland's proud fort. He pens: 
On the shore dimly seen through the mists 
of the deep, 
Where the foe's haughty host in dread 
silence reposes, 
What is that which the breeze, o'er the 
towering steep, 



Made by the hands of Maryland women this is 
the original Fort McHenry battle flag, one of its 
fifteen stars shot away. This ensign inspired the 
writing of "The Star Spangled Banner." The flag 

is now on exhibit : on at the Smithsonian Institution, 
Washington, D. C. 

As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half 
Now it catches the gleam of the morn- 
ing's first beam, 
In full glory reflected now shines in the 
'Tis the star-spangled banner — O long may 

it wave 
O'er the land of the free ir the home of the 
His third verse is a song of victory as well 
as challenge, as he writes: 
And where is that band who so vauntingly 
That the havoc of war & the battle's con- 
A home ir a country should leave us no 
Their blood has wash'd out their foul 
footsteps pollution. 
No refuge could save the hireling & 

From the terror of flight or the gloom 
of the grave, 
And the star-spangled banner in triumph 

doth wave 
O'er the land of the free ir the home of the 

"In God We Trust" 

And finally, devoutly, he accords full 
meed of credit to his God, the maker and 
breaker of nations. In this stanza he coins 
the motto of the American Government, 
"In God We Trust," yet another Maryland 
contribution. Key concludes: 
O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand 
Between their lov'd home ir the war's 
Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n- 

rescued land 
Praise the power that hath made & pre- 
served us a nation! 
Then conquer we must, when our cause 
it is just, 



And this be our 
motto — "In God 
is out trust," 
And the star-spangled 
banner in tri- 
umph shall wave 
O'er the land of the free 
C- the home of the 
And the star-spangled 
banner, the flag itself; 
the one that flew over 
McHenry? That too was 
a Maryland contribu- 
tion to the world. The 
flag, later pierced by 
British shell, had been 
made by a Maryland 
widow, Mary Young 
I'irkersgill, with the aid 
of her 14 year old 
daughter, Caroline. 

The ensign was made 
at the joint request of 
General John Strieker 
and Commodore Joshua 

Strips of white and 
red and the field of 
blue were cut from 
bunting layed out on 
the floor o f t h e malt 
house in Clagett's Brew- 
ery. The flag measured 
29 feet by 36 feet. 

Mother and daughter 
worked for many nights, 
far into the night, crawl- 
ing over the massive 
flag, humbly assembling 
the "broad stripes and 
bright stars" now so 
famous i n song, story 
and history. 

The daughter, Caro- 
line, recalled years later 
that about four hun- 
dred yards of bunting 
went into the banner 
and that each of its fif- 
teen white stars meas- 
ured two feet from 
point to point. The ori- 
ginal flag may be seen 
at the Smithsonian In- 
stitution, Washington, 
D. C. 

From Fort McHenry 
that flag could be seen 
for many miles. Today 
it is recognized half a 
world away and back 

Just a little old Mary- 
land widow and her small daughter, on 
their hands and knees on a malt house 
floor! Yes, Irving Berlin was right when he 
spoke of the Maryland "color" that makes 
for song and story II I 

How many appreciate that not until 
March, 1933 was the Star Spangled Banner 
made the official National Anthem of the 
United States of America by Act of Con- 

In the early 1900's "Columbia the Gem 
of the Ocean" and "America" were some- 
times played at morning or evening colors. 

For many years the Veterans of Foreign 
Wars assumed the lead in an effort to make 
the Star Spangled Banner official. Finally 

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there were hearings on the bill before 

Many and strong forces were against the 
bill. It was contended that the song was 
hard to sing, that the words were words of 
hatred. Forgotten the history, the incidents 
that inspired the words. They had some- 
thing more modern, more "peaceful," more 
singable. Neither did they like the fact that 
the music of the anthem was from an old 
English drinking song "Anacreon in 

Yes, there were people in powerful posi- 
tions who wanted to pitch Francis Scott 
Key's anthem right overboard. Just like 

However, there were also other alert 
people who fought to make it official. At 
the hearings musicians played it and talent- 
ed male and female voices sang it in vari- 
ous keys. 

Yet the bill, to secure passage, needed 
considerable effort. It required permission 
to be placed upon the unanimous consent 
calendar. That took some work. Calls upon 
Vice President Curtis, president of the Sen- 
ate. Calls upon this Congressman and that 
one. Only ONE negative reply was needed 
to make the Star Spangled Banner bill a 
dead duck. 

Most of the credit for leading the battle 
for unanimous consent went to three people 

very close to the University of Maryland. 
One was Senator Millard S. Tydings, Mary- 
land alumnus and currently a member of 
the University's Board of Regents. The 
Senator did much of the advising on what 
should be done and how. The second wheel 
horse for the bill was the late Congressman 
Stephen W. Gambrill, Prince Georges 
County, also a Maryland alumnus. He 
guided the workers for the bill and steered 
them right. The third worker was Mrs. 
Clay Keene Miller, wife of Maryland's box- 
ing coach. Mrs. Miller was Regent of Ruth 
Brewster Chapter, D. A. R. and national 
legislative chairman for the Ladies Auxili- 
aries of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. She 
spent many days in work for the bill. In 
recognition of her efforts toward making 
"The Star Spangled Banner" the official na- 
tional anthem the Governor of her native 
Kentucky appointed her an Honorary 
Colonel on the Governor's staff. 

So possibly Francis Scott Key rests a little 
easier under the sod of old Frederick town, 
because three University of Maryland boost- 
ers did not let him down. 

All of which is just another chapter of 
Maryland history that should not be pigeon- 

History and historical color? Maryland 
fairly blooms with it. The niches and cran- 
nies of Maryland history should be probed 
right along and the half forgotten chapters 
of the glorious traditions of the Old Line 
State should be kept alive. 

Written by a Maryland man, inspired by 
a flag made by Maryland women, made 
official through the efforts of Maryland 
people, "The Star Spangled Banner" today 
means more, the world over, than it has 
ever meant before. 

As we stand in reverence for that flag or 
for the official anthem dedicated to it let 
us remember that it was "made in Mary- 
land." The anthem is a Maryland gift to 
the world! 


In Washington, D. C. the Columbia His- 
torical Society has formed a committee of 
Government officials and prominent Wash- 
ington residents from its membership to 
save what is left of the Francis Scott Key 
house at the Georgetown end of Key Bridge 
from being demolished to make way for the 
highway loop planned to connect the K 
street elevated highway with the bridge. 

The committee also will seek to raise 
$100,000 to restore the building to its ori- 
ginal form and use it as society head- 
quarters and a meeting place for similar 
groups on a Government permit. 

The home was occupied by the composer 
of the Star Spangled Banner for 20 years in 
the early 1800s, While I was United States 
Attorney for the District of Columbia, 
Key's eleven children were born in the 
Georgetown house. The National Park 
Service, which has custody of the property, 
plans to install a bronze plaque to com- 
memorate the site and the man for whom 
the bridge was named. 

Only the foundation remains of the Key 
home. The building now there was built 
by the owners as a store in 1912 after at- 
tempts by the Francis Scott Key Memorial 
Association to raise funds for the purchase 
and restoration of the property failed. 

The present building was purchased by 


U. S. Senator Millard S. Tydings (left) and the late Representative Stephen W. Gambrill. These two 
Marylanders, both graduates of the University of Maryland, greatly aided in the passage of legislation 
that made "The Star Spangled Banner the official National Anthem. 

the National Capital Park and Planning 
Commission in October, 1931, and demoli- 
tion of the building has been approved by 
the commission. 

The Park Service has tried to find a way 
to save the house site without impairing 
the efficiency of the highway connection but 
gave up the attempt by 1942. 

The historical society, however, which has 
no headquarters building like those built 
by societies in other cities, plans to fight the 
present plan. Officers of the special com- 
mittee feel engineers should be able to re- 
plan the roadway so that the building can 
be restored. 

Restoration of the building was opposed 
in 1933 by Francis Scott Key-Smith and 
Anna Key Palmer, Key descendents. They 
preferred an obelisk or fountain instead, 
feeling there was too little left of the ori- 
ginal home. 


With the announcement of a new Junior 
Professional Assistant examination, the U. S. 
Civil Service Commission again offers an 
opportunity for college-trained or experi- 
enced persons to compete for appointment 
to professional positions in the Federal 
service at the P-l grade, $2,644 a year. Posi- 
tions are located in Washington, D. C, and 
throughout the United States. Persons ap- 
plying for this examination may choose one 
or more options from among the following 
optional fields: Archives, Chemistry, Eco- 
nomics, Geography, Mathematics, Metal- 
lurgy, Physics, Statistics, and Textile Tech- 
nology. Persons appointed from the ex- 
amination will assist in the performance of 
professional and technical work in the ap- 
propriate fields. 

All applicants must take a written gen- 
eral test. (Samples of the types of questions 
to be used accompany the announcement.) 
In addition to passing this test, competitors 
must have had a full 4-year college course, 
with major study in subjects appropriate to 
the field for which they are applying; or a 
combination of appropriate education and 
experience which totals 4 years and gives 
them the substantial equivalent of the 4- 
year college course. The age limits, 18 to 35 

years, are waived for persons entitled to 
veteran preference. Detailed information 
regarding the requirements is contained in 
the examination announcement, which is 
in the form of a booklet. 

Applications for this examination will be 
accepted from college students who expect 
to complete their studies by June 30, 1947. 
The "JPA" examination has in the past 
been of considerable interest to college 
students and graduates, as it provides for 
them an excellent opportunity to enter the 
Federal service in their chosen professional 

Qualified persons who are interested in 
applying for this examination may obtain 
announcements, sample questions (Form 
AN 3510) and application forms from most 
first- and second-class post offices, from Civil 
Service regional offices, and from the U. S. 
Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, 
D. C. Applications must be received in the 
Commission's Washington office not later 
than December 3, 1946. 


The ex-servicewomen on campus have 
organized a Servicewomen's Club and have 
elected the following officers: 

Florence Kretchmer, Director 

June Miller, Secretary 

Alice Werner, Publicity Chairman 

Dorothy Bay, Ida Lillie, Social Chairmen 

The Club proposes to act as a "clearing 
house" for all matters affecting ex-service- 
women enrolled at the University; to pro- 
vide a means whereby the above can be- 
come better acquainted; and, as a branch 
of the existing Veteran's Club, to cooperate 
with and to participate in the activities of 
that organization. 

In the scholastic field the Army and 
Navy have been ably represented by Doro- 
thy M. Schenck, ex-Army Nurse and M. 
June Miller, ex- Wave, who were among the 
six students tapped by Alpha Lambda 
Delta, freshman honorary society. To gain 
entrance into this fraternity an average of 
3.5 or better must be obtained for one 
semester or for the entire freshman year. 

• I 





It is a far cry from the mournful notes of taps, the beach heads at Normandy, Guadalcanal, Anzio or Iwo Jima, but the veteran makes himself fit right in at 
Universities and Colleges. "They Fooled Me," says Author Andre Maurois. At the left, above, is Anne Arundel Hall, Margaret Brent Hall is shown in the Center 

and the College of Engineering appears on the right. 


"istening to all the talk 
about problems of vet- 
eran readjustment, in the 
days just after the end of 
the war, I found myself be- 
ginning to fear that the re- 
turning American servicemen were going to 
be a group of temperamental neurotics who 
would have to be handled with extra care. 
As a teacher at the University of Kansas 
City, I anticipated their return to the class- 
room with anxiety. 

About one-third of my students last 
semester were veterans. To my surprise, 
they proved to be not only quite normal 
persons, but more sensible, wiser, better- 
adjusted than my civilian students. 

In 1944 and 1945, when I taught in co- 
educational universities, the girls were 
always my best students. In 1946, the re- 
turning veterans are at the top of the class; 
next come the girls; and in third place, 
the "civilians." Why? Because the veterans 
are more mature. They have seen the 
world, they have suffered, they understand 
better than others the value of education. 

"In prewar days," one veteran told me, 
"culture meant very little to me. I knew, of 
course, that I had to get an education be- 
fore I could get a job — but I couldn't see 
why. The stuff they taught seemed useless. 
In the classroom, geometry was just lines 
and circles on a blackboard. But on the 
battlefield, when your life depends on the 
careful calculation of an angle by a gunner, 
geometry comes alive. To any pilot who 
had to navigate by the stars, astronomy be- 
came very real." 

A Use for History 

"Yes," said another, "and any GI who 
had to deal with Italians, Frenchmen or 
Arabs suddenly realized that we couldn't 
understand the reactions of all these people 
unless we knew something about their pasts. 

"When a Commencement speaker tells 
you that this world is one, and that isola- 
tion is now an empty word, it's just another 
speech. But when, after a few hours of 

They Fooled Hie 

Vets make the best students, 
this writer-professor 
finds. They've learned the 
value of an education the 
hard way . . . 

atiy. c4ndre Mauroii 

'The Art of Living" 

Author of 

From THIS WEEK Magazine, Copyright 1946 
by the United Newspapers Magazine Corporation 

flight, you can land in Africa, in Europe 
or in Japan, then you have no doubt as to 
the unity of the world." 

What is true of history is also true of 
literature. "Before the war," said another 
student, "when I was told to read Tolstoy's 
'War and Peace,' I thought it was an unfair 
assignment — much too long. Now, 'War 
and Peace' is to me my own story and 
the story of my friends. 

"I have observed that men 
in different lands design dif- 
ferent types of houses, eat 
different foods, follow differ- 
ent philosophies," he went 
on. "Yet they all love and 
hate in the same way, and they are all en- 
gaged in the same pursuit of happiness. 
Even if I wanted to, I couldn't be an iso- 
lationist again." 

Veterans came back more proud than 
ever to be Americans. "The countries of 
Europe are very beautiful," they say. "We 
admire their towns, their monuments, and 
we understand the pride they take in their 
history. But we also know that what we 
have is good. No other nation enjoys quite 
the same freedom as we do. Of course, re- 
forms, improvements are always possible in 
our system, yet such as it is we find it 
better than anything else we have seen." 

They are convinced that it is their duty 
to remain well informed in politics, na- 
tional and international. 

"We don't want to be neutrals," one 
said to me. "Neutrals look harmless — 
but they are not. They are responsible for 
much of the world's suffering. Look at Ger- 
many. In 1930, when Nazism began, there 
was only a minority of fanatics. But mil- 
lions of 'neutral' Germans allowed Hitler to 
come to power, to ruin Germany and 
Europe. We don't want that sort of thing 
to happen here at home — and the only way 
to avoid it is to get in the fight ourselves." 

Forgetting Combat 

Are veterans emotionally upset by their 
experiences? Some of them once were, but 
they soon recovered. Among my students I 
had a boy who had led 32 missions over 
Germany and had won the Distinguished 
Flying Cross. I knew he had been in some 
hair-raising situations. I asked him, "Do 
you still feel the effects of your combat 

"The first weeks after my return I did. 
The first movie I saw was 'Thirty Seconds 
Over Tokyo.' . . When the flak began to 

explode, I had to leave the theater. I was 
shaky, all right. . . But that didn't last. 
Now I feel very steady. 

"Of course, I have changed. I'm much 
more hard-boiled than I used to be and 
better equipped for life. I've learned to 
look after myself. Before I joined the 
Army, I thought I was entitled by right of 
birth to the comforts of civilization, to 
movies, ice cream, dates with beautiful girls. 
Today, I know that this is a hard world in 
which you have to keep fighting all the 
time. I no longer fear a long walk or a 
poor meal. Problems that once seemed 
overwhelming are trivial now." 

Architect's Oversight 

Several of my students were married; 
some had children. One of them told the 
President of the University, 'This is a fine 
campus, sir, but the architect forgot one 
thing: he provided no playground for 

I wondered how the veterans would get 
on with the other students. There was no 
apparent friction. Perhaps the ordinary 
students sometimes felt the veteran was too 
keen on study, not sufficiently interested in 
campus activities. But soon the whole class 
adopted the pace set by the vets and all 
students, girls included, worked harder and 
better than the year before. 

Will the veterans exert the same kind of 
influence on the life and ideas of the 
United States? I hope they will. This 
country has no better men than these war- 
riors turned students. 


With the student body of the College of 
Home Economics, University of Maryland, 
as observers, the Progress Club of College 
Park and the College of Home Economics, 
recently held a panel discussion on the sub- 
ject of "Food and World Understanding." 

The panel consisted of Chairman Mrs. 
Cleon O. Swayzee, Chairman of the Inter- 
national Committee, League of Women 
Voters Dr. Esther L. Batchelder, Depart- 
ment of Research and Nutrition, Bureau of 
Home Economics and Human Nutrition, 
Department of Agriculture at Beltsville, 
Maryland; Dr. W. B. Kemp, Director of 
the Agricultural Experiment Station, Uni- 
versity of Maryland; Mrs. Margaret Mor- 
ris, Home Economics, U. S. Department of 
Agriculture; Mrs. Thomas Parran, wife of 
the Surgeon General, U. S. Public Health 
Service, formerly with the State Depart- 
ment; Miss Margaret Reynolds, Food and 
Agriculture Organization of the United 
Nations Agency. 

The program was arranged by Mrs. R. 
V. Truitt, President of the Progress Club, 
Miss Marie Mount, Dean of the College of 
Home Economics and Mrs. E. N. Cory, Pro- 
gram Chairman. 

The members of the panel were wel- 
comed by Mrs. John L. Whitehurst, of Bal- 
timore, member of the Board of Regents, 
University of Maryland. 

"Is Food the Key to World Understand- 
ing?" was the feature question discussed by 
the panel. 

It was brought out that not only was 
food important to world peace and under- 
standing but that the distribution of food 
was the problem before the world today. 

"A consciousness of conservation of re- 

sources has a phce in the life of every 
American," said Mrs. Cory, "with food and 
its distribution a subject vital to all." 

"Democracy means little to people who 
are hungry," said Mrs. Morris, "for hungry 
people neither think nor act intelligently." 
In her department Mrs. Morris has to do 
with school lunches. 

"The science of food," said Mrs. Parran, 
"is newer than the science of aviation. 
There is a need for a drive for food ex- 
pansion in our national and international 

"Hungry people are never reasonable," 
continued Mrs. Parran, "and that includes 
the obvious hunger of starvation as well as 
the hidden hunger of malnutrition." 

"Among hungry people," said Dr. Batch- 
elder, "there is a lack of interest, a lack of 
curiosity, in fact, a lack of most everything 
but the knowledge of hunger." 

"The very study of nutrition and re- 
search in that field will contribute to world 
understanding," said Miss Reynolds, "how 
to produce it, store it, distribute it. Food 
is basic to world understanding." 

"One out of every two people in the 
world are undernourished as a normal state 
of affairs," Miss Reynolds went on to say, 
"and today two- thirds are undernourished. 
We can do little to overcome the state of 
the world until we first conquer hunger. 
To talk to a mother of hungry children 
about boundary lines is futile." 

The panel brought out the fact that un- 
equal distribution of foods and black mar- 
ket operations that feed some and starve 
others will totter the economic structure of 
any nation. 

"We are on the very threshold of distri- 
bution of new fertilizing materials that will 
greatly increase the production of food," 
said Dr. Kemp, "and there too the problem 
is distribution. 

"That is a problem for real statesman- 
ship," continued Dr. Kemp, "for you can't 
teach a people how to whip yellow fever so 
that they may grow up to starve." 

The panel developed that the great prob- 
lem of raising more food for ever increasing 
populations was not only to improve agri- 
cultural aids and equipment but to get the 
knowledge of how to do things to every 
peasant and peon the world over. 

That there is no such thing as a food 
surplus in the world was developed by this 

"There are local surpluses in certain 
spots," commented Dr. Kemp, "while other 
spots are in need of the surplus." 

"World population increases," concluded 
Dr. Kemp, "and agricultural yield per mile 
of ground must increase with it, helped by 
improved agricultural aids and equipment." 
The panel concluded that food and the 
distribution of food products is vital to 
world understanding and peace to such a 
degree that a World Food Control Board 
is needed. 


Benjamin Latrobe, architect of the Na- 
tional Capitol, was a Baltimorean. 


A short course of instruction for sand 
and gravel technicians was held at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland from November 18 to 


Professor in and Chairman of the Psychology 
Department, College of Arts and Science, Uni- 
versity of Maryland, is Dr. John Gamewell Jenkins. 
Born in South Afboy, N. J., Dr. Jenkins graduated 
from Cornell in 1923 and won advanced degrees 
at Iowa State (MS) and Cornell (PhD). He has 
served as instructor in psychology at Iowa State 
College, University of Illinois and Cornell Univer- 
sity. Dr. and Mrs. Jenkins reside in University 
Park, Md. He is a brother of Dr. W. L. Jenkins 
of Lehigh University. 

23. The course was sponsored jointly by 
the National Sand & Gravel Association and 
the University. The registrants represented 
the sand and gravel industry in all parts of 
the country. 

The first session opened on November 18 
with addresses of welcome by Dr. H. C. 
Byrd, President of the University, and Dean 
S. S. Steinberg of the College of Engineer- 
ing. This was followed with a response by 
R. N. Coolidge, President of the National 
Sand & Gravel Association, who officially 
opened the course. The directing staff of 
the short course consisted of Stanton 
Walker, Director of Engineering of the 
Association, and Dean Steinberg. 


Thirty ex-service women gathered at the 
University of Maryland for discussion of the 
formation of a service women's organization 
as an adjunct of the Veterans' Club. 

The girls listened to Bill Kyriakys, presi- 
dent of the Veterans' Club, speak on the 
need of such an organization for women. 
He also spoke of the cooperation which will 
be needed between the new organization 
and the Vets' Club in both social and edu- 
cational activities. 


Dr. Huan Yong Hu, president of the 
Chinese Geographical Society and visiting 
professor at the University of Maryland 
has left to resume work as the Dean of 
Graduate School in the National Central 
University of Nanking. 

Dr. Hu is now working on 36 climatic 
maps for the Atlas of China and is leaving 
Professor Shu Fan Lee to continue work on 
the agricultural section of the Atlas. 

Professor Lee, in conjunction with Pro- 
fessor Hu, is offering an evening course on 
the geography and resources of China. 


Calvert County was the birth-place of 
Chief Justice Tawney of Dred Scott de- 
cision fame. 

JVeeded for Lxpaniion 


NEARLY 70 percent of the requested 
increase of 52.323,076 to finance its 
operations for the year beginning next 
July 1 will be used by the University of 
Maryland for additional faculty members, 
assistants and clerical help and to boost 
salaries of present teaching staff. 

The sum of $1,080,060 is earmarked for 
salaries of new full and part time instruc- 
tors, assistants, etc., while $438,496 is in- 
tended for salary boosts averaging approxi- 
mately fifteen per cent for present staff 
members to try to hold them in competi- 
tion with other colleges and universities in 
a period of rising cost of living. 

To overcome deficits in the schools of 
dentistry, medicine, nursing and at Univer- 
sity Hospital. §242,595 is requested. 

To cover increased operating expenses, 
resulting from enlarged activities, coupled 
with mounting costs of supplies, etc., 
SI, 003,601 is re- 

The need for en- 
larging the faculty 
arises from the 
growtli of enroll- 
ment and the indi- 
cations that the 
university will ex- 
perience more 
growing pains in 
the next two years. 

1,000 in Graduate 

The number of 
undergraduates here 
last school year 
numbered 2,600; 
for 1946 there are 
7,000. In 1947-48 
the number will 
jump. Dr. H. C. 
Byrd, president, an- 
ticipates, to 10,000 
and to around 12.- 
000 in 1948-49. 

Furthermore, en- 
rollment in the 
professional schools 
— law, medicine, 
dentistry and nurs- 
ing concentrated in 
Baltimore — is well 
over 1 ,400 this year. 

Enrollment i n 
the graduate school 
has jumped to ap- 
proximately 1,000, 
from last year's 
total of 450. 

The number of 
graduate, under- 
graduate and pro- 
fessional students 
together with part- 
time and short- 
course students now 
served by the uni- 
versity runs from 
20,000 to 25,000, 

Growth of University and 
Rising Cost of Living Calls 
for Upward Trend 

<By Carroll C. williamA 

[Baltimore Sun] 

compared with 13,000 in 1942. 

Increased appropriations are earmarked 
for resumption of research interrupted by 
the war and for expansion of research that 
has been under way on a restricted basis 
because the men engaged in it have had to 
devote so large a portion of their time 
to teaching during the war years. 

33 Hours Teaching 

In many of the schools and colleges, for 
example, the weekly teaching schedule re- 


Judge Cole is Chairman of the Board of Regents, University of Maryland. 

quires main key men to put in 33 hours 
weekly in classrooms and lecture halls. 

College of Agriculture, Extension 
Service, Experiment Station and 
Livestock Sanitary Service 

The extension service proposes to add 
23 full and part time workers to provide 
increases in services to meet the especial 
needs of various farm groups, and, accord- 
ingly, 5248,041 additional appropriation is 
asked for this unit, exclusive of 567,317 for 
new employees and 564,790 to be distri- 
buted among 74 persons now employed. 

To Hire Artist 

Plans call for intensifying control of 
diseases among livestock and poultry, and, 
in particular, of Bangs disease and tubercu- 
losis in cattle. 

Distribution of literature to agriculturists 
is to be stepped up. In this connection it 
is proposed to hire 
an information as- 
sistant, an artist to 
illustrate bulletins, 
an assistant to aid 
in the preparation 
of bulletins. 

A Xcgro agricul- 
(ural agent is to be 
added to the ex- 
tension service's 
staff; also a district 
agent for the Home 
tion agent at large. 

To facilitate in- 
sect control work, 
an assistant is to 
be hired to assist 
the university's en- 
tomologist. To in- 
tensify the war 
against the Japa- 
nese beetle addi- 
tional personnel is 
i:> be employed. 

$31,500 Is Asked 

To permit ex- 
pansion of soil con- 
ferva tjon. such as 
the building of 
drainage ditches, an 
additional State 
sum of $31,500 is 
asked. The present 
annual appropria- 
tion is 518,000. 

Twelve new em- 
ployes would be 
added to the mar- 
keting division, in- 
cluding inspectors, 
assistant professors 
in marketing, in- 
structors, statisti- 
cians, clerical help, 

Some of the ad- 
ditional money, 
sought for market- 

ing services, will he used to match Federal 
funds to become available to the State 
next July 1, under the Flanagan-Hope 
Act, designed to improve methods of 
marketing and distributing farm products. 

To Combat Coddling Moth 

Holding that urban residents need guid- 
ance in home management, planning of 
nutritious meals and especially in the face 
of rising costs, it is proposed to assign 
some demonstration agents to work in 
Baltimore and the densely populated areas 
about Washington — the cost $10,000 a year. 

To combat diseases which ravage the 
State's tobacco crop it is proposed that an 
experimental farm be set up — a capital out- 
lay of $30,000, annual maintenance of 

Inspection of fruits and vegetables is to 
be expanded. To combat the coddling 
moth in Western Maryland an additional 
appropriation of $6,270 is asked. Fof arti- 
fical in semination, $1,000 more is asked. 

To combat the Dutch elm disease and 
the potato wart, a $5,000 yearly increase is 

College of Engineering 

The College of Engineering now has 1,606 
students as contrasted with 243 a year ago. 

The faculty is to be increased by 50, for 
whom $140,983 is requested in the next 
fiscal year, while $34,121 will go into addi- 
tional laboratories. 

Eighty -eight staff members are to get 
salary increases of $49,981. 

The grand total of operating this college 
next year will be $229,860, with income 
from entrance and laboratory fees, etc., 
running to $89,860. 

Salaries in the new Department of 
Aeronautical Engineering will be about 
$48,790, with two additional flight instruc- 
tors to be added. 

College of Business and Public 

From a prewar peak enrollment of 417, 
which shrank to 250 in 1945, enrollment 
in the College of Business and Public Ad- 
ministration has swelled to 1 ,329 this year, 
and probably 'will jump to 1,700 next year. 

It is proposed that to the teaching staff 
shall be added thirteen full time men and 
nine graduate assistants, for whom $67,440 
in annual salaries is asked. The present 
staff woidd benefit from increases totaling 


Two new permanent employes and a 
large number of students are to be hired 
by the university library if a request for 
$9,557 for additional personnel is granted. 
Approximately $1,277 is sought for in- 
creases for the permanent staff. 

College of Education 

Just before the war enrollment in its 
college of education reached 320, declined 
to 314 the following year and is currently 
475, with 600 expected in 1947-48 and 800 
in 1948-49. 

Ten new staff members are to be added, 
for whom $30,272 in annual salaries is 
sought. Personnel on the current pay roll 
is to get salary boosts aggregating $18,745. 


Pr F!<-"ben G Steinmeyer, Professor of Politics and Government, College of Arts and Sciences, Univer- 
sity of Maryland, and special lecturer on international affairs. 

Dr. Steinmeyer was born January 22, 1899, in Bridgewater, South Dakota; attended public schools in 
Chicago. Illinois, Chicago Business College; Capital Academy, Capital University and Capital Lutheran 
Theological Seminary, Columbus, Ohio; and received his A. B. and Ph. D. degrees at the American 
University Washington, D. C. 

Dr. Sleinmeyer has addressed hundreds of civic, fraternal, service, educational, and religious organiza- 
tion" threnhout Maryland and surrounding states. 

During his many years of service at the University his influence has been felt by thousands of students 
anr teachers and he has become widely recognized as an authority on Far Eastern affairs in governmental 
and diplomatic circles. 

He is a member of the following Professional and Honorary Societies: Pi Gamma Mu, Honorary Social 
Science Fraternity; Pi Sigma Alpha, Honorary Political Science Fraternity; Pi Delta Epsilon, Honorary 
Journalistic Fraternity; American Political Science Association; American Society of International Law; 
Foreign Policy Association: American Academy of Social and Political Sciences; Honorary Member Prince 
Georges County Boy Scouts. 

Dr. Steinmeyer is a former President of the Rotary Club of College Park and Governor of the Mary- 

land Rotary District. 

It is proposed to add two or three pro- 
fessorships in fields now filled only by 
outside educators. 

College of Military Science, 
Physical Education and Recreation 

The College of Military Science, Physical 
Education and Recreation seeks $26,082 
more for 1947-48 than was available to it 
this year. It would add fifteen full and 
part-time instructors, for whom $9,210 is 
asked annually and grant increases to pres- 
ent personnel aggregating $13,684. 

The total budget for this unit for the 
year ending June 30, 1947, is $84,808, of 
which the State appropriated but $2,568. 
The State is asked to provide an additional 


College of Home Economies 

With prewar peak enrollment of 288, a 
total of 313 undergraduate students enrolled 
in the College of Home Economics last 
year, 350 this year. 

Nine new staff members are to be added 
for whom $17,156 in annual salaries is 
asked. Present staff personnel is to share 
$5,503 in total salary increases. 

College of Arts and Sciences 

Enrollment in the College of Arts and 
Sciences is now 2500 nearly double that of 
its previous peak. It is the service school 
of all the colleges on the campus. 

New schedules call for adding 58 full- 
time teachers, 85 graduate student assistants 


and 7 clerks — a total of 150 persons, for 
whom S253.381 in salaries is asked annually. 
The present staff is to receive increases of 

The grand total increase in budget is 
$368,704. of which the State is asked to 
provide $240,000. The State appropriation 
is $105228 this year. 

General Educational Services 

With the 1,000 graduate students, there 
is an acute need for expanding the teaching 

The income from the Federal Govern- 
ment for veterans turned students is ex- 
pected to decline next year as high-school 
graduates crowd into the 1947-48 fresh- 
man class, which is expected to be larger 
than this year's freshman class, totaling 


Predicting that the student body at the 
University of Maryland would reach a total 
of between ten and twelve thousand within 
the next two years, Dr. H. C. Byrd, Uni- 
versity President, has indicated that $11,- 
441,000 is needed for the physical develop- 
ment of the University plant in order to 
take care of growth and expansion. This 
figure is in addition to the $20,000,000 al- 
ready requested for the building program. 

"The university, in its physical plant, has 
not kept pace with the growth of its serv- 
ices and of its student body," declared Dr. 

The larger staff made necessary to pro- 
vide additional services asked by agricul- 
tural interests of the State has made it im- 
possible, he added, to provide adequate 
office space. 

Citing the increasing calls made upon 
the university for research on behalf of 
Government and industry, Dr. Byrd re- 
vealed that it has not been possible to ac- 
cept various monies allocated to carry out 
such activities "because there are not suffi- 
cient laboratories available in which to do 
the work." 

Dr. Byrd attributed the necessity for the 
increase to inflated construction costs, and, 
in some cases, increases in the size and 
quantity of facilities made necessary by an 
increased enrollment. 

Most of the 66 separate building projects 
already have been authorized by the Legis- 
lature, and some funds have been allocated 
for each. 

A breakdown of the additional State 
funds needed follows: 

College Park 

To complete nine buildings now under 

construction $2,058,000 

For 22 proposed buildings and facilities 6,150,000 


Princess Anne 

Twenty-eight new buildings, additions 
and extensions proposed $1,328,000 


Six new buildings and additions to the 
hispital, dental and pharmacy build- 
ings and a public library $1,905,000 

Total $11,441,000 

State funds totaling $3,605,000 already 
allocated include: 

$2,460,000 for 12 separate projects at Col- 
lege Park. 

S "i.OOO for a sea foods technological 
laboratory at Crisfield. 

$475,000 for a 12-point building program 
at Princess Anne Academy. 

195,000 for improvements to professional 
schools in Baltimore. 

From other sources, including gifts such 
as those by Glenn L. Martin, allocations by 
various Federal agencies, etc., a total of 
$5,390,000 is available for the improvement 
of the university's physical plant, Dr. Byrd 
reported, including the following: 

$2,500,000 for engineering, physics, chem- 
istry and mathematics Ijuildings under con- 
struction and estimated to cost $5,000,000. 

$2,000,000 for an airport. 

$600,000 for five girls' dormitories. 

$200,000 for a new auditorium to cost 

$50,000 for student activities to cost 

New items not yet authorized include: 

Airport, two girls' dormitories, three 
men's dormitories, interdenominational 
chapel, library, men's activities building. 

Pointing out that the present National 
Airport in Washington is overtaxed, Dr. 
Byrd said "it is reasonably certain that the 
proposed airport will be self-sustaining as 
to maintenance and operation, if not pro- 

MORE G.I.'S IN '48 

Many leading educators foresee a larger 
enrollment of G. I.s in our large universi- 
ties in 1948, thus creating a more serious 
education emergency in those schools than 
exists today, it is revealed in "The G. I.s 
And The Colleges," a booklet just issued 
by the Crowell-Collier Publishing Company. 

The new educational study, the fourth of 
a series of booklets issued by the company 
on veterans' problems, also discloses that 
G. I.s are today the best students generally, 
thus contradicting the fear of many educa- 


This is Norma E. Curtis, of Brandywine, Mary- 
land, 18 year old sophomore in the College of 
Arts and Sciences, University of Maryland. Alpha 
Omicron Pi. In a recent contest, after being 
selected as "Miss Brandywine," blonde, blue-eyed 
Norma was chosen "Miss Prince Georges County." 


tors of a year or so ago that many of them 
would draw government educational allot 
ments but be "educational bums." 

On the basis of replies from 583 institu- 
tions of higher learning, the study reveals 
that "the majority of veterans wish higher 
education with a definite vocational inter- 
est." Engineering is said to rank first in 
veterans' interest, business administration a 
close second, and pre-medical third. 

Because of this, educators fear that many 
of today's G. I. students, who are now en- 
rolled in junior and liberal arts colleges, 
will seek to matriculate in the larger uni- 
versities for their professional training. 
Since these universities will have their own 
lower classes going into the professional 
courses, it is expected that a critical situa- 
tion will arise. 

"In general, veterans' marks have been 
higher than normal prewar classes," the 
booklet says in reporting on the G. I.s as 
students. "Returning veterans have done 
better than before they left campus to enter 
the armed services." 

"The University of Richmond and many 
other institutions call it 'a pleasure to 
teach' the G. I.s," the study says. Other 
institutions are reported as saying that the 
veterans are "intolerant of poor teaching" 
and that they "demand to know why state- 
ments (of the professors) are true." 

It is reported that the G. I. Bill of Rights 
has democratized higher education by mak- 
ing it possible for 75 to 80 per cent of our 
G. I. high school graduates to attend col- 
lege, as compared to less than 50 per cent 
of high school graduates who went to col- 
lege in the pre-war years. And the propor- 
tion who have been withdrawing from 
school, as compared to the pre-war years, 
is said to be only one-half to one-fifth as 

The educational study points to the need 
of "careful, realistic vocational guidance 
based upon a knowledge of job opportuni- 
ties as well as of aptitudes." It is said that, 
while engineering leads the field in veter- 
ans' interest, it is estimated that the de- 
mand for college- trained engineers will be 
filled by 1953. After that "only replace- 
ments will be needed." 

The study generally indicates that the 
present overcrowded situation in our col- 
leges and universities will continue for 
three to five years, and that college enroll- 
ments will never again drop to their pre- 
war levels. 

The G. I.s, as students, are hailed as Phi 
Beta Kappas in the art of "griping." One 
Western college official speaks of their 
"directness, maturity and 'post-graduate 
skill' in griping when things can be im- 
proved . . . griping, not whining." The in- 
stitutions generally bend every effort to im- 
prove conditions that prompt the "gripes." 

TO O.C.S. 

Pvt. George L. Shelhorse, son of Mrs. R. 
I. Poole, 2112 Suitland terrace S.E., Wash- 
ington, D. C, has been transferred to Offi- 
cers' Candidate School at Fort Benning. 
Ga., from the Aberdeen Proving Ground. 
He enlisted in the Army after four years 
in the Maritime Commission in Washing- 
ton. He is a former University of Maryland 
student where he was enrolled in the Col- 
lege of Engineering in 1945. 


Dr. H. C. Byrd recently appeared before 
the State Legislative Council to request 
that the University be relieved of certain 
political restrictions that are now said to 
prevent its efficient and economical opera- 

President Byrd emphasized that he had 
no intention whatsoever of reflecting in the 
slightest degree upon any individuals or any 
other State officers. He re-emphasized that 
gradually conditions have developed, 
through laws or regulations established by 
other offices, that have taken away from the 
Board of Regents the powers that the 
Board should continue to have if it is to be 
leld responsible for the obligations placed 
upon it by the Charter creating the Board 
and the University. 

\fembers of the Board are appointed by 
the Governor of the State for terms of nine 
years each, beginning the first Monday in 

The President of the University of Mary- 
land is, by law, Executive Officer of the 

The State Law provides that the Board 
of Regents of the University of Maryland 
shall constitute the Maryland State Board 
of Agriculture. 

A regular meeting of the Board is held 
the last Friday in each month, except dur- 
ing the months of July and August. 

Judge William P. Cole, Jr., of Baltimore, 
is Chairman of the Board of Regents. Other 
members are Thomas R. Brookes, Vice- 
Chairman, Bel Air; Stanford Z. Rothschild, 
Secretary, Baltimore; J. Milton Patterson, 
Treasurer, Baltimore; E. Paul Knotts, Den- 
ton; Glenn L. Martin, Baltimore; Charles 
P. McCormick, Baltimore; Harry H. Nuttle, 
Denton; Philip C. Turner, Baltimore; Mil- 
lard E. Tydings, Washington, D. C; Mrs. 
John L. Whitehurst, Baltimore. 

Dr. Byrd says that these restrictions cover 
a good deal of territory, and that he has 
asked the Education Commission, now mak- 
ing a survey of higher education in Mary- 
land, to study all the problems involved in 
these restrictions. According to Dr. Byrd, 
there is no doubt that such a study will 
eventually relieve the University of some 
of the restrictions to which he has called 
the attention of representatives of the 

The organization is based around the 
Board of Regents and the president. The 
Board is composed of 1 1 members appoint- 
ed bv the governor for a period of 9 years. 
Dr. Byrd is, by law, the executive officer of 
the Board. This is the policy making group 
and has, theoretically, at least, complete 
control of the actions of the University. 

The budget of Maryland is submitted by 
the comptroller, Mr. C. A. Benton, to the 
Board of Regents. After this approval, it 
is submitted to the State Budget Director, 
who presents it to the Board of Public 
Works. From that body it goes to the Legis- 

Following is the complete text of Dr. 
Byrd's statement before the Legislature: — 

"The University of Maryland comes be- 
fore you today to request that the Legisla- 
ture give special consideration to the politi- 
cal controls which hamper the efficient and 


University of Maryland's campus after a snow storm. Library at the left, Arts and Science Building at the right. 

economic operation of the University and 
to take such action as the facts discovered 
may warrant. 

"In connection with the above request, 
we wish to advise you that the University 
is asking the commission now making a 
study of higher education in the State to 
include in its study the political restrictions 
with which the University has to contend. 

"The University is not now placing before 
you in detail the various facts which have 
caused it to make this request. However, 
certain general statements would seem to be 
in order. These are: It is impossible to 
operate the University economically and 
efficiently under present political restric- 
tions and control. The University's Board 
of Regents is denied the authority to act 
effectively in those matters, which, under 
the Law, are its responsibility. The Uni- 
versity has to contend with political re- 
strictions, to which no other State univer- 
sity or land-grant college in the United 
States is subjected. Under present restric- 
tions, the State is disregarding the provi- 
sions of the Federal Law in the handling 
of Federal Funds, for which the University 
is responsible. The State Employment Com- 
missioner has too much power over em- 
ployees of the University. 

"As very brief illustrations of what is 
meant by the above, the following items 
may be mentioned: The Attorney General 
recently gave an opinion that the Board of 
Public Works of the State controls and has 
authority with regard to the salary of every 
professor in the University, every research 
man in the University, and every other pro- 
fessional man employed. Such a condition 
is manifestly not in keeping with successful 
operation of the University, because no 
other University in the country is subject 
to such political control of its faculty's 

salaries, and such a control should not 
exist. The effect of this, were it to become 
generally known that the Board of Regents 
does not control salaries of its professors 
would be disastrous in competing for good 

"Judge Chestnut, in a letter to the Gov- 
ernor resigning from the Board, defined the 
attitude of the Board when he said that it 
is "incompatible with the Board of Regents 
of the University to be subject to these re- 
strictions," and that it is "quite impossible 
to efficiently conduct a great university 
under the restrictions of such an act." 

"The simple question is whether or not 
the Board of Regents of the University will 
have authority in matters that relate to the 
University of Maryland, in order that the 
Board may discharge, in its best judgment, 
the responsibilities that the law places in 
the Board. 

"Of course, the University realizes that, 
as a public institution, it should be subject 
to certain control, such as accounting for 
funds, etc. It has not the slightest objec- 
tion to such controls. But when controls 
and restrictions reach into the operation of 
the University to prevent efficient and eco- 
nomic management, then it is time that 
such controls and restrictions be eliminated 
or modified. 

"We suggest that, immediately after the 
Legislature convenes, a special committee 
of members of the Legislature be appointed 
to make a detailed investigation of the con- 
trols and restrictions above referred to and 
report back to the Legislature its recom- 
mendations as to such action by the Legis- 
lature as the facts may warrant. Such com- 
mittee, of course, would naturally seek the 
advice of the Commission, and the experts 
employed by the Commission, on Higher 


Miss Alma H. Preinkert, Registrar, College Park 
Schools, University of Maryland. 

Native of Boston, Mass. A.B., George 
Washington University. A. M., University 
of Maryland, Law School at George Wash- 
ington and graduate work for Doctor's de- 
gree at American University. Teacher in 
El Paso, Texas. Former Secretary, Middle- 
States Association of College and Secretarial 
Schools; President, Middle States Associa- 
tion of Collegiate Registrars; Associate Edi- 
tor, Journal of the American Association 
of Collegiate Registrars since 1936. Vice- 
President of the American Association of 
Collegiate Registrars, 1942 - 1944. Former 
editorial director. Maryland Federation o2 
Women's Clubs and ■currently Correspond- 
ing Secretary of that organization. Mem- 
ber of the Alumni Board of the Central 
High School, Washington, D. C. Member 
of Kappa Delta, Phi Delta Delta (legal), 
Phi Delta Gamma (graduate), Delta Kappa 
Gamma (education), Phi Kappa Phi. 

During the war Miss Preinkert served as 
Chairman for the State of Maryland War 
Service Project of the Kappa Delta Sorority. 

Assistant Registrar, University of Mary- 
land, 1919-1935; Registrar since 1935. 


The oldest Greek letter fraternity, Kappa 
Alpha Theta, is the newest sorority on the 
campus of the University of Maryland. 

Miss Jean Ford of Lancaster, Pa., and 
graduate of Penn State, was asked by the 
National Council of Theta to come to 
Maryland to colonize this group. During 
the week of formal rushing, Jean was 
helped by local alumnae and Miss Sally 
Reed, a sophomore from Randolph-Macon, 
and Miss Mary Dow, junior from Purdue. 
Both girls are residents of Washington, D.C., 
and have transferred to Maryland. 

K. A. T. now holds forth in the base- 
ment of Anne Arundel. A house will come 

Kappa Alpha Theta was established in 
1870 and three months later Kappa Kappa 
Gamma was organized. The latter sorority- 
has been on the Maryland campus for some 

Besides colonizing a sorority, Jean Ford 
is working on her master's degree and act- 
ing as assistant house mother at Anne Arun- 
del Dorm. 


Miss Alma Preinkert, Registrar at the 
University of Maryland, reports a record 
of enrollment of students at College Park. 

Enrollments by colleges arc as follows: — 

Agriculture 486 

Arts and Sciences 2,185 

Business and Public Administration. 1,276 

Education 52 1 

Engineering 1,608 

Home Economics 345 

Military Science and Tactics, 

Physical and Health Education . 13 

Graduate Students 825 

Total enrollment at College Park 7562 

The Baltimore Schools show enrollments 
as follows: — 

Law 311 

Medical 345 

Pharmacy 192 

Dental 276 

Nursing 196 

Education* 509 

Graduate School 82 

Total enrollment in Baltimore 

Schools 1,911 

Grand Total 9,173 

(*The Education figure is estimated as en- 
rollments are still in progress.) 

The much discussed ratio of men to 
women at College Park can now be settled 
with the publication of the official figures: 
5,428 men, and 1,834 women. 


Naval Reserve Officers, below the rank 
of Captain, who are now on inactive dut) 
and who have had experience in advertis- 
ing, journalism or radio, desiring to volun- 
teer for active duty in the Naval Reserve 
recruiting program until at least 1 July 
1947, are requested to submit their appli- 

Those officers selected will be assigned 
to duty in one of the following cities: 
Washington, D. C; New York City; Balti- 
more, Maryland; Atlanta, Georgia; Colum- 
bus, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois; Omaha, 
Nebraska; Dallas, Texas, and Salt Lake 
City, Utah. 

Reserve Officers of the rank of Lieu- 
tenant Commander and below, Warrant 
Officers and enlisted personnel on inactive 
duty may be recalled to active service for 
duty with the Naval Reserve recruiting 
program, Capt. Will L. Gates, USNR, Act- 
ing Director of Naval Reserve for the 
Potomac River Naval Command has an- 

With the exception of enlisted person- 
nel who hold the following rates all per- 
sonnel are eligible for active duty. Those 
enlisted men who were Ship's Service Men, 
Specialists "F," and Yeomen and pharma- 
cists mates below the fourth pay grade 
are not eligible for return to active duty. 

Officers desiring to return to active duty 
should submit their requests in writing to 
the Commandant, Potomac River Naval 
Command. Enlisted personnel may apply 
at the nearest Navy recruiting station. Ap- 
plicants should state five preferences as to 
where they would like to be stationed. 


Dean S. S. Steinberg, Dean of the College 
dI Engineering, I niversity oi Maryland, as 

in. id of a committee to study the State's 
pollution control laws, recently made a 

report to the Legislative Advisory Council 
in which he advocated changes in the ad- 
ministrative setup designed to strengthen 
the Stale's control over pollution problems. 
Under the committee's plan a State water 
control board would be established that 
would include as members the heads of 
the various Suite agencies now dealing with 
pollution problems. 

The board would have final authority 
over the enforcement of antipollution laws 
and, by its structure, would co-ordinate the 

work of the various agencies, such as the 
Department of Health, the Tidewater Fish- 
cries Commission and the Commission on 
Game and Inland Fisheries, 

Dean Steinberg explained that Maryland 
now has plenty of laws against pollution, 
although they have not always been 
properly enforced. 

As an additional step in (leaning up the 
State's rivers and streams, Dean Steinberg 
said, a research program planned at the 
university will be carried out if sufficient 
funds can be found. 

Members of the Potomac River Com- 
mission said the funds for this program 
might come from industry as a part of its 
attempts to find new process that wotdd 
reduce the wastes now discarded. It is 
through such programs, members said, that 
industry in the past has developed new 
products from materials that once were 

Maryland's water control laws have not 
always been adequate in the past. While 
laws to control stream pollution are on 
the books, the authority to administer 
them has been divided among several State 
agencies, resulting in a lack of coordination 
and poor enforcement. 

Observers believe, however that the Mary- 
land General Assembly when it convenes 
early next year, will take steps to correct 
the faulty administration of its pollution 
control laws. 


From Fort Washington, Md., the Uni- 
versity of Maryland received eight tem- 
porary frame structures plus iwo Quonset 
huts from Camp Perry, Va. These will 
give the university 22,000 additional square 
feet of space for its chemistry, industrial 
arts, civil and electrical engineering, ani- 
mal husbandry and psychologv departments 
and for book storage and recreational 


A long-haired outfit has come out with 
the statement that college gals aren't wear- 
ing bobby sox any more. 


At Maryland bobby sox are numerous. 

The claim was made by Myron Heidings- 
field, an economist at Temple University, 
and Psychologist A. B. Blankenship, head 
of National Analysts, Inc. 

They recently founded a new service 
called campus surveys, and on their first try 
maintained: "bobby sox are a thing of the 



Despite a survey showing that bobby socks no 
longer adorn the campus, they are extremely evi- 
dent around Washington. Above, is a sample of 
their popularity at Maryland University. Left to 
right, Peggy Rafferty, Betty Train, Carolyn Bryan, 
Betty Heyser and Dottie McCaslin. 

past among American coeds," saying 90 per 
cent wear sheer stockings instead. 

Blankenship and Heidingsfield said they 
also discovered that 99 per cent of the co- 
eds use lipstick, 45 per cent use rouge, and 
a "skimpy" 28 per cent possess pancake 
makeup, while the majority use toilet water 
instead of perfume. 

This part of their survey checks at Mary- 
land. On the bobby sox . . . No. . . . They 
have sold the short sox short. 

Some Tri-Delt Sorority girls were queried 
on the subject of sheer stockings. Peggy 
Rafferty, 19, said, "Why, you never see the 
things on the campus," while Dottie Mc- 
Caslin, 19, added: "They're not comfort- 
able, they're expensive, and besides, they're 
just not in." 

Peggy, incidentally, was wearing her 
father's socks. 

The whole "why" of the low shoes and 
bobby sox for the coeds was summed up by 
Lucille Andrews, 18, when she said, "Com- 
fort, natch." 

However, Betty "Choo Choo" Train, 21, 
pointed out that the girls for dates "shoot 
the works" on dressing up, a sentiment 
seconded by Jack Flynn, 20, of Sigma Nu. 


Sweater sheathed Peggy Rafferty puts on the 
finishing touches before going to class. Her 
sorority is Tri-Delt. 

He remarked: 

"Most guys like for the girls to wear low 
shoes around the campus, but we want 
them spiffed up when we take them out." 


Lucille Andrews wears moccasins, bobby socks, 
dungarees rolled to the knee, and a plaid shirt 
over a white one. Betty Heyser appears on high 
heels, in long hose, a two-piece suit, and carries 
gloves and purse. 

All of the girls agreed that practically 
every coed wore lipstick, but most went 
light on the other makeup goo. 




The Civil Engineer Corps of the United 
States Navy will shortly hold examinations 
to commission 75 qualified engineers, 22 to 
30 years old, as Lieutenant (junior grade) 
in the Civil Engineer Corps of the Navy. 

Eligible are native or naturalized citizens 
with three years engineering experience, 
two of them subsequent to receipt of their 
degree, or the military equivalent. Appli- 
cants must be physically, mentally, mor- 
ally and professionally fit. Applications 
may be obtained and filed at nearest Offices 
of Naval Officer Procurement. 

Exams, to be held on two separate days 
at the discretion of ON'Ol's. will consists of 
a 2i/2-hour general engineering test, an oral 
exam, and a 90-minute test on engineering 
problems. None of the exams will require 
special preparation as questions will test 
general engineering knowledge of the ap- 

An important consideration in these ex- 
aminations will be the candidate's experi- 
ence. Exams w : ill not be aimed at the man 
fiesh from textbooks, capable of extensive 
quotations. Preferable is the man with ex- 
perience and vision, who has developed 
ability to reason, and initiative to solve 
problems set before him. 

The future Civil Engineer Corps must 
deal with new and complicated construc- 
tion projects to meet the challenge of the 

times. Men of imagination, with a practical 
knowledge of the subject, will be needed to 
plan and construct these projects. Such 
men are being sought by means of these 
tests and will be welcomed by the Civil 
Engineer Corps. They will find, in turn, 
that the Civil Engineer Corps affords them 
opportunity for interesting and important 
work in the engineering field. 


National dairy plant production experts 
spoke at the 1946 dairy technology confer- 
ence at the University of Maryland last 
month. The conferences lasted from De- 
cember 3 to 5. 

Included among the speakers were Dr. E. 
R. Price, U. S. Public Health Service, Rich- 
mond; Dr. C. D. Dahle, Pennsylvania State 
College; Dr. C. S. Bryan, Michigan State 
College; Dr. Gordon M. Cairns, head of 
the Maryland dairy department; Dr. C. W. 
England, Stephens Dairy Industries, Wash- 
ington; C. S. Brinsfield, Maryland State 
Health Department, Hagerstown; R. E. 
Stout, University of Maryland, and Dr. V. C. 
Mover, Supplee-Wills-Jones Dairy Farm, 
and Dr. H. L. Ragsdale of Abbott's Dairies, 
both of Philadelphia. 

Practical work and research to aid farm- 
ers with production problems was outlined 
by Dr. C. J. Shaw, dairy research worker; 
Dr. Edwin C. Weatherby. manager of the 


Artificial Breeding Association; Dr. P. C. 
Brown, Livestock Sanitary Service; John 
Magruder, agronomist; Arthur B. Hamil- 
ton, economist, and Floyd J. Arnold, ex- 
tension dairyman, all of the University of 
Maryland; J. B. Sheppard, U. S. Depart- 
ment of Agriculture Research Center, Belts- 
ville, Md., and Dr. Brvan. 


Lt. Col. James B. Smith has been ap- 
pointed head of the newly formed Signal 
Unit at the University. 

Lt. Col. Smith spent five years in the 
Army and was in the European theater for 
three years. For a year he was designated 
as communications officer for Publicity anil 
Psychological Warfare. 

Smith has been awarded the Bronze Star 
and five battle stars. He is a '36 graduate 
of Texas A. and M.. and has a B.S. in elec- 
trical engineering. He was active in varsity 
tennis and basketball in college. 


Washington College, on the Eastern 
Shore, was endowed by George Washington, 
he having donated for this purpose the 
bonus given to him by Congress after the 
Revolutionary War. It is claimed that the 
College conferred a degree upon Wash- 


Rahim Mottaghi Iravani and Abbas Or- 
doobadi, two outstanding graduate students 
from Iran, Persia, are at the University of 
Maryland as candidates for the Doctorate 
degree in economics while serving as for- 
eign correspondents for the United Nations. 

Iravani was born in Sheraz in 1920, and 
attended elementary schools there. His 
higher education was obtained at SMC, an 
English college, and at the University of 
Teheran. He has published two books, one 
for Iranian students wishing to learn Eng- 
lish, and a guide for understanding the 
typical Englishman's conversation. He is a 
correspondent of six Iran newspapers and 
for the United Nations. 

Ordoobadi was also born in Sheraz in 
1923. He attended Nemezi School, an ele- 
mentary school in his home town. He was 
a student at the American College, which 
was established by Dr. S. M. Jordan, who 
now resides in California. This school is 
closed at present, as are all American col- 
leges in Iran due to the lack of American 
professors. Ordoobadi resumed his studies 
of law, politics, and economics at the Uni- 
versity of Teheran, where he obtained his 
Bachelor degree. The subject for his thesis 
was "Poverty and Its Treatment." 

Upon entering Maryland to further com- 
plete their studies, the two Iranians found 
the housing problem acute. "In our coun- 

try foreigners have no trouble finding dor- 
mitory rooms. They are given the best 
facilities by the University," Iravani stated. 
The Iranians have joined the Diamond- 
back staff in order to write a series of edi- 
torials on the differences between the 
Iranian University and Maryland. Both 
have had experience in working on student 
publications. "Ayeen Daneshjooyan" (man- 
ner of students), the first magazine to be 
published by students in Iran, was founded 
and edited by Iravani and Ordoobadi in 
1944 at the University of Teheran. This 
magazine was circulated through the whole 
country and contained political as well as 
literary material. 


The Pershing Rifles, a national military 
drill organization, is being reactivated at 
the University of Maryland after an ab- 
sence of four years. Any member of the 
basic ROTC is eligible for membership if 
he meets the prescribed requirements. 

The Pershing Rifles strive for perfection 
in drill, and serve as an honor guard for 
visiting dignitaries on special occasions. In 
the past, the group was called upon to 
participate in ceremonies held at the Tomb 
of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington Na- 
tional Cemetery on Armistice Day. 


Editorial activities of the National Foun- 
dation for Education in American Citizen- 
ship are being conducted on the Maryland 
campus. Dr. Franklin L. Burdette, asso- 
ciate professor of government and politics, 
is editor of publications for the Foundation. 

The Foundation, with central offices in 
Indianapolis, was organized six years ago 
to cooperate with educational organizations 
in publishing teaching material, building 
curricula, and stimulating interest in the 
study of the American form of government. 
Its activities now include publication of 
books and pamphlets, organization of com- 
munity forums and study groups, and co- 
operation with professional societies 
financing projects in civic education. 


The Board of Directors of the Kiwanis 
Club of Prince Georges County recently 
announced the award of the Kiwanis Me- 
morial Scholarship, University of Maryland, 
to Clarence A. Sampson, of 5405 Gallatin 
Street. Hyattsville, Maryland. 

The scholarship consists of $200 per year 
for four years as long as the student re- 
mains in good academic standing. 

Young Sampson is enrolled as a freshman 
in the College of Engineering at College 
Park. He is 17 years of age. 

Clarence is one of a family of twelve 
children. He graduated from Bladensburg 


Dean of Men 

High School in June of 1946 with very high 

The award is limited to residents of 
Prince Georges county. Relatives of Ki- 
wanians are excluded from consideration. 


The Fire Extension Service Building at 
the University of Maryland, dedicated last 
summer is the new home of a fire extension 
course which has taken on all the aspects 
of a major subject. 

The University has taken a forward step 
in this branch of education, for the course, 
under the direction of Chief J. W. Just, is 
one of the first of its type in the world. 

In cooperation with the Maryland State 
Firemen's Association the fire extension 
service offers three courses to all firemen in 
the state: fireman basic, fireman advanced, 
and an industrial course. 

The second floor of the Fire Service 
Building, divided into offices, classrooms, 
and demonstration rooms devoted to the 
University's fire extension service. On the 
ground floor located the College Park 
Volunteer Fire Department. 

The building is equipped to train men 
in all types of fire fighting and fire protec- 
tion under any and all conditions. Here 
firemen can make use of the latest 
and best in fire fighting and fire pre- 
vention apparatus. 



THE Alumni Association of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, founded in 1892, 
has revised and streamlined its Constitu-j 
tion and By-Laws and adopted a form ofj 
government differing from previous years. 

Instead of a President, First Vice Presi- 
dent, Second Vice President and Secretary, 
the Alumni Association will, hereafter, be 
governed by a Board of Managers. The 
Board will elect from its membership a 
Chairman and Vice Chairman. These two 
officers, as well as the members of the 
Board, will serve for one year. The Chair- 
man and Vice Chairman have not yet been 
elected. A Secretary-Treasurer is to be ap- 

Members of the Board, for 1946 to 1947, 
elected at the Homecoming Day meeting of 
the Alumni Association are: 

Talbot T. Speer, "18, 
Austin C. Diggs, '22, 
J. Homer Remsberg, '18, 
Hazel T. Tuemmler, '29, 
Harry E. Haslinger, '33, 
Charles V. Koons, '29, 
Agnes Gingell Turner, '33, 
Dr. Charles E. White, '24, 
James E. Andrews, '31. 

Constitution, By-Laws 

The Constitution and By-Laws of the 
General Alumni Association of the College 
Park Schools of the University of Maryland 
were revised as follows at the 1946 Home- 
coming day meeting, viz: — 

Article I — Name and Objects 
Section 1 — Name 

The name of this Association shall be 
MARYLAND," hereinafter referred to as 
the "Association." 

Section 2 — Objects 

This Association is organized to promote 
the interest and welfare of the University 
of Maryland; to encourage and sustain a 
spirit of fellowship among the graduates 
and matriculates of all departments of the 
University; to support and advance the 
cause of higher education; and to cooperate 
with the University in suggesting or carry- 
ing out proposals looking toward its pro- 
gress and welfare. 

Article II — Membership 
Section 1 — Qualifications 

Members in the Association shall be 
graduates of the University of Maryland; or 
matriculates who shall have been in good 
standing for one year and whose class shall 
have graduated; or such other honorary 
members as the Board of Managers may 

Section 2 — Dues 

The annual dues or contributions or 
other monies to be collected from the mem- 
bership shall be determined by the Board 
of Managers. 


Prominent Baltimore business man who was re- 
cently elected to the Board of Managers, Alumni 
Association, University of Maryland. 

Article III — Management 
Section 1 — Board of Managers 

The government of the Association shall 
be vested in a Board of Managers which 
shall be composed of nine elected members 
of the Association. 


Section 2 — Elections 

The first annual election of the Board of 
Managers shall be held on Saturday, No- 
vember 9, 1946, at the University of Mary- 

The members of the Board shall be elect- 
ed for a period of one year. The Board 

shall organize after the first annual meet- 
ing and elect by a majority vote from its 
own membership a Chairman, a Vice- 
Chairman, and a Secretary-Treasurer who 
shall hold office for one year. 

Section 3 — Vacancies 

A vacancy in the Board occurring during 
the year shall be filled by a member of the 
Association elected by a majority vote of 
the Board of Managers. 

Section 4 — Nominations 

Thirty days before the Annual Fall 
Homecoming Meeting the Chairman of the 
Board of Managers shall appoint from the 
membership-at-large a nominating commit- 
tee composed of three members. The duty 
of this committee shall be to select candi- 
dates for election to the Board of Managers. 
These nominees may be supplemented by 
nominations from the floor at the annual 

Section 5 — Duties of Officers 

The Chairman of the Board of Managers 
shall preside at all meetings of the Board 
and the Association; and shall perform the 
duties assigned to him by the Board of 
Managers, including the appointment of 
all committees that may be deemed neces- 

The Vice-Chairman shall discharge the 
duties of the Chairman in his absence. 

The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the 
minutes of the meetings of the Board of 
Managers and of the Association, and shall 
receive and disburse all monies at the direc- 
tion of the Board of Managers. 

Section 6 — Special 

The Board of Managers and especially 
its officers are charged with the responsi- 
bility of promoting the best interests of the 
University and the Association by working 
in close cooperation with the alumni repre- 
sentative of the University administration. 

Article IV— Meetings 
Section 1 — Annual Meeting 

The annual meeting of the Association 
shall be held at the University of Maryland, 
College Park, Maryland on the date desig- 
nated as the Annual Fall Homecoming Day. 
Other meetings of the Association may be 
called at the discretion of the Board of 
Managers. The Board of Managers shajl 
meet at the call of the" Chairman or upon 
the request of three members of the Board. 


The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the publication by the alumni 

Alumni are urgently requested to supply the office of publication at College Park with changes of address known to an alumni, news 
items of general or personal interest, occupational and professional items, social news, births, engagements, marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST" news and the more news received the better the publication will be. 

Pleas* accord us your support. 


Section 2 — Quorum 

A quorum of the Board of Managers 
shall be five members. 

Alumni Association, University of Maryland 

Founded in 1892 

Article V — Procedure 
Section 1 — Proceedings 

The proceedings of the Association and 
the Board of Managers shall be governed 
by the latest edition of Roberts' Manual of. 
Parliamentary Rules. i] 

Section 2— Order of Business _ Hazel T. Tuemmler, '29, 4509 Beechwood Road, College Park 

The order of business for all meetingsvVij. 
shall be determined by the Chairman. 


'Falbotr^.-SpeefrHSy 3L32 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, Md. 
Austin C. Diggs, '22, Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md. 
J. Homer RemsbergHi8, Middletown, Md. 




J?,-' ' 

Article VI — Amendments 
Section 1 

This combined Constitution and By-Laws 
may be amended by a majority vote of those 
present at any regular or special meeting, 
provided that the proposed changes shall 
be sent to the Secretary thirty days before 
the date of the meeting at which action is 
to be taken and published in the College 
or Alumni paper ten days prior to said 


J. W. Kinghorne, widely known in the 
poultry industry, has been appointed As- 
sistant Director of the Poultry Branch, 
P&MA, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 

Kinghorne, a graduate of the University 
of Maryland (1911), came to the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture in 1912 and until 1920 
was engaged in poultry investigatory, re- 
search and extension work. 

He left the Department in 1920 to 
organize the National Poultry Institute 
and served as its secretary and treasurer. 

In 1933 he returned to the Department 
and was active in organizing the poultry 
and egg marketing programs which have 
since developed to the status of one of the 
important commodity branches of the Pro- 
duction and Marketing Administration. 

Kinghorne is author and co-author of 
four text books on various phases of the 
poultry industry, author of several Gov- 
ernment bulletins, a contributor to trade 
publications and has recently been ap- 
pointed Chairman of the Publication Com- 
mittee of the World's Poultry Science 

As Assistant Director of the Poultry 
Branch he will be in charge of work in 
connection with market practices and liai- 


J. W. Kinghorne, Maryland 'II, was recently 
promoted to Assistant Director of the Poultry 
Branch, P&MA, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 

Harry E. Haslinger, '33, 313 V St., N.E., Washington, D. C. 

Charles V. Koons, '29, 2828 McKinley Place, N.W., Washington, D. C. 

Agnes Gingell Turner, '33, Frederick, Md. 

Dr. Charles E. White, '24, 4405 Beechwood Road, College Park, Md. 

James E. Andrews, '31, Cambridge, Md. 


The Publication of the Alumni Association. 
Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor. 
Jane A. Wells, Circulation Manager. 


son offices with the Dairy Branch on work 
involving inspection and grading, and 
market news. 

A native of Cumberland, Maryland, King- 
horne, whose home is at 135 Iris Street, 
N. W., has resided in Washington for over 
30 years. 

Mr. Kinghorne is the first graduate of 
the University of Maryland to submit a 
thesis on poultry and is also the first 
graduate-author to contribute a work to 
the University library. 


H. H. Rogge, Vice President of the West- 
inghouse Electric Corporation, has an- 
nounced the appointment of C. Swan 
Weber as manager of the Westinghouse 
Newark office at 1180 Raymond Boulevard, 
Newark, N. J. 

Mr. Weber has been with Westinghouse 
since January 1928, having begun as a 
graduate student at East Pittsburgh. Before 
coming to Newark, he was at the Com- 
pany's office in Washington, D. C. for 15 
years, serving successively as a salesman, 
marine division manager and manager. He 
held this latter post two years. 

Born in Oakland, Md., Mr. Weber 
studied at Garrett County High School in 
Maryland and at the University of Mary- 
land. He received an electrical engineering 
degree there in 1927. 

He is a member of the American Society 
of Naval Engineers and the Society of Naval 
Architects and Marine Engineers. 


Miss Janet T. Werner, whose guardian, 
Miss Anne Werner lives at 620 West Uni- 
versity Pkwy., Baltimore, Md., recently ar- 
rived in the European Theater to serve as 
an Army Hostess with European Theater 
Special Services which, under the guidance 
of Maj. Gen. A. R. Boiling, is responsible 
for the recreation and entertainment of 
occupation troop in the European Theater. 
Athletics, libraries, motion pictures, service 
clubs and live shows are just a few of the 
many Theater Special Services activities. 

Miss Werner is a graduate of Catonsville 
High School, Md., and the University of 



Maryland, College of Arts and Science, '38, 
and a member of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority. 
Prior to becoming an Army Hostess she 
served with the American Red Cross in the 
Pacific where her work did much to help 
the well being of American soldiers. In 
her current assignment as an Army Hostess 
she will direct activities at one of the many 
service clubs established to provide the oc- 
cupation soldiers with homelike surround- 
ings. The clubs contain reading and loung- 
ing rooms, snack bars, game rooms, record 
players, dance floors, libraries, handicraft 
shops and many other facilities for enter- 
tainment and recreation. 


Lee Hoffman. Maryland '43, 2415 Shafer 
Blvd., Dayton 9, Ohio, is located at Wright 
Field there with the Accelerated Service 
Test Branch of the Flight Test Division. 
He's on active duty as a Lieutenant. Lieu- 
tenant Hoffman served with a B-26 group, 
and later A-26's, in the E.T.O. and flew 
one of latter type home via the North At- 
lantic. The Lieutenant winchells that soon 
there'll be a junior pilot around the Hoff- 
man hangar. 


Mrs. J. Thad Sterling of Brentwood, Md., 
was named president of the newly organized 
chapter of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, the Col- 
lege Park Alumnae Association, which held 
its first meeting in December. Other officers 
include Mrs. John W. Jackson of Riverdale 
whose husband is a member of the Mary 
land faculty; Mrs. W. W. Evans and Mrs 
R. A. Herring of the District of Columbia 

In addition to Maryland University alum 
nae in the new group, the membership in 
eludes alumnae members of the sorority 
from Iowa State College, the University of 
Cincinnati and Ohio State University. 


The Minister of Finland, Dr. K. T. Jutila, 
and his daughter, Mrs. Maya Lena Horella, 
recently visited the University of Maryland. 

Mrs. Horella teaches Home Economics in 
Finland and is interested in education here. 
Dr. Jutila studied at Cornell and shares his 
daughter's interest in education. 


On Duty in Frankfurt, Germany. 


Miss Ruth B. Schroeder, daughter of 
Mrs. George R. Schroeder of 400 School 
St., Cambridge, Maryland, is shown above 
serving as an Army Hostess for European 
Theater Special Services which, under the 
guidance of Maj. Gen. A. R. Boiling, is 
responsible for the recreation and enter- 
tainment of occupation troops. Athletics, 
service clubs, motion pictures and live 
shows are just a few of the many Theater 
Special Services activities. 

Miss Schroeder is assigned to the Allied 
Expeditionary Forces Club at Frankfurst, 
Germany. The picture shows her (rear 
left) in the Handicraft shop, helping Pfc. 
John J. Payne of Baltimore, Maryland. 
As an Army Hostess she directs activities 
at the club, which is one of many estab- 
lished in the European Theater to provide 
the occupation soldier with homelike sur- 
roundings. The clubs contain reading and 
lounging rooms, snack bars, game rooms, 
record players, dance floors, libraries, handi- 
craft shops and many other facilities for 
entertainment and recreation. 

A popular feature of the clubs are the 
handicraft shops which provide the sol- 
diers with an interesting pastime in their 
off-duty hours. Materials for making such 
articles as leather belts, moccasins, hand- 
bags, dog collars, etc., are supplied. Ex- 
perienced instructors are available to give 
advice and help to those who require it. 
Here too, can be found fully equipped 
darkrooms where films can be developed, 
printed and enlarged. 

Miss Schroeder is a graduate of Cam- 
bridge High School, Maryland, and the 
University of Maryland. Prior to coming 
overseas she was stationed at Camp Lee, 


Dr. Lawrence L. Layton, former Mary- 
land assistant professor of the Chemistry 
department, University of Maryland, has 
been appointed to the Biochemistry De- 
partment of the Johns Hopkins School of 
Hygiene and Public Health. 


The University of Maryland's Board of 
Regents on Homecoming Day, November 9, 

1946 approved a §4,047,749 budget for 1948. 
an increase of $2,323,076 over the State ap- 
propriation for 1947, as more than 4,000 
graduates participated in the institution's 
annual Homecoming Day exercises at Col- 
lege Park. 

The board said the increase requested 
for 1948 would be "a minor part of the 
expenditures necessary for educational pur- 
poses, since it is almost certain to be an 
institution, in another year, trebled in size." 

It added: "It is believed that, if the en- 
tire increase be granted, the State of Mary- 
land still will be appropriating a much 
smaller percentage in proportion to the 
total expenditures than any other State." 

The board listed the following items 
among requested increases: 

For University Hospital and the medical 
school in Baltimore, an increase of $209,000 
"in order that these important institutions 
can meet the requirements of modern medi- 
cal education." 

For all other teaching departments, 
$432,000, "a large part of which is necessary 
in order to handle the large influx of stu- 

For all departments, $458,610 "to meet 
the increase in classified employes salaries, 
already directed by the Standard Salary 
Board and now in effect." 

A total of $228,046 to absorb a deficit at 
the medical and dental schools as well as 
university hospitals, due to increased costs 
of food, drugs, medical supplies. 

For "necessary improvements to the uni- 
versity dental school," $11,000. 

For the Glenn L. Martin College of Engi- 
neering and Aeronautics, $75,000 "to cover 
additional teaching and research personnel." 

For expansion of services in the field of 
agriculture, $247,000. 

For Princess Anne Academy, $28,000 "in 
order to place the college on an accredited 


The traditional tug-of-war between the 
freshmen and sophomores was won by the 
first-year students on the first try. Four 
sophomores, all that could be rounded up 
for the event, were quickly submerged into 
the cold waters of Paint Branch creek by 
20 freshmen while a crowd of nearly 300 
students and alumni watched. 

Rovello Wins Shoot 

The Alumni rifle shoot, a standing match 
for which the score cards of alumni rifle- 
men were collected all day, was won by 
Robert M. Rovello, '43, just back from 
commissioned service in the Army and now 
teaching at Maryland. Rovello missed the 
target entirely on his first shot but dropped 
only eight points of a possible on the next 
nine tries. He pulled up with a high card 
of 82. 

Rovello also won the turkey shoot, a 
"luck in" event that works like a cigar 
counter punch board. You shoot at a small 
card board turkey and the numbers you 
score are marked in various areas on the 
back of the bird. 

There was a tea in the student lounge 
after the football game and a meeting of 
the University of Maryland Alumni Asso- 
ciation. The University Footlight Club also 
presented "Squaring the Circle." The Black 


and Gold Ball in the new gym armory 
to the music of Trumpets Billy Butter- 
ficld's band concluded Homecoming Day's 

1 hroughout the day the Maryland cam- 
pus was a scene of activity and entertain- 


A slender, stately girl at Maiyland's 
Homecoming celebration saw a dream come 
true — a dream that she and every other 
girl has dreamed at one time or another. 

She is red-haired Sally Dunnington, 
crowned the University of Maryland's 1946 
"Homecoming Queen" in special ceremonies 
before the Maryland-South Carolina foot- 
ball game. 

Miss Dunnington, who lives at 3826 
Twenty-sixth street N. E., Washington, 
D. C, represented Kappa Kappa Gamma 
Sorority and had previously been selected 
as pledge queen of the university in 1944. 
She is a graduate of McKinley High School 
and a sophomore in the College of Educa- 

Members of her court included: Lucille 
Andrews, Chevy Chase; Shirley Andrews, 
Breathedsville, Md; Barbara Buhr, Arling- 
ton, Va.; Joanne Dawson, Baltimore; Mary 
Dow, Chevy Chase; Pat Downey, Chevy 
Chase; Betty Faupel, Baltimore; Hulga 
Frankwich, Baltimore; Marianne Karlowa, 
Frostburg; Harriet Krakow, Washington, 
D. C; Edith Lewis, Frederick; Betsy Lipp, 
Washington, D. C; Rhoda Ottenberg, 
Washington, D. C; Leah Regan, Baltimore; 
Jane Roche, Baltimore; Phyllis Schubert, 
Baltimore; Janet Turner, College Park, and 
Honora Whalen, Baltimore. 


At a meeting of the National Block and 
Bridle Club, Maryland chapter, Edwin 
Francisco was appointed president. Other 
appointments were those of Gerard War- 
wick as secretary, and Irving Spry as 

The Block and Bridle Club is a national 
organization of students in colleges through- 
out the country, who are majoring in Ani- 
mal, or Dairy Husbandry. 


"After finishing the course in Foreign 
Service," writes Henry K. Dierkoph, Jr., '46, 
282 Ryerson St., Brooklyn 5, N. Y., "I went 
to work in the Overseas Sales Division of 
the Mergenthaler Linotype Company of 
Brooklyn. Interesting work and some day 
I hope to be assigned to Latin American 
service. Our Ecuador agent is also a Mary- 
land graduate. He is Jorge Mantilla. Dur- 
ing a recent visit here Jorge and I cut up 
plenty of College Park memories." 


Mrs. Adelia Rosasco Soule, M.A., 1930, 
is now living at 2327 Shenandoah Avenue, 
N.E., Atlanta, Georgia. She is planning 
to join her husband in Japan in a few 
months, and plans to resume teaching. 


Washington surrendered his military com- 
mission to Congress in the old senate 
chamber at Annapolis. 


THIS IS the 
1946 Horre- 
coming Queen 



The red haired 
Miss Du i ning ton , 
five 'eet nine inches 
tall, ; s a jcphomore 
in the College of 

She is a Kappa 
Kappa Gamma and 
resides at 3826 26th 
Street N.E., Wash- 
ington, D. C. 

She is a graduate 
of M '.ley High 




J. Julian Chisolm Foto 


It I\ing4 \Jn 

\Jheir Zrincj.er5 


Mi. and Mrs. Aristcdes Vrahiotes of 
Washington have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Lovellen Vra- 
hiotes, to Mr. Nicholas Bakales, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Stephen Bakales of Boston. 

Miss Vrahiotes is a member of the senior 
class at the University of Maryland College 
of Arts and Science and a member of the 
Sigma Kappa Sorority. Her fiance has re- 
sumed his studies at the University of Bos- 
ton after serving as an officer in military 
intelligence of the Army. 

Bornstein- Hoi lander 

The engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Doris Rosalyn Hollander, to Mr. Robert 
E. Bornstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. William 
Bornstein was announced in Washington, 
D. C, by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Hol- 

Miss Hollander attended Wilson Teachers 
College and her fiance now attends the 
University of Maryland after service in the 


A June wedding has been chosen by Miss 
Ruth Clayton Grove, whose engagement to 
Mr. Robert James Weir, Jr., is announced 
today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. 
Grove, Jr., in Washington, D. C. 

The bride-elect studied at the University 
of Miami and received her degree from the 
University of Maryland College of Arts and 
Science, member of Gamma Phi Beta '46. 
Her fiance has just returned after serving 
three years as an officer in the Navy and is 
now attending Maryland University. 


Mr. and Mrs. William Patrick Kilmain 
of Bethesda, Md., announce the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Dorothea Theresa 
Kilmain, to Walter Wetzel Dash, son of 
Mrs. Walter Boyd Dash of Washington and 
the late Mr. Dash. 

The bride-elect is a graduate of the Aca- 
demy of Holy Cross. She attended the 
University of West Virginia and later was 
graduated from the University of Maryland. 
College of Arts and Science '43. 

Mr. Dash was graduated from St. John's 
College and received his bachelor of law, 
master of law and master of patent law 
degrees at Columbus University. He later 
served as a lieutenant commander in the 
European theater. 


Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Earl Jackson of 
Howard County, Md., announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Miss Betty Vii- 
ginia Jackson, to Mr. Theodore Calvin 
Owens, son of Mr. T. Calvin Owens of Ol- 
ncy and Mrs. Millard Owens of Bethesda. 

Miss Jackson was graduated from the 
University of Maryland in June and was 
chosen to appear in the 1945-46 edition of 
Who's Who Among Students in American 
Colleges and Universities. She received a 
I?. A. degree from the College of Arts and 
Science and is employed as a social < ase 

worker for the Prince Georges County De- 
partment of Public Welfare. 

Mr. Owens was graduated from the Ad- 
miral Farragut Academy in New Jersey. He 
recently was discharged from the \a\\ after 
three years' service. He now is attending 
the University of Maryland. 


Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sidney Heidelbach 
of Catonsvillc, Md.. announce the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Ruth Ann 
Heidelbach, to Mr. Basil I. Mishtowt, sou 
of Capt. and Mrs. I. Mishtowt of (hew 

Miss Heidelbach is a junior at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in the College of Edu- 
cation where she is a member of Kappa 
Delta sorority. 

Mr. Mishtowt will be graduated from the 
University of Maryland. College of Com 
merce, where he is a member of Alpha Tau 
Omega fraternity, next February. During 
the war he served as a captain with the 3rd 
Armored Infantry division in the European 

The wedding will take place in March. 

Throe km orton-Hoddinott 

William Mason Throckmorton and Mrs. 
C. Merrick Throckmorton announce the 
engagement of their daughter, Lenore, to 
Richard La Mar Hoddinott, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Reginald Kenning Hoddinott, Balti- 
more, Md. 

Miss Throckmorton is a graduate of 
Southern Seminary and is attending Mary- 
land University, where she is a member of 
Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. She is a 
senior, enrolled in the College of Education. 
Mr. Hoddinott, who served as a captain in 
the Fifteenth Air Force in Italy, was gradu- 
ated from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute 
and is an engineering student at Maryland 
University. He is a member of Sigma Xu 


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Luetzenkirchen of 
Baltimore, announce the engagement of 
their daughter, Miss Ann Elizabeth Luet- 
zenkirchen, to Norman Louis Cansler, son 
of Col. and Mrs. Louis Cansler, of Balti- 

The bride-elect is a graduate of Holton- 
Arms, attended the College of William and 
Mary and is a senior at the University of 
Maryland. She is a member of Alpha Omi- 
cron Pi. 

Mr. Cansler was graduated from t he- 
Georgetown University School of Foreign 
Service and at present is with the State 
Department. He is a member of Delta Chi. 


Mrs. Fannie Zinz, Baltimore, has an- 
nounced the engagement of her daughter, 
Shirlee Lorraine, to Bernard Epstein, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Epstein, Baltimore. 

Miss Zinz is the daughter of the late 
Samuel Zinz. Mr. Epstein attended both 
the Johns Hopkins University and the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1939. 


Among engagements announced in De- 
cember was that of Herbert William Har- 
den and Margaret MeCartv Russell. 

Miss Russell is a graduate of Wilson 
Teachers' College and Mr. Harden was 
graduated from the University of Mary- 
land, 1943, where he now is teaching in 
the School of Engineering. He is a mem- 
ber of Sigma Nu fraternity. 



Mr. and Mrs. Max Schnurr, Albany, N.Y., 
announce the engagement of their daughter, 
Evelyn Ann, to Richard Venn Benson, of 
Washington, D. C. 

Miss Schnurr attended Wheaton College 
and Emerson College, Boston. Mr. Benson 
was graduated from the University of Mary- 
land, having also attended George Wash- 
ington University. He is now with the 
Western Electric Co. in Mexico City. 


Next September has been chosen as the 
month for the wedding of Miss Ruth June 
Trunnell and Mr. William John Anderson. 
Jr., whose engagement was announced by 
Miss I'runncll's parents. Mi. and Mrs. Wal 
ter Joseph Trunnell of Hyattsville, Md. 

Miss Trunnell is a student in the College 
ot business and Public Administration at 
the University of Maryland and Mr. Ander- 
son is a veteran of the Navy, having served 
two years with the Corps of Engineers. He 
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. 


1 he engagement ol Miss Dorothy Theresa 
Kelmain to Mr. Walter Wetzel Dash has 
been announced by her parents, Mr. and 
Mrs. William Patrick Kelmain, of Bethesda. 

A graduate of the Holy Cross Academy, 
the bride-elect attended tLe University of 
West Virginia and graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. She is a social worker 
at the Montgomery County Welfaie Board 
while studying for her master of arts de- 
gree at Catholic University. 

Mr. Dash was graduated from St. John's 
College and received his bachelor of law 
master of law and master of patent law 
degrees at Columbus University. During 
the war he served as a lieutenant in the 
European theater. 

Hunteman- Watkins 

Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Watkins of St. 
Michaels. Md.. have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Elsie Leonard 
Watkins, to Robert Yansant lluntenian. 
son of Ml. and Mis. Arnold 11. Hunteinan 
of Cordova, Md. 

The bride-elect is attending the L'niver- 
sit\ of Maryland, where she is a member 
of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Mr. Huntcman 
is also studying at the university. He re- 
centh received his discharge from the army. 


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wells have an- 
nounced ilw engagement of their daughter, 
Jane Agnes to Mi. James I.. Troy, of Wash- 
ington, D. ( .. 

I he wedding will lake place shortly. 

Miss Wells attended the University of 
Maryland and is a member of Kappa Delta. 
She is employed in the Publications and 
Publicity office at the University and is cir- 
culating manager of MARYLAND, the 
Alumni Publication. 

Mr. Troy is a student at Lehigh Univer- 
sity alter four years in the Army. He is a 
member of Sigma Chi. 


Mr. and Mrs. Leon Doline of Baltimore 
have announced the engagement of their 
daughter, Irma, to Dr. William J. Hinder, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Binder of 

Miss Doline is a senior at the University 
of Maryland and a member of Alpha 
Epsilon Phi sorority. Dr. Binder is a 
graduate of Georgetown Dental School and 
is a member of Alpha Omega fraternity. 
He is now interning at Episcopal Hos- 


Miss Ulla-Britt Hoff, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Gunner Hoff of Malmo, Sweden, 
was married recently to Mr. Jack A. Frost, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Frost of Wash- 
ington, D. C, in that city. 

The bride was educated in Sweden and 
Mr. Frost attended Virginia Polytechnic in- 
stitute and the University of Maryland. He 
will resume his studies in mechanical engi- 
neering at Maryland in January. 


Miss Betty Stump, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. George A. Stump, of Romney, recently 
became the bride of Robert Culler Rice, 
of Newark, N. J., son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Millard M. Rice, of Mt. Airy, Md., in 

The bride is a graduate of Romney High 
School, class of 1939, and of West Vriginia 
University, class of 1943, where she was a 
member of Delta Gamma National Sorority. 

The bridegroom is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland, class of 1941, where 
he was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa 
social fraternity. He is also a graduate of 
the Harvard University School of Business, 
Cambridge, Mass. He is a veteran of World 
War II, and served as a major in the Army 
Air Force for three years in China, Burma, 
and the India Theatre. They are now 
making their home in Montclair, N. J. 


Miss Mary June McCabe, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Paul McCabe of Chicago, became 
the bride recently of Milford E. Davis, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Davis, of Cumber- 

The bride attended Fort Hill High 
school and the University of Maryland, 
where she majored in English and was a 
member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority. 

Mr. Davis is a graduate of Fort Hill High 
school and served with the Fifth Marine 
Division in the Pacific theatre. He has 
seven campaign ribbons, also the Presiden- 
tial Unit Citation and the Navy Unit Cita- 


Mr. and Mrs. John C. Niedermair of 
Chevy Chase, announce the marriage of 
their daaghter, Miss Patricia Ethel Nieder- 

mair, to George E. Long, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Ralph W. Long, of Salisbury, Md. 

The bride is a graduate of Woodrow 
Wilson High School, and attended Ameri- 
can University as a member of the U. S. 
Cadet Nurse Corps. 

Mr. Long attended State Teachers Col- 
lege in Salisbury and was a student at St. 
John's, Annapolis, when he enlisted in the 
Navy and was released as lieutenant (j.g.) 
with 19 months in the Pacific area. He is 
enrolled as a student at the University of 
Maryland law school. 


At Takoma Park, Miss Elizabeth Jean 
Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold 
Saton Wood of Takoma Park, was wed to 
Mr. James Lome Webster, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. James A. Webster, Plainesville, Conn. 

The bride is a graduate of the University 
of Maryland, Home Economics, '43, and a 
member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. 

Mr. Webster, a graduate of Bliss Elec- 
trical School, is an instructor there now. 
During the war he served overseas in the 
Army's Fifth Division. 


Miss Maxine Elaine Rombro, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rombro, and 
Melvin M. Leder, son of Herman Leder, 
were married recently in Washington, D. C. 

The bride, a member of Phi Sigma Sig- 
ma and Phi Delta sororities attended the 
University of Maryland in 1944. Mr. Leder 
is a lieutenant in the U. S. Marine Corps 
Reserve and served in the Pacific theater 
during the war. 

After a honeymoon in the Poconos and 
New York City, the couple will live in Rio 
de Janeiro, Brazil. 


The Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Plain- 
ville, Conn., was the scene of the wedding 
recently of Miss Helen Margaret McNam- 
ara, daughter of Mrs. Joseph F. McNamara, 
Plainville, and the late Mr. McNamara, 
became the bride of Thomas Lycett Loy, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Park W. T. Loy, 
Hagerstown, formerly of Frederick and 

The bride was graduated from New York 
University and is employed by the Hartford 
Courant, Hartford, Hartford. Conn. 

Mr. Loy, who attended the University of 
Maryland, College of Arts and Science, and 
the University of North Carolina, was 
formerly employed on the staff of the Morn- 
ing Herald and Daily Mail. He is now with 
the Motion Picture Daily in New York 

He is a member of Theta Chi fraternity. 


Miss Phyllis Thompson, of Chevy Chase, 
was married recently to Mr. Harry F. Kel- 
sey, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kelsey of 
Buffalo, New York. Miss Thompson is a 
graduate of Montgomery Blair High School. 
She attended the University of Maryland, 
1943-46, where she was enrolled in the Col- 
lege of Arts and Science and a member of 
Kappa Delta Sorority. Mr. Kelsey attended 
schools in Buffalo and Notre Dame Applied 
Physics Laboratory in Silver Spring and has 
been residing at the Eiker home at 9147 
Sligo Creek Parkway. He attended schools 
in Buffalo, and Notre Dame University and 
served as a lieutenant in the Navy during 
the war. 



Miss Katherine Marie Hicks, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Hicks, of Western- 
port, became the bride of Welton Landon 
Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Welton Davis 
of Luke, in Westernport. 

The bride is a graduate of Bruce high 
school, Westernport, and Potomac State 
College, Keyser, W. Va., and is employed in 
the laboratory of the Luke plant of the 
West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company. 

Mr. Davis, who is also a graduate of 
Bruce High school, attended the College of 
Engineering, University of Maryland, in 
1942, before he entered the army air corps, 
with which he served overseas. He is em- 
ployed by Hecht and Company, Washing- 


Miss Barbara F. deFord, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Allen V. deFord, of Washington, 
D. C, and Louis B. Monsheimer, son of 
Mrs. Leo Monsheimer, also of Washington, 
were married recently. 

A member of Sigma Omega Phi Sorority, 
the bride is a graduate of Holy Cross Acad- 
emy and attended Maryland University in 
the years 1944-46, where she was enrolled 
in the College of Arts and Science. Recently 
discharged from the Army Air Corps, Mr. 
Monsheimer attended New York University. 


An all-Maryland University wedding oc- 
curred in West Orange, N. J., when Edward 
Alan Miller married Mary Jane Chase, of 
Silver Spring. The bride is the daughter 
of Mrs. Kearns Chase. The groom is the 
son of Dr. and Mrs. John M. Miller, of 

The bride is a graduate of the University 
of Maryland, '43, where she was a member 
of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Lambda 
Delta and Mortar Board. She served two 
years as an officer in the WAVES with duty 
at Naval Communications in Washington. 

Lt. Miller also attended Maryland Uni- 
versity in '40 to '43. He entered the Army 
in September, 1943, was commissioned in 
1944, and served 26 months in the Pacific 

Derm an- Mendelsohn 

Miss Phyllis Zelda Berman, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Berman, Washing- 
ton, and Wilton Bernard Mendelsohn, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mendelsohn of 
Washington, were married recently. 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland, 1944, and Mr. Mendelsohn, a 
graduate of Wharton School of Finance, 
studied at the University of Pennsylvania. 

They will be at home at Dorchester 
Apartments, Washington. 


Miss Edith Bowling and Mr. Russell F. 
Mizell, Jr., were married in Washington, 
D. C. 

Mrs. Mizell is a graduate of Western 
Maryland College, where she was a member 
of Aota Gamma Chi Sorority, and Mr. Mi- 
zell received a B. S. degree from the College 
of Agriculture at the University of Mary- 
land in 1943. He was a member of Phi 
Delta Theta Fraternity. 

Coleman- Armstrong 

Shirley Seymour Armstrong of Baltimore, 
was married to John A. Coleman, in 

The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Orville 

G. Armstrong. She is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland. College of Arts 
and Science, 1944; a member of Kappa 
Delta Sorority. Mr. Coleman served five 
years in Europe. 


The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Thelma 
Briggs, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth M. 
Briggs and the late Mr. Albert M. Briggs, 
of Alexandria, to Mr. Albert E. Vogel, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Vogel of Hyatts- 
ville, took place in Alexandria. 

Mrs. Vogel, who attended Madison Col- 
lege, holds a responsible post with the 
Army Quartermaster Corps in Washington. 
The bridegroom is a University of Mary- 
land graduate. College of Commerce, 1938, 
who served with distinction as an officer 
in the Navy during the war, and now has 
an excellent association with Capital Air- 


Miss Betty Anne Ritchie, daughter of 
Mrs. Charles A. Ritchie and the late Mr. 
Ritchie of Jefferson St., Hyattesville, be- 
came the bride of Mr. Milo Frank Walter, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Milo T. Walter of 
Burlington Road, Hyattsville. 

The bride, a 1944 Hyattsville High 
School graduate, has for some time held 
a secretarial post with the National Edu- 
cation Association in Washington. The 
bridegroom, also a Hyattsville High gradu- 
ate, attended the University of Maryland. 
He served as an AAF first lieutenant in the 
China-India-Burma theater. He is em- 
ployed in Washington. 


In Washington, D. C, Miss Elizabeth 
Ann Hurley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Herbert E. Hurley of Chevy Chase and 
Mr. James B. Sparks, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Sparks of Washington, were married. 
Mrs. Sparks was graduated from the Steno- 
type School of Washington and her hus- 
band attended Maryland University before 
entering the Navy. 


The wedding of Miss Anne Micken of 
Strasburg, Pennsylvania and Mr. James 
Bradford Burnside of Washington, D. C, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting Burn- 
side, took place in Strasburg, Pa. 

Mr. Burnside is a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland; member of Phi Sigma 
Kappa fraternity. He was released from the 
Army with the rank of major. He served 
five years with the 4th Infantry and holds 
the Silver and Bronze Stars, the Purple 
Heart, the Combat Infantry Badge and the 
Belgian Fourrague as well as other decora- 
tions. He was one of the "Heroes of the 
Week," pictured by Newman Sudduth in 
the Sunday Star. 

Mrs. Burnside attended the University 
of Maryland College of Arts and Science. 


Miss Elizabeth Jean Wood, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saxton Wood, Tako- 
ma Park, Md., and James Lome Webster, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Webster, 
Plaineville, Conn., were married recently 
in a double-ring ceremony performed at 
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church by the 
Rev. R. Paul Schearrer. 

The bride, a member of Alpha Delta Pi 

Sorority, is a graduate of Maryland Uni- 
versity, College of Home Economics, 1943. 
Mr. Webster is a graduate of Bliss Electrical 
School and is now instructing there. Dur- 
ing the war he served overseas in the 
Army's Fifth Division. 


New in the orange blossom parade is 
Miss Janette Ferguson of Washington and 
Decatur, Ga.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Lamar Ferguson of Decatur, who became 
the bride of Donald Cooper Maxcy of Park- 
ersburg, W. Va., son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Charles J. Maxcy of Talladega, Ala. 

The bride attended Georgia State College 
for Women and the bridegroom received 
his B.S. degree in civil engineering from the 
University of Maryland 1943. He is a mem- 
ber of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and the 
American Society of Civil Engineers. He 
entered the army in 1943 and served over- 
seas for 18 months with an engineer com- 
bat group before his discharge. 


The marriage of Mrs. Katherine Porter 
Dulin, daughter of Mr. Irwin Stevens Por- 
ter, to Mr. Robert Deminieu Blackistone, 
son of Mrs. Robert D. Blackistone of Wash- 
ington and River Springs, Md., took place 
at Olney, Md. 

The bride was the widow of Col. Thad- 
deus R. Dulin who was killed in Normandy 
during the campaign to drive out the in- 
vading Germans. She attended George 
Washington University. Mr. Blackistone at- 
tended Charlotte Hall Military Academy 
and the University of Maryland from 1922- 
24, in the College of Arts and Science where 
he was a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. 


Miss Betty Virginia Jackson, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond Earl Jackson of 
Howard County, Md., was married to Mr. 
Theodore Calvin Owens, son of Mrs. Mil- 
dred Owens and Mr. T. Calvin Owens, in 
Washington, D. C. 

The bride is employed by the Depart- 
ment of Public Welfare of Prince Georges 
County as a social service case worker. She 
was graduated from the University of Mary- 
land 1946, where she was president of the 
women's student government. She was an 
honorary member of the Sigma Tau Epsilon 
and the Alpha Kappa Delta, of which she 
also was president. Mr. Owens is a student 
at Maryland University after three years' 
service in the Navy. He was graduated from 
the Admiral Farragut Academy. 


Ocean City was the scene of the wedding 
of Miss Aline Naisby Waller, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Price Waller, Ocean 
City, and Paul Littleton Herring, son of 
Dr. Paul Supplee Herring, of Washington. 

Besides Smith College and the Roberts- 
Beach School, Mrs. Herring was graduated 
from the Horace Mann School in New York 
and the American School of Paris, France. 

Mr. Herring, a former pilot of a flying 
fortress, was a German prisoner for several 
months. He received a B.S. Degree from 
the College of Commerce at the University 
of Maryland last June and is studying law 
at George Washington University. 

They will reside in Hyattsville. 


Frank Wilson. Jr.. "32 

Frank Wilson. Jr., 37, died at Duke Hos- 
pital, Durham on September 22, 1946 after 
a short illness. A well known Raleigh N. C. 
surgeon, Dr. Wilson won his M.D. at the 
(diversity of Maryland in 1932. He was a 
member of the stall at both Rex and St. 
Agnes Hospitals, Raleigh, and consulting 
surgeon for the North Carolina State Hos- 
pital at Dix Hill as well as the Seaboard 
Air Line Railroad. A Raleigh surgeon in 
1937-42, he entered the Army Medical Corps 
as a Captain in July, 1942. and was dis- 
charged this past July as a Major. He then 
reestablished his surgical practice in 
Raleigh. Before going to Raleigh in 1937 
he trained at the U. S. Marine Hospital, 
Baltimore, Md., the Baltimore City Hos- 
pital, and the University of Maryland Hos- 
pital. A student at Carolina in 1925-30 
where he was a member of Theta Kappa 
1'si, the Medical Society, the Elisha Mitchell 
Scientific Society, the Executive Committee 
of the Senior Class, the Band, the German 
Club, and President of the Pitt County 
Club, he received his B.S. in Medicine in 
1930. Born at Greenville, June 30, 1909, 
he was the son of Frank and Verda (Wald- 
rop) Wilson. He married Miss Alice Bar- 
bour on February 2, 1940. His wife, a 
daughter, a son, his mother, two sisters 
and two brothers survive. 

* ' F~TTluntttc8 from Heaven 

Johnny Boyda, football star, class of '41, 
is now with the D. H. Owens Company, 
Baltimore, as business methods salesman. 

Johnny reports the arrival at the Boyda 
home of Jean Sherman Boyda. Mrs. Boyda 
is the former Eleanor Sherman, at Mary- 
land in '36 and '37. The Boydas hold 
forth at 3311 Shannon Ave., Baltimore 13. 
Johnny is Chairman of the Football Com- 
mittee of the Touchdown Club for Balti- 

It's a boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 
John F. Ring, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 
Mrs. Ring was Jean Bennett, '44, Home 
Economics. She was a member of Kappa 
Delta Sorority. The father attended Mary- 
land and was a member of Alpha Tau Ome- 
ga fraternity. 

November 7, 1946 was the date of ar- 
rival for Louis Carrol Anderson, 6 pounds, 
9 ounces of boy for Jane and Hank An- 
derson, University Park. Both parents are 
Maryland alumni. 

It's a baby girl at the home of Mr. and 
Mrs. James Kinsman. Mrs. Kinsman was 
Mae Hutchison, Home Economics, '46, 
Alpha Pi Delta and he was graduated from 
the College of Education, '43, Sigma Nu. 





I JlM 4 \\ 1|J1;J:;{ 

ii , 







This Magazine Needs YOUR Support 

VflARYLAND, the publication of the alumni of the University of Maryland, hopes 
to keep pace, in size and appearance, with the rapid growth of the University 
as a whole. It is the intention to make the magazine a medium of expression which 
should represent adequately the University and the State. 

The University will finance the first three issues of the magazine (December, 
1946; January and February, 1947). Copies will be sent to every alumnus whose 
address is available. It is hoped that after these first three issues, there will be 
sufficient alumni interest to finance in large part, if not completely, the publication. 

Also, plans are underway to develop, centralize, and vitalize an organization of 
alumni of the University, so that alumni strength and influence will be commensurate 
with the number of alumni. In this development the new publication will play a 
vital part. 

This issue of the magazine sets a standard that the University and alumni should 
maintain. It needs YOUR support 1 

The Editors herewith extend New Year greetings to all. 




MARYLAND sports fans well remember 
Morris P. Guerrant, crackerjack 
featherweight boxer who came to the Ter- 
rapins from Augusta Military Academy. 

Ringsiders will recall him as an athlete 
of outstanding ability, fine sportmanship 
and more than his share of fortitude. 

These fine qualities young Guerrant car- 
ried into the Parachute Infantry where he 
was a First Lieutenant. 

Writing of Guerrant, Major J. C. McCue, 
Jr., said, "I'll never forget his first bout in 
the ring. He was 12. He was still the same 
happy, smiling boy after he had won three 
South Atlantic ring championships. He 
never became conceited. He could smile 
when the going got tough. An unspoiled, 
lovable boy, blessed with a true fighting 

Guerrant made his last great fight in 
Europe. He gave 1 1 is life there. In that 
premise Major Mi Cue comments, "Had he 
lived long enough to hear 'Well done'! he 
would have smiled in reply, 'Really? 
Thanks, sir!' He was that kind of a kid." 

First Lieutenant James Rennie, who saw 
Lieutenant Guerrant killed in action, com- 
ments, "A brave, aggressive troop leader. 
An inspiration to his men." 

First Lieutenant Guerrant was awarded 
the Silver Star, posthumously, after having 
first won the Bronze Star Medal. Just how 
a smart, courageous, athletically trained 
leader of men behaves under fire is indi- 
cated by the citations which read as fol- 
lows: — 

Silver Star 

"For gallantry in action on 30 April 1945 
at ***. Germany. Lieutenant Guerrant, 
platoon leader, advanced ahead of his 
platoon's scouts, over open terrain, armed 
with only a pistol and a hand grenade. Un- 
expected enemy fire from a well prepared 
strong point severed his platoon and scat- 
tered its forward elements. Lieutenant 
Guerrant continued to advance alone to- 
ward the forward enemy outpost positions, 
killing two of the enemy and forcing the 
rest to withdraw. Lieutenant Guerrant 
then deployed his platoon and advanced 
alone around the enemy flank, over open 
ground and through the direct fire and 
observation of the enemy. Lieutenant 
Guerrant was mortally wounded in this 
position but continued to fire upon the 
enemy until death. His extreme devotion 
to duty reflects great credit on the highest 
traditions of the Airborne Forces of the 
United States Army." 

Bronze Star Medal 

"For heroic conduct in action on 7 Janu 
at \ [945 near ***. Lieutenant Guerrant, 
Assistant Platoon Leader, during a fire 
fight, operated as an observer 400 yards 
in front of his own lines. He made four 
tiring trips back and forth, infiltrating 
through the scattered enemy each time, 

directing and correcting mortar fire. His 
route back to his own lines was under 
intermittent mortar fire. Without wire or 
radio communications, he supervised suc- 
cessful limited pursuit of the enemy after 
they had started their withdrawal. Because 
of his aggressiveness and initiative, a much 
longer and harder fire fight was avoided. 
His conduct reflects great credit on himself 
and the Airborne Forces of the United 
States Army." 


University of Maryland boxer who fell in action 
in Europe. 


(Homecoming 1944, editorial in 
"The Diamondback") 

Homecoming, and the campus over run 
with our honored guests — the alumni. 
Parents and friends of the students also. 
Maryland's largest student body welcomes 

Coming home to the campus has been 
a tradition at Maryland for a quarter of a 
century. And, although the tradition is in 
vogue at nearly every college in the country, 
our own celebration is a special one in 
which each of us takes the leading role. 

Homecoming is above all an opportunity 
for members of the alumni to renew ac- 
quaintances with each other and with the 
faculty and to see what's going on around 
the campus. They have a lot to sec this 
year — new buildings, ugly construction 
projects, and a surprising horde of students. 

In all fairness to normalcy, the floats, the 
pretty girls, the black and (.old dance, the 
between halves entertainment, the football 
game itself, are scheduled to run off like 
clockwork, and like 1941. Our dwarf-sized 
stadium will be jammed, the excess crowd 
settling wherever there is space. Except 
for the obviously increased average age of 


the majority of students, one would be led 
to believe that nothing has altered; that 
the grand, old customs mc the same. 

Don't kid yourselt! 

College life has changed whether we like 
to admit it or not. The light hearts and 
gay exhuberance are still very much in 
evidence on the surface; but beneath, 
there is an older and more subdued spirit 
than heretofore; a spirit conceived in war- 
time and nursed through victory until now 
the whole of campus living seems imbued 
with it. 

Celebrations fit uneasily into the present 
pattern unless they arc made deeply satis 
fying by their very sobriety. This is to say 
then that our gladness in the continuance 
of a tradition is only complete, when we 
check it in relation to what a tremendous 
job had to be done to assure this continu- 
ity. W'e don't have to tie ourselves into 
mental knots to figure that out. 

There is no need lor an overdose of 
seriousness. College boys and girls will go 
their merry way, and it is after all a fine 
way. as long as we have colleges and youth 
together. For the time being though, we 
have this more mature element which has 
infiltrated into the classrooms, and which 
can do its best job by serving to remind 
the extremely young among us, that the 
existence of the college and her celebrations 
is due to sacrifices which should not be 
forgotten too soon. 

Our homecoming is a friendly welcome 
to every one joining us for the festivities, 
and a grateful, unspoken welcome to the 
kids who are not able to make it this year, 
or next. So it is not inappropriate for us 
to inject a solemn note along with the 
predominantly happy one. 

Hardly a class reunion will be without 
its missing faces. Familiar guys and fami- 
liar names like Mason Chronister and 
Ralph Fisher and Paul Newgarden won't 
be here. And there are many others, God 
knows there are too many others, who left 
the campus and went to war and somehow 
skipped roll call on the way back. 

It might not be a bad idea for those of 
us who celebrate Homecoming in the old, 
joyous fashion, to try and think, if only 
for a little while, of the Maryland men 
who not so long ago fought so hard to 
make such traditions like our Homecoming 
could survive. 


Some time when you are down near 18th 
and Constitution Avenue in Washington 
take a look at the State flags grouped 
around the [wo Jima monument. Look 
them over carefully. You'll be proud of 

The other state flags show dates, State 
seals, and various other insigniae voted 
upon by the State legislators concerned 
when they accepted the design of their re- 
spective state flags. 

Maryland's is something else again. It is 
"the class." It is a "standout." It is the 
only flag in the lot with basic pre-contin- 
ental and continental heraldry and color. 

Students of such things oftimes comment 
upon it. And they are not from Maryland. 


In the last issue of Maryland there ap- 
peared an article titled "Veterans Active on 
Campus." In this issue read "They Fooled 
Me," by Andrew Maurois. 

The former article was printed follow- 
ing considerable research and inquiry on 
the University of Maryland campus over 
a span of several months. The latter 
article culminates similar research at an- 
other university. 

The opinion is overwhelmingly in the 
majority that the former Service man is a 
mighty fine college student. 

In this premise Dr. H. C. Byrd, President 
of the University of Maryland, recently 
said, "GI students as a whole are the best 
students we ever have had at Maryland. 
That holds good morally, physically and on 
an educational basis." 

In view of such opinion it is extremely 
difficult to understand the contention in 
some quarters to the effect that the same 
ex-GI above referred to does not make a 
good collegiate athlete, because he has not 
adapted himself to the campus and the old 
college spirit. An athletic officer at a mid- 
western school published that opinion. 

That does not add up in face of the 
fact that all college teams, win or lose, are 
loaded up with ex-GI athletes. It would 
seem to be fair to assume that something 
other than military - naval service makes 
them win or makes them lose in sport, win- 
ners and losers both being largely ex-service 

Let us here assume that Service doctrine 
and training still control the life of the 
ex-GI college man. Such a fellow would 
have learned, in the Service, something 
about definite objectives. 

In the military-naval services everything 
was toward definite objectives. "That" 
beach head to be taken, "that" island base 
to be hopped, "that" line to be cracked. 

So the beach heads were taken, the 
islands hopped, the lines cracked and GI 
Joe became Joe College. His objective now 
is and should be "that" college degree, an 
objective which, but for the GI Bill of 
Rights, many GI's would not have had at 
all. They want that college education and 
the best faculty opinion all over the country 
lauds them for going after it in great style. 

Athletics are only a part of college life, 
a means to an end. Some schools rate the 
value of sports high, some low. At MARY- 
LAND, from Dr. Byrd on down the line, 
the athletic program and its contribution 
toward education is rated highly. 

In athletics the ex-Serviceman can again 
apply his service training. He knows that 
the U. S. Navy, for instance, can definitely 
prove, through the years, that the ship with 
the good athletic teams is also the one with 
the shooting and steaming trophies. He 
knows that, in after years, when he looks 
back on his career at Maryland he'd rather 
say "I was a champion on a championship 

team!" than "I just monkeyed around in 
sports for fun." 

The Services, above all other things 
taught the service man to want to WIN. 
To win battles, to win good physical condi- 
tion, to win promotion, to win that home- 
ward bound trip and that college degree. 

Winning a stinking hot rock like Iwo at 
the cost of thousands of buddies is some- 
thing to win. Kicking a field goal or toss- 
ing a basket, or outpointing an opponent 
in a boxing ring is what the Services taught 
as training toward winning places like Iwo 
and Anzio. 

Probably better than any group in any 
walk of life the service trained youngsters 
to appreciate the verity of the axiom, 

"In order to reach a goal in life you 
must have one!" 


A fine example of Service training toward 
striving to win athletic events was provided 
some years ago, when the Commander in 
Chief of the. Atlantic Fleet, Admiral Henry 
Braid Wilson, U. S. N., lined up all of the 
fleet athletes on the quarterdeck of the 
U. S. S. Pennsylvania and, after a ding- 
dong pep talk, concluded with, 

" I would like to coin a motto for ath- 
letes. A motto that I hope will survive. 
It is 

MEN!' " 

The Admiral's motto stuck. It is still 
used. But we always liked the stentorian 
gob in the rear rank who, inserting a dash 
behind the Admiral's motto, bellowed forth 
an addition that has also stuck. The sailor 
yelled "BUT DON'T LOSE!" 


(From "The Diamondback") 

Everybody wants a new stadium; but 
how many of us know what has to be done 
to assure one being built on the campus 
in the forseeable future? 

The students are not the only people 
who want the stadium. Dr. Byrd and his 
staff, the members of the faculty, and 
numerous friends of the University are 
anxious to have our antiquated plant re- 
placed by a modern one. 

The builders of the present stadium 
originally planned it as a one-sided concrete 
structure with its back to the boulevard. 
When it was built its seating capacity was 
consistent with the enrollment and the 
athletic policy of the university. Through 
the years, the school jumped its enrollment 
and, inevitably, school officials began to 
overhaul their outmoded attitude toward 

The wooden stands across the field where 
the sudent body now sits were added and 
with the final addition of the temporary 
stands behind the goal posts, the capacity 
of the stadium climbed to approximately 
12,000. That isn't enough. 

Maryland's football teams have come a 
long way since the '30's. Dr. Byrd, one 
time football coach, has always wanted 
Maryland to be ably represented on the 
athletic fields and with this in mind Clark 
Shaughnessy was lured from Stanford in '42 



The student body grows and grows. Byrd 
Stadium does not. 

with the promise of a lucrative contract, 
and, although he was not with us during 
the war, he has again returned to coach 
Maryland squads. 

All this ties in with the urgent need for 
a new stadium. As the teams, supported by 
a record-breaking enrollment which will 
undoubtedly remain huge for years to 
come, grow in stature and performance, 
we'll need a big, modern stadium to handle 
the crowds. The stadium, of course, would 
eventually pay for itself. 

But, though plans are drawn up and 
have been discussed by top-level adminis- 
tration men, the final go ahead must come 
from Annapolis. 

Those in charge of the tremendous ex- 
pansion program being rushed to comple- 
tion on the campus insist that dormitories 
and new classrooms come first. That makes 
sense even to zealous sports fans. 

It looks as if we've got to have patience, 
and sweat out the erection of a new sta- 
dium for a while yet, anyway. In the mean- 
time, let's play the game for all it's worth. 


This is how a State and a University 
wins friends. 

"Last summer I was privileged to enjoy 
a portion of my vacation on the Eastern 
shore of Maryland, in the vicinity of 
Easton," writes Homer V. Miles. Jr., of 
New Castle, Pa. 

"I was very much pleased," Mr. Miles 
goes on to say, "with the hospitality ac- 
corded me and I decided I would like 
to spend more time in that beautiful State." 

"The University of Maryland was men- 
tioned often during my stay and, since this 
is my senior year in high school I am very 
eager to obtain information about entry 
into the University," Mr. Miles concludes, 
"and before winter is upon us I plan to 
motor down to visit your campus. I hope 
I may be fortunate enough to soon be a 
part of that campus." 


John Basilonc 
Luis J. Cukela 
Sada S. Munimori 
Jose Calugas 
Willibald C. Bianchi 
William G. Fournier 
Kenneth E. Gruenncrt 
John L. Jerstad 
Ralph Cheli 
Joe P. Martinez 
Frank J. Petraca 
Charles E. Kelly 
Junior Van Noy 
Nicholas Minue 
Floyd K. Lindstroin 
Alton VV. Knappenbergcr 
Walter E. Truemper 
Archibald Mathics 
Joe C. Specker 
Henry Gurke 
Arnold L. Bjorklund 
Forrest L. Vosler 
Arlo L. Olson 
Paul F. Riordan 
John W. Dutko 
Henry Schauer 
Walter D. Ehlers 
Arthur F. DeFranzo 
Ernest H. Dervishian 
Truman O. Olson 
Emil Bloch 

Raymond O. Beaudoin 
Peter Tomich 
Harold C. Agerholm 
Anthony P. D'Amato 
Jefferson J. De Blanc 
John J. Tominac 
William H. O'Hrien 
Gerald L. En<ll 
John J. McVi igh 
Joseph J. Sadov> ' 
Paul J. Wiedorfcr 
Raymond Zussman 
Donald J. Gott 
William E. Metzger 
Jose M. Lopez 
Joseph E. Schaefer 
Gino J. Merli 
Ellis R. Weicht 
Marcario Garcia 
Silvestre S. Herrera 
Charles A. MacGilliavary 
Dexter J. Kerstetter 
John F. Thorson 
Emile Deleau 
Nicholas Oresko 
Charistos H. Karaberis 
John C. Sjogren 
William A. Soderman 
Cleto Rodriguez 
Mike Colalillo 
Veto R. Bertoldo 
Ysmael R. Villegas 
Leonard C. Brostrom 
David M. Gonzales 
Joseph J. Cicchetti 
Manuel Perez 
Harold Gonsalves 
Richard K. Sorenson 

Toni Stein 
Frank B. Witek 
Jose F. ValdeS 
\uton L. Krotiak 
Edward J. Moskala 
Walter C. Wetzel 
Charles N. DeGloppcr 
Dirk J. Vlug 
Alejandro Renteria 
Harold (). Mcsscrschmidt 

The above is neither a muster list of 
the United Nations conference nor a release 
of Notre Dame's football roster. 

It is a list of star-spangled Yankee Doodle 
Americans, recipients of the very highest 
citizenship award our country can bestow. 

To be a descendant of the Americans 
who came over on the Mayflower, to be 
a son or Daughter of the American Revo- 
lution is something to inspire justifiable 

But the list above includes only Ameri- 
cans and descendants of Americans who 
became Americans by choice, not by the 
accident of birth. 

In the above list of names are represented 
the frightened, pioneers strangers from 
another country, going through the pain 
of not being understood in a new country. 

Some of their parents never learned the 
American language. Many lived in ghettos 
and shantytowns all their lives. Here are 
Czech and Yugoslav, Japanese, Austrian, 
Greek, German, Italian, Irish, French, Scan- 
dinavian, Armenian. Mexican. The Jap 
name in the list above represents a very 
large group of Americans of Japanese de- 
scent who had something to prove and did 

The German names in the above list 
represent what Robert Moses once called 
the "Beiunsnichts" ("Be, tins nidus gut in 
E'uropa; aber hicr ist es besscr"). 

The children of such Americans arc 
moulded in the American system. They 
become great Americans. 

These days, unfortunately, we hear and 
read much of intolerance, of condemnation 
of the fellow who is of another race, an- 
other color, another religion. 

What would constitute a great test of 
their right to be Americans? We'd say 
service in uniform; the willingness to fight 
and to die for the United States. 

And for such service the very greatest 
honor this country can bestow lies in win- 
ning the Congressional Medal of Honor, 
the nation's top llight, grade "A" award 
that comes only to bravest of the heroic 
Americans who rendered service above and 
beyond the call of duty. 

The foreign sounding names of the 
Americans listed above are called at random 
fiom a list of the winners of the CON- 

But Others Too 

And, of course, the list of Medals of 
Honor also includes such names as Smedley 

D, Butler, Douglas A. Munro and others. 

It includes the name of Ernest Childers, 
just to go to the other extreme of Ameri- 

Ernest Childers dates back to long before 
the Mayflower. When he won from this 
nation the Congressional Medal of Honor 
he also won a similar award from another 
nation of his. The Osage nation. Childers 
is a full blooded Osage Indian who was 
decorated with the Necklace of the Horses 
leeth, which goes only to the great war- 
riors among the Osages, something on a 
parity with the Medal of Honor. 1 hat 
recalls the experience of a draft board 
which, in the routine course of its duties, 
sent one of its "greeting" cards to a young 
buck on a nearby Indian Reservation. 

The next day a cloud of dust down the 
main stem signalled the approach, on horse- 
back, of the old chief, followed by a great 
number of young bucks, all in war paint. 

With a challenging gesture of disdain 
the old chief approached the desk of the 
draft chairman, tossed the card on the 
desk, stepped back, folded his arms, and 

"Since when is it necessary to draft a 
Sioux to fight for his country? 


"Congratulations on 'MARYLAND,' the 
Alumni Publication," writes Peter W. 
Chichester, '15, c.o. Dietrick & Gambrill, 
Inc., Frederick, Md. 

"This is a very fine publication," the 
letter goes on to say, "and reflects great 
credit on the University as well as the 
alumni. All of us, for many years, have 
realized that we needed a publication that 
would be in accord with the growth of the 
University and the alumni. Looks like this 
is it and I want to congratulate you and 
others responsible for the publication. In- 
closed find my check." 

(Editor's note — Thank you and we'll try- 
to make it better from issue to issue.) 

"I just received my copy of the new 
magazine, MARYLAND.'' writes Jos. Win. 
Kinghorne, "and I want to congratulate you 
and all who contributed toward producing 
a really fine publication." 

"I want to congratulate you," writes Abe 
J. Greene, Patcrson, N. J., newspaper pub- 
lisher, "on the fine job done on producing 
MARYLAND. It is a fine job and reflects 
a tremendous amount of intelligent effort." 


An important observation, which is still 
true, was when Lewis Cass, many years ago, 
said: "The schoolmaster is a more power- 
ful antagonist than the soldier, and the 
alphabet is a more efficient weapon than 
the bayonet." 


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State Proud of uhem 


The formal dedication of the Fire Serv- 
ice Extension Building at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland on September 28, 1946, 
suggested that a history of Volunteer Fire- 
men in Maryland might be of interest to 
the University's alumni and student body. 
Here it is. 

The year, 1892. The war with Spain was 
still six years away. Horse drawn vehicles 
moved at modest pace, often their wheels 
mired deep in mud. 

There were no aeroplanes, no radios, and 
no movies. Automobiles were in the inven- 
tive stage. The phonograph was still a 

t . Fire engines in the 

larger towns were op- 
erated by steam and 
drawn by horses. In 
smaller communities, 
fire protection, if 
available at all, was 
provided by hand op- 
erated pumpers, hose 
reels and an occasional 
ladder rig — all drawn 
on the run by puffing 
and panting volun- 

Rivalry between fire 
companies often was 
bitter. There still were 
Henry Marschalk instances when pitched 
battles were fought over which company 
would take water from the only hydrant 
within hose line range of a fire, or which 
company could draft from the nearest 
cieek, cistern or well. Rival firemen some- 
times began work on a burning building 
with an outward show of harmony. How- 
ever, in the blinding smoke it was easy 
enough for the stream of water from one 
crew to drench the men of another. That 
started it. The feuding was on. So was 
the fire! 

A la John L. 

Slashed hose was another problem. 
This threat was countered by assigning 
a goodly portion of active huskies to the 
post of "hose guard," a man to each sec- 
tion of hose. One can easily imagine these 
gentlemen, with fierce handle-bar mustaches 
or beards, standing defiantly a la John L. 

Firemen alone were not to blame for 

Background and history of a 
great humanitarian and 
fraternal organization . . . 

(By Jvenrg M.arAchalk 

Chairman, Historical and Archives Committee 

this state of affairs. In many cases their 
fellow townspeople had their favorites, had 
chosen sides, egged them on and, upon 
occasion, had joined them in battle! 

How such things could happen in an 
otherwise well ordered society is at first 
hard to comprehend. Maybe it was because 
fire fighting with hand operated pumpers 
was a man-killing job in itself. It was back- 
breaking. It was heart-breaking. Inefficient, 
even under the best of conditions, perhaps 
the very nature of the occasion, the fever 
pitch of excitement, the youthfulness and 
strength of the principals all combined to- 
ward explosive tenseness that needed little 
else to give it release. 

War Taught Lesson 

Fortunately, by 1892, such tragic foolish- 
ness was on the wane. It appears to have 
reached its peak about forty years earlier, 


Mr. J. Robert McSherry, First President of the 
Maryland Volunteer Firemen's Association. 

or just before the Civil War. A great lesson 
of the war, that strength lies in unity, must 
have been increasingly realized by firemen 
everywhere. Towns were installing water 
systems. Steam fire engines were in more 
general use. Efforts against a stubborn fire 
were becoming more successful. The long- 
suffering property owner was beginning to 
get a break. 

But a long, uphill road was yet to be 
travelled before volunteer fire departments 
were to reach that high state of efficiency 
of which they may well be proud today. 

Such was the general scene fifty-four 
years ago when far-sighted firemen of the 
historic Frederick area conceived a firemen's 
fraternal organization, statewide in scope. 
These men were members of the three fire 
companies of Frederick, The Independent 
Hose Company No. 1, The Junior Fire 
Company No. 2, and the United Fire Com- 
pany No. 3, and of the Guardian Hose 
Company of Mechanicstown (now Thur- 
mont). To formulate definite plans they 
selected a committee which met on Janu- 
ary 20, 1893, at Independent Hall. At that 
meeting, the following committee officers 
were elected: Chairman, J. Roger McSherry; 
Vice-Chairman, Judge Jas. McScherry, Ed- 
ward Koontz, Benjamin H. Blackston, and 
J F. D. Miller; Recording Secretary, Wil- 
liam M. Crimmins; Assistant Secretary, 
William R. Henshaw; Treasurer, H. R. 
Heck. The following men were appointed 
to draft a suitable constitution and by- 
lays: J. Roger McSherry, William M. Crim- 
mins, H. R. Heck, and J. F. D. Miller. 

Constitution Adopted 

The work of the latter group during the 
succeeding two months was tiresome but 
effective. On March 27th at Junior Hall, 
this committee made a report of its delib- 
erations to a joint meeting of all the fire 
companies represented on the committee. 
This report and the Constitution and By- 
Laws they had so carefully prepared were 
unanimously adopted. 

And there was born the Maryland State 
Firemen's Association. 

The committee was then instructed to 
communicate with fire companies and vet- 
el an's organizations throughout the state, 
soliciting their cooperation. The outcome 
of this move was the holding, at Frederick 
on June 7 and 8, 1893, of the first conven- 



Volunteer Firemen helped fight the bleie, which left blackened walls, gaunt chimneys and heaps of rubble. 



His Excellency, Governor Herbert R. O'Conor, of Maryland, inspects gallery type endstroke pumper vintage 
of 1755. This pumper is on display at the State House, Annapolis. 

tion and parade of the new organization. 
The Maryland State Firemen's Association 
now was a small but healthy and promising 

Twelve companies, including a veteran 
firemen's group from Baltimore, were the 
first to join. Beside the Baltimore veterans, 
and the three companies of Frederick, four 
were from Hagerstown, and one each was 
from Frostburg, Port Deposit, Union 
Bridge, and Westminster. 

When addressing the Association's first 
convention meeting, held the morning of 
June 7th, President McScherry said in part, 

' The volunteer firemen of our state 

have at last awakened to the necessity of 
a more thorough and complete organiza- 
tion, and understanding this necessity, have 
realized that to promote and increase their 
efficiency as firemen, to encourage a frater- 
nal feeling amongst one another and to 
secure sufficient protection for themselves 
a-v a class, such an organization is essential." 
These words summed up the purposes for 
which the Association was formed. They 
show the keen foresight of President Mc- 
Scherry. Maryland firemen recognize a debt 
of gratitude to this clear-thinking pioneer- 
ing leader — their Association's first presi- 
dent. They appreciate, too, the faithful 
work of his close associates who helped the 
new organization come into being. 

A Great Parade 

A feature of that first convention was the 
great parade and tournament which in- 
cluded units from the District of Columbia, 
Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Dela- 
ware, New Jersey and New York. Approxi- 
mately 5000 were in the line of march. 

In the tournament, the steam fire engine 
contest was won by the Columbia Steam 
Fire Engine Company No. 4 of Alexandria, 
Virginia which took eight minutes and ten 

seconds to get up seam and pump water. 

Veterans of Washington, D. C. and of 
Baltimore competed in a hand engine con- 
test. The Baltimore men won by throwing 
water a horizontal distance of 143 feet, nine 
inches as against 123 feet, two inches for 
the boys from the District. 

The hose race, which consisted of run- 
ning 200 yards to a hydrant with a loaded 

reel, making connection and laying out 150 
feet of hose was won by the First Hose 
Company, of Hagerstown, in 53i4 seconds. 
Not bad! 

A ladder raising contest was won by the 
Water Witch Hook and Ladder Company, 
of Annapolis, after a run of 200 yards 
with a time of 51 14 seconds, total. 

A drill of marching maneuvers was won 
by the Junior Steam Fire Engine Company, 
of Reading, Pennsylvania, when they scored 
100 points as against 91 for their nearest 
competitors, the Phoenix Steam Fire Com- 
pany No. 4, of Wilmington, Delaware. 

Maryland's first firemen's convention was 
a huge success. As required under the by- 
laws, it has been held during the month of 
June every year since then except in 1945. 
In that year it was postponed until after 
lifting of a wartime ban on conventions. 

Steady Growth 

Growth by company membership in the 
State Association was steady. By the turn 
of the century there were accredited dele- 
gates from twenty-nine fire companies — a 
growth to more than double the original 

In that year of 1900, the convention 
was held in Baltimore. Each year since 
the first the convention had been held in a 
different place, having gone from Frederick 
to Hagerstown, Frostburg, Cumberland, 
Annapolis, Salisbury and Westminster in 
that order. The practice of holding the 
convention in a different place each year 
has been the general rule ever since. Of 
course, some places have had the conven- 
tions as many as six times, with varied 
numbers of intervening years. 

A Baltimore paper reported concerning 
the great State Association parade held 
there in 1900 that the local crowds were 
very proud of the carefully polished engines 


Built in 1851 by the John Rogers Company, of Baltimore, Maryland, "Little Pet," endstroke, hand operated 
pumper, reported to the First Hose Company, Hagerstown, Maryland, and is still with the Hagerstown Company. 


their city department had entered in the 
line of march. No one realized then that 
four years later Baltimore was to suffer one 
of the great fires of history. Some of its 
handsome fire apparatus would have to be 
abandoned in the retreat before the dense 
smoke, stifling heat, rampaging flames and 
the falling walls. The loss when the last 
flame was quelled figured to many millions 
of dollars. Acres of business property were 
reduced to blackened portions of walls, 
gaunt chimneys and great heaps of rubble. 
It is generally known that aid was sent 
to the stricken city from the fire depart- 
ments of New York, Philadelphia, and 
Washington. It is not so well known, how- 
ever, that volunteer firemen and apparatus 
from as far distant as Annapolis, Maryland 
were a factor in bringing the great fire 
under control. 

Membership Increased 

Through succeeding years, the increase in 
member companies in the Association was 
steady. By 1905 the convention returned to 
Hagerstown. This time there were dele- 
gates registered from forty-one Maryland 
fire companies. Once more a great parade 
and various contests were features of the 
gathering. Of particular note is the com- 
ment of a contemporary reporter who was 
deeply impressed with the display of elec- 
tric lights both in and outside of many of 
the business buildings in Hagerstown. 

Return engagements were made to Balti- 
more in 1910, Lonaconing in 1915, Western- 
port in 1920 and a first visit to Ocean City 
in 1925. In these years the Association had 
doubled its membership — the accredited 
delegates now were from 82 companies. 

These yearly conventions have provided 
Maryland firemen with plenty of amuse- 
ment. Sometimes matters have gone almost 
too far, such as at the time of the Elkton 
convention in 1928 when the brothers re- 
versed the order of arrest and locked the 
sheriff in the town jail. High spirited fun? 
Surely, even though it was embarrassing to 
the lawl Conventioneers of other organi- 


Convention Parade of Volunteer Firemen. The building of United Fire Company, No. 3, shown at the left, still stands. 

zations have been known to do similar 
things, or worse. So have college boys. 

A typical prank of the convention, held 
in Frederick June 19th, 20th and 21st, 1946, 
was as follows. A small bonfire would be 
built in the street. An engine company, 
primed in advance, would clang up to the 
scene and then when a good sized crowd of 
spectators had gathered around closely, the 
small hose line from a water tank on the 
apparatus would somehow become unman- 
ageable enough to wet the onlookers. It is 
surprising how many townspeople were 
fooled in this manner. 

Just Clowning 

Another stunt which drew many laughs 
from pedestrians in Frederick was the gen- 
eral disruption of traffic. Firemen would 
stop cars both ways at intersections, then 
calmly polish motorists' headlights or radia- 
tor ornaments while horns registered a 
bedlam of impatient exasperation. 

It should be pointed out here that 
whereas these many conventions down 
through the years have been highlighted 
by parades, tournaments, contests, and 
pranks, each convention has had its serious 
business sessions. These sessions disposed 
of many matters which sooner or later were 
to have far-reaching effects on the Mary- 


Barrel typa pumptr and rael, of approximately 1691. 


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Independent Hose Company, No. I, Frederick, Maryland, issued the above pictured invitation to celebrate 
their 75th Anniversary. 

land fire service. Legislation was fostered to 
provide for fire inspections, standardize 
hose and hydrant threads, and to increase 
the monies available for injury claims and 
pensions. The organization of many new 
fire companies has been encouraged 
throughout the state until now there are 
well over 200 member companies in the 
State organization. These companies em- 
brace a membership of more than 20,000 

Of special interest to the University of 
Maryland was an event of the 1929 con- 
vention at Lonaconing. Toward the end of 
the last business session, on June 14th, 
Chief Jesse Fisher, of the Annapolis Fire 
Department suggested the establishment of 
a committee to explore the possibility of 
"Fire College" training for Maryland fire- 
men. Chief Fisher put the suggestion in 
the form of a motion. The motion was 
passed and Chief Fisher became chairman 
of the new "Special Fire College Commit- 
tee" appointed by President V. A. Simmel. 
This was an historic move. 

At College Park 

The foundation work of this committee 
was adequate to insure establishment in 
the following year of an "Annual Short 
Course for Firemen" at the University and 
resulted in the further establishment of the 
Fire extension Service of the University of 
Maryland. In succeeding years, the fine 
training available at College Park, and 
through the University's extension service 
elsewhere in the State, has proved of im- 
mense value to Maryland firemen and to 
property owners. 

The great fire training building which 
was dedicated September 28th, 1946, is an 
outgrowth of the fire college activity. It is 
outstanding in the nation. 

A rather recent development in the 
Maryland State Firemen's Association was 
the creation and encouragement of the His- 

torical and Archives Committee. This com- 
mittee has been charged with the duty of 
collecting and preserving records and ob- 
jects which have historical interest for 
Maryland firemen and the public at large. 
It already has discovered and acquired some 
valuable hand operated pumpers, one of 
which is 92 years old. It is planned that 
some day these and other historic relics 
will be suitably enshrined in a permanent 
museum building. The building will be a 
memorial to the many brave firemen who 
have served their country in peace as well 
as in war. 

Orea'i Progress 

Progress toward present day fire-fighting 
standards in Maryland has made great 
strides since the days of battling rivals. A 
modern fire company, when struggling with 
a fire that taxes its best efforts, is grateful 
for aid from other fire fighters. Those who 
lend a helping hand are proud to be of 
service. What competitive spirit exists is 
devoted to excelling in efficient techniques 
— to doing the best possible job of ex- 
tinguishment, with minimum damage by 

The trained efficiency of today's firefight- 
ers, their feeling of brotherhood one toward 
another, and their assurance of financial 
aid for themselves and their families in 
event of misfortune while on duty — all em- 
phasize the same value of their state or- 
ganization, The Maryland State Firemen's 

The President of the Association, Mr. W. 
Bartgis Storm, of Frederick, expressed the 
Association's appreciation and gratitude to 
the State and the University as follows, 


This engine, built by Clapp and Jones, Hudson, N. Y., was exhibited at the Philadelphia International Expo- 
sition in 1876, where it assisted in securing tor the makers the award in the class ot piston steam fire engines. 

The engine was purchased in 1878 by the United Fire Engine Company, No. 3, ot Frederick, Maryland, where 
it was used continuously to 1912. The engine has been the source of great pride to the members of the United 
Company and the citizens of Frederick, to all of whom it is affectionately known as the ' ' Li'y of the Swamp." 

Now in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D. C, as a gift from United Steam Fire Engine Company 
of Frederick, Maryland. 



President, Maryland State Firemen's Association 

"As President of the Maryland State Fire- 
men's Association it gives me great pleas- 
ure to extend the cordial greetings of the 
\ssociation and to congratulate the firemen 
of Maryland upon having for their benefit 
the use of the Fire Service Extension Build- 
ing at the University of Maryland. 

"I extend the thanks and appreciation 
of the firemen of Maryland to the men of 
broad vision who made this project possible. 

"Let us look upon the Fire Service Ex- 
tension Building as a monument to the 
leadership of Maryland in protecting the 
lives and property of its citizens. 

"Generations to come will reap the bene- 
fits of the far sighted policy that made the 
Fire Service Building a reality." 


Phi Beta Kappa, a Greek letter college 


Side stroke piano type pumper built by L. Button & Co., Waterford, N. Y., in IC54. 

society, was founded in December. 1770, at 
William and Mary college, Williamsburg, 
Va. It is the oldest organization of this 
class in educational institutions in the 
United States. In 1941 the membership of 
this society numbered 80,000. 


Dean Adele Stamp gave a tea for wives 
of faculty members and faculty women. 

The purpose of the tea was to furnish an 
opportunity for faculty wives and women 


Gathering of Maryland Volunteer Firemen 
at their Golden Jubilee Convention in Frederick, Maryland, June 19, 1946. 


faculty members to become better ac- 


An international subcommittee of the 
United Nations Food and Agricultural Or- 
ganization, working on the problem of co- 
ordinating world food supplies, visited the 
University of Maryland and loured a half 
dozen Montgomery county farms recently. 

Sir John Orr, of Great Britain, was 
chairman of the nineteen-nation panel. Its 
members, together with aides and represen- 
tatives of various agricultural organizations, 
made up a parly of a hundred for the tour. 

After greetings by Dr. H. C. Byrd, presi- 
dent, the places visited included the dairy 
barn, artificial breeding laboratories, live- 
stock barns and the university farm. 

In order to see a model beef operation, 
the group went to ihe three-generation 
farm at Olney. Md., of T. A. liarnsley, 
Montgomery county AAA chairman. 

Dairy operations were inspected at the 
farms of Allie Mcssei , near Gaithersburg, 
and Edwin C. Fry, near Laytonsville. 

A new erosion-control project was the 
main interest at the farm of Drew Pearson, 
near the Potomac. A farm pond project 
on the farm of W. ('.. Hanson, near Gaith- 
ersburg, was also on the tour. 


Mrs. Helen Beyerle Habich, B.S., in 
Home Economics, 1927, is now teaching in 
the Mt. Holly Junior School, Mt. Holly, 
New Jersey. Her address is 495 High Street, 
Mt. Holly, New Jersey. 


A blanket of Snow covers the University's campus. 


In 1920, by Act of the Legislature of the 
State of Maryland, the present University 
of Maryland was established by the merg- 
ing of the Maryland State College, College 
Park, and the University of Maryland at 
Ba'timore, forming the strong institution 
*>ov known as the University of Maryland. 

In 1807 the College of Medicine of Mary- 
land, Baltimore, fifth oldest in the country, 
and the progenitor of the University of 
Maryland, was organized. Its beginning 
marked not only a great step in the history 
of the State, but also one well in keeping 
with the vast progress of the nation in edu- 
cation. The first class graduated in 1810. 
The Baltimore Infirmary (now the Univer- 
sity Hospital) and the School of Law, 
fourth in the United States were built in 
1823. The Department of Dentistry was 
added in 1882, and the School of Nursing 
in 1889. 

In 1904, the Maryland College of Phar- 
macy (1841), third in the United States, 
was merged with the University of Mary- 
land in 1923, the Baltimore College of Den- 
tal Surgery (1840 — the oldest dental school 
in the world) was amalgamated with the 
School of Dentistry, University of Mary- 

The year witnessed the chartering of the 
Maryland Agriculture College here at Col- 
lege Park, second agricultural college in the 
Western Hemisphere, and the first College 
building was completed in 1859 on the 
farm purchased for that purpose from 
Charles B. Calvert. The same year college 
work was organized and begun. 

In 1862 the Congress of United States 
passed the Land Grant Act. This Act 
granted each State and Territory that 
should claim its benefits a proportionate 
amount of the unclaimed western lands, in 
place of script, the proceeds from the sale 
of which should apply under certain condi- 
tions to the "Endowment, support, and 
maintenance of at least one college where 
the leading object shall be, without exclud- 
ing other scientific and classical studies, and 
including military tactics, to teach such 
branches of learning as are related to agri- 
culture and the mechanic arts, in such a 
manner as the Legislatures of the States 
may respectively perscribe, in order to pro- 
mote liberal and practical education of the 
industrial classes in the several pursuits 
and professions of line." This grant was 
accepted by the General Assembly of Mary- 
land, and the Maryland Agriculture Col- 
lege was named as the beneficiary of this 
grant. Thus the College became, at least 
in part, a State institution. 

The private stockholders in the institu- 
tion generously surrendered their holdings 
to the State in 1914, and the State finally 
came into the full legal ownership of the 
entire College plant. In 1916 a new Char- 
ter was granted by the General Assembly 
and the name was changed from the Mary- 
land Agriculture College to the Maryland 
State College of Agriculture. 


Although organized in December 1945, 
reports at the recent annual meeting held 
at the University of Maryland, College 


Park, showed that the Maryland Artificial 
Breeding Cooperative now has 800 mem- 
bers and 12,000 cows included in its opera- 

In welcoming the dairymen to the meet- 
ing, Dr. T. B. Symons, Dean and Director 
of the Extension Service, termed the move- 
ment one of the most important from the 
standpoint of efficiency, especially of the 
dairymen with smaller herds. He predicted 
that efficiency of operation will determine 
in coming years the ability to stay in 
business as the present high prices will not 
continue indefinitely. 

The present membership of the artifi- 
cial breeding association is distributed 
among nine Maryland counties. Baltimore 
county has 105 members, CaTroll 92, Fred- 
erick 82, Harford 88, Howard 78, Montgom- 
ery 70, Queen Anne 77, Talbot 101, and 
Washington 85. 

The Guernsey breed leads in number of 
cows entered for artificial breeding with 
5,421 followed closely by Holsteins with 
5,115. Ayrshires have 1,051 and Jerseys 707. 

Members elected to the board of direc- 
tors to represent the several counties were 
Baltimore, J. Frank Lupo; Carroll, R. L. 
Royer; Frederick, Walter J. Hahn and 
Howard U. Quinn; Harford, Dr. Herbert 
H. Hoopes; Howard, William F. Powel; 
Montgomery, Basil Mobley and Edwin D. 
Fry; Queen Anne, L. A. Andrus; Talbot, 
Percy J. Shortall; Washington, Dr. Thomas 
B. Powell. 

Members representing the breeds of dairy 
cattle are: Ayrshire, Scott W. Swarts; 
Guernsey, J. Herbert Snyder; Holstein, J. 
Homer Remsberg; Jersey, John Stiles. 

A MARYLAND alumnus, a member of 
the Rolling Road Country Club, was 
a dyed-in-the-wool, all-American, wired for 
sound, in technicolor and in spades yet, 
golfer. (Hoof and mouth disease. Hoof all 
day and mouth about it all night). So he 
spent his Sundays on the links and never 
went to church and when he died he didn't 
report "up there." He checked in down 
stairs. At the gate old Mephistopheles met 
him with a satanic grin and handed him 
a wrought leather golf bag containing all 
the best made clubs in the world, his ini- 
tials in metallic letters on the bag. 

"Is this for me?", asked the golfer, "I'm 
not supposed to go to heaven?" 

"You're not in heaven," replied the Evil 
One, "We've been expecting you for years. 
That isn't all. Here's your caddy. He knows 
all the answers to all the golf questions for 
generations." A smiling little imp appeared 
and took the bag. 

"Now," said McPhisto, "take a look at 

that course out there. 

See those long, well- 
kept fairways. Note 

the sand traps and 

water hazards. S t. 

Andrews in Scotland 

never had a course 

like this." 

"Great," ejaculated 

the golfer, "and 

you're sure this is 

not heaven?" 

"It's not heaven," 

insisted Satan. 

"Boy," said the 

golfer, "this is going 

to be great. Where 

are the balls?" 
"T h a t," replied 

Satan with his most 

sardonic laughter, "is 

the hell of it." 

polishing golden gates and golden stairs. 
How come you fel.ows have no work to 

"We have plenty of work to do," was 
the reply, "but we knock off by noon. 
You see, we're not as short handed as you 
people are." 

"Sure we met before. Remember, in 
London, when you wuz in the Army, that 
hotel episode." 

"I wus in London alright but 1 never 
sloppt at no Hotel Episode." 

It was Easter Sunday morning in Brook- 
lyn. Delightful day. Warm. Snow melt- 
ing on the ground. Old Mr. Binney had 
just attended services up on "the heights" 
where Brooklyn clings to the past that 
was Brooklyn in days of yore. Mr. 
Binny decided he'd take a stroll. In top 
hat, cane and cutaway coat he strolled 
too far away from "the heights." He 


strolled past the Navy Y. M. C. A. hard 
by the Navy yard gate. A group of U. S. 
tars were seated, birdlike, on the rail be- 
fore the "Y", getting a bit of Old Sol. 
As Mr. Binny went by suddenly, direct 
hit, his hat rolled in the gutter, smacked 
off by an accurately tossed snow ball. 
Mustering full dignity Mr. Binny re- 
trieved the hat, strolled back to the line 
of gobs all in a row of innocence. 

"Young man," asked Mr. Binney, ad- 
dressing one of the salts, "what is the 
name of this institution?" 

Replied the gob, "It is the Young 
Men's Christian Association." 

Retorted Mr. Binney, "It's a heluva 
success, isn't it?" 

Little Billy Arthur, the short 
order guy from Jacksonville, 
N. C. via Chapel Hill, tells us 
about the fellow who went to 
heaven and was put to work 
by St. Pete, shining the golden 
gates. All day long, 8 am to 
5 pm, he polished the gates. 
He got tired of it and asked 
St. Pete for a change. He was 
assigned to polishing the gold- 
en stairs. After a month of 
that he asked for leave. It was 

He took the elevator and 
went down to visit the other 
place to find it crowded with 
guys playing cards, smoking 
cigars, drinking highballs, 
necking, at 3 p.m. 

"How come?" he asked. "Up 
where I am I work all day 

The circus went broke. The management 
paid off alphabetically. By the time they 
got down to the Mighty Miltons the avail- 
able moolah was gone. A year later the 
circus owner, ready to try again, had a 
call from a forlorn 

"The old call of 
the tanbark, eh?" he 
ejaculated, "back for 
another year, good 
old Zeno, the clown." 
"Yes." replied the 
guv. "only this year 
I'm Ajax, the Strong 

Which recalls the 
time Tom Sharkey 
supervised an alpha- 
betical pay line and 
nailed a hapless kid 
with, "Wotsyer- 
name?" "Phil.ips," 
replied the kid. 
"Phi lips, is it?" 
roared Sharkey, 
"wot are y' doin' 

away back here. Git up among 

the F's." 

One of our Maryland girls 
writes, "When love comes into 
one's life how can one tell if it 
is the real article or just a sul 
try emotion engendered by some 
fortuitous propinquity?" (So 
there. We think it would be 
much better for the children of 
America if the parents were re- 
quired to eat the spinach). 

"O how I miss you tonight," 
sighed the irate wife as she 
raised her pistol and fired at 
her husband for the fourth 


"Now will all the gallant ex-GI'i in the 
class bring their thoughts back to the 
class room and away from distant atolls." 


An ex-salt on our campus al- 
ways had a lot of trouble in the 


She: "Do you believe two can live as cheaply 
as one?" 

He' "Sure, won't we both eat in the Dining 

Navy with pinning that "sir" onto the end 
of every sentence. So he had this experi- 
ence: — 

Ensign: — "Did you swab the deck?" 

Our boy: — "No." 

Ensign: — "No what?" 

Our feller: — "No swab the deck." 

Porter: "This train goes to Buffalo and 
points east." 

Ken Malone: "I want a train that 
points North and goes to Joisey." 

In days of old when knights were bold 
kings used to keep fools. Now the knights 
are not so bold and the fools keep kings. 

A report from the Treasury Depart- 
ment says that there is a great demand 
for $1 bills. There has been ever since 
we can remember. 

Friendship is a real ship. Sometimes it 
founders on the rocks of deception. And it 
usually leaves a wreck. 

A lad from down La Plata way visited 
New York and, in Greenwich village, 
asked a waiter, "Are we now in Green- 
wich village?" pronouncing it exactly as 
it is spelled. The waiter replied, "Yeh, 
Elmer, but we pronounce it 'Grennitch'." 
"In that case," countered the lad from 
La Plata, "bring me a hem sennitch." 

Like their ancestors of colonial days, 
modern Maryland girls enjoy the spinning 
wheel, only now they like four of them 
and a spare. 

"While I was a wave in the Navy," 
said she, "I was only a seaman second, 
but I was a lady first." 

The professor rapped on his desk and 

"Gentlemen, order!" 

The entire class yelled "Beer." 

"Chickens, suh," said the Riverdale 
Rufus, "is de usefullest animal dere is. 
You c'n eat dem fo' dey is bo'n and after 
dey's daid." 

Men's umbrella handles are curved. 
Ladies umbrella handles are straight so 
they won't be left hanging on some bar. 

Remember the wartime cigarete short- 
age when you placed a butt in the ma- 
chine and money came out? 

During prohibition two Milwaukee 
squareheads who knew all about how to 
make home brew beer but knew nothing 
about hard liquor, were playing pinochle. 
1 hey ran out of beer and sent to the neigh- 
borhood bootlegger for some hard stuff. It 
hit them hard and they became muzzy. 
Mumbled one to the other, "Choolius, are 
you trinken dot shtuff for vhitzky? I'm 
trinken it for brendy!" 

Waiter: — "Why are you not eating 
your fish?" 

Kampus Kutup: — "Long time no sea." 

New Neighbor, "Little boy, I need a loaf 
of bread; do you suppose you could go for 

Little Boy, "No, but I heard pop sav 
he could." 

Campus Father (looking at triplets the 
nurse has just brought out): "We'll take 
the one in the middle." 

Some fellows tell their girls, before they 
marry 'em, that they are "well off." They 
are. But they don't know it — then. 

When you are climbing the hill to 
success it is tough to meet a real friend 
coming down. 

Sign in a restaurant: Sally Rand Sand- 
ivich — Chicken with very little dressing. 


"Just the same, if old Chris Columbus were 
alive today he would be rated as a remarkable 


"He sure would, he'd be five hundred years 

Sandy McPherson awoke to find his wife 
stone cold dead. Frantic he rushed to the 
head of the stairs and yelled down to his 
daughter. "Jeanie, cook only one egg!" 

Dope: "That freshman class at Mary- 
land added five years to my age." 

Hope: "How long were you in it?" 

Dope: "Five years." 

Hope: "Well, you got to know your 
professors very well." 

Dope: "Yep, we grew old together." 

Kenilworth Kate: "I want something to 
wear around the dormitory." 

Guy in Dietz: "How large is your dor- 

If gents could read 
What coeds thought, 
There'd be more dating 
Than there ought. 

Salty: The secret of success is pluck — 
all you need is pluck! 

Sweetie: Yes, but nowadays it's hard to 
find anyone to pluck! 

Student to Dean, "Please, sir, I'd like 
the next week off if it's convenient. My 
girl's going on her honeymoon and I'd like 
to go with her." 






UNIVKRSl IV of Maryland has listed 23 
basketball games for a campaign that 
opens in a game with West Virginia at Mor- 
gantown on December 14. Eleven of the 

games will be played at home. The final 
dash is against Pennsylvania at Philadel- 
phia on March 12. 

The Old Liners, if they qualify, again 
will take part in the .Southern Conference 
Tourney that opens at Raleigh, N. C. on 
March 6 to run the usual three days. 

Maryland has 13 games with loop rivals, 
including North Carolina, Duke and George 
Washington which doubtless will be title 
contenders. Georgetown is carded as are 
both Army and Navy. 

Coach H. Burton Shipley, beginning his 
23rd year as mentor of the Terps, will 
build his team around veterans of last 
season, notably Bill Brown, Johnny Ed- 
wards, Bob Keenc, Vic Turyn and Bil" 
Poling. He also has Don Schucrholz, classy 
guard, who played for him prior to the 
war. Tommy Mont, who like Turyn and 
Poling, played football, may play. Mont 
was the second highest scorer on a fine 
1942 quint. 

Shipley will not have the services of 
I inyn, Poling and Mont for the three 
December games but hopes to have them 
for the long series of tilts that starts Janu- 
ary 3. The Schedule: — 

•Dec. 14— At West Virginia. 
Dec. 17 — Western Maryland. 
18 — Johns Hopkins. 
3 — -At Quantico. 
4 — At North Carolina. 
8 — Richmond. 
10 — George Washington. 
16 — At Washington and Lee. 
17— At Virginia Tech. 
18— At V.M.I. 
22— At Navy. 
24 — North Carolina. 
Jan. 31 — Washington and Lee. 
Feb. 4 — Georgetown. 
*Feb. 10 — At George Washington. 
*Feb. 15 — At Richmond. 
Feb. 20 — Virginia Tech. 
Feb. 21— Duke. 
*Feb. 22— At Kings Point. 
♦Feb. 24 — At Army. 
Feb. 25— The Citadel. 
Feb. 28— V.M.I. 
*Mar. 6 — Southern Conference 

at Raleigh. 
•Mar. 12 — At Pennsylvania. 






Jumbo Jim Meade, great Maryland football 
luminary of pre-war years, who is doing a grand 
job in physical education for youngsters in Havre 
de Grace. 

♦Asterisks indicate games away from Col- 
lege Park. 


At Baltimore Municipal Stadium before 
a disappointingly small crowd Maryland's 
Terrapins took the measure of Washington 
and Lee's griddcrs, 24 to 7. 

The game reached a new high for penal- 
ties with Maryland the angora for 110 
yards in 00 minutes of play. The officials 
were handing 'em out faster than Carter 
turns out liver pills. One penalty that set 
the Terps back what looked like from 
Salisbury to Westeinport came when a W&L 
lad bopped Vic Turyn in the face. Easy 
going, good natured Vic retaliated with a 
wallop that had the boxing coaches asking, 
•What's his weight?" The officials only 
( aught the last "round'' and Vic caught the 
bench with his hand over the cchymosis the 
W&L fellow had hung there as Exhibit "A." 

The Terps showed a snappy display of 
the 1 formation, the Generals using the 
same st\le. A pass, Turyn to Masscy, scored 
(i for Maryland in the first quarter. The 
second one came in the second frame when 
Tommy Mont hit LaRoy Morter with a 
perfect strike. 

Between halves the Generals mapped 
i heir plans and planned their maps. They 
came out full of wim, wigor and witality 
and for a while it looked as though Mary- 
land might take another dose of quinine. 



Still banging them out for the New York 
Yankees, starring at bat and in the outer garden 
and setting a terrific pace in the annual National 
League versus American League game, is Charley 
Keller, of Middletown, Md., a baseball product 
of the University of Maryland, B.S. Agriculture, '38. 

After W&L had blocked Mont's kick, 
Working tossed a touchdown pass to Bell. 
The kick was good and W&L had 7 points 
to Maryland's 12. 

Again the Generals moved down the field. 
Penalties, long passes and long runs soon 
had the Terps with their backs to the goal 
line. Harrington, for W&L heaved a beauty 
to Bell. It looked like it would ring that 
Bell for another touchdown but Tommy 
Mont came from nowhere around behind 
Bell on a dead run, grabbed that thing 
and, with only one block needed to make 
it all coppasetti went the full length of the 
field for a touchdown. 

Another score came in the fourth quarter 
when Mont kept on feeding the ball to 
Lucian Gambino, who played a wonderful 
game all after noon. Gambino tore off the 
yardage with every try and on the final one 
went over for a touchdown. 

None of the Terrapins' attempts to con- 
vert were good. It was one of those rough 
and tumble games in which anything was 
liable to happen and did. The crowd that 
stayed away in droves and seasoned the vast 
stadium with deafening bursts of silence 
missed a whale of a fine ball game. Mary- 
land had to be the better club by far to 
achieve their victory. 

Maryland's superiority was shown in the 
statistics, 12 Maryland first downs to 5, 352 
yards gained to 165. 10 out of 13 passes 
completed against 9 out of 21 for the Gen- 
erals and don't forget those penalties. 


Twelve girl students from Maryland Uni- 
versity staged an archery exhibition as an 
added attraction to a prize turkey shoot at 
Lanham. About 200 spectators attended. 


Before 17,000 shivering fans in zero 
weather at East Lansing, Michigan, Mary- 
land lost to Michigan State, 26-14. 

Michigan rolled 87 and 85 yards in two 
tremendous scoring drives and took ad- 
vantage of Maryland fumbles for two scor- 
ing bursts inside the Maryland 25-yard line. 

While the two fumbles by Tommy Mont 
and Bill Poling were disastrous to the 
Maryland cause, these two also starred for 
Maryland, as did Leroy Morter. 

Mont was good offensively, with the aid 
of Morter's smart pass receiving. Trailing, 
14-0. midway in the second period, Mont 
floated a pass toward Morter which was de- 
flected into his hands by Russ Reader of 
the Spartans. From the Michigan State 29, 
Mont dropped far back and pitched a per- 
fect aerial crossfield to Morter, who took 
the ball on the 2 and stepped over for the 
score. Mont added the points from place- 
ment after both touchdowns. 

Coach Shaughnessy stuck to Vic Turyn 
as his quarterback in the first and third 
periods and through part of the fourth, but 
with Mont back in there late in the game, 
Maryland scored again, with Mont's two 
first-down sneaks setting it up. 

Three times Red Poling saved Maryland 
from losing the ball deep in its own terri- 
tory. On the fourth down and back in punt 
formation, he grabbed three high passes 
from center and managed to get the punts 
away for 40-yard averages. 


Dr. H. C. Byrd. University of Maryland 
president, was the principal guest at a 
dinner honoring the Temple University 
football team in Philadelphia. 

Dr. Byrd addressed the Quarterback 
Club, a Temple alumni group, which 
awarded trophies to the outstanding back 
and lineman of this year's Temple squad. 


"Might as well have stayed in the Navy. Mid- 
watches right on a college campus." 


Salty: "In the old days did the knights really 
fight with battle axes?" 

Sweetie: "Some of the married ones did." 


Dr. Carl P. Schott, Dean of the School of 
Physical Education and Athletics, Pennsyl- 
vania State College, Chairman of the Na- 
tional Collegiate Athletic Association's 
Boxing Rules Committee, announced 
changes upward in the bantam and feather- 
weight divisions of college boxing, effective 

The new bantamweight limit moves up 
to 125 pounds. The featherweight limit 
will hereafter be 130 pounds. 

"This change was made," said Dr. Schott, 
because there were not enough available 
boys who could make the lower weights and 
those that did subjected themselves to too 
much dehydration." 

College boxing long ago abandoned the 
112 pound flyweight class due to lack of 
these little fellows. The bantam weight 
division in college boxing previously moved 
up from 118 to 120. While the feather- 
weight division moved from 126 to 127. 

Recommendations have been made by 
some college boxing authorities to institute 
an additional 150 pound class. War De- 
partment, Public Health and Collegiate 
statistics prove that the greatest number of 
young Americans are in the 140-149 pound 

It has also been recommended that a 
class between 175 and the true 200 pound 
heavyweights be established to bring about 
weight equality in contests between heavier 

The collegiate boxing weights now are 
125, 130, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 and heavy- 


There will be a national convention of 
all newspaper writers who have never 
criticized an athletic coach. 

The convention wil be held in the phone 
booth at the coiner drug store. 
There will be pler>tv of room. 


" . . . it makes 
a nice gift" 

" . . . a year 

around remembrance" 

" ... so your friends 
will learn about 

why not send them 

by the year?" 

h*"The coupon below 
will do the trick!" 


Office of Publications, (M) 
University of Maryland, 
College Park, Md. 

Inclosed is $3.00. 

Please send "MARYLAND" 
for twelve issues to 


Lsft to right, top to bottom, Coach Heinie Miller, Shegogue, Mause, Manager Lundell, Eagan, Egnell, Walton, Pearson, Yates, Manager Steiner, Red Dorr, 
Manager Goldberg, Assistant Coach Lyman McAboy, Alperstein, Nedomatsky, Gormley, Jacques, Males, Lombardo, Birmingham. 

REPRINTED lure is the hopes that it will 
inspire current Maryland athletes, is 
the picture of Maryland's first Southern 
Conference Boxing Championship team. 

Alumni of circa 1937 like to recall this 
group of knuckle dusters as " 1 he Dream 
Team." It was no dream team. Just a 
group of willing, able, intelligent students 
who had, for the first time in Maryland 
ring history, mastered the art of on balance 
counter punching. These kids could belt, 
but intelligently'. 

Opened Fast 

They opened the season against Western 
Maryland and won. 6 to 2. That was the 
night that Tony Orten7i, Eastern Inter- 
collegiate Champion and a great athlete 
fiom Western Maryland, was sent in against 
Lancelot Jacques, the last guy on the cam- 
pus you'd take for a boxer. This was at 
175. Ortcnzi moved in, weaving and bob- 
bing a la Dempsey. I he first left hook 
he let drive was a bit too wide. Jacques 
blocked it. stepped inside and crashed home 
with a short right cross. Ortenzi's green 
and gold panties sat in the resin. 

Similarly Bob Walton, in his first year, 
faced Mom Caplin, Virginia's 165 pound 
champion and a mighty good boy. For 

two and tlTce-qnarter rounds Mortv was 
away ahead <>n points. But Bob was a 
counter puncher and kept tr\ing. Jusi 
when it looked like a sure decision for the 
Cavalier Morty made the mistake of hook- 
ing too widely. Walton moved inside, 
nailed him and, as Morty wobbled on the 
ropes, helpless, Virginia tossed in the towel. 
In his first year on the team Walton had 
learned to counterpunch correctly. That 
carries a lot of authority. 

With the exception of the opening meet 
of the season Maryland had no heavyweight. 
The crucial part of the season, saw them 
in there with a seven-man team, one down 
before the bell ever rang. It was no dream 
team, believe us. 

The team's little fellow was Eddie Shego- 
gue, a pretty good fighter, too light and 
fiail for tough competition. But it took 
good men to beat him and he won twice as 
often as he lost. 

The 127-pound bracket was held down 
by Tom Birmingham, for three years 
theretofore a powder puff hitter. He too 
learned to block or duck and move in with 
his weight wl: n ihc other fellow's weight 
WAS COMI'C TOWARD h'm! lint's 
counterpunch ing. When Birmingham flat- 
tened his first opponent in 1937 he thought 


some bleacher ally had pitched a ketchup 
bottle. Tom couldn't believe he did that. 
But he scored eight more kayoes that sea- 
son to make it a total of nine. He was 
rather a great right hand puncher and a 
top rung boxer. No one beat him until 
Callie Eckstrom, of South Dakota, edged 
him out with a split decision in the na- 
tionals at Sacramento. C'.al. Eckstrom won 
the national title that year and his win 
over Birmingham could have gone either 
way. It was THAT close. 

A Great Boxer 

The 135-pounder was Benny Alperstein. 
still recalled by many coaches as the ideal 
collegiate ringman. Benny lost one close 
bout in 1937, in the Southern Conference 
Tournament, to Jack Kneipp. of Duke. But 
he won all the rest and went on to the 
Nationals at Sacramento to bring home 
Maryland's first national ring title. His 
toughest opponent, an overwhelming favor- 
ite, was a theretofore unbeaten Washington 
State lad named Bobby Bennett. A very 
good fighter, Bennett made the fatal mis- 
take of trving to measure off a southpaw, 
Alperstein. with a left hook. Benny side- 
stepped the punch, nailed Bennett with a 
smashng right to the body and a convinc- 
ing left hook on the chin. Bennett went 


"What seems to be wrong, Snorky?" 
"Well, I'm sittin' there on my own stool on 
my own campus at my own University, in my own 
gym, minding my own business, when some so and 
so rang a bell.'' 

down, barely beat the count, and was sugar 
for the bird from then on in. 

Recall Ivan Nedomatsky, the "Truculent 
Terp," the "Terrible Terp," "Ivan the 
Terrible," "The Patent Leather Kid." 
That's what the newsmen named this grade 
A hooker. Three times he won Southern 
Conference titles. He dropped them where 
they stood. Ivan's chief stock in trade was 
a double left hook, the old "inverted 3," a 
smash to the body, looped over to the chin. 
In the Conference finals Duke tossed in a 
great fighter, Danny Farrar, a southpaw. 
It was a horrendous melee. Farrar got to 
our boy Nedo right smartly. But then he 
missed a left hook and, to miss with Nedo, 
was shadow boxing with the door knob 
on the infirmary. A smashing right crashed 
against Farrar's chin, the double left hook 
belted him in the short ribs and looped 
over to the chin. Danny stood on his head, 
barely beat the count and took a bad 
shellacing from there on home. 

At 155 Maryland had a grand journey- 
man boxer and a great "team player" in 
Mike Lombardo. Mike won no titles but 
it took champions to nose him out by very 
close decisions. Some of them entirely too 
close if you get what we mean! 

At 165 Maryland had Alexander Males. 
Good old Aleck, in his first year, was also 
a team man. When in the Southern Con- 
ference Tournament, Maryland had no 
heavy, Aleck fattened up to 176 and went 
on in there. He won in the semi-finals. 
That was three points and Maryland nosed 
out the powerful Duke squad by only three 

Remember Gormley? 

At 175, in the Conference Tournament. 
Maryland had game Johnny Gormley, a 
great team player and all around athlete. 
Johnny won in the semi-finals on sheer 
guts and a broken left hand. He pitched 
the injured maulie, gritting his teeth to 
mask the pain. The win gave us three 
points. It was either Johnny's three points 
or Males' three that came hard and Mary- 
land won by only three. 

Over the season it was Western Mary- 
land, 6 to 2; Richmond, 8 to 0; and four 
more bouts that did not count to make it 
12 wins to 0; North Carolina, 5 to 3; 
V.M.I. , 7 to 1; Virginia, 5 to 3 (Maryland 
scored five straight kayoes that night in 
Charlottesville); Rutgers, 514 to 2i/ 2 '< Catho- 

lic University, always tough, but spotted 
one bout by forfeit and with one extremely 
close decision got away with a 4 to 4 draw. 

It was no dream team, but any boxing 
coach in the country would like to have 
'em. We mean any time. 

In the Southern Conference Tournament, 
held at College Park, Maryland topped 
teams from Duke, North Carolina. North 
Carolina State, South Carolina, Clemson, 
Citadel and Virginia Tech. 

1937 was Heinie Miller's first year as 
Coach at Maryland. On balance counter 
punching was something new in college 
boxing. Attention to instructions can do 
the trick again. Miller insists, 'There is no 
secret to correct hitting. It wins bouts. 
Anybody can learn to hit convincingly — 
anvbody." Bob Walton, Tom Birmingham. 
Benny Alperstein, Lanny Jacques would 


The 21 to 17 loss sustained by Maryland 
to South Carolina on Homecoming Day 
was a tough one to lose. Maryland had 
that one bound, roped, tied, sealed and 
delivered and on the buckboard for Col- 
lege Park. But you can't take it away from 
Carolina either, a team that in the dying 
minutes of play, gambled the ball on a long 
pass that picked up the marbles. The pay- 
off comes only on the score board but just 
the same it was a real heart breaker. The 
win put South Carolina on top in the 
Southern Conference with four wins and 
no conference losses and one loss only to 

It was in the final 10 seconds of the 
contest that South Carolina wrung victory 
fiom the afternoon, but only after Mary- 
land had staged a gallant comeback to 
overcome a 14-0 lead the Gamecocks carried 
into the third period. The Gamecocks did 
it on the pitching of Harold Hagan and 
the catching of Whitey Jones, who on three 
plays in the fading seconds of the game 
moved the Gamecocks 61 yards to paydirt. 

Risking everything on a fourth down pass 
with 18 yards to go for first down, Quarter- 
back Hagan whipped a pass to Halfback 
Jones that clicked for 31 yards to the Terp 
30 and led to disaster for Maryland. Two 
plays later Hagan lofted another pass to 
Jones who took the ball on the Terps' 2 
and fell over the goal line. That ended the 

Fourteen-point favorites, the Gamecocks 
amassed a 14-0 lead in the first half, didn't 
permit Maryland to penetrate their terri- 
tory and seemed headed for an easy 
triumph. The game was only a few min- 
utes old when Carolina shook loose around 
left end on a reverse and went 69 yards to 
Maryland's 1, and on the next play rammed 
over to score. 

South Carolina's second touchdown came 
as an intercepted pass in the second period. 
Three plays later a faked pass around left 
end put the oval on Maryland's 2. Three 
line plunges put it over. Both conversions 
were good. 

Maryland displayed a complete form re- 
versal in the third period. 

Bob Crosland recovered Earl Dunham's 
fumble for Maryland on South Carolina's 
13. Turyn unleashed an 11 -yard pass to 
End LaRoy Morter, then smashed within 
inches of Carolina's goal on a quarterback 


sneak. Burly Harry Bonk, who played 
brilliant football all afternoon, drove over 
left griard to score and Tommy Mont con- 
verted, slicing the Gamecocks' advantage to 

A few moments later Maryland clicked 
on a 48-yard pass play, with Turyn tossing 
to Morter, who took the ball in stride over 
his shoulder on the 20 and romped over. 
Again Mont converted to lock the score. 

Tommy Mont apparently was headed for 
a hero's role when he intercepted a Hagan 
toss late in the third period, for Marvland 
followed through by moving 40 yards to 
South Ca rolina's 20 as the period ended. 

On the first play of the fourth period 
Mont pumped a field goal through the up- 
rights from 20 yards out, from a difficult 
angle, to present Maryland a 17-14 lead. 

Poling, who punted out of bounds inside 
South Carolina's 1, and Mont, who booted 
another outside on the Gamecocks' 9, hand- 
cuffed S. C. until the Gamecocks wrested 
the game from Maryland's grasp with those 
two long passes. 

End Pat McCarthy, 180-pound product of 
St. John's College, was a Maryland defen- 
sive standout, spending a large portion 
of the afternoon in South Carolina's back- 


The 1946 football curtain came down on 
Maryland's disappointing football season 
when the North Carolina State Wolfpack 
used all it had to trim the Terps, 28 to 7 at 
Raleigh. Turner made three of State's 
touchdowns and Richkus the other. Turner 
was the whole show. 

The thrill of the game came when Ver- 
non Seibert ran back a State punt for 45 
yards, breaking through tackles and scor- 
ing the Terp's lone tally. 

The Wolfpack walked off the field hoping 
for a Bowl bid. The Terps headed North 
mumbling, as the man says, "Well, next 
year's another year." 

* if * n 

JANUARY 18, 1947 

U. S. Military Academy, West Point, 
University of Maryland at College Park. 



Director of Athletics 


Director of Physical Education 






Assistant Football Assistant Football 


Blond, curly-haired, willowy, Louise "Bit- 
sy" Oslin, of the University of Maryland, 
has swung her tennis racquet far and wide 
since she began playing in competition in 
her home town, Glen Ridge, New Jersey, 
at the age of 16. 

"Bitsy," a sophomore majoring in physi- 
cal education, was forced to abandon ten- 
nis during most of her two and a half 
years as a WAVE. With the coming of 
peace she again swung to the top. Last 
year the amazing "Bitsy" captured the 
WAVE Tennis Championship and the All 
Service Doubles and Singles Tennis Cham- 
pionships, the latter under the colors of 
the Potomac River Naval Command against 
competitors from many states in the union. 

Some of "Bitsy's" other major accomplish- 
ments during the past year include being 
runner-up in the Georgia State champion- 
ship (she started college at the University 
of Georgia), and as a member of the Sears 
Cup Team, she captured sixth place in the 
Middle Atlantic States Championship. 

Discharged from the Navy in August, 
"Bitsy," who is engaged to Dr. Herbert T. 


Assistant Football 


Assistant Football 


Assistant Football 

Darlington, hopes to swing her racquet in 
the national intercollegiates for Maryland 
this year. 


Maryland's cross-country team polished 
off Georgetown University ::t College Park. 

Tieing for firsi place over the -fi/J mile 
course were Bill Wisner, (immy l.'mbarger. 
"Lindy" Kehoe and Sterling kehoc. all of 
whom were clocked in the fast time of 23:17 
minutes. This bettered their time estab- 
lished in the Virginia meet 1>\ 1<) seconds. 
which should prove satisfying to Coach Jim 

I he harriers have won four of their five 
meets in defeating Johns Hopkins Univer- 
sity, the University of Virginia, and George- 
town University, as well as winning the In- 
vitation Meet .it Quantico, Virginia, on 
Homecoming l);i\. Ihe\ lost their only 
meet by a small margin, to the strong U. S. 
Naval Academy team which is second only 
to powerful North Carolina here in the 

In the Quantico Invitation Meet the 
Terps not only scored one of their three 




Baseball, Basketball 






Track, Field 


Assistant Boxing and Physical Education 


Tennis and Soccer 


Assistant Boxing and Physical Education 


Assistant, Physical Education 

clean sweeps of the season but shattered 
the Quantico cross-country course record of 
18:15 with their third three-way tie for 
first place in the sizzling time of 18:13. 


"Countrywide there is great interest in 
Army's football team this year because so 
many young men were in the Army." (Oh 
yeh? the soldiers who were in the war time 
Army are on teams OTHER than the one 
that shows West Point's Cadets.) 

"As Perry said on Lake Erie, 'Don't give 
up the ship!' " (That scratching sound you 
hear is Lawrence, from the decks of the 
Chesapeake, spinning in his grave.) 

"It is half time now. President Truman, 
the Army and Navy bands are singing and 
playing." (Some kid, eh, fun?) 

"The referee moved the ball back where 
it belongs to be." (That took it from 
where it used to belong to was; isn't it?) 


University of Maryland's soccer team 
coached by Doyle Royal, ran up four goals 


career at 


who terminated 


fhe coaching in 1946. 


his playing 
helped out with 

in the first half, then staved off a strong 
Salisbury State Teachers' College rally to 
beat the Eastern Shoremen, 5-3, at Salisbury. 

Bobby Wilson, John Anacker, John Linz, 
Bill Deibert and John Myers accounted for 
Maryland goals. 

In earlier games, soccer, resumed hurried- 
ly late in 1946 largely on the enthusiasm 
and leadership of Coach Royal, saw Mary- 
land lose to Johns Hopkins 3 to 2 in an 
overtime tilt. Against Western Maryland 
the Terps won, 2 to 0. 


The Old Liners' Rifle Team opened the 
season and romped home to an easy victory 
over Greenbelt. Although the opposing 
team was rated high, they at no time posed 
as a threat to the Maryland team. 

Scores of the Maryland squad totaled 
1366 points, against 1292 for Greenbelt. In 
the scoring Greenbelt's top man shot a 
score of 270 against Maryland's low man 
scoring 267. Arthur Cook shot high with 
287, followed by Howard Waters with 277, 
Walt Bowling 268, Don Jenkins 267, and 
James Mattingly 267. The remaining five 


men of ihc team whose scores were not 
tounted in the final tabulation were Boh 
Baker with 265, John Wesscn 264, Lemler 
263, Schmiu 260. and R. J. Gainer shoot- 
ing a 242. 


University of Maryland has listed a 
rugged schedule of eight dual boxing meets 
in a ring campaign that opens at College 
Park on December 19th when the truculent 
1 erps face their traditional fistic rivals, the 
University of Virginia. Five of Maryland's 
eight matches will take place at College 

There is a possibility that the Southern 
Conference Tournament may be resumed 
this vear but decision in that premise will 
not be made until the Conference elders 
convene in December. 

The National Intercollegiate Boxing 
Tournament will take place at the Univer- 
sity of Wisconsin. Madison. Wis., March 
27, 28, 29. 

The participation of Maryland boxers in 
either of the two tournaments will depend 
upon Maryland's showing in the eight dual 
meets scheduled. 

Maryland's ring men got off to a tough 
break before the season ever started by los- 
ing Ken Malone, the Terps 175-pound 
anchor man. Ken pulled up requiring an 
operation for the removal of a cist. He 
may be out for the season. Nicholas Kozay 
and Arnold Gibbs. both freshmen, will try 
for Malone's berth. Kozay has done some 
Boys Club boxing, while Gibbs boxed for 
Charlotte Hall. 

Tommy Maloney, 145-pound team cap- 
tain last year, will step for his third year 
at Maryland. Ed Rieder, former Maryland 
sharpshooter who is back from the Aran 
looks good at 155. Davey Lewis and Jose 
Carro, 125-pounders from last year returned 
to the team and a newcomer among the 
little fellows is Danny McLaughlin, former 
Boys Club boxer from Washington who 
recently was discharged from the Coast 

A good looking prospect is Bob Gregson, 
former Army middleweight, who did some 
boxing while in khaki. Sid Sterman is also 
trying for this class. 

As in so many past instances the Terps 


Captain of last year's ring team who is back in 
the Marylad line-up this year. Former Illinois 
State High School champ this ring stylist will do 
his share in a schedule that finds the Terp fisticians 
facing Virginia, Bucknell, West Point, Kings Point, 
Catholic University, North Carolina, South Caro- 
lina and Coast Guard Academy. 

are again without a real 2(10 pounder. Win 
the big fellows at Maryland will not turn 
out for boxing when other colleges have no 
such shortcoming is something for your 
\um Tilly lo figure out. 

In the lighter-brackets the Terps also 
have Al Salkowski, star of North Carolina's 
pre-flight team, Danny Smith, a newcomer 
from the Baltimore "Y" and Andy Quat- 
trocchi. a former Navy Corpsman who 
served with the Marines and was recently 
discharged from Camp Lejeune. 

"We clo not have a soft touch on our 
whole schedule." commented boxing coach 
Heinie Miller, adding, "returning service 
boxers should strengthen all teams. In nor- 
mal pre-war years I would have said that 
we have a pretty good team lined up." 

Missing from this year's Maryland squad 
will be Jose Fossas, sensational Puerto 
Rican featherweight. Phillips Rogers, 
rugged lightweight, Sammy Landau and 
Ray Richards. Fossas is attending the Uni- 
versity of Puerto Rico, while Rogers, Lan- 
dau and Richards are in the Army. 
The Schedule: — 

Dec. 19 — Virginia. 
Jan. 11— Bucknell. 
Jan. 18 — West Point. 
Jan. 25 — Catholic University. 
•Feb. 1 — South Carolina. 
•Feb. 8— North Carolina. 
Feb. 14 — Kings Point. 
•Feb. 22 — Coast Guard Academy. 

•Asterisks indicate meets away from Col- 
lege Park. 


With boxing as his subject Colonel Har- 
vey L. Miller, Maryland's head boxing 
coach, recently addressed the Touchdown 
Club of Washington. 

Miller also spoke at a luncheon of the 
Cosmopolitan Club at the Carleton Hotel, 


Anent newspaper critics and second 
guessers regarding Football Coach Clark 
Shaughnessy the reaction among Maryland 
players who expect to be in the Terrapin 
line-up next year is largely that they want 
Shaughnessy back to lead them. 

Although Maryland lost six games to 
three won the players believe Shaughnessy 
is a great coach. They point out that one 
of Maryland's losses, against South Caro- 
lina, was simply tough luck crowning a 
winning effort. "They believe Shaughnessy 
should have been with them earlier in 
the year and that more forcefulness should 
have been exerted in welding the avail- 
able players into one team rather than two 
alternate line-ups. 

The\ believe full time line and end 
coaches would have helped and that the 
injuries to Hubie Werner and Sammy Bchr 
and the ineligibility of Bob Troll cost 
heavily. The return of these three backs 
next year should pay off, the players insist, 
with the addition of 240 pound tackle 
Clarence Whipp, ineligible this year. 

Graduation will take Tommy Mont, Bob 
James, Ed Chovannes, Emil Fritz and Red 
Wright. Several others will not be back. 

Vs to ex-Gl players Coach Shaughnessy 
points out that there are GTs and GI's 
and that there is a whale of difference 



Big Jim Kurz, of the Terrapin backfield who 
starred on Army teams in Europe, also heaves the 
shot for Maryland's track and field teams. 

between a fellow like Buddy Young, of 
Illinois, who put in most of his service 
tearing up the gridiron for the crack Fleet 
City team under a great coach, Bill Rein- 
hart; and lads like Red Wright. Maryland, 
who did his cramped up in a bomber over 
Europe. In this premise it is worthy of 
note that North Carolina, with the fewest 
ex-GI's in the Southern Conference, won 
the Conference title. 


The shiny new lieutenant approached 
the young man in the neat fitting uni- 
form with. "What's the eighth general 

"I don't know," the fellow admitted. 

"Have you ever been on guard duty?" 


"Don't you know enough to say 'Sir,' 
either? What outfit are you in?" 

"Me? I'm the Coca-Cola man." 

$Q€ 1U€E?, WB TEFi? S£Z> 


A professor Is a man 
whose job it is to tell 
students how to solve 
the problems of life 
which he himself has 
tried to avoid by be- 
coming a professor. 


A conference is a 
group of men who in- 
dividually can do noth- 

~. ~> 

ing, but as a group 
can meet and decide 
that nothing can be 

r olume XVIII 

February, 1947 

NO. 3 







Intended For YOU and YOU and YOU 


kAARYLAND, the publication of the alumni of the University of 
' * * /Maryland, hopes to keep pace, in size and appearance, ivith the 
rapid growth of the University as a whole. It is the intention to make 
the magazine a medium of expression which should represent adequately 
the University and the State. 

The University financed the furs), three issues of the magazine (De- 
cember, 1946; January and February, 1947). Copies were sent to all 
alumni whose addresses were available. It is hoped that after these 
first three issues, there will be sufficient alumni support to finance in 
large part, if not completely, the publication. 

Also, plans are underway to develop, centralize, and vitalize an 
organization of alumni of the University, so that alumni strength and 
influence will be commensurate with the number of alumni. In this de- 
velopment the new publication plays a vital part. 

This magazine needs YOUR support! 





111 vtM I I I I II VIM N--~ 
I M>l I MP (MAI >l 1SI 


Published Monthly at the University ot Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and entered at the Post Office. Colleae Park. Maryland, as second class mail 
matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Harvey L. Miller, Managin-j Editor. Jane A. Troy, Circulation Manager. Board of Managers, Alumni 
Association: Talbot T. Speer, 18; Austin C. Diggs, '22; J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Haiel T. Tuemmler, '29; Harry E. Haslinger, 33; Charles V. Koons, '29; Agnes 
Gingell Turner, '33; Dr. Charles E. White, '24; James E. Andrews, '31. 


$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 

Twenty-five Cents the Copy 

-Mapping, 3rotn Une c4ir 



Practically All Accurate 
Large Scale Mapping Is 
Based on Single Lens 
Photographs . . . 

Jjy. S. S. Steinberg. 

Dean, College of Engineering, University of 

THE engineering profession has through- 
out the years broadened in scope with 
the progress of science and invention. The 
oldest branch of the profession is Civil 
Engineering; the newest is Aeronautical 
Engineering. This article discusses a happy 
blending of the old and the new in the 
application of the airplane to surveying, 
which had its origin among the ancient 
Egyptians, due to the destruction of their 
landmarks by the annual inundations of the 
River Nile. 

Pictures From The Air 

While it has always been man's ambi- 
tion to view the world from the air as does 
the eagle, the modern engineer has found in 
human flight the opportunity to survey and 
map large areas of the earth's surface at 
great savings in time and cost. The value 
of pictures from the air was first appreci- 
ated and investigated by European engi- 

neers in the latter part of the nineteenth 
century. Early experiments were made by 
using kites and balloons. The introduction 
of the dirigible stimulated these attempts, 
and finally the development of the air 
plane made apparent the great advantage 
of its use as an aid to surveying and map- 
ping. This advancement in engineering 
grew out of World War I when it was 
extensively used for military purposes. Dur- 
ing World War II, practically no military 
operations were undertaken without pre- 
viously securing aerial photographs. These 
included not only photographs of enemy 
terrain but also of other activities for in- 
telligence studies. 

Aerial surveying has been used as an 
aid to the map-maker in supplying certain 
kinds of detail much more faithfully than 
a surveyor could sketch them even by cover- 
ing the terrain very closely. It is pre- 
eminently useful in surveying difficult and 
inaccessible country. The U. S. Coast and 
Geodetic Survey has used aerial surveying 
extensively, in conjunction with its ground 
control, in mapping low-lying swamps and 
coastal areas. 

Accuracy Imperative 

The inherent characteristic of an air map 
is accuracy. No accurate mapping today is 
done without the use of aerial photographs 
as basic source material. Combined with 


This typical aerial mapping photograph shows a portion of Frederick County, Maryland, from an 

elevation of 13,000 feet. 


It has always been man's ambition to view the 
world from the air, as does the eagle!" 

the vivid and complete detail of the ordi- 
nary photograph is the record of true rela- 
tions among the features on the ground. 
Houses, cultivated fields, fence lines and 
wooded areas are all shown in their proper 
proportion. An air map is a permanent and 
complete record, as the camera's eye misses 

An aerial photograph is not a map, but 
a perspective view in which directions and 
distances may be somewhat distorted. A 
photograph of absolutely level ground 
taken with the axis of the camera truly 
vertical approaches a map in accuracy. If 
there is any appreciable relief in the 
ground or appreciable tilt in the camera, 
the images on the photographs are dis- 
played from their true position. However, 
the photographs are still usable and bv 
employing certain graphic and instrumental 
methods map construction can be expedited 

Successful flying over an area for the pur- 
pose of mapping calls for skill on the part 
of the pilot and a thorough knowledge of 
the use and care of the camera on the part 
of the photographer, with fine teamwork 
between the two. Experienced airplane 
pilots consider air mapping the most diffi- 
cult kind of flying. Traveling at a speed 
of 100 or more miles an hour in the thin 
cold air at high altitudes, with eyes con- 
centrated on the instrument panel to main- 
tain a straight course, with wings level, is 
a constant strain on the pilot. 

Two To Three Miles 

Most of the flying is done at altitudes as 
high as two or three miles above the 
ground. Below 7,000 to 8,000 feet the air 
currents are full of gusts and bumps which 
render the results unsatisfactory, while at 


Student in Training Plane. 

altitudes as low as 3.000 to 4.000 feet accur- 
ate air mapping is quite impossible. 

As the plane ascends, the temperature of 
the air drops rapidly, on the average about 
one degree for each 300 feet of ascent. At 
altitudes of 15.000 to 20,000 feet, at which 
most of the flying for mapping is done, 
the air is piercingly cold even in mid- 
summer, being 50 to 60 degrees lower than 
on the ground. For flying above 12,000 
to 15,000 feet, oxygen is generally used by 
the pilot and photographer. Aerial photo- 
graphs have been taken from altitudes as 
high as seven miles. 

A Guide Map 

With a given mapping project in view, 
a guide map is prepared with flight lines 
on it to enable the pilot of the plane to 
cover completely the area to be mapped. 
By comparing the objects on the guide map 
with those on the ground the pilot is able 
to flv in straight parallel courses back and 
forth. Accurate aerial surveying requires 
an airplane that is reliable, sturdy and 
powerful, one that is capable of sustained 
flight at all altitudes, that can rise and 
descend in small fields, that can fly true to 
line and that is economical of fuel. The 
altitude at which the plane should fly in 
order that the photographs may be made 
at a predetermined scale is dependent on 
the general elevation of the country and 
the focal length of the camera lens. Prac- 
ticallv cloudless weather is necessary to se- 
cure good aerial mapping photographs. In 
most of the United States only one day in 
seven can. on the average, be depended 
upon for such work. 

While the first aerial photographs were 
taken with a single lens camera, the U. S. 
(.cological Survey designed and constructed, 
in cooperation with the National Research 
Council, the first experimental three-lens 
camera which permitted taking vertical 
photographs from the air. each exposure 
df which covered a wide area along the line 
of flight. The next development was a 

four-lens camera by U. S. Army engineers, 
which was followed by a five-lens camera. 
The five-lens camera is constructed with 
the axis of the central lens pointing ver- 
tically downward with the four other lenses 
grouped symmetrically about the central 
lens and at constant angles from the axis 
of the lens. After the oblique photographs 
taken by the four side lenses are trans- 
formed to horizontal planes and assembled 
with the central photograph, the result is 
a composite picture shaped like a maltese 
cross. This camera is designed exclusively 
for small-scale mapping and permits cover- 
ing an extremely large area in a single ex- 
posure. For example, a flight at 18,000 
feet altitude results in covering a strip 18 
miles wide. A nine-lens camera has been 
developed by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic 
Survey and is used extensively by them. 

Trimetriqon Mapping 

What is known as "trimetrigon" mapping 
consists of joining together three single lens 
cameras, one pointed vertically downward 
and the others diagonally to right and left. 
Photographs are taken simultaneously on 
all three. This three-camera combination 
is valuable for reconnaissance mapping. 
particularly of large previously unmapped 
areas such as those in Alaska and in South 

Practically all accurate large scale map- 
ping is based on single lens photographs. A 
typical single lens aerial mapping camera is 
of rigid all-metal construction and points 
straight downward through a special open- 
ing in the bottom of the plane. It is so 
suspended in a gimbal mount as to per- 
mit the optical axis being kept vertical, 
regardless of the oscillations of the airplane. 
It is not a motion-picture camera, but takes 
still pictures, usually 7 by 9 inches or 9 by 9 
inches in size, at any desired time interval. 
It is operated either automatically or by 
hand. Generally, successive exposures are 
made from 10 to 15 seconds apart. The film 
is 75 feet long, sufficient for making 110 
exposures. The film holder may be quickly 

removed and replaced with another maga- 
zine, thus making it possible to sccuie a 
very large numl)er of exposures in the 
course of one flight. The shutter is capable 
of opening and closing in the 150th part of 
a second. With its various accessories, the 
camera weighs al>out 50 pounds. 

The photographer times the successive 
exposures so that they overlap each other 
like shingles by about GO per cent, in the 
direction of flight and about 50 per cent. 
sidewise in successive flight. The overlap 
makes it possible to use only the central 
portion of each photograph, which alone 
is in true vertical projection. The over- 
lap, moreover, allows stereoscopic studv of 
the terrain. 

Stereoscopic Vision 

One of the most interesting and most 
important developments in mapping from 
the air is the stereoscopic use of aerial 
photography. The interpretation of aerial 
photographs is much easier when over- 
lapping prints are examined stereoscopi- 
cally. The instruments used for this pur- 
pose, though much larger and more com- 
plicated, are based upon the same principle 
as the once familiar parlor stereoscope. This 
instrument has the peculiar propertv of 
causing the photographic image to l>e 
•.ecu in a third dimension, namely, that of 
relief, with the hills standing out above 
the vallevs. and the houses, trees and other 
objects strikingly visible in three dimen- 
sions. The practical advantage of stere- 
oscopic \ ision to the engineer is that, with 
suitable mechanical devices, he is able to 
draw from the photographs contour lines, 
which are lines of equal elevation and are 
of great value in the studv of any proposed 
engineering project. 

Aerial photographs have been utilized for 
many purposes. They have been found of 
value in city planning and zoning, in study- 
ing highway traffic problems, for irrigation 
and water supply projects, for river and 
harbor development, flood control, timber 
estimates, geological study and tax assess- 
ment purposes. Middletown. Connecticut, 
was the first municipality to be revalued by 
an aerial survey. As a result, nearly 1,900 
buildings were discovered which had pre- 
viously escaped taxation. 

Aids Ground Surveying 

The mapping of the United States has 
gone forward since the early days of dis- 
covery and settlement, and particularly as 
a result of the efforts of such government 
agencies as the Coast and Geodetic Survey, 
during the more than 100 years of its 
existence, and the Geological Survey during 
the past 65 days. Yet today not more than 
25 per cent, of the area of our country is 
accurately mapped and probably more than 
half of the United States has never been 
adequately mapped. At the present rate of 
progress it will take almost a century to 
(omplete the basic mapping of the United 
Mates however, due to the impetus given 
nerial mapping during World War II and 
the greater appreciation by the public of 
the need for accurate maps, it is hoped 
that Congress will appropriate the funds 
to accomplish this mapping program much 

While mapping from the air will never 
wholly replace ground surveying, it will 
serve to expedite the production of maps 
so urgently needed for national planning, 
public works and the general welfare. 

jSlamed 3or Qlenn J^. ^Martin 


Engineering at Maryland 
Dates Back to 1859 and 
Has Kept Pace With the 
Times . . . 

THE History of Engineering at the 
University of Maryland dates back to 
1859. In the catalogue of that year ap- 
peared a listing of a Professor of Survey- 
ing, Engineering and Construction. The 
University of Maryland branch at College 
Park at that time was the Maryland Agri- 
cultural College, and the Eederal Land 
Grant Act of 1862 provided for the teaching 
of engineering at this institution. In the 
following year, 1863, there were listed in 
the catalogue courses in Surveying Mechan- 
ics, Hydraulics and Civil Engineering. In 
1892, the University of Maryland began a 
formal Department of Engineering and the 
first building for engineering instruction 
was erected in 1894 to house the Mechanical 
Engineering Department. The Department 
of Civil Engineering was established in 
1900. the Department of Electrical Engi- 

neering in 1908 and the Department of 
Chemical Engineering in 1937. The Engi- 
neering Experiment Station was organized 
in 1921. 

Served With Dewey 

The first "dean" of a University of Mary- 
land engineering school was an active U. S. 
Naval officer, a distinguished veteran of two 
wars who reached an Admiral's rank. 

In February, 1894, at the request of 
President R. W. Silvester of the Agricul- 
tural College, the Secretary of the Navy de- 
tailed Lt. John Donaldson Ford, chief en- 
gineer of the U. S. Navy, to College Park, 
to organize the department of mechanical 
engineering. In May, 1895, a two-story 
brick building was begun by Lt. Ford, and 
completed in October of the same year. 
From this beginning, the College of Engi- 
neering has grown to its present size. 

Lt. Ford, born in 1840 in Baltimore, 
graduated from the Maryland Institute, 
Baltimore, in 1861, receiving the Peabody 
prize. He graduated from the Potts School 
of Mechanical Engineering in 1862, and 
entered the U. S. Navy in July of that 
year. During the Civil War, Lt. Ford took 


• O 





- o - 











Golle&e of Engineering 



1918 to 1946 

























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»u ] 













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IM . 
















>— < 









IW0 '»2< 1922 1923 1924 1926 1926 I92T 1929 1921 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 I93T I93B 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 94 i 1946 


More eloquent than the printed word is this graphic chart showing the increase in enrollment of 
Enginering Students from 1918 to 1944. Note the jump from 1944 to 1944. 

DEAN IN 1894 

Rear Admiral John Donaldson Ford. 

part in the recapture of Baton Rouge, La. 
After completion of his assignment in 
July, 1896, as Head of the Department of 
Mechanical Engineering here, Lieutenant 
Ford was promoted to the rank of Com- 
mander and, in the Spanish-American War, 
served as Engineer of the Fleet under 
Admiral George Dewey during the battle of 
Manila Bay. In recognition of his splendid 
service at that time, he was awarded the 
Dewey Medal, then advanced three num- 
bers in rank "for eminent and conspicious 
conduct in battle", and was promoted to 
Captain. He continued to serve in the 
Navy until 1911 when he was commissioned 
Rear Admiral and retired. He died at Balti- 
more on April 8, 1918. 

S. S. Steinberg, Dean 

The Glenn L. Martin College of Engi- 
neering and Aeronautical Science, Univers- 
ity of Maryland, with S. S. Steinberg as 
Dean, is the College of Engineering 
founded in 1894 and now reorganized and 
expanded to include within the college an 
Institute for Advanced Technological 
Studies. This Institute carries on full-time 
research in connection with an organization 
known as the State Institute for Industrial 
Research, authorized by the State Legisla- 
ture to be under the direction of the Board 
of Regents of the University, and also will 
carry on studies in the various departments 
leading to graduate degrees. 

The primary purpose of the Glenn L. 
Martin College of Engineering is to train 
young men to practice the profession of 
Engineering. It endeavors at the same time 
to equip them for their duties as citizens 
and for careers in public service and in 

In training professional engineers it has 
become evident that greater emphasis than 
heretofore must be placed on the funda- 
mentals of mathematics, science and engi- 
neering so as to establish a broad profes- 
sional base. Experience has also shown the 
value of a coordinated group of humanistic- 
social studies for engineering students since 
their later professional activities are so 
closely identified with the public. 


Bridge Stress Determination by Use ot Celluloid Model is Supervised by Dean S. S. Steinberg. 

Accordingly, the engineering curriculums 
have been revised to increase the time de- 
voted to fundamentals and to non-technical 
subjects, which are a necessary part of the 
equipment of every educated man. It is 
well recognized that an engineering train- 
ing affords an efficient preparation for 
many callings in public and private life 
outside the engineering profession. 

The length of the normal curriculum in 
Glenn L. Martin's College of Engineering 
is four years and leads to the bachelor's de- 
grees. In the case of most students these 
four years give the engineering graduate 
the basic and fundamental knowledge 
necessary to enter upon the practice of the 
profession. Engineering students whose 
scholastic records are superior are advised 
to supplement their undergraduate pro- 
grams by at least one year of graduate 
study leading to the master's degree. 
Graduate programs will be arranged upon 
application to the chairman of the engi- 
neering department concerned. 

In order to give the new student time to 
choose the branch of engineering for which 
he is best adapted, the freshman year of 
the several curriculums is the same. Lec- 
tures and conferences are used to guide the 
student in making a proper choice. The 
courses differ only slightly in the sophomore 
year but in the junior and senior years the 
students are directed definitely along pro- 
fessional lines. 

The Glenn L. Martin College of Engi- 
neering includes the Departments of Aero- 
nautical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, and 
Mechanical Engineering. Under a large 
gift received by the University from the 
Glenn L. Martin Company of Baltimore, 
supplemented with funds from the State of 
Maryland, it is planned to expand the ac- 
tivities of the College, to erect a new physi- 
cal plant, and to broaden the scope of its 
engineering and industrial research. 

Research Foundation 

The National Sand and Gravel Associa- 
tion has, by arrangement with the College 

of Engineering, established its testing and 
research laboratory at the University. The 
purpose of the Research Foundation thus 
organized is to make available to the Asso- 
ciation additional facilities for its investi- 
gational work, and to provide for the Col- 
lege of Engineering additional facilities and 
opportunities for increasing the scope of its 
engineering research. Recently the testing 
and research activities of the National 
Ready Mixed Concrete Association have 
been established at the University under a 
similar arrangement. 

Glenn L. Martin 

The Glenn L. Martin College of Engi- 
neering and Aeronautical Sciences at the 
University of Maryland was made possible 
in December, 1944 when The Glenn L. 
Martin Company, Baltimore, Maryland air- 

craft manufacturers made an initial gift 
ol $1,700 ,000 to the College Park institution. 
A second gift, also by the Martin Com- 
pany, of S800.000 was presented to the 
University about a year later. This made 
a total of $2,500,000 given to the University 
of Maryland by the Company for the de- 
velopment of a college which would offer 
specialized instruction in aeronautical 
sciences and opportunities for research in 
this held. 

With a State appropriation of $750,000 
for the same purpose; the University has 
53,250,000 with which to establish one of 
the foremost schools of its kind in the 

To take immediate advantage of the 
Martin grants, the entire existing engineer- 
ing school at the University began opera- 
tion, at least in part, under the gifts with 
the opening of the Fall semester in 1 946. 
The grants will be in complete use with 
the beginning of the new school year in 
September, 1947 and with the printing of 
the University catalogue for that semester, 
the engineering school will be known as 
The Glenn L. Martin College of Engineer- 
ing and Aeronautical Sciences. 

Additional Structures 

To existing facilities already available at 
the University nearly a dozen additional 
structures will be erected to house the Col- 
lege. As an important part of the Martin 
school, an $800,000 wind tunnel is now 
nearing completion. When completed 
early in 1947 the tunnel will be the first 
of the many buildings to be erected on land 
for the new college, north of the present 
campus. The wind tunnel will be 60 feet 
by 166 feet and is patterned after the 
tunnel at the North American Aviation 
plant in Englewood, California, rated one 
of the best in the country. 

Adjacent to the wind tunnel will be the 
laboratory for the new college. This build- 
ing will be 40 feet by 200 feet. Both will 
be of brick and steel. 

Now, work on all construction phases is 


Cooperative Fuels Research Laboratory. 

*i K~ vsfm ^ >;•«■ til 

f \IJ ■ Sri 


tit 4' 

■ A ' 


Basic to Civil Engineering. 

progressing as rapidly as current building 
conditions permit. 

Interest in the new school has been wide- 
spread and already there have been numer- 
ous inquiries from prospective students. At 
the moment the University has 1,100 engi- 
neering students and without doubt a 
large number of these will elect to specialize 
in aeronautical engineering. 

Mr. Martin Explains 

Not only will the Martin College be 
available for post-graduate work b\ gradu- 
ates of other engineering colleges, but 
plans call for a number of scholarships to 
be granted to the sons and daughters of 
Martin employees, that they may better 
equip themselves for important posts in 
the profession to which their parents have 
devoted their efforts. 

It is expected that during his lifetime 
Glenn L. Martin, president of the Martin 
Company, will make other contributions to 
the school and that provisions will be in- 
cluded in his will for the new institution to 
receive a portion of his estate. 

Mr. Martin explained the gifts in these 

To Help Aviation 

"The erection of a plant, and the crea- 
tion of a research foundation at the 
University of Maryland for education and 
research in aeronautics represents the frui- 
tion of thought of years as to how I could 
best permanently help the advancement of 
aviation and at the same time do some- 
thing that would be of lasting value to 
humanity, five things I should like to have 
the satisfaction of doing in my lifetime. 

"First, to contribute something of per- 
manent value to aviation, to the develop- 
ment of which 1 have dedicated mv life. 

"Second, to play some humble part in 

bringing about a better understanding be- 
tween nations, particularly between my own 
country and other countries. 

"Third, to create an organization which, 
through education and research, will help 
raise the standards of living of people in 
all nations. 

"Fourth, to carry to the four corners of 
the earth the doctrines of the worth of the 
individual, and through that doctrine, in- 
crease the respect of other nations for our 
way of life. 

"Fifth, to give to outstanding young 
Americans and outstanding young men and 
women of foreign countries opportunities 
through education and research, to develop 
into the highest type of leaders in aviation, 


In the Operation Laboratory. 

certain to be the greatest of industries, in 
order that they may make aviation the 
servant of all mankind." 

An important consideration to the 
University in the presentation of both gifts 
of money by the Martin Company was that 
they were made without any restricions, ex- 
cept that they be used for developing the 
aeronautical sciences and their related en- 
gineering and scientific fields. 


The gift of Glenn L. Martin to the Uni- 
versity of Maryland for the Engineering 
College, which now bears Mr. Martin's 
name, was appropriately referred to in the 



A Bending Test. 


Student Operator. 

following editorial printed in the Baltimore 
Sun. viz: — 

"The Glenn L. Martin Company gift of 
SI, 700,000 to the University of Maryland 
is in the sound tradition of business and 
philanthropy in our kind of economic 
order. From the proceeds of a great air- 
craft enterprise funds are made available 
for aeronautical study. Industry which 
serves the public directly through its prod- 
uct is thus put at the further service of 
society over a longer range. This is the en- 
terprise system in full and attractive per- 

"The bulk of the initial Martin gift will 
be expended largely in constructing a phys- 
ical plant. Here it is to be expected that 
not merely immediate outlay but later 
maintenance needs will be kept in mind. 
The balance left after the building pro- 
gram is provided for will go to the organ- 
ization of a Glenn L. Martin Aeronautical 
Research Foundation. This foundation will 
support education and research in aviation 
and its place in the world. 

"The second point deserves special no- 
tice, for it is one of the gratifying aspects 
of Mr. Martin's plans that the new founda- 
tion will be more than merely technical 
in its interests. Dr. Byrd, of the Univer- 
sity, assures us that the whole range of 
applied aeronautical science will be studied, 
including, for instance, such pressing tech- 
nical problems as the development of pro- 
pulsion by jet and rocket appliance. But 
in addition the program calls for investi- 
gation into the social, even the political, 
as opposed to "the merely technical, place 
of the aircraft in the modern world. 

"Thus a close cooperation is envisaged 
between the projected foundation and the 
State Department and Commerce Depart- 
ment of the Federal Government. Pre- 
sumably questions of the international law 
of air travel and air freight will be en- 
compassed in such studies. Problems of air 
treaties and conventions among nations like 
those discussed at the recent international 
meeting in Chicago will be examined. 

"The value of these broader studies is 
apparent from some comparisons. We know 
in retrospect, that the railroad remade the 
face of the continent and that the auto- 

mobile has worked basic changes in our 
way of life. But we know these things only 
in retrospect. Moreover, the railroad and 
the automobile did not involve us im- 
mediately and intimately in contacts with 
other countries. The Martin plan appar- 
ently will aim, among others, to keep us 
informed on what the aircraft means to us 
as we go along. And that meaning will 
touch not merely our domestic life but our 
world relationships. 

"Not that the program is all laid down 
and formalized at this earlv date. One of 
the points made by Dr. Byrd, of the uni- 
versity, in discussing the plans, is that fur- 
ther gifts are to come and that their full 
meaning and value for the public cannot 
now be wholly forseen. This argues that 
the gifts are to be made with liberality, 
untroubled by the narrow prescriptions 
which cramp many a college benefaction. 
The public will watch with interest as the 
detail of the broad outline now offered 
is blocked in." 


The Maryland Chapter of the American 
Association of University Professors re- 
quested former Gov. O'Conor to transfer 
administration of expenditures for teaching 
and research at the University of Maryland 
from the Board of Public Works, a State 
body, to the Board of Regents of the Uni- 
versity, Miss Marie D. Bryan, president of 
the chapter, announced. 

Miss Bryan, who is also assistant profes- 
sor of education and English at the uni- 
versity, said the resolution asking for this 
change was passed unanimously by chapter 

She added that the move, although com- 
ing from a group which takes action inde- 
pendent of the university, backs up a stand 
taken recently by University President H. 
C. Byrd. She said the change should be 
made "in the welfare of the university" 
and that the Board of Regents was in a 
better position to understand university 
problems than any outside State agency. 

Copies of the resolution were sent also 
to the Governor, W. Preston Lane, the 
secretary of the legislative council, the 

secretary of the Board of Public Works, the 
secretary of the Board of Regents, and to 
Dr. Byrd. 

In part, the resolution stales: "It is the 
considered opinion of the Maryland chap- 
ter of the American Association of Uni- 
versity Professors that control by the Board 
of Regents is essential, because the (on 
trolling body must have an intimate 
familiarity with research ideals and re- 
search personnel, and the same familiarity 
with the problems of teaching and teaching 
personnel, if the objectives of the uni- 
versity are to be realized." 

"The association does not hold that the 
clerical and classified personnel need neces- 
sarily be controlled in the same manner." 

Emphasis was made that the control 
should not extend to the overall budget. 
but rather to distribution of expenditures 
to the teaching and research departments. 


Yes, Engineers write songs too. Engineers 
were winners of the recent fight song con- 
test at University of Maryland. It was writ- 
ten and arranged by four students of the 
College of Engineering. Reginald H. Hall. 
William R. Campbell, D. Gordon Shallo- 
witz, and Leonard Grossman. A $25 prize- 
was presented to the winners. 

Hall and Campbell wrote the lyrics, 
while Shallowitz and Grossman handled the 
music. Hall also worked out the arrange- 
ment. The four winners have all had 
musical experience in the past. Shallo- 
witz and Grossman, who are roommates in 
the veterans' barracks, have written several 
songs previously, and Campbell has written 
other lyrics. Hall is the leader of a five- 
piece dance band called the "Debonairs" 
that has played at several dances around 
the campus. 

The words of the winning song are as 

Come on let's fight for dear old Maryland 
Come on let's give our team a cheer 
We've got to praise our loyal Terrapins 
For we know they have no fear 
Come on let's wave on high the Black and 

We'll spread our frame through the land. 
Come on let's fight, fight, fight to victory 
For dear old V. of Maryland. 


The Maryland chapter of Alpha Chi 
Sigma, professional chemical fraternity, 
announced the pledging of Dr. Cabin 
Stunt7, Assistant Professor of Chcmistrv. 
and 13 students. The students are Thomas 
Arthcr, Bernard Armbrecht, Werner 
Boehme. Charles Dulin, Robert Johnson, 
Thomas Lewis, Stephen Metro, Fred Reed, 
Robert Storherr, Francis Taylor, Joe Tu- 
ono, Willis Waldo, and Forrest Wilcox. 

Alpha Chi Sigma is composed of men 
who have maintained a 2.5 average 
through the sophomore courses in chemis- 
try and who are interested in promoting 
chemistry as a science and as a profession. 

Une JAJind Uunnei 




Two views of the University of Maryland's new 
wind tunnel. 

The steel frame shown at the right in the upper 
picture is the frame for the propeller that creates 
the needed wind velocities. 

The inner octagonal frames are temporary braces 
and will be removed before completion of the 
circular frame. 

Description of Wind Tunnel, 
Latest Maryland Campus 
Development . . . 

Jjy c4. wJiley Skerwood 

Research Professor of Aerodynamics and Manager 
of the Wind Tunnel 

THE demand for swifter and more effi- 
cient aircraft is very nearly as pressing 
today as during the war. Aircraft com- 
panies vie with each other for army, navy 
and commercial contracts which are ap- 
portioned according to the success of new 
and advanced designs. Jet and rocket 
propulsion extend the horizon of practical 
design particularly in high speed and high 
altitude flight. With this motivation, the 
aeronautical engineer uses every resource 
at his command to select the appropriate 
propulsion system, whether jet, rocket or 
propeller, and install it in an airframe 
suited to the design requirements. This 
preliminary design then undergoes a long 
period of development which is mainlv 
experimental in character. 

"Build One And Try It" 

The problem of measuring the aerodyna- 
mic characteristics of a new design may be 
approached directly by the time worn pro- 
cesscess of 'building one and trying it out.' 
Aircraft are tried out according to the well- 
developed techniques of flight testing which 
are unsurpassed for the evaluation of the 
performance and the flying qualities of the 
final design. Flight testing has definite 
drawbacks, however, for the countless modi- 
fications, adjustments and even major 

changes that lie between the preliminary 
layout and the final design. An expensive 
flying model is required, usually full-scale 
and extensive instrumentation. Tests are 
subject to the vagaries of the weather and 
sometimes offer considerable hazard to the 
flving personnel^ 

Relative Air Motion 

The aeronautical designer is p*"' 
concerned with the effects pror 1 
aircraft by relative mofeior 
tive motion may be achiev 
ment of an aircraft througi 
iK>rmal flight or by the 
past a stationary ?•' 
tunnel. The artif 
nel is cheated \r 
rotated by\a* 
mover. A m 
on fixed sup x 
aerodynamic for>. 
by the airstream to .. 
the 'wind-tunnel bala. 
tested in various flight at. 
various conditions of airspec 
face deflection, flap deflection, , 
the ground, etc. to simulate all >. 
tions that the prototype airplane m. 
perience in flight. Compact but pox 

electric motors rotate model propellers to 
correspond to different conditions of en- 
gine operations. The preliminary design is 
almost invariably found lacking in some 
phase of stability, control or performance 
.did the model is modified and again tested 
until satisfactory. 

Several Different Types 

I here are several different types of wind 
tunnels designed to study various aspects of 
aircraft performance. Some tunnels circu- 
late air tinder varying pressures to simulate 
flight at various altitudes others have pro- 
visions for injecting water droplets into a 

: ng con- 
.it and lighter planes; gust tui 
ineasui reaction of an airplane m 

Right den up or down draft; spin 

information i » the 

engine tu istrucj^fl to accomo 

date full [' jet pro 


u , merits sp< 

tention 1m i is used to investigate the 

problems . nic flight and to push 

upward tl um speed i i ■ and 

terms si and sub 

un| he speed of ibout 

mph ie of 

cmar. we 

and 9 

of thi ion 

i>\ o the 

craft fo 
and supei i 

of ih. ra 

approach of tl 
ivels t 
• ion 

in itselt a press i 
far in advance of 

llucnccd hv its 

in air- 
>f sir 
iii flight 
tly in front 
ised bv the 
• normal rate 
wave through 
ion i- 
since s 

is ail pai titles 
the / aiicraft are in- 
approath md begin to 
move so as to p; nd the aircraft. In 

supersonic flight , her hand. an\ 

pressure increase direitly in front of the 
aircraft cannot travel forward because tl 
speed of the aircraft, is greater than the 
rate of propogation ott the pressure increase. 
Air particles ahead jf thi aircraft conse 
quently receive no r otilii .tion of the 
proach of the aircraft wl ch results 
vastly different flow jpatii n than for si. 
sonic flight. Research ii > : " "* 

field has been p^-" 
tary reoi' ; - 

aircraft is further complicated by the need 
of providing for satisfactory stability and 
control at subsonic as well as supersonic 
speeds. Wind-tunnel tests must therefore 
be conducted in both types of tunnel and 
a compromise design worked out. The work 
of the subsonic tunnel is therefore increased 
by the demand for supersonic missiles and 
aircraft. Even without the requirements of 
supersonic aircraft, the facilities of the 
modern subsonic tunnels of this country 
are overtaxed. Most of the major aircraft 
companies have several design projects un- 
der development and the army and navy 
have numerous problems for wind-tunnel 
research. Of particular interest arc such re- 
se^rrh projects i\ the takeoff characteristics 
lied airplane actcris- 

wept-back win^- of var- 

ies of gun turrets :r pro- 

truberances, the effectiveness igh-lift 

devices and the use- of boundary i er con 
trol. \1 though ihe laws of fluid Bow have 
been 'inch I intensive investigation for 
opportunities f or original 
research an. i tan) ■ 5 to the 

ihecu d. The 

fact tl simiir 

quired to dev. craft is 

in itself a cl ai 


350 Miles Per Hoar 

wind tun 
v 'ai c . 

nautical Sciences 
strut lion, 
maximum >i ' 

con ere' 

on tl !<• 

1 ' 
1 v 

will h ■ call 

pose- bv . \t 

rej 'ni- tests will 


•in L. 

d Aero- 

■ ider con- 

■iih a 





c wind- 
■ tion of 

ti ■ 
on pur- 
and it 
brgi'' in 

The ' mnel has many unusual sign 
feat i i.icrease it' and 

effici^ncv. The air is ci Ilia ted i a 19- 
foot diameter impeller ] ly a 1,750 
horsepowei electric mc - .borate 
electrical control system I motor 
main? .ins the speed ol ttion within one 
quarter of one per t H of an\ desired 

uc up to a maximu i of 850 i volutions 
Der minute. The tesi BCtion of he tunnel 

"ft. 9-inches hig 1 l>s I ' ti wide, pen 
model wine" -pans of R or 9 feet, 
-'s of bulle glass an 


rows of recessed lights provide excellent 
visibility of the model under test. Photo 
flood bulbs are included in the light panels 
for photographs of the model and test 
equipment. Complete equipment will be 
on hand for the control of the electric 
motors, located in the model itself, that 
rotate the model propellers to simulate pro- 
peller effects. The wind-tunnel balances 
will not only indicate the aerodynamic 
forces and moments, but will punch Inter- 
national Business Machine cards with the 
pertinent data. The cards will then be 
sent through computing machines to re- 
duce the test results to their final corrected 
form. This procedure will sa\e time and 
personnel and yield more accurate results. 
The wind-tunnel building will contain com- 
plete woodworking and metal shops, offices 
for wind-tunnel personnel and classrooms 
to satisfy both industrial and educational 

Costs Are High 

Both the initial and the operational costs 
arc high, but it is believed that the wind- 
el development will prove to be a 
sound investment even when judged on 
financial grounds alone. The final cost of 
the wind-tunnel unit will be close to Sl.- 
(100,000. Operational costs will include the 
salaries of a staff of 15 or 20 specialized 
employees and an electric bill of about $100 
per day. However, the Glenn L. Martin 
Company has already indicated that it has 
enough work to f nil v utilize the facilities 
on a rental basis and the army and navy 
arc interested in allocating aerodynamic re- 
search contracts to the university. 

The opportunities for the coordination of 
the theoretical education of students in 
aeronautical engineering with practical 
wind-tunnel testing and research should 
prove of immense value. The students will 
witness and participate in practical tests 
with modern equipment and the more cap 
able will be encouraged to remain with the 
university in research capacities. The con- 
struction of the other components of the 
Glenn L. Martin College, the structures, 
engines, instruments and meteorology facil- 
ities, will make our aeronautical college 
and research center second to none in the 


1947 Maryland Legislature was 

ask' expand money outlays for pro- 

■ salary increases, for State aid 

ii', schools and for expenditures 

; inioi colleges. 

proposals are among a list con- 
Bed in recommendations made to the 
islative Council by State Schools Supt. 
homas G. Pullen, Jr., last July. 

I Ik ohms include reduction of the size 
s to 30 pupils, an increase in school 
linistrative, supervisory and 
Jerical p and additional personnel 

to aid tb 1'ication Department in 

supervision of veterans' 'raining and to 
direct the vocational rehabilitation pro- 

Raising of the compulsory school age also 
is contained in the suggestions, and Dr. 
Pullen said favorable action by the legisla- 
ture "undoubtedly will increase appropria- 
tions for schools, and in a fairly large 

* iidfcm^N^ , 

EILEEN SIMPSON, Cincinnati, Ohio. Veterans' Queen at last year's Vet ball. Student in Home Economics, Eileen was active in Footlight Club, Clef and Key, 
Women's Chorus. She is a member of Delta Delta Delta. Starred in 1944 Varsity Show and others. After marrying Vic Turyn, Maryland quarterback, Eileen, 
now Mrs. Turyn, dropped out of school but is employed in the Business Office in Administration. 
(Terrapin Foto) 

cAn cAviation Pioneer 


GLENN L. MARTIN, in whose honoi 
the University of Maryland's College 
of Engineering has been named, was born 
at Macksburg, Iowa, on January 17, 1880. 
Two years later his family moved to 
Liberal, Kansas, where his father conducted 
a wheat farm and a hardware shop. 

When Glenn Martin was six years old 
he had his first experience with aerody- 
namics and business procedures. He learned 
how to build and fly box kites more suc- 
cessfully than any other boy in the neigh- 
borhood. What's more, he uncovered a 
market for them and began his first pro- 
duction line on the floor of his mother's 
kitchen. The charge was twenty-five cents 
per kite. 

Following this successful venture there 
never was a time when he wasn't interested 
in sails and lifting surfaces. He fitted a 
sail to his toy wagon; later, aided by a sail, 
he moved faster and with less effort on ice 
skates when the wind was favorable and 
he did some delicate navigation on his 
bicycle with a sail for auxiliary power. All 
of this experience with the vagaries of the 
wind crystalized in his mind ten years later 
when he developed the unshakable convic- 
tions that he could build and fly a man 
carrying airplane. 

To Kansas 

When the Martin family 
presently moved to Salina, 
Kansas, the boy secured 
work in a bicycle shop 
while he was attending 
high school. Subsequently 
he took a two-year busi- 
ness course at Kansas 
Wesleyan University, also 
in Salina, and with his 
love of things mechanical 
he promptly promoted 
himself a job as garage 
hand with the first auto- 
mobile business to open in 
that town. 

But the middle Western 
winters were hard on Mrs. 
Martin and in 1905 the 
family moved to Santa 
Ana, California. After 
working there for a few 
months as an auto sales- 
man and repairman, Glenn 
started a garage of his own. 
It was a few months later 
that he read of Orville 
Wright's hundred-second 
flight at Kittv Hawk, 
N. C. 

Glenn Martin knew that 
he also would fly some 
day, but his first steps to- 
ward realization of this de- 
sire were taken with the 
thoroughness and caution 
which have characterized 
his entire life. He built a 
biplane glider and for 
months practised gliding 
from the hills near Santa 

Maryland Benefactor and 
A Great Flight Pioneer, 
Air Ace and Builder of 
Aircraft . . . 

Ana. But only after he felt completely at 
ease in his giant kite did he rent an aban- 
doned church, and begin construction of a 
biplane with a motor and a propeller. 

There were no text books for reference, 
no blue prints or past experiences to guide 
him. Everything he did was experimental. 
Working during the day as an automobile 
salesman and repairman he labored at night 
on his airplane aided by light from a kero- 
sene lamp held by his mother, who had 
complete faith in his objectives from the 
very start. 

First Plane 

After two years of work, which cost more 
than $2,000, Glenn Martin's first aircraft 
was ready for flight. Again there was no 
headlong rush into the unknown. He 
taxied for days to get the feel of the plane. 
Finally in August, 1909, he made his first 
flight, covering one hundred feet at a two 


Grew up from boyhood boxklte era to design the most advanced aircraft 


foot altitude. The instant he felt the plane 
was off the ground, he brought it down. 
Continuing for weeks to make these low 
flights, he did nothing for fun or vain 
glory. Every hop resulted in a study period 
and very often in the necessity for adjust- 
ment. Little by little he increased the 
altitude of his hops until he reached fifteen 
feet and stretched the distance flown to a 
hundred yards. And still he continued 
working at his automobile business to earn 
money for maintenance and improvement 
of his airplane. 

Not until the summer of 1910 did young 
Martin begin to feel satisfied with his plane 
and in the fall of that year the Los Angeles 
limes printed a picture of him and the 
plane, adding cautiously that "he is re- 
puted to have flown on the mesa near 
Santa Ana". In November of the same 
year his first advertised exhibition flight 
took place at Santa Ana and The Times 
did an about-face in its editorial columns. 
Newspaper accounts of the flying attracted 
large crowds to Santa Ana and the local 
Chamber of Commerce decided to help him. 
The plane was put on exhibition, tickets 
were sold and several hundred dollars were 
raised which Martin used as a nest egg to- 
ward building his second 

Began To Prosper 

The next year he began 
to make real money. He 
and his aircraft were in 
great demand at county 
fairs and local celebrations. 
A two-day exhibition at 
Brawley, for example, fat- 
tened his bank-roll by $750. 

By 1911, Glenn L. Mar- 
tin was one of the best 
known fliers of the entire 
country and went barn- 
storming all over the West. 
The crowds rated him a 
daredevil, who thought 
little of his life, but the 
risks he ran were minim- 
ized by the extraordinary 
precautions he always took 
before and during a flight. 

He attracted world-wide 
attention on May 10, 1912 
by flying a seaplane thirty- 
eight miles away, and back. 
This was a vintage year for 
Glenn Martin in the num- 
ber of prizes won and in 
the number of records 

He was the first to de- 
liver the mail by plane; 
Inst to deliver newspapers 
by plane; first to drop a 
baseball into a catcher's 
mitt from an airplane; he 
tossed a bouquet into a 
May Queen's lap by plane; 
bombed a sham fort by 
plane; used his flying 
machine to hunt covotes, 

to hunt escaped convicts, to pick up a pas- 
senger from a boat, to search the ocean for 
lost aviators, the first flyer to fly his own 
mother, first to take motion pictures from 
a plane, first to shower the public from the 
air with department store advertising and 
merchandise coupons. 

And as far as young Martin was con- 
cerned, all of this was important only be- 
cause it served to advertise and create de- 
mand for the planes being built in his in- 
fant factory at Santa Ana. The torrent of 
personnel acclamation meant nothing to 

Eventually some California capitalists 
overcame their timidity about financing 
Martin's company and lent support to the 
project. Soon, however, they became con- 
vinced that the possibilities of flying had 
been completely explored and they began 
to consider their investments unsoundly 
placed. Dismayed but momentarily, Glenn 
Martin, with the aid of a wealthy local 
sportsman bought out his partners and 
again became the sole owner of his business. 

He continued his public appearances and 
in 1912 at an international meet in Chicago 
he won more events than any other entrant 
and collected prize money amounting to 

To Los Angeles 

This same year he moved his factory to 
Los Angeles and started a flying school, in 
which many future leaders in aviation were 

The next year he put out a four-passen- 
ger seaplane which exhausted the phrase- 
making capacity of the aviation reporters of 
the day. 

Early in 1913, using a bomb-sight of his 
own design Martin made the first real 
bombing test ever made from an airplane 
while an Army officer checked the results 
from the ground. Other inventions sprang 
from his agile mind. He invented the first 
parachute to open automatically and among 
the year's top sensations were the parachute 
jumps made by Miss Tiny Broadwick from 
airplanes piloted by Glenn Martin. 

Forseeing the entrance of the United 
States into World War I, he merged his 
own interests with those of the Wrights in 
1917, the new company being called the 
Wright-Martin Aircraft Corporation. Due 
to conditions beyond the control of the 
partners, the new organization was short- 
lived and Glenn Martin with financial aid 
from a group of Cleveland capitalists once 
again organized his own company, this 
time in Cleveland, Ohio. 

In January, 1918, he went to Washington 
with his plans for a new bomber, and got 
a green light to proceed with the building 
of a few models. The first of them rolled 
out of his plant only six months later — an 
unbelievable accomplishment. It was a 
twin-engined biplane carrying a bomb load 
of 1,500 pounds and years ahead of its 
time in performance. A large order for the 
bomber was immediately forthcoming, but 
it was too late to help win the war. The 

first shipment had been scheduled for De- 
cember, 1918 and the war ended a month 

With World War I successfully over. Mr. 
Martin's Cleveland backers disclosed that 
they were interested only in winning the 
war, not in financing a permanent aircraft 
business. And for the second time, Martin 
bought out his associates and became the 
sole owner of his business. 

Under his administration, the business 
flourished and in a few years Martin air- 
craft were in such demand that his Cleve- 
land plant could no longer accomodate the 
activity. In 1929, Martin moved his busi- 
ness in its entirety to a 1 ,260 acre tract at 
Middle River, Md., just 12 miles from 
Baltimore. The city fathers welcomed him 
with open arms and while speaking before 
a civic gathering Mr. Martin predicted that 
within a few years he would be utilizing the 
services of ten thousand employees. During 
World War II employment totals exceeded 
fifty thousands and more than a year after 
V-J Day, The Glenn L. Martin Company 
had a stabalized employment of about twice 
Mr. Martin's original estimate. 

During the war years, the 140-000-pound 
Mars, the largest seaplane in the world, 
was built by Martin largely at his own ex- 
pense. The original Mars and its succes- 
sors were purchased by the U. S. Navy and 
performed seemingly impossible tasks in the 
Naval Transport Service. 

After the launching of the Mars, Mr. 
Martin announced that he had completed 
designs for building a 250,000 pounder 
and that he was ready to start on still 
another seaplane of twice this weight, one 
half million pounds. 

Research In Other Fields 

Under Martin's counselling, the com- 
pany in recent years began research in other 
fields. As a result, $3,000,000 was allocated 
for the erection of a plant in Painesville, 
Ohio, where the Martin Company will pro- 
duce Marvinol, a vinyl type synthetic resin, 
which can be used as a coating for fabrics, 
papers and metals. 

Another new Martin development was 
Multi-Mulsion, a process by which metal, 
wood, leather, plastics or almost any other 
surface can be made usable for photo- 
graphic reproduction. So successful was 
this product, that by the end of 1946, it 
had achieved national distribution. 

A third success to come from Martin 
laboratories was Honeycomb, developed in 
cooperation with the U. S. Plywood Cor- 
poration of New York. Made of a "honey- 
comb" of cloth or paper sandwiched be- 
tween and firmly bonded to thin sheets of 
aluminum, stainless steel, wood veneer or 
plastic, the new waterproof sheets are struc- 
turally far stronger than anything of the 
same weight now being produced. 

Cannily, Martin used Honeycomb, his 
own product, in the newest Martin post- 
war planes as flooring, bulkheads, doors, 
shelves, etc. because of its great strength 
and weight saving characteristics. 

In December of 1944, Glenn Martin an- 
nounced that his company had made a gift 
of §1,700,000 to the University of Maryland 
for the establishment of a school offering 
specialized instruction in aeronautical 
sciences and opportunities for research in 
the same field. A second gift of $800,000 to 
the same foundation followed a year later. 
Much encouraged by Mr. Martin's magnifi- 
cent gesture, the State appropriated $700,- 
000 for the same purpose and with the 
opening of the fall semester of 1947, The 
Glenn L. Martin College of Engineering 
and Aeronautical Sciences was expected to 
be in full operation with many new build- 
ings and one of the finest wind tunnels in 
the country. 

With the long range vision and foresight 
which the world has come to expect of 
Glenn Martin, he announced shortly after 
the close of World War II that his company 
would embark for the first time on a pro- 
gram of passenger and cargo plane construc- 

Former Competitors 

So well received were the new Martin 
Models, the 2-0-2 cargo and 3-0-3, that in 
the Fall of 1946, orders had been placed 
for them by nine domestic and three foreign 
passenger airlanes and four domestic cargo 
operators. At this time the backlog of un- 
delivered commercial and warplane order 
held by the Martin Company had reached 
the astounding peacetime total of S196,- 
000,000, the greatest of any aircraft manu- 
facturer in the world. 

Today many of Martin's greatest com- 
petitors are old employees of his. Glenn 
Martin, himself, is one of the few pioneer 
fliers of America who is guiding the des- 
tinies of his own company. 

He has been honored for his work on 
many occasions including doctor's degrees 
from three American Universities; was 
awarded The Collier Trophy by President 
Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 for the great- 
est aeronautical achievement in America; 
and was presented the Guggenheim Medal 
by the Institute of the Aeronautical 
Sciences in 1941 for his contribution to 
aeronautical development. 


Courses in Leadership and Naval Courts 
and Boards are being offered now to the 
Officer's Section of the Naval Reserve. The 
courses will be given each Tuesday evening 
at the Reserve Armory in the Naval Gun 
Factory, Washington, D. C. Instructors 
for the courses will be Captain Myron G. 
Ehrlich, USNR and Lt. Comdr. Richard 
L. Tedrow, USNR. 

The courses would encompass the whole 
field of Naval Justice, beginning with an 
introduction to Naval Law and ending 
with rules of evidence and the general 
rules of procedure of fact finding bodies. 



JUSTICE Robert France, who graduated 
from the University of Maryland (Law) 
in 1923, has been appointed, by Governor 
Herbert R. O'Conor, of Maryland, to the 
Supreme Bench of Baltimore. The appoint- 
ment fills the vacancy created by the death 
of Justice J. Craig McLanahan. 

Judge France was born in Baltimore, 
Maryland, November 2, 1896, son of Joseph 
C. France and Roberta L. France. Attended 
Boys' Latin School and Johns Hopkins 
University, graduating with the Degree of 
A. B. in 1917. 

Joined the American Field Service, April 
1, 1917, and served with the French Army 
on the Chemin des Dames front as driver 
of an ammunition truck during the summer 
and winter of 1917. Graduated from French 
Officers' School at Meaux, November 1, 
1917, and continued to serve with the 
French Army as Commanding Officer of 
ammunition train. 

Subsequently transferred to the American 
Expeditionary Forces and commissioned 
First Lieutenant in the Motor Transport 
Corps, serving in France throughout the 
balance of the War and %vas discharged 
from active service on July 15, 1919 with 
rank of Captain. Member of the Towson 
Post, American Legion. 

Studied law at the University of Mary- 
land from 1920 to 1923, graduating with 
the degree of L. L. B. Became member of 
the Trial Staff of United Railway and 
Electric Company of Baltimore City, and an 
associate in the law firm of Janney, Ober, 
Slingluff and Williams. Formed partner- 
ship with Walter V. Harrison of Baltimore 
City for the general practice of law, June 
I, 1929, and continued in the general prac- 
tice of law until dissolution of the partner- 
ship in 1938. Individually continued the 
practice of law thereafter. Elected Secre- 
tary of the Bar Association of Baltimore 
City in 1929, and re-elected in this capacitv 
annually until 1938, when elected President 
of the Association. Elected Secretary of the 
Maryland State Bar Association, January 
1944. Appointed Chief Judge of the Traf- 
fic Court of Baltimore City by Governor 
O'Conor, June 1, 1939, and re-appointed 
Chief Judge in 1943. Served as Executive 
Director of the Maryland Council of De- 
fense from September 1, 1942 until May 
1, 1943, and Chairman of the Governor's 

Alumni Association, University of Maryland 

Founded in 1892 


Talbot T. Speer, '18, 3132 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, Md. 

Austin C. Diggs, '22 Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md. 

J. Homer Remsberg, '18, Middletown, Md. 

Hazel T. Tuemmler, '29, 4509 Beechwood Road, College Park, Md. 

Harry E. Haslinger, '33, 313 V St., N.E.. Washington, D. C. 

Charles V. Koons, '29, 2828 McKinley Plate, N.W., Washington, D. C. 

Agnes Gingell Turner, '33, Frederick, Md. 

Dr. Charles E. White, '24, 4405 Beechwood Road, College Park, Md. 

James E. Andrews, '31, Cambridge, Md. 


The Publication of the Alumni Association. 
Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor 
Jane A. Troy, Circulation Manager. 

Commission on the Revision of the State 
Motor Vehicle Laws. Appointed Chairman 
of the Maryland State Tax Commission 
May 1, 1943 to fill unexpired term of 
Judge William Henderson, and reappointed 
for full term on June 1, 1943. Appointed 
General Counsel to the Public Service 
Commission of Maryland on November 
13th, 1945 for a term of six (6) years by 
Governor Herbert R. O'Conor. Member of 
the Sherbow Commission on the distribu- 
tion of tax revenues. Appointed Associate 
Judge of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore 
City by Governor O'Conor on December 7, 


Mr. and Mrs. William Burleigh, both 
Maryland graduates, may now be addressed 
c/o Arabian American Oil Company, Teha- 
hran, Saudi Arabia. 

Bill Burleigh graduated from the College 
of Arts and Science in 1928. Anita Peters 
i Mrs. Burleigh) graduated from the Col- 
lege of Education in 1929. They have done 
a great deal of traveling in the near East 
and through Europe. Their former ad- 
dress was 1825 St. Francis Way, San Carlos, 


Family precedent and concern for the 
future of St. Marys County led former Lt. 
Comdr. Joseph A. Mattinglv to become a 
Democratic candidate for Delegate to Mary- 
land's General Assembly. In November he 
steamed to success. 

The 30-year-old Assemblyman-elect, on 
his initial venture into politics, followed 
footsteps of his father, Joseph M. Mattingly, 
who srved two terms in the same office 
and for 18 years was clerk of the Circuit 
Court for St. Marys County. 

Mr. Mattingly, born on his parents' farm 
near Leonardtown, and received his elemen- 
tary education at St. Marys Academy and 
Leonard Hall High School. 

After completing academic courses at the 
University of Maryland, College Park, he 
entered the university's Baltimore Law 
School, where he was elected president of 
the freshman class. 

After graduation in 1941 he was ad- 
mitted to the Maryland bar, and in Novem- 
ber of the same year entered the Navy as 
an ensign. During four and a half years' 
service he saw action in Aleutian and 
Philippine waters. 

Mr. Mattingly, unmarried, has offices in 
Leonardtown and lives at the family home. 


The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the publication by the alumni 

Alumni are urgently requested to supply the office of publication at College Park with changes of address known to an alumni, news 
items of general or personal interest, occupational and professional items, social news, births, engagements, marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST" news and the more news received the better the publication will be. 

Please accord us your support. 



A G-man whose hobby is the American 
Legion, Lee R. Pennington, graduate of 
University of Maryland's College of Engi- 
neering, spends most of his leisure hours 
helping veterans of World War II hurdle 
jumps similar to those he himself encoun- 
tered after World War I. 

"That period of readjustment," he said, 
"is tough. I know. I went through it!" 

A past Department Commander of the 
Legion and veterans' preference chairman 
during 194."). Pennington is one of those 
big, likable chaps whose very demeanor 
inspires confidences. The GIs know this. 
They come to him when the going is really 

A fitting example was the recent Williams 
realty case in Washington. The bovs poured 
out their troubles without, however. am' 
definite hope he could do anything about 
it. Pennington, an inspector in charge of 
the accounts and frauds section of the Fed- 
eral Bureau of Investigation, shrewdly esti- 
mated which way the wind was blowing. 
He advised publicity rather than lengthv 
litigation in the courts. 

"Something had to be done quickly," 
he said, "before all the assets were gone. 
1 only advised them to go to the news- 

There is one ex-GI who owes his libertv 
lo this kindly G-man, himself the father of 
a veteran of World War II. 

The boy had already served five months 
of a long sentence when Pennington heard 
his storv. 

"I decided he was framed," he said, add- 
ing simply, "so I set about to prove it." 

Today the veteran is not only a free 
man, but that dishonorable discharge has 
been revoked. 

Pennington was born in Martinsburg, 
W. Va., and reared in Havre de Grace. 
His father was a dentist. The son attended 
the University of Maryland, graduating 
with a degree in mechanical engineering 
at Maryland. He entered World War I. 

He served 15 months overseas and holds 
the Purple Heart for wounds received in 
action five davs before the armistice and 

the Silver Star for "taking a town that was 
right hard to take." 

One of his proudest possessions is his 
saber, won during his college days for hav- 
ing the best-dressed company in the cadet 
corps. His son, former Lt. Comdr. William 
Carter Pennington, carried it during his 
high-school cadet days and later used it 
to cut his wedding cake. 

"He's the one you should write about," 
said his dad. "Spent four years on a de- 
stroyer and came out of the war outrank- 
ing the old man!" — Elizabeth Oldfield in 
the Washington Times Herald. 


Dr. Albert F. Woods, who served as 
President of the University of Maryland 
from 1917 to 1926, and who has devoted 
more than half a century to agriculture, 
retired as educational adviser of the Agri- 
culture Department Graduate School on 
December 31, 1946. 

The school, conducted by the depart- 
ment, offers undergraduate and graduate 
courses in a variety of subjects, primarily 
to Federal employes. 

Dr. Woods became director of the Agri- 
culture Department Graduate School in 
1926 as part of his duties as director of 
scientific work in the department and be- 
came educational adviser in 1940. 

Dr. Woods' retirement from the depart- 
ment will not end the experimental work 
in agriculture. 

Instead, he plans to devote his time to 
research on the nature and control of plant 
diseases, making use of laboratory facilities 
at the University of Maryland, where his 
son, Dr. Mark W. Wood, is associate pro- 
fessor in plant pathology. 

The elder Dr. Woods, who discovered 
the cause of mosaic disease to tobacco plants 
in 1898, will investigate plant viruses at- 
tacking potatoes and many other crops, 
the younger Dr. Woods said today. 


"After reviewing my copy of "MARY- 
LAND" recentlv, I am convinced that you 
now have an alumni publication more in 
keeping with the up and coming spirit 
of our University," writes Mr. A. Ward 
Greenwood, 3399 Highview Terrace, S. E., 
Washington 20, D. C, continuing: 

"I enjoyed every portion of the magazine 
and particularly those items which gave me 
an indication of some of the successes 
achieved by former classmates of whom I 
had heard nothing in recent years. 

"In hopes that you can continue to give 
us something of real interest I want you 
to have my support in the form of a five 
dollar check enclosed herewith. 

"Just in case you may need to fill up a 
little space sometime, I had better tell you 
something of my activities since leaving 
Maryland as a graduate in 1928 with a B.S. 
degree in Civil Engineering. While there I 
was a member of Tau Beta Pi, Omicron 
Delta Kappa and Scabbard and Blade. The 
first several years after graduation were 
spent with the C. & P. Telephone Com- 
pany in Washington, D. C, and Charles- 
ton, W. Va. 


Now in California, to return to Maryland. 

Paul David Arthur, who was chosen by University 
of Maryland, College of Engineering, for Fellow- 
ship offered by Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Cor- 
poration. Now engaged in an in-training course 
with this corporation at San Diego, Calif. Returns 
to University of Maryland September 1947 for study 
leading to Master's degree in engineering. He 
matriculated at University of Maryland September 
1941; (Tau Beta Pi, Omicron Delta Kappa. Phi 
Kappa Phi, Phi Eta Sigma, A. S. M. E.) 

First prize A. S. M. E. Convention, Johns Hopkins, 
April 1944, for presentation "Optimum Compres- 
sion Ratios for Diesel Engines"; 

B. S., June 1944, age 19; 

Employed by National Advisory Council for Aero- 
nautics, Cleveland, Ohio; 

Paul served in the Army, 18 months, U. S. and 

"Illness and the depression made the next 
few years rather difficult. In 1934 I went 
with the Public Roads Administration of 
the Federal Works Agency and have been 
with that organization as an engineer ever 
since. Our work in the National Capital 
Parks residency has to do with the parks in 
and around Washington primarily, but the 
war shifted us into defense access roads in 
this area. Probably our most exciting proj- 
ect was the network of roads in the vicinitv 
of the Pentagon Building with its 21 
bridges, interchanges and miles of paving, 
rushed to completion to take care of the 
30.000 War Dept. employees there. 

"I hope more of the old timers send in 
data so we can keep in touch with each 
other a bit more. 

"Good luck in vour new undertaking." 


Dr. William F. Falls, who has been on 
sabbatical leave from the language depart- 
ment since June, returned from France, 
and will resume his teaching duties in 

Dr. Falls, while in France, spent most of 
his time in Paris and the Touraine region. 
His main purpose in going to France was 
to view the situation there, for it has been 
ten years since his last visit, and also, to 
gather material for a book on the writings 
of Duhamel. Dr. Falls says he thinks Duha- 
mel was "one of the great men of the 
day and has something to say." 

A professor of French, Dr. Falls has been 
connected with the Foreign Language de- 
partment since 1930. 



L . 




He Received D.S.M. 


The Army's Distinguished Service Medal 
lias been awarded to a graduate of the 
University of Maryland and former com- 
mander of the Military District of Wash- 
ington, Rrig. Gen. Robert H. Young, for 
service in the war in Europe. 

The medal was presented by I.t. Gen. 
Leonard T. Gerow, commandant of the 
Command and General Staff School, Fort 
Leavenworth. Kans.. where (.en. Young is 
a member of the faculty. 

I lie citation accompanying the award 
said it was for services from November 1. 
I'M I. to January 1">. 1945. During the 
period (.en. Young was assistant com- 
mander of the 3d Infantry Division, fight- 
ing in France and Germany. 

(.en. Noting commanded the Washington 
Military District from July 1945, to June 

General Noting also holds the French 
Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star and the 
Silver Star. 

At Maryland General Young was a Mili- 
tary Honor Student and later served on 
the ROTC staff at College Park. 

He came to Maryland from Tc< h High 
in Washington and was President of the 
Student Assembly. 

General Young's Daughter, Connie, is a 
Maryland student. 


J. Marshall (Joe) Malhias, Aits and 
Sciences '35, former editor of The Diamond 
back, who was on the Times and Post of 
Washington before going into the Naw 
(1942-45), now is practicing law with Wal- 
let M. Meernian. with offices at 7218 Wis- 
consin Avenue, Bethesda, Md, 

Joe married Ruth Wellington. Home 
Economics '.'«>. of Takoma Park. Md.. who 
also was prominent in campus affairs. They 
have two children, Mark and Mania. 

Joe tells that he rents his offices from I d 
Hatcher, '37, Engineering, who is in the 
same building in conducting an air duct 
installation business. 


John (.. Luntz, 42, 711 Walker Ave., 
Baltimore, is back with the Western Elec- 
tric Company in Baltimore with the Qual- 
ity Control Division, after thirty-eight 
months in the Army. He was a supply ser- 
geant in the Chemical Warfare School De- 
tachment at Fdgewood Arsenal. 

Mr. Luntz was married shortly after leav- 
ing the Arm) lo Miss Cora L. Defibough. 
a former captain in the Army Nurse Corps 
willi the 801st Medical Air Evacuation 
Squadron in which she was a flight nurse 
mi an ambulance plane in the Pacific. 


President Truman appointed S. Scott 
Beck, Jr., 32-year-old Cheslertown attor- 
ney, as Comptroller of Customs for the 
Port of Baltimore, a position held by his 
late father from 1933 until his death in 
March 1944. 

The new Comptroller is a native of 
Rent, a graduate of University of Maryland 
Law School. He served for five years in 
the U. S. Naval Reserve during the late 
war. with a considerable period of duty in 
the Pacific theatre. 


Dr. Ernest N. Cory, who last month, at a con- 
vention in Richmond, Virginia, was elected Presi- 
dent of the American Association of Economic 


At the University of Maryland Dr. Cory heads 
the Entomology Department and is Assistant Di- 
rector of the University's Extention Service. 

He is also a member of the University's Athletic 
Board, which governs all athletic activities at 

Dr. Cory, has been engaged in entomological 
work for more than 35 years. Starting as an 
instructor following his graduation in 190?, he ad- 
vanced rapidly and for many years has headed 
the entomology in the research, teaching, and 
extension. His contacts throughout the state in 
connection with the regulatory functions as State 
Entomologist are very wide. At the annual meeting 
of the Maryland Nurserymen's Association in Janu- 
ary, 1 945, he was given a testimonial dinner in 
recognition of his service to that industry. Under 
his guidance, the little-known department of en- 
tomology at the University has been developed 
into one that is deserving of national recognition. 

Dr. Cory has served as secretary of the associa- 
tion of which he now becomes president, and is a 
past-president of the Washington Entomological 
Society. For ten years, he has been Secretary- 
Business Manager of Economic Entomology, and 
he is a member of a number of honorary societies. 
Nearly 400 entomologists attended the Richmond 


First Lt. William Holbrook, M.C., U. S. Army, 
pictured above, is a graduate of the University of 
Maryland (A&S) where he was on the boxing team 
and a member of the track squad. Besides being 
president of his graduating class, he was also 
president of his class in Medical School. Not only 
a star in sports, Bill was also an honor student, 
winning the gold watch for being such an out- 
standing student at Maryland. 

At Medical School he continued to keep his good 
record by winning the faculty medal given to the 
outstanding medical student. (BS. '42). 

Dr. Holbrook is now stationed in Europe. 


Air defenses of recaptured Guam, dur- 
ing World War II, were under the com- 
mand of colorful. District-born, Marine 
Col. Peter P. Schrider of Silver Spring. Md., 
a fireball pitcher for the University of 
Maryland 21 years ago before he started 
his career as a leading marine airman. 

The six-foot, gray-haired veteran of Nica- 
ragua directed the crack marine fighter 
scjiiadrons which flew in from a carrier 
shortly after D-day and then operated from 
the former Japanese air strip on Orotc 
Peninsula, captured after one of the blood- 
iest battles of the Guam campaign. 

Under his personal supervision marine 
ground crewmen followed in the wake of 
assault troops, unloaded equipment on 
heavily-mined beaches, and, despite con- 
stant harassment by Jap snipers, put Orote 
Field into operation only a few hours 
after it had been cleared of its organized 
Jap resistance. 

During the fierce naval shelling and 
aerial bombardment, which preceded the 
marine landing, the Maryland airman was 
aboard a vessel in the task force which 
cruised for days under the muzzles of Jap 
coastal defenses. 

A former member of a famous marine 
aerial stunt team, the 41 -year-old colonel 
is a veteran of action at Attn and in the 
Gilberts, where he was acting chief of staff 
to Marine Lt. Gen. Holland M. Smith, 
commanding general. Fleet Marine Force, 

Born in Takoma Park, Col. Schrider at- 
tended the District's schools and St. John's 
Junior College before entering the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

At Maryland he was a star pitcher on 
the varsity baseball team, and years later 
continued his diamond career by coaching 
a championship team at Pensacola Naval 
Air Station in Florida. 



Above are pictured the two sons of Dean S. S. Steinberg both of whom are alumni of the University of 
Maryland. Douglas S., Class of '40, and Edward H., Class of '43, are both graduates of the College of 
Commerce, now known as the College of Business and Public Administration. They both served in the 
Army Air Forces during the war, the former with headquarters at Tampa, Florida, and the latter in the 
Pacific Theater at Okinawa. Incidentally, father and sons are members of Sigma Chi, and all three are 
also members of Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK), the national honorary leadership fraternity. 


Appointment of Richard W. Case, gradu- 
ate of University of Maryland and Uni- 
versity of Maryland Law School, as an 
assistant attorney general was announced l>\ 
Hall Hammond, Attorney General of Mary- 

"I am happy to be able to secure for the 
State the legal services of Mr. Case." Mr. 
Hammond said. 

"In his comparatively few years at the 
bar, Mr. Case has established an enviable 
reputation with his fellow lawyers. He 
has shown a particular aptitude for the 
theory and application of tax law. and this 
ability, and his high general legal com- 
petence, should make him very valuable to 
the State Law Department. 

"His ability was recognized by his 
appointment as a member of the Sherbow 
Tax Commission, to whose work he made 
a valuable contribution." 

Since his graduation, Mr. Case has lec- 
tured at the law school on taxation. He 
has served as chairman of the legislation 
committee of the Junior Association of 
Commerce and the Junior Bar Association. 
Recently, he served as a special aide to 
the Attorney General to assist in the pre- 
paration of legislation carrying out the 
proposals of the Sherbow report. 

Mr. Case has been a contributor to the 
Maryland Law Revieiu and the University 
of Virginia Law Review. The new assistant 
is a member of the American Bar Associa- 
tion and its committee on taxation, and 
also a member of the Maryland and Balti- 
more City Bar Associations. 

Mr. Case is married and lives at 1506 
l'entridge road, Baltimore. He is associated 
with the law firm of Semmes, Bowen & 


Baltimore's new Representative is Hugh 
A. Meade, Democrat, who will represent 
the 2nd Maryland district. He succeeds H. 
Streett Baldwin, Democrat. 

Mr. Meade is 39. He served in the Navy 
during the recent war, and has practiced 
law in Baltimore for more than 12 years. 

He is a graduate of Maryland Law School. 
He started his career as secretary to Gov. 
Albert Ritchie. He was elected to the 
State Legislature in 1934. In 1936, Mr. 
Meade was appointed supervisor of assess- 
ments of Baltimore. 

Attorney General William C. Walsh in 
1938 named Mr. Meade assistant attorney 
general, assigning him to legislative work. 
In this capacity, he gained valuable ex- 
perience in preparing bills. Except for the 
time he was away in the Navy, Mr. Meade 
served in the attorney general's office until 

The new member is married and the 
father of six children. 


G. Kenneth Horvath, BA '35, MA '44. 
1316 Hanover Street, Baltimore 30, Mary- 
land, writes that he is married to the 
former Agnes L. Marley, of Baltimore and 
that they have one child, Theresa Marley 
Horvath, 4. Mr. Hovath is a teacher of 
social studies in Baltimore's Public Schools. 
He is a Phi Delta Kappa, Beta Epsilon 
Chapter and Iota Lambda Sigma, Nu Chap- 
ter. Mr. Horvath has written various maga- 
zine articles as well as "Annexations in the 
History of Baltimore City", 1946; "Earnings 
and Expebditured of Boys in General 
(1945) Vocational Schools." 

"... it makes 
a nice gift" 

" . . . a year 

around remembrance" 

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why not send them 


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"The coupon below 
will do the trick!" 


Office of Publications, (M) 
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College Park, Md. 

Inclosed is $3.00. 

Please send "MARYLAND' 
for twelve issues to 




Miss Belt) Louise Gilbert of -141049th 
Street. N.W., Washington 16, D.C. is serv- 
ing on an overseas assignment with the 
American Red Cross in the European 
Theater of Operations. 

She is the daughter of Major General 
v Mrs. Harold N. Gilbert. 

This is her first assignment with the Red 
Cross overseas. 

Trior to accepting this position with the 
Red Cross she worked for the Navy De- 

Miss Gilbert graduated from Woodrow 
Wilson High School and attended the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. College of Home 
Economics, '39, member of Delta Delta 

MLss Gilbert is one of some 2.800 Ameri- 
can Red Cross workers still serving U.S. 
troops abroad. 


Thomas C. Carrico, southern Maryland 
lawyer, was recently sworn in as State's 
Attorney for Charles County, Maryland. 

Mr. Carrico who maintains law offices at 
La Plata with his brother Rudolf A. Car- 
rico, was appointed to fill the unexpired 
term of Edward J. Edelen. The term will 
expire in November, 1950. 

Mr. Carrico received his law degree from 
the University of Maryland Law School in 
1943. He received his BA degree from 
the university in 1940. 

His brother, Rudolf, has been appointed 
to the House of Delegates to fill out the un- 
expired term of the late James Matthews. 

A former trial magistrate in Charles 
County and a former member of the House 
of Delegates, Rudolf A. Carrico served in 
the Navy with the rank of lieutenant dur- 
ing the war. He graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland Law School in 1933. 


Arthur E. Durfee, Ithaca, N. Y., has been 
appointed assistant extension editor at the 
University of Maryland to succeed J. T. 
Kangas, who resigned recently to accept 
another position. 

Mr. Durfee has done feature writing for 
the New York State College of Agriculture, 
has worked as a county agent and assistant 
county agent, and has been a staff member 
of the office of extension teaching and in- 


A Marine officer since his graduation from the 
University of Maryland in 1926, Col. John Ralph 
(Pat) Lanigan, pictured above, has earned numer- 
ous awards for his meritorious conduct under fire. 

He was with the fighting 4th Division from the 
time it was organized. He started out with the 
23d Marines and then, as a battalion commander, 
trained the 3d Battalion, oldest in the division. 
During the invasions of the Marshalls, Saipan and 
Tinian, he was regimental executive officer of the 
23d Marines and was in front line action every 

Col. Lanigan was decorated with the Navy Cross 
in the Iwo Jima campaign for leading his men in 
the capture of a fortified cliff to secure the right 
flank of the landing forces, and then going from 
company to company of an assault unit, encourag- 
ing the men, by his display of courage in the face 
of enemy fire, to capture the East Boat Basin area. 

For his astute use of loud speakers and captured 
civilians to persuade natives and the enemy to sur- 
render on Tinian he was awarded the Legion of 
Merit. The citation revealed that he was with the 
assault elements of a combat team formed to elimi- 
nate Jap forces on the island. His propaganda 
efforts were credited with saving many civilian and 
military lives. 

Col. Lanigan, a native of Washington, attended 
parochial schools, McKinley High School and 
Emerson Institute. He played a stellar role in 
Maryland football for three years. 

Previous to World War II, he served at Marine 
establishments on the East Coast and on a battle- 
ship force, and in Nicaragua and China. 

His sister, Mrs. Agatha Lanigan Helan, lives at 
5311 Thirteenth street N.W. 


Capital Airlincs-P.C.A. announced the ap- 
pointment of William H. (Bill) Filbry as 
Chief Flight Agent. The former flight agent 
instructor served in the Navy during the 
war. He is a graduate of the University 
<>l Maryland. 


Wilbur Devilbiss, who received the Mas- 
ter of Arts degree from the University of 
Maryland in 1935 was awarded the Doctor 
of Education degree from The George 
Washington University. 

Dr. Devilbiss who received the Bachelor 
of Arts degree from Western Maryland 
College in 1925. has been state supervisor of 
high schools in Maryland since 1942. His 
doctor's disseration was written on the 
subject: "Criteria of a Good Master Sche- 
dule with Special Reference to Small and 
Medium Sized High Schools." 


Edward E. Quinn is a major in the 
Pharmacy Corps of the regular Army. He 
recently completed a tour of duty at Oliver 
General Hospital, Augusta, Ga. A new 
baby boy for the Quinns, Richard M., 
bring the Quinn youngsters to a trio. 

Major Quinn was for three years a Mary- 
land track star, quarter mile, relay. BS '35, 
Phys Ed '36. 


Thomas P. Corwin, University of Mary- 
land, BA '35, Arts & Sciences (Sigma Phi 
Sigma), formerly Colonel, Finance Depart- 
ment, United States Army is now engaged 
in the general practice of law in association 
with the Washington office of Mal>el Wal- 
ker Willebrandt, Shoreham Building, Fif- 
teenth and H Streets, N.W., Washington 
5 D. C. 


Ralph W. Keller, Washington, D. C, has 
been commissioned a first lieutenant in the 
Air Corps of the regular army. Keller, a 
graduate of Frederick High School, rose to 
the rank of major during the war. He has 
his A.B. and B.S. from the University of 
Maryland and was working on his MA. at 
Cornell University when called into service. 


Members of the Chevy Chase branch, 
Legue of American Pen Women, were en- 
tertained by Miss Vienna Curtiss, head of 
the department of practical art, University 
of Maryland, at the American Newspaper 
Women's Club. Washington, D. C. 

(T J 


Ogden — Speicher 

Mrs. John E. Speicher, announces the 
engagement of her daughter, Martha Re- 
becca to Mr. Harry F. Ogden, of Baltimore. 

Miss Speicher attended Bucknell Uni- 
versity and was graduated from Washing- 
ton College. 

Mr. Ogden, a graduate of the University 
of Maryland Law School, is affiliated with 
the Fidelity and Guaranty Insurance Cor- 

Gilbertson — McElfresh 

Mr. and Mrs. John L. McElfresh of 
Bethesda announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Gertrude Elizabeth McEl- 
fresh to Mr. Robert Gilbertson. 

Miss McElfresh is a member of Sigma 
Kappa sorority at the University of Mary- 
land, from which she will be graduated in 
June. She is a graduate of Bethesda-Chevy 
Chase High School. 

Mr. Gilbertson received a B. S. degree 
from the College of Agriculture at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1944 and a member 
of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity. 

Poole — Bovard 

Mr. and Mrs. John Bovard of Takoma 
Park announce the engagement of their 
daughter Miss Janet B. Bovard, to Mr. 
Charles T. Poole, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Poole also of Takoma Park. 

Miss Bovard graduated in June from the 
Pennsylvania College in Pittsburgh. 

Mr. Poole is now attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, College of Agriculture. 

Wilson— Waller 

The engagement of Miss Jean M. Waller 
to Mr. Henry C. Wilson has been an- 
nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 
C. Waller of Washington. 

Miss Waller attended George Washington 
University. Her fiance, the son of Mr. and 
Mrs. M. J. Wilson of this city, was re- 
cently discharged from the Navy and is 
now attending the University of Maryland, 
College of Engineering. 

Lei th a user — Schmidt 

Miss Doris Melba Schmidt's engage- 
ment to Mr. Charles Henry Leithauser has 
been announced by her parents, Mr. and 
Mrs. John Robert Schmidt. The bride- 
groom-elect is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 
George Leithauser of Baltimore. 

The bride-to-be studied at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, College of Home 
Economics, the Maryland Institute of Art 
and the Abbott Art School. At the present 
time she is an interior decorator with the 
Government. Her fiance, who served in 
the Navy during the war, attended Williams 
College in Massachusetts. 

Currin — Biebusch 

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Biebusch, Sil- 
ver Spring, announce the engagement of 
their daughter, Marcella Marie, to Lt. Clif- 
ton B. Currin, of Bethesda, Md. 

Lt. Currin is the son of Mrs. Maude Cur- 

rin, of Bethesda, and the late Clifton 

Miss Biebusch attended the University of 
Maryland, where she was enrolled in the 
College of Arts and Science and graduated 
with a B. A. degree in 1943. For the past 
two years she has been residing and work- 
ing in St. Louis, Mo. 

Lt. Currin also received his degree in 
chemical engineering at the University of 
Maryland in 1943 before entering the serv- 
ice. He served with the First and Third 
Armies in Germany and upon returning to 
the United States was transferred to the 
Counter Intelligence Corps. He has just 
returned from a year's service in Japan. 

Smusyn — Langmack 

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Langmack announce 
the engagement of their daughter, Betty- 
Nina, to Midshipman Nicholas William 
Smusyn, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. 
Smusyn, Chicago, III. 

The bride-elect attended Holton-Arms 
School and Calvin Collidge High School 
and is now in her junior year at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, where she is a mem- 
ber of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. The 
bridegroom-elect attended Drake Uni- 
versity before serving in the Navy for a 
year and a half. He is now completing his 
studies at the U. S. Naval Academy. The 
wedding will take place following his grad- 
uation in June. 

Guerrieri — Roop 

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clifton Roop, New 
Windsor, announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Betty Jane to Medi Benjamin 
Guerrieri son of Dr. and Mrs. E. Guerrieri 
of Montgomery, W. Va. Miss Roop was 
graduated from the New Windsor High 
School and completed a pre-medical course 
at Juniata College in Huntington, Pa. She 
is a graduate nurse of the University of 
Maryland hospital in Baltimore, where she 
is now doing special duty nursing. 

Hr-'->---' , -nce 

Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Hurley of 
Hyattsville announced the engagement of 
their daughter, Miss Florence Olive Hurley, 
to Mr. Benjamin Laveille Hance, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Hance, of Plum 

Miss Hurley is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland College of Agricul- 
ture, 1946, member of Sigma Kappa 
Sorority where Mr. Hance also was a 
student before entering the service and 
serving three years in the Pacific area. 


Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Haller an- 
nounced the engagement of their daughter, 
Miss Edna Louis Haller, to Mr. William 
Jackson Holloway, son of Dr. and Mrs. Fred 
G. Holloway of Westminster, Md. 

Miss Haller is a graduate of Western 
Maryland College and Mr. Holloway, who 
attended Dickinson College and Western 
Maryland, is now at the University of Mary- 
j.ind Medical School. 


Mr. and Mrs. Emile W. Oeschger an- 
nounced the engagement of their daughter, 
Miss Susan Sylvia Oeschger, to Mr. John 
Newman Libby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- 
len N. Libby. 

Miss Oeschger attended Strayer College 
of Accountancy. Mr. Libby served for 
three years in the Army Signal Corps and 
is now studying at the University of Mary- 
land, College of Engineering. 


The engagement of Miss Helen Ruth 
Hansford and Mr. Arthur Edward Piehler 
has been announced by the bride-elect's 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hansford of 
Steyer, Md. 

Mr. Piehler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 
A. W. Piehler of Dolgeville, N. Y., and is 
a student at Colgate University. Miss Hans- 
ford is a student at the University of 

7: -/or-Martln 

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adolph Martin of 
Westmoreland Hills announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Patricia Ham- 
mond Martin, to Lt. Raymond Edward 
Thayer, now on duty at Fort Sill, Okla. 

A graduate of Holy Cross Academy, the 
bride-elect also attended the University of 
Maryland and now is a student at Vassar 

Lt. Thayer is the son of Comdr. Lewis 
McKay Thayer of the Coast Guard and 
Mrs. Thayer of San Francisco. He at- 
tended San Juan Military Academy in 
Puerto Rico and the Severn School and is a 
graduate of the United States Military 


Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Mess, of Silver 
Spring, announced the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Helen Rosemary Mess, to 
Emory Bandon Kreiter, son of Mrs. Letitia 
of Washington, and the late Robert E. P. 

The bride is to be graduated from the 
Academy of Holy Names in Silver Spring 
?nd attended the University of Maryland 
College of Education and the Washington 
School for Secretaries. Mr. Kreiter was 
graduated from Fork Union Military Aca- 
demy, and after four years of service in the 
army is now attending George Washington 


Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Lawson, of Wash- 
ington, D. C, announced the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Patricia Lawson, 
to Mr. Wesley M. Morris, Jr., son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Morris of Geithersburg. Mr. 
Morris is attending the University of 
Maryland following two years overseas with 
the Marine Corps. 



The engagement of Miss Carolyn King 
to Lt. (j.g.) Kenneth R. Scudder, U. S. N. R., 
son of Mr. Carroll J. Scudder of Kcmpton, 
Ind., has been announced by the parents 
of the bride-elect, Mr. and Mrs. John 
Mt.idor King, of Wilmington, Del. 

Miss King is a student at the University 
of Maryland and Lt. Scudder was graduated 
from Purdue University in 1944 as a me- 
chanical and aeronautical engineer. He 
served in the Pacific aboard the U. S. S. 
Southern Seas and is now on duty in the 
Office of Naval Research in Washington. 


Mr. and Mrs. Nat Levin, of Laurel, have 
announced the engagement of their daugh- 
ter, Ann, to Harvey I. Rosenthal, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Rosenthal, of 

Miss Levin is a graduate of Grier School 
in Birmingham, Pa., and attended the 
University of Maryland. Mr. Rosenthal is 
engaged in business with his father in 
Washington. He attended George Wash- 


Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Bible of Cumber- 
land, announced the engagement of their 
daughter Mary Margaret (Peggy) to Edwin 
James Scott son of Mrs. Eola Scott, also of 

Miss Bible is a graduate of Catholic 
Girls' Central High School and Business 
School. She was a member of the Girl's 
Glee Club, and also sang with the Balti- 
more and Ohio Glee Club and quartet. 

Mr. Scott is a graduate of Allengany High 
School and attended Potomac State College, 
Keyser, W. Va. Following his graduation 
from the University of Maryland College of 
Engineer '46, Mr. Scott served in the Army 
for thirty months. Eighteen months were 
spent in the South West Pacific. 


Ruth Roberta Sterling (daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Morris Sterling, 2301 Brookfield 
Avenue, Baltimore), was married to Henry 
Norman Steckler (son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Morris Steckler of Baltimore). 

Mr. Steckler, a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, College of Education, 
1942; has recently been discharged from 
Service as a First Lieutenant; after having 
served over four years in the U. S. Army. 
Mrs. Steckler was a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and Johns Hopkins. 

Residence at 1607 W. Vernon Ave., Los 
Angeles 37, Calif. 


Miss Bcrnice Lorraine Johnson became 
the bride of Floyd William Odell at Rock- 
ton, Illinois last month. 

The bide graduated from Maryland in 
June, 1946, BS in Nursery School Educa- 
tion. Sorority AOPi. She had attended 

Rockford's East High School and trans 
fcrred from Whcaton College i Illinois) to 

Mr. Odell received his BS degree in 
architectural engineering from the Univer- 
sity of Illinois in 1943. OX fraternity. Dur- 
ing three years of military service he served 
as aide-de-camp to the Commanding Gen- 
eral, 21st Artillery Corps and was overseas 
for ten months in Europe. The couple's 
home address is 911 23rd Avenue, Moline, 

Gregory- McKinley 

Miss Anne Cary McKinley was married to 
Jack Neil Gregory, formerly of Alexandria, 
S. Dak. 

Mr. Gregory is attending George Wash- 
ington University and his bride attended 
the University of Maryland. 


Miss Margaret Bell Norton, daughter of 
Mr. Raymond H. Norton of Western Breeze, 
Rockville, and the late Mrs. Norton, be- 
came the bride of Mr. William Ward 
Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs. William G. 
Miles of Gaithersburg. 

Mrs. Miles attended George Washington 
University and her husband attended Mary- 
land University. 


Miss Ursula Virginia Bruce, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Tracey K. Bruce of Washing- 
ton, and Mr. James Lee Beller, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Beller, also of 
Washington, were married last month in 
Washington, D. C. 

Mr. Beller now is attending Maryland 
University and Mrs. Beller is employed as 
a commercial artist. 


Washington, D. C, was the scene of the 
wedding of Miss Katherine Louise Cullen, 
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James 
M. Cullen of Washington, and John Joseph 
Brahm, son of Mr. and Mrs. John G. 
Brahm of this city. The Rev. Walter Hayes 

The bridegroom is now attending the 
University of Maryland, College of Engi- 


Mrs. Lelia Cox Shields of Chatham, Va., 
was married last month to Charles Henry 
Ferry. The ceremony took place in Wash- 
ington, D. C. 

The former Miss Shields studied at Mary 
Washington College of the University of 

Her husband attended the University 
of Maryland in 1939, when he was en- 
rolled in the College of Arts and Science, 
before serving five yean with the army, in 
the Panama Canal /one and the European 


Miss Florence Olive Hurley, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Hurley of H\atts- 
villc, became the bride of Mr. Benjamin 
I.aveille Hance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul 
L. Hance of Plum Point, Md. 

Mrs. Hance is a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland and a member of Sigma 
Kappa sorority and Sigma Alpha Omicron 
honorary fraternity. Mr. Hence attended 
the University prior to serving three years 
with the Army in the Pacific area. 


Miss Jane Agnes Wells, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Joseph Wells of Chevy Chase, 
became the bride recently of Mr. James 
Luke Troy of Washington. 

The bride formerly attended the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and is currently at- 
tached to the Publications Department and 
the staff of "MARYLAND." Her husband 
attends Lehigh University. 


Wedding bells rang out for Miss Naomi 
Claire Ziggles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Harry Louis Ziggles of Washington, who 
became the bride of Norman Levin, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levin of Balti- 

Both the bride and bridegroom attend 
the University of Maryland. 

Hardy— St. Clair 

Two former editors of the Old Line, 
Maryland literary and humorous magazine, 
joined hands in New York on December 13 
when Betty St. Clair, '40 Arts and Sciences, 
and Jerome (Jerry) Hardy, '39 Commerce, 
were wed in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian 

Betty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Labert St. 
Clair live in Washington while Jerry's 
mother, Mrs. Ire Hardy, formerly of Col- 
lege Park, now resides in Pelham, N. Y. 

The bride was given in marriage by her 
father and had as her maid of honor her 
sister, Joan St. Clair of Muskegee, Okla- 
homa. Neil Hardy of Washington was his 
brother's best man. 

The bride and bridegroom both are en- 
gaged in editorial work in New York. 
Betty is on the staff of a fashion accessor- 
ies magazine and Jerry is with Doubleday 
Doran. The couple will make their home 
at 57 West 88th street in New York City. 

Harden — Russell 

In Washington, D. C, Miss Margaret C. 
Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. 
Russell, of Washington, became the bride 
of Herbert W. Harden, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Fred Geer Harden, of Lincoln, Nebr., 
formerly of Washington. Mrs. Harden at- 
tended Wilson Teachers College here and 
Mr. Harden received a B. S. degree from 
the College of Engineering at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1943. He was a mem- 
ber of Sigma Nu fraternity. 


Blanchette — Cleaveland 

In the Nativity Church. Washington, 
1). C, recently, Miss Mary Anne Cleave- 
land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 
Cleaveland of Takoma Park, became the 
bride of Mr. William Aldrich Blanchette, 
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Blanchette, also 
of Takoma Park. 

The bridegroom is now attending the 
University of Maryland, College of Engi- 

Tindale — Chadeayne 

Miss Ann Revell Chadeayne, the daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frost Cha- 
deayne of St. Louis, Mo., became the bride 
of Mr. John Lingard Tindale, son of Mrs. 
Richard Talbot Tindale of New York. 

Mrs. Tindale is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, College of Home 
Economics. She was a member of Kappa 
Kappa Gamma Sorority. Received a B. S. 
in 1943, graduated with second honors. 

Mann — Rogers 

At St. John's Episcopal Church, Bethesda, 
Md., recently, Miss Mary Elizabeth Rogers, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Halsey D. Rog- 
ers, Bethesda, became the bride of John 
W. Mann, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 
Mann, also of Bethesda. 

Mrs. Mann was graduated from National 
Cathedral School for Girls and University 
of Oklahoma. 

Mr. Mann is a student at University of 
Maryland, where he belongs to Phi Delta 
Theta. He first enrolled in the Uni- 
versity in 1939, in the College of Commerce, 
and is now back at school after serving 
three years with the Army Air Forces. 

Masked — Ingersol 

Mr. Kenneth T. Masked, Class of 1945, 
was married to Miss Jannette Ingersol of 
Prospect Park, Pa., on May 13, 1946, in 
St. Laurence Chapel, Baltimore, Md. The 
couple are now living at 20 Sumner Road, 
Cambridge, Mass. 

Mrs. Masked is a graduate of Lasell 
Junior College, Aurbundale, Mass. 

Mr. Masked, while at Maryland was a 
member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity 
and Sigma Alpha Omicron, bacteriology 
honorary and is now employed as a bac- 
teriologist for the Fish and Wild Life 
Service in Boston, Mass. 


The marriage of Miss Jean Catherine 
Maul to Mr. Clifton M. Eisele, Jr., took 
place in Bethesda. 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland and Mr. Eisele is a student there. 
During the war he served as a captain in 
the Army Air Forces and saw action in the 
Pacific area. 


Washington, D. C, was the scene of the 
marriage of Miss Katherine Murgia, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Murgia, 
Chevy Chase, D. C, to Floyd Keen Stein- 
ouer, Trenton, N. J. 

Mrs. Steinouer is a graduate of Maryland 
University College of Home Economics '46. 
Member of Sigma Kappa Sorority. Her 
husband was discharged from the Navy re- 
cently after service in the South Pacific. 
The couple will reside in Trenton, N. J. 


Miss Nanc) Virginia Smith, daughtei 
ol Mr. and Mrs. Roger Boswell Smith of 
Bethesda, was married to Robert Travels 
Rohrer, son of Mrs. Robert Travers Rohrer 
of Bethesda and the late Mr. Rohrer. 

Mr. Rohrer attended the Univcrsitv of 


All Saints Episcopal Church, Chevy 
Chase, was the scene for the marriage re- 
cently of Miss Ethna Dawn Hunter, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Snowden Dunn Hunter, 
of Colorado Spring, Colorado, and Mr. 
Warren H. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 
Francis Moore of Chevy Chase. The Rev. 
William F. Creighton, officiated at the cere- 
mony, assisted by the Rev. Charles Lowry. 

The bridegroom is attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, in the College of Busi- 
ness and Public Administration. 

Lock wood- Johnson 

At Washington, D. C. Miss Martha Lee 
Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 
C. Johnson of Jefferson, Iowa, became the 
bride of Captain Warren Merritt Lock- 
wood, USAAF, son of Mrs. Cochran Lock- 
wood of Silver Spring, and Mr. Merritt 
Lockwood of Tuscarora, Md. 

The bride is a graduate of the American 
Institute of Business in Des Moines, Iowa. 
The bridegroom attended the University 
of Maryland College of Engineering '10. 
He served as a fighter pilot in the Medi- 
terranean theater of war. Among his deco- 
rations were the Distinguished Flying Cross 
and Air Medal with eight clusters. 


The marriage of Miss Lois Anne Corri- 
don, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 
W. Corridon, to John Campbell Carroll. 
U. S. M. C, son of Mr. and Mrs. Southey 
C. Carroll, took place in Washington, D. C. 

The bride is a student at Maryland Uni- 
versity, where she is a member of Sigma 


Miss Bettie Virginia Porter, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Porter, became 
the bride of Mr. Fred Lee Witherspoon, 
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon, all of 
Silver Spring. 

Both the bride and bridegroom were 
graduated from the University of Mary- 

The bride graduated in 1941 from the 
College of Arts and Science. Member of 
Kappa Delta Sorority. The bridegroom 
graduated in 1941 from the College of 

<J I 


M<i <? 

S° r 

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Mrs. Kenneth Wright, the former Doro- 
thy Alice Rundles, now resides at 207 
Siguorney Street, Hartford 5, Connecticut. 

Mrs. Wright graduated from the Uni 
versity of Maryland in 1943, when she re- 
ceived a B.S. degree from the College of 
Home Economics. She was a member of 
Gamma Phi Beta sorority and received 
second honors in her senior year from the 
College of Home Economics. 


Dr. Reginald V. Truitt, '22, has been 
awarded the Naval Ordnance Development 
Award. Dr. Truitt was cited for outstand- 
ing work in connection with his study of 
bottom conditions and underwater noises 
in the Chesapeake Ba\ and Potomac River 
a reas. 

Dr. Truitt is the founder and director of 
the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory lo- 
cated at Solomons, Maryland. He is a vet- 
eran of the first World War. Dr. Truitt 
continued his studies, after leaving Mary- 
land, at the University of Berlin and re- 
ceived his doctor's degree from American 
University in Washington. 


Lieut. Comdr. Martha O. Brandenburg, 
(NC), USN, of the Office of Naval Officer 
Procurement, Washington, D. C, has 
announced that authorization has been 
granted the Bureau of Medicine and Sur- 
gery to recall to active duty 200 nurses in 
the Naval Reserve for one year. Nurses 
to be recalled will be ordered to active 
duty witli the same rank which they held 
at the time of their discharge. 

Applicants should make their requests 
by letter directly to the Superintendent, 
Nurses Corps, Bureau of Medicine and 
Surgery, Washington, D.C. This letter 
should contain an agreement to remain on 
active duty for a period of 12 months. 

It is not contemplated, at present, to 
permit nurses of this group to apply for 
transfer into the Regular Navy. 

Nurses, now on inactive duty, are being 
recalled to form the nucleus of a training 
staff to accpiaint new officers with Navy 


Three of the most famous lawyers of the 
country were Marylanders — William Pink- 
ney, Reverdy Johnson and Luther Martin. 


Colonel Tench Tilghman, who carried 
the news of Cornwallis' surrender from 
Yorktown to the Continental Congress in 
Philadelphia was a Marylander. 


Poe's "Raven" was written in Maryland. 


The great admiral, Stephen Decatur, was 
born in Berlin, Worcester County, Mary 



Unit Operation Laboratory. 


Electrical Engineering. 


Research Laboratories. 



Civil Engineering. 






University of Maryland 


Aeronautical Engineering. 


Electrical Engineering. 

t:i: college of engineering 

U. S. Bureau of Mines Building at the right. 

Charles M. Cohn 

Charles Mittendorf Colin, chairman of 
the hoard of directors of the Gas and Elec- 
tric Company and associated with the com- 
pany since 1885, died in Baltimore last 

Mr. Cohn was 73 years old. He was born 
in Baltimore April 25, 1873, a son of Moritz 
Gustav and Emily Caroline Stoll Cohn. 

He studied at the University of Man land 
Law School, taking his degree there in 
1895. He was a Presbyterian. 

Mr. Cohn was a member of the executive 
committee of the hoard of the Fidelity 
Trust Company, a member of the Mary- 
land Club and of the Baltimore Country 
Club and was a thirty-third-degree Mason. 

Reuben Brigham 

Reuben Brigham. 58, of Ashton, Md.. 
assistant director of the extension service 
and an employe of the United States De- 
partment of Agriculture for 29 years, died 
in Chicago last month. He was attending 
the thirty-first annual meeting of the 
County Agent Association, which he was 
to address. 

Mr. Brigham was born in Marlboro. 
Mass., and reared on a farm. A graduate 
of the University of Maryland in 1908, after 
five years of farming he returned to the 
University as secretary to the president. 

In 1917 he joined the Department of 

Mr. Brigham's interest in rural young 
people continued throughout his career. 
His programs for them resulted in the pres- 
ent young people's organizations in 35 

He leaves his widow, Mrs. Marjorie 
Snowden Brigham; a daughter, Mrs. Mar- 
jorie Miller three sons, David L.. Francis 
and Arthur C, and one grandson. 

Edwin M. Schmitt 

Capt. Edwin Marston Schmitt. Marine 
Corps, was killed in action June 12, 1943. 
while leading the second section flight from 
Guadalcanal in the south Pacific to inter- 
cept attacking Japanese aircraft. He was 
in the First Marine Aircraft Wing; has 
been listed as missing in action, but is 
now declared dead by the Marine Corps 
headquarters. He was graduated from 
Woodrow Wilson High School. Chevy 
Chase, Md.; while a sophomore at the 
University of Maryland, he enrolled in 
the students pilot training course in 1939; 
was the first student to fly solo in the 
College Park area; received his pilot's li- 
cense early in 1920; shortly thereafter en- 
listed in the Marine Corps as an aviation 
cadet; received his wings at Pensacola in 
September, 1941; received further opera- 
tional training at Miami; participated in 
Army and Navy maneuvers in North Caro- 
lina; after a tour of duty at San Diego 
was transferred to Samoa and was sta- 
tioned in the New Hebrides before pro- 
ceeding to Guadalcanal. Born April 15. 
1919, Washington, D. C. 

John Rcckord 

( apt. fohn Reckord of Baltimore, Mary- 
land graduate and nephew of Maj. Gen. 
Milton A. Reckord, was killed in action 
in the European war theater. 

lie entered the service shortly after his 
graduation from the University of Marx- 
land in 1941. He attended the Military 
Vcademy at West Point for one year be- 
fore enrolling at tin- I niversit) of Mary- 

Thaddeus R. Dulin 

Lt. Col. Thaddeus R. Dulin, 30, a native 
of Washington and a graduate of the Uni- 
versity oi Maryland, was killed in action in 

Col. Dulin was serving with the 4th In- 
fantry Division in France at the time of his 
death. Commissioned a second lieutenant 
in July, 1937, he served at various posts in 
this country, including Fort Washington. 
Md., and the Arlington Cantonment. At 
the outbreak of the war he was stationeil 
in Trinidad. Before going overseas he was 
an instructor at the Infantry School at 
Fort Benning, Ga. 

A graduate of Western High School, he 
was president of Scabbard and Blade, hon- 
orary ROTC organization at Maryland Uni- 
versity, and a member of Sigma Nu Social 

Jack B. Sherriff 

Jack Sheriff. 32, who attended the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1931, enrolled in 
the College of Arts and Science, lost his life 
in the Winecoff Hotel fire in Atlanta. 

Jack was born in Wilmington, Del., and 
spent his youth in Landover. He was rated 
as one of the best salesmen of the Marchant 
Calculating Machine Co. in the U. S. and 
went to Atlanta as district agent. During 
the war, he spent some time with the 
Marine Corps. He is survived by his wife 
and four children, Jackie, Beverly Jean, 
Edward Wade and David. He is also sur- 
vived by a brother Wade Sheriff. Jr., and 
an uncle, Earl Sherriff. 

Mr. Sherriff lived on the seventh floor of 
the hotel. When trapped by the flames, 
he leaped to his death from the window. 

Leslie N. Coblentz 

Leslie Ninian Coblentz, prominent 
Frederick attorney and former president 
of the Frederick County Board of Educa- 
tion, died at Frederick. 

A member of one of the old and prom- 
inent families of the county, established in 
Middlctown valley since Revolutionary 
days, Mr. Coblentz was born on a farm in 
the valley September 15, 1895. a son of 
Mrs. Lizzie Brandenburg Coblentz, <»l Mid 
dletown, and the late Calvin R. Coblentz, 
,i successful farmer. 

For slightly more than twenty years his 
activity was connected with the faun while 
he attained his early education in the one- 
room school at Deerspring and the Middle 
town High School, from which he was 
graduated in 1913. He received his Bache- 
lor of Arts degree from Heidelberg Col- 
lege, Tiffin, O., in 1917 and then began his 
legal education at the University of Mary- 
land Law School. World War I inter- 
rupted his schooling and he served in the 
Army until hostilities were concluded. 


Dr. Arthur O. Etienne 

Dr. Arthur Octave Etienne. 7l>. died ,il 
Berwyn, Md., last month. 

Born in Montreal, Dr. Etienne moved to 
Springfield, Mass.. with his parents as a 
young man. He was graduated from the 
Baltimore Medical College, now part of 
the University of Maryland, in 1896. He 
established his practice first in Bcltsvillc 
and a few years later in Berwyn, Until 
recently he served on the staff of the Prince 
Georges County Hospital. 

He was a member of the Prjnce Georges 
County Medical Association, the Rol.m 
Club, and was a Mason. 

During World War I. he served in the 
draft examining board of Princes Georges 
county and was medical member of the 
draft appeals for the count) through World 
War II. 

He leaves his wife. Mrs. Martha Loweree 
Etienne; two sons. Villi m Dorion Etienne, 
of Fairlington, and Dr. Wolcotl L. Etienne, 
University of Maryland campus physician, 
and one grandchild. 

Dr. Thos. W. Koon 

Dr. Thomas W. Koon. 70. widely known 
physician and for 22 years Mayor of Cum- 
berland, died of a heart attack just after 
boarding a train to attend a meeting of 
the State Industrial Accident Commission 
in Baltimore. 

As Mayor he has been the moving spirit 
in much of Cumberland's industrial growth 
and civic development. 

Dr. Koon was born in Newberry County, 
S. C, and received his medical degree from 
the College of Physicians and Surgeons, 
now part of the University of Maryland in 
Baltimore. He came to Cumberland in 

Besides his widow, he is survived by a 
sister who lives in Wilmington. Del., and 
three brothers who live in South Carolina. 


Robert Mollis, who gave his wealth to 
the cause of the Revolution, and who, in 
the words of a historian, contributed as 
much toward the freedom of America as 
Washington himself, was born in Somerset 

New baby boy at the home oi Captain 
and Mrs. Wilson A. Lansford. 704 Old 
Chester Road, Bethesda. Captain Lansford 
graduated with the class of '38. The 
youngster weighed 9 pounds 4 ounces when 
he reported. 

— O 

Mr. and Mrs. Snowden Stabler. 4328 
Clagett Road, University Park, report the 
arrival of 7 pound 12y, ounces baby ben. 
Mrs. Snowden was formerly Jeanette 
Vought. Both parents arc Maryland 



H. H. ALLEN, Maryland '10, is President of the J. E. Greiner Co., Baltimore Consulting Engineers, who 
designed the bridge shown above at Havre de Grace, Md. 


DEAN S. S. Steinberg, head of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland's Glenn L. Mar- 
tin College of Engineering is naturally and 
justifiably proud of the many splendid 
engineers the University has produced. 

Dean Steinberg, however, also likes to em- 
phasize that an engineer education fits a 
man for many other walks of life and, in 
a broader sense, more or less makes the 
man more competent in any walk of life. 
The average person, in his daily routine, 
knowingly or unknowningly actually prac- 
tices engineering. The Dean likes to point 
out that there is hardly anything a fellow 
can do without doing an engineering job. 

Maryland has turned out some truly 
great engineers but it also has turned out 
some great men who graduated from the 
College of Engineering and then followed 
walks of life other than engineering. 

Graduates of the University of Maryland, 
College of Engineering are playing an im- 
portant part in the history of the country. 
Many of them have made invaluable con- 
tributions in their various fields. Among 
the men who have made outstanding rec- 
ords are: 

President H. C. Byrd of the University 
of Maryland, graduated in civil engineering 
in 1908. He received an LL.D. degree from 
Washington College in 1936, and LL.D. 
from Dickinson Collge in 1938, and a D.Sc. 
from Western Maryland College in 1938. 

Judge William P. Cole, Jr., a graduate in 
civil engineering, class of 1910, is President 
of the Board of Regents of the University, 
and Judge of the United States Customs 

Millard E. Tydings, a graduate in me- 
chanical engineering in the class of 1910 is 
now United States Senator for Maryland. 
Senator Tvdings received an LL.B. degree 
in 1913. 

Herschel H. Allen, president of the J. E. 
Greiner Company of Baltimore. Mr. Allen 
received a bachelor of science degree in 
civil engineering in 1910. The Greiner 
Company is in charge of Maryland's 
Primary Bridge Program. Under this pro- 
gram, the Havre de Grace bridge across the 
Susquehanna River and the bridge across 
the Potomac River at Morgantown, already 
have been completed, stand as monuments 
to Maryland engineering efficiency. 

Harry D. Watts, a graduate in mechani- 

cal engineering, in the class of 1904, is 
president of James Steward and Company 
of New York. Watt's personal contribution 
to the Nation's war eflort in the construc- 
tion of military and industrial facilities 
was recognized on Dec. 4, 1943, by the 
award of the U. S. Navy's Meritorious 
Civilian Service Emblem "as recognition of 
the excellent services rendered over and 
beyond those normally required in connec- 
tion with your duties in the construction 

Charles E. Darnell, a gradute in mechani- 
cal engineering in 1922, is construction engi- 
neer in charge for the U. S. Treasury De- 

Wilbur B. Montgomery, bachelor of 
science in civil engineering, 1923, is chief 
of the design and contract division of the 
National Park Service, U. S. Department of 
the Interior. Among his achievements ha? 
been the designing of the Cascades at Meri- 
dian Hill Park, Washington, D. C. 

Charles M. White, graduate in mechani- 
cal engineering, class of 1913, is vice-presi- 
dent of the Republic Steel Corporation, 
Cleveland, Ohio. 

J. H. Sullivan, graduate in civil engineer- 
ing, class of 1921, is managing director of 
the George A. Fuller Company of Canada, 
builders of St. Michael's College Uni- 
versity of Toronto. 

H. Roland Devilbiss, civil engineering 
graduate of the class of 1911, is construc- 
tion engineer for the Washington Subur- 
ban Sanitarv District. 


A. BUTTS, Maryland '22, is Manager of the De-Ion Breaker Department, Westinghouse Electric and 
Manufacturing Company. Networks installed by that firm are shown above. 



E. C. MAYO, Maryland, '04, is President and General Manager of Gorham Manufacturing Company, 
Silversmith, Providence, R. I. The plant is shown above. 

Norman I'.. Rrice, mechanical engineering 
graduate of the class of 1908, and who re- 
ceived a master of engineering degree from 
Cornell University in 1911, was chief engi- 
neer in charge of design and construction 
of the Zeolite Manufacturing Plant, Per- 
mutit Company. 

J. P. Schaefer, graduate in electrical en- 
gineering, class of 1923, is senior engineer 
of the commercial engineering department. 
Potomac Electric Power Company. Wash 
ington, D. C. 

Kenneth F. Spence, civil engineering 
graduate of the class of 1927, is production 
engineer of the Funkhouscr Companv. 

John H. Eiseman. graduate in mechanical 
engineering, 1921, master in engineering. 
1924, and master of science. 1926, is Gas 
Engineer with the Gas Engineering Labor 
atory, National Bureau of Standards. Wash 
ington, D. C. 


Dean S. S. Steinberg, head of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland's Glenn L. Martin 
College of Engineering, is rated among the 
top flight by engineering men the world 

The Dean's record shows a life time of 
study and application in his chosen field 
of Engineering. 

He attended: 

Cooper Union Institute of Technology, 
New York, X. Y. Bachelor of Engineering 
(BE.)— 1910. Professional Degree, Civil 
Engineer (C.E.)— 1913. 

Positions held by Dean Steinberg in- 
clude: — Construction Engineer, New York 
Siate Highway Department, 1910-1913; 
Assistant Engineer. Tela R.R. (United 
Fruit Co.). Honduras, Central America, 
1913-14; Junior Engineer. Public Service 
Commission (Rapid Transit Subways), 
V Y.. 1914: Assistant Engineer. New York 
State Highway Department, 1915-18; Assis- 
tant State Highway Engineer, South Caro- 
lina State Highway Department. 1918; As- 
sistant Professor of Civil Engineering. Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 1918-20; Professor of 
Civil Engineering and Head of Depart- 
ment, same, 1920, to present; Director. En- 
gineering Experiment Station, same. 1936- 
41; Dean. College of Engineering, same', 
1930 to date 

Dean Steinberg's Summer Engagements 

include: — Assistant Engineer, Delaware 
State Highway Department, 1919; Chief. 
Road Survey Party, U. S. Bureau of Public 
Roads, 1920; Special Research Assistant. 
same. 1921; Assistant Research Engineer, 
same, 1922; Highway Research Specialist, 
same. 1923; Assistant Director. Highway Re- 
search Board. National Research Council. 
1924. '25. and '26; Consulting Engineer. 
RcTad and Bridge Construction, 1927, '28, 
and '29; Special Bridge Engineer, Maryland 
State Roads Commission, 1930 and '31; State 
Representative in Maryland, U. S. Coast 
and Geodetic Survey, 1934; Consulting 
Engineer, American Road Builders' Asso- 
ciation, 1935, '36, and '37; Consultant, J. E. 
Greiner Companv. Consulting Engineers to 
Maryland State Roads Commission, on 
$30,000,000 bridge and tunnel program. 

His Professional Organization Affilia- 
tions are: — 

American Arbitration Association. Mem- 
ber, National Panel of Arbitrators. 

American Automobile Association, Mem- 
ber, Advisory Board, District of Columbia 
Motor Club. 

American Road Builders' Association, 
Consulting Engineer, Vice-President at 
Large, Member, Board of Directors, Presi- 

dent. Planning Division, since 1940, Past 
President, Educational Division (three 


\ nunc ,m Society for Engineering Educa- 
iicin. Member of General Council, special 
Representative of Society in Washington on 
Government Surplus, Property for Educa- 
tional Institutions. Chairman, National 
Capital Section (Maryland, District of 
Columbia and Virginia), Member, Com- 
mittee on annual Lamme Award. 

American Society of Civil Engineers, 
Member, Joint Committee on Land Surveys 
and Titles of this Society and the American 
Bar Association, Member, Executive Com- 
mittee. Surveying and Mapping Division, 
Chairman, Committee on Map Information 
Olliccs. Surveying and Mapping Division. 

Association of Land (.rant Colleges and 
Universities, Secretary. Engineering Sec- 
tion. 1943-45. Editor, "Engineering Experi- 
ment Station Record ", 1943-45. 

Department of State. U. S. Government: 
— As guest of the Department of State 
visited Latin American republics during 
summer of 1945 to make a survey of engi- 
neering education: to determine the need 
and arrange for exchange of professors of 
engineering; to encourage a greater inter- 
change of engineering publications; to give 
information and advice on eurrie ulimis, 
laboratory equipment, etc.. and in general 
to promote better relations between the 
engineers and educators of Latin America 
'lid those of the United States. 

For this trip, was designated Official Re- 
presentative of the Society for the promo- 
tion of Engineering Education; of the 
American Society of Mechanical Engineers 
and of the American Society of Civil Engi- 

During the course of the trip was named 
Honorary Professor of the University of 
Ecuador; Honorary Member of the Cultural 
Institute of Ecuador: Special Representative 
of the Federation of South American Engi- 

(Pleasi Turn To Paac ■!.:> 


8. W. LE SUEUR, Maryland '27, was resident Engineer in charge of the construction of the Bath Street 

Viaduct, Baltimore, shown above. 




By Bill Hottf.l 

A YOUNGSTER from Bel Air, Md.. who 
carries several pieces of lead slugs 
from a German sniper's gun in his back 
and who was told by doctors that he never 
could run again, led the University of 
Maryland cross country team to a success- 
ful campaign last fall. 

He is Stirling Kehoe, a staff sergeant in 
the army during the war who suffered a 
wound that tore a big gap in his back near 
the spine while serving with the 104th In- 
fantry Regiment of the 26th Division in 
the Battle of the Rhine at Metz, and who 
even since returning to school has spent 
many sleepless nights from the pain re- 
sulting from the presence of particles of 
slugs in his anatomv. 

Stirling, coached by his brother Jim 


Kehoe, former Maryland track great who 
was an Army captain during the war, was 
joined by his younger brother, Lindy 
Kehoe, and a half dozen other capable 
hill-and-dale runners in capturing four of 
five meets and losing the Southern Confer- 
ence crown to a highly-favored North Caro- 
lina by a single point, 33-34. 

In beating Johns Hopkins, Virginia and 
Georgetown in dual affairs and taking a 
triangular test from the Hoyas and Quan- 
tico Marines, Stirling tied with teammates 
for first in all the winning events and 
placed fifth against Navy. He was fourth 
in the Conference meet, the first Maryland 
runner to finish, he was one of four to 
break the course record at Chapel Hill, 
being 18.5 seconds back of the victor. 

Every member of the Maryland team fin- 
ished among the first 21 in the Conference 
meet, Lindy Kehoe being fifth. Bill Wisner 
sixth. Jim Umbarger seventh. Herb White 
twelfth, Gene Hambleton fourteenth. Ar- 
thur Berryman sixteenth and Howard Um- 
berger twenty-first. 

Lindy Kehoe, who finished third in the 
Navy meet, also tied Stirling for first place 
in all of the other engagements, while 
I'mbarger shared the top place in three of 
the tests and Umberger in two. Stirling, 
Lindy, Umbarger and Umberger came in 
abreast in the Hopkins and Georgetown 

All eight are Maryland boys, the Kehoes 
from Bel Air, Umbarger from Aberdeen, 
Wisner from Parkton and Umberger, 
Berryman, White and Hambleton from 
Baltimore. All were in the service, except 
White who was too youthful. Stirling is 
the only senior. Wisner and White are 
sophomores and the other five are juniors. 

Ml, with an array of others, now are 
toiling for the indoor track season, with 
it being almost a certainty that Stirling 
will be among those to gain a place on the 
relay team. Before going into the service 
he was the leading scoring runner on the 
1942 team with 41 points as half miler and 
miler. He was a double winner in two of 
the six dual meets in which he took part. 

It takes all sorts of fellows to make up a 
world and all sorts of athletes to make up 
the sports world. In the latter, above all, 
it takes courage. This is a small tribute 
to a game, grave lad who carried Mary- 
land's colors to victory in spite of Nazi 
lead still in his back. 

That separates him from the athletes and 
would be athletes who carry lead in their 
shirt tails and not shot there by gun fire 


The first naval battle in America was 
fought on the Pocomoke river in 1935, be- 
tween Claiborne's pinnace. LONG TAIL, 
and Governor Calvert's two pinnaces, the 



Drawing by Gib Crockett in the Washington Star. 
"Oh, Shoily, look! Moitle just toined toitle!" 


Maryland's new head football coach and 
Director of Athletics is 33 year old Jim 
Tatum, who comes to the Old Liners from 

latum, an All-Southern tackle at North 
Carolina, graduated in 1935 and served as 
assistant to Carl Snavely for five years at 
Cornell. After returning to his alma mater 
for the 1942 season, he coached the line of 
the Iowa Preflight Seahawks in 1943. He 
spent the next two years at Jacksonville. 

At Oklahoma his team last year led the 
Nation in defense against rushing, while 
at the same time winning a reputation as 
a ground-gaining eleven. The Sooners 
averaged more than 315 yards a game. 

In his first year at Oklahoma Tatum won 
the co-championship of the Big Six and a 
bowl victory. During an 11 -game campaign 
the Sooners lost only to Army, Texas and 
Kansas, and walloped North Carolina State 
in the 'Gator Bowl. 

Serving as head coach, however, was not 
new to Tatum despite his youth. In 1942 
he tutored North Carolina and in 1945 
he was head coach of the Jacksonville Naval 
Air Station team. 

Colonel Geary Eppley steps out to devote 
his full time to duties as director of student 
welfare and dean of men. Tatum's choice 
had been approved in advance at a session 
of the Maryland Athletic Board. 

The Tatum appointment was announced 
to a jampacked audience at the West Point- 
Maryland boxing meet. It was met with 
rousing applause. 


WINNERS. 1936. 

Manager Shank, Guckeyson, Patterson, Ruble, 

Willis, McCarthy, C. Keller, Coach Shipley; 

Bryant, Wood, Freas, Wheeler, Thomas, Surgent, 

Stonebraker; Egan, Daly, Duley, Beebe, J. Keller. 

THERE was plenty of glory at Maryland 
in the 1946 baseball season with the 
Southern Conference title flag tacked to the 
mast and a great majority of the games on 
the right side of the ledger. This was ac- 
complished despite unfavorable weather 
early in the season that retarded Vic Willis 
and other pitchers. 

However, the crafts George Wood, the 
sophomore southpaw mite, led the slabbers 
to a gratifying season, in which some of the 
high spots were triumphs over Ohio State. 
Cornell, Michigan, Duke and Navy, to men- 
lion a few. 

An even break also was gained with 
Georgetown, one of the best nine playing in 


At the left is Charley Kel- 
ler, hefty hitter for the 
New York Yankees. A 
member of the champion- 
ship team pictured above, 
Keller, from Middletown, 
Md., graduated in '38, 
B.S. Agriculture 


the South Atlantic sector and it came as 
one of the feature triumphs of the season. 

Charlie Keller, who continued to show 
big league caliber in the outfield; Jack 
Stonebraker, who first played second and 
then was shifted to short to fill a gap there; 
Waverly Wheeler, third sacker; Fred 
(Young Knocky) Thomas, catcher, and Bill 
Bryant, outfielder, were the big guns of the 
team. Mike Surgent, inficlder, also de- 
veloped as the season progressed and aided 
wan his hitting. 

Bill Guckeyson coming to the team late 
v.hcn he was kept from track by a nerve 
ailment in his shoulder, also shone as the 
season waned, showing that he had the 
calent to make good on the diamond as well 
as on the gridiron and as an all-around 
field man. 

The team pictured above for the in- 
spiration of current and future Maryland 
squads won from Ohio State. Cornell, Vir- 
ginia Military Institute, University of 
Michigan, West Virginia, Naval Academy. 
Georgetown, Duke, William and Mary, 
Washington College, Washington and Lee, 
North Carolina, U. S. Military Academy. 

The team lost games to Cornell, Rich- 
mond, Virginia. Georgetown and Rutgers. 

Bill Guckeyson went on up to West Point 
from this squad and Charlie Keller became 
•.ne King of "Murderer's Row" for the 
N'ew York Yankees. 


Clark Shaughnessy. itinerate T-formation 
coaching genius, made another sudden 
move when he resigned from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland to devote his full time 
to the Redskins as advisory coach. 

Shaughnessy gave two reasons for his dis- 
parture from the Old Line school. And 
he tempered his statement with a hint that 
he might return to Maryland. 

"My heart and soul is in football," 
Shaughnessy said, "and I could not see my 
way clear to accept a position of this kind 
director of athletics)." 

For his second reason, Shaughnessy de- 
dared that the university wanted him to 
sever his connection with the Redskins. 
'The university has not demanded that I 
discontinue my connection with the Red- 
skins, but has indicated that it would look 
favorably upon such a proposal." Shaugh- 
nessy said. 


this is Little Benny Bimmelheimer who just 
Igured out how to drop a DIME in the coke 
•nachine in the Ad Building and make drinks come 
out on BOTH sides. 

The hint of his return came in the 
coach's windup to the statement. "I leave 
the University of Maryland, perhaps tem- 
porarily," he said, "with high regard for 
all those connected with it." 

Dr. Byrd said that he accepted the 
resignation "with reluctance," but that 
"Clark has been considering the matter for 
some time" and that Shaughnessy "de- 
ferred action in order to give the uni- 
versity time to find someone else to fill his 

In emphasizing his high regard for 
Shaughnessy, "a personal friend for 25 
years," Byrd said that "Shaughnessy is a 
great football coach, one of the best." 

"The fact that his football team last fall 
lost several games had nothing to do with 
the decision whatever, either from his view- 
point or the university's." Byrd said in 
emphasizing that the decision to devote his 
entire time to the Redskins next fall was 
reached by Shaughnessv himself. 

Shaughnessy 's hint that he might come 
back to college football — perhaps to Mary- 
land — was born out in Byrd's statement 
that "he (Shaughnessv) would make good 
on any college campus." 

Speculation about Shaughnessy's smccs 
sor started with the first word of his resig- 
nation and a possible source of trouble in 
finding a new man for Maryland's coaching 
merry-go-round may develop from the 
school's inability to offer a contract. 


The Southern Conference boxing tourna- 
ment, shelved during the late unpleasant- 
ness with Adolf, Benito, Tojo, et al, will 
be resumed this year and will take place 
at College Park. 

The wrestling tournament will also be 
resumed and will go to V. M. I. Swimming, 
tennis and golf tourneys are also to take 
place again, but have not yet been alio 

As usual, the indoor games and the out- 
door track and field meet were awarded 
to the Universitv of North Carolina. The 
indoor event will be held March 1. and the 
outdoor meet on the third Friday and 
Saturday in May. 

The conference voted to hold the annual 
basketball tournament in Raleigh, provided 
that city meets certain requirements which 
were not specified. The meet was set for 
March 6, 7 and 8. 

Attached to the conditional award was 
authorization for the conference basketball 
committee, to select some other site if the 
requirements are not met by Raleigh. 

A movement was launched before this 
meeting to have the tourney held at Dur- 
ham, where Duke has 8,000 seats available, 
instead of Raleigh, site for the last 14 
tourneys, where the seating capacity is just 
under 4,000. 

The convention decided also to recog- 
nize the \\dnner of the tournament as con- 
ference basketball champion. Heretofore 
the yvinner has been officially recognized 
only as champion of the tournament. 

Colonel Geary lippley. Dean of Men and 
Director of Athletics at the University of 
Maryland, was elected Southern Conference 
Vice President. 



Colonel Geary Eppley, Dean of Men and Director 
of Athletics at the University of Maryland, who 
was elected Vice President of the Southern Con- 
ference at last month's meeting in Charleston, S. C. 

Colonel William Couper, of V.M.I. , was 
elected president, succeeding Dr. H. A. 
Fisher, of North Carolina State. Fisher 
asked that he not be nominated for re- 
election, because of the pressure of other 

Colonel D. S. McAlister, of the Citadel, 
was re-elected secretary and treasurer. 

Roanoke was chosen as the next conven- 
tion city, but the date yvas not fixed. It 
will be set by the executive committee. 

The Conference gave an approving nod 
in the direction of the N.C.A.A.'s suggested 
code regarding financial aid for college 

With practically no discussion, the repre- 
sentatives of the sixteen-member loop 
adopted a resolution indorsing "in princi- 
ple" the suggestions the N.C.A.A. put for- 
ward at a meeting in Chicago in July. 

The resolution also pledged the confer- 
ence to give extensive study to what it de- 
scribed as a feyv items in the N.C.A.A. 
code which are not already embraced in 
conference regulations. 

Dr. Lee Milford, of Clemson, a former 
conference president, raised his voice in an 
appeal to the member institutions to "stop 
this business" of inducing students taking 
summer school study at one institution to 
go to a school other than the one they 
had already arranged to attend. 

The executive committee was instructed 
to consider a proposal that the time of the 
annual meeting be changed to some other 
date than the first part of December. One 
suggestion was that it be held in conjunc- 
tion with the baskteball tournament. 

An amendment to regulations approved 
would permit a candidate for admission to 
a conference school to take summer yvork 
for credits at another institution provided 
he does not participate in inter-collegiate 
athletics at the latter, and provided he 
obtains in advance the consent of the 
faculty chairmen and presidents of both 


There goes Snorky. He always said 
he'd go OUT for the team!" 


Coach Burton Shipley's University of 

Maryland 194617 basketball team got oft 
to a rocky start l>\ tackling, in the initial 
game of the season, West Virginia's star 
studded tossers, rated as the best in tlu 
nation by many experts a vear ago. In the 
game at Morgantown, a couple of fresh- 
man forwards who between them scored 
50 points pased the Mountaineer cagesters 
to an 81 — 43 victory. 

The Mary landers, opening their formal 
playing season, held during most of the 
first quarter in which they trailed 17 — 9. 
but after that it was West Virginia going 

Fred Schaus and Bill Zirkel continued 
the showing they made against Carnegie 
lech. Schaus scored 28 points, while Zirkel, 
doing well with a spectacular left-hand shot, 
accounted for 22 more. 

The Mountaineers counted up a half- 
time lead of 33 — 14, and increased that to 
60 — 24 at the end of the third period. 

Western Maryland 
•Jf The Terps trimmed Western Maryland, 
\'lrj 4-' — 39. Maryland's shooting percentage 
could have been better with 16 field goals 
in 83 shots, made up of 39 sets shots, 35 
layups and 9 taps. The Terrors made 15 
of 70, with the same number from mid- 
court, but they didn't take as many from 
dose up as the Old Liners out-hustled them 
off the backboard. It was a wild game all 
the way. 

Maryland's John Edwards and Bill 
Brown, both from last year's team, topped 
the scorers with 12 points each. Western 
Maryland's outstanding player was Al 
rcobson, who was taken out late in the 
game, a mighty tired little man. 

Coach Shipley remarked that "we'd have 
a good team if we had tall fellows. We 
ick height." 


Maryland and Johns-Hopkins played one 
of the roughest basketball games ever wit- 
nessed in Ritchie Coliseum as the Terps 
won 41-36. 

There were 35 fouls, nine in the last 
four minutes of play. 

Maryland led at the half, 28-18 scoring 
four field goals in two minutes. 

Maryland found trouble in getting under 
way in the second half and Hopkins pulled 
up to 39-34 with 4\/ 2 minutes left. Then 


'You needn't inspect mine, Cap'n. 
I plugged up the barrel." 


the whistle-happy officials took over and 
called nine fouls in the last four minutes. 
Hopkins closed the gap to 39-36 on free 
throws by Timke and Ernie Wilkinson with 
one minute left. Bill Brown then put the 
clincher through the ring to make it 41-36. 

North Carolina 

In spite of a sensational rally in the 
second period staged by Maryland's Tommy 
Mont, Bill Brown and Vic Turyn, that al- 
most closed the gap, 33-34, the Terrapins 
bowed to North Carolina's casaba tossers 
at Chapel Hill. Tinal score 58-43. It was 
also the Terrapins' first Southern Confer- 
ence game. 

Hamilton, one of the two newcomers in 
Carolina's starting array, led the attack with 
seven field goals and three charity tosses 
for 17 points. 

The losers were a little behind almost 
all the way. Maryland's John Edwards 
was high gun with 13 points. Tcrp Bill 
Brown was ninncrup with 9. 

Mthough both teams missed frequent 
shots in the first half, the marksmanship 



was particularly faulty on the free-throw 
line. At half time Carolina led, 17-12, in 
what was a lazy game up to that point. 
The business started in the second half. 

Brown missed seven of eight free throws 
for the Terrapins. 

George Washington 

Maryland University's basketcers scored 
a distinct Southern Conference upset at 
College Park, outroughing and outpointing 
Ccorge Washington. 44—43, in a red-hot 
battle that saw the lead change 1 1 times 
before the final whistle. 

The Terps compiled their margin of \ u 
tory at the foul line, dunking 12 out of 16 
tosses as compared to 11 out of 16 by 
George Washington. The teams were even 
on field goals — 16 each. 

After Maryland had garnered a five-point 
advantage in the opening semester, the 
Colonials fought back to gain a 33 — 31 lead 


This comes to us from the Kampus Klown who 
says he sketched it out of a glass case at the 
Smithsonian Institution. This left-handed Indian, 
says the Klown, may be Chief-Hocks-His-Own- 
Watch, a Pawnee from the Hocking Valley Tribe. 

On the other hand some contend this is Chief 
Strawberry-Shortcake, who recently died and was 
buried by his loving wife. When fellow tribesmen 
came to bury the Chief his wife told them they 
were too late, announcing, "Squaw Bury Shortcake." 

midway of the second session and that was 
the signal for the fireworks. Bill Cantwell, 
high -scoring G. W. forward who had 
pitched in the last basket, had to leave the 
tilt with an injured ankle and just 30 sec- 
onds later Maryland's Bill Brown knotted 
the count at 33-all. 

The lead changed hands five times from 
lhat juncture, but after Phil McNiff tallied 
to put the Colonials ahead, 41 — 40, Johnny 
Shumate and Brown plunked Terp baskets 
to pile up Maryland's final margin of vic- 

With some 10 seconds remaining to play, 
Capt. Jim Rausch spurted in to sink what 
turned out to be George Washington's final 
goal, but it appeared that the Colonials had 
pulled the chestnuts out of the fire when 
Barry Kreisberg threw in a follow shot. It 
was ruled that the game had ended before 
his basket, however, and the score was 

Quantico Marines 

■ A brilliant first-half demonstration of 
basket shooting by Vic Turyn, Bill Brown 
and Don Schuerholz paced Maryland Uni- 
versity quintet to a 62-48 triumph over the 
Quantico Marines on the Leatherneck's 

Turyn took scoring honors with 18 points, 
a single point ahead of the hosts' Spuhler, 
former Duke star. Brown tallied 14 points 
to beat out the Marines' Trewella by two 
points for third high. 

At halftime the Terrapins led, 35-13, and 
it was no contest from there in. The Terps 
used a total of 13 players. 

Rough play marked action throughout, 
with the Terps losing Tommy Mont and 
Schuerholz via the fold route and Quantico 
losing Trewella. 


The Spider's string was stronger than the 
Terrapin's bite at College Park as Rich- 
mond University staved off a desperate last 
minute attack by Maryland and won. 

Leading 39 — 26 with 10 minutes to play 
the Spiders cracked and the Terps got un- 
der way with Edwards, Brown and Turyn 
finding the range for 10 points and only a 
4-point deficit, 40 — 36, with six minutes to 
Richmond then pulled the old freeze 
successfully until Mont sank one with one 
and one-half minutes left. With the score 
40—38, Mont fouled Miller who made it 
41 — 38 with one minute left. Brown missed 
a foul and then Robinson gave two charity 
tosses. He made the first and elected to 
take the ball out of bounds. 

Washington & Lee 

Maryland's basketball club moved up to 
the free throw line to snuff out Washing- 
ton St Lee's seven-game winning streak. 
65-60, in a Southern Conference game at 

The Old Liners were awarded 25 foul 
shots and counted on 19 of them, with Cen- 
ter John Edwards hitting 12 times and 
missing only once. 

After trailing 36-29 at the halftime inter- 
mission on the basis of Maryland's deadly 
set shots, the Generals came rollicking back 
to within a single point of the Old Liners. 
49-48, when reserve guard Steve Ulaki 
threw in four baskets in less than three 
minutes midway of the second half. 

That was the Generals' major offensive 
threat in the late stages, and the Old 
Liners continued to toss in single points 
at the charity line. 

Edwards set the scoring pace with 20 

points, but the Old Liners' rangy guard, 
Bill Brown, scored seven times from the 
Boor and augmented this effort with four 
free throws for 18 points. 

Virginia Tech 

Maryland racked up a nice basketball 
win by defeating Virginia Tech, 57-49, in 
a Southern Conference game at Blacksburg 
before 3,000 fans. 

Tech was loath to let the Terrapins walk 
off with the verdict, the lead changing 
hands with rapidity during the first three 
periods, but it was the almost abnormal 
accuracy of the Old Liners in the first half 
and their ability to run the Gobblers off 
their collective legs in the second half that 
clinched the victory. 

In the first six minutes of the second half 
Tech forged ahead, but the Old Liners 
soon got their bearings and gradually 
pulled away to a comfortable margin. 


Maryland's basketballers defeated Vir- 
ginia Military Institute, 61-50, in a South- 
ern Conference tilt. 

The Terrapins had tough going to an- 
nex the victory. The Cadets threw a scare 
into the Old Liners as the second half 
drew to a close when they pulled out to a 
one-point lead, 18-17. 

Virginia started to repeat its efforts at the 
opening of the second half, but before the 
period was over, weakened. 

Maryland staged an uphill battle dur- 
ing the first part of the game as it strove 
to cut down the advantage given the Cadets 
by the sharpshooting of Walker, who ac- 
cumulated 17 points, and his sharp de- 
fensive work. But in the second half the 
Old Liners forged ahead and made it a 
runaway game as the contest closed. 


Top, left to right: — John Shumate, Eugene O'Hara, Ed Walker, Norman Beaulieu, Bob Keene, Tommy Mont. Lower, left to right: — 
Bill Brown, Vic Turyn, John Edwards, Vernon Seibert, Alvin Lann, Don Schuerholz. 


Maryland's track team, under coach Jim 
Kchoc, having recently concluded a most 
successful cross-country season, pitched into 
the coming season. This year's array of 
thinclads appear to be of championship 
calibre. The outlook for a winning season 
on the boards loomed promising. 

Particularly strong in the 220 and 440, 
the Terps are led by Ed Matthews, South- 
ern Conference Indoor and Outdoor quar- 
ter-mile champion. Pushing Matthews to 
the limit will be Charles Abel Wilson and 
Brian Fennell, both members of the South- 
ern Conference runnersup, mile relay team. 
Wilson placed in the Conference 440 as 
well. A welcome newcomer to this combi- 
nation is Howard Gugel, member of the 
1941 undefeated Freshman team. 

Veteran half-miler, Tom Devlin, runner- 
up to Matthews in the Conference indoor 
(]uarter-mile championship and runnerup 
to N'eighbogall of Duke in the outdoor 
conference half-mile, will alternate between 
the 440 and 880. Jim Umbarger, former 
Mercersburg star, will be another mainstay 
in the half-mile, supported by promising 
little "Herb" White and Gene Hambleton. 

In the distance department, as in the 
coaching end, it seems to be Kehoe all the 
way. "Lindy" Kehoe, Jim's younger brother- 
er, who has been developing rapidly, will 
head the milers. "Wild Bill" Wisner who 
towards the end did some grand running in 
cross-country, will also run the mile. In- 
cidentally, Wisner, a good, consistent run- 
ner, received far less credit than was due 
him last spring. "Doc" Berryman, an ex- 
Marine, who has been shaping up quite 
well, will alternate between the mile and 
the half. 

Sterling Kehoe moving up to the two- 
mile, will head this strong event. Sterling 
led the cross-country team through an ex- 
ceptionally good season of four wins as 
against one loss in duel and triangular 
competition and a one-point loss to the 
powerful University of North Carolina 
team in the recent conference cross-country 
championships. Kehoe who has turned in 
some brilliant races this fall will team up 
with Howard Umbcrger, former Baltimore 
Poly star, who will be attempting his fust 
season at the intercollegiate two-mile. 

Maryland, very weak in the hurdles last 
vear, has quite a boost due in the form of 
I'eter Schafer, another Mercersburg ace, 
former low and high hurdles National 
Junior Championship. Pete is young, tall 
and ideally built for a hurdler and will be 
expected to accomplish great things this 
season. Ed Waller. California and Oregon 
star, now out for varsity basketball, will be 

heard from as well. Walker is also an ex- 
cellent high and broad jumper, making him 
quite an asset to the team. Speaking of 
assets. Ko\ Storti. injured in football this 
fall, hopes lo be ready soon, and this, too, 

will add considerable strength to the event. 

Bob Fitters, close defense star of the 
University of Maryland lacrosse team, was 
named recipient of the Schmeisser Award 
which is given annually to the outstanding 
defense man in the country, at the United 
States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association 
convention in New York City. 

Fetters, a returned war veteran who 
played for two years at College Park prior 
to going to war, is a graduate of the Balti- 
more Polytechnic Institute, but he never 
played the Indian game there. He is a 
tall and agile stickman, who has speed and 
experience. He was a defensive standout in 
the North-South game played in Baltimore 
to a 14-14 overtime tie last June. 

The Old Liner also plays basketball and 
soccer, and he was an all-Eastern selection 
in the booting sport in 1941. 

Only two goals were scored on Fetters, 
a goalie in soccer, that year, by Western 
Maryland and Temple. In 1941 Maryland 
and Springfield College were the only un- 
beaten collegiate soccer teams. The Old 
Liners won 8 and tied Navy 0-0. 

Fetters is married and the father of two 


Lynn Throckmorton, KKG, was selected 
Queen at the M Club dance last month 
sponsored bv the Varsity "M" Association. 


Some Maryland fellows never 
completed their education but 
remained bachelors to the end. 

Cheer up! Even if she re- 
jects you she will always re- 
member you and admire your 
good judgment in asking her. 

Never expected to see the 
day when girls would get sun- 
burned in the places they do 


The Old Line riflemen, coached by 
Colonel Harland C. Griswold ran true to 
form by crushing the "933" rifle team. This 
was the Old Liner's third start of the sea- 
son and their third overwhelming victory. 


Even after the Colonel told him he couldn't. 


The "933's" were squelched by Maryland 
who defeated them by a total of 208 points. 
The Maryland scores totaled 1391 points, 
their highest of the season, against their 
opponents 1183 points. As in the previous 
matches, high score of the evening was 
handed in by Arthur Cook, who shot the 
tabulated score of 292 points. Closely fol- 
lowing him was Joe Decker with 287 points, 
Emanuel Briguglio with 274; C. S. Harris 
274, and Dave Weber with 264 points. 
Those whose scores were not tabulated in 
the final aggregation were Bob Baker 260, 
Will F. Rice 259, M. J. Sando 258, Ed 
Hobbs 255 and John D. Emler 253. In 
contrast to these scores, the "high man" on 
the "933" team only shot 266 against the 
low score of 264 used in the final tabula- 
tion on the Old Liners' score. 

In a shoulder to shoulder 22 caliber rifle 
match, Maryland's University's rifle team, 
coached by Colonel Harlan C. Griswold, 
again defeated a team from Headquarters, 
U. S. Marine Corps, 1380 to 1324. 

It was the season's fourth straight win for 
the undefeated Terrapins. 

Arthur Cook of Maryland turned in the 
day's high target with 290, while Captain 
Ken Mosteller scored high for the Marines 
with 280. 

Shooting on the Marine team were three 
Women Reserve shooters, Duffy, Peters and 

Maintaining their unbroken record the 
Old Liner rifle team won its fifth straight 
match. For the first time of the season 
Arthur Cook failed to shoot high score for 
the evening. Honors went to McDougal of 
the National Capital Rifle Club who top- 
ped Cook's score of 286 by 2 points. 

The Maryland team ran up a total score 
of 1394 points against 1376 for the Na- 
tional Capitals. 

Colonel Griswold's University of Mary 
land marksmen won from the Berwyn Gun 
Club 1395 to 1381. It was the Old Liners 
sixth straight win. 

A. E. Cook was high target for the Terps 
with 100—100—89 for 289. followed in 
order by Carter, Wessons. Decker, Griguglio. 
Bowling. Weber. Jenkins. Waters and Stith. 

Berwyn's high man was Merriman, 
oc)_c)5_ 8 g f or 282, followed by Gebler, H. 
J. Waters, R. Waters, Krites, Cerniglia, 
Moore, Mitchell and Hopkins. 

Making it seven straight Maryland's 
shooters took the measure of Georgetown 
University 1391 to 1289. For the Terps A. 
E. Cook was again No. 1 man with 100 — 
100—91 to make 291, followed by Bowling. 
Decker, Weber, Wesson, Briguglio, Stith. 
Peabody, Sando and Jenkins. 


Paglia was Georgetown's high man with 
97—88—82 to make it 267, followed by 
Ashe, Walker, Small, Moran. Sawch, Jen- 
kins, Stone and Skahan. 

The University of Maryland's rifle team 
shot its second meet of the 1946-47 season 
against the Marine Headquarters Unit from 

The Old Liner's ran up a score of 1386 
points, against the Marine Reserve score 
which came to 1339. As in the previous 
match (the Old Liners defeated the mar- 
ines in an early season match) Arthur Cook 
took the spotlight by shooting the high 
score of 286 points. The other four men 
whose scores were tabulated in the final 
score were John Wessen with 280, Walt 
Bowling 275, J. Rolom 273, and Emanuel 
Briguglio who shot 272. The remaining five 
men who fired, but whose scores were not 
used in the final tabulation were Joe Decker 
with 271 points, M. A. Orr, 270, Dave 
Weber 267, Robert Carter 259 and E. EJ 
Hobbs with 245. Against this the Marine 
team scores ran from 260 to 269, with the 
exception of their team captain who shot 

Maryland next defeated the "973" team 
of the Maryland Rifle League, 1391 to 


The New York Enquirer each year rates 
the group it regards as the top ten men 
in the Administration of boxing. This 
year's list again includes the name of 
Colonel Heinie Miller, Head Boxing Coach 
at the University of Maryland. 


"Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus!" 
might well have been said by Ed Rieder, 
Maryland's classy 155 pound boxer, as he 
wound up on the short end of a decision 
in favor of Joe Miragliotta. Ed might have 
added, "And this year he comes early!" 
The booing that followed the green light 
in favor of the Cavalier mitmen lasted a 
long, long time. Nothing like it ever before 
at College Park. The crowd seemed to 
think it was one of those things that even 
Houdini couldn't have handed down aided 
by mirrors and two pairs of pants. The 
booing was in technicolor, wired for sound 
and in spades yet. 

Virginia won the meet by half a point, 
4i/£ to 3i/£ and several other decisions were 
not exactly Chanel No. 5 either. 

Referee Ray Gadsby, after the bouts, re- 
marked, "There should have been two 
judges in addition to the referee". Aye and 
amen to that. Its standard in boxing the 
world over and is called for in national 
collegiate boxing rules. The referee is a 
busy man up on that big white drum. Two 
competent judges can sit in calmly and 
"see" the bout. 

In the 135 pound class Jimmy Miragliot- 
ta, Virginia's Eastern Intercollegiate cham- 
pion, bit off a sweet chunk to chew on in 
Maryland's Danny Smith. It was nip and 
tuck all the way. Since Danny did the 
leading the crowd figured he had no worse 
than a draw coming. It came up "Virginia". 
You'll hear more from Danny. 

In the 145 pound class Tommy Maloney 


got only an even-Steven nod against Willie 
Barnett. Maloney boxed on even terms 
against Barnett for two frames. In the 
third the Terp unleashed smashing right 
handers to body and head. He seemed to 
have it easy enough. 

At 165 Maryland unwrapped its surprise 
package in Bob Gregson. After a grade 
"A" exhibition of on balance counter 
punching right out of the book he took 
the decision over Earl Barnett. 

In the heavyweight division 176 pound 
Kenny Malone went around hefty Edgar 
Allen Poe III like a cooper goes around 
a barrel, Malone winning pulled up and 
going away. 

At 175 Bob Hafer, Maryland beginner, 
did O.K. against Virginia's Ralph Shoaf. 
Hafer, his first time in the ring, was a 
last minute substitute for Arnold Gibbs. 
out with a nose injury. Gibbs had intended 
to substitute for Nick Kozay, who decided 
against boxing. Virginia's win here was 
extremely close. 

At 130 Virginia's Basil Miragliotta, South 
Atlantic champion, won from classy Al 
Salkowski, boxing one grade above his 
normal poundage. It was again very close 
and Salkowski is a much better fighter than 
he showed on his first time out. He figures 
to prove that later. 

At 125 juvenile Davey Lewis went in as 
a last minute substitute for Danny Mc- 
Laughlin, who had figured on taking the 
spot vacated by Al Salkowski. But Danny 
side-tracked with flu and the doctor's orders 
to lay off. Davey won by a last round 
rally. It could have been a draw and no 
griping on it. 

Juggling the line-up was made necessary 
due to a broken thumb incurred in train- 
ing by Andy Quattrocchi, Maryland's 
regular 130-pounder, who punches like all 
get-out. Watch him later. He might recall 
Ivan Nedomatsky. 

Malone went in with a wrenched back. 
Gregson, Malonev and Smith boxed in 

5 Go'" 

spite of elbow injuries. All three were un- 
der treatment right up to ring time. 
Game boys in there shooting for the team. 
Thus three of the boys were not right and 
three were last minute substitutions. The 
decisions were not so good and the I crps 
were nosed out by one half a [joint against 
a very good Cavalier team. 

Which adds up to "The boxing outlook 
at Maryland is pretty good" with Coach 
Heinie Miller's fingers crossed against in 
juries and substitutions. 

"Dun't LeflF" 

There was a snicker or two when Vir- 
ginia's big heavyweight Edgar Allen Poe 
III was introduced. He is a direct descend- 
ant of the famous poet who, in Baltimore, 
wrote "The Raven". But Poe III was not 
reciting. He was in there doing his level 
best for his school. Which brings us to 
the comment that with the sole exception 
of Len Rodman a few years ago, who drove 
over from Baltimore's School of Pharmacy 
to box for Maryland, the Terps have 
usually found their big fellows sitting on 
the side lines. Other schools have heavy- 
weights. Maryland has been going in there 
with the heavyweight file a blank and one 
point spotted out of eight, or with a little 
fellow like Ken Malone making up in guts 
what he lacks in poundage. If anyone 
thinks its moonlight and roses to spot good 
opponents l/8th of the possible score 
before the bell rings or to spot 'em 25 
pounds they can write that opinion down 
for their old Aunt Tabitha. 


Maryland's boxing team, crippled worse 
than at any time in Terrapin ring history, 
registered a surprise upset by defeating 
Bucknell's Bisons 8 to 0. Not since the 
same score was turned in against Richmond 
back in 1937 has a Terp fistic team regis- 
tered a shutout score. 

Three Maryland wins were convincing 
knockouts. Four were by decision. Bucknell 
forfeited the heavyweight bout. 

At 125 Maryland's diminutive Danny Mc- 
Laughlin gave a master to pupil boxing ex- 
hibition to handily trounce Harry Fagan, 
Bucknell. Danny substituted for Al Salkow- 
ski on less than one day's notice and with 
no pre-bout training. The decision was 

At 130 juvenile Davey Lewis represented 
the Terrapins in place of Andy Quattracchi, 
out with an injured hand. Boxing coolv 
Lewis took the measure of Ray Hood. A 
smashing third round finish with Hood all 
in at the bell won two votes for Lewis while 
the third ballot was for a draw. 

At 135 Danny Smith, for the Old Liners, 
won a split verdict over Bucknell's good 
boy, Bill Fiora. The latter was an able 
and extremely agressive boxer who had a 
lead over the Marylander going into the 
final stanza. Fiora layed a steady barrage 
of wide right and left hooks. Smith, in ex- 
cellent condition, stepped inside of these 
blows and most of them went around 
Smith's head. In the third Danny began 
stepping inside of the swings, nailing Fiora 
with straight rights and short right hooks 
to the head, alternating with smashing left 
hooks to the body. The slips read two for 
Smith and one for Fiora. It was a swell 
fight, with aggressiveness stacked against 


smart on balance counter punching. ["he 

latter m\ le won. 

\i 1 15 Johnn) Aibarano, making his firsl 
appearance in any ring, won from Buck- 
ncll's licvi man. Jesse Syme. Aibarano look 
the plate of lommv Maloney, out with a 
nose injury, and Billy Greer, who was to 
replace Maloney but pulled up sick just 
Ix-foic ring time. The word had to be 
passed in the Coliseum to get Aibarano into 
the dressing room where he was issued his 
lust pair of boxing shoes. Albarano's win 
was a great tribute to excellent physical 
condition. Not in Syme's class as an ex- 
perienced boxer Aibarano was outpointed 
for two rounds. He followed instructions to 
the letter and. in the third round, banking 
on physical condition, he opened up with 
everything lie could throw. It had Syme all 
in at the finish and won the unanimous 
dct ision. 

\i 155 Maryland's Eddie Ricder. counter 
punching with both hands on every lead 
made l>\ Bucknell's Jim Houghton, slopped 
the Bison in round three after easilv carry- 
ing the first two rounds. Smashing outside 
left and right hooks to the head and inside 
left hooks to the body did the job. 

Another kayo was registered by Man- 
kind's dass Bob Gregson in two rounds 
against Bucknell's Doug Fleming. The lat- 
ter was never in the running and was out- 
(lassed by the fast stepping and counter 
punching Gregson, who gave a masterly ex- 
hibition of the art of hit and get away. 

Kenny Mslone, boxing at his proper 175 
pound weight, flattened game and willing 
Don Nesselbush. Bucknell. in two frames. 
The Bison had plentv of heart but cour- 
age was not enough. Malone knew too 
many answers. 

\rnold Gibbs. Maryland, won the heavy- 
weight bout by default. 

Just prior to the bouts Ken Malone was 

dec ted team captain. Jimmy Hoffman was 
elected team manager with Jack Crane as 

his assistant. 

Commenting on the Bucknell win Coach 
Heinie Miller said, "It was a pleasure to 
note how each and every Maryland lad on 
this occasion followed instructions to the 
letter. It seemed as though we were back 
again in the prewar vears of 1937 and 

Joe Bunsa, former CUA ring star, did a 
fine job as third man with Captain Hairs 
Volkman and Dr. O. U. Singer as judges 
and Professor George D. Quigley as time- 

West Point 

Maryland's ring men. favored by one 
close decision, but having to overcome two 
close ones against them, won from West 
Point's crack Army team, 4i/ 2 to 3i/2 to beat 
the Cadet's long winning streak. 

At 12.") little Darin) Mcl.auglin handed 
out a boxing lesson to Army's Mcdon Bitter 
l<> win the unanimous nod. 

At 130 dynamic Andy Quattrocchi made 

his debut for the Terps knocking out Clar- 
ence Waters, Ainu. And) punches with 
either hand. 

At 135 Bill Hiestand. Army, shaded game 
little Danny Smith in the best bout of 
the night. Because Maryland has no other 
135 pounder Smith took his regular spot 
in the line-up. He had not trained and 
had been in bed for the better part of three 
days with the grippe. The bout was nip 
and tuck. It would have been a draw on 
all three score cards but for a two point 
penalty imposed on Smith for an unin- 
tentional and undamaging low blow. Two 
judges called for Army. One called it a 

At 145 Tommy Maloney pulled up with 

a draw against Vrmy's loin ll.i/.ud Id 
raosl of the ringsiders ii looked like Mary- 
land's Tommy had all three rounds. The 
crowd let this one have a pretty good ration 
of the merry roundelay. I wo judges called 
ii even. The referee wrote for Maloney. 

At 155 Maryland's Ed Rieder won from 
Dick Howell after three smacking rounds. 
Most ringsiders thought this one could have 
been a draw. It was one of those that can 
go either way depending upon what stvlc 
you like. All three slips were for Rieder. 

At 165 Army's Harrv Ball won the 
unanimous decision from Marv land's fast 
stepping Bob Gregson. 1 he latter did not 
fight his usual fight and. for two rounds, 
allowed Ball to take the lead. When 
Gregson assumed the initiative in the third 
he took that round, but it proved a bit 
too late to pull the fat out of the fire. 
Gregson is a better boxer than he showed 
against Army. 

\ split decision lost for Mar. land's Cap- 
tain Ken Malone against Army's Pete Mon- 
fore. Malone appeared to have easilv out - 
boxed the soldier. The latter was game and 
aggressive and did most of the leading. 
Most ringsiders thoughl Malone won il 
and that a draw would have been plent) 
fair for the cadet. The slips read two foi 
Army and one for a draw. 

With the team score lied going into the 
final. Arnold Gibbs. Marv land 175 pounder, 
faced 6 ft., 4 inch Joe Kiernan. Army 
Gibbs moved in with a banging left hook 
to the body followed bv a straight right 
into the midrift and an overhand right 
flush on the jaw. That tore it. School was 
out. That's all there was; there wasn't an) 

Referee Joe Bunsa, C.L'.A. Judges, Lieu- 
tenant Commanders M. O. Slater and A. I". 
Betzel, U.S.N. , Naval Academy. 


Top, left to right: — Kenny Malone, heavyweight; Arnold Gibbs, 175; Bob Hater, 175; Bob Gregson, 165; Ed Rieder, 155; Tommy 
Maloney, 145. Bottom, left to right: — Billy Greer, 145; Danny Smith, 135; Andy Quattrocchi, 130; Al Salkowski, 125; Danny 

McLaughlin, 125; Davey Lewis, 125. 


(Continued From Paye 2b) 


nccring Associations to the engineering 
societies of the United States; Honorary 
Member, Association of Engineers and 
Architects of Mexico and its Representative 
in Western Hemisphere; Honorary Member, 
\rgentine Society of Engineers and Honor- 
ary Member. Institute of Engineers of 

Serve as Adviser to the Department of 
State on all matters relating to engineering 

Engineering College Research Associa- 
tion, Member. Editorial Advisory Board, 
"Journal of Current Engineering Re- 
search", Member, Committee on Relations 
with Federal Research Agencies, Member, 
Subcommittee of above on National Ad- 
\ isorv Committee for Aeronautics. 

Engineers' Council for Professional 
Development. Representative of this organi- 
zation on Committee on Engineers, of Na- 
tional Roster of Scientific and Specialized 

Engineers Joint Council, (Representing 
the five National Founder Engineering 
Societies), Chairman, Commission on Latin 

Maryland Association of Engineers, Past 
President (three terms). 

Maryland Committee on Water Pollution, 

Maryland State Board of Registration for 
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors 
of Maryland, Member, representing Civil 
Engineers and Land Surveyors of Maryland. 

Maryland State Bureau of Control Sur- 
veys and Maps, Chairman, Advisory Board. 


JOHN C. STERLING, Maryland '16, was Superintendent of the Machine Shop Division at Newport News 
Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company, for the construction of the aircraft carrier shown above. 


HARRY D. WATTS, Maryland '04, is President of 

James Stewart and Company, contractors, who 

built this Seventy Story Building, 60 Wall Street 

Tower, New York City. 

Maryland State Planning Commission, 
Member, Committee on Highways. 

Maryland Traffic Safety Commission, Vice 
Chairman, Chairman, Committee on Engi- 

National Council of State Boards of Engi- 
neering Examiners, Member, Committee on 

Dean Steinberg's Special Services During 
World War II include: — 

Maryland Council of Civilian Defense. 
Director. Plant Protection School. 

Maryland State Aviation Commission, 
Engineer Adviser, Joint Representative of 
this Commission and the Maryland State 
Planning Commission to National Capital 
Park and Planning Commission on study 
of airport locations in Metropolitan Area 
of District of Columbia. 

Office of Civilian Defense, Technical Ad- 
viser, for 3rd Region (Pennsylvania, Mary- 
land and District of Columbia). 

U, S. Navy, Member, Naval College 
Selection Committee for Maryland. 

U. S. Bureau of Prisons, Department of 
Justice. Educational Consultant. 

U. S. Office of Education, Regional Re- 
presentative for all colleges and universities 
in Maryland, District of Columbia, Vir- 
ginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina, 
on engineering war training under the 
Engineering, Science and Management War 
Training Program (ESMWT), Member, 
Advisory Committee to Commissioner of 
Education on Surplus Property for Educa- 
tional Institutions. 

War Manpower Commission, Training 
Consultant. Training Within Industry, 
Regional Representative, Bureau of Train- 
ing. Region 4 (Maryland, District of 
Columbia, Virginia. West Virginia and 
North Carolina). 

War Department, Consultant, Army 
Specialized Training Program, Military 
District of Washington. 

War Price and Rationing Board, Prince 
Georges County, Md. Chairman. Transpor- 
tation Committee. 

Dean Steinberg also holds memberships 
in the following additional organizations, 
American Geophysical Union, National Re- 
search Council, American Society for Test- 
ing Materials. Engineers' Club of Balti- 
more, International Association for Bridge 
and Structural Engineering, Permanent In- 
ternational Road Congress, Tau Beta Pi, 


national honorary engineering fraternity, 
Omicron Delta Kappa, national honorary 
leadership fraternity, Phi Kappa Phi. na- 
tional honorarv scholarship fraternity 
Sigma Chi Fraternity; President. Board of 
Trustees, Gamma Chi Chapter, University 
of Maryland, Rotary Club of College Park, 
Maryland, Vestryman, St. Andrew's Episco- 
pal Church. College Park, Maryland. 

He is listed in Who's Who in America, 
Who's Who in Engineering. Who's Who in 
American Education. Who's Who in the 
East. American Men of Science, Inter- 
national Who's Who. 


When Maryland's Colonel J. P. S. Dever- 

eaux with his heroic little Marine Batta- 
lion stood off the Japs on Wake Island. 
President Roosevelt said, "When they re- 
turn they will find that their heroic effort 
and sacrifice united and inspired a nation." 

Newspaper reporters called on General 
Thomas Holcomb, Commandant of the 
Marine Corps, for a story regarding his re- 
actions to the magnificent defense of Wake 

"Did you expect them," General Holcomb 
asked, "to take it lying down? Besides it 
is not a new story. The same thing hap- 
pened at Bladensburg, Maryland, in the 
War of 1812 when a small battalion of 
Marines of about the same strength as the 
outfit on Wake died on the line in the face 
of the numerical superiority of the invad- 
ing British Army." 

A Maryland incident that made history 
and should not be forgotten. Possibly some 
of Devereaux' inspiration came from 
Bladensburg's defense, in his native Mary- 

Paul Revere's famous ride, reduced to 
practical horsemanship, was not a great 
fete. But Paul had a poet! So the ride 
went on to posterity. 

The Marine battalion at Bladensburg was 
something great. However, they had no 
poet. A Texan once said, referring to the 
Greeks on the fields of Marathon, "The 
Greeks had one messenger. He was the lone 
survivor. He got away to leave the story 
of Marathon for the pages of history. Well, 
the Alamo had no survivors. Neither did 
Custer at Little Big Horn. It pays to have 
a get away man for history's pages." 


He was just a campus live wire. Gradu- 
ated from Maryland's College of Commerce 
in 1940. Member of the Boxing and Foot- 
ball squads. Alpha Tau Omega. Pi Delta 
Epsilon, Scabbard and Blade Society. His 
name was Bruce Davis. He looked forward 
to post war Homecoming Days. H"; will not 
attend them. His widow. Gudnv Asta. lives 
in her native Iceland with the Davis' daugh- 
ter, Anna Mary. His parents live in San 
Mateo. California, at 967 Rosewood Drive, 

Seems only yesterday that Bruce Davis 
was around the College Park campus, great- 
ly interested in his job as managing editor 
of the 1939 Terrapin. Just a line kid; typi- 
cally the Maryland kind. A 'hello' fellow 
on a 'hello' campus. A hero? Bruce would 
have laughed at that one. Well, that's the 
stock from which heroes arc made. Jusi 
guvs named Bruce or Joe or Bill. Could 
Bruce Davis have read Major Mike Rinc- 
hart's fine article, "The Red Devils Got 
What They Wanted", in the April 27, 1945 
Saturday Evening Post, the Maryland boy 
would have thought Major Mike was writ- 
ing about some fellow other than Bruce 
Davis. Rinehart wrote: — "They are proud 
of the leadership of Captain William B. 
Davis, who although wounded in both legs, 
took the portable radio from his dead 
operator and directed artillery fire on at- 
tacking tanks. Captain Davis had to roll 
downhill from his observation post to get 
back to his company. He was killed by a 
shell fragment several hours later as he 
lay on a litter." 

\t a formal retreat ceremony at San 
Francisco's historic Presidio the Bronze 
Star Medal was awarded to Bruce Davis' 
widow. The citation follows: — "For Dis- 
tinctive heroism in connection with military 
operations against the enemv on 10 Septem- 
ber 1944 in the vicinity of Arnaville. 
France. Captain Davis, a company com- 
mander, was in command of a company of 
our forces assisting in the establishment of 
a bridgehead across the Mosselle River, and 
the assault on the high wooded terrain 
known as "Hill 386." Under intense fire 
from enemy artillery, mortar, automatic and 
small arms fire. Captain Davis, with utter 
disregard for his own safety personally led 
and encouraged his men forward in attain- 
ing their objective. When his company's 
advance was halted by a fortified strong- 
point, Captain Davis completely exposed to 
the intense fire, personally and with his 
individual weapon succeeded in silencing 
the enemy strongpoint and capturing eight 
of the enemy's soldiers thereby enabling 
our forces to again proceed forward. When 
his radio operator became a casualty, Cap- 
tain Davis strapped the radio upon his back 
and directed accurate and precision artil- 
lery fire upon the enemy's position. In this 
action Captain Davis received severe and 
painful wounds but declined medical treat- 
ment until his men were treated. Captain 
Davis' courage, fearlessness, and intrepid 
action was largely responsible for repulsing 
a strong enemy counter-attack. His con- 
duct reflects great credit on himself and is 
in accord with the highest traditions of the 
Military Service." 

This is from the official report of the 
Fifth Division in France, vis: — "Leadership 
such as Capt. William B. Davis. C Company 
Commander displayed, inspired. Capt. 
Davis was with his SCR-284 radio operator 


Maryland '40, he gave his life for his country. 

observing on the flank of his company when 
the radio operator was killed. Though 
wounded in the legs, Capt. Davis strapped 
the radio on his back, called for Artillery 
fire on tanks in Arry he observed and rolled 
downhill to his company to which he gave 
essential orders and stimulation. He re- 
fused evacuation until forcibly put on a 
litter. He was fatally hit as he lay on the 

Quite a fellow, wasn't he, that Davis? 
Quite a soldier. Quite an American. 

May his couch be soft in the guarding 
loam as he sleeps the sleep of the brave, 
the young, the strong, the fair. 


By J- G. Lucas 

Former Marine Corps Combat Correspondent, in 
the New York World Telegram 

We say that the men who fought this 
war don't glory in it, that they hate war. 
And we think we mean what we say. But 
it isn't true. We are more war-minded 
than we know. When I asked myself re- 
cently, "Do I hate war?" 1 had to answer, 
"I don't." I had to go on from there. I 
may secretly love war. Self-examination 
shocked me; I suddenly was aware of 
something I hadn't known about myself. 
I suspect that more of the millions who 
fought this war feel this way than admit it, 
even to themselves. 

War is ugliness. War is death. War is 
destruction. War is heartbreak and sorrow. 
The men who fight wars, when they fight 
them, hate war. They hate its blood and 
carnage, its grime and filth, its demands on 
their bodies. They hate its separations, its 
regimentation. But when wars are over, day 
after day that's easier to forget. 

You don't forget the other side of the 
war. You don't forget that in war you 
found the only Christian brotherhood you 
ever knew. You don't forget that in war 
you found complete selflessness. You don't 


forget learning in war that a man could 
love the other fellow more than himself, 
if only for a minute, an hour, a day. You 
don't forget that in war you saw men who 
loved life give their lives for you. 

I didn't know that kind of living before 
I went to the war. I haven't known it 
since. I miss it. The absence of it, the 
brutal contradiction of it in peace, makes 
it the harder to forget. 

We have returned to a world at peace. 
It is a world of dog-eat-dog. Probably it 
has always been like that. Probably it 
hasn't (hanged much. Probably we haven't 
either. We've taken up our places in this 
world, and are living by its rides. But we 
can't forget that once we knew — and were 
— men who lived and died by other rules. 

Living on that plane for an hour, I am 
dissatisfied with anything less. William 
James sa\s the world, in peace, must find 
the moral equivalent for war. Lacking that, 
peace is inadequate. Lacking that, peace 
produces nostalgia for war. 

When we tore into Germany and Japan, 
thousands of World War I veterans — 
bankers drawn from their banks, judges 
from> their benches, farmers from their 
farms — flocked back to war. There may 
be a moral to it. Certainly, a national 
preparedness program and a foreign policy 
based on frank recognition that we're not 
as peace-loving as we say — that we're not 
even a neutral-minded people when there's 
a first-rate scrap going on — might have 
dissuaded our enemies from attacking us 
in both wars. 

Our task is at once simple and staggering. 
We've got to forge a world of peace out 
of the same steel we forge a world at war. 
It's insane that war should bring out our 
best qualities and peace our worst. 


Kent County produced the great artist. 
Charles W. Peale, noted particularly for 
his picture of Washington. 


"Congratulations on the fine new 
'MARYLAND'. It is indeed a great step 
forward", writes G. Kenneth Horwath, '35 
and '44, 1316 Hanover Street, Baltimore 
30, adding "the entire alumni should 
wholeheartedly support this project. Best 
wishes for continued success". 

Writes Mrs. Edward F. (Louise Fenton) 
Quinn, 10 Sunset Road, Bay Shore, Long 
Island, N. Y. "Both Ed and I enjoyed the 
December super-'MARYLAND' publication. 
We have already interested two New York- 
ers in going to Maryland and now that 
Ed has been transferred to Fort Sam 
Houston, Texas, we'll send you some 

"I received my copy of MARYLAND", 
writes Tom Rives, '42, 331 West Scott Ave., 
Rahway, N. J. "and to say the least I am 
verv enthusiastic about our publication." 


Here are seventeen commandments for 
safer automobile driving as published by 
the Pennsylvania State Highway Com- 

1. Always be alert. Let nothing distract 
your attention from your job of driving. 

2. Approach pedestrians with caution. Be 
ready to make a quick, safe stop. 

3. Always remain a sufficient distance be- 
hind the car in front of you to be able to 
stop safely. 

4. Slow-moving vehicles must keep to the 
extreme right of the highway. The) arc 
an accident hazard, inviting foolish motor- 
ists to make dangerous passes. 

5. When an officer signals for you to stop, 
drive to the extreme right of the highway 
and give notice of your intention to the 
vehicle behind you. 

6. Always slow down before reaching a 

7. Instead of coasting around a curve, 
keep your car in gear and feed the gas 

8. Never jam your brakes. Best braking 
power is obtained by applying and releas- 
ing the brakes intermittently with a pump- 
ing motion. 

9. Permit clutch to remain engaged in 
slowing down. 

10. To insure safety, use the same geai 
in descending a steep grade as you would 
have to use to ascend it. 

11. If vour car starts to skid, keep it in 
gear and turn the front wheels in the 
direction of the skid. 

12. Never over-drive your headlamps at 
night. A good rule is to drive two-thirds 
as fast by night as you do by day. Sun- 
down — slow down. 

13. Keep your windshield clean. A dirty 
windshield is especially hazardous at sun- 
down and at night. 


14. Be on the alert at night for identifi- 
cation lights of trucks and buses. These in- 
dicate the presence of a large, slow-moving 


15. Never operate a car more than four 
hours with less than 30 minutes relaxation, 
or more than eight hours with less than 
two hours rest. 

16. Keep your car under control while 
passing children who are walking or play- 
ing along the highway. 

17. Avoid looking directly at the lights 
of an oncoming car at night. An eye is a 
sensitive instrument which is quickly 
blinded by a glare. 


Admiral Winfield S. Schley, who won the 
naval battle of Santiago, was born in 
Frederick County. 


The age limits for Reserve and Tem- 
porary Officers of the Navy and Marine 
Corps applying for transfer to regular 
Navy in medical, dental, hospital and med- 
ical allied sciences corps and Officers ap- 
plying for transfer as Legal Specialists has 
been increased by three (3) years. 

For officers in the above categories the 
requirement that applications must be sub- 
mitted within six (6) months from release 
to inactive duty has been cancelled and 
those who are now eligible for transfer 
under the increased age limit will not lose 
priority as a result of having been on in- 
active duty providing they applv for trans- 
fer prior to March 1st, 1947. 




This edition of "Maryland", devoted to 
the College of Engineering, i-> an example 
of co-operation and helpfulness extended 
to the editor b\ Dean S. S. Steinberg, Dean 
of the College of Engineering. 

Oilier special editions to come — and to 
remain in the same rotation for each year — 
are as follows: — 

March— Agriculture, Vnimal Husbandry. 

Vpril — Law. 

M; 1X — Medicine. Pharmacy, Dentistry, 

r U ne-— Business and Public Administra 

j u ij — Women's Number. Home ECO 

August — Arts and Sciences. 

September— Graduate School. Research. 

October — Athletic annual. Vports. 

November — Education. 

December — Christmas Annual. 

January— Unassigned. 


The Burning of the Peggy Stewart, was 
the Old Line States version of Boston's 
similar event, a spectacular occasion of far- 
reaching importance, not alone to Mary- 
land, but to all the colonies. As early as 
1770 merchants of Boston. New York. Phila- 
delphia. Baltimore and Annapolis bad 
agreed to resist the English tea lax. Boston 
had had its famous "tea party," but even 
this did not prevent Anthony Stewart of 
Annapolis from bringing his brig, the 
"Peggy Stewart" into Annapolis with a 
cargo of tea. Indignantly Marylanders de- 
termined that the tea should not be landed 
and on October 19, 1774. Stewart himself 
was forced to set fire to his own ship with 
ils challenged cargo. Ibis was the last 
attempt to import tea into the English- 
American colonies. 


One of America's great generals was re- 
cently retired after 48 years of Army service. 
He is Gen. Walter Krueger. who led the 
6th Winv from New Guinea to Tokyo. But 
for the great hgurc of Gen. MacArthur, 
his talents would have gained greater public 
attention. Inside the Army there is no 
question of his military stature. In the 
Navy loo he was recognized as one of the 
most brilliant men to ever attend the 
Navy War College. 

Cen. krueger was peculiarly a product 
of the United Stales Army. He was born 
in Germany and brought to the United 
Stales by his widowed mother at the age 
of S and enlisted in the Army at 17 as 
a private during the Spanish-American 
War, His schooling, except for his ele- 
mentary and high school attendance up to 
17. therefore, was all gained in the various 
Army Staff schools and colleges. 

He joined MacArthur in New Guinea 
in the spring of 1943, having been selected 
by his chief from a long list of possibilities 
From then until the end of the war he 
played a vital part in the tactics of the 
Army's campaign in the Pacific. 




of Self Improvement 

1. Temperance: Eat not to dullness; 
drink not to elevation. 

2. Silence: Speak not but what may bene- 
fit others or yourself. 

3. Order: Let all your things have their 
places; each activity its time. 

4. Resolution: Resolve to perform what 
you ought. Perform what you resolve. 

5. Frugality: Make no expense but to do 
good to others or yourself. 

6. Industry: Lose not time; be always em- 
ployed in something useful. 

7. Sincerity: Think and speak justly. 

8. Justice: Wrong none by doing injuries, 
or omitting benefits that are your duty. 

9. Moderation: Avoid extremes. 

10. Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness 
in body, clothes, or habitation. 

11. Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles. 
or at unavoidable accidents. 

12. Chastity: Clean thoughts and whole- 
some activities lead to clean living. 


The First American Steamboat was in- 
vented by a Marylander, James Runisey, 
born in Cecil County, Maryland. He was 
an engineer who invented machinery which 
propelled a boat on the Potomac River in 
1784. Later he applied the power of steam 
to his invention, which successfully oper- 
ated his boat by taking water in at the bow 
and expelling it with great force at the 
stern. This took place on December 3, 
1787, ten years prior to the time when 
Robert Fulton drove his steam-propelled 
craft on the Hudson River. At Shephards- 
town, W. Va., just across the river from 
Maryland, a monument has been erected in 
commemoration of this historic event. 


The first monument to Washington was 
erected in Baltimore City, 1815. Hence 
its name, The Monumental City. 


The first steamboat in the United States 
(Invented by James Rumsey, a Marylander) 
made its trial trip on the Potomac river 
in 1785. 


The Mid-Atlantic Conference of the Stu- 
dent Veterans Coordinating Committee was 
held last month at the University of Penn- 
sylvania. The Maryland Association of 
Veterans was represented by seven dele- 

Delegates from 28 Eastern colleges and 
universities attended the SVCC sessions. 

Campus Vet's Club representatives, led 
by Bill Kyriakys, president of the Club, 
included Lennsworth Cottrell, Mary Dullea, 
John Grady, Hugh Hoenicker, Florence 
Kretchmer, and James Robinson. 

Panel discussions resulted in many reso- 
lutions which were subsequently voted on 
in open meeting. 

An accepted resolution from the financial 
panel favors increasing subsistence allow- 



ances to $100 for a single veteran and for 
a married veteran $10 additional for 
each child, with a maximum allowance of 
$20. The SVCC also voted favoring raising 
ceilings on GI earnings, including govern- 
ment subsistence, to $250 for single veterans 
and $300 for married veterans. 

The panel on housing proposed a reso- 
lution, which was also accepted, favoring 
extension of rent controls at present levels. 

The majority of accepted resolutions were 
brought forward by the panel on academic 
problems. A recommendation to propose 
enlargement of college faculties to facilitate 
smaller classes was approved. The SVCC 
also went on record as favoring extending 
the time limitations of PL346, the GI Bill 
of Rights, to enable the veteran to attain 
his occupational objective. This is the sys- 
tem employed for disabled veterans attend- 
ing college under PL16. 

The conference voiced opposition to the 
increase of tuition costs by many univer- 
sities, in an attempt to receive a maximum 
of funds from the GI Bill appropriation. 
The "quota system" of college entrance, 
employed in some leading universities was 
also opposed by the delegates. 

The resolutions approved by the dele- 
gates, who represented 71,400 student vet- 
erans, will be presented to committees in 



Have you tried the delicious apple top 
ping for ice cream, cake, baked apple, or 
even plain bread pudding? If not, try it. 
suggests Miss Margaret McPheeters, nutri- 
tion specialist for the University of Mary- 
land extension service. You can keep it 
on hand and have it ready for use at all 

Just take 4 cups of chopped, tart, juicy 
apples and 1 cup of white or light syrup 
and cook until the apples are tender and 
the juice is thick. Flavor with fresh mint, 
or the mint flavoring. If the color is a pale 
green, add a little green coloring. 

You can make a quantity at a time and 
keep it in the refrigerator in jars. When 
ready to use, top your ice cream or dessert 
with this apple topping. Put on a peak 
of grated cocoa nut, fresh, canned or dried, 
and a bit of red jelly or a cherry. It is as 
lovely to look at, says Miss McPheeters, as 
it is delicious to taste. The natural color 
of the dessert with the red. white and green 
topping adds much to the enjoyment of 
the meal. 

Apples are like milk, eggs, potatoes and 
many other basic foods in that there seems 
to be no end to the variety of their uses. 
They are delicious in plain salads or des- 
serts; cooked they add much in flavor 
color and texture to anv dish. 



1632. June 20. Royal proprietary charter to 
Maryland granted to George Calvert 
(Lord Baltimore). 

1634. March 25. Settlement begins at Saint 

1648. Motto adopted: Fatti Maschii Parole 
Femine. Scuto Bonae Voluntatis 
Tuae Coronasti Mos. 

1649. Act for toleration of religions. 
1681. Controversy with Pennsylvania over 

boundaries begins; covers three- 
quarters of a century. 

1691. Royal provincial government super- 
sedes proprietary government. 

1715. Proprietary government restored. 

1761. Robert Strawbridge conducts in Car- 
roll County the first Methodist serv- 
ice in America, the church being or 
ganized in Baltimore in 1784. 

1774. September 5. Maryland represented 
in the First Continental Congress. 

1776. First State constitutional convention. 
Constitution not submitted to the 

1784. Cokesbury College, the first Metho- 
dist College in the world, opens at 

1786. Rev. John Carroll appointed by the 
Pope to be Apostolic Vicar, later be- 
coming the first archbishop of the 
United States. 

1791. Maryland cedes 61 square miles to 
the Federal Government for the seat 
of Government — District of Colum- 

1804. Coal is discovered near Frostburg. 
causing later the construction of the 
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, and the 
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. 

1807. Charter granted to the College of 
Medicine of Maryland. (University of 

1810. Property requirements for electors 
are abolished. 

1826. Chesapeake and Ohio Canal begun. 

1828. Charles Carroll of Carrollton lays 
the cornerstone of the Baltimore and 
Ohio Railroad — the oldest railroad 
on the Continent. 

I8.'((i. Roger B. Fancy becomes Chief Jus- 
tice of the United States. 

1839. Baltimore College of Dental Surgery 
organized, the first in the world. 

is II. Telegraph line constructed between 
Baltimore and Washington, the first 
in the world. 

1845. George Bancroft founds the United 
States Naval Academy at Annapolis. 

1850. Second constitutional convention 
meets. Adjourns May 13, 1851. New 
constitution, ratified In people, in 
force July 4, 1851. 

1656. Maryland Agricultural College char- 
tered, the second agricultural college 
in the Western Hemisphere. 

1864. Third constitutional convention. New 
constitution, which abolishes slavery, 
ratified by the people, and in force 
November 1. 

1867. Fourth constitutional convention. 
New constitution ratified by people, 
in force October 5. 

1920. The old University of Maryland 
(1807) consolidates with Maryland 
State College of Agriculture (1856) 
to become present University of 


Maryland participates in the Federal 
Constitutional Convention. 

1788. Federal Constitution ratified. 




THE Engineers have ragged ears, 
They love their pleasure hearty, 
They throw their janes 
through window panes . 
Each time they give a party. 


If Pocahontas hadn't saved that guy we 
wouldn't have any cough drops now and 
the phone book would only be about that 



Too many cooks spoil the 


Old but not bad, like the 
borderline egg, is the oldest 
engineer joke we know. 
Our old man pulled this 
one on the way home from 
Gentry Brothers Dog and 
Pony Show in 1901. Calla- 
han took his watch to the 
jeweler for drydock and 
overhaul. The jeweler 
opened the case and the 
cause of the stoppage, a 
dried up cockroach, dropped 
out. "No wonder it 
wouldn't run," moaned Cal- 
lahan, "the engineer is 
dead." (Faithful guy. Died 
at his post. Must have 
sneaked in there between 
the ticks.) 


Inspiration plus perspira- 
tion equals culmination of 

The Engineers are rough old dears. 
Then their's no hearts beat quicker, 
You can steal their women and their 

But don't you touch their likker! 

Girls who look sweet enough to eat, 
expect to. 


A gentleman is a wolf with his ears 
pinned back. 

When George Washington heaved thai 
dollar across the Rappahannock at Fred- 
ericksburg it was not such a great stunt 
A dollar went further in those days. Today 
it will get you a haircut yet. (But on the 
other hand we don't go far for a dollar 



• O 

It's too bad that nobody 
is ever actually bored to 


Most men will go to bat 
for good curves. 


Freshman at Zoo: "Where 
are the monkeys?" 

Senior: "They're in the 
back making love." 

Freshman: "Would they 
come out for peanuts?" 

Senior: "Would you?" 

Girls who keep on their 
toes keep away from heels. 

Teacher: "Junior, if I 
take 59 from 101, what's the 

Junior: "Yeah, that's 
what I say. To hell with 


The trouble with train- 
ing animals is that the 
trainer must know more than 
the animal. 

is attention without inten- 


A man-about-town often 
doesn't know just where 
he is. 


And then there was the 
ram who committed suicide 
when he heard Frank 
Sinatra sing "There'll Never 
Be Another Ewe." 


The guy who says his 
motor failed is using an old 


A woman's best asset is 
a man's imagination. 


A man chases a woman 
until she catches him. 

— O 

Marylander in Texas, 
"Looks like you'll have 

Texan, "Waal, hope so. 
Not so much for me but 
for my boy here. I've seen 


Overheard in the Varsity 
Grill: "Darling, I simply 
must watch my figure." So 
the sandwich maker leaned 
over the counter and asked, 
"Mind if I watch it for you?" 


"It might have been" is 
what puts the "if" in "life." 


Dresses that make women 
look slim make men look 




When the shortstop pro- 
posed to the millionaire's 
daughter she refused him. 
So he walked away mutter- 
ing. "No hits, no runs, no 


The best way to get ahead 
is to have one. 


When a fellow breaks a 
date he usually has to. 
When a girl breaks a date, 
she usually has two. 



"Oh Sheiky, look! Moitle just toined toitle!" 

Olc and Arvid fishing in Chesapeake Bay 
over the week end. Not a bite. 

"Ve ketch no fish here," moaned Ole, 
"\c pull heck to shore. Ve nefer come diss 
blace for fish no more." 

Disgustedly they began to row hack. 

"Ve yoost pull in here vun more blace," 
suggested Arvid. They did and filled tin- 
boat with fish. 

"Diss ban only goot blace in Chesapeake." 
commented Ole. "ve come beck here next 
veek und so ve be sure of same blace. 
Vrvid, you make take small piece chalk und 
make 'X' on side of boadt." 

"Dass ban silly business," replied Arvid, 
'making 'X' on side of boadt. Suppose ve 
come beck here next veek und dhey rent 
us a different boadt." 


The Engineers, they give three cheers, 
Because their ears won't stand for trim- 

They like their gamblin' and their beers 
But they run like hell from the wimmin'. 

Preacher, guest for dinner, "Why docs 
that little dog sit there glaring at me?" 

Junior. "You're eatin' off'n his plate!" 

"What is it? Tea or coffee?" 

"Dunno. The man didn't say." 

Heard at ROTC. "In case of gas attack 
what steps would you take?" 

"Real long ones." 


Hill billy juror, "Ah ain't influenced by 
arguments of the judge or the lawyers. 
Ah jist take a good look at the prisoner 
and reckon he's guilty because if he isn't 
what's he heah fo'?" 


I he little guy. hopeless, hapless and help- 
less, had just reported for R. O. T. C. in 
a uniform that remained at attention while 
he did about face. 

"What'U we do with him?", asked the 

"Put hini to cleaning rifles." replied the 

"But," asked the Captain, "who'll pull 
him through?" 

A wedding ring is like a tourniquet. 
Stops your circulation. 


Noisy, "Bring me some tomato juice for 
a pick up." 

Waiter, "O. K. and what will you have 
for yourself?" 


Wild oats make a lousy breakfast. 

Colored preacher, explaining hell, "You're 
all seen molten lava running down the 
side of a volcano. Well, at this place they 
use that lava for ice cream." 

The hardest thing about doing nothing 
is that you can't stop to rest. 

Italians now realize they have something 
in common with the Philistines. Both are 
sulfering catastrophe because of the jaw- 
bone of an ass. 


And then there was the mammy who 
named her children Eenie, Meenie, Miney 
and Edgar. She didn't want any Mo. 

Prof: "Give me a sentence containing 
a direct object." 

Delta: "You are very beautiful." 

Prof: "What is the object?" 

Delta: "A good grade." 


Father: "Young man, we turn the 
lights off in this house at 10:30." 

Terp. seated next to the man's daugh- 
ter: "Gee, that's darn nice of you." 

A Scotsman had to send an urgent tele- 
gram, and not wishing to spend more 
money than necessary wrote like this: 

"Bruises hurt erased afford erected analy- 
sis hurt too infectious dead." (Ten words.) 

The Scotsman who received it immedi- 
ately decided it was: "Bruce is hurt. He 
raced a Ford. He wreck it, and Alice is 
hurt, too. In fact she's dead." (Nineteen 


Professor Legree has just hung him- 

"Holy smokes! Have you cut him 

"No. He ain't dead yet." 

Nurse to Doctor: "He's not doing so 
well, Doctor; he quit chasing me around 
the bed." 


It's the cute little calves that make the 
men horse around. 


Scotchman pummcled to death. He 
thought the sign on the door said "Lad- 


Some men are so absentminded that 
finding a piece of rope in their hands 
confuses them. They don't know whether 
they have found a piece of rope or lost 
« horse. 


What's the matter with Snorky?" 
'His mother sent him an up-side-down cake.' 

"Git ovah thar, Dobbin'. Make room f'r 


The man in the moon isn't half as 
interesting as a lady in the sun. 

A sergeant, drilling a batch of recruits, 
saw that one of them was marching out of 
step. Going up to the man he said sar- 
castically, "Do you know, Bud, that every- 
one is out of step except you?" 

"What did you say?" inquired the rookie 

"I said everyone is out of step but youl" 

"Well," was the reply," You're in charge 
— you tell 'em!" 


The gag about the newly made leften- 
ant who leaped from a para plane, 
counted ten and pulled his rank is topped 
by the guy who asked, "When I jump 
what if this thing does not open?" "In 
that case," he was told, "you jump to a 


How to ask a guy in one word if he has 
had dinner, "JEET?" 


Li'l Rastus, "Ah's five yeahs old. How 
old is yo'?" 

Small Fry, "Ah dunno." 

Li'l Rastus, "Is yo' bothahed much by 

Small Fry, "No." 

Li'l Rastus, "Yo's fo'." 


Liquor kills a lot of people. Staying 
out late kills a lot of people. Smoking 
kills a lot of people. What kills all those 
people who live right? 


^ — r • v\s - 

lume XVIII 

MARCH, 1947 

Number Four 



A Message to 

. . . you! And . . . You! And . . . YOU! 

An important message to all 

MARYLAND, the publication of the alumni of the 
University of Maryland, hopes to keep pace, in size 
and appearance, with the rapid growth of the University 
as a whole. It is the intention to make the magazine a 
medium of expression which should represent adequately 
the University and the State. 

The University financed the first three issues of the 
magazine. ( Jopies were sent to all alumni whose addresses 
were available. The magazine needs sufficient alumni sup- 
port to finance in large part, if not completely, the publi- 

Also, plans are underway to develop, centralize, 
and vitalize an organization of alumni of the University, 
so that alumni strength and influence will be commensur- 
ate with the number of alumni. In this development the 
new publication plays a vital part. 

Please read the lead article under "Alumni News" 
in this issue. 

This magazine needs YOUR support 



MARCH. 1947 




~ M I HNI I I I I M \ll< >■ - 

Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and, entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class mail 
matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor. Jane W. Troy, Circulation Manager. Board of Managers, Alumni 
Association: Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21, Calvert Building, Baltimore, Md. Vice Chairman, Harry E. Haslinger, '33 4615 Fordham Rd., College Park, Md. 
Talbot T. Speer, '18; J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Hazel T. Tuemmler, '29; Charles V. Koons, '29; Agnes Gingell Turner, '33; Dr. Charles E. White, '23; James E. 
Andrews, '31. Secretary-Treasurer, David L. Brigham, '38 University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 


$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 

Twenty-five Cents the Copy 

Started 3n 1856 



Abraham Lincoln Signed 
Land-Grant Act in 1862 
and Far - Seeing Officials 
Visualized Great School. 

IT HAS been said that Maryland agricul- 
ture more nearly presents a miniature of 
agriculture in the United States than that 
of any other state. This is by way of saying 
that the agriculture of the Old Line State 
is unusually diversified. To serve that widely 
diversified agriculture is the function of the 
College of Agriculture of the University of 
Maryland. In rendering that service, the 
activities of the College extend to the farms 
and homes throughout the entire state. 

By way of contrast with the conditions as 
they exist today, a bit of history is of inter- 
est. The so-called Land-Grant Act, which 
was the beginning of agricultural educa- 
tional institutions in most all of the states, 
was signed by President Abraham Lincoln 
in 1862. In Maryland, far-seeing individuals 
had recognized the need for systematic 
training in that important field and had 
taken steps to provide it. As early as 1856, 
the Maryland Agricultural College was 
chartered as a privately owned and operated 
institution. Thus, it was natural that when 
the General Assembly of Maryland accepted 
the grant under the Land-Grant Act, the 
Maryland Agricultural College was named 
as the beneficiary. At that time it became, 
at least in part, a State institution. In 1920 
the Agricultural College became a part of 
the University of Maryland. 

To Help Farmers 

While the founders of the agricultural 
college no doubt had in mind that agricul- 
ture would be taught in much the same 
way that liberal arts were being taught at 
that time, the needs for different types of 
information soon became apparent, not only 
for use in teaching classes, but in helping 
farmers to solve their problems. This need 
was felt not onlv in Maryland but in other 
states and resulted in the Hatch Act of 
1887, which provided for federal support 

for agricultural experiment stations. Mary- 
land, like most of the other states, estab- 
lished its experiment station in connection 
with its agricultural college. Such an ar- 
rangement permits a large percentage of 
the personnel to do both teaching and 

After the experiment stations had been 
in operation for some twenty to twenty-five 
years and the accumulating results of their 
research were becoming constantly more 
valuable, another great need became in- 
creasingly apparent. It was noted that much 
more was known about agriculture, about 
new and better methods, ways to reduce 
or prevent losses from insects and diseases, 
and many other problems, than was being 
put into general practice on the farms. 
There was need for getting the information 
to the people on their farms in ways that 
they could easily understand. In the case 
of new or different methods, it was essential 
that they be brought to the farmers in a 
way that they could follow in their own 

The Smith-Lever Act 

To meet this need, the Federal Govern- 
ment enacted the Smith-Lever Act in 1914. 
which provided for establishing an exten- 
sion service in agriculture and home eco- 
nomics in each state. Cooperative agricul- 
tural extension work under this act was to 
"consist of the giving of instruction and 
practical demonstrations in agriculture and 
home economics to persons not attending 
or resident in said colleges, and imparting 
to such persons information on said subjects 
through field demonstrations, publications, 
and otherwise." 

This type of agricultural education was 
just getting started when the country was 
confronted with the problems and emer- 
gencies of Woild War I. The service that 
could be rendered in :f.< *Y>od production 
and conservation measures and other war- 
time r.ctivities by trained agricultural and 
home demonstration agents in the counties 
was recognized and the organization was 
pushed as rapidly as possible. Maryland 
was one of the first states, if not the first. 


This fine new structure is soon to be erected on Maryland's campus 


Dean T. B. Symons, Head of Maryland's College 
of Agriculture 

to place a county agricultural and home 
demonstration agent in each county, and it 
has maintained that record. 

Other acts by the Federal Government 
and by the State have provided for growth 
and expansion of the three lines of agricul- 
tural education which culminated in the 
College of Agriculture as it is known today. 

There is still a fourth service to agricul- 
ture, and to other citizens of the state, that 
is centered in the College of Agriculture; 
namely, the regulatory work. In this re- 
spect, the organization in Maryalnd is 
unique. By act of the General Assembly, 
the Board of Regents of the University of 
Maryland and the Maryland State Board of 
Agriculture are one and the same. Certain 
regulatory measures, such as inspection of 
greenhouses and nurseries, control of insect 
pest and disease outbreaks, which are func- 
tions of the State Board of Agriculture, are 
delegated to the proper persons or depart- 
ments of the College of Agriculture. It is 
under such delegated authority that the 
State Entomologist, State Pathologist, State 
Veterinarian, and others conduct their work. 

Four Lines Of Service 

Experience through the years has con- 
vinced those in authority that the close 
coordination of the four lines of service in 
one organization makes for efficiency and 
economy, and avoids duplication and possi- 
bilities of friction and misunderstanding. 
Instructors in the several departments are 
closely associated with the research, exten- 
sion and regulatory work being carried on 
in their respective fields and in many cases 
devote a portion of their time to one or 
more of these types of activities. Close co- 
ordination of the four types of work enables 
the University to provide a stronger faculty 
in the College of Agriculture, and affords 
a higher degree of specialization than would 
otherwise be possible. It insures instructors 
an opportunity to keep informed on the 
latest results of research, and to be con- 
stantly in touch with current trends and 
problems that are revealed in extension and 


regulatory activities. Heads of departments 
hold staff conferences to this end, so that 
the student at all times is close to the 
developments one the frontiers of the several 
fields of knowledge. 

Young men and women are given a basic 
general education while they are being in- 
structed in the various brandies of agricul- 
ture. It is the objective to provide trained 
personnel for agricultural and allied indus- 

Courses Offered 

The College provides courses for those 
who wish to engage in general farming. live 
stock production, dairying, poultry hus 
bandry, fruit or vegetable growing, flori- 
culture or ornamental horticulture, field 
crop production, or in the highly scientific 
activities connected with these industries. 
It prepares men to serve as farm managers, 
for positions with commercial concerns re- 
lated to agriculture, for responsible posi- 
tions as teachers in agricultural colleges and 
in departments of vocational agriculture in 
high schools, or as investigators in experi- 
ment stations, for extension work, for regu- 
latory activities, and for service in the U. 
S. Department of Agriculture. Graduates 
are now holding responsible positions in 
practically all of these fields. 

Twelve Departments 

As now organized, the College of Agricul- 
ture includes twelve departments: Agricul- 
tural Chemistry; Agricultural Education 
and Rural Life; Agricultural Engineering; 
Agronomy; Animal Husbandry; Botany; 
Dairy Husbandry (including Dairy Manu- 
facturing); Entomology; Farm Management 
and Agricultural Economics; Horticulture, 
Poultry Husbandry; Veterinary Science; 
and Marketing. From the numerous courses 
offered in these departments a student can 
find training to fit himself for most any 
career in agriculture or allied fields which 
he desires to enter. Naturally, the courses 
offered are changing constantly in accord- 
ance with the changes and trends in Agri- 
culture. Rapid development of the poultry 
industry in Maryland during the last few 
years, for example, has resulted in the addi- 
tion of many new courses and different 
types of courses in that field. Mechaniza- 
tion of farm and home operations, together 
with such developments as freezing of foods. 


ChamDion Ram — Southdown flock, 
University of Maryland 

has required additional and different in- 
struction. Other such changes and trends 
are constantly affecting the courses offered 
by the College of Agriculture, as it is neces- 
sary for it to not only keep abreast of 
developments, but to train leaders for the 

In order that the work of the College 
shall be responsive to agricultural interests 
and shall adequately meet the needs of the 
varied agricultural industries in the state, 
and that the courses of instruction shall at 
all times be made most helpful for students, 
advisory councils have been constituted. 
These councils are composed of leaders in 
the respective lines of agriculture in Mary- 
land. By this means the College, the indus- 
tries and the students are kept abreast of 

The Experiment Station 

When Maryland farmers have a problem, 
the first agency to attempt to find a solution 
is the Agricultural Experiment Station. In 
general, it is a "trouble-shooter" for the 
farmers of the state. 

Maryland agriculture is made up of forty 
thousand small, individual businesses. The 
problems that confront such complex and 
diversified businesses are as numerous and 
perplexing as those of any other business. 
! lure is not sufficient capital or income 
so that one farm can conduct the research 
necessary to cope with its problems. Hence, 
the research laboratories and facilities at the 
Experiment Station are for Maryland agri- 
culture what the research laboratories are 
for large corporations. 

Scientists of the Station are constantly 
seeking to develop varieties and strains of 
crops that give higher yields of better 
quality, and that are more resistant to the 
ravages of diseases and insects. They are 
working for breeds and types of livestock 
and poultry that give greater returns for the 
feed, labor and care given them. Improve- 
ments in marketing, in management, in the 
design and construction of farm buildings, 
the adaption and use of farm machinery 
and equipment all come within the scope 
of investigators. 

The College Goes to the People 

A new variety of barley, developed by the 
Maryland Station, is free from tlu barbs that 
make bark) so disagreeable to handle. It 
is now the principal variety grown in the 
state and the acreage in that crop has 
greatly increased. A variety of sweet potato, 
the "Maryland Golden," brings premium 
prices on the market. A new peach, the 
"Redskin," demonstrated superiority in sev- 
eral respects and is being planted exten- 
sively. A number of new varieties of pota- 
toes have been introduced, some of which 
are particularly resistant to the most de- 
structive diseases. As a result of the Experi- 
ment Station's efforts in locating and testing 
strains of hybrid seed corn and its assistance 
in providing seed of adapted strains, the 
farmers of Maryland are able to use this 
higher yielding seed on more than three- 
fourths of their corn acreage. A new strain 
of hogs that is being developed in coopera- 
tion wth the Federal Government promises 
to be especially adapted to conditions in this 
slate. The list could be continued almost 

Facts and methods developed by research 
assume their real value only when they be- 
come general practice of the people on the 


Cattle and Dairy Barns 


Used for instruction at the University of Maryland 

farms and in the homes. The Extension 
service is the division of the College of 
Agriculture that is designed to help farm 
people take full advantage of all the know- 
ledge available that will enable them to 
improve their standards of living. 

In each Maryland county there is an agri- 
cultural agent and a home demonstration 
agent, and in many counties there are assist- 
ant agents. They are not only trained and 
experienced in the latest and best informa- 
tion, but they are residents of the respective 
counties, neighbors of those whom they 
serve, and know their conditions and prob- 
lems at first hand. Back of these agents in 
the counties is a group of specialists. It is 
the job of each specialist to keep thoroughly 
informed in his or her particular field and 
to assist both the agents and the people 
with problems that arise, as well as help 
plan programs and procedures for develop- 
ment of their respective lines. 

Two features have been prominent in ex- 
tension work. The people themselves have 
had a dominant part in determining the 
programs to be carried out, and the pri- 
mary aim is to help people help themselves. 
This obviously has made for close coopera- 
tion between extension workers and the 
people in their counties. It has resulted in 
the training of leaders who greatly magnify 
the work that extension workers could do as 

Farm And Home Visits 

By demonstrations, meetings, visits 10 
farms and homes, visits at the offices of 
agents, publications, letters, telephone, 
radio, exhibits, tours, and other means, the 
extension workers are in constant contact 
with rural people. Last year, for example, 
they made 27,416 farm and home visits to 
13,925 different farms and homes. They 
had 78,857 calls at their offices and 112,109 
telephone calls relating to their work. They 
distributed more than 80,000 bulletins on 
subjects of interest to people in their coun- 
ties and conducted 8,000 demonstrations. 

The work of the Extension Service is 
organized for the benefit of all members of 
the familv, the men, women, bovs and girls. 
There is a place for the boy and girl who is 
old enough to carry out a simple project, 
and also for the father and mother and 

older youth. The ultimate objective is to 
develop a more satisfying and pleasant 
rural life. Extension workers have an active] 
part in any efforts that are made for com- 
munity and home improvement, as well as 
in helping to make the farm enterprise more 
successful and profitable and the farm home 
more comfortable, convenient and attrac- 
tive. Development of leadership and cul- 
tural attainment are results of the work 
that cannot be measured. Bringing to rural 
people accurate but unbiased information 
regarding the broad questions, which have 
developed as an aftermath of war, is an 
example of the tasks and responsibilities 
that come to extension workers with chang- 
ing conditions. 

The work with boys and girls is carried 
on through 4-H clubs, the H's standing for 
development of the head, heart, hands and 
health, which indicates its breadth. The 
13,000 boys and girls enrolled last year car- 
ried out one or more definite projects, such 
as growing a home garden, raising dairy or 
beef animals, or hogs, growing potatoes or 
raising chickens, canning food, or making 
or repairing garments. But, all work and 
no play is not wholesome for young per- 
sons, so that 4-H club training gives atten- 
tion to recreation, cultural and social 

Regulatory Services 

Certain regulations pertaining to agricul- 
tural products, or products connected with 
agriculture, have been considered in the 
public interest by the General Assembly 
and laws have been enacted for their en- 
forcement. These include laws requiring 
inspection of nurseries and greenhouses, the 
dairy inspection law, fresh egg law, provi- 
sions for assuring the health of plants and 
animals brought into the state, the en- 
forcement of quarantines to control out- 
breaks of insect pests and diseases, and a 
number of other regulations. Federal-State 
inspection of a number of products is pro- 
vided for those who desire to have official 
certification as to the quality of their 

In carrying out all of these measures, it 
is the aim to make them as educational as 
possible, with a view to helping producers 
understand and appreciate what makes for 
good quality. The required inspections, in 

a large percentage of cases, are demonstra- 
tions in the things that are needed for 

Cooperation With Other Agencies 

With the many agencies and organiza- 
tions that are working for the improvement 
of agriculture and rural life in Maryland, 
full cooperation is essential. Since the Col- 
lege of Agriculture is an educational agency, 
it is able to give effective cooperation. It 
has the cordial support of all the farm and 
home organizations and works closely with 
the Federal agencies carrying on agricul- 
tural programs in the state. 


Agricultural and civic leaders of Mary- 
land joined with officials of the University 
of Maryland in laying the cornerstone for 
the new College of Agriculture Building 
on February 6th. 

The ceremonies began at 11:30 A.M. with 
assembly at the Administration Building. 

At high noon Dr. T. B. Symons, Dean 
of the College of Agriculture and Director 
of Extension Service, presided at the laying 
of the cornerstone. 

Invocation was by the Reverend Nathan- 
ial Acton, followed by the singing of 
"America" led by Professor Harlan Randall. 

Greeting were extended by Judge William 
P. Cole, Jr., Chairman of the University's 
Board of Regents. 

The actual placing of the cornerstone 
was attended to by Thomas R. Brookes, 
Harry H. Nuttle, and Phillip C. Turner, 
members of the Board of Regents; Dr. 
A. F. Woods, former President and Dr. 
H. J. Patterson former Dean and President. 

Edward F. Holter, Master, Maryland 
State Grange, extended greetings as did 
also. C. E. Wise. Jr., Secretary of the Mary- 
land Farm Bureau; Walter Burrall, Chair- 
man, State Association of Soil Conservation 
District Supervisors; Mrs. Earl Gosweiler, 
President, State Council of Homemakers' 
Clubs; Holmes Baker, President, State Coun- 
cil of 4-H Clubs. 

Dr. W. B. Kemp. Director of the Experi- 
ment Station, officiated at depositing papers 
in the cornerstone. This included a copy 
of "MARYLAND" Magazine. Professor 
Randall led in the singing of "Maryland, 
My Maryland." 

The gathering recessed for luncheon at 
the Prince Georges Country Club where 
Dr. H. C. Byrd, President of the University 
of Maryland, extended greetings. 

Hon. Hall Hammond, Attorney General, 
and Hon. Lansdale G. Sasscer, member of 
Congress from Maryland, also spoke. 

Dr. Hugh H. Burnett, Chief, U. S. Soil 
Conservation Service, delivered the feature 
address, "The Cornerstone of Agriculture." 

Introduced at the luncheon were the 
members of the Maryland General Assem- 
bly and Representatives of various agri- 
cultural organizations. 

Committee on Arrangements: Paul E. 
Nystrom, Chairman; E. M. Davis, John 
Cotton, E. I. Oswald, A. H. Snyder, Mark 
Shoemaker, George Langford, Harlan 

Farmers are planning greater use of 
mechanical power, heavier implements, and 
more power implements. 40 percent plan to 
buy some type of motor vehicle. 

important Uo {Agriculture 


Soil Conservation Laws De- 
signed to Protect, in Six 
Basic Land Areas the His- 
toric Soil of Maryland. 

CONSIDER the words "real estate." In 
common usage tlie words bring to 
mind property, i.e., houses, lots, farms. But 
the words mean more than that. A nation 
has many "estates." Its "rial" esiate, how- 
ever, the "estate" on which the very nation 
itself is founded is its so-called real estate, 
the ground, the soil. 

The Germans call it "grund eigenthum" 
or "ground ownership," possession of the 
soil upon which you stand and live. 

Soil, what it contains and what it pro- 
duces, basically is the real wealth of the 
nation. Only recently have we learned how 
to conserve this wealth, and Maryland was 
one of the first of the forty-eight states to 
enact legislation to make effective such 

Legislature Acts 

In 1937 Maryland agricultural leaders, 
after conferences embodying the best agri- 
cultural thought, including the State Uni- 
versity Extension Service and Agricultural 
Experiment Station, decided to ask the Gov- 
ernor and the Legislature to consider a bill 
to create soil conservation districts. The 
Legislature looked upon the proposal so 
favorably that it passed the Soil Conserva- 
tion Districts Law without a dissenting vote. 
As a result, what was thought at the time 
might be an experiment, has proved an 
ideal mechanism for soil conservation work 
and has prevented waste of much of the 
State's rich land. 

The Law provides for local regulation 
and control. It puts the job and the respon- 
sibility in the hands of the land owners 

and operators. It gives the 
farmers a needed method 
for working together. It en- 
aliles them to meet a com- 
munity problem with com- 
munity action. The law 
also provides a legally or- 
ganized channel to coordin- 
ate the activities of public 
and private, local, state, and 
federal agencies without du- 
plication or overlapping, 
without waste of effort or 

The Soil Conservation 
Districts Law passed by 
Maryland in 1937 has pro- 
duced in Maryland one of 
the most effective examples 
of democratic cooperation 
that exists in America. 

Under this law, Maryland 
farmers have organized 22 
soil conservation districts, 
covering twenty-one of the 
twenty-three counties of 
the State. All these dis- 
tricts are in operation. 
Some are well along with 
their jobs, others are just 
getting started. 

Unanimous Approval 

The Maryland Legisla- 
ture was unanimous in its 
approval of the Soil Con- 
servation Districts Law be- 
cause many of its members 
were farmers and they and 
the agricultural leaders of 
the State had already learned that educa- 
tion was not enough to get the job 
done. They knew that demonstrations, while 
helpful, were inadequate because of the 
magnitude and complexity of the total job. 
Maryland had learned the bitter lesson, that 
individual action on isolated farms was not 


It is no respecter of fences 


An airview of farmland. 

sufficient to meet the problem of soil ero- 
sion. It had learned that erosion is no 
respecter of fence lines of farm boundaries 
and that, along with individual action, cora- 
munitv action is necessary. Further, it knew 
the highest type of technical advice and 
action was needed. Maryland had learned 
there is no standard remedy that can be 
applied everywhere, because each acre of 
land, like each human being, is different 
from the next. 

The public has a vested interest in its 
soil resources, and thereby an obligation to 
tance should be educational and technical, 
assist the land owner. Obviously, that assis- 
It should involve equipment and materials, 
but should not take from the individual 
land owner, nor from the community, the 
responsibility for the job. 

Maryland has six basic land areas: East- 
ern Shore. Southern Maryland, Piedmont, 
Great Valley, Potomac Section, and Middle 
Vllegany Plateau. Conservation problems 
are diversified. For example, on the Eastern 
Shore two principal problems are construc- 
tion of main outlet ditches, in cooperation 
with local tax ditch associations, and im- 
provement of individual farm drainage. 
Throughout most of the rest of the slate the 
main job is to prevent soil washing by 
runoff rainwater. 

Only Five Percent 

Onl\ li\c percent of the land in Maryland 
farms is suitable for cultivation without soil 

conservation practices. Sixty-Six percent of 
the land in farms is suitable for cultivation 
if protected by erosion control practices, by 
moisture conservation measures, or by drain- 
age. An additional eight percent of the 
farmland may be cultivated occasionally, 
but is better adapted to the production of 
perennial hay and grass. About 20 percent 
of the farmland should be used only for 
pasture or woods, while about one percent 
is not suitable for farming, but may have 
value for wildlife or recreational use. 

Another major problem is adjustment to 
bring about better land use. About eight 
percent of the present cropland is better 
adapted to permanent pasture or woodland 
and should be converted to those uses. 

These estimates are based on Soil Con- 
servation Service Surveys covering more 
than three million acres, or about 48 per- 
cent of the land area of the State. 

Maryland's soil-conservation-districts act 
gave farmers authority to organize districts 
as legal subdivisions of the state. It set up 
a State Soil Conservation Committee under 
the Board of Regents of the University 
of Maryland and the Maryland State Board 
of Agriculture. It directed the committee 
to aid in formation of districts by farmers, 
and to guide their operation. It set forth 
procedures to lie followed, and defined the 
functions and powers of district boards of 

Educational Spark Plug 

Soil conservation districts are organized 
by the farmers through petition, public 
hearing, and referendum, with the guidance 
and help of the State Committee and the 
Extension Service. The educational spark- 
plug in organization and functioning of 
districts is the county agricultural exten- 
sion agent who, when the board of super- 
visors takes office, usually acts as secretary. 

The supervisors first prepare a conserva- 
tion program for the district, a program 
outlining the facts of the present and the 
goals for the future. Along with the pro- 
gram, they prepare a work plan, which 
sets forth specific means of getting the job 
done. Thus, farmers and their supervisors 
representatives decide for themselves what 
they want to do, and how to do it. Be- 
cause they are working together in a co- 
operative enterprise, they are able to launch 
a constructive program that gets things 
done. The program and the work plan 
are the district's own guide to a better 

Because the problems of Maryland dis- 
tricts are chiefly erosion control and farm- 
land drainage, all have agreements with the 
Soil Conservation Service of the U. S. De- 
partment of Agriculture, the agency which 
receives appropriations from the Congress 
to give technical assistance to districts upon 
request. Specialists in soil conservation and 
land use are assigned to the board of super- 
visors to provide technical aid to carry out 
the district's program. 

The district's programs are carried out 
along clearly defined lines by the super- 
visors. They coordinate the work of the 
Extension Service, which contributes its 
educational facilities and experience on 
general agriculture, with the work of the 
Soil Conservation Service technicians, who 
help individual farmers to develop con- 
servation plans for every acre and to in- 
stall the practices on the land. 


No place for farmland. 

Many other agencies, and numerous pri- 
vate organizations contribute to the dis- 
trict's program; the work is blended into 
the overall plan of the supervisors who 
actively manage and control the district's 

Maryland districts receive funds through 
the State Committee by appropriation of 
the State Legislature. In some instances, 
county commissioners have voted funds, 
chiefly for group enterprises, such as main 
drainage outlets. Districts obtain the use of 
equipment needed to carry out their pro- 
gram from state and county highway de- 
partments, the University, and the Soil 
Conservation Service. Frequently, equip- 
ment is purchased by the supervisors. Quite 
often, the supervisors negotiate with pri- 
vate contractors to provide equipment and 
operators. In all instances, individual farm- 
ers pay the district rental fees for equip- 
ment used to install conservation practices 
on their land. 

Remarkable Progress 

The farmer living in a soil conservation 
district receives assistance on erosion control, 
drainage and land use problems upon ap- 
plication to the supervisors. 

Service to the farmer-cooperator through 
the district is limited only by his own re- 
sources, the number of technicians and their 
work load, and the amount of equipment 
and other resorces available to the district. 

Maryland districts have made remarkable 
progress. Consider that districts were or- 
ganized one by one. Between 1938 and 
1941, 8 were formed. By 1944, 9 others 
had been organized. Five more came into 
being during 1945-46. Then, too, there 
were shortages of equipment and man- 
power during the war years. Despite these 
factors, a magnificent beginning has been 

To date, the farmers and technicians in 
districts have developed 3,686 conservation 
farm plans, or 10 percent of the total job 
on 14 percent of the acreage. Conserva- 
tion plans have been carried out on 6 per- 
cent of the farmland in districts. Each year 
accomplishments are recorded at an ac- 
celerating rate. For instance, the goal dur- 
ing 1946 is to accomplish twice as much 
soil conservation 1 as in any previous year. 
The Harford County District supervisors 

expect to complete 90 percent of their pro- 
gram within 10 years. 

What this means in terms of increased 
production, without waste of soil resources, 
is shown in the following figures on per- 
acre yield increases reported by farmers: 
corn, 25 per cent; tomatoes, 17 percent; 
wheat, 18 percent; clover and timothy hay, 
15 percent; alfalfa, 33 percent; pasture car- 
rying capacity (animal units) 100 percent; 
milk production, 23 percent. In general, 
conservation farmers in districts find their 
acre production goes up an average of 20 
percent after a complete conservation plan 
has been installed. 


Here are a few major accomplishments in 
districts on individual farm practices 
planned: contour strip cropping, 58,210 
acres; pasture treatment, 76,061 acres; farm 
drainage, 75,545 acres; reforestation, 5,730 

A good start has been made on group 
drainage enterprises. Thirteen such projects, 
benefiting 19,482 acres on 143 farms, have 
been completed. Drainage practices include 
66 miles of ditches, 44 acres of bank man- 
agement, and 730 acres cleared. 

Results of drainage work are far-reaching. 
For example, a survey of 67 farms in Caro- 
line, Queen Anne. Kent and Somerset Coun- 
ties showed that per-acre yields were 
doubled after proper drainage. An addi- 
tional benefit is that, through drainage, 
pressure is removed from steeply rolling 
lands better suited to pasture or hay, and 
such lands can be taken out of row-crop 
cultivation, to achieve better land use. 

Virtually all agricultural, local, state and 
Federal public forces and agencies in Mary- 
land are worked together to get these re- 
sults. In no other way could so eflective a 
job have been done. And just as surelv as 
great progress has been made, the farm 
people and the State look ahead to an 
expanded program which will, in its results, 
be fully as significant. 

Maryland presents its achievements in 
meeting soil conservation problems as an 
outstanding example of what can be accom- 
plished by locally organized soil conserva- 
tion districts with effective and wholehearted 
cooperation between the Slate and Federal 

3ng,enuity, of 3armerA 


University of Maryland 
offers Facilities for Train- 
ing Students as Both Agri- 
culturists and Engineers. 

(By c4. V. Krewatcn 

Extension Agriculture Engineer 

DURING the war period, Maryland 
farmers converted time into increased 
production. They were asked to produce 
more than ever before with less help, with 
high-wage competition of industry, and 
with less new machinery than was avail- 
able before the war. 

Much credit for this record accomplish- 
ment goes to the farmers for their long 
hours on the job and to their ingenuity in 
utilizing and adapting the farm machinery 
and electric equipment that was available 
to them. Farm mechanization has advanced 
so rapidly during the last few years that, 
with new practices to be developed and new 
machines to be perfected, one can no longer 
think of the College of Agriculture, which 
represents in its various departments a cross- 
section of the agriculture of the State, with- 
out realizing that there are engineering 
aspects in nearly every phase of research, 
teaching, and extension in every department 
of the College of Agriculture. 

500 Bushels A Day 

Maryland farmers are now picking and 
housing 500 bushels of corn a day with 
two men, a corn picker, a tractor, a wagon 


Agricultural Engineering Department used in pea-aphid control. 

with unloading devices, and elevators with 
electric motors. Proper drying and storage 
facilities are needed. Hav is made ready for 
storage by a one-man baler. Fast milking 
along with proper sanitation and operation 
of equipment, is reducing chore time, pro- 
ducing clean milk and maintaining health- 
ier animals. They are washing, cooling, and 
packaging green vegetables ready for the 
table; delivering 30 to 40 millions of pounds 
of vegetables and berries to freezing plants; 
and storing their own food supplies in 
locker plants and farm freezers. They proc- 
ess home-grown grains with little attention 
to t lie electrified equipment which does the 
job of grinding and mixing while the 
farmer does his chores. All of these accomp- 


One man, a wagon with a canvas apron on the bottom, and an electric elevator handle the corn from 

the corn picker to the crib. 

lishments are the results of new ideas in 
mechanization, efficient arrangement of 
equipment and buildings, and improved 

The work of the departments of the Col- 
lege of Agriculture are so closely interre- 
lated that the staffs of each work as one in 
their efforts to obtain a solution to a prob- 
lem, improve a method, or develop a new 
product or practice. 

Mechanical Age 

In this age of mechanization, farmers and 
the major departments of the College of 
Agriculture alike use the assistance of agri- 
cultural engineers to put ideas into practice 
or to conduct research projects in which 
engineering plays an important part. Proj- 
ects such as dehydration (whether it be hay, 
grains, hybrid seed corn, fruits, or vegeta- 
bles), concentrated sprays, maintaining 
quality of eggs, cooling and storing poultry 
products, sweet potato storages, food and 
freezing work, developing tobacco harvest- 
ing machinery, improving tobacco housing 
methods and structures, home and farm 
building modernization offer evidence of 
this interrelation and cooperative effort be- 
tween Agricultural Engineering and the 
other departments. 

Agricultural Engineering students in the 
University of Maryland are trained in both 
the fields of agriculture and engineering 
and graduate with degrees from both col- 
leges. A five-year course of study is re- 
quired to complete this curriculum. 

Farm machinery work, so important to 
Agricultural Engineering teaching as well 
as being in line with present farm mechani- 
zation, covers all phases of application, ad- 
justment, maintenance, and repair of the 
major types of machinery used on Mary- 
land farms. A farm machinery laboratory of 
adequate size is a real need. This same labo- 
ratory, once made available, would serve, in 
addition to teaching needs, for Rural Elec- 
trification short courses, 4-H Club training 
schools, tractor schools, and demonstration 
of equipment and labor-saving operations 
to the farm people at times of meetings or 
individual visits. 

Farm mechanics training requires a farm- 
type shop with adequate benches and tools 
for laboratory work. Classrooms where 
equipment can be conveniently brought be- 
fore classes for good method demonstration 
teaching are essential for effective instruc- 

Farm buildings, gas engines, tractors, and 
farm drainage all have their place in the 
teaching program along with the major 
courses in Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, 
and Engineering, both basic and applied. 

The Agricultural Engineering Depart- 
ment was established in 1918 with one man. 
In 1946, five persons were doing their best 
to meet the needs in research, teaching, and 
extension in the fields of farm structures, 
home and farm electrification, farm ma- 
chines and power equipment, land drain- 
age, crop processing and storages, home 
utilities, fire prevention, farm safety, and 
improved labor-saving methods and devices. 

The growth of this department of the 
College of Agriculture is naturally to be 
expected if the college is to keep pace with 
the rapid mechanical advancement in the 
various fields of the farming industry. 

Must Keep Pace 

In this postwar period, engineering appli- 
cations will have to prove their worth. The 
facilities and staff of the College as a whole 
must be prepared to keep abreast of new 

Among the most immediate and pressing 
problems will be those of cutting produc- 
tion costs. Farm prices can be expected to 
drop. If production efficiency can be made 
to keep pace with price reductions, the 
farmers may lose but little net income. 

Many factors can contribute to keeping 
farm income up. Carefully planned and 
organized marketing programs are essential. 
However, time- and labor-saving equipment 
and practices will be equally important and 
will represent a vital factor in successful 
conduct of the big business of farming. 


Marvin E. McGaha, Greenbelt. Maryland, 
a senior in the College of Agriculture, Uni- 

versity of Maryland, received the 
Borden Agricultural Scholarship Award, the 
University has announced. 

The award is presented by the Borden 
Company of New York City to the senior 
student in the College of Agriculture who 
has taken at least two dairy courses, and 
who has achieved the highest average grade 
in his first three years of college study. Mr. 
McGaha's scholastic average for the first 
three years of college work is 3.65. Similar 
awards are made at 18 other agricultural 
colleges by the Borden Company. 


Professor George J. Abrams, Entomology, 
University of Maryland's College of Agri- 
culture, addressed the Maryland State Bee- 
keeper's Association at Cumberland last 

His subject was "Teachers of Maryland 
Bee Culture." 

- 4H 




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Malvin E. McGaha of Greenbelt, Maryland, a senior in the College of Agriculture at the University of 
Maryland, receiving the $300 Borden Agricultural Scholarship award from William V. Cobey (left), cashier 

of the University of Maryland. 
Left to right in the picture are: William W. Cobey, cashier; Dr. H. F. Cotterman, Dean of the Faculty 
and Chairman of the Scholarship Committee; and Dr. G. W. Cairns, Head of the Department of Dairy 
Husbandry and Chairman of the Special Borden award committee in the College of Agriculture; and 

Mr. McGaha. 


Large enough to accommodate the important farm machines and power units provide students the 
opportunity to study design, operation, maintenance, and repair. 


Winners in the 1946 4-H Canning Crops 
Project were announced by Milo S. Downey, 
State Boys' Club Agent, at the University 
of Maryland. 

First place went to Kenneth Harshman 
fiom Myersville in Frederick County, Sec- 
ond and Third places were awarded How- 
ard Streaker, Jr., of West Friendship, 
Howard County, and Thomas Scarborough 
of Street, Harford County, respectively. 
Prizes of S50, $35, and S15, were presented 
the winners by the Baltimore and Ohio 

Harshman's winning field of peas was a 
three acre lot which averaged 1.77 tons per 
acre. The other two winners produced sweet 
corn for canning: Streaker's lOi/i acres aver- 
aged 3.75 tons per acre and Scarborough 
had a 3 acre field which produced 2.1 tons 
per acre. 

"Purpose of the contest," Downey said, 
"was to interest farm boys and girls in 
better crop production methods and to give 
each of them an opportunity to learn how 
his achievements compare with those of 
others in the State." 


Maryland 4-H Club members celebrated 
the nationwide 4-H Club Week which came 
this year on March 1 to 9. 

Mylo S. Downey, State Boys' Club Agent 
at the University of Maryland reports that 
the State 4-H Council, which met for its 
ninth annual conference in Baltimore re- 
cently, planned one-day tours for 4-H Clubs 
to Annapolis. Rural youth from all parts 
of the State took part in a brief program 
and the day's activities were completed by 
a tour of the capital city. 

Officers of the Council are: Holmes Baker, 
Frederick County, president; Oscar Schmidt. 
Queen Anne's, vice-president; and Myra 
Byers, Cecil County, secretary. 

I HIS is 

Senior in the Colleqe 
of Business and Public 


Barbara, who lives at 

3714 Mohawk Ave., 


strikes a pose as a 

farm girl to conform 

with this Agriculture 

issue of 


M,ary,land Jarmerd cAnAwered Challenge 


HOW to produce more food with less 
labor was one of the many baffling 
wartime problems dropped into the lap of 
the Extension Service of the College of 

Wartime demands for food were insati- 
able. There was a huge army and navy 
to feed. Our lighting allies needed all the 
food we could send them and, with more 
money in their pockets, American con- 
sumers demanded more food, too. Yet the 
farmers' labor supply had marched off to 
war or to work in war plants. Machinery 
to replace hand labor was not available, 

Yet, somehow, Maryland farmers rose to 
the occasion. Rallied by Extension workers 
and farm leaders, they turned out 40 per- 
cent more food with 30 percent less labor. 
They worked longer hours. Their wives 
and daughters pitched in and helped. They 
exchanged labor and machinery. They de- 
vised all sorts of short cuts and labor- 
saving techniques. They reached a new 
high in efficiency. 

War Took Usual Workers 

Most farmers could find the means of 
getting the crops planted and cultivated. 
To get them harvested was the real prob- 
lem. It was then that large crews of labor 
were required. These had formerly come 
from the small villages and the towns 
or had migrated northward with the ad- 
vancing seasons from southern states. These 
workers had been lured by higher wages 
into war plants and there were no adequate 

In the spring of 1943 the farmers were 
urged by Uncle Sam to plant huge crops 
and to raise record numbers of livestock. 
They were assured that the necessary har- 
vest labor would be provided by the Ex- 
tension Service which was then charged 
with that responsibility by the Federal 

Labor assistants were employed to help 
the County Agents. Committees of ingen- 
ious farmers were appointed by County 
Agents to help them. These were later 
incorporated into cooperative Farm Labor 
associations. They devised ways and means 
of making available supplies of labor more 

Produced Great Crops In 
Spite Of Labor Shortage. 
Reached New High In 
Agricultural Efficiency. 

Sou Paul L. JSudtrom. 

Professor and Deputy Director in Charge ot 
Farm Labor. 

effective. They advised Selective Service 
Boards as to essential workers to be de- 
ferred from military service. They deter- 
mined the minimum numbers of extra 
workers needed from outside the county 
and made certified requests for these to 
the Extension Service, which was in charge 
of organizing and administering the Farm 
Labor ProgTam throughout the state. 

Every available worker was mobilized to 
meet the needs. Various new sources of 
emergency labor were tapped. Boys and 
girls and women vacationists were recruited 
from towns and cities. Part-time services 
of townspeople in harvest emergencies were 
arranged for. Soldiers and sailors on leave 
were employed. Colored workers were im- 
ported from Jamaica, the Bahamas and the 
Barbados Islands. German prisoners of war 
were utilized. Every effort was made to 
stimulate greater numbers of colored work- 
ers to migrate from southern areas. Con- 
scientious objectors were utilized. A small 
number of workers were imported from 
Newfoundland. Inmates of Maryland penal 
camps were also employed on farms. No 
potential source of labor was left untapped. 

Public Camps Established 

Farmers were encouraged to improve 
their tenant houses as quarters for labor. 
To supplement these, public camps were 
built or arranged for. 

These included nine camps for boys and 
girls, one for women vacationists, four for 
southern migrants, nine for labor imported 
from abroad, sixteen for German prisoners 
of war, five for conscientious objectors and 
three for Maryland penal inmates — a total 
of forty-seven camps. 

An emergency labor force of more than 
12,000 was mobilized in the years 1944 

and 1945, including 2,900 foreign workers, 
4.100 German prisoners of war, 2,200 migra- 
tory workers and 2.200 from miscellaneous 

With the ending of the war, abnormal 
needs for food continued, and with them, 
needs continued for labor not available 
locally. Former farm workers did not re- 
turn fr»m war plants or from the armed 
services and a "tapered off" program was 
conducted in 1946 and is planned for 1947. 


The Extension Service of the College of 
Agriculture, as it operates today, is in large 
measure the result of planning and direc- 
tion by one man. From the beginning of 
Federal-State cooperative extension work in 
agriculture and home economics in 1914, 
Dr. T. B. Symons has been director. His 
service to the agriculture and rural people 
of the State is for even a longer period. 

Dr. Symons is strictly a Maryland prod- 
uct, coming from a farm on the Eastern 
Shore. His entire life has been spent in 
this State. 

Starting as an entomologist following his 
graduation from the Maryland Agricul- 
tural College in 1902, his ability for leader- 
ship and organization soon came to the 
front. As State Entomologist during a 
period when San Jose scale threatened the 
orchard industry of Maryland, he developed 
spraying demonstrations throughout the 
State. So successful was his work that he 
became a leader in developing the horti- 
cultural interests and was made secretary 
of the newly formed State Horticultural 
Society", an organization of fruit growers 
that is still a vital force in the State. 

Dr. Symons was made Dean of the School 
of Horticulture in the Maryland Agricul- 
tural College in 1912 and continued to be 
active in affairs over the State, along with 
li is instructional work. 

Enactment of the Smith-Lever law in 
1914, establishing the Extension Service at 
Land-Grant' colleges, gave him the oppor- ' 
tunity for which his qualifications and in- 
clination especially fitted him. He was 
made Director of the Maryland Extension 
Service and assumed the big task of develop- 


Buildings and facilities at the University of Maryland for the service of Dairy and Livestock Industries. 

, lm , tl , , rffK 

F^ Jk <* 

r% ' AfikA Mm L 
1 1 ^ JD 

Sf i 1 

Ik B 



Members of the Maryland 4-H dairy cattle judging team that won first place in the contest at the 1946 
National Dairy Cattle Show in Waterloo, Iowa. Front row: William Hill of Woodbine, Richard Holter of 
Middletown, and James Galbreath of Street. Back row: Allen Hill, alternate, of Woodbine, Bradley Jones, 
assistant county agent in Frederick county and Professor Floyd J. Arnold, University of Maryland, coacn 

ing that line of work. There were prac- 
tically no trained workers in that field, 
facilities were limited, and there were few 
precedents by which to chart a course. 
Under his direction an extension force and 

methods of teaching have been developed 
that are outstanding for efficiency and 

As the organizing and directing head of 
this work, Dr. Symons has been accorded 
national, as well as state recognition. For 
a number of years he served as chairman 
of the Extension Committee on Organiza- 
tion and Policy of the Land-Grant College 
Association, which is the committee that 
formulates the general policies to be fol- 
lowed in extension work in all states. 

In 1937, he was made Acting Dean of 
the College of Agriculture, and in 1939. 
he was appointed Dean. 

In whatever he engages, he becomes an 
active force, and he always finds a way to 
take on an extra job when he is convinced 
there is need for it. As a result of his 
willingness to serve, he has constantly car- 
ried on a number of activities, which for 
most people would be full-time jobs. 

Dr. Symons organized the Maryland State 
Department of Markets in 1918 and has 
been a leader in developing cooperative 
marketing in Maryland. He is secretary of 
the Maryland Agricultural Society and has 
been a member of numerous state com- 
mittees having functions connected with 
agriculture. During both world wars, he 
was asked to assume important responsibil- 
ities associated with agriculture's contribu- 
tion to the war effort. At present, he is 
chairman of the State Soil Conservation 
Committee, under which practically all 
counties have been organized into districts 
for carrying out effective conservation 

Many outstanding honors, both state and 
national, have come to him through the 
\cars, including the distinguished Service 
Award for Conspicuous Service to Agri- 
culture, conferred by the American Farm 
bureau Federation at its annual convention 
in Chicago, 1946. 


Maryland farmers very nearly accom- 
plished the impossible by increasing farm 


production by more than 40 per cent during 
the war period. 

This fact was revealed by A. B. Hamilton 
of the University of Maryland in a report 
of the Agricultural Economics Department 
on the 1945 agricultural census. He points 
out that the increase was accompanied In 
some shifts in the farm production. The 
acreage in soy beans and tomatoes increased 
considerably due to the wartime demand, 
while the production of milk, eggs, vege- 
tables, tobacco, and feed crops continued 
the increase begun before the war. The 
largest increase in production came in the- 
number of chickens raised with the 1945 
figure being 23 million more than that of 

"These increases in production," Hamil- 
ton said, "were made in spite of shortages 
in labor, machinery, and farm supplies. 
Milk and egg production increased 18 and 
22 per cent respectively while snap beans 
increased 65 per cent; corn acreage, 55 per 
cent; and tomatoes, 28 per cent. 

The report also shows that the number of 
farms operated in Maryland decreased about 
two per cent, but that the total number 
of acres cultivated increased — thus indicat- 
ing that farmers have increased the size of 
their farms by combining one or more 
farms into a single unit. 

About the only decrease in production 
came in fruit. There was a seven per cent 
decrease in the amount <>f land in orchards, 
and the number of apple trees and peach 
trees each declined about two pei cent. 


I he short course at the University of 
Maryland for representatives of canning 
and freezing concerns took place from 
February II to 13. Sponsored by the De- 
partment of Horticulture in cooperation 
with the Instate Packers' Association, the 
course has been a part of the department's 
extension program for nearly 25 years. It 
is designed to give the field men and plant 
si.ills of the canning and freezing indusin 
tip-to-date information on all phases of 
crop production and harvesting. 

One day of the 1947 program was de- 
voted to each of the three major canning 
(tops produced in Maryland: tomatoes, 
green beans, and peas. 

Another feature of the meeting was an 
exhibit of machinery for spraying or dust- 
ing tomatoes. This exhibit was planned 
in response to the interest on the part of 
Maryland tomato growers whose 1946 crop 
suffered the worst damage ever experienced 
from late blight. Many of the growers arc 
making plans to attempt control of the 
disease by spray or dust applications during 
the coming season. 

Dr. E. P. Walls of the Horticultural De- 
partment was in charge of making arrange- 
ments for the three clay session. Other Uni- 
versity of Maryland speakers to appear on 
the program were Professor F. C. Stark, Jr., 
Drs. C. E. Cox. L. E. Scott, L. P. Ditman, 
\. Kinicr, and R. G. Rothgeb. 

Guest speakers included Dr. J. \V. Heu- 
berger, University of Delaware; Professor 
C. H. Nissley, Rutgers University; A. W. 
Hoguet, Jr., Campbell Soup Company; Dr. 
C. H. Mahoney, National Canners Associa- 
tion; Maurice Siegel from Strasburger and 
Siegel; Dr. Victor A. Tiedgens, Director, 
Virginia Truck Experiment Station; Dr. 
Roy Magruder, U.S.D.A.; Herman A. 
Hunter of Thomas and Company; Dr. L. W. 
Erdman, U.S.D.A.; Irving J. Courtice from 
Crites-Moscow Growers; and Dr. Floyd L. 
Winter of the Associated Seed Growers. 


A fine Dairy Herd. 


^Million and J4all (Bushels 


Dramatic Achievements in 
Hybrid Corn Accom- 
plished at University of 

(By c4lbin 0. J4ukn 

Professor, Agronomy 

A MILLION and a half bushels of corn 
added annually to feed supplies is the 
gain to Maryland farmers from the most 
dramatic achievement in plant improvement 
during the past decade — the development of 
hybrid corn. 

When research workers discovered the 
breeding techniques that made hybrid corn 
practical and proved that good hybrids not 
only produce 15 to 20 percent more corn 
per acre than the varieties formerly grown, 
but also stand up better to allow the use 
ol machinery for harvest, it was clear that 
hybrid corn was here to stay. Thus this 
native American plant, long valued for its 
efficiency in transforming nutrients into 
food for humans and feed for livestock, 
became even more firmly entrenched as the 
backbone of American agriculture. 

Alert To Problems 

The University of Maryland Agronomy 
Department, alert to advancements in the 
production of corn, the crop that is grown 
on more acres, produces more food energy 
per acre, and has a higher farm value than 
any other feed crop grown in Maryland, 
early recognized the importance of bring- 
ing good corn hybrids to the attention of 
Maryland farmers. The program which was 
developed to introduce hybrid corn to Free 
State agriculture represented a coordinated 
attack on the problem by the workers of 
the Experiment Station, the Extension Serv- 
ice and the College of Agriculture. 

The degree of success attained in this 
endeavor may be judged first by the fact 
that the proportion of the corn acreage 
planted to hybrids increased more rapidly 
in Maryland than in any adjoining state 
and, secondly, by the following tabulation 
showing the rapidity with which hybrids 
replaced "old type corn" in the state: 

Percent Field Corn 
Average Planted 
Year to Hybrid 

1937 0.5 

1940 14.5 

1943 45.0 

1946 75.0 

Hybrid sweet corn, like hybrid field corn, 
is widely used and has contributed in no 
small measure to holding the Old Line 
State's position as the fifth largest producer 
of sweet corn for canning. The Agronomy 
Department has been charged with the re- 
sponsibility of evaluating hybrids of both 
types. In this connection Experiment Sta- 
tion workers during the past 16 years con- 
ducted more than 80 replicated performance 
tests in which the better sweet and field 
corn hybrids and varieties were compared. 


Dr. R. G. Rothgreb taking notes on a hybrid cross. In the foreground there are two comparatively 
scrawny inbreds and in Dr. Rothgeb's hand the hybrid that results when these two inbreds are crossed. 

Over 1800 hybrid seed stocks collected from 
various corn growing areas of the United 
States were compared under the varying soil 
and climatic conditions of this state and the 
best ones selected for Maryland farmers. In 
addition to this testing the Experiment Sta- 
tion implemented a breeding program to 
develop new hybrids specificially adapted 
to Maryland conditions. 


Extension Service workers assumed their 
usual task of carrying the information de- 
veloped by the Experiment Station to the 
farmers. Several methods were used to see 
that Maryland farmers had ample oppor- 
tunity to get acquainted with the hybirds 
available. Demonstrations were conducted 
in every county of the state for several 
years. These demonstrations allowed a 
farmer to inspect the better hybrids growing 
on a farm in his county. Field meetings 
were held in which the County Agent in- 
vited farmers to visit the county demon- 
stration on the day of harvest. Winter 
meetings were held in many counties to 
discuss the "What and How" of hybrid 
corn. Color slides were used in these meet- 
ings to show the various steps in producing 
a hybrid. Information was supplied to 
farmers desiring to produce hybrid seed 
corn so that they might do a good job. This 
was particularly important due to the com- 
plicated procedures involved in hybrid seed 
production as compared to other field crop 


I lie Maryland Seed Certification Board, 
in cooperation with the Extension Service 
and the Maryland Crop Improvement Asso- 
ciation, provided an inspection and certifi- 
cation service to aid farmers in producing 
good hybrid seed corn and as a protection 
to purchasers of seed. The success of this 
program is illustrated by the fact that in 
1945 more hybrid seed corn was produced 
in Maryland than was needed to plant the 
state corn acreage. 

Fundamental knowledge of hybrid corn 
has become an important part of the Crop 
Production course, which all agricultural 
students at the University of Maryland take, 
and in the Cereal Crop and Crop Breed- 
ing courses taken by majors in Agronomy. 
Thus the graduates in Agriculture have had 
an opportunity to become acquainted with 
hybrid corn and have been given the know- 
ledge with which to aid agricultural think- 
ing in the change to hybrid corn. 

New type sprayers now being considered 
by fruit growers include a liquid-blast type, 
a combination blast and liquid blower, a 
fog machine which uses oil and chemicals 
at high temperatures, and airplane dusting. 

I I has been conservatively estimated that 
as many at 15 thousand Maryland dairy 
cows are discarded every year because of 
diseases. These cows if protected from dis- 
ease could have produced 75 million lbs. of 
milk under proper management. 

J>ural It/omen J Snort CourJe 


Classes at University plus 
Demonstrations do Much 
to Aid Entire Farm Family. 

/By. Jtidd Vera r\ellar 

Assistant Director of Extension. 

FARMING differs from most all other 
kinds of business and the professions 
in that the whole family is involved. There 
is no way to entirely separate the farm 
as a place to make a living and as a place 
for the family to live and develop. 

This fact was recognized at the time 
the Smith-Lever Law, providing for co- 
operative Federal-State extension work, was 
enacted. It provided 
for extension edu- 
cation in both agri- 
culture and home 
economics. Hence, 
the home demon- 
stration work in 
Maryland has been 
associated with the 
College of Agricul- 

As developed in 
this State, Home 
Demonstration Ex- 
tension is a public 
educational service 
...■i rural people. It is a teaching job 
that is outside the research laboratories 
and class rooms, and beyond college and 
school walls. It is a program of teaching 
(hat the Home Demonstration Agents con- 
duct for the betterment of homemaking and 
rural life. 


Rural women enroute to University of Maryland short course. 


This unique job of teaching is done 
through practical demonstrations and other 
techniques with persons in the homes and 
in organized clubs — both adults and juniors. 
Such an educational program helps people 
to help themselves. It makes people de- 
sirous of guidance and subject-matter as- 
sistance. Because farming is both a busi- 
ness and way of life, the teaching has 
emphasized not only economic production, 
conservation and utilization of all crops and 
livestock, but nutrition and health needs, 
and many forms of farm home improve- 

The objectives of Home Demonstration 
work in Maryland are to encourage stand- 
ard of living for all rural and urban fam- 
ilies as follows: 

A program that will help give families 


Dr. H. C. Byrd welcomes students at University rural women's short course 

a feeling of security, economically and 

Help rural families keep informed on all 
the findings of research in Agriculture and 
Home Economics that will influence their 
well-being; teach through the demonstra- 
tion method the better ways of doing tasks 
that must be done every day on every farm 
and in every farm home. 

Encourage the raising of sufficient food 
and its preservation, so that rural families 
may attain a high standard of good health. 

Teach the cultural side of homemaking 
and family living as well as the practical 

Encourage, through group instruction, 
leadership and ability to do things 

One of the most important objectives is 
to encourage the rural family to believe 
in the home, the earthly abode of the fam- 
ily; its responsibilities, spiritual, physical 
and mental. To believe in the rural home 
as a place, under God's guidance, for rest, 
privacy, security, hospitality, cultural and 
personal treasures, honesty, loyalty and love 
of the family for the family. A love of 
rural life with honest work and recreation, 
and the habit of finding enjoyment in 
familiar tilings are likely to help rural 
families hold on to traditions that have 
made men and women great. 

In order to carry on such a program the 
Home Demonstration Department employs 
specialists in Foods and Nutrition, Home 
Furnishings, Clothing and Home Manage- 
ment. The state staff, with the county staff 
of 23 Home Demonstration Agents and 
assistants, and project chairmen, plan a 
program to fit the needs and the desires of 
homemakers in the different counties. It is 
a democratic way of planning and executing 
a program that is helpful in building for 
better home life. In order to do this the 
leaders in the community are asked to meet 
with other leaders and the Home Agent 
to plan the best procedure in teaching 
different projects. 

It has been found that the best method 
to do a good teaching job is to organize 


The Poultry Building. 


The Horticulture Building. 

the women into clubs. It gives an oppor- 
tunity for group discussions, as well as 
reaching a larger number of people. Project 
Demonstrator Training Schools are held for 
project demonstrators who are willing to 
give their time and talents in assisting the 
Home Demonstration Agents to reach more 
people with their Home Demonstration 
program. Rural people are helped to see 
their basic problems and to arrive at some 
of the solutions, where their problems are — 
in the home, on the farm and in the com- 
munity. Their program is a flexible one and 
changes may be made. Extension teaching 
is the type that seeks to solve problems 
at hand but aims also toward long-time 
goals for better rural living. It is educa- 
tion for action — action by individuals to- 
ward improving farm and home life. 

The Home Demonstration Agent 

The Home Demonstration Agent is a 
teacher. Unlike the usual teacher, how- 
ever, she works not in a class room, but in 
the home and the community. Rural 
women and girls have come to expect in 
their program in Maryland not only the 
findings of research as they apply to home- 
making, but assistance with many other 
problems that affect the well-being and 
happiness of their family. Although they 
^tudy foods and nutrition, clothing, home 
management, home furnishings, child care 
and family life, they are also concerned 
with problems in the field of health, citi- 
zenship, economics, government and rural 
cultural arts. 

Rural Leadership 

In Maryland, the development of a pro- 
gram of rural leadership has been perhaps 
the greatest single achievement of the pres- 
ent Extension program. It has not been an 
easy task. Training schools and seeing 
projects put into practice in individual 
homes is one thing — finding and training 
volunteer leaders and inspiring them to give 
time and effort to help others is another. 
We have been fortunate in the growth of 
voluntary leadership in the Home Demon- 
stration program the past few years. 
Through it all, the leader recognizes a few 
cardinal principles in working with other 
leaders. She has learned that all people 
operate best through some kind of club 
organization, that leaders must be accepted 
by the club with which they are to work, 
and that the best leadership and results 
are from leaders actually chosen by their 
own groups. As the years progress and 
leaders increase in number among both 
women and girls, the Agent has been able 

to turn more and more to them for as- 
sistance in Home Demonstration Club work. 

Leader training subject-matter schools 
and schools in organization have been held 
in all Maryland counties. The specialists 
conduct practically all of the subject-matter 
training schools. Through training schools 
and the home visits made by the Agent, 
the leader acquires a new confidence in her 
own ability to pass on instruction; also, 
she gains in prestige, which she needs for 
neighbors to acknowledge her leadership. 
The number of subject-matter leaders in a 
club varies with the need of the com- 
munity, the interest of the women and the 
type of program they are undertaking. 

Home Demonstration Clubs 

In every community and in every county 
the work of the Home Demonstration Clubs 
has added strength and prestige to home 
and community activities. These clubs have 
been a natural outgrowth of the rural 
women's own thinking. Their influence is 
widespread. Their time of meeting is 
varied. The pattern followed generally is 
one meeting a month with the Home 
Demonstration Agent and once a month 
with the project demonstrators. Most meet- 
ings are held in homes. Home Demonstra- 
tion Chilis, aside from their regular club 
activities, assume many responsibilities of 

social programs for their entire community. 
They work toward obtaining health ser- 
vices for all the families; they interpret 
legislation that has a bearing on family 
and community life; they may support plans 
for county and community libraries so that 
more books are made available to the com- 
munity. They are back of many move- 
ments and community improvements in- 
volving the good of the church, the school, 
and all the citizenry. As a result, the in- 
fluence of their work extends far beyond 
their membership. 

Home Demonstration Agents cooperate 
with representatives of many other agen- 
cies sponsoring educational programs in 
rural areas. They publicize other measures 
sponsored by local and county health units, 
and programs that are carried on by or- 
ganizations such as the Grange, Farm Bu- 
reau and Parent Teachers' organizations. 

In Maryland, we feel that along with the 
practical side of homemaking, a program 
in cultural subjects is essential for the 
building of family and community rela- 
tionships. We have, over a period of years, 
carried a well-organized, outlined program 
in the cultural subjects; such as, music, 
reading, art, dramatics, and recreation. Most 
county libraries have cooperated in the 
reading project. Some libraries, such as 
Hagerstown and two or three others, have 


Popular at Maryland with the Student Body and General Public. 



Bred at the University of Maryland 

what they call the "Homemakers" Book 

Shelf." The librarian will meet with the 
project leaders in this project, instruct than 
how best to give hook reviews, tell them 
what hooks to read and give Other helpful 
suggestions. We have seen more leadership 
developed through the cultural projects 
than we have seen developed in practically 
any other project carried in extension work. 
Our recreation project has cemented the 
work in dramatics and other cultural sub- 
jects. W'c do not think of recreation being 
a light or frivolous play program. 

The "Mrs. Consumer Speaks" program 
has had its place in challenging the mind 
of the homemakers along the lines of home 
equipment, clothing, how they want their 
family fed and how they want their home 
furnished. The remodeling or building 
of the new home has given them a chance 
to express their knowledge of the subjects 
and at the same time serve as an outlet 
for their ideals and dreams of the things 
that they would like to have for the- money 
they have to spend. 

Rural Women's Short Course 

One of the finest things that Home 
Demonstration work has done in Maryland 
is to plan and carry through the Rural 
Women's Short Course, which is an annual 
feature at the University during the third 
week of June. During the war, this Short 
Course was abandoned. In 1040. we again 
held it for the first time in five years and 
over 1 .000 women attended. 

This week at the University means much 
to all of the women who attend. There 
is definite appreciation on the part of the 
University Faculty that the women who 
attend are the mothers of boys and girls 
who furnish the students to the University 
throughout the year. Therefore, members 
of the faculty are willing to cooperate and 
there is no question of the value to Home- 
makers and their value to the University. 
Ninety-five percent of the women attend- 
ing the Short Course are women in Home- 
makers' clubs. They come for the purpose 
of getting what they can from the course 
and are willing to carry back to their com 
mnnitics the information obtained during 

their week at the University. 1 he program 

is so planned that every homemaker at- 
tending gets something that is an inspira- 
tion, practical, cultural and helpful in 
(hanging the home life of the rural and 
urban homemaker. It gives them a new 
insight of what education means. It gives 
them an opportunity for development of 
leadership and a broader vision of what 
lies ahead in adult education. 

Good Speakers 

()nl\ the finest speakers are employed 
throughout the week. Women are encour- 
aged to register tor the classes they are to 
attend before coming to the University. 
I hose who register for full time live on 
the campus and in nearby fraternity and 
sorority houses. This adds to their college 
life and gives them a greater appreciation 
of what their daughters and sons enjoy 
when they go to college. Main of the 
women attending this Short Course are 
women who have been former graduates of 
the University of Maryland, as well as grad- 
uates of other colleges. The greatest num 
bcr attending are women who are high 
school graduates. 

Short Course is planned in Maryland on 
a basis of a four-year program. In this way 
the women look forward to their goal of 
attending for four years. This plan also 
cements interest in the program at the 
University as well as creates interest back 
home in their communities, for most of 
the women have a desire to come for four 
years and receive a certificate which is 
awarded them by the President of the 

It has been gratifying to see how leader- 
ship has grown among the women. It is 
one week in the lives of the homemakers 
that cannot be measured in dollars and 
cents. What they get in inspiration, vision 
and self-confidence from women all over 
the state serves for years .is a new outlook 
on life. What they take to their homes and 
to their respective clubs through reports and 
demonstrations to fellow club members cre- 
ates a feeling of friendship and interest 
among all homemakers. One has as her re- 
ward for planning this Short Course the 


appreciation of the women themselves. The) 
bring to the University a spirit that is 
challenging to all. 

County Councils And State Council 

In each county the- individual Home- 
makers' Club is a member of the County 
Council. With this type of organization, 
the Home \gent. whether she be old oi 
new in the county, has a group of organ 
i/eel women who aie interested in Extension 
to help guide her in county activities. The 
Executive Hoard of each County Council 
holds regular meetings to help clarify indi- 
vidual club activities and to take on new 
responsibilities that are county projects; 
such as. scholarship loans, health projects, 
wartime programs, etc I he County Coun- 
cils are federated into a State Council of 
Homemakers. which is a most active, efficient 
and influential group of thinking women. 
Twice a year a meeting is held by the 
Executive Board and County Council Presi- 
dents of this group. At such a meeting 
county problems and reports of activities 
are brought before the entire group. The 
State Project Chairmen present, largely, the 
different projects as outlined by the spe- 
cialists throughout the year. The special- 
ists at the University and state project 
chairmen work together closely in outlin- 
ing state programs. The women feel the) 
hold an important part in carrying on the 
Extension program. They assume their re- 
sponsibilities seriously and the contribu- 
tions they make are challenging to everyone. 

Demonstration Work 

Home Demonstration work with its dif- 
ferent projects, its democratic way of 
teaching and reaching the rural homes, 
has done much to change liying standards 
in urban and rural homes and to bring 
about a higher appreciation of the prac- 
tical and cultural sides of family living. 
The Home Demonstration Agent keeps 
pace with current developments, adapting 
Iter service and programs to changing eco- 
nomic and social conditions that allec t 
urban and rural people, so as to carry 
out a program based on needs recogni/ed 
by the homemakers themselves. 


Dates for the 21st Annual Rural Women's 
Short Course have been set for June Hi 
to 21. according to an announcement made 
by Yenia M. {Cellar, Assistant Director of 
the Extension Sen ice at the University of 

"Hans now unci' rway assure- a program 
that is to be just as good as any we have 
presented in past vears." Miss Kellar said 
in discussing the coming event which is 
expected to attract over 1 .000 rural women. 


\ccording to the United States Depart- 
ment of Agriculture the hay crop is the 
most important harvested forage and can 
be made at comparatively small expense. 
In discussing the crop a recent publication 
of the Agricultural department said: "Be- 
tween 1928 and 1937 the hay crop had an 
annual value greater than that of cotton or 
wheat or any other crop except corn." The 
department also added that "crops unsuit- 
able for hay ma\ be made into silage, and 
almost any forage crop can be ensiled in 
weather unsuitable for haymaking. 

it/ldeSpread SntereSt 


Poultry Activity Shows 
Great Increase and ad- 
vance over Previous 

J&y Jbr. .Morleij c4. $ull 

Head of Poultry Department, University of Maryland 

DURING recent years the commercial 
production of broilers and fryers on 
the Eastern Shore of Maryland has gained 
such prominence that there is widespread 
interest in commercial broiler and fryer 
production methods. A favorable climate 
for year-round production, relatively cheap 
labor, sandy loam soil, and being within 
over-night shipping distance for trucking 
live broilers without excessive shrinkage, or 
fresh-dressed broilers, to the New York 
City market are among the most important 
factors that ha\e led to rapid expansion 
of the so-called broiler industry. 

Broilers are \oung chickens, approxi- 
mately 8 to 12 yseeks old, weighing not over 
2i/2 pounds eai.h when dressed for market. 
Fryers are usually from about 13 to 20 
weeks of age, weighing over 2i/2, but not 
more than 31/4 pounds each when dressed 
for market. Roasters vary in age from about 
4 to 9 months and weigh over 3i/> pounds 
when dressed for market. Live broilers 
may weigh up to about 2 >/, pounds each, 
live fryers up to about 4 pounds each, and 
live roasters from about 4 pounds each up- 
wards. In the early days of the develop- 
ment of the commercial broiler industry 
on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, most 
of the chickens were sold at 2 to 2i/9 
pounds live weight so that the industry 
was properlv (ailed a broiler industry. 
More recently, however, the tendency has 
been to market live birds weighing up- 
wards of 3 pounds each, and in some cases 
larger birds, so that the industry is really 
a broiler and fryer industry. 

Rapid Expansion 

The rapid expansion of the "broiler" 
industry on the Eastern Shore of Maryland 
is indicated by the fact that the number 
of birds grown annually increased from 
about 2 million in 1934 to about 25 million 
in 1945. From 1934 to 1940 there was a 
steady increase each year in numbers pro- 
duced, but the 1940 number of about 9 
million, increased in 1941 to about 15 mil- 
lion. During the war period there was very 
heavy demand for broilers and fryers to 
serve as substitutes for red meats, which 
were in such short supply for civilian 

In 1945 the gross income from the poultry 
of Maryland was S48,069,000, this sum ex- 
ceeding the gross income from any other 
branch of agriculture in the state. The 
"broiler" industry contributed $25,178,000, 
thus being responsible for more than one- 
half of the total poultry income. 

The hatcherv industry has expanded. In 
keeping with the growth of the broiler in- 
dustry, there has been a marked increase in 

the number of baby chicks 
hatched annually in 
Maryland hatcheries. In 
1938 Maryland had about 
137 hatcheries with a 
hatching egg capacity of 
about 5 million eggs and 
these hatcheries produced 
about 15,212,000 chicks. In 
1945, there were about 
123 hatcheries with about 
13 million hatching egg 
capacity and they pro- 
duced about 73,750,000 

Market egg production 
is important. The pro- 
duction of market eggs is 
the second most important 
branch of the poultry in- 
dustry in Maryland. The 
gross income from market 
eggs produced in 1945 was 
S12,902,000. Approximate- 
ly 3 million laying hens 
are maintained on farms 
and commercial poultry 

There are over 35,000 farmers in Mary- 
land engaged in the potdtry business. On 
the great majority of these farms, poultry 
raising and egg production supplement 
ether farm operations. At the same time, 
on about 10.000 farms the laying flock 
contains 100 or more layers. There are 
1 ,000 commercial flocks in the state. 

Maryland is noted for its turkeys. For 
many years Maryland turkeys have been 
featured on the menus of the leading hotels 
and restaurants of the East. In 1945, they 
contributed S2.900.000 in gross income. 
Turkey breeders in the state, through selec- 
tion and breeding, have accomplished much 
in developing broad-breasted birds, efficient 
in the utilization of feed and having a high 
percentage of breast and leg meat in pro- 
portion to bone. 


Soybean varieties to be recommended to 
Maryland farmers have been listed by Albin 
O. Kuhn, Associate Agronomist at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, who urged farmers to 
get their seed early while supplies of the 
recommended varieties are still adequate. 

"The black seeded soybeans we recom- 
mend are Wilson and Kingwa," he said. 
"These are usually grown for forage while 
the yellow seeded soybeans, which are 
Lincoln, Scioto, Illini, and Earlyana, are 
usually grown for oil production." 

He explained that the Wilson and King- 
wa varieties need long growing seasons if 
they are to produce seeds and that their 
small stems and tall growth habit make 
them better for forage than any of the 
yellow seeded varieties. The Kingwa was 
described as retaining its leaves later in the 

The yellow seeded Lincoln was said to 
be receiving more attention from farmers 

Proud Steppers 

Maryland turkeys. 

this year than any other variety. It is a 
relatively new variety released in 1944 b\ 
the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Sta- 
tion. Since that time it has become the most 
widely grown medium season soybean vari- 
ety in the United States, and has given good 
yields with early maturity and high oil 
content. It has also shown good resistance 
to shattering, according to the Agronomist. 

He noted that approximately 700 acres 
of Lincoln soybeans were inspected for cer- 
tification during the past growing season 
and that more than 2.000 bushels of seed 
had already been processed and have re- 
ceived the official blue certification tag and 
seal. According to Kuhn, Lincoln and Wil- 
son soybeans will be more readily available 
than any of the other varieties recom- 

Kuhn also stated that the Illini, another 
medium season yellow bean recommended 
for Maryland, has shown itself to be par- 
ticularly adapted to high fertility condi- 
tions, but that it matures about a week later 
than Lincoln. Scioto, which also matures 
about a week later than Lincoln, has given 
good results and has a high oil content. 

The only early season soybean to be re- 
commended for Maryland is the Earlyana. 
This variety matures about two weeks ahead 
of Lincoln, but as is common with early 
maturing varieties, it is a poorer yielder. 

Electric toys, like other electrical devices, 
are safe if they are well made and kept in 
good condition. 

Proper care and use of electrical cords 
and equipment is just as important as cor- 
rect installation of the electrical system. 
Allowing cords and equipment to get into 
poor condition may cause short circuits and 




Roger B. Corbett, who has been on leave 
from the University of Maryland for the 
past three years, returns as Associate Dean 
and Associate Director of Extension in the 
College of Agriculture, it was announced by 
H. C. Byrd, President of the University and 
T. B. Symons, Dean and Director of Exten- 
sion in agriculture. 

In making the announcement, the Univer- 
sity officials said, "We are glad to welcome 
Dr. Corbett back to the University and we 
are certain that he is looking forward to 
serving the people of the state and to work- 
ing with the University staff. He will take 
take the place of Dr. F. H. Leinbach who 
served as Assistant Dean in guiding the 
instruction work in the College of Agricul- 

A graduate of Cornell University, Dr. Cor- 
bett held various posts at eastern colleges, 
including the deanship at Connecticut Agri- 
cultural College and Director of the Ex- 
periment Station at Maryland before taking 
over the Farm Bureau position. He also 
served as senior agricultural economist in 
the U. S. Department of Agriculture for 
three years. 

The wide experience which Dr. Corbett 
has had in Land Grant College work is in- 
dicated by the following record of positions 
be has held: Instructor, Cornell University, 
1924-25; Economist, Rhode Island Experi- 
ment Station, 1925; Head of Department of 
Economics and Sociology, Rhode Island 
State College, 1933-34; Coordinator of Agri- 
culture and Director of Extension, Connec- 
ticut State College, 1937-39; Dean and 
Director, College of Agriculture, University 
of Connecticut, 1939-40; Director of Agri- 
cultural Experiment Station, University of 
Maryland, 1940-43. He also served as Senior 
Agricultural Economist of the U. S. Depart- 
ment of Agriculture from 1933 to 1936, and 
as Executive Secretary of the New England 
Research Council of Marketing and Food 
Supply in 1936 and 1937. 

From 1934 until 1941, Dr. Corbett was 
secretary of the Northeastern Dairy Confer- 
ence and in this capacity helped to organize 
and develop the organization. In 1941 he 
became president of the NDC, and held this 
office through 1943. From 1928 to 1932, he 
was secretary of the New England Institute 

of Cooperation, and in 1933-34, president of 
this organization. He is a Director and 
Executive Committee Member of both the 
American Country Life Association and of 
the Farm Film Foundation. 

He is past president of Rotary, member of 
Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Zeta, AGFU, and 
Kappa Delta Rho. He has maintained 
Grange membership since 1928. 

Dr. Corbett is the author of a number of 
agricultural experiment station bulletins in- 
cluding two from Cornell University based 
on bis Doctor's thesis, several extension bul- 
letins and pamphlets, in addition to num- 
erous magazine articles. 

He obtained his Master's Degree from 
Cornell University in 1923 and in 1925 
received his Ph.D. 


Edward F. Holter, Maryland '21, is starting his 
second year as Master of the Maryland State 
Grange. Prior to his election to that office he was 
secretary of the organization for 10 years. 

Mr. Holter operates a farm in Frederick county 
and taught agriculture in the high school at Fred- 
erick until last year. 


Marketing, which has taken a back seat 
in recent years, is destined to play a very 
important part in the future agricultural 
activities of the University. A strong, com- 
prehensive program is being rapidly 
whipped into shape so that Maryland farm- 


ers will be given worthwhile assistance in 
meeting the keenly competitive agricultural 



J. Homer Remsberg, Maryland '18, has been 
engaged since graduation in farming and breeding 
Holstein-Friesian cattle, with the exception of a 
period spent in service during World War I. 

In addition to operating his farm in Frederick 
county, he taught vocational agriculture in the 
Middletown high school for a number of years. 

Mr. Remsberg is prominent in promoting the 
Holstein breed of cattle, both locally and na- 
tionally. He is a member of the board of direc- 
tors of the Holstein-Friesian Association of America 
and chairman of one of the most important com- 
mittees of that organization. During the last few 
years he has served as president of the Maryland 
Holstein - Friesian Association, president of the 
Maryland Purebred Dairy Cattle Association, and 
chairman of the Holstein Bull Committee for the 
Maryland Artificial Breeding Cooperative. He has 
also been instrumental in furthering the develop- 
ment of many good Holstein herds in his area. 

A book written by Mr. Remsberg and published 
by the Frederick County Holstein Association dur- 
ing the past year has received wide acclaim by 
breeders who appreciate what an organization can 
do to develop the dairy industry in a county. The 
title is "History and Development of Holstein 
Cattle in Frederick County, Maryland." Mr. Rems- 
berg is a member of the Board of Managers, 
Alumni Association, University of Maryland. 

market that is expected to develop. Dr. T. 
B. Symons, Dean of Agriculture, to whom 
much of the credit must go for the present 
emphasis on improving marketing service 
to Maryland farmers has said that market- 
ing is the most important problem facing 
American agriculture today and that it is 
the key to farm prosperity. 

The agricultural marketing program for 
Maryland was started off this fall by setting 
up the State Department of Marketing as 
a separate department with the responsi- 
bility for planning and developing all 
phases of the program for improving the 
efficiency of marketing and distributing 
farm products. Dr. Howard L. Stier who 
was appointed Head of the new department 
was selected because of his background and 
experience in research on production prob- 
lems of the state and his broad war-time 
experience with the procurement and dis- 
tribution of food while in the Quarter- 
master Corps of the Army. Since his ap- 
pointment on September 1, 1946, Dr. Stier 
and the other members of the department 
have been rapidly developing plans, and 
meeting with agricultural leaders of the 
state in developing an effective program to 
aid the farmer with his marketing problems. 
The comments and suggestions of the men 


Harry M. McDonald, Maryland '20, is State Super- 
visor ot Vocational Agriculture. He was appointed 
to that position on July I, 1944. 

After teaching agriculture and coaching athletics 
for 2 years, Mr. McDonald earned his M. A. de- 
gree at Columbia University. He then taught agri- 
culture in Frederick county for 8 years and was 
principal and agriculture teacher in Baltimore 
county for 14 years before entering upon his present 
position. He has also taken graduate work at the 
Universities of Chicago, Wisconsin, and Johns 

who attended these meetings were particu- 
larly constructive and helpful in develop- 
ing the final program. During the months 
of October and November, separate meet- 
ings were held with the dairymen, poultry- 
men, fruit growers, vegetable growers, can- 
ners and florists of the state. A separate 
plan is being prepared for the study of the 
important marketing problems of these and 
other producer groups in the state. 
Throughout the development of the new 
marketing program for Maryland agricul- 
ture, emphasis has been placed upon the 
importance of a close working relationship 
between the marketing department and all 
other departments. Voluntary and dy- 
namic cooperation of all agencies and de- 
partments is recognized as essential if the 
marketing and distribution of farm pro- 
ducts is to catch up to production in the 
race for greater efficiency and lower costs. 
Education, research and service have all 
been simultaneously woven into the pattern 
of marketing assistance that is planned for 
Maryland's agriculture. Every attempt has 
been made to make the maximum use of 
experience gained by industry and others in 
marketing and merchandising. Wholesalers, 
retailers and consumers are all to be 
brought into the program in the interest of 
a more orderly and efficient system of mar- 
keting and distributing Maryland farm 

In carrying out its program the functions 
of the department have been divided into 
five groups: 

1. Education and Extension Activities in 

2. Marketing Research 

3. Market News Reporting and Analysis 

4. Grading and Inspection 

5. Enforcement of State Laws and Regu- 


H. R. Shoemaker, Frederick County (Md.) 
agricultural agent was recently awarded the 
Distinguished Service award of the Na- 
tional Association of County Agents in 
Chicago. Mr. Shoemaker, who was honored 
for outstanding service to the farmers of 
his community, is the first Maryland county 
agent to receive the award. 

A native of Sandy Spring, Mr. Shoe- 
maker was graduated from the University 
of Maryland in 1917. He served in the 
First World War, and taught school for a 
time at Middletown, Frederick County, be- 
fore being appointed county agent. 

Paul E. Nystrom, deputy Maryland Ex- 
tension Service director, said Mr. Shoe- 
maker's influence is reflected in that Fred- 
erick is among the top ranking counties in 
this Nation. 

"More important than development of 
crops and livestock has been the develop- 
ment of leadership among the people of 
the county," Mr. Nystrom said. "The 4-H 
Club program has been outstanding in 
developing that leadership. The 4-H judg- 
ing teams have excelled both in State and 
national contests, the dairy team taking 
top national honors for 1946. 


Henry R. Shoemaker, B. S. '17, M. S. '26, re- 
ceived the Distinguished Service Award given each 
year by the National Association of County Agents 
for outstanding service. It is the first time this 
honor has come to a Maryland agent. 

Mr. Shoemaker has been engaged in agricultural 
work in Frederick county ever since graduation 
from the University, with the exception of a period 
spent in the army during World War I. He 
taught vocational agriculture in the Middletown 
high school from 1917 to 1926. Since 1926, he has 
been County Agent of the Extension Service. 

"Both the Farm Bureau and Grange rank 
first in the State as to number of members. 
The county was the first in the State to 
develop a juvenile Grange and the work of 
all agricultural organizations of the county 
feature participation of young people. 

"Mr. Shoemaker has developed a county 
program that emphasized the improvement 
in livestock, expanding the production of 
'home-grown' feed and strengthening the 
work of community organizations of the 
county. Under his leadership the county 
developed an artificial insemination associa- 
tion which became the nucleus for the State 
association. The Percheron Horse Breeders' 
Association was developed as one of the 

largest in the Nation. The dairy and live- 
stock breed associations of the county have 
been leaders in the State. 

"Likewise, co-operatives in the county 
excell among the co-ops of the State. The 
county was among the first to introduce 
and develop hybrid corn, barley and alfalfa. 

"Mr. Shoemaker has been selected on a 
number of occasions to represent county 
agents in national conferences. His county 
has been selected more often than any in 
the State as one to be visited by notables 
who come to Washington to be directed 
to counties where they can observe out- 
standing county agent work. He has feat- 
ured work with business interests as a 
spokesman for agriculture." 


Maryland poultry men are now offered a 
new poultry bulletin prepared by Prof. 
George D. Quigley at the University of 

The bulletin which is entitled "Poultry 
Laying Houses," gives information on house 
construction and floor plans, as well as a 
discussion of various types of poultry houses 
found suitable for Maryland conditions. 
Recommendations concerning the construc- 
tion, care, and use of poultry-house equip- 
ment are also given. 

The information on poultry-house con- 
struction includes details on putting in 
foundations and floors, and facts about side- 
wall construction. The use of cinder blocks, 
lumber substitutes, and insulating materials 
is also discussed. 

In presenting information on the roof 
design and roofing materials, Quigley shows, 
in pictures, how to apply roll roofing and 
gives poultrymen some ideas on roof re- 
pair. In another section on interior equip- 
ment, he gives considerable detail on nest- 
ing materials, feed hoppers, watering equip- 
ment, and litter management. 

House plans and details of construction 
are given for the Maryland 20' x 20' open 
front house, the Maryland 24' x 24' com- 
bination laying and brooding house, and 
the Maryland 20' x 20' straw-insulated 
house. The number of the bulletin is 116 
and copies will soon be available from the 
county agent's office in each County. 



Dr. W. B. Kemp, Director of the Mary- 
land Agricultural Experiment Station, is a 
native of Baltimore county and a graduate 


of the Maryland Agricultural College. From 
1943 to 194"), he served ;is acting director 
and since that time has been director. 

Following graduation in 1912. Dr. Kemp 
was an agronomist at the Uniyersity of 
West Virginia from 1913 to 1916. Return- 
ing to Maryland in 1917, he was principal 
of the Sparks high school until 1921. 

Since joining the staff of the University 
in 1921, lie has held a number of important 
positions. His specialty is genetics, statistics 
and plant breeding. From 1929 to 1940, 
he was head of the department dealing with 
those lines of work. He served as assistant 
dean of the College of Agriculture from 
1932 to 1937. In recognition of his ability 
in his special lines, he was called upon for 
a number of years to give courses in those 
subjects in the graduate school of the U. S. 
Department of Agriculture. 

In 1940. he was made head of the agron- 
omy department, which position he still 
holds in addition to his administrative 
duties as director of the Experiment Station. 

Dr. Kemp was awarded a Doctor's degree 
by the American University in Washing- 
ton. He is a fellow of the American Asso- 
ciation for the Advancement of Science and 
the American Agronomy Society. He is a 
member of the American Statistical Asso- 
ciation, the American Genetic Association, 
and a number of honor societies. 



In the minds of those who were students, 
or were in any way connected with the 
College of Agriculture prior to 1937, the 
name of Dr. H. J. Patterson is linked in- 
separably with the institution. He is widely 


E. I. Oswald, Maryland 08, Assistant 
Director of the Extension Service, has been 
connected with the University of Maryland 
ever since his student days, with the excep- 
tion of a period from 1909 to 1918, when 
he operated the home farm in Washington 

During the time he was a student, he 
assisted the Experiment Station through the 
department of Farmers' Institutes in con- 
ducting boys' corn contests and establish- 
ing bovs' clubs. After graduation, he was 
made librarian of the Experiment Station 
and assistant in Farmers' Institute work. 
One of his most noted pieces of research 
was on the effect of animal digestion on 
vitality of weed seeds. 

Mr. Oswald was appointed county agent 
in Worcester county in 1918 and served 
until 1927, when he was made District Agent 
of the University of Maryland Extension 
Service. He was later promoted to County 
Agent Leader and carried additional re- 
sponsibilities as Director of Rural Rehabili- 
tation and Farm Security. He was ap- 
pointed to his present position in 1939. 


known throughout the State for his excep- 
tionally long and able service to agriculture. 

Dr. Patterson came to Maryland in 1888 
as a chemist and was made director of the 
Experiment Station in 1895, serving con- 
tinuously in that position until his retire- 
ment October 1, 1937. 

With the resignation of President Silves- 
ter in 1913, he was designated as President 
of the institution and served in that 
capacity, as well as director of the Station, 
until 1917. As dean of the College of Agri- 
culture and director of the Experiment Sta- 
tion, Dr. Patterson was an inspiration to all 
associates in developing research in agri- 
cultural sciences and agricultural education. 

Dr. Patterson was a thorough student of 
the agricultural resources of Maryland and 
the best informed man on crops, fertilizers 
and farm management. In many lines of 
research, he was a pioneer and the results 
of his work formed the basis for important 
developments, not only in this State, but in 
other states. 

Dr. Patterson was active in the Grange 
and other farm organizations and is be- 
loved by all who came in close contact with 
him. He is a great civic builder and in his 
retirement is rendering great service to his 
community. All associated with the Univer- 
sity of Maryland revere the contribution he 
made to the upbuilding of the institution. 


Farm electric wiring, to be good, must 
be safe and adequate. These two needs 
have been pointed out by A. V. Krewatch, 
extension agricultural engineer at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

"If motors appear sluggish in starting, if 
lights are yellowish and tend to flicker, or 
if brooders and heaters are slow in coming 
to proper temperature, the wiring is quite 
certain to be too small," he declared. "This 
may be the case even though the wiring 
has passed all electrical codes." 

He pointed out that an overloaded wire 
in a circuit causes a drop in voltage. Since 
most electrical equipment is designed for 
operation on 110 volts, this voltage drop 
reduces the efficiency of the equipment. 
This is especially true for flat irons, toasters, 
and other heating devices. 


"The remedy is fairly simple," Krewatch 
said. "New circuits can be added to carry 
part of the load, or the present wiring can 
be replaced with wires of a larger size. 
Either of these should correct the trouble 
unless the voltage at the entrance service 
switch is too low in that event, the trouble 
is with the transformer or the transmission 
line and must be corrected by the power 

The diversity of agriculture in Maryland 
makes it advisable to consider separate ad- 
justments for each type-of-farming area. 

Average egg production in the U. S. in 
1934 was 118 eggs per layer. 10 years later 
it was up to 147 eggs per bird. 

It has been shown that a hen laying 200 
eggs, consumes only 14 lbs. more feed than 
a hen laying 100 eggs. The additional eggs 
obtained mean extra profits. 



Dr. Ernest N. Cory, Maryland 1909, State 
Entomologist and head of all work in that 
line at the University of Maryland, was 
elected president of the American Associa- 
tion of Eocnomic Entomologists at their 
annual meeting in December, 1946. He 
completed work for his Doctor's degree at 
American University in 1926. 

Dr. Cory has been engaged in entomo- 
logical work in Maryland for more than 35 
years. Starting as an instructor following 
his graduation in 1909, he advanced rapidly 
and for many years has headed the re- 
search, teaching and extension work in 
entomology. His contacts throughout the 
State in connection with the regulatory 
functions of his position as State Entomol- 
ogist are very wide and numerous. At the 
annual meeting of the Maryland Nursery- 
men's Association in January, 1945, he was 
given a testimonial dinner in recognition 
of his service to that industry. Under his 
guidance, the little-known department of 
entomology at the University has grown 
until it receives national recognition. 

Dr. Cory has served as secretary of the 
association of which he now becomes presi- 
dent, and is a past-president of the Wash- 
ington Entomological Society. For ten 
years, he has been secretary and business 
manager of Economic Entomology. He is 
a member of scientific and honorary so- 



AT A recent graduate - undergraduate 
/\pow-wow of the impromptu variety the 
subject of loyalty to the University was dis- 

One young man commented that he con- 
sidered himself to be "fairly loyal" to the 
school. That suggested a subject on which 
we have wanted, for a long time, to pop off 
a little steam. 

In the military service we could never 
understand the markings on a point scale 
of officers' fitness reports on the premise of 
"loyalty." We contend that there are no 
degrees of loyalty. A man is loyal, period. 
Or he is disloyal, period. If. in the service, 
we couldn't mark a fellow "outstanding" 
in loyalty we wouldn't want him in our 

There are no degrees of loyalty. 

Loyalty is like red hair or buck teeth. 
You have it or you don't. 

We always liked old Elbert Hubbard's 
comments on loyalty. Fra Elbertus, the sage 
of East Aurora, wrote, 

"Not long ago I met a Yale student, home 
on a vacation. I am sure he did not repre- 
sent the true Yale spirit, for he was ftdl of 
criticism and bitterness toward the institu- 
tion. Yale's President came in for his share, 
and I was supplied items, facts, data, with 
times and places, for a "peach of a roast." 

"Very soon I saw the trouble was not 
with Yale. The trouble was with the young 
man. He had mentally dwelt on some trivial 
slights until he had got so out of harmony 
with the institution that he had lost the 
power to derive any benefit from it. Yale 
is not a perfect institution — a fact, I sup- 
pose, that Yale's President and most Yale 
men are quite willing to admit; but Yale 
does supply certain advantages, and it de- 
pends upon the students whether they will 
avail themselves of these advantages or not. 

"If you are a student in a college, seize 
upon the good that is there. You get good 
by giving it. You gain by giving — so give 
sympathy and cheerful loyalty to the insti- 
tution. Be proud of it. Stand by your teach- 
ers — they are doing the best they can. If 
the place is faulty, make it a better place 
by an example of cheerfully doing your 
work every clay the best you can. 

"Mind your own business. 

"If the concern where you are employed 
is all wrong, and the Old Man a curmud- 
geon, it may be well for you to go to the 
Old Man and confidentially, quietly and 
kindly tell him that he is a curmudgeon. 
Explain to him that his policy is absurd and 
preposterous. Then show him how to re- 
form his ways, and you might offer to take 
charge of the concern and cleanse it of its 
secret faults. 

"Do this, or if for any reason you should 
prefer not. then take your choice of these: 

Get Out or Get in Line. You have goL to 
do one or the other — now make your choice. 

"If you work for a man. in heaven's name 
work for him! 

"If he pays you wages that supply you 
your bread and butter, work for him — 
speak well of him, think well of him, stand 
by him and stand by the institution he 

"I think if I worked for a man I would 
work for him. I would not work for him 
a part of the time, and the rest of the time 
work against him. I would give an un- 
divided service or none. 

"If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty 
is worth a pound of cleverness. 

"If you must villify, condemn and etern- 
ally disparage, why, resign your position 
and, when you are outside, damn to your 
heart's content. But I pray you so long as 
you are a part of any institution, do not 
condemn it. Not that you will injure the 
institution — not that — but when you dispar- 
age the concern of which you are a part, 
you disparage yourself." 

On the subject of loyalty, Abraham 
Lincoln's famous letter to General Hooker 
was a classic. Hooker had continually criti- 
cised his superior, General Burnside. Hooker 
had also cruelly criticized Lincoln. So 
Lincoln removed Burnside, a man Lincoln 
greatly liked, and promoted Hooker to fill 
Burnside 's place. Friendship, with Lincoln, 
was not as great as loyaltv to his country. 

So Lincoln wrote to Hooker: — 

"Executive Mansion. 
"Washington. January 26. 1863. 
"Major General Hooker: 

"General: I have placed you at the head 
of the Army of the Potomac. Of course, I 
have done this upon what appears to me 



to be sufficient reasons, and yet I think it 
lust for you to know that there are some 
things in regard to which I am not quite 
satisfied with you. 

"I believe you to be a brave and skillful 
soldier, which, of course, I like. 

"I also believe you do not mix politics 
with your profession, in which you are right. 

"You have confidence in yourself, which 
is a valuable if not indispensible quality. 

"You are ambitious, which, within reason- 
able bounds, does good rather than harm, 
but I think that during General Burnside's 
command of the army you have taken coun- 
sel of your ambition and thwarted him as 
much as you could, in which you did a 
great wrong to the country and to a most 
meritorious and honorable brother officer. 

"I have heard, in such way as to believe 
it, of your recently saying that both the 
army and the government needed a dictator. 
Of course, it was not for this but in spite 
of it, that I have given you the command. 
Only those generals who gain successes can 
set up dictators. What I now ask of you is 
military success, and I will risk the dicta- 

"The government will support you to the 
utmost of its ability, which is neither more 
nor less than it has done and will do for 
all commanders. I much fear that the spirit 
you have aided to infuse into the army, of 
criticizing their commander and withhold- 
ing confidence from him, will now turn 
upon you. I shall assist you as far as I can 
to put it down. Neither you nor Napoleon, 
if he were alive again, could get any good 
out of an army while such a spirit prevails 
in it. And now, beware of rashness; beware 
of rashness, but with energy and sleepless 
vigilance go forward and give us victories. 
"Yours very truly, 


Even so great a man as Lincoln could not 
protect Hooker forever. He did not win. 
He had to be removed. Many suffered but 
Hooker suffered most. He drew the penalty 
for the sneering, carping, grumbling, griping 
and criticism. 

And so he was replaced by a Silent Man 
who criticized no one, not even those against 
whom he fought. But this Silent Man rided 
his own spirit in spite of much criticism 
leveled at him. He took the cities and won 
the war. He provided an excellent example 
of loyalty, minding his own business and 
doing a job for those under whom he 

Loyalty is mankind's greatest virtue. 
It is greater than love for love is loyalty 
of one toward another. 

It is greater than religion for religion is 
loyalty to God. 

Loyalty is greater than patriotism, for 
patriotism is loyalty to one's country. 

It is greater than charity for it includes 
one toward another. 


" . . . it makes 
a nice gift" 

". . . a year 

around remembrance" 

". . . so your friends 
will learn about 

why not send them 

by the year?" 

"The coupon 
below will do 
the trick!" 


Office of Publications, (M) 
University of Maryland, 
College Park, Md. 

Inclosed is $3.00. 

Please send "MARYLAND" for 
twelve issues to 


It is greater than hope for it includes that 

The greatest loyalty is loyalty to one's 
self. That is self respect and, in that pre- 
mise, Shakespeare said it all with, "Above 
all things to thine own self be true. Thou 
cans't not then be false to any man." 

When the Master of Men gave "these 
three unto you, faith, hope and charity, but 
the greatest of these is charity," He did not 
mention loyalty. He knew loyalty covered 
the three He did mention. 

A loyal fellow is just loyal. He is loyal 
to his God, to his country, to his family, to 
his friends, to his job, to his school, to 

Loyalty demands a lot. The reward for 
loyalty comes in self respect, i.e. loyalty to 
one's self. Loyalty demands the humble 
chores of daily routine, the faithful, unvary- 
ing, intelligent, undying devotion to duty. 

Many men have died for loyalty to their 
country, to their loved ones, to their ideals. 
The greatest example of loyalty to an ideal 
lies in the story of The Gentle Jew nailed 
to the cross on the Hill of Skulls. Monu- 
ments to his loyalty are shown in millions 
of stained glass windows over nineteen 
hundred years after Golgotha. Thousands 
upon thousands who have died for loyalty 
did not die in vain. 


This edition of "MARYLAND" is de- 
voted to the College of Agriculture. 

Other special editions to come — and to 
remain in the same rotation for each year — 
are as follows: — - 

April — Law. 

May — Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, 

June — Business and Public Administra- 

July — Women's Number. Home Eco- 

August — Arts and Sciences. 

September — Graduate School. Research. 

October — Athletic annual. Sports. 

November — Education. 

December — Christmas Annual. 

January — Unassigned. 

February — Engineering. 


It is probably not a bad idea to recall, 
from time to time, in these columns, the 
names of Maryland men who gave their 
lives in the war. 

Remember George Pyles, who, as a very 
young body represented Maryland in the 
ring as a heavyweight boxer. A knockout 
puncher was George and a grand kid. As 
a lieutenant in the Army Air Forces he gave 
his life over China. Pyles, from Oxon Hill, 
was at Maryland just prior to Pearl Harbor. 

Recall Lieutenant Lewis T. Carter, 
former Western High School student, Wash-' 
ington, D. C. Flying out of England on a 
B-17 this young Army flight pilot gave his 
life over Germany. He had enlisted while 
a student at Maryland. 

Lieutenant Gino Valenti, of Washing- 
ton, D. C, McKinley High School youngster 


THIS number of "MARYLAND,'' a 
special Agriculture number of the 
publication, has been made possible 
largely through the cooperation of Pro- 
fessor Addison H. Snyder, of the Col- 
lege of Agriculture and Extension 

A publication such as "MARYLAND" 
must depend, for success, largely upon 
the helpful interest of faculty and 
alumni. Alumni news, for instance, can 
be printed only if the alumni sub- 
mits it. 

Similarly, a special edition like this 
one, devoted to Agriculture, is a pretty 
good publication because Professor 
Snyder made it so. 


who was a student at Maryland, class of 
'41. He entered the Army immediately upon 
graduation. He died on the battlefields of 

Lieutenant J. Howard Randall, a Mary- 
land Engineer student in pre-war days, and 
a member of the lacrosse team, was all en- 
thused about entering the regular Army. 
This fine lad fell on the bloody beach at 
Dieppe, France. 

Lest we forget. Such Maryland men are 
well worth remembering. 


Roger Newburn. a 4-H boy, Woolstock, 
Iowa, had the honor of entertaining as ;i 
week-end guest no less a personage than 
Archibald John Clark- Kerr Lord Inver- 
chapel, British ambassador to the United 

It all came about as a result of a boast- 
ing remark made by Roger concerning Iowa 
when a group of 4-H boys attending the 
4-H encampment in Washington, was given 
an audience by the ambassador. After the 
ambassador expressed some skepticism. 
Roger said, "If you don't believe it you can 
come out to Iowa and see for yourself." 
The group was amazed when he said he 

The British ambassador made good his 
promise and he went right out to the New- 
hum home, four miles north of Woolstock 
where he put the Newburn's at their ease 
by making himself thoroughly at home. 

So, Roger had an opportunity to show the 
Ambassador what he had boasted about. 
After tours on the Newburn farm, observing 
hybrid corn, getting his first sight of a corn 
picker and a combine in operation, and 
looking at pure-bred livestock, the Ambas- 
sador commented: "God has been good to 
this country." 

For the first aid kit. minimum require- 
ments are: rolls of adhesive tape of vary- 
ing width; sterile cotton; swabs and sticks; 
clean white cloth for large bandages and 
tourniquets; matches; ointment for burns; 
tincture of iodine; boric acid; tincture of 
methiolate; tincture of benzoin; liquid green 
soap or benzine; rubbing alcohol. 



->Vrr ip-^ V, t^ 


BLANK forms have been sent to all avail- 
able addresses of University of Mary- 
land alumni as a step toward reorganizing 
and revitalizing the Alumni Association. 

The issuance of "MARYLAND," the 
the alumni publication, is a vital part of 
this reorganization program. In this pre- 
mise attention is invited to a few letters, 
selected from many such, printed elsewhere 
in these pages under the heading "Orchids." 

The alumni's stencil mailing list has 
coasted far down hill during the combat 
years and much of this disintegration has 
been brought about by failure of alumni to 
forward changes in address, of which there 
were many during the war. It is here that 
a publication performs a vital function, 
a keystone job. If the publication is greatly 
desired by the reader he will see to it that 
a change of address is submitted. If it is a 
poor publication he might not bother about 
having it forwarded to his new address. 
Since the Post Office Department does not 
forward second class mail matter it is easy to 
see how the address of the reader becomes 
lost in the shuffle. The control of the mail- 
ing list of a publication is in the hands 
of the readers. 

All of the addresses brought about by 
the return of the forms mailed to alumni 
at their last know address, first class mail, 
will be picked up on "MARYLAND" mail- 
ing list stencils. 

The program of mailing this form and 
the contents of the form were both the 
idea of Dr. H. C. Byrd, President of the 
University, who has shown great personal 
interest in the important work of re-organ- 
izing the alumni. 

Alumni are urged to report ANY changes 
of address of which they may be aware. 

A new full time Alumni Secretary is now 
in office. 

The data requested on the form above 
referred to is as follows: 

Name, Class, Home Address, Business Ad- 
dress, Mailing Address, If present address 
is temporary, give permanent address 
through which you can always be reached, 
Organizations to which you belong, To what 
fraternity or other organizations did you 
belong while in the University? What books 
or articles have you published? Married, 
To whom, The College from which vou 
graduated, Years in College, In what did 
you major?, Degree attained. Children, 
names, and ages, In what work, where, with 
what firms, and for how long in each case, 
have you engaged since leaving the Uni- 
versity?, What civic work have you done, 
and to what extent have you engaged in 
public or political or governmental activi- 
ties? Of what church are you a member? 
Give names and address of parents and note 
if not living. In what research have you 

Alumni Association, University jsf Maryland 

Founded in 1892 


Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21, 326 St. Paul St., Baltimore. M<1. 

Vice-Chairman, Harry E. Haslinger, '33 4615 Fordham Rd., College Park. Md. 

Talbot T. Speer, '18, 3132 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, Md. 

J. Homer Remsberg, '18, Middletown, Md. 

Hazel T. Tuemmler, '29, 4509 Beechwood Road, College Park, Md. 

Charles V. Koons, '29, 2828 McKinley Place, N.W., Washington, D. C. 

Agnes Gingell Turner, '33, Frederick, Md. 

Dr. Charles E. White, '23, 4405 Beechwood Road. College Park. Md. 

James E. Andrews, '31, Cambridge, Md. 

Secretary-Treasurer, David L. Brigham, '38, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 


The Publication of the Alumni Association. 
Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor. 
Jane W. Troy, Circulation Manager. 

engaged, if any? If you took part in World 
War I or World War II, or both, give a full 
account of your activities, rank, citations, 
decorations, etc. 

If the information sheet was received by 
the family of any person, as it will un- 
doubtedly be, lost in war, it was requested 
that some member of the family furnish full 
information, noting particularly where and 
how the casualty occurred. 


Carl C. Gobler, '40, was discharged from 
the Navy last November as Lieutenant 
Commander after 5i/2 years in the naval 
service. He married Claudia Marie Noel 
in Long Beach, California, Sept. 8, 1946 and 
is now employed by the Bank of America, 
Trust Dept., Long Beach and residing at 
2945 San Francisco Ave., Long Beach 6, 


Let reverence for the laws be breathed 
by every American mother to the lisping 
babe that prattles on her lap; let it be 
taught in schools, in seminaries, and in 
colleges; let it be written in primers, spell- 
ing-books, and in almanacs; let it be 
preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in 
legislative halls, and enforced in courts of 
justice. And, in short, let it become the 
political religion of the nation; and let 
the old and the young, the rich and the 
poor, the grave and the gay of all sexes 
and tongues and colors and conditions 
sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars. — Abra- 
ham Lincoln. 


At a meeting of the Board of Managers 
of the Alumni Association, held at College 
Park on January 25th the Board elected 
as Chairman, Mr. Austin C. Diggs '21, 326 
St. Paul St., Baltimore. 

Mr. Harry E. Haslinger, '33. 4615 Ford- 
ham Road, College Park, Md., was elected 
Vice Chairman. 


The new Secretary of the Alumni Associa- 
tion, chosen last month, is Mr. David L. 
Brigham, Arts and Sciences '38. Mr. Brig- 
ham, son of the late Reuben Brigham, 
former Secretary to the University's Presi- 
dent, has been with the Department of 
Agriculture in Iowa and Missouri and the 
Publicity and Public Relations Departments. 


As can be noted from these pages 
"MARYLAND" needs advertising. Maga- 
zine advertising should be offered on a 
commodity basis, i.e., so much per inch per 
thousand paid circulation. Thus adver- 
tising depends upon PAID circulation. 

Comparison of "MARYLAND" with other 
alumni publications discloses that other 
alumni publications carry two types of 
advertising, 1. National or local ads on 
a paid circulation basis; 2. More or less 
good will ads from alumni in the business 

"MARYLAND" could stand such adver- 
tising in either of the two categories men- 
tioned. Rates on application. 



Holder of the Silver and Bronie Stars, Combat In- 
fantryman Badge, Purple Heart, the Belgian Four- 
ragere and other decorations and awards, Mai. 
Burnside distinguished himself by gallantry in ac- 
tion near Chateau de Fontenay, France, on June 9, 
1944. During an attack by his battalion, two pla- 
toons were immobilized by enemy resistance, and 
the entire operation was jeopardized. When he saw 
a leaderless rifle company falling back, he moved 
out alone along a flank and guided the scattered 
groups of men into his own lines. The fire power 
thus concentrated forced the enemy to fall back, 
and he restored contact with flanking units. The 
citation for the Silver Star added that Maj. Burn- 
side's tactical maneuver made it possible to carry 
out the operation as it originally was intended. 
A native of Washington, Mai. Burnside is the son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting Burnside, 3802 
Ingomar street N.W. He attended Western High 
School and the University of Maryland, and was a 
member of the tennis and swimming teams at both 
schools. After graduating from the Fort Benning 
Infantry School, he spent three years training in 
this country with the 4th Infantry Division before 
going to England. The division joined in the D-day 
assault and in the Normandy campaign. Wounded 
severely in the Battle of St Lo, he was flown to 
England for hospital treatment. He rejoined his 
unit in the Battle of the Bulge, returning to this 
country after the war ended. 


Lt. Gloria M. Stewart, Chief of the 
Physical Therapy Department, Mason Gen'l 
Hosp., Brentwood, N. Y., has been sepa- 
rated from the service and is spending her 
terminal leave at her home, Edgewood 
Arsenal, Md. 

Lt. Stewart reecived a BS degree in 
Physical Education at Maryland in 1944. 
She enlisted in the WAC Physical Therapy 
course, and after her basic at Fort Ogle- 
thorpe, received the training at Fitzsimons 
Gen'l Hosp., Denver, Colo. She served as 
an apprentice Physical Therapist at Billings 
Gen'l Hosp., Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., 
where she was awarded the Good Conduct 
Medal and commissioned as a lieutenant 
in the Medical Department Physical Ther- 
apy Corps. 

She was assigned to Mason Gen'l Hosp. 
as a Physical Therapy aide, and later was 
promoted to Chief Physical Therapist. 


Howard Ingham Stites, Engineering '25, 
is city manager of Burbank, California. He 
has three children, Martha, Shirley and 
Howard, Jr. 


Appointment of George E. Hand of 
Alexandria, Virginia as director of per- 
sonnel service. Eastern Area of American 
Red Cross has been announced by Harold 15. 
Nearman, Area Manager. 

For the past year and a half, Mr. Hand 
has been director of Camp Service in the 
Eastern Area. He has been associated with 
the Red Cross for five and a half years, 
beginning as Field Director at Camp Polk. 
La., in June, 1941. He later moved to 
McDill Field, Tampa, Fla., in the same 
capacity and in June, 1942, he became Field 
Supervisor; in March, 1943, Assistant Re- 
gional Director of Camp Service of the 
Eastern Area. In October 1943 he was made 
Chief of Personnel Administration, Services 
to the Armed Forces, of the Eastern Area, 
then Director of Camp Service in April 
1945 which position he has held up to the 
present time. 

Born in Washington, D. C, Mr. Hand 
graduated from Randolph Macon College in 
Ashland, Virginia, in 1933 with a B. S. de- 
gree; later he attended the University of 
Maryland, College Park, Md., where he 
received an M. S. degree in 1941. 

Mr. Hand taught for three years in the 
Virginia public schools and later taught two 
vears in the Franklin Day School for Boys 
in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1939 he joined 
the staff of the Department of Economics 
and International Relations at the Biltmore 
College of Commerce, where he remained 
for two years before joining the Red Cross. 

He married the former Eleanor F. Poole 
of Washington, D. C. and they have one son. 


Miss Alice I. Biggs ('45) and Miss Jeanette 
K. Frezze ('45). Frederick, Maryland, have 
since graduation from Arts and Science been 
employed as caseworkers in child welfare 
work with the Children's Aid Society of 
Frederick County, Incorporated and the 
Probation Officer of Frederick County. 

Miss Biggs, after having done social work 
for one year and eight months, plans to 
resign in the near future to take up a posi- 
tion in the Employer Relations Division of 
the Civilian Personnel at Camp Detrick. 
Frederick, Maryland. 


The former Meta Lucile Boyd, '44, is 
now Mrs. Harold C. Marsh, 9 Union Street. 
Apt 6, Windsor, Vermont. Mr. Marsh at- 
tended the University of Maryland in the 
A. S. T. P. He is from Melrose, Mass. 
They yvere married on February 20, 1946. 
Last November the Marsh's had a baby 
girl, Carolyn Jean. 


' Mrs. Fred C. Hicks, Jr., has recently 
joined her husband, Capt. Hicks, who is 
stationed overseas. Their address is: 4th 
Constabulary Hdqs., A. P. O. 174, c/o P.M.. 
New York, New York. Mrs. Hicks is the 
former Betty Brookens '41, member of 
Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, while Fred 
was a Sigma Chi. 


During an attack on the enemy-held village of Fos- 
sieux, France, in October, 1944, Lt. Bach's platoon 
was pinned down by enemy machine gun fire com- 
ing from a house located on high ground in front 
of it. As he deployed his men for an attack against 
the position, the young infantry officer noticed a 
wounded soldier lying exposed to intense enemy 
fire. Disregarding this fire, Lt. Bach made his way 
to the injured man, rendered immediate first aid, 
and then carried him to shelter. Returning to his 
previous position in front of the platoon, he led 
his men against the building where the enemy had 
established a strong point. He first threw a gren- 
ade through a window on the first floor, then made 
a room-to-room search of the house and deter- 
mined that the enemy had taken refuge in the 
cellar. Directing his men to surround the build- 
inq, he threw grenades down the cellar ramp and 
was successful in securing the surrender of one 
enemy officer and 15 enlisted men. The lieutenant 
then continued the mopping up of the sector as- 
signed to his platoon, repeatedly demonstrating 
courage and skillful leadership when the enemy 
threatened several times to overrun his position. It 
was for this action that Lt. Bach was decorated 
with the Distinguished Service Cross. He also wears 
the Purple Heart with one oak leaf cluster and the 
Combat Infantryman's Badge. Lt. Bach was first 
wounded by a land mine while he was on night 
patrol two miles inside German lines. The second 

injury was suffered in Belgium. 
The son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bach, 20 T street 
N.W., Lt. Bach is a graduate of McKinley High 
School, where he was class president and a member 
of the football and track teams. At Maryland 
University, where he was graduated in 1943, he was 
president of his senior class and art editor of a 
student publication. Commissioned in May, 1943, 
he was sent overseas. 


Mildred R. Otto, '45, 1738 N. Broadway, 
Baltimore, is in her second year as a mem- 
ber of the faculty of Kenwood High School. 
Her subjects are European Civilization and 
World Geography. Kenwood Hi is a fine 
large school with an enrollment of almost 
1.600 pupils. 


Lloyd L. Malonee. one of Maryland's out- 
standing Lacrosse players in '42 is out of 
the Maritime Service and is now located 
with the Chesapeake and Potomac Tele- 
phone Company in Frederick, Maryland. 


Alfred J. Xortham. '22, is Assistant Direc- 
tor of the Rubber Laboratory of the E. I. 
duPont de Nemours Company, Wilmington, 
Del. Three other University of Maryland 
men are with the same firm. They are Dr. 
A. L. Flenner, Dr. Houghton Clapp and 
Dr. Philip J. Wingate. They hold re- 
sponsible positions. 



Ruth Lee Thompson Clark and husband 
received a very special Christinas gift when 
a wee lass was born to them on De- 
cember 22. 

Martha Rainalter Race and Cv celebrated 
the birth of a boy in October. 

James David McBraycr, III. arrived on 
January 3 to chcer'the hearts of Jean and 

Mary Keller Goodheart and Bud became 
the parents of twins, Rosalie and June. 
on or about January 6th. Mary is living 
at 705 W. 41st Street, Vancouver, Wash- 

Peg Jarboe writes that her wee son Barry 
is now four months old. 

Florence Peter Arquin is interested in 
Louise Fenton Quinn's "The Parents-of- 
Three Club" as Elizabeth Jean Arquin ar- 
rived to Join Peter, aged 4i/ 2 , and Mary 
Louise, 2\/ 2 - 

Ann Revell Chadeayne was married to 
John Lingard Tindale of New York on 
December 28th. He is with the Anaconda 
Company in Los Angeles. They are build- 
ing a home in Bel-Air, Pacific Palisades. 
By the way, Ann asks that her address, 
4459 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis. Missouri, be 
given to her Kappa friends. 

Celeste Karlstad Krug is living at 72 
Roosevelt Street, Chicapee, Massachusetts, 
where her husband is stationed at West- 
over Field. 

Jessie Kirk and her husband are living 
in Trenton, New Jersey. 

Betty Lou Tydings Keiser, daughter 
Koxan Sue, 2i/ 2 , and husband are living 
at 4301 West 56th Street. Mission, Kansas, 
where her husband flies for TWA. 

Eleanor B. Kay writes that her husband 
has just bought an interest in the Fireside 
Furniture Manufacturing Company of Rock- 
ville, Maryland. He is managing the factory. 

Marilyn Henderson Ihle writes that her 
husband. Roger, is a field engineer for 
Rural Electrification Administration and 
that they have enjoyed a wonderful six 
months in Denver. Now, however, he has 
been given the state of Wyoming as his 
new territory so they are moving to Chey- 
enne or Laramie, Wyoming. They were 
happy to see Genie Simmons this past sum- 
mer when she went to Estes Park for 
Mortar Board Convention. Marilyn ex- 
pected to visit her family in Washington 
after Christmas. 

Elsie Lee White Miles advises that she 
belongs to the Stanford Alumnae Associa- 
tion, but that her little ones keep her quite 
busy. She says she's raising two future 
Kappas, Jana aged 6, and Judy aged 1 year, 
and one future hell-raiser (probably a Sigma 
Nu) Jim aged 2\/ 2 . Elsie Lee is also doing 
volunteer work at the National Transcribers 
Association for the Blind. 

If anyone knows Donnie Godwin Bringles' 
address, please drop Elsie Lee a line (Mrs. 
W. W. Miles, 308 Santa Rita Avenue, Menlo 
Park, Calif). 

Kitty Dennis Thomason and family are 
spending the winter in Florida. 

Eleanor Freeney Adams, "Big Don" and 
"Little Don" are leaving shortly for Guan- 
tanamo Bay, Cuba, to spend five weeks with 
Eleanor's sister and brother-in-law, Col. 


In Maryland University's Pastures. 

and Mrs. Joseph Burger. Eleanor says that 
they will drive to Miami and then fly to 

Estelle Remley Rabbitt and Jimmie are 
in Florida visiting Ruth Digges. 

Nancy Norment Woods and family of 
three are living in Oak Ridge. Bub's work- 
ing with the Atom Bomb Project. 

Connie Church Degman visited her home 
for two months. It was the first time in 
nine years since she had moved to Cali- 
fornia that she had been home. 

Dorothy Millar Shelby visited Jerry Schuh 
Barlow in Helena, Arkansas. Dottie now 
lives in Clarksdale, Mississippi. 

Barbara Davis Ferris' address is Box 236, 
Harvard, Illinois. Barbara was home for 
three weeks at Christmas time. 


Richard K. Lynt, Jr., '39, is employed 
as a research associate in the virus depart- 
ment of E. R. Squibbs Company in New 
Brunswick, N. J. He is a bacteriologist. 
During the war Mr. Lynt spent three years 
as laboratory officer at the U. S. Naval 
Hospital, Oceanside, California. Mrs. Lynt 
is the former Elizabeth M. Cissell, who 
graduated in sociology in 1941. She is a 
Kappa Delta and belonged to the alumni 
group of that sorority in San Diego. 

The Lynt's have one son, Richard King 
Lynt, age four months. Their home address 
is' POB 324, Franklin Park, N. J. 


Mr. James B. Gahan has returned to 
Mexico to continue a research project he 
started in 1944 in cooperation with the 
Rockefeller Foundation and the Mexican 
Public Health Service. During the War Mr. 
Gahan developed a new method of con- 
trolling mosquitoes that now has world- 
wide use in malarial control. It consists of 
spraying interiors of houses with DDT to 
kill the mosquitoes. In Mexico this method 
is being used successfully to eliminate 
malaria in several small villages where the 
people have suffered from this scourge for 
many years. 

Mr. Gahan received a B.S. degree from 
the College of Agriculture, Entomology, at 
the University of Maryland in 1930. He 
also received an M.S. degree in 1932. 



Capt. Chester C. Westfall, Jr., son of 
Retired Lt. Col. C. C. Westfall, Snow Hill. 
Maryland, is now serving with the 7727nd 
Claims Office Team, the Wiesbaden Mili- 
tary Community office for processing Ger- 
man claims against the U. S. Government. 
This Claims Team is part of the Wiesbaden 
Air Force Station, one of the organizations 
that is policing the American zone of oc- 
cupied Germany from the air. 

Prior to entering the army in June 1943. 
Capt. Westfall attended the University of 
Maryland. He was commissioned 2d Lt. 
in Sept. 1944 at Fort Benning, Ga. 

His wife, Mrs. Renee Drezi Westfall ar- 
rived in Germany in July 1946 and makes 
her home with their daughter Jean Marie, 
born 3 January 1947, in the Wiesbaden 
Dependents Community. 


Edgar Farr Russell, Engineering '22, is 
with the C. & P. Telephone Company as 
civil engineer and has taught mechanical 
drawing at Central High School, Washing- 
ton, D. C. 


George Allen Wick, Engineering '23, is a 
member of the building firm of Davis, Wick 
and Rosengarten, Washington, D. C. 


John Philip Schaefer, Engineering '23, is 
the Commercial Engineer for the Potomac 
Electric Power Company, Washington, D. C| 
He is also very active as an amateur motion 
picture photographer and in civic affairs. 
The Schaefers have four children. 


Karl Blackwell Frazier, Engineering '27, 
is with the realty firm of Edward D. Jones 
Co., AVashington, D. C. He was a flight cap- 
tain in the Army during the war. He has 
spent much time in South America. 


Robert E. Ashman, Maryland '41, is now 
attending Harvard Law School. He was 
discharged from the Army with the rank of 
Captain in 1946, having served as a flyer 
with the famous 20th Air Force. 


The entrance to the College of Agriculture Building, University of Maryland. 


Theodore M. Vial, 4304 Van Buren St., 
Hyattsville, is among 98 new members ad- 
mitted to the University of Illinois chapter 
of Sigma Xi, scientific honorary fraternity. 

Sigma Xi was established in 1887 for pur- 
pose of encouraging research. Membership 
is based upon promise and accomplishment 
in the research field. 

Mr. Vial was graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1942, where he re- 
ceived a B.S. degree from the College of 
Arts and Science. He was a member of 
Phi Delta Theta fraternity. 


William Faber Troxell, Engineering '25, 
is with the Pennsylvania State Roads Com- 
mission. Mr. Troxell has also done some 
fine work in amateur photography and has 
collected some excellent equipment in that 
field. He is married to the former Katherine 
Barnsley, also a Maryland graduate. 


Dr. Leo T. Brown, graduate of University 
of Maryland's Medical College who took 
pre-med at College Park is a leading special- 
ist in Washington. His brothers, Chauncey 
and Henry also attended Maryland. 



Arthur R. T. Denues, who received his 
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1939, has been award- 
ed the Legion of Merit by the War Depart- 
ment. The citation reads: 

"Major Arthur R. T. Denues, 0-335912, 
Chemical Corps, Army of the United States, 
while serving as chief, Mortar Section, 
Technical Command. Edgewood Arsenal, 
Md., from 2 December 1943 to 1 April 
1943, performed exceptionally meritorious 
service by effecting notable improvements 
in the 4.2 inch chemical mortar, particu- 
larly improved serviceabilitv of the piece, 
flight characteristics of the shell, and a pro- 
pellant that increased the range. These 
achievements made it possible to supply 
combat troops with a weapon far superior 
to the one previously available and thus 
contributed directly to the successful prose- 
cution of the war. He was also responsible 
for the development of the 4.2 inch recoil- 
less mortar and its charge. Major Denues' 
application to duty and outstanding tech- 
nical ingenuity in research and development 
work was highly productive and reflected 
great credit on the service in the eyes of 
the combat arms." 


Dr. W. M. Gewehr, professor of history 
at Maryland University, was guest speaker 
at a meeting of Beta Gamma Chapter of 
Pi Omicron National Sorority at the YWCA, 
Washington. D. C. 

He talked on his experiences in Germany 
during the war. 


Dr. H. C. Byrd, President of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, was guest speaker for 
the luncheon sponsored by the Education 
Committee of the Baltimore Advertising 
Club at the Emerson Hotel, Baltimore, on 
February 19. 

His subject was "The University of Mary- 
land and National Education." 


Dr. Richard R. Meyers has been added to 
the sociology department of Ohio Wesleyan 
University, Delaware, Ohio. Dr. Meyers, 
a graduate of the University of Missouri 
and the University of Michigan, has been 
teaching at Michigan and at the University 
of Maryland. 


Harry B. McCarthy, D.D.S., Clinical Di- 
rector, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, 
Dental School, University of Maryland, and 
Grayson W. Gaver, D.D.S., Professor of Den- 
tal Prosthesis of the same school, have just 
completed a tour of Puerto Rico, Hispanola 
and the Bahamas as guests of the Puerto 
Rican Dental Society, of which Dr. F. G. 
Garcia, graduate of the University of Mary- 
land Dental School, is President. 

Drs. McCarthy and Gaver are the first 
dentists to have been so honored on Puerto 
Rico's program. 

Dr. McCarthy's subject was "Cavity Prepa- 
ration — Instrumentation and Amalgam Re- 

This presentation covered the basic factors 
of acceptable cavity preparation and the 
instruments to be used in these prepara- 
tions. The factors governing the proper 
manipulation and insertion of a good alloy 
restoration were stressed. Models and col- 
ored slides were used to augment the 

Dr. Gaver's subject was "Establishing the 
Vertical Relation of the Arches in Full 
Denture Construction." 

This covered relation of the Mandible to 
the Maxillae, Curves of Occlusion, Equaliz- 
ing Stresses of Mastication, Adjusting Ana- 
tomical Articulator. Relation of the Teeth 
to the Ridges. Arrangement of Teeth to 

Harry B. McCarthy was an honor grad- 
uate of the Baltimore College of Dental 
Surgery, Dental School, University of Mary- 
land, 1923. He returned to his school that 
year as a full time instructor in Clinical 
Operative Dentistry. He was appointed As- 
sistant Professor of Clinical Operative Den- 
tistry in 1927, and made Professor of Clin- 
ical Operative Dentistry in 1940. In Sep- 
tember 1946, he was made Director of 
Dental Clinics of the University of Mary- 
land. He has served as secretary of the 
Operative Dentistry and Materia Medica 
section of the American Dental Associa- 
tion in 1928, vice-chairman 1929. chairman 
1930. He was a delegate of the Maryland 
State Dental Association at the Interna- 
tional Dental Congress (Paris) 1931. He 
is Chairman, Commercial Exhibits for Den- 
tal Centenary Celebration, Baltimore, 1940. 
He is a past president of the Maryland 
State Dental Association, Fellow of the 
American College of Dentists and a mem- 
ber of Omicron Kappa Upsilon, national 
honorary dental fraternity. 

Grayson W. Gaver, was born in Myers- 
ville, Maryland. He graduated from the 
Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental 
School, University of Maryland, with Magna 
Cum Laude honors in 1922. Immediately 
following his graduation. Dr. Gaver began 
his teaching career as a full-time instructor 
in the department of Dental Prosthesis at 
his Alma Mater. Dr. Gaver was elected 
Professor of Dental Prosthesis in June 1940. 
He is a member of the American College 
of Dentists and President of the Maryland 
State Dental Association. 


The Universidad de San Carlos of Guate- 
mala City, Guatemala, offers a Summer 
School for North Americans this year. The 
courses extend from July 3 to August 14. 

Courses will be on the undergraduate 
and graduate level. Subjects offered will 
include: Elementary Spanish, Spanish gram- 
mar and composition, Spanish history and 
literature, Hispano-American history and 
literature. Methodology and Inter-American 
Workshop, and Guatemalan and Malayan 

Staff members will include professors of 
the Facultad de Humanidades of the Uni- 
versidad de San Carlos and several former 
faculty members of Universities in the 
United States. 

Living with private families in homes 
approved by a Guatemalan-North American 
committee will be possible, if desired, at a 


'earling and two-year-old Belg ; an mares available for research in farm power problems. 

minimum cost, probably three dollars per 
clay. Weekends will be free for trips to the 
scenic Mayan Highlands and colorful Indian 

Enrollment is limited. Tuition is $50, 
United States currency. Early enrollment is 
imperative if boat reservations are desired. 

Address all inquiries to Dr. Nora B. 
Thompson, 16 Argyle road, Ardmore, Penn- 


Dr. Wilbert J. Huff, Director of the En- 
gineering Experiment Station, University of 
Maryland, has been asked to serve as con- 
sultant to the Department of Commerce in 
connection with the administration of Pub- 
lic Law No. 490. In this law Congress 
authorized the Department of Commerce to 
"expend not to exceed $1,000,000 for tem- 
porary scientific research on new products, 
materials, material substitutes, and such 
other subjects and special services deter- 
mined necessary, including the encourage- 
ment of inventive genius. . . ." 

The fund is administered by the Indus- 
trial Research and Development Division 
of the Office of Technical Services of the 
Department of Commerce. To be eligible 
a project must have a reasonable probabil- 
ity that it will foster and promote the na- 
tional welfare and that it will: 

1 — Advance the technological productiv- 
ity of the Nation. 

2 — Create new enterprise. 

3 — Create new employment. 

4 — Be of wide public consequence and 


Establishment of branches of the Pro- 
peller Club of Washington at University 
of Maryland, Georgetown University and 
George Washington University was an- 
nounced at the first 1947 meeting of the 

Propeller Club, Port of Washington, D. C, 
by the president, Capt. R. E. Coombs, 
United States Coast Guard. 

Capt. Coombs told nearly 200 club mem- 
bers of the rapidly growing interest in the 
United States merchant marine displayed by 
students at these local universities. 


Ways and means to lick a predatory little 
snail, called a drill, which is costing the 
oyster industry millions of dollars are being 
studied in the laboratories at the University 
of Maryland, College Park, Md. 

Dr. Paul S. Galtsoff, chief of the shellfish 
investigation section, Fish and Wildlife Serv- 
ice, Department of the Interior, said the 
laboratory has perfected an elaborate tank 
which records by a system of levers every 
motion the snail makes. 

"When we find out how fast and how far 
it travels and when it stops," he said, "we 
will know better how to cope with it." 

The drill, as its name suggests, preys on 
oysters in the Chesapeake Bay by drilling 
holes in the shell and feeding on the occu- 
pant. It does not eat a whole meal, how- 
ever, but goes on after a few tastes to feed 
on another. 

Trapping snails has been attempted for 
several years, but the method has proved too 
costly and cumbersome. 

Dr. Galtsoff admits that science has no 
solution to the problem as yet. 


Mrs. Evelyn Levow Greenberg, a grad- 
uate of Brooklyn College, replaces Mr. 
Stephen Schoen, graduate student who 
taught Art Appreciation last semester. 

Mrs. Greenberg majored in History of 
Art at Brooklyn College and studied archi- 
tecture and design. She taught arts and 
crafts at the Brooklyn College and also 
assisted in the Art Office. 



Many of the modern cooking methods 
are actually more economical than some of 
grandmother's practices which were con- 
sidered famous for the delicious food which 
they prepared. 

This information comes from Margaret 
McPheeters. Nutritian Specialist at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, who points out that the 
long cooking of vegetables drives off much 
of the flavor and destroys some of the nu- 
tritive value of vegetables. 

"We used to think that soup stock should 
be made from meat and vegetables which 
simmered day after day on the back of the 
stove," she said, "but actually there is no 
advantage in the long cooking. Once the 
stock is made it should go into the re 
frigerator to be kept cold and fresh until 

She recommended that soup bones or 
other bones used for stock be tracked and 
simmered for an hour or two in water, but 
that vegetables be added late and cooked 
only a short time. 


The Maryland Fresh Egg Law is now 
effective and violations are being brought 
to trial according to Russell C. Hawes, 
Supervisor of Maryland egg grading and 
inspection service of the department of mar- 
kets in Baltimore. 

Hawes said today, "This egg law is not 
only a protection to the consuming public 
but it is also a protection to the grocer who 
wishes to sell quality eggs to his customers." 

He explained that eggs sold to a retailer 
must have the proper grade and size of eggs 
displayed on the invoice and that eggs sold 
to a consumer must have the same informa- 
tion marked on the container. 

Hawes added that, upon conviction, the 
offender is subject to a fine of from $5 to 
$50 for a first offense and from $50 to SI 00 
for the second or subsequent offenses. The 
law he referred to is Article 48. Sections 
144 to 150 of the 1939 edition Annotated 
Code of Maryland as amended bv Chapter 
1050 bv the 1945 general assembly. 


"The training school for prospective 
supervisors of dairy herd improvement asso- 
ciations was held for the two-week period 
from February 17 to March 1." reported 
Marvin E. Senger. extension dairyman at 
the University of Maryland. 

"We had immediate need for about 10 
new supervisors," Senger said in announcing 
the school, "and we urged each of the 21 
associations now active in the State to send 
someone to the school for training. No 
previous experience or training is nccessarv. 
but we prefer persons who have had farm 
experience and a high school education. 
\nvone interested in getting more informa- 
tion can see the local countv agent or write 
us here at the Dairy Department." 

The dairy herd improvement associa- 
tions are part of the extension program 
working for the improvement of the dain 
herds in Maryland. Each association hires 
a supervisor to visit each member's herd 
once ever) month for the purpose of getting 

adequate milk production records and feed- 
ing information. 

The records are then used by the dairy- 
man as a guide in culling his herd. They 
are also used to determine the most effec- 
tive feeding and management practices and 
to show the benefits of the breeding pro- 
gram being followed. 


A post graduate fellowship in chemistry 
was awarded to the University of Maryland 
by the Du Pont Company of Wilmington, 
Delaware. This is one of seventy-five post- 
graduate and post-doctoral fellowships to 
forty-six universities for the 1947-48 aca- 
demic year. 

Each post-graduate fellowship provides 
N 1.200 for a single person or SI .800 for a 
married person, together with a grant of 
S 1,000 to the university. Each post-doctoral 
fellowship carries an award of $3,000 with 
a grant of .151,500 to the university. 

As in the past the selection of nominees 
for the awards and choice of problems on 
which they are to work is left to the 
universities. The individual is under no 
obligation with respect to employment after 
he completes his work under the fellow 

The fellowship plan, which was adopted 
bv Du Pont in 1918 and has been main- 
tained with but one interruption ever since, 
is designed to provide means for advanced 
training of chemists, physicists, and engi- 
neers. The chemical industry is confronted 
with a continued shortage of men and 
women with broad technical backgrounds. 

Forty -two of the post-graduate fellow- 
ships are in chemistry, five in physics, fifteen 
in chemical engineering and seven in 
mechanical engineering. The plan also pro- 
v ides for six post-doctoral fellowships in 
chemistry. Awards in the postdoctoral 
field support the development of young men 
especially qualified for staff positions on the 
graduate faculties. 


That problems dealing with the market- 
ing of farm products will probably be the 
most important problems facing Maryland 
farmers in the next ten years, is the opinion 
of H. L. Stier. head of the State depart- 
ment of markets at the University of Mary- 

"The fruit growers of the State," he says. 
' will particularly face a competitive market 
in the future. Their success or failure 
will depend largely upon the quality, at- 
tractiveness, and service which they put 
into the product they offer the consumer. 

He foresees keen competition from citrus 
fruits, canned and frozen foods, bananas, 
and candy; but he believes that the fruit 
growers can meet the competition by uni- 
formity in grading and by higher quality. 

"The quality of the apples that are now 
olfered at retail levels must be improved." 
he declares. "The responsibility of the pro- 
ducer for satisfied consumers does not stop 
at his packing house. He should assume 
more responsibility for quality all the wav 
to the consumer, because successful mar- 

keting involves both quality production and 
satisfied consumption." 

Dr. Stier's department is to lay special 
emphasis on a seven point marketing pro- 
gram for fruit growers during the coming 
years. The program includes the expan- 
sion and increased emphasis on market in- 
formation; improved grading and higher 
quality; assistance to producers in process- 
ing, packaging, and merchandising; improve. 
ment of marketing methods; assistance in 
the development of cooperative marketing 
agencies; more information for the con- 
sumer; and a broadened extension market- 
ing program to get more and better mar- 
keting information to more growers. 


Miss Edna B. NcNaughton, Professor of 
Nursery School Education, University of 
Maryland, received with Mrs. Truman at 
the White House when Columbia Univer- 
sity's Alumni was entertained at Tea by the 
First Lady. 

Two hundred guests assembled in the 
East Room, passed through the Blue Room 
and were received in the Red Room by 
Mrs. Truman and Miss McXaughton. Tea 
was served in the State Dining Room. 

Miss McXaughton is President of the 
Columbia Universitv Alumni Association. 


A special mass formation and review of 
the University of Maryland ROTC unit 
was held recently to honor Lt. Col. James 
M. Gwin and Sgt. Charles S. Loucks, who 
were presented with War Department hon- 
ors at that time. 

Col. Gwin was awarded the Bronze Star 
for his outstanding work in the Quarter- 
master Corps. He procured material that 
was normally termed unobtainable at crit- 
ical moments of the war, and developed 
new and ingenious methods of operating 
his unit with the most efficient system 
possible. A measure of the success of our 
armies overseas can be credited to his efforts 
in obtaining needed material at the advance 
depots in an extremely short space of time. 

Sgt. Loucks, a student of the University 
of Maryland School of Engineering, was 
awarded the Soldiers' Medal for heroic ac- 
tion taken, at the risk of life, when a Chem- 
ical plant exploded and caused a threat 
to personnel and property. Bv his immedi- 
ate action within the danger ana. losses 
were held to a minimum. 


From the University of Maryland. 



Professor H. G. Steinmeyer, of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, advised the delegates 
in the opening address of the Older Boys 
Conference in Catonsville that "If America 
is to remain great, more attention must be 
given to our duties and responsibilities and 
less emphasis upon our rights. Our Christian 
idealism must become more real in the 
hearts of our citizens." 

A major portion of the conference sched- 
ule was devoted to discussion groups. The 
following questions were among those as- 
signed to these groups by the planning 
committee of you: "Is Our Choice that 
of One World or None? What Will Be Our 
Part in a Christian Democracy What Do 
Present Trends in Morals Indicate For Our 
Future? What Is The Impact Of The 
Infiltration of Ideaologies Upon the Indi- 

Dr. R. Floyd Cromwell, Director of 
Guidance of the Maryland State Board of 
Education, was chairman of the discussion 
leaders who were: Alvan Allan and Charles 
Scott. Baltimore Y.M.C.A.; Willis Miller. 
Wilmington Y.M.C.A. Reade W. Corr and 
Caspar Hart, Catonsville high school. Bar- 
man Hauver, Frederick high school; E. 
Russell Hicks, Hagerstown high school, 
C. Clark Jones, Bel Air high school. The 
fellowship delegates were the secretaries of 
the discussion groups who reported their 
findings at the summary session on Sunday 
morning: Tom Hubbard, Baltimore; Rich- 
ard Davis, Wilmington; John Fox, Annap- 
olis; David Mclntyre, Cumberland; Edward 
Bunch, Baltimore; Melvvn Middleton. 
Washington; David Pike and Frank Ralls. 


A short course for Motor Vehicle Fleet 
Operators was held at the University of 
Maryland at College Park during the week 
of March 3 to 7, 1947. 

The purpose of the course was to pre- 
sent a practical program for accident pre- 
vention, conservation of manpower and 
equipment, efficient and economical opera- 
tion, and improvement of employee and 
public relations. Particular attention was 
given to methods of testing, selecting, train- 
ing, and supervising drivers. Field demon- 
strations supplemented the classroom in- 

The course was offered by the University 
of Maryland in cooperation with manv 
national and state organizations interested 
in conservation and safety. It was open to 
fleet owners and operators, safetv and per- 
sonnel directors, fleet supervisors, and safetv 
engineers. The instructors included na- 
tionally recognized authorities, Maryland 
experts in the various phases of safetv 
practice, and faculty members of the Uni- 


Professor Edna B. McNaughton, Nursery 
School Education, University of Maryland, 
is in charge of two nursing courses con- 
ducted by the University. 

Classes in Nursery School and Kinder- 
garten Methods, including workshop, are 
held at the University. 

Classes in the Social and Emotional Needs 
of the Young Child and Education of the 
Young Child are held at Central High 
School, Washington, D. C, on Mondays 
from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 

The main emphasis of the course at Cen- 
tral High School is in trying to understand 
what lies beneath outward behavior rather 
than on conformity as such; acceptance of 
the child's feelings; helping the child to live 
richly and fully on his own level; seeing the 
child as a whole; working with the parents 
and the home to bring about the most 
favorable adjustment of the child; planning 
the preschool program, with emphasis on 
the developmental growth and needs of 
the child, and their implications for the 
practising teacher. Discussion will center 
around what children are like, and an 
understanding of age-level differences as 
they affect individuals and groups. The 
child's relation to the materials, the ex- 
periences, and the people of his world at 
home and at school will be studied. Teach- 
ing techniques and group experiences will 
be analyzed, with students invited to bring 
in questions and group problems for dis- 

The instructors in these two courses are 
Miss Mary McBurney Green, Mrs. Elizabeth 
Whitney, and Mrs. Vesta P. Lynn. 

Miss Green received her B.S. and M.A. 
degrees from Teachers' College, Columbia 
University. She is a former teacher of the 
Harriet Johnson Nursery School at "69 Bank 
St.," New York City. She has also taught 
at New York University. She is at present 
head teacher of the 4-year-old group at 
Green Acres Nursery School, Bethesda. 
Maryland. She is the author of several 
children's books, among them "Everybody 
Has a House" and "Everybody Eats" which 
are popular with young children of the 
present day. 

Mrs. Whitney, now Director of the Center 
School, Remedial Education Center, Wash- 
ington. D. C, and formerly with the Rock- 
ville Cooperative Nursery School. Mrs. 
Whitney did her undergraduate work at 
Mt. Holyoke, and graduate work at 69 
Bank Street and New York University. She 
was a teacher in 69 Bank Street Nursery 
School for five years, and while there was 
a lecturer of Education at New York Uni- 
versity for four years. She has taught at 
the Brooklyn Friends School, and in the 
summer of 1946 she had charge of the 
Demonstration Nursery School in College 
Park for the University of Maryland. Mrs. 
Whitney has given the Extension Course 

"Education of the Young Child" for the 
University of Maryland at Central High 
School in Washington, this semester. 

Mrs. Lynn is Supervisor of Student Teach 
ing of Wilson Teachers College. Mrs. Lynn 
is in charge of kindergarten work at the 
Truesdell School, which is the laboratory 
school of Wilson Teachers College. In 1945 
Mrs. Lynn was one of the supervisors in 
the Department of Kindergarten and Ele 
mentary Instruction. 


Dr. John Dale Russell, Director of Highei 
Education, U. S. Office of Education, spoke 
in the auditorium of the Administration 
Building, College Park, on February 12. 

The subject of Dr. Russell's address was 
"The Future of Higher Education in 

This meeting was open to anyone inter- 
ested and was sponsored by the University 
of Maryland group of the Maryland State 
Teachers Association. 


"Kilroy" was discharged from Camp Kil- 
mer, N. J., this week. 

With T/5 Steve Yura, creator of the 
comic strip "Clem and Kilroy," which ap- 
peared in several Army newspapers, the 
fabulous Kilroy was mustered out of the 

The 23-year-old cartoonist has had a 
number of offers to syndicate his strip but 
at present the future of "Kilroy" is still 
undetermined. The four-year Army veteran 
has been assigned to the rehabilitation ward 
of the station hospital for the last few 
months teaching art to recuperating bud- 

Recently Yura offered a $50 reward to 
anyone who could prove that he is not the 
originator of the phrase, "Kilroy was here." 
The young artist has written two books. 
His first, "A Postwar Career for A. P.O. Joe," 
was printed in December, 1944; his second, 
"Kilroy Was Here." is now in the hands of 
the publishers. 

It seems that the peak of farm prices has 
been reached. 

After six months of operation the Mary- 
land Artificial Breeding Cooperative had 
817 members with almost 13,000 cows en- 
rolled. 4233 inseminations were made in 
the 6 months. 

About 350,000 tons of lime were used by 
Maryland farmers during 1946. 


The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the publication by the alumni 

Alumni are urgently requested to supply the office of publication at College Park with changes of address known to an alumni, news items 
of general or personal interest, occupational and professional items, social news, births, engagements, marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST" news and the more news received the better the pulication will be. 

Please accord us your support. 



ard DefFert were married recently 
in The Little Church Around the Corner 
in New York City. 

Mrs. Deffert received a B.A. degree from 
the University of Maryland, College of Arts 
and Science in June '46. She has been 
employed by the Chesapeake and Potomac 
Telephone Company since last August and 
is a Service Representative. She is studying 
nights at George Washington University 
working toward her Master's degree in 

Mr. Deffert is attending the University 
of Maryland, College of Arts and Science. 
He is a member of Phi Kappa Sigma. He 
served in the Navy during the war. 


The marriage of her daughter, First Lt. 
Dorothy Evelyn White, T. C. WAC. to 
Mr. Ralph Winslow Nielsen of Park Ridge, 
111., is announced by Mrs. Eula Griffith. 

The bride, whose father is Mr. Frank 
Russell White of Washington, was aide-de- 
camp to Gen. Neal H. McKay, commanding 
general of the San Francisco Port of Em- 
barkation. She was born in Washington 
and is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
A. B. Griffith of Washington. The former 
is a member of the Oldest Inhabitants of 

Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen will make their 
home in San Francisco. 

Mrs. Nielsen is a native of Washington 
and graduate of Western High there. She 
attended the University of Maryland in 
1927-28, where she was a member of Kappa 
Xi sororitv. She graduated from the Uni- 
versity of California. Los Angeles. 


Miss Fanny Goldnadel, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Joseph Goldnadel of Paris, France, 
was married recently to Joseph Fishkin. 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Fishkin of 

Mr. Fishkin attended Maryland Univer- 
sity in 1937-40 in the College of Engineer- 
ing. He was discharged recently from the 
Army after more than four years' service. 
He was a member of Phi Alpha Fraternity 
at Maryland University. He met his bride 
while serving in France. 


Announcement has been made of the 
marriage of Miss Deborah Stern, daughter 
of Mrs. Rose W. Stern, Baltimore, and 
the late Dr. J. Ludwig Stern, and Mr. 
Harry Levin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris 
Levin, also of Baltimore. 


Married in Washington recently were 
Miss Janet Young, daughter of Maj. Sidney 

Hooper Young, USA, retired, and Mrs. 
Voting of New York City, and Lieut. Com- 
mander James Francis McRoberts, USN, 
son of Mrs. John McRoberts of Hobart, 
Ind.. and the late Mr. McRoberts. 

Mrs. McRoberts attended University of 
Maryland where she was enrolled in the 
College of Home Economics and Utah State 
College. Her husband is a graduate of 
the Naval Academy at Annapolis. 


The wedding of Miss Olive Elizabeth 
Stumpf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William 
E. Stumpf. of Avalon, Pa., and Mr. Elijah 
Rinehart, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah 
Rinehart. of Relay, Md., took place re- 
cently in East Liberty Presbyterian Church. 

Mr. Rummer is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, where he received a 
B.S. degree from the College of Commerce. 


Announcement has been made by Mr. 
and Mrs. Milton L. Willis, of Federalsburg, 
Md., of the marriage of their daughter, Miss 
Mary Bernese Willis, to Mr. James Ernest 
Downes, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 
Marion H. Downes, of Denton, Md. 

The bride is a graduate of Fairfax Hall 
Junior College and Randolph-Macon Col- 
lege. The groom, who attended University 
of Maryland in 1938 where he was enrolled 
in the College of Agriculture and Goldey 
College, served overesas in the 80th Infantry 


Announcement has been made of the 
marriage recently of Miss Catherine Lenore 
Briggs, daughter of Mr. A. Berne Briggs, 
of Washington, and Mr. Claude Leon 
Callegary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 
Callegary, of Baltimore. 

The bride attended Birmingham Southern 
College and received a B.A. degree from 
University of Maryland, College of Arts and 
Science in 1946. She was a member of 
Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. 

Mr. Callegary is now attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, College of Business and 
Public Administration. 


At Lanham, Md., Miss Ann Helena 
Rowell, daughter of Mrs. William P. Sey- 
mour of Hyattsville, was married to Mr. 
George Carlyle Howard, son of Mrs. Albert 
P. Howard of Erie, Pa. 

Miss Rowell was graduated from Wilson 
Teachers College and received her Master of 
Education degree in 1943 at the University 
of Maryland. She is now a teacher in a 
Washington high school. 

Mr. Howard was graduated from North- 
western State Teachers College at Edinboro, 
Pa., and Penn State, and took his legal 
training at Georgetown University. He also 
studied at the University of Maryland in 
1929-30 in the College of Education. He 
was formerly principal of Bowie High 
School and for the past 19 years has been 
employed by the Washington Times-Herald. 


At Arlington, Va., Miss Helen Ruth 
Hansford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. 


Hansford, of Steyer, was married recently 
to Mr. Arthur Edward Piehler, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. A. W. Peihler, of Dolgeville, N. Y. 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland and Mr. Piehler is a student 
at Colgate University. 

They arc making their home in Hamilton, 
N. Y., where they both will attend Colgate 


Mr. and Mrs. Barzillai Cheskis were mar- 
ried in Washington, D. C, and are now 
residing in Chicago. 

The bride (formerly Miss H. Arona 
I'odnos), received a B.A. degree from the 
College of Arts and Science at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in February, 1946. Mr. 
Cheskis is now attending the University 
of Chicago in the field of chemistry, and 
plans to enter the graduate field of chem- 
istry this summer. He also had attended 
the University of Wisconsin. He seived 
with the U. S. Army for almost four years 
with the Master AVeather Central, as a 
1st Lieutenant. 


Washington, D. C, was the scene of the 
wedding of Miss Florence Winifred Pickens, 
daughter of Mrs. Earl M. Pickens, of this 
city and the late Dr. Pickens, who became 
the bride of Robert Curtis Christie, son 
of Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Christie, of Silver 

The bride was graduated from Holton- 
Arms School and attended the Universite de 
Poitiers in Tours, France. 

Mr. Christie attended the University of 
Maryland in 1931 as a pre-medical student, 
and George Washington University and was 
graduated in law from Southeastern Uni- 
versity. They will make their home in 
Silver Spring. 


In Washington. D. C, Miss Ann Eliza- 
beth Luetbenkirchen, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Walter Luetzcnkirchen, of Baltimore, 
became the bride of Norman Louis Cansler, 
son of Col. and Mrs. Louis Cansler 

The bride attended the College of Wil- 
liam and Mary and is now a senior at the 
University of Maryland. She is a member 
of Alpha Omicron Pi. The bridegroom 
was graduated from Georgetown University, 
School of Foreign Service, and is now with 
the State Department. 


Baltimore was the scene of the wedding 
recently of Miss Ruth Ann Heidelbach, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sidney 
Heidelbach, and Mrs. Basil I. Mishtowt, 
son of Capt. and Mrs. I. Mishtowt, of 
Chevy Chase. 

Mrs. Mishtowt is a junior at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in the College of Edu- 
cation where she is a member of Kappa 
Delta Sorority. 

Mr. Mishtowt graduated from the Uni- 
versity College of Commerce, in February, 
1946. He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega 

De Lawder-Webb 

Washington, D. C. was the scene of the 
marriage of Miss Dorothy Lucille Webb, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton G. Webb, 

and Robert King Dc Lawdcr, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. King dc Lawder. 

The bride is a dental assistant. Her hus- 
band attended the Engineering College at 
University of Maryland in 1941-43 and was 
a lieutenant in the Army Air Forces lor 
almost three years during which time he 
served for a year in the Mediterranean 
Theater. Both are Washingtonians. 

Gannon- Whitworth 

In Cumberland Miss Margaret Ann Whit- 
worth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace 
Pritchard Whitworth, Westernport, became 
the bride of William Francis Gannon, Balti- 
more, formerly of Westernport, son of Mrs. 
Herman Davis, Keyser, W. Va. 

The bride-elect is a graduate of Cather- 
man's Business school, Cumberland. Mr. 
Gannon received a B.S. degree from the 
University of Maryland in 1941. He is a 
member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, 
and is employed by the Western Electric 
Company in Baltimore. Mr. Gannon, who 
served five years in the Army Air Forces, 
received his discharge with the rank of 


Miss Marie Jeanne Douglas, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Douglas, was married 
to Mr. John Doyal Snyder, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Russell Snyder of Frankfort, Ind., in 
Washington, D. C. 

The bridegroom, who attended Purdue 
University before the war, is continuing his 
studies at Maryland University in the Col- 
lege of Agriculture. 


The wedding of Miss Mary Virginia Bol- 
den, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emroy D. 
Bolden, of Oakland, Md., and Capt., David 
Worgan, MC, USA, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
M. W. Worgan, of Luke, Md., took place 
in Baltimore. 

The bride received a B.S. degree from 
the University of Maryland, from the Col- 
lege of Home Economics. She was a mem- 
ber of Kappa Delta sorority. Captain Wor- 
gan, who also attended the University of 
Maryland, receievd a B. S. degree from the 
College of Arts and Science, Premedical 
School in 1941. He was a member of Phi 
Kappa Phi Honorary Society and received 
first honors from his college. He is now 
stationed at Walter Reed Hospital. 


Miss Claire Booth, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. E. Wilson Booth, of South Clairmont 
drive, Salisbury, Md., became the bride re- 
cently of Mr. Ralph Hall Grier, Jr., son of 
Mr. Ralph Hall Grier, also of Salisbury, 
and the late Mrs. Margaret Todd Grier. 
Mrs. Grier graduated from the University 
of Maryland in 1945, when she received a 
B. S. degree from the College of Home 
Economics. She was a member of Alpha 
Omicron Pi sorority. 


Annapolis was the setting recently for the 
marriage of Miss Virginia Bowie McCeney, 
daughter of Mrs. Turner Richardson, Doug- 
laston, N. Y., and G. Bowie McCeney, 
Laurel, Md., and John Graham Watson, 
Jr. Mr. Watson is the son of Mrs. James 
M. Anderson, Kulpsville, Pa., and John G. 
Watson, Sr., Queenstown, Md. 

The newly weds are both students at the 
University of Maryland, the bride in the 
College of B. P. A., the groom in the Col- 
lege of Engineering. The bride is a gradu- 
ate of St. Agnes School in Alexandria. Mr. 
Watson, a veteran of two years in the Navy, 
is a graduate of Virginia Episcopal School, 


Miss Lula Trundle of Silver Spring be- 
came the bride recently of William Pryor 
Chandler, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. 
Chandler, Athens, Alabama. 

Miss Trundle received a B. A. degree 
from the College of Arts and Science at the 
University of Maryland in 1939 and at- 
tended Duke and American Universities. At 
present she is connected with the Carroll 
Springs Inn, Silver Spring, as assistant mana- 
ger. Mr. Chandler was graduated from 
Athens College with a degree in chemical 
engineering. He is a veteran of two years' 
service with the Navy and was awarded the 
Purple Heart. When discharged in 1942 
he went to work at the Applied Physics 
Laboratory in Silver Spring. He is now 
connected with the Naval Ordnance Lab- 


Miss Inez Nevy, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Ralph Nevy, became the bride re- 
cently in Cumberland, Md., of Frank J. 
Albetta, New York City, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Victor Albetta, Brooklyn, New York. 

Miss Nevy is a graduate of Allegany High 
School and the University of Maryland, 
where she received a B. A. degree from the 
College of Education in 1939. She was a 
member of Alpha Delta sorority. She is 
employed by the International Westing- 
house Company in New York. 

Mr. Albetta received his bachelor of sci- 
ence degree in education at Long Island 
University, and since his discharge from the 
Army in 1945 has been associated with the 
International Westinghouse Company in the 
sales department. 

Watson -McCeney 

Descendents of two old Maryland families 
were married in Annapolis when Miss Vir- 
ginia Bowie McCeney became the bride of 
Mr. John Graham Watson, Jr. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. G. 
Uowie McCeney, lawyer and newspaper 
publisher of Laurel, and Mrs. Turner 
Richardson of Douglaston, Long Island. 

The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Watson 
of Queenstown, and Mrs. James M. Ander- 
son of Kulpsville, Pa. 

Both Mr. and Mrs. Watson are students 
at Maryland University, the bride is a 
senior in the College of Business and Pub- 
lic Administration, the groom is a sopho- 
more in the College of Engineering. Mrs. 
Watson was graduated from St. Agnes 
School in Alexandria and her husband is a 
graduate of Virginia Episcopal School in 
Lynchburg. He served two years in the 

Some of the Redskin peach trees planted 
in Maryland are now in bearing. This is 
a promising new variety according to A. F. 
Vierheller, Maryland extension horticultur- 


P T Bundles from Hcnvcn 


IT's a boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 
John Gibson Wilson, Jr., of 2325 
Macomb St., NW., No. 106, Washington, 
Hi, D. C. Mrs. Wilson, the former Mary 
Ziegler, attended the University and was a 
member of Kappa Delta Sorority. The 
father was a civil engineer and graduated 
in 1940. The baby was named John Gibson 
Wilson, III. 

Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stephens announce 
the birth of their daughter, Cheryl J. 

Mrs. Stephens is the former Betty J. 
Bryan, Physical Education, 1944. She served 
two years in the WAVES, doing recreation 
work. Mr. Stephens served as an officer in 
the Navy. They are presently in Alabama. 

It was a boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 
James A. Bladen, 1329 30th Street, NW., 
Washington. The Bladens now have two 
youngsters. The older child, Sisan, is a two- 
year-old. Mrs. Bladen was the former Ruth 
Ramsdell, '42, Tri-Delt. 

Marian L. May (1931) is making a 
"howling" success of her life as Mrs. A. 
George Russell of Manchester, Conn. The 
Russells just had a baby boy, Raymond 
James, in October, and are also the parents 
of a year-and-a-half-old girl, Beulah May. 
Marian's husband is President of A. G. 
Russell, Incorporated, who manufactures 
steel stamps and dies in Hartford. 

Mr. and Mrs. T. David Shihadeh, Jr., 
announce the birth of a daughter, Bonnie 
Jeanne, on January 15, 1947. She weighed 
9 pounds. They also have a son, Davey. 
Mrs. Shihadeh is the former Jeanne Santa- 
marie '41, member of Alpha Omicron Pi 
Sorority and Mortar Board. They are re- 
siding at 4614 Conshohocken Avenue, Phila- 
delphia 31, Penn. 

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman have 
announced the birth of an eight pound 
daughter in December. They also have a 
son, Tommy. Mrs. Coleman is the former 
Tillie Boose '39, member of Alpha Omi- 
cron Pi Sorority, and Tom was a member 
of Sigma Phi Sigma Fraternity. They are 
living at 616 E. Thornapple St., Chevy 
Chase, Md. 


ELEN ZEPP, 81 West Green St., West- 
minster, writes: 

"Congratulations on "MARYLAND," the 
wonderful new Alumni magazine! It is cer- 
tainly a most delightful treat to which to 
look forward each month. 

"Enclosed is my check." 

This from Worthington H. Talcott, 6308 
Meadow Lane, Chevy Chase, Md., "I was 
very much impressed by the apparent activ- 
ity of the Alumni Association and by 
"MARYLAND," the new publication. This 
is the source of much interesting informa- 

"Congratulations on "MARYLAND," the 
Alumni Publication," writes Peter W. Chi- 
chester, '15, c.o. Dietrick & Gambrill, Inc., 
Frederick, Md. 

"This is a very fine publication," the 
letter goes on to say, "and reflects great 
credit on the University as well as the 
alumni. All of us, for many years, have 
realized that we needed a publication that 
would be in accord with the growth of the 
University and the alumni. Looks like this 
is it and I want to congratulate you and 
others responsible for the publication." 

"I just received my copy of the new 
magazine, MARYLAND," write Jos. Win. 
Kinghorne, "and I want to congratulate you 
and all who contributed toward producing 
a really fine publication." 

"I want to congratulate you," writes Abe 
J. Greene, Paterson, N. J., newspaper pub- 
lisher, "on the publication of "MARY- 
LAND." It is a fine job and reflects a 
tremendous amount of intelligent effort." 

"Congratulations on the fine new 
MARYLAND.' It is indeed a great step 
forward," writes G. Kenneth Horwath, '35 
and '44, 1316 Hanover Etreet, Baltimore 
30, adding "the entire alumni should 
wholeheartedly support this project. Best 
wishes for continued success." 

Writes Mrs. Edward F. (Louise Fenlon) 
Quinn, 10 Sunset Road, Bay Shore, Long 
Island, N. Y. "Both Ed and I enjoved 
MARYLAND.' It is a fine paper." 

"I received my copy of MARYLAND," 
writes Tom Rives. '42, 331 West Scott Ave.. 
Rahway, N. J., "and to say the least I am 
very enthusiastic about our publication." 

"After reviewing my copy of "MARY- 
LAND" recently, I am convinced that you 
now have an alumni publication more in 
keeping with the up and coming spirit 
of our University," writes Mr. A. Ward 
Greenwood, 3399 Highview Terrace, S. E.. 
Washington 20, D. C, continuing: 

"I enjoyed every portion of the magazine." 

"Good luck in your new undertaking." 

"Inclosed is my check," writes Helen 
Beyerle Habich '27 ( 495 High Street, Mount 
Holly, N. J., adding, "I had no idea we 
had a publication of THIS sort. I wish 
"MARYLAND' continued success in your 
effort to keep us "old folks informed re- 
garding the University's great progress." 

"Although I am not a Maryland man," 
says Dr. Leon Gordon, Washington, D. C, 
"I want to congratulate you on the maga- 
zine "MARYLAND." The purpose of the 
publication is obvious — to keep the alumni 
posted, in addition to the usual alumni 
news — with just about everything that goes 
on on the campus." 

"Congratulations on the fine job in turn- 
ing out "MARYLAND," a publication of 
interest to all Marylanders. My check is 
inclosed," writes J. Edward Burroughs, Jr., 
c/o Cummings and Stanley, 1616 K. Street, 
\\V., Washington, D. C. 

"Inclosed is my check in support of 
"MARYLAND," writes Edgar Farr Russell, 
3705 Reservoir Road, NW., Washington 7, 
D. C, "with my sincere congratulations on 
producing a publication worthy of the Uni- 
versity. Here's my check." 

J. Slater Davidson, with Chas. H. Tomp- 
kins Co., 907 lt6h Street, NW., Washing- 
ion. D. C, writes. "Congratulations on 
"MARYLAND," a magazine certainly in 
keeping with the tremendous growth of the 
University. All alumni should show their 
deep appreciation." 

1 agree with you that "MARYLAND," 
a very fine paper can survive only with all 
out alumni support," writes William I. 
Miller, Pan American World Airways Sys- 
tem, 21 Rue de Berri, Paris 8e, France, 
"so inclosed find my check." 

Writes Henry Latterner, Jr., 3600 Macomb 
St., N.W., Washington, D. C. "We greatly 
enjoyed reading 'MARYLAND.' You're do- 
ing a grand job for the University." 

"Congratulations on the fine job you are 
doing in producing "MARYLAND" and I 
wish you every success in your endeavors," 
writes J. Donald Kiefer, 195 Broadway, 
New York City, "and inclosed find my 

"I was greatly impressed with the maga- 
zine in its new form and inclose my check. 
It is a fine paper," writes Edwin M. 
Gue, 22 Zama Drive, Pittsburgh 16, Pa., 
who graduated from Maryland in 1931. 

"My husband and I greatly enjoyed the 
new magazine 'MARYLAND,' " writes 
Elizabeth Cissel Lynt, POB 324, Franklin 
Park, N. J., adding, "we pledge our support 
and inclose our check. It is the next best 
thing to actually meeting our friends in the 
alumni and, at the same time, keeping in 
touch with what goes on at Maryland. We 
wish you great success in this commendable 
venture and we wish the same for the 
University as a whole." 

"We greatly enjoyed the splendid new 
magazine, 'MARYLAND,' Accept our con- 
gratulations," writes Jane Howard Ander- 
son, 4401 Underwood Street, University 
Park, Md. 

"Congratulations on a wonderful job with 
the 'MARYLAND,' the Alumni magazine. 
You are making a great contribution to the 
University," writes Glenn W. Sample, 
former Director of Publications at the 
University, who is now Editor of "The 
Hoosier Farmer," Indianapolis, Ind. 

He adds: "Particularly do I want to 
compliment you on the fine way you are 
going about to correct mailing lists and 
bringing alumni records up to date.. I say 
these things with some knowledge of the 
condition of records and mailing lists, as I 

grappled with that problem for several 
months in 1944 and 1945, when I edited 
the Alumni News." 

Thank you, Glenn. 

"Each issue of 'MARYLAND' is given an 
avid reception at our house and read from 
cover to cover and then some," writes 
Benjamin C. McCleskey, '38, who married 
Mary Jane Farrell, '40. They live at 318 
22nd St., Virginia Beach, Va. 

Writes Henry Latterner, Jr., 3600 Macomb 
St., NW., Washington, D. C. "We greatly 
enjoyed reading "MARYLAND." You're 
doing a grand job for the University." 

"Congratulation on the new "MARY- 
LAND," writes Second Lieutenant Gloria M. 
Stewart, Service Division, Edgewood Arsenal, 
"1 enjoyed it from cover to cover. Best 
wishes for your success in this new, progres- 
sive and outstanding venture. Inclosed find 
my check." 

"Congratulations on producing, in 
"MARYLAND," such a line presentation of 
well balanced University of Maryland news." 
writes Mildred R. Otto. '45, 1738 N. Broad- 
way, Baltimore 13, Md., adding, "This 
paper, I am sure, will render wonderful 
service to all alumni wishing to keep in 
touch as well as others interested in the 
University. Inclosed is my check." 

"Congratulation on a fine new and ex- 
tremely enjoyable magazine in "MARY- 
LAND," writes Mrs. Arona Cheskis, the 
former Arona Podnos, '45, "and please keep 
on sending it to me regularly." Mrs. Cheskis 
resides at 3624 W. Wrightwood Ave., Chi- 
cago 47, 111. 

"The magazine "MARYLAND" is going 
to win a great deal of support from alumni. 
Many of us have almost completely lost 
"track" of our old friends and their activ- 
ities after graduation or upon discharge 
from the various branches of the service. 
We'd like also to know what our former 
instructors are doing and all about any 
changes in the University, etc. For those 
of us who cannot readily visit the school 
again, "MARYLAND" is a wonderful source 
of information. 

"My best wishes for continued success 
with the publication." 

"Inclosed is my check toward "MARY- 
LAND," writes James W. Stevens, '19, c/o 
Stevens Brothers, 226 S. Charles Street, 
Baltimore, "and may I suggest to fellow 
alumni not to let this publication falter 
or fail due to lack of finances and support. 

"At long last," continues Mr. Stevens, 
"the University has an alumni publication 
that is a credit to the Institution. Please 
accept my congratulations for this fine pub- 
lication and accept my best wishes for your 
continued success." 

Uldressing the editor of MARYLAND as 
both editor and boxing coach Morton A. 
Hyman, 4000 Kansas Ave., N.W., Washing- 
ton, D. C. writes, "I like MARYLAND' 
magazine very much. Well written, well 
made up and fully worthy of our fine uni- 
versity. Congratulations to you and your 
staff. Colonel, all Maryland alumni are 
pulling for you not only in your new job 
as editor but in your old one as boxing 
coach. In the latter field we sincerely hope 
you can turn out the championship teams 
we had before the war. Good luck to you 
in both fields." 


"Inclosed find my check," writes Alfred 
J. Northam, Villa Monterey, Wilmington 
278, Del. "Congratulations on 'MARY- 
LAND' and its improvement over past 
issues. I sincerely hope the paper will re- 
ceive enthusiastic response and that faculty 
and alumni will contribute to its contents." 

"Those first two issues of MARYLAND' 
were excellent and the editors are to be 
highly commended for that sort of work," 
writes Mr. James B. Gahan, 415 Anderson 
Street, Orlando. Fla., adding, "inclosed find 
my check." 

M.S. '28, husband of Gladys Miller 
'27, died on Father's Day 1946. He was 
with General Chemical at the time and 
living on Long Island. He was buried in 

News that Reuben Brigham, Maryland 
'08, Assistant Director of the Extension Serv- 
ice in the U. S. Department of Agricul- 
ture, had passed away on December 6 came 
as a shock to his many friends in Mary- 
land. Graduating in the same class with 
President H. C. Byrd and Assistant Director 
E. I. Oswald, he was active in bringing 
together members of the class for each 
home-coming and alumni affair. 

Mr. Brigham was 4-H Club leader in the 
early days of extension work in Maryland 
and later was extension editor. He went to 
the U. S. Department of Agriculture in 1917 


to take charge of producing visual and edi- 
torial materials for the use of extension 
workers in all states. In the early days of 
the AAA he was detailed to develop a re- 
gional contact division and returned to the 
Extension Service in 1937. 

Throughout his career, Mr. Brigham's 
special interest was in youth and his major 
thought in recent years was devoted to their 
problems. His last published article was 
on that subject. His death occurred in 
Chicago, where he had gone to attend the 
National 4-H Club Congress and to address 
the meeting of county agents. He made his 
home at Ashton, Maryland, where he took 
an active part in community and agricul- 
tural enterprises. 

Dr. John T. O'Mara 

Dr. John T. O'Mara, G6, secretary of the 
State Board of Medical Examiners for 22 
years, died at his home in Baltimore after 
an illness of 11 years. 

A graduate of Mount St. Joseph's Col- 
lege and of the University of Maryland 
Medical School, he served for many years 
as personal physician to Archbishop Michael 
J. Curley and was a trustee of the Baltimore 

Dr. O'Mara was a member of the Federa- 
tion of State Medical Boards, vice president 
of the Rosewood Training School and a 
member of the Board of St. Mary's Indus- 
trial School, Baltimore. 

He gave up his post with the State Medi- 
cal Board after he suffered a stroke last 

Surviving are his widow, two daughters, 
two brothers and a sister. 


"Maryland farmers who filed either esti- 
mated or final income tax returns before the 
January 15 deadline were reminded of the 
importance of keeping farm accounts," 
states Paul Walker, Professor of agricul- 
tural economics at the University of Mary- 

"These farm records may be quite sim- 
ple," he adds, "but they should contain, at 
least, the major items of receipts and ex- 
penses. It would also be well to have them 
include information necessary for figuring 
depreciation on farm property." 

Walker points out that these records are 
also useful in analyzing the farm business, 
and as a guide in planning the business 
for the next year, as well as for the filing 
of income tax returns. Simple record books 
may be obtained from the extension service 
banks, commercial farm supply concerns, 
farm cooperatives, and other agencies. 

"Depreciation allowed on farm property 
should be included as an expense in each 
year's return"; the economist stressed. "It 
is just as short-sighted not to claim de- 
preciation allowable as it would be to ignore 
the personal exemptions allowed." 

Depreciation may be figured on farm 
buildings, machinery, and livestock pur- 
chased, but a record of the purchase date 
and price is essential. Once such records 
are established on the farm report, they 
can serve as the basis for depreciation year 
after year. No depreciation is allowed on 
Land, livestock raised on the dwelling, or 
on personal property. 


Garden time is just around the corner 
according to the specialists of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, who point out that Feb- 
ruary 2 to 8 was National Garden Planning 

People in Maryland who plant gardens 
can get two bulletins which have sugges- 
tions for them. One is called "Victory Gar- 
dens" and includes lists of the recommend- 
ed varieties with tables giving planting in- 
formation. Also included are charts show- 
ing how much of the various vegetables 
should be planted by certain size families 
and giving the recommended planting dates. 

The other bulletin is called "Food Plan." 
It has been prepared by Margaret Mc- 
Pheeters, Nutritian Specialist at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, and it gives a moderate 
cost food plan for a Maryland farm family. 
The approximate amounts of the various 
types of food needed for each person is 
given with space provided for each family 
to figure its own requirements. 

The "Victory Garden" bulletin, No. 94 is 
available through county agent Offices and 
the "Food Plan" leaflet is available from 
tiie home demonstration agents in the 
County Extension offices. 

The specialists state that a good garden 
can provide both farm and city families 
with good supplies of high quality vege- 
tables and help them continue the present- 
day trend toward higher nutritional stand- 


Successful marketing of agricultural pro- 
ducts involves both quality production and 
satisfied consumption. 

Efficient operation and maintenance of a 
farm tractor is just one of the new prob- 
lems confronting farming. It requires a 
general understanding of the principles of 
automotive equipment. 

It has been estimated that more than 
324,000,000 is wasted annually by improper 
carburetor adjustment alone. 

Fog applicators, an outgrowth of the 
smoke generators of the last war, will soon 
be used for insect and disease control work 
in Marvland orchards. 

The cockerels in a flock of straight-run 
chicks should be sold for broilers as soon 
as possible. 

During the war years, the strong demand 
for milk and eggs caused Maryland farmers 
to keep more cows and hens, which resulted 
in an increase of 18 percent in milk and 
22 percent in eggs. 

The number of farms in Maryland was 
41,275 in 1945, a decrease of 2 percent since 
1940, but the acreage per farm increased 
2.1 percent. 

The need for more canning crops was 
met during the war by increasing the acre- 
age of snap beans by 65 percent; sweet corn 
acreage, 55 percent; and the acreage of 
tomatoes by 28 percent. 

Maryland farmers expect to spend S72.- 
670,000 for improvements to the farm plant 
and for household equipment and general 
farm services in the first two post-war 

Every farmer owes it to himself to provide 
adequate first aid materials and facilities 
to attend the frequent minor injuries in- 
curred in farm work. These materials 
should be available both in the farm home 
and at some convenient points about the 




MR. and Mrs. Charles Frederick Rech- 
ner, of Baltimore, have announced 
the engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Mary Catherine Rechner, to Mr. Walter 
Staunton Grau, USN, son of Mrs. Luther 
Townsend, also of Baltimore. Miss Rech- 
ner is a graduate of the University of 
Maryland. Mr. Grau is an instructor at the 
Service School of Command, Great Lakes, 


Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Wieland, Balti- 
more, have announced the engagement of 
their daughter, Shirleymarie, to Russell L. 
Hawes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. 
Hawes of Baltimore, formerly of Abbott 
Run, Cumberland, R. I. 

Miss Wieland is a graduate of Bard Avon 

Mr. Hawes attended Rhode Island Slate 
College and is now studying at the L'ni- 
versitv of Marvland, College of Agriculture. 


Announcement has been made of the 
engagement of Miss Lois E. Harrison, of 
Catonsville, daughter of Mrs. Lottie Grady 
Xuetzel and Mr. Hubert H. Harrison, to 
Mr. Raymond J. Douglas, son of Mrs. 
Robert B. Cochrane, of Woodlawn. 

Miss Harrison attended school in Catons- 
ville and was graduated from a business 
college in Baltimore. Mr. Douglas is a stu- 
dent at the University of Maryland, College 
of Engineering. 


Mrs. Joseph H. Rice, of Washington and 
Baltimore, announces the engagement of 
her daughter, Ruth Shirley, to Macy Her 
bert Meyers. 

Miss Rice was graduated from Sinai 
School of Nursing, and her fiance, son of 
Mr. ami Mrs. Max B. Meyers, is a graduate 
of University of Maryland, School of 


The engagement of Miss Natalie Sara 
Fox to Mr. Koppel Michael Jeffrey, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Jeffrey, of Baltimore, 
has been announced by her parents, Mr. 
and Mrs. Herman Fox, of Princess Anne. 
Md. Miss Fox is a senior at Goucher Col- 
lege. Mr. Jeffrey received a B.A. degree from 
the College of Arts and Science at the 
University of Maryland in 1940 and also 
graduated from its law school. 


Another engagement just made known 
is that of Miss Josephine Elizabeth Miller 
to Mr. Charles Thomas Crouch, announced 
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. 
Miller. Mr. Crouch is the son of Mr. 
Winter Edwin Crouch of Easton. Md. 

Their wedding will follow the bride- 
elect's graduation from the College of Arts 
and Science at the University of Maryland 

in June. Her fiance received a B.S. degree 
from the College of Commerce, at the Uni- 
versitx of Maryland in February '47. He 
was a member of Phi Sigma Kappa. 

He served four years witli the Arm) Air 


Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Thompson of 
College Park, announced the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Mary Lewis Thomp- 
son, to Edward Earl Miller of Washington, 
son of Mrs. C. E. Miller of Sublette, Kans. 

A member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, 
Miss Thompson attends the College of Arts 
and Science at the University of Maryland. 
Mr. Miller, an alumnus of Kansas State 
College, did graduate work at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland and is now with the De- 
partment of Commerce. 

Bald-Showell 1 

Announcement was made by Mr. and 
Mrs. John Dale Showell, Jr., Washington, 
D. C, of the engagement of their daughter, 
Miss Sarah Harriet Showell, to Mr. Leroy 
Bald, son of Mrs. George Bald of Baltimore 
and the late Mr. Bald. 

Miss Showell attended Mary Baldwin Col- 
lege. She is the granddaughter of the late 
Dr. Percy Hickling, noted psychiatrist and 
District alienist for many years. 

Mr. Bald is a graduate of Colgate Uni- 
versity and now is attending the University 
of Maryland. During the war he served 
as a Captain in the United States Marine 


The engagement of Miss Nancy Elizabeth 
McComas to Mr. John J. Gerding, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy E. Gerding, of Fellow- 
ship Forest, Towson, has been announced 
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William A. 
MiComas, of Willow avenue, Towson. The 
wedding will take place in June. Mr. Ger- 
ding is a student at University of Mary- 
land, College of Engineering. 


Mr. Thomas Scheeler, of Baltimore, has 
announced the engagement of his daugh- 
ter, Miss Marie L. Scheeler, to Mr. Salva- 
tore A. Longo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Domi- 
nic Longo, of Baltimore. The wedding 
will take place in the near future. Mr. 
Longo, who served in the Army during the 
war, attended the University of Baltimore 
and University of Maryland in Baltimore. 


Mrs. Thomas F. Garey, 3d, of Washing- 
ton, formerly of Baltimore, announced the 
engagement of her daughter, Miss Anne 
Harriman Garev . to Mr. Herbert Andrew 
Haller, son of Doctor and Mrs. Herbert L. 
J. Haller. also of Washington. 

Mr. Haller attended the University of 
North Carolina and graduated from the 
University of Maryland School of Com- 
merce Feb. 1946. He is a member of Alpha 
Tau Omega. During the war he served in 
the 2d Division of the Army in France with 
rank of lieutenant. 

Brogdon-De Loach 

Mr. and Mrs. E. K. De Loach of Colum- 
bia, S. C. announce the engagement of their 


daughter, Miss Helen Dc Loach, to Mr. 
Wallace Brogdon. 

Miss Dc Loacli received a B. S. degree 
from the College of Education in 1945 at 
the University of Maryland and now is a 
member of the faculty in the physical edu- 
cation department. She is a member of 
Kappa Delta sorority. Mr. Brogdon is a 
graduate of the University of Georgia. He 
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brogdon 
of Uvalda, Ga., and served three years in 
the Army. 


Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stewart Crewe, of 
Distant View, Falls Church, announce the 
engagement of their daughter, Miss Bar- 
bara Stewart Crewe, to Vincent Hellweg, 
of Washington, son of Commodore J. F. 
Hellweg, U.S.N. , and Mrs. Hellweg. 

Miss Crewe is a graduate of St. Agnes 
School in Alexandria and of the Pepin 
Fashion Academy in Minneapolis. She also 
attended American University. 

Her fiance attended the University of 
Maryland in 1935-37 in the College of Arts 
and Science and during the war served with 
the 82d airborne division. 


"The engagement of Miss Lois Rose "Tufts 
to Mr. Glenn Maher is announced by Miss 
Tufts' mother. Mrs. Rose T. Tufts of Pitts- 
field, Mass. 

Mr. Maher is the son of Mrs. Edward J. 
Maher and is a graduate of Fishburne Mili- 
tary School. He served two years with the 
armed forces and at present is attending 
the University of Maryland. 


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Grigsbv of Grigs- 
by's Station, Landover, Md., announced the 
engagement of their daughter, Jane, to 
Lieut. Donald Wayne Sencenbaugh, USN. 

A member of Delta Delta Delta sorority, 
Miss Grigsby is a senior at the University 
of Maryland. The prospective bridegroom, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Max Sencenbaugh 
of Greeley, Colo., is a graduate of the 
U. S. Naval Academy and served two years 
in submarine duty in the Pacific. He holds 
the Silver Star and the Bronze Star, and is 
taking graduate work at Massachusetts In- 
stitute of Technology. 



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Assistant Coach. 

THESE Terrapins were champions — Na- 
tional Champions. We recall them in 
these pages at this time hoping this action 
will serve to inspire current and future 
Maryland athletic teams. 

Maryland's 1936 lacrosse team, from the 
standpoint of balance and all-around ex- 
cellence, generally was conceded to be one 
of the very best stick combinations ever 
produced in the colleges and one of the 
outstanding squads ever to show its wares 
in the famous old Indian pastime The 
team won the National Championship. 
Head Coach was Jack Faber, assisted by 
Al Heagv. 

It was an outfit that had power and 
polish from stem to stern, with every man 


Hart, Culp, Hammerlund, Webb, Bowie, Jimmyer, 
Downin, Ellinger, Towson, Schatfer, Mitchell, Lodge, 
Rabbitt, Kelly, Wolfe, Watson, Groff, Fietcher, 
Manager Lankford, Muncks, Minion, Maccubbin, 
Ennis, Lindsay, Christhilf, Yaeger, Brill. 

who was permitted by the rules to go down 
the field on attack being capable of dexter- 
ously firing the ball into the netting. This 
is testified to by the division of the scoring 
among so many of the Old Liners. All of 
the lacrosse writers referred to Maryland's 
o flense as a "six-man attack." 

From Jack Kelly, the alert and agile 
goalie, down to Charlie Ellinger, the in 
home and axis of the team, there was not a 
single weak spot in the outfit. Ellinger, a 
clever general and feeder, also could toss 
the rubber pellet into the goal along with 
such adept throwers as Herb Brill, John 
Christhilf, Parker Lindsay, Pierce Maccub- 
bin and others. 

It was mainly a combination — as far as 
the first team was concerned — of seniors 
and juniors. Lindsav, an unusually capable 
center, being the only sophomore to gain 
a regular berth. 

Now With R.O.T.C. 

Ed Minion now Lieutenant-Colonel in 
ROTC at Maryland), defense, and Walter 
Webb and George Schaffer, attack, played 
their final lacrosse for the Terps in '36. 

Doubtless the three strongest teams that 
Maryland played all season were Baltimore 
Athletic Club, Mount Washington Club and 
the Naval Academy. Both of the club teams 
are made up mainlv of former college 
lacrosse stars, many of them Ail-Americans 
in their student days and offer a tremen- 
dous problem for am collegiate outfit. 

The Terps carried off the honors in the 
tilts with B.A.C. and the Navy, but lost 
out by a single goal margin to the terrific 
and star-studded Mount Washington aggre- 
gation in a game in which Maryland, after 
a jittery start, appeared to be the superior 



Head Coach. 

combination. In fact, after trailing 4 to 7 
at intermission, the Terps came back to 
outplay their more experienced rivals in 
the second half four goals to two, only to 
lose out by 8 to 9. It was a great game 
of lacrosse and to hold the clubmen to such 
a close count was a noteworthy feat. 

Another greatly prized victory was the 
9 to triumph scored over St. John's, 
Maryland's old rival which has proved a 
thorn in the side of the Terps on the 
lacrosse field in recent years. It is excep- 
tional in modern lacrosse for a team to be 
blanked, especially an outfit of the caliber 
of the Johnnies, who later took the measure 
of a strong West Point ten. 

(Please turn to page 38) 



THE disturbing haze surrounding the 
University of Maryland's football future 
was dispelled when Big Jim Tatum, former 
Oklahoma mentor, arrived at College Park 
to take over as head football coach and di- 
rector of athletics. 

A shuffle in the entire varsity football 
setup was foreseen. 

Thus far Tatum's assistants include Wal- 
ter Driskill, a former line coach at Color- 
ado. George Barclay, who held the same 
position at Dartmouth, and Bill Meek, 
former Tennessee star and coach of army 

Has Definite Ideas 

Reports that the 1947 Maryland eleven 
may not play out of the "T" formation 
were more or less substantiated by Tatum. 
The former University of North Carolina 
tackle stated that he worked exclusively 
with the "single wing back" before the war 
and was first introduced to the "T" while 
in the Navy. 

Further, the new mentor expressed the 
opinion that the "T" can only be worked 
successfully with the proper quarterback 
material and that this angle will come 
under surveillance during spring practice. 
(At Oklahoma Tatum used a "T" varia- 

He, however, will use the "T" at the 
opening of spring training which began 
last month. 

"My idea of a football schedule," said 
Tatum, "is to play nothing but comparable 
opponents. One of my main objectives 
here will be to build up the 
playing schedules." 

Tatum remarked that football 
schedules are usually planned 
three years in advance and that 
Maryland will not immediately 
be able to schedule every op- 
ponent it wants. 

But already the big fellow has 
made quite some progress 
toward improvement of the Old 
Liners' schedule and more im- 
provement should show for the 
vear after the coming schedule. 

"We can only have as good 
a football team as the Admin- 
istration, the Alumni, the 
faculty, and the student body 
want," declared Tatum. "Ninety 
per cent of a football game is 
mental attitude and a support- 
ing student body creates the 
team attitude." 

Tatum aims to whip up a 
"good" student spirit. He feels ". 
that the University should field 
a team in every intercollegiate 

Undefeated Delaware and 
three other "Bowl" teams 
are on Terrapins' 1947 
Football Schedule 

Terming basketball the "leading specta- 
tor sport." Tatum foresaw crowds of from 
10 to 12 thousand providing the University 
had adequate facilities to handle the crowds. 

Many see in the new arrangements the 
dawning of a "golden era" in Maryland 
athletics. Tatum admits that the post offers 
many possibilities for the future of the 

Although Tatum's position as Athletic 
Director will take much of his time, it is 
understood that he will devote most of his 
efforts to shaping up the '47 squad until 
everything is running smoothly in that 

He will then gradually assume other 
responsibilities from Dean Geary Eppley, 
who has been Director of Athletics. 

Was Outstanding Tackle 

When relieved of his athletic assignments, 
Dean Epplev will devote full time to his 
position as Dean of Men and Director of 
Student Activities. 

Coach Tatum was one of the Southern 
Conference's outstanding tackles during 
1032-34 when he played for the University 
of North Carolina. He has been tied up 
with football for the past 12 years. 

The first five years he spent as assistant 
coach to Carl Snavely at Cornell, also 
handling the baseball team there. 

The year 1940 saw Tatum back at North 
Carolina as assistant coach, and in 1942 
he was elevated to the head coaching posi- 
tion. Entering the Navy in the fall of 
that same year, he joined the coaching 
staff of the powerful Iowa Pre-Flight eleven 
in 1943. 

In 1945 he became head coach of the 
Jacksonville Naval Air Station aggregation. 
After the close of the war Tatum signed 
a three-year contract as head coach of 

Completing only one year at that institu- 
tion, he was released at his request to come 
to Maryland. 

Likes Those Steaks 

A recent story about Coach Tatum in- 
cluded: "A 6-foot 3-incher of some 240 
pounds, the 33-year-old mentor is noted 
for his hearty appetite and he also likes to 
see his players well fed. At breakfast on 
the day of a game the menu invariably 
consists of thick steaks and potatoes, with 
cereals and fruit juices for those of his 
players who can put it away like the coach." 

Tatum's Varsity coaching record is as 

Year School W. L. T. 

1942 North Carolina 5 2 2 

1945 Jacksonville Naval 9 2 

1946 Oklahoma 8 3 

('Gator Bowl, defeated North Carolina 

State, 37-13) 

At least one undefeated team 
will be on Maryland's 1947 foot- 
ball schedule, that being the 
University of Delaware, which 
holds a 25-game winning streak. 

The game is listed to take 
place at College Park on Octo- 
ber 4th. 

The games listed against Dela- 
ware and Richmond will take 
place on Friday nights. 

A ten game schedule is the 
plan of Coach Tatum. 

North Carolina is on the 
schedule for November 15th, 
here, and Duquesne will be 
played at Pittsburg, Nov. 8 

Vanderbilt will be played in 
Nashville on November 22nd 
and, the following year, Vandy 
will meet the Terps at home. 

Maryland's gridiron slate lists 
only five of last year's rivals, and 
it happens that four of these 
teams engaged in "bowl" games 
on New Year's Day. 


One of these, North Carolina State, was 
defeated by Oklahoma (Tatum-coached). 
34-13, in the 'Gator Bowl, Jacksonville. 

The other three "bowl" teams to be en- 
countered by the Old Liners are Delaware, 
which trimmed Rollins College, 21-7, in 
the Cigar Bowl; Virginia Poly, which lost 
to Cincinnati, 18-6, in the Sun Bowl, and 
North Carolina, beaten 20-10, by Georgia 
in the Sugar Bowl. 

The fifth team being held over from 
last season is South Carolina, while missing 
from the schedule will be Bainbridge Naval, 
William and Mary, Washington and Lee 
and Michigan State. 

New teams on the program other than 
Delaware (which has been tied once in 
31 games, including its bowl test, and un- 
lieaten since 1940), are Duke and West Vir- 
ginia. The schedule: 

September 27 — South Carolina, away. 

October 4 — Delaware, at home. 

October 11 — Richmond, at home. 

October 18 — Duke, away. 

October 25 — Virginia Poly, away. 

November 1 — West Virginia, at home. 

November 8 — Duquesne. away. 

November 15 — North Carolina, here. 

November 22 — Vanderbilt, away. 

November 29 — North Carolina State, at home. 

It is probable that the Richmond game, 
now set for a Saturday, will be played 
on Friday night, October 10, in order not 
to conflict with the Navy-Duke game here 
at the Stadium on October 11. Maryland's 
game with North Carolina also is booked 
at College Park on the same day Navy 
meets Georgia Tech here, but in this one 
the Tars and Terps will have to vie for 

Authorization has been given the con- 
struction of a massive new football stadium 
to be completed by the football season of 
1948. Plans for the structure are now being 
drawn up by architects. The building will 
be located in the area east of Byrd Stadium. 


Jim Tatum, new 33-year-old head foot- 
ball coach and athletic director, a sketch of 
whom appears in this issue, has picked him- 
self some youthful and capable assistants 
in Walter Driskill, George Barclay and Bill 
Meek. Barclay is 35, Driskill is the same age 
as Tatum and Meek, the baby of the 
quartet, is only 26. This gives 'an average 
age for the four of 31 ^4 years. 

Driskill, who came with Tatum from 
Oklahoma, has been an ambitious student 
and able Naval officer during the war along 
with his grid activities. In fact, until he 
went into the service, studies and athletics 
went hand and hand with him. 

Is Native Of Texas 

Born in Temple, Texas, on September 
20, 1913, Driskill attended high school at 
Lockhart in the Lone Star State where he 
played football, basketball and baseball, be- 
fore going to the University of Colorado 
in 1932. A history major, he played tackle 
for the Bualoes for three years before 
getting his B.A. in 1936. 

While assistant coach at his Alma Mater 
from 1936 to 1940, he continued his studies 
and earned an M.A. degree in Chinese 
History. The 1938 Colorado eleven, which 
he helped coach and on which the famous 
Whizzer White played, opposed Rice in the 
Cotton Bowl but lost, 28-14. 

Driskill went to Wyoming University as 
assistant football coach in 1941 and while 
there continued his studies for a doctorate. 


At the right is Jim Tatum, University of Maryland's new head football coach. Seated at the left is George 

Barclay, assistant coach, and sighting in over the top is Assistant Coach Walter Driskill. The insert, 

upper right, shows Bill Meek, assistant coach. 

Has Many Navy Decorations 

He went into the Navy in 1942 and 
served until late in 1945. His first assign- 
ment in the Navy was at the Academic 
Desk in the Preflight Office under Lieut. 
Comdr. Tom Hamilton (now captain and 
head football coach at the Naval Academy) 
where he remained from April, 1942. until 
October, 1943. 

Driskill then saw some strenuous service 
on the U.S.S. Wasp from October, 1943, 
to June, 1945, as assistant first lieutenant, 
assistant damage control officer and acting- 
first lieutenant. He completed his Navy 
career as supervisor of the sports program 
at Georgia Preflight School from June to 
October, 1945. 

His Navy decorations include American 
Theater, Asiatic and Pacific Theater with 
nine stars, Philippine Liberation, two stars: 
Bronze Star Medal, Gold Star in lieu of 
second Bronze Star Medal, Navy Unit Cita- 
tion and Victory Medal. 

Driskill, who is married and has a 3\/ 2 
year old daughter, was assistant to Jim 
Tatum, Maryland's new head coach and 
athletic director, at Oklahoma during the 
1946 season. 

Barclay Was All-America 

Barclay left a job as line coach at Dart- 
mouth to come to Maryland. He was the 
first all-America choice in the history of the 
University of North Carolina where he 
played guard in 1932. 1933 and 1934 and 
was a team-mate of Tatum during those 

Like Tatum and Driskill Barclay served 
in the physical and military training pro- 
gram for naval aviation in 1943. 1944 and 

After graduating from North Carolina, 
Barclay became an assistant coach at 
V. M. I. in 1936 and returned to help 
at his alma mater in 1937, 1938 and 1939. 

In 1940 he moved to Dartmouth, where 
he served until entering the Navy. He 
returned to Dartmouth last year. While 
in the Navy he coached at the Georgia 
Pre-Flight School and under Tatum at the 
Jacksonville Naval Air Station. 

He was scholastic star at Har-Brack High 
School, Pittsburgh, before matriculating at 
North Carolina. He is married and the 
father of two girls. 

Meek Stars For Tennessee 

Meek was a star quarterback at Ten- 
nessee in 1940, 1941 and 1942. He was 
a captain in the Army for four years after 
leaving Tennessee and tutored the 4th Army 
football and baseball teams at Fort Ben- 
ning during this period and last fall turned 
out the national championship service out- 
fit. Two bad knees, football legacies, kept 
him from overseas duty. 

He played for Tennessee on two Sugar 
Bowl teams, the outfit of 1940, which lost 
to Boston College, 13-19, and the 1942 
eleven which beat Tulsa, 14-7. 

Meek was born in Waterbury, but his 
parents moved to Birmingham, Ala., when 
he was a youngster. He attended West 
End High School of that city, where he 
took part in football, basketball, baseball 
and track. He entered Tennessee in the 
spring of 1939 and was graduated four 
vears later. 

Among his players for two years on 
the 4th Infantry team was Tommy Mont. 
Maryland ace quarterback before the war 
and in 1946. Meek is married and has 
two young sons. 



Catholic University 

A team handicapped by four substitu- 
tions won for the University of Maryland 
over a tough and heavy Catholic Univer- 
sity boxing squad. It was a great win before 
a turn-away crowd and reflected great credit 
upon four Maryland substitutes who turned 
in sterling performances against superior 

In the 125 pound class little Danny 
McLaughlin was breezing to a sure win 
o\er Catholic University's much heavier 
Tom Cronin when Danny sustained a cut 
eye in the first round. Tiny Danny sub- 
stituted for Al Salkowski who has been ill. 
Under intercollegiate rules it was called a 
draw and that was CUA's first break of a 
meet in which the visitors got all the breaks, 
admitted it very graciously and had no 
kick coming. 

At 130 Andy Quattrocchi, Maryland's 
dynamic puncher, came in against hefty 
Tom Arnold who had trained down to meet 
the limit. Arnold was big. strong and 
game. He shook Andy up with several 
solid punches but Quattrocchi was right 
there with harder punches of his own. 
In the second, after a smashing right to the 
jaw, Andy landed a left hook that caused 
a cut over Arnold's eye. Since Quattrocchi 
was well ahead on points he won the TKO 
decision there. Under collegiate rules a cut 
eve or similar facial laceration in round one 
is a draw. If sustained after round one the 
contestant ahead on points gets the green 
light. This Quattrocchi's punches fairlv 
whistle while they work and when they 
land its a case of "Open dhe doah, Rich- 

At 135 little Davev Lewis, who has been 
boxing as low as 125, took the place of 
classy Danny Smith against Cal Nisson, 
who had been dried out from the 145 pound 
class. Davey. a game, aggressive beginner 
who is going to be a very good ringman 
with more schooling, tied in the first round, 
won the second on courageous aggressive- 
ness and barely lost out when he tired 
against his rugged opponent toward the 
end of the third. On two of the officials' 
slips Davey lost bv only one point and 
that's anybodv's fight. The other slip called 
it a draw. 

At 145 CUA had Billy Groves, strong, 
husky and experienced and a great puncher, 
who, schooled by his father, a good pro- 
fessional, has been boxing for years. 

Due to the illness of Tommy Maloney 
and the absence of Billy Greer, Maryland 
used newcomer Johnny Albarano against 
Groves. Albarano is, very shortly, going to 
be a pretty darned good mitman. All he 
needs is schooling to back up his excellent 
physical condition. This was his second 
bout and he has been trying out for boxing 
only a few months. On paper he hardly 
belonged in the same ring with Grovev 
Albarano lost the first two rounds by stay- 
ing away, moving and jabbing. Groves 
nailed Johnny with Sunday punches but 
the well conditioned Terp never blinked 
an eve and kept on coming. In the third 
he opened up with a Garrison finish thai 
took the play away from Groves and also 
took the round by a big margin. Here was 
a great moral victory for a green kid who 
is going places by the right process of try- 
ing all the time and staying in great shape. 

In that third Albarano landed all over 
Groves. On two slips he lost by only one 
point. On the other it was called a winner. 
That's calling 'em mighty close and was 
really a great upset. 

At 155 Maryland's classy Ed Rieder had 
entirely too much artillery for CU's game 
Tom Moody. Every punch Moody tossed 
was met by smashing counterpunches fired 
l>\ the Terp and in less than a round it was 
halted to save the reeling and badly beaten 

At 165 Bob Gregson, Maryland, turned in 
a masterful bit of boxing and footwork to 
easily decision game Hugh McDonald, CUA 
lad who had trained down from 175. Mac 
was game, aggressive and willing but was 
in for a sweet scented boxing lesson all 
the way. Gregson took all three rounds 
on all three score cards. 

At 175 Bob Hafer, Maryland, substituted 
for Kennv Malone when the latter had to 
move up to the heavy division due to the 
absence of Arnold Gibbs. Hafer, like Alba- 
rano and Lewis, is a beginner, game, will- 
ing and anxious to learn. He's learning 
fast as he proved against CUA's Hermino 
I'oblette, a mighty good boy- It was nip 
and tuck all the way and the third one 
of the night that was almost too close to 
call. A very good scrap with two slips read- 
ing "CUA" and one reading "Maryland." 

With the meet tied and the audience 
tense, CUA put in big Bernie Cody, tall 
and over 200. Maryland sent in 175 pound 
Kennv Malone to carry the load. Kenny, 
who takes the job of representing Maryland 
seriouslv. remarked, "I'll give it all I have." 
He took every* round from the big fellow 
in the opposite corner, banged him with left 
and right hooks to the body and smashing 
hooks and overhand rights to the chin. 
He staggered Cody repeatedly. It was a tre- 
mendous melee with the Terp always ahead. 
The decision yvas unanimous by a wide 

Referee was Rav Gadsbv. Villanova and 
Naval Academy. Judges yvere Ray Boyven. 
of Washington and Eddie Leonard of Balti- 
more. Timekeeper yvas Professor George D. 
Quigley with Ted Stell as announcer. 

A great win for a great team. Head 
Coach Heinie Miller commented. "This 
noon we would have settled for a draw, 
y\'e yvere that badly handicapped. Noyv 
all we can say is that we're mighty proud 
of this fine team. Boxing looks good here 
for this year and the next. I have two fine 
assistant coaches in Fausto Rubini and 
Frank Cronin plus a lot of help from New- 
ton Cox. The boxers are wonderful to 
handle. They improve with each show and 
carry out instructions. Its a real pleasure 
lo be with them." 

Note that all three split decisions went to 
the visitors. Maryland hands out no 

South Carolina 

Maryland's ringmasters struck a tough 
and rugged group at Columbia, S. C, in 
the South Carolina Gamecocks boxing team. 
Maryland yvon, 5 to 3. 

At 125, back in form, Maryland's Al 
Salkoyvski gave a truly masterful exhibi- 
tion of on balance counter punch boxing, 
punctuated yvith two clean knockdowns to 
take the unanimous decision from Johnny 
Dayves, a game and yvilling performer from 
South Carolina. 

Lightning struck again in the 130 pound 
class yvhen flashy Andy Quattrocchi loosed 
two right hand thunderbolts that only half 
the audience saw. It happened early in 
round one. The dynamic punches of the 
flashy Marylander layed out Ray White, 
of South Carolina in real short order. 

Danny Smith, Maryland's courageous lit- 
tle 135 pounder, again caught a tartar in 
rugged Tommy Watson. It was nip and 
tuck for two innings yvith clean, hard 
punching on both sides. In the third 
Smith began to solve Watson's wider hooks 
by stepping inside of them and rifling 
straight right hands "doyvn the slot." That 
tore it. The decision in favor of Smithy 
yvas unanimous. It was a hard one to win. 
He had to be RIGHT to do it. 

At 145 South Carolina had Ray Avant, 
a smart and highly rated fighter who has 
boxed as far away as Honolulu. He had 
plenty of everything on Maryland's new- 
comer, Johnny Albarano, in there for only 
his third time. This was one of those 
things where you could write your own 
ticket on Avant at any odds, except that 
Albarano is coming fast and is always 
in grade XXX condition. He stayed right 
in there with the flashy Avant. The latter 
pulled out of it only by a couple of points 
on two billets yvhile one judge yvrote it for 
Albie. If the tyvo ever meet again don't 
sell Johny Albarano short. In fact don't 
EVER sell him short no matter who is in 
the other corner. 

At 155 Maryland's dynamic Eddie Rieder 
again moved out to counter punch it out 
yvith Hank Cannon. The first round was 
a small yvar with the Terrapin neatly ahead 
on points. All punches were for Sunday 
and w'ith whiskers on them. In the second 
Rieder dumped Cannon three times in a 
royv and some kind soul from the South 
Carolina corner tossed in the Turkish em- 
broidery because our Eddie was really get- 
ting to their boy. 

At 165 The Terrapin's classy Bob Greg- 
son picked up a hot potato in southpaw 
Bob Wilson. It yvas a great go for three 
rounds and one of those things that could 
have gone either yvay and should, it seemed, 
have been called even. Gregson, yvith just 
a little more attention to footwork, might 
have aced out ahead but he elected to 
punch it out with Wilson who was no 
man's patsy yvhen it came to that put and 
take business. Wilson yvon. 

At 175 Maryland sent in Bob Hafer. 
Kennv Malone could have gone here since 
he was down to that weight and South 
Carolina elected to forfeit the heavy bout, 
but it wouldn't have been any too fair for 
Hafer who trained for it and made the 
trip. So Coach Heinie Miller took a chance 
yvith Hafer and Bob was not quite good 
enough to yvin over Tommy Spann, of 
South Carolina. But after all a game kid, 
standing by, willing to go "on call," rates 
a chance, if possible, to get his letter. 

The officials were Orville Rogers, former 
Citadel heavyyveight and Conference Cham- 
pion Claude Sapp, former North Carolina 


welterweight star; Claude Cappleman, 
former Presbyterian heavyweight luminary. 
Rogers was a Major in the army, Sapp a 
Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, Cap- 
pleman a Major in the Marine Corps. 
Coach Lofton, for South Carolina, himself 
a former Major in the Marines, forgot to 
let our side know, however, that all three 
officials are currently law students at the 
University of South Carolina, Maryland's 
opponents. All three were o.k. and did a 
fine job. 

North Carolina 

Handicapped by the absence of Danny 
Smith, 135, in Texas visiting his sick mother, 
Maryland's boxing team journeved to North 
Carolina to take the measure of Coach Mike 
Ronman's Tar Heels, 6 to 2. All of Caro- 
lina's points were gained by four draw deci- 
sions and there were quite some few people 
about the ring who thought all four of the 
draws should have been written for Mary- 

It was necessary to juggle the line-up and 
only two of Maryland's men, Ed Rieder and 
Bob Hafer, were not outweighed by one 
full class. 

In the 125 pound opener 117 pound 
Danny McLaughlin doled out another of 
his boxing lessons to take the nod over Bill 
Sumas of the Tar Heels. 

At 130 Al Salkowski, moved up from 125, 
boxed as he pleased against Charles Lam- 
beth. It looked like another Maryland win 
but the thing came up a draw. 

At 135 Andy Quattrocchi, soporific sock- 
ologist, moved up from 130 to take good 
care of Conway Rose, game, stocky and 
willing Tarheel. Rose and Quattrocchi were 
hospital corpsmen in the Navy together, 
serving with Marines. They swapped night 
watches and played cards with each other. 
But this was something else again. After 
flooring Rose in round one and going 
through some hectic milling from then on, 
Andy finally layed it in there right on the 
button. Rose stiffened like a board and 
pitched forward on his face, as dead as last 
year's corn shucks. This boy Andy really 
belts, but convincingly. 

At 145 Johnny Albarano was in there 
with a pretty good boy in Charles Norton. 
Norton had the lead for two rounds but in 
the third, Albarano, a model of perfect 
physical condition, turned on the heat and 
let the barrage fly from all angles. The 
referee stopped it with Norton tired and 
all in, both arms dangling. T.K.O. in three. 

Eddie Rieder, Maryland's smashing 155 
pounder, picked up a live wire in Dick 
Young, of the Tar Heels. Young has been 
hanging everything over and is a seasoned, 
experienced fighter. He won the Texas and 
Carol inas Golden Gloves and, during the 
war, put in a lot of time boxing with 
World's Middleweight Champion Tony 
Zale. All of which meant little to Rieder. 
He landed the better punches and forced 
the fighting. Many thought Rieder had 
clearly won. It came up even again. 

At 165 North Carolina forfeited to Mary- 
land's Bob Gregson. The Tarheels' entry 
could not make the weight. 

At 175 Maryland's Bob Hafer, still a bit 
too good natured for the boxing business, 
seemed to have the better of a rugged melee 
with Bill Bragaw. This one too came up 

50 50. 

In the heavyweight class Maryland's Ken 
Malone, 1751/2, took on Carolina's 220 pound 
Bill Spiegel. This one came up even too 
and seemed to be away off the beam. Kenny 
outboxed the big fellow and was much sur- 
prised to note that he pulled up with only 
a draw nod. 

There were no judges. Al Mann, former 
Duke University boxer, was the referee. It 
was noted after the North Carolina meet 
that no Maryland boxer has been knocked 
down this year and that all knockdowns 
and knockouts thus far have been scored 
by the Terrapins. 

The reaction at North Carolina was "How 
in the world did you people ever lose to 
Virginia?" We can't answer that one either. 



Navy's basketball team picked the coldest 
clay of the year to cool out Maryland's 
hot basketball team and did so emphatically, 

Navy ran the Terps ragged in taking 
the one-sided victory and shattered Mary- 
land's five-game wining streak and estab- 
lished the Middies' record at 7 wins in eight 

Making up in skill and aggressiveness 
what they spotted the Terps in size, the 
Middies shattered the myth of Maryland 
power. The victory came by way of revenge 
for Navy's only defeat at George Washing- 
ton's hands two weeks ago. G. W. was 
later beaten by Maryland. 

Captain Ken Shugart provided most of 
the momentum in Navy's victory, slipping 
in 14 points, and setting up the bulk of 
the plays. Shugart teamed with Forward 
Jack Robbins in harassing Maryland's im- 
potent offense, and the wiry little pair ran 
circles around their visitors. 

Navy's superiority was evident in both 
periods. The Middies commanded a 27-14 
advantage at the midway mark and con- 
tinued their runaway throughout the game. 

The Terps simply were not in the ball 
game. Bill Brown managed for ten points, 
but he fouled out midway in the second 
half, and what little joy the handful of 
Maryland rooters had experienced went 
with him. 

Waldrop, snagging rebound after rebound, 
and Don Dick contributed more than their 
share to the Navy cause. Waldrop sank ten 
points, and Dick, nine to trail Shugart in 
the scoring. 

North Carolina 

Fighting off a last-minute drive by the 
powerful University of North Carolina 
basketball team, the University of Maryland 
dribblers came through with a surprise vic- 
tory over the Tarheels, 61 — 57. 

Carolina, a distinct favorite in the ball 
game found in Maryland a rejuvenated out- 
fit over the one which lost to Navy a few 
days previously on Navy's small court. 

The Maryland boys were hot and there 
simply was no stopping them as Tommy 
Mont, Johnny Shumate, Johnny Edwards, 
and Bill Brown combined to send 4,000 
Maryland rooters into hysteria with their 
sensational shooting. 

Maryland grabbed the lead from the 
opening whistle and never relinquished it. 


but the Old Liners were hard pressed, espe- 
cially in the last five minutes of play when 
North Carolina came within four points 
of overhauling the Terps at 53 — 49. 

The Carolina attack was sparked all the 
way by its big center, Johnny Dillon, who 
scored 19 points and by Bob Paxton, sharp- 
shooting forward, who chalked up 14 
points. But neither of these worthies could 
break through the Maryland defense in 
the first half. 

The Old Liners held a nine-point advan- 
tage at half time, 33 — 24. 

The two teams really got warmed up in 
the second session,, but Maryland was al- 
ways in command. With the score at 53 — 49 
in the Old Liners' favor, and Carolina press- 
ing, a pair of quick goals under the basket 
by Tom Mont clinched the ball game for 
Maryland. Only two minutes remained to 
be played and Carolina tried desperately to 
come from behind all to no avail. 

Maryland's floor game bewildered the 
Tarheels. Inability of the North Carolina 
outfit to bottle up the four Maryland high 
scorers resulted in a disastrous defeat for 
them and an outstanding triumph for 

Washington & Lee 

Maryland's basketball team staged a scor- 
ing splurge in the late moments of what 
had been a close contest to chalk up their 
second victory of the season over a hard- 
fighting Washington & Lee quint 59 — 50. 

The lead changed hands nine times in 
the first half, but the Generals managed 
to take a 24 — 21 lead going into the rest 
period. The second semester was only 
three minutes old when Maryland regained 
the lead only to lose it again with only a 
little over four minutes remaining in the 
see-saw battle. 

It was then that Maryland put on their 
steaming finish and rung up 13 points to 
jump into a long lead as the Generals 
were getting only four points. Washington 
and Lee added two more floor goals in 
the waning moments, but they were only 
consolation points as the ball game was 
already over. 

The victory moved Maryland up to third 
place in the Southern Conference behind 
Duke and North Carolina and gave the 
Terps six loop victories in eight starts. 
It also assured the Old Liners of an 
invitation to the Southern Conference 
tournament scheduled next month at Dur- 

Victor Turyn, the Terp football quarter- 
back, was the big gun of the Maryland 
attack registering 15 points despite the fact 
that he played less than half the contest. 
The slim, wiry West Virginian dunked 
seven times from the floor and made good 
his lone try from the foul stripe. 


"Our team is red hot!" just about tells 
the storv of Coach Burton Shipley's Terra- 
pin basketeers as thev rolled up another 
win, this time over Georgetown, 55 to 49. 

Georgetown's stubborn defense held 
Maryland's high scoring Bill Brown and 
Tommy Mont to one basket each, but Vic 
Turyn came through with a 17-point per- 
formance to spark the Terp offense and 
head both teams in scoring. 

The Hoyas outscored the Terps, 21 bas- 
kets to 15, from the floor, but were out- 
gunned by 25 free tosses as compared to the 
seven they were able to net. 

Referees Moskowitz and Shirley called a 
total of 45 fouls, 26 against Georgetown 
and 19 against Maryland. 

Maryland got off to a 2 — lead on a 
pair of free throws by Turyn at the start 
and worked up a 15 — 4 advantage before the 
Hoyas began to make any kind of a show- 
ing. At half-time the Terps still led by 26 

Georgetown came back strong from the 
intermission to pull up within one point of 
the Old Liners at 32—31 and matched the 
Terps basket for basket until two straight 
tallies by Turyn shot the hosts to a 42 — 37 

Maryland pulled well to the front at 
53 — 43, but Georgetown struck back with a 
pair of goals by Brown and another by 
Leddy before Monf whipped in the game's 
final counter for Maryland. 



Johnny Albarano, twice a last minute 
substitute at 145 with the boxing team is 
the first fellow into the gymn and the last 
fellow out. When he's through boxing he 
punches the bag and skips the rope and, 
most days, he sweeps out the gymn. Johnny 
works in the dining hall and. on the day of 
the C. U. A. bouts insisted on doing his 
dining hall work because he "did not want 
anybody else doing my job." His great 
physical condition and determination figures 
to send him places in any sport he studies 
hard enough. 


The University of Maryland won a seven- 
school rifle meet in New York City on the 
City College of New York range with a 
1,386 point total. 

New York U. was second with 1,341, 
trailed by Columbia and the hosts with 
1,321 each, Brooklyn Poly, 1,296; Fordham, 
1,292 and Cooper Union, 1,136. 

Arthur Cook, Maryland's National Junior 
champion, led the scorers with 287 out of 
a possible 300. 

Maryland scores: 

Prone Kneeling Standing 

Cook 99 96 92 287 

Briguglio .98 97 81 276 

Decker 95 93 89 277 

Bowling ... 99 93 83 275 

Waters ... 98 91 82 271 







Under the leadership of William E. ("Solly") 

Krouse, above, Head Wrestlinq Coach attached to 

the Physical Education Department, wrestling has 

been resumed at the University of Maryland. 


Coached by big Solly Krause, Maryland — 
and in a hurry not unlike the manner in 
which Doyle Royal put over tennis and 
soccer — wrestling is back on the University 
of Maryland athletic schedule. 

The Terp matmen lost to North Caro- 
lina State 25 to II, won from Loyola 25 to 
11 and dropped a close one to Washington 
and Lee, 17 to 11. 

Moving into their fourth match of the 
season the following wrestlers in the Old 
Liners' lineup were undefeated; Reds Mar- 
schak, 175; Bob Gamble 136; John Gur- 
ney 145; Blake Lowe 136; Ed Wilson 165. 

Virginia Military Institute took six of 
eight matches to defeat the Maryland 
wrestling team, 26-8, in a Southern Con- 
ference meet. 

The Terrapin grapplers won both of the 
matches in the two heaviest weights, Elmer 
Bright scoring a fall over Tom Phillips in 
the unlimited class, while Marscheck, Free 
State 175-pounder, defeated Granger, 12 
to 7. 


Little Danny McLaughlin, Maryland 117 
pounder who boxes and wins at 125, was 
greatly disappointed when his bout with 
Tom Cronin, C.U.A., was halted in round 
one due to a cut eye sustained by Danny. 
Worried because he hadn't gotten enough 
exercise, Danny, after the bouts, donned a 
sweat suit and, up until midnight, did an 
hour's road work. 


During the ceremonies incident to the 
recent West Point-Maryland boxing meet, 
Judge William P. Cole, Jr., Chairman of 
Maryland's Board of Regents, on behalf of 
the University, presented to Army's Coach 
Bill Cavanagh a plaque emblematic of 
Billy's many years of work in the interest 
of college boxing. Upon returning to West 
Point Coach Cavanagh wrote: 

"May I take this opportunity to privately 
express my appreciation for your recent 
thoughtf ulness and kindness. 

"Upon my return to West Point, I 
proudly showed your gift to Lt. General 


Taylor, the Superintendent of the U. S. 
Military Academy, to Colonel Jones, the 
Graduate Manager of Athletics and to Lt. 
Colonel Greene, the Master of the Sword. 
They were agreeably surprised and thought 
it a wonderful gesture on the part of your 

"I shall keep the gift as a special re- 
membrance of the fine relationship that has 
existed between the University of Maryland 
and the U. S. Military Academy and shall 
treasure it, because of the sentiment so 
adequately inscribed upon it." 

"These Terrapins Were Champions!" 

(Concluded from page 33) 

However, the big thrill of the campaign 
came in the game with the Navy attackmen 
at Annapolis when the Navy was con- 
quered by a 7 to 2 count. It was a torrid 
battle, fought out under a glaring sun and 
the Old Liners had to show real class to 
gain the upper-hand by such a margin. 

The game was the high spot of the sea- 
son from the standpoint of attendance, as 
fully 6,000 persons withstood the heat to 
witness the annual struggle. The play 
throughout was just about as hot as the 
day and every point that came Maryland's 
way was fully earned. 

Few, if any contests, in any sport are 
as spiritedly played as was this one be- 
tween the Middies and Terps on the lacrosse 
field. The 1936 title carried more dash 
than usual, although the play was sports- 
manlike at all times. 

Maryland's 1936 schedule was the tough- 
est tackled by any outfit in the country. 
In fact, it was the only list that contained 
all the big teams of the State, the hot-bed 
of the stick-wielding sport. 

It might also be pointed out that two of 
the big guns of the Mount Washington 
Club were former Old Line stars, Fred 
Stieber. high scoring in home, and Nor- 
wood Sothoron, who was equally as good 
at center or in a defense position. 





Season's Scores 

U. of M 

Harvard 15 

Alumni 15 

Baltimore A.C 9 

St. John's 9 

Mount Washington Club 8 

Naval Academy 7 

Rutgers 8 

Johns Hopkins 9 

Penn State 9 

1936 Lacrosse Squad 

Name Position From 

John Kelly Goal Baltimore 

John Muncks Goal Baltimore 

Louis Ennis Point L. Branch. N. 

Jim Hart Cover Point Baltimore 

Oden Bowie Defense Mitchellville 

Ike Rabbitt Defense Washington 

Charlie Yaeger Defen~e Baltimore 

Ed Minion Defense Newark 

Bill Towson Defense Baltimore 

Jack Downin Defen e Baltimore 

Bill Wolfe Defen e Altoona, Pa. 

Harvey Cooke Defen e Washington 

Robert Walton Defense Ch. Chase 

Herbert Brill Attack Baltimore 

Pierce Maccubbin Attack Baltimore 

George Watson Attack Towson 

Bill Griff Attack Reisterstown 

Walter Webb Attack Vienna 

George Schaffer Attack Towson 

Bob Hammerlund Attack Washington 

Bill Mitchell Attack Baltimore 

Parker Lindsay Center Baltimore 

John Christhilf Out Home Baltimore 

Charlie Ellinger In Home Baltimore 


SI drivin' a team headin' thataway. Josh 
drivin' a team headin' t'other way. 

"Mawin, Si." 

"Mawnin, Josh." 

"What did y' give y'r hoss f'r the heaves 
that time?" 


"Bye, Si." 

"Bye, Josh." 



(Next day, same situation. Same place.) 

"Mawin, Si." 

"Mawnin, Josh." 

"Say, wot was that y' gave y'r hoss f'r 
the heaves that time?" 


"Killed mine." 

"Mine too." 

"Bye, Si." 

"Bye, Josh." 



A farmer and his wife, firm believers in 
reincarnation, had made a pact that the 
first one to die would strive to communi- 
cate with the other. Six months after the 
husband died, the widow was overjoyed 
to hear him speaking to her, but she soon 
became annoyed as he persisted in describ- 
ing the beauty of a cow. 

"Gracious me," said the exasperated 
wife, "here I am dying to know the secrets 
of reincarnation and you keep talking to 
me about a fool cow." 

"Oh," said the dead husband. "I forgot 
to tell you that I am now a bull in Mon- 

Breathes there a stude with a soul so dead 
Who never to himself hath said: 
"To heck with class, I'll stay in bed!" 

The stork is one of the mystics 

And inhabits a number of districts. 

It doesn't have plumes 

Or sing any tunes, 

But gives out with vital statistics. 

r<-)e yanks' 


"Will this letter go all right?" 
The address: Sears Roebuck & Co., Chi- 
cago, Philadelphia, Washington, Dallas, 

Said one Eastern Shore strawberry to 
another, "If we hadn't been found in the 
same bed we wouldn't be in this jam." 

Lady, "Did you see that pile of wood in 
the yard?" 

Tramp, "I seen it." 

Lady, "You mean you saw it." 

Tramp, "You saw me see it but you ain't 
gonna see me saw it." 

"He sure believes in Farm Relief: just 
foreclosed the mortgage and relieved me 
of my farm." 

Some guys have money enough to last a 
lifetime. But it only lasts half that long if 
the guy leads a double life. So does the guy. 

We just got hold of a stray copy of the 
Jewell (Kansas) Republican. It tells us 
that "Mrs. John Moore fell down a trap- 
door into the cellar, breaking her wrist. 
Elmer Hoeffner cracked his shoulder fall- 
ing out of a haymow. Robert Eichner fell 
off a horse and broke his leg." May we 
refer to the above as "Fall Notes From 

Two Western Maryland country boys on 
their first train trip. On the choo-choo they 
purchased some bananas. Neither of them 
had ever seen a banana before. The first 
lad ate his. Then the train entered a tun- 
nel. After emerging from the darkness the 
first boy cautioned the other, "Don't eat 
that thing, Abner. I et one and for a while 
I went stone blind." 

The absent minded professor joke has 
been built up nicely through the years. It 
used to be that the prof kissed the garbage 
goodbye and threw his wife out into the 
alley, or held an egg in his hand for 
three minutes while he boiled his watch. 
Now it's the absent minded prof and his 
absent minded wife sitting at home read- 
ing the evening paper. Comes a bang on 
the door. She yells, "O, Gosh, my hus- 
band!" And he jumps through the win- 

"That's a hot number," said the steer, as 
a branding iron was pressed against his leg. 

Texas rancher visiting Maryland farmer, 
"You say that dark cloud means it might 
rain? My son, Bill, when he was away in 
the Navy saw rain! These Navy fellers 
sure get to see things." 


t-\IS MOTHER W»1S -^ 

FRiqHTfNei) BY ? 

roR JO R . 

ITHftT S WHr-i- 



Millionaire's check, made out to a gold 
digger, bounced. Marked "insufficient fun." 

"Hell!" said Satan, answering the phone. 

Some students do not think of women all 
the time but when they do think they think 
of women. 

Wife: "Who was that on the phone just 

Stoop: "Must have been a guy who in- 
tended to call the Weather Bureau. All 
he asked me was, 'Is the coast clear?' ' 

She was only an optician's daughter. Two 
glasses and she made a spectacle of herself. 

A genius is a man who can rewrite a 
traveling salesman's joke and get it ac- 
cepted by the Ladies Home Journal. 

Man is wonderful. He has learned to fly 
like a bird. But he hasn't learned to sit on 
a barbed -wire fence. 

Some fellows think they are so daw- 
gonned tough, to hear them warble it 
you'd think their only mission in life is to 
cut down the number of deaths from old 

Big "M" Guy, "Waiter, this lobster has 
only one claw." 

Waiter, "Our lobsters are so fresh they 
fight all the time and this one lost a claw 
in a horrendous melee with another." 

Big "M" Guv, "Well take this second 
rater away and bring me back a champion." 

"Turn over! Y'r on y'r back!" 


"Who said that?" 

A Maryland Agriculture alumnus up near 
Westernport called upon a neighbor and 
found the latter playing checkers with his 
pet dog. The man would make a move. 
The dog would ponder and then the dog 
would make a move. 

Astounded, the Marylander asked, "Can 
that dog actually play checkers? Say, that's 
the most wonderful dog in the world." 

"He's not so hot," retorted the guy, "I 
beat him the last two games." 

December 26 — Snowing, can't go huntin'. 

December 27 — Still snowin', can't go 

December 28 — Still snowin', can't go 

December 29 — Still snowin'. Shot Grand- 

The curfew tolls the knell of parting day; 
A line of cars winds slowly o'er the lea; 
A student plods his absent-minded way 
And leaves the world quite unexpectedly. 

"John," she said, "I wish you would fire 
the new hired man. He sings dirty songs." 

"Why, I haven't heard him singing any 
dirty songs," said her husband. 

"I know," she replied, "but he whistles 

"Do you serve women here?" 
"No, you bring your own." 

Enxious Pappeh: "Now I'm helpingk 
with you now, Shoileh, dhe home woik. 
Sapposing is on a pondt four docks. A 
hunteh is shootingk wan. How many is 
now left dhe docks?" 

Shoileh: "Is left unly wan, dhe dead 
wan. Is flyingk away tree docks." 

Heard in the forest glen. 
"She was such a deer. I needed the doe." 
"I just wanted to have a little fawn." 
"She only did that for a buck." 

The lady of the house was entertaining 
her bridge club when the pattering of tiny 
feet was heard on the stairs. "Hush," she 
said softly, "the children are going to deliver 
the goodnight message. It always gives me 
such a feeling of reverence to hear them . . . 

There was a moment of silence — then, 
"Maw! Willie found a bedbug." 

Away back in the good old overseas 
days when we used to be fed those good 
powdered eggs while the poor folks at 
home struggled along on those old eggs 
that you had to get out of a frigidaire and 
break the shells and all that trouble, the 
folks would, occasionally run across one 
that was old but not bad. Like the gag 
about the horse at Pimlico, named "Lunch- 
time." Came in at 12 to 1. 

Old but not bad is the story about the 
beezark in Florida who sent to Abercrombie 
and Fitch for a barometer. The barometer 
arrived. The Florida guy sat down and 
wrote a letter to Abercrombie and Fitch, 
dear sirring them and adding, "The bar- 
ometer you sent me is strictly n. g. The 
needle sticks on 'hurricane'." Then he 
wrapped up the barometer and took it and 
the letter down to the Post Office. When 
he returned his house was gone. 

If all the college boys who sleep in class 
were placed end to end they would be 
more comfortable. 

The latest corn includes, "College bred 
means a four year loaf on Dad's dough." 
(Some crust, eh?) 

When water becomes ice a great change 
occurs; the price goes up. 

From some distance two campus wolves 
looked as a young woman held her skirt 
during a strong wind. "That girl's from the 
country," said one. 

"How do ya figure that?" asked his pal. 

"You can always tell a country girl from 
a city girl if there's a good wind," replied 
the first. "A country girl grabs her skirt — 
a city girl, her hat." 

Some day they'll unravel the mystery of 
the sweater girl. 

Freshman: Does the wind always blow 
this way?" 

Senior: "Sometimes it blows the other 

Ex-GI tells us when you see an animal 
with two stripes it's either a skunk or a 

The old saw "Great oaks from little 
acorns grow" is meant to point out that you 
can never tell into what a nut will develop. 

Horse sense comes as a result of stable 

Big "M" Guy: What's wrong with these 

Waitress: Don't ask me, I only laid the 

"Building your house over a pig sty is 

"Naw tain't, mister, we ain't lawst a 
hawg yit." 

The reason a dog has so many friends is 
that his tail wags instead of his tongue. 


Two freshmen lost their way. Said one: 
"We must be in a cemetery, there's a 
gravestone." The other lit a match and re- 
plied: "Yeah, he lived to the ripe old age 
of 128." 

"What's his name?" 

"Some guy named Miles from Wash- 
ington, D. C." 

"Sam, aren't you ashamed to have your 
wife support you by taking in washing?" 

"Deed Ah is boss. But what can Ah do? 
She's too ignorant to do anything better." 

A nurse went to the doctor and reported 
the campus patient under her care didn't 
think he was getting enough attention." 

Doctor: "Well, give him what he 

Nurse: "I'll resign first." 

"Help," cried the wheat kernel field. "I've 
been shocked." 

Dogs in Siberia are the fastest in the 
world because the trees are so far apart. 

"If a lady soldier is a Wac, a lady sailor 
a Wave what is a Wock?" 

"A Wock is what a widdy boy frows at a 

Baltimore weatherman, tired of being 
the butt of all jokes, asked to be trans- 
ferred to another station, "Because," he 
wrote, "the climate doesn't agree with 

"I'm aching from neuritis." 
'"Glad to meet you. I'm Jones from 

Mary had a little lamb; 
The doctor fainted. 

Teacher, "What is your favorite hymn?' 
Junior Terpette, "Willie Smith." 

How about the AG student who had been 
at the dairy barns so long that he shook 
hands one finger at a time. 

"Do you mean you're holding me for 

"No mam. Let that guy Ransom catch 
his own woman." 

You had to hand it to Venus de Milo 
when it came to eating. She couldn't if 
you didn't. 

« jyjmW WE T€BF S£Z> 

Young people do not read 
the bible as much as old peo- 
ple. The latter are cramming 
tor their final exams. 

Not all people who use the 
touch system, operate type- 

Maryland Traffic Safety Com- 
mission slogan: 

"Dim your lights . . . show 
your brightness behind the 

>lume XVIII Number Five 

APRIL, 1947 

Twenty-five Cents the Copy. 


ox CLANl 

A Message From The University of Maryland 


The Alumni Publication of the University of 
Maryland Needs the Support of the AlumnL 

**\MARYLAND/' the publication of the alumni of the University of 
Maryland, hopes to keep pace, in size and appearance, with the 
rapid growth of the University as a whole. It is the intention to make 
the magazine a medium of expression which should represent ade- 
quately the University and the State. 

Copies are sent to all alumni whose addresses are available. It is 
hoped that there will be sufficient alumni support to finance the 

Work is underway in developing, centralizing, and vitalizing the 
organization of alumni so that alumni strength and influence will be 
commensurate with the number of alumni. In this development 
"Maryland" plays a vital part. 

This magazine needs YOUR support! 




-AH HSI I I I I 14 AIM N««- 

APRIL, 1947 

University of Maryland, College Park, Md 

„.lege Park, Maryland, as second class mail 

Circulation Manager, Board of Managers, 

'18; J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Hazel T. 

Secretary-Treasurer, David L. Brigham, '38, 


$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 

Twenty-five Cents the Copy 

(Authorized in 1812 


Many of Old Line State's 
Leading Legal Figures 
Graduated from Second 
Oldest of University of 
Maryland's Schools. . . . 

SECOND oldest of the branches of the 
University now in existence, the School 
of Law of which Dr. Roger Howell is Dean, 
was one of the three "colleges or faculties" 
which the General Assembly of Maryland in 
1812 authorized the College of Medicine of 
Maryland to "constitute, appoint and an- 
nex to itself" in order to establish "an 
University by the name and under the title 
of the University of Maryland." 

In accordance with the authority so given, 
the Faculty of Law, consisting of David 
Hoffman, William Pinckney, Robert Good- 
loe Harper, John Purviance, Robert Smith, 
Nicholas Brice and Nathaniel Williams — 
all leaders of the Bar — was annexed to the 
Faculty of Physic on January 6, 1813, and 
proceeded to appoint one of their number, 
David Hoffman, as the first (and appar- 
ently the only) Professor of Law. It was 
not, however, until ten years later, in 1823, 
that the school was actually opened and 
regular instruction was begun. Of the law 
schools now operating in the United States, 
there are only three where instruction was 
offered at an earlier date — Columbia in 
1773, William and Mary in 1779, and Har- 
vard in 1817. 

Planned Ten Years 

In the interval between 1813 and 1823, 
Hoffman was devoting much thought and 


University of Maryland's School of Law is located at the Southeast corner of Redwood and Greene Streets, 

Baltimore, Md. 


Just before final examinations University of Mary- 
land Law Students in the entrance to the School 
of Law 

time to the planning and development of a 
course of law study. In 1817 he published 

"A Course of Legal Study Addressed to 
Students and the Profession Generally," 
which attracted much attention and re- 
ceived high praise from commentators 
throughout the country. The North Amer- 
ican Review devoted to it a review of 
thirty-three pages, pronouncing it to be 
"by far the most perfect system for the 
study of law which has ever been offered 
to the public — a model for the direction 
of students." Chief Justice John Marshall, 
said that it was "calculated to elevate and 
dignify the profession"; Justice Story de- 
clared it "an honor to the country"; DeWitt 
Clinton regarded it "as an invaluable guide 
to legal knowledge." 

In Advance of the Times 

The course of legal study set out in this 
treatise was an ideal one, as Hoffman 
realized, and would have required some 
six or seven years for its completion. It 
was far in advance of the times in regarding 
as essential to the training of the lawyer 
a broad basis of social studies — moral and 
political philosophy, political economy, 
comparative and statutory law were all 
emphasized. Indeed, it may be questioned 
whether legal education has ever ap- 
proached the ideal that Hoffman envisaged. 

In 1821, he published a "Syllabus of a 
Course of Lectures on Law proposed to be 
delivered in the University of Maryland — 
Addressed to the Students of Law in the 
United States." This provided for three 
hundred and one lectures, "embracing every 
title know to the great body of law, viz.; 


Ethics, commercial, statute, national, Ro- 
man, Admirality, mercantile and constitu- 
tional law." In 1822 he gave notice in the 
newspapers of his intention to begin lec- 
tures, and in 1823 instruction was com- 

At this time he published a ser- 
enty-six page "Introductory to a Course of 
Lectures now Delivering in the University 
of Maryland." The extensive plan of study 
out-lined in his prior publication he seems 
now to have realized was impracticable and 
lie speaks of the course as taking eighteen 
months to two years to complete. Subse- 
quent introductories were also published, 
lamenting the "want of suitable encour- 
agement" and the lack of zeal of law stu- 
dents for availing themselves of the facili- 
ties for study afforded them. 

"Maryland Law Institute" 

The School of Law was during this 
period called the Maryland Law Institute 
and was held in "a spacious and com- 
modious building on South Street, near 
Market Street." No records are extant, 
nothing to show the number and names 
of the students or whether any degrees were 
ever awarded. In Judge Chesnut's article 
on the School of Law in Cordell's History 
of the University of Maryland, it is said 
that there were about thirty students in at- 
tendance in 1831, and that the school re- 
ceived students from eleven States and two 
foreign countries. 

We know more of David Hoffman than 
we do of his school. In many ways he was 
a most amazing man. Eminent in his pro- 
fession, he was also extremely widely read 
in other fields and the list of his published 


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The above is a photograph of Dean Roger Howell, from a painting by Waldemar F. Dietrich. This 
painting was presented to the University of Maryland by the student body of the law school in 1935. The 
painting now hangs in the student lounge of the Law School Building. 

Dean Howell was born in Baltimore in 1895 and attended private schools there, Johns Hopkins University, 
and the University of Maryland School of Law. Received the A.B. degree in 1914 and the Ph.D. degree 
in 1917 from Johns Hopkins University and was Fellow in Political Science there in 1916-17, his last year 
of graduate work; also played on the baseball team two years (Johns Hopkins beat Maryland both years 

Received the LL.B. degree in 1917 also from the University of Maryland, the law work being taken con- 
currently with graduate work at Johns Hopkins. Served in World War I 1917-19, as 2nd Lieut., 1st Lieut, 
and Capt., U. S. Infantry with 17th Infantry and 33rd Machine Gun Battalion. 

Resigned commission 1919 and practiced law in New York with the firm of Cravath and Henderson during 
1919 and in Baitimore as member of firm of Maloy, Brady, Howell & Yost 1920-27. 

Appointed professor of law University of Maryland 1927; assistant dean of law school 1930; dean of law 
school 1931. Member of Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Gamma Eta Gamr.a legal fraternity; Order 
of the Coif (legal honor society); Maryland State Bar Association (vice-president 1934); Bar Association 
of Baltimore City; American Bar Association; American Law Institute. Dean Howell was a member of 
the State Commission on Emergency War Legislation and advisor to the Commission on Revision of the 
Election Laws. 

writings evidences the astonishing variety 
of his interests. Among these, for instance, 
was his "Chronicles Selected from the 
Originals of Cartaphilus," which was in- 
tended to be a six volume history of the 
world in the Christian era presented 
through the legend of the Wandering Jew, 
to collect the materials for which he spent 
several years in Europe; only three volumes 
were ever actually published. He received 
honorary degrees from Oxford and Got- 
tingen as well as from his own university. 
His "Resolutions in Regard to Professional 
Deportment" largely anticipated the pres- 
ent canons of legal ethics of the American 
Bar Association. 

Hoffman's relations with the University 
Trustees were far from friendly and in- 

deed he seems to have been sued for the 
recovery of the library and furniture of 
the School. He ceased lecturing and the 
Law Institute was suspended in 1836. No 
attempt seems to have been then made 
to fill his place or to continue the work of 
the Law School, though the Faculty of Law 
remained technically in existence. 

However, in 1869, the school was re- 
vived, upon the initiative of Professor 
Christopher Johnson of the Faculty of 
Medicine. The two surviving members of 
the Faculty of Law, Judge George W. Dob- 
bin and John H. B. Latrobe, filled the 
vacancies on the Faculty by electing Messrs. 
George William Brown, Bernard Carter, 
H. Clay Dallam and John P. Poe; Judge 
Dobbin was made Dean and Judge Robert 

N. Martin and Judge John A. Inglis were 
appointed professors. The> .two professors 
seem to have carried the entire teaching 
load at first; both of them had occupied 
judicial positions in the Sout&i Judge Inglis 
having been a member of the Supreme 
Court of South Carolina, and had come to 
Baltimore following the Civil War. Judge 
Martin died the following summer, 1 - and Was 
succeeded by another former judge ifrom 
the South, Judge Alexander H. Handy, 
who had been a member of the Supreme 
Court of Mississippi. Mr.- Poe was added to 
the teaching staff in 1870, teaching at night, 
and was joined by other members of the 
Baltimore bar on the return to Mississippi 
in 1871 of Judge Handy and the death in 
1878 of Judge Inglis. From then until 1923, 
the instruction in the law school was car- 
ried on entirely by members of the Balti- 
more bench and bar, all of them then or 
later leaders of the profession in the State. 

Two Year Course 

The course of study from 1869 to V882 
was a two year one. For several years, 
however, a student could enter directly into 
the Senior class, take concurrently the sub- 
jects scheduled for both classes, and com- 
plete the entire course in one year; in 1882, 
this was changed to make entry directly into 
the Senior class conditional on passing an 
examination. The course was extended to 
three years in 1883, but for a considerable 
period thereafter it was possible to com- 
plete the course in two years, and admis- 
sion on examination directly into one of 
the upper classes was permitted though ap- 
parently not encouraged. Classes were held 
in the late afternoon and evening, a practice 
which continued until 1918, when sharply 
decreased enrollment resulting from war 
conditions in World War I caused the after- 
noon classes to be discontinued. From 1918 
until 1925 the School was entirely an 
evening school. k . 

Great Instructors 

During this period, instruction was given 
entirely by leading members of the Balti- 
more bench and bar, as was true in the 
great majority of American law schools of 
the time. From 1884 till his death in 1910, 
Mr. John P. Poe was dean of the faculty, 
and the teaching staff included at various 
times such legal giants of those days as 
Mr. Poe himself, Bernard Carter, Major 
Venable, Charles Marshall, Edgar Gans, 
Judge Charles E. Phelps, Charles McHenry 
Floward, Judge John C. Rose, Joseph C. 
France, and other great leaders of the Bar. 
Mr. Poe was succeeded as dean by Judge 
Henry D. Harlan, who had been secretary 
of the faculty for many years, and who 
served as dean until 1913. Two other law 
schools, the Baltimore Law School and the 
Baltimore University of Law, which had 
consolidated under the name of the Balti- 
more Law School in 1911, were merged into 
the University of Maryland School of Law 
in 1913; and in 1920, with the consolida- 
tion of the University of Maryland at Bal- 
timore and the Maryland State College at 
College Park, the School of Law, together 
with the other Baltimore schools of the 
University, became an integral part of the 
State University. 

Judge Harlan and his associates on the 
Law School faculty felt strongly that it was 
necessary to strengthen and modernize the 
school in its organization, facilities, policies 

ot admission and instruction, in order to 
bring it up to the standards of legal educa- 
tion prevailing in the better schools else- 
where. The greatly increased complexity 
of law as a science and a profession had 
made inadequate older methods of study 
and curricula that were in their time en- 
tirely satisfactory; this was reflected in the 
standards promulgated in 1921 by the 
American Bar Association. 

Accordingly steps were instituted in 1925 
looking toward that end. A day division 
for students devoting their full time to 
their studies was added; the evening divi- 
sion course was lengthened to four years; 
full time instructors were added to the 
faculty and the curriculum reorganized; the 
library was greatly increased; the require- 
ments for admission were increased to at 
least two full years of college work at an 
approved college; and in 1931, with the con- 
struction of the present law school build- 
ing, adequate physical facilities were fur- 
nished. The School was approved by the 
Section on Legal Education of the Amer- 
ican Bar Association in 1930, and admitted 
to membership in the Association of Amer- 
ican Law Schools in 1931; it is the only 
law school in the State so recognized and 
offering what is regarded by those organ- 
izations as proper preparation for the prac- 
tice of law. Subsequent in 1938, the school 
was granted a chapter of the Order of the 
Coif, the national legal honor society cor- 
responding to Phi Beta Kappa in the aca- 
demic world, whose chapters are granted 
only to those schools maintaining the high- 
est standards of legal training and scholar- 

Made Great Contribution 

Throughout its history, the Law School 
has contributed largely, and it is believed 
worthily, to the professional and public life 
of the State. Here is where the majority 
of the State's bench and bar have been 
trained. Since its revival in 1869, it has 
graduated some 3300 men and women; 
among them, one finds the names of a large 
proportion of the past and present leaders 
of the Maryland bar as well as many who 

have won eminence in the profession else- 
where; one finds the names of distinguished 
members of the State and Federal judiciary; 
one finds the names of many men promi- 
nent in the public affairs of the State, of 
governors, senators, members of State and 
national legislatures, one finds the names 
of men who have attained prominence in 
the business world and in the fields of 
commerce and finance. 

Among its alumni are two of the three 
Federal judges in Maryland; the Chief 
Judges of the Court of Appeals; the Chief 
Judge and nine of the Associate Judges of 
the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City; 
fourteen of the judges sitting in the Mary- 
land county circuits. In the national gov- 
ernment, both United States Senators from 
Maryland and one member of the House 
of Representatives and the newly ap- 
pointed Solicitor General of the United 
States are its graduates. For the first time 
since 1920, the Governor of the State is 
not an alumnus of the Law School; but it 
is still well represented in the State gov- 
ernment, with the Attorney General, the 
State Treasurer, six State Senators and 18 
members of the House of Delegates. 

The Faculty 

The School at the present time has a 
faculty of eight full time and ten part- 


Judge William P. Cole, Jr., Chairman of the Board. 

time instructors, the latter members of the 
Baltimore bench and bar, and an enroll- 
ment of something over 300 students. While 
it is primarily a teaching institution, train- 
ing its students for the practice of their 
future profession, members of its faculty 
also carry on regularly research activities, 
both in connection with the courses taught 
by them and with matters of general in- 
terest to the bench and bar in the State. 
Since 1936, the School has published the 
Maryland Law Review, a quarterly law 
journal devoted to the publication of arti- 
cles dealing with matters of Maryland law 
and to the discussion of cases decided by 
the Maryland courts; the regular publica- 
tion of the Review was badly interfered 
with by World War II, but it was never 
wholly suspended and is now being re- 
sumed. Members of its faculty have from 
time to time been called upon to act as 
members of or assist in the work of various 
State commissions, such as those on 
Emergency War Legislation, Revision of the 
Election Laws, the State Adoption Laws, 
and the Distribution of Tax Revenues. 

The Principal Task 

Its principal task, however, the School 
conceives to be that of affording to the 
people of the State the opportunity to se- 
cure sound and adequate legal education 
on a par with that to be obtained in the 
better law schools of the country. Law is a 
constantly developing and changing sub- 
ject — never more so than at the present 
time — and legal training to be adequate 
must reflect both the growth and the 
change of the law and must reflect also the 
fundamental principles of justice lying at 
the base of all our institutions. To supply 
a course of training and curriculum that 
will achieve this objective is and must al- 
ways be the main endeavor of the School. 


The first naval battle in America was 
fought on the Pocomoke river in 1735, be- 
tween Claiborne's pinnace, LONG TAIL, 
and Governor Calvert's two pinnaces, the 


Top Row, Left to Right: Thomas R. Brookes, Bel Air, Vice Chairman; Harry H. Nuttle, Denton; J. Milton 

Patterson, Baltimore, Treasurer; Glenn L. Martin, Baltimore; Charles P. McCormick, Baltimore. 

Bottom Row, Left to Right: Stanford Z. Rothschild, Secretary, Baltimore; Senator Millard E. Tydings, 

Washington; Mrs. John L. Whitehurst, Baltimore; E. Paul Knotts, Denton. 

Jron. Philip J$. Perlman 


PHILIP B. Perlman, University of 
Maryland, LL.B. 1912, whom President 
Truman nominated to be Solicitor Gen- 
eral of the United States, has been promin- 
ent in Maryland and Baltimore politics 
since the first World War. 

He has held various legal posts in the 
State and city governments, being a former 
Maryland Secretary of State and city solici- 
tor of Baltimore. 

One of the highest legal posts in the 
Federal Government, that of solicitor gen- 
eral ranks next to attorney general. The 
position pays $10,000 a year. 

A native Baltimorean, Mr. Perlman was 
born here on March 5, 1890. 

Edited Baltimore Sun 

Before his legal career, he was a news- 
paper man, and in nine years rose to the 
city editorship of The Evening Sun, a posi- 
tion which he resigned in 1917 to accept 
an appointment in the State Law Depart- 
ment under Albert C. Ritchie, then Attor- 
ney General of Maryland. 

When, in March, 1918, the State Law 
Department was enlarged, Mr. Perlman be- 
came an assistant attorney general. Previ- 
ous to this, in June, 1917, he had assisted 
the Attorney General in drafting the pro- 
gram of war legislation adopted at the war 
session of the General Assembly. 

After Mr. Ritchie was elected governor 
in November, 1919, Mr. Perlman resigned 
as assistant attorney general to devote him- 
self to the practice of law. 

But Governor Ritchie appointed him 
secretary of state in January, 1920, and dur- 
ing the 1920 session of the Legislature the 
Governor intrusted Mr. Perlman with the 
drafting of the legislation to redeem the 
pledges made in the Democratic party 

Authored Many Bills 

The bills he drew up included one es- 
tablishing the State Merit System; another 
created a central purchasing bureau for all 
State departments and State institutions, 
and others raised the pay of teachers and 
policemen, revised the workmen's compen- 
sation laws and introduced modern plans 
for drainage. 

Mr. Perlman also drafted the bill pro- 
viding facilities for the registration and 
voting of women, and the law calling for 
quadrennial elections for State officials. 

During his tenure as secretary of state, 
Mr. Perlman was a member of the law 
firm of Marbury & Perlman, with Ogle 
Marbury, now chief judge of the Court of 
Appeals of Maryland, as his partner. 

In September, 1923, he resigned as Secre- 
tary of State and dissolved his partnership 
with Mr. Marbury to accept an appoint- 
ment from Mayor Howard W. Jackson as 
city solicitor of Baltimore. 

He retained that post until February, 

Interesting and Varied 
Career of Prominent 
Maryland Alumnus Who 
Was Named by President 
Truman. . . . 

1926, when he resigned to re-enter private 
law practice. 

But in the meantime he had drafted a 
number of significant ordinances and Char- 
ter revisions, including the ordinance set- 
ting up the city pension system and the 
Charter revision bringing together the city's 
engineering departments under a chief en- 

Mayor Jackson's successor, Mayor Broen- 
ing, appointed him on a commission to re- 
vise the zoning laws, which as city solicitor, 


Hon. Philip B. Perlman, University of Maryland, 

L.L.B. 1912. Appointed by President Truman. (The 

photograph is by Udel Bros., Baltimore) 

he had tried in the lower and appellate 
courts, which finally established the valid- 
ity of zoning regulations in the city. He 
was chairman of the subcommittee which 
drew up the present zoning laws. 

In 1931, Mr. Perlman was appointed a 
member of the Mayor's Commission on 
Unemployment Relief. He drafted the 
legislation creating the Maryland Planning 
Commission, and legislation, enacted in 
1933, creating the Maryland Water Re- 
sources Commission. 

Mr. Perlman has worked with numerous 
other Government commissions and com- 

He is a member of the American, Mary- 
land and Baltimore Bar association; vice 

president of the board of trustees of the 
Walters Art Gallery; a member of the 
board of trustees of the Baltimore Museum 
of Art, the Maryland Institute and the 
Peale Museum. 

He is one of the founders and president 
of the board of directors of the Baltimore 
Symphony Orchestra. 

Mr. Perlman is general counsel of the 
Housing Authority of Baltimore; special 
counsel for the Baltimore Transit Com- 
pany; counsel for the Maryland Co-opera- 
tive Milk Producers, Inc., and has been 
special counsel for the Home Owners' Loan 
Corporation in tax problems passed on by 
the Maryland Court of Appeals. 

He had charge of publicity for the 1932 
Roosevelt campaign in Maryland, and was 
also active in 1936, 1940 and 1944. In both 
1932 and 1940 he was a delegate to the 
national Democratic convention. 

Entered Law School in 1909 

In 1944, he was again a member of the 
Democratic Campaign Committee in Mary- 
land, and was one of the leaders at party 

He is a member of the University Club, 
the Elkridge-Harford Hunt Club, the 
Maryland Historical Society and the Muni- 
cipal Art Society. 

He attended the city's public schools 
and was graduated from City College in 
the class of 1908. He then studied politi- 
cal economy and English at Johns Hop- 
kins University and in 1909 entered the 
University of Maryland Law School. 

It was during his college years that he 
entered the newspaper field and became a 
member of the staff of The Evening Sun. 
After his graduation from the University 
of Maryland in 1912, with a bachelor of 
laws degree, he became a court reporter 
and special writer. 

As solicitor general, he is to succeed J. 
Howard McGrath, now a Democratic Sena 
tor from Rhode Island. 


The chairman of Baltimore's USO cam- 
paign for $274,954, Col. Edgar T. Fell, LL.B. 
Maryland 1917, received a second award of 
the Legion of Merit for his postwar services 
overseas as Theater Chief of the Court of 
Claims in Europe. 

Colonel Fell is Chief of the Court of 
Claims in Washington. The citation said: 

"Contributed immeasurably to the suc- 
cessful accomplishment of the difficult 
tasks" in connection with the claims service 
in Europe from May, 1945, until April, 

The former award to Colonel Fell was 
given for his work before VE Day. He also 
holds the Order of the British Empire, 
Chevalier of the French Legion of Honor 
the Bronze Star and other decorations. 

cAg,riculture JtIj Chief SntereSt 


Ecuadorian Agriculturist 
and Diplomat had Inter- 
esting and Hectic Experi- 
ences in the United States. 

d$y. J\!eu>Dola JVoyeA, 'Jr. 

Washington Star. 

AT various times in the years he has 
spent in this country, a University 
of Maryland man who has been Ecuador's 
Ambassador to the United States, has sold 
apples for coffee money, sold real estate for 
free lunches — and lived off the rent from 
a raccoon coat. He is Galo Plaza, of Quito, 

The United States has probably treated 
him more roughly than it ever did any 
other foreign diplomat. He loves it. He 
says he believes in us and our way of life, 
and that the day our influence becomes 
established throughout the hemisphere, the 
hemisphere's troubles will be over. 

Many-sided Man 

People who like to make snap judgments 
have a hard time with Galo Plaza. He 
might appear, at first glance, to have been 
born with a silver shovel in his mouth. 
Under a different light, he might be taken 
for a professional athlete. Or you might 
put him down as a sea-faring man — or a 
farmer. He might even seem on occasion, 
to be a very smooth diplomat. 

Actually, it doesn't matter to which of 
these categories the snap judger assigns him. 
He is — or has been — in all of them. 

He came to this country at 19 to study 
agriculture and enrolled in the University 
of California, (he came to Maryland later). 
Mr. Plaza already had achieved a certain 
distinction in Ecuador by virtue of the fact 
that for two years he had been running 
his opponents ragged as a member of the 
national soccer team. This was his personal 
contribution to the family name. There 
had been others. His father, the general, 
had served two terms as President of the 
country. Two of his mother's ancestors 
were Ecuador's independence heroes, and 
her family had been established in Quito 
since 1536. 

Gave Up Football 

At California, Mr. Plaza promptly won 
a place on the football team. He had been, 
he admits, a "good student — very good" 
back in Ecuador, and it shocked him to 
find that dealing in a foreign language 
hobbled him to such an extent that he 
began to fall behind in his school work. 
Enraged, he gave up football and concen- 
trated on learning English. For months he 
avoided all contact with his native Spanish 
tongue. The result was startling. He 
learned to speak English, American style, 
without a trace of accent and in perfect 
idiom. He learned to think — even to dream 
— with equal fluency in either language. 

Mr. Plaza moved on to the University of 
Maryland where, as at California, he studied 


His Excellency, Galo Plaza, is shown at the right as he received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws 
at the University of Maryland, where he delivered the 1946 Commencement address. At the left is the 
then Governor (now U. S. Senator) Herbert R. O'Conor. In the center is Dr. H. C. Byrd, President of 
the University of Maryland. Galo Plaza was born in Quito on February 17, 1906. He is the son of Senora 
Avelina Lasso de Plaza and of General Leonidas Plaza, President of the Republic of Ecuador during the 
constitutional terms 1902 to 1906 and 1912 to 1916. He attended grade school and high school in Ecuador. 
Thereafter he traveled to the United States in order to study agricultural economy, and pursued his 
studies at the University of California and the University of Maryland. Later he continued his education 
at the Georgetown School of Foreign Service in Washington, D. C. From 1929 to 1930 held the post of 
Civil Attache to the then Legation of Ecuador in Washington, after which he reljrned to his country to 
head the business firm "Herederos de Leonidas Plaza" as general manager, a position which he kept 
until 1944. In 1937, Senor Plaza was elected a member of the Municipal Council of Quito, of which body 
he acted as president during 1937 and 1938, and from 1938 until August 1940 he was a Cabinet member 
as Minister of National Defense. He represented Ecuador at the Pan American Conference in Chapultepec 
and the International Assembly in San Francisco. Senor Plaza has been a decided admirer of the American 
way of life and in his desire to mold the Ecuadorean educational system along the lines of the American 
system, he founded at Quito in 1940 the American School, which includes six years of grade school and 
three years of high school. During its four years of existence this school has been extraordinarily successful. 
Senor Plaza is a member of the Pichincha Club, of the Golf Club, and of the Quito Tennis Club, of 
which he was president from 1941 to 1944. In addition to his trips to the United States he has traveled 

widely in Europe and South America. 

the science of agriculture. He then came to 
Georgetown University, enrolling in the 
School of Foreign Service to study diplomacy 
by night. He practiced it by day at the 
Ecuadorian Legation, where he took a job 
as attache. 

Those were the high-flying days of boyish 
bobs and prohibition. "I was the greatest 
guy in the world," Mr. Plaza reports. "I 
had a coon-skin coat and a Chrysler. I also 
had diplomatic access to plenty of good 
liquor. My popularity in the younger set 
was phenomenal." 

General Plaza, then in Switzerland, ap- 
parently had been following the social 
career of his 23-year-old son with some in- 
terest, for at this point he came up with 
a suggestion. Why didn't Galo complete his 
education by detaching himself from his 
Chrysler, his liquor supply and his family 
influence, go to New York, get a job and 
make his own way for a while? 

Tough Times 

Young Mr. Plaza heeded the parental 
advice, not unmindful of the fact that 
simultaneously he stopped getting his allow- 
ance. He took his raccoon coat to New York 
and started looking for work. At that pre- 
cise moment, the financial crash of 1929 
plunged the country into the worst depres- 
sion in its history. 

The poor little rich boy from South 
America did not back down, did not again 
communicate with his father. Like millions 
of Americans, he began to wear out his 
shoes looking for a job which wasn't there. 

"It was a good thing I kept that coat," 
he remembers. "It represented, during that 
first stage, my only invested capital, and 
regularly I got dividends by renting it to 
people going to football games at New 
Haven and Cambridge." 

The coat brought him, on the average, a 
little over $12 a week end and as long as 
it lasted, he lived in relative comfort. 

"But," he says sadly, "there came a day 
when it seemed expedient to hock my coat. 
Of course I never got my hands on enough 
money to retrieve it." 

Sold Real Estate 

Mr. Plaza finally landed a job selling real 
estate in New Jersey. There was no pay 
attached to this position — just commissions 
for sales. Of course, there were no sales. 
He admits he took the job because they 
gave him a free lunch every time he went 
down to New Jersey with a group of 

"Imagine that," he says, "A free lunch 
just for talking about how different the air 
was in New Jersey — and the sound of the 


Utilizing pasture lands. On many farms a flock of sheep would bring additional profits as sheep consume much food that would otherwise be wasted. 

bees and the pines — and about how the 
location was equi-distant between New York 
and Philadelphia and all that sort of stuff." 
He pauses dramatically, clears his throat 
and adds: 

"I quit when I found out the customers 
came along only because they got free 
lunches too. I realized I was a sucker. Why 
should I talk for my lunch when you could 
get one by just listening" 

For a time Mr. Plaza lived on commis- 
sions he made by selling calendars, but 
"the market petered out after the 1st of 
January." One day he found himself with 
not a cent in his pocket and nothing left 
to sell. 

"I'd had nothing to eat for more than 24 
hours," he says. "I remembered a little 
church where I had once watched in lordly 
detachment as they handed out coffee. I 
went there and found a line stretching 
almost around the block. I stood in that 
line for hours and had worked up to a 
place where there were only about 300 
ahead of me when a little priest came out 
and said, "Sorry, boys — no more coffee!" 

Sold Apples 

Galo Plaza regards that moment as prob- 
ably the low point of his career. It was 
then that he took to selling apples. 

"One day" — this is the way he tells it — 
"I set up my apple stand in front of the 
old Hammerstein Music Hall. A little old 
lady came along and set up a stand next 
to mine. She did a booming business — every- 
body seemed to buy from her. You would 
have thought I had leprosy. Not only did 
the people avoid buying my apples, they 
kept giving me dirty looks and muttering 
unpleasant things in my direction." 

Finally Mr. Plaza says, he could stand it 
no longer. "Madame," he said to the little 
old lady, "I must ask you to move. This 
is my territory. I was here nearly half an 
hour before you." 

Mr. Plaza swears she patted her bonnet 
into place, looked him in the eye and an- 
swered: "Oh, no, young man, I'm sorry. 
This is my territory. You see, my husband 
built this theater." 

With $2 "apple money" in his pocket, 
the future Ecuadorian Ambassador to the 
United States sat down on a park bench 

to take stock of the situation. "I con- 
cluded," he says, "that it was futile to 
think in terms of doing anything worth 
while. What I had to do was simply to 
survive — and to do that I had to eat. The 
main thing was to get myself established 
somewhere where they would feed me." 

Pursuing this thought, Mr. Plaza signed 
up as a seaman on a Dollar Line ship 
about to sail for South America. He pre- 
pared for his voyage by taking his savings 
to a restaurant at 12 Hanover Square, in 
the basement of India House, where he 
ordered his favorite dish — curry and rice. 

"It was one of those coincidences," Mr. 
I'laza explains philosophically. "I was sit- 
ting there eating, when an elderly man came 
up to the table and asked in perfect Span- 
ish if I wasn't General Plaza's son. When 
I said I was he told me he was an old 
friend of my fathers. 

The man was Luis Valverde, a vice presi- 
dent of the Grace Line. Mr. Plaza told him 
the whole story of his New York adventure, 
including his latest decision. He said he 
would not give up, and extracted from Mr. 
Valverde a promise not to tell the family of 
the situation. 

Assistant Purser 

The Grace Line official commended Mr. 
Plaza's perserverance, but asked whether it 
would be against his principles to ship out 
with Grace in a little better position at a 
little higher salary. Mr. Plaza agreed. By 
the time he got to Chile, the end of the 
first leg of the trip, he was assistant purser. 

That meeting with Mr. Valverde seemed 
somehow to break the spell. Of course there 
was the stopover in Guayaquil when Mr. 
Plaza was "beaten up" by three English- 
men, all of whom had to be taken to the 
hospital. But he gradually found himself 
slipping back into the role of Galo Plaza, 
heir to a famous name. At the end of 
several voyages, his family decided his edu- 
cation was complete and sent money for him 
to join them in Switzerland, and the New 
York Herald Tribune headlined: "Galo 
Plaza, Son of Ex-President of Ecuador, Sails 

The son of the ex-President of Ecuador 
bought exactly 62 copies of that paper — 
and mailed them to his shipmates on the 
Santa Teresa. 

As head of the family after his father's 
death, Mr. Plaza spent 10 years running 
three Ecuadorean farms. The Plaza fortunes 
had suffered badly during the world-wide 
depression, and he made a success of the 
farming job. He was elected Mayor of 
Quito. From 1940 to 1942 he served as 
Minister of National Defense. Meanwhile 
he had organized the American School of 
Quito, which sought to combat the influ- 
ence of established German schools in the 
community. "Education is the most effec- 
tive way of promoting good will," he says. 
"It takes longer but it stays there." 

Mr. Plaza hesitated quite a while before 
taking the proffered position of Ambassador. 
"I knew very little about double talk and 
striped pants, and so I wondered," he says. 
"But when I got to Washington I found the 
diplomatic frills had gone and only the 
work remained. I liked the work very 

Galo Plaza is not afraid of the United 
States. He feels our destiny is also Latin 
America's. "The future of the hemisphere 
lies in closer and closer ties between all 
its countries," he says. "Eventually there 
must be no subdivision at all." 

Commencement Speaker 

The future of Galo Plaza, he insists, lies 
in closer and closer ties with the good 
earth. "Farming," he rhapsodizes, — "there 
is nothing like it. You don't make much 
money but you can be happy." He says 
he dislikes politics and will not partake of 
them after he finishes his Washington 

But many an observer believes that Galo 
Plaza, now in his 42nd year is a South 
American to watch. 

In June of 1946 Galo Plaza delivered the 
commencement address at the University of 
Maryland. He is one of Maryland's most 
distinguished sons and his chief interest re- 
mains Agriculture. 

B. & O., 1821 

The first railroad charter in America 
was granted by the Maryland Legislature 
to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1827. 

"uhe Old Jjne if/ill c4lway,3 J4old! 





THREE years ago the University of 
Maryland announced a required pro- 
gram of studies in American Civilization 
which probably received wider and more 
favorable comment than any other pro- 
gram in any field in recent years. Literally 
thousands of newspapers all over the coun- 
try, and some abroad, carried stories and 
editorials about it. The Stars and Stripes, 
Army newspapei published in Europe dur- 
ing the war, featured the project. In all 
these stories and editorials, not a single un- 
favorable word was written. 

Since that first announcement, the Uni- 
versity has been quietly building its pro- 
gram in this field. Not all the program 
is yet in effect, especially in the graduate 
field and in the public forums, but the 
undergraduate work is well organized and 
is operating smoothly. 

Alumni are interested in the project and 
want to know just what are the objectives 
and how they are to be reached. 

The objectives were stated quite clearly 
by President Byrd early in the development 
of the plan when he said: 

"First, it is planned to establish a com- 
plete major in American Civilization, be- 
ginning with an undergraduate curriculum 
and going through to the doctor's degree. 
This curriculum would be for those who 
wish to make their major effort in educa- 
tion in the field of American studies. 

Emphasis on America 

"It would involve emphasis on American 
philosophy, American economic life, Ameri- 
can history, American literature, American 
music, American art, and so on. Naturally, 
the backgrounds of these subjects would be 

"Second, it is intended to have all stu- 
dents take courses in American history, 
American government, American literature, 
with its background through 
a study of comparative litera- 
ture, and thus equip every 
graduate with knowledge of 
those values inherent and po- 
tential in the present American 
system of government. 

"Third, to organize and con- 
duct public forums in the 
various counties and cities of 
the State to carry to the people 
generally, and immediately, a 
better knowledge of the back- 
grounds of American life, of 
the values of our American 
civilization, and of its poten- 
tialities for the future. 

"The immediate objective of 
the University of Maryland 

As Taught At The University 
Of Maryland, Basis Is Pro- 
vided By Staunch Ideals 
Of Founding Fathers With 
No Room For Various 

plan is to give to the people of Maryland 
a fuller understanding and appreciation of 
our own national backgrounds, and of how 
our present philosophy of life has evolved. 
"It is intended to emphasize in these 
forums the fundamental differences between 
the American way of life and social re- 
forms that have taken place in other coun- 
tries. It is intended, through these forums, 
to present all the many factors that have 
developed for the American people the hest 
living conditions that exist for any people 
in the world. 

"The ultimate objective of the plan is, 
through doing an effective job in Maryland, 
to form a pattern that other States may 
follow, and which, in a little while, should 
make the American people as a whole more 
conscious and more appreciative of the 
great advantages that the American way of 
life has given to them." 

Need is Obvious 

As to the need of some such plan as 
above outlined, one has only to conduct 
the most cursory survey to become certain 
that such a need exists, and exists to a much 
more serious extent than most Americans 
are aware. America has attempted — and has 
done it with remarkable success — to give to 
students training that would make them 
excellent engineers, excellent agriculturists, 
lawyers, scientists, etc.; but in doing that 
has assumed, all too readily, that the grad- 

uates of the universities would, in some 
mysterious way and from some other source, 
acquire a full appreciation of what Ameri- 
can democracy means and absorb a reason- 
able knowledge of the backgrounds and 
values of our national life. 

In our educational system, so many spe- 
cialized courses have been developed that 
gradually many subjects that are funda- 
mental to almost everything that we do 
have been crowded out of the curriculums. 
This crowding out process has virtually 
eliminated the required study of American 
history. It has developed English depart- 
ments with too much of a tendency to 
delve into restricted and narrow corridors. 
American education has gotten away from 
the fact, for instance, that the primary pur- 
pose in the study of English is to learn 
to read and write. It is failing to build 
in students a sufficient appreciation of 
American literature, and thus are depriving 
future leaders of their greatest opportunity 
for insight into what constitutes the best 
American thought. It has gone too far 
away from the study of America and its 

Ignorance is Amazing 

If the above statements be doubted, take 
any average group of high school seniors, 
or any average group of university students, 
and ask them commonplace questions about 
some of the fundamental things that have 
entered into our development as a nation. 
The ignorance that such questions will 
show is amazing. 

To overcome this, the University of 
Maryland faculty organized a program 
which embraces required work for fresh- 
men and sophomores, a combined major- 
minor plan for juniors and seniors, and 
graduate studies. The required courses are 
designed to acquaint undergraduates with 
the basic facts of American 
history, with the fundamental 
patterns of our social, eco- 
nomic, and intellectual devel- 
opment, and with the riches 
of our cultural heritage. Elec- 
tive programs at the junior- 
senior and graduate levels di- 
rect students toward a fuller 
understanding of the con- 
figuration of American civiliza- 
tion and of their intellectual 
and social responsibilities. In 
general, the courses are in- 
tended to aid graduates of 
the University to live intelli- 
gently and fully as American 
citizens within a twentieth- 
century frame of reference 
without however, sacrificing 

"^^Jb Okt\*..«.Anw»if» 

any of the true virtues that come from 
Colonial traditions. 

In terms of political and social planning, 
the program proposes that America should 
advance by building upon the best in its 
past, not by discarding its past and impos- 
ing some new, exotic set of alleged solutions 
on American society. 

In terms of scholarly objectives, the pro- 
gram proposes the profoundly serious, in- 
tensely critical study of our culture. 

More Apparent Than Ever 

The explosion of an atomic bomb over 
Hiroshima in August, 1945, and the almost 
universal ravages of the recent war drama- 
tize the present importance of studies in 
civilization by making terribly clear the dis- 
parity between the technological achieve- 
ments of the twentieth century and its 
social successes. More apparent than ever 
before is the significance of the fact that 
science as science cannot tell men how to 
control the use of its constructions. The 
true sciences are ethically neutral. Physics 
works as well for a Nazi Germany as for a 
democratic America. 

Obviously, the people of America must 
produce and inspire a leadership equal to 
the times. They cannot afford to yield 
themselves to rapacious entrepreneurs,, to 
industrialists coveting special favor, to self- 

Burris Jenkins in Washington Times-Herald 

ish labor leaders greedy for power and 
privilege, to legislators avid for sectional 
advantages, to unrestrained individualists, 
to rampant bureaucrats, or to jingoes. They 
cannot afford to submit to domination by 
limited interests of any kind. They must 
take positive and intelligent social action 
in accordance with the broad interests of 
the American people. 

Philosophers and laymen have long de- 
hated on measures for attaining the good 
life. Attaining or preserving the good life 
is not now the only question. There is even 
in question, for a great proportion of the 
world's population, the preservation of life 
itself. Or perhaps the two questions have 
become one, for it appears that only by a 
general display of the rarer virtues, such 
as temperance and wisdom, will the ex- 
istence of all peoples and nations be 

Plan For Education 

Any program intended to insure that the 
United States of America will take its 
proper, important part in making certain 
that the world does not fall into the hands 
of tyrants must include as one of its essen- 
tial parts a plan for education. This educa- 
tion, to be effective, must be a particular 
kind. Wise democratic leaders agree that 
the first requirement for a competent citi- 


zenry is widespread liberal thinking. Be- 
yond this, and beyond training marvellously 
skillful technicians, democracy must train 
its special leaders, men of good will who 
will be zealous in finding effective answers 
for social, economic, and political problems. 
The old answer, the production of more 
and more terribly lethal weapons, will not 

Assumptions of the Program 

The University of Maryland program as- 
sumes that a major function of a state 
university in a democracy is the training 
of leaders for the state and the nation. 

Cherishing the idea of free inquiry and 
recognizing the complex, dynamic nature 
of our civilization, it aims at educating 
self-reliant, socially minded men who will 
be constantly alert in guiding the changing 
processes of democracy. It submits that 
interpretation of political instruments must, 
as experience shows, be sensitive to chang- 
ing social needs. It does not embrace an 
optimism that envisages social progress as 
a matter of natural evolution, nor does it 
hold with a pessimism which surrenders to 
complete determinism. Rather, it empha- 
sizes the necessity for constant, intelligent 
struggle in order to improve and advance 
social destiny. Rejecting moral relativism, 
it holds that literature and the social sci- 
ences mediate in a sense between the true 
sciences and philosophy; in some of their 
phases they may, like true sciences, be 
treated as ethically neutral, but their high- 
est development unquestionably depends on 
ethical considerations. 

The University of Maryland program in 
American civilization is not offered as a 
panacea. It is not framed for dogmatists. 
It does not outline a new order for the 
next thousand years or for the next hundred 
years. It does not defend existing Ameri- 
can political and social institutions as ideal 
or final. It does seek to provide the back- 
ground for clear understandings and intelli- 
gent conclusions by American citizens. 

Origin and Development of the Program 

The Faculty Committee appointed by 
President H. C. Byrd to formulate plans 
for the program worked with two main 
ideas in mind: first, that the University 
must prepare all of its students for intelli- 
gent citizenship by giving them some under- 
standing of America and America's place 

"Observe good faith and justice towards all na- 
tions. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. 
Religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can 
it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it? 
It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and, at 
no distant period, a great nation, to give to man- 
kind the magnamimous and too novel example of 
a people always guided by an exalted justice and 
benevolence. Who can doubt that in the course of 
time and things, the fruits of such a plan would 
richly repay any temporary advantages which might 
be lost by a steady adherence to it? Can it be 
that Providence has not connected the permanent 
felicity of a nation with its virtue? The experiment, 
at least, is recommended by every sentiment which 
ennobles human nature." — From Washington's Fare- 
well Address. 

iii world civilization; second, iliai the Uni 
versity is to be a center for advanced 
American studies. 

In accordance with the plans of this com- 
mittee, work in American civilization is 
offered at three distinct academic levels. 
There are, first, a required core of Ameri- 
can studies for undergraduates; second, an 
elective plan of studies for juniors and 
seniors; and. third, studies leading to the 
degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of 
Philosophy in American Civilization. 

Formal and Informal 

Although the committee rejected the 
orientation type course that draws its ma- 
terials (and sometimes its instructors) from 
various fields, it gave consideration through- 
out to the desirability of securing coher- 
ence in the work. Effective articulation 
of the studies required of undergraduates 
is achieved by measures formal and in- 
formal. Formally, the departments of Eng- 
lish, History, Sociology, and Political Sci- 
ence knit together the basic courses for 
which they are separately responsible by 
working out cooperatively syllabi and read- 
ing lists. Basic courses focus as nearly as 
possible on similar concepts, themes, and 
topics. Informally, correlation of the most 
important kind is effected in the classrooms, 
leathers, who take part in the program. 
understand both the general objectives of 
the program and the specific objectives and 
procedures in the related basic courses. 
They arc, therefore, able to make fruitful 
cross-references from dav to day. 

Recommended Readings 

Two specific measures were undertaken 
in order to prepare members of the depart- 
ments of English. History, Sociology, and 
Political Science to participate in the basic 
program. First, representatives of the de- 
partments composed for the information 
of the entire staffs brief statements dealing 
with values and objectives in the basic 
courses. Lists of recommended readings in- 
tended to illuminate and give depth of 
meaning to the expository statements were 
prepared at the same time. As a second 
step, the purposes of each course, the values 
stressed, methods of correlating the work, 
and questions rising out of the readings 
were discussed at luncheon meetings at- 
tended by all of those actively engaged in 
the instruction during the first year of the 
operation of the program. It is believed 


"Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought 

forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in 

liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all 

men are created equal." 

"That from these honored dead we take increased 
devotion to the cause for which they gave the last 
full measure ef devotion; that we here highly re- 
solve that these dead shall not have died in vain; 
that this nation, under God, shall have a new 
birth of freedom; and that government of the 
people, by the people, for the people, shall not 
perish from the earth." — From Lincoln's Gettysburg 


On no campus in the United States is Old Glory hailed more proudly than at Maryland, here paraded with 
the Maryland State Color. These two flags fought side by side, in the battles that marked the beginning 
of the Republic. The ancient heraldry of the Maryland flag antedates the adoption of the Star Spangled 
Banner. One of the oldest flags in the world at the date of its official adoption, the State flag of 
Maryland is unique in design and striking in its history. Although it was the flag of the proprietary 
government of Maryland generations before American independence was dreamed of, and has continued 
in use from that day to this, it was not officially adopted until 1904. It represents the escutcheon of the 
paternal coat-of-arms of Lord Baltimore. After reciting that it was eminently fitting that, by reason of 
its historic interest and meaning, as well as for its beauty and harmony of colors, the flag adopted is 
one which from the earliest settlement of the province to the present time has been known and dis- 
tinguished as the flag of Maryland, the resolutions of adoption in 1904 then provided that the first and 
fourth quarters consist of six vertical bars, alternately gold and black, with a diagonal band on which 
the colors are reversed: the second and third quarters consist of a quartered field of red and white, 
charged with a Greek cross, its arms terminating in trefoils with the colors transposed, red being on the 
white ground and white on the red and all being represented as on the escutcheon of the present great 
seal of Maryland. The flaq always is to be so arranged upon the staff as to have the black stripes on 
the diagonal band of the first quarter at the top of the staff. It is displayed from the State House at 
Annapolis continually during the session of the General Assembly and on such other public occasions as 
the Governor of the State orders and directs. 

that the basic curriculum has great vitality 
and that it will develop traditional pat- 
terns to which new students and new in- 
structors will adapt themselves. 

Integration of the studies of undergrad- 
uate majors and graduate students in Amer- 
ican Civilization is largely a responsibility 
of the committee entrusted with the direc- 
tion of the program. Members of the com- 
mittee act as official advisers of each stu- 

dent and assist in the choice of elective 
courses. An important unifying factor for 
senior students is the required conference 
course, described below. 

The Basic Curriculum 

All students in the University of Mary- 
land — normally during their first two years 
— complete one-half year of American gov- 
ernment, one-half year of sociology, a year 

of composition with readings in American 
literature, a year of composition with read- 
ings in foreign literature, and a year of 
American history. These basic courses are 
planned as parts of a carefully conceived 
whole, the integration being effected, as has 
been said, through the organization of the 
courses and through classroom procedures. 

Less than half of a student's work during 
his first two years is included in the pro- 
gram. Courses must be elected in other 
subjects also important in fitting students 
for citizenship and leadership. Most cur- 
riculums provide for training in physical 
sciences and in foreign languages. 

The course in the sociology of American 
life deals primarily with the contemporary 
scene. An effort is made to avoid the ex- 
tremes of the traditional course in social 
problems, which introduces the student to 
the study of his society by stressing discord, 
struggle, and maladjustments. This course 
does not intend to evade the problems of 
American society or to gloss over the weak- 
nesses therein. It aims to be a balanced 
introduction to the sociology of American 
life, a thing scarcely available at present. 
The work is organized around the general 
study of three great divisions in American 
civilization: the rural community, the small 
town, and the metropolitan area. Within 
that framework, social groupings, social 
processes, institutions, and personality struc- 
tures are analyzed. A synthetic view of 
contemporary American society is attained 
by the discussion of the common traditions 
and values which cultural heritage brings 
to the modern American. 

Both Theory and Practice 

The course in American government deals 
with both theory and practice. By empha- 
sizing the role of the citizen in his day-to- 
day relations with his governments — na- 
tional, state and local — it attempts to define 
the duties which the citizen owes to govern- 
ment and the services which he receives 
from it. The constitutional sources of au- 
thority are analyzed; and it is shown how 
executive, legislative, and judicial interpre- 
tations have responded to changes in the 
social and economic order. Our party sys- 
tem is presented; the strengths and weak- 
nesses in our governmental organization are 
discussed; and particular attention is de- 
voted to the interplay of forces that affect 
the making of laws and influence their ad- 
ministration. Brief consideration is given 
to current concepts of government, particu- 
larly to those directly friendly or hostile 
to democracy. 

The courses in Literature and Language 
serve a variety of purposes. They serve as 
a matter of course the conventional objec- 
tives of training for effectiveness in writing 
and for appreciative understanding in read- 
ing. Beyond this, the work relates, wherever 
practicable, to the general objectives of the 
program in American Civilization. The 
readings for the first year, which are in 
notable American writings in various genres, 
are studied intensively for ideas that they 
present. As some of the expository docu- 
ments constitute primary source materials 
for the basic studies in government, sociol- 
ogy, and history, discussions touch naturally 
on topics that are treated etxensively in 
these connected courses. Readings in fic- 
tion, drama, and verse illuminates clearly 
the fundamental principle of American 
life, and knowledge of the experiences of 

living people in building the American 
way of life lends solidity and vitality to 
the sociological and political texts which 
students read. 

In the second year, there is a shift in 
emphasis. Continuing attention is devoted 
to practice in writing, but increased empha- 
sis is given in training in reading. The 
works read are mainly masterpieces from 
foreign literatures and are studied first of 
all as aesthetic formulations. In addition, 
however, to stressing a general appreciation 
of value, the course emphasizes cultural 
links between American civilization and 
other great civilizations. 

By tracing significant social, political, and 
economic developments, the course in His- 
tory intends to show how a great, unified, 
democratic nation was forged. Factual mat- 
ters — matters of chronology and geography, 
biography and military history — are not 
overlooked, but the chief emphasis of the 
course is on that stream of ideas and ideals 
which through conflict and compromise 
have brought the United States to its pres- 
ent position as a democratic world power. 

It is believed that an understanding of 
the procedures by which American demo- 
cratic thought has grown will carry with it 
an awareness that democracy and a free 
way of life are worth maintaining in the 
face of any opposition. 

It is pointed out that in achieving great- 
ness and power America has come to have 
grave responsibilities with relation to other 
nations and peoples and that acceptance 
of these responsibilities has, in many senses, 
become as much a matter of necessity as 
of choice. 

The Undergraduate Major 

At the junior-senior level, the program 
becomes a plan of study for students who 
choose to major in American Civilization. 
Study of American topics is supplemented 
by study of source cultures and of interact- 
ing cultures. 

It is expected that students will, as the 
program matures, be permitted to stress 
economics, sociology, or political science; 
but at present majors must elect to stress 
history or literature. Advanced courses in 
American literature and American history 
are now required of all majors. Work in 
English literature is required of students 
electing to stress literature; work in Euro- 
pean history is required of students who 
elect to emphasize history. Additional 
courses intended to give balance and 
breadth to the student's program are, with 
the aid of an official adviser, chosen from 
offerings in the humanities, in the social 
sciences, or in education. 

Normally, most elective courses are in 
English, history, foreign languages, com- 
parative literature, economics, sociology, 
political science, and philosophy; but it is 
possible for a student to fulfill the require- 
ments of the program and to elect as many 
as twenty-four the requirements of the pro- 
gram and to elect as many as twenty-four 
semester hours in such subjects as art and 
psychology, provided that, in the opinion 
of the adviser, such work fits into a care- 
fully planned whole. Credits up to twenty 
semester hours may be transferred to the 
College of Arts and Sciences from another 
college, such as the College of Education. 

A feature of the work for majors is a 
year's conference course required of seniors. 
The course is synthetic in nature. That is, 


it presupposes some general acquaintance 
with American civilization on the part of 
the student and demands of him that he 
organize his knowledge and bring it to bear 
upon the study and discussion of eight or 
ten germinal books. In the conference the 
student assists in the analysis of volumes 
which reflect the complex many faceted, yet 
unified nature of American civilization. In 
addition to demanding of the student that 
he order his knowledge, the course trains in 
bibliographical matters, stimulates special 
investigation, and provides for group dis- 

Advanced Degrees 

Advanced studies leading to the degrees 
of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy 
in American Civilization are intended to 
prepare the student for teaching, for further 
study, and for research in the general field 
of American Civilization but with emphasis 
(for the present) on one of two disciplines: 
history, including foreign backgrounds; or 
literature, including foreign literatures, par- 
ticularly English. All students are expected 
to understand the development of Ameri- 
can institutions and to be familiar with 
the literary, social, economic, and political 
history of the United States. 

Administration of the Program 

An interdepartmental committee ap- 
pointed by the president of the University 
is entrusted with the administration of the 
program in American Civilization. The 
Committee is composed of three members 
of the Department of English, three mem- 
bers of the Department of History, and one 
member each of the departments of Sociol- 
ogy, Political Science, and Economics. 

Scholarships, Fellowships, and 

In addition to scholarships and fellow- 
ships open to students generally, a limited 
number of special scholarships, fellowships, 
and graduate assistantships are open to 
undergraduate and graduate students in 
American Civilization. 

It is hoped that well-organized public 
forums will be developed in all sections of 
the state, and that American Civilization 
courses will become as much a part of adult 
education throughout the state as under- 
graduate courses on the campus. Only in 
this way can the ideals of Chase, Paca, 
Stone, and Carroll be preserved, and the 
falseisms that have crept into American 
political and economic life be combatted. 

In the dawn of the Republic, America was 
the realization of the whole world's dream, 
the hope of oppressed people everywhere. 
The shapers of the American Civilization 
program at the University of Maryland be- 
lieve that the United States should continue 
to lead in material and spiritual promise 
for all mankind. To this end the program 
is dedicated. 

Sons of the University of Maryland gave 
their lives in 1812, in Mexico, at Gettys- 
burg, in Cuba and in Belleau Woods, to 
preserve the ideals and ideas for which 
Maryland men under Washington at Long 
Island gave theirs to win for themselves the 
name of "The Old Line." Lads, only yes- 
terday students on the University campus, 
bled their young life's blood away from 
"the Bulge" to Iwo Jima or pitched out of 
the skies over Europe or China. So far as 
it can, their University will strive to attain 
the objectives for which they fought and 
died. "The Old Line" will always holdl 

cAmerica (BleAAed %Vitn Proper Ji^awA 


GOD bless America, we sing. But why? 
Because America has laws made and 
respected by a democratic people. Ours is 
a government of laws which we, by our 
vote, have a part in making, and not of 
men, secret police, bosses, or dictators. The 
body of our laws, or the art of playing 
the game of living together was brought 
over to our country from England, and is 
called the "Common Law." To these rules 
of human conduct we have made a num- 
ber of important additions: the democratic 
self-government principles of the Mayflower 
Compact, early customs, the Declaration of 
Independence, the Constitution of the 
United States (which you can read in fif- 
teen minutes), the Bill of Rights and sub- 
sequent Amendments to our Constitution, 
various statutes and treaties made by Con- 
gress, and the laws made by our states. 
These traditions and rules are our laws 
which are interpreted for us by our um- 
pires, namely, our courts. All men in 
America are free and equal, but laws are 
necessary to keep freedom and equality 
from being crushed by force, whether that 
force be military, subversive, financial, ad- 
ministrative, or even labor unionism. Laws 
protect the majority from the will of an 
undemocratic and unfair minority. We 
know the rules of baseball, football, tag 
and other games, we have recipes for cook- 
ing, formulae for medicine, tables for 
mathematics, and our laws are rules of 
conduct, fair play, and decency for men to 
live by. To be social and to make the laws 
work, men must be willing to abide by 
the decisions or will of the majority. 

That which is good common sense is good 
law. The laws which many of us use or 
rely upon in our everyday experience are 
simple to understand but difficult to state 

Your Rights Under Criminal Law 

An act in violation of a criminal law 
which injures and endangers the com- 
munity is called a crime and is punished 
by the state through its criminal prose- 
cuting officer. You, as an individual, re- 
ceive protection and redress by complaining 
under oath of your injury to the District 
Attorney or State's Attorney, and he, for 
the state, conducts a criminal proceeding. 
Insofar as the act damages you as an indi- 
vidual, it is a wrong which we call a tort. 
To receive money damages for a tort, you 
proceed against the person who has vio- 
lated your rights, by civil action. 

We all know that murder, manslaughter, 
rape, larceny, robbery, burglary, embezzle- 
ment, failure to comply with certain 
statutes, such as income tax law, certain 
labor legislation, health regulations, etc., are 
crimes punishable by the state. A serious 
crime which is usually attended by a year 
or more in prison, or involves moral turpi- 
tude, is called a "felony." Any crime less 
than a "felony" is called a "misdemeanor," 
which may include violating the game laws, 
traffic violations, and other criminal injuries 
of a lesser degree of seriousness to the com- 

All Men in America are Free 
and Equal but Laws are 
Necessary t o Maintain 
Freedom and Equality. . . . 

iBu flonn Sumner lUood 

Member of the Bar of Maryland and of the District 
of Columbia; B.S., Harvard; LL.B., George Wash- 
ington University 
[Copyright, National Education Association] 

The Right To A Fair Trial 

If you are suspected of a crime or caught 
in a police dragnet you cannot object to 
being held for a short while for investiga- 
tion. At the end of a reasonable time you 
are entitled to telephone an attorney or 
friend. If you are detained for an unreason- 
able length of time you obtain your freedom 
by a writ of habeas corpus. The duration of 
your detention depends somewhat on the 


John Sumner Wood, author of the accompanying 

article, is a Member of the Bar of Maryland and 

of the District of Columbia 

seriousness of the crime committed. If you 
are detained an undue length of time, the 
police, who have thus kept you, are them- 
selves probably committing a crime. No 
man should be kept waiting unduly long 
without being charged with some crime in 
a warrant and being given an opportunity 
to obtain counsel and reasonable bail, if 
the crime is not too serious. This detention 
enables the police to obtain evidence and 
track down guilty persons without word 
getting about that the police are aware of 
the crime and are looking for the criminal. 
Although this procedure in some cities has 
been abused; nevertheless, in America you 
at least know that you will be given a fair 
trial and be released, if innocent, which 
is more than can be said of most other 

countries in the world, not only in times 
of war, but in times of peace. 

We are protected against unlawful search 
and seizure or false arrest, and we are en- 
titled to our day in court, an opportunity to 
defend ourselves and engage counsel, a fair 
hearing before a jury of twelve men [except 
as to certain minor misdemeanors], the 
benefit of the services of an impartial judge 
who merely presides over the meeting which 
is called our trial, and who maintains order, 
rules on the evidence, and tells the jury 
what the law is. We are entitled to have 
the jury render a verdict in accordance 
with the facts, without prejudice, favor- 
itism, or any feeling of anger. Since an 
innocent man is practically never punished 
unjustly in our country, and since every- 
body knows the difference between right 
and wrong, it is hardly necessary that any- 
thing further be said on the subject of 
criminal law. The law-abiding citizen will 
normally be interested in those branches of 
the law known as torts, contracts, and prop- 
erty rights. 

Torts Or Wrongs Committed Against You 

A tort is a wrong against you, the indi- 
vidual, and, for damages sustained, you 
usually receive money from the person 
doing the wrong. A steals B's ring. A has 
committed a crime against society and also 
a wrong or tort against B who may compel 
A to return the ring or pay for it. It is 
our duty not to injure our neighbor's right 
of property, reputation, personal security, 
privacy, or freedom from unfair competi- 

Assault And Battery 

The apparent intent, apparent physical 
ability, plus an unsuccessful attempt to in- 
jure, done so as to put a reasonable man 
in fear of bodily harm, is an Assault. A 
doubles up his fist and, moving toward B, 
says "I will knock you down," or "Do not 
take one step from where you are until you 
have paid me that debt," or A points a 
gun at B in a threatening manner, or A 
strikes at B and misses him; these are 
examples of an Assault. A completed as- 
sault becomes a Battery, which consists of a 
mere offensive touching of the body, clothes, 
horse you are riding, chair or carriage you 
are sitting in at the time of contact. There 
need be no actual damages because tort 
law protects the interests of your personal 
security. Examples of Battery are kicking, 
striking, injuring by throwing an object, 
or shooting, "smoking out" a tenant, cutting 
a man's hair, throwing water on him, spit- 
ting in his face, performing an improper 
or unauthorized surgical operation. 

The Right Of Selfdefense 

Selfdefense may justify or excuse what is 
otherwise an assault or battery, providing it 
is reasonable and not excessive. Life can 
only be taken to save a life or in defend- 
ing your home or person from a criminal 
attack which might endanger your life. You 
may evict a trespasser from your property 


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Orr in the Washington Times-Herald 


or prevent someone from stealing your 
property, but force must be sparingly used. 
You may meet force with like force after 
all means of retreat or persuasion are ex- 
hausted, but the duty is on you not to use 
more force than is necessary. The police- 
man, parent, teacher, football player, prize 
fighter, using excessive force or breaking the 
rules of the game may himself become 
liable in tort. Selfdefense, also known as 
Selfhelp, like a strong medicine, has to be 
given at the proper time in the proper 
amount and at the peril of the person who 
is relying upon this type of a right. Mere 
words, threats, or conduct unaccompanied 
by an overt act never excuse or justify an 
assault or a battery. Members of a family, 
husband, wife, child, and probably near 
relatives, master or servant may defend one 
another providing they use the same 
amount and kind of force which the per- 
son in danger requires in order to be 

False Imprisonment 

False Imprisonment occurs wherever a 
person or a policeman without right de- 
tains you by force or fear, even if the 
detention against your will takes place in 
an open street. Absence of malice or mis- 
take are not excuses for any restraint of the 
liberty of the person of another. Example: 
"I will not let you take one step until you 
have paid that debt"; or A places B in a 
room from which the only means of escape 
is unsafe; or locks B in a moving vehicle; 
or sets B adrift in a boat without oars; 
or without right touches B, intending to 
take him into custody, stating that B is 
under arrest, and B submits. 

Deceit exists where one makes an untrue 
statement, knowing or not caring whether 
it be true or false, intending to induce 
another person to act upon his untruth, 
and where such other person acts in reliance 
upon the statement to his detriment and 

Malicious Prosecution occurs wherever a 
criminal judicial proceeding without rea- 
sonable or probable cause and actuated by 
malice has been instituted against you and 
terminated in your favor. 

Conspiracy to Defraud 

Conspiracy is to defraud, to do a tres- 
pass, to injure another in his business, prop- 
erty, or calling, by the engagement of per- 
sons to cooperate in accomplishing an un- 
lawful thing or some unlawful purpose by 
unlawful means. 

Malicious Interference with Contract is 
wherever one maliciously causes another to 
break his contract with a third person to 
the injury of said third person, and to the 
benefit of the wrongdoer at the expense of 
the third person. 

Trespass is a broad term including any 
wrong committed with force to the person 
or property of another. Trespass is pri- 
marily an abuse of our possession of lands 
or goods rather than of our ownership. 
Mere walking upon another's land is a tres- 
pass. You must be in actual possession, or 
have the right to take possession, or you 
must have constructive possession, as where 
the actual physical possession of your prop- 
erty is in the hands of your agent. Certain 
trespasses are permitted, in cases of the 
abatement of nuisance, distress, necessity, 
private defense, expressed or implied con- 

sent, or a special property privilege called 
an easement, this is, a right to use adjoining 
land for the benefit of your land. 


The tort of Conversion is wherever one 
assumes power over property from its true 
owner irrespective of motive. If a garage or 
repair man withholds your car as security 
for more money than you owe him, he has 
converted your car, and thereby has become 
liable for its value; and he cannot insist 
upon returning the property to you at a 
later date. If A intentionally or uninten- 
tionally in good faith sells B's property, 
without B's authority, to C, both A and C 
are liable to B for the conversion. Some 
states give the innocent purchaser a right 
to return the property to B. If A finds B's 
property, he can require B to make some 
reasonable proof of his title, but, if A's 
demands are excessive, A becomes a con- 
verter. Possession, popularly speaking, is 
nine points of the law? No! Indeed it may 
be the makings of a law suit for conver- 
sion, or even of a crime. 

Waste pertains solely to real estate. A 
tenant cannot remove virgin soil, wrong- 
fully cut timber or destroy wild life which 
is natural around the land, etc., without the 
owner's permission. 

Nuisance exists where you wrongfully use 
your property so as to interfere with or 
annoy another in the enjoyment of his 
legal rights; with actual injury and dam- 
ages. Excessive noise, vapors, smells, etc., 
may render life and the use of property so 
unenjoyable as to constitute a nuisance. 
Under certain circumstances you are al- 
lowed to abate a nuisance, if you can do so 
without a breach of the peace. If a tree on 
your neighbor's land has branches that 
overhang your land, you may cut off the 
parts of branches overhanging your land, 
but not cut down the tree. You may move 
an automobile in order to unpark your own 
car, providing you do so without injury to 
the car. 


Negligence is the thoughtless or careless 
failure to exercise care which you are under 
a legal duty to use and which failure proxi- 
mately causes injury to another. The fail- 
ure intentionally or otherwise to be as care- 
ful as persons in any like particular situa- 
tion should be is negligence, and such a 
thoughtless person is liable in damages. If 
you see the danger or negligent acts of an- 
other and do not use reasonable care in 
your own protection and are injured, then 
we have what the law calls contributory 
negligence, and that bars you, the injured 
person, from any recovery. 

Where a person is negligently or wrong- 
fully killed, most states provide that dam- 
ages can be recovered by the personal rep- 
resentative of the deceased person. 

Seduction is unlawfully persuading a 
woman by deception or promise of marriage 
to commit sexual intercourse. A parent may 
sue for the seduction of his daughter. 

Slander consists of acts or words falsely 
uttered, and Libel consists of written or 
printed false matter published, with malice 
and of a disparaging character, which are 
heard, seen, or read by a third party and 
which are calculated to subject a person to 
public hatred, contempt, or ridicule. The 
slander or libel may be "privileged," as 


when given in discharge of a duty, or part 
of fair criticism and comment. Truth, as 
to a civil or tort slander or libel is a com- 
plete defense, but not so as to a criminal 

Important Facts About Contracts 

Where one offers orally or in writing to 
do or not do a legal act for another at a 
price, money, promise, or act, i. e., a valu- 
able consideration, in exchange or return, 
and the offer is accepted by word, act, or 
writing, we have a contract. When there 
has been a meeting of the minds, offer and 
acceptance, completed by word, act, or con- 
duct, and the amount of the money con- 
sideration involved is large or the time ele- 
ment long, or it relates to real estate, or 
sale of personal property, then there should 
be a written memorandum signed by the 
parties who are to be bound. For your 
protection all contracts should be in writ- 
ing, but as a rule an oral contract can 
be just as binding, and, too, it is your word 
of honor. An offer must be accepted with- 
out modification or condition. An accept- 
ance differing from the offer may itself be 
a counter offer which must be accepted "as 
is" in order to ripen into a contract. Except 
as to an "option," which is itself a con- 
tract consisting of an offer, acceptance, and 
valuable consideration to hold an offer open 
for a certain time, any offer can be revoked 
at any time before acceptance; or it lapses 
if not accepted within a reasonable time, 
or upon death or insanity of either party 
before acceptance. A contract requires a 
consideration, but in most states no proof 
of consideration is necessary if the word 
"Seal" appears with the signature. A 
promise to do the impossible, or that which 
you are already bound to do, or where A 
owes B $100, and B offers to accept $50 as 
payment in full and A pays the $50, are a 
few examples of transactions which do not 
amount to a contract for want of any valu- 
able consideration. A contract may be a 
nullity because one party is under 21 years 
of age, insane, drunk, a married woman in 
some states, alien, etc., or because the con- 
tract is lacking in real mutual consent, or 
because there has been a mistake, misre- 
presentation, fraud, duress or undue influ- 
ence, etc. 

Never Sign Without Reading 

It is wise never to sign your name to any 
writing you do not understand; the law has 
to presume that you knew what you were 
signing. Read all small printed matter on 
front and especially on the back of every 
paper you sign. Look for carbon paper 
under page you are signing. The mere 
signing of your name, mark, or initials is 
an act of magic — from it a binding or 
troublesome contract springs into existence. 
It is no excuse to sign something and later 
say that you did not read or understand it. 
Misrepresentations short of fraud, expres- 
sions of opinion, belief, or expectation, as a 
rule will not afford you any escape. Where 
there has been a mistake or misrepresenta- 
tion, broken conditions or warranty, fraud, 
duress, or something irregular, then it is 
wise to consult a lawyer and not attempt 
to be your own client. Delay in acting 
promptly is usually fatal — do not sleep on 
your rights or accept any benefits under a 
contract which you feel is questionable or 
unfair or shady. 

When Contracts Are Unenforceable 

A contract may be unenforceable if its 
object or consideration is illegal or against 
public policy, or if you have allowed a valid 
contract to run unperformed for too long 
a time, usually 3 or 6 years, or 12 or 15 
years if under seal. The latter situation 
usually involves a debt which has not been 
paid in part or had interest paid on it or 
been acknowledged in writing within a cer- 
tain statutory period of time. But was an 
"open account," as in the case of a doctor's 
bill, each new professional service rendered 
keeps the debt alive. If you consult a doc- 
tor or attorney or ask a real estate or other 
salesman to sell your property, the law im- 
plies a promise on your part to pay either 
for professional services rendered or for the 
bringing to you of a buyer who is ready, 
willing and able to buy at your price. 

Abe Lincoln Said 

"let reverence for the laws be breathed by 
every American mother to the lisping babe that 
prattles on her lap; let it be taught in schools, 
in seminaries, and in colleges; let it be written 
in primers, spelling-books, and in almanacs; let 
it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in 
legislative halls, and enforced in courts of jus- 
tice. And, in short, let it become the political 
religion of the nation; and let the old and the 
young, the rich and the poor, the grave and 
the gay of all sexes and tongues and colors and 
conditions sacrifice unceasingly upon its altars." 

If you make a contract as agent for an- 
other person you must sign as agent and 
disclose your principal's name in order to 
escape liability on your principal's contract. 
Certain contracts are often made and later 
sold to another. This is called an assign- 
ment. The original party, the assignor, re- 
mains liable unless released for a considera- 

Refrain from making oral contracts be- 
cause they may become too difficult to 
prove. Your honor may be of the highest, 
but how many have a word-perfect memory? 
Never make an offer to two different people 
relative to buying one type of property, be- 
cause both may accept and instead of one 
contract you will be bound by two con- 
tracts. If A makes an offer to B by mail, 
telegram, or phone and B accepts in identi- 
cal manner, a contract has been created the 
instant that the acceptance starts back to 
the offeror. A telegraphs an offer to B and 
B accepts by mail, but before the letter 
reaches A, B receives a revocation. There 
is no contract. Had B accepted by tele- 
graph a contract would have been made 
the instant that B sent his telegram. If the 
offer is by letter and the acceptance by 
letter, then a contract is created the instant 
the acceptance is mailed. A revocation to 
be effective must have reached the offeree 
before he has posted his acceptance. Keep 
envelopes because their postmark and date 
may be vital as evidence in proving a con- 
tract. A writing except it be under seal is 
not the contract, but instead it is evidence 
of the contract. The contract remains in 
existence even though the writing be lost, 
burnt, or stolen. 

Kinds Of Contracts 

We have contracts of sale where the 
owner of propertv, being competent, agrees 
to transfer title for a money consideration. 
\ contract of exchange is where considera- 


tion is something other than money. If the 
amount involved is above a certain figure, 
there must be a signed written memoran- 
dum, or part delivery and acceptance, or 
part payment, and thus we have deposits 
or a dollar down to bind the sale, etc. The 
passing of title does not rest upon delivery 
or nondelivery but is a matter of intention; 
it is of great importance in a sales trans- 
action if the property becomes destroyed 
or damaged. It is wise for the buyer to 
stipulate that the risk of loss shall remain 
with the seller until delivery of possession, 
or in the case of real estate until a deed has 
been delivered in hand to the buyer. It is 
also wise for a buyer to put the seller on 
notice that he is relying upon every repre- 
sentation the seller is making about the 
quality or condition of the property. In 
dealing with an agent the buyer as a rule 
relies at his own peril upon that agent's 
authority to sell or bind his principal, and 
often the buyer finds that he has bound 
himself to a mere offer which does not be- 
come a contract until the principal has 
countersigned — the agent merely signs to 
make the buyer think he has entered into 
a contract; so always read and understand 
before you sign your name to any paper. 

A contract of bailment consists of the 
delivery of personal property to a bailee 
upon certain contract conditions but title 
remains in you as the owner and bailor. 
You deliver your automobile to B for re- 
pair, at a price, safe keeping and return, 
or you may create a gratuitous bailment, or 
a pledge or pawn as security with power of 
sale in case of default. The liability of the 
bailee for negligence depends upon the 
amount of benefit he is to receive. 

Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be 

A negotiable contract, promissory note, 
check, or bill of exchange transfers its rights 
to money by delivery and endorsement. An 
example of a negotiable promissory note is: 
"I promise for value received upon demand 
or within a fixed time to pay a fixed sum 
of moncv with or without interest to the 
order of a payee." If A orders B to pay to 
the order of C. and B accepts, then it is 
a bill of exchange. Beware of the con- 
tract which reads "pay to the order of," 
because you cannot later escape having to 
pay this debt if it has passed into the 
hands of an innocent party. A sells B a 
radio which is guaranteed to get London, 
and B gives A a "pay to the order of" 
paper which A endorses over to C. The 
radio can not possibly get London, but B 
must pay C, although B can sue A on the 
warranty. You have set in motion a type 
of "to the order of" contract upon which 
C has an absolute right to rely. This "pay 
to the order of" contract with payee's 
signature on back passes as currency. When 
you have one of these contracts made to 
you as payee, and this includes a check, 
do not sign your name on the back until 
it is paid, or until you intend to negoti- 
ate it to another person, because it can be 
lost or stolen, and cashed. If you write 
on the back, pay to the order of B, then 
only B can use it, and to escape liability 
you should endorse it: "Pay to the order 
of B without recourse to me"; a check 
which you have received and are mailing 
to vour bank should be endorsed "For de- 
posit account of" and your name 

It may happen that your friend will ask 
you to sign your name on the back of his 

note to enable him to borrow money; with- 
out realizing it you have become respons- 
ible for his debt, if he fails to pay it. Many 
people, rich and poor alike, have been 
tricked or ruined by going on someone's 
note. Never do it, because if your friend 
cannot pay his note, he cannot repay you, 
and all you have may be taken away from 
you in payment of the note from which 
you received no benefit. "Neither a lender 
nor a lx>rrower be'; never endorse another 
person's note, or become his surety or 
guarantor unless you have and keep enough 
money in your bank to pay, if called upon 
when this friend defaults. 

A contract of insurance should be made 
only with an old line reputable insurance 
company, and it should be limited to your 
capacity to pay. You mortgage your future 
whenever you take out insurance or sign 
»n installment contract or have a home 
encumbered by a mortgage. 

A contract of marriage requires free 
mutual consent between capable unmar- 
ried or divorced parties, but once made it 
can only be dissolved by a formal proceed- 
ing. Some divorces are valid only in the 
state where obtained. Each state has its 
own causes for divorce, rules as to capacity 
of married woman to contract, liability of 
husband for torts of his wife, dower and 
curtesy, conveyance of cither spouse, lia- 
bility of husband for wife's contracts and 
his duty to support his wife and minor 
children, emancipation of children, rights 
of parents to earnings of children, and [in 
a few states] duty of child to support the 
parent — all of which are beyond the scope 
of any general brief outline of the law. 


University of Maryland Lrbrary. 

Breaches of any contract should be 
promptly handled by your lawyer, and in 
fact this advice applies to all legal diffi- 

Partnerships, corporations and trusts are 
very complicated branches of the law and 
beyond the scope of an outline of laws 
everyone should know. 

Purchasing And Owning Property 

Dower is a one-third right for life which 
a wife has in her husband's real estate; 
and curtesy is the right for life which the 
husband has in his wife's real property, if 
they have had a child born alive. These 
rights to use and income only come into 
full being upon the death of a spouse, but 
before that time each must sign contract 
or deed relating to real estate. Dower and 
curtesy have been abolished in some states. 

When we purchase land we contract for 
a fee simple title good of record, but to 
get the land there must be a conveyance 
by deed, which must be properly executed, 
delivered, and recorded. The contract alone 
does not convey title to the land. If two 
men buy land they usually take title as 
tenants in common, so that upon the death 
of one his share goes to his heirs at law. 
If they hold title as joint tenants with right 
oi survivorship, then upon the death of 
one, his interest passes to the surviving 
joint tenant. 

When husband and wife buy property 
they usually hold title as tenants by the 
entirety, so upon the death of one the 
land passes to the surviving spouse, and 
also the creditors of one spouse usually 
cannot attach the land because the whole 


belongs to both husband and wife. If a 
man has children by a deceased wife, mar- 
ries and has children by this latter mar- 
riage, then he should not hold title as ten- 
ants by the entirety, because upon his 
death his property would pass to his widow 
and upon her death to her children, the 
children by the prior marriage being dis- 
inherited. His surviving wife is protected 
by her right to dower. 

Land can be acquired by adverse posses- 
ion over a period of usually 21 years and 
an easement can be acquired by adverse 
use for a statutory period of time. If your 
neighbor openly, exclusively, and hostilely 
uses a strip of your land or walks or drives 
ever your land for a sufficient time, he 
may acquire and claim the land or right 
to use the land. 

If you do not pay your taxes your land 
is sold, and after a certain period of time 
a tax deed passes to the purchaser. A tax 
title is usually an expensive nuisance which 
blocks you from ever selling or borrowing 
on the land, and often you may lose it 
entirely. When paying taxes be sure that 
your land is properly described and keep 
the receipted tax bills. 

Leases or rent agreements are usually by 
the month or year. When the term is up 
it is your duty to give to the owner a thirty 
days notice in writing on or prior to a rem 
date of your intention to vacate, for other- 
wise you will continue liable for the rent. 
The owner must give you the same notice 
if he wants you to move. Any landlord 
and tenant trouble justifies the obtaining 
ot legal advice. 

The Importance Of Wills 

Everyone who is of legal age and sound 
mind should have a will and not depend 
upon the law in effect writing a will for 
him after he is dead, because the laws of 
distribution may change, or he may not 
properly understand what the law of dis- 
tribution of his estate is in his particular 
state. By making a will you pass on to 
your loved ones your life's accumulations 
according to your own wishes and their 
particular needs. A will is made by simply 
writing or typewriting your wishes on 
paper, such as "date, place of residence. 
. . . All I have I give to A"; then call in 
three people and in their presence as they 
stand and watch the movement of your 
hand, you sign your name, declaring the 
piece of paper to be your will, and they 
in turn sign their respective names as wit- 
nesses, in your presence, and in the pres- 
ence of one another. It is important that 
all of you be together in the same room 
and that each of you watch each signature 
being signed, and all of this be done close 
to where you are, and as one operation, at 
one time. Tell someone where you are 
leaving the will so that it can be found 
after you are gone. You are free to de- 
stroy, revoke, or change your will at any 
time before death. 

Income Tax Law And Workmen's 

At present every single person who earns 
a yearly gross of $500 and every head of a 
family or married person who lives with 
his wife or family, and earns alone or with 
his wife a yearly gross of $1000, must file 
a federal income tax return even though 
there may be no tax liability. 

Every man who hires any person in his 
trade or business, other than farm or 
domestic help, must pay a Social Security 
tax and deduct a further tax from the pay 
of his employee and remit this to the Col- 
lector of Internal Revenue. 

If you employ men to paint your house 
and one of them has an accident, you are 
liable under most Workmen's Compensa- 
tion laws; therefore, it is safer for you to 
state the price and terms in the form of a 
written contract providing for the painter 
doing the work at the set price as an in- 
dependent contractor, entirely beyond your 
control. If you are an employee and in- 
jured on a job you have a right to com- 
pensation; you should report your injurs 
to the local Workmen's Compensation Com- 
mission or its agent in your locality. 

How To Select A Lawyer 

Write or go to the president of your 
local or state bar association, your minister, 
your local private charitable organization, 
your legal aid society, or the principal of 
your public school, and obtain the names 
of three lawyers in your city or county, and 
then select the most successful man who 
lias been mentioned by two or more of the 
above people or organizations. 

Always remember that timely advice is 
cheaper than a law suit. A few dollars will 
often pay for a will, a deed, most contracts, 
and considerable helpful advice. When you 
purchase a home, you should always have 
the title searched by a local title company 
and settle for the sale through your title 
company or attorney. A real estate tax cer- 


tificate or letter should be obtained from 
the county or city treasurer or tax collector. 

A lawyer never represents himself, nor 
does a doctor ever attend any member of 
his family who is ill, so obviously no lay- 
man should attempt to be his own lawyer, 
no matter how many outlines or books he 
may have read. The layman should know 
enough about the law to avoid common 
errors of conduct in his daily life and to 
recognize a duty or a right or a situation 
as to which he should promptly seek legal 

The Constitution Is The Basic Law 

The law which everyone should know, 
guard, and protect, and which is the very 
essence of every American's life is that 
which is set forth in our Constitution and 
especially in its Amendments. Remember 
that without our efficient and honest courts 
our whole existence would degenerate into 
a political mess of favoritism, secret police, 
general fist fights, and chaos. 

Yes, God bless America because America 
has laws and courts open to all men 

whether they be rich or poor, citizens or 
aliens — irrespective of color or race; so long 
as our Constitution remains the supreme 
law of our land. 


Dictators have discovered the physical 
force of great masses of people. Democracies 
must discover and release the intellectual 
and moral force that resides in the people — 
in their energy, in their aspirations, in their 
purposes, in their experience, in their love 
of neighbors and dear ones. Jesus built a 
religion out of the wisdom of plain people. 
He turned their homely experience into 
devotion, faith, hope, and good works. The 
founders of America instituted the greatest 
Republic of all time on the conviction that 
people could rule themselves better than 
kings could rule for them. Horace Mann 
laid the foundations of the world's noblest 
system in the ambition of the common 
people to improve themselves. Release the 
power that is in the people and out of a 
great people will come an abundance of 
great and inspired leaders. 




University of Maryland. 


Dr. Thomas B. Symons, Dean o£ Lhe Uni- 
versity of Maryland College of Agriculture 
and director of Extension Service, attended 
a meeting of Southern Maryland tobacco 
growers held recently at Upper Marlboro. 

This was the beginning of a campaign to 
promote greater use and greater production 
of southern Maryland tobacco by growers 
in the five-county tobacco area. 

The meeting was made up of county 
agents from the five counties, representa- 
tives from each county farm bureau, and 
State officials, including W. B. Posey, Mary- 
land tobacco expert. 

A campaign was launched to increase the 
Maryland tobacco acreage by 10 per cent 
over last year's record 45,000 acres to about 
50,000. Last year's average was 12 per cent 
above the 36,000 acres in 1945. 

The campaign to encourage greater use 
of Maryland tobacco included: 

1. A State and county committee was 
named to meet with Virginia and South 
Carolina cigarette manufacturers to urge 
them to return to the proportional blend 
of Maryland tobacco used in cigarettes 10 
years ago. Formerly most brands contained 
5 per cent Maryland tobacco; thev now 
average 2 per cent. 

2. A cooperative advertising campaign 
will he launched, patterned after the cam- 
paigns used by dairies, to advertise the 
"comparable merits" of Maryland tobacco. 

3. A committee made up of the president 
of the Farm Bureaus and State officials will 
confer with warehousemen. The latter, who 
serve as selling agents for tobacco growers, 

will be encouraged to seek wider markets in 
order to maintain tobacco prices, which the 
last two years have averaged 55 cents a 

4. Another committee was named to meet 
with the Governor and State legislators to 
protest against any increase in the State 
cigarette tax. Such an increase is now pend- 
ing in the Maryland Legislature. Present 
taxes on cigarettes sold in Maryland total 
G cents per package, the meeting was told. 
Any additional tax, the meeting declared, 
would encourage cigarette manufacturers to 
reduce the price range for Maryland to- 

The Upper Marlboro meeting was 
brought about by dismay among Maryland 
tobacco groups at the tremendous shrink- 
age of receipts from the Southern Mary- 
land tobacco crop in recent years. 

Last year's tobacco sales (the 1945 crop) 
totaled only $10,474,000 for the 18,000,375 
pounds produced that year. 

The crop the year before, totalling 38,- 
250,000 pounds, brought a cash return to 
the five counties of $21,229,000 — or more 
than double. 


"Prior to 1920 the position of the University 
of Maryland in the educational pattern of our 
state was useful but inconspicuous. Today it 
holds the limelight to such a degree that the 
glare tends to make us unable to see how great 
has been the accomplishment." — Extract from 
the report of the Education Commission, chair- 
man William L. Marbury, on the University of 

The plan proposed calls for an increased 
crop without any marked decrease in price 
below the 57 cents a pound average last 
year or the 55^ cents average of the year 


This edition of "Maryland", is devoted to 
the School of Law, University of Maryland. 

Other special editions to come — and to 
remain in the same rotation for each year — 
are as follows:— 

May — Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, 

June — Business and Public Administra- 

July — Education. 

August — Art and Sciences. 

September — Graduate School. Research. 

October — Athletic annual. Sports. 

November — ■ Women's Number. Home 

December — Christmas Annual. 

January — Unassigned. 

February — Engineering. 

March — Agriculture. 

For bruises and scratches and after re- 
moval of splinters, apply an antiseptic, then 
a sterile bandage. For small cuts — cleanse 
skin around the cut. moving away from the 
wound, with liquid green soap or benzine, 
then cleanse the skin with alcohol and 
apply an antiseptic to the cut with a clean 




Elsewhere in these pages appears an 
article on "American Civilization" as 
taught at the University of Maryland. In 
this premise we reprint herewith a copy- 
righted lead editorial from the newspapers 
served by the News Syndicate Co., viz: — 

"Some Professors in Favor of Ignorance 

"When some highly respected educators 
come out flat-footed for mass ignorance on 
any subject of learning, it is time, we think, 
to trot out such old favorite editorial words 
as appaliing, outrageous, incredible, inex- 
cusable, and the like. 

"Some highly respected educators did just 
that a few days ago, at Princeton Univer- 
sity's bicentennial conferences on 'The Uni- 
versity and its World Responsibilities.' 

"There were 75 delegates at this meeting. 
Among them was Dr. Garrett Mattingly, a 
big dignitary at Cooper Union, New York 

"Dr. Mattingly got up and read a paper 
in which he griped at length over what he 
considered the excessive teaching in U. S. 
schools of — hold your hats now — U. S. 

"Mattingly was supported in speeches by 
a Yale professor of history and one from 
Wesleyan; and none of the 72 other dele- 
gates disagreed with him out loud. 

"We don't know whether Dr. Mattingly 's 
connection with Cooper Union, a One 
YVorldish institution in ultra-One-Worldish 
New York City, colored his views. Anyway, 
his contention was that if you teach young 
Americans too much about the history of 
their own country you are likely to turn 
them into nationalists and super-patriots, 
and that that is a most deplorable thing. 

"We should, he rambled on, de-emphasize 
U. S. history in our schools and step up the 
stress on Western Hemisphere and Euro- 
pean history. 

"We can go Dr. Mattingly several better 
than that. 

"If pride in your own country is a bad 
thing, isn't pride in the much larger One 
World a worse thing? Isn't such pride es- 
pecially bad when we are supposed to be 
on the eve of travel among the planets? 

"What if we bring up a generation of 
vipers schooled in Earth history, and then 
they go careening off through space snooting 
and belittling the inhabitants, if any, of 
Mars, Venus, Pluto or Jupiter?- 

"If Mattingly is right, wouldn't it be 
better just to scrap the teaching of any 
history, and let the youngsters remain in 
blessed ignorance of the human race's long 

"And why stop there? If it is sinful to be 
proud of being an American or an Earthite, 
isn't it equally sinful to be proud of being a 
person instead of a buzzard, a snake or a 

"Doesn't the study of biology and related 
sciences tend to make a human being at 
least thankful, if not proud, that he was 
born human? In the Mattingly & Co. view 
of things, isn't that a dangerous, chauvinis- 
tic frame of mind? 

"Well, then, why not stop teaching all 
subjects that have to do with the evolution 
and present state of man? That would cut 
out quite a swath of now respected courses 
of study, including the science of medicine, 
the budding science of psychology, and the 
alleged science of economics. Incidentally, 
it would throw a lot of professors and school 
teachers onto the labor market so that they 
could become street cleaners or cooks and 
bottle washers. 

"We don't know, either, where Prof. 
Mattingly and his colleagues get the idea 
that U. S. history is over-emphasized in 
U. S. schools. 

"The New York Times a few \ears ago 
sent around to a lot of college students a 
questionnaire on American history, to learn 
how much the boys and girls did or didn't 

"Many of the answers would have been 
ridiculous if they hadn't been so pathetic. 
It's excusable, we'd say, not to know who 
Hannibal Hamlin was (Lincoln's first Vice 
President), or who invented the cotton gin 
gin (Eli Whitney); but plenty of these 
young people's ignorance extended to 
things like the identity of Andrew Jackson 
and Theodore Roosevelt, the approximate 
dates of the Civil and Spanish-American 
wars, and many other facts which, before the 
Times' questionnaire, most American adults 
had supposed to be common knowledge 
among all Americans who could read. 

"So it looks, on the latest evidence avail- 
able, as if the teaching of U. S. history is 
by no means being overdone in our schools. 
If anything, it is being sloppily and negli- 
gently underdone. 

"As for Mattingly & Co.'s central proposal, 
that young Americans be kept in compar- 
ative ignorance of the great and largely 
glorious story of their own homeland, we'll 
say, after due thought, that we are shocked 
and appalled — and we neither shock nor 
appall easily or often." 


The Maryland Education Commission, 
more familiarly the Marbury Commis- 
sion, after its chairman William L. Mar- 
bury, finally issued its report after an ex- 
tensive survey of education in this state. 
The Baltimore Sun carried several editorials 

taking up various phases of the report and 
University of Maryland's Diamondback ran 
a short item about that part of the report 
which praised the university. However, 
from the current campus gossip one might 
get the idea that Maryland students are 
still very hazy about what the Commission 
had to say. 

Unfortunately the report is too long and 
too detailed for complete inclusion in this 
space; therefore we will have to content our- 
selves with discussing the two chiefly dis- 
turbing misconceptions that the uninformed 
have picked up and passed on. 

First, somehow the idea has got around 
that the University of Maryland ranks forty- 
seventh among state universities. The truth 
of the report is that the state of Maryland 
ranks forty-seventh in per capita expendi- 
ture per student in all secondary schools. 
And even this does not prove a whole lot 
because quantity has very little to do with 
the quality of either the schools or the 
student. It is, naturally, a state responsi 
bility to provide facilities for high edu- 
cation; the university is not directly con- 

Secondly, there are those who read out of 
the report a criticism of President Byrd. 
This is not to defend Dr. Byrd; we merely 
want to point out that the Commission's re- 
port criticizes the policy of a strong central- 
ized administration while at the same time 
the report says: "Prior to 1920 the position 
of the University of Maryland in the educa- 
tional pattern of our state was useful but 
inconspicuous. Today it holds the limelight 
to such a degree that the glare tends to 
make us unable to see hoxu great has been 
the accomplishment." 

Those students who are interested in the 
state's educational program, in our universi- 
ty, and in an informed knowledge of both, 
should read the Marbury Commission's re- 
port. And the next time you hear rumors 
to the effect that statistics prove in some 
way that Maryland is behind the parade, 
check thoroughly and balance carefully 
every side before you form rash opinions. 
Incidentally, that quality — of discernment, 
is one of the shining things higher educa- 
tion should give us. 


We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, 
not breaths; in feelings, not in figures on 
a dial. We should count time by heart 
throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels 
the noblest, acts the best. — Philip James 

Look to this day, for it is life. In its 
brief course lie all the verities and realities 
of youi existence; the bliss of growth, the 
glory of action, the splendor of beauty. For 
yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is 
only a vision; but today, well lived, makes 
yesterday a dream of happiness and every 
tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, 
therefore, to this day, such is the salutation 
of the dawn. — From the Sanscrit. 


cAccord Uj your Co-operation! 


FOLLOWING a stretch of smoldering 
under wartime wraps and handicaps, 
Alumni activities are now scheduled for a 
fresh start. We are now nearly twenty- 
three thousand strong. This gives us a 
potential strength equal to almost any of 
the "great" institutions. Communications 
from many who walked through Maryland 
gates with diplomas under their arms indi- 
cate we need only a little spade work to 
guarantee a cohesive and aggressive Alumni 

The hope for the future centers around 
Alumni organizations by Schools. The 
value of an overall Alumni Association has 
not been and will not be overlooked, but 
ties to individual Schools arc close and it is 
felt interest by Schools will perhaps be 
keener than would be the case with one 
general Association. Reaction of Grads to 
this proposal will be appreciated. 

For the present no definite plans can be 
announced, nor progress made toward a 
more closely knit Alumni. The future rests 
in our hands. There are several responsi- 
bilities for each of us and all hinge upon 
our success in obtaining addresses of former 
students of the University of Maryland 
both in Baltimore and College Park. Forms 
for indicating the history of each alumnus 
were prepared and mailed to all graduates 
whose addresses were available. These were 
accompanied by a letter from President 

Now we ask assistance from all of you 
to this extent: First, if you have not already 



URY the word "dues!" 

It will be policy tor the future to eliminate 
the regular annual dues. We do not feel we 
are the ones to say how much a graduate 
should submit in order to call himself a mem- 
ber of the Alumni Association in good standing. 

In the future we shall ask each of you to 
make your own decisions without suggestion 
from us. Your contributions and continued 
support will assure an active Alumni Associa- 
tion, lend support to the University and the 
many special projects of the future, and will 
keep "Maryland" coming vour way each month. 

Through our publication all plans for the 
future will be reported and you will be con- 
stantly posted on projects requiring active 
alumni support. For example, we have hopes 
of a Memorial for the University men who gave 
their lives in this last war. All will want a 
part in the tribute. However, such projects 
are for the future. 

For the present you can help best by assisting 
us with contributions and news as your judge- 
ment dictates and by following our alumni 
progress closely. We can move as rapidly as 
we ourselves are willing to move. — D. L. B. 

Every Effort Being Made to 
Re - Awaken Maryland 
Alumni in all Colleges of 
The University. . . . 

<By 2bavid <£. Srigliam 

Secretary, Alumni Association 

done so please return the form you received 
as soon as possible or sooner. Second, ad- 
vise the Alumni Office immediately in the 
event you failed to receive a record form 
or lost the one which came to you. Next, 
we ask that you send in the name and 
address of any graduate who has not re- 
ceived a history blank. Our ultimate goal 
is to reach every individual who has en- 
tered the University. 

As the University of Maryland continues 
to grow with Herculean strides, we find 
ourselves in a position to challenge any 
Alumnus to set foot on the campus without 
feeling a surge of pride in the progress of 
his Alma Mater. The University of Mary- 
land has something to shout about and 
every Alumnus wants his voice in the 

With your assistance we hope to make 
the Alumni Office headquarters for re- 
unions, word from your classmates and your 
particular school, news on University plans 
for the future and in fact a general infor- 
mation bureau to give you the answers you 
want to hear. 

Our first responsibility concerns the prob- 
lem of locating all Alumni. This will take 
time but is vital to the birth of all plans 
for the years ahead. In the meantime sug- 
gestions for measures which may be under- 
taken to cement our group will be most 
welcome. We want each alumnus to assist 
in laving the cornerstone for the Alumni 
structure of the future. Our one objective 
must be to develop a magnet of interest 
at the University of Maryland for each 
graduate. Maryland is proud of her former 
students and the Alumni are proud of 
Maryland. Together both can grow rapidly 
to the pinnacle which should justly be ours. 
Separately we will be just another Asso- 
ciation and institution. The future lies 


David L. Brigham, newly appointed Alumni Sec- 
retary, graduated from the College of Arts and 
Sciences in 1938. For two years he served as Pub- 
licity Director for the Iowa Agricultural Adjust- 
ment Committee of the U. S. Department of Agri- 

In June of 1940 Mr. Brigham became Director of 
Public Relations for the Missouri Agricultural Con- 
servation Committee. He entered the army in 
1943 and served two years in the Pacific theater 
where he participated in four campaigns and 
made three assault landings in the Philippines. For 
more than a year he was Combat Correspondent 
and Press Relations Chief for the 40th Infantry 

For the past year Mr. Brigham has directed both 
Public Relations and Publicity for the Missouri Pro- 
duction and Marketing Administration, USDA. He 
was also program and publicity chairman for a 
Missouri branch of Optimist International. 

The new Secretary is the son of the late Reuben 
Brigham, an alumnus and at one time secretary for 
former President H. J. Patterson. His sister Mar- 
jorie graduated from the School of Nursing in 
1943 and his brother Arthur is now a freshman at 
College Park. Mr. Brigham will reside with his 
wife and son on the family estate at Ashton. 

Conservations already established in 
Maryland consist of approximately 100,000 
acres of contour cultivation, 58,000 acres of 
grass seedings, 30,000 acres completely 
drained, and 40,000 acres of strip cropping. 


Dr. John Mace, Jr. '25, recently was ap- 
ponted Chief of Staff of the Cambridge- 
Maryland Hospital. 

Dr. Mace received his B.S. in 1928. While 
at the College Park School, he was a mem- 
ber of the Sigma Nu fraternity. 



Mail sent to the following Alumni has 
been returned. If you know the address of 
the following please drop a card to the 
Alumni Office or to the Editor of "MARY- 
LAND." Help us locate Old Grads. 

Arps, Jacqueline N. 
Arthur, Dr. Walter C. 
Bell, Earl R. 
Boyle, William 
Burnside, Bruce H. 
Bryan, Harry V. 
Butler, Edna C. 
Cameron, James M. 
Carlook, Charlotte R. 
Carter, Mrs. Robert F. 
Chappell, Stanton H. 
Clifford, Dr. Robert H., Ill 
Codd, Francis D. 
Cross, Alberta H. 
Day, Polly A. 
Decker, Joseph M. 
Dugdale, Audrey H. 
Dunningham, A. P. 
France, Dr. Richard 
Goodstein, F. Zelda 
Hall, Mary Ann 
Hamill, James 
James, Dr. Verda Elizabeth 
Johnson, Mrs. Margaret H. 
Kasik, Frank T. 
Klotzman, Robert A. 
Lee, Zaidee B. 
Lenihan, John P. 
Livingston, Gordon H. 
Love, Louise B. 
McCallum, Neill H. 
Merritt, Helen B. 
Neuberger, Ralph H. 
O'Connor, Dr. Raymond F. 
Osam, Ruth F. 
Palmer, Phyllis J. 
Pastor, Dr. Louis M. 
Pohl, Martha J. 
Putnam, Margaret A. 
Rider, Edward M. 
Rudelius, Jeanne 
Santen, Roy S. Van 
Scales, Edith J. 
Sherman, Doreen M. 
Soderstrum, William O. 
Spickard, Eleanor A. 
Stone, Raymond Jr. 
Stout, Jean M. 
Taylor, Dr. J. Russell 
Topper, Bernard C. 
Weinstein, Ruth Mae 
Weston, Glen E. 
White, Anna L. 
Whitted, Dr. Walter P. 
Whittemore, Donald P. 
Winn, Charles L. 
Woodbury, Virginia A. 
Wright, Millicent E. 
Yeatman, Robert H. 
Zemel, Hyman W. 


Memorial services for six distinguished 
Marylanders were held at the War 
Memorial, Baltimore, Maryland. 

Chief Judge W. Conwell Smith, LL.B. 
1908, of the Supreme Bench, paid tribute 
to the late Chief Judges James P. Gorter, 
LL.B. 1881 and Henry D. Harlan, LL.B. 
1881; Senator Radcliffe, LL.B. 1903, recalled 
the distinguished careers of Senator William 
Cabell Bruce, LL.B. 1882, and Gov. Phillips 
Lee Goldsborough. 

Francis A. Michell, LL.B. 1917, and Prof. 
John C. French, of Johns Hopkins Univer- 
sity, paid respects to Chief Judge Carroll T. 
Bond, LL.B. 1896, of the Maryland Court of 
Appeals, and Dr. Joseph S. Ames, president 
of Johns Hopkins, respectively. 

Also speaking on the program were 
Thomas J. S. Waxter, director of public 
welfare, and Walter L. Vanaman, of the 
municipal veterans bureau. 

Alumni Association, University of Mar/land 

Founded in 1892 


Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21, 326 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. 

Vice-Chairman, Harry E. Haslinger, 33, 4615 Fordham Rd.. College Park, Md. 

Talbot T. Speer, '18, 3132 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, Md. 

J. Homer Remsberg, '18. Middletown, Md. 

Ha/el T. Tuemmler, '29, 4509 Beechwood Road, College Park, Md. 

Charles V. Koons, '29, 2828 McKinley Place, N.W., Washington, D. C. 

Agnes Gingell Turner. '33, Frederick, Md. 

Dr. Charles E. White, '23, 4405 Beechwood Road, College Park, Md. 

James E. Andrews, '31, Cambridge, Md. 

Secretary-Treasurer, David L. Brigham. '38, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 


The Publication of the Alumni Association 
Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor. 
Anne S. Dougherty, Circulation Manager. 


The Board of Managers of the College 
Park Alumni Association held its first meet- 
ing under the direction of Chairman Austin 
Diggs on the evening of February 22nd at 
the home of Mrs. Hazel T. Tuemmler at 
College Park, Maryland. 

It was unanimously agreed that a strong, 
active and efficient Alumni organization 
should be the objective toward which all 
activities should be directed. The rate of 
growth and development of the physical 
plant and educational life of the University 
has not been matched by the Alumni Associ- 
ation. It is believed that the University 
needs and requires an Alumni organization 
which will be able to discharge its respon- 
sibilities and perform the functions so neces- 
sary to the performance of the objects for 
which the University of Maryland was estab- 
lished and for which it exists. 

The University of Maryland will play an 
important role in the destiny of the State of 
Maryland. The Alumni, therefore, must be 
ready, able and willing, individually and 
collectively, to meet the challenge of the 
future and to measure up to the standards 
required by the University and the State. 

Several general propositions were agreed 
upon as steps to be accomplished in a pro- 
gram designed to revitalize the Alumni 
Association, as follows: 

(a) The establishment of a reasonably 
correct membership mailing list. A com- 
mittee was appointed to confer with the 
Alumni Secretary, Mr. David Brigham, to 
determine the present status of the 
Alumni records, and the nature of the re- 
sponse to the questionnaire which was 
recently sent to all alumni by the Presi- 
dent of the University. 

(b) The reestablishment of Alumni 
Chapters in the various counties and 
metropolitan centers. 

(c) The sponsoring of an Alumni Day 
to lie held in the Spring at College Park. 

In order to establish the details of a pro- 
gram based upon these several propositions, 
the Board of Managers agreed to hold 
monthly meetings. The next meeting will 
be on March 22nd at College Park. 

The reestablishment of the Alumni 
Association as a live and efficient organiza- 
tion presents a real challenge to the Board 
of Managers and to every Alumnus of the 
University. The Board believes that each 
Alumnus is ready to do his or her part and 
upon this belief its program will be based. 

The Board is interested in receiving the 
suggestions of the Alumni as it considers the 
establishment of its program. Suggestions 
should be sent to Dr. Charles E. White. 
University of Maryland, who is Secretary of 
the Board. 


The bronze Star Medal to First Lt. Ray- 
mond A. Kirby, LL.B. 1939, of Baltimore, 
Maryland, was presented recently by Lt. 
Gen. Alvan C. Gillem. Commanding Gen- 
eral, United States Army Forces in China. 

The award was given for meritorious 
service during the period May 25, 1945, to 
March 2, 1946. The citation reads in part: 

"As chief of the surplus property section 
and as legal officer in Procurement Branch 
G-5, Lieutenant Kirby was largely respon- 
sible for directing and coordinating the 
smooth flow of all property disposal opera- 
tions in the China theater. . . . Through 
his tireless and diligent efforts, his outstand- 
ing ability and complete devotion to duty 
and to the work in which he was engaged, 
Lieutenant Kirby reflects the highest credit 
upon himself and upon the Army of the 
United States." 


The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the publication by the alumni 

Alumni are urgently requested to supply the office of publication at College Park with changes of address known to an alumni, news 
items of general or personal interest, occupational and professional news items, social news, births, engagements, marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST" news and the more news received the better the publication will be. 

Please accord us your support. 



Austin C. Diggs, Baltimore, pictured above, is the 
new chairman, Board of Managers, Alumni Associa- 

This is his message to fellow alumni, 

"All of us have certainly professed an interest in 
the establishment of a vital Alumni Association. 
Plans are being shaped to make this possible, and 
we are fortunate in having a very intelligent and 
capable paid secretary in the person of Mr. David 

"I feel highly honored to have been selected 
Chairman of the Board of Managers of this Asso- 
ciation. It is my aim to represent what I think to 
be the Alumni's wishes. Those most familiar with 
me know that. 

"The Board of Managers had its first formal 
meeting February 22nd. At this time we formu- 
lated our objectives, then adopted what, in our 
judgment, was the best manner of approach in 
attaining them. 

"This Organization is only going to be as strong 
as you make it. Please help us with your ideas, 
biography and financial support." 

Mr. Diggs is a member of the Advertising Club 
of Baltimore, Executive Sales Club, Director, Balti- 
more Eastern Dispensary, J. Fred Weisner Orphan 
Asylum; Turbinell Motors, Inc., Bond Club of Balti- 
more; Life Underwriters of Baltimore. Charter 
Member, Sigma Nu Social (Delta Phi Chapter). 
Class of 1921, College of Education. Served as 
Lieutenant of Infantry in World War I. 


A. Parks Rason, Jr., swept to victory in 
Kent county balloting to become, in the 
memory of oldtimers, the first Republican 
State's Attorney in the county since the 
Civil War. He is a graduate of Maryland, 
LL.B. '39. 

The 35-year-old Rason is the only GOP 
barrister in this stronghold of Democratic 

He was elected over Philip J. Skipp, 
LL.B. 1943, by more than 1,600 votes. 
Rason drew 3297 ballots, the heaviest num- 
ber cast for any candidate by county voters, 
to Skipp's 1,630. 

Rason was a candidate for the office four 
years ago but his Democratic opponent 
then, Harrison W. Vickers, Jr., contested 
his candidacy and had his name stricken 
from the ballot, claiming Rason could not 
meet the county residence requirement. The 
case went to the State Court of Appeals 
but Vickers's claim was upheld. 


The first message ever sent by telegraph 
passed over Maryland soil from Washington 
to Baltimore. 


Ernest N. Cory, Jr., a lifelong resident of 
College Park, Md., has announced the open- 
ing of an office for the general practice of 
law in Laurel, Md. 

Mr. Cory attended the public schools in 
Prince George's Country and is a graduate 
of West Nottingham Academy, Colora, Md., 
St. John's College, Annapolis, and the Uni- 
versity of Maryland Law School. He is the 
son of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest N. Cory, of 
College Park. 

Before the war Mr. Cory was associated 
with the County Health Department and 
with the firm of Wootten & Addison, In- 

As a member of the Maryland National 
Guard he entered the service with the 110th 
Field Artillery of the 29th Division as a 2nd 
Lieutenant. He later saw action as the 
executive officer of a Field Artillery Battal- 
ion in the Aleutian Campaign. In 1944 he 
was returned to the United States to take 
command of the 616th Field Artillery 
Battalion in the famous 10th Mountain 
Division and commanded that battalion in 
Italy through the Appenine Mountains and 
the Po River Campaigns. After the war he 
was commissioned in the RegularArmy. He 
has recently resigned that commission to 
practice law. 

Mr. Cory is a member of the Delta Phi 
Law Fraternity, the Lions Club of Laurel 
and the American Legion. His office will be 
at 407 Main Street in Laurel. 


S. Scott Beck, Jr., LL.B. Maryland 1938, 
son of the late State Senator S. Scott Beck, 
was appointed Comptroller of Customs at 
Baltimore, the post which his father held 
when he died in 1944. 

Announcement of the appointment by 
President Truman was made at the White 
House, following Beck's confirmation for the 
post by the Senate. 

A native of the Eastern Shore, where his 
father was a Democratic leader, Mr. Beck 
is an attorney at Chestertown. 

When his father died on March 13, 1944, 
Beck was a lieutenant in the Navy, sta- 
tioned in the South Pacific. 

The local Comptroller of Customs office 
is charged with auditing accounts from 
ports in Maryland, Virginia, North Caro- 
lina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. 

Reports are sent by the collectors of cus- 
toms to be checked for errors in computa- 
tion as well as for errors in rates. 

Harry L. Robinson has been Acting 
Comptroller of Customs since the death of 
Senator Beck. Senator Beck had held the 
post since 1933, when he was appointed by 
the late President Roosevelt on the recom- 
mendation of Senator Tydings. 


Anabel Maxwell '33 is chief social worker 
in the Children's Service Center in Wilkes- 
Barre, Pennsylvania. The institution is a 
psychiatric treatment center for children. 

Miss Maxwell recently visited her brother 
Arnold, also '33 in Arkon, Ohio. Mr. Max- 
well has been with the Goodrich rubber 
company for 14 years. 



June Wilcoxon Brown '35 (Mrs. Albert 
W.) now is making her home in Madison, 
Wisconsin where she is producing articles 
for publication. 

Mrs. Wilcoxon has had several stories 
published, the latest in the January issue of 
the Canadian Home Journal, and now is 
working on a novel which she reports is 
"progressing, but slowly." 

The Wilcoxons are building a new home 
in Woodward's Grove, Madison. 


Mrs. Norwood Eaton, Jr. (Gladys Miller, 
1927) returned with her children to live 
with her mother at Westernport, Maryland 
after the death of her husband, Norwood 
Eaton, (also 1927) last June. 

She is supervisor of cafeterias for her 
county. Her present address is 327 Ham- 
mond Street, Westernport, Maryland. 


F. Kirk Maddrix, LL. B. Maryland 1927, 
former State's Attorney for Somerset county, 
is in Tokyo where he is a special United 
State's prosecutor in the Japanese war- 
criminal trials. 

Mr. Maddrix, a resident of Silver Spring, 
Md.,for the past several years, will be joined 
in a few months by his wife and daughter, 


Dr. Charles E. White, '23, Professor of Chemistry, 
is a member of the Board of Managers of the 
Alumni Association. 

Dr. White's father, T. H. White, was in the Horti- 
cultural Department of the University of Maryland 
and was awarded the Honorary Degree of Master 
of Science in 1915. 

Dr. White is one of six brothers all of whom 
graduated from the University of Maryland. The 
other five: Herbert James White, '12, who died in 
World War I; William H. White, '13; Albert 
White, '14, deceased; Robert White, '16; Richard 
O. White, '34. 


Member of the Board of Managers, Alumni Associa- 
tion, University of Maryland. Mr. Koons graduated 
from Maryland in 1929 


Ignatius J. Keane, University Park, and 
Robert L. Edwards, Hyattsville, announce 
the formation of a partnership for the gen- 
eral practice of law, to be known as Keane 
and Edwards, with offices at 5213 Baltimore 
ave., Hyattsville. 

Mr. Keane, a life long resident of Prince 
Georges County, has just completed a sec- 
ond term as Assistant State's Attorney and 
will now devote his full time to private 
practice. He is a graduate of Georgetown 
University and Georgetown Law School, and 
has been practicing since 1938. He is a 
member of several civic organizations. 

Mr. Edwards is a native of Prince Georges 
County and a graduate of the University of 
Maryland Law School. His legal education 
was interrupted by four years with the 
Army Air Corps, in which he served as a 
combat pilot with the Eighth Air Force in 

Each partner is a member of both the 
Maryland and District of Columbia Bars. 


When a casual acquaintance recently des- 
cribed Kim Scribner as "somewhat of a fly- 
ing enthusiast," the phrase went down in 
aviation annals as the most flagrant piece of 
understatement since the day Hitler was re- 
ferred to as an "unpleasant little man." 

Capt. Kimball J. Scribner, master pilot 
for Pan American World Airways, is no 
"flying enthusiast." 

He's a flying addict. 

For a man with a regular flying job and 
7,000 hours' "stick-time," the 29-year-old 
cockpit veteran is probably the most air- 
minded individual south of the Mason- 
Dixon line. 

Despite the fact he spends close to 100 
hours a month piloting one of PAA's big 
four-engine Clippers to all parts of Latin 
America, Scribner has bought two airplanes 

anil a sailplane to occupy him during off- 
duty hours. 

Like the infantryman whose hobby was 
hiking, professional pilot Scribner's hobby 
is flying. 

The boyish-looking Clipper skipper 
frankly admits he spends an average of 10 
hours a week "doing a few turns" in either 
his stripped-down P-38, his Steerman PT-17 
or his sailplane. 

Though Scribner dislikes the term "hot 
pilot," that's exactly what he is — but in 
off-duty hours only. During the recent Ail- 
American Air Maneuvers in Miami, his P-38 
stunt flying and sailplane exhibition were 
featured attractions. 

And in the $10,000 Ail-American Classic, 
featured race of the three day maneuvers, 
Scribner took fifth-place money with a 
borrowed P-38. He'd probably done a lot 
better, but his own plane, specially 
equipped for racing, had been damaged by 
a slight engine fire the preceding week. 


The transition from four-engine Clippers to a 
powerless sailplane is a breeze for Capt. Kim 
Schribner, Pan American World Airways master 
pilot. Although Captain Scribner has more than 
7,000 hours "stick time," his hobby is flying in his 
free time. He estimates he has spent at least 200 
off-duty hours in his sailplane, "Tico Tico." 

Scribner is equally at home in four- 
engined or two-engined craft or in craft 
with no engines at all. The PAA pilot 
makes his trim little sailplane do everything 
but stand up and take a bow. During one 
of his air show acts, he placed a newspaper 
on the runway, cut loose the glider at 
2,000 feet — and landed squarelv on Page 

Scribner has been largely responsible for 
popularizing the sport of gliding in Florida. 
For years sailplane artists have shied from 
the state because of its flat terrain. They 
argued it took hilly country to produce 
thermal currents. 

Scribner has pretty well disproved this 
theory. Hills or no hills, he can soar aloft 
for hours in favorable weather. 

Scribner, who pushed his first rudder-bar 
at the ripe old age of 1.5, has been flving for 
Pan American since 1941. During those 
years he has flown all types of land and sea 
planes over every portion of the globe — 
Africa, India, Europe and Latin America. 

During the war \ears he flew for both the 
Army's Air Transport Command and the 
Navy's Air Transport Service, as well as the 
famous "Cannonball" service of PAA's 
Africa-Orient Division. 

Scribner was born in Piedmont, W. Va., 
but calls Washington, D. C, his home town. 
He attended high school there and later 
studied engineering at the University of 

The youthful pilot started flying while 
still struggling with second-year algebra. He 
continued through high school and college. 
After graduation from Maryland, he became 
chief pilot at his aviation alma mater, the 
Congressional School of Aeronautics. 

During his flying career Scribner has done 
practically everything an aerial performer 
can do — stunt and exhibition flying, gliding 
and parachute jumping. 

He still takes a fling at all but the para- 
chute jumping — and would probably do his 
share of that if PAA didn't object. 

"They are afraid I might get hurt," ex- 
plains the man whose favorite pastime is 
slow-rolling a P-38 with one engine 


Martin H. Muma, '39, currently is serv- 
ing as Extension Entomologist at the Uni- 
versity of Nebraska, a position he took in 
1945. Mr. Muma was awarded his M.S. 
from Maryland in 1940, and his Ph.D. in 
1943. He was a Lambda Chi. 

Mrs. Muma, the former Katharine E. 
Short, AOPi '40, writes to report the birth 
of Marrie Lynn, their latest child, on Janu- 
ary 22. The Mumas have two other child- 
ren, Bonnie Louise, born May 8, 1943, and 
Leslie Martin, born June 22, 1944. 


Harry E. Hasslinger is an active member of the 
Board of Directors of the Alumni Association. Mr. 
Hasslinger was awarded his B.A. from the College 
of Education in 1933. While in school he was a 
member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and 
was awarded the Revielle scholarship medal in 
his junior year. 




The first and only dog ever to sit in the 
Maryland Legislature is Omar, the seeing 
eye dog of C. Clifton Virts, Maryland '40, 
L.L.B., a blind member of the House of 
Delegates at Annapolis from Frederick 

Delegate Virts sits in the House at one 
of the far end desks and Omar sits in the 
aisle beside him. The only time Omar 
ever takes the floor is when someone pass- 
ing up or down the narrow aisle treads on 
his tail or comes uncomfortably close to it. 

On a few such occasions Omar has risen 
to his paws on a point of personal privilege 
and has barked out a mild complaint. One 
such occasion was Inauguration Day, Janu- 
ary 8, when Gov. William Preston Lane, 
Jr., was inducted, and the aisles were 
jammed with spectators. 

Delegate Virts, an attorney in Frederick, 
lost his sight in a dynamite cap explosion 
when he was 9. He is 36 now. Born and 
reared in Virginia, he attended the Virginia 
School for the Blind, took a pre-law course 
at the University of Virginia and won his 
law degree from the University of Mary- 

He became a candidate for the Legisla- 
ture because "being a lawyer," he said, "it 
runs rather naturally in my line. 

Omar, who is 5, is a cross between a 
chow and a German shepherd, a combina- 
tion that is apparent in his appearance. 
He is somewhat smaller than a shepherd 
and his coat is a reddish color. Mr. Virts 
acquired him a few years ago, as one of 
his first and most essential political sup- 
porters, at the Seeing Eye School at Mor- 
ristown, N. J. 

The pair are familiar figures in the State 
House when the lower chamber is in or out 
of session. Between meetings of the House 

Mr. Virts plays pinochle or gin rummy at 
his desk with the other members of his 
delegation. Omar is the delegation kibitzer, 
but a quiet one. He does not consider a 
misplay is stepping on his tail. 

The cards are an ordinary pack that Mr. 
Virts marked in Braille with a punch he 

"I don't play poker with the boys because 
they might learn to read the deck," he 

Delegate Virts is the second blind man in 
the House. The other is Charles M. See, 
of Allegany county, a veteran of the last 
two sessions of the Assembly. 

Mr. Virts is a Democrat and Mr. See a 
Republican (Omar is strictly nonpartisan), 
but the two blind delegates have formed a 
coalition for the reading of bills. Many of 
the bills are read to them by Mr. See's 
wife. Others they study with their respec- 
tive delegations. 


Tribute from Federal judges and prose- 
cutors and from members of his own staff 
was paid to Charles W. Zimmermann, 
Maryland '30, who completed his fortieth 
year as clerk in the United States District 
Court and his fiftieth year as a clerk in 
State and Federal courts. 

Federal Judge W. Calvin Chesnut, LL.B. 
Maryland 1894, brought tears to the eyes 
of the veteran clerk when he spoke con- 
gratulatory remarks from the bench and 
ordered the statement made a part of the 
official records of the court. 

Mr. Zimmermann also was honored by 
Federal Judge William C. Coleman and by 
Judge Morris A. Soper, LL.B. Maryland 
1895, of the United States Circuit Court of 


Flowers from the staff of Bernard J. 
Flynn, United States attorney for Maryland, 
and from his own deputy clerks surrounded 
the desk of Mr. Zimmermann in the Post 
Office Building. 

Mr. Zimmermann became a clerk in the 
United States District Court on February 1, 

Prior to that time, he had served as a 
clerk for ten years in the Superior Court 
and the Criminal Court of Baltimore. He 
began his business career in 1888 as an office 
boy in a lawyer's office. 

In paying tribute to Mr. Zimmermann, 
Judge Chesnut said: 

"The court takes notice of the fact that 
its clerk, Charles W. Zimmermann, today 
completes 40 years of continuous service as 
deputy clerk and clerk of this court. Dur- 
ing the whole of this long period, Mr. 
Zimmermann has performed the duties of 
his office with conspicuous industry, intelli- 
gence, dignity and loyalty to the best tra- 
ditions of his important post. 

"The judges of the court, the members 
of the bar who practice in the court and 
the public which the court serves are to be 
congratulated upon this long continuity of 
service by an excellent clerk of the court. 
It is fitting that such long outstanding and 
fine public service should be appropriately 
recognized by an official minute in the 
records of the court, which the clerk is re- 
quested to make." 

A native Baltimorean, Mr. Zimmermann 
received his early education in the public 
schools, Baltimore, and was admitted to the 
liar after his graduation from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland School of Law. 

Mr. Zimmermann has for many years 
been active in the Masonic order and is at 
present treasurer of the Grand Command- 
ery Knights Templar of Maryland. 

He is a member of the Franklin Street 
Presbyterian Church and resides at 1922 
West Baltimore street. 


Possibilities of Old Liners holding key 
positions in the Naval Ordnance Laboratory 
is advanced by Morton A. Hyman '44 who 
now is employed by the Laboratory. 

Mr. Hyman writes: 

"There are a number of other Maryland 
alumnae at NOL, including Mary and John 
Spielman, Bert Carhart, Ed Hurson, Reggie 
Vincent, and Bob Fetters. I am sure that 
there are other 'Terps' here of whom I have 
not heard. 

"The new location of NOL will be at 
Whiteoak, just a few miles from College 
Park, and if, as expected, NOL and the 
University work closely together, the day 
may soon come when Old Liners may hold 
top positions in Naval ordnance and re- 
search developments." 

For some years the University has been 
offering late classes in scientific and en- 
gineering subjects for scientists of govern- 
ment laboratories in and around Washing- 
ton. Many have earned advanced degrees 
through this opportunity. 

Land that normally produces less than 30 
bushels of wheat or 45 acres of barley will 
generally benefit from an application of 
nitrogen top dressing. 


Colonel Malilon X. Haines was a mem- 
ber of the class of 1896 and his classmates 
were Parker Mitchell, the great canner of 
Shoe Peg corn in Perryman, Maryland and 
Clifton Fuller, who was a member of the 
City Council of Cumberland. Maryland. 

This Haines is known in Pennsylvania 
and Maryland as "Haines. The Shoe Wiz- 
ard", and his calling card reads, "We raise 
our own cattle, tan our own leather, make 
our own shoes, sell them in our own stores! 
Hoof to hoof . . . and that's no bull!" 

He not only has a 4,000-acre ranch near 
Rapid City, South Dakota, twelve of the 
biggest and best farms in Pennsylvania and 
also the largest chain of shoe stores in 
America, owned by an individual, but has 
been, ever since he was a boy, interested in 

He has fox hunted with the Elkridge- 
Harford Hunt Club, in Maryland. He has 
shown his horses, not only at College Park 
last year, where he won the Championship, 
but also was winner of the Maryland Green 
Hunter Class at the Maryland Hunter Show, 
having won seventy-three ribbons and nine 
championships with his two horses, "Danger 
Man" and "Captain Fritz". Every horse 
show enthusiast in Maryland knows 
"Danger Man". He is now eighteen years of 
age and Colonel Haines expects to show 
him, again, this year, in Maryland. 

Far more important than horse shows is 
the Colonel's interest in racing. He has, for 
years, been racing all over the eastern part 
of the United States, with his harness 
horses. Four years he had the champion 
two-year-old trotters and pacers of America, 
in race winnings and fast time. In 1940 his 
horses won sixty races, among them the 
greatest pacing race in America, the Fox 
Stake in Indianapolis, Indiana. 

But in Xovember he "kicked out" of the 
horse game, sold his horses, his carts, his 
sulkies, blankets, harness, everything, said 
"I am through", but went down, with his 
friend, Parker Mitchell, to Pinehurst, Xorth 
Carolina and "kicked right in again" by 
buying five outstanding trotters and pacers. 
So after all, it is the blood and blood does 

Haines, when he attended the University 
of Maryland, was star short stop on the 
University team and also won a gold medal 
as best individually drilled man, standing 
up, for two hours and a half in the hot sun, 
in June, without making a mistake. 


A most interesting letter comes from the 
Rev. Boiling Hobson, now 86 years of age, 
a graduate of the Maryland College of 
Dentistry. He is the father of Rev. John 
Kemp Hobson, a missionary in the Belgian 
Congo for 25 years. 

After graduating from the College of 
Dentistry Dr. Boiling Hobson practiced in 
Georgetown, Kentucky for seven years. He 
then attended Union Seminary for two 
years, studying for the ministry. He 
preached in Giles County, Virginia, serving 
the churches there for fifteen years. He 
then became superintendent of the Orphan 
Home at Rockbridge County and pastor of 
Highbridge Church there. From there he 
went to be pastor at Cornelius, X. C, thence 

to Waterford, Va. He was then called to 
become Superintendent of Home Missions, 
Potomac Presbytery. Recalled to High- 
bridge he remained there five years. From 
there he went to Faith Chapel and thence 
to Elkton, Va. After reaching the age of 75 
he resigned his pastorates and became Pas- 
tor Emeritus of the churches named. He 
had been preaching for forty-nine years. 
The Elkton Presbyterian Church built a 
home for Dr. Hobson and he states: "God 
willing, I hope to remain here for the rest 
of my life." 


Carlisle H. Humelsine '38, recently was 
named by Secretary of State George C. 
Marshall to organize a secretariat for the 
State Department. 

The Secretary became acquainted with 
Mr. Humelsine's ability when the former 
Terp served as a colonel in the office of 
the secretary of the general staff. Humel- 
sine is credited by General Marshall with 
being largely responsible for handling the 
War Department's complicated communi- 
cations system. 

While at Maryland, Humelsine edited the 
Diamondback. Immediately following his 
discharge from the Army, he was attached 
to Dr. Byrd's office, but resigned that posi- 
tion to accept a government job. 

Colonel De Marco was born in Washing- 
ton, D. C. in 1907. He graduated from the 
University of Maryland in 1929, majoring 
in Arts and Sciences. He is married and has 
a nine-year-old daughter, Victoria. His 
wife, the former Victoria Zoble, and daugh- 
ter are in Honolulu. 


Joseph Whitney Shirley, Jr., Maryland 
'30, L.L.B., Baltimore attorney and well- 
known breeder of Aberdeen-Angus cattle 
and Clydesdale draft horses, has been 
named manager of the Baltimore Livestock 

Announcement of Mr. Shirley's election 
was made following the annual meeting of 
the organization at which time a new slate 
of officers was chosen. 

Richard C. Riggs, of Catonsville, was re- 
elected president; W. Alan McGregor, of 
Worten, vice president; Henry J. Moehl- 
man, Baltimore, treasurer, and Joseph Vial, 
of College Park, secretary. 

Mr. Shirley has been active in livestock 
production for many years. He is president 
of the Downtown Farmers Club of Balti- 
more. He is a past president of the Mary- 
land Stockmen's Association; a director of 
the Clydesdale Draft Horse Breeders Asso- 
ciation of the United States, and a former 
director of the Maryland Aberdeen-Angus 
Breeders Association. 


An optimist is a person who 
thinks the future is definitely 

A pessimist is a person who 
is afraid the optimist is right. 

An economist is a man who 
can make a simple subject 
complex, a complex subject 
simple; in other words, an 
economist is simply simple. 


Colonel James A. De Marco, University 
of Maryland, A &: S '29, formerly of 
Hyattsville, Maryland, has recently been 
made chief of base services of the Hawaiian 
Air Materiel Area at Hickam Field, Hawaii. 

Colonel De Marco comes to HAMA from 
the Pacific Air Service Command in Manila, 
P. I., where he was chief of base services. 

Entering the Air Corps as an aviation 
cadet in February 1931, he graduated from 
Kelly Field at San Antonio, Texas in Octo- 
ber 1931 as a second lieutenant in the Air 
Reserve. He served as a reserve officer at 
Mitchell Field, Long Island, X. Y., during 
which time he received a commission as 
second lieutenant in the regular army. From 
Mitchell Field he went to the flying training 
command in 1936 as a flight instructor. He 
spent ten years in the Central Flying Train- 
ing Command, ending as commanding 
officer of the South Plains Army Air Field 
at Lubbock, Texas. 

From January to August 1945 he was com- 
manding officer of Pampa AAF at Pampa, 
Texas, a B-25 training base. He left Pampa 
to become commander of the 501st Bomb 
Group (B-29's) on Guam. Following this he 
was assigned to headquarters PASC as chief 
of base services. 

Helen Elizabeth Brown, LL.B. Maryland 
J 926, Baltimore attorney, has been ap- 
pointed to fill the unexpired term of Gov. 
W. Preston Lane on the Maryland Commit- 
tee of the American Bar Association. 

Governor Lane resigned from the com- 
mittee when he became Governor. The ap- 
pointment was made by Charles Ruzicka, 
LL.B. Maryland 1918, State delegate of the 


A portrait of Dr. T. B. Symons, dean of 
the College of Agriculture and director of 
Extension, has been presented to the Uni- 
versity by the State Association of Super- 
visors of Soil Conservation Districts. Actual 
presentation of the gift was made by Walter 
Burrall, chairman of the association, of Xew 
Market, at a luncheon following the corner- 
stone laying ceremonies of the new agri- 
cultural building. 

In accepting the picture for the Uni- 
versity, President Byrd spoke highly of 
contributions made to the agriculture of the 
state by Dr. Symons. 

Dr. Symons is a native of Maryland, 
having been reared on a 240-acre farm on 
the Eastern Shore. He took his undergrad- 
uate work at the University of Maryland 
and received the Master of Science degree in 
1905 and the Doctor of Science degree in 

Soon after graduation he became State 
Entomologist; a position which he occupied 
until he became Maryland's first and only 
director of Extension in 1914. In 1939 he 
became dean of the College of Agriculture 
and since that date he has served as both 
dean and director. 



Miss Alma H. Preinkert, Registrar for 
the College Park Schools of the University 
of Maryland, announces a record enroll- 
ment of 7,300 students for the current 

4,904 students are from the various coun- 
ties in Maryland. 

1,381 are from the District of Columbia. 

964 are from various states of the Union, 
45 states being represented. 

51 students are from 18 foreign countries 
including Bolivia, British Guiana, Canada. 
China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Egypt, 
India, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, the Netherlands, 
Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, British West 
Indies, and Venezuela. 


Allegany 134 

Anne Arundel 184 

Baltimore City 1567 

Baltimore County 40? 

Calvert I? 

Caroline 35 

Carroll 40 

Cecil 41 

Charlet 51 

Dorchester 3? 

Frederick 103 

Garrett 24 

Harford 94 

Howard 50 

Kent 17 

Montgomery 740 

Prince George's 1005 

Queen Anne 20 

St. Mary's I? 

Somerset 27 

Talbot 32 

Washington 147 

Wicomico 47 

Worchester 14 




FOREIGN (18 Countries) 


British Guiana 




Costa Rica 







Netherlands . 



Puerto Rico 





Alabama 4 

Arizona 3 

Arkansas 4 

California 18 

Colorado I 

Connecticut 31 

Delaware 10 

Florida 27 

Georgia 15 

Idaho I 

Illinois 20 

Indiana 4 

Iowa 5 

Kansas 2 

Kentucky 4 

Louisiana 3 

Maine 5 

Massachusetts 29 

Michigan 14 

Minnesota 5 

Mississippi 4 

Missouri ? 

Nebraska 5 

New Hampshire I 

New Jersey 117 

New Mexico 3 

New York 142 

North Carolina 10 

North Dakota I 

Ohio 25 

Oklahoma 2 

Oregon 2 

Pennsylvania 151 

Rhode Island 9 

South Carolina 8 

South Dakota 4 

Tennessee 4 

Texas 24 

Utah I 

Vermont 4 

Virginia 187 

Washington 4 

West Virginia 29 

Wisconsin 4 

Wyoming | 

Total 944 


Maryland 4904 

D. C 1381 

Out of State 944 

Foreign 51 

Grand Total 7300 


Farmers from almost every county in 
Maryland attended the cornerstone laying 
for the new agricultural building on the 
campus at the University of Maryland. 
Among those present were about 75 super- 
visors of the 22 soil conservation districts in 
Maryland, as well as representatives of farm 
organizations, faculty members, students, 
and others. 

In the main address of the day, Hugh H. 
Bennett, chief of the United States Soil 
Conservation Service, described, "The pro- 
ductive farm land of the country is the real 
cornerstone of agriculture and of all busi- 
ness." He stressed the educational work that 
still needs to be done on erosion control in 
Maryland. He, and other speakers of the 
day, congratulated the University for pro- 
viding the new building and described it as 
a step forward in the service of the state's 

After a brief speech of welcome by Judge 
William P. Cole. Jr., Chairman of the Board 
of Regents, the cornerstone laying took place 
under the direction of three agricultural 
members of the Board of Regents, Thomas 
R. Brookes, Belair; Harry H. Nuttle, Den- 
ton; and Philip C. Turner; assisted by H. J. 
Patterson, former dean and president. 

Greetings were extended by Edward F. 
Holter, Middletown, Master Maryland State 
Grange; C. E. Wise, Baltimore, secretary 
Maryland Farm Bureau; Walter Burrall, 
New Market, chairman State Association of 
Soil Conservation District Supervisors; Mrs. 
Earl Gosweiler, Abeerdeen, President State 
Council of Homemaker's Clubs; David F. 
Jenkins, Suitland, Agricultural Student 
Council; and Holmes Baker, Frederick, Pres- 
ident State Council of 4-H Clubs. 

Papers representing student instruction, 
agricultural extension, agricultural research, 
the State's agriculture, and the Alumni were 
deposited in the cornerstone by W. B. 
Kemp, director of the Agricultural Experi- 
ment Station. 

The $500,000 brick building which is to 
be built on the same general type of archi- 
tecture followed in other university build- 
ings, is expected to be ready for occupancy 
in late 1947 or early 1948. In addition to 
the administrative staff of the College of 
Agriculture, it will house the Extension Ser- 
vice and Experiment Station Administra- 
tion, Departments of Marketing, Agricul- 
tural Economics, and Animal Husbandry, 
the State PMA office, the Crop Reporting 
Service, Homemaking and 4-H Club Special- 
ists, and the Agricultural Information Office. 
It will also have an auditorium seating 
about 150 and some classroom space. 

The new building is being constructed in 
such a way that the present poultry build- 

ing will form one wing. It will have a 
second wing on the other side of the quad- 
rangle comparable in size and shape to the 
poultry building. Eventually, it is hoped. 
the entire agricultural college will be 
located in the one quadrangle on the cam- 


The University of Maryland, during the 
next two years, would receive almost double 
its appropriation for 1946 and 1947 under 
Governor Lane's budgetary recommenda- 
tions for the two-vear period ending June 
30, 1949. 

Appropriations totaling $6,251,489 for 
salaries and operating expenses at the uni- 
versity are recommended in the budget. 

This figure compares with $3,448,389 
appropriated by the State for 1946 and 1947. 

Largest proposed increase — SI, 368,230 — is 
recommended in the appropriation for the 
university's hospital and four professional 
schools. The latter are Dentistry'. Law. 
Medicine and Pharmacy. 

The total recommended appropriation for 
these functions during the next two fiscal 
years is $2,034,659, as compared with S666.- 
429 appropriated in 1946 and 1947. 

The proposed appropriation for the divi- 
sion of educational programs and proced- 
ures, which includes the university proper 
at College Park and Princess Anne College, 
totals S3, 062 .068. 

Funds appropriated for the division in 
1946 and 1947 totaled SI, 972,348. 

Other university items in the proposed 
budget are $33,816 for student welfare, 
$23,488 for public relations, S673.135 for 
business management, $58,801 for financial 
administration and control and S365.472 for 
the teachers' retirement fund. 

Govenor Lane listed in his recommen- 
dations that, in addition to the proposed 
state appropriation of Sfi.251,389 during the 
next two fiscal years, the university will re- 
ceive S10.708.204 from special funds 


Col. Hassan Ragab. Military Attache of 
the Royal Egyptian Embassy in Washing- 
ton, made a visit to the University's rifle 
range last month, on behalf of the Wai 
Department of his country. 

Colonel Ragab requested the chance to 
visit the University during scheduled com- 
petitions of a rifle team on the Old Liners' 
inr'oor rifle range. He made mention of the 
fac. that the range is credited with being 
the best in the United States. Since his 
government has made the request that he 
supply them with information concerning 
the same, along with drawings or other 
data he made this personal visit to Mary- 
land's range. Egypt is planning an indoor 
range for international competitions and 
intends to model its range after the one in 
use at the University of Maryland. 


Bill Needham, '34 and his wife, Marion 
Parks Needham '35 and their two sons have 
moved to Troy, Alabama where Mr. Need- 
ham was taken a position as manager of a 
radio station. He has been serving as a 
radio commentator in Chicago. 



Changes among the faculty of various 
departments have been announced by the 

In the College of Arts and Sciences, the 
English Department has accepted the res- 
ignations of Mrs. Sheila Brantley and Mrs. 
Laura McLaughlin, and has added to the 
staff Mrs. Marion Mooney. Mrs. Helen R. 
Kahn, Mr. Charles P. Martin, and Mr. John 
G. Fischer. 

The Speech Department has appointed as 
assistant professors, Miss June Gadde, a 
graduate of the University of Minnesota, 
and Mr. Pierce Ommanney from the Uni- 
versity of California. 

Mrs. Lucienne Clemens has resigned from 
the Language Department and most of 
her classes will be taught by Mr. Henri 
DeMarne. Dr. William F. Falls has returned 
from a leave of absence during which he did 
research work in France. 

Dr. Weston Clark of the Psychology De- 
partment will be on sabbatical leave this 
semester. In the Zoology Department Mr. 
Richard Tiller has been appointed in- 

In the Military Department Major 
Thomas Barrow was appointed air officer as 
of the beginning of January. He will also 
teach basic ROTC courses. 

In the College of Business and Public 
Administration the resignations of Dr. 
Waldo E. Waltz and Mr. Ralph Van Metre 
have been accepted, while Mr. David M. 
Cole has been appointed instructor of eco- 
nomics, Mr. Basil Mishtowt, instructor of 
accounting, Mr. Thomas E. Bourne, ac- 
counting; Mrs. Ruby Wagner, secretarial 
training; Mr. Raymond E. Crist, geography; 
Mr. Edward S. Marshall, government and 
politics, and Mr. Robert B. Westbrook, eco- 

In the Physics Department, Mr. Howard 
Wright has been added to the staff as in- 
structor, and Mr. David Spielberg as a grad- 
uate assistant. Leaving the department is 
Mr. William Gautier. 

In the Mathematics Department the ad- 
ditions are Mr. G. P. Brewster, Mr. A. H. 
Mason, and Mrs. Claude Callegary. Leaving 
this department are Mr. Jack Qualey and 
Mr. John Elfvin. 


The Fifteenth National Convention of 
Omicron Delta Kappa, originally scheduled 
for the spring of 1943 and postponed be- 
cause of the war. will be held on March 20. 
21, and 22, in Washington. D. C. 

The host circles for this convention will 
consist of Sigma Circle at the University of 
Maryland and those at George Washington 
and American Universities. Headquarters of 
the convention will be Lisner Auditorium of 
George Washington University, 21st and H 
Streets, N. W., Washington 6. D. C. 

Approximately 300 members, represent- 
ing ODK's 52 cities, are expected to attend. 
Reservations have been obtained in three 
hotels within walking distance of the Con- 
vention Headquarters. A special rate of two 
dollars per day per person for hotel accomo- 
dations and two dollars per person for the 
Convention banquet has been arranged by 
means of convention subsidy by the General 
Council of ODK. 

Informal dress will prevail at all events. 

A memorial service for members of ODK 
who lost their lives in the service of their 
country during World War II will be a 
part of the program. 

Professor James H. Reid, College of Busi- 
ness and Public Adminstration, University 
of Maryland, College Park, who is ODK 
Faculty Secretary Treasure, requests that 
ODK members send him their correct ad- 

Names of ODK members who lost their 
lives in the war are also desired. 


Dr. Alvin W. Schindler of the University 
of Maryland spoke in favor of a proposed 
S8.900.000 Prince Georges County school 
construction bond issue before the Berwyn 
District Civic Association. The association, 
however opposed the issue unless a referen- 
dum is held. 

The citizens voted to name a committee 
lo raise funds for the Branchville Fire De- 
partment after Frank Leser, Jr., presented 
an appeal for financial support to insure 
adequate fire protection. 

Also, at this meeting, as a safety measure, 
the Capital Transit Co., was asked to place 
stop signs for its north and south bound 
streetcars crossing Berwyn road. 

The streamlined cars approach the cross- 
ing silently and without stopping when no 
passengers are waiting, the association de- 


'Don't you know it's 'Quiet Hour'? 1 ' 

(Cosing in Diamondback) 


In Illinois medical authorities are singing 
the praises of Dr. Nathan L. Drake, 
Head of the chemistry Department, Uni- 
versity of Maryland, discover of pentaquine. 

Pentaquine was made and initially ad- 
ministered to prisoner-volunteers in August, 

Discovery of this malaria cure through 
wartime experiments involving 445 Illinois 
convicts who voluntarily were infected with 
the disease was announced in a report to 
the Ohio state division of correction and 
Gov. Dwight H. Green. 

Results of the anti-malaria studies carried 
out at Stateville, 111., prison over three years 
"exceeded all hopes or expectations," Dr. 
Alf S. Alving, project supervisor, said in the 

Dr. Alving, professor of medicine at the 
University of Chicago, said the research 
eventually would mean "great relief" for 
an estimated 300,000,000 persons throughout 
the world who annually suffer from malaria. 
The disease causes about 3,000,000 fatalities 
a year. 

The curative drug — named "pentaquine" 
— was the product of 13,276 consecutive ex- 
periments at various university and private 
laboratories which preceded the Stateville 

"Pentaquine is related to a much more 
toxic compound that the Germans pre- 
viously had manufactured, a drug known as 
plasmochin," the report said. 

"Our work is continuing at Stateville be- 
cause we are trying to find a drug that will 
have even less toxicity so that it will be 
safe for use without medical supervision in 
the world's less enlightened areas." 

Prisoners at Stateville submitted to bites 
of mosquitos infected with vivax malaria, 
the relapsing type common in South Pacific 
and oriental regions. Temperatures of some 
rose to 106 and 107 degrees, and in one case 
to 108.4 degrees. 

Several became violently ill upon taking 
anti-malarial compounds, which destroyed 
white blood cells, the report said. However, 
all survived and as a reward for their ser- 
vices are eligible for preferred parole con- 


Nearly 500 representatives of canning and 
freezing companies and growers of canning 
crops attended some part of the three-day 
short course at the University of Maryland 
last month. 

Sponsored by the horticulture department 
and the Tri-State Packers' Association, the 
school included production information on 
tomatoes, snap and lima beans, and peas. 
Other topics covered technical information 
of special interest to canners. 

High lighting the first day of the meet- 
ing was a discussion of tomato late blight 
and its control. Dr. C. E. Cox, plant path- 
ologist from the University of Maryland 
warned that late blight would undoubtedly 
occur if weather conditions favorable to 
bljght development should come for an ex- 
tended time. To combat the disease which 
caused heavy damage in Maryland for the 
first time in 1946, a four point program was 
presented. A blight warning service to 
operate during the coming season was also 

The control program designed for pro- 
tection against blight and other diseases 
includes: (1) fall plowing, (2) crop rota- 
tion, (3) proper spacing, and (4) applica- 
tion of fungicides. Speakers of the day 
pointed out that late blight can live over 
winter on potato tubers left in the field 
and that diseases such as anthracnose and 
early blight survive on vines left in the 
field, hence the need for fall plowing and 
crop rotation. 

It was also pointed out that investiga- 
tions at experiment stations have shown 
that the spacing of plants in the field can 
be increased up to 6 feet by 3 feet without 
effect on yield. The wider spacing allows 
better air circulation, more room for spray- 
ers or dusters to work, better opportunity 
for pickers to get through the field with- 
out injuring vines, and better weed control. 



Rural ministers and laymen of Easton, 
Maryland, and Washington Dioceses were 
told that whole sections of rural areas are 
not now being served by our modern church 

H. F. Cotterman, Dean of Faculty at the 
University of Maryland, made the statement 
at the rural church institute in Baltimore 
recently. But he added, "I am confident 
that the churches in our present day rural 
communities can serve these areas. I also 
believe that farmers will give them ade- 
quate support, but the church program will 
need to include good sermons, good music, 
and systematic recreation to compete with 
the radio, night club, theater, and school." 

He pointed out that there is a close re- 
lationship between the economic situation 
of farmers and the success of the church 
trying to serve them. He recommended that 
ministers in rural areas understand and 
support the farm programs designed to im- 
prove agricultural conditions. 

"The farmer has a natural faith as a re- 
sult of his occupation," he said. "This faith 
is built on the weather, on the seasons, and 
on growing things. If the rural minister 
can take a sympathetic and active interest 
in rural affairs, farm people will have faith 
in him and in the church he represents. 

"To be sympathetic the successful minis- 
ter serving rural areas must understand 
something of the science on which agricul- 
ture is built. He must realize that the 
farmer is tied to the weather, to disease and 
insect problems, to cultural practices, and 
to other elements of nature. He must also 
be able to appreciate the pleasure that can 
be had from a good herd of cattle, a fine 
crop, a bountiful garden, or an attractive 
bouquet of flowers. These are all things 
that are close to farmers' hearts." 

Dr. Cotterman predicted that rural 
churches served by pastors with such under- 
standing, and offering an active forward- 
looking program, would gain support of 
farmers. Some churches could be built into 
good-sized congregations with all the ad- 
vantages of the large city churches, he told 
the group. He pointed to the support given 
consolidated schools and modern coopera- 
tives as evidence of what can be done. 


Jim Smith, University of Texas delegate 
and president of the temporary national 
convention of college and university stu- 
dents' committee, predicts that 1.500 dele- 
gates from at least 800 campuses will attend 
the committee meeting tentatively scheduled 
for September. 

Main business of the convention will be 
the writing and adoption of a constitution 
for a National Students' Association, and 
discussion of association activities for the 
following year. 

Included in the aims of the proposed asso- 
ciation are extension of student exchange 
and travel, wider publication of scientific 
advances, establishment of democratic stu- 
dent governments, elimination of racial 
and religious discrimination in education. 
and promotion of good will between stu- 
dents of the United States and those of 
other countries. 


In conjunction with some of the campus 
organizations' program to present enter- 
tainment for wounded veterans, "Dream 
Bo\ ." the University of Maryland Yets' 
Club variety show production, was pre- 
sented at the Red Cross Auditorium at 
Walter Reed Hospital. 

About 55 members of cast and stage crew 
were transported to Walter Reed by Red 
Cross volunteers and students to perform 
for the service men. Because "Dream Boy" 
is a veteran production, Red Cross atten- 
dants said that the patients showed more 
interest than usual in the show. They also 
stated that the show's "live entertainment'' 
factor added to the general enjoyment as 
most of the audience came from small 
towns, where the only theatrical activities 
were motion pictures. 


Phys. Ed.: "Let's do something different." 
Home Ec: What would you suggest?" 
Phys. Ed.: "You try to kiss me and I'll slap YOUR 


The University of Maryland Women's 
Chorus, which recentlv sang in the Thomas 
L. Thomas concert at the University made 
a trip to the Army Ordinance Proving 
Grounds at Aberdeen. 

In addition to members of the chorus, 
representatives of each sorority made the 
trip. The concert was presented from 7 to 8, 
preceded by a dinner in honor of the 

Following the singing, a dance was held. 
Miss Virginia Bradford accompanied the 
chorus on the piano and also offered solo 

The Women's Chorus, which has sung at 
various off-campus functions in the past, 
received a request from the Special Services 
Dept., at Aberdeen to put on a program for 
the soldiers stationed at that base. 


Miss Adele Stamp entertained all women 
day students at a tea in the Lounge on the 
second floor of the Dean of Women's Build- 

The purpose of the tea was to better 
acquaint the women dav students with each 
other and to discuss a program of campus 


Dr. Malcolm M. Haring, laboratory direc- 
tor of its units 3 and 4, will hold the same 
post when Monsanto Chemical company be- 
gins operations at its huge atomic-energy 
research plant south of Miamisburg, Ohio. 

Dr. Haring was appointed Laboratory 
Directory of Monsanto's units last June, 
coming here from the University of Mary- 
land, where he had been professor of physi- 
cal chemistry since 1923. 

At a meeting in Miamisburg, attended by 
abut 50 business men and civic and club 
leaders and called by Dr. Hochwalt, he 
gave assurance that establishment of the 
plant would in no way endanger the com- 

He told his hearers that the physical 
plant will be modern in design and that the 
plot, some 165 acres in extent, will be land- 
scaped to blend with the surrounding area. 


The total dead and missing in the U. S. 
Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard from 
December 7. 1941. to January 1, 1947. is 
88,939. The Navy Department, for the first 
time, supplies a detailed breakdown of the 
causes and manner of deaths overseas and in 
the United States area. 

The breakdown includes aviation casual- 

All combat missing have now been ac- 
counted for. Those missing on the current 
tabulation represent those still missing 
from all causes since the actual end of 

Total figures by Services are: 
Dead Overseas U. S. 

Navy 49,435 13,049 

Marine Corps 21,796 2,650 

Coast Guard 1,038 874 


Navy 49 15 

Marine Crops 

Coast Guard 

Totals 72,318 16,621 

The official statement contains detailed 

breakdowns, in figures, as to location, cause 

and manner of death. 


Veterans studying in Maryland colleges 
and universities are doing work equal to or 
better than that of their nonveteran class- 
mates, a survey of several of the schools in- 

While only a few of these institutions re- 
ported unqualifiedly that the veterans' 
scholastic records were "above average," 
others said they were at least on a par with 
the achievements of the rest of the students. 

Two noted particularly that former stu- 
dents who had resumed their educations 
after service in the armed forces were sur- 
passing their earlier records at the schools. 

Miss Alma H. Preinkert, registrar at the 
University of Maryland, College Park, re- 
ported that veterans were doing above 
average work. 

These students, who numbered approx- 
imately 4,400 of the total first semester en- 
rollment of 7,300, are "doing good work, 
and setting the pace for them all," she said. 
"Their scholastic level is higher than that 
of students before the war." 



Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Viereck of Takoma 
Park announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Helen Pauline Viereck to 
Zola Z. Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. 
Bauer of Covelo, Calif. 

Miss Viereck, a graduate of Blair, received 
her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing at 
the University of Maryland last June and 
is now assistant instructor of nursing arts at 
the University Hospital in Baltimore. Mr. 
Bauer, a veteran of several years with the 
Army, served in the Alaskan territory for 
two years. 


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prichard, Takoma 
Park, announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Katherine, to Porter Wyman 
Homer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willis H. 
Homer, Willimantic, Conn. 

The bride-elect will be graduated in 
June from the University of Maryland, Col- 
lege of Arts and Science. Mr. Homer, now 
attending the University of Connecticut, is 
a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fra- 
ternity. He served as a lieutenant with the 
102nd Infantry Division in Europe. 


Mrs. Thomas F. Carey III of Washing- 
ton, formerly of Baltimore, has announced 
the engagement of her daughter. Miss Anne 
Harriman Garey, to Mr. Herbert Andrew 
Haller, son of Dr. and Mrs. Herbert L. J. 
Haller, also of Washington. 

Miss Garey, the daughter of the late Dr. 
Garey, of Baltimore, attended George 
Washington University. Mr. Haller was 
graduated from the University of Maryland, 
School of Commerce. 


Announcement has been made by Mr. 
and Mrs. Ernest C. Leete, of Oaklyn, N. J., 
of the engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Ann Olivia Leete, a graduate of Western 
Maryland College, to Mr. Charles Lingo 
Hudson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. 
Hudson, of Snow Hill, Md. Mr. Hudson 
received a B. A. degree in 1943 from the 
College of Education at the University of 
Md. He was a member of the Kappa 
Sigma Fraternity. 


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Broch, Linthicum 
Heights, Md., announced the engagement 
of their daughter. Patricia, to Russell 
Hardy, Jr., son of Mrs. Catherine C. Hardy. 
University Park, Md., and Russell Hardy, 
Sr., Washington. 

Miss Broch, who attended Glen Burnie 
High School and Bard Avon School in Bal- 
timore, is now associated with United Air 
Lines in Washington. Mr. Hardy, a gradu- 
ate of Hyattsville High School, served for 
three years as a lieutenant in the Army Air 
Forces and is now attending the University 
of Maryland. 


Mr. and Mrs. C. Milton Woolford, of 
Longwood road, have announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Miss Gladys 
Woolford, to Mr. Harrison L. Winter, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. J. George Winter, of Tap- 
low road. 

Miss Woolford was graduated from 
Roland Park Country School and Swarth- 
more College. Her fiance is a graduate of 
Johns Hopkins University and the Univer- 
sity of Maryland Law School. 


Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Hartman of 
Rolling wood, Chew Chase, Md., announce 
the engagement of their daughter, Con- 
stance, to Donald Stowe Leecraft, son of the 
late Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Xeal Leecraft of 
Durant, Okla. 

The bride-elect was graduated from 
Maryland University, where she received 
her B.A. in 1944 and her MA. in 194"). from 
the College of Arts and Science and is now 
a member of the faculty of the English 
Department. She was a member of Kappa 
Delta Sorority. 

Mr. Leecraft received his B. A. degree 
from Southeastern State College in Okla- 
homa; his Bachelor of Law from George 
Washington University and Master of Law 
degree from Georgetown University. He is 
a member of the District of Columbia Bar 
and the Oklahoma Bar. The prospective 
bridegroom's father served as State treas- 
urer and State legislator in Oklahoma for 
many years. 


Mr. and Mrs. John M. Robey of Wood- 
ridge announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Eleanor Jane Robey, to 
Mr. Harvey Clark Flemister, Jr., son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Flemister of Washington. 

Mr. Flemister has returned to his studies 
at the University of Maryland after serving 
two years in the Army, and Miss Robey also 
is a student at the university. 


The engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Beverly Elaine Bildman to Mr. Bernard B. 
Libby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Libby 
of Washington, D. C. is announced by Mr. 
and Mrs. Jack Stein. 

Miss Bildman attended George Washing- 
ton University where she received an 
associate in arts degree from the Junior 
College. Her fiance attended Benjamin 
Franklin University and the University of 
Maryland. He served 32 months overseas 
with the Army. 


Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Simmons of 
Cambridge, Md., announce the engagement 
of their daughter. Emogene Lewis, to 
George A. Wilson, Jr., son of Senator and 
Mrs. George A. Wilson of Washington and 
Des Moines, Iowa. 

Miss Simmons will be graduated in June 
from the University of Maryland. College of 
Home Economics, where she is a member 
of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. A vet- 
eran of four years' service with the Army, 
her fiance attends George Washington I ' n i - 


Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Dunford. River- 
dale, Md., announce the engagement of 
their daughter, Edith Bear, to Rees B. Gil- 
lespie, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Rees B. Gil- 
lespie, Washington. 

Miss Dunford. a stewardess with American 
Airlines, graduated in 1945 from the Col- 
lege of Education at the University of Mary- 
land where she was a member of Delta 
Delta Delta Sorority and Mortar Board. 
Mr. Gillespie, who served overseas with the 
Amphibious Engineer Battalion during the 
war. holds the Bronze Star and the French 
Croix de Guerre with Palm. Before enter- 
ing the Army he attended George Wash- 
ington University where he was a member 
of Kappa Sigma fraternity, and is now re- 
suming his studies there. 


Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Swain, of Wash- 
ington, announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Betty Jean Swain, to Lt. 
Paul Mills Ireland. Jr.. USA. son of Dr. and 
Mrs. Ireland, of Denver. 

Miss Swain attends the University of 
Maryland where she is a Kappa Kappa 

Her fiance was graduated from the U. S. 
Military Academy with the class of 1946. 
He now is stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. 


Dr. A. E. Zucker, head of the Language 
Department has been asked by the War De- 
partment to lecture at four German uni- 
versities this summer. 

The topic of the lectures will be "German 
Democrats during the Nineteenth Century" 
and the purpose is to point out to the Ger- 
man people the political tradition of their 
country and show the advantages of democ- 

Dr. Zucker will be abroad during June 
and July and the universities at which he 
will speak are Berlin, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, 
and Munich. 


Illinois is one of America's greatest agri- 
cultural states. With very few exceptions 
the soil of the entire state is remarkably 
fertile and easily tilled. Its climatic range 
admits of a variety of crops. Corn is its 
leading crop and it ranks second in the 
Union in the production of this important 
product. The state also produces large 
quantities of oats anil ranks high in its 
output of wheat, potatoes, barley and rye. 
Nearly all sections of the state are adapted 
to the production of fruit. It is, also, a 
large producer of livestock. 



MR and Mrs. Marshall Thompson of 
College Park, Md.. announce the mar- 
riage of their daughter, Miss Mary Lewis 
Thompson, to Earl Edward Miller recently 
in St. Andrew's Church, College Park, Md. 

The bride is a student at the University 
of Maryland, College of Arts and Science, 
where she is a member of Alpha Delta Pi 
sorority. Mr. Miller, son of Mrs. C. E. Miller 
of Sublette, Kans., is a graduate of Kansas 
State College and received his master's de- 
gree in Agricultural Economics at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 


Miss Alice Aileen Longley. daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Longley, of Long 
Bar Harbor, became the bride of Mr. 
franklin Lindley Couch, Jr., of Boston re- 

The bride is a graduate of Bel Air High 
School and attended the University of Mary- 
land 1944-46, Arts & Science. The groom, 
who is the son of Maj. and Mrs. Franklin 
L. Couch. Sr., of Boston is a graduate of 
Weslcyan College and was a Navy lieutenant 
in the recent war. He is engaged in business 
in Boston. 


Miss Edna E. Elmore, of Washington, 
D. C, became the bride of Lieutenant 
Colonel Frank DeK. Huyler, Jr., of New 
York, New York, recently. 

Mrs. Huyler, an employee of the Ceneral 
Accounting Office in Washington, formerly 
lived in Gastonia, North Carolina. She 
attended the Duke Uinversity at Durham, 
North Carolina, and received A.B. and M.A. 
degrees from the University of Maryland. 
She is a former teacher in the District of 
Columbia and served in the WAVES during 
the war. Her parents were the late Mr. and 
Mrs. Charles W. Elmore, of Gastonia. 

Colonel Huyler, now on duty with the 
United States Strategic Bombing Survey in 
Washington, is a graduate of Culver 
(Indiana) Military Academy. He served 
during the war as public relations officer of 
Major General C. L. Chennault's 14th Air 
F'orce in China. Prior to his duty in China, 
he served throughout the African desert 
campaign with the Ninth Bomber Com- 
mand and the Libyan Service Command. 

His parents were the late Frank Dek. 
Huyler, Sr., former president of Huyler 
Candy Company, and the late Mrs. Huyler. 


Of interest is the announcement of the 
marriage of Miss Dorothy Belle Sobotka, 
debutante daughter of Mrs. Charles Edward 
Talbot of Washington, to Lester John 
Buckler of Hyattsville, Md. 

Mrs. Buckler is a graduate of Sacred 
Heart Academy. 

Mr. Buckler served overseas in the Army 
after attending the University of Maryland. 


Miss Bobbie Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Thomas Mudd Jenkins of Indian 
He:;d. became the bride recently of Captain 
Charles Dudley Kerr, USMC, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Charles Dudley Kerr of Minnesota. 

Mrs. Kerr attended Holton Arms School 
and the University of Maryland College of 
Business and Public Administration and is 
a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. 
Captain Kerr attended the University of 
Minnesota and is a member of Psi Epsilon 


Miss Violet Richards, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. James B. Richards, became the bride 
of Captain Walter Vane Nichols, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. George W. Nichols. 

Mrs. Nichols is a graduate of the Hurlock 
High School, Class of '38 and was graduated 
from St. Mary's Female Seminary Class of 
'40. She also attended Western Maryland 
College and Peabody Conservatory of Music. 

Capt. Nichols is also a graduate of Hur- 
lock High School, Class of '33 and attended 
the University of Maryland. He returned 
last year from duty with the U. S. Army in 
the Far East. 


Miss Marcella Marie Biebusch, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Biebusch of 
Silver Spring, became the bride of Lt. 
Clifton Bradford Currin, son of Mrs. Maude 
B. Currin of Bethesda. 

The bride was graduated from Maryland 
University in 1943 receiving an A.B. degree 
in arts and science. Lt. Currin, also a Mary- 
land University graduate in 1943, holds a 
B.S. degree in chemical engineering. He 
has been on active service with the Army 
since July, 1943 having served six months' 
combat duty in Germany with the 95th 
Chemical Battalion and a year in Japan 
with the Counter Intelligence Corps. 


Miss Marie Jeanne Douglas, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Douglas, of Washing- 
ton, D. C, was married recently to Mr. 
John Doyal Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Russell Snyder of Frankfort, Ind. 

The bridegroom, who attended Purdue 
University before the war, is continuing his 
studies at Maryland University, College of 
Agriculture, and he and his bride will make 
their home here. 

Reynolds- Widmayer 

A newly married couple are Mr. and Mrs. 
Gerard I. Reynolds of Silver Springs, Mary- 
land. The bride is the former Mary Eliza- 
beth Widmayer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
William J. Widmayer. Mr. Reynolds, a 
veteran with four years of service in the 
Air Corps, is attending the University of 
Maryland. Mrs. Reynolds is employed with 
the Department of Agriculture. 

Gannon- Whitworth 

Miss Margaret Ann Whitworth, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pritchard Whit- 
worth, Westernport, recently became the 
bride of William Francis Gannon, Balti- 
more, son of Mrs. Herman Davis, Keyser, 
W. Va. 

The bride is a graduate of Catherman's 
Business school. Mr. Gannon was graduated 
from the University of Maryland with the 
degree of mechanical engineering. He is a 
member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, 
and is employed by the Western Electric 
Company in Baltimore. Mr. Gannon, who 
served five years in the Army Air Forces, 
received his discharge with the rank of 


Married recently were Miss Betty Jeanne 
Pugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. 
Gilbert of Russell, Ark., and Mr. Robert 
James Cullen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell 
W. Cullen of Kennedy street, Hyattsville. 

The bride was educated in Russell. The 
bridegroom, who served three years in the 
Army, including more than two overseas, 
during which he fought valiantly in the 
Battle of the Bulge and in the invasion of 
Holland, is with the Federal Bureau of In- 
vestigation. He won the Presidential Unit 
Citation and other awards. A graduate of 
Hyattsville High School and Devitt School, 
Washington, he also attended the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. He is a crack baseball 
pitcher and may turn to the game pro- 


The bride of Mr. Robert Curtis Christie 
is the former Miss Florence Winifred Pick- 
ens, daughter of Mrs. Earl M. Pickens and 
the late Dr. Pickens. 

Mr. Christie, who is the son of Dr. and 
Mrs. L. M. Christie of Silver Spring, attend- 
ed the University of Maryland, George 
Washington University and was graduated 
in law from Southeastern University. His 
bride attended Holton Arms and the Uni- 
versite de Poitiers in Tours, France. 


Mr. and Mrs. William Walden Rubey 
of Westmoreland Hills, Md., announce the 
marriage of their daughter, Jean Manovill 
Rubey, to Francis Joseph Eisenman, Jr., 
which took place February 7. 

Mr. Eisenman is the son of Dr. and Mrs. 
Francis Joseph Eisenman of Chevy Chase, 
Md., and has resumed his studies at Uni- 
versity of Maryland, College of Engineering 
after service with the Infantry. Mrs. Eisen- 
man also attends University of Maryland, 
College of Arts and Science where she is a 
member of Delta Delta Delta. 


The state of Ohio ranks first in the 
United States in the production of pottery 
owing to its large production of clay suit- 
able to its manufacture. Petroleum is found 
in the southeastern and northwestern sec- 
lions of the state. In northern Ohio large 
quarries of stone suitable for the manu- 
facture of whetstones and grindstones are 



Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Conner of Wash- 
ington announce the marriage of their 
daughter, Miss Ann Beverly Conner, to Mr. 
Donald E. Lacey, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Edward F. Lacey of Washington, D. C. 

The bride attended the University of 
Kentucky and received a B.A. degree from 
the College of Arts and Sciences at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1944. She was a 
member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mr. 
Lacey received a B.S. degree from the Col- 
lege of Commerce at the University of 
Maryland in 1943. He was a member of 
Theta Chi fraternity. He served as a (irst 
lieutenant in the Army and recently re- 
turned from Okinawa. 


Washington, D. C, was the scene of the 
marriage of Miss Barbara Stewart Crewe 
and Vincent Hellweg. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Percy Stewart Crewe, of "Distant 
View," Falls Church. The bridegroom is 
the son of Comdr. J. F. Hellweg, U.S.N. , 
and Mrs. Hellweg, of Washington. 

The former Miss Crewe was educated at 
St. Agnes School in Alexandria, American 
University, and the Pepin Academy of 
Fashion in Minneapolis. 

Her husband attended the University of 
Maryland, College of Arts and Science. 


The marriage of Miss Margaret Ann Bol- 
giano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 
Alfred Bolgiano of Hyattsville, to Lt. Ro- 
bert Webb Barnes, U.S.M.C, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Charles Edward Barnes of Jackson- 
ville, took place recently. 

The reception was held in the Kappa 
Delta Sorority House in College Park where 
the bride formerly attended the University 
of Maryland, after which Lt. ' and Mrs. 
Barnes left for a trip to New Orleans, 
Mexico and El Toro, Calif., from which 
point the bridegroom will leave for his new 
assignment in Hawaii. His bride will fol- 
low as soon as he has established living 

Spicknall-Hoff master 

The wedding of Miss Betty Elaine Hoff- 
master, daughter of Mrs. Samuel George 
Hoffrnaster, Frederick, Route 5, formerly of 
Brunswick, and William Spicknall, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Norval Spicknall, Beltsville, 
took place recently. 

After a reception in the parlors of the 
church at which Miss Evelyn Medwedeff. 
of Baltimore, and Mrs. Elwood Murray, 
Frederick, former collegemates of the bride 
at the University of Maryland, assisted, the 
couple left for a honeymoon in Florida and 
upon return will be at home at Beltsville. 

The bride received her Bachelor of 
Science degree in 1943 and her Master of 
Science in 1945 from the College of Arts 
and Science at the University of Maryland 
and has been employed at the National In- 
stitute of Health in Bethesda. 

Mr. Spicknall, who also received his B.S. 
degree at the University of Maryland, was 
a lieutenant in the Navy Armed Guard, 
serving in both the European and Pacific 
theaters of war. After his discharge last 
July he resumed tobacco farming at Belts- 


Baltimore was the scene of the wedding of 
Mr. Edward Longley, Jr. and Miss Evalyn 
Jane DeFord. 

Mrs. Longley is a native of California, 
having taught school there prior to her 
marriage. Mr. Longley, a veteran of three 
years Navy service now is attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in the College of Arts 
and Sciences. 


Miss Doris M. Brandt, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. J. M. Brandt was married recently 
to Clyde W. Stephens. Following his gradu- 
ation in 1943, Mr. Stephens served three 
years in the Army. 





DR. R. S. Griffith '86, writes to praise 
the growth of the University: 

"Am very much a 'Maryland Boy,' both 
by birth and by being a graduate of M.A.C. 
Great improvement in the bulidings since I 
left there in 1880. Captain William Parker 
was President. It was a military school — all 
boys, no girls. I trust I will be spared to 
attend another reunion." 

From Miss Harriet B. Ford of Kennedy- 
ville, Md. come the following notes: 

"Enclosed find check for Alumni News. I 
enjoy and look forward to the publication. 
Keep up the good work." 

A short note from Ed Dougherty, Agri- 
culture '40: 

"Just a note to acknowledge receipt of 
"Maryland" and to tell you that I enjoyed 
it very much. Best wishes for continued 

Harry A. Easter '27, who now resides in 
Bethlehem, Pa. is lengthy in his praise of 
the magazine. Writes Mr. Easter: 

"I wish to compliment the editors and 
members of the staff for the wonderful 
paper they are producing. 

"I am associated with a great number of 
university men and up to the present have 
been more or less ashamed of the paper we 
formerly received. Now Maryland need not 
take a back seat to any school with 

Although not a graduate of Maryland, 
Robert L. Outderheide has taken a liking 
to the place as attested by the following 

"Although I am not an alumnus of the 
University, I shall always hold a tender 
spot in my heart for the fine training I re- 
seived there while under the Army program. 

"If I may be considered a 'part' of the 
graduates, I am submitting my alumni 
record. Thank you for your spirit, interest, 
and loyalty. 

"I am very well pleased with the new 
publication, which I received on my return 
from Pinehurst, North Carolina. It looks 
good, reads well and I hope it will make 
a big hit with the alumni," writes Mahlon 
W. Haines, '96, York, Pa. 

from nearby Hyattsville writes Mis. 
Ralph Williams (Sannye Hardirrfan '33) 
who apparently has turned salesman foi 

"... I saw the first copy of the enlarged 
and improved magazine and want to tell 
you that I think somebody up there is 
doing a good job. . . . Numerous Alumni 
who have been here and who have seen .1 
have had some very complimentary things 
to say about it. Maybe before toy long 
I'll even get some of them worked up into 
sending in their checks. ..." 

"I am tremendously pleased with the copy 
of "MARYLAND" which I received," writes 
Charles M. White, 16670 South Park Boule- 
vard, Cleveland, Ohio, "and inclosed find 
mv check." 

Bundles from Heaven 

MR. and Mrs. Charles H. Jones an- 
nounced the birth of a six-pound, 
five ounce daughter on January 19, who has 
been named Patricia Eileen. 

Both parents are members of the class of 
'44. She is the former Phyllis Brooks, 
Gamma Phi Beta, Mr. Brooks was a member 
of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. 

There's a "Junior'' in the home of Maj 
and Mrs. Dick O'Neill. Richard James. 
Jr. was born on January 31 in Washington. 

Dick, of class of '39, was recently commis- 
sioned into the regular army and holds 
the rank of Major with the intelligence 

Mr. O'Neill is a KA, and Sophie, his 
wife, was an AOPi and was graduated in 

Howard C. Wilcox 

Howard C. Wilcox, 60, retired Balti- 
more attorney died at his home in 
Severna Park. 

Mr. Wilcox was born in Catonsville, a 
son of Howard R. and Elizabeth Peregoy 
Wilcox. He was a graduate of City College 
and the University of Maryland Law 
Sschool. He was a past master of Glen 
Burnie Masonic Lodge No. 213. Due to 
failing health, he retired partially from his 
law practice in November. 

Surviving relatives include his wife. Mrs. 
Etta M. 'Wilcox, and a daughter Miss 
Jeanne T. Wilcox, both of Severna Park, 
and his mother, Mrs. Howard R. Wilcox, of 








Chevy Chase, Maryland 

4828 Chevy Chase Drive 

Student in Costume Design 

Sorority— Delta Delta Delta 




Bethesda, Maryland 

4818 Middlesex Lane 

Student in Home Economics 

Sorority— Delta Delta Delta 




Washington, D. C. 

2804 N Street S.E. 

Student in Education 

Sorority — Kappa Kappa Gamma 




Milton, Delaware 
Student in Psychology 
Sorority — Kappa Delta 




Washington, D. C. 

1701 Massachusetts Avenue 
Student in Home Economics 
Sorority — Alpha Omicron Pi 






Maryland 175 pounder who 
heavyweight title. 


Citadel's rugged heavyweight who 
lost to Terps' Malone 


Maryland's 155 pound champ 


Clemson's tough finalist, 155 

Overcome Voug,h Sreakj 


The University of Maryland's boxing 
team won the Southern Conference 
Championship last month at College Park, 
turning back a powerful bid for honors 
from Clemson University's rugged ringsters. 

Maryland won this one, the Terps third 
Conference ring title, the hard way. Ttwo 
split decisions in the finals went against 
Maryland. The Old Liner's star mitster, 
Andy Quattrocchi, a sure shot winner, was 
on the sidelines with a broken hand. Two 
Maryland finalists were butted out of the 
tournament with cut eyes. 

Kenny Malone, the 175 pounder who 
represents Maryland in the unlimited class 
and dynamic Eddie Rieder, Terp 155 
pounder, won titles for Maryland. The 
whole Terp team fought like wildcats and 
those that went down did so while giving all 
they had. 

Three time this season Malone has 
crawled up on that big white drum with the 
outcome of the meet depending upon him. 
Three times he has come through. This 
time he carried the weight of the whole 
tournament. If Malone could win that last 
one Maryland would win the tournament. If 
Malone lost, Clemson would be the cham- 
pion. So the undersized Kenny went in there 
against Bill Hunter, Clemson's finalist and, 
with smashing left hooks to the body and 
overhand rights to the chin, whittled a game 
and rugged opponent down to his size and 
grabbed a title. In the semi-final Malone 
had eliminated Jack Pickard, a massive, 
muscular and very rough individual from 
The Citadel. Kenny Malone is a boxer's 
boxer, a team player, a money player. His 
prime asset is a stout heart and great deter- 
mination. There were plenty of 200 
pounders and over around. They weren't 

Malone and Rieder Win 
Championships as Others 
Add Points For Team Title. 

J$y yfierrltt JDoaJon 

Kenny Malone, a guy who weighed in as a 
light-heavy or heavy, on call, depending 
upon whether or not he was asked to drink 
a glass of water before he stepped on the 
scales. Champions are like that. That's why 
they're champions. 

In the 155 pound class stout - hearted 
Eddie Rieder had the Coliseum walls rock- 
ing with applause after he pulled himself 
out of a tailspin against Clemson's rugged 
Johnny Brown, a game fellow and terrific 

In the semi-finals Eddie had stopped 
Citadel's Artie Burke, while Brown had 
outed South Carolina's Al Sindler. 

The Rieder-Brown title match was rigged 
on a very short fuse. Things began to hap- 
pen — but quickly. 

In the first round Brown dropped Rieder 
flat on his back. The Terp took nine, arose 
on rubbery legs and moved into a pier 7 
brawl that was a straight test of punching 
power and condition. Rieder had both. 
From the brink of a kayo he fought his way 
back with round two on even terms. In the 
third he riddled Brown with solid shot. 
Rieder began to move in proper style, 
Brown missing and floundering. The Clem- 
son boy was just about out at the finish as 
the result of thundering counter punches to 
head and body. The crowd roared for this 
one and buzzed for an hour afterward. They 


had seen a great fight and a great win put 
over by a great college fighter. 

Maryland's usual bad breaks popped up 
in the 135 pound final when Danny Smith, 
breathing easily and all set to take the third 
round of his title fight against Carl 
Pulkinen, of Clemson, pulled up with a 
badly butted eye. The medico stopped it. 
Pulkinen, ahead one point at the time, won 
it. Bad luck has dogged Smitty all year. He 
lost some heart breakers. He figured to win 
this title. He was right and ready waiting 
for the third round bell that never rang. 
In the semi-final Danny had won a sensa- 
tional nod over Nick Nichols, of the Citadel. 
That was a bout that had 'em roaring too. 

The same sort of bad break for Maryland 
occured in the 175 pound final when Mary- 
land's Bob Hafer's bout with South Caro- 
lina's Chuck Spann was halted due to a cut 
eye sustained by Hafer. The nod went to 
Spann on a 2 to 1 decision. It was anybody's 
bout and Maryland has not benefitted by 
"homer" decisions yet. It was a tough one 
to lose. Spann was no more ahead on points 
than Hafer was. Bob just didn't get the 
break that time. 

Tommy Maloney, classy 145 pounder who 
had done a lot of fine boxing for Maryland, 
ran into a right hand haymaker tossed by 
Ray Avant, of South Carolina, and was 
counted out in round two. There is no 
such thing as a lucky or sucker punch. But 
the blow that felled Maloney was of the 
type that he's been avoiding a dime a 
dozen daily. Things like that happen in 
boxing. Its a rugged game. Maloney 's upset 
hit Tommy hard and hit his team mates 
and the student body just as hard. In the 
semi-final Maloney had won handily from 
Ed Maney, of Clemson, while Avant had 
flattened North Carolina's Newton Winn. 


Citadel's 165 pound champ 


Maryland lad who lost disputed split 
decision, 165 


South Carolina's 175 pound champ 


Maryland 175 pounder who dropped 
split decision 

In the 1G5 pound bracket Dale Mathews, 
of Citadel, got one of "those close ones" 
over Maryland's Bob Gregson. For two full 
rounds. Gregson outboxed Mathews, making 
the latter miss and leaving him floundering. 
It looked as though Gregson had no chance 
at all of losing. The Terp tired a bit toward 
the end of the third and did a bit too much 

Andy Quattrocchi. Davey Lewis, juvenile 
Terp, represented the Old Line in this one 
and lost on points to Charlie Lambeth, 
rangy North Carolinian. Lambeth lost in 
the finals to Jerry Orr, Clemson, who had 
knocked out Lawrence Harris, Citadel, in 
the semi-finals. 

Maryland's hard luck began to assert it- 

against Albie Wilcox. Citadel. Johnny 
Lindsay, Clemson. won from Watson 
Dawes, South Carolina. Bill Sunas, North 
Carolina, who had drawn a bye, then took a 
close nod over Salkowski in the semi-final. 
It was a one point decision and broke for 
Sunas when he scored a half-slip knock- 
down against the Terp. In the finals Sunas 


Clemson's 135 pound champ 


Cut eyes robbed him of title chance 
for Maryland, 135 


North Carolina's 125 pound champ 


Maryland's hard luckster, 125 

holding but he was so far ahead on points 
that he was figured a pretty safe winner. It 
came up "Citadel" by a two to one vote. 
Mathews had stopped Knute Delk, of South 
Carolina, in the semi-finals. Gregson had 
moved into the finals on a bye. 

The 130 pound class would have been 
sugar for the bird for Maryland's blasting 

self in the opening class of 125 when the 
drawings placed the Terp's Al Salkowski in 
a position where he was the only boxer in 
the whole tournament faced with the possi- 
bility of boxing three times in two days. 

In his first bout Salkowski, who has run 
in tough luck on odoriferous decisions re- 
peatedly, won pulled up and going away 

jabbed his way to the title over Lindsay. 

The referee -judges, alternating, were Joe 
Bunsa, C. U. A., Al Mann, Duke, John 
(Billy) Williams, Virginia. 

Professor Geo. Quigley was tournament 
manager. He and his staff did a big league 

This was Maryland's third Southern Con- 


South Carolina's 145 pound champ 


Did his best for Maryland, 145 


Clemson's 130 pound champ 


Did his best for Maryland, 130 



This is Danny McLaughlin, diminu- 
tive Terp who turned in wins this 
year over Fagan, Bucknell; Bitzer, 
Army; Sunas, N. C; plus a one round 
"draw"with Cronin, C.U.A. due to a 
cut eye. Danny lost a close one to 
Duval, Coast Guard 130 pounder. 
McLaughlin weighs but 117. In the 
days of a 115 or 118 pound class he 
might well have been a national 
champion. He has been of great 
value to the Terps but is [ust a bit 
too light for tournament competition. 

On the point score computed on the 
basis of "5" for a title and "3" for a runner 
up it came out: — 

Maryland 5-5-3-3-3-3 22 

Clemson 5-5-3-3-3 19 

South Carolina 5-5 10 

North Carolina 5? 8 

Citadel 5 

ference ring title. Previous ones were won in 
1937 by 3 points, in 1939 by 1 point. Colonel 
Heinie Miller coached all three champion- 
ship teams. This year he was ably assisted 
by Fausto Rubini, Frank Cronin and 
Newton Cox. Jimmy Hoffman was manager 
with Bill Crane as assistant. 

If it had not been for some fuzzy offici- 
ating in the season's opener against Virginia, 
Maryland would today figure to be one of 
two undefeated teams. Wisconsin is the 
other. Virginia was defeated by both Syra- 
cuse and Wisconsin. 

Maryland won this year from Army, 
Coast Guard, Kings Point, Catholic Uni- 
versity, North Carolina, South Carolina and 
Bucknell, dropping the season's opener to 
Virginia by one point. 


Kings Point 

Maryland's boxing team turned in its 
sixth straight win in a convincing manner 
by defeating tough, rugged and well con- 
ditioned Kings Point, 6 to 2. It was a 
harder meet than the score indicates and, 
for Maryland and one of its outstanding 
star mitmen, a very costly win. 

Coach Heinie Miller's Terps were the 
recipients of a pediculous break when 
Andy Quattrocchi, dynamite - fisted 180 
pounder came out of his -winning bout with 
a broken hand that kept him out of the 
Coast Guard meet and out of the Southern 
Conference Tournament as well. Andy was 
sighting in for a Conference as well as a 
National Title. Smashing knockouts scored 
against Army, North Carolina, South Caro- 
lina and Catholic University seemed to in- 
dicate that Andy had a great chance of 
making the top. 

Against King's Point Quattrocchi picked 

up a really tough number in the person of 
Bob Thomasian. Quattrocchi floored the 
mariner convincingly in round one but the 
sailor was tough, weathered the storm and, 
although he was pelted with every punch in 
the scrap book, finished on his feet, a badly 
beaten boy. He is the first opponent this 
year to go the limit with the torrid Terp. 
The latter won by a wide margin on all 
three score sheets. 

At 125 Al Salkowski handed out a box- 
ing lesson to Edmond Coletta, Kings Point, 
for two rounds. Salkowski's left hand was 
in the sailor's face for the first two sessions 
and Colletta's smashing hooks wrapped 
harmlessly around Salkowski's neck or were 
blocked in mid-air. Al, down to 125, tired 
badiv in the third. Salkowski's decision on 
all three score cards. The Mariner had the 
last round. It was Coletta's first defeat. 

At 135 sturdy little Danny Smith turned 
in a beautiful counterpunching job to stop 
game Frankie Loo, Honolulan on the Kings 
Point Team. The Islander pitched a-plenty 
but Danny stepped inside of the barrage 
and rifled solid rights down the middle, 
alternated with crushing lefts to the middle. 
A stiff hook in round two opened a cut on 
Loo's head. That gave Maryland a t.k.o. 
Smith looked like a very good fighter in 

At 145 Tommy Maloney, who, due to a 
nose injury sustained in the gymn, missed 
four of Maryland's winning shows, came 
back in top notch boxing form to handily 
outscore Dick Teal, Kings Point. Tom had 
the situation well in hand at all times and 
Teal was never in the running. 

At 155 Stan Wheatley, Kings Point cap- 
tain and a very rugged guy indeed, stopped 
Maryland's Eddie Rieder in a bout that 
caused more excitement than has been 
around since the last time the Indians came 
through. The first two rounds were ter- 
rific, with Wheatley moving forward but 
being constantly belted by more assorted 
wallops than Old Man Carter has liver 
pills. The audience was beginning to won- 
der if all the king's horses and all the king's 
men were holding Wheatley up when the 
bell rang for the third. Rieder began pitch- 
ing and landing again at a stage where he 
could have coasted in. He was that far 
ahead. Then one of those things happened 
that has happened to the best in boxing, 
including Dempsey, Gans, Ketchel, Louis, 
et al. Reider stopped a short right hand 
flush on the button. He got up just a flash 
of an eyelash too late to beat the count. 

Maryland caught disaster in the 165 
pound class as well when classy Bob Greg- 
son ran out of gas in round three against 
John Favorite, of Kings Point. It was Greg- 
son in the lead going into the third. Favor- 
ite dropped him with a right. Gregson took 
the count and boxed along nicely. He was 
dumped for the math again. The third 
knockdown, however, impelled the referee 
to stop the bout. Gregson, a team player, 
summed it up with, "Just so the TEAM 

At 175 Kenny Malone made his usual 
aggressive, winning fight to outpunch game 
and eager Bob Groover, of Kings Point. 
Ken had rounds one and two with ease but 
was held even in the third. 

Kings Point forfeited the heavy bout to 
Bob Hafer. The sailors' only two points 



It was a "tough break," but liter- 
ally so, when Andy Quattrocchi, 
Maryland 130 pounder, pictured 
above, broke his hand in his bout 
with Thomasian, of Kings Point. 
It kept the Terp kayo artist out of 
the Southern Conference Title Tourna- 
ment. Earlier in the season Andy had 
broken the other maulie in a training 
bout with Danny Smith. 

Maryland boxing enthusiasts hope 
the little puncher will be ready to 
take part in the National Tournament 
at Madison late in March. 

Quattrocchi scored knockouts over 
Waters, of Army, White, of South 
Carolina, and Rose, of North Caro- 
lina. He won on a TKO over Arnold 
of Catholic University, but struck a 
tartar in Thomasian who, although 
floored and badly beaten, managed 
to stay the limit. 

were the ones scored over Rieder and Greg- 
son, but the Mariners broke Maryland's 
record of not having had a man on the 
floor all season and also broke Andy Quat- 
trocci's kayo streak as well as his hand- 
Kings Point presented the best condi- 
tioned team to meet Maryland this year, a 
tribute to Coach Art Mercante. 

Eddie LaFond, C.U.A. , was referee, with 
Lieutenant Commander R. J. Knox, U.S.N, 
and Captain Harry F. Volkman, of Wash- 
ington, as judges. All decisions were 

Professor George Quigley was time keeper 
with Ted Steil as announcer. 

Coast Guard Academy 

Bumbling refereeing, without judges, cost 
Maryland's boxing team \\/ 2 points as the 
Terrapins won from the U. S. Coast Guard 
Academy at New London, 4i/£ to 3i/£. 

At 125 pounds Maryland's Al Salkowski 
handed out for free a $40.00 boxing lesson 
to John Flynn, Coast Guard. The decision, 
for no apparent reason, came up "Coast 

At 130 Isadore De Val, Coast Guard, with 
a sturdy weight advantage, nosed out Mary- 
land's Danny McLaughlin, again boxing 
out of his class. Danny made a nice bout 
of it but De Val was allowed to wrestle and 
throw the Terp around. Maryland would 
have been justified in forfeiting this one 
except that the Terp team is strong on 
team spirit and hasn't forfeited one this 
season. Danny batted for injured Davey 

At 135 Danny Smith, Maryland, punched 
Coast Guard's Harry Keller all over the 
place, with the latter staggering on several 
occasions. Even the Coast Guard folk were 
ashamed of this one coming up as a draw. 
They so expressed themselves. After the 

bout the referee remarked, "Well, your 
fellow won." The Terp knew that, except 
that the referee added it up even so our 
fellow, Smith, did not win. 

At 145 the Coast Guard sent in Charles 
Tannel, Eastern Intercollegiate Champion, 
against Tommy Maloney. The cadet was 
game, rugged and willing, but Tommy 
just had too many boxing gloves for him, 
particularly when the Terp turned on the 
juice in the last stanza. 

At 155 Maryland's Eddie Rieder handed 
out a big league belting to Donald Russell, 
a gamester from the Coast Guard. The 
bout should have been stopped long before 
it was in round three as the cadet was 
taking a man sized licking. 

At 165 Terrapin Bob Gregson, boxing 
in masterful style, featured a ripping right 
uppercut against charging George Cosgrove, 
a tough, rough customer from the Coast 
Guard. Gregson took all three rounds by 
goodly margins. 

At 175 Maryland's Pat McCarthy made 
his first start of the season and his second 
in any ring, against Walter Ilgenfritz, a 
reduced and lanky 185 pound southpaw 
who could really box. Pat was too small 
for the classy cadet but on three occasions 
McCarthy staggered the big fellow. He just 
did not have experience enough to know 
how to follow up. The Coast Guard lad 
earned this one against a good game guy 
who was substituting for injured Bob Hafer. 

With the score tied 3i/ 2 to 3i/2 and any- 
thing liable to happen the way they were 
being called Ken Malone took the ring 
against Douglas Burke. It was a rough go 
with the game cadet willing and anxious 
to play tit for tat. Only Ken had the 
better shots in his locker and took all 
three rounds. 

Johnny Burns, of the New York State 
Athletic Commission, refereed for the Coast 
Guard match. 

The meet concluded Maryland's 8 bout 
dual meet schedule. It should have been, 
by every rule in the book, Maryland box- 
ing's first undefeated, untied season but for 
the curve ball decisions — without judges — 
that messed up the Maryland-Virginia sea- 
son's opener. 

Things went wrong only in the three 
meets in which Maryland reluctantly agreed 
to work without judges. The no judge- 
North Carolina meet came up with four 
draws that were questionable. 

At the ringside as guests of the Maryland 
team were, from Providence, R. I., Alvin 
Goldberg, '39, and Normal Tilles, '41, 
Maryland lads who had been team man- 
agers for Maryland's boxers. Goldberg was 
manager in 1939, a Southern Conference 
championship year for the Terps. 

Boxing Rule 

NCAA Rule 7 reads, "The officials shall 
be a referee, two judges," etc. 

Under it is an agate footnote, "While 
it is recommended that judges be used, it is 
realized that competent judges are often 
hard to get; therefore, by mutual consent 
between institutions conducting the meet, 
the control of the contests on the decisions 
may be entrusted to the referee without 
supporting judges." 


Far and away the most consistent winner 
among Maryland's winter sports teams is 
a little group of men who claim few head- 
lines, but who, it can aptly be said, are 
doing a bang-up job. 

Col. Harland C. Griswold's Terrapin rifle 
team, long one of the finest collegiate 
clubs in this section, is enjoying its best 
season ever, having strung up twenty-seven 
consecutive victories, fifteen in shoulder- to- 
shoulder competition and twelve in mail 

Chief reason for the successes of the 
sharpshooters is a slight, grinning young- 
ster of eighteen years who is gaining na- 
tional recognition through his phenomenal 
performances on the range. Little Art Cook 
steadily tops all opposition in the college 
ranks and is becoming a feared competitor 
in open competition. Last summer Cook 
went to Camp Perry, Ohio, and won the 
National Junior Rifle Championship. Since 
then he's made winning his most pleasing 
habit and not entirely to the displeasure 
of his coach. 

Colonel Griswold, himself one of the 
foremost promoters of the rifle sport, calls 
Cook's record the greatest he's ever seen 
and can predict nothing but victories for 
him in the field. Griswold explains that 
rifle is strictly a sport wherein practice 
makes perfect and the longer one shoots 
the better he becomes. When Cook's youth 
is considered and the years of competition 
that lie ahead of him surveyed, it is easy 
to understand the coach's going overboard 
on him. 

Cook is a confident, easy going fellow 
who takes his high scores in stride and 
is inclined to fret a bit over the misses. 
During the second week in February, he 
shot a record 296 on the Armory range in 
College Park. Griswold calls this the most 
perfect performance he ever had witnessed 
in shoulder-to-shoulder play. Cook was not 
too elated. He fired a perfect 100 prone, 
laid in a 98 standing, then scored another 
98 kneeling. Arising to his feet, he com- 
plained bitterly, "I missed two bulls eyes 
on that round." 

It is not entirely by accident that the 
Washington born youth is enrolled at Col- 
lege Park. Colonel Griswold first spotted 
him while Cook was captaining the McKin- 
ley High School team and then began an 
extensive selling campaign to make him see 
the advantages of Maryland. The Colonel 
credits the new rifle range, one of the best 
in the country, with being the swaying 
factor in Cook's decision. 

"Oh yes," adds the coach as he manages 
to suppress a chuckle, "he's a second semes- 
ter freshman." 


Maryland University's undefeated rifle 
team handed Navy its first loss of the season, 
1,402 to 1,359. 

Arthur Cook, Maryland's National Junior 
champion, came within three points of 
duplicating the range record of 296, which 
he set a week before. 

It was Maryland's sixteenth straight win. 



The University of Maryland rifle team re- 
tained its undefeated status by outscoring 
Western Maryland, 1,405 to 1,299. Arthur 
Cook and E. Briguglio of the Old Liners 
tied for individual honors with 288 each, 
firing the same score from all positons. 


The Old Liners' Rifle team won the D. C. 
Championship matches held in the Uni- 
versity's Rifle Range with a score of 1397 
points. They defeated 36 teams from within 
a radius of 500 miles. High individual 
score was shot by Tom Hughes of the Na- 
tional Capital Rifle Club, who racked up 
a score of 285. Three men tied with 284, 
among them Jack Wessen and Arthur Cook 
of the Old Liners' team. Individual scorers 
for the Maryland team were Arthur Cook 
and Jack Wessen 284; E. Briguglio 280, 
Walt Bowling 276, and Joe Decker 273. 

The victories in the Championship 
matches brought Maryland's record to 53 
victories and no defeats. They had beaten 
Staunton Military Academy the preceding 
day and Navy in an individual shoulder 
match earlier in the day. The team scores 
for the Maryland-Navy match were 1402 
to 1359, their first loss of the season, with 
Arthur Cook leading the scoring with a 
pointage of 293. Decker shot 281, Briguglio 
280, Dave Weber 274 and Robert Carter 
274. It was the first time a Terp rifle team 
ever defeated the Middies, which they also 
defeated a second time later the same day. 
Grand team, those shooters! 


Coach Jim Kehoe's Maryland track team 
finished third as North Carolina almost 
doubled the score on its closest competitor, 
Georgia Tech, in successfully defending its 
Southern invitation indoor game laurels at 
Chapel Hill. 

The Tar Heels finished first, with 46 
points, Georgia Tech was runner-up with 
28, Maryland had 161/g points and Duke 
was fourth with 13. 

Others, in order of finish: Navy 12i/2> 
Florida 12, North Carolina State 4, Virginia 
3i/2, Virginia Tech 3, Mercer 2]/ 2 an d 
Rollins 2. 

Maryland's only victory came in the 440- 
yard dash, which went to the Terps' 
Matthews in 54.5. Maryland was second in 
the mile relay, won by Georgia Tech in 
3:55.5, and second in the sprint medley relay 
won by Duke in 3:46.3. The latter time 
tied the meet record. 

Other Maryland representatives to win 
points were Umbarger, fourth in the 880- 
yard run; Crandell, who tied for fourth in 
the high jump; L. Kehoe, fourth in the mile 
run; and Wisner, fourth in the 2-mile run. 

Four records were set in the collegiate 
meet. North Carolina's Jack Milne set a new 
mark of 9:45.1 in the two-mile; Chuck 
Simmons of North Carolina set a new mark 
of 8:6 in the 70-yard high hurdles, and 
Buddy Fowlkes of Georgia Tech set a broad 
jump mark of 22 feet lOi/g inches. 

The fourth mark was established in the 
sprint medley relay by the Duke foursome 
of Young, Osborne, Stone and Neighborgall, 
with a time of 3:46.3. 


Reds Wright who, with Frank Doory, joins the 
Baltimore Colts of the All-American Conference 


Jack (Reds) Wright, line-ramming ace of 
Clark Shaughnessy's 1942 Maryland football 
team and fullback on the 1946 squad, and 
Frank Doory, an end on the 1944 fresh- 
man team, have signed contracts to play 
professional football with the Baltimore 
Colts of the All-American Conference. 

Wright returned to school in 1946 after 
serving three years in the Army. He was 
tapped to ODK this fall. 

Doory also boxed for the Old Liners, and 
later played football for Johns Hopkins. 
He is married and the father of a new 
baby girl. 


The Winter Football Practice that started 
in February at Maryland was halted because 
of the snow that blanketed the training 
field. It resumed on March 10. Coach Jim 
Tatum believes that this is not an alto- 
gether unfavorable development as the 
coaches and managers used the ensuing time 
for ironing out problems of locker space, 
uniforms, and training materials. 

For the first practice of the year 134 
candidates drew equipment, a turn out that 
pleased Tatum. During the brief lay-off, 
the players that sustained injuries in last 
season's play worked out their kinks in the 

Tatum drilled the boys on basic plays 
with emphasis on defense. Assistant coaches 
Barclay, Meeks, Driscoll and Heagy worked 
on fundamentals of blocking and tackling. 

When Spring practice finally gets under 
way, a 60 minute game will be played every 

Saturday, and a regular game will end the 

Tatum stressed the fact that all football 
aspirants had a duty not only as players but 
as students of the university, and that they 
must at all times conduct themselves so 
that they would be a credit to themselves 
and to the athletic department. 

"We will grade our schedules for the fall 
practice according to the number of men 
that respond to this off-season practice", 
said Tatum. "If we have enough men there 
will be A and B squad games and if there 
are enough players we will have a schedule 
of games among these boys. With such a 
large squad there has been little chance 
for individual attention, but I do not want 
the boys to become discouraged. Every man 
will have a chance to prove his ability and 
worth to the team." 



Richmond University's Spiders kept their 
Southern Conference tournament hopes 
alive by administering a 68 — 49 basketball 
lesson to the University of Maryland at 
Richmond. It was the Spiders' second win 
over Coach Burton Shipley's Terps. 

Victor Turyn and Bill Brown led the 
Old Liners' attack with 15 and 13 points, 

The Terps hopped to a short-lived lead 
but the Spiders forged ahead after seven 
minutes of play and held a 30 — 26 ad- 
vantage at the half. 


Richmond penetrated Maryland's zone 
defense in the second half, which developed 
into a rout. When the Terps switched to 
man-for-man play the Spiders added mo- 
mentum to their attack. 

Capt. Louis Miller played the best game 
of his career for Richmond. He sank nine 
field goals and three fouls for a 21-point 
total, high for the night, but it was his 
brilliant ball handling and play-making 
that stood out. His running mate at 
guard, Al Rinaldi, was close behind him 
with 18 points. 

Virginia Tech 

Virginia Tech's basketball team took a 
lacing by the University of Maryland in 
a Southern Conference game at College 

Tech, the eighth Terrapin victim in nine 
home games this season, was off to a be- 
lated start and never a serious contender. 


Maryland got off to a 12-0 lead in the 
first six and one-half minutes, led by 30-21 
at the half and was coasting at the end. 

Improving its chances for a conference 
tournament invitation, Maryland posted its 
seventh victory in 11 league games. 

Tommy Mont set the scoring pace for 
Maryland against the Virginians, dropping 
in 14 points. Mont, who quarterbacks in 
football, had a hot first half, making 12 

Tow-headed Charley Harris did the most 
accurate shooting for Tech, scoring 10 

Maryland's victory over Tech added fur- 
ther to the difficulty of predicting what 
might happen in the Southern Conference 
tournament at Duke, March 6-8. 

Army at West Point 

Maryland's basketball quintet took ad- 
vantage of Army's slowness afoot to hand 
the Cadets a set-back 57 — 54, at West Point. 

The Terrapins, utilizing their fast break 
to good advantage, played nip and tuck 
with the Cadets in the first ten minutes as 
the lead bounced back and forth seven 
times, practically with each exchange of 

Two quick lay-up shots by Tommy Mont 
sent the Terrapins out in front 19 — 15 at 
this point and Maryland was able to extend 
its margin to a comfortable 10 points, 35 — 
25, at the intermission. 

While Maryland was in the throes of a 
temporary slump the surging Cadets caught 
and passed them, 42 — 41, after six minutes 
of whirlwind play. The Army continued to 
lead, going into the last five minutes when 
Vic Turyn's timely set shot sent Maryland 
in front again, 52 — 50. 

The best Army could do was to draw up 
to a tie again at 52 — all as Turyn hit again, 


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and Don Sthuerholz followed lo put Mary- 
land in front, 56 — 52, with two minutes to 
go. Bill Brown's lay-up in the last 60 
seconds erased Rawer's two-pointer and 
sewed up the game. Despite a spirited bid 
Maryland was able to "freeze" away the 
remaining seconds. 

Brown stole individual honors, hooping 
22 points for Maryland. Rawer was high 
for Army with 13. 

The victory marked Maryland's twelfth 
triumph in 20 starts. 


Maryland's reputation as a consistent 
spoiler on the basketball court came to an 
abrupt end when the Blue Devils of Duke 
University held off a last-minute onslaught 
by the Terps to win a 43-38 victory. 

Having upset George Washington. 
Georgetown and North Carolina after that 
trio had been established as favorities in 
earlier season contests, the Old Liners failed 
to make it four in a row because the Blue 
Devils insisted on running true to form. 

The Terps showed flashes of winning 
form but Eddie Koffenberger, Duke forward, 
was always on the spot to pull the visitors 
out of a hole when things began to look 
dark. He scored 20 points and jolted many 
a Maryland hope by his consistent shooting. 

Maryland was on the short end of the sit- 
uation from the opening whistle and at 
half-time was behind, 25-17, Tommy Mont 
and Johnny Shumate drew hot hands in the 
last period and with the aid of Don 
Schuerholz were threatening to overhaul 
Duke with three minutes left to plav. 

The Citadel 

University of Maryland's basketball team 
bowled over The Citadel, 52 — 40. 

For the Cadets it was the 11th loss in 
11 conference starts, and for Maryland it 

merely was a warmup for the Conference 
tournament at Durham. 

Late in the game Maryland, after rolling 
up a 25-12 lead at half-time and staying 
far ahead throughout the early part of the 
period, almost blew the game. 

A Citadel rally sparked by Don Anderson 
and Cy Wimberly reduced a 19 — 33 deficit 
to a mere 37 — 42, before Maryland 
woke up. 

Johnny Edwards led the Terp scoring 
with seven floor goals and two free throws 
for 16 points. 

Kings Point 

Kings Point closed its home season by 
drubbing Maryland by a store of 73 to 47 

Bob Sullivan sparked the Mariner victory 
with come great floor work and his 17 
points, most of which were dropped in dur- 
ing the second half, sewed up the victory 
for the Kings Pointers. Sullivan broke up 
many of the fast breaking Maryland plavs 
and aided in keeping Maryland to a single 
basket in the second half. 

The Maryland outfit tried desperately 
midway in the second half and there was 
plenty of whistle blowing. A total of 26 
fouls were called against the Marylanders 
with Mont Brown and Turyn leading the 

V. M. I. 

Maryland's football quarterbacks, Vic 
Turyn and Tommy Mont, continued to 
have more success with a basket ball than 
they did with a football as they scored 30 
points between them to pace the Old Liners 
to a 53-45 triumph over V. M. I. at College 

The triumph was the Terps' 14th of the 
season against 8 defeats and concluded their 
home schedule. Their standing in the South- 
ern Conference is 9 victories and 5 defeats 
for a fifth place finish, one short of a seeded 
position for the tournament slated for 
Durham. Y. M. I. won only 4 games against 
17 defeats. 

The Old Liners were ahead, 28-18, at 
halftime, but Walker and Pritchard of the 
Kaydets brought the visitors to 35-37 mid- 
way of the second half. Maryland scored the 
next 10 points of the game, however, and 
held on to win by 8 points. 

While Bill Brown and Johnny Edwards, 
Maryland's usual 1-2 punch, contributed 
only 6 points between them, Turyn made 
16 and Mont 14 to take up the slack. 


Minoru Okamoto, Japanese judo expert, 
has been added to the Physical Education 
staff at Maryland. He will instruct all P. E. 
classes in certain types of judo. 

Mr. Okamoto attended the Meji in Tokyo, 
where he was a member of the champion 
intercollegiate judo team. He was awarded 
the instructors' black belt from the Ko- 
dakan Judo School, the highest judo organi- 
zation in the world. He instructed the San 
Francisco Judo Club for eight years before 
coming to the University. 

Mr. Okamoto would like to start a judo 
dub in Washington. Any one interested can 
contact him in the Physical Education 
office in the Armory. 


Left to right: Tommy Fields, Gene Ochsenreiter, Jim Kehoe, Mason Chronister, Alan Miller, Bob Condon. 

ON April 27, 1940, thirty-two thousand 
track fans huddled in the blustery 
chill of Philadelphia's Franklin Field and 
watched in amazement as six spindle-legged, 
stout-hearted Terrapins from the Univer- 
sity of Maryland turned the 46th annual 
Penn Relay Carnival topsy-turvey. The 
Terps ran that day. They literally ran the 


Colonel Gerry Eppley coached thii great team and 
he'll be proud of them all of his Ufa 

Jby. (Bill yiicJOonala 

big dogs of track into the cinders and they 
returned to College with a haul of three 
championships, three plaques, three tro- 
phys, a dozen gold watches, and the per- 
sonal satisfaction of having splashed Mary- 
land's name in headlines from Brownsville 
to Monterey. 

Eighteen months later Japan struck at 
Pearl Harbor and the Nation settled down 
to writing bigger headlines than those six 
men thought were possible. This time the 
Terps did not run. To a man they pitched 
into the fight and turned in performances 
reminiscent of the iron-man jobs they did 
that afternoon in Philadelphia. 

Skyrocket Nationally 

Tom Fields, Mason Chronister, Jim 
Kehoe, Alan Miller, Gene Ochsenreiter, and 
Bob Condon are names that skyrocketed to 
national significance inside of seventy thrill- 
jammed minutes. Competing against the 
countries best collegiate runners, these six 
men won for Maryland two two-mile relay 
races and the four-mile relay. On Friday, 
the opening day of the carnival, the Terps 
won the two-mile medley. On Saturday 
they captured the two-mile relay, then re- 
turned an hour and ten minutes later to 
win the grueling four-mile event. 


Few teams ever had won three Penn 
Relay championships. That unheralded, un- 
sung Maryland should accomplish it was 
unheard of. That six men, two of them 
competing in three races, should turn the 
trick shocked the sports world and those 
unbelieving but approving fans yelled them- 
selves hoarse in ovation. 

Those Terps distinguished themselves as 
a team and later distinguished themselves 
as service men. Miller, Fields, and Chron- 
ister were commissioned into the Marines. 
Kehoe, Condon and Ochsenreiter went into 
the Army. All with the exception of 
Ochsenreiter went overseas. An Army 
Pilot, Ochsenreiter cracked up while await- 
ing shipping orders, and never was sent 
out of the country. 

He Gave His Life 

One did not return. That is a story of 
valor in itself. Tall, hollow-cheeked, curly 
haired Mason Chronister was commissioned 
in the Marine Corps upon his graduation 
and shortly thereafter was shipped into the 
Pacific. At the time the Japs overran the 
Phillipines, he was on duty as a censor in 
Manila and upon the fall of that city moved 
to Bataan with the Fourth Marine Division. 
The willowy miler subsequently was taken 
prisoner when the American forces capitu- 
lated and did not survive the infamous 
Death March. 

The others, too, contributed commend- 
able war services. Fields was an officer in 
the Marine paratroopers; Kehoe an infan- 
try officer; Miller a Marine Major attached 
to the Pacific fleet carrier force; Condon 
an Army paratrooper; and Ochsenreiter con- 
tinued his Air Corps service in this country 
when the accident prevented his overseas 

Previous to its triple-killing in 1940, 
Maryland had won only one Penn cham- 
pionship and was conceded little chance 
of making a show against powerful New 
York University, then lead by the fast- 
stepping Les MacMitchell. Everybody but 
an ex-professor of agronomy and the six 
confident Marylanders conceded the Violets 
three, maybe four titles. But as the meet 
wore on and NYU settled for seconds and 
thirds, the Old Liners gave the dopesters 
a rude shoving around and vindicated their 
coaches confidence in them. 

Colonel Geary Eppley, now Dean of Men 
and Director of Student Welfare, at the 
time was coach of Maryland's track team 
and it was he who took the little band 
into Philadelphia. The big, drawling pro- 
fessor worked overtime on the super-speed- 
sters, realizing that he probably never again 
would have the opportunity that presented 
itself at that time. And the men worked. 
They practiced baton passing and each one 
worked with the other until they were as 
near perfection as an athlete can get. Coach 
Eppley will always be proud of that group. 

Kehoe, Chronister, and Fields, probably 
three of the greatest distance men to come 
out of the state, were the work horses of 
the triumphs. The first pair ran in all three 
events, and Fields competed in two. 

Maryland opened up its assault on Fri- 
day afternoon with Miller, Kehoe, Chron- 
ister, and Fields tacking together their mile- 
killing strides to annex the two-mile med- 
ley relay. If the first session witnesses were 
startled by the upset, they hadn't seen 
anything yet and when the Old Liners re- 
turned Saturday, the track diehards got 
the thrill of a lifetime. 

Little Jim Kehoe furnished the kick in 
the two-mile college relay that provided 
the most thrilling finish of the meet and 
established him as one of the track's great. 
Miller, Ochsenreiter, and Chronister tied 
together a 3.56.9 mile for the first three 
laps and turned the stick over to the Belair 
star five yards behind New York University's 
anchor man, MacMitchell. Violet sup- 
porters whooped with confidence, but they 
reckoned without the methodical strides 
of the slight Marylander. Kehoe closed the 
gap in the first quarter, went to the front at 
the half, then had enough left to stave off 
the New York star's famous kick and take 
the race in a last desperate lunge that had 
the crowd roaring to its collective feet. 

Again in the four-mile race, the slight 
Terp with the crew haircut ate up an 
opponent's advantage and got Maryland 
home on top. Little Bob Condon faltered 
in the second lap, and Kehoe was trailing 
by ten yards when he took up the chase. 
By this time it was old stuff to Kehoe and 
he cut down Manhattan's George Sheehan 
after a quarter and gave Fields a thirty-yard 
advantage. From there in the Terps Chron- 
ister romped in, winning by nearly forty 

Maryland's chance to achieve world-wide 
immortality was ground into the cinders in 

the one-mile relay when Jack Warfield, 
opening with a 440, was bumped on the 
first turn and never recovered. The Uni- 
versity of Pittsburgh is the only school 
ever to win four Penn Relay champion- 
ships at one running and, but for the mis- 
hap to Warfield, Maryland might have 
equaled the feat, for the Terps were hot 
that day. 

But back at College Park nobody com- 
plained about the near-miss. The team's 
record will go down in Maryland history 
as the finest in the University's history, and 
the war records of its members will go 
down among the finest in the Nation's 
history. The Terps just stayed hot. 


Charles Edward (Charley) Hiden, Jr., 
popular son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. 
Hiden, 4105 Madison street, Hyattsville, 
left for Orlando, Fla., for a tryout with the 
Washington baseball team. 

Young Hiden, who last season starred as 
a pitcher and second baseman for Manager 
William J. Cecil's Hyattsville Woodmen of 
the World nine, is a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. He is a Hyattsville 
High School graduate. 

A tall husky young fellow, just 21, he has 
played ball with teams managed by Mr. 
Cecil ever since a "peewee." He pitches and 
bats right-handed. Mr. Cecil recommended 
Charley to Owner Clark Griffith and the 
Old Fox liked the young man's looks and 
asked him to report at the Orlando train- 
ing camp. 

Charley served overseas in the war. In 
Europe, he won the Purple Heart when 
wounded in action. Shrapnel hit him in 
the leg. Later he went to the Pacific area 
but the fighting was over in that theatre 
before he could get further action. 


Boxing classes, open to boys throughout 
Prince Georges County, are being conducted 
every night, except Saturday and Sunday, 
in the boxing room at the new gymnasium- 
armory at the University of Maryland, 
College Park, by the newly reorganized 
Prince Georges County Boys Clubs. 

The classes start each night at 7 o'clock 
under direction of Kenny Maschauer, coach, 
and Capt. Vernon Todd, assistant coach. 
There is no charge for the classes, but 
the boys are required to bring their own 
shoes, trunks and towel. 

Formerly the clubs held their boxing 
classes at Colmar Manor. 

Boxing is only one of many activities to 
be encouraged by the clubs. It will furnish 
instructors and aid for sports and other 
leisure time activities in various parts of 
the county. Groups wishing to have activ- 
ities aided should contact Dr. Louis R. 
Burnett, chairman of the club organization 
committee and Director of Physical Educa- 
tion at the University of Maryland. 

All religious, civic and municipal groups 
of the county have been invited to join 
the clubs, and many already have joined. 

Aims and progress of the clubs were dis- 
cussed in a forum over radio station WGAY. 
Taking part in the discussion were Louis 
B. Arnold, president of the clubs; James E. 

Zulick (Maryland alumni), vice president; 
Robert T. Plitt, treasurer, and Dr. Burnett. 

The clubs have been assured of support 
from the county's Community Chest and 
Planning Council. 

H. Clay Whiteford, chairman of the 
planning council, made it plain that the 
recreation division of the council wishes 
to help all groups in the country interested 
in recreation. The division has on hand, 
he said, $9,000 to spend for administration 
work in furtherance of recreation programs. 

County Police Supt. Ralph W. Brown 
was named delegate and Zulick was named 
alternate to the recreation division from 
the boys clubs. 

Harry Webster Penn, Jr., was appointed 
chairman of a committee to meet with a 
recreation specialist to discuss how to han- 
dle the clubs problems. Also named to this 
committee were County Agent P. E. Clark, 
Earl J. Cannon and Robert T. Plitt. 


Joe Bunsa, ex-C. U. A. 155 pounder, who 
made a great hit in his two appearances at 
Maryland as a smooth working and alert 
referee, holds a record unique in boxing 
annals. Joe is the only boxer in the world 
who ever scored three kayos in one round. 

Joe was boxing for C. U. A. with Robert 
Emmet ("The Muggsy") Morris as referee. 
Joe landed a sockdologer that knocked out 
his opponent and, since The Muggsy was 
moving right into the trajectory of the k.o. 
wallop, it nailed the referee, too. Down he 
went like a 200 pound book agent out of a 
second story window. A very long lesson in 
elementary mathematics could have been 
administered to Bunsa's opponent but the 
guy, Muggsy, who was supposed to dish out 
the dull, dismal drone of the doleful deci- 
mal, was himself out as cold as a land- 
lord's heart. The boxer staggered to his 
feet. Muggsy snapped in a little later and 
queried, "Is my hat on straight?" The 
round was resumed and Bunsa flattened his 
opponent for the second time for a total 
of three birdies singing in one stanza. 


Burt Shipley's Maryland basketeers, with- 
out asking for it, find themselves holding 
the District of Columbia court title. D. C. 
newspapers made much of that "title" but 
said little enough when it ended up with 
the Terps on top. Maryland split with 
George Washington in two games. The 
terps whipped Georgetown. Georgetown 
then defeated George Washington. 

The "title" is one that, in the old days, 
with a nickle, would get you a cup of 
coffee. Now its worth more since a cup of 
coffee has gone up. 

Income from dairy cows is an important 
factor in the well-being of thousands of 
rural families in Maryland. The margin 
of profit in the milk check determines in 
a large measure the things the family can 
have and do. While it may not be possible 
for the individual dairyman to influence 
materially the price he receives for his 
milk, it is possible for him to so feed and 
manage his herd that his net profit is 

ONE of our legal eagle alumni tells us 
about a young yeoman in the Navy 
who was quite a grammatic critic. All day 
long he corrected the grammar of his ship- 
mates. Kid from Boston. Good too. One 
day, on the old U. S. S. MARYLAND, he 
was "at the mast" as a witness to a fist 
fight that broke out on the gun deck at 
meal time. 

"You say," asked the Captain, "that Jones 
here struck Smith as the latter was seated 
at the mess table, whereupon Smith stood 

"I said," replied the yeoman, with a ges- 
ture of utter futility and disgust, "that 
Smith 'stood.' When a man stands, Cap- 
tain, he naturally stands 'UP'V 

"O, he does?" roared the Captain, "five 
days in the brig for insolence. The prisoner 
will stand DOWN! Next case, Mr. Murphy!" 

and Allen, the foot ease man, hold their 
looks pretty good. 

For five straight days the rummy stag- 
gered into Hickey's bar with a carrot be- 
hind his right ear. It worried Hickey but 
he didn't want to offend the mucilage- 
addict by asking questions. On the sixth 
day the hootcher showed up with a banana 
behind his right ear. That was too much 
for Hickey who asked, "Wot's the gran' 
idea? First five days wit' a carrot behind 
the ear and today it gives wit' a banana?" 
Replied the rounder, with a gesture of utter 
futility, "No carrots today." 

"Should not those last two words be capi- 
talized? Why not? Burgoyne, Washing- 
ton, Lafayette, etc., etc. Why slight 're- 

The fresh gob at Ocean View gave the 
wolf's whistle at an attractively stacked par- 
cel. The lady, neat and trim and good to 
look at, was, however, over 40. "Young 
man," she said to the gob, "I'm old enough 
to be your grandmother." "But Grandma," 
chortled the gob, "wot big eyes you have!" 

kid. In the old testament she 
a pressed fig leaf and always be- 

lieved Eve had left it there 

Another Navy legal story involves the 
"accursed" being confronted with his first 
look at the sum- 
mary court martial 
board that was to 
try him. He was 
asked, "Do you 
wish to challenge 
any member of the 
court?" The sailor 
looked them over 
and commented, "I 
think I could take 
that little bald 
headed Lieutenant 
Commander on the 

A sweet young lady we know, wrestling 
with her Social Studies problems at Hol- 
ton-Arms, had just finished reading the 
story of the fight for American Independ- 
ence. The reading terminated with "Upon 
the conclusion of the war there was gen- 
eral rejoicing." The youngster asked, 

'it., VV' i O, ■ ■'' I 

Bill Hottel's definition of an expert: "Any 
Sundowner from out of town." 

When a Board convenes to settle some- 
thing an individual cannot settle it is well 
to remember that all boards are flat, long, 
narrow and wood- 

BRAWL— A South- 
ern steak, like, 
"Shall I brawl yo" 
all a tendahloin?" 
half of the world's 
first couple, like 
"Adamant Eva." 

Snorky's grand- 
pa, who has been 
i n Australia for 
sixty years, re- 
marked upon his 
return that folks 
looked much the 
same here as when 
he left for down 
under. H e notes 
that Douglas, the 
bald headed shoe 
man, looks just the 
same and that Ly- 
dia Pinkham seems 
as fresh as ever. 
Also that the 
Smith Brothers 

Thoity p o i p 1 e 
boids sittin' on a 
coib eatin' d o i t y 
woims. .' 

Horse sense is 
that instinct i n 
horses that keeps 
them from betting 
on people. 

A shoulder strap 
is a piece of ribbon 
worn to keep an 
attraction from be- 
coming a sensation. 

'48: "Did your 
girl like the new 
bathing suit you 
bought her?" 

'49: "Yes, when 
she put it on you 
should have seen 
her beam." 

Betty Co - ed: 
"Little boy, why 
aren't you in Sun- 
day School?" 

College Park Jun- 
ior: "Hell, I ain't 
but three years 

1 ^i»k.S,j 8 ikk •' 

"Af» you SURE this book was barred In Boston?' 

Half a dozen 
guys rapped on the 
pearly gates. 

"What national- 
ity are they?" 


^'<%£ '*-$ 


"Look at the big overstuffed twall head!" 
"Yah! And all we get ii the Legion of Merit!" 

"Americans," replied Gabriel. 
"Let 'em in. They'll apply for a trans- 
fer in six weeks anyway." 

A girl's face may be her fortune, but 
it's her legs that draw the interest. 

Life is what you make it until someone 
comes along and makes it worse. 

Snorky: "I've got a yacht, two autos, a 
country home, a beach home, a mountain 
home, a city home, a swell income for life 
and all the ready cash I can spend. What 
have you got?" 

Salty: "I've got a lousy opinion of your 

To cure a Scotsman of stuttering, call 
him up long distance, collect. 

The best place to find a helping hand 
is at the end of your arm. 

Freshman: "How's this haircut?" 
Senior: "You'd better rubber stamp your 
head, 'This Side Up'." 

Jones was sitting with his wife behind a 
palm on a hotel veranda late one night 
when a young man and a girl came and 
sat down on a beach near them. 

Hidden behind the palm, Mrs. Jones 
whispered to her husband: "Oh, John, he 
doesn't know we're here and he's going 
to propose. Whistle to warn him." 

"What for?" said Jones. "Nobody 
whistled to warn me." 

An old master whose name was Giotto 
Held an artiste salon in a grotto. 
On his spirits frumenti 
Long-haired cognoscienti 
Returned to their domiciles blotto. 

The young lieutenant at Quantico was 
on ten days leave to get married. 

From Bar Harbor, Maine, he wired the 
General at Quantico, "Request five days' 
extension. It is wonderful here." 

The General replied, "Return to your 
post. It's wonderful any place." 

She: "I want this picture of my soldier 
friend enlarged." 

He: "Would you like to have it 

She: "Oh, yes, he'll look nice riding a 

Miss: "Why are all men fools?" 
Mr.: "So all you girls wouldn't be old 

Voter: "Why, I wouldn't vote for you if 
you were St. Peter himself." 

Candidate: "If I were St. Peter, you 
couldn't vote for me. You wouldn't be in 
my district." 

The hardest thing about doing nothing 
is that you can't stop to rest. 

A parasite is a guy who goes through a 
revolving door without pushing. 

As one girl explains it: "He's tall, dark 
and hands." 

Perplexed Oriental: "Our children velly 
white. Is velly strange." 
Wife: "That was occidental." 

"Well, I guess I might as well put the 
motion before the house," said the hula 
girl as she went on stage. 

"I always judge a girl by her figure." 
"And I always judge a girl by her 

"It's a lot easier to tell if she's got a 


"Brother Jones," said the deacon, "can't 
you-all donate some small contribution to 
de fund for fencing in the cemetery?" 

Replied Brother Jones, "I don't see no 
use in a fence around a cemetery. Dem 
what's in there can't get out, and dem 
what's out sho' nuf doan wanta get in." 

Columbus' greatest discovery was that 
even a queen will hock her jewels for a 

The bachelor's a cagey guy, 
And has a lot of fun; 
He sizes all the cuties up 
And never Mrs. one. 

Jane: "I want a shorter skirt than you 
have shown me." 

Clerk: "Have you tried the collar depart- 

"I guess I've lost another pupil," said 
the professor, as his glass eye rolled down 
the kitchen sink. 

Rose's are red, 

Violet's are blue, 

Lily's are green, 

I saw them on her wash line. 

He loved her so much he just wor- 
shipped the ground her old man found 
oil on. 

They laughed when he stood up to sing. 
How did he know he was under the table? 

"There's an old fashioned girl. It's her 
favorite drink." 

"Why did she marry such an ugly guy?" 
"He asked her!" 

"He's a real cave man. Every time I kiss 
him he caves in." 

Cross eyed teacher. Couldn't control 
her pupils. 

Sweetie: "Come up to my room for a 
Salty: "You can bite me here." 

Eve had the world's first regular job. 
She worked for Adam's express company." 

"If I were as drunk as you I'd shoot my- 
"If you were you'd miss." 

Papa loved mama, 
Mama loved men, 
Mama's in the church yard, 
Papa's in the pen. 

The big shots in Peru were the Incas 
They were known far and wide as big 

They worship the sun. 
To them life was fun, 
But the peons all thought they were stinkas. 

'Say, who you shovin'?" 
'Dunno. Wot's y'r name?' 

The ancient R.O.T.C. instructor hash- 
marked from shoulder to cuff and carry 
two was making his weary way across Balti- 
more Boulevard. Cracked a young fresh- 
man, "Betcha he was in before Pearl Har- 
bor." Replied a veteran faculty member 
who knew his serials, "Boy, he was in before 
Pearl White." 

The shades of night were falling fast 

When for a kiss he aster, 
She must have answered "yes" 

Because the shades came down much 

One of Maryland's ex-GI's let's us know 
that when he gets that sheepskin from 
Maryland it will not be his first diploma. 
He tells us he graduated from the Navy 
Baker's School. Came through with frying 

Dumb? She thinks smelling salts are 
gobs with B. O. 

Story going the rounds that one of the 
College Park landladies eloped with a 
boarder. But maybe it was only a rumor. 

Sweetie: "Is this place we are going to 
a nice one?" 

Salty: "It's the class. In order to get in 
at all you have to be able to push open 
the front door." 

The captain, standing nearby, said stern- 
ly, "You can't be sick here." 
The guy said, sadly, "Watch." 



MAY, 1947 

Twenty-five Cents the Copy 


Medical School Xnmber 

At Historic Rossborough Inn 

r * 

-4 ■ 












MAY, 1947 




Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and, entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class mail 
matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor, Anne S. Dougherty, Circulation Manager, Board of Managers, 
Alumni Association: Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21; Vice-Chairman, Harry E. Haslinger, '33; Talbot T. Speer, '18; J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Hazel Tenney 
Tuemmler, '29; Charles V. Koons, '29; Agnes Gingell Turner, '33; Dr. Charles E. White, '23; James E. Andrews, '31. Secretary-Treasurer, David L. Brigham, '38 

University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 


$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 

Twenty-five Cents the Copy 

Chartered 3n 1807 


Dr. John Beale Davidge 
Began Teaching In His 
Home In 1800. Medical 
School Now Ranks With 
World's Greatest .... 


Acting Dean, School of Medicine 

Dr. Hamilton Boyd Wylie, the son of Dr. Hamil- 
ton Boyd Wylie, Sr. (P & S, 1876) and Carrie S. 
Wylie, nee Slater, was born in Baltimore, Maryland 
on May 3, 1887. 

He received his premedical training at the Johns 
Hopkins University, 1905 to 1908, and was granted 
the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1912 by the 
Baltimore Medical College, an institution which 
has since become a part of the University of 
Maryland School of Medicine. 

He married Nina B. Landragan in 1912, and has 
two children, Mrs. Herbert M. Reedy, Jr., and 
Hamilton Boyd Wylie, Jr. 

Dr. Wylie began his career at the School of 
Medicine of the University of Maryland in 1913 as 
Associate in Physiological Chemistry and Pharma- 
cology. He served successively as Assistant in 
Clinical Pathology and Pharmacology; Demonstrator 
of Clinical Pathology and Pharmacology; Associate 
in Physiological Chemistry, Pharmacology and Clin- 
ical Pathology; Associate Professor of Physiological 
Chemistry and Pharmacology, and Associate Pro- 
fessor of Clinical Pathology and Physiological Chem- 
istry until 1919 when he was appointed Professor 
of Biochemistry. 

As head of the Department of Biochemistry he 
has developed and maintained a well organized 
department. His characteristics of thoroughness and 
clarity of exposition have made him an excellent 

Dr. Wylie participated in the activities of the 
Dean's Office prior to the retirement of Dean 
J. M. H. Rowland in 1939, and it was largely through 
his efforts that a Committee on Admissions for the 
selection of medical students was appointed in 
1936. He has been chairman of this committee 
since its organization. 

Dr. Wylie was apointed Acting Dean in 1939 
and served in that capacity until November, 1942 
when he became Assistant Dean. He acted as 
Assistant Dean from 1942 to June 30, 1946, when 
he again became Acting Dean. 

His keen interest in medical education is re- 
flected in the improved standards of teaching in 
the Medical School. 

He is a member of: the American Chemical 
Society, the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of 
Maryland, the American Medical Association, the 
Medical Advisory Committee of the Baltimore City 
Hospitals and the Medical Advisory Council for 
Medical Services of the Department of Public Wel- 
fare of Baltimore, Chairman of the Dean's Com- 
mittee of Maryland Cooperating with the Veterans 
Administration, and a member of Sigma XI. 

AS EARLY as 1800, Dr. John Beale 
£\_ Davidge of Baltimore began to teach 
courses in midwifery, practical surgery, and 
demonstrative anatomy, carrying on the 
work in his home. This was so successful 
that he was soon joined by two other phy- 
sicians, who provided additional courses. 
It was a natural development that these 
gentlemen should conceive the idea of 
organizing a medical school and petition 
the Legislature for that purpose. On De- 
cember 18, 1807, a charter was granted 
authorizing the organization of a college 
to be named the College of Medicine of 
Maryland. This was the fifth school to 
be established in the United States. 

Five Professors 

The first faculty of the new college num- 
bered five professors; the first class, seven 
students. At the beginning there were no 
funds, no buildings, no apparatus; but 
despite these difficulties, there was medical 
instruction of the type that soon attracted 
other outstanding medical men interested 

in teaching. The first class was graduated 
in 1810. 

Building Needed 

The increased faculty soon decided that 
money must be found to provide a proper 
building and suitable facilities for teach- 
ing. Accordingly, they appealed again to 
the Legislature, this time for authority to 
raise funds by means of a lottery, a popu- 
lar method of the period for financing 
large enterprises. Authority was granted, 
the amount not to exceed forty thousand 
dollars. Eventually enough money was pro- 
vided by this means to buy a lot and erect 
a building. Through the generosity of 
Colonel John Eager Howard, a lot was 
bought for a nominal sum in an uncrowded 
part of the city, at the corner of Lombard 
and Greene streets. Here in 1812 a building 
in the classical style was erected, perhaps 
the finest college building in the United 
States at the time. In 1947 this same build- 
ing still holds a proud place in the center 
of the School of Medicine, the oldest struc- 


The School of Medicine, University of Maryland, is Housed in the Bressler Memorial Building, across the 

street from the University Hospital. 

The Frank C. Bressler Laboratory provides the departments of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, 
Pharmacology, Physiology and Clinical Pathology with facilities for teaching and research. It also houses 
the research laboratories of the clinical departments, animal quarters, a laboratory for teaching Operative 
Surgery, a lecture hall and the Bressler Memorial Room. 

This building was erected in 1939-1940 at 29 South Greene Street opposite the University Hospital. It 
was built with funds left to the School of Medicine by the late Frank C. Bressler, an alumnus, supplemented 
by a grant from the Federal government. The structure, in the shape of an I, extends east from Greene 
Street, just north of the original building. 



At the left the Dental and Pharmacy Schools. Towering in the background is the University Hospital. In the foreground with white pillars is the original 

Medical School building. Its classes graduated as far back as 1812. 

tare in this country from which the degree 
of doctor of medicine has been granted 
annually since its erection. In this build- 
ing, too, was founded one of the earliest 
medical school libraries in America. 

In 1812 the Legislature instructed the 
Medical College to annex Faculties of Law, 
Theology, and Arts and Sciences to form 

an institution under the name of the 
University of Maryland. Thus the Medical 
College of Maryland became the Univer- 
sity of Maryland School of Medicine. 

To provide the students with adequate 
clinical instruction, the School of Medicine 
in 1823 erected its own hospital, originally 
known as the Baltimore Infirmary, later as 

the University Hospital. In the new In- 
firmary, for the first time intramural resi- 
dency for senior students was established. 

By 1825 the School of Medicine, with its 
fine building and unusual facilities, had 
become so popular that the class is said 
to have numbered more than three hun- 
dred students. Distinguished men were 


School of Medicine. 

Dr. Frank H. J. Figge, associate professor of anatomy at the school of medi- 
cine, is shown here with a Geiger-Mueller Counter. Dr. Figge's chief research 
interest has been in the field of cancer, and this instrument enables him to 
study the influence of cosmic radiation and radioactive substances on carcino- 
genesis in mice. It is also possible to make radioactive measurements with 
tracer compounds in studying carcinogenesis and to follow in the body the fate 
of drugs that are administered with "tagged atoms." This instrument was 
recently purchased with the Bressler Alumni Research Fund. 


School of Medicine. 

The Department of Pharmacology is engaged in teaching the action of drugs 
in health and disease to medical students and student nurses. In addition, 
the Department is engaged in a research program in the development of new 
anesthetic agents, and the study of the physiological phenomenon of anes- 
thesia. Other research projects in the Department are concerned with the 
standardization of digitalis and its mechanism of action in heart failure, which 
have resulted in the development of a chemical method for the standardisa- 
tion of the drug. 


Dr. Carl L. Davis, Professor of Histology and 
Embryology is shown making a sterioscopic record 
of models of early stages of embryonic develop- 
ment. Such records are arranged in sequence of 
10 or 12 pictures on 35 mm film to form a handy 
and inexpensive sterioscopic record. 

Lower part of the illustration shows a group to be 
photographed. These are foetal membranes. 

attracted to the faculty, ;md despite some 
dissension between the Regents of the 
University and the Legislature concerning 
the management of the institution, it con- 
tinued to prosper until the time of the 
Civil War. The war naturally affected the 
progress of the school, materially decreas- 
ing the enrollment, yet never causing a 
complete interruption of courses. 

Under New Title 

A few years after the Civil War, the re- 
organization of the old Washington Univer 
sity Medical School (which had been in 
existence since 1827) and the founding ol 
the College of Physicians and Surgeons also 
affected the size of classes in the Univer 
sity. Probably this was brought about, in 
part, by the higher entrance requirements 
which the School of Medicine maintained. 
The Washington University Medical School 
and the College of Physicians and Surgeons 
soon united under the latter title and con- 
tinued until 1915, when the college was 
merged with the University of Maryland 
School of Medicine. The University School 
had already absorbed the Baltimore Medi- 
cal College, an institution of thirty-two 
years' growth. Thus the present school, 
with the complete title University of Mar)- 
land School of Medicine and College of 
Physicians and Surgeons, is the result of 
these various consolidations. One fortunate 
aspect of the mergers was an increase in 
faculty, equipment, and hospital connec- 
tions for the school in its present form. 

An impressive centennial celebration of 

the founding of the University was held 
in 1907. Up to that time, the School of 
Medicine had been unendowed, so Dr. Eu- 
gene F. Cordell, Professor of the History 
of Medicine and librarian of the school, 
used the occasion of the centennial to raise 
an endowment fund. This fund has con- 
tinued to grow and has stimulated such 
gifts as that which provided the Bressler 
Research Laboratory. 

Distinguished Names 

All through the annals of the School of 
Medicine appear names distinguished in 
the medical world. Beginning with John 
Beale Davidge, we go on to find contri- 
buting to the history of the institution 
such famous names as Nathaniel Potter, 
John Crawford, Robert Smith, William A. 
Hammond, Nathan R. Smith, Samuel C. 
Chew, Eugene F. Cordell, John C. Hem- 
meter, to mention only a few. The school 
continues to have men outstanding in 
teaching and research. 

Two world wars have played their pan 
in the history of the School of Medicine. 

During both these wars, the school man 
aged to function adequately under handi- 
caps and proudly contributed hospital units 
which rendered meritorious service over- 
seas. In World War I, the unit was Base 
Hospital No. 42; in World War II, Base 
Hospitals No. 42, and 142. 

University Of Maryland 

In 1920, the Maryland College of Agri- 
culture in College Park was combined with 
the Baltimore schools under the name Uni- 
versity of Maryland, to become a state uni- 
versity rather than a semi-private corpora- 
tion, as formerly. Since state ownership 
was assumed, the School of Medicine, as 
well as the other colleges of the University, 
has increased in facilities and enrollment. 
The School of Medicine now has five build- 
ings besides the old dispensary and the 
University Hospital, to provide teaching 
service to its more than three hundred 

H. Boyd Wylie, M.D., is Acting Dean of 
the School of Medicine, University of 


Dr. Frank C. Bressler, pictured above, said shortly before his death, "My life as a doctor has taught 
me that the only genuine satisfaction one can get comes from what he does for others." 

This philosophy led Dr. Bressler to bequeath to his alma mater, the University of Maryland, funds foi 
the construction of the Frank C. Bressler Research Laboratory. 

Started In 1823 


Of Great 
Lagged During 
War Between 
States .... 

THE University Hos- 
pital had its earliest 
beginnings in the year 
1823 when, after sixteen 
years, the need of further 
facilities to carry on the 
work of the Faculty of 
the Medical College was 
sorely felt. To secure 
these facilities, a site on 
the southwest corner of 
Lombard and Greene 
Streets was leased from 
John S. Skinner to John 
B. Davidge, Elisha De- 
Butts, Richard W. Hall, 
Nathaniel Potter, Gran- 
ville Sharp Pattison, 
Samuel Baker and Max- 
well McDowell. Altogether the site com- 
prised eight lots. The infirmary lot was 
the middle one and left a corner lot sev- 
enty-eight feet wide on Lombard Street 
and one hundred seventy-four feet on 
Greene Street. These lots were finally 
purchased by the Trustees of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in July, 1833. an 
action made possible by the Gray legacy. 
The site was, therefore, owned by the Re- 
gents of the University in fee simple and 
could not be diverted to any other 

Cost $11,589 

It seems almost impossible now to de- 
termine the exact shape of the first build- 
ing. It was rectangular with a small addi- 
tion in the rear which formed the operat- 
ing theatre. This was surrounded by ele- 
vated seats capable of accommodating 
several hundred students. Apparently 
there was quite a series of steps into the 
main entrance which led into a small 
hallway. On the right-hand side was the 
office. At the rear of the hallway was a 
staircase leading up to the second floor 
where the private apartments were lo- 
cated. According to manuscript records of 
the University, the building was erected 
by John Sinclair at a cost of $11389; the 
furniture and equipment cost $2520, so 
that the total cost was $14,109. The money 
was raised mostly by the professors from 
their own funds and a private loan from 
the bank. It was their own building, 
private, and not in any sense corporate. 

The Executive Committee of the Balti- 


The Hospital, located in Baltimore, is a part of the University of Maryland. 

more Infirmary in June, 1823 consisted of 
three persons, Solomon Etting, William 
Gwynn and R. B. Magruder. The ad- 
ministration of the institution seems to 
have been subjected to a considerable 
amount of dissension, the chief of which 
was a general disagreement between 
Trustees and Regents. The difficulty rose 
to such proportions that the Infirmary was 
finally taken away from the Regents by 
the Legislature and operated by a Board 
of Trustees. The Government of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, therefore, was trans- 
ferred to a new Board of Trustees of 
which the Governor of the state was Presi- 
dent, and twenty-one gentlemen named in 
the law constituted the Board. The dis- 
pute continued until 1839 when the prop- 
erty was returned to the Regents after an 
appeal to the Legislature. 

1830 Balanced Budget 

For the first few years the income of 
the Infirmary was considerably below the 
expenses, but about 1830 the budget was 
being balanced. The Infirmary received 
about $300 a year from the Gray legacy, 
and the Government paid $4000 a year 
for service to sailors coming in off the 
ships. Cordell states that, ■ "By the end 
of the first decade, i.e., 1833, four new 
wards were added to the hospital and 
the number of beds was now 90." Several 
lotteries were held to take care of the 
expenses of the University and Infirmary. 

The care of the patients from the first 
was entrusted to the Sisters of Charity of 
Emmitsburg, Maryland. Sister Joanna 

Smith of this Order was sent down as 
Sister Superior, and Sisters Ann, Adelle, 
Rebecca and Barbary were the first to 
report for duty. The Sisters of this Order 
continued a steady service from November 
1823 until 1879. 

In 1852 another addition was made to 
the Infirmary. The architecture was of an 
entirely different type, with different floor 
levels and much larger window space. The 
entrance to this building was on the 
Greene Street side. "The institution now 
had a capacity of 150 beds and was the 
largest hospital in the city. There were 
8 resident students and also a resident 
physician." This with the earlier addi- 
tions formed the hospital building until 
after the Civil War. 

During The War 

A great deal of patronage was lost dur- 
ing the Civil War period, as much of 
the University support came from the 
South. This brought about a temporary 
setback as far as the University was con- 
cerned, but there is no sign that the hos- 
pital suffered any loss. As a matter of 
fact, the hospital seems to have been ex- 
tremely busy throughout this time, and 
the loss was, perhaps, chiefly in the num- 
ber of medical students attending classes. 

Following the war, however, there was 
continued growth in the service rendered 
by the Infirmary. During the year 1866 
the Outpatient Department was organized. 
Again and again one finds evidence of 
the hospital's accommodations being se- 
verely taxed, especially in that part of it 


The Operating Room. 

which was known as the Marine Hospital. 
The Faculty decided to increase the hos- 
pital capacity in some way, and in 1870 
a students' building was erected at the 
western end of the Infirmary. The esti- 
mated cost was $4300 to $6500. This was 
later converted into accommodations for 
patients, while additional property ad- 
joining the Infirmary was purchased for 
the use of the resident students. 

In 1875, the Legislature having appro- 
priated $30,000 for the benefit of the In- 
firmary, the Building Committee reported 
that designs, specifications and estimates 
were ready for the new addition. This 
brought about the erection of what is 
known to us today as the Greene Street 
wing. It was a long, slender, rectangular 
building, three stories high, with a base- 
ment; each ward was supplied with an 
abundance of high, narrow windows with 
triple-hung sashes; the heating facilities 
were primitive, and all appointments of 
the simplest. The addition of the new 
wing greatly increased the clinical facilities 
of the University, and the hospital now 
had double the capacity of any similar 
institution in Baltimore. There was a 
new lying-in department, and a depart- 
ment for diseases of children was also 
established by the transfer of the pa- 
tients from St. Andrew's Home. The hos- 
pital was handling about twelve hundred 
patients a year, and more than fifteen 
thousand visits were made to the dis- 

Overhauled In 1880 

In 1880 the Lombard Street portion 
of the property was given a thorough 
overhauling. There were additional pri- 
vate rooms provided, and the department 


Mr. Harold A. Sayles, pictured above, is the Super- 
intendent of the Maryland University Hospital. 

Mr. Sayles was born in Mansfield, Ohio, May 26, 
1904. Graduated from Mansfield High School, 1922. 
Graduate of Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio, 
A.B. Degree, 1926. B.D. ADM. Degree, 1929, Ober- 
lin College. Postgraduate, University of Chicago, 
Hospital Administration, 1937. 1929-1935, Surveys 
and Construction Work; 1935-1939, Associate Di- 
rector, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio; 1939- 
1942 Superintendent, Marion Sims Memorial Hos- 
pital, Lancaster, South Carolina; 1942-1944, Super- 
intendent, Pontiac General Hospital, Pontiac, 
Michigan; 1944-1946, Assistant Superintendent, Uni- 
versity Hospital; Acting Superintendent, University 
Hospital, since July 1946. Marital Status: married, 
one child. 

was considerably enlarged to take care of 
the demand. At the same time it became 
desirable to make changes in the nursing 
service, which was still being carried on 
by the Sisters of Charity. They withdrew 
from the service in 1879 and several ex- 
pedients were tried in order to carry on 
this necessary service. One of these was 
to put the Infirmary in charge of the 
Sisters of Mercy, an arrangement which 
lasted until 1889. The next step was the 
organization of a training school for 
nurses under the supervision of Louisa 
Parsons, a distinguished graduate of St. 
Thomas' Hospital, London, who had 
served three months as acting superin- 
tendent of nurses at The Johns Hopkins 

New Building In 1934 

In 1895 plans were made for the final 
rebuilding of the Old Hospital. The 
Faculty took definite action at the June 
meeting in 1896, and it was decided to 
proceed at once with the erection of the 
new building. In order to defray the 
necessary expense of this undertaking, the 
sum of $70,000 was to be raised by the 
issue of six per cent interest-bearing bonds. 
This, then, provided the new front to the 
hospital with which we are familiar to- 
day. The building remained in this form 
until the new building was occupied in 
November 1934. 

With its modern planning, the building 
makes a particularly attractive teaching 
hospital and is a very valuable addition 
to the clinical facilities of the medical 

The present hospital has a capacity of 
435 beds and 70 bassinets devoted to 
general medicine, surgery, obstetrics, pedi- 


This picture first appeared in 1881. It showed the Greene street addition which had been erected in 1875, 
and the first use of the name "University Hospital" in place of the old Baltimore Infirmary. 

atrics, and the various medical and surgical 

The teaching zone extends from the 
second to the eighth floor and comprises 
wards for surgery, medicine, obstetrics, 
pediatrics, and a large clinical lecture hall. 
There are approximately 270 beds avail- 
able for teaching. 

The hospital building houses the dietary 
department, pharmacy, storeroom, and ac- 
cident room in the basement. Because of 
its proximity to the largest manufacturing 
and shipping districts of the city, the 
emergency cases average about 55 a day. 
There is also a very well appointed path- 
ological department with a large teaching 
autopsy room and its adjunct service of 
instruction for students in pathological 

The first floor is occupied by the ad- 
mitting office, telephone operators, pur- 
chasing department, business office, recep- 
tion rooms, board room, superintendent's 
office, nursing school office, record room, 
and the nurses' and doctors' dining rooms. 


The entire north wing of the second 
floor is occupied by the department of 
roentgenology, which includes deep ther- 
apy. The east wing houses clinical path- 
ology and special laboratories for clinical 
microscopy, biochemistry, bacteriology, and 
an especially well appointed laboratory 
for students' training. The south wing 
provides space for electro-cardiographic 
and basal metabolism departments with 
oxygen therapy cubicles. The west wing 
contains the departments of rhinolaryng- 
ology and bronchoscopy, industrial surgery, 
ophthalmology, and male and female 

The third and fourth floors are for 
ward patients. Each provides two medical 
and two surgical wards. These patients 
are cared for by the house staff, regardless 
of creed, nationality, or color. The fifth 
floor contains two wards for pediatrics, 
both medical and surgical. Obstetrical 
cases are cared for on the sixth floor, 

which includes the formula room for the 

The seventh floor includes four major 
and two minor operating rooms, proc- 
tology, three delivery rooms, four lying-in 
rooms, the central supply rooms; and Gor- 
don Wilson Amphitheatre. 

The eighth floor which was formerly 
used as living quarters for the house staff 
will be converted into additional hospital 
facilities. The offices of gynecology and 
surgery, as well as physical therapy, are 
located on this floor. The eighth floor 
is essentially a students' floor and afford 
a mezzanine over the operating and de- 
livery suites, and a students' entrance to 
the clinical lecture hall. 

The ninth, tenth, and eleventh floors 
are for private patients. 

In 1940 the hospital was enlarged by 
the completion of the eleventh floor for 
private patients. In 1947 the twelfth floor 
was completed and the house staff was 
transferred from their quarters on the 
fifth and eighth floors to the twelfth 
floor, making approximately fifty more 
beds available for patients. 

The nurses' home has been enlarged 
three times since 1925, and now is com- 
posed of seven stories housing both stu- 
dent and graduate nurses. The annex on 
Lombard Street has increased its capacity 
to approximately 45 more nurses. 

The Challenge For The Future 

With the changing of the practice of 
medicine and the developing of Baltimore 
City into an industrialized community, 
more and more patients seek hospitaliza- 
tion. All on the staff of the hospital, both 
professional and administrative, are keenly 
aware of the great volume of work which 
lies before them. The future demands 
upon University Hospital are going to be 
heavy, and the staff endeavors to look to 
the future and formulate plans to meet 
the needs. The paramount issue at the 
present moment is increased capacity in 
the nurses' home and the new psycho- 

pathic hospital for which plans have been 

University Hospital has grown to such 
an extent that it is impossible to cover 
all the broad scope of its services to the 
community. Expression of appreciation is 
in order in recognition of the splendid 
medical staff that has been so loyal, faith- 
ful, and helpful in meeting the increased 
demands of medicine and the care of the 
sick. The doctors of the visiting staff, 
with privileges in this hospital, number 
approximately 400. 

The Executive Committee, composed of 
heads of all the departments, has been 
untiring in faithfully serving our hospital. 
The present Executive Committee is com- 
posed of Dr. Beverly C. Compton, Chair- 
man, Dr. W. Houston Toulson, Vice 
Chairman, Dr. William M. Seabold, Sec- 
retary, Dr. Maurice C. Pincoffs, Dr. 
Arthur M. Shipley, Dr. Louis H. Doug- 
lass, Dr. J. Mason Hundley, Jr., Dr. Clyde 
A. Clapp, Dr. Edward A. Looper, Dr. 
Walter L. Kilby, Dr. C. Loring Joslin, 
Dr. Allen F. Voshell, Dr. Fred. C. Dye, 
Dr. George H. Yeager, and Dr. Hugh R. 
Spencer. Dr. H. Boyd Wylie, Acting Dean, 
and Mr. Harold A. Sayles, Acting Superin- 
tendent, are ex-officio members. 

During the war period, many changes 
in personnel occurred; however, there are 
a goodly number who have served the 
hospital long and faithfully for many 
years within their respective departments. 

The following table shows the total 
number of patients admitted to this hos- 
pital, including newborn, and the total 
patient days for the last ten years: 
























































1 1 ,479 





Ever since the Hospital was organized, 
through the Woman's Auxiliary Board, 
and the Red Cross during the war, a 
splendid group of women have contributed 
their time in making bandages, caring for 
the sick, maintaining a patients' library, 
and many other fine services. During the 
war effort, this volunteer service increased 
to approximately 250 public-spirited 
women. The Red Cross training program 
for nurse's aides has contributed mate- 
rially to the patients' care during this 

Served Overseas 

Maryland's hospital contributed greatly 
to the war effort, in that it furnished two 
complete units which were sent to the 
Pacific: the 42nd and 142nd general hos- 
pitals. Ninety-two percent of the nurses 
graduated from the school entered the 
Armed Forces during this period. Special 
recognition must be given to those of the 
visiting staff who returned to help over 
the great patient load which the hospital 
carried. With the return of the two war 
units, further development in the hospital 
is promised. 

Assisting the doctor at the bedside. Dr. Shaw, 
Assistant Medical Resident, and senior student tap- 
ping the spine for an important test. 


Miss Mulligan, senior student, placing material in 
one of the large autoclaves at University Hospital. 

Administering medicines is one of the most impor- 
tant phases of the nursing curriculum. Nurses get 
a very thorough course in Materia Medicas under 
the direction of the School of Pharmacy. 

X-Ray Department 

One of the most modern x-ray machines 
will soon be in operation at the University 
Hospital. It is called a photo-Roentgen 
unit and is designed for x-raying chests. 
This machine utilizes a roll of film 70 
mm. wide and 100 feet long. Approxi- 
mately ' 400 separate x-rays can be made 
on one of these rolls. II is almost self- 
operating, for the controls consist of but 
five buttons. The time and voltage re- 
quired for each patient are adjusted auto- 

Routine chest x-rays of all new pa- 
tients admitted to the University Hospital 
Clinic will be taken, and, in time, it is 
planned that all of these patients will be 
re-examined each subsequent year. Medical 
students as well as student nurses will 
likewise receive yearly photo-roentgen ex- 

The machine is primarily designed to 
aid in the early diagnosis of tuberculosis. 
Approximately 1.5 percent of all clinic pa- 
tients, it is estimated, have asymptomatic 
tuberculosis. Without routine chest x-rays 
these cases would probably go undetected 
until the disease has become too far ad- 
vanced for successful treatment. Many un- 
suspected tumors in the chest are also dis- 
covered by this type of examination. It 
is obvious that this machine will be a valu- 
able aid in the better care of clinic patients. 

Clinical Laboratory 

The Department of Clinical Pathology 
Hospital includes the following divisions: 
(Clinical Laboratories) of the University 
Biochemistry, Hematology, Serology, Bac- 
teriology, Blood Bank. This is one of the 
largest departments of its kind in the City 
of Baltimore. During 1946, diagnostic tests 
totalling thousands were performed and a 
number of original research problems were 
undertaken and reported. 

During the past year over 3,000 whole 
blood transfusions and some 600 plasma 

transfusions were given; approximately 
36,000 biochemical tests were made; 35,000 
serological examinations were performed; 
11,000 bacteriological studies; some 40,000 
hematological procedures were done. 

The laboratories are called upon not 
only for studies on hospital and dispensary 
patients but also render assistance to other 
institutions in the city and in the counties 
of Maryland in regard to special diagnostic 

For Typing Rh 

In August 1945, one of the first central- 
ized Rh Typing Laboratories in the coun- 
try was set-up by this department. The Rh 
Laboratory is sponsored by the Obstetrical 
and Gynecological section of the Baltimore 
City Medical Society. Since its inception 
this laboratory has performed tests on over 
18,000 expectant mothers. The plan of 
operation and organization of this labora- 
tory has been adopted as a standard by 
institutions in other parts of the country. 
It is rendering a great service to the com- 


An old wood cut of Maryland's Original Medical 
School Building, the oldest in the United States 
from which classes have been graduated continu- 
ously since the building's erection in 1812. 

Outside Obstetrics 

In addition to the hospital deliveries, the 
Obstetrical Department has maintained a 
large outpatient clinic. At one time, the 
Hospital delivered approximately 1,800 
women in their homes. However, with 
increasing hospital facilities and a general 
improvement in the economic condition of 
the population, this number has fallen to 
approximately 700. 

Since June 1, 1917, the Hospital cared 
for 27,902 women in their homes. Each 
patient delivered in her home makes an 
average of nine visits to the clinic pre- 
natally. She is seen in her home by the 
nurse at least twice before the baby is 
born. After delivery, the medical students 
and visiting nurses see the patient eight 
times at home. These patients are also 
seen by a member of the house staff. 

Cancer Detection Center 

The cancer detection center at the Uni- 
versity Hospital, sponsored by the Ameri- 
can Cancer Society, was opened November 
7, 1946. This was the first such center to 
open in the State of Maryland. Since then 
other such centers have been opened at 
Johns Hopkins Hospital, in Salisbury, Elk- 
ton, Frederick, and Annapolis. The pur- 
pose of this center is to provide the people 
of Baltimore, and of the State of Maryland, 
a clinic where well people may report for 
periodic check-up examination. This ex- 
amination includes the readily accessible 
portions of the body in which cancer com- 
monly develops. 

The center is operated weekly by a team 
of four physicians, one nurse, a technician, 
a secretary, and a volunteer worker. The 
four physicians are specially trained in can- 
cer work, two in general surgical cancer 
and the other two in gynecological 
(women's) cancer. When any conditions 
are found which need medical attention 
from the standpoint of cancer treatment 
or prevention, the patient is instructed to 

return to her regular doctor who receives 
a complete report of the examination with 
appropriate recommendations of the ex- 
amining physicians. This service is pro- 
vided free of charge to the patient, ex- 
penses being met by the American Cancer 
Society fund collected annually by sub- 
scription from the people of the State of 

The wing is located in the cystoscopic 
wing of the second floor of the hospital. 
The facilities of this wing are admirably 
adapted for the operation of such a center, 
and it has been possible to operate the 
center with existing equipment, only a few 
special instruments being required in addi- 
tion to those already existent. 

The results of the operation of this cen- 
ter have been highly gratifying both to 
the doctors and the people submitting to 
examination. Many conditions, unsuspected 
by the individual, might be a causative 
factor in development of cancer have been 
discovered. A few cases of early cancer (and 
highly amenable to treatment) which were 
totally unsuspected by the patient have 
been discovered. It is felt that this center 
will prove a considerable asset to the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and to the people of 


In 1945 neurosurgery was reorganized as 
a department under general surgery. Our 
hospital was the recipient of a gift from 
the Hoffberger Brothers Fund in order to 
carry on this work. New x-ray equipment 
and an electro-encephalograph were made 
available through this fund. This forward 
move has been very beneficial to the neuro- 
surgical department. 

Outpatient Department 

The Outpatient Department building at 
the corner of Lombard and Greene streets 
is the oldest building for the care of the 
sick in Baltimore. It has always proved 
an excellent source of material for medi- 
cal research. There are 27 clinics covering 
all branches of medicine and surgery, giv- 
ing treatment to the indigent in the State 
as well as in the City of Baltimore. There 
were 78, 892 visits in the Outpatient De- 
partment for the year ending June 30, 1946. 

Woman's Auxiliary Board 

The Woman's Auxiliary Board of the 
University Hospital dates back to 1887 
when the aid of women was sought by a 
body of physicians to help carry on the 
work in the line of "domestic administra- 
tion" and to raise funds needed for their 
administering to the needy. Between the 
years 1923 and 1933 approximately $63,000 
had been contributed by this organization, 
and every year thereafter they have helped 
with their time and funds to care for the 

Department Of Anesthesiology 

The Department of Anesthesiology at the 
University of Maryland School of Medicine 

and University Hospital was organized on 
January 1, 1946. On July 1, 1946 the staff 
was complete with a head of department, 
one assistant, one resident, and two assis- 
tant residents. 

The functions of the department include 
not only the administration of anesthetics,, 
but pre-operative checkups of all patients, 
writing of pre-operative medication, and 
choosing the correct anesthetic suitable to 
the surgery to be performed. Post-opera- 
tively, patients are followed closely for 
any post-anesthetic complications. 

The Department of Anesthesiology also 
administers anesthetics and supervises anes- 
thetic problems in the department of medi- 
cine, obstetrics and gynecology. 

New anesthetics and procedures have 
been introduced including the use of cu- 
rare, cyclopropane, continuous spinal and 
various endotracheal and endobronchial 
techniques. One of the newest is the use 
of spinal anesthesia for obstetrics. With 
this the patient is afforded freedom of labor 
pains and actual delivery for a period vary- 
ing from four to five hours with no harm- 
ful effects to mother or child. 

New courses for the teaching of medical 
students and student nurses have been in- 
stituted. Medical students are given fifteen 
hours of instruction in the actual admini- 
stration of anesthetics in the operating 
rooms. Student nurses are acquainted with 
the pre-operative and post-operative care 
of anesthetized patients. 

The Department of Anesthesiology was 
the first clinical department of the School 
of Medicine to have the head of the depart- 
ment on a full time basis. 


Postwar problems of hospitals were dis- 
cussed at a two-day conference of the South- 
eastern and Middle Atlantic States Section, 
American College of Surgeons, held in Bal- 
timore last month. 

Special groups of surgeons and physicians 
discussed the techniques of operations. 
Many Baltimore physicians and surgeons 
participated. Hospital administrators and 
medical men identified with them discussed 
the hospital's special problems. 

Richard Griffith, administrator of the 
West Baltimore General Hospital, presided 
at a conference at which the following 
papers were read: "Lack of Adequate 
Accommodations to Adequately Serve Com- 
munity Needs, Including Care of the 
Chronically 111," Dr. Vane M. Hoge, medical 
director United States Public Health Serv- 
ice, Division of Hospital Facilities; "Serious 
Shortage of Nursing Personnel in Meeting 
Needs for Nursing Service in Hospitals," M. 
Ruth Mowbray, executive secretary, Mary- 
land States Nurses Association; and "Stabi- 
lization of Medical Staff Organization and 
Integration of the General Practioner," Dr. 
Oscar B. Hunter, chief of medical staff of 
Doctor's Hospital, Washington. Also read 

were "Critical Problems in Securing and 
Maintaining Medical Records in Hospitals," 
Dr. Margaret Dubois, assistant director of 
hospital division. Medical College of Vir- 
ginia; "Increasing Costs of Hospital Service 
and How These Can Be Controlled With 
Lowering Present Standards," Russell 
Chase, director of the Brooklyn Hospitals. 

Dr. Arthur M. Shipley, professor of surg- 
ery at the University of Maryland, pre- 
sided at a later discussion. 

Subjects discussed included: 

"Transportation of the Injured — Need 
for Efficient Ambulance Service," Dr. Frank 
N. Ogden, surgeon of the Baltimore Fire 
Department; "Essential Requirements of an 
Efficient Emergency Service — Rendering 
First Aid," Marcus M. Ravitch, assistant 
surgeon, Johns Hopkins Hospital, and 
"Medico-Legal aspects of Accident Cases 
With Which the Hospital Administrator 
Should Be Familiar," Dr. Howard J. Mal- 
deis, chief medical examiner of Baltimore. 

Also read were: 

"Post-operative Hemorrhage — Tonsilec- 
tomy," Dr. Theodore A. Schwartz, Univer- 
sity of Maryland; "Post-operative Hemor- 
rhage — Obstetrical," Dr. James McCosh, 
resident in obstetrics, Hospital for the 
Women of Maryland, and "Shock — Sudden 
Collapse on the Operating Table," Dr. 
E. H. Stewart, resident in surgery. Univer- 
sity Hospital. 

In addition there were presented "Em- 
bolism — Pulmonary and Coronary," Dr. C. 
Lockard Conley, instructor in medicine, 
Johns Hopkins Medical School; "Sudden 
Disruption of the Post-operative Wound," 
Dr. H. L. Rigdon, resident in surgery, Bal- 
timore City Hospital; "Emergencies Arising 
During the Administration of the Anes- 
thetic," Marion W. Thomas, R.N., anesthet- 
ist, Johns Hopkins Hospital. 

Dr. Alfred Blalock, professor of surgery 
at the Hopkins Medical School, presided at 
a dinner for surgeons, physicians, and hos- 
pital representatives. 


Peichi Yu and Shirley King, both of 
Nanking, China, were among the pharmacy 
students of the University of Maryland 
School of Pharmacy who toured the Army 
Chemical Center at Edgewood Arsenal re- 

They sought a new type of American gas 


Miss Jeanne Thibadeau, daughter of Dr. 
and Mrs. Richard B. Thibadeau of Coles- 
ville Road, entertained at a buffet supper 
for 18 guests at her home in honor of 
Betty Hargrave who was recently elected 
Miss Terrapin at the University of Mary- 
land, where she is a sophomore. 

Century, Old Sndtitution 


106 Years Ago Baltimore's 
77 Druggists Decided A 
College Of Pharmacy Was 
Needed .... 

ON JUNE 4th and 5th, 1941 the 
School of Pharmacy of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland celebrated the one hun- 
dredth anniversary of its founding. 

In 1841 there were seventy-seven drug 
stores in Baltimore City. The more for- 
ward looking proprietors of these seventy- 
seven stores, realizing that a broader and 
more thorough education than could be 
obtained through employment in a drug 
store must be provided for their appren- 
tices if the citizens of the Commonwealth 
were to be properly served, joined with 
some of the more progressive physicians 
of Baltimore City in organizing the Mary- 
land College of Pharmacy, which was in- 
corporated on January 27, 1841 and which 
began to function as a teaching institution 
in November of the same year. The College 
continued to function as a private institu- 
tion until 1904 when it was amalgamated 
with the group of professional schools in 
Baltimore, then known as the University of 
Maryland. It became a department of the 
State University when the old University 
of Maryland was merged with the Mary- 
land State College in 1920. 

3.000 Students 

Throughout the one hundred and more 
years during which the School of Phar- 
macy has functioned as a teaching institu- 
tion, it has graduated nearly three thou- 
sand students, approximately seventeen 
hundred of which are living. The con- 
tributions to the progress of pharmacy 
made by the members of the faculty and 


From An Old Wood Cut 

alumni, particularly in the field of phar- 
maceutical education and research, have 
established the School as one of the fore- 
most among the leaders in pharmaceutical 
education and have made its influence 
nation-wide in scope. 

Aims And Purposes 

The sole purpose of the school in the 
beginning was to educate and train young 
men and women for the practice of retail 
pharmacy. As time passed, other branches 
of the drug industry developed to the 
point where demands were made upon 
the school for education of different 
types. Thus, it became desirable for the 


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Research Laboratory For Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 

school to offer instruction to prepare its 
graduates to enter the field of manufac- 
turing pharmacy, drug control work, re- 
search, teaching, etc. The school recog- 
nized these needs and modified its cur- 
riculum accordingly from time to time, 
but was really not in a position to offer 
the instruction required for these addi- 
tional services until the laboratory and 
class-room building now occupied was 
erected by the State in 1930. The primary 
objective of the School of Pharmacy is 
still the education of its students for the 
practice of retail pharmacy, but provisions 
have been made to give, in so far as ade- 
quate facilities are available, the additional 
instruction required for students desiring 
to enter into these other fields of pharma- 
ceutical activity. 

Unprecedented Progress 

Looking to the future, the School of 
Pharmacy in 1927 created a department of 
pharmacology, the primary purpose of 
which was to teach modern pharmacology 
and bio-assaying to the undergraduate 
students and to provide an opportunity for 
students who desire to specialize in this 
field to do graduate work. At the present 
time the School of Pharmacy of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland is the only school of 
pharmacy which has a well developed 
department of this kind and in which 
graduate work is being done. The or- 
ganization of this department was made 
possible through the generosity of Captain 
Isaac E. Emerson of the Emerson Drug 
Company, who provided the funds for the 
initial purchase of equipment and en- 
dowed the professorship in bio-assaying. . 

Progress of equal importance, if not 
greater, was made in developing instruc- 
tion in pharmaceutical chemistry. Al- 
though the School of Pharmacy has been 
one of the leaders in this department of 
instruction almost from its beginning, 


George Wansey Andrews, one of the founders 
of the Maryland College of Pharmacy, was born 
in Baltimore, Maryland, in the year 1801. 

He entered the drug business at No. 3 West 
Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Maryland, in 182?, but 
moved to No. 5 West Baltimore Street in 1842. 
He associated with him in 1857 as a partner William 
Silver Thompson, after which the firm was known 
as Andrews and Thompson, Chemists and Apothe- 

Mr. Andrews was active in national as well as 
State pharmaceutical organizations. He was elected 
first Vice-President of the American Pharmaceutical 
Association in 1852 and President in 1856. In addi- 
tion to being a founder of the Maryland College 
of Pharmacy, he was its third President and served 
in this capacity for twenty-seven years. He was a 
member of the Maryland Academy of Science for 
fifty-five years. 

George Wansey Andrews died in Baltimore on 
December 12, 1877. 

very little, if any, provision was made for 
giving graduate instruction in this field 
until 1930, when the school moved into 
the quarters which it now occupies. Since 
then courses for graduate students in vari- 
ous branches of pharmaceutical chemistry 
have been organized, and a majority of 
the graduate students now enrolled in the 
school are doing their major work in 
this department. The school has been 
assisted very materially in developing its 
work in this department through the gen- 
erosity of such outstanding pharmaceutical 
manufacturers as Dr. A. B. Dunning, The 
Wm. S. Merrell Company, William R. 
Warner & Co., Eli Lilly & Company, and 

Graduate Work 

Graduate work is also being offered in 
the department of pharmacy. This de- 
partment has one of the few up-to-date 
pharmaceutical manufacturing laboratories 
to be found in schools of pharmacy in 
this country. It not only uses this labora- 
tory for instructional purposes, but manu- 
factures a large number of the prepara- 
tions used in the Hospital Pharmacy and 
the Free Dispensary. 

The development of graduate work in 
the foregoing departments emphasized the 
need for adequate library facilities. These 
have been provided in a measure which 
has exceeded all expectations. In 1926 the 
library of the School of Pharmacy con- 
sisted of less than 1000 volumes. At the 
present time the number of volumes ex- 
ceeds 10,000. Here again the school has 
been assisted by its alumni and friends 
who have contributed liberally to the 

funds needed for the purchase of books 
and periodicals. 

Public Relations 

In addition to its functions as a teach- 
ing institution, the School of Pharmacy 
has cooperated with our pharmacists and 
health officials in raising the level of phar- 
maceutical practice within the state and 
in safeguarding the health of the public. 
Subsequent to 1841 and prior to 1902, the 
year in which the first state-wide pharmacy 
practice law was passed, all pharmaceu- 
tical laws enacted by the legislature of 
this State were initiated and fostered by 
the School of Pharmacy. Dean Charles 
Caspari, Jr. of the School of Pharmacy, 
in 1910, was the first pharmacist to be 
appointed as a member of the State Board 
of Health. Since then either the dean or 
an alumnus of the school has served in 
this capacity. At the present time, an 
Alumnus, Dr. Lloyd N. Richardson, is 
serving as the pharmacy member of the 
State Board of Health, another Alumnus, 
Dr. L. M. Kantner, is the Deputy Food 
and Drug Commissioner of the State, and 
Dean A. G. DuMez is serving as a mem- 
ber of the Council on Medical Care, a 
committee created to act in a consultant 
capacity to the State Department of 
Health on matters pertaining to the pro- 
vision of medical care for the indigent 
and medically indigent. 


Dean, School of Pharmacy. 

Dean A. G. DuMez was born in Horicon, Wis- 
consin, April 26, 1885, the son of Andrew Alexander 
and Anna Meister DuMez, both parents being 
natives of Milwaukee. The father was a pharmacist 
and the son obtained his practical training and his 
interest in Pharmacy from his father. Young DuMez' 
general education was obtained in the Graded 
Schools of Cashton, Wisconsin, from 1891 to 1897; 
and in the High Schools of that city from 1897 to 
1900. He entered the University of Wisconsin in 
the fall of 1902 and was awarded the following 
degrees by that institution: Graduate in Pharmacy 
(Ph.G.), 1904; Bachelor of Science (B.S.), 1907; 
Master of Science (M.S.), 1910; and Doctor of 
Philosophy (Ph.D.), 1917. 

Pharmaceutical education and research have re- 


ceived a major portion of Dr. DuMez' attention as 
the following record will indicate: 

Instructor in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University 
of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1905-1910; Pro- 
fessor of Chemistry, Pacific University, Forest Grove, 
Oregon, 1910-191 1; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, 
Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, 
Stillwater, Oklahoma, I9II-I9I2; Director of the 
School of Pharmacy of the University of the Philip- 
pines, Manila, P. I., 1912-1916; Hollister Fellow, 
University of Wisconsin, 1916-1917; Associate Pharma- 
cologist, Hygienic Laboratory, U. S. Public Health 
Service, Washington, D. C, 1917-1926; Dean of the 
School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, Balti- 
more, Maryland, 1926 to date. 

In addition to other research activities, Dr. DuMez 
was the first to propose and suggest bismuthous 
idodide as a remedy for amoebic dysentery. This 
work was published in 1916 and the publications 
that have followed include: 

"The Galenical Oleoresins," bulletin of the Uni- 
versity of Wisconsin, 1917, page 288; "Digest of 
Comments on the Pharmacopoeia of the United 
States and the National Formulary," bulletin of 
the Hygienic Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Ser- 
vice, published annually, 1916-1922. Editor of the 
"Year Book of the American Pharmaceutical Asso- 
ciation," 1921-1935. Editor of "Pharmaceutical Ab- 
stracts," 1935 to date. Co-author with Glenn L. 
Jenkins, of "Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chem- 
istry," McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1930; and numerous 
scientific articles published in U. S. Public Health 
Reports, Philippine Journal of Science, Journal 
American Medical Association, American Journal of 
Pharmacy, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical 
Association, Journal of Chemical Education, etc. 

Dr. DuMez has taken an active part in pharma- 
ceutical efforts of various kinds and in this con- 
nection has held a number of important appoint- 
ments and offices, among them: 

1914, Member of a committee to revise the phar- 
macy and drug laws of the Philippine Islands, ap- 
Cointed by the Director of Health; 1915, appointed 
y the Vice-Governor to investigate the schools 
and colleges of pharmacy in the Philippine Islands; 
1918-1919, served as a member and secretary of the 
Special Committee to investigate the Traffic in 
Narcotics in the United States, appointed by the 
Secretary of the Treasury; 1920, elected a member 
of the Revision Committee of Pharmacopoeia of 
the United States, and Chairman of the Sub-Com- 
mittee on Nomenclature to serve for ten years; 
reelected in 1930 and made vice-chairman of the 
Committee, also reelected chairman of the Sub- 
Committee on Nomenclature; 1925, official delegate 
of the United States Government of the Second 
Conference on the Unification of Standards for 
Potent Remedies held in Brussels, Belgium, Sep- 
tember 21-27, 1925, appointed by the Secretary of 
State with the approval of the President; 1932, 
secretary-treasurer, American Council on Pharma- 
ceutical education. 

The memberships held by Dr. DuMez in pro- 
fessional associations, clubs and lodges and the 
offices held in these organizations, include: 

Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Let- 
ters; American Pharmaceutical Association, (Presi- 
dent-Elect 1939; Chairman, Scientific Section 1920- 
1921; Member of the Council, 1920 to date; Secre- 
tary of the Council, 1920-1923); American Chemical 
Society; American Association of Colleges of Phar- 
macy (President, 1928-1929); American Public Health 
Association; American Association for the Advance- 
ment of Science (Fellow); Maryland Pharmaceutical 
Association; Sigma XI, Rho Chi, Phi Delta Chi, 
Kappa Psi, etc.; Kiwanis Club of Baltimore; Masonic, 
Temple Noyes Lodge No. 32, Washington, D. C. 

Dr. DuMez has been a prominent figure in Phar- 
macy for several years and has made valuable 
contributions toward its progress. He is qualified 
in every way to carry the responsibilities of the 
Deanship of the School of Pharmacy and to advance 
the standards of pharmaceutical education. 

Dr._ DuMez and Miss Mary Elizabeth Fields were 
married in Olney, Illinois, June 9, 1912 and make 
their home in the Garden Apartments, Baltimore, 


The next time you pass a school pause 
a moment to think what that school means 
to humanity. Recall the long dark cen- 
turies when the masses were kept in ignor- 
ance — when greed and oppression ruled the 
world with an iron hand. From the very 
beginning of man's struggle for knowledge, 
selfrespect, and the recognition of his in- 
alienable rights, the school has been his 
greatest ally. We refer to the school as 
"common" because it belongs to us all; 
it is ourselves working together in the 
education of our children. But it is a most 
uncommon institution. It is relatively new. 
It is democracy's greatest gift to civiliza- 
tion. Throughout the world, among up- 
ward struggling peoples, wherever parents 
share in the aspirations of their children, 
the American common school is being 
copied. Let us cherish and improve our 
schools. — Joy Elmer Morgan. 

One Of uhe Country, J Car lied t 


Books Of The Late Dr. John 
Crawford, A Remarkable 
Collection, Founded Uni- 
versity's Excellent Med- 
ical Library .... 

Jby 3da Marian J\ooin3on 


IN 1813, the faculty of the School of 
Medicine, by a subscription from its 
members, purchased the remarkable book 
collection of the late Dr. John Crawford to 
start a medical library, one of the earliest 
in this country. The Crawford books, be- 
tween three hundred and four hundred 
volumes, thus formed the beginning of the 
present book collection of the University of 
Maryland. It is interesting that perhaps no 
other small group of books belonging to the 
University has increased in value so much as 
these. Bought for five hundred dollars, the 
Crawford Collection contains rare medical 
classics (some of them already rare at the 
time of their purchase one hundred thirty- 
four years ago) now valued at thousands. 
The School of Medicine may be grateful 
for the wisdom of its early faculty in pro- 
viding such a foundation on which to build 
a library. 

Received Meager Attention 

After this splendid beginning, unfortun- 
ately the needs and financial problems of 
the medical school were such that the 
library received meager attention for a long 
period of years. Occasionally, for short 
intervals, there would be a yearly appropria- 
tion of fifty dollars for books, but in the 
first century of its existence the library de- 
pended almost entirely on gifts from pub- 
lishers, authors, and generous alumni. The 
result was that in 1890 the book collection 
numbered only one thousand volumes. 
This was more than doubled the next year 
by the gift of twelve hundred volumes 
from the library of an alumnus. 


The Medical Library of the University of Maryland, 
founded in 1813 by the purchase of the collection 
of Dr. John Crawford, now numbers 26,000 volumes 
and several thousand pamphlets and reprints. Over 
three hundred of the leading medical journals, both 
foreign and domestic, are received regularly. The 
library is housed in Davidge Hall, in close prox- 
imity to classrooms and laboratories, and is open 
daiiy for the use of members of the faculty, the 
student body and the profession generally. Libraries 
pertaining to particular phases of medicine are 
maintained by several departments of the medical 

Thereafter came a more satisfactory rate 
of increase than the first three quarters of 
a century had seen: by 1906 the library 
contained approximately seven thousand 
volumes. Eventually an annual appropria- 
tion was made to provide for books, jour- 
nals, and binding. The amount has gradu- 
ally increased and is now, in most fiscal 
years, fairly adequate. Besides the regular 
annual funds, there are also several special 
funds which benefit the library. These are 
memorials from World War I, and other 
personal memorials, gifts, and legacies. To- 
day the library has about twenty-seven 
thousand bound volumes and receives ap- 
proximately four hundred journals, by sub- 
scription, gift, and exchange. We try not 
to think of the perhaps unrivalled size 
and importance that this library might 
already have attained, had its first one 
hundred years been more prosperous. 

In One Room 

During that first century of its existence, 
the library was housed in a room of the 
original medical college building. As a 
fitting observance of its centennial, the 
book collection in 1913 was moved into its 
own building, Davidge Hall, across the 
street from the medical school. This "new" 
library building had been a church for sixty 
years before its conversion into a medical 
library. It was somewhat remodeled inside 
and adapted as well as it could be for its 
new role. But some of the original charac- 
teristics persisted, and do to this day. 

For a number of years, the dais which 
had once supported a pulpit continued as 
a platform for the librarian's desk. The 
gallery along the front of the building, once 
a choir loft, today is a favorite study place 
of the students. Two remaining stained 
glass windows at the south end still suggest 
the original purpose of the building and 
give it, somehow, a mellow aspect and a 
widely felt appeal, not quite to be analyzed. 

About two years ago, redecoration of the 
building and installation of an adequate 
lighting system greatly improved the in- 
terior. The major problem now is lack of 
space for proper arrangement of the over- 
flowing book collection and for the increas- 
ing activities of the library staff. There is 
no doubt that the only satisfactory solution 
is to plan for a new, fireproof, functional, 
expandable library building. We look for- 
ward to such a structure for the necessary 
development of the library. Yet, despite all 
the inconveniences and inadequacies of the 
old church building, we shall feel sincere 
regret — a loss, as of an old friend — when 
it must go. 

Ho Librarian 

In the beginning, for many years there 
was no regular librarian. In the decade 
before 1900, the druggist of the University 
Hospital held the position of librarian, 
though we do not know just how the 
duties of pharmacy and library were com- 
bined. In 1903, Dr. Eugene Fauntleroy 
Cordell became Professor of the History of 
Medicine (a newly established Chair in the 



University) and librarian. He must surely 
be considered the first official librarian of 
the institution. 

It was through his interest and his efforts 
in stimulating the interest of others that the 
library was brought to life and made a 
rightfully active and growing part of the 
school. Dr. Cordell continued as librarian 
until his death in 1913. In the entrance to 
the library hangs his portrait, gift of the 
alumni of the School of Medicine, a fitting 
tribute to his influence on the library's 

For a few months after Dr. Cordell's 
death, Samuel Want, a lawyer, acted as 
administrator of the library. In 1914, Ruth 
Lee Briscoe was appointed librarian and 
took charge of Davidge Hall. At that time 
it housed not only the medical book collec- 
tion, but groups of books belonging to the 
schools of dentistry, pharmacy, law, and 
commerce. Gradually the libraries of these 
other professional schools were removed to 
their own buildings, until only the medical 
collection remained. 

Libraries Combined 

Mrs. Briscoe continued as medical librari- 
an until her recent retirement. Her pho- 
tograph hangs in the library's Maryland 
Room, because of her long and close as- 
sociation with the books and pictures of 
the significant Maryland Collection. 

In the fall of 1942, it was decided to 
place the Medical Library and the Dental- 
Pharmacy Library under the direction of 
one librarian, to effect a closer cooperation 
of the two organizations. This arrange- 
ment has continued and appears to act to 
the advantage of both libraries. At present, 
besides the librarian in this joint position, 
the Medical Library staff has three full- 
time members and one part-time, to carry 
on its varied activities. 

The library is proud of its working collec- 
tion of current books and of its several 
special collections. A unique part of the 
(Please turn to Page H) 

3n Z)ke Spirit of Florence Jviyhtingale 


After work and study the internes and nurses congregate in the Nurses Resi 
dence where they practice some of the latest song hits. 


The care of the convalescent child is an important phase of the curricula of 

the School of Nursing. The photograph shows Miss Carine Johnson, senior 

student, entertaining a child. 

STEEPED in the philosophy and spirit 
of Florence Nightingale the University 
of Maryland School of Nursing, second 
oldest professional nursing school in Mary- 
land, still carries on the objectives of the 
founder, Louisa Parsons, a Nightingale 

The pioneering period for the School of 
Nursing began under the direction of the 
Catholic Sisters. The Sisters of Charity 
followed by the Sisters of Mercy cared for 
the patients in University Hospital from 
1823-1889. There were differences between 
the Sisters and the medical students the 
chief one of which was that "no one was 
permitted to go out or come in the Infimary 
after ten o'clock at night." It disturbed 
the Sisters' restl The complaints of the 
medical students were carried to Father 
Dubois who replied in an interesting letter 
that ten o'clock was too late for young 
gentlemen studying the serious practice of 
medicine to be out of the hospital. He said, 
"The clue to the whole difficulty is a spirit 
of independance which prevails among our 
American youth." 

The Sisters Leave 

The Sisters left in 1889. In the same 
year the Faculty of Physics took full charge 
of the Hospital. The Dean was directed to 
employ a matron and nurses. After much 
investigation the Faculty secured the ser- 
vices of Miss Louisa Parsons, a graduate of 
St. Thomas Hospital, London, England. 

Miss Parsons, a woman of breeding and 
culture, acquired much of the philosophy 
of Florence Nightingale and put it into 
practice. This practice, to a great extent, 
exists in the University of Maryland School 
of Nursing to this day, i.e., to select wisely, 
to educate thoroughly for cultural living. 
Miss Parsons proclaimed her purpose of the 
school as follows: "To teach the student 
to give proper care and health teaching to 
the sick, and not to provide trained nursing 
service for all departments in the hospital." 
There is a division in the philosophy 
of the school and the hospital. The 

Proud History Of The School 
Dates Back To 1823. 
Graduates Have Distin- 
guished Themselves All 
Over The World In War 
And Peace .... 

(By. Jeanne c*. Wlentan. 

school's purpose is to educate; the hospital 
or service agency is to give service to the 

The requirements for study, while not 
arduous in those days, were more than one 
finds in some of the earlier beginning 
schools. The curriculum was comparable to 
the one at Johns Hopkins. In fact, Miss 
Parsons planned it there when she served 



B.S., M.S., R.N. 

Director of the Division of Nursing Education and 

Nursing Service, University of Maryland School of 



as Acting Superintendent of Nurses while 
relieving Isabel Hampton Robb. The Hop- 
kins School of Nursing was officially opened 
October 9, 1889. The University of Mary- 
land School of Nursing was opened Decem- 
ber 15, 1889. Among some of the first 
lecturers in the University of Maryland 
were: Dr. Louis McLain Tiffany, who 
gave three lectures per week for fifteen 
weeks on Surgery, and Dr. I. E. Atkinson, 
who gave three hours weekly for the entire 
school year, October to May, on Medicine. 
Dr. St. Clair Spruill taught Materia Medica 
two hours per week for fifteen weeks. 
Medical and Surgical Nursing were taught 
by Miss Parsons for thirty hours; Bandaging 
by Miss Parsons, twenty hours; Professional 
Ethics, thirty hours; Nursing Emergencies- 
Surgical Staff, Miss Parsons, and Operating 
Room Supervisor — fifteen hours. 

A Planned Program 

Even in those early days one sees a pro- 
fessional curriculum or a planned program 
of study for the Nursing School. Small in 
number perhaps these nurses had the wide 
experience and observation so often cited 
by Francis Bacon in his fundamental laws 
of learning. The nurses of today, because 
of mass learning, have neither the time nor 
the opportunity to observe for this ex- 
perience and observation. 

After two hard years of pioneering Miss 
Parsons resigned and was followed by Mrs. 
Sidney Miller as head of the school. Mrs. 
Miller remained only long enough to gradu- 
ate one class. 

The first graduates of the school to re- 
ceive diplomas were: 

Miss E. Dunham 

Miss Lelia Dunham 

Miss Mary Goldsborough 

Miss Janet Hale 

Miss Annie Edith Lee 

Mrs. Kate Crane Lucas 

Miss Amy Neal 

Miss Anna Louise K. Schleunes 
Following Mrs. Miller, Miss Janet Hale, 


Miss Shirley Byers, B.S., R.N., graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences, 
University of Maryland, teaching anatomy to student nurses. 


In the School of Pharmacy Dr. Slama, assisted by Miss Eva Bradley, B.S., R.N., 

is seen teaching preclinical students how to compute dosage and various 

percentages of solutions. 

a member of the first class, was chosen as 
head of the school. She remained five years 
as Director. The Janet Hale Alumnae 
Association Scholarship is named in her 

From 1900-1914 several superintendents 
served. In 1905 fifty-five students were in 
training. Graduates from former classes 
were filling important posts all over the 
world. The school continued to grow. In 
1906 thirteen young women were awarded 
diplomas. In an article in the Baltimore 
Sun of that date we find: "As a department 
of the educational work of the University 
of Maryland the Training School for Nurses 
is upholding a standard which will com- 
mand the respect and confidence of the 
public. The graduates of this school are 
showing that their training is up to date, 
and in keeping with the best traditions of 
the University of Maryland." 

Miss Alice Bell, class of 1907, served as 
the head of the school for several months 
from July to October 1908. It was she who 
introduced the famous Bell Record System 
for training schools in the United States. In 
February 1910 she was again called to serve 
her Alma Mater, and remained in that 
capacity until July 1911. 

Important Progress 

One finds in reviewing this historical 
data of University Hospital the names of 
two very important surgeons who served as 
Superintendents of the School of Nursing 
for short periods in 1908-1910. Dr. Arthur 
M. Shipley, Professor of Surgery, University 
Hospital, who still remains a kind friend 
and a wise counsellor to all nurses, and 
the late Dr. Robert P. Bay, Professor of 
Oral Surgery, University of Maryland, and 
later Chief Surgeon of Maryland General 
Hospital. The names of these men are 
held in high esteem and reverence by the 
nurses. Dr. Bay died January 1, 1940. His 
sympathetic attitude will never be forgotten 
by graduates of both schools of nursing. His 
portraits, which may be found in several 
departments of the University, are an indi- 
cation of the respect and admiration of all 
who knew him as a professor and humani- 

In 1911 Mrs. Ethel Palmer Clarke, a 
graduate of the University School, became 
Superintendent. Under her leadership the 
school continued to grow and prosper. Mrs. 
Clarke resigned in 1914 to take advanced 

work in nursing school administration at 
Columbia University. Following this she 
was Director of the School of the University 
of Indiana for many years. Mrs. Clarke was 
very active in the Maryland State Nurses 
Association, and was instrumental in having 
several important laws passed relative to 
the Nursing Practice Act in Maryland. 

Miss Mary Ellen Sullivan, Miss Helen 
Virginia Wise, and Miss Lucy Ann Marshall 
served as heads of the school from 1914- 

On July 1, 1922 Miss Annie Crighton, a 
graduate of the Johns Hopkins School of 
Nursing, took charge of the school. Under 
Miss Crighton's direction much growth is 
evidenced in the educational program as 
well as upholding strict discipline for work 
and study, with high ideals for selection and 
education. Miss Crighton set a standard 
that challenged other schools throughout 
the nation. In local and civil affairs she 
exhibited a force of character that is 
reflected among her graduates all over the 


The Misses Peggy Sappington and Jean War- 
field, University of Maryland Nurses, are shown 
Reporting to the Baltimore City Department of 

On February I, 1947, University Nurses upder 
the Direction of Miss Anna Holmes, began an 
Affiliation with the Health Department. 

world. In 1924 a combined academic pro- 
gram was inaugurated, leading to the de- 
gree of Bachelor of Science and a diploma 
in nursing. The number of candidates in 
this five year program is increasing rapidly 
each year. Miss Crighton resigned June 2, 
1943. The graduates of the school under 
her direction are living tributes to her suc- 
cess as a leader. "By their deeds ye shall 
know them." 

The contributions to the world by Uni- 
versity of Maryland nurses is worthy of note. 
In World Wars I and II they distinguished 
themselves. In World War I Miss Mary 
Gavin, who received the rank of Lieuten- 
ant Colonel, was Chief Nurse of Base Hos- 
pital No. 42, and was decorated for services. 
Miss Barbara Stauffer received the Royal 
Red Cross Medal from the Prince of Wales. 
Elizabeth Collins Lee received a citation 
for outstanding services. One graduate, Miss 
Charlotte Cox, died in France, and Miss 
Judith Viberg died in service at Camp Lee, 

In World War II Lieutenant Colonel 
Grace Dick, a graduate of the school, was 
Chief Nurse of Base Hospital No. 42- 
Colonel Dick received numerous citations 
and decorations for her high standard of 

One University graduate, Miss Louise 
Hollister, died in service in World War II. 

Following Miss Crighton's resignation in 
1943 Miss Katherine Shea was Acting 
Superintendent until Mrs. Ivy B. Clifford, 
R.N., B.S., A.M., University of New York, 
was appointed Director of the School. 

Blanche Hoffmaster 

After Mrs. Clifford's resignation in 
August 1945 the work was for a time 
under the direction of Miss Blanche Hoff- 
master, a graduate of the school, as Acting 
Director. Miss Hoffmaster's motherly ap- 
proach and sympathetic attitude toward 
students and graduates won the admira- 
tion of all who knew her. 

On January 7, 1946 the Board of Re- 
gents and President Byrd of the University 
appointed Miss Florence M. Gipe as Di- 
rector of the Division of Nursing Educa- 
tion and Nursing Service of the University 
of Maryland. Miss Gipe, a graduate of 
York Hospital, York, Pennsylvania, has 
had a wide preparation for administration 



and teaching in mid-western universities 
and hospitals. Among them are Western 
Reserve, Cleveland, University of Michi- 
gan, Ann Arbor, and Wayne University, 
Detroit. From Catholic University of 
America, Washington, D.C. she holds a 
Bachelors degree, from the graduate 
school, University of Pennsylvania she 
holds a Masters degree, and for the past 
several years has been a student in the 
School of Higher Studies, Johns Hopkins 
University where she is majoring in 

One of her recent accomplishments 
since coming to University Hospital is that 
she is co-author of a book soon to be 
published on clinical methods of teaching 
and administration in schools of nursing. 

New Committee 

In June 1946 a new Nursing School 
Committee was appointed with Dr. L. A. 
M. Krause as Chairman. Other members 
serving with Dr. Krause represent a special 
field of interest in order that nursing edu- 
cation may be safeguarded. These fields 
represented are: 

Medical profession 2; Public Health 1; 
Community 1; General education 1; Board 
of Regents 1; Nurses Alumnae 2; Director 
of School 1; Superintendent of Hospital 1; 
Dean of Medical School 1. 

This Committee is appointed upon rec- 
ommendation of the National League of 
Nursing Education, and serves as advisor 
to the administration of the University. 

Since the Committee has been function- 
ing some notable changes have taken 
place. The teaching faculty has been in- 
creased to ten instructors, eight of whom 
hold college degrees. They are: 

Florence M. Gipe, B.A., M.S., R.N.— 
University of Pennsylvania — Director. 

Myrtle M. Robertson, B.S., R.N.— Uni- 
versity of New York — Associate Director. 

Shirley Byers, B.S., R.N. — University of 

Eva Bradley, B.S., R.N. — Johns Hopkins 

Anna Holmes, B.S., R.N. — Columbia 

Jean Bloom, B.S., R.N. — University of 

Helen Viereck, B.S., R.N. — University of 

Helen Taylor, B.S., R.N. — University of 

Bessie Zee, R.N. 

Evelyn McNally, R.N. 

Doctors Lecture 

Besides the well prepared nurse teach- 
ing factdty the students are taught Chem- 
istry, Microbiology, Pharmacology and 
Mental Hygiene by leading professors of 
these particular schools belonging to the 
University. Doctors who teach in the 
School of Medicine serve as lecturers and 
help direct courses in the School of Nurs- 
ing. Two affiliations exist; one at Shep- 
pard Pratt Hospital. One in the City 
Health Department. 

Students are accepted into the School 
of Nursing by a Committee on Admis- 
sions. The Chairman of this Committee 
is Dr. Edgar F. Long who serves as Ex- 
ecutive Director of Admissions of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, College Park, Mary- 

The future objective of the University 
of Maryland School of Nursing is com- 
parable to all other departments of the 
University, i.e. to serve society by pro- 
ducing leaders in their chosen work. 

A graduate school of Nursing Education 
under the direction of the University of 
Maryland in the very near future will 
help us to attain a goal for which there 


has been a long felt need by nurse educa- 
tors in Maryland and nearby communities. 

The Alumnae Association 

The graduates of the School of Nursing 
formed an Alumnae Association in 1895, 
seven years after the school was officially 
opened. To date 1157 nurses have grad- 
uated from the school. Many of them are 
wives of famous physicians and surgeons, 
and mothers of doctors and nurses from 
the University of Maryland. The Alumnae 
Association owns and operates its own 
Directory for University nurses. 

The Alumnae or graduate cap privileged 
to be worn in the United States only by 
University of Maryland nurses, was pat- 
terned officially by Florence Nightingale. 
It was given to Miss Parsons when she 
was preparing to come to the United 
States. The school cap is made of white 
organdy with a black velvet band which 
is worn at present. 

The census of the School of Nursing is 
at present: 

Seniors — 61. 

Intermediates — 56. 

Juniors — 29. 

Preclinicals — 50. 

This year the University of Maryland 
will award diplomas to ninety nurses at 
their annual graduation, the largest class 
ever to graduate from the University of 
Maryland School of Nursing. 


The foundations of your whole life — 
physical, emotional, and mental — are laid 
in the home. The well-ordered home based 
on love, mutual helpfulness, and intelli- 
gent cooperation is the highest achieve- 
ment of mankind. It is the cradle of 
civilization. By living and working together 
in the home we acquire the virtues, habits, 
and skills needed for the highest success 
in life. By doing your part in the tasks 
about the home; by helping to keep it 
clean, orderly, and beautiful; by seeking 
to make it a peaceful, friendly, and happy 
place; you learn to think, to plan, and to 
work with others in ways that will help 
you to perform well your part in school 
and community. Exalt, enrich, and beautify 
your home. It is the foundation of your 
life and happiness; the first school of 
citizenship and democracy. 


(Concluded from Page 11) 

Maryland Collection, already mentioned, is 
the large group of hand-written theses sub- 
mitted to the school for the degree of 
Doctor of Medicine from 1817 to 1886. The 
general Historical Collection of books pub- 
lished before 1840 is important with vol- 
umes significant in medical history. But 
perhaps our greatest pride is in those 
earliest volumes, the Crawford Collection. 
The library staff is always eager to display 
these books to interested alumni and others. 
It is hoped that at some future time, when 
funds permit completing the restoration of 
the old bindings, the library may have a 
well publicized exhibit of this unusual 
collection and pay tribute to its original 
owner, Dr. John Crawford. 

J^ectureA (Began 3n 1823 


Formally Chartered In 1840, 
The University's College 
Of Dental Surgery, Dental 
School, Has Progressed 
Remarkably .... 

J$y Qardner P.M. Joley, M-.c4. 

Assistant Professor of Dental History and 
Dental Literature 

THE story of the Baltimore College of 
Dental Surgery, University ot Maryland 
forms a highly colorful and extremely im- 
portant chapter in the history of American 
dentistry. The founding of the School 
marked not only the beginning of the for- 
mal and effective training of the dentist but 
also the establishment of dentistry as a pro- 
fession, the only one of the professions that 
may be described as an American-born 
profession. For over a century the Baltimore 
College of Dental Surgery has maintained 
strong national and international reputa- 
tions in the field of dental education. In 
addition to the historical significance at- 
tached to it as the first dental college in 
the world, the B.C.D.S., as the School has 
been familiarly known and cherished by 
its host of loyal alumni, has consistently 
gained and preserved recognition for its 
great contributions to the progress of the 
dental profession. From its humble but 
sure and immediately influential beginning 
in 1840 the School has led or cooperated 
in bringing about the remarkable expan- 
sion and improvement that have character- 
ized the development of the art and science 
of dentistry in this country during the 
period of its existence. 

The First Lectures 

The first lectures on dentistry given in 
this country were delivered by Dr. Horace 
H. Hayden in the University of Maryland, 
School of Medicine, between the years 
1823-24. Serious internal dissensions in the 
School of Medicine caused the discontinu- 
ance of these lectures in 1825. Dr. Hayden, 
a man of vision and intellectual power, had 
become firmly convinced of the fact that 
subjects related to dental science should be 
given greater attention than had been given 
them by the medical schools. He was also 
keenly aware of the shortcomings present 
in the preceptorial and apprenticeship plans 
of education then the only available media 
for the training of the so-called dentist. 
The internal strife in the Medical School 
defeated the long cherished aim of Hayden 
that dental education should be developed 
as a special branch of medical teaching. 

In 1800 

From 1800, the year of his coming to 
Baltimore to begin the practice of dent- 
istry, Hayden had given careful thought 
to the very apparent need for establishing 
a scientific foundation for the practice of 
dentistry. In 1831 Dr. Chapin A. Harris 
came to Baltimore to study in the office 
of Hayden. Dr. Harris, because of his un- 
usual ability and special qualifications, 


The first building occupied by the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. 

was well equipped to cooperate with his 
mentor in promoting the latter's project 
for providing formal dental education. 

Since the difficulties involved in making 
dental education a part of the curriculum 
of medical schools had been tested by Dr. 
Hayden's experience at the University of 
Maryland, Hayden and Harris decided to 
work for the creation of a dental college 
that would be independent of medical edu- 
cation, an institution that would be the 
first of its kind in the world. With the 
active support of the leading members of 
the medical profession in Maryland and 
with the earnest cooperation of their fellow 
practitioners of dentistry Hayden and Harris 
petitioned the legislature for a charter. On 
February 1, 1840 the Maryland Legislature 
granted a charter to the Baltimore College 
of Dental Surgery. 

Dr. Hayden, President 

At the first faculty meeting, held on 
February 3, Dr. Hayden was elected presi- 
dent and Dr. Harris dean. On November 
3, Dr. Hayden delivered the introductory 


lecture to the five students enrolled in the 
first class: Joseph W. Clowes, New York 
City; Thomas Payne, New York City; 
Joseph B. Savier, Norfolk, Va., Robert 
Arthur, Baltimore; and R. Covington 
Mackall, Baltimore. At the first commence- 
ment — March 9, 1841 — Arthur and Mackall 
were awarded the diploma of the College. 
Because Arthur's name had alphabetical 
priority, he became the first graduate and 
received the first diploma. The diplomas 
of Arthur and Mackall are in the Museum 
of the School. Both Arthur and Mackall 
became distinguished practitioners. Arthur, 
through his writing and teaching, achieved 
a reputation that brought great credit not 
only to himself but also to his alma mater. 
Throughout their professional careers these 
two men by evidencing the values they 
had received from their dental college train- 
ing contributed greatly to the cause of 
dental education. 

Dentists Organized 

During the first half century of formal 
dental education in the United States the 

HORACE H. HAYDEN (1769-1844) CHAPIN A. HARRIS (1806-1860) 

Cofounder and president of the Baltimore College 
of Dental Surgery, the first dental school; father 
and first president of the American Society of 
Dental Surgeons, the first national dental organ- 
ization; important force in the establishment of 
the first dental journal. 

majority of the schools were of the proprie- 
tary classification. Groups of dentists, con- 
stituting themselves as faculties or as the 
key men of faculties, organized colleges 
for the teaching of dentists. Some of these 
institutions were conducted by men who 
were guided in their efforts by their 
earnest desire to build up the standards of 
their profession through effective educa- 
tion; others were administered by those 
whose primary purpose in teaching was the 
financial returns involved in their work. By 
the turn of the century several universities 
had added schools or departments of dent- 
istry to their already established educational 
units. Harvard and Michigan were leaders 
in this important development in the pro- 
gress of dental education. A department of 
dentistry was organized at the University of 
Maryland in 1882, graduating an annual 
class from 1883 to 1923. With the growing 
strength of the profession there came 
organization within the field of dental edu- 
cation that imposed standards and require- 
ments upon all the schools. As a result 
of this system of discipline the proprietary 
schools were eliminated or were obliged 
to seek affiliation with universities. All of 
the dental schools of the United States are 
now members of university families. 

Schools Combined 

On June 15, 1923 the student bodies of 
the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery and 
the University of Maryland, School of 
Dentistry were amalgamated. Thus the 
first dental school became a department of 
the University (which had become a State 
institution in 1920), under State supervision 
and control. 

The chief purpose of the Dental School, 
University of Maryland, is to meet the oral 
health needs of the people of the State and 
to serve the dental profession in this section 
of the country. That the state depends 
almost entirely upon the Dental School 
for its supply of dentists is attested by the 
fact that ninety-seven percent of the dent- 
ists of Maryland are its graduates; that the 
adjoining states without dental schools 
depend largely on it for assistance is shown 

Cofounder and first dean of the Baltimore College 
of Dental Surgery; the leading figure in the found- 
ing and publishing of the AMERICAN JOURNAL 
OF DENTAL SCIENCE; one of the founders and 
second president of the American Society of 
Dental Surgeons. 

by the fact that about two- thirds of the 
School's enrollment is non-resident. Its 
local and regional usefulness is therefore 
very important to the people of this area. 

Since the founding of the modern Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1920 and since in 
1923 the Baltimore College of Dental Sur- 
gery was adopted by it as the Dental 
School of the University, the quality of 
education provided by the School has 
steadily increased. Standards of admission 
have been improved to ensure sound 
scholarship of all matriculants; the curricu- 
lum has continually been adjusted to 
include in it the improvements made in 
dental research and dental practice; the 
teaching staff has been enlarged and 
strengthened; the teachers are now in large 
part on a full-time basis with a single in- 
terest; methods of teaching have been 
rationalized; the equipment has been com- 
pletely modernized; and the physical facili- 
ties have been expanded as far as the 
restricted financial support which has been 
afforded the Dental School will allow. The 
results of these advances in and supports of 

educational standards have been recognized 
both locally and nationally and are re- 
flected in the uniformly well-qualified 
gradudates who go out from the School 
and the high esteem in which it is held 
by the profession in general. 

State's Needs 

The relatively small number of Maryland 
boys who have entered the Dental School 
in the past and the insufficient number 
of those graduating who locate in Maryland 
have created a serious problem in the dis- 
tribution of dental care to the people of 
the State. Because of the greater oppor- 
tunity in large centers this limited supply 
of dentists gravitates to the larger and more 
inviting urban areas. This tendency creates 
a serious situation in the rural areas where 
dental care is now badly needed. Recently 
a change has appeared in the composition 
of the student body. A much larger number 
of Maryland students are registering in the 
Dental School, a situation which will re- 
sult in the graduation of more dentists for 
practice in the State in the years that lie 
immediately ahead. As a consequence, the 
law of supply and demand will operate to 
cause a wider distribution of practitioners 
in rural sections and thus provide a much 
needed health care in what are now 
neglected areas. 

School's Responsibility 

The Dental School recognizes its responsi- 
bility to provide educational opportunities 
to meet the total needs of the people of 
the State and of the profession. With the 
advances that are being made in the basic 
and dental science, and the improvements 
that are being made in the technical pro- 
cedures involved in the art of dental prac- 
tice, it is necessary for the graduate dentist 
to be constantly on the alert and to take 
advantage of improvements that are made 
in his profession. In order to provide this 
service the Dental School Faculty is in a 
position and is anxious to offer extension 
courses on a comprehensive scale to the 
dentists in the various counties of Maryland 
and to those located in the City of Balti- 
more. Such a program has been discussed 
by the Faculty and plans are now under 
consideration for its further development 
so as to provide a needed service to the 
dentists practicing in the various counties 
who might request such extension courses. 


Robert Arthur (left) and R. Covington Mackall (right), both of Baltimore, formed the first class to graduate 

from a dental college. 


Currently, extension education is limited to 
courses that are being given the members 
of the Baltimore City Dental Society and 
members of the Maryland Dental Society — 
the association of colored dentists in Balti- 
more. These local efforts have been so 
successful and productive of such good that 
the Faculty is greatly encouraged to believe 
that a statewide plan of extension service 
would be beneficial to and welcomed by the 
dentists of Maryland. 


The teachers in the Dental School are 
actively engaged in research. Typical of the 
work that has been done is the study of Dr. 
M. S. Aisenberg, Professor of Pathology, 
of portal of entry of poliomyelitis virus. 
Poliomyelitis is caused by an invasion of 
a virus into a nerve trunk along which it 
moves to the spinal cord and the brain. 
Since the teeth are generously supplied 
with nerves and since an exposure of a 
nerve would open up a path from the out- 
side to the nerve trunk, Dr. Aisenberg con- 
ceived the idea that the nerves of the teeth 
exposed by dental cavities might render 
the patient peculiarly susceptible to such 
infection. To test his theory he inoculated 
the tooth pulps of monkeys, one of which 
developed paralytic poliomyelitis and others 
non-paralytic poliomyelitis. Studies were 
then made of epidemic cases in North 
Carolina, New Jersey and Baltimore where 
it was found that 60 to 70% of the 
patients had tooth pulp exposures. A con- 
trol group of these same areas showed only 
20 to 30% pulpal exposure. The difference 
in susceptibility of these two groups is 
highly significant. In certain communities 
in which one part per million of fluorine 
or more is present in potable water there 
is less dental caries than in those com- 
munities in which there is less than one 
part per million of fluorine in water. A 
survey of the incidence of poliomyelitis in 
such communities was made. This com- 
parison showed that where the potable water 
contained one part per million or more of 
fluorine there were 45% fewer cases of 
poliomyelitis. Less caries indicates fewer 

pulpal exposure, and fewer pulpal ex- 
posure seems to indicate less poliomyelitis. 
If these findings are verified through further 
study, which Dr. Aisenberg is now conduct- 
ing, dentistry in its prevention and correc- 
tion of dental decay will offer the only 
preventive measure (against poliomyelitis) 
that has been discovered. 


The clinics of the Dental School, Univer- 
sity of Maryland, are designed primarily for 
teaching purposes. Through his varied as- 
signments in the several clinics the student 
learns to apply his scientific knowledge and 
perfect the skills necessary to the successful 
practice of dentistry. In addition, these 
clinics provide opportunities for those of 
the lower income groups to secure com- 
petent dental care at a low cost or without 
cost. In 1946 there were approximately 
98367 dental operations performed in the 
dental clinics by the students for the poor 
people of Baltimore and its environs. About 
40% of this work was wholly free to those 
who were medically indigent. The welfare 
aspect of the work done at the Dental 
School is of great value to the citizens of 


All ex-Naval personnel, who were on 
active duty on and after September 1, 1946, 
exclusive of terminal leave, and who were 
not given the opportunity to submit claims 
for the settlement of their unused leave, 
prior to their separation from the Naval 
Service, should write to the Bureau of 
Naval Personnel (Attn: Pers 8247) with a 
request that the Bureau compute their leave 
credit as of August 31, 1946, and prepare 
a claim for settlement of unused leave in 
excess of 60 days standing to their credit 
on September 1, 1946. 

The request should indicate the claim- 
ant's full name, rating at time of discharge, 
service number, date and place of separa- 
tion, and present mailing address. 

The Bureau of Naval Personnel will pre- 
pare the proper claim form and send it 


The Schools of Dentistry and Pharmacy, University of Maryland, are located in this Baltimore building. 



Dr. J. Ben Robinson, Dean of the School of Den- 
tistry since 1924, received his undergraduate train- 
ing at Marshall College. After a period of post- 
graduate study at West Virginia University he spent 
six years as a teacher in the public schools of 
West Virginia. In 1911 he began the study of 
dentistry at the University of Maryland. On his 
graduation in 1914 he joined the faculty of the 
School as Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry. In 
1916 Dr. Robinson was appointed Professor of Clini- 
cal Dentistry; and in 1918, Professor of Operative 
Dentistry. He filled this chair until 1921, when he 
resigned to devote his entire attention to his ex- 
tensive practice. In this year he was elected 
President of the Maryland State Dental Association. 
Appointed by Governor Ritchie to the State Board 
of Dental Examiners, Dr. Robinson served from 
1922 to 1924, when he resigned to become Dean 
of the Dental School. Chiefly through his skillful 
and wise administration the oldest dental college 
has continually gained in the strength of its faculty 
and the value of its curriculum. 

Dr. Robinson has received wide recognition for 
his many contributions to American dentistry. As 
a climax to a versatile and unusually active career 
in the profession he was elected President of the 
American Dental Association in 1943. He is a past 
president of the American Association of Dental 
Schools and of the American College of Dentists. 
The Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity awarded him 
its annual Achievement Medal (1941); the Con- 
necticut State Dental Association conferred upon 
him the Fones Award for notable contributions to 
dentistry (1942); the Ohio State Dental Society 
presented him with the Callahan Medal awarded 
annually for outstanding contributions to dentistry 
(1944). Dr. Robinson has been a member of the 
Council on Education of the American Dental Asso- 
ciation since its beginning in 1937. Through his 
service on the Council Dr. Robinson has influenced 
greatly the recent progress of dental education. 
His enthusiastic support of measures for the achieve- 
ment and maintenance of high standards in dental 
education; his knowledge of dental history; his 
ability to speak and write effectively on the im- 
portant questions related to dentistry; his forceful 
and capable leadership — these qualifications have 
made Dr. Robinson an outstanding figure in Amer- 
ican dentistry. 

to the claimant for signature and notariza- 
tion, with instructions to forward the claim 
to the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts 
Branch. This activity will endorse the 
claim as required and forward it to the 
Terminal Leave Disbursing Office, Great 
Lakes, Illinois for processing and payment. 

A Neglected Chapter In The 
History Of Anatomical 
Illustration And Instruc- 
tion .... 

&y. Jbr. c4rno J$. Jjickkardt 

(From "Illinois Tech. Engineer," Illinois Institute 
of Technology.) 

JUST AS WE expect an automobile me- 
chanic to be conversant with the parts 
and functions of an internal combustion 
engine, so we have a right to demand that 
the physician has a technical knowledge of 
the machinery of our body and its normal 
or pathological physiology. 

Anatomic illustration and instruction is 
an aspect of historical medicine which was 
in part even unfamiliar to the late Dr. 
Fielding Garrison whose "Epitome of the 
History of Medicine" — a really monumental 
work in spite of its modest title — does not 
contain even a paragraph on certain parts 
of my subject. In Mortimer Frank's trans- 
lation of Choulant's "History of Anatomic 
Illustration," this same Dr. Garrison wrote 
a chapter on the use of plastic material 
in medicine restricted to ancient marble 
and metallic votives. However, his article 


makes no mention of the figurines which 
are eventually the subject matter of this 
article and of the illustrations herein con- 
tained. These figurines were prepared and 
used during the 17th-18th and the early 
part of the 19th centuries for the purpose 
of teaching anatomy and midwifery — 

They Were Artists 

In outlining the sequence of events which 
eventually lead to the production of the 
manikins or figurines, the writer hopes to 
succeed in avoiding gruesome anatomical 
situations which might be revolting. In out- 
lining the evolution of the subject matter 
certain facts must be presented for purposes 
of historical continuity; but the emphasis 
will be on the artistry of our medical 
forebearers and the people — artists — -who 
labored with them. 

Aristole's description of the isolated or- 
gans of lower animals was faulty to ridicu- 
lous in many instances; and the famous 
Galen performed his dissections, partly on 
dogs, but usually on swine. Galen did make 
a rather difficult trip from Rome to Alex- 
andria to view a human skeleton, but had 
no knowledge of the form and relationship 
of the internal organs of man. In tht 
Rome of his day human dissection was no* 
permitted. His animal experimentation was 
likewise restricted to dogs, apes, and swine, 
as the result of which he made many fun- 
damental discoveries and some errors. 

Thirteen Centuries 

The physicians who followed Galen at- 
tributed his work to human dissection and 
his writings, necessarily devoid of illustra- 
tions, constituted as sacrosanct a volume 
on medicine as is the Bible today to a 
Fundamentalist. For some thirteen cen- 
turies no one but a medical heretic would 

- vtma Sua: 
umjiiifius Is t con 


FROM 1639 

The figurine shown above is a 17th century sculptor's allegorical interpretation of the functions of the 

huma'n body. The model is cut from a single piece of ivory and is here displayed before the title page 

of an early anatomical study published in 1639. 

doubt his "ex cathedra" statements. Sub- 
sequently, when anatomists found the 
human anatomy different from Galen's 
descriptions, it was interpreted as meaning 
that man had changed since the time of 
Galen. Thus evoking the first known theory 
of evolution without questioning the falli- 
bility of this great man. 

With the decadence of the Roman Em- 
pire, Galen's works and those of other 
Greek physicians were translated into Ara- 
bic. Arabs by the tenets of their religion 
were not permitted to desecrate the human 
body by dissection. In the process of trans- 


lation, the original text was paraphased 
and garbled, and, when in the 11th cen- 
tury the Benedictine monks retranslated the 
Arabic texts into Latin, further garbling 
of the Arabic text was inevitable — no two 
translations being the same. 

In the 14th century an annual judicial 
and public dissection of a condemned 
criminal was permitted in Venice. About 
1316 Raymond de Luzzi (Mondino) was 
the first to teach from a cadaver. His in- 
structions consisted of four discourses cou- 
pled with dissections on the human body 
before the student body. If these dissec- 


Dr. Arno B. Luckhardt, whose collection of ten 

manikins is the only one in the United States, and 

one of the few of its kind in the world. 


Showing the chest and abdominal wall removed 

along with the abdominal viscera, the womb laid 

open and the fetus exhibited. 

tions were inadequate and most perfunctory 
the trend was in the right direction, in 
spite of a blind leaning to the dicta of 
Galen whose descriptions were read by the 
professor whilst a prosector did the actual 
dissection. The written word of Galen held 
precedence over the actual findings of the 
specimen immediately before the audience. 
In the 16th century there lived a group 
of medical (philological) humanists such as 
Guinther of Audernach and the Catholic 
priest Thomas Linacre of England. These 
men were dissatisfied with the medical texts 
which had been garbled in turn by the 
Arabian physicians and the Benedictine 
monks. The humanists retranslated the 
original Galen texts and others, and were 
impressed by the scientific method em- 
ployed by Galen. As a result there fol- 
lowed the method of direct investigation. 

Andreas Vesalius 

A pupil of these men was Andreas Vesa- 
lius, an indefatigable dissector of the hu- 
man body and now considered the father 
of human anatomy. His illustrations from 
actual human dissections were published 
in 1543 under the title "Fabrica Corporis 

With the advent of printing, wood block 
figures, and real investigation on the cada- 
ver, modern anatomy began. There were, 
however, two difficulties: 

1. The anatomist was not likely to be 
an artist who could portray accurately what 
he saw in his dissections. Bartholomew 
Eustachius was an outstanding exception. 
He could both dissect and make accurate 
copper plates of his dissections. 

2. The employed artist, on the other 

hand, was primarily concerned with exter- 
nal form and as a dissector was not inter- 
ested in nor could he dissect carefully the 
internal organs. Leonardo da Vinci was an 
exceptional genius but even he worked in 
conjunction with a surgeon, who, inciden- 
tally, died before the joint projected col- 
laborative work was completed. As a result, 
collaboration of the artist and the anato- 
mist offered the logical solution when the 
anatomist was not also somewhat of an 

Bartholomew Eustachius was both an 
artist and an anatomist as well. His vol- 
ume of anatomical plates completed in 
1563, although not published until 1714, is 
his handiwork alone. Not only did he pre- 
pare the illustrative dissections but he also 
made the copper engravings. The engrav- 
ings are hard and stiff from an artistic 
point of view, but they are more accurate 
than the plates in the earlier Vesalius' 
"Fabrica Corporis Humani" which were 
prepared by van Calcar, a pupil of Titian. 
The Vesalius plates are more pleasing to 
the eye but betray definite artistic ten- 
dencies absent in the Eustachian prints. 

Beautiful Plates 

The most beautiful and accurate ana- 
tomical plates ever produced by an artist 
from specimens prepared by the Dutch 
anatomist, Govvard Bidloo, and published 
in folio during the last quarter of the 17th 
century. These plates represent the most 
beautiful examples of copper etchings of 
an anatomical nature. The illustrations 
appealed so strongly to a distinguished Eng- 
lish anatomist, William Cowper, by name, 
that he acquired 177 sets of the illustra- 
tions, wrote an English text for them and 

published them in England under his own 
name in 1698 after adding a few inconse- 
quential illustrations of his own. Cowper 
simply pasted his name over that of Bid- 
loo's on the title page. The theft was soon 
detected. Cowper was exposed by the illus- 
trious Haller who wrote to the effect that 
"it is to be grieved (dolendum est) that 
so great a man (Cowper) lent himself to 
such seduction." 

But even the finest examples of collabo- 
ration of artist and anatomist failed to 
represent the body structures in three 
dimensions, thus failing to represent the 
organs in their relationship to one another. 
Endeavoring to overcome this lack, the 
idea of constructing illustrations by a 
method of superimposed plates occurred 
independently to several different, widely- 
separated anatomists and teachers. These 
plates were designed to fold back like the 
leaves of a book revealing successive oc- 
currence of the various organs in the body. 

Marvel Of Ingenuity 

One of the earliest of these was produced 
in 1576 by Thurneyyser. The best example 
was that designed by J. Remmelin in 1607, 
who believed that the form was his own 
invention. It is to marvel at the ingenuity 
and patience of the artist when one ex- 
amines these folding superimposed figured 
flaps. Hours must have been consumed in 
deciding how best to illustrate and con- 
struct these intricate anatomical charts. 

But* even this form of anatomical rep- 
resentation was not deemed satisfactory to 
some anatomists and surgeons. They re- 
sorted to plastic materials to illustrate con- 
tours and relationships in three dimensional 
space. To overcome these difficulties, they 


LEFT: The portion of a B. Eustachius print here visible indicates his method of anatomical illustration. 

CENTER: Part of a plate from the set prepared by the Dutch anatomist, Govvard Bidloo, and later claimed by Cowper, compared with a manikin. 
RIGHT: Like an intricate paper doll are the many-layered illustrations superimposed on one another to suggest body parts in this book designed by Leonard 

Thurneyyser and published in 1576. 

constructed manikins or little men and 
women. The surviving manikins, carved 
most commonly in ivory and containing 
movable parts, are very rare. The only 
collection of them in this country, consist- 
ing of ten figures, is owned by the author, 
who uses five to illustrate this article. 

Briefly, the manikin is a model of the 
human body, containing many of its parts 
which can be removed in demonstrating its 
anatomy or in practicing certain manipu- 
lations as in obstetrics. For the most part 
the figurines are carved in ivory, wood, or 
marble, and are from 15 to 18 centimeters 
in length. As a rule the manikin is con- 
structed so that one or both arms are mov- 
able at the shoulder joint about pegs. The 
chest and abdominal wall can be removed 
as one piece, revealing the various thoracic 
(chest) and abdominal viscera, either cut 
out of the block or appearing therein as 
movable structures. The latter construc- 
tion led to loss of the parts. 

A common rule seems to have been es- 
tablished in the construction of the male 
and the female manikins, for in most ex- 
amples the female abdomen contains a 
pregnant uterus with a fetus in a "See No 
Evil" position; the male abdomen, on the 
other hand, usually encloses a large urinary 
bladder which is often winged. 

Flaming Liver 

Only one of the models pictured merits 
a special description, since it was con- 
structed for purely artistic reasons. This 
will be obvious, for the organ systems are 
represented allegorically. For example, the 
respiratory system is represented by two 
diminutive carved men pumping up a pair 
of bellows (the lungs). The circulatory 
system is indicated by a figure pounding 
an anvil with a sledge hammer (pulse). 
A vat containing fermenting grapes being 
squeezed by a seated figure symbolizes the 
gastro-intestinal system. The finished pro- 
duct of which is shown running into a sack 
held open by a small man (the G. I. tract). 
A cauldron enveloped in flame is used to 
describe the liver, long considered the hot- 
test organ in the body. All parts in this 
manikin are sessile, since they are delicately 
carved from one piece of ivory. 

To Aid Students 

Medical writing from the past contains 
many references to the use of these figures 
in giving instruction on the physiology of 
pregnancy. One writer relates the story of 
a young bride (1865) who tells of receiving 
instruction with others on pregnancy from 
a lecturer using one of these female ivory 
manikins for illustration. Another teacher 
left a note to the effect that he had con- 
structed the figurine so that his students 
could be better taught than those who com- 
monly practiced midwifery with evil effects 
because of their ignorance of anatomical 
parts. And on the other hand, there is 
ample evidence that an artist often con- 
structed a manikin for his own amusement, 
or for some wealthy and professionally in- 
terested person. Yet one could take more 
space proving that the carved replicas were 
constructed for the purpose of teaching 
anatomy and obstetrics, or develop the 
thesis that it was a powerful artistic drive 
that prompted their construction, and not 
make the point that a few minutes' careful 
examination of the illustrations will make. 



Dr. Wesley M. Gewehr, of the Maryland 
History Department, was the guest speaker 
at the Founders' Day Luncheon of Mortar 
Board at the Washington Club. 

Speaking on "Peace and International 
Realities," Dr. Gewehr said that the mathe- 
maticians and scientists are taking upon 
themselves the responsibilities of the social 
sciences. He stated that these are the four 
realities that we must face in this new 

He stated that, first, we have a new wea- 
pon. Secondly, there is no sure defense 
against the atom bomb. Thirdly, there can 
be no monopoly, and last, there can be 
no supremacy. 

A world agency is the only alternative 
that has a chance to work in the future, 
said Dr. Gewehr. If we do not take that 
alternative, we will have to take a world 
conflict or a half way position leading 
toward chaos and confusion. 

Other guests of honor at the luncheon 
were Miss Adele Stamp, Dean of Women 
at Maryland University; Miss Virginia Kirk- 
bride, Dean of Women at George Washing- 
ton University; Miss Genie Simmons, presi- 
dent of the Mortar Board chapter of Mary- 
land University; and Lois Lord, president 
of the Mortar Board chapter of George 
Washington University. 


In the late 1880's a young florist shop 
worker traveled three thousand miles from 
California to Baltimore to enroll in the 
Baltimore College of Dentistry, which later 
was to become part of the University of 

That young westerner, who earned his 
tuition by working three years for the 
California florist, was graduated from the 
dental school in 1894 and has been prac- 
ticing dentistry in an active capacity ever 
since. Today, Dr. George E. Shattuck, the 
California florist whose choosing was dental 
work, is at eighty-two one of the country's 
oldest practicing medical men. 

Forty-nine of Dr. Shattuck 's fifty- two 
years of practice have been in the vicinity 
of Norristown, Pa. and it is there that he 
is recognized as one of the town's leading 
citizens as well as one of the most com- 
petent dentists in the area. To his home 
town friends he is a religious leader, a 
vociferous reader, an ardent civic worker, 
and an outstanding professional man. 

Advanced age has not dulled Dr. Shat- 
tuck's quest for the new. Up until a few 
years ago he specialized in extractions and 
recently has changed his practice over to 
dentures, keeping abreast of all latest de- 
velopments in this field and readily apply- 
ing them to his business. 

Dr. Shattuck first came in contact with 
the dental profession while working in a 
dentist's office in Sparta, Wis., when he 
was twenty-two years old. It was then that 
he decided to make that his life's work 
and subsequently travelled to California. 

Still active physically as well as mentally, 
Dr. Shattuck today gets much of his exer- 
cise through walking, but it was not many 
years ago that he stopped playing tennis, 
a game at which he was known as some- 
what of an expert among family and neigh- 
bors. His reading is varied. One of his 
few boasts is of having read the Bible 
through seven times. 

Forty-five years ago, Dr. Shattuck mar- 
ried Lille B. Rinker of Wilmington, Del., 
and together they have become an integ- 
ral part of their community. The couple 
have one son, Professor G. Edgar Shattuck 
of Poultney, Vt., and three daughters, Mrs. 
Bland Detweiller of Camden, N. J., Mrs. 
Fred Alexander of Salina, Kans., and Sarah 
Shattuck, who teaches school in Norristown. 

Dr. Shattuck has ten grandchildren. Five 
of them are boys, one of which he "hopes 
will grow up to be a dentist, a graduate of 
the University of Maryland." 


Approximately 50 4-H club boys and 
girls attending the University of Maryland 
have formed a collegiate 4-H Club which 
will enable them to continue their interest 
in club work while in college. 

Officers elected at a recent meeting were: 
President — Richard Greenwood from Fred- 
erick County, Vice President — Mary Harry 
Davis from Harford County, Secretary — 
Joan Giddings from Anne Arundel County, 
Treasurer — Earl Crouse from Carroll Coun- 
ty, Representative to Agricultural Council — 
William Ensor, Jr., from Harford County, 
Reporter — Peggy Ensor from Harford 

The announced aims of the club are; 
To unite a 4-H Club on campus; To be a 
service club for 4-H Clubs; To unite Club 
freshmen and help them orientiate them- 
selves to college life; To try to interest 
other 4-H'ers in -attending the University 
of Maryland; To be a work shop for 4-H 
students who desire to become teachers 
and county agents; To help instruct its 
members to become future local leaders; 
To publish the 4-H paper, "News and 
Views of 4-H Clubs"; To assist county 
organizations in a program and recreation. 


'GAAflcwd £ 


Physical Education Major, College of Education, Senior. Delta Delta Delta. Cheer Leader. "M" Book Staff. Former "Terrapin" Staff Member. Former 
Member of Diamondback Staff. Modern Dance Club. Gymnastics Club. Physical Fitness Chairman, Victory Council. Scrap Drive Chairman, Victory Council. 
Secretary, Riding Club. Physical Education Majors' Club. Canterbury Club. Treasurer, Senior Class. Stage Manager and Librarian-Historian, Footlight Club. 

Women's Recreation Association. 

L.UI 1 UK1A 


NO SUCH crackpot reformer as this 
minister had come along the pike in 
years, many Americans were declaring in 
the 1830's. Of course a parson was ex- 
pected to try to improve morals, but this 
one was all excited about health which 
he should have left to the doctors. 

He was a temperance advocate. He pro- 
claimed that the average American not only 
drank like a fish but he ate like a horse; 
that he ate too much, too fast and the 
wrong foods. "Downright gluttony" killed 
about 100,000 Americans a year, he believed 
— twice as many as alcoholism. Lecturing 
and writing busily, he advised his country- 
men that they ought to ventilate their 
bedrooms at night and take more than one 
bath a month — three a week, in fact. He 
•even dared to tell the ladies not to lace 
so tightly. 

So many people were suffering from indi- 
gestion, dyspepsia, and similar miseries in 
the midriff that the reformer's food cam- 
paign succeeded in a large way. Horace 
Greeley, who never could remember when 
it was mealtime any way, supported him 
c-ditorially and personally. Sjaecial board- 
ing houses were opened to serve the recom- 
mended diet only. 

Featured on his regimen was bread made 
from whole wheat, unbolted and coarsely 
ground. It is that item of his diet which 
keeps his name on the tip of many tongues 
today. Whenever you ask for graham bread 
or graham crackers, you are paying at least 
lip service to the celebrity of Sylvester 


The same old patients coming in, 

Long or short, stout or thin. 

Some fine people nice to see, 

Some old crabs who dead should be. 

Some old bum with lame excuse 

Simply trying to get some booze. 

Some old agent, I'd know the look, 

Trying to sell me some damn book. 

Some old ringing telephone bell 

Instead of "Hello, I could say, "Oh, hell." 

Some calls silly, waste my time, 

Make me feel like committing a crime. 

Some women scared by a noise at night, 

Only the old man coming home tight. 

Some baby bawling an awful wail 

Because he fell into a pail. 

Some black eyes are closed with pain, 

Husband and wife are fighting again. 

Some Mrs. W. burned her hand 

Now it hurts to beat the band. 

Mother laid the food down quick, 

Tommy ate fast and now he's sick 

Dad hit his finger and not the peg. 

Grandma fell and broke her leg. 

Some boy tripped o'er a hidden stump, 

Now his head has a great big bump. 

Some Uncle John looks very pale, 

Soused from drinking too much ale. 

Some little wife is having pain, 

Wants a girl this time, not a boy again 

Some kids went out for a ride — 
Drove fast, upset, nearly died. 
Some young man who stayed too late, 
Girl's father shot and shot too straight. 
Some man doesn't feel very well, 
Knows it's grippe for he "feels like hell". 
Some woman in an hysterical holler, 
Husband, Scotchman, gave her a dollar. 
Some calls serious, makes me sad, 
Useless calls make me damn mad. 
So it goes from day to day; 
What use is it for me to say: 
"I will not go; get someone else"? 
I know I'm simply just too dense. 
No matter what should be the rule 
I'll make the calls like the same damn fool. 
—A. S. McC. 


A bill proposing free scholarships at the 
University of Maryland School of Medicine 
for one student from each of the counties 
and each of Baltimore city's legislative dis- 
tricts was introduced by Senator Louis L. 
Goldstein (D., Calvert). 

The reason for introducing the legisla- 
tion, Senator Goldstein said, was the criti- 
cal shortage of doctors in Maryland. Three 
counties, he said, do not even have a pub- 
lic health doctor despite the fact the law 
calls for one in each county of the State. 

These counties are Garrett, St. Marys 
and Queen Annes, and Mr. Goldstein said 
the State Health Department had tried time 
after time to find suitable young doctors 
for the posts, only to find no one available. 

According to the bill's sponsor, the bill 
for the scholarships could be footed by the 
University of Maryland Medical School 

Applicants would necessarily be college 
graduates, since the university medical 
school requires its students to have had 
premedical courses approved by the Ameri- 
can Medical Association. 

The State senators would award the 
scholarships, but only after competitive ex- 
aminations that would be given by the uni- 
versity medical school itself. This, accord- 
ing to the sponsor, would nullify the 
chances of political favoritism. 

There are other safeguards in the pro- 
posed law. Senators would be bound to 
investigate the financial standing of a pro- 
spective appointee, and would be expressly 
forbidden to grant a scholarship to any 
student whose parents were able to pay his 

Only tuition and laboratory fees would 
come free. Living costs would be borne by 
the student, who could work his way if 

At the time of his appointment, the hold- 
er of a scholarship would be required to 
post a bond guaranteeing that he would 
practice in his own county or district for 
at least three years after graduation. 


In the 13th century, the physician of 
Europe wore a four-cornered beret on his 
head and a distinctive ring on his index 
finger. In the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th 
centuries, the physician wore a long robe, 
which as such remained the same but with 
regard to trimmings changed according to 
style changes. Thus, at one time the sleeves 
would be wide and at another time nar- 
row. At one time sleeves and neck would 
be trimmed with fur and again with vel- 
vet. The Renaissance physician blossomed 
out in cloak, broad-brimmed hat which 
was seldom worn, except under the arm, a 
periwig with three queues to indicate the 
man of science, a gold-headed cane, and 
buckled shoes. The end of distinctive dress 
came in the 19th century when medicine 
was recognized as a dignified science. Since 
then, the physician has appeared in mufti 
so to speak. 

L. R. E. 


Greater love hath no man than this, 
that a man lay down his life for his friends 
— John 15:13. 

The friends thou hast, and their adoption 
tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops 
of steel; but do not dull thy palm with 
entertainment of each new-hatch'd, un- 
fledg'd comrade. — Shakespeare. 

There is a destiny that makes us brothers, 
none goes his way alone; all that we send 
into the lives of others, comes back into 
our own. — Edwin Markham. 

The only way to have a friend is to be 
one. A friend is a person with whom I 
may be sincere. Before him I may think 
aloud. Happy is the house that shelters a 
friend. Let the soul be assured that some- 
where in the universe it should rejoin its 
friend, and it would be content and cheer- 
ful alone for a thousand years. — Ralph 
Waldo Emerson. 


This edition of "MARYLAND" is de- 
voted to the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, 
Pharmacy and Nursing. 

Other special editions to come — and to 
remain in the same rotation for each year — 
are as follows: 

June — Business and Public Administra- 

July — Education 

August — Arts and Sciences. 

September — Graduate School. Research. 

October — Athletic annual. Sports. 

November — Women's Number 

December — Christmas Annual. 

January— Military and R.O.T.C. 

February — Engineering. 

March — Agriculture. 

April — Law. 


"1897" REUNION 

MEMBERS of the class of 1897, one of 
the oldest and most colorful groups 
still active, will celebrate the fiftieth anni- 
versary of their graduation from Maryland 
Agricultural College, Commencement Day, 
June 7, at College Park. 

Harry Heward of St. Petersburg, Fla., 
who was vice president of the class, is 
organizing the reunion and hopes to have 
one of the best of the class' history. 

Always one of the most united among 
the alumni, the class of '97 for the first 
ten years following its graduation, main- 
tained uninterrupted organization and since 
has been regularly active. 

Garrie K. W. Schenck was president at 
the time of graduation; Mr. Heward, vice 
president; and Grenville Lewis, secretary- 

Other members were C. B. Calvert, Jr., 
John D. Don Miller, Albert S. Gill, 
N. Howard Gill, J. George R. Graham, 
E. Parke Lindsay, Bert S. Nelligan, Fabian 
Posey, C. Jurningham Queen, Franklin 
Sherman, Jr., Benjamin Watkins, Jr., Wil- 
liam S. Weedon, Harry T. Welty, and 
Gilbert H. Whiteford. 

All living members are asked to contact 
Mr. Heward at the Hotel Butler Arms, 
St. Petersburg, Fla. 


A nationally-known manufacturer of 
men's shirts, pajamas, and sportswear is 
interested in a high-caliber salesman for 
Washington, Maryland, and adjacent ter- 

Qualification are: college graduate, age 
28-35, car owner, several years of mercan- 
tile experience, and, most important, he 
should be intelligent and willing to be 
trained in the modern methods of sales, 
merchandizing, and retail promotion. 

To such a man will be turned over an 
established clientele. He will have an as- 

Alumni Association, University of Maryland 

Founded in 1892 


Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21, 326 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. 

Vice-Chairman, Harry E. Haslinger, '33, 4615 Fordham Rd., College Park, Md. 

Dr. Charles E. White, '23, Secretary, Board of Managers, 4405 Beechwood Road, College 

Park, Md. 
Talbot T. Speer, '18, 3132 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, Md. 
J. Homer Remsberg, '18, Middletown, Md. 

Hazel Tenney Tuemmler, '29, 4509 Beechwood Road, College Park, Md. 
Charles V. Koons, '29, 2828 McKinley Place, N.W., Washington, D. C. 
Agnes Gingell Turner, '33, Frederick, Md. 
James E. Endrews, '31, Cambridge, Md. 
David L. Brigham, '38, General Alumni Secretary, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Md. 


The Publication of the Alumni Association 
Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor. 
Anne S. Dougherty, Circulation Manager. 

sured salary arrangement, an incentive 
plan, and an expense account. 

Alumni are asked to write complete de- 
tails and forward a picture to Harvey J. 
Bressler, Director of Marketing, Silberstein 
and Bondsmith, Inc., 9 E. 40th Street, 
New York. 


James D. DeMarr of Berwyn, Md., has 
been assigned to Headquarters, Sixth 
Fighter Wing, Howard Field, Panama Canal 
Zone, as Plans and Training Officer. Col. 
DeMarr had previously been assigned as 
Commanding Officer of the 530th Aircraft 
Control and Warning Group, Howard 
Field, Canal Zone. 

Colonel DeMarr was first commissioned 
in June 1930 a second lieutenant, Signal 
Corps. In September 1940 he was called 
to active duty at Quarry Heights, Canal 

Zone and since that time has completed 
two tours of duty in this theater. Prior to 
that time he was employed by the United 
States Govt, in the Canal Zone as a Radio 
and Radar Engineer. 

A graduate of McKinley Technical High 
School, Washington, D. C, in the class of 
1926, Col. DeMarr then attended the Uni- 
versity of Maryland where he earned a 
Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical 
Engineering. He graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in the class of 1930 
and in 1933 completed the U. S. Army 
Signal School at Fort Monmouth, N. J. A 
member of the Institute of Radio Engi- 
neers he has been active in the develop- 
ment of many changes in radio procedure 
and operation. 

His wife, the former Miss Stella Boggs 
of New Cristobal, C. Z., and his 7-year-old 
daughter, Laura Jean are now residing with 
the Colonel in Balboa, Canal Zone. 


The large building in the left center is Barracks '59 with the Corps of Cadets in ranks before it. In the center is Dormitory and Administration Building 
'04. Next is Morrill Hall '98 and still standing. To the right of the water tank and behind the trees is the Gymnasium and Library '92. 

Next is the Chemical Department, '97 while the building with the chimney is the Mechanical Department '94. Next is the Heating and Electric Plant '96 
and '04 and the Forge and Foundry '04. Away over on the right, behind the clump of trees, is the President's Home. 



Members of the Board of Managers, Alumni Association, University of Maryland are standing, left to right: 

Harry E. Hasslinger '33; Charles V. Koons 79; Hazel Tenney Tuemmler '29; Dr. Charles E. White '23. Seated 

is the Chairman of the Board, Austin C. Diggs '21. 


Two Blades of Grass, a history of the 
scientific achievements of the Department 
•of Agriculture, written by T. Swann Hard- 
ing, is now off the press. 

Mr. Harding, a member of the 1910 class 
of the College of Chemistry, has published 
six previous books, dealing largely with 
science and agriculture. 

Two Blades of Grass is being handled 
by the University of Oklaholma press. 

Mr. Harding now lives at Granite Gables, 
400 Linden Lane, Falls Church, Va. 


Charlie Cogswell now is living in Oak 
Park, 111. with his wife and baby. 

Charlie reports that he is getting home- 
sick for the Marine Corps, with which he 
made an outstanding record during the 
war in the Pacific, and has requested active 
duty for the summer at Camp Lejeune 
where he hopes to meet some of his beach- 
head friends. 


Every now and then some appreciative 
Maryland graduate waxes reminiscent and 
really pays tribute to the University. 

J. Slater Davidson, Jr., who played some 
lacrosse in 1927 and 1928 on Maryland's 
championship teams and is a member of 
Sigma Phi Sigma, has been with the Chas. 
H. Tompkins Company, Washington, D. C. 
engineers, for 18 years. 

After leaving Maryland he worked for 
four years at Georgetown University. He is 
married to the former Lida Moyer and has 
two sons, James, 11 and Charles, 7. 

During the war his entire time was de- 
voted to construction work for the Army at 
Fort Belvoir, Va.; Cumberland, Bainbridge, 
Md.; Pinto, W. V. and Bogue Field, N. C. 
Since the war's end he has been in charge 
of such projects as the U. S. Naval Magazine 
at Hawkins Point, Md., and Barracks and 
Heating Plant construction for the Army in 
Washington, D. C. 

Upon hearing the observation that "You 
certainly benefitted from a sound educa- 
tion," Mr. Davidson commented, "I owe it 
all to the University of Maryland and Dean 
Steinberg. He not only saw to it that I 
studied, learned and equipped myself but 
he introduced me to Mr. Chas. H. Tomp- 
kins for whom I have worked for eighteen 
years. I am most grateful to Maryland and 
to Dean Steinberg." 


Graduates of the Law School in 1894, the 
Burroughs brothers, George and William 
have been in active practice ever since. 

They now are members of the firm of 
Burroughs, Burroughs, and Bleisch of Ed- 
wardsville, 111. 


From Camaguey, Cuba comes word of 
Dr. Jose Grave de Peralta, Jr., '43, who is 
practicing medicine in his home country. 

Dr. de Peralta, who was graduated from 
the medical school in Baltimore, practices 
Ophthalmology. He is planning a return 
to his alma mater in the near future. He 
was a member of Maryland's '38 Varsity 
Boxing Team. 


From Baltimore comes word of Mr. and 
Mrs. Morris E. Kerpelman and their family. 
Both — she was the former Fannie Kurland 
— were graduated in law in 1923. 

They have five children ranging in ages 
from eight to twenty- two. They are Leon- 
ard, 22; J. William, 19; Marjorie C, 17; 
H.' Charles, 14; and Larry C, 8. 


The Army Air Forces has approved and 
established a program for training weather 
officers at civilian universities. Former of- 
ficers who are qualified for this training 
may request recall to active duty for the 
purpose of attending courses at the Uni- 
versity of Chicago, Massachusetts Institute 
of Technology, New York University, Cali- 
fornia Institute of Technology, and the 
University of California at Los Angeles. 
Classes will begin at these schools for the 
mid-term semesters with additional quotas 
for summer and fall semesters planned. 

Reserve officers in the grade of major and 
below who have completed at least three 
years of college work including mathematics 
through integral calculus and one year of 
college physics and who are physically and 
otherwise qualified, are eligible for recall 
to active duty for the purpose of attend- 
ing weather officer training courses. Former 
officers who are not members of the Reserve 
Officers Corps and who are qualified for 
weather training must first apply for and 
receive a Reserve Officer's commission be- 
fore they may request recall to active duty 
for weather officer training. Reserve officers 
of the other arms and services will be 
transferred to the Air Reserve upon accept- 
ance of recall to active duty for weather 
officer training. 

Individuals who successfully complete the 
prescribed course of weather officer train- 
ing at these civilian schools will serve on 
active duty as weather officers with the 
Air Weather Service of the AAF. 

Qualified individuals who desire this 
training should forward applications and 
transcripts of college credits direct to Chief, 
Air Weather Service, Washington 25, D. C. 


Maryland University's Glenn L. Martin 
College of Engineering and Aeronautical 
Science, already one of the most talked- 
about projects in the nation's educational 
future, w-ill take on multi-fold proportions 
with the construction of the University's 
$4,000,000 airport. 

Dr. H. C. Byrd revealed plans for the 
field last month, cautioning at the same 
time that the plans were yet in the "em 
bryo stage" and that no date could bt 
set for the beginning of the actual con 


The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the publication by the alumni itself. 

Alumni are urgently requested to supply the office of publication at College Park with changes of address known to an alumni, news items of general or 
personal interest, occupational and professional news items, social news, births, engagements, marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST" news and the more news received the better the publication will be. 

Please accord us your support. 


Maryland's airport is not to be just ano- 
ther college training field. Designed to 
give practical training in all phases of com- 
mercial and pleasure aviation, the field will 
handle the overflow from the National 
Capital Airport, thus providing a readily 
accessahle landing field for commercial 
flights that get "stacked up" over the 
nation's capital. 

The airport will be open on a commer- 
cial basis to private and commercial avia- 
tion and will tie in directly with the aero- 
nautical sciences curriculm now being 
set up. 

The airport will have two main runways, 
the longer 6,000 feet and the other 5300. 
Both strips are longer than those in opera- 
tion in many large cities. At Baltimore's 
Municipal Airport the longest runway 
measures 4320 feet. 

A site now is being sought for the field 
and its administration, storage, and me- 
chanical buildings. It is planned to con- 
struct it partly on land already owned by 
the University and partly on land yet to 
be acquired. 

The go ahead was given to the project 
when the Federal Works Administration 
approved a grant to the school for that 


Land that normally produces less than 30 
bushels of wheat or 45 acres of barley will 
generally benefit from an application of 
nitrogen top dressing. 

In the years prior to 1800, ships laden 
with tobacco arjd wheat cleared from Bla- 
densburg for Liverpool and the West 
Indies. After that date, sediment from 
Maryland fields began to fill the channel 
and the size of ships that could make their 
way to the river port became smaller and 
smaller. — o— 

Conservations already established in 
Maryland consist of approximately 100,000 
acres of contour cultivation, 58,000 acres of 
grass seedings, 30,000 acres completely 
drained, and 40,000 acres of strip cropping. 


Cambridge, Md. Member of the Board of .Man- 
agers, Alumni Association. Mr. Andrews it a mem- 
ber of the Class of 1931. 


OLD LINERS at work and at play; 
at home and abroad .... HARRY 
B. HAMBLETON, JR., '40, after six and 
a half years of active Army duty decided 
to make it a career and now is stationed 
at Fort Jay, New York. Wears a pair of 
silver bars .... ROSCOE D. DWIGGINS, 
'40, recently transferred from the United 
States Bureau of Mines to Naval Ordnance 
Laboratory. Chemist Dwiggins gets back to 
the campus regularly as a graduate as- 
sistant in the Chem Department .... 
JPAT CARALON, '43, now head track 
coach at Mohawk College, Utica, New 
York. A phys ed major, Caralon received 
his Masters from Columbia in August of 
1946. Taught at Palisades Park high school 
that year. Reports 1635 veterans enrolled 
at Mohawk. 

JOHN A. GURKLIS, '43, received his 
Masters of Science at Ohio State at the 
termination of the winter quarterly on 
March 14 ... . Former Old Liner EUGENE 
A. EDGETT has resumed his studies at 
Brown University, Providence, Rhode 
Island .... KA Minstrel resumed this 
year for first showing since war. FLO 
SMALL again back to lend hand .... 
CLYDE W. BALCH, '37, just chosen vice 
President of the Maumee Development 
Company, a Toledo, Ohio chemical re- 
search works. Chemistry major Balch was 
awarded Bachelor's in '37, Masters in '38. 
The Balches (she's MARY JO MITCHELL, 
G.W., '38) have two sons, Charles four and 
Steve two. 

Maryland Graduate AUBREY ST. C. 
WARDWELL, Arts and Sciences, '24, re- 
cently honored by the District of Columbia 
Real Estate Commission upon termination 
of more than nine year's duty as a mem- 
ber of the Board. Said the testimonial reso- 
lution in part: ". . . . during his service 
as a member of the commission, Mr. Ward- 
well made great personal sacrifices, partici- 
pated in a large measure in the administra- 
tion of the Real Estate Brokers' License 
Law .... endeared himself to the mem- 
bers of the commission . . . ." 

Old Liners who have found their way 
into the Dupont Corporation are quick on 
the up-take and send notice of many we 
have overlooked. EDMOND G. YOUNG 
makes a try but admits he "can't begin 
to name all of them." List includes: At 
the Jackson Laboratory, Deepwater Point, 
N. J. DR. HARRY M. DUVALL, B.S., '32, 
Ph.D., '36; DR. JOSEPH S. LANN, B.S., 
'37, Ph.D., '40; DR. HILLMAN C. HAR- 
RIS, B.S., '36, Ph.D., '46 ... . DR. WIL- 
LIAM A. STANTON, B.S., '36, Ph.D., '40, 
is group leader of the physical section of 
the Photo Products Department in Parlin, 


SON, Ph.D., '42, technical supervisor in the 
Texas plant of the Ammonia department 
where nylon intermediates are being made 
.... DR. ALFRED C. WHITON, B.S., '38, 
Ph.D., '43, research chemist at the Eastern 
Laboratory of the explosives department at 
Gibbstown, N. J. 

Dupont goes on: DR. A. F. CHAPMAN, 
Ph.D., '42, research chemist at the develop- 
ment laboratories for the rayon department 

at Buffalo, N. Y JAMES OSBORNE, 

B.S., '37, M.S., '40, and HOWARD H. 
FAWCETT, B.S., '40, are in the Chambers 
Plant .... So much for so few. Next time 
many more. 



One of the younger members of the Alumni Board 
of Managers is Agnes Gingell Turner, '33, who 
now lives in Frederick. Mrs. Turner was a Physical 
Education major and taught physical ed at Hyatts- 
ville High School following her graduation. She 
now is a member of the faculty of Frederick High 


The 21st annual Rural Women's Short 
Course will be held from June 16 to 21, 
Venia M. Kellar, Assistant Director of the 
Extension Service, University of Maryland, 

Said Miss Kellar: "This course is de- 
signed to offer the women of Maryland 
educational, inspirational, and recreational 
opportunities. Students are divided into 
four groups: those coming for the first 
time; those in their second or third year; 
and those present for the fourth time and 
another group for those attending for the 
fifth or more time," Miss Kellar added. 
"Persons in each group are offered a choice 
of the courses available to that group, but 
are required to complete courses in which 
they have chosen to register." 

Started in 1923, the Rural Women's Short 
Course has been offered each year with the 
exception of the war years. In that time 
it has grown from a rather modest begin- 
ning of 223 the first year to a 1946 enroll- 
ment of a few over 1000. 

Women who complete four of the short 
courses are awarded certificates as part of 
the final day's program. About 1200 rural 
women now hold one of these certificates 
and approximately 12,000 women have com- 
pleted at least one year's course. Miss 
Kellar pointed out that there is to be no 
limitation on enrollment this year. 

m TWEfflR im TEHF BU> 

Never argue with a woman. 
When she s right she is right; 
and when she is wrong she's 

Believing and practicing the 
theory that if the other fellow 
can do it, we can, is the solu- 
tion to more successes than is 
apparent to the casual ob- 


Knob toed shoes and pegged pants were 
the campus fashion rage, the flapper age 
was just beginning to poke its frazzled 
head into straight-laced postwar America, 
and College Park had never heard of the 
mass June pilgrimage to Ocean City when 
the Kappa Alpha minstrels were inaugu- 
rated back in 1921. 

This year the '"Cotton Pickers' Minstrels 
of 1947" revived a show that had been 
absent for three war years, but had in its 
colorful twenty-year career become an en- 
tertainment tradition on the campus. On 
the closing night of the 1947 edition, the 
graduates who had taken part in the ear- 
lier minstrels were invited back for an 
"alumni night," to see their baby recap- 
ture its place on the spring calendar. 

Tom (Wimp) Orpwood, piano-banging 
producer of the 1947 show, credits mob 
curiosity with the lasting popularity of a 
production that regularly sold out for as 
many nights as its backers chose to run. 
"The secret has always been to cast as 
many campus 'wheels' as possible, and then 
everybody comes out to see them make 
darn fools of themselves." 

In 1925 the minstrels came into its place 
on the campus. That year a round-faced, 
sweet-voiced girl from nearby Washington 
stepped up on the splintery stage and in 
one evening established a campus tradition. 
Kate Smith went on the bigger shows, but 
the KA minstrels have stuck. 

On other years the cast of the show 
would read like a roll call of Jack Faber's 
lacrosse team. Bernie Ulman, Rip Hewitt, 
Jack Badenhoop, Leo Mueller, Al Bradley, 
Landis Hill, Chick Allen, and Bob Porter, 
all appeared in the last few prewar min- 

Since 1933 Flo Small has been a part of 
every KA minstrel and was back this year 
to help with the reorganization. Vivacious, 
talented Flo was graduated in 1937, but 
has always come back to College Park about 
the time the first rehearsal was getting 

Monroe Leaf, originator of "Ferdinand 
the Bull," was a member of the 1927 min- 
strels, but this year's producers insist that 
their show is in no way to be connected 
with the name of the gentleman's most 
famous work. 

Wimp Orpwood recalls an incident that 
is typical of the predicaments in which the 
minstrel men often found themselves: 

"During the 1941 show I was supposed 
to stand up in the middle of the audience 
and yell at Emmett Cavanaugh, the master 
of ceremonies, 'Kavanaugh, I think the show 
is horrible. I don't like the cast. I don't 
like the set. And, most of all, I don't 
like you!' 

"At this point Kavanaugh would pull 
out a revolver and fire six blanks at me. 
However, on the second night of the show, 
somebody forgot to load the gun, and the 
result was three deafening clicks. 

"Somewhat flustered, Kavanaugh shouted, 
'You'll have to drop dead from fright to- 
night, Orpwoodl" 

"And I almost didl" 


MR. AND Mrs. Walter A. Osbourn of 
Washington have announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Helen Wyatt 
Osbourn, to James Lynch, Jr., son of Mr. 
and Mrs. James Lynch of Tacoma Park. 

Miss Osbourn is a student at George 
Washington University and attended Mary 
Washington College of the University of 
Virginia. Her fiance, also a student at 
George Washington University, attended 
the University of Maryland. He served in 
Europe two and a half years in the Army. 


Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Foster of Chevy 
Chase, Mr., have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Sallie Foster, 
to Mr. Charles F. Myers, son of Col. 
and Mrs. Charles M. Myers of Chevy 
Chase, D. C. 

Miss Foster is a senior at the University 
of Maryland College of Arts and Sciences. 
She is a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority. 

The prospective bridegroom was in active 
service with the United States Army for 
more than three years. He was a technical 
sergeant with the 94th Division, with 16 
months duty overseas. He is now a student 
in the electrical engineering course at 
George Washington University. 


Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sibley, 57 Brown- 
ing street, Cumberland, Md., announce the 
engagement of their daughter, Mildred Vir- 
ginia, to Leon Gardner England, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Paul England, 314 South 
Cedar street, Cumberland 

The bride is a graduate of Fort Hill 
High School. 

Mr. England is a graduate of Fort Hill 
High School and attended the University 
of Maryland, where he majored in Me- 
chanical Engineering. He is employed by 
the American Tea Company. 

Franke-St. John 

Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. St. John of Fort 
Washington, Md., announce the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Mary Ellen 
St. John, to Mr. Charles F. Franke, son 
of Col. and Mrs. Frederick W. Franke of 
Chevy Chase. 

Miss St. John attended East Tennessee 
State College and the University of Mary- 
land. Mr. Franke received his early educa- 
tion at Mercersburg Academy and now is 
a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, 
where he is majoring in business admini- 
stration and is a member of Delta Chi 
Fraternity. He spent 30 months in the 
Pacific theater. 




Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Alquin Groves 
of Cape Girardeau, Mo., have announced 
the engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Marjorie Groves, to Lt. George Osburn 
Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrse. George W. 

Miss Groves was graduated from Chris- 
tian College in Columbia, Mo., and until 
recently attended the University of Mary- 
land in the College of Arts and Science. 
She is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma 

Lt. Phillips received his preparatory edu- 
cation at Fishburn Military Academy and 
attended Washington and Lee University 
and the University of Maryland. He is a 
member of Theta Chi Fraternity. 


Mr. and Mrs. William Presstman Fussel- 
baugh, of Germantown, Pa., formerly of 
Baltimore, have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Sara Ann 
Fusselbaugh, to Mr. Thomas B. Hagerman, 
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hagerman, 
of Hagerstown. 

Miss Fusselbaugh is a granddaughter of 
Mrs. Albert E. Duncan and the late Mr. 
Duncan and of the late Mr. and Mrs. 
Robert Fusselbaugh. She attended Sim- 
mons College in Boston and was graduated 
from the University of Maryland. 

Mr. Hagerman, who served overseas as 
a captain in the infantry of General Pat- 
ton's forces, is attending the University of 
Maryland, where he is a member of Alpha 
Tau Omega. 

Grogdon-De Loach 

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. De Loach of 
Columbia, S. C, announce the engagement 
of their daughter, Helen, to Wallace Grog- 
don, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grogdon 
of Uvalda, Ga. 

Miss De Loach was graduated from the 
University of Maryland in 1945, and since 
then has served on the faculty as physical 
education instructor. She is a member of 
Kappa Delta sorority. Mr. Grogdon, an 
alumnus of the University of Georgia, was 
a member of the Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) 
High School faculty for several years, and 
left to serve in the Army. He is now in 
business in Uvalda. 


The engagement of Miss Fay Riva Ber- 
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave A. 
Berman to Mr. Leon Pear has been an- 
nounced. The bridegroom-elect is the son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Pear of Wash- 

The bride-elect attended school in Crest- 
view, Fla., and George Washington Uni- 
versity. The bridegroom-elect is attending 
his senior year at the University of Mary- 
land College of Engineering following 4 
years service as a first lieutenant in the 
Army Signal Corps. 


Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Frankowski have 
announced the engagement of their daugh- 
ter, Miss Constance F. Frankowski, to Mr. 
Edward P. Gurny, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
John Gurny, of 3009 Hudson street, Balti- 
more, Md. Mr. Gurny is a student at the 
University of Maryland. 



The engagement of Miss Jean Elizabeth 
Rees to Mr. Robert J. Maiersperger, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Maiersperger of 
Hyattsville, has been announced by her 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Rees, 
also of Hyattsville. 

Miss Rees is a graduate of Hyattsville 
High School. The prospective bridegroom 
was graduated from the Merchant Marine 
Academy and spent several years in the 
service. He is now attending Maryland 
University College of Business and Public 


Miss Elizabeth A. Greene, of Elizabeth, 
N. J., has announced the engagement of 
her niece, Miss Ruth S. Salter, of Wyncote, 
Pa., to Mr. Charles D. Spencer, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Lindsay Coleman Spencer, of St. 
Paul street, Baltimore, Md. 

Miss Salter, daughter of the late Mr. and 
Mrs. Richard Reeves Salter, was graduated 
from Friends School, Abbington, Pa., and 
from Pennsylvania Hospital School of Nurs- 
ing, Philadelphia. 

Mr. Spencer, who is attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland College of Agriculture, 
served 3i/ 2 years in the Army. 


MISS Jeanette Tyo, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Henry C. Tyo of Ogdens- 
burg, N. Y., became the bride of Harvey 
C. Sims, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. 
Sims of 1539 Live Oak Drive, Silver Spring. 

The couple left on an extended wedding 
trip to New York, Miami, and Havana. 

Mrs. Sims is a graduate of St. Lawrence 
University and Wallace Secretarial School, 
Ogdensburg. She is a member of Pi Beta 
Phi sorority. Mr. Sims was graduated from 
the University of Maryland with a Bachelor 
of Science degree in mechanical engineer- 
ing. At present he is connected with the 
Cleveland Container Company in Ogdens- 
burg. He served three years with the 
Army during the war, most of which was 
spent overseas. 


Mrs. James Henry Windsor of Washing- 
ton announces the marriage of her niece, 
Miss Davette Eisenstein, daughter of Mr. 
Ira Eisenstein of Philadelphia and the late 
Mrs. Eisenstein, to Mr. Martin Aaron Ab- 
kowitz, son of Mrs. Anne Abkowitz of 
Revere, Mass. 

The bride was graduated from George 
Washington University and now is attend- 
ing the University of Maryland. Mr. Ab- 
kowitz was graduated from Massachusetts 
Institute of Technology, and at present is 
attending Maryland University Graduate 
School. He served four years in the Army 
and was discharged with the rank of cap^ 
tain. Both he and the bride are doing 
research work for the Navy. 


Miss Agnes Rutherford Miller, niece of 
Dr. and Mrs. Beverly Jones of Winston- 
Salem, N. C, and Dr. William Werner 
Orrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. 
Orrison of Brunswick, Md., were married 

The bride, a graduate of City Memorial 
Hospital in Winston-Salem, is on the staff 
of Emergency Hospital here. Dr. Orrison, 
an interne, at Emergency Hospital, is a 
graduate of Western Maryland College and 
University of Maryland School of Medicine. 


Gowned in parachute silk which the 
bridgreoom sent her from overseas, Miss 
Marcella Marie Biebusch, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. William P. Biebusch of Silver 
Spring, was married to Lt. Clifton B. Cur- 
rin, USA, son of Mrs. Maude B. Currin of 

Mrs. Currin is a graduate of Blair High 
and the University of Maryland. Her hus- 
band was also graduated from the Uni- 


Mr. and Mrs. Gregg R. Umali of Los 
Angeles, formerly of Washington, announce 
the marriage of their daughter, Louise- 
Marie Umali, to John Lawrence Sullivan, 
son of Mrs. Frances C. Sullivan and the 
late James H. Sullivan, of New Bedford, 

Mrs. Sullivan attended St. Cecilia's 
Academy here, and was graduated from 
the University of Maryland, after which 
she was a student in the graduate school 
of the University of California at Los 
Angeles. She was a member of the faculty 
of Dunbarton College and is at present 
on the professional staff of the Los Angeles 
Y.W.C.A. She returned recently from a 
trip to South America where she visited 
her father in Brazil. 

The bridegroom, who spent three years 
in the service, was educated in New Bed- 
ford schools and attended Woodbury Col- 
lege in Los Angeles. He and his bride will 
make their home in Los Angeles, where he 
will resume his studies at the Art Center. 


Miss Edna E. Elmore of Washington, 
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles 
W. Elmore, of Gastonia, N. C, was married 
to Lt. Col. Frank DeK. Huyler, Jr., A.A.F., 
of New York, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 

Mr. and Mrs. Huyler will reside in 

Mrs. Huyler, who attended Duke Uni- 
versity, was graduated and received a mas- 
ter's degree from the University of Mary- 
land College of Education. She taught 
school in Washington and served in the 
Waves during the war. She is with the 
General Accounting Office. 

Col. Huyler, whose father was president 
of the Huyler Candy Co., was graduated 
from Culver (Ind.) Military Academy. He 
served during the war as public relations 
officer for Maj. Gen. Claire L. Chennault's 
14th Air Force in China. Previously he had 
been with the 9th Bomber Command and 
the Libyan Service Command. 

HbW//cs from Heaven 

rjm 0# ^ 

MR. AND Mrs. Charles C. Castle an- 
nounce the birth of David Lockwood 
on March 2, 1947. Mr. Castle is of the 
class of '39, and Mrs. Castle, the former 
Catherine Samson, was graduated in 1940. 
David is their second child. 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks Harmon 
announce the arrival of a daughter, Terry 
Lee, on June 7, 1946. Mrs. Harmon was 
the former Elaine Danforth, '40, and Bob 
was graduated in 1941. 

A son, Marvin Gaith, arrived at the 
home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gaith 
Hamilton on Sept. 15, 1946. Mrs. Hamil- 
was formerly Laura Heaps, '38. 

It's a daughter at the home of Dr. and 
Mrs. Daniel Hope, Jr. Dale Elaine Hope 
was born on Oct. 27, 1946. Mrs. Hope was 
the former Dorothy Danforth and was 
graduated from Pharmacy in 1936 and from 
the Medical school in 1940. 

Col. R. W. Walker. Sr. 

COL Richard W. Walker, Sr., United 
States Army, retired, was buried at 
Arlington National Cemetery. He died at 
his home, 5617 Grove St., Chevy Chase, 
Md., after a heart attack. He was 71. 

A former cavalry officer, Colonel Walker 
retired from active duty in 1933. He pur- 
chased the Poke-Easy estate near Urbana, 
Md., where he bred horses and cattle. 

He leaves his wife, Mrs. Alice Patton 
Walker; two sons, Richard W. Walker, Jr., 
Rio de Janiero and John S. Walker, Uni- 
versity of Maryland student; two daughters, 
Mrs. Charles V. Bromley, now in Frankfort, 
Germany, and Mrs. Charles H. Conley, Jr., 
of Frederick, Md. 

Dr. John A. Gibson 

Dr. John Aldridge Gibson, 71, graduate 
of University of Maryland School of Medi- 
cine, and a practicing physician in Lou- 
doun County, Virginia, since 1903, died last 
month in the Loudoun County Hospital 
after an illness of several weeks. 

Cleveland R. Bealmear 

Cleveland R. Bealmear, 62, chairman of 
the Housing Authority of Baltimore and a 
civic leader, died last month in Baltimore. 

Bealmear was born in Baltimore Octo- 
ber 25, 1884, and joined his father in the 
real estate business two years after his 
graduation from the University of Mary- 
land School of Law. 





JSuilt in 1798 



THE inscription on the dedicatory 
plaque placed on the front of historic 
Rossborough Inn by the University of 
Maryland Alumni Association, June 2, 
1939, reads: 

"Erected in 1798, in the infancy of the 
nation and a few years before the found- 
ing of the University of Maryland, the 
Rossborough Inn stands as one of the land- 
marks of the Nation's and of the Univer- 
sity's growth. This historic structure has 
been restored by the University of Mary- 
land, with the aid of the Federal Govern- 
ment, and is dedicated to the spirit of 
loyalty and the traditions of democracy as 
exemplified in its alumni and students." 

Its location then, as it is today, was one 
of importance. What is now the Wash- 
ington-Baltimore Boulevard was then a 
main link on the post road between Wash- 
ington, embryonic capital of the nation, 
the South, and the young and thriving 
cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia, New 
York, and Boston. 

Near Bladensburg 

The old hostelry was only three miles 
from Bladensburg, at that time a prosper- 
ous seaport on the then broad Anacostia 

Construction of the Inn was undertaken 
to meet the demand for comfortable lodg- 
ing facilities in a period when distances 
such as existed between the large cities 
along the Atlantic seaboard represented 
days and weeks, instead of hours, of travel. 

For Exchange of Horses 

Records show that the tavern served as 
the place for the first exchange of horses 
on the route from Alexandria and George- 
town to Baltimore and the North. On the 
original survey of the plot of the Inn, a 
large stable is shown just back of the pres- 
ent carriage yard. This building, for land- 
scape reasons, has not been restored. 

Rossborough, as it stands today, is sub- 
stantially as it was when in operation in 
the early 1800's. The Inn, as indicated in 
an old survey, included a central building, 
wings to the north and south, and a struc- 
ture to the rear that was 
connected to the main estab- 
lishment by a portico. 

The Inn was popular as a 
place of rest for travelers, 
and as a social center for 
Washington and southern 
Maryland.. Undoubtedly 
most of the historic charac- 
ters of the early days of the 
Republic visited the Inn one 
time or another. 

During its first twenty-six 
years of existence the tavern 
was widely used and in the 
year 1824, it was chosen as 
the stopping-place of Gen- 
eral Lafayette on his last 
visit to America. 

The following excerpt 
from the "Memoirs of La- 
fayette," by Knapp, pub- 
lished in 1824, relates: 

Historic landmark is proud 
old building on modern 
campus . . . 

Many famous personages 
stopped here . . . 

"About 9 o'clock, on Tuesday morning 
(August 12, 1824), the general and suite 
left Rossburg, and proceeded to the Dis- 
trict of Columbia, at the line of which he 
was met by the Committee on Arrange- 
ments from the City of Washington, and 
a number of Revolutionary officers, and a 
company of Montgomery cavalry." 

The account also shows that 
Lafayette's son George, his sec- 
retary, Colonel La Vasseur, as 
well as the official party that 
accompanied the general from 
Baltimore, spent the night at 
the Inn. 

President Adams 

President John Quincy Adams 
in his diary records: 

"My son John went out to 
Ross's to meet General Lafay- 

General Lafayette 

"The Complete History of 
Lafayette" gives this version: 

"General Lafayette left Balti- 
more for Washington, accom- 
panied by the mayor, the Com- 
mittee on Arrangements, the 
aides of the governor, and an 
escort of cavalry to Rossburg, 
where he lodged on Monday 
night, and breakfasted on Tues- 
day morning. After which he 
was accompanied, and escorted 
as before to the District of 

Numerous references to the 
old Inn during the time of the 
War of 1812 and the attack on 
Washington by the British are 

available in the files of the Maryland His- 
torical Society. References indicate that it 
was used during this conflict as headquar- 
ters for Stansbury's Brigade, and the 5th 
Maryland Regiment. 

In the early part of the nineteenth cen- 
tury, the Inn was operated by John W. 
Brown who also drove one of the stage- 
coaches operated over the Baltimore and 
Washington turnpike by Stockton and 
Stokes, a well known stage company of that 

Oft Named in History 

Numerous accounts are given in the early 
social history of Maryland referring to the 
old hostelry. 

The following is an account of the sport 
of the Baltimore Hunt and the Bridge 




(Potomac) Pack on the thirtieth of January, 

"Tues. 30th ult. — Met by appointment 
at Rossburg where we were joined by 
a party of gentlemen from Bladensburg, 
with several dogs, making a pack of 35 
in number. Rain fell until eleven 
o'clock, when the dogs were uncoupled, 
and about twenty gentlemen, impa- 
tient for the chase, mounted their 
horses and took a direction to the 
West. Many covers were drawn with- 
out finding; at length a fox was un- 
kenneled near the Montgomery turn- 
pike. He went away for the broken 
ground on the northwest — here another 
fox was unkenneled and the dogs 
divided. One fox, with fourteen dogs 
hard at him, made for the covers two 
miles down the creek, where he ran in 
circles for an hour, after which he 
broke away through the estate of Mr. 
Diggs and through a part of the Dis- 
trict of Columbia, crossing the Balti- 
more Road between Washington and 
Bladensburg, near the spot . where 
Commander Barney was wounded, and 
passing the eastern branch on the ice, 
was killed in Prince George's County. 
Owing to the heavy riding and the bad- 
ness of the ground over which he ran, 
not a horseman was within eight miles 
when the chase ended. The other fox 
kept doubling on the broken ground, 
occasionally crossing to the pine cover 
where the first fox was found. The 
writer is not informed of the result 
having made the best of his way, at 
sundown, to Graeff's where the whole 
company was soon reunited in good 
time to enjoy the cheerful fire and 
cheerful board that awaited us, and 
where the evening was spent most 

pleasantly in conning over the feats of 
the dogs, and the incidents of the day, 
enlivened by appropriate songs, and 

amongst others by G , in his 

best style." 

During the Civil War a detachment of 
Jubal Early's Conferederate Army camped 
at the Inn while attempting to cut off re- 
inforcements of the Union Army for the de- 
fense of Washington. 

When the Maryland Agricultural College 
was established by the General Assembly 
of Maryland in 1856, the land upon which 
the building stands was made a part of the 

Chartered In 1856 

This college was chartered in 1856, the 
second agricultural college in the Western 
Hemisphere, and the old Inn was the first 
building on the new campus. At the time 
of establishment of the college, the Inn 
was a part of the Riverdale estate of 
Charles B. Calvert, who received it from his 
father George. George Calvert gained the 
tract through a business transaction in- 
volving the Ross Estate, original owners. 
Charles Calvert was one of the charter 
members of the corporation which operated 
the college, and was the president of the 
first board of trustees. 

The construction of the other buildings 
of the new college was begun in 1857 and 
the institution was formally opened in 1859. 

During the early life of the school, the 
Inn served as a residence for the faculty. 

Mr. N. B. Worthington, president of the 
college from 1864 to 1867, resided in the 
building, and other faculty members util- 
ized the Inn as a dwelling from time to 

A Federal Government act of 1887 esta- 
blished the Agricultural Experiment Sta- 
tions of the United States, and an appro- 
priation of $15,000 annually was made for 
their establishment and maintenance. 

The Maryland Agricultural College re- 
ceived the first Experiment Station to be 
established in the United States in 1888, 
and the old Inn served as its home. Until 
the remodeling of the old tavern in 1938, 
huge white letters painted on the ends of 
the building proclaimed it as the "Mary- 
land Agricultural Experiment Station." 

When restoration of the Inn was begun 
in September, 1938, with the aid of the 
Works Progress Administration of the Fed- 
eral Government, the old building did not 
have the two wings to the north and south. 

The kitchen and servants' quarters in the 
rear ell and the main unit of the Inn were 
still standing, and in use, but they were in 
a very bad state of repair. 

These wings were not known to have 
existed until an old survey of the property 
came to light on which was printed the 
plan for each floor of the building. After 
finding the prints of this survey, men were 
put to work digging to ascertain whether 
or not the old foundations existed. It was 
found that these foundations were located 
on the very places on the survey map, and 
the present wings have been constructed on 
the same footings on which the original 
wings rested. 

Legend has it that the bricks for the Inn 
were brought as ballast from England on 
ships that docked at Bladensburg, but this 
is unlikely, just as it is unlikely that bricks 
were brought from England for any of the 
old buildings for which this is claimed. 

The bricks were probably made in the 
field almost directly in front of where the 



building is constructed, now a part of the 
athletic plant. There is evidence that there 
was at one time an old brick kiln on that 

The door to the front center portion of 
the building is unique. 

The keystone in the brick arch over the 
door is an interesting and beautiful piece 
of workmanship. It is carved out of stone 
and represents the head of Silenos, teacher 
and trainer of Bacchus, the Greek God of 
Wine. Carved in the bottom of the stone 
is the trademark of a London manufacturer 
of keystones by the name of T. Coade, and 
the date 1798. 

It is quite possible that the bricks that 
form the archway of the door were made 
in England along with the keystone. They 
exactly fit the archway, and apparently 
were especially ground for it. 

The Inn contained thirty-one rooms, in- 
cluding the quarters of the innkeeper, the 
parlors, the tap room, kitchen, and the 
servant and guest chambers. 

The innkeeper's quarters were in the 
north wing, and were not connected by a 
doorway with the central portion of the 

The main building housed the old tap 
room, and the great parlor (on the first 
floor); five chambers on the second floor; 
and the same number of chambers on the 

In the south wing were located a private 
dining room, on the ground level, an office, 
and three chambers on the second floor. 

Kitchen Facilities 

Kitchen facilities, and a large dining 
room were located on the ground floor of 
the rear ell, with six chambers situated on 
the second level. 

Practically every room had a fireplace in 
ii which served as the main source of heat. 

As restored the floor plan of the Inn is 
just as it was in the days when it was 
open for business. However, minor changes, 
such as the substituting of baths and 
lavatories in the place of some of the small 
bedrooms and the revamping of the base- 
ment to serve as a recreational lounge, have 
been made. 

Legends abound concerning the old Inn. 
Some claim it is haunted by the ghosts of 
former inhabitants. Old negroes, passing it 
late at night, tell tales of seeing beautifully 


gowned women, and bewigged men dancing 
to the strains of weird music. 

Another tale pictures the Inn as a place 
where murderous deeds took place. Red 
spots on the floor of one of the third story 
rooms were reputed to be the blood stains 
of one of the victims. The refinishing of 
the floors, during the restoration, removed 
the spots and the old legend has lost its 

The ancient building is surrounded by 
an attractive garden with the original well 
in the center, a carriage yard, and a front 
lawn graced by four huge old English 
elms. It is said that these trees were 
brought over from England, and planted 
in front of the building shortly after it was 
erected. The elms, measuring 3 to 4 feet 
in diameter, are the only one of the variety 
near College Park, and are among the out- 
standing trees of the State. 

Today, the Rossborough Inn, restored to 
its former grandeur, reigns over the campus 
of a modern University that has grown 
from a few students, housed within the 
walls of the old tavern, to a modern, well- 
equipped educational plant, numbering its 
students by the thousands. 

JSot Seeking, g4 Place in the Sun 


ALL of us should turn our thoughts 
occasionally to that adventurous 
group of our ancestors who set aside a day 
each year for Thanksgiving. Anyone who 
has stood on the windswept coast at 
Plymouth where the hard black granite of 
New England yields as slowly to the hoe 
and the plow as it does to the restless 
beating of a tireless sea, might well ask 
why should the Pilgrims have been thank- 
ful? On the one side, it was only an ar- 
row's flight to a wilderness filled with sav- 
ages. On the other, it was three months' 
sailing to the comforts of civilization. There 
was hunger to the point of starvation. Yet 
the humble survivors of both knell and 
fervently thanked God. For what? Not for 
well-filled cupboards and bursting gran- 
aries, but for the courage to face tem- 
porary adversity, for confidence in the 
future, for faith in ultimate achievement of 
the ideals that led them to the New World. 

The remembrance of those ragged, hun- 
gry colonists devoutly expressing gratitude 
because their lives had been spared toward 
the achievement of a bright vision, ought 
to bring shame to the hearts of presentday 
prophets of gloom. There is no doubt that 
many of us labor today under a yoke of 
hardship. There is unemployment and in- 
justice and crime and intolerance and bitter 
disappointment and even hunger in 
America. The ravages of war abroad have 
shaken our hopes. Frustrated by these mis- 
fortunes some are ready to curse God and 
let the vision die. They clamor for a "new 
order," for a new migration to uncharted 
political shores — to start all over again 
toward human happiness and freedom 
under the guidance of ideals radically dif- 
ferent from those which inspired our fore- 
fathers. Those who take such counsel of 
despair would do well to count those bless- 
ings already achieved by the American way, 
and, without relaxing efforts to wipe out 
the causes of misery and suffering which 
still oppress us, to hold fast to what has 
already been gained. 

American Ideals Of Equality 

We have many real advantages for which 
to be thankful. I thank God I was not 
born into a caste system that places one 
human being either above or below any 
of his fellows: I inherited no aristocratic 
rank of duke or lord that entitles me to 
special privilege of any sort; nor was I 
doomed to serfdom or peasantry by the 
accident of birth. It was one of the first 
concepts of American government "that all 
men are created equal." There may be 
some in this country who have assumed 
special privilege, but their right to it may 
be challenged at any time by anybody. 

Free Schools Mean Free People 

I thank God for the American schools 
that made available to me a share in the 
intellectual and cultural heritage of man- 
kind. Education has checked and will even- 
tually defeat tyranny wherever it manifests 
itself in this land. Free schools are the 
guarantee of a free people; they are the 

The Pilgrims and Their Suc- 
cessors Came to This Con- 
tinent to Put an Ocean 
Between Them and the 
Old World's Wars 

<By. Wlllara C. QivenA 

Executive Secretary, National Education Association 
of the United States 

means whereby every individual may pre- 
pare himself for whatever achievement and 
service he is capable. Adequate educational 
opportunity is now denied millions of 
youth, it is true, but a fair start in life for 
every child is an American ideal toward 
which we have been steadily moving for a 
century. All the forces of greed and special 
interest will not prevent the full attain- 
ment of this ideal. 

Freedom Of Occupation 

I thank God for American freedom to 
earn a living in a job I myself selected. 
No social traditions dictated that I should 
follow the occupation of my father. No 
agency of the state told me where or at 
what I must labor. The option was wholly 
my own, and I was given abundant oppor- 
tunity to prepare for the profession of my 
choice. All of us are aware of the fact that 
the machine, in combination with eco- 
nomic factors, prevents millions of work- 
men today from practicing vocations for 
which they have trained themselves. Yet 
who can doubt that the inventive genius 
which created the machine is able to ad- 
just the earnings of human livelihood to its 
use? Who has reason to believe that the 
same genius cannot or will not perfect an 
economic system in which honest toil may 
win its share of a material abundance that 
exceeds anything the world has ever known? 

Freedom Of Speech, Assembly, And Press 

, I thank God for American rights — for 
the right to think; to speak, to write and 
*o print what I think; for the right of 
peaceable assembly to discuss with my fel- 
lows the way out of difficulties which harass 
me as an individual or beset us as a people; 
for the right to protest and to petition those 
in authority for the removal of grievances 
?nd of obstacles to the happiness and wel- 
fare of my family and my neighbors; for 
the right to subscribe to any creed in which 
I believe and to worship as seems to me 
most fitting. I am grateful for the right to 
uncover truth and to proclaim it, even at 
the discomfiture of intrenched privilege or 
in opposition to stoutly defended party doc- 
trine. I am glad to have these rights guar- 
anteed to me in the most sacred instru- 
ment of our government — the fundamental 
law of the land — so they cannot be taken 
from me by pretext or annulled at the will 
of some dictator. I count it one of the 
greatest of blessings that I can exercise 
these rights without fear of secret police, 
concentration camps, or exile from my 
country. I can rest assured that my every 


act is not under suspicion. There are no 
spies to tap my telephone wires, to see 
that my radio is not tuned to forbidden 
wave lengths, or that I read only the liter- 
ature which has been approved and pre- 
scribed for me by those who consider 
themselves my superiors. 

National Ideals 

I am proud to live in a land that dis- 
courages discrimination on account of race 
or color or political antecedents, and sup- 
ports no pretense that a certain shade of 
hair or eyes betokens a superman before 
whom less favored individuals should bend 
the knee. I count it good fortune to live 
under a government that exists for me 
and my fellow citizens, where no one con- 
siders that my only reason for living is to 
serve a monster called a "totalitarian 

I thank God that the Stars and Stripes 
is not a mere battle flag symbolizing mili- 
tary conquest over other nations, but that 
it signifies every kind of worthy achievement 
for which men strive. That bright banner 
unites us in common endeavor against mis- 
ery and poverty, ignorance and vice, dis- 
ease and suffering. Our nation's heroes 
include not only its great soldiers, but its 
great statesmen, its scientists and teachers, 
its artists and craftsmen, its poets and 
preachers and philosophers who have served 
humanity in its great crises, whether of 
bread or of the spirit. The millions of 
children in the nation's classrooms who 
turn their happy faces toward the flag 
every morning pledge allegiance to the law 
and order, to the personal integrity, and 
to the unselfish service of humanity for 
which that banner stands. 

Americanism As A Way Of Life 

I thank God that my country is not 
seeking "a place in the sun"; that it has 
no imperialistic ambitions; that its boast 
and pride are not the defeat of other na- 
tions or the assimilation of other peoples 
for its own glory; that it has no "balance 
of power" to maintain, no buffer states 
to create, and no protectorates over which 
to stand guard. We have no duty, real or 
pretended, to rescue from the clutches of a 
foreign country our own nationals who for 
any reason found it more desirable to asso- 
ciate with our neighbors than with our- 
selves. There is no lost territory to regain 
and no desire to enhance our flag by giving 
it more soil over which to wave. The 
mystic slogan "blood and soil" seems absurd 
to us. The essence of Americanism is not 
territory. It is a way of life. Plains and 
mountains and valleys are only necessary 
incidents to its existence. Someone has 
ventured to suggest that if the American 
people could by some magic be transferred 
in a body to some new continent, that new 
continent would be America; for the essen- 
tials of Americanism are in the hearts and 
minds of the people. 

However that may be, I thank God, more 
than for anything else, that the Pilgrims 
and their hardy successors elected to come 

to this continent, putting three thousand 
miles of Atlantic Ocean between their 
descendants and the warring nations of the 
Old World. This morning our youth are in 
school or at work. Tonight our streets will 
be brightly lighted. There will be no 
stumbling through darkness, at the sound 
of a siren, to bombproof shelters. Our 
children have not been transported to 
safety schools far from their homes. Our 
art treasures are on exhibit in our mu- 
seums and public places, and not hidden 
in deep vaults. We eat without ration 
cards. Our whole lives are not beset with 
fear and uncertainty regarding either the 
outcome or the purpose of any war that 
menaces our existence. 

Human Rights Still Sacred 

And so, I thank God I'm an American. 
All may not be right with America. There 
is still with us some of the social injustice 
and inequality to the removal of which 
we dedicated ourselves as a young nation. 
But the fundamental human rights which 
are the essence of Americanism are still 
held sacred by our people and by our re- 
sponsible leaders. We have all and much 
more than the Pilgrim fathers expected to 
secure for their posterity in the New World. 
And as we memorialize their first Thanks- 
giving, so devoutly offered because they had 
escaped the religious bigotry and interna- 
tional jealousies of the Old World, every 
one of us can say with even more meaning 
and fervor than the Pilgrims said, "Thank 
God, I'm an American. 


The Presbyterian Club, University of 
Maryland, started a campus project to pro- 
vide a heifer for war-stricken Europe. This 
is part of a national campaign to raise 
the general living conditions in Europe. 

Boxes were placed in various spots around 
the campus to take care of contributions. 

It is the object of the club to provide 
at least one pure-bred heifer which will 
cost in the vicinity of $160. Representatives 
of the national project distribute the cat- 
tle in areas where they are needed most, 
and after they are provided by the con- 
tributions the national organization will 
see that all necessary details such as ship- 
ment and feeding will be taken care of. 

The heifer project had its beginning in 
a city in Southern Spain during the Spanish 
Civil War. With the farmers conscripted 
and equipment and livestock killed, the 
children took the heaviest part of the 
burden. To raise the people from starva- 
tion diet this project came into being. 
To assure a raising of the living standards 
of all countries, the project was extended 
to the whole of Europe. It is expected 
that the heifer provided by the Presby- 
terian Club's efforts will be sent to either 
Norway or Denmark. 


A desert is not a rainless region. There 
is no part of the earth's surface without 
rainfall, but there are regions very de- 
ficient in rainfall. The Mojave desert has 
but two inches rain fall a year. 


FROM Washington, D. C, writes J. 
Gibson Wilson, Jr.: 

"My wife and I, both former Mary- 
landers, enjoy very much this newsy, en- 
lightening and very interesting publication. 

"The February issue proved especially 
interesting to me (Civil Engineering '40). 
This magazine should help renew waning 
interest in the Alma Mater." 

Mrs. John Edward Savage sends congratu- 
lations from Baltimore: 

"Dr. Savage and I have enjoyed thor- 
oughly the three issues of Maryland. It's 
a fine magazine and we're delighted that 
one has finally been organized that is 
worthy of the grand school it represents." 

A small bouquet from Elisabeth Eves of 
Arlington, Va.: 

"The last three issues of the new Mary- 
land have been a joy to read." 

Patrick Carolan writes from Utica, N. Y. 
to express his opinion of the magazine and 
to say "Hello" to his alumni friends. 

"I'd like to extend my hearty congratula- 
tions to all concerned in the publication of 
this fine magazine. I wonder if I can utilize 
this opportunity to say "Hello" to all my 
friends among the students and alumni of 
the University." 

Elizabeth J. Dennis of Ocean City, Md. 

"Congratulations on such a wonderful 
publication to all who are responsible for 
it. Best wishes for continued success." 

Lois T. Edmonds writes from Silver 
Spring, Md.: 

"Maryland is a fine magazine, and I 
enjoyed the three issues you have sent me. 
Congratulations and good luck to your 

From Mount Lebanon, Pa., Ernest Trim- 
ble sends his orchids: 

"It took a long time, but now all can be 
proud of the alumni publication of the 
University of Maryland." 

Harry Hasslinger writes from nearby 
College Park: 

"I feel that you are doing a splendid job 
with the magazine and that it will do 
much to stimulate alumni interest. I am 
quite certain that the greater percentage 
of the - alumni feel the same." 

Charles L. Cogswell writes from Chicago 
to pass a bunch of orchids: 

"Congratulations on your new magazine. 
I think it is the finest thing the University 



had done since changing from an Agricul- 
ture college to a university. The article by 
Lucille Bernard in the January number was 
excellent. It looks as though we are going 
to have some life in the Alumni Associa- 
tion. There is strong evidence of a Marine 
Corps hypodermic in the background!" 

In Buffalo, N. Y., J. F. Barton finally 
was "stirred": 

"I suppose it took the agriculture num- 
ber to stir me. Congratulations on a grand 
job. 'Maryland' is a real magazine befitting 
our great institution, the University of 

Thomas E. Robertson writes from Silver 

"May I take this opportunity to congratu- 
late you on the magazine. It is what we 
have needed for a long time. My best 
wishes for a long period of success." 

A bulky bouquet comes from Alvin Gold- 
berg of Providence, R. I., who was man- 
ager of the 1939 championship boxing 

"I am looking forward with great interest 
to the future issues of Maryland, as the 
magazine is a splendid piece of work. You 
can count on me for any help needed in 
this area as regards the Maryland alumni. 

"I also want to extend my congratula- 
tions on the successful boxing season. . . . 
News of Maryland's victory in the confer- 
ence tournament was sweet music to my 
ears. The placing of six men in the finals 
is certainly a tribute to the coach and to 
the boys. Their opponents must have been 
supermen to hold them to two titles. 

"I shall look forward to their continued 
success next year, and I extend my best 
wishes for the success of the team and the 
fine publication." 


The National Intercollegiate United Na- 
tions Association was formed at the Uni- 
versity of Missouri on November 15-16, 
1946, by a group of students from various 
colleges and universities whose primary 
aim was, and is, to foster and promote in- 
terest in the United Nations movement. 

At the initial meeting of the N. I. U. 
N. A., a mock conference was set up, and 
the following subjects were discussed: 

The Future of the Dardanelles, U. N. 
Trusteeship of Existing Colonies, Imple- 
menting the U. N. for Future World Peace, 
Control of the Atom, The Spanish Question. 

Speakers at the conference included Soren 
Christian Sommerfelt, attached to the U. N. 
Secretariat in New York; and Donald C. 
Blaisdell of the State Department, assistant 
secretary to the United States Group at 
Dumbarton Oakes; technical expert with 
the delegation in San Francisco in 1944, and 
advisor to Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., former 
Secretary of State, in London. 

At present, the following colleges and 
universities are members of the N. I. U. 
N. A.: 

Kansas State College, George Washington 
University, Stephens College for Women, 
University of Missouri, University of Kan- 
sas, Christian College for Women, St. Louis 
University, University of Kansas City, Uni- 
versity of Wichita. 




Consumers in Baltimore and Washington 
are to be given a chance during the com- 
ing season to choose between produce as 
they usually find it in stores and produce 
given special handling to guarantee maxi- 
mum freshness. 

This was revealed today by H. L. Stier, 
head of the marketing department at the 
University of Maryland, when he invited 
sweet corn growers in areas around Balti- 
more and Washington to cooperate with 
county agents and his department in stud- 
ies similar to those made in markets in 
nearby states. In these tests, growers have 
picked sweet corn at three o'clock in the 
morning and delivered it to stores by the 
9:00 a.m. opening time, thus permitting 
the city homemaker to buy and serve sweet 
corn equal to that available to her country 

"This procedure has worked out well in 
other markets," Stier said, "in fact, records 
gathered in Philadelphia show that con- 
sumers bought 16 times as much of the 
fresh picked corn as they did of corn 
handled under normal conditions. They 
did so even though the fresh sweet corn 
was selling at a 22 cent a dozen premium. 

He also stated that similar tests are to be 
made during 1947 with other produce such 
as tomatoes and peaches, and he cited work 
done in another state on peach marketing. 
Consumers offered a choice of peaches that 
had been picked "green-ripe" and "tree- 
ripe," took 30 times more of the tree- 
ripened fruit. 

"These improved marketing practices will 
give the consumer a higher quality product 
which has a better flavor," Stier said, "and 
will bring the producer a better return 
even though his marketing costs will in- 
crease. Any growers interested in market- 
ing sweet corn or peaches in the 1947 tests 
should get in touch with their county 


More than 1000 growers attended the 
series of five tobacco meetings last month 
to hear discussions on market outlook and 
to learn how Kentucky growers have made 
as much as a 90-hour cut in the amount 
of hand labor required to produce an acre 
of tobacco. 

Walter B. Posey, tobacco specialist from 

the University of Maryland, and John B. 
Morsell, former Calvert County Agent, told 
growers that stocks of tobacco now in hands 
of the manufacturers are the lowest since 
1933. They also pointed out that January 
first stock estimates showed a reduction of 
more than 14 million pounds from a year 

Both speakers stressed the importance of 
the high quality of the crop now in barns 
and estimated that 85 per cent of it will 
go for cigarette tobacco. They said it was 
their belief that these factors would more 
than offset the size of the crop when mar- 
keting time comes. 

G. B. Byers, assistant in farm manage- 
ment at the University of Kentucky, re- 
ported on three years of labor-saving re- 
search in that State. He listed ideas and 
gadgets developed by growers and the Uni- 
versity, but declared that each grower must 
decide for himself what improvements can 
be made on his farm. 

Those in attendance at the meetings had 
been shown that 309 hours of man labor is 
required to produce an acre of Maryland 

tobacco. Byers said that this was about the 
same as was required in Kentucky, but that 
some growers had been able to cut that by 
90 hours by using labor- and time-saving 

He showed pictures to describe methods 
by which above-average plant-pullers had 
beer* able to more than double their hourly 
average and by which above-average pullers 
had stepped up production from 1600 
plants an hour to more than 2200 per hour. 
He also discussed "tricks of the trade" de- 
veloped to make plant setting easier and 

"The secret of many of these methods," 
Byers said, "is that a definite pattern of 
motion is developed. Each hand has a 
definite assignment and there is no waste 
motion. Changes in position are included 
so that the worker is actually less tired at 
the end of the day even though he accom- 
plishes a lot more work." 

Byers told the group that another big 
saving has been made in stripping rooms. 
Growers had previously been satisfied if 
they averaged 100 pounds a day stripped by 
each worker, but new practices, developed 
with the aid of slow motion studies of 
movies, have brought the average up to 
about 45 pounds per hour. 

He showed growers from the five-county 
area of southern Maryland a model plant- 
bed board, a stick sharpener, a model set 
of pulleys on which two men can raise 
tobacco to the top of the barn, and many 
other devices developed to make work faster 
and easier. 

It is planned that a cooperative study 
will be made by the University of Mary- 
land and the USD A to find "tricks of the 
trade" now in use and to develop new 
methods practical in southern Maryland 

The meetings were the start-off of a 
campaign to increase tobacco production 
by about 10 per cent during the coming 
year. They were sponsored jointly by the 
Extension Service and the Farm Bureaus. 


At University of Maryland Dairy and Stock Barns. 


Vney, 3loat Vltru Une cAir 


Gymnastics, Adagio, Tram- 
poline, Baton Twirling, 
Etc., Taking Hold At 
Maryland .... 

GYMKANA has come to Maryland. 
With all of its grace, strength, and 
speed, and its light touches of humor, 
the University's newly organized gymnas- 
tics troupe has caught the fascination of 
the student body and has carried the 
activity of the students into neighboring 
high schools as a first-class example of 


Left, Millie Burton and Will Ehatt. Center, Gloria Myers, A. C. Moore and Arnold Gibbs. Right, Vivian 

Walters and Al Pokorny. 


Over the top is Ted Crum in a Fly Away from the 
Horizontal Bars. Below, doing "Three Airplanes" 
are Arnold Gibbs, the Understander, Frank Bran- 
nock and Gloria Myers. 

the varied physical and cultural activities 
that are a part of life at College Park. 

Emphasis in this entertaining show is 
on strength, grace, and balance, and the 
talents of the troupe stretch into every- 
thing from folk dancing to the courage- 
challenging teeter board. 

David A. Field, a member of the physical 
education staff and a specialist in gymnas- 
tics, conceived the troupe for the Univer- 
sity and has nursed his baby from a 
weanling to a point where it is now one 
of the most active — and talented — groups 
on the campus. 

Circus Call Card 

A brief survey of the acts included in 
the troupe's routine reads like a circus 
call card: double and triple balancing acts, 
the teeter board, baton twirling, acrobatic 
dances, adagio dances, folk dancing, pyra- 
mids, special comedy numbers, juggling, 
and the trampoline. 

During the winter sports season, the 
troupe entertained between halves of 
basketball games and made several trips 
to nearby schools for exhibitions. Plans 
for next year include extended activities 
and a possible exhibition for interested 

The group is under the direction of 
Mr. Fields and he is ably assisted by 
capable student leaders. Arnold Gibbs is 
general chairman, Charles Pinckney, men's 
manager, Mary Eisman, women's manager, 
and Cy Miller, gymnastic manager. 

Exercises on the apparatus have a spe- 
cial appeal to Miller, Pinckney, Ted Crom, 
Bob Phillips, Bill Foland, Frank Bran- 
nock, Bill Gaiser, Bill Ernst, and Chuck 

Doubles handbalancing finds Murray 
McCulloch, Jay Wohlforth, Pat Welty, and 
Vivian Walter working to coordinated 


their dual routines. Perhaps the out- 
standing act thus far is the triple bal- 
ancing routine of Brannock, Gibbs, and 
Gloria Myers. 

The most daring number is that of the 
teeter board. Here we find Gibbs, Tom 
Tyrrell, Tom Bolgiano, Grady Brafford, 
and Bill Ward soaring high in the air. 
Ward has just perfected a back somer- 
sault through a hoop while Bolgiano has 
a back somersault into a chair mounted 
on an eight foot pole. 

Baton twirling is just beginning and 
under the leadership of Bert Williams and 
McCulloch it should soon take a leading 
role in the troupe's future work. Barbara 
McCutcheon and Peg Welty are also put- 
ting much effort into their acrobatic 


The adagio dance team has been practic- 
ing two months and has the possibilities 
of being the most sensational of any act 
performed by the group. Brannock, Gibbs, 
Tyrrell, Will Davis, and Ed Rudiger toss 
about the capable Augusta Johnson and 
Peggy Marshall. Before long their fifteen 
foot pitches into high swans and intricate 
catches will be coordinated into one smooth 



FOLLOWING is Maryland's spring 
sports schedule, 1947. Unless otherwise 
indicated the events take place at College 


May 1 King Point 

2 Davidson 

3 Georgetown 

7 At Johns Hopkins 

8 West Virginia 

9 North Carolina 

10 At West Point 

15 George Washington 

16 At Washington and Lee 

17 At Virginia Tech 
28 At Virginia 

30 Virginia 
June 7 At Rutgers 

1 1 At Yale 

12 At Harvard 
14 At Dartmouth 


May 3 At Princeton 
10 Army 
17 At Rutgers 
24 Johns Hopkins 
May 3 Virginia 

10 Georgetown and Quantico Marines 
16 and 17 Southern Conference Meet 

at Chapel Hill, N. C. 
30 and 31 IC-4A games at Phila. 

May 1 N. C. State 
3 Georgetown 
8-10 Southern Conference Tourney 

13 At Loyola 

16 At Johns Hopkins 

17 Virginia 

20 At Georgetown 
23 At Virginia 


Maryland University's basketball team, 
was eliminated in the Southern Conference 
tournament when, at Durham, they drew 
as their first opponents North Carolina 
State's championship team composed of 
Indiana court stars. 

From there the Terp tossers moved up 
to Philadelphia in which citv no brotherlv 
love was showered upon them as Pennsyl- 
vania downed them, 80 to 54. 

The principle figure in the debacle was 
Chink Crossin, Penn's versatile captain who 
tallied 26 points. 

Top scorer for Maryland was Tom Mont, 
who tallied 14 points. Johnny Edwards 
followed with 9. 

Maryland was plagued by inaccuracy in 
the second half, making only 10 of 51 
shots. The Terps tallied only twice on 
their first 25 second-half shots. Meanwhile, 
Penn hit on 19 of 52 tosses. 

In the first half Maryland led three times. 
Edwards was first to score. He also tied 
the score at 10 — 10 and gave Mont the 

opportunity to send Maryland ahead, 

When Penn rallied to go ahead, 15 — 14, 
Don Schuerholz tied the score at 15 — 15 
and again at 17 — 17 and finally pushed 
Maryland in front, 19 — 18. Then Penn 
began to loll and was ahead, 32 — 27 at 

Bill Brown made the only Maryland 
basket in the first five minutes of the 
second half when Penn pulled away to a 
45 — 29 advantage. When Brown twisted 
his left ankle, Maryland lost a valuable 
backboard retriever. 

Penn built up a 72 — 45 edge as a result 
of Crossin's spectacular shooting. He played 
the entire game in order to get within 
record-breaking distance of the all-time 
Penn total of 327 made by Joey Schaaf in 


North Carolina's swimming team was too 
strong for North Carolina State's contin- 
gent and scored a smashing 81 — 47 upset 
victory in the fourteenth annual Southern 
Conference championships. Only two other 
teams competed, Duke finishing third with 
31 points and V.M.I, fourth with nine 
points. Maryland has no swimming team 
— yet. 


Barbara McCutcheon, University of Maryland div- 
ing and swimming star, is also a member of the 
gymnastic and adagio group. 

Barbara is a senior in the College of Education, 
in the Department of Physical Education. 

At the recent Junior National Indoor Diving 
Championships held in Washington's Ambassador 
pool Barbara finished third in the Junior national 
event and second in the District of Columbia event. 
Adrienne Bassett, New Jersey, won the national 
title while another Maryland girl, Jackie Richards 
of Takoma Park, Alpha Xi Delta, B.S. in 1946, Col- 
lege of Education, Physical Education, won the 
District honors. 


Duke Wyre, a veteran of fifteen years at 
the training business, has been hired by 
Athletic Director Jim Tatum to look after 
the condition of Maryland athletes. 

Wyre was assistant trainer at Yale Uni- 
versity for fifteen years and moved to Holy 
Cross just before the war as head trainer. 
He entered the Navy in 1942 for a three- 
year tour of duty. 

Maj. George M. Bohler, who has been 
doubling up as trainer and equipment 
manager, will devote his full time to the 
latter job. 

Wyre will report to College Park on 
April 7 after taking the Yale rugby team 
on a tour of Bermuda. 


Physical Education majors from Mary- 
land were guests of the Women's Recrea- 
tion Group of American University for 
an afternoon of basketball. 

Maryland women cagers played two 
games, taking one 31-16 and dropping the 
other to American University, 25-22. 

Dottie White, largely responsible for 
Maryland's win, racked up the highest in- 
dividual score with good zone defense set 
up by Jean Cory, Marjorie Frederick and 
Virginia Nichols. American University's 
tall, elusive star forward out-reached and 
out-jumped Aimee Loftin, Boots Green- 
berg, and Nancy Updike. 


Lynn Waldorf, new head football coach 
at the University of California, announced 
the signing of assistant coach Edgar "Eggs" 
Manske, former end coach at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. 

Manske, a 1934 Northwestern graduate, 
was an assistant coach at Boston University 
in 1935-35. He played professional football 
one year with the Philadelphia Eagles and 
four years with the Chicago Bears. In 1942 
he went to Holy Cross as end coach, and 
last season was assistnat coach at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 


Appointment of Jim Meade, former Uni- 
versity of Maryland and Washington Red- 
skins football player, as first full-time 
executive director of the Prince Georges 
County Boys' Club has been announced 
by Louis B. Arnold, president. 

Recently Mr. Meade has been municipal 
recreation director at Havre de Grace. 
During the war he served in the South 
Pacific as a captain of an Army paratroop 



Front row, left to right: — Al Salkowski, 125; Andy Quattrocchi, 130; Danny Smith, 135; Eddie Rieder, 155 pound champion; Ken Malone, heavyweight 
champion and team captain, holding Conference Championship trophy; Bob Gregson, 165; Bob Hafer, 175, Tommy Maloney, 145. 

Second row, left to right: — Arnold Gibbs, heavyweight; Davey Lewis, 130; Danny McLaughlin, 125; Johnny Albarano, 145; Paddy McCarthy, 175. 

Top row, left to right: — Bill Crane, Assistant Manager; Fausto Rubini, Assistant Coach; Colonel Heinie Miller, Head Boxing Coach; Frank Cronin, Assistant 
Coach; Newton Cox, Assistant Coach; Jimmy Hoffman, Team Manager. 


Navy, Marine and Coast Guard athletes 
on ships and shore stations throughout the 
world are in training for the first post-war 
All-Navy Boxing Tournament to be con- 
ducted this spring with finals at San Diego, 
California, during the week of June 1-7, 

The tournament was abandoned during 
the war years. Winners of the 1947 tourna- 
ment are expected to compete for places 
on the United States Olympic Team which 
will participate in the Olympic Games in 
London in 1948. 

Elimination contests to select 64 finalists 
for the All-Navy Boxing Tournament will 
be held by various Naval Districts and fleet 
commands between now and May 17, 1947. 
The contests will be conducted on a single- 
elimination basis in eight weight classes, 
from flyweight through heavy weight. 

The Potomac River Naval Command will 
send 8 finalists, one in each class, to Nor- 
folk, Virginia, to compete against 8 final- 
ists each from the Fifth and Sixth Naval 
Districts and the Severn River Naval Com- 
mand. The eight winners for this regional 
competition will then go to San Diego for 
the elimination tournament to be held in 
that city. 

All non-commissioned personnel of the 
Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, who 
qualify as amateurs under the rules of the 
Amateur Athletic Union, are eligible to 
compete in the tournament. Naval Reserve 
personnel on active duty, except in a train- 
ing only status, also are authorized to par- 

ticipate, but members of Naval Reserve 
Officer Training Corps units and Naval 
Reserve Units are excluded from partici- 


Syracuse won the Eastern Intercollegiate 
Boxing Championship held at Penn State, 
with 18 points. Virginia was second with 
16. Penn State, 13; Western Maryland, 8; 
Army, 6; Coast Guard, 3. 

The finals: 

125 POUNDS — Jerry Auclair, Syracuse, 
knocked out John Flynn, Coast Guard. 

130 POUNDS— Glenn Hawthorne, Penn State, 
outpointed Basil Miragliotta, Virginia. 

135 POUNDS — Jimmy Miragliotta. Virginia, 
outpointed Bill Hiestand, Army. 

145 POUNDS — Willie Barnett, Virginia, 
knocked out Jim Cassidy, Penn State. 

155 POUNDS— Billy Byrne. Syracuse, tech- 
nically knocked out Dick Howell, Army. 

165 POUNDS — Jackie Tighe, Penn State, out- 
pointed Jim Rollier, Syracuse. 

175 POUNDS— Carlo Ortenzi, Western Mary- 
land, outpointed Ralph Shoaf, Virginia. 

UNLIMITED— John McArdle, Syracuse, tech- 
nically knocked out Joe Corletto, Western Mary- 

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The University of North Carolina won 
the Southern Conference wrestling cham- 
pionship by compiling 29 points, taking 
the title from Virginia Military Institute, 
which placed second in a tie with North 
Carolina State with 20 points. 

This is the first time since 1942 thai 
teams other than Washington and Lee and 
VMI have won the title. 

Other final totals were Washington and 
Lee, 14; Maryland. 10; Virginia Tech, 6; 
and Davidson, 4. 


The undefeated Maryland University ri- 
fle team defeated its fifty-seventh season's 
opponent in outshooting Western Mary- 
land, 1411 to 1315, on the Maryland Uni- 
versity range. Arthur Cook led the Mary- 
land team with a 289. 


Arthur Cook captured high scoring lau- 
rels with a 286 score, as Maryland Univer- 
sity riflemen remained unbeaten by down- 
ing George Washington University, 1,386 — 
1,338, on the Maryland armory range. All 
season the Terp riflemen have captured 
wins with monotonous regularity. 



Champions every one were these Terrapins who represented the University in lacrosse in 1937, going through a tough nine-game schedule, losing only to Mt. 
Washington A. C. and the Baltimore A. C. and winning the National Championship. Left to Right they are: Front-row — Lindsay, Hewitt, Deeley, Cole, 
Brelsford, Lee, Muncks, Nielson; second row — Page, Badenhoop, Rouse, Walton, Watson, Diggs, Ellinger; third row — Bowie, Yeager, Downin, Wood, Kelly, 

Cooke, Meade, Groff, Daniel. 

<By. (Bill M^cJbonala 

WHEN SPRING first came to College 
Park in 1937, Jack Faber, coach of 
the Maryland University lacrosse team, 
found himself with half a team, a crop of 
14-carat headaches, and a batch of fond 
memories. Maryland had won the national 
championship the year before, but Faber 
had seen his defense wrecked by gradua- 
tion and thoughts of repeating for the title 
were at the time far from the minds of 
even the most stubborn Terrapin 

By the time spring turned into summer 
Faber's headaches were gone, he had a 
complete lacrosse team, and another batch 
of fond memories — Maryland shared the 
National Championship with the Princeton 
Tigers. The Old Liners bowled over seven 
college foes and their two defeats were 
administered by the Mt. Washington A.C. 
and the Baltimore A.C, perennially two of 
of the outstanding clubs in the country. 

Faber won this championship the hard 
way. Only Oden Bowie, a 1946 reserve, 
remained of the last season's rugged de- 
fensive combination, so the Terps' mentor 
set out to rebuild. 

Faber found a diamond in the rough in 
Jim Meade, a towering, 190-pound sopho- 
more who had written headlines in his first 
year on the varsity football team. Meade 
continued to write headlines with the 
stickers. The Tome School star stepped 
into a first string job and in three years 
became one of the best defensive men ever 
turned out of Maryland. Johnny Page, 
another sophomore, and Buddy Yeager, a 
senior playing his first year as a regular. 

completed the defense and held up under 
the fire of the best gunners in collegiate 

What sorrow Faber suffered over his de- 
fensive problems was more than compen- 
sated for up front where the Old Liners 
again fielded one of the most prolific point- 
gathering combinations in the country. 
Brilliant Charley Ellinger, twice Ail-Ameri- 
can and headed that way again, was the 
keystone in the attack and caused opposing 
defense men more than one moment of 
woe. An uncanny shot, Ellinger also was 
a bottomless resevoir of set-ups for his 
mates and used his combined talents to 
Maryland's best advantage. 

Bobby Nielson, a sophomore who entered 
Maryland with the breath of every lacrosse 
coach in the country coursing down his 
Manhattan, teamed with Ellinger in the 

point-producing business and went in for 
it on a wholesale basis. In the Syracuse 
game Nielson reached his peak, raining 
seven goals into the net. Parker Lindsay, 
a junior who played center in 1936, was 
shifted to first attack, and Rip Hewitt, 
another phenomenal sophomore stepped 
into the face-off slot. George Watson han- 
dled the second attack, giving Maryland a 
lethal offense. 

If opposing teams thought they had the 
Liners throttled when they tied up thai 
quintet, then they reckoned without 
Meade. Using his bullet-like shot from 
behind a screen of Maryland players, the 
big soph moved into the scoring parade 
often enough to keep the enemy's goalie 
miserable. Newspaper writers caught the 
fever and soon named this combination 
"Maryland's six-man attack." 

With the exception of the Mt. Wash- 
ington and Baltimore A.C. defeats, Mary- 
land's attack rolled along at will and it 
was only Faber's choice to substitute freely 
that kept the scores to respectable figures. 
Retention of the national championship 
hinged on the ever-bothersome contests 
with Navy and John's Hopkins and the 
Marylanders took these powers in stride, 
whipping Navy in the rain at Annapolis, 
6-2, and then outscoring Hopkins in Balti- 
more, 9-6, and sewing up the second in 
their string of four championships. 



April 8— Harvard at College Park 12 2 

April 10— Baltimore A.C. at Col. Park & 8 

April l7Mt. Washington at Baltimore.. 4 12 

April 24— St. John's at College Park... 17 e 

May I — Syracuse at College Park 14 3 

May 8 — Rutgers at College Park 16 4 

May 15 — Navy at Annapolis 4 2 

May 22 — John Hopkins at Baltimore... 9 6 

May 29— Penn State at College Park. . 13 5 


SUGGESTED traffic sign for the "big 

"Do insects ever get in your corn out 

"Yeh, but we just fish 'em out and 
drink it anyway." 

The newcomer placed his hand on the 
shoulder of the convict before him and 
began the rhythmic lockstep back to the 
old pokey. He leaned forward a little and 
whispered to the tired convict ahead: 

"Is this all there is to this rock splitting 

"Ain't fourteen hours a day enough?" 

"Nothing to it." 

"Seven days a week! Bad food! Hard 

"It's a breeze!" 

"Say, where did you come from?" 

"I was a college professor in 1947!" 

There are four stages of Brandy and 
Water. The first is "Brandy and Water." 
The second is "Branny and Warwer." 
The third is "Bran War." The fourth, 

One of our Home Ec girls, driving in 
Baltimore, had stopped for a traffic light. 
When the light turned green she had 
trouble getting the old bus to roll. The 
light changed to yellow, to red, to green 
and back again. This went on twelve times 
while the gal jiggled with the gadgets. 
Finally a traffic cop poked his head in her 
car window and asked, "Look, leddy, ain't 
Baltimore got no colors you like?" 

It takes the eyes only 
one fortieth of a second 
to wink. It's the world's 
quickest way to get into 

Then there was the pilot who, 50,000 
feet up, remarked to his co-pilot, "I'm for- 
getting women up here." And the co-pilot 
nodded in approval and said, "Yeah, I'm 
tor getting women up here, too!" 

"Waiter, there's two flies in my soup." 
"Eh? Heh, so he finally caught up with 

"I ought to know; didn't I go to college, 

"Yes, and you came home that way, too." 

Batchy Coogan says the girl he'll marry 
isn't born yet and her mother's dead. 

Fellow in Maine named his humble lob- 
ster boat the "Floating Kidney" in honor 
of his mother-in-law's pet sickness. 

A "conservative" is a guy who is afraid 
to fight and too lazy to run. 

The hottest saxophone players are the 
ones who play the fly specks along with the 

The parson had really explained the 
ten commandments to his congregation. 
One miserable sinner expressed some hope 
for himself with, "Well, I ain't at least 
never had no graven image." 

Stud who had just lost his field jacket, 
"Looks like some guys are majoring in 
kleptomania around here." 

A teacher illustrated the meaning of the 
word "slowly" by walking across the floor. 

When she asked the class to tell how 
she walked, a boy in the back of the room 
yelled: "Bow-legged!" 

There are three classes of women: The 
intellectual, the beautiful, and the majority. 

Young man: "Your daughter promised 
to marry me." 

Father: "What did you expect, hanging 
around our house every night." 

As the scientist said after a hard day over 
the test tubes: "Oh, my aching bacteria." 

"Oh, Mercentwill," she said, "I suppose 
you actors hate boos more than anything 

"Well, madam," he replied, "it all de- 
pends on the label on the bottle!" 

"Bob went blind from drinking coffee." 

"How did it happen?" 

"He left his spoon in the cup." 

Puns and coffee. 
Speeches and scream. 

"If this storm continues," said the 
yachtsman, "I'll have to heave to." 

Seasick pasenger: "What a horrid way 

Riddles and syrup. of putting it.' 

A fool and his honey are soon parted. 

He who laughs laughs laughs laughs. 

We shuck our own corn. 

iTHdT "RUM 5 L- i ts) Q i cj^ 

Instructor, "This rifle 
weighs 8.6 pounds. After 
the first mile the decimal 
point drops out." 


HE . 

,fAT£ ' 


Judge, "You've known 
the defendant all your 
life. Would he steal?" 

Witness, "How much 
was it?" 

In the inner, deeper, 
and darker recesses of the 
library at Dartmouth is a 
statute of General Howe. 
When the boys have their 
girls up for week-ends they 
take them to the library 
and show them Howe. 

Swede Hanson in a poker game. The 
Swede had four aces. He layed them down 
while he ordered a sandwich. Upon pick- 
ing up the hand he discovered he now 
had six cards, some kind friend having 
transferred one in excess of allowed com- 
plement. The Swede stuck 
the little stranger in 
among the sandwich and 
ate it. 

Heard on the campus. 
"She shouldn't have mar- 
ried the guy. But she 
did. Now she realizes 
her error. Every morn- 
ing she awakens with a 

Definition of the word 
"Auditorium." From 
"audio" — to hear — and 
"taurus" — the bull. 



GI, "I have tickets for 
the theatre." 

Mrs. GI, "Swell, I'll 
begin to dress." 

GI, "That's fine. The 
tickets are for tomorrow 


Snorky: — "A drunk boarded a train in Baltimore 
at 5 p.m., headed for Washington. A Norwegian 
boarded a train in Washington at 5 p.m., headed 
for Baltimore. The trains arrived on time, running 
on parallel tracks. Yet the two men never passed 
each other. Why?" 

Sugarpuss.— "You tell me." 

Snorky: — "Because souse is souse and Norse is 
Norse and never their twains shall meet." 

Old Doctor Snodgrass, long since re- 
tired, now lives up on Cape Cod. People 
rate old Doc as a grouch but that's not 
true. He's one of those old sour pusses 
who carries an expression as though he 
has been wanted for many years for rape 
in Denver. But his grandchildren like 
him. Up on Cape Cod Doc's house has 
a big bay window. So has Doc. One 
evening before Christmas his grandkids 
were looking out of the bay window — the 
one on the house — and, in the moonlight 
they saw the Simpson's next store drag- 
ging in a bulky object through the snow. 
"Look, Gramp," chortled one of the kid- 
does, "the Simpson's are hauling in the 
Yule log through the snow." Without 
leaving his place at the fireside Old Doc 
growled, "That's-no Yule log they're drag- 
ging in. That's old man Simpson!" 

Alcohol — A fiery liquid good for pre- 
serving everything but secrets. 

"In the Army we were bunkies; we be- 
lieved the same bunk." 

"It gives me great pleasure to give you 
a "B." 

"Why don't you make it an "A" and 
have a helluva good time?" 

Here is a tricky little puzzle, so don't let 
it fool you. If you drive an automobile one 
mile at the rate of 60 miles per hour, and 
another mile at the rate of 30 miles per 
hour, what will be your average speed for 
the two miles? 

You'll get the wrong answer unless you 
think clearly. So don't just guess before 
reading the answer which is inverted be- 

(unoq jad saiiui of- i° 3Sej3ab we jo sartui 
omj 3Aijp oi sainuuu ooiqj 5jooj }i aioj 
-ajaqX "sajnuiui omj in ariui puooas aq} pue 
ainutui auo u; 3[iui jsjy atp 3,\up no,\) 

Maryland alumnus on train from Bos- 
ton to Baltimore, "Porter, will you tell 
me when we cross the Massachusetts State 
line? I have a book I want to read." 

A neckerchief is not the head of a soror- 
ity house. 

Oh, some will say that a gent's cravat 
should only be seen, not heard. But I want 
a tie that will make men cry, and render 
their vision blurred. 

I yearn, I long, for a tie so strong it will 
take two men to tie it. If such there be, 
just show it to me — whatever the price, 
I'll buy it! 

Give me a tie — a wild, wild tie — one 
with a barrel of sins! A tie that will 
blaze in a hectic haze, down where the 
vest begins. 

Love makes the world go around, so does 
a sock on the jaw. 

Dan Wiseman pinched a fellow for 
shooting squirrels. The miscreant pleaded 
self defense. 

Some guys are go-getters. Others are have- 

A grouch has his toughest time when 
he has to be by himself. 

They called him Maple Syrup. He was 
such a refined sap. 

A fool is a fellow who thinks no one 
can make a fool of him. 

How about the guy who tells us that the 
Count of Monte Crisco, languishing in the 
old pokey, found his life shortening but got 
spry and out of there! 

The trouble with emphasizing young 
men to replace older men lies in the fact 
that in order to gain valuable experience 
you also gain gray hair. Selah! 

Police: "Are you sure this man was 

Man: "Well, sir, he put a penny in the 
mail box and looked up at the library clock 
and yelled, 'Gosh I've lost twenty pounds.' " 

Dr. Walter Rath, who says medicos do 
not like to be called "Doc," squelches 
kids who called him "Doc," with "Don't 
be so formal. Just call me Butch." 

Student: — "I'll take pork chops, but make 
them lean." 
Waitress: — "To the left or the right?" 

"Is that a genuine bloodhound?" 
"It sure is lady. Come here, Oscar, and 
bleed for the lady." 

A Scot was engaged in an argument with 
a conductor as to whether the fare was five 
cents or 10 cents. Finally the disgusted 
conductor picked up the Scotchman's suit- 
case and heaved it off the train just as they 
passed over a bridge. It landed with a 

"Mon," screamed Sandy. "It isn't enough 
to try to overcharge me, but now you try 
to drown my little boy!" 

Scotchman with a broken arm. He had 
been socking one of those machines 
labeled, "Your penny back if you punch 
hard enough." 


There is always a tic between father and 
son — and the son wears it. 

Two school teachers; one had no princi- 
pal and the other had no class. 

Here's where I cut a good figure, said 
the co-ed as she sat on a broken bottle. 

"George, you took the wrong baby car- 
riage. That's not our baby!" 

"Aw shaddap, this one has pre war 
rubber tires." 

"I'm in the Salvation Army. We save 
bad girls." 

"How's to save me one for Saturday." 

Virtues are learned at mother's knee, 
vices at some other joint. 

Flat feet are an arcli enemy. 

A night owl knows a lot about bats. 

"You've got a hearth of stone," he said 
as he looked at her fireplace. 

The play ran one week — the author, 

The car was so old. it needed both upper 
and lower plates. 

To keep a horse from drooling teach 
him to spit. 

All work and no play makes jack the 
dull way. 

Don't file your finger nails. Cut 'em 
off and throw 'em away. 

Bozo going in a hurry just bought a text- 
book and trying to get to class before it is 
out of date. 

Nudist with varicose veins won first 
prize at a costume ball. He went as a 
road map. 

"Lead Astray," the story of a lost pencil. 


"Gee whli, Snorky, you sent In TOO MANY bo« 

olume XVIII 
umber Seven 

June, 1947 

Twenty Five- 
Cents the Copy 



Featuring the College of Business and Public Administration 


The Terrapin Tells The King! 

And We're Telling Maryland Alumni 

ONCE upon a time, a long, long time ago, when the ani- 
mals still ruled the world and human beings had not yet 
made a mess of it, the Lion, King of the animals, called a con- 
vention of all the beasts of the field. 

The King announced, "For ages animals have destroyed each 
other. The tiger kills the deer. The leopard pounces upon 
the wart hog. The fox annihilates the rabbit — if he can 
catch him." 

"What do you say," continued King Leo, "if we call an 
armistice for about a month just as a try out. During that 
month no animal has another for breakfast. The Fox and the 

Rooster will be pals. The Lion will lie down with the Lamb. 
We'll publish the order on all bulletin boards so everybody 
will know the score. No more of this killing each other. What 
do you say?" 

All the animals nodded, growled or roared agreement. All 
but one. All except the Terrapin. He'd been around a long 
time and he had learned that you get in trouble only when 
you stick your neck out and that you never learn anything 
except when you do stick your neck out. 

"But," replied the Terp, "are you sure this will work out. 
You know. King, no matter how well organized an outfit is 
there is always some fellow ifho doesn't net the word!" 







JUNE, 1947 


Published Monthly at the University ot Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and, entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class mail matter 
under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor; Anne S. Dougherty, Circulation Manager. Board of Managers, Alumni Asso- 
ciation: Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21; Vice-Chairman, Harry E. Haslinger, '33; Dr. Charles E. White, '23, Secretary, Board of Managers; Talbot T. Speer, '18; 
J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Hazel Tenney Tuemmler, '29; Charles V. Koons, '29; Agnes Gingell Turner, '33; James E. Andrews, '31. David L. Brigham, '38, General 

Alumni Secretary, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 


$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 

Twenty-Five Cents the Copy 

M^aryland 3 College Of 


College Is Combine Of 
Former College Of Com- 
merce And Departments 
Of Economics And Com- 
merce, formerly in the 
College of Arts and Sci- 
ences . . . 

THE PRESENT College of Business and 
Public Administration is an outgrowth 
of the former College of Commerce. This 
College was formed by converting the De- 
partments of Economics and Commerce, 
formerly in the College of Arts and Sci- 
ences, into an integral Division of the Uni- 
versity with a status similar to that of 
other Colleges on the campus. The Col- 
lege of Commerce was established in 1938; 
it was admitted to membership in the 
American Association of Collegiate Schools 
of Business in 1940. 

Name Changed 

The name of the College was changed 
to the College of Business and Public Ad- 
ministration in 1942. This change in name 
was made so as to more nearly express 
the educational objectives of the curricu- 
lums offered in the College. In order to 
meet the expanding needs and to facilitate 
more effective training and education along 

:<*#* i¥*V 


the lines of the major objec- 
tives of the College, a new de- 
partment — Geography — was 
added to that of Economics and 
Business Administration in 
1942; the Bureau of Business 
and Economic Research was 
established in 1945; and the 
Department of Political Science 
was transferred from the Col- 
lege of Arts and Sciences to the 
College of Business and Public 
Administration in 1946. The 
name of this department was 
changed to Government and 
Politics in order to reflect more 
accurately the change of em- 
phasis contemplated in making 
the new alignment. 

Registration Grows 

The registration in the col- 
lege has grown tremendously 
since the end of world hostili- 
ties. The largest pre-war registration was 
415 students. During the war period the 
enrollment fell to 158 in the fall of 1944. 
During the autumn semester of 1946 the 
registration in the college was 1329, includ- 
ing 37 graduate students. In addition, 2201 
students, registered in other colleges on the 
campus, were attending College of Business 
and Public Administration classes. The 
registration in the College for the winter 
semester 1947, increased to 1437 excluding 
graduate students. Present applications and 
inquiries indi- 
cate that the 
registration for 
the fall semes- 
ter of 1947 will 
bring an appre- 
ciable increase 
over the present 
enrollment. Our 
major problem 
at present is to 
find adequate 
space to meet 
this great de- 
mand. There is 
urgent need for 
a new building 
for the College 
of Business and 
Public Admin- 

The College, 
as now organ- 
ized, comprises 
two major sec- 
tions, viz, Busi- 
ness Admini- 
stration and 
World Econom- 
ics and Public 
Affairs. Each 
section has de- 
partments as 
indicated below. 


Dean of the College of Business and Public 
Administration, University of Maryland 

A. Business Administration 

I. Department of Business Organiza- 
tion and Administration 

1 . Accounting and Statistics 

2. Financial Administration 

3. Industrial Administration 

4. Marketing Administration 

(a) Advertising 

(b) Foreign Trade and Inter- 

national Finance 

(c) Retail Store Management 

(d) Sales Management 

5. Personnel Administration 

6. Transportation Administration 

(a) Airport Management 

(b) Traffic Management 

7. Public Administration 

II. Bureau of Business and Economic 

III. Department of Economics 

IV. Department of Office Techniques 

and Management 

1 . Office Management 

2. Secretarial Training 

B. World Economics and Public Affairs 

I. Department of Government and 
II. Department of Foreign Service and 

International Relations 
III. Department of Geography 

Scientific Administrative Training 

The College of Business and Public Ad- 
ministration offers training designed to pre- 
pare young men and women for service in 
business firms, governmental agencies, coop- 
erative enterprises, labor unions, small busi- 
ness units, and other organizations requir- 
ing effective training in administrative 
skills and techniques, and for the teaching 
of business subjects and economics in high 
schools and colleges. It supplies scientific 
administrative training to students and 
prospective executives on a professional 
basis comparable to university training in 
the other professional fields. Administra- 

An Accounting Class in Action Under 
S. M. Wedeberg 


Professor A Class in Typing Under the Direction of Professor 

Arthur S. Patrick 

tion is regarded as a profession, and the 
College of Business and Public Administra- 
tion prepares its students for this profes- 
sion by offering courses in instruction which 
present general principles and techniques 
of management and administration and 
bring together in systematic form the ex- 
periences and practices of business firms 
and governmental units. This plan of 
education does not displace practical ex- 
perience, but supplements and strengthens 
it by shortening the period of apprentice- 
ship otherwise necessary, and by giving a 
broad and practical knowledge of the 
major principles, policies, and methods of 
The Field Of Business Administration 

The aim of the college is to present and 
illustrate such sound principles of man- 
agement as are applicable to both big busi- 
ness and small business. Large-scale busi- 
ness, because of its possible economies will 
be expanded in some industries under cer- 
tain well-known conditions. There are, on 
the other hand, industries and many situa- 
tions which still call for the small business. 
If these small-scale enterprises are to be 
operated with profit to the owners and 
with satisfactory and economical service to 
the public, it is imperative that authentic 
principles of administration be applied to 
them. Sound prinicples of ethical conduct 
are emphasized at all times throughout the 
various courses. 

The primary objective of collegiate edu- 
cation for government and business service 
is to train for effective management. The 
College of Business and Public Administra- 
tion, University of Maryland, was estab- 
lished to supply effective training in ad- 
ministration to the young men and women 
whose task will be the guiding of the more 
complex business enterprises and govern- 
mental units resulting from industrial, 
social and political development and expan- 
sion. This statement does not mean that 
the graduate may expect to secure a major 
executive position upon graduation. He 
will, on the contrary, usually be required 
to start near the well publicized "bottom 
of the ladder" and work his way up 
through a number of minor positions. He 
will, however, be able to move up at a 
faster rate if he has taken full advantage 
of the opportunities offered by the college 
in developing his talents and in acquiring 
technical and professional information, 
point of view, skills, and techniques. 

The manager or administrator in modern 

business enterprises and governmental units 
and agencies should have a clear under- 
standing of: 

(a) the business organizations and in- 
stitutions which comprise the modern busi- 
ness world; 

(b) the political, social, and economic 
forces which tend to limit or to promote 
the free exercise of his activities; and 

(c) the basic principles which underlie 
the efficient organization and administra- 
tion of a business or governmental enter- 

In addition, the executive or the pros- 
pective executive should: 

(a) be able to express his thoughts and 
ideas in correct and concise English; 

(b) have a knowledge of the funda- 
mental principles of mathematics and the 
basic sciences, such as physics, chemistry, 
biology, and geography; 

(c) have a knowledge of the develop- 
ment of modern civilization through a 
study of history, government, economics 
and other social science subjects; 

(d) have a sympathetic understanding of 
people gained through a study of psycho- 
logy, sociology, and philosophy. 

Must Be Skilled 

If the executive is to be successful in 
solving current business and governmental 
problems, he should be skilled in the 
scientific method of collecting, analyzing, 
and classifying pertinent facts in the most 
significant manner, and then, on the basis 
of these facts, be able to draw sound con- 
clusions and to formulate general princi- 
ples which may be used to guide his pres- 
ent and future administrative conduct. In 
other words, probably the most important 
qualities in a successful executive are: 

(a) the ability to arrive at sound judg- 

(b) the capacity to formulate effective 
plans and policies, and the imagination 
and ability to devise organizations, meth- 
ods, and procedures for executing them. 

The programs of study in the College of 
Business and Public Administration are so 
arranged as to facilitate concentrations 
according to the major functions of busi- 
ness organizations. This plan is not, how- 
ever, based on the assumption that these 
major divisions are independent units, but 
rather that each is closely related and de- 
pendent on the others. Every student, 
therefore, is required to complete satis- 
factorily a minimum number of required 
basic subjects in economics and in each of 

the major functional fields. Each graduate 
upon completion of the requirements for 
the bachelor's degree finds himself well 
grounded in the theory and practice of 
administration. There are five commonly 
recognized major business functions, viz.: 
production, marketing, finance, labor rela- 
tions, and control. 

The function of control may be thought 
of as comprising two sectors, viz: internal 
and external. Internal control has to do 
with men, materials, and operations. Ex- 
ternal control is secured through the force 
of customs, public opinion, and law, and 
court, board and commission decisions. 
Management endeavors to make adequate 
adjustments to these forces. Courses in law 
and public administration, for example, aid 
in giving the student an understanding of 
the problems, devices, and methods of ex- 
ternal or "social" control. 
The Field Of Public Administration 

The trend toward increased governmen- 
tal participation in the fields of our eco- 
nomic, political, and social life has been 
developing for a number of years but more 
rapidly in some countries than others. The 
growth was pronounced in European coun- 
tries during the twenties, it grew rapidly 
in the United States during the thirties 
and World War II. Thousands of men and 
women are now employed in developing 
organizations, evaluating policies, and de- 
vising methods and procedures for admin- 
istering and supervising the manifold gov- 
ernmental activities required in the far- 
flung scheme of economic and social 
control. Our government, for example, has 
now become the largest "business" enter- 
prise in the country. The gigantic task of 
organization, management and control was 
undertaken before an adequately qualified 
personnel could be selected and properly 
trained. Federal, State, and Local Govern- 
ments have called upon the universities to 
aid in training young men and women for 
effective public service. Graduates who are 
mentally alert, can think clearly, form 
critical judgments, express their thoughts 
and conclusions succinctly, have a well- 
balanced mind and who possess a profes- 
sional point of view with reference to their 
work, are needed in a number of govern- 
ment divisions. 

The curriculum in Public Administra- 
tion is designed primarily to aid in the 
preparation of young men and women for 
technical, supervisory, and managerial 
positions in the various state and federal 

services. The particular selections of sub- 
jects in any individual case will depend 
on the specific position for which the stu- 
dent wishes to prepare. The full course 
resources of the University are available 
for this training. Courses, for example, in 
foreign languages, geography, history, phi- 
losophy, and government, as well as studies 
in social, legal, political, and economic in- 
stitutions may be advisable in addition to 
the required courses in Business and Public 

Properly qualified graduates can usually 
find emplovment in the field of their major 
interest. Large numbers of people trained 
in such technical fields as statistics, account- 
ing, finance, personnel, marketing and 
transportation are employed by govern- 
mental agencies. There is a need for 
people trained and interested in the vari- 
ous aspects of research in the social science 
and business administration fields. Gradu- 
ates fitted by nature and equipped through 
proper training and experience for the 
broader fields of administration and man- 
agement can find interesting work in gov- 
ernmental units and at the same time 
satisfy their normal desire to render a 
special service to society. 

Some of the governmental agencies which 
employ college trained people are given as 
an illustration of the opportunities avail- 
able. Many of these are within the "Civil 
Service" System. Such federal agencies as 
the Social Security Board, Central Statis- 
tical Board, Federal Trade Commissions, 
National Resources Committee, Federal 
Housing Administration, Federal Reserve 
Board, Reconstruction Finance Corpora- 
tion, Tennessee Valley Corporation, Bureau 
of Agricultural Economics, Bureau of Labor 
Statistics, Bureau of the Census, Bureau of 
Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and the 
Division of Research and Statistics in the 
Treasury Department require the services 
of many professionally and technically 
trained people. The Departments of Agri- 
culture, Commerce, State, Labor and Treas- 
ury use many college trained men and 

•> ♦% •> •> »> •> ♦> •> ♦> ♦> ♦> •> •> •> •> »T« 


College of Business and Public Administration 

completed a term as President of the 
Washington Chapter of the American Mar- 
keting Association. Prior to this term as 
president, he served as vice-president in 
charge of programs and as a member of 
the executive board. He is one of the 
official representatives of the American 
Association of Collegiate Schools of Busi- 
ness in the American Council on Educa- 

The Dean served as an Economic Con- 
sultant on the Maryland Commission on 
the Post-War Reconstruction and Develop- 
ment, until the work of the Commission 
was terminated in 1946. 

He is president of the National Confer- 
ence of Schools of Business in State Uni- 

* * » 

ciate Professor of Government and Politics, 
is Editor of Publications, National Founda- 
tion for Education in American Citizen- 


A CORNER OF THE DRAFTING ROOM— Work progresses on the "Atlas of the World's Resources" as 
Mr. Kenneth A. Battersby, Graduate Assistant, and Professor Van Royen, Coordinator of the project, discuss 
a new land use map of India, made by Mr. Battersby. Miss Edna S. Kelley, Research Assistant, compares 
a recently completed crop production map of Australia with one of North America. (Note a copy 
of the famous Goering's Atlas at the lower right.) 

ship, and is also Editor of the biographical 
directory of the American Political Science 
Association. He is National Secretary- 
Treasurer, Pi Sigma Alpha (honorary po- 
litical science fraternity.) 

Dr. Burdette served as Chairman of a 
round table discussion on "Citizen Partici- 
pation in the Democratic Process" at the 
annual meeting of the American Political 
Science Association in Cleveland, Ohio in 

He is now carrying forward a research 
project which is a study of the reorganiza- 
tion of Congress. 

Dr. Burdette has recently published the 
following articles: 

1 — "The Capital Goes to the People," 
National Municipal Review, Septem- 
ber 1946. 

2 — "The Illinois Congressional Redis- 
tricting Case," American Political 
Science Review, October 1946. 

3 — "The Reorganization of Congress," 
Human Events, Feb. 19, 1947 (re- 
printed in the Congressional Record, 
February 26, at request of Senator 

4 — "Illinois Legislative Districts At- 
tacked in Federal Courts," National 
Municipal Review, March 1947. 

C. W. CISSELL, Associate Professor of 
Accounting, has recently been elected Per- 
manent Vice-President of Tau Chapter, 
Beta Alpha Psi, national professional ac- 
counting fraternity. The Grand Chapter 
of the national organization is composed 
of the permanent vice-presidents of the 
twenty-one active chapters. 

PROF. S. M. WEDEBERG, and Asso- 
ciate Professor C. W. Cissel, were co- 

authors of "Report No. 1, Union Calendar 
No. 1, 80th Congress, 1st Session, House 
of Representatives" entitled: "Wartime Ac- 
counting Practices of the United States 
Maritime Commission and the War Ship- 
ping Administration." (Gov't Printing Of- 
fice, January 3, 1947.) 

While on terminal leave as a Lt. Col. in 
the Air Corps, Prof. Wedeberg was also 
co-author with Lt. Commander Cissel of 
a "Confidential (No. 137) Preliminary Re- 
port on the Accounting Practices of the 
Maritime Commission and the War Ship- 
ping Administration During the Fiscal 
Years 1943 and 1944." (Gov't Printing Of- 
fice, November 1946.) 

* • * 

PROF E. W. CLEMENS addressed the 
annual meeting of the Maryland Utilities 
Association in Ocean City, Maryland in 
September 1946 on the subject "Economic 
Sign Posts for the Future for the Public 
Utility Industries." 

Dr. Clemens is now working on a manu- 
script for a public utilities text. He expects 
to complete the work by the end of the 

# # # 

DR. DUDLEY DILLARD, Associate Pro- 
fessor of Economics, is working on two re- 
search projects; (1) Economics of John May- 
nard Keynes, a book scheduled to be pub- 
lished in 1947, and (2) A study of Eco- 
nomic Development of the Modern Eco- 
nomic System. 

# * # 

Transportation and Foreign Trade, has 
been quite busy since joining the faculty of 
the College of Business and Public Admini- 
stration last September. He is a member of 
the permanent panel of advisors of Ameri- 
can Association of Airport Executives han- 


The staff of the Bureau of Business and Economics Research, College of Business and Public Administration, 
is shown at work under the Direction of Dr. J. H. Cover. 

sources, a revision and enlargement of the 
"Geography of the World's Agriculture," 
by Finch and Baker, published by the 
United States Department of Agriculture 
in 1918. This revised atlas is intended 
primarily for use in schools and colleges. 
It is being prepared in collaboration with 
the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, of 
the United States Department of Agricul- 
ture. Dr. Van Royen is in charge of the 
preparation of this Atlas, but all members 
of the Department are contributing to- 
ward it. 

The Department is working also on an 
"Atlas of China" in cooperation with the 
National Central University at Nanking. 
Professor Huan Yong Hu has prepared 
thirty-six climatic maps for this Atlas, and 
Professor Shu-Tan Lee is working on the 
agricultural maps. Mr. Chien Chun Hsiao, 
a graduate student, is working part-time at 
the Bureau of Mines, compiling material 
on the mineral resources of China. The 
Bureau of Mines, of the United States De- 
partment of Interior, is collaborating with 
the University on this project. A similar 
atlas of Latin America is being outlined by 
Professor Raymond E. Crist, but no other 
work has started on it as yet. 

dling problems in Business Management 
and Education, and a member of the Avia- 
tion Committee, American Marketing Asso- 

In December he presented a paper on 
"Air Transportation Development and In- 
fluence on National Economy" before the 
Economic and Business Foundation, Kan- 
sas City, Missouri, and in January, he spoke 
on "Some Problems of Post- War Air Trans- 
portation" at the anual meeting of the 
American Economic Association, Atlantic 
City, New Jersey. 

Dr. Frederick has in preparation, a manu- 
script for a book on Airport Management. 
He has recently revised his Commercial Air 
Transportation. This book was originally 
published in 1942. He is also author of 
Volume I of the report of the House Com- 
mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce 
on the National Transportation Inquiry, 
published in December 1946. 

Dr. Frederick delivered speeches as fol- 
lows: (1) April, 1947 — National Petroleum 
Association, Cleveland, Ohio, round-table 
discussion on Transportation Problems; (2) 
May, 1947 — National Association of Airport 
Executives, Chicago, Illinois, moderator of 
session on Business Management of Air- 
ports and present paper on Present Status 
of Airport Management. 

In July he will speak at the Air Educa- 
tion Forum, University of Colorado, Den- 
ver, Colorado, at final dinner session on 
"A Look Into the Future for University 
Courses in Aeronautics." 

PROF. W. J. McLARNEY has in prepa- 
ration, "A Manual of Personnel Practices 
For Small Plants." He gave a talk o« 
"House Organs for Foremen" in Novem- 
ber before the Middle Atlantic Association 
of Industrial Editors. 

PROF. E. W. MOUNCE is the editor of 
the Prentice-Hall "Labor Course," pub- 
lished in August 1946. This book has been 

widely adopted by colleges and Universities 
as a text. Dr. Mounce is now engaged on 
a research project, "The Administration of 
Federal Labor Statutes." 

PROF. A. S. PATRICK holds the follow- 
ing positions: 

1. Chairman of Educational Committee 
of the Washington Chapter of the 
National Office Management Associa- 

2. Treasurer and member of Executive 
Committee of Cub Scout Troop 214. 

3. Member of Editorial Board of Joint 
Yearbook of the National Business 
Teachers Association and Eastern 

Business Teachers Association. 

4. Member of Committee of Three on 
"Supervision and Curriculum" of the 
United Business Education Associa- 
tion, a Department of the National 
Education Association. 

5. State Director in Maryland for the 
National Clerical Ability test centers. 

6. State Director in Maryland for the 
sponsoring of Chapters of the Future 
Business Leaders of America. 

Prof. Patrick has finished the manuscript, 
which is now on the press, for a textbook 
entitled, "Exploratory Course in Business 
Training." He is also a contributor to the 
1947 Joint Yearbook of the National Busi- 
ness Teachers Association and the Eastern 
Business Teachers Association. He served 
as a moderator of a Symposium on "Our 
Educational Needs — Today and Tomorrow" 
before the Washington Chapter of the 
National Office Management Association. 
« * * 

DR. O. E. BAKER, Professor of Geogra- 
phy, gave a dinner address at the National 
Council of Geography Teachers, at Colum- 
bus, Ohio, in December, 1946, entitled "The 
Population Prospect in Relation to the 
World's Agricultural Resources." 

The Department of Geography is now 
working on the "Atlas of the World's Re- 

DR. JOSEPH M. RAY, Head of the De- 
partment of Government and Politics, has 
spent considerable time during the year 
assisting in the study of and in making 
recommendations for the improvement in 
local government of the Cities of Hagers- 
town and Cumberland. He participated in 
a round-table discussion on "Recent De- 
velopment in State-local Fiscal Relations," 
American Political Science Association Con- 
vention, Cleveland, 1946, and served as 
secretary to the panel on "Human Rela- 
tions in Administration," American Society 
for Public Administration Convention, 
Washington, March, 1947. 

Dr. Ray is co-author of a study of "The 
Administration of Natural Resources in 
Alabama," now in press. 


Dr. Robert Y. Walker has been added to 
the instructional and research staff of the 
University of Maryland. 

Appointed jointly in A. & S. and Engi- 
neering, he has the title, "Assistant Pro- 
fessor of Aviation Psychology and of Hu- 
man Engineering." His duties include the 
direction of the A. A. F. research project 
on aircraft warning receiver. 

Professor Walker obtained his Ph.D. 
at the State University of Iowa. From 1940 
to 1944, he was engaged in aviation psy- 
chology research conducted for the Na- 
tional Research Council at Ohio State 
University. In view of his outstanding per- 
formance in this work, he was selected to 
become director of the Institute of Avia- 
tion Psychology, maintained by the Na- 
tional Research Council at Knoxville, Ten- 
nessee. For the past year, he has been on 
the psychological staff of the Naval Re- 
search Laboratory at Anacostia. 

His teaching and research at Maryland 
involve the technical problems that arise 
in the selection and training of pilots, in 
the "humanizing" of the airplane cockpit, 
and in the maintenance of pilot and pas- 
senger during flight. 

llniverdity, O^erd 3t3 Serviced 


THE progress of local government re- 
form in Maryland has not been great 
in recent years. There is, however, a 
marked trend in the direction of improved 
local government. This trend is attributa- 
ble in part, but by no means entirely, to 
a disposition evidenced by the Depart- 
ment of Government and Politics of the 
University of Maryland to offer its services, 
in consultation and survey, to local gov- 
ernmental units. 

Maryland local government has been 
traditionally dependent upon the State 
legislature for organization and authoriza- 
tion. The General Assembly in 1914 pro- 
posed an amendment, which was later 
adopted, granting to the counties and to 
Baltimore City the right to establish their 
own charters. For its time, over thirty 
years ago, this was a very liberal authori- 
zation for the counties. At that time, how- 
ever, most states had gone much further 
in granting home rule to cities. 

The Voters Decide 

As yet, no county has availed itself com- 
pletely of the privileges extended under 
the amendment. Two counties have taken 
steps, however, in the direction of the 
adoption of home rule charters. The 
amendment itself provides for extensive 
delay in the process of effecting home 
rule. The voters decide at a regular elec- 
tion whether they desire the creation of 
a charter board. At this election also the 
voters select members for the charter 
board. At the next congressional election, 
the product of the charter board's labors 
is submitted to the voters. 

Montgomerv Conntv in 1938 requested 
the Brookings Institution to survey the 
county's government. This survey was 
made, and the report on it was published 
in book form in 1941. In 1942, a charter 
board was approved and chosen. The new 
charter which it proposed was defeated in 
1944. In 1946 the charter group won a 
decisive victory. It is assumed that the 
group will again propose a reorganized 
government for Montgomery County. 

Requested Survey 

Wicomico County is also contemplating 
governmental reforms. The County Board 
requested a survey of the county's govern- 
ment by the National Municipal League. 
The report on this survey has been de- 
livered to the Board. There is definite 
prospect that a charter board may be voted 
upon in 1948. Then by 1950 the county 
government could be reconstituted. The 
Department of Government and Politics 
has served as consultant to the Wicomico 
County Board in minor respects. 

The county government of Anne Arun- 
del County has had introduced in the 
1947 Legislature a bill granting to the 
county authority to employ a "County 
Business Manager." This official would 
be vested with very broad powers. He 
would serve at the discretion of the County 
Board. This reform would in effect give 
the County a manager system. In seeking 
special legislation to permit the employ- 

All Counties May Now Avail 
Themselves Of Right To 
Establish Own Charters 

Jtiy jfodepn yii. J\ay 

Professor and Head, Department of Government 
and Politics 

ment of a manager, Anne Arundel County 
is ignoring the constitutional authoriza- 
tion for home rule charters. 

The City of Baltimore has been more 
active in availing itself of the advantages 
of local charter amendment. The home 
rule amendment does not give the city a 
general area within which it may control 
its own affairs. All it reallv has is the 


Head of Department of Government and Politics 

right to amend its charter. Its charter 
actions can at any time be set aside by 
action of the General Assembly. 

In Hagerstown 

No other Maryland cities have home 
rule. The move for municipal reform, 
however, has reached considerable propor- 
tions in Hagerstown, Cumberland, and 
Salisbury. The Mayor of Hagerstown in 
the spring of 1946 appointed a charter 
committee under the chairmanship of 
William Preston Lane. The Department 
of Government and Politics of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland was requested to make 
a survey of Hagerstown's government. The 
report on this survey was published in 
September, 1946, under the title Improving 
the Government of Hagerstown. The 
Charter Committee thereafter met and de- 
liberated on the recommendations of the 
report.* The charter committee then re- 
ported to the Mayor and was discharged. 

The Mayor requested the Department of 
Government and Politics to prepare a pre- 
liminary draft of a new charter. The De- 
partment prepared this draft charter and 

•Without the services of its chairman, who was 
then conducting his gubernatorial campaign. 

presented it to the Mayor and the City 
Attorney. These two officials reworked 
the tentative draft and presented it at a 
public gathering attended by charter com- 
mittee members, city councilors, city offi- 
cials, legislators, representatives from the 
Department of Government and Politics, 
and other interested persons. The pro- 
posed new charter was then introduced in 
the Maryland Legislature. This charter 
provides for charter amendments within 
the city itself. Thus amendments to the 
charter may be proposed by the city coun- 
cil, by popular petition, and by a charter 
commission. When approved by the voters, 
such amendments will have the force of 
In Cumberland 

Last fall the Mayor and Council of 
Cumberland requested the Department of 
Government and Politics to make a survey 
of Cumberland government comparable to 
that for Hagerstown. The survey was 
made, and published in April, 1947, under 
the title Improving the Government of 

City officials and others in Cumberland 
are seeking the establishment of a charter 
commission to draft a new charter for 
the City. The ten members of the com- 
mission will be elected in the spring of 
1948. They will report a new charter to 
the people one year later. The Charter 
Commission is authorized to determine its 
own cost, which the city council is re- 
quired to pay, and city officials are for- 
bidden to be members of the charter com- 
In Salisbury 

In Salisbury, a charter committee ap- 
pointed by the Mayor has been active 
for the past several months in preparing 
a new charter. This charter committee 
has had little if any connection with the 
county group. The Department of Gov- 
ernment and Politics has not been asso- 
ciated with the Salisbury Committee in 
its labors. 

The Department of Government and 
Politics has had relations with other local 
governments within the State. This con- 
tact has been mainly in the direction of 
consultation and of talks to luncheon clubs 
and chamber of commerce groups on gov- 
ernmental problems. The services of the 
Department are available without charge 
to local government officials throughout 
the State. 


Beauty and smartness counted most 
when University of Maryland students 
picked Miss Marilyn Beissig of Floral 
Park, Long Island, to represent them at 
the twentieth annual Shenandoah Apple 
Blossom festival at Winchester, Va. 

Miss Beissig was one of the princesses 
in the festival queen's court. She is a 
junior in the College of Education and as 
proof that she's the apple of more than 
one eye, she also is president of Sigma 
Kappa sorority. 

J\e3ult Of Study, cAnd (growth 


CLASHES in Congress over procedure 
under the well-publicized Reorganiza- 
tion Act of 1946 are evidences anew that 
the American method of making law is 
subject to study and growth. Legislation 
and administration are twin mechanisms 
in government. The one is formulation, 
the other execution, of public policy. Both 
are indispensable to the democratic pro- 
cess, in which lawmaker and administrator 
must be subject to popular will. 

The Federal Constitution vests "all legis- 
lative powers ... in a Congress. . . ." 
Does that language mean that Congress 
should not delegate lawmaking power to 
administrative agencies? Or does it merely 
mean that an agency like O.P.A. or 
N.L.R.B. must be subject ultimately to 
Congressional control? 

Not A New Doctrine 

The doctrine that legislatures ought to 
confine themselves to ultimate responsi- 
bility is expressed by some administrators 
and others who would trust the experience 
and policy-continuity of a strong executive. 
It is not a new doctrine. It was stated 
with a clarity startling to American minds 
by John Stuart Mill in his Considerations 
on Representative Government (1861). He 
asserted, as our early national experience 
had taught, that representative assemblies 
cannot properly execute the laws. "But it 
is equally true," Mill wrote, "though only 
of late and slowly beginning to be acknowl- 
edged, that a numerous assembly is as little 
fitted for the direct business of legislation 
as for that of administration." In Mill's 
opinion laws should be drafted by a small 
commission appointed by the executive. 
The legislature, while authorized to sug- 
gest bills, would have only the power to 
enact, reject, or remit for further consid- 
eration. "The proper office of a representa- 
tive assembly," he thought, "is to watch 
and control the government. . . ." 

Some Quotations 

Members of Congress, regardless of poli- 
tical or economic viewpoint, have usually 
feared rather than applauded the admitted 
progress of such views. In the course of 
testimony before the joint Committee on 
the Organization of Congress, Representa- 
tive Jerry Voorhis of California (defeated 
for re-election in 1946) said: "I doubt that 
more than a mere handful of Americans 
would favor such a course for our country's 
government. It means a gradual growth 
of a type of government which the whole 
tradition of our country is against. . . . 
Congress has to a considerable extent per- 
mitted itself to become absorbed in . . . 
routine matters and has thus largely ab- 
dicated its most essential function, namely, 
that of devising on its own motion long- 
range legislative programs geared to the 
necessities of the times." Replied Repre- 
sentative E. E. Cox of Georgia: "You have 
been classified as an ultra progressive and 
I as a mossback reactionary, and still there 
is not the slightest difference between my 
views and the statement you make." 

While Popular Government 
Thrives On Discussion, It 
Makes Progress Through 
Sound Principles Of Or- 
ganization . . . 

JSy. Jranklin <£. (Buraette 

Associate Professor of Government and Politics 

Both Woodrow Wilson and Lord Bryce, 
more than a half-century ago, pointed out 
that the internal organization of Congress 
is peculiarly designed to discourage the 
formulation of broad, co-ordinated govern- 
mental policies. Congress is charged with 
wider duties, and is more distinctly sepa- 
rated from the executive, than any other 
major legislature in the world. 

Relying heavily upon its own resources, 
Congress has divided its labors among 
standing committees in each house. Im- 
portant legislatures abroad, depending on 
guidance from the executive — indeed, con- 
structing the real executive or ministry 
virtually as a committee of the parliament 
— have never utilized standing committees 
to the degree known in America. 

Destroys Unity 

The committee system, developed early 
in the past century, has tended to destroy 
the unity of Congress. Conflicting jurisdic- 
tions of committees — "little legislatures" as 
they have been called — have time and 
again stood in the way of general legisla- 
tive plans for national policy. The party 
caucus, which declined as a result of its 
many arbitrary characteristics, had the ad- 
vantage of providing a form of unity. In 
the House today the Rules Committee, 
with all its power to determine the order 
of business, cannot plan effectively a posi- 
tive program. 


Associate Professor of Government and Politics 

Passage of the Legislative Reorganization 
Act under the leadership of Senator La 
Follette and Representative Monroney was 
an indication of concern in Congress over 
the dilemma. Faced with an undeniable 
need for broad plans and at the same time 
with administrative readiness to provide 
them, Congress could act or reconcile itself 
to a permanent decline in prestige. 

The new law reduces committees in the 
House from 48 to 19 and in the Senate 
from 33 to 15. It defines their jurisdic- 
tions, limits the number on which mem- 
bers may serve, authorizes larger staffs, and 
adds to their investigatory powers. Revenue 
and appropriations committees are directed 
to cooperate in recommending the Federal 
budget. The Act provides for expansion 
of legislative reference and bill drafting 
services. It requires the registration of 
lobbyists. Congress is relieved of much 
detail by the substitution of administra- 
tive or judicial procedures for private bills 
concerning pensions, tort claims, bridges, 
or correction of military or naval records. 
Congressional salaries are increased and 
members are made eligible for an excep- 
tionally generous contributory retirement 

Various Functions 

Congress not only makes laws; it super- 
vises adminstration and controls expendi- 
ture. The power to investigate, to obtain 
information from every possible source, is 
indispensable to all three functions. 

As it passed the Senate, the Reorganiza- 
tion Act prohibited special committees, 
contemplating investigations only by the 
standing committees to which legislation 
is regularly referred. The leadership of the 
House insisted on eliminating this restric- 
tive provision as a condition for favorable 
consideration of the measure. The Senate 
position was based on the view that special 
investigations duplicate the work of stand- 
ing committees which must hold hearings 
again if specific legislation is proposed; 
that special committees lack continuity and 
understanding; that the efficiency of legis- 
lators and administrators is impaired by 
frequent and repetitious hearings; and that 
more dependable information can be ob- 
tained by standing committees with the in- 
creased powers and larger staffs provided 
by the reorganization. 

Special Committees 

In re-establishing two special Senate 
committees in the 80th Congress (to inves- 
tigate the national defense program and 
to study the problems of small business), 
Republican leaders insisted in the face of 
prolonged opposition that the earlier Sen- 
ate attitude on the subject should not deter 
continuing these investigations in their 
original manner. 

Special investigations have had great ad- 
vantages in the past, and not all of those 
advantages are preserved in the recent 
strengthening of standing committees. The 
special committee has been able to cut 
across the jurisdictional limits of the stand- 

ing committees. More important, it is pos- 
sible to obtain information by special in- 
vestigation when standing committees 
through partisanship or inertia are reluc- 
tant to act. Effective investigations are 
dependent on interested, able personnel, 
and men competent to ferret out hidden 
conditions are not always assigned to the 
appropriate standing committees. 

A suggestion by Senator Tydings of Mary- 
land has merit in tending to combine the ad- 
vantages of special and standing committees 
in investigations. Legislators not members 
of a particular standing committee might 
be given special, non-voting status in the 
committee for the purpose of advocating 
and perhaps conducting an investigation. 

Freedom of debate in the Senate is a 
factor in investigations which is not to be 
overlooked. The privilege of any member 
to express his views at length may well 
force a majority to permit an investigation 
which a few Senators regard as essential. 
The advantages in freedom of debate can 
be retained without permitting extended 

Important Beginning 

The Legislative Reorganization Act is an 
important beginning in Congressional self- 
examination and improvement. The new 
law does not deal with the troublesome 
question of committee assignments by sen- 
iority of service, a matter about which there 
is little agreement in Congress. The power 
of the Rules Committee in the House and 
the perennial issue of Senate filibustering 
are other untouched problems. 

The Senate version of the bill contem- 
plated majority and minority policy com- 
mittees in each House. Moreover, a joint 
legislative-executive council was planned, to 
consist of the majority policy committees 
(with the minority invited on some occa- 
sions), the President, and members of the 
Cabinet. These are the most important 
provisions which were rejected by the 
House leadership. Majority and minority 
policy committees, however, have been 
created in the Senate of the present 

Development of a truly co-operative re- 
lationship between Congress and the ex- 
ecutive is the crux of the problem of long- 
range legislative reorganization. Congress is 
properly restive under a feeling that major 
policies will be evolved without its knowl- 
edge or consent; administrators are rightly 
apprehensive that decisions will be reached 
without benefit of counsel from the offices 
which must apply them. 

Tremendous Possibilities 

The legislative-executive council, firmly 
institutionalized and adequately staffed, 
offers tremendous possibilities for lifting 
Congress above the compartmentalization 
which has been the by-product of its com- 
mittee system. It is significant that the 
principle of such a council is now employed 
in one form or another in twelve states. 
From the point of view of the executive, 
such a council would afford a regular, 
rather than an intermittent, flow of advice 
and information from sources both elective 
and appointive. The actions of the council 
would of course be only recommendations 
for Congressional consideration. But they 
would carry the weight and prestige of 
majority participation. 

While popular government thrives on 
discussion, it makes progress through sound 
principles of organization. The future role 
of legislatures in our system hangs more 
critically in the balance than the more 
firmly settled places of the executive and 
judiciary. The decay of legislatures abroad 
has marked the rise of dictatorships. But 
the strength of democracy as we know it is 
in representative assemblies. 


The National Accounting Fraternity 


Beta Alpha Psi, the National Account- 
ing Fraternity, is the only "profes- 
sional" (as distinguished from "honorary") 
fraternity affiliated with the College of 
Business and Public Administration of the 
University of Maryland. Beta Alpha Psi 
has the additional distinction of being the 
only collegiate accounting organization rec- 
ognized by the two national societies of 
professional accountants, the American In- 
stitute of Accountants and the American 
Accounting Association. The fraternity also 
has established excellent relations with the 
National Association of Cost Accountants 
and the various state organizations of cer- 
tified public accountants. 

Beta Alpha Psi was founded at the Uni- 
versity of Illinois in 1919, and Tau Chap- 
ter was established at the University of 
Maryland on May 18, 1936 principally 
through the efforts of S. M. Wedel^erg. 
Professor of Accounting, who was initiated 
into the fraternity when he was an under- 
graduate at the University of Washington 
(Seattle, Washington). Although the fra- 
ternity is run "by undergraduates, for un- 
dergraduates," in order to lend continuity 
to chapter activities the national constitu- 
tion requires that each chapter elect a 
member of the accounting faculty to serve 
as chapter "permanent vice-president." 
Professor Wedeberg served in this capacity 
from the date of establishment of Tau 
Chapter until 1942 when he was ordered 
to active duty in the Army Air Corps. It 
was largely through his efforts that the 
chapter developed into the strong organiza- 
tion that it is today. 

Membership in Beta Alpha Psi is open 
to any male student in the College of 
Business and Public Administration who 
meets the following requirements: 

(a) He must be majoring in accoun- 

(b) He must have an average grade of 
"B" in all accounting subjects taken; 

(c) He must have an average grade of 
"C" in all subjects taken; 

(d) He must have, in the opinion of 
the members of the chapter, those personal 
attributes (honesty, integrity, professional 
bearing, etc.) which are prerequisites for 
success as a professional accountant; and 

(e) He must pass a special "examination 
in accountancy and related subjects which 
examination is prepared, conducted and 
graded by the members of the fraternity. 

The candidate for membership is also re- 
quired to submit a paper on a subject of 
current interest to accountants, and, at the 
time of initiation, he must lead a discus- 
sion on the selected subject. 

Since the establishment of the chapter 
at the University of Maryland over one 
hundred undergraduates (including the 
current undergraduate membership of 
nineteen) have been initiated. A number 
of practicing accountants, prominent in the 
profession in the State of Maryland, have 
also been elected to honorary membership 
in Tau Chapter. Current information con- 
cerning some of the alumni members of 
Beta Alpha Psi is reported elsewhere in 
this issue of Maryland. Despite the facts 
that the oldest of the alumni were gradu- 
ated only eleven years ago and that the 
majority gave three to five years of their 
lives in the service of their country, the 
alumni have established an enviable rec- 
ord of service to the State of Maryland, to 
the Nation and to the profession of ac- 
countancy. Tau Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi 
is proud of this record! 


National Honorary Political Science Fraternity 

(By Srene Spring., Secretary 

A LPHA Zeta chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, 
£\_ national honorary political science 
fraternity, was founded at the University 
of Maryland in 1938. The Chapter was 
active in the years prior to 1941; during 
the war, membership slackened and the 
chapter became inactive. With the initia- 
tion of new members, the chapter is 
strengthening itself in order to promote 
discussion and professional distinction for 
outstanding students of political science 
and to achieve the ultimate goal of better 
government and more intelligent citizenry. 
Admission is based on honor work in the 
Department of Government and Politics, 
with acceptable work in all other subjects. 

The chapter recently initiated eight stu- 
dent members: Margaret R. Hughes, Eliza- 
beth H. Lipp, William L. Rigoli, Barbara 
A. Skinner, Louise Stephenson, Reuben 
Sternfeld, Phyllis G. Wherley, and Irene 
Sprung. Faculty members initiated were: 
Mr. Peter J. Turano, Mr. Robert G. Dixon. 
Mr. Edward S. Marshall, and Mr. Edmund 
C. Gass. Faculty members reorganizing the 
group are Dr. Joseph M. Ray, Dr. R. G. 
Steinmeyer, Dr. Franklin L. Burdette (Na- 
tional Secretary-Treasurer), Dr. Clifford R. 
Rader, and Mr. William N. Rairigh. 

The initiation was held at the home 
of Dr. R. G. Steinmeyer, and dinner was 
served in honor of the occasion. Dr. John 
W. Manning, of American University, Na- 
tional President of Pi Sigma Alpha, was 
present to conduct the initiation and to 
tell new members about the organization. 
Elections were held and the fraternity 
will be under the guidance of the follow- 
ing officers: William L. Rigoli, President; 
Reuben Sternfeld, Vice President; Irene 
Sprung, Secretary; Dr. Clifford R. Rader,, 
Treasurer; and Dr. R. G. Steinmeyer, 
Faculty Adviser. 

Pi Sigma Alpha was founded in 1920 
at the University of Texas. Thirty-four 
chapters are located in representative col- 
leges and universities. Membership has 
become not only an honor to college stu- 
dents, but also a professional distinction. 

J\lot (By, Urial c4nd Lrror 



IN THIS postwar period there are few 
fields of endeavor that offer more op- 
portunities than industrial management. 
During the three-year war period when 
cost was no object, factories came out with 
more radically new products than they had 
in the previous thirty. Today the immedi- 
ate challenge to industrial managers is to 
produce for an impatient public the bene- 
fits of these great strides in technology, in 
quantity at a price the public can afford 
to pay. 

No Rule Of Thumb 

Successful industrial management is not 
based upon trial and error, rule of thumb, 
tradition, or hunches. The problems are 
too difficult and mistakes too costly for 
such methods. Rather it is based upon the 
application of broad and tested principles. 
No matter what the character of the manu- 
facturing process, production always re- 
quires certain common means. In addition 
to raw materials there must be workmen 
to carry on the operations, tools and ma- 
chines to aid the workers, power to drive 
the equipment, buildings to house the op- 
erations — and managers to supervise the 
utilization of the faculties in the produc- 
tion of goods. Management plans, organ- 
izes, commands, controls, and coordinates 
the factors of production. Its main tool 
is "Scientific Management." 

Industrial management requires a broad 
basic training based primarily on eco- 
nomics and supported by accounting, fin- 
ance, marketing, psychology, and some of 
the engineering sciences. One of the prin- 
cipal reasons why large companies scout 
the colleges each year is because they are 
looking for potential executive material 
that has the broad perspective. 

Starting Career 

The college graduate who has majored 
in industrial management courses usually 
starts his industrial career doing time and 
motion study work, or job analyses, or 
holding a minor supervisory position in the 
shop. His accomplishments there are fairly 
easily measurable. Any outstanding work 
in methods improvement, cost reduction, 
fitting men and jobs, or handling men 
moves him forward on the arduous journey 
toward such positions as staff officer, per- 
sonnel director, or works manager. 

In order to prepare students who wish 
to enter the field of industrial manage- 
ment, the College of Business and Public 
Administration requires them to study Eco- 
nomics, History, Accounting, Organization 
and Control, Marketing, Personnel Manage- 
ment, Industrial Management, and other 
courses found to be necessary to the success- 
ful graduate. The program is being aug- 
mented by the following courses: 

Motion Economy and Time Study 
Production Planning and Control 
Job Evaluation and Merit Rating 
Problems of Supervision 
Theory of Organization 
Trends in Management. 
The courses in Motion Economy and 
Time Study, Production Planning and Con- 

Based Upon The Application 
Of Broad And Tested 
Principles . . . 

(By William jf. M-cj£arney 

Associate Professor of Industrial Management 
trol, Job Evaluation and Merit Rating are 
designed to aid the student to get a foot- 
hold in industry after he graduates. Prob- 
lems of Supervision, a case study course, 
is designed to aid the student to solve 
problems relating to difficulties with sub- 
ordinates, associates, and superiors — how to 
get along with people in the industrial 
environment. The courses entitled Theory 
of Organization and Trends in Manage- 
ment are on a graduate level and deal with 
fundamental issues. 

Since the average student comes to col- 
lege with little or no industrial background, 
he often finds it difficult' to get the true 
perspective of industrial problems. Field 
trips, visual aids, and case studies are used 
to make him better acquainted with in- 

New Type Needed 

Professor Mayo of the Harvard Graduate 
School of Business says "Modern industry 
is greatly in need of a new type of admini- 
strator who can, metaphorically speaking, 
stand outside the situation he is studying. 
The administrator of the future must be 
able to understand human-social facts for 
what they actually are, unfettered by his 
own emotion and prejudice. He cannot 
achieve this ability except by careful train- 
ing — a training that must include knowl- 
edge of the relevant technical skills, of the 
systematic ordering of operations, and the 
organization of cooperation." 

The College of Business and Public Ad- 
ministration is doing its part to help ful- 
fill this need. 


Associate Professor of Industrial Management 


Reported by 

C. W. Cissel, '32 

*•* V ••• *•* *•♦ *•* V V •♦• ••* V •♦• V ••* V ••* ••* *•• V •** V •»• V V V V V 

aT LEAST four University of Maryland 
±\_ alumni members of Beta Alpha Psi, 
"the National Accounting Fraternity," gave 
their lives for their country. Richard 
Henderson McCAFFREY, B.S. 1937, died in 
line of duty on December 7, 1943 as a 
result of an explosion which occurred two 
days earlier while he was engaged as a 
Lieutenant (jg) USNR in salvage opera- 
tions at Palermo, Sicily. Prior to entering 
the service, Lieutenant McCaffrey sold ac- 
counting machines for the International 
Business Machines Corporation. Norman 
P. ROSENFIELD was declared dead after 
having been missing in action with the 
15th Air Force in Italy. He was a navi- 
gator of a B-17 and failed to return to 
his base after a mission on November 11, 
1944. Robert Hunter THOMPSON, B.S. 
1938, passed away in March 1944. He was 
on active duty as an Ensign (Supply 
Corps) USNR. Gino VALENTI, B. S. 1941, 
was killed in action in Normandy while 
serving as a Lieutenant with an infantry 

A survey of Beta Alpha Psi alumni was 
recently made in connection with the 
preparation of a revised national directory. 
The following information taken from the 
results of the survey will be of interest 
to many of the recent graduates of the 
College of Business and Public Admin- 

J. Emory ACKERMAN, A.B. 1938, is 
minister of St. John's Lutheran Church 
of Gardena, California. Rev. Ackerman 
reports that he misses working in ac- 
countancy but hopes that he is giving "a 
good accounting for the Big Boss." Until 
1940 Rev. Ackerman was an accountant 
for the National Biscuit Company. 

Bert ANSPON, B. S. 1941, is a senior 
credit analyst for the American National 
Bank, Chicago, Illinois. Bert formerly was 
an assistant auditor for the International 
Harvester Company. While serving as a 
First Lieutenant in the Quartermaster 
Corps he was officially commended by Lt. 
General Larkin for control activities at 
Jeffersonville Q.M. Depot. 

Hubert K. ARNOLD, B.A. 1935, is prac- 
ticing law in Hyattsville, Maryland. He 
is a member of the bar of Maryland and 
New York and served as a major in the 
Air Corps in the Carribbean and Pacific 

Thomas B. ATHEY, A.B. 1937, is a 
representative of The Jaite Company, 
Jaite, Ohio. Tom's current address is 3614 
Connecticut Avenue, Washington 8, D. C. 

Lt. Col. Francis X. BEAMER, (B.S. 
1940) U. S. Marine Corps, is currently 
serving as Inspector-Instructor, 6th In- 

fantry Bn., Organized Marine Corps Re- 
serve. Col. Beamer, a former football 
player at Maryland, saw action at Guadal- 
canal, Tarawa, Saipan, Tinian and 

John W. BELL, A.B. 1937, is a sales 
representative, Nylon Division, Rayon 
Dept., of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & 
Company, Inc. His address is R.D. 5, 
Lebanon, Pa. John served in the Navy 
Supply Corps as a punched card equip- 
ment specialist, and, at the time of separa- 
tion from the service, he held the rank of 
Lt. Commander. 

Brian M. BENSON, B.A. 1937, is audi- 
tor for the Department of Education, State 
of Maryland. Brian, who served in the 
Navy in the Pacific, is a Certified Public 
Accountant (Maryland). He lives at 1515 
Stonewood Road, Baltimore. 

Charles L. BENTON. Jr. is Comptroller 
of the University of Maryland. Mr. Ben- 
ton, in addition to having A.B. and M.A. 
degrees from the University, is a Certified 
Public Accountant (Maryland). 

James B. BERRY, Jr., B.A. 1938, is sell- 
ing real estate and engaged in property 
management for the O. B. Zantzinger 
Company in Washington, D. C. During 
the war James saw service in the South- 
west Pacific Area as a Lt. Colonel, Infantry. 

Thomas E. BOURNE, Jr., B.S. 1943, 
entered the army in February 1943, served 
with the 44th Infantry Division in Europe 
from September 1944 to June 1945, and 
was separated from the service in April 
1946. He is now an Instructor in Account- 
ing at the University of Maryland. 

Thomas J. CAPOSSELA, B.S. 1939, a 
former accountant with Price, Waterhouse 
and Company, is now an accounting ma- 
chine salesman for the National Cash Reg- 
ister Company. Tom was a Major in the 
Army Air Forces and put his accounting 
training to use while serving as a Renego- 
tiation Officer (Financial Analyst). He is 
a Certified Public Accountant (District of 

Albert J. CARRY, B.S. 1942, saw action 
as a Lieutenant, U.S. Coast Guard, in the 
European-African and Pacific-Asiatic thea- 
ters. He is currently employed as an ac- 
countant with Price, Waterhouse and Com- 
pany, and he reports that he was married 
in September. His wife is a Certified 
Public Accountant. 

Robert S. CARTEE, Jr., B.S. 1942, is a 
Certified Public Accountant (District of 
Columbia) and was employed from 1941 
to 1945 by Price, Waterhouse and Com- 
pany. Since 1945 Bob has been Chief Ac- 
countant and Office Manager for the Elec- 
tric Eye Equipment Company of Danville, 
Illinois. His address is 1520 N. Gilbert, 

Edward F. CAVE, B.A. 1936, is Executive 
Vice-President and General Manager of 
the L. P. Steuart, Inc., Washington, D. C. 

Garwood CHAMBERLIN, B.S. 1942, is 
the accountant for Ransdell, Inc., Printers 

and Publishers, of Washington, D. C. 
While in the army, Garwood gathered 
campaign stars for Northern France, Ard- 
ennes, Rhineland and Central Europe. He 
also received the Combat Infantryman's 

Mark DESKIN, A.B. 1937, a former ac- 
countant with John H. Verkouteren and 
Co. (Certified Public Accountants), served 
as a Captain in the Quartermaster Corps, 
China-Burma-India theater. Mark owns 
and operates the Wakefield Grill at 920 F 
Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 

H. Daniel DRAKE, Jr., B.A. 1937, re- 
ports a varied experience in accounting 
with the Chevrolet Motor Company, Rem- 
ington-Rand, and later as a Lieutenant 
(Supply Corps) USNR. At present, how- 
ever, Dan is in business for himself in 
Washington, D. C. as distributor for Ota- 
rion Hearing Aids. He writes that he is 
now using his accounting education "in 
trying to keep Uncle Sam from taking all 
of the profits from my small business!" 

E. Hoover DUFF, B.S. 1940, while a 
Lieutenant, USNR, was accounting officer 
for a Naval Mine Depot. He is now living 
at 7470 N. Lombardy Road, Milwaukee, 


Prof: — "Now listen, Kilroy, your marks in most 
subjects will just have to show a definite trend 
upward or I shall be forced to write a note to 
your wife!" 

Ex-GI — "I'm not so much worried about that, 
Dr. Donnerwetter, as I am about explaining it all 
to my son." 

Wisconsin. Hoover is head of the Systems 
and Procedures Department of A. O. Smith 
Corporation in Milwaukee. 

George H. P. EIERMAN, B.S. 1939, is 
now attending the University of Maryland 
Law School. George, a Certified Public 
Accountant (Maryland) has had a diversi- 
fied accounting experience; he served as a 
Lieutenant (Supply Corps) USNR; and he 
is currently employed as treasurer of The 
Moss Rouse Company in Baltimore. 

Harry D. FISHER, B.S. 1943, is em- 
ployed as an accountant by the University 
of Maryland. Harry, who is currently pre- 
paring to take the C.P.A. examinations 
served in the infantry in the Pacific area. 

Louis M. FREY, B.A. 1939, is Secretary- 
Treasurer of Arcade-Pontiac Company in 
Washington, D. C. Louis, who served as 
a Lieutenant, Infantry, in the Asiatic- 

Pacific theater resides at 4224 34th Street, 
Mt. Ranier, Maryland. 

Louis' brother, Ralph W. FREY, Jr., B.S. 
1941, was on active duty in the Asiatic 
theater as a Lieutenant (Supply Corps) 
USNR, attached to an amphibious unit. 
Upon release from active duty, Ralph re- 
turned to his position as commercial rep- 
resentative of the C. & P. Telephone Com- 
pany of Baltimore City. He is working in 
the Hyattsville office of the organization. 

Lt. Colonel R. B. GRAVES, B.A. 1937, 
has accepted a commission in the Regular 
Army. During the war he served as Ord- 
nance Officer, Sixth Armored Division, 
E.T.O., and gathered a wide assortment 
of decorations including the French Croix 
de Guerre. Lt. Col. Graves is now assigned 
as ordnance instructor for the New Jersey 
National Guard. 

Vern H. GRANSEE, B.S. 1947, was a 
navigator-bombardier in the Army Air 
Corps in China. He held the rank of First 

Edwin F. HARLAN, B.S. 1940, has trans- 
ferred to the regular army with the rank 
of Major, Quartermaster Corps. He and 
his wife are now in Okinawa. Ed is 
Supply Officer, RYUKYUS Base Command, 
U.S. Military Government. 

James W. HEALEY, B.S. 1940, after a 
tour of duty in the Army Finance Depart- 
ment, is now employed as an internal 
revenue agent attached to the Pittsburgh 
office of the bureau. He is living at 3018 
Sacremento Avenue, Pittsburgh 4, Pa. 

Joseph HENDERSON, A.B. 1938, is em- 
ployed as an expeditor at the 56-inch hot 
strip mill of the Bethlehem Steel Com- 
pany, Sparrows Point. Joe was in the army 
from 1941 to 1946 and was a Captain, 
Signal Corps. 

Elmer A. HENNIG, A.B. 1937, is em- 
ployed in the Treasurer's Office of Textron 
Incorporated, New York City, and is living 
at 22 West Englewood Avenue, West Engle- 
wood, New Jersey. Elmer, a former staff 
accountant for Price, Waterhouse & Com- 
pany, was separated from the Army Air 
Corps as a Lieutenant Colonel. He is a 
Certified Public Accountant (District of 
Columbia) and during the latter part of 
his tour of duty in the Air Corps he was 
engaged in the development of a cost ac- 
counting system for installation in overhaul 
and repair depots of the Air Technical 
Service Command. 

Richard W. HIGGINS, A.B. 1933, is an 
accountant with the Potomac Electric Power 
Company, Washington, D. C. Dick is liv- 
ing at 107 Tenth Street, N. E., Washington, 
D. C. with his wife, the former Virginia 
Cooke, Kappa Delta, and their two chil- 

W. Wylie HOPKINS, Jr., B.S. 1942, after 
a tour of duty in "all three" theaters of 
operation as a First Lieutenant, Trans- 
portation Corps, is now doing accounting 
work for the Chevrolet Division of Gen- 
eral Motors in Baltimore. 


The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the publication by the alumni itself. 
Alumni are urgently requested to supply the office of publication at College Park with changes of address known to an alumni, news items of general or 
personal interest, occupational and professional news items, social news, births, engagements, marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST" news and the more news received the better the publication will be. 
Please accord us your support. 

Warren A. HUGHES, B.A. 1938, is a 
special agent accountant with the Federal 
Bureau of Investigation. He is living at 
22 Lawrence Avenue, Kensington, Mary- 

. Herbert S. HYATT, A.B. 1936, is cashier 
of The Bank of Damascus, Damascus, Mary- 
land. Herb spent twenty-seven months in 
the Navy. He was a Lieutenant and spent 
a large part of his time as commanding 
officer of an armed guard unit on the 
North Atlantic-European run. 

Alvin S. KLEIN, A.B. 1937, is currently 
manager of the Ready Mixed Concrete 
Dept. of the Grove Lime Company, Fred- 
erick, Maryland. Alvin was formerly in 
the accounting departments of the Glenn 
L. Martin Company and the Monocacy 
Broadcasting Company. 

Lee Joseph MAISEL, B.S. 1944, is a semi- 
senior accountant on the staff of Price. 
Waterhouse and Company, Washington, 
D. C. Lee is a Certified Public Accountant 
(District of Columbia.) 

Basil I. MISHTOWT, B.S. 1947, is an 
Instructor in Accounting at the University 
of Maryland. Mr. Mishtowt entered the 
Army as a Private and was separated with 
the rank of Major, Infantry. He saw serv- 
ice in the European Theater and wears the 
Silver Star and Purple Heart. 

Charles E. MORGAN, B.A. 1937, re- 
ceived his law degree from National Uni- 
versity in 1940 and is presently engaged as 
an examiner in the Bureau of Formal Cases 
of the Interstate Commerce Commission. 
Charles was in the Army for four years: 
he was in the Infantry, the Signal Corps, 
and later the Air Corps and served in the 
European Theater. 

Joseph Gordon NAEGELE, B.S. 1944, a 
junior accountant on the staff of F. W. 
Lafrentz and Company, Certified Public 
Accountants, has already passed three of 
the five examinations required in order 
to get his C.P.A. certificate. He resides at 
2814 Harview Avenue, Baltimore. 

Robert A. NEWMAN, A.B. 1937, a traffic 
supervisor (costs) for the Chesapeake & 
Potomac Telephone Company, Washington. 
D. C, was separated from the Army Sig- 
nal Corps with the rank of Major. Bob 
served in North Africa, England, and the 
Middle East. 

John A. PARKS, B.S. 1939, a former 
aviation cadet, Army Air Corps, is station 
manager in charge of activities in New 
Orleans for Pan American Airways, Inc. 
John has had an interesting career since 
going with Pan American in January 1942. 
He has traveled throughout the West 
Indies, South America and West Africa and 
has been station manager for Pan Ameri- 
can at Port au Prince, Haiti; Atkinson 
Field, Georgetown, British Guiana; and 
Leopoldville, Belgian Congo. 

Franklin K. PEACOCK, B.S. 1941, after 
a tour as a First Lieutenant, Army Signal 
Corps, in the Asiatic-Pacific Area, is now 
working as a traffic assistant in the Virginia 
Suburban District of the Chesapeake and 
Potomac Telephone Company of Washing 
ton, D. C. 

William C. PENNINGTON, B.S. 1941, is 
bookkeeper for the Golden Commissary 
Corporation in Washington, D. C. Bill, 
who served as a Lieutenant (Supply Corps) 

USNR in the Pacific area, is one-half of 
the only father-son combination in Tau 
Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi. His dad, an 
honorary member of the chapter, is Lee R. 
PENNINGTON, B.S. 1915. Lee is assis- 
tant chief of the Security Division (in 
charge of all accounting investigations), 
Federal Bureau of Investigation, and is 
widely known among the alumni of the 
University of Maryland. 

Arthur PEREGOFF, B. S. 1940, is office 
manager and cost accountant for Globe 
Iron Construction Company in Norfolk, 
Virginia. Arthur completed tours of duty 
with the Signal Corps and the Air Corps 
and was released to inactive duty with the 
rank of Captain. 

Robert W. PETZOLD, B.S. 1943, is an 
accountant and auditor with the Income 
Tax Unit of the Bureau of Internal Reve- 
nue. Bob, a former junior accountant for 
Capital Airlines — P.C.A., served in the 
Quartermaster Corps in the European 

Gerald E. PRENTICE, B.S. 1942, is a 
special government representative for Inter- 
national Business Machines Corporation. 
He was a Captain, Air Corps, and while 
attached to A.T.C. spent six months in 
Karachi and Calcutta. Gerry was very active 
in student affairs while attending Mary- 
land, and, in addition to other campus 
organizations, he belonged to Alpha Tau 
Omega, Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Delta 
Epsilon and Alpha Psi Omega. 

David ROLNIK, B.S. 1947, had his cam- 
pus career interrupted by Army service 
in the European Theater. Since January, 
when he completed the requirements for 
his degree, David has been employed as a 
junior accountant with Price, Waterhouse 
& Co., Washington, D. C. 

John R. SCOTT, Jr. ,B.S. 1943, is a stu- 
dent in the Law School of George Wash- 
ington University. John is another Beta 
Alpha Psi who served in the Army in the 
European theater. 

Norman S. SINCLAIR, B.S. 1943, form- 
erly a Lieutenant (jg) USNR, in the Euro- 
pean and Pacific areas, is an accountant 
with James A. Councilor and Company, 
Certified Public Accountants, Washington, 
D. C. The late Mr. James A. Councilor 


Betty: "He's smart. He knows that you ojet into 
trouble only when you stick your neck out. ' 

Roger: "But he learned that just like he learns 
everything else, BY sticking his neck out." 


was an honorary member of the Maryland 
University chapter of Beta Alpha Psi. 

Herbert L. SMITH, B.A. 1937, after 
working for American Airlines in New 
York City and Washington, D. C, is now 
assistant to the general traffic manager of 
Capital Airlines — P.C.A. Herbert, a for- 
mer economic analyst for Capital Airlines, 
is living at 5302 Montgomery Avenue, 
Washington 16, D. C. 

Robert W. THOMAS, A.B. 1936, re- 
ceived his law degree from Georgetown 
University in 1940. While a Colonel in the 
Army Air Corps, Bob was commanding 
officer of Albrook Field, Canal Zone. He 
is now Assistant U. S. District Attorney for 
the Canal Zone. His address is District 
Court Building, Ancon, Canal Zone. 

Ernest G. WAGNER, B.S. 1941, is now 
living at 2335 Santiago Avenue, Santa Ana, 
California where he is employed on the 
staff of Woodfill & Company, Public Ac- 
countants. Ernest served as a Major in 
the Army Air Forces and while at Mary- 
land belonged to Phi Kappa Phi, Beta 
Gamma Sigma and Phi Eta Sigma. 

John G. WOLF, B.A. 1938, is secretary- 
treasurer of Wallace & Warner Corpora- 
tion, Real Estate Development, in Phila- 
delphia. John lives at 1328 Morris Road, 
Wynnewood, Pa. After service in the 
European theater he was separated from 
the infantry with the rank of Lieutenant 

1941, after service as a First Lieutenant, 
Army Air Corps, has returned to his for- 
mer position as an accountant on the 
staff of Price, Waterhouse & Company. 
Ray's address is Route I, Box 33, Laurel, 


Province II of Delta Gamma Interna- 
tional Collegiate Fraternity held its first 
province convention since the war on 
April 18, 19 and 20 at Maryland. 

The active chapter at the University of 
Maryland acted as hostess for the con- 
ference, assisted by the Washington Alum- 
nae Chapter. 

Highlight of the opening day of the 
convention was "a fireside" at the Delta 
Gamma house. 

The convention closed Sunday, April 20, 
with church services and a dinner at the 
University of Maryland Delta Gamma 


Dr. R. G. Steinmeyer, University of 
Maryland professor of international law 
and relations, spoke at a meeting of the 
Crestwood Citizens' Association, Washing- 
ton, D. C. on the significance of present 
international situations. 

Despairing of a general lack of faith in 
the United Nations, he charged that, if 
there were any faith or trust felt by the 
nations for the U. N., they would not feel 
the need of extraneous pacts or alliances 
outside the international organization. 

"This is no new fault," he declared. 
"This is merely a repetition of the First 
World War and the League of Nations, 
with Molotov playing the role of Bis- 

JSation JuepenaJ On 3ndu3try, 


WHETHER we agree with Dr. Lowell, 
former president of Harvard Univer- 
sity, that business is the oldest of the arts 
and the youngest of the professions, or ac- 
cept Dr. Flexner's opinion that business is 
not a profession and never was an art, we 
may agree that business executives would 
administer their respective firms and de- 
partments more satisfactorily if they were 
properly trained. It is evident that a large 
number of young men and women desire 
to enter the field of administration and 
that an increasingly large number of busi- 
ness and government leaders wish to secure 
replacements for their ranks from college 

Qualifications Needed 

The more important executive positions 
in business and government require men 
trained in thinking in terms of modern- 
administrative problems. The young busi- 
ness and government executives of the pres- 
ent and of the future must not only possess 
a comprehensive and intimate grasp of the 
meaning of detail, but they must be able 
also to look beyond and through the detail 
to the broader principles as they affect all 
business policies, organizations, and prac- 
tices. They must be able to look to the 
future as well as to the present, and be 
mentally alert so as to anticipate and pre- 
pare for approaching changes in social, 
political, and economic conditions. 

A part of the training for executive posi- 
tions is provided in the grade and high 
schools; a more specialized form may be 
given in colleges; another portion should 
be received on the job. We are more con- 
cerned at the moment about that part of 
the training which may be received at the 
college level. 

What Is "Business"? 

Perhaps before we proceed further we 
should answer the question, What is meant 
by the term "business"? I know of no better 
definition than that submitted a few years 
ago by an outstanding leader in the field 
of education for business: 

Business is a pecuniary scheme of grati- 
fying human wants, and, properly un- 
derstood, falls little short of being as 
broad, as inclusive, as life itself, in its 
motives, aspirations, and social obliga- 
tions. It falls little short of being as 
broad as all science in its techniques. 

If we accept this statement we are forced 
to the inevitable conclusion that collegiate 
training is desirable, as follows: on a broad 
basis in the fields of the natural sciences, 
government and politics, economics, and 
law; and, more detailed, in the administra- 
tive aspects of production, marketing, fin- 
ance, and labor; and finally in the effective 
utilization of the tools and techniques of 
internal executive control. Recent changes 
in social, political, and economic conditions 
throughout the world have created a need, 
as never before, for broadminded and well- 
trained managerial talent. A nation whose 
very existence depends upon industry must 
have thoughtful and skillful administrative 

Thoughtful And Skillful Ad- 
ministrative Leadership Is 
Essential To Our Coun- 
try's Progress . . . 

d$y j. Jreeman Pyle 

Dean, College of Business & Public Administration 

leadership. The sad results of inability and 
indifference in business and government 
administration are so much in evidence at 
the present time that little argument is 
needed to convince any serious minded per- 
son of the necessity for expert management 
— for the professionalization of the art and 
the science of administration. 

Doubtless we should next establish a com- 
mon understanding as to what is meant by 
the term profession. The idea we have in 
mind is well expressed by the eminent 
English educator, Dr. James A. Bowie, in 
the following words: 

What are the distinguishing marks of 
a profession? In the first place, it must 
be an occupation demanding attain- 
ments in special knowledge, as distinct 
from mere knack or skill, and that 
knowledge must be classified and on 
record, and must require continuous 
study for its attainment. In the second 
place, it must possess a technique of 
utilization to practical affairs, as dis- 
tinct from mere study and research. But 
a vocation may possess these qualities 
and still lack professional status. A pro- 
fession implies a sense of group soli- 
darity, the establishment of a code of 
ethics and etiquette, a requirement of 
special training and a test of fitness, 
the free and open imparting of new 
knowledge to the group, and a motive 
of service to the community. 

Human Relations 

The emphasis placed on the philosophy 
and the technique of organization and op- 
eration by scientific management, the new 
study of human relations in business and 
government, the organization of business 
and government operations on a functional 
basis, the growing consciousness of social 
problems, and the trend toward separation 
of management from ownership, all lead 
toward the belief that the practice of ad- 
ministration can be professionalized. If it 
can be professionalized it is believed that 
it can be taught. The general principles 
of production, marketing, finance, human 
relations, transportation, insurance, real es- 
tate practice, and executive control can be 
and are being taught in collegiate schools 
of business. Experience, which is an essen- 
tial complement to education in the prin- 
ciples of management, should be secured 
on the job through some form of purpose- 
ful internship. Managing a business enter- 
prise, whether private or public, requires 
as high a degree of intelligence and as 
careful training as any of the universally 
recognized professions. 


The colleges of business administration 
can make a worthwhile contribution to the 
profession of management if they succeed 
in developing a philosophy and a tech- 
nique of administration. The curriculum 
should be constructed around a hub of 
essential social, governmental, economic and 
business facts and principles. The pros- 
pective administrator or manager should 
profit from an understanding of the social 
significance of past and present political 
and economic organizations, policies, and 
practices. These should not, however, be 
studied in an unrelated manner to underly- 
ing hypotheses and theories. These abstrac- 
tions should be tested constantly against 
the realities of economic facts. Safeguards 
must be established so as to prevent the 
hoped-for professional educational program 
from degenerating into a mere vocational 

Continual Test 

Our educational objectives should not be- 
come crystallized. They must be continually 
tested, evaluated and revised. Our cur- 
riculum must then be so adapted as to aid 
the student in attaining the objectives in 
the most effective manner. Our methods of 
operating the curriculum will need to be 
changed accordingly so that it can lead the 
student to the established objectives. 

Education and training alone do not, of 
course, insure success in this new profes- 
sion. Certain personal qualities, such as 
native intelligence, common sense, imagina- 
tion, resourcefulness, honesty, reliability, 
courage, perseverance, and the ability to 
work and get along with other people are 
likewise necessary. 

The students, however, are entitled to 
expect the collegiate schools of administra- 
tion to aid them in preparing themselves 
for useful lives; to guide them in thinking 
in terms of their own times; and to assist 
them in developing their inherent mental 
aptitudes and powers. 

No Bag Of Tricks 

The curriculum in Administration should 
not be regarded as a means of securing a 
bag of executive tricks or as a short road 
to a set of cut and dried methods. The 
aim is to produce potential business and 
public leaders with broad interests rather 
than highly technical specialists — men 
trained to discover administrative problems 
and who are able to apply accepted scien- 
tific method to their solution. The stu- 
dent should be led to cultivate his ability 
to collect pertinent business facts, analyze 
them conscientiously, interpret them hon- 
estly, and to draw his conclusions there- 
from in a strictly unbiased manner. He 
should be led to develop the habit of or- 
derly thinking, suspended judgment, and a 
detached and impartial attitude toward all 
problems; to search for causes and to estab- 
lish the relation between cause and result; 
and to develop the ability to formulate 
sound principles of organization, policies, 
and procedure. 

Combined Veaching, cAnd J\e3earch 


THE DEPARTMENT of Geography 
combines teaching with research, and 
is concerned particularly with the natural 
resources of the world in relation to popu- 
lation trends. 

The teaching comprises an elementary 
course in economic geography dealing with 
the major commodities of the world, the 
regions of their production and consump- 
tion, and resultant trade routes and means 
of transportation; also the physical factors, 
(climate, land surface and soils) and the 
human factors which have determined the 
location of these producing and consuming 
regions. This course is required of all fresh- 
men in the College of Business and Public 
Administration. These number at present 
about 1000. 

More advanced courses are offered in the 
regional geography of the United States 
and Canada (taught by O. E. Baker); of 
Latin America (by Raymond E. Crist); of 
Eastern and Southern Asia (by C. Y. Hu 
and S. T. Lee); and of Western and South- 
ern Europe and Africa (by William Van 
Royen). These courses include a presenta- 
tion of the basic physical conditions in 
these regions, the agriculture, manufactur- 
ing, commerce, communication, education, 
and population trends. Each of these 
courses is taught by a professor who has 
travelled and lived in the region for some 
time, speaks the language, or languages, 
has had considerable business experience 
in the region, has published significant 
geographic studies, and is an effective 
teacher. It is hoped that, before long, it 
may be possible to find a person who can 
give courses on the resources, natural and 
human, of the United Socialist Soviet Re- 

Army Cooperation 

The Department of Geography, in coop- 
eration with the Army Map Service, is 
offering several courses in Cartography 
(map making)--both elementary and 
advanced. These courses are offered at the 

The Great Basic Problems 
Of The World Lie In The 
Relation Of Peoples To 
Resources . . . 

(By O. L. (Baker 

Professor of Geography 

Army Map Service building, and are in- 
tended primarily for its staff, but students 
from the University can take these courses 
— two students are doing so at present. 
This work is supervised by the University. 
Courses for graduate students are offered 
in climatology (Dr. Thornthwaite), Geo- 
morphology (Dr. Van Royen), land utili- 
zation (Dr. Baker) and population (Dr. 


The 2% shown in circle just above Africa denotes 



3,700,000 sq. mi. — total. Thousands of sq. mi., 

748 U.S. + Canada, 320 Latin America, 450 Eur. 

(Ex.U.S.S.R.), 508 U.S.S.R., 1,135 Asia (Ex.U.S.S.R.), 

232 Africa, 85 Australasia. 


Professor of Geography, University of Maryland, 
Author of the Accompanying Article 

Biography — Baker, Oliver Edwin, economic and 
sociological geographer; b. Tiffin, Ohio, Sept. 10, 
1883; s. Edwin and Martha (Thomas) B.; B. Sc. 
Heidelberg College, Ohio, 1903, M. Sc. 1904; M.A., 
in Polit. Science, Columbia, 1905; studied forestry, 
Yale U. 1907-08, Agr., U. of Wis., 1908-12, economics, 
1919-21, Ph.D., 1921; hon. D.Sc, Heidelberg (Ohio) 
College and Ph.D., Coettingen (Germany), 1937; 
m. Alice H. Crews, 1925; children — Helen Thomas, 
Sabra Z., Edwin Crew, Mildred Coale. 

With Wis. Agrl. Expt. Sta., 1910-1912, U. S. Dept. 
Agr. since 1912; employed in research on farm 
populations and on rural youth surveys, 1930-42; 
in charge of preparation, and editor of Atlas of 
Am. Agr., issued in sects., 1914-34; professor of 
geography, U. of Md. since 1942, also in charge 
of preparation of Econ. Atlas of World. Member 
Assn. Am. Geographers (pres. 1931), Am. Meterol. 
Soc, Farm Economic Assn., American Sociol. So- 

Author: (with A. L. Whitson) The Climate of 
Wisconsin and Its Relation to Agriculture, 1912; 
(with U. C. Finch) Geography of the World's 
Agriculture, 1917; (with W. L. Wilson and Ralph 
Borsodi) Agriculture and Modern Life, 1939; also 
with others, of sections of Atlas Am. Agr. Contbr. 
to U. S. Department Agr. Year Books, 1915-38, and 
to geographic pubis. 


17. / 



Fifty-two million square miles, excluding Polar 
Continents. Probably arable area could be dou- 
bled by use of machinery and fertilizer. 

Baker); also special studies in the four 
regions mentioned above. The courses in 
land utilization and population are offered 
in the Departments of Agricultural Eco- 
nomics and Sociology, respectively. 

The World Atlases 

The research work of the Department of 
Geography is concentrating on the prepa- 
ration of a series of atlases presenting the 
physical resources and the economic de- 
velopment of the various regions of the 
world in as much detail as the statistical 
material and costs of publication permit. 
The first atlas, which is well toward com- 
pletion, will be entitled, "The Atlas of the 
World's Resources." It is intended for use 
in colleges and universities, commercial con- 
cerns and government agencies. This atlas 
will comprise generalized maps showing 
the climatic, land surface and soil condi- 
tions in the various parts of the world, 
the areas of production of each agricul- 
tural and mineral product, and an estimate 
of the mineral reserves. Explanatory and 
descriptive text will accompany the maps. 
This publication is a revision and enlarge- 
ment of the "Geography of the World's 
Agriculture," by Finch and Baker, pub- 
lished by the United States Department 
of Agriculture in 1918. This "Atlas of the 
World's Resources" is being prepared in 
cooperation with the United States Depart- 
ment of Agriculture, particularly the Bu- 
reau of Agricultural Economics, and in col- 
laboration with the Bureau of Mines, of 
the United States Department of Interior. 
All members of the Department of Geo- 
graphy are working on it, including a num- 
ber of research assistants and graduate 
students. The work is in charge of Dr. 
William Van Royen. 

The Atlas Of China 

The second atlas in preparation is the 
"Atlas of China." This work was started 
a year ago by Professor Huan Yong Hu, 
who recently returned to the National 
Central University at Nanking, China, to 
become head of the Graduate School. The 
Atlas will consist of six parts: 
I. Climate — for which thirty-six maps have 

0° 10 0° 12 0" 1*0° 160" ISO* 

\ \ V \. 

160" 140' 120* 100* 


fO 53i OFFK 


been prepared by Professor Hu, and will 
soon be issued. 

II. Agricultural Resources — for which 
thirty-six maps are being made by Pro- 
fessor Shu-Tan Lee, head of the Depart- 
ment of Geography in the National Cen- 
tral University, and this year a visiting 
professor at Maryland. These maps should 
be completed by next summer. 

III. Mineral Resources — which will include 
about thirty maps being prepared by Mr. 
Chien Chun Hsiao, a graduate student, 
under the guidance of Professor Lee and 
Professor C. Y. Hu, and in collaboration 
with the Bureau of Mines. 

Communication And Transportation 

IV. Communication and Transportation — 
which will contain thirty to forty maps 
to be prepared mostly by the National 
Central University, at Nanking. 

V. Industry and Commerce — which will 
contain about forty maps to be prepared 
by both the University of Maryland and 
the National Central University. 

VI. Population and Human Life — about 
thirty maps to be prepared by both Uni- 
versities. The Atlas will be published 
jointly with the National Central Uni- 
versity, and it is expected that the entire 
atlas will be ready for publication in 
three years. 

The "Atlas of Latin America" will be 
in charge of Professor Raymond E. Crist, 



and will contain maps and text similar 
to those being prepared for the "Atlas 
of China." 

In the preparation of these atlases, the 
Department of Geography has assembled 
probably the most complete statistical data 
on agricultural production available in 
any one place in the world. For four 

(E«cl. USSR) 

(AC RE 5) 






(E.d. USSR) 








US •*- 


■ t i i i i i i 


Two Bilion, about 1937. 

Vl IP/12 2h 3 5h 4 


years, two experienced research assistants 
have worked in the libraries of Washington 
and New York City, and in governmental 
agencies, assembling facts and figures. A 
statistical clerk, aided by graduate stu- 
dents, is converting these figures into usa- 
ble form. These data include statistics by 
the smallest statistical unit relating to the 
acreage and production of crops, the num- 
ber and kind of livestock, and land utiliza- 
tion. Climatic and soil data are also being 
assembled in detail, likewise statistics of 
population — including birth and death 
rates, migration, rural-urban and interna- 
tional, and changes in the number of 
people. A draftsman and several student 
half-time draftsmen are now preparing 
maps and graphs based on these data. 

The population of the world has in- 
creased three-fold in the past 200 years — 
several times more than in all the centuries 
preceding — and is pressing upon the nat- 
ural resources with a wide range of sev- 
erity, varying not only with the ratio of 
resources to population, but also with the 
stage of scientific and technical develop- 
ment and with the degree of economic 
and social culture which the people have 


attained. The great basic problems of the 
world lie in the relation of people to re- 
sources. The situation is constantly chang- 
ing because of increasingly great differ- 
ences between nations in birth and death 
rates and resultant changes in population, 
as well as differing rates of scientific prog- 
ress and advance in technique of resource 

As it becomes possible to extend the 
application of modern techniques to the 
exploitation of the as yet largely untouched 
riches of the tropical zone there may be 
a rapid population increase in the tropical 
areas, with resultant widening of markets 
for middle-latitude products. This de- 
velopment would be greatly facilitated by 
the application of those mechanical and 
scientific techniques which aid man in 
increasing his productive capacity. But 
certain cultural lags must be overcome; 
for example, social and economic systems, 
such as the great landed estate and the 
plantation, should be modified in such a 
way as to leave no ceiling on the hopes, 
and aspirations of the common man or on 
his ability to increase his productive ca- 
pacity and thereby the economic basis of 
his existence. These modifications must 
include the accumulation of capital in 
(Please Turn To Page 25) 

Mj, potatoes 
j>vsugar crops 




Sased on Acreage. Total, 3,700,000 sq. mi. Thou- 
sands of sq. mi.: Wheat 640, rice 310, rye 175, corn 
360, barley 190 ,oats 235, potatoes 80, sugar crops 
55, cotton 125, flax 30, other crops 1,550. 

c4 fairly, JSew Sudinedd 



National Airport, Washington, D. C. 

Baltimore Airport, Airview of Ultimate Layout 

A GREAT many people are much con- 
cerned with the necessity of our having 
adequate airports in the future; airports 
that are better and safer under all weather 
conditions and for all purposes than we 
have ever had before; airports that are 
properly located in relation to the com- 
munities served; airports having the proper 
lengths and number of runways with neces- 
sary zoning restrictions in the airport 
vicinity. Much thought has been given to 
all these points and many plans have 
been laid to bring them about. There 
is still, however, one laggard field to which 
attention has not been given to the extent 
it deserves; one aspect of the whole air- 
port picture which if neglected any longer 
may nullify much of the planning intended 
to provide adequate airport services to the 
traveling public and flyers of all types. 
This is the matter of airport management 
and its professional development. 

New Business 

Airport management, as a business, is 
fairly new. It has come into being 
abruptly, just as have other aspects of air 
transportation. But airport management 
has rapidly developed into a complex and 
highly diverse profession even though, 
due to its over-night development, few 
of our present-day airport managers have 
been trained for their duties prior to as- 
suming their positions. In fact, such 
training except in the school of experi- 
ence, has not been available. They are, 
therefore, frequently hard put to keep up 
with their rapidly expanding responsibili- 
ties and duties. 

The danger today is that airports them- 
selves may be developed so rapidly that 
we will find ourselves without managerial 
ability to handle them after they are 
built. We may find a lack of people know- 
ing anything about airport management, 

Training And Experience 
Will Convert The "Busi- 
ness" Of Airport Manage- 
ment To A "Profession" 

(By. fonn Jr. Frederick 

Professor of Transportation and Foreign Trade 

the running of airports which must con- 
tinue long after the engineers who planned 
and built them have finished their tasks. 
As air transportation grows, more and 
more people will realize that the airport is 
the basic unit supporting the entire air 
network. There will be no private flying, 


Professor of Transportation and Foreign Trade 


there can be no commercial air transporta- 
tion without adequate airports. There 
will be no development of passenger trans- 
portation, no growth of air cargo trans- 
portation without airports. There must 
be at least one airport for each large 
town and several at many cities. 

There are thousands of towns and cities 
interested in having airports so their citi- 
zens may be able to use air transportation. 
These communities do not always under- 
stand that an airport is a service institu- 
tion; that it is a congregating point for 
air commerce; that it takes real manage- 
ment ability to run it; they still think of 
an airport as a landing field. But small 
and large towns must look on their air- 
ports as municipal service organizations. 

Expansion Due 

Under present airport building plans of 
the Federal government and many states 
there will be an expansion of airport 
services in nearly every town of sufficient 
size to warrant such a facility. But who 
is going to run these airports? What are 
the services that are going to be made 
available? What is the trend in airport 
management? What are the duties of air- 
port management? Very few people seem 
to know. 

Here is where the need for training 
comes in. Training and experience will 
convert the business of airport manage- 
ment into the profession of airport man- 
agement. We can have professionalization 
of airport management just exactly the 
way we have had professionalization of 
many of the other fields of management 
and business activity if we begin without 
delay to educate and train for airport 

Municipalities and others interested in 
airport development must select airport 
managers and the other personnel con- 

cerned with such activities with care, with 
as much care as one would use in the 
selection of the proper type motor for 
an aircraft. Right now there are far too 
many "pedal pushers" attempting to op- 
erate airports. Some of these are hope- 
lessly unfitted for the task even though 
they may be excellent flyers. Others with 
no desire to be airport managers have 
been forced into such positions in order 
to protect other interests either as opera- 
tors or flyers. Also, unfortunately, we 
have too many "has beens" politically 
catapulted into airport managerial posi- 
tions as party favors, perhaps, with no 
other qualifications than an interest in 
aviation and a few flight hours. 

Good Business Man 

Admittedly, it is well for the airport 
manager to be a flyer, but it is even more 
important that he be a good business man. 
It is not likely that a pilot who is a poor 
business man will learn to be adept at 
management or develop business acumen. 
In the first place, his primary interest will 
not be in the development of the airport 
as a going, paying enterprise. He will 
not be interested in unwinding managerial 
problems, in selling service, in merchan- 
dising his airport facilities, in building a 
business. He will be content solely with 
the operational problems pertaining to 
flying. Is a man trained to make decisions 
at the controls of a plane necessarily well 
fitted to deal with personnel problems 
that arise in a large staff; or making con- 
tracts and leases; or as a coordinator be- 
tween the various governmental agencies 
and as the representative of his com- 
munity? Probably not, but even a com- 
paratively small airport presents these 
very problems and sometimes without very 
much advance notice. This is why pro- 
fessional training for airport managers will 
become of increasing importance. 

Course Underway 

At the University of Maryland a course 
in Airport Management is now under way. 
It is not a course in airport engineering 
but is just what its name implies — a course 
to train future airport managers. It is part 
of the course in business and public ad- 
ministration and is available in the senior 
year after the students have received a 
good foundation in various business sub- 
jects. The following main topics are those 
covered because every airport manager 
should be familiar with them: 

The airport as a service organization 
and its place in a community. 
The duties of airport management 
Airport Organization 
Accounting control and financing 
Structure and plant 
Business ethics and the attitude of air- 
port managers toward the public 
Fire and accident prevention 

Legal obligations, rights and restrictions 
Advertising and business promotion 
Engineering and maintenance 
Traffic control and communications 
Civil Aeronautics Administration regula- 

Relations with airlines 
Anything a University can do to develop 
people for airport managerial work so 

that they can go into established organi- 
zations and start to work will be back- 
ground training they will not have to get 
in a harder school. The next step will 
be training within the profession. No 
school can take away the need for a young 
man to acquire training under an experi- 
enced airport manager. We can't turn 
out people from a University and say: 
"These people are ready to be airport 
managers." But we can do the background 
work so they can be taken — with con- 
siderable knowledge of airport manage- 
ment at their command — and be put to 
work. We can no longer leave it all to 
the tell and show method, not if airport 
management is to be known as a profes- 
sion and the tremendous investment in air- 
port facilities is to be used most effectively. 


Along with the go-carts, washlines, and 
apartment houses that have become a part 
of postwar College Park, falls the newest 
business enterprise undertaken by a Uni- 
versity of Maryland Student — a student 
owned and operated taxi service. 

Hewitt G. Robinson of Chevy Chase, 
Maryland, is the aggressive business man 
who now is driving his way through 

The ratio of students to taxi cabs at 
College Park is 7000 to one, a fact which 
makes the president of "Your Cab Com- 
pany" very pleased with prospects for 

A senior in the College of Chemical 
Engineering, Robinson financed his busi- 
ness with money earned working in a 
gasoline station and driving other per- 

sons' cabs, a job that is directly responsible 
for his establishing Your Cab Service. "The 
company I worked for told me I'd never 
make a cab driver," grins the happy cabby, 
"so I just thought I'd show them!" 

Robinson plans to use the business as 
a means of helping others through college 
and will employ only students, preferably 
veterans, as assistant drivers. He now has 
one helper, Jim Ryan, a physical educa- 
tion major from Baltimore. 

Most of the business comes in the form 
of packed runs to nearby theaters, mid- 
night snack delivery to dorms and frat 
houses, and a special shoppers' service for 
College Park housewives. 

About the future? "If business picks up 
the way I think it is going to, I'll hang 
the engineering diploma in the cab and 
keep on driving!" 


Maryland's 50-piece band, under the di- 
rection of Harold C. Yeager, conducted the 
first of its season concerts in the Coliseum 
on April 2. 

M/Sgt. Otto Siebeneichen, for 18 years 
director of the band, returned to the 
campus as guest conductor. Sergeant Sei- 
beneichen retired as bandmaster at the 
close of the 1946 spring term, at the age 
of seventy-one. 

Helen Brown, presented a flute solo 
accompanied by Doris Keplinger on the 

To make your soap last longer take the 
wrapper off cake soap and let the soap 
dry and harden before using. 


Hewitt G. Robinson, president and number one driver for Your Cab Company, newly established student- 
owned taxi service on the campus of Maryland University, completes a neat business transaction by 
delivering Mary Bolgiano, alighting ,and Jean Soden, holding the door, to the administration building. 
Both coeds are in the College of Home Economics. Photo by Kubler 


une vtnited Stated 


IN THE onrush of dramatic military, 
diplomatic and political events it is 
not generally recognized that our inter- 
national commercial policy confronts us 
as an immediate problem of great sig- 
nificance. Nor can the scope and com- 
plexity of this problem be readily com- 
prehended, involving as it does not merely 
the re-construction of the pre-war trade 
channels but the much larger one of 
building the foundation upon which the 
countries of the world may create a greatly 
expanded foreign trade. 

While it is obvious that this is vital to 
other nations which must obtain the raw 
materials and capital goods necessary for 
the rebuilding of disrupted industries and 
the reconverting of war-economies to 
peace-time operation, it is not equally 
apparent that the expansion of world 
trade is of paramount concern to the 
United States. 

Enormous Expansion 

At least two reasons, however, for this 
concern may be indicated by the econ- 
omist. First, we have brought about dur- 
ing recent years enormous expansion of 
industries essential to the prosecution of 
the war. Despite the fact that the dis- 
mantlement of many of the war plants 
has already occurred, and is continuing, a 
serious surplus capacity problem still re- 
mains in certain industries. 

An expanded foreign demand will, of 
course, absorb some of the excess output 
of these industries; and this demand will 
have greater importance to us in stabiliz- 
ing our employment market if, and when, 
an industrial recession eventuates. Sec- 
ondly, the rapid exploitation and deple- 
tion of our domestic deposits of basic raw 
materials, particularly in the minerals 
field, require an increasing inflow of such 
materials if we are to retain reserves in 
the form of domestic stockpiles and de- 
posits sufficient for national defense, to 
say nothing of industrial prosperity. In 
this connection one may point out that on 
the basis of the 1935-1939 average annual 
rate of consumption, our known com- 
mercial reserves of the following vital 
minerals will be exhausted: copper, 34 
years; zinc, 19 years; lead, 12 years; high- 
grade bauxite (the raw material necessary 
for aluminum production), 9 years; and 
mercury, 3 years. 

Tremendous Importance 

Needless to say these minerals are of 
inestimable importance inasmuch as there 
are no known effective substitutes for them 
in the production of strategic war-materials 
or the vast number of consumer's goods. 
Considerations of both national defense 
and national income, therefore, are at one 
and the same time involved. An inter- 
national commercial policy must be con- 
ducive to an uninterrupted inflow of these 
and other commodities in a growing vol- 
ume. In this connection it must be borne 
in mind that we are totally dependent 
upon imports for many absolutely essen- 

Immediate Problem Of 
Great Scope And Com- 
plexity Confronts Our 
Country . . . 

(By C. /. Jlatzla^ 

Acting Head, Department ot Economics 

tial materials, such as tin, mica, asbestos, 
magnesium, chromite, nickel, and indus- 
trial diamonds. 

More difficult to define is the nature 
of the problem with which we are now 
faced in creating the structure prerequi- 
site for an expanded world trade. That 
problem is not a unitary one; rather it 
has become one of a complex character. 
In fact, as conceived by the United States 
Department of State in its recent docu- 
ment, "Suggested Charter for an Inter- 
national Trade Organization of the United 
Nations," international commercial policy 
is but one aspect of the general problem 
which includes the fields of "employ- 
ment," "restrictive business practices," and 
"intergovernmental commodity arrange- 

Complex Questions 

Complex as is the formulation of our 
international commercial policy, concerned 
as it must be with such matters as tariff 
schedules, quantitative restrictions and ex- 
change controls, subsidies and state trading, 
this policy must cope at the same time 
with the equally complex questions of 
employment, cartels, and commodity agree- 
ments; they should not be treated as 
separate and unrelated questions but as 
inseparable parts of an integrated whole. 

Furthermore, our international com- 
mercial policy must necessarily be inter- 


Professor of International Economics and Acting 
Head, Department of Economics 


woven with the economic pattern of our 
past and present program. Nevertheless 
the collaboration with other nations which 
we are now about to undertake consti- 
tutes a new stage, and a departure, in the 
development of our commercial policy. 


The first stage of our commercial policy 
was one marked in its beginning by the 
first tariff act of 1789. Tariff acts fol- 
lowed in rapid succession, culminating 
with the Hawley-Smoot Act in 1930, after 
26 Congressional enactments. It is of in- 
terest to note that during this period of 
158 years our tariff laws have had an 
average life of about six years; and they 
have resulted in the extension of govern- 
mental protectionism over much of our 
industrial structure. Apropos of this, it 
may be pointed out that our first tariff 
act was one with specific duties on merely 
some 30 products and ad valorem treat- 
ment of a very limited schedule with a 
general average estimated at only 81/2 
per cent. 

Sharp Contrast 

In sharp contrast our last tariff law 
(that of 1930) has a general average ad 
valorem rate of approximately 40 per cent 
(which elevated it about one-fifth above 
the Act of 1922 which it replaced) and 
is inclusive of an extremely broad base of 
dutiable items, classified within a compre- 
hensive network of 15 separate schedules. 

The arguments in our Congressional de- 
bates which have been employed to sup- 
port this American policy is quite fa- 
miliar to all. No governmental contro- 
versies have been more avidly participated 
in by the legislators or pursued more 
keenly by the people. The consequent 
Congressional policy therefore reflected not 
only the action and reaction of public 
demands, political expediency, and re- 
gional sectionalism but also the economic 
nationalism of a dynamic nation. 

Political and social considerations were 
undoubtedly of equal weight with eco- 
nomic and industrial factors. Nor is this 
situation unique to our American Con- 
gress; it has also been true of European 
parliaments, although possible to a some- 
what less degree in view of the greater 
responsiveness of our Congress to the de- 
mands and counter-demands of American 
democracy. Our commercial policy in this 
first stage of its development cannot be 
appraised, as has so frequently been done 
by both the economist and the layman, on 
economic grounds alone. 


The second stage of our commercial 
policy was instituted with the enactment 
of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act 
of 1934. The Act authorized the Presi- 
dent to conclude trade agreements with 
foreign countries under which the Ameri- 
can duties could be reduced by not more 
than 50 per cent of the existing rates. 
While the original law was limited to 3 
years, it has been repeatedly renewed. 

Comes Up In '48 

It will be up for Congressional action 
again on June 12, 1948. The last renewal, 
in fact, extended the authority of the 
President by enabling him to reduce duty 
rates by not more than 50 per cent of 
those in effect on January 1, 1945; whereas 
under the earlier version of the Act he was 
limited to the sa">" r>prcentaee reduction 
based upon the 1934 level of duties. 

Under the operation of this law, the 
United States has up to the present time 
concluded trade agreements with 30 for- 
eign countries, as well as having nego- 
tiated a second agreement (with Canada) 
and three supplementary agreements (one 
with Canada, and two with Cuba). Other 
general results may be briefly stated. Some- 
what more than 1000 reductions of in- 
dividual duties have been granted by the 
United States. On the other hand, from 
the foreign countries with which agree- 
ments have been negotiated we have re- 
ceived substantially less reductions. 

In assessing the real significance of the 
reciprocal trade agreements program, er- 
roneous conclusions have again been 
drawn. It has frequently been advanced 
in advocacy of the trade agreements pro- 
gram, even by those speaking with the 
highest official authority, that the annual 
average for the 2 years, 1938 and 1939, 
as compared with the average for the 2 
years, 1934 and 1935, shows that the 
United States exports to trade agreement 
countries increased 63 per cent as against 
an increase of only 32 per cent in exports 
to non-agreement countries; and compara- 
ble percentage increases of imports were 
27 and 12'/2 per cent respectively. In 
spite of the persuasiveness of these figures, 
it requires very little critical analysis to 
demonstrate that they lend themselves to 
specious reasoning. 

Program's Real Significance 

Interesting as these statistical data are 
from certain points of view, they do not 
provide an index of the economic sig- 
nificance of the program. Rather that 
significance is to be found in the fact that 
after a century and a half of tariff legisla- 
tion by the Congress, the formulation of 
our commercial policy is being surrendered 
to the procedure of Executive agreement 
and proclamation without Senatorial or 
Congressional sanction. Singularly enough, 
this fact which is at least of great po- 
tential significance has escaped the general 
discussion essential for considered approval 
or disapproval by the public. Whether 
the transition from the legislative pro- 
cedure to that of administrative agreements 
is desirable or not is quite another issue, 
but the fact that it has occurred and 
carries with it economic consequences of 
a nation-wide and generalized character 
should be fully recognized by the public. 
While discussing the related issue of the 
general American treaty-making process, 
President Dickey of Dartmouth College 
has recently stated the problem in these 
words, "During the first 150 years of our 
national history our major foreign policies 
were unilateral in form, negative or merely 
declaratory in character and restrictive in 
scope. Today they are dominantly co- 
operative, i.e., contractual in form and 
involve positive undertakings as to men 
and treasure." 


The third stage of our international 
commercial policy is about to be inaugu- 
rated. At the London meetings of the 
Preparatory Committee of the Economic 
and Social Council of the United Nations 
Organization, held from October 15 to 
November 26, 1946, the United States De- 
partment of State submitted to 18 foreign 
countries its "Proposed Charter for an 
International Trade Organization." At 
these preliminary meetings agreement was 
reached with respect to certain funda- 
mental propositions. Five basic problems 
were explored and it was agreed that their 
solution required joint action. 

These included: domestic employment 
policy and international trade policy, in- 
dustrial development of backward areas, 
supervision of intergovernmental com- 
modity agreements, curbing international 
combines and cartels, and, finally, the re- 
duction of barriers to trade, inclusive of 
tariffs and other restrictions. 

Representatives of these nations are as- 
sembling in Geneva this month (April) 
to undertake joint action in this very wide 
field of economic operation. With par- 
ticular reference to international com- 
mercial policy, our Government has set 
forth its tentative agreement with the 
basic principles that members of the pro- 
posed International Trade Organization 
should enter into reciprocal and mutually 
advantageous negotiations directed to the 
substantial reduction of import and ex- 
port duties. Together with this central 
point of agreement, a large number of re- 
lated points were also agreed upon at the 
London preliminary meeting. The Geneva 
conference is intended to give effect to 
these preliminary agreements. 

International Trade Organization 

At this conference, the American-spon- 
sored program resolves itself into two 
parts: (1) the completion of the draft of 
a charter establishing common principles 
of world trade policy and the creation of 
an International Trade Organization 
(ITO); and (2), negotiations of the re- 
ductions of tariffs, removal of other trade 
barriers and the elimination of discrimina- 
tory practices. Certainly this marks the 
transition of our international commercial 
policy to one which is not only multilateral 
in form but also world-wide in scope and 
responsibility. And there can be no ques- 
tion but that this amounts to a "positive 
undertaking," rather than mere acquies- 
cence, by the Government of the United 

Credence has been given to this view with 
regard to our official position by the Di- 
rector of the Office of International Trade 
Policy of the United States Department 
of State who has unequivocally stated, 
"the whole project of the London Con- 
ference and the I.T.O. was conceived, 
sponsored and promoted by the United 
States." But strangely enough he did not 
add what logically follows, namely, that 
the United States must thereby be pre- 
pared to assume the major, if not full, 
responsibility for its possible failure. 

In this present and third stage of our 
international commercial policy it is clear 
that we are entering upon a program 
enormously more extensive in scope and 
complex in administration than any which 
could possibly have been conceived a few 


years ago. This program constitutes a de- 
parture of great magnitude from past 
policy and procedure. We would be ex- 
ceedingly naive to say the least, if we fail 
to recognize that it will put the several 
branches of our Civil Service to the ex- 
treme test of their ingenuity in policy 
determination and skill of administrative 
operation. Needless to say, we should be 
fully cognizant of this fact and the po- 
tentialities which our new international 
commercial policy may entail for us. As 
President Truman has recently said, "It is 
important that the people of the United 
States realize the true significance of these 
(Geneva) negotiations for us and for the 
world. They are not solely trade bargains. 
They are that; but they are much more. 
They are central to the structure of inter- 
national economic cooperation under the 
United Nations." 


The University of Maryland has been 
granted a chapter in the National Col- 
legiate Players, honorary dramatic fra- 
ternity, Dr. Ray Ehrensberger, head of the 
Speech Department, has announced. 

At the national convention in Chicago 
last December, Dr. Ehrensberger presented 
the matter to the executive council, and 
last month, by unanimous consent of the 
national officers, a chapter was granted to 
the University. Maryland has been anxious 
for several years to get a chapter of this 
fraternity on the campus, but it was not 
until this year that the Department of 
Speech and Drama and the University 
Theatre presentations could come up to 
the high standard of the fraternity. 

The fraternity offers membership to stu- 
dents who have excelled in dramatic work 
either in the field of acting or in stage 
work. Only students with junior standing 
or above are eligible for membership and 
a strict point system is maintained for 
membership. The fraternity publishes a 
monthly magazine known as "The Players" 
which contains news of the chapters as 
well as professional dramatic news. Dr. 
Charles Niemeyer of the Speech Depart- 
ment is one of the editors. 


Approximately 50 4-H Club men and 
women attending the University of Mary- 
land have formed a collegiate 4-H Club 
which will enable them to continue their 
interest in club work while in college. 

Officers elected at a recent meeting were: 
President, Richard Greenwood from How- 
ard County, formerly of Walkersville; vice 
president, Mary Harry Davis from Harford 
County; secretary, Joan Giddings from 
Anne Arundel County; treasurer, Earl 
Crouse from Carroll County; representa- 
tive to Agricultural Council, William En- 
sor, Jr., from Harford County; reporter, 
Peggy Ensor from Harford County. 

The announced aims of the club are: 
to unite a 4-H Club on campus; to be 
a service club for 4-H Clubs; to unite 
4-H Club freshmen and help them orient- 
ate themselves to college life, to try to 
interest other 4-H'ers in attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland; to be a work shop 
for 4-H students who desire to become 
teachers and county agents; to help in- 
struct its members to become future local 
leaders; to publish the 4-H paper, "News 
and Views of 4-H Clubs"; to assist county 
organizations in a program and recreation. 

J\ecord Of cActual Valued 


Income From 1941 To 1945 Is Related Di- 
rectly To Increased Wartime Employ- 
ment . . . 

(By jfonn Jr. Cover 

Director of Division of Business and Economic 

ESTIMATES of income- pay- 
ments made to individuals 
covering business and economic 
activity within the State of 
Maryland are now available for 
the first time by type of pay- 
ments and industrial sources. 

[Estimates provided by the 
National Income Unit, U. S. 
Dept. of Commerce, especially 
for the Bureau of Business and 
Kconomic Research.] 

In interpreting the data, it is 
important to observe that in- 
come payments from 1941 
through 1945 were related di- 
rectly to increased employment 
resulting from war-time produc- 
tion, and may be expected to 
record a decrease for 1946. 
Moreover, the effect of price 
inflation upon dollar values of 
payments will require discount- 



Analyzed by the 
Bureau of Business and Economic Research 

The Bureau of Business and Economic Research consists of John H. 
Cover, Director, Annette J. Klender, Secretary, and the following assist- 
ants: Walter R. Longanecker, Jr., U. of Md. '43, Candidate for MBA; 
Edward C. Kaighn, Jr., U. of Md. '44, Candidate for MBA; Charles L. 
Vychopen, U. of Texas, '4i, Candidate for MBA; Frances Bernacki, 
BPA '50; Catherine Brockmeyer, BPA '48; Paul S. Grove, BPA '48; 
and Mildred Mooney, BPA '48. 


JLHIS article on income payments to individuals in Maryland is a 
product of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research established 
within the College of Business and Public Administration. The Bureau's 
first undertaking was an "Economic Survey of Allegany County, Mary- 
land," recently published. 

Basic objectives of the Bureau may be summarized as follows: 

(1) To provide analyses of business and economic conditions in 
Maryland and its environmental region. 

(2) To respond to requests of individuals, concerns, institutions, and 
governmental offices for aid in the analysis and interpretation of eco- 
nomic and business problems. 

(3) To provide competent students with training and experience in 
business and economic analysis. 

Currently, the Bureau is assembling basic data covering a wide 
field of economic and business Interests, and is developing barometric 
series to measure economic changes in Maryland communities. Rather 
than merely describing conditions, the Bureau aims to apply objective 
measurements which may permit the business concern or organization to 
establish a policy and lay plans based more significantly upon factors 
and relationships. 




J 100 



3 « S 


a tO 

£ ao 

•> 70 

" 60 


x 80 



- z 







■ ' 



> ' 







101 1 










r „ 





ssc - 


" - * 


I 31 52 33 34 58 36 37 56 39 40 41 42 43 44 4 

ing in evaluating the estimates of 1946. 

[The 1946 estimates will not be completed before mid-July, 
1947, principally because of the necessity of awaiting compilation 
of data from the Bureau of Internal Revenue.] 

A comparison of total income payments in Maryland and in 
the United States is presented in adjacent Chart 1. The two 
curves are directly comparable, despite the wide variation in 
values, since they are plotted on ratio scales providing propor- 
tionate distances vertically. It is observed that the proportionate 
changes for the Maryland series from 1939 to 1944 are some- 
what greater than for the United States series as a whole. In 
part, this might be expected from a comparison of a portion 
of a series with the whole, but it also indicates that the State of 
Maryland did display a more rapid increase in income payments 
than a number of other states. The actual values are recorded 
in Table 1. 



Income Payments to Individuals 

(In millions of 


Per Cent Md. 




of U. S. 











70 601 


























For purposes of reference, the total population of Maryland, 
estimated for the inter-census years, is also indicated in Chartl, 
rising from 1,618,000 in 1929 to 2,170,000 in 1945. If it were 
desired to indicate per capita income, certain amounts should be 
added to cover miscellaneous items, and the result would be 
$703 in 1929, and $1,212 in 1945. However, comparison of the 
population and payments curves in Chart 1 indicates visually 
the lack of significance of a per capita income estimate. If data 
were available, a more valuable estimate would refer to per 
capita payments to those of the population working, or to 
changes in family incomes. 

An interesting summary, available in Table 2, indicates per- 
centage changes for a period of years in total income, in net 

Indexes of I 


ncome by Types 


1939 = 100 

of Payment 





Net Wages 



Net Income 
















































wages and salaries, in net income of proprietors, and in income 
from property. With the 1939 values of each series designated 
as 100, the progress of other years is readily observed. For in- 
stance, while the relative position of total income payments for 
1945 had reached approximately 230 per cent, income from 
property had reached only 124 per cent and net income of pro- 

1929, 1933. 1939, 1940-1948 
1939 '100 





\ r 













































g 1*0 











| 1*0 


• / 







// / 




f / 















... f{ 

1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 





1929,1933,1939, 1940-1945 

1939 • 100 


prietors 220 per cent — increases from 1939 of 130 per cent, 24 
per cent, and 120 per cent, respectively. Unfortunately, detailed 
data are not available which would permit a separation of wages 
and salaries; the combined values increased 156 per cent in the 
five-year period. 

Table 3 records industrial sources of wages and salaries in 
gross figures as distinct from the net figures presented in Table 2. 
The net values are obtained by deducting social insurance pay- 
ments from the gross values, but data are available to permit 
these deductions only for the aggregate, and not for each of the 
industrial categories separately. 

For presentation in Chart 2, index numbers were chosen of 
the first four categories in Table 3. Apparent at once is the 
tremendous effect of the war production upon the volume of 
income from manufacturing; though dwarfed by comparison, 
increases in the other series were quite significant in themselves. 
Resulting from a decrease in the volume of manufacturing, 
wages and salaries after the peak of 1943 decline in contrast to 
the movement of the other three series. Since the volume pre- 

Year Agriculture 

1929 129.4 

1933 68.0 

1939 100.0 

1940 102.8 

1941 108.4 

1942 140.6 

1943 165.0 

1944 166.7 

1945 175.5 

Gross Wages & Salaries by Industrial Source 
1939 = 100 
Manufacturing Transportation 

91.7 129.1 
58.7 71.3 

100.0 100.0 

124.1 107.4 

182.2 125.4 
302.0 152.1 
402.8 182.5 
380.8 226.5 
323.5 226.7 

































Net Income of Proprietors by Industrial Source 


1939 = 100 

Year Agriculture Manufacturing Transportation 

1929 146.2 112.9 86.5 

1933 75.7 5-1.6 59.5 

1939 100.0 100.0 100.0 

1940 111.7 130.7 102.7 

1941 157.5 185.5 127.0 

1942 212.6 195.2 162.2 

1943 269.6 200.0 183.8 

1944 350.6 195.2 197.3 

1945 308.1 187.1 210.8 































sented in these series is the total value of payments, it represents, 
therefore, increases in numbers of persons as well as in wage 
rates, salary levels, and other changes. 

Plotted in Chart 3 are indexes of the net incomes of proprietors 
for the first four industrial groups represented in Table 4. These 
groups are the same as the industrial sources presented for wages 
and salaries in Chart 2. It is important to recall, however, that 
the wages and salary data are gross values, before the deduction 
of social insurance, whereas the proprietor incomes are net 
figures. It would appear from these comparisons that the greatest 
relative increase in proprietor income in Maryland was obtained 
by enterprisers in agriculture, and that merchants experienced 
the next greatest rate of increase in volume. The spurt of income 
for proprietors from 1939 through 1941 was relatively greater 
than for gross wages, but beginning in 1942 the tremendous in- 
crease in employment for war production initiated a rise in the 
employee volume that would not be paralleled, of course, by the 
income of proprietors. The volume of manufacturing income 
began its decline after 1943. 

In addition to income payments presented in tabular and chart 
form, there is a category of "other income payments" which 
increased from $54,000,000 in 1940 to approximately $185,000,000 
in 1945. The largest single item of "other income payments" in 
1940 was for public assistance, aggregating $22,400,000. For 1945 
the leading income in miscellaneous brackets was approximately 
$64,000,000 for family allowances, $40,000,000 for allotments, $18,- 
000,000 mustering out payments, and $13,000,000 veterans' pen- 
sions and compensation. 

Income of proprietors in retail trade aggregated $72,600,000 
in 1945 as compared with wholesaler's income of $16,100,000. 

Prospectively, the utility of these payments estimates is great. 
Ultimately, when estimates of various deductions for taxes and 
other withholdings can be applied, approximations will be avail- 
able for the gauging of disposable income, or purchasing volume. 
Then, upon correction of this volume for the value of the dollar, 
we shall have a measure of Maryland purchasing power. 

Even now, the yearly aggregates probably are a rough approxi- 
mation of changes in disposable income. 



Port No. 9?, 

University of 

THE Propeller Club of the United 
States is an organization of national 
and international fame which has just 
recently allied itself with the University 
of Maryland. The original Club was 
founded in 1923 as the "Propeller Club of 
the Port of New York," and has since 
expanded all over the world. 

Today the Propeller Club of the United 
States consists of over 100 Ports of which 
better than sixty are within the continental 
limits of the United States, six in Europe, 
four in South America, four in the West 
Indies, and one in Hawaii. Twenty-nine 
Student or Junior Ports are located in uni- 
versities having in their curricula courses 
in Naval architecture, marine engineering, 
foreign and domestic commerce, trade and 
transportation, business administration and 
economics. The development of Student 
Ports has proven to be one of the impor- 
tant features of the Propeller Club move- 
quested information with the intention of 
having a Propeller Club added to the list 
of campus organizations. 

The chartering of Port No. 99 of the 
Propeller Club of the United States at the 
University of Maryland took place on De- 
cember 12, 1946. National officers visited 
the campus and were entertained at dinner 
at the Romany Inn after which they made 
the charter presentation. This "Port" is 
the twenty-ninth Student Port and was 
formed through the efforts of Dr. John H. 
Frederick, Professor of Transportation and 
Foreign Trade. 

Dr. Frederick serves as Faculty Adviser 
to the Club. Officers elected for the cur- 
rent school year include Clark E. Luther, 
President; Walter R. Longanecker, 1st 
Vice-President; Charles L. Vychopen, 2nd 
Vice-President; and Charles F. Heye, Sec- 

In addition to participating in regular 
university activities, the Club has been 
instrumental in bringing prominent speak- 
ers in the field of shipping and transpor- 
tation to the campus for the further edi- 
fication of the members. The high-light 
of this year's activity was the trip through 
the Baltimore harbor and port facilities 
sponsored by the Propeller Club of the 
Port of Baltimore. Both the Propeller Clubs 
located in Baltimore and Washington have 
been most helpful in getting Port No. 99 
off to a grand start through their co- 
operation in arranging for these speakers 
and this trip, and both have promised 
their assistance in the years to come to 
help make this Student Port one of the 
best in the organization. 

To further and encourage scholastic 
achievement and interest in the field of 
shipping and transportation, the National 
Office has authorized the Pi Sigma Phi 
scholastic award. Similarly, this award 
is to designate the holder as an outstand- 
ing student in the field of shipping and 
transportation as does the Phi Beta Kappa 
or the Phi Delta Phi award in their fields. 

Although a new club on the campus, 
Port No. 99 has already gained momentum 
and is well on its way toward becoming 
one of the best. Under the guidance of 
Dr. Frederick and with the assistance of 
our sister clubs and the backing of the 
National club, there is no other alternative. 


■ i • » * » • * • • • • • • • » 

»■-» Vjp »-■» r^ r^ »-«r ».■ w. 

&y fiameA J4. tKeia 

Faculty Sec' & Treas. 

•"• ♦> ♦> ♦> •> •> •"♦ ♦> Vf •> ♦> •*• •> 

THE Beta Gamma Sigma Fraternity is 
a national honorary for students of 
business administration. A chapter was 
established at Maryland University on Oc- 
tober 25, 1940 and is known as Alpha of 

The national organization is an out- 
growth of three local clubs. The Eco- 
nomics Club of the University of Cali- 
fornia, Delta Kappa Chi of the University 
of Illinois, and the Beta Gamma Sigma 
Fraternity of the University of Wisconsin, 
were organized as Beta Gamma Sigma Fra- 
ternity in Feb. 1913. Chapters may be 
established only in the 55 colleges of Busi- 
ness Administration which are members of 
the National Association of Collegiate 
Schools of Business. At this time there are 
48 active chapters. 

The purpose is to encourage and re- 
ward scholarship and accomplishments in 
the field of business studies among stu- 
dents and graduates of Collegiate Schools 
of Business, to promote the advancement 
and spread of education in the science of 
business, and to foster principles of hon- 
esty and integrity in business practice. 

In order to accomplish the aims and 
purposes of Beta Gamma Sigma member- 
ship is limited to students who have 
demonstrated superiority in those traits 
which a college education in business 
should develop. Only those juniors who 
stand in the upper 3% of their class and 
those seniors who stand in the upper 10% 
are eligible for admission. 

Since the chapter was established on this 
campus 32 members have been initiated. 


THE Board of Managers of the College 
Park Alumni Association held a meet- 
ing at the home of Harry E. Haslinger, 
College Park, Maryland, with Chairman 
Austin Diggs presiding. The Executive 
Secretary of the Alumni Association and 
the full membership of the Board with the 
exception of Talbot T. Speer was in 

The Board decided to continue its 
monthly meetings and established an 
agenda for the next several months. The 
topic for April will be the Alumni Con- 
stitution and a consideration of changes 
necessary to provide a sound basis for 
future operations. In May plans will be 
established for Homecoming and the neces- 
sary committees appointed. 

The Board unanimously decided that no 
attempt should be made to hold an alumni 
reunion this Spring, but that classes de- 
siring to get together on or about com- 
mencement time should make the necessary 
arrangements by communicating with the 
Executive Secretary, David L. Brigham. 

The principal topic of discussion con- 
cerned the establishment of a reasonably 
correct membership mailing list and the 
progress made to-date. The Executive 
Secretary reported that some eight thou- 
sand graduates of the College Park Schools 
had responded to the questionnaire sent 
out by the President of the University and 
that the card filing system when com- 
pleted would provide a breakdown by 
class, locality, school and employment. 
Addressograph plates are being made for 
the College Park Alumni and the Balti- 
more Schools and will result in a mailing 
list of more than twenty-two thousand 

The progress of the Executive Secretary 
is excellent, but whether we are able to 
obtain that reasonably correct mailing list 
which is so essential and necessary as a 
foundation for any alumni activity de- 
pends upon the cooperation of each alum- 
nus. The Board, therefore, urges that 
each alumnus make it his or her duty to 
see that the Executive Secretary has a 
correct mailing address, and further, that 
each alumnus constitute himself or herself 
a committee to see that each alumnus 
with whom contact is had be urged to 
supply a mailing address. Alumni His- 
tory Forms may be obtained by writing to 
the Executive Secretary, College Park, 

The Board adjourned its meeting with 
a conscious realization of the magnitude 
of the job which must be accomplished to 
establish a live and efficient Alumni Asso- 
ciation. Each member of the Board stands 
ready and willing to meet the challenge, 

and each alumnus is urged to do his or 
her part by promoting the Alumni Associa- 
tion at every opportunity. The first job 
is to supply a correct address to the Execu- 
tive Secretary. 

The Board renews its request for sug- 
gestions, as it establishes a program for 
the year. Suggestions should be sent to Dr. 
Charles E. White, University of Maryland, 
who is Secretary of the Board. 


"You will be surprised somewhat, per- 
haps, to get this letter," writes Preston L. 
Peach, class of 1903, on his way through 
the Mediterranean Sea, "but it will not 
take you long to put together the thread 
of facts and guess that Peach is on his 
way for the sixth time to go around the 
world. We are headed for the land of 
rubber and tin, but not in that business. 
We are going back to the business of 
Education and Evangelism among the peo- 
ples of Malaya under the Methodist 
Church. This will be our last term and 
it will be short, perhaps not more than 
two years. There was a time last year 
when we had given up hope of getting 
back again, but things have turned out 
much to our joy that we were able to 
renew once again those contacts that had 
been so strong and wholesome in that 
beautiful land. 

"At a little gathering at the Church 
which we have been attending down at 
Mitchellville, just before we left last 
month, one of our friends made this re- 
mark; "Our boys have, during these last 
four years, been over in the Far East 
making it possible for Mr. and Mrs. Peach 
to return to continue their work." There 
is a lot of truth in that; we feel it as we 
go back. Had they not gone, we could 
not return. Herewith we extend to them 
our heart-felt thanks. Not all have seen 
the wisdom of what we strive to do, but 
thousands have seen its worth. We there- 
fore believe that in the long measure of 
years it will be said that we all together 
have done a goodly work for these people 
of the Orient — we have saved them from 
despotic rule and have in turn lifted them 
to freedom and new life. Let this word 
through you go to any man or woman 
who has served in the forces of our 

"I will try to keep in touch with you 
and the U. if you will try to keep in 
touch with me. TELL ME IF any Alum- 
nus is anywhere near our place of sojourn 
— Kuala Lumpor — Singapore — Penang. 

"With greetings to all." 


Harry M. Elliott, of 1450 S. Charles 
Street, Baltimore, a sophomore in the Col- 
lege of Business and Public Administra- 
tion, University of Maryland, has been pre- 
sented the Maryland Epsilon Gamma 
chapter of Alpha Tau Omega Alumni 
award for scholarship. 

This medal is presented each year to 
the member who has made the highest 
average in the freshman and sophomore 
years. Harry's average for these two years 
was 3.5. In addition to the medal, the 
name of the recipient is engraved on a 
plaque, which is in memory of Judge 
John Shepherd, a founder of the local 
fraternity, which became an A.T.O. chap 
ter. Harry is treasurer of the chapter and 
a member of the Varsity track team. 


Washington Alumnae Chapter of Alpha 
Xi Delta, national women's organization, 
celebrated the sorority's fifty-fourth anni- 
versary with a banquet in Washington. 

Frank H. Myers, for eight years a mem- 
ber of the executive committee of the 
National Inter-fraternity Council, spoke on 
"The Fraternity and Its Place in Higher 

A candlelight service was held in com- 
memoration of the 10 founders of this 
Mrs. Hazel Tenney Tuemmler, University of Maryland fraternity, and the choral group of Uni- 
'2?, Member of the Board of Managers, Alumni . ', ,_ , or 

Association. Mrs. Tuemmler resides in College Park. Versity Ot Maryland s Chapter entertained. 



'atofloHd £ 

Betty Louise Heyser, Bethesda, Maryland, Home Economics, Delta Delta Delta, who won the Washington, D. C. contest as "My Favorite Brunette" and a 
trip to Hollywood. On the return trip Betty proved quite a heroine in train wreck. See article on opposite page. 

-AfARILYN BEISSIG, a junior from 
I VI Floral Park, Long Island who is in 
the College of Education, represented the 
University at the two-day apple festival in 
Winchester, Virginia on May 1 and 2 . . . 
JOHN H. NORTON, JR., of Greenwich, 
Connecticut is with the American Broad- 
casting Company where he is vice presi- 
dent in charge of stations . . . MARY 
Gamma '42, is in the Marshall Islands 
where her husband Blaine Libbey is sta- 
tioned with the Navy . . . MRS. J. LAW- 
RENCE SULLIVAN (formerly Louise-Ma- 
rie Umali) plans to join her husband in 
Alaska this summer. He is on duty with 
the Army . . . AUSTIN E. CISRIEL '40, 
is with the State Department of Education 
as a councilor for the veterans training 
program . . . JOSEPH M. ROCHIND, '39, 
is now back with the State Department of 
Health as a chemist following five years 
of Army service. The Rochinds (she the 
former Eva B. Brooks, '41) have a recent 
addition to the family — a girl . . . 

ELEANOR CROWE '45, has returned 
from the Pacific where she was on duty 
as a dietician and has joined the H. I. 
Williams Photographic Studio of New 
York as a home economist. The studio 
does the photography for nationally cir- 
culated home magazines. Miss Crowe is 
located in Rockland County, New York 
. . . GEORGE R. HEINE, KA '25, re- 
cently was recognized for outstanding work 
as manager of the St. Petersburg, Florida 
plant of the Southern Dairies system. 
Mr. Heine joined the corporation upon 
his graduation and has a broad back- 
ground in the dairy business . . . ROGER 
B. CORBETT, who has been on leave 
from the University for the past three 
years, returned recently as associate dean 
and associate director of extension in the 
Department of Agriculture . . . 

DR. DUDLEY PHILLIPS, a resident 
physician in the Harford Memorial Hos- 
pital for the past two years, has set up 
an office in Darlington, Maryland for pri- 
vate practice. Dr. Phillips was graduated 
from the University Medical School . . . 
Boxer RAY RICHARDS sent Coach 
Heinie Miller a lengthy letter from the 
China zone, telling of the fight picture in 
those parts and saying that he expects to 
be back here in July . . . BILL LAKE is 
stationed with the Army in Korea and 
sends regards to all via his dad, Charles C. 
Lake . . . From Georgia TED BISSELL, 
'20 sends notes of the following Ag men 
who are employed in that state: E. P. 
CARTER '36 recently left Oklahoma A&M 
to join the Georgia experimental station 
and is engaged in weed control research 
. . . W. K. BAILEY '33 also is at the sta- 
tion and is working on peanut cultiva- 
tion . . . J. H. PAINTER '22 works on 

tung tree development at Cairo, Georgia 
. . . J. B. EDMONDS '33 is teaching horti- 
culture at Berry College, Mt. Berry, Ga. 
He was with the experimental station 
during 1944-45 . . . 

left the Marine Corps with which he saw 
extensive duty in the Pacific, and now is 
in the advertising business in Washington 
. . . MRS. LOUIS F. TOMEY (Adele 
Dixon) now is living in Easton with hus- 
band and family (daughter Margaret 
Adele, born October 1, 1946) . . . BILL 
REA, former Liner court star, recently ran 
into Clifton Byrd, in Shannon, Ireland and 
the two traveled on to Geneva, Switzer- 
land together; Rea as a pilot for Trans- 
World Airlines and Byrd on a mission for 
the State Department . . . 


Betty Heyser, twenty-year old sponsor of 
the Clemson boxing team in the Southern 
Conference Boxing Tournament, has re- 
turned from a ten-day trip to California 
where she and other girls from all over 
the country were guests of the Paramount 

While en route home from Hollywood, 
Miss Heyser received wide acclaim as the 
heroine of the accident in which the train 
bearing her and other beauties jumped 
the rails. Miss Heyser, according to news- 
paper accounts, "carried hot drinks and 
food to the injured, tore up bed sheets 
for bandages, and seemingly was every- 
where at once." 

Miss Heyser won the trip to Hollywood 
as "My Favorite Brunette" of Washington 
and vicinity. She was selected on the stage 
of the Palace theater in a contest prompted 
by the Bob Hope picture of the same 

Upon entering the same picture which 
gave her the title "Miss Terrapin of 
1946," Miss Heyser was invited to appear 
for a personal judging on the stage with 
twelve other contestants. The selection 
was made on the basis of beauty, poise, 
and personality. 

A junior in the College of Home Eco- 
nomics, Miss Heyser is a member of Delta, 
Delta Delta, the Footlight Club, and is a 
cheerleader. She was Rossborough queen 
last semester. 


A blunt assertion that the United States 
should use its present world supremacy to 
set up an international organization pro- 
viding complete control over all kinds of 
war was made by Dr. W. M. Gewehr, head 
of the history department at the University 
of Maryland. 

His talk was the highlight of a meeting 
in the Woodside Methodist Church which 
brought together representatives of the 
Woman's Club of Kensington, the Woman's 
Community Club of Kensington, the Cur- 
rent Comment Club of Silver Spring, the 
Woman's Club of Silver Spring, the 
Woman's Club of Takoma Park and the 
Silver Spring Branch, American Associa- 
tion of University Women. 

Dr. Gewehr declared that the Acheson- 
Lilienthal recommendations on atomic en- 
ergy fall "far short" of the controls needed 


because they permit the use of the veto 
in fields other than atomic energy. 

"If other methods of war aren't con- 
trolled," he declared, "it would be hope- 
less to expect that controls over atomic 
energy would survive, once war broke out." 

An effective organization should have 
both law-making and law-enforcement 
powers, Dr. Gewehr added. 

The speaker, who addressed a meeting 
of the Woman's Club of Woodside, called 
for a complete revision of thinking on the 
whole subject of international organization. 

Warning that it will be just a question 
of time before other countries develop the 
atom bomb, he said the United States 
should not hesitate to use its present posi- 
tion to force the world to accept adequate 

In addition to atomic energy, such 
weapons as the rocket bomb developed 
the opportunity for an unscrupulous per- 
son or nation to conquer the world, he 
pointed out. 

Dr. Gewehr took leave of absence last 
year to go to Europe where he set up the 
history departments in the Army uni- 
versity program in England and France. 
He also served in the Army lecture bu- 
reau in Germany for three months. 


Eight new members and an honorary 
member were chosen for Pi Delta Epsilon, 
journalistic honorary at the University of 

Colonel Harvey L. Miller, Director of 
Publications, was admitted as the honorary 
member while AI Daneggar, Warren H. 
Kubler, Barney Balch, Jack Clark, Art 
Cosing, Terry Speaker, Phil Glazer, and 
Sheldon Akers, are the new initiates. 

The Managing Editor of "Maryland" 
magazine, Miller, has been Managing Edi- 
tor of the Our Navy, and founded and 
served as Managing Editor of the U. S. 
Coast Guard Magazine. For several years 
Miller was sports editor of the Washington 
Herald, and he has been a contributor to 
Esquire, Liberty, and other periodicals. 

The new active members of the honorary 
were chosen from two fields, students hold- 
ing the position of editor-in-chief of either 
the Terrapin, Diamondback or the Old 
Line Magazine, or outstanding service for 
a year or more. 


Fresh fruit flavor may be restored to 
canned orange juice or other canned 
citrus juices by pouring the juice back 
and forth from one tumbler to another 
just before serving. This adds air, which 
naturally was removed during the vacuum 
canning process. You will find the airless 
taste has disappeared. 

Nine out of ten high school children 
either do not bother with breakfast or 
fail to get a good one, and they are the 
growing, adolescent boys and girls who 
surely need "three squares" a day. These 
results of a survey of representative mid- 
western school children appeared in News 
Exchange, published by General Mills, for 
schools, educators, and health workers. 


Captain William H. Hume of Washington, D. C, 
who is now studying a course in engineering at 
the Army Air Forces Institute of Technology at 
Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, Headquarters of Air 
Materiel Command. 

The purpose of the institute is to provide prop- 
erly trained young officers in the fields of engineer- 
ing and logistics in a way to assure effective re- 
search, development, and procurement for the 
Army Air Forces. 

Captain Hume attended the University of Mary- 
land and is a graduate of the U. S. Military 
Academy at West Point. 

During the war he served in Europe as a P-47 
fighter pilot. 


Dr. Albert McLean Mattocks, Jr., former 
research chemist at the Southern Research 
Institute of Birmingham, Ala., has been 
appointed associate professor of pharma- 
ceutical chemistry at the School of Phar- 
macy, Western Reserve University. 

He will also be in charge of product 
control of the medicinals manufactured at 
the School of Pharmacy for the University 
Hospitals of Cleveland. 

Dr. Mattocks, born in Wilmington, N. 
C, received the degree of bachelor of 
science in pharmacy at the University of 
North Carolina, and the degree of doctor 
of philosophy in pharmaceutical chemistry 
from the University of Maryland. 

He served as an assistant in chemistry 
of medicinal products, organic chemistry 
and pharmaceutical analysis at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. He holds licensure 
as a registered pharmacist in the states of 
North Carolina and Maryland and has had 
experience in both states in retail phar- 

Dr. Mattocks has published four papers 
on synthetic amino acids as a result of 
work completed at the University of Mary- 
land; one publication on Burn Therapy 
from work sponsored by the Office of 
Scientific Research and Development; and 
three papers pending on synthetic pressor 
drugs and local anesthetics from his work 
at Southern Research Institute. 


George F. (Rosie) Pollock, prewar 
alumni secretary, has decided to remain 
in Tokyo to help educate Japanese youth. 

Mr. Pollock entered the Army in 1942 
and went overseas with the university's 
hospital unit. The former university ath- 
lete, after discharge from the Army, wrote 
Dr. Byrd for permission to remain in 
Tokyo with the United States Military 


Charles W. Held, Jr., a member of the 
Law School class of 1932, is now prac- 
ticing in Towson, Md. and has been de- 
voting his time to his family and his 

His family is: Mrs. Harriette Virginia 
Held; and children — Timothy, W., 11; 
Sarah G., 10; Herbert N. 9; H. Virginia, 
7; C. Daniel, 5; Jonathan D., 4; Stephen 
M., 3; James A. 2; and John T., three 


Marine Major Julius W. Ireland, of Bal- 
timore and a Maryland graduate of 1940, 
was named head of operations for Marine 
Air Group Twelve stationed at Marine 
Corps Air Station, El Toro, California. 

Ireland was president of Theta Chi and 
the Interfraternity Council and a member 
of the boxing team during his time at 
Maryland. He entered the Naval Service 
in December after his graduation and was 
commissioned as a pilot in September, 

Major Ireland wears the DFC and the 
Air Medal as well as his various theater 
ribbons. His previous position was as- 
sistant operations officer at the same sta- 


James A. Stevens, an alumnus of the University 
of Maryland Law School, is now a member of LIFE 
Magazine's Retail Representatives Program in the 
Baltimore and Hagerstown area. Facts concerning 
the program, which provides advertising training 
revealed for the first time in a 34-page booklet 
for a larqe group of young ex-servicemen, are 
being mailed to key business and personnel execu- 
tives throughout the country. 

Stevens, who worked as salesman for a hos- 
pitalization insurance plan in Baltimore while in 
college, entered the Coast Guard as an Apprentice 
Seaman in July 1941. He was discharged with rank 
of Lieutenant in October 1945, and holds a com- 
mission as Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve. Stevens 
is married and lives in Baltimore. 



Dr. H. H. Brechbill, Acting Dean of the College 
of Education, University of Maryland, is on a War 
Department assignment in the American Occupied 
Zone of Germany. He is in Germany as an edu- 
cation expert. During her husband's absence Mrs. 
Brechbill is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chester Hitz, 
in Orano, Maine. 


Julian C. Crane, '39, is now at the Uni- 
versity of California as Assistant Professor, 
Division of Pomology, at Davis, California. 

Professor Crane was awarded his B.S. 
in horticulture in 1939 at Maryland. Ph.D. 
in horticulture, 1942. In December 1942, 
he accepted a position with the Office of 
Foreign Agricultural Relations, United 
States Department of Agriculture and was 
detailed to Havana, Cuba. A year and a 
half was spent in Cuba conducting research 
investigations at the Cuban Agricultural 
Experiment Station and stimulating the 
production of fibrous materials for the 
manufacture of marine cordage and burlap. 
When the fiber emergency became less crit- 
ical, he was transferred to El Salvador, 
Central America to become head of the 
Department of Horticulture at the Centro 
Nacional de Agronomia, a cooperative ex- 
periment station operated jointly by the 
U. S. Department of Agriculture and the 
Government of El Salvador. Major empha- 
sis was devoted to research work on coffee 
in an effort to improve production methods 
and decrease costs. 

Recently he accepted a position as As- 
sistant Professor of Pomology and Assistant 
Pomologist in the Experiment Station at 
the University of California on the Davis 
campus. This work consists entirely of 
research on different problems associated 
with the production of figs. 


Great forests, chiefly conifers, make Wash- 
ington the leading lumber state of the 
Union. With the help of irrigation excel- 
lent fruit, vegetables and cereal crops are 
produced besides fine dairy products. Its 
principal minerals are coal, iron, copper, 
lead, gold, platinum and zinc. 


Guy A. Cardwell, Chairman of the Program in 
American Civilization and Head of the Department 
of English, University of Maryland, since March, 
1945. Dr. Cardwell has taught at the University of 
North Carolina, Wake Forest College, and Tulane 
University. He was Professor of English and Acting 
Head of the English Department at Tulane. His 
chief interests are in American intellectual history, 
American prose fiction, and the literature of the 
Southern states. He has published papers in Ameri- 
can Literature, Studies in Philology, The South At- 
lantic Quarterly and a number of other journals. 
He is the editor of a volume entitled The Uncol- 
lected Poems of Henry Timrod and will publish 
this summer a volume of readings in the American 


Dean S. S. Steinberg of the University of 
Maryland College of Engineering, was ap- 
pointed a member of the Education Ad- 
visory Group of President Truman's High- 
way Safety Conference held in Washington 
June 18 to 20. Dean Steinberg is Vice- 
Chairman of the Maryland Traffic Safety 
Commission and President of the Planning 
Division of the American Road Builders' 


(Concluded From Page 13) 

tropical and other materially backward 
areas and the development of local indus- 
tries, especially those processing farm prod- 
ucts, with resultant increase in the pur- 
chasing power of the people and in inter- 
national trade. 

This relation of people and their in- 
stitutions to utilization of resources is the 
field which the Department of Geography 
is studying as time and resources permit, 
with the hope that presentation of the 
myriad of facts in graphic and readily 
comprehensible form in the atlases will 
contribute to a better understanding of 
the situation in the various countries, to 
the preservation of peace, and to the prog- 
ress of civilization. The people of the 
United States are being forced into a 
worldwide responsibility for the mainte- 
nance of agricultural and mineral produc- 
tion, of manufactured goods and of tech- 
nical services, and for the unhampered 
distribution of commodities and services 
throughout the world. If this responsi- 
bility is to be met in an adequate way, 
the knowledge which the American people 
possess, particularly its leaders in the on- 


Russel B. Nye, recent Pulitzer Prize winner, has 
been appointed a visiting professor for the sum- 
mer session at the University of Maryland, it was 
announced by Guy A. Cardwell, Chairman of the 
Program in American Civilization at the University. 
Dr. Nye is one of several outstanding authorities 
to participate in the work in American Civilization 
which the University is emphasizing. 

Dr. Nye is now Head of the English Department 
and Director of the Division of Language and 
Literature at Michigan State College. He was 
awarded the Knopf Prize in Biography in 1942 and 
the Pulitzer Prize in 1944 for his volume "George 
Bancroft, Brahmin Rebel." In 1945 he received a 
Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in History. A 
forthcoming book on which he is now at work 
will be entitled, "Civil Liberties and the Abolition 

coming generation, must be greatly ex- 
tended and made more specific. These 
various atlases of the world's resources, in- 
cluding the human resources, are being 
prepared in the hope that they will make 
a worthwhile contribution to this impor- 
tant purpose. 

World potato production for the 1946-47 
crop year is tentatively estimated at 7,283,- 
000,000 bushels, the largest crop since 1942. 

House plants may be kept clean and 
attractive by an occasional washing with 
warm water and soap. This will discourage 
insect pests, too. 

Predictions are that the world output of 
fats and oils may not reach the prewar 
level for three years or more; so be saving 
on those fats and oils for some time. 

Matches and smoking caused 29.44 per 
cent of all fires in claims reported to the 
National Board of Fire Underwriters in 
the ten-year period, 1935-45. 

Aside from the freezing compartment, 
no place in your refrigerator needs to be 
colder than 40° F. or warmer than 50° F. 
It's a good plan to check it with a reliable 
therometer occasionally. 

Speech correctionists throughout the 
country are at present treating more than 
half a million children for a wide variety 
of speech disorders, and they conserva- 
tively estimate that at least as many more 
cases exist, but are not receiving treatment. 



The appointment of Dr. Raymond Hoekstra as a 
visiting professor in the University of Maryland 
Summer School was announced by Dr. Guy A. 
Cardwell, Chairman of the Program in American 

Dr. Hoekstra is now Associate Professor of 
Philosophy at Wayne University, Detroit, and is 
the author of a number of articles on aesthetics and 
systems of current thought. He has taught at sev- 
eral institutions in the Middle West, notably the 
University of Michigan, and for two years was a 
Fellow in the American Field Service in France. 

Some of his best known articles have appeared 
in the "Journal of Philosophy" and in "Philosophy 
and Phenomenological Research." 


The appointment of Dr. Frank L. Owsley, well- 
known historian, as a Visiting Professor at the 
Summer Session of the University of Maryland was 
announced by Dr. Guy A. Cardwell, Chairman of 
the Program in American Civilization at the Uni- 

Dr. Owsley is Professor of History at Vanderbilt 
University and the author of numerous books and 
articles on Southern history. He was a member of 
the group of Southern writers who registered their 
protest against the increasing industrialization of 
the South in the much-discussed volumes, "I'll Take 
My Stand" and "Who Owns America." 

Other well-known volumes by Dr. Owsley are 
"State's Rights in the Confederacy" and "King 
Cotton Diplomacy," a study of the foreign rela- 
tions of the Confederate States. He has been a 
contributor to many learned periodicals as well as 
to the "Dictionary of American Biography" and 
the "Dictionary of American History." 

"Old Qlory, " (Born fane 14, 1777 




Washington's cruisers flew this "Ap- 
peal to Heaven" flag. It was men- 
tioned in English newspapers. It 
was familiar on the seas. A coiled 
rattlesnake under the pine tree 
appeared on some of these flags. 

Armed ships out of New York as 
early as 1775 flew this flag, the 
beaver representing industry as well 
as the fur trade. The beaver was 
used on the seal of New Amsterdam 
and later on the seals of New York 
City and State. 

The maritime State of Rhode Island 
had its own flag. It saw action at 
Brandywine, Trenton and Yorktown. 
The white stars on a blue field later 
appear in our National Ensign. Rhode 
Island state flag today is similar. 

This Continental Flag was carried 
into action by Revolutionary troops. 
The banner was red with a white 
jack bearing a green pine tree. This 
flag is on display at Annapolis, 
Maryland. Most colonial military 
units carried their individual stand- 

JUNE 14, 1947 is the 170th Anniversary 
of the birth of the Stars and Stripes, the 
flag of our country. 

Maryland is the birthplace of our Na- 
tional Anthem, "The Star Spangled Ban- 
ner" as well as the native state of Francis 
Scott Key, author of the anthem eulogizing 
our flag. 

In giving a correct and accurate history 
of the birth of Old Glory it becomes the 
sad duty at the outset to cast a shadow 
of doubt upon the pretty story of Betsy 
Ross, usually acknowledged as the maker 
of the first American flag. In the early 
Revolutionary days there was a "Mrs. Ross" 
residing in Philadelphia, whose business 
was flag making. However, unsentimental 
historians do not authenticate the pictur- 
esque legend of the Betsy Ross flag, famed 
in song, story and painting. There is noth- 
ing to prove the Betsy Ross story. 

The Betsy Ross Story 

On the other hand, there is the story of 
the dramatic incident enacted in the up- 
holstery shop of Mrs. Betsy Ross in Phila- 
delphia. To her shop in the summer of 
1776, goes the story, there came a distin- 
guished group of patriots headed by 
George Washington. They bore with them 
a rough sketch for a flag, a banner behind 
which they hoped to unite the efforts of 
the thirteen colonies. This sketch resem- 
bled the Grand Union Flag and differed 
from the latter only in that the union of 
the crosses of St. Andrew and St. George 
had been replaced by a union of thirteen 
stars placed in a circle on a blue field. 
After some discussion as to whether or 
not the stars should be six-pointed or five- 
pointed, Mrs. Ross set herself to the im- 
mortal task of making our first "Star- 
Spangled Banner." 

It is unfortunate that the above incident 
surrounding the work of Betsy Ross occur- 
red at a time when the passions of rebel- 
lion and independence were foremost in 
the minds of the colonists. Thus the chron- 
icles of the day failed to record or sub- 
stantiate all the details surrounding the 
origin of the flag. 

It will also be necessary to throw cold 
water on the justly famous painting of 
"Washington Crossing the Delaware." The 

Rattlesnakes And Pine Trees 
Appeared On Early Flags. 
Of Interest To Mary- 
landers Is Flag Of 1812 
Which Inspired "The Star 
Spangled Banner" . . . 

aiif J4arvey J^. stiller 


"lf Any One Attempts To Haul Down The 
American Flag, Shoot Him On The Spot." 

The above Is the original order of Gen. John A. 
Dix, Secretary of the Treasury, to Mr. William H. 
Jones, his personal representative who had pro- 
ceeded to the Gulf Coast prior to the outbreak 
of the Civil War to save, if possible, the revenue 
(Coast Guard) cutters then stationed in those 
waters. The above quotation has become famous 
in American history. 


artist no doubt took advantage of "artists' 
license" in this painting, for at the time 
the great Colonial Commander-in-Chief 
crossed the Delaware River, the Stars and 
Stripes had not yet been originated. The 
painting shows the Stars and Stripes amid- 
ships in the boat carrying Washington 
through the ice floes of the Delaware. Then 
there is the great painting "The Spirit of 
'76," showing the Stars and Stripes, a flag 
which was originated on June 14, '77. 

During those early Revolutionary days 
the land forces fought entirely under the 
state and county flags of the localities 
whence the embattled patriots hailed. 
There were as many banners as there were 
fighting units and no national flag was 
flown on shore by any unit at the time 
the early fighting for liberty and indepen- 
dence was in progress. For instance, a 
negro outfit, known as "The Bucks of 
America," flew a yellowish-brown flag show- 
ing a buck deer under a pine tree. The 
Eutaw standard, under which Colonel Wil- 
liam Washington's cavalry fought, was 
nothing more than a red piece of damask, 
ripped from the back of Miss Jane Elliott's 
parlor chair and given to Colonel Washing- 
ton with the words, "Use this as your 
standard, Colonel!" 

The Flag At Sea 

It remained for the sea service to fly the 
first real national flag. In the fall of the 
year 1775 the colonists created a fleet of 
six ships known as "Washington's Cruisers." 
These brave little vessels sailed forth to 
capture British stores and ammunition 
bound for America's shores. The ships 
were the LYNCH, the FRANKLIN, the 
LEE, the HARRISON, the WARREN and 
the only one of this first American Fleet 
to meet success upon the high seas, cap- 
turing the British brig, NANCY, carrying 
arms, ammunition and provisions to the 
British Army in America. 

These "Washington's Cruisers" flew the 
first national flag. It was white, bearing a 
pale green pine tree with the motto "An 
Appeal to Heaven." Some of these flags 
also showed a rattlesnake under the pine 

On December 3, 1775, Commodore Esek 
Hopkins, the first and only Commander- 



This flag, which is at Annapolis, 
was carried at the Battle of Bunker 
Hill and is known as the "Bunker 
Hill Flag." The Cross of St. George 
is red on a white field. The pine 
tree is green. The large field is 
dark blue. 

This is the "Bennington Flag." The 
thirteen stripes show white at top 
and bottom. Thirteen stars make 
their appearance. This one was 
carried into action by Vermont's 
"Green Mountain Boys" on August 
14, 1777. 

Yellow, with a black rattlesnake and 
black letterinq. was this flaq flown 
by Commodore Ezek Hopkins in 
1775 and 1774. It was flown from 
Continental ships and was emblaz- 
oned on the drums of the first 
United States Marines during their 
1775 initial recruiting drive in Phila- 

in-Chief the Navy ever had, took command 
of the Continental Navy. The ceremony of 
assuming command marked the hoisting of 
the first truly American flag and the honor 
of unfurling this first national ensign be- 
longs to no less a personage than John 
Paul Jones, at that time a lieutenant in 
the Navy. Jones was attached to the AL- 
FRED. John Paul Jones wrote about this 
incident: "It was my fortune as the senior 
of the first lieutenants to myself hoist the 
flag of America (I chose to do it with 
my own hands) the first time it was dis- 

This flag bore the thirteen alternating 
red and white stripes we have in Old Glory 
■to this day, but the jack was the Union 
Jack of England. The jack which was 
flown at the same time by the ALFRED, 
was a flag of thirteen alternating red and 
■white stripes, and the words "Dont Tread 
On Me" beneath the snake. The rattle- 
snake was a favorite emblem along with 
the pine tree in those early colonial flags. 
Both the snake and the pine were purely 
American products, and while the pine 
tree reflected the glory of the green hills 
of our country the rattlesnake probably 
went farther toward showing the attitude 
of our rebellious ancestors of that time. 

Over Cambridge, Mass. 

One month after the first American flag 
was hoisted on the ALFRED by Lieutenant 
Jones it was flown over Cambridge, Mass., 
by the Army. The Army, however, never 
carried this flag into battle and it was 
never under fire on land. 

Again it remained for our early sailor- 
men to carry this first Old Glory into bat- 


Made by the hands of Maryland women this is 
the original Fort McHenry battle flag, one of its 
fifteen stars shot away. This ensign inspired the 
writing of "The Star Spangled FUnner." The flag 
is now on exhibition at the Smithsonian Institute, 
Washington, D. C. 

This flag was made by Mary Young Pickersgill 
and her 14 year old daughter, Caroline, on the malt 
house floor of Clagert's Brewery in Baltimore. 

tie and to signal victory. Commodore Man- 
ley, commanding the HANCOCK, captured 
two enemy transports under this first 

It also fell to the lot of the Navy to 
first fly the American flag over foreign ter- 
ritory, when Commodore Hopkins landed 

Thirteen alternate red and white 
stripes, crossed by a brown rattle- 
snake with the black letters "Don't 
Tread on Me" was flown by the 
South Carolina Navy as well as by 
the Minute Men of Culpepper, Va. 
It was flown as the jack on the bow 
of the flagship Alfred. Note that 
"Dont" in all these early flags goes 
without apostrophe. 

marines from the CABOT on the Bahama 
Islands and captured powder and stores 
sorely needed by General Washington. The 
ships PROVIDENCE and WASP covered 
this successful and daring expedition. 

Once again the Navy was honored by 
the first foreign salute to the American 
flag when the Dutch Governor of St. Eusta- 
tius, Dutch West Indies, returned the salute 
fired from the American ship ANDREW 
DORIA, much to the chagrin of nearby 
British officials. 

Now we come to the real birth of the 
Stars and Stripes, nearly one year after the 
signing of the Declaration of Independence. 
After our forefathers had pledged their 
honor, their lives, their fortunes to the 
Declaration of Independence nearly a year 
elapsed before the crossed jack of Britain 
was replaced by thirteen white stars, ar- 
ranged upon a blue field. June 14, 1777, 
was the birthdate of the Stars and Stripes. 

Navy First 

And once again the Navy was the first 
in authorizing this flag, for the Stars and 
Stripes were authorized by the Marine Com- 
mittee, in among other Naval matters, with 
the words, "Resolved, That the flag of the 
thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, 
alternate red and white; that the union 
be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, 
representing a new constellation." 

And as the pretty story of Betsy Ross, 
which, if true, should be narrated at this 
juncture, history shows that one Francis 
Hopkinson, after resigning as a delegate to 
the Continental Congress, in August of 
1778, wrote to Congress and stated that 



The "Grand Union Flag," "First En- 
sign" or "Cambridge Flag" imme- 
diately preceded the Stars and 
Stripes. This is the flag, referred 
to in the text, hoisted on the Flag- 
ship "Alfred" by John Paul Jones 
•and planted ashore by U. S. Marines 
in the Bahamas. 

The first "Stars and Stripes," as 
authorized by Congress, "That the 
flag of the thirteen United States be 
thirteen stripes, alternate red and 
white; that the union be thirteen 
stars, white in a blue field, repre- 
senting a new constellation." 

The "Fort McHenry Flag," fash- 
ioned by the hands of Maryland 
women. It inspired Maryland's Fran- 
cis Scott Key to write "The Star- 
Spangled Banner." This flag, 15 stars 
and 15 stripes, is the one O'Ban- 
non's Marines hoisted over Tripoli. 
It was carried by Andrew Jackson's 
troops at New Orleans. 


A great sea battle was won under 
this one. This is Perry's flag at the 
Battle of Lake Erie. White letters 
on a blue field, "Dont Give Up 
The Ship." No apostrophe in the 
"Dont." "We have met the enemy 
and they are ours" came from this 
battle flag, inspired by Lawrence's 
dying words on the decks of the 
U. S. S. Chesapeake. 

"I have with great readiness, on several 
occasions, exerted my small abilities in this 
way for public service, as I flatter myself, 
to the satisfaction of those I wish to please, 
viz: The Flag of the United States of 

Many historians contend that the great 
Paul Jones had a great deal to do with 
the designing of the Stars and Stripes, as 
history records this officer being lionized 
at various "flag bees" in seaport towns 
after his first successful cruises abroad. 

At Fort Schuyler 

The adoption of the Stars and Stripes 
created great enthusiasm among our early 
Continental troops. History records that 
when the news of the new flag reached 
Fort Schuyler, then under fire, a red 
petticoat belonging to one of the ladies 
of the fort, white ammunition shirts of 
the soldiers, and a blue cloak, belonging 
to one Captain Swarthout were brought 
into service in order to improvise the 
Stars and Stripes. There were records to 
prove that Captain Swarthout was properly 
reimbursed for his blue coat, but nothing 
to show that the owners of the white 
shirt or red petticoat were ever reimbursed. 

At Fort Schuyler the first Stars and 
Stripes received its baptism of fire on 
August 2, 1777, when Gen. Peter Ganse- 
voort's gallant little army successfully re- 
pulsed the attack of a combined force of 
St. Leger's British redcoats and Brandt's 

At sunset, September 4, 1777, the Stars 
and Stripes first flew under fire in a sea 
engagement, when the Yankee ship 
RALEIGH captured the British ship 
NANCY after an interesting fight. 

The first recognition of the American 
Flag by a foreign Government occurred in 
Quiberon Bay, France, February 14, 1778. 

Captain John Paul Jones received the 
honor in the ship RANGER, which was 
accompanied by the brig INDEPEN- 

Vice Admiral La Motte Picquet, Com- 
mander of the French Fleet, returned the 
RANGER'S salute of 13 guns with nine 
guns. Captain Jones was thereby the first 
person on a ship of war of the United 
States to receive a salute from France in 
recognition of American independence. 

This exchange of courtesies occurred be- 
fore the Franco-American alliance in the 
Revolutionary War became public knowl- 

Captain Jones had left Portsmouth 
Roads, New Hampshire, on November 1, 
1777, cheered by the news of Burgoyne's 
surrender, and came to anchor at Palm 
Boeuf on the Loire River after a passage 
of 32 days. On Friday, the 13th of Feb- 
ruary 1778, the RANGER in company 
with the INDEPENDENCE moved to 
Quiberon Bay. 

France Salutes 

Immediately upon arrival, Captain Jones 
began an exchange of correspondence with 
William Carmichael, Secretary to United 
States Commissioner Silas Deane in France, 
which led to the exchange of salutes the 
following day, February 14, 1778. 

Dr. Ezra Green, Navy surgeon aboard 
the RANGER, made the following entry 
in his Journal on February 14, 1778: 

"Very squally weather. Came to sail at 

4 o'clock P.M. Saluted the French Ad- 
miral and received nine guns in return. 
This is the first salute ever pay'd the 
American flag." 

Captain Jones' account of the ceremony 
to Commissioner Deane on February 26, 
1778, follows: 

"I imagine that you have already been 
informed of the mutual salute in this 
bay for the first time between the flag of 
liberty and that of France. Here are the 
details; those which you have received are 
not perhaps exact. 

"The vessel INDEPENDENCE accepted 
my convoy from Nantes here; I arrived 
on the 13th (February 13, 1778) and imme- 
diately despatched my long boat to find 
out whether the Admiral would return 
my salute. He sent reply that he would 
return it, as being that of the senior offi- 
cer of the American Continent, at present 
in Europe, with the same salute that he 
was authorized to give an admiral of Hol- 
land or any republic, that is, four guns 
less. I hesitated for I had asked shot for 
shot; so I cast anchor at the entrance of 
the bay, at a little distance from the 
French Fleet. 


JL OR more than eight score years I 
have been the banner of hope and 
freedom for generation after genera- 
tion of Americans. Born amid the first 
flames of America's fight for freedom, 
I am the symbol of a country that has 
grown from a little group of thirteen 
colonies to a united nation of forty- 
eight sovereign states. Planted firmly 
on the high pinnacle of American Faith 
my gently fluttering folds have proved 
an inspiration to untold millions. Men 
have followed me into battle with 
unwavering courage. They have looked 
upon me as a symbol of national 
unity. They have prayed that they 
and their fellow citizens might con- 
tinue to enjoy the life, liberty and 
pursuit of happiness, which have been 
granted to every American as the 
heritage of free men. So long as men 
love liberty more than life itself; so 
long as they treasure the priceless 
privileges bought with the blood of 
our forefathers; so long as the princi- 
ples of truth, justice and charity for 
all remain deeply rooted in human 
hearts, I shall continue to be the 
enduring banner of the U^iied States 
of America." 

"But seeing from some private informa- 
tion I received on the 14th that he had 
really spoken the truth, I accepted his 
offer the more readily as after all it was 
a recognition of our independence. The 
wind being contrary, and rather violent, 
it was only after sunset that the RANGER 
could approach near enough to salute La 
Motte Picquet with thirteen guns; he re- 
turned it with nine. However, I did not 
allow the INDEPENDENCE to salute him 
until the next morning, when I sent word 
to the Admiral that I wished to pass 

through his squadron, and to salute him 
again by daylight. He was singularly flat- 
tered by this and again returned by salute 
with nine guns. 

"The officers of this squadron are ex- 
tremely well-bred and polite. They all 
visited my vessel, the RANGER, and ex- 
pressed the greatest satisfaction with it, 
saying it is a perfect jewel. When we 
visited their vessels, they received us with 
every sign of pleasure and consideration, 
and saluted us with a feu de joie. . ." 

On May 1, 1795, the starred jack of 
our flag showed fifteen stars, and the cir- 
cular arrangement was eliminated. This 
was called "The Fort McHenry Flag." 

The flag, at this stage of its evolution, 
is of particular interest to Marylanders for 
it was this 15-starred and 15-striped En- 
sign which, flying over Fort McHenry, 
inspired Francis Scott Key to write the 
"Star Spangled Banner." The particular 
flag which Key saw, "through the mists of 
the deep" and "by the rocket's red glare" 
was the handiwork of two Maryland 
women, Mrs. Mary Pickersgill and her 
daughter, Caroline. 

Early Heraldry 

From May 1, 1795, the date of the Fort 
McHenry flag, the story of the flag is well 
known, one new star being added for 
each new state. 

The story of the origin of our National 
Flag parallels the story of the origin of 
our country. As our country received its 
birthright from the peoples of many lands 
who gathered on these shores to found a 
new nation, so did the pattern of stars and 
stripes rise from several origins back in 
the mists of antiquity to become em- 
blazoned on the standard of our infant 

The star is a symbol of the heavens and 
the divine goal to which man has aspired 
from time immemorial, and the stripe is 
symbolic of the rays of light emanating 
from the sun. Both themes have long 
been represented on the standards of na- 
tions, from the banners of the astral wor- 
shippers of ancient Egypt and Babylon to 
the 12-starred flag of the Spanish Con- 
quistadors under Cortez. Continuing in 
favor, they spread to the striped standards 
of Holland and the East India Company 
in the 18th century and to the present 
patterns «f stars and stripes on the flags 
of several nations of Europe, Asia, and 
the Americas. 

One origin advanced is that the Old 
Testament and the laws of Moses, when 
red, white and blue were the colors of 
the Jewish church and later taken over 
by the Christian churches. This is plausi- 
ble, since the preponderance of national 
ensigns are made from combinations of 
red, white and blue. 

Various Theories 

As to the origin in America of the 
color scheme and design of the Stars and 
Stripes there are various theories. Some 
claim the stars on the blue field were 
adopted from the Rhode Island State flag, 
while the white stripes were to show that 
the colonies broke away from the red 
field of the British king. Another theory 
is that the stars and stripes were taken 
from the house seal of Washington, which 
showed a few stars and stripes. 


SIDE BY SIDE, 1777-1947 

An historic flag worthy of mention is 
the blue flag flown by Commodore Perry, 
on Lake Erie, during the War of 1812. 
Perry was a great admirer of Lawrence, 
another Naval hero. Lawrence, dying on 
the deck of the CHESAPEAKE, gave to 
the Navy of the United States that im- 
perishable slogan, "Dont Give up the 
Ship!" Young Perry, still in his early 
twenties, went to Erie while the British 
Fleet lay in wait watching the gallant 
young American build his rough craft 
from the trees of the forest. His ships 
were finally ready and he named his flag- 
ship the "LAWRENCE." He set sail and 
met the enemy squadron and defeated 
them, sending his famous message, "We 
have met the enemy and they are ours, 
etc." Over Perry's ships flew the blue flag 
with Lawrence's words, "Dont give up 
the ship" in large white letters. 

Following the War of 1812, a great wave 
of nationalistic spirit spread throughout 
the country; the infant republic had suc- 
cessfully defied the might of an empire. 
As this spirit of nationalism spread, Old 
Glory began to take on the characteristics 
of a mighty symbol of sovereignty and the 
homage paid that banner is best expressed 
by what the gifted men of later genera- 
tions wrote concerning it. 

Henry Ward Beecher 

The brilliant Henry Ward Beecher said: 
"A thoughtful mind when it sees a na- 
tion's flag, sees not the flag, but the nation 
itself. And whatever may be its symbols, 
its insignia, he reads chiefly in the flag, 
the government, the principles, the truths, 
the history that belong to the nation that 
sets it forth. The American flag has been 
a symbol of Liberty and men rejoined in it. 

"The stars upon it were like the bright 
morning stars of God, and the stripes upon 
it were beams of morning light. As at 
early dawn the stars shine forth even 
while it grows light, and then as the sun 
advances that light breaks into banks and 
streaming lines of color, the glowing red 
and intense white striving together, and 
ribbing the horizon with bars effulgent, 
so, on the American flag, stars and beams 
of many-colored light shine out to- 
gether. . ." 

President Woodrow Wilson said: "This 
flag, which we honor and under which we 
serve, is the emblem of our unity, our 
power, our thought and purpose as a 
nation. It has no other character than 
that which we give it from generation to 
generation. The choices are ours. It 
floats in majestic silence above the hosts 

that execute those choices, whether in 
peace or in war. And yet, though silent, 
it speaks to us — speaks to us of the past, 
of the men and women who went before 
us, and of the records they wrote upon it. 

"We celebrate the day of its birth; and 
from its birth until now it has witnessed 
a great history, has floated on high the 
symbol of great events, or a great plan 
of life worked out by a great people. . . 

"Woe to the man or group of men, that 
seek to stand in our way in this day of 
high resolution, when every principle we 
hold dearest is to be vindicated and made 
secure for the salvation of the nation. We 
are ready to plead at the bar of history, 
and our flag shall wear a new luster. 
Once more we shall make good with our 
lives and fortunes the great faith to which 
we were born, and a new glory shall shine 
in the face of our people." 

President Calvin Coolidge wrote, "When 
the people of the colonies were defending 
their liberty against the might of kings, 
they chose their banner from the design 
set in the firmament through all eternity. 
The flags of great empires of that day are 
all gone, but the Stars and Stripes remain. 
It pictures the vision of a people whose 
eyes were turned to the rising dawn. It 
represents the hope of a father for his 
posterity. It was never flaunted for the 
glory of royalty, but to be born under it 
is to be a child of the King, and to estab- 
lish a home under it is to be a founder 
of a Royal house. Alone of all flags it 
expresses the sovereignty of the people 
which endures when all else passes away. 
Speaking with their voice it has the sancity 
of revelation. He who lives under it and 
is loyal to it is loyal to truth and justice 
everywhere. He who lives under it and 
is disloyal to it is a traitor to the human 
race everywhere. What could be saved if 
the flag of the American nation were to 

Thomas Jefferson 

Old Glory came into being born amid 
the strife of battle. It became the stand- 
ard around which a free people struggled 
to found a great nation. Its spirit is fer- 
vently expressed in the words of Thomas 

"I swear, before the altar of God, eternal 
hostility to every form of tyranny over 
the mind of man." 

Our flag is nothing more nor less than 
the nation it represents. When it passes 
you on parade reverently salute or bare 
your head. 

Old Glory is the proudest banner that 
was ever unfurled, the very beacon light 
of Christianity, liberty and democracy. Its 
field of blue is a patch from the very 
heavens above. Its stripes of white are 
emblematic of the purity and the justice 
of the causes for which that flag has al- 
ways stood and fought, and its bars of 
red are washed in the blood of patriotic 
Americans who gave their lives that the 
nation might live. Every American has 
the right to ask his neighbor, "Have you 
done your share, have you made your 
sacrifice for Old Glory?" 

Every time you see that banner un- 
furled thank your Creator that, as an 
American citizen, you enjoy the honor 
and privilege of living under The Stars 
and Stripes. 


j Bundles from Heaven 

MR. AND Mrs. Charles W. Woodward, 
Jr., have a son, Charles III, who is 
six months old now. They are living in 
Baltimore where Mr. Woodward is com- 
pleting his last year in law school. 

For Daddy Dave Brigham, General 
Alumni Secretary, its a baby girl, Juliann. 
The little lady reported on May 7th, 
weighing eight pounds, two ounces. The 
mother, Gladys Brigham, the father and 
the baby are doing fine at their Ashton, 
Md. home. The Brighams have a three 
year old son, Davis. 



Cit <T7 


Shapiro- Feldman 

MR. AND Mrs. David Feldman an- 
nounce the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Sylvia Feldman, to Dr. 
Albert Shapiro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 
Shapiro of Baltimore, Md. 

Miss Feldman received a B.A. degree in 
1944 from the College of Arts and Science. 
She was a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi 
sorority of the University of Maryland. 
Her fiance is a graduate of the University 
of Maryland Medical School. He was re- 
cently discharged from the Army of the 
United States, having served in the South 
Pacific theater for four years. 


Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. 
Rutherford Snell of Richmond of the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Miss Ruth 
Chester Snell, to Mr. William Blair Bach- 
schmid, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. 

Miss Snell was graduated from Thomas 
Jefferson High School and now is a senior 
at Mary Washington College of the Uni- 
versity of Virginia. Mr. Bachschmid was 
graduated from Woodward Preparatory 
School, served three and a half years in 
the Coast Guard and now is attending the 
University of Maryland in the College of 
Arts and Science. 


The engagement of Miss Joanne Bram- 
hall to Mr. Rupert L. Strickland is an- 
nounced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 
Charles H. Bramhall of Silver Spring. Mr. 
Strickland is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Madison C. Strickland of Great Mills, Md. 

Both Miss Bramhall and Mr. Strick- 
land are attending the University of Mary- 
land, Miss Bramhall in the College of 
Arts and Science, Mr. Strickland, in the 
College of Engineering. He served three 
years in the Army Air Force. 


The engagement of Miss Barbara Ann 
Doherty, daughter of Col. John H. Doherty 

and the late Mrs. Frances Z. Doherty, to 
Verne Moore McGrew, Jr., son of Verne M. 
McGrew, of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mrs. 
Hazel D. McGrew, of Washington, is an- 
nounced from West Point, N. Y., where 
Col. Doherty is stationed, as fiscal officer 
at the United States Military Academy. 

Miss Doherty attended Incarnate Wood 
College in San Antonio, Tex., prior to 
living in Washington. Mr. McGrew was 
graduated from Central High School and 
attended Maryland University in the Col- 
lege of Engineering before being graduated 
from the United States Merchant Marine 
Academy at Kings Point, L. I. He is 
connected with the marine division of the 
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. 


The administrative assistant to the Chief 
Justice of the United States, Paul Kelley, 
and Mrs. Kelley announce the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Rose Marie Kelley, 
to Daniel R. Silling, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Silling, also of Washington. 

Miss Kelley is a graduate of Sacred 
Heart Academy and is a former student of 
Rosemary College in River Forest, 111. She 
is now attending the University of Mary- 
land College of Arts and Science, where 
she is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi 

Mr. Silling was recently discharged from 
the service after 17 months in the Pacific 
theater as a member of the 511th Para- 
chute Infantry. He is now attending 
George Washington University. 


Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Horowitz of Wash- 
ington announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Helen Horowitz, to Norman 
W. Pisner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 
Pisner, also of this city. 

The bride-elect attended Maryland Uni- 
versity in the College of Arts and Science. 

Her fiance was a lieutenant in the 
armored corps and served overseas. He is 
attending George Washington University. 


The engagement of Miss Hillis Reid 
Morris to Dr. William Lynnewood Garlick 
was announced in Washington, D. C. 

She is a graduate of Miss Hall's School 
and also of Vassar College and is a mem- 
ber of the Washington Junior League. 
For the past year she has been doing 
publicity for the publishing house of 
Farrar, Straus in New York. 

Miss Morris' father is a former president 
of the American Bar Association and re- 
cently was elected Speaker of the House 
of Deputies of the International Bar As- 
sociation. She is the granddaughter of 
Mrs. Wilbur W. Hubbard of Widehall, 
Chestertown, Md., and the late Mr. Hub- 

Dr. Garlick is the son of Mrs. John 
Robert Garlick of Emporia, Va. He was 
graduated in 1933 from Emory University 
and in 1937 from George Washington Uni- 
versity School of Medicine. He interned 
at Church Home and Infirmary and was 
resident surgeon at Mercy Hospital in 

In 1942 Dr. Garlick entered the. Army 
Medical Corps as a lieutenant and was 
assigned to the 42nd General Hospital. 

Then for more than three years he was on 
duty in the southwest Pacific. 

At present Dr. Garlick is on the staffs at 
Mercy Hospital and Church Home and In- 
firmary in Baltimore and is an instructor 
in surgery at the University of Maryland 
Medical School. 


Mrs. Georgia Myerly Sykes, Cumberland, 
announced the engagement of her daugh- 
ter, Miss Julia Ann Myerly to Eugene 
Victor Hildebrand, Altoona, Pa. 

Miss Myerly attended Fort Hill High 
School and was graduated from St. Mary's 
Junior College, St. Mary's City. She also 
attended the University of Maryland and 
Lebanon Valley College. 

Mr. Hildebrand was graduated from 
Bellwood and Amis High School. He 
served with the Army and is now employed 
by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company 
in Altoona. 


Mr. and Mrs. Eli Appelbaum of Wash- 
ington, D. C. announced the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Zona Lee Appel- 
baum, to Mr. Joseph Fishkin, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. H. Fishkin of Perth Amboy, N. J. 

The bride-elect attended the University 
of Maryland and now is a senior of George 
Washington University. She is president of 
the National Council of Jewish Juniors. 


Mrs. Gonzalez, widow of Mr. Joseph 
Gonzalez, announces the engagement of 
their daughter, Miss Irene Isabel Gonzalez, 
to Mr. John S. Fugitt, son of Mr. Edward 
D. Fugitt of Washington, D. C. and Mrs. 
Rita S. Boyer of Seat Pleasant, Md. 

Miss Gonzalez is a secretary for the Dis- 
trict of Columbia Tuberculosis Association. 

Mr. Fugitt is attending the University of 
Maryland following his service in the Navy 
during the war. 


Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Jacobs have an- 
nounced the engagement of their daughter, 
Miss June MacBayne Jacobs, to Mr. Earle 
Willard Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius 
O. Brown of Hagerstown. The announce- 
ment was made at a tea given in the Alpha 
Xi Delta House in College Park. 

Miss Jacobs is a student at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, where Mr. Brown also 
has resumed his studies after serving nearly 
three years as a lieutenant in the Army Air 
Forces overseas. 


Mr. and Mrs. Leland H. Cheek of Cal- 
vert Hills, D. C, have announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Miss Lindalee 
Cheek, to Mr. William B. Binswanger, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest L. Binswanger. 

Miss Cheek attended the University of 
Maryland and Mr. Binswanger is attending 
American University since his release from 
the Navy. 


Mr. and Mrs. Bernard B. Lochte, of 
Baltimore, have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Rita T. 
Lochte, to Mr. Irvin O. Bauer, Jr., son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin O. Bauer. 


Miss Lochte was graduated from Notre 
Dame School and is attending Notre Dame 
College. Her fiance, a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, served for three years- 
in the Pacific in the Army Air Forces. 


The engagement of Miss Mary Agnes- 
Froehlinger, to Mr. Frank Xavier Weigel' 
has been announced by her parents, Mr, 
and Mrs. Richard A. Froehlinger, of St. 
Albans Way, Baltimore. Mr. Weigel is the 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Weigel, of 

Miss Froehlinger was graduated from 
Notre Dame School of Maryland and at- 
tended Bard Avon School. Mr. Weigel, 
who served three years in the Naval Re- 
serve, attended the University of Maryland 
and will be graduated in August from the 
Wharton School of the University of 


Mr. and Mrs. William Granville Free- 
man, Brentwood, Md., announce the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Miss Beverly 
Wilson Freeman, to Carl Titchener John- 
son, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Titch- 
ener Johnson, Mount Rainier, Md. 

The bride-elect is a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, where she is a mem- 
ber of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Mr. 
Johnson served in the Navy during the 
war, and saw action in the European 


Mr. and Mrs. J. Wm. Vonderheide of 
Baltimore have announced the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Emma Mildred 
Vonderheide, to Richard L. Rhoderick, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rhoderick, Jr., 
of Middletown. Miss Vonderheide is a< 
graduate of Hood College. Mr. Rhoderick, 
after serving with the Naval Reserve in 
the Pacific, has resumed his studies at the 
University of Maryland Engineering Col- 


Mr. and Mrs. George Francis Forbes, of 
Prince Georges county, have announced 
the engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Eleanor May Hall Forbes, to Mr. Rudolf 
A. Carrico, of Charles county, son of the 
late Doctor and Mrs. Louis Carrico. 

Miss Forbes is a graduate of St. Joseph's- 
Academy and attended the University of 
Maryland and Johns Hopkins University. 

Mr. Carrico is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and its law school and 
practices law in La Plata, Md. During the 
war he served as lieutenant in the Naval 
Reserve with duty in the European and 
Pacific theaters. 


Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Horner Long, of 
Baltimore have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Margaret 
Elizabeth Long, to Mr. Robert Staughton 
Doyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Irving 
Doyle, of Chevy Chase, Md. 

Miss Long was graduated from Girls' 
Latin School and Duke University, where 
she was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. 
Her fiance, also a Duke graduate, was a 

member of Phi Delta Theta. A former 
pilot in the Army Air Forces, he is en- 
gaged in graduate study at the University 
of Maryland, where he is a member of 
Alpha Chi Sigma chemical fraternity. 


The engagement of Miss Dale Valerie 
Sherman to Mr. Brooks W. Setzer, Jr., has 
been announced by Miss Sherman's parents. 
Mr. and Mrs. Val C. Sherman of Kenwood. 

Miss Sherman is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and has recently re- 
turned from a visit of two months in 

Mr. Setzer was graduated from Fish- 
burne Military School and attended Wake 
Forest College. He is a graduate of the 
United States Merchant Marine Acad- 
emy and served more than two years over- 
seas as a junior grade lieutenant in the 


Prof, and Mrs. Russell B. Allen of Col- 
lege Park, Md., announced the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Loraine Edith 
Allen, to Mr. Gerald T. Warwick, Jr., son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Warwick of Rogers Forge, 

Miss Allen is a junior in the College of 
Home Economics at the University of 
Maryland, and her fiance, who is a mem- 
ber of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, is a 
senior in the College of Agriculture at the 


Mrs. John R. Vincer of Mount Pleasant, 
Mich., announced the engagement of her 
■daughter, Miss Virginia Vincer of Wash- 
ington, to Mr. Stephen E. Lankford, son 
of Mrs. Beulah Lankford Wilhite, also of 
Washington, and the late Mr. Errett Lank- 

The bride-elect is a graduate of Central 
Michigan College and is a member of Pi 
Kappa Delta, national honorary Forensic 
Fraternity. She now is a speech correc- 
tionist with the district of Columbia So- 
ciety for Crippled Children. She is the 
■daughter of the late Mr. Vincer. 

Mr. Lankford attended the University 
of Maryland and now is employed by the 
Bureau of Internal Revenue. 


A wedding is planned by Miss Elizabeth 
Jean Donahue, whose parents, Mr. and 
Mrs. Edward J. Donahue, announce her 
•engagement to Mr. Cyril Smith Staub, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. William Staub of Silver 

The bride-elect is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland and for the past 
four years has taught in the Washington 
public schools. Mr. Staub has resumed 
his studies at Catholic University after 
having served as a captain in the Army 
Air Forces in Italy. 


Mr. and Mrs. T. Walter Bradford have 
announced the engagement of their daugh- 
ter, Miss Virginia Eileen Bradford, to Mr. 
Charles W. Burton of Baltimore. 

Miss Bradford is a junior at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, College of Arts and 
Sciences, where she is a member of Kappa 
Kappa Gamma sorority and pianist and 
accompanist for the Women's Chorus. Mr. 
Burton also has resumed his studies in 

Business and Public Administration at the 
university after serving with the Army Air 
Forces during the war. He is a member 
of Kappa Alpha fraternity. 


Mr. and Mrs. John Gregorek have an- 
nounced the engagement of their daughter, 
Miss Jane Josephine Gregorek, to Mr. 
Stanley Jan Kihn, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Stanley Kihn, of North Calvert street. 

Miss Gregorek attended Dickenson Junior 
College, Williamsport, Pa., and Cornell 
University, Mr. Kihn, who served as a 
captain in the Army, is a graduate of 
Charlotte Hall Military Academy and is a 
student at the University of Maryland Col- 
lege of Education where he is a member 
of Delta Sigma Phi. 


The engagement of Miss Betty Helen 
Johnson to Mr. George Archer Grier, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Grier of Forest 
Hill, has been announced by the pros- 
pective bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 
George Webster Johnson of Bel Air. 

She graduated from Bel Air High School, 
class of '44. 

Mr. Grier graduated from the University 
of Maryland and served during the war 
as a Captain in the Army. He is now 
attending the Johns Hopkins University. 


Mr. and Mrs. John N. Myers announce 
the engagement of their daughter, Marg;i 
ret Ann, to John W. Kezer, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Roland W. Kezer of New Hamp 
shire and Washington. 

The bride-to-be attended St. Patrick's 
Academy and is now on the office staff of 
Representative Eugene Worley of Texas. 

Mr. Kezer served with the Army in the 
European theater. He attended the Uni- 
versity of Maine College of Engineering 
and is now in his junior year at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 


Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Burdeshaw 
of Alexandria, Va., formerly of Dothan. 
Ala., announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Sybil Vyvian, to Joseph M. 
Marzolf, son of Mrs. Joseph M. Marzolf 
and the late Mr. Marzolf of Washington. 

Miss Burdeshaw is a graduate of the 
University of Alabama and was a member 
of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority. She is presi- 
dent of the alumnae chapter in Washing- 
ton. At present she is a metallurgist at 
the National Bureau of Standards. 

The prospective bridegroom was grad- 
uated from the University of Maryland 
in electrical engineering and was a member 
of ODK and Tau Beta Pi Fraternities. He 
served in the Army Air Forces for five 
years as a lieutenant colonel. He is now 
with the Naval Research Laboratory. 

Rotten berg -Margolies 

Mr. and Mrs. Hy P. Margolies announce 
the engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Vera Muller Margolies, to Mr. Jack B. 

The bride-elect is a recent graduate of 
the University of Maryland and a member 
of Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority. Mr. Rotten- 
berg is studying for his master's degree at 
George Washington University after four 
years' service as a lieutenant in the Pacific 



EVSIGN Daniel R. H. Mahoney, U.S.N, 
and Mrs. Mahoney were married re- 
cently in Key West, Florida. 

Mrs. Mahoney is the former Miss Beverly 
Anne Monroe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Earl R. Monroe of Washington, and the 
bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Daniel A. Mahoney of White Plains, N. Y. 

The bride attended George Washington 
University and Corcoran Art School. The 
bridegroom attended Maryland University 
in the College of Arts and Science and is a 
graduate of the Naval Academy at An- 


The marriage of Miss Martha Rebessa 
Speicher, daughter of Mrs. John Edward 
Speicher and the late Mr. Speicher, of 
Chestertown, to Harry F. Ogden, son of 
Mrs. William J. Ogden and the late Sena- 
tor Ogden, of Baltimore, took place re- 

Mrs. Ogden attended Bucknell University 
and was graduated from Washington Col- 
lege, Chestertown. Mr. Ogden, a graduate 
of the University of Maryland Law School, 
is a member of the Maryland and Gibson 
Island clubs. Miss Ogden is a niece of the 
late Dr. John M. Toulson of Baltimore. 


Miss Jean Abrams, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Leonard Abrams, of Washington be ; 
came the bride of Bertram Danker, son 
of Dr. and Mrs. Israel Danker of Balti- 

The bride attended Maryland Institute 
of Art and Johns Hopkins University. Mr. 
Danker served three years in the army. He 
attended the University of Maryland 
Dental School. 

Franke-St. John 

Of interest to many was the marriage of 
Miss Mary Ellen St. John, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Love St. John of Fort 
Washington, Md., and Johnson City, Tenn., 
to Mr. Charles Frederick Franke, son of 
Col. and Mrs. Frederick W. Franke of 
Chevy Chase. 

The bride attended East Tennessee State 
College and the University of Maryland. 
The bridegroom was graduated from Be- 
thesda-Chevy Chase High School and at- 
tended Mercersburg Academy, and now is 
attending the University of Pennsylvania, 
where he is a senior and a member of 
Delta Chi fraternity. 


Miss Betty Jean Swain, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Swain, became 
the bride of Lt. Paul Mills Ireland, jr., 
U. S. A. 

Lt. Ireland is the son of Dr. and Mrs. 
Paul Ireland of Denver and a grandson 

of Maj. Gen. Merritte W. Ireland, retired, 
former Surgeon General of the Army, and 
Mrs. Ireland. 

The groom was graduated from West 
Point with the class of 1946 and his bride 
attended the College of William and Mary 
and the University of Maryland. 


Ensign John Greiner Brozo, USN, and 
Mrs. Brozo who were married recently, are 
en route to Guam, where the bridegroom 
will be stationed. Before her marriage, the 
bride was Miss Christine Elisa DeBinder, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde V. De- 
Binder of Bethesda, Md. 

Ensign Brozo was graduated from Notre 
Dame University, and the bride attended 
Maryland and George Washington uni- 
versities. The bridegroom recently com- 
pleted training at the Demolition School 
at Indian Head, Md. 


Miss Anna Margaret Park, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. George Park of Washington, 
became the bride of Mr. William Brazier 
Francis III, son of Mr. and Mrs. William 
Brazier Francis, Jr., of Takoma Park. 

Mrs. Francis graduated from Calvin 
Coolidge High School and has a position 
at Johns Hopkins University Laboratory 
in Silver Spring. The bridegroom is a 
graduate of Montgomery-Blair High School 
and is attending the University of Mary- 
land. He served for two years in the Navy 
during the war. 


Miss June Virginia Foster, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Foster, became the 
bride of Mr. Robert Douglas Mohler, son 
of Mrs. Bertha T. Mohler, all of Bruns- 

The bride is a graduate of the Bruns- 
wick High School and the University of 
Maryland and a member of Sigma Kappa 
Sorority. She is on the faculty of the 
Brunswick High School. The groom is a 
graduate of the Brunswick High School 
and is district manager of the Massa- 
chusetts Protective Insurance Company and 
Paul Revere Insurance Company with 
offices in the Pythian Castle. 


In a quiet ceremony solemnized in 
Croom, Md., Mrs. Mary Anne Morris, 
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. Letcher 
Showell, Croom, became the bride of 
Francis A. Gray, Jr., son of Rev. and 
Mrs. Gray, Accokeek, Md. The father of 
the groom officiated. 

The bride, who was the widow of Lt. 
Henry L. Morris, Jr., Upper Marlboro, 
Md., received her education at St. Mary's 
Seminary, and Westhampton College, Rich- 
mond, Va. Mr. Gray is a graduate of 
Charlotte Hall Military Academy and the 
University of Maryland. He served over- 
seas with the United States Army from 
which he was released with the rank of 

Mr. and Mrs. Gray will reside in Bel 
Air, Md., where Mr. Gray is employed as 
Assistant Agricultural Agent of Harford 


Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shore, Washington, 
announce the marriage of their daughter, 
Miss Evelyn Shore, to Stanley J. Asrael, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Asrael. 

The bride was recently graduated from 
Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, and Mr. 
Asrael is an alumnus of the University of 


The marriage of Miss Ina Friedman, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Friedman, 
and Jack Kay, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. 
Kay, all of Washington, took place re- 

The bride attended George Washington 
University, and Mr. Kay is a graduate of 
the college of civil engineering at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 


The marriage of Sara Katherine Allen, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. 
Allen, of Bridgewater, to Joseph Hilleary 
White, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roger 
White, of Cincinnati, Ohio, took place 

The bride attended Virginia Intermont 
Junior College and was a member of the 
Kappa Delta Sorority at the University of 
Maryland. After graduating from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, where he was a mem- 
ber of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, the 
bridegroom entered the Naval Reserve, 
serving four years as mine disposal officer 
in the Aleutians and Pearl Harbor. 

McCreory- Mac Morris 

Miss Kathryn Elizabeth MacMorris, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daniel 
MacMorris, of Takoma Park, was married 
to Lt. Col. William Harold McCreary, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. William C. McCreary, of 
Pittsburgh, Pa., at Yale University, New 
Haven, Conn. 

The bride is a graduate of the University 
of Maryland and a member of Alpha Delta 
Pi sorority. The bridegroom is a graduate 
of Penn State and a member of Alpha 
Tau Omega fraternity. During the war 
the bridegroom was in command of a bat- 
talion in the Aleutian Islands. He is still 
on active duty with the corps of engineers, 
and is attending a specialized course at 
Yale University. 


In Washington, D. C. Miss Lenore 
Throckmorton, daughter of Mrs. Carolyn 
Merrick Throckmorton and Mr. William 
M. Throckmorton, became the bride of 
Mr. Richard La Mar Hoddinott, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Kenning Hoddinott 
of Baltimore. 

The bride attended Southern Seminary 
and Maryland University and is a member 
of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. The 
bridegroom attended the University of 
Maryland and is a member of Sigma Nu 
Fraternity. He was a captain in the 15th 
Air Force in Italy. 


In Washington, D. C. Miss Susan Sylvia 
Oeschger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emile 
W. Oeschger, and Mr. John Newman 
Libby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mellen N. 
Libby of Washington, were married. 

Mrs. Libby attended Strayer College of 
Accountancy and her husband is com- 
pleting his studies at the University of 
Maryland after having served overseas with 
the Army. 


Mr. and Mrs. John H. Doyno of Wood- 
cliff Lake, N. J., announce the recent mar- 
riage of their daughter, Miss Rose Veronica 
Doyno, to Mr. Frederick L. Bach, Jr., son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Bach of Washington, 
D. C. at Park Ridge, N. J. 

Mrs. Bach attended the College of New 
Rochelle and was graduated from the 
University of Maryland. Her husband also 
is a graduate of the University of Mary- 
land. During the war he served in the 
3d Army as a lieutenant and received the 
Distinguished Service Cross and the Purple 
Heart with an Oak Leaf Cluster. 


Miss Lillian Witt, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. James Witt, and Benjamin Schindell, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schindell, 
all of Washington, were married in that 
city recently. 

The bride attended University of Mary- 
land. Mr. Schindell attended Capital Radio 
Engineering Institute. 


Miss Patricia Gormley, daughter of Mrs. 
Michael Joseph Gormley and the late Mr. 
Gormley, and Thomas Francis Barrett, son 
of Maj. Thomas J. Barrett, were married 
in Washington. 

The bride attended Georgetown Visita- 
tion Convent and Manhattanville College 
of the Sacred Heart. The bridegroom at- 
tended St. John's College and the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. He served four years 
in the Navy. 


Weddings bells rang out recently for 
Miss Patricia Hammond Martin, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adolph Martin, of 
Westmoreland Hills, Md., and Lt. Ray- 
mond Edward Thayer, U.S.A., son of 
Comdr. and Mrs. Louis MacLane Thayer, 
of San Francisco. 

The bridegroom expects to leave for 
overseas duty in Japan. 

A member of Kappa Kappa Gamma 
sorority, the bride attended the University 
of Maryland College of Arts and Sciences 
and Vassar College. Lt. Thayer attended 
the Severan school and is a graduate of 
the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, 
class of 1946. He recently completed the 
artillery school at Fort Bliss, Tex. 


John C. Norris, B.&P.A. *32, and Mary 
Catherin Huglin, of Dexter, Iowa, were 
married at Carmel, California, last month. 

Mr. Norris, Sigma Nu, was a three letter- 
man in sports while at Maryland. At la- 
crosse he was for two years Ail-American. 
He was twice mentioned on all-Southern 
football teams and also played on Mary- 
land baseball teams. He is now with the 
Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

Mrs. Norris, a registered nurse, as well 
as a licensed plane pilot and Airline host- 
ess, is from Dexter, Iowa. She graduated 
from Drake University and also taught at 


Edward O. Fisher 

CAPTAIN Edward O. Fisher, a student 
at the University of Maryland was 
killed when the AT-6 he was flying crashed 
near Morris town, N. J. 

Captain Fisher was a regular Army offi- 
cer stationed at Andrews Field and was on 
detached service to attend the university. 
He was on a routine training flight when 
the accident occurred. 

Captain Fisher was a member of the 
ATO fraternity. 

Dr. Paul Prersly McCain 

"Once in a while a man is born with 
a rare gift. It is the gift of healing. When 
he is aware of it, he tells no one, for it is 
not in the nature of such a man to seek 
the plaudits of the crowd. Dr. Paul 
Prersly McCain had that gift." 

The above is an excerpt written in the 
Sanatorium Sun, published by the ex- 
tension department of the North Carolina 
Sanatorium, upon the death of Dr. McCain, 
a member of the 1911 graduating class of 
the Medical School. 

Dr. McCain was killed in an automobile 
accident near the Sanatorium in North 

He had been superintendent and medical 
director of the sanatorium since 1924, and 
the above tribute is symbolic of the place 
he held in the hearts of his follow workers 
and his patients. 

The Doctor is survived by his wife, Mrs. 
Sadie Lou McCain and four children. A 
fifth child, Paul, was lost in the service. 

Dr. George Hardesty 

Dr. George Nunn Hardesty, 70, Berry- 
ville, Va. dentist for more than 45 years 
and town treasurer for the past 14 years, 
died recently at his home there. He had 
been in ill health for the past six months. 

The deceased had spent nearly all his 
life in Clarke county and was a son of 
the late R. DeGroth Hardesty and Mollie 
Dix Hardesty, having been born July 5, 
1876, in Clarke. He was a graduate of the 
Maryland University Dental School and 
had enjoyed a large dentistry practice in 
Berryville during the past 45 years. His 
wife, the former Miss Florence Ogden, 
whom he married on December 30, 1902, 
passed away on February 19 of this year. 

Dr. Isador M. Lavine 

Dr. Isador M. Lavine, 42, Mount Rainier 
general practioner and former Washington 
lawyer, died of a heart attack at Mount 
Rainier, Md. 

Dr. Lavine, who was a native of Syra- 
cuse, N. Y., had been a general practioner 
in Mount Rainier for the last six years. 

He first came to Washington in 1922 to 
study law and received his master's degree 
at George Washington University law 
school in 1926. He practiced law here for 
10 years and then began his study of 

He attended the University of Maryland 
and George Washington Medical School, 
receiving his M.D. in 1941. He was a 
past president of the District Hebrew Bene- 
ficial Association, past secretary of the 
Prince Georges County Medical Society, a 
member of the Jacoby Society of Washing- 
ton, the District Bar Association and the 
B'nai B'rith. 

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bessie 
B. Lavine; three children, Marilyn, Law- 
rence N. and Stewart; three brothers, Dr. 
Leonard L. and Dr. Oscar Lavine, both 
of Mount Rainier, and Dr. Harold H. 
Lavine, Washington, and three sisters, Miss 
Anne M. and Miss Bessie R. Lavine, both 
of Mount Rainier, and Miss Estelle La- 
vine, who is attached to the United States 
consulate in Vienna, Austria. 

Calvin G. Church 

Calvin Grant Church, 68, formerly a 
chemist with the U. S. Department of 
Agriculture, died Feb. 27 in Los Angeles. 
He graduated frcfm Maryland Agricultural 
College in 1900, and later attended George 
Washington and Johns Hopkins Universi- 
ties. He started in 1900 as assistant chem- 
ist in the sugar laboratory of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture, and of the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture, and from 1903 to 
1914 was with the laboratory of fruits and 
vegetables. In 1914 he joined the research 
staff of the Bureau of Agricultural Chem- 
istry and Engineering, and retired in 1942. 
His work was largely on the maturity 
standards for fruit, dried fruit manufac- 
ture, and dehydration. He had been a 
member of ACS since 1904. 

Dr. Adam W. Reier 

Dr. Adam W. Reier, a prominent physi- 
cian well known for his civic interests and 
activities, passed away at his home in Dun- 
dalk. Thousands of the citizens of Dun- 
dalk had been brought into this world 
by his hands. 

Dr. Reier was born in Glen Arm, Balti- 
more county, on August 23, 1888. He was 
a graduate of the University of Maryland 
Medical School, class of 1916. For the next 
two years he served as a first lieutenant in 
the army medical corps with the AEF. 

He came to Dundalk in 1919, and prac- 
ticed until his failing health forced re- 
tirement about 3 years ago. Although he 
had to give up his medical practice, his 
untiring interest in the well being of 
Dundalk and its citizens continued. He 
was active in the Red Cross, the Y.M.C.A., 
the Rotarians, and his church. 

Catherine Perdue 

Miss Catherine Perdue died recently at 
Swedish National Sanatorium, in Denver, 
Colorado, where she had been a patient 
for several years. She was 41. 

Miss Perdue, a native of Salisbury, was 
the daughter of Mr. Glen Perdue and the 
late Mrs. Ella Wheatley Perdue. She was 
a graduate of the Wicomico High School, 
the State Normal School at Towson and 
the University of Maryland. She taught 
in the high schools of Baltimore, until 
forced to retire due to poor health. 

Dr. Leander Burgess Milbourne 

Dr. Leander Burgess Milbourne, of New 
York, died recently in Panama. 

A graduate of the University of Mary- 
land Medical School, class of 1898, Dr. 

Milbourne practiced medicine in Baltimore 
for the next 30 years. 

At the outbreak of World War II he 
was commissioned a lieutenant commander 
in the Naval Reserve, and was a specialist 
in the treatment of tropical diseases. He 
was stationed in Panama and in the Aleu- 
tian Islands during the war. 

He is survived by his wife, the former 
Wanda von Herringen, and a daughter, 
Mrs. Herbert M. Brune, Jr. 

Dr. John J. Kroger 

Dr. Krager of Baltimore died suddenly 
of a heart attack at his home. 

A member of several medical and church 
organizations, Dr. Krager came to the 
United States from Poland when he was 
6. He was graduated from Loyola High 
School, Loyola College, and the University 
of Maryland medical school. 

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Theo- 
philia Krager, and three children, John M., 
Martin J., and Joan Mae Krager. 

Robert Johnstone 

Robert Johnstone McCutcheon, MAC 
1915, died at his place of business at 
Braddock Heights, Maryland recently of 
coronary thrombosis. 

"Mac" as he was known to his many 
friends about the University, was manager 
of the lacrosse team while an undergrad- 
uate, and an expert marksman with the 
rifle team. 

In the past few years Mr. McCutcheon 
has been closely connected to the Uni- 
versity through his children. Bessie Mc- 
Cutcheon, now Mrs. Joseph M. Smith, will 
receive her masters degree in zoology in 
June; Helen, who teaches elementary- 
school at Brentwood, Maryland, is taking 
a graduate course; Robert is a sophomore 
in BPA; and Barbara is an underclassman 
in the College of Physical Education. 


By request we print this oldie which 
makes up in good advice what it lacks in 
merit as poetry: 

If with pleasure you are viewing 
Anything a fellow's doing, 
If you love him or you like him, tell him 

Don't withhold your approbation 
'Til some parson makes oration 
And he lies with snowy lilies on his brow. 
For then no matter how you shout it 
He won't know a word about it 
He won't know how many tear drops you 

have shed. 
If you think some praise is due him 
Now's the time to slip it to him. 
Boy, they never read their tombstone when 

they're dead. 

More than praise and more than money 

Is the comment, kind and sunny, 

The hearty, warm approval of a friend. 

It gives to life a savor. 

It makes you stronger, braver 

And provides some heart and spirit to the 

If he rates your praise, bestow it, 
NOW'S the time to let him know it. 
Let the words of true encouragement be 

Do not wait 'till life is over 
And he lies beneath the clover, 
Boy, he'll never read his tombstone when 

he's dead! 




University of Maryland entries in the 
NCAA tournament at Madison, Wis- 
consin were eliminated as follows: — 

Ed Rieder, Southern Conference 155 
pound champion, lost the decision to Don 
Dickinson, star of the Wisconsin team, a 
very fine competitor and a stiff puncher. 
Rieder tired in the last round. He scored 
a knockdown over Dickinson and the lat- 
ter also was on the floor again for no 
count. Rieder was unhurt and unmarked. 
Some of the officials and newspaper men 
thought he won. The decision of the 
three officials was unanimous. Dickinson 
won his way up to the finals, where he 
lost an extremely close split verdict to 
Carlson, a very good boxer from Idaho. 
The crowd registered prolonged disap- 
proval of the decision. 

Tom Maloney, with a very bad throat 
and a chest cold, lost to Bob Andersen, a 
terrific body puncher from San Joe State. 
He did little damage to Maloney, although 
Anderson won handily into the finals, 
where he was eliminated by Lutz, the 
champion from Wisconsin on a very close 
decision, after Lutz had sustained an in- 
jured nose. The bout was halted at the 
end of the second round. Maloney was in 
bed before the bout and immediately 
thereafter. He was unhurt and unmarked. 
The decision against Maloney was unani- 

Al Salkowski lost to Jerry Auclair, a 
hard hitter from Syracuse, who had 
knocked out most of his opponents. Sal- 
kowski suffered a cut eye, which required 
four stitches. It did not bleed badly and 
he finished the bout. He tired in the 
last round. The decision against Sal- 
kowski was unanimous. Auclair went on 
through to take the title, winning by 
knockouts and decisions. 

Ringsiders, who were familiar with 
Southern Conference competition, were of 
the opinion that Andy Quattrocchi would 
have won the 130 pound title for Mary- 
land and that Ken Malone would have en- 
countered little trouble in the 175 pound 
or unlimited divisions. 

Eliminated in the tournament were the 
following, who had boxed against Mary- 
land this year: — Chuck Spann, 175, and 
Ray Avant, 145, South Carolina; Basil and 
Jim Miragliotta, 130 and 135, Virginia; 
Bob Thoraasian, Stan Wheatley, and Bob 
Groover, Kings Point. 

Spann went on through to the finals, 
where he lost a very close split decision to 
Laune Erickson, three time champion from 

It is significant to note that Bob Hafer, 
Maryland, was not entered in the tourna- 
ment because it was felt his record would 
not stand inspection. During the season 
just closed Hafer lost two very close split 

decisions to Spann. Hafer's record was 
better than several others entered in the 

It was noted that the championship win- 
ners in the tournament in each instance 
were boys who were in splendid physical 
condition and who had the reserve to box 
the last round as fast as the first. Obvi- 
ously, the championship depends to a great 
degree on condition and The Roadwork 
That Makes For Condition. In this pre- 
mise it should be noted that the bouts lost 
by Maryland boys in dual or tournament 
competition all season were, generally, lost 
in the last round. 

The treatment accorded visiting teams 
at Madison was outstandingly gracious and 
hospitable. NCAA and Wisconsin officials 
did just about everything that could be 
done as splendid hosts. Contestants and 
coaches were re-imbursed for travel ex- 
penses, plus a per diem allowance. 

The Wisconsin field house seats 15,000. 
For Thursday afternoon it was about half 
full. For Thursday evening about three- 
quarters filled. Friday evening's semi-finals 
drew near capacity and the finals on Sat- 
urday packed the vast arena to capacity. 

Probably no city in the world is as 
enthusiastic about boxing as Madison and 
probably no audience is as "boxing-wise" 
as the Madison audience. 

The whole city and, apparently, much 
of the State is behind boxing. Dignified, 
middle-aged ladies in the audience con- 
versed intelligently on the practical appli- 
cation of boxing techniques. 

The Madison newspapers, during the en- 
tire tournament, carried six and eight 
columns of art, banner-lined feature stories 
and columns by leading writers. The Mil- 
waukee newspapers, in their state editions, 
also featured the tournament heavily. In 
Madison the boxing tournament received 
more publicity space than the World Series 
would receive in large Eastern cities. Each 
bout was even described on a round by 
round basis. 

During the four days of the tournament 
Wisconsin newspapers published the re- 
sults of no less than twelve inter-scholastic 
high school boxing meets. The Wisconsin 
public is evidently behind boxing and ap- 
preciates its value as a builder of young 

£ T€HF BU> 

An Indian puts it this way: 
"When they smoked the peace 
pipe at Yalta, nobody in- 

Chivalry: A man's inc'ina- 
tion to defend a woman 
against every man but himself. 

A pedestrian is a man who 
has two cars, a wife, and a 

These scholastic bouts are handled by 
State-approved coaches, referees, and doc- 
tors. The University of Wisconsin holds 
boxing clinics. The high school athletes 
carry insurance at a very reasonable rate 
for boxing and other sports. The rate is 
a little higher if football is included. 

Preceding the dual meet season the Uni- 
versity stages an intra-mural boxing tour- 
nament. These bouts also draw a great 
attendance. The best of the intra-mural 
teams, most of the talent for which comes 
from Wisconsin high schools, become mem- 
bers of the varsity team. 

Obviously, the job of coaching boxing 
at Wisconsin is helped a great deal by the 
job of scouting. The boxing program in 
Wisconsin may well be compared to base- 
ball's farm system. 

Some of the visiting coaches were critical 
of Wisconsin dominating the tournament. 
The Maryland contingent felt that, rather 
than criticize the set-up that afforded Wis- 
consin the talent with which to dominate 
the tournament, it should be emulated. 

It was felt that Wisconsin boxing en- 
thusiasts would find it hard to believe that 
Maryland, for instance, had won Confer- 
ence Championships after a season in 
which the total initial turnout for boxing 
was less than fifteen men. 

While Maryland boxing is not supported 
with a state-wide and District of Columbia 
high school program (there is no boxing 
at all in the District schools), it is felt 
that a large scale intra-mural tournament 
would bring out more varsity talent. Such 
a program needs more space for training 
and competition than has heretofore been 
available at College Park. 

Wisconsin was the only team with an 8 
man entry. Obviously that's smart. Teams 
with smaller entry lists included: Bradley 
Tech, California Aggies, John Carroll U., 
Kings Point, Idaho, Maryland, Miami, 
Michigan State, Minnesota, Penn State, 
San Jose State, South Carolina, Superior 
(Wis.) Teachers, Syracuse, Virginia, Wash- 
ington State. 

Maryland boxers, as well at others, found 
that the layoff between dual and confer- 
ence meet competition and the Nationals 
was no good for them. 

It would seem that the best thing for 
Maryland and similar schools would be to 
arrange schedules so that they terminate 
one week before the Conference meet and 
that the Conference meet take place two 
weeks before the Nationals Tournament, 
thus eliminating a let down on training. 

The dual meet season should be pre- 
ceded by an all-out intra-mural tourna- 
ment, from which varsity boxers are 
barred. The semi-finals and finals of such 
a tournament, it would seem, should be 
public exhibitions. 



Basketball Coach who comes to Maryland from 
Southern schools and U. S. Navy teams. 

For the Nationals, if the team appears 
to be qualified, a full team should be en- 

Maryland representatives at the tourna- 
ment invited home and home dual meet 
competition with Wisconsin, Syracuse, Min- 
nesota, and Michigan State. 

Colonel Jack Harmony, for four years 
boxing coach at Maryland, was elected to 
the Rules Committee of the National Col- 
legiate Athletic Association. 

The National Collegiate Coaches Asso- 
ciation held two lengthy meetings at Madi- 
son. Their recommendations were sent 
to the Rules Committee. 

Maryland recommended an additional 
class in boxing at 150 pounds. 

The Rules Committee will, it is under- 
stood, shortly announce that for next year 
the weights will be changed to conform 
to Olympic standards, as some teams may 
be pointing for Olympic competition. The 
coaches emphasized that in Olympic try- 
outs collegiate boxers would be up against 
the A. A. U. weight scales and three min- 
ute rounds with small gloves. 

It is understood that the weights for 
next year's dual meets will be arranged by 
mutual agreement between competing 
schools, as to whether they wish to go 
along with the old weights, plus an addi- 
tional weight at 140 or 150, or whether 
they wish to box at the Olympic weights. 

Comparison is as follows: — 

Collegiate weights, 125, 130, 135, 145, 
(140 or 150 added by mutual agreement), 
155, 165, 175, unlimited. Total 8 or 9 

Olympic weights, 112, 118, 126, 135, 147, 
160, 175, heavyweight. Total of 8 weights. 

The coaches association, by unanimous 
vote and no arguments advanced to the 
contrary, recommended the adoption, for 
use in competition, of a light weight, tight 
fitting helmet. The headgear is of light 
leather, tightly laced to the head. It pro- 
tects neither the nose, chin, nor jaw. It 
does protect, with sponge rubber, the eye 
brows, both ears, the back and top of the 

head. The coaches have always been 
against anything that would tend to "sis- 
sify" boxing. They were all agreed that this 
helmet would not slow down competition 
and would not detract from convincing 
punching, but would oiler protection 
where it is needed and will do boxing, as 
a spectator sport, a great deal of good. 

At a dinner for those at the tournament 
Athletic Director Harry Stuhldreher, of 
Wisconsin, spoke of the introduction of 
boxing in the Big Nine, predicting that 
such schools as Michigan, Indiana, and 
others would soon have boxing teams. 
Minnesota's new team competed in the 

Dwelling on that subject Mr. Stuhldre- 
her told the story of a dub golfer trying 
to smack the ball off of an ant hill. A 
swipe to the left tore up the ant hill and 


Backfield Coach on Maryland's Jim Tatum-Football 
setup. Elder, a Kentuckian, was a star at Murray 
State Teachers and later coached High School 
teams. He served in the Navy and then was 
Physical Education Director of Bartow County, Fla. 
His Kentucky High School teams were great. More 
recently Elder was scout for North Carolina State. 
Elder is married and the father of two children. 
He is 33. 

scattered the ants. A belt to the right did 
the same. Whereupon the Chief Ant an- 
nounced, "If you guys do not want to get 
the H — knocked out of you, you'd Bet- 
ter Get On The Ball!" 

Wisconsin knows that the way to get 
ahead in boxing is to get on the ball. The 
Badgers program shows the way. 


Flucie Stewart, the big wheel in sports 
at little Appalachian College of Boone, 
N. C, has been named basketball coach 
at the University of Maryland, succeeding 
Burt Shipley. 

Athletic Director Jim Tatum picked 
Stewart from a number of applicants. 
Tatum and Stewart are acquaintances of 
long standing and Stewart's record at 
Appalachian was a satisfactory recom- 

Stewart's basketball teams won the 
North State (Carolina) Conference crown 
in 1938-39, in 1939-40, and last season 

when it won 18 of 23 games. Two years 
ago the team was invited to the N. C. A. A. 
tournament at Kansas City. 

Stewart also coached football and his 
1946 eleven won six of its nine games. 

The new Terp mentor was graduated 
from Furman University in 1932 after 
participating in football, basketball and 
baseball. He remained at Furman for 
three years, handling the varsity basket 
ball and freshman baseball teams. In 1935 
he transferred to Appalachian, remaining 
until after the 1940 basketball season 
when he signed with Tampa University 
to handle all sports. 

The following March he was commis- 
sioned a junior lieutenant in the Navy 
and after taking part in the battles of 
Tarawa and Saipan, was returned to in- 
active duty with the rank of lieutenant 
commander. He served as assistant coach 
of football at Clemson during the fag end 
of the '45 season and returned to Appa- 
lachian in January, 1946. 



Maryland University's 1947 baseball 
team took the lid off the season by 
drubbing Drexel Institute of Philadelphia 
at College Park 11-3, on a belated winter 

Southpaw Bon Keene opened for the 
Liners on the mound and was credited 
with the victory, although only going 
three innings. Joe Fitzpatrick and Boots 
Panella each worked three frames in the 

The game was made erratic by the ex- 
treme cold and the Old Liners' first six 
runs were the result of four Drexel errors 
and only two hits. 


A smooth-working nine from Rutgers 
University handed Maryland its first dia- 
mond defeat of the season, blanking the 
Terps 4-0 in the Liners' second game of 
the year. 


Duke Wyre was trainer at Yale University for fifteen 

years and moved to Holy Cross just before the 

war as head trainer. He entered the Navy in 1942 

for a three-year tour of duty. 


Maryland was ineffectual at the plate, 
and Norman Morton and Dick Weber 
combined their hurling talents to let the 
Liners down with only two bingles. 

Meanwhile, the Scarlet pecked away at 
the offerings of Bill Zupnik, John Bozely, 
and Boots Panella for runs in the first, 
third, fourth, and fifth innings. Zupnik 
was the loser. 


Harvard University's Crimson put to- 
gether a pair of two-run innings and a 
three-run outburst in the seventh to hum- 
ble Maryland 7-2 before 500 hometown 
fans at College Park. 

It was Maryland's second straight set- 
back, and turned its season record to two 
thumpings against a single victory. 

Joe Fitzpatrick, making his second ap- 
pearance on the mound for the Liners, 
gave up four of the Harvard runs, two in 
the first and another pair in the fifth, and 
was charged with his first defeat of the 

Maryland's two runs came in the sixth 
inning, but with that exception, the home- 
towners again demonstrated their impo- 
tence with the wood. 


Digging themselves out from under a 
3-0 first inning Dartmouth avalanch, 
Maryland's Old Liners hung on and then 
came through with a big three-run sev- 
enth inning to whip the Indians, 7-4, and 
bring their season count to the .500 mark 
with two wins and a pair of losses. 

Bob Keene and Boots Panella held the 
Green to seven hits, although Keene was 
in trouble in the opening frame, and 
Panella blanked the visitors during his 

Maryland got two in the first, another 
deuce in the fifth, and then won the 
game in the seventh, when Stuffy Evans 
pounded in two runs with a double and 
then stole home to climax his best day 
at the plate. 

All told, Evans hammered in four tal- 
lies and scored one himself. He had a 
single and a double in two trips. 


Michigan's smart nine delivered the 
Maryland club its third defeat in five 
starts at College Park, thumping the 
Liners, 5-1 behind the two-hit chucking of 
Lynn Fancett and Al Wise. 

Corky Anacker and Wayne Reynolds 
managed the Terps' two singles, while 
Harry Hughes and Art Letcher were pep- 
pered about by the opposition. 

Hughes left the game with the count 
tied at 1-1 at the end of the fifth, and 
the Wolverines promptly pushed across the 
winning run off Letcher in the sixth. 
Michigan added three more in the eighth 
for good measure. 

Maryland got its run in the fourth. 

Baltimore Orioles 

In a light-hitting but high-scoring affair, 
the Orioles pushed the University of Mary- 
land baseball team around for a 15-0 deci- 
sion at the Baltimore Stadium. The Birds 
had six hits. 

George Cave hurled the entire seven 
innings for the Flock, giving up four hits 
and fanning five. 

Harry Hughes started on the hill for 
the Marylanders but was as wild as a 
tourist sitting on a cactus. He was unable 
to get past the first inning, during which 
time he walked four and hit a batsman. 
Crouthamel pitched the balance of the 


The University of Richmond baseball 
team won on a forfeit from the University 
of Maryland, 9-0, the game ending with 
startling suddenness in the tenth inning 
when Coach Burton Shipley, of Maryland, 
called his team off the field. 

The score was tied at 3-alI at the time, 
but when Shipley withdrew his Terrapins 
the officials awarded the game to Rich- 
mond and the result will go down in the 
record books as a 9-0 forfeit victory for 
the Spiders. 

With the count knotted, Dick Johnston, 
first Terp up, drew a walk from relief 
hurler Bill Finney. Nick Panella, Mary- 
land pitcher, stepped to the plate, but on 
the first pitch, Johnston was caught off 
base and was called out by Umpire Charlie 
Strain on a toss from Angelo Stein, Rich- 
mond catcher, to Louis Miller, on first. 

Johnston was irked at the decision and 
protested strenuously. These views were 
shared by several of his teammates and in 
the resultant clamor Johnston was ordered 
from the game. 

This vexed the Maryland coach and he 
took his club from the field. 


Two timely hits by Shortstop Al Naples 
in the last two innings enabled Georgetown 
University's Hoyas to come from behind 
and defeat the University of Maryland 
Terrapins, 7-6, at the Georgetown Medical 

Four unearned runs, stemming from six 
errors and a walk in the fifth inning gave 
the Terps a lead that they held until the 
ninth. They were on top, 5-1, going into 
the seventh. But the Hoyas came back 
with two in that frame. 

Trailing, 6-3, in the eighth, the Hoyas 
scored twice more on successive triples by 
Art Schult, Ray Corley and Naples. 

The Georgetowners won the game in 
the ninth, when with two outs and the 
bases loaded, Naples cracked a clean single 
to left, scoring Pete Baker, on by an 
error, and Elmer Raba, who had walked. 

Billy Carroll, who relieved starter Tom 
Flynn in the eighth inning, received credit 
for his third victory of the season. Nick 
Panella, who came in for Maryland in the 
seventh, was charged with the loss. 


Bill Finney, 18-year-old pitcher from 
Fredericksburg, Va., held Maryland to a 
single scratch hit as Richmond defeated 
the Old Liners' baseball team 6-0. 

Finney held Maryland hitless until the 
eighth inning when Monk Rennard, bat- 
ting for first baseman Bobby Keene, made 
first on a slow infield roller. 

The Old Liners sent in two pitchers 
who gave up seven hits to Richmond. 



Although Harvard displayed a more 
rugged defense than any previous la- 
crosse team from "the Squayah," Maryland 
took an easy 15-2 victory over the Crimson 
at College Park in the Old Liners' season 

Jiles Freeman, speedy six-footer, paced 
the Terp attack against Harvard with four 
points. He twisted and dodged through 
the Crimson's burly defense for three un- 
assisted goals and played a bang-up de- 
fensive game himself. Tom Hoffecker stood 
out at goal and Rookie Charley Herbert 
showed enough to mark him as a potential 

Harvard's attack was inept. At one 
time the New Englanders had the ball in 
Maryland territory with three Terps side- 
lined by penalties and still couldn't score. 


Maryland University avenged last year's 
lacrosse upset to Duke University by de- 
deating the Blue Devils 11-3, before 500 
spectators in Duke Stadium. 

The visitors, starting slowly, pulled away 
from a first-period deadlock and were 
never headed. 

Jiles Freeman, high scorer with four 
goals, put Maryland in front after a min- 
ute of play, and Duke's Jim Corrigan 
knotted the game at 1-1 four minutes 

In the second period, Maryland scored 
twice to take a 3-1 half-time lead and then 
poured in five goals in the third period to 
put the game on ice before Duke could 
score again. 


Navy's lacrosse team scored three goals 
in an overtime period to defeat Maryland 
in a hotly contested match, 10 to 9. 

The score was tied at 7 to 7 when the 
regulation game ended, but Middies Lee 
Chambers tallied twice and Jim Carrington 
once to clinch the decision before Otto 
Lundvall and Austin Barnhart, of Mary- 
land, could register in the extra period. 

The game was close all the way, with 
Maryland gaining the lead twice and the 
teams being deadlocked six times. 

Ray Grelecki, Maryland attack, kept his 
team in the game when he slammed one 
past Goalie Dick Seth with only 43 sec- 
onds to go and tied the score at 7-all. 

Only a minute before, Midfielder Dave 
Hunt had scored a long shot to give Navy 
a one-point edge after the teams had been 
tied since early in the fourth period. 

Both of Chambers's goals came during 
the fourth minute of the first half of the 
ten-minute overtime period. 

He lodged the first one past Goalie Tom 
Hoffecker on a pass from Charlie Coulter 
and the second on an assist by Stew 


Tuning up for their traditional scrap 
with Mount Washington, Maryland's Terps 
brushed past Loyola of Baltimore, 10-2, at 
College Park. 

Maryland scored three goals in each the 
first, third and fourth periods, and added 
another in the second. 

Otts Lundvall, lengthy midfield star, led 
the attack with three goals. 


Close Undefeated \j[ear 


Arthur Cook Tops One Of 
Greatest Teams Of All 
Time . . . 

<By, yUerritt JuoaJon 

LITTLE Arthur Cook, the mite with the 
squeeky voice and the story-book rifle, 
took himself up to Millville, New Jersey 
last month to put the crowning light on 
the most spectacular record in the history 
of collegiate rifle competition and the 
greatest winning streak in Maryland's color- 
ful sports history. 

Cook entered and won six shoulder-to- 
shoulder matches and in doing so shattered 
four world's records, which was something 
not exactly new to his colleagues in the 
business, the Maryland University Rifle 
team, victor over 105 different teams in 
its undefeated season. 

The Old Liners, coached by Colonel 
Harland C. Griswold, topped off their 
team performances by winning the Na- 
tional Intercollegiate Championship with 
a new record of 1408. 

A Great Marksman 

Throughout the year Cook has been 
the consistent leader in all competitions 
and it was ironical that he faltered in 
the Nationals and fired 186, runnerup to 
team mate Emanuel Biguglio, who took 
the individual title with a record 187. 

In the Millville competition Cook broke 
the record of 20 shots standing with a 
score of 196 out of a possible 200. In addi- 
tion he broke the record for 5 shots in 
each of four positions with 199 points 
scored out of a possible 200. These four 
positions included prone, sitting, kneeling 
and standing. The third record broken by 
the Terp rifleman was for a combination 
of ten shots prone, and ten shots standing 
where he blasted out 198 from a possible 
200. This included ten bulls eyes prone 
and 9 bulls standing. The extra standing 
shot was an eight-pointer. The final rec- 
ord he shattered was that of 20 shots prone 
where he fired the possible score of 200. 

Results from the NRA judges as to 
the selection of the current "Golden Bul- 
let" team have not as yet been announced, 
but it is certain that Cook will be a mem- 
ber. It is also very probable that he will 
be team captain, an honor a Maryland 
student has not held to date. 

Individual Honors 

During the slack period toward the end 
of the season, the team took time to fire 
for individual NRA honors. Those who 
have won the Distinguished Rifleman 
Award are Dave Weber and Jack Wessen. 
Additional awards were gained when Rob- 
ert Bissell, Thomas Taylor, Emanuel Brig- 
uglio, John Fawsell, Gail Feimster, Steven 
Lemler, Robert Doty, Dave Weber, and 
Jack Wessen won Expert Rifleman Awards. 

A new angle in the University of Mary- 
land shooting has been instigated in the 
past few months in the activating of a 


Maryland's crack rifle team, which won 18 shoulder-to-shoulder matches before climaxing an undefeated 
season by taking the national collegiate championship with a record-breaking score of 1,408. Walter 
Bowling (top, second from left) hung up a new record of 287 in capturing the individual title. Others 
(top, left to right) are Col. H. L. Griswold, coach; Joseph M. Decker and S/Sergt. Fay P. Morris, assistant 
coach. Bottom (left to right), Arthur E. Cook, Emanuel Briguglio and Jack Wasson. 

woman's rifle team. Special awards won 
in this class were taken by Sherran Mc- 
Bride and Ann Stone, who won the Sharp- 
shooter awards. 

Next season will see the Terps taking 
to the rifles, with their team still number 
one in the U. S. Although a few of the 
old reliables will be gone, including Joe 
Decker, the majority will return to the 
University of Maryland. To replace those 
graduating are many outstanding men fast 
becoming proficient in the art of handling 
a rifle. 


Forty-nine co-eds have voiced interest in 
the Maryland University's Girls' Rifle team 
being formed, by turning up for instruc- 
tion at the shooting range in the basement 
of the New Gym Armory. 

Evidence in the form of accurately per- 
forated targets shows the girls to be quick 
to learn and steady on the trigger. 

Matches will be scheduled with George 
Washington University's Women's team, 
some nearby high school teams which have 


been competing for a couple of years, and 
others when the girls are ready for extra- 
mural encounters. The basis for choosing 
the teams for matches will be the top ten 
scores for the week preceding the sched- 
uled match. 



Maryland's tennis team, displaying the 
evident loss of last year's stars and 
the lack of practice due to unconditioned 
courts, lost its opening match of the season 
to a well-balanced, clever Princeton team 
on the College Park courts. The score was 

George Washington 

Maryland won its second straight tennis 
match of the season, defeating neighboring 
George Washington, 6-3, on the College 
Park courts. 

Jim Render and Ed LaBerge led the 
Liner victory, each taking his singles match, 
and then teaming to capture the only 
doubles match won by the victors 

y[ear3 of Service 


Burt Shipley, outgoing Maryland court coach, poses for a group picture with his last Old Line squad, the 1 946-47 outfit which he steared into the Southern 
Conference Tournament. Bottom row, left to right — Vic Turyn, Bill Brown, John Shumate, Don Schuerholz, John Edwards, and Tommy Mont; second row — 
Shipley, Bob Keene, Ed Waller, Carl Steiner, August Eichorn, and John Hunton; Third row — Jack Heise (Manager), Bill Poling, Fred Davis, Vernon Siebert, 

Malvin Peck and Dick Mullins. 

THE little man in the dark brown suit 
has left his spot under the Coliseum 
score board for good. Burt Shipley re- 
signed as basketball coach at the close of 
the past season after 23 years at the helm 
of Maryland's court teams, thereby writing 
"30" on the longest and one of the most 
colorful coaching careers in the history of 
the school. 

His resignation from basketball does not 
mean by any means that Maryland has 
seen the last of the crowd-pleasing Shipley 
antics. He will remain in charge of the 
baseball team, which always has occupied 
a soft spot in his heart. In addition to 
his baseball chores, he will stay on as an 
instructor in the department of physical 

It is only fitting that Burt Shipley 
should remain with the University for 
Ship has been around these parts since 
he was four years old. His family moved 
to College Park at that time from Harmon, 
Maryland, and with the exception of a 
nine-year span when he coached at Perkio- 
men Prep in Pennsylvania, Marshall Col- 
lege, the University of Delaware, and 
served in World War I, Shipley has held 
forth in College Park ever since. 

16 Letters 

Ship's coaching career is directly pro- 
portional to the length of his undergrad- 
uate stay at College Park, both of which 
border on records. He entered the old 
M.A.C. in 1908 and was not graduated 
until 1914, a fact that is not to be taken 
as a reflection upon his ability to absorb 
education. At that time the institution 
had "preparatory" and "subfreshman" 
classes and Shipley entered the former 
which automatically gave him six years 
of athletic eligibility. During this time he 
reaped the record number of sixteen ath- 
letic letters, captaining the football, basket- 
ball, and baseball teams and making all- 

Veteran Coach, In College 
Park Since Boyhood, Con- 
tinues As Baseball Mentor 

(Ry, Sill yHcJDonala 

state quarterback in 1912 and all-state 
fullback in 1913. 

Burt Shipley today is a short, square 
man with thick gray-brown hair and an 
unabateable appetite for ice cream. He 
squints his lively eyes when he talks to 
you in his Maryland drawl, prefixing the 
parts of his conversation which he figures 
warrant repeating with "I say," an ex- 
pression that has swept the campus in 
the manner of the bubble gum fad of our 
school days. He is the favorite target of 


Turned Out Great Athletes. 

well-meaning hecklers, gathered largely 
from among men he has coached, and his 
followers seem to imply that he can per- 
form miracles. 

Ups and Downs 

Ship has taken the bumps with the rest 
of them in the coaching business, but if 
there were a time to be singled out in his 
life when he could be designated for that 
moment as the happiest person in the 
world it was January 21, 1932 when the 
Old Liners defeated the Naval Academy, 
26-15, at the dedication ceremonies of the 
Ritchie Coliseum. A capacity crowd of 
5,000 witnessed the dedication and the 
Navy's subsequent defeat by the Southern 
Conference championship five (Maryland 
won the conference crown in 1931 when 
it was composed of 23 schools). Governor 
Albert C. Ritchie, for whom the coliseum 
is named, attended the dedication along 
with notables from all over the state. 

Greatest national fame has come to the 
Maryland mentor through three great men 
whom he sent into the major baseball 
leagues, Cherley Keller, Bozie Berger, and 
Hack Wilson. Keller and Berger both 
were diamond stars at Maryland, and Ship- 
ley is said by many to be directly re- 
sponsible for the greatness of Wilson. In 
1923 Shipley managed the Martinsburg, 
West Virginia team to a pennant and it 
was there that he converted Wilson from 
a catcher to the hard hitting outfielder 
who ultimately became the National 
League's leading hitter while starring with 
the Chicago Cubs. 

The above merely are glimpses from 
the life of the outgoing cage coach. This 
is not meant by any means to write finis 
on the career of Burt Shipley, for he'll 
be around for a long, long time with the 
baseball team, and will remain always a 
colorful, profitable page in the history 
of Maryland University. 



Left to right, top: Coach Heinie Miller, Izzy Leites, Morty Steinbach, Manager Steiner, Hyman Raisin, 
Bob Lodge, Assistant Coach Tom Maglin. Left to right, bottom: Bob Bradley, Benny Alperstein, Georgie 
Dorr, Nate Askin, Frank Cronin, Newton Cox. Alperstein, Cronin and Cox, all lefthanders,, won Con- 
ference championships. 


The young lady or. the left who also poses left handed astride the Terrapin, was the boxing team's 
mascot from 1937 to 1940. And what a doll! The team called her "The Butterwinkle." She is kiss Ciay 
Keene Bernard, now II years old and a student at Holton-Arms School. She's all set this far in 

advance to enroll at Maryland. 

(fty. Charlie .McC/inniJ 

THESE Terrapins were Champions! Not 
only Southern Conference Champions 
but, after having won that title, they de- 
feated a theretofore unconquered West 
Point Army team that had just won the 
Eastern Intercollegiate Championship. That 
made the banging Terps all Eastern 
champs, so to speak. 

This team made the grade in spite of 
tough luck. The season opened with Duke 
at Durham, with Maryland on top 5 to 3. 
Then followed three draws 4 to 4, with 
Catholic University, Virginia at Charlottes- 
ville and North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 

Then the Terps took Rutgers, 6i/ 2 to li/. 

For the Southern Conference title at 
Columbia they nosed out a fine North 
Carolina team by one point. 


The Terps climaxed the season by whip- 
ping West Point 4i/£ to $i/ 2 . 

The 1939 Terps were short in the heavv- 
weight department. They had game Her- 
man Raisin who would fight on call but 
did not have the stuff that makes for vic- 

Outstanding on the Terps team were 
three great southpaws, Benny Alperstein. 
127, Frank Cronin, 155, and Newton Cox. 

Benny Alperstein won the 135 pound 
Southern Conference title. In 1937 he won 
the 135 pound National title and, in 1938. 
at his proper weight, he took the 127 pound 
National title. 

Frank Cronin had finished three years 
of competition as a great track star. He 
turned out for boxing in his fourth and 
only boxing year. He tackled great opposi- 
tion in such fellows as Jimmy Hughes, a 

knock 'em cold hitter from South Carolina, 
Joe Bunsa of CUA, and Truman Southall 
of Virginia. Frank never lost a round all 
season. In his only year as a ringman he 
accomplished the job of piling up an un- 
defeated record and winning the Confer- 
ence title. Cronin, a former Army major, 
is now at Maryland as a Physical Educa- 
tion instructor and assistant boxing coach. 

Another great puncher — but we mean 
he could hit — was Newton Cox. At first 
lackadaisical about the game fistic Cox 
wanted to be a first baseman. He was a 
good first baseman. He was also a good 
middleweight champion. Today Cox, now 
at Maryland as a major in the Military 
Department says, "I owe very much to box- 
ing. Nearly every successful move I have 
made since graduation can be traced in 
whole or in part to boxing. Next to my 
father the greatest man in my life was 
Heinie Miller, our boxing coach. He taught 
me just plenty and the lessons stuck." 

Today Newt is good enough to go into 
the training ring for three rugged rounds 
with Ken Malone or any of them. He can 
still fight and he can still punch. During 
the war he boxed many exhibitions with 
Billy Conn. 

Several times during the last 1946-'47 sea- 
son Cox, Cronin and Alperstein worked out 
with the 1947 Maryland team. 

In the Southern Conference Tournament 
at Columbia, five Maryland boxers, mostly 
due to butts, were out of the running early 
in the Tournament. Little Bob Bradley, 
127, who played the piano for the glee 
club, looked like a real championship possi- 
bility but he saw the tournament from 
the bench, his eye butted wide open. 

George Dorr, 118, who was good enough 
to have defeated Davey Bernstein, national 
champion from Catholic University, was 
also out of the tournament as was Nathan 
Askin, a tennis player turned boxer, who 
went in at 145, ten pounds over where he 

So the Tournament rolled along and, 
while other teams had seven and six men 
in the running, Maryland always bobbed 
up with the best three southpaws, Alper- 
stein, Cronin, Cox. The question was, 
"Where do you get those left handers? Do 
they crawl out of the woodwork at College 
Park?" Fact is Cronin is not a southpaw 
at all. He was simply turned around that 
way. It worked perfectly. 

So the thing got down to the semi-finals. 
Maryland had her three southpaws — Cox, 
Cronin, Alperstein. Some North Carolina 
guys fell by the wayside. The finals came 
along. Maryland had her three southpaws 
— Cronin, Cox, Alperstein. When the smoke 
of battle had cleared away Maryland had 
three southpaw conference champions, 
Alperstein, Cronin, Cox. Also Maryland 
had 15 points, no more, but that was 1 
more than North Carolina had. It was 
Maryland's second Conference Boxing title 
and undefeated season. 

Came then the post-season ruckus against 
West Point, undefeated Eastern Intercol- 
legiate Champions. Little Red Dorr lost 
at 118. Bob Bradley, at 125, was winning 
hands down when his eye was again butted 
open. Army 2, Terps 0. It didn't look 
good at all. Then southpaw Benny Alper- 
stein got a cadet out of there. Nate Askin, 
at 145, did the same. Frank Cronin took 

out another. Newton Cox banged out yet 
another. That made it 4 to 2. Bob Lodge 
lost at 175. That made it 4 to 3 with 
Army having a darned good heavy and 
Maryland having none. Morty Steinbach, 
175J4, went in and boxed the soldier a 
draw. That made it 4i/ 2 Maryland, 3i/ 2 
Army, concluding a great year in Maryland 
boxing annals. 

"M" DAY 

Athletic Director Jim Tatum has under- 
taken another project designed to inject 
football spirit among the alumni; that is, 
a spirit more concrete than that generated 
in pre-game pep rallies and promptly for- 
gotten after the game. 

April 26 was set aside as "M" Day. The 
old monogram winners who starred for the 
Terps in bygone days were invited to be 
the guests of the football squad. The fes- 
tivities got under way with a luncheon, 
followed by a meeting of all of the old- 
time athletes. The varsity gridders put on 
their usual Saturday inter-squad game. 
After the scrimmage the alumni got to- 
gether in the Coliseum, where they met 
the football squad. 

The alumni in every "big time" sports 
school play a vital role in the success of 
their alma mater. 

They can form an effective scouting sys- 
tem. It is impossible for Tatum's over- 
worked staff to cover the state seeking 
promising material. But if Maryland's for- 
mer athletes can get a line on the top- 
flight prep stars in their locality, convince 
them of the merits of this school, and rec- 
ommend them to the Terp grid mentor, 
Maryland would annually reap the benefits 
of a bountiful harvest of promising young 



OPENING of the golf season took place 
at VMI with Maryland posting a 
score of 6i/ 2 points against 2i/o by VMI. 

The match was played in a steady drizzle 
of rain and although the inclement weather 
was a handicap, the showing was very 
good. Reid Phippery turned in low score 
of the day with 77. Bert Smiley was 
second with 79. 


University of Virginia golfers defeated 
Maryland 8i/ 2 to i/ 2 at Charlottesville, the 
Old Liners picking up the fraction by 
halving the second foursome point. 

Tom Leonard, Virginia's No. 1 player, 
shot a 74 to defeat Jack Call, whose 79 
was low round for Maryland. Playing 
second position, Virginia's Pat Janssen also 
carded 74 to finish ahead of Lennie Leib- 


Colonel Heinie Miller, head boxing 
coach at Maryland, appeared on a national 
television program last month. The pro- 
gram originated at station WTTG (Du- 
mont Laboratories), Washington, D. C, 
consisted of a 15 minute interview by Ray 
Michaels, well known radio sports an- 
nouncer. The program consisted wholly of 
a discussion on boxing and training there- 


THEY laughed when he came in with 
shorts on. But when he sat down 
they split. 

"Yeh, he took up Spanish, French, Ital- 
ian, Hebrew, German, Greek and Russian. 
He ran an elevator in the Empire State 

They sat alone in the moonlight, 
She soothed his troubled brow, 

"Dearest, I know my life's been fast, 
But I'm on my last lap now." 

"If you're the game warden, Mister, 
please come over to the house for my little 
daughter's birthday party. I want you to 
teach her some suitable games." 

"Why the black crepe on the door — some- 
body dead?" 
"That's my roomate's towel." 

Doctor to coroner, "I want to change 
the death cerificate I gave you; put my 
name in the space marked 'Cause of 
Death.' " 

A miniature cocktail; One drink and in 
a miniature out. 

A colonel and a major were walking 
down the street. They met many soldiers 
and each time the colonel would salute, 
he'd mutter: "So are you." 

"Why do you always say that?" asked 
the major. 

"I was a private once and I know just 
what they're thinking." 

A fox is a fellow that finally gets what 
the wolf went after. 

Two campus vets were bragging about 
their respective outfits. "When we pre- 
sented arms," said the first one, "all you 
could hear was slap, slap, click." 

"With us, it was slap, slap, jingle," said 
the other. 

"Jingle? What was that?" 

"Our medals." 

"How did you get Junior to eat olives?" 
"It was easy. I started him in on Mar- 

As the girl firefly said to the boy firefly 
she had just jilted: "You glow your way, 
and I'll glow my way." 

These girls in the warm fur coats can 
sure hand out an icy stare. 

Salesgirl (showing lingerie): "This is 
the only place you can touch these for 
anywhere near the price." 

Difference between a fort and a fortress 
is that a fortress is more difficult to silence. 

"What's the idea of taking toast out of 
the dining hall?" 

"I wanted to make some charcoal 

Crook found in the check room. He got 
a long wrap. 



SINCE the last issue of "MARYLAND," 
the Alumni Publication, in which ap- 
peared a statement about alumni reorgan- 
ization, written by the President of the 
University, considerable progress can be 
reported. One meeting of the Board of 
Managers of the College Park alumni 
group has been held at College Park at 
which there was a general discussion of 
plans. At this meeting it was decided to 
call a joint meeting of representatives of 
the Baltimore Alumni associations and Col- 
lege Park. 

On Monday, May 12, there met at din- 
ner in Baltimore representatives of all 
alumni groups, and a three-hour discus- 
sion of plans for revivifying the alumni 
association ensued. The central theme of 
this discussion was the possible develop- 
ment of a central organization that would 
become effective in helping the University 
and in disseminating to the alumni groups 
more intimate knowledge of the policies of 
the University. It was observed by both 
the Chairman of the Board of Regents 
and the President of the University, who 
were present, that such a centralized 
alumni group would also, undoubtedly, be 
influential in shaping policies. 

Those present at the dinner and the dis- 
cussion afterward were: Dr. Marvin J. 
Andrews, President of the Pharmacy 
School Alumni Association, and Dr. Mat- 
thias Palmer; Dr. Austin E. Wood, Presi- 
dent of the Medical School Alumni Asso- 
ciation; Dr. C. Adam Bock, President of 
the Dental School Alumni Association, and 
Dr. Arthur I. Bell, another officer of the 
Association; Judge Eli Frank, of the Law 
School Alumni; Miss Katherine Williams 
and Miss Lenora Miller of the School of 
Nursing Alumni Association. Representing 
the College Park schools were: Austin C. 
Diggs, Chairman Alumni Board of Man- 
agers; Harry E. Hasslinger. Talbott T. 
Speer, Hazel T. Tuemmler, Charles Koons, 
Agnes G. Turner, Charles White, J. H. 
Remsberg. and David Brigham, Executive 
Secretary of the Alumni Association. In 
addition to the above, Judge William P. 
Cole. Chairman of the Board of Regents, 
and President H. C. Byrd were present. 

should organize separate alumni groups, 
on a somewhat similar basis to the pres- 
ent Baltimore groups, so that not only 
would matters of University interest be 
developed, but professional contacts also 
be stressed. 

3. The President of the University 
was requested by the Medical, Pharmacy, 
and Dental Schools to write letters to 
the President of each of their associa- 
tions and request that each association 
elect three members to the general coun- 
cil, the first meeting of the proposed 
general council to be held on the morn- 
ing of the Homecoming Football Game 
at College Park next fall. 

4. It was developed that the Law 
School Alumni Association has, so far as 
being an active, virile organization is 
concerned, virtually ceased to function. 
It was requested that Judge Frank talk 
with Judge Niles and Dean Howell, with 
a view to working out a plan for the 
reorganization of the Law alumni. 

">. The College Park Board of Man- 
agers set a date for a meeting on May 
22, at which ways and means of organ- 
izing the various alumni groups to repre- 
sent the colleges at College Park would 
be discussed, planned, and put into 
effect. Announcement of the results of 
this meeting will appear in a later issue 
of the Alumni Magazine. 

In addition to the above definite actions, 
many suggestions came out of the meet- 
ing in Baltimore. Problems were presented 
and discussed and suggestions offered for 
solutions. It is likely that some of these 
will be mentioned in the next issue of 
"MARYLAND" following the meeting of 
the College Park Board of Managers, but 
it is also certain that some of the pro- 
cedures suggested could not well be put 
into effect until after the various College 
Park groups and the Law group have been 
organized and their representatives to the 
Alumni Council elected, and until after the 

Alumni Council itself actively begins to 

The need for a centralized Alumni Or- 
ganization was stressed by every repre- 
sentative present at the meeting in Balti- 
more — in fact, all were enthusiastic that at 
long last a definite and aggressive plan is 
being made to coalese all alumni interests 
into a living organism that should be of 
great value to the University and the 
alumni themselves. 

It developed at the meeting that, acting 
on the recommendation of Judge Cole and 
President Byrd, the Board of Regents has 
made available $30,000 to pay a Secretary, 
to pay clerical help, to get out informa- 
tional material, and to pay for a certain 
number of issues of the alumni magazine, 
in order to provide the organization and 
incentives necessary to develop alumni 

Dave Brigham, of the Class of 1938, has 
inspired everybody with confidence in his 
ability to carry on successfully the work as 
Secretary of the Association. He just has a 
way of getting along with people, and 
is highly intelligent. He understands or- 
ganization, too, because he was Head of 
the Public Relations Work for the Fed- 
eral Government in the State of Missouri 
before coming back home to the University 
of Maryland. He is the son of the late 
"Rube" Brigham, also an alumnus of the 
University, who, before his recent death, 
was Associate Director of Extension for the 
U. S. Department of Agriculture. 

The above constitutes the facts that are 
available immediately, but in these pages 
each month will appear a statement about 
the progress that is being made. 

NOTE: A mistake was made in the last 
issue in stating that the $3.00 allocated 
from any gift to a subscription to the 
magazine would be deductible in income 
taxes. This amount would not be de- 
ductible, but the balance of any gift 
to the University would be. 

Out o£ the discussion arose several gen- 
eral conclusions, as follows: 


1. fh at ar i overall alumni council 
should be created, to be made up of 
perhaps three members of each of the 
different associations. This Alumni 
Council .then would become the alumni 
governing body, to represent the whole 
University, both as to shaping the pol- 
icies of the University and as to the 
translation of those policies to the vari- 
ous alumni groups. 

2. That the College Park schools 











Copyright 19-i 7 , Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. 

Volume XVIII 
Vnmber Eight 

July 1947 

Cents the Copy 




W ork is underway in developing, centralizing, and vitalizing the 
organization of alumni so that alumni strength and influence will be 
commensurate with the number of alumni. In this development 
"Maryland" plays a vital part. Your help is needed. 





P/eaie jSe Swie % (lead 9t / 

"MARYLAND '," the publication of the alumni of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, is keeping pace, in size and appearance, with the 
rapid growth of the University as a whole. The inside back cover 
tells you more about it. 


JULY, 1947 



- Ml HSI I I I I l< ATION«* 

I >l\ LI SI f> - MAINLAND 

Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and, entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class 
mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor; Anne S. Dougherty, Circulation Manager. Board of Man- 
agers Alumni Association: Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21; Vice-Chairman, Harry E. Hasslinger. '33; Dr. Charles E. White, Secretary, Board of 
Managers- Talbot T. Speer, '18; J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Hazel Tenney Tuemmler, '29; Charles V. Koons, '29; Agnes Gingell Turner, 33; Dr. 
Charles E. White, '23; James E. Andrews, '31; David L. Brigham, '38; General Alumni Secretary, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. 


$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 

Twenty -five Cents the Copy 



Front row: Rachel J. Benton; Gladys A. Wiggin; Dean Harold Benjamin; Edna B. McNaughton; and Marie D. Bryan. Back row- 
Arthur S. Patrick; B. Harlan Randall; Denzel D. Smith; Alvin W. Schindler; Clarence A. Newell; Louis R. Burnett; and R. Lee Hornbake. 

^■H.IE College of Education is main- 
WL tained by the State of Maryland 
to help the schools provide the best 
educational opportunities possible for 
Maryland boys and girls. Through edu- 
cation the state seeks to assure equality 
of opportunity and the effective use of 
the privileges and responsibilities of 

The College of Education serves the 
schools through preparing teachers, 
conducting research, and providing 

The State Department of Education 
and state teachers colleges have re- 
sponsibilities closely related to those 
of the College of Education. Many 
other agencies — both public and pri- 
vate — have responsibilities affecting the 
schools. The College of Education co- 
operates with all such agencies in 
furthering the best interests of the 
unsurpassed Resources. 

Educational resources unsurpassed 
anywhere in the world are utilized in 
the college program. These include not 
only the resources of the University of 
Maryland, but those of the entire Balti- 
more and Washington areas. 

The College of Education is an in- 
tegral part of the university. Students 
in education secure their professional 
courses in the College of Education, but 
secure other courses in the other col- 
leges. Students thus work under men 
of exceptional ability in many differ- 
ent fields, and mingle with other stu- 
dents specializing in a wide variety of 

In Washington, D. C, abundant 

Educational Re- 
sources Available 
in Washington, 
D. C, are of Great 
Value to Univer- 
sity's College of 

educational resources are available 
near the University. National head- 
quarters are maintained in Washing- 
ton by many educational organizations, 
including the National Education As- 
sociation with its many departments, 
and the American Council on Educa- 
tion. Located here also is the U. S. 
Office of Education, with specialists 
and extensive facilities in a wide va- 
riety of fields. The Library of Con- 
gress, considered by . many to be the 
greatest library in the world, is only 
eight miles from the university campus. 
Six other prominent universities are 
located in Washington. Diplomats and 
statesmen come as the whole world 
looks to Washington for leadership, 
and their coming brings organizations 
with extensive education facilities. 

Educational Program 

The program of the college includes 
an undergraduate program leading to a 
bachelor's degree, and a graduate pro- 
gram leading to a master's or doctor's 
degree. The undergraduate program 
emphasizes the education of teachers. 
The graduate program includes the 
continued education of teachers, and in 
addition provides for the development 

of specialists in comparative education, 
educational administration, and guid- 

Bachelor of Science 

Many students in the College of Edu- 
cation, especially during the summer 
session, are graduates of two-or-three- 
year curriculums in teachers colleges. 
These students, chiefly elementary 
teachers, pursue courses in the Univer- 
sity of Maryland to complete four years 
of undergraduate study. At the termi- 
nation of their study, they are entitled 
to a Bachelor of Science Degree in 
Elementary Education. This degree 
gives teachers the same status in school 
systems as that accorded to holders of 
the Bachelor of Arts or Science degrees. 

Candidates for this degree are re- 
quired to take work in English, science, 
and the social studies. They usually 
elect certain education courses to keep 
abreast of developments in their teach- 
ing fields. Many elementary teachers 
take advantage of late afternoon, even- 
ing, and Saturday classes offered by the 
university in Baltimore as well as on 
the campus. 

Student Teaching 

All students who wish to be certi- 
fied for teaching positions must earn at 
least four semester hours of credit in 
student teaching. Many students are 
now earning nine semester credits, and 
this practice is being recommended for 
all students. To earn this amount of 
credit, the student teaches two hours 
each day during one semester, and in 
addition assists daily with extra curri- 





One of the oldest buildings on the Maryland campus houses the administrative Headquarters of the College of Education. The activities of 
the College of Education extend into various buildings on the Maryland Campus. 

cular activities or other school work. 

Before students enroll for student 
teaching, they must observe at least 
20 hours in classrooms and make a 
study of the curriculum and methods in 
their teaching field. They must also 
have a scholarship average which places 
them in the upper four-fifths of their 
university class, and a grade point 
average of at least 2.275. 

The College of Education is especi- 
ally fortunate in receiving splendid co- 
operation from Maryland and Wash- 
ington schools in relation to student 
observation and teaching. During the 
past semester, student teachers have 
taught in six schools in Washington, 
three in Montgomery County, one in 
Baltimore and three in Prince Georges 
County. One student took a full teach- 
ing load in the Damascus High School. 
The fine spirit shown by the teachers 
and principals in these schools receives 
much praise from the student teachers, 
and undoubtedly influences them to 
look upon teaching with favor. 

Educational Foundations 

The college believes that a knowledge 
of history of education, educational 
philosophy, and foreign school systems 
is an important aid to successful work 
in any phase of teaching, research, and 
administration. Eight advanced courses 
and three graduate seminars are offered 
in this field. The relationships between 
the educational systems and the cul- 
tures of various peoples, past and pre- 
sent, are the recurring data of these 
studies. The primary purpose is to edu- 

cate teachers, school administrators, 
and other educational specialists who 
know the social processes by which 
good school systems are developed and 
who will thus be better fitted to help 
build such systems in their own com- 

Nursery School Education 

Nursery School Education is now 
recognized as an important part of the 
educational program. It is in this 
period that the foundation is laid for 
later years. At this time, attitudes are 
formed which can make for either a 
good or poor em?tional adjustment 


Students in Industrial Arts Education are in- 
structed in the principles of drawing and de- 

which will condition a child's ability 
to learn. 

The Nursery School Education pro- 
gram consists of (1) an undergraduate 
program for training nursery school 
teachers, (2) extension classes for in- 
service of teachers now employed in 
nursery school work, and (3) study 
group for parents. In addition to the 
basic college program, the curriculum 
in nursery school education consists of 
courses in growth and development, the 
sciences, psychology, home economics, 
children's literature, creative expres- 
sion in art and music, and nursery 
school techniques. The students do ac- 
tual teaching in nursery school and also 
participate in parent conferences and 
study groups. Beauvoir Nursery School 
in Washington, the Kaywood Gardens 
Cooperative, and the Calvert Hills Co- 
operative Nursery Schools have been 
used as teaching centers during the 
past school year. 

Extension classes, as a part of this 
program, have been held in Central 
High School in Washington one even- 
ing a week each semester. During the 
spring semester, a class in Nursery 
School Techniques and one in Kinder- 
garten Methods have been held at the 
University of Maryland one evening a 
week. Also, a project in child develop- 
ment and parent education has been 
sponsored by the university for a club 
of Veteran's Wives. 

Teacher Preparation 

A university, being composed of 
various departments and colleges, offers 


superior advantages for the develop- 
ment of the depth and breadth of 
scholarship desired of secondary school 
teachers in the academic fields. All 
prospective academic teachers must 
meet certification requirements in two 
subject fields, that is, each student 
must be prepared to teach in the fields 
of his major and minor subjects. Eng- 
lish has probably been the most popular 
of the academic fields, but many stu- 
dents have been prepared to teach 
mathematics, social studies, science, and 
foreign languages. At the present time, 
several of the academic majors are 
looking forward to the teaching of more 
classes in Maryland secondary schools. 

Art Education 

Offerings in art education are plan- 
ned to meet the growing demand for 
teachers who can direct art activity. 
Emphasis is placed upon ways to draw- 
out and develop the creative inclina- 
tions of beginners; to integrate art 
and other areas of study; and to 
utilize art in solving social problems 
and in developing a philosophy by 
which to live. The art courses and 
curricula have been carefully selected 
and designed for living and for earning 
a living in Maryland. 

Physical Education 

The purpose of the department of 
Health, Physical Education and Re- 
creation as it relates to the College of 
Education is to prepare graduates to be 
teachers of physical education and 
Health in public schools, private schools 
and colleges, and to be leaders in re- 
creational programs in rural and urban 
communities, camps, and industries. 

The objectives of the program are to 
give a basic knowledge of the principles 
of physical education as a part of edu- 
cation; to maintain and promote physi- 
cal fitness; and to provide opportunity 
for the development of leadership and 
individual personality. 

The program consists of two years 
of basic general education followed by 
specialization during the junior and 
senior years in any of the four areas 
the individual may choose: health edu- 
cation, physical education, recreation, 
or pre-physical therapy. 

The extra-curricular program spon- 
sored by the department, includes in- 
tramural competition in hocky, basket- 
ball, bowling, volleyball, softball, tennis, 
badminton, golf, track, table tennis, 
archery, riflery, wrestling, swimming, 
boxing, and handball. For all those 
interested in the modern dance, oppor- 
tunity is offered for participation in 
annual dance recitals and in the May 
Day Festival. 

Extramural sports competition is 
provided for women in the form of 
Sports Day with nearby colleges. A 
separate extramural program is pro- 
vided for men. 

The department offers guidance to 


Miss McNaughton, Professor of Nursery School Education, with a group of students. 

each major student in a series of indi- 
vidual and group conferences in the 
belief that each student may profit from 
knowledge of his own strengths and 

All women majors are members of 
the Physical Education Club which 
meets regularly for improvement of 
social as well as professional relation- 

In addition to preparing teachers, the 
department serves the State of Mary- 
land through its major students and 
graduates who act as playground di- 
rectors and summer camp counselors. 
Agricultural Education 

In cooperation with the College of 
Agriculture, a specialized program is 
offered for teachers of agriculture. 
Students desiring to major in agricul- 
tural education begin a specialized pro- 
gram not later than the first semester 
of their junior year. 

Majors in agricultural education do 
their student teaching during the first 
semester of the senior year. Full-time 
is devoted to student teaching for five 
weeks. A special schedule is set up so 
that the course work can be successfully 
completed during the remaining eleven 
weeks of the semester. The second 

semester of the senior year is devoted 
to intensive study of agricultural edu- 

Business Education 
Business education in its broadest 
sense is identified with every phase of 
education; it is identified with all learn- 
ing that will in one way or another help 
prepare the individual to deal more 
effectively with the economic problems 
of life. 

I Please, turn tn Page 21 i 


Dr. Dieter Cunz, professor of Ger- 
man in the Foreign Language Depart- 
ment at the University of Maryland 
has announced the publication of his 
first book in English, "History of the 
Germans in Maryland," which will be 
published early in 1948 by the Prince- 
ton University Press. 

After seven years of research, the 
completed book of five hundred pages 
will cover the period between the sev- 
enteenth century and the present day. 

Dr. Cunz has published many books 
of a historical nature in German. He 
has also published a book on the Euro- 
pean constitutional language and a 
biography on the Swiss reformer Ul- 
rich Zwingli. 


A/eut Afency Added 


IN September the University of 
Maryland will add another to its 
many agencies that serve the people of 
the state. It will establish an Institute 
for Child Study in the College of Edu- 
cation. Tailor-made to help the public 
schools of the state, the Institute will 
have four major purposes: (1) It will 
carry on a program of research de- 
signed to give the public schools and 
the people of the state a clearer picture 
of the needs of Maryland's children; 
(2) It will digest continuously the lat- 
est findings in the dozen different 
sciences that study children, will try 
to make sense out of the welter of 
technical words and figures in these 
scientific writings and to communicate 
this sense to the teachers of the state — 
later it hopes to include the parents, 
too; (3) It will carry on an in-service 
training program, already begun under 
the sponsorship of the State Depart- 
ment of Education, that will help Mary- 
land teachers learn how to interpret the 
causes behind the behavior of their in- 
dividual pupils and how to figure out 
ways of helping these different children 
to learn more, behave better, and de- 
velop stronger characters and better ad- 
justed personalities;. (4) It will train 
experts in child development to do prac- 
tical consultant work in public schools. 
These may seem very large and ambi- 
tious promises, but eight years of ex- 
perimentation in various parts of the 
country and a two-year start in Mary- 
land indicate that they can be fulfilled. 

Millions of Dollars 

During the past twenty-five years 
millions of dollars in money and mil- 
lions of hours of the time of individual 
scientists have been spent in studying 
human beings. Tremendous progress 
has been made in finding out how the 
body grows and functions and what 
care, nourishment and activities are 
necessary to its full and healthy de- 
velopment. We also have learned much 
about children's need for love, about the 
kinds of family life that give them a 
good start, about the kinds of home in- 
fluences that lead to maladjustment and 
warping, and about how to counteract 
these influences. Cultural anthro- 
pology, sociology, and social psychol- 
ogy have studied how children take 
on the customs, attitudes, skills, and 
views of life of the segments of 
society to which they belong and 
about how schools and other social in- 
stitutions can help them learn to be- 

In the Interests of 
Maryland^ ■ 
Children, Their 
Training and 

By Daniel A. Prescott 

come good citizens and effective contri- 
butors to the work and life of the com- 
munity. The psychological sciences 
have discovered much about how people 
learn, how attitudes and ideals are 
formed, how reasoning and creative 
imagination can be fostered and how 
goals and purposes are crystallized. 
Medical and other sciences have re- 
vealed some of the reason why our 
population shows such an appallingly 
high rate of insanity, mental break- 
down, delinquency, unhappiness and 

Most of this new and scientifically 
validated knowledge is not now in the 


Beginning this fall. Dr. Prescott will be at 
the University of Maryland as Professor of 
Education and Director, Institute of Child 
Study. Dr. Prescott comes from the University 
of Chicago, where he has been Professor of 
Education since 1939. 

Dr. Prescott has served extensively through- 
out the nation as a consultant on child devel- 
opment. Among many special honors he has 
received are the following: Awarded Dupont 
Prize, Tufts College, 1920; Received Phi Delta 
Kappa Award, Harvard University, 1922; Lec- 
turer, J. J. Rousseau Institute, Geneva Swit- 
zerland, 1927-28; Member, International Com- 
— itt-e to St-.dy Effects of Rilin<rualism, 192R-S2; 
Chairman, Committee on Emotion and the Edu- 
cative Process, 1934-38; and Head, Division of 
Child Development and Teacher Personnel, 
Commission on Teacher Education, since 1938. 
His most widely known books are "Emotion 
and the Educative Process" and "Helping 
Teachers Understand Children." 

possession of the teachers of our child- 
ren. Nor is it adequately being taught 
to students preparing for teaching. The 
implications of this knowledge for the 
way schools operate have not been 
worked out. The kinds of records that 
schools need to help understand indivi- 
dual children have not been ascertained. 
The ways in which teachers and par- 
ents can best work together for the 
wholesome development of children 
have not been perfected. The scientific 
coordination of the work of schools with 
that of physicians, clinics, social agen- 
cies, churches and courts has not been 
accomplished. In other words scientific 
knowledge exists now which, if applied, 
would greatly improve the effectiveness 
of public education without adding 
materially to its costs. 

Knowledge Not Available 

Blame for failure to modify school 
practice in the ways implied by this 
recently discovered knowledge must not 
be placed at the door of state and local 
education authorities, however. The 
knowledge has not been available to 
them. Research findings in each science 
are reported in the highly technical 
special vocabulary of that science and 
are therefore not readily understand- 
able by lay persons. Furthermore, most 
scientists have to be specialists doing 
intensive research in a very narrow 
field of the total area of human de- 
velopment and behavior — their separate 
bits of research, so vital when re- 
ceived as part of a total whole, are of 
little value to educators as independent 
bits of information. It follows that two 
tasks remain to be done before research 
findings can be used as guides to 
changed educational practice. The re- 
search findings in the various limited 
areas have to be combined and inter- 
related to give a broad comprehensive 
picture of how children develop. Then 
this comprehensive set of explanatory 
generalizations must be stated in non- 
technical language that can be read 
with understanding by teachers and 
school administrators. This task of 
collation, translation and integration is 
a tough one and a continuing one. So 
far it has not been done with very 
great sucess at any of our university 
centers. Indeed, most of us would 
rather do original limited research 
than stick out our necks by attempts 
at comprehensive statements of truth. 
The staff of the Institute for Child 
Study will approach this task with 



Magda Tewfik is admired by a group of students while her 
mother (extreme right). Mrs. Laila Y. Tewfik, special student 
from Cairo Egypt, looks on. 


Photograph taken at Whittier School, Washington, D. C. 
(NEA Journal photo). 

trepidation but feels that it must be 
done as soon as possible. 

The American Council on Education, 
with headquarters in Washington, D. 
C, is a national association of public 
and private institutions of higher edu- 
cation and of public school systems. 
Its aim is to analyze the needs of 
American education, to plan and to 
secure support for necessary research 
and experimentation. In 1938 it estab- 
lished a Commission on Teacher Edu- 
cation — Dean Harold Benjamin of the 
University-of-Maryland College of Edu- 
cation was a member — to guide experi- 
mentation seeking improvements in the 
education of teachers. Twenty univer- 
sity and collegiate institutions, four- 
teen groups of school systems, and 
three state systems of education were 
selected to undertake correlated and co- 
operative experiments. Several millions 
of dollars were granted by the General 
Education Board, one of the Rocke- 
feller foundations, to cover the costs of 
making the best resources available on a 
national scale. From the outset, this 
Commission was conscious of the tre- 
mendous backlog of unused scientific 
knowledge that was available for the 
improvement of educational practice. 
It, therefore, sought to make this know- 
ledge accessible to colleges and public 
schools and to encourage experiments 
to find out the best means of dis- 
seminating it. 

At University of Chicago 

The Commission established a Divi- 
sion on Child Development and Teacher 
Personnel with headquarters at the 
University of Chicago, which supplied 
space and other services without cost 
in order to further the work. The first 
task was to build up a center of docu- 
mentation made up of hundreds of 
books and magazines and thousands of 
reprints of scientifie articles covering 

more than .a dozen sciences that inves- 
tigate child growth, learning and be- 
havior. Then selected professors from 
cooperating colleges and universities 
and selected personnel from coopera- 
ting school systems were brought to 
the University of Chicago to spend a 
full academic year in studying these 
research findings, in consulting with 
the scientists who had done the re- 
search, and in planning ways of com- 
municating the new knowledge to stu- 
dents and teachers. The Commission 
sent three groups on successive years 
to carry on this collaborative study and 
the University of Chicago has continued 
to make these resources available to 
additional groups of competent persons 
since the w r ork of the Commission ter- 
minated. In this way between 60 and 
70 teachers of teachers have broadened 
the basis of the scientific knowledge 
they are communicating in half a hun- 
dred institutions of higher education. 

Insightful Teachers 

Another thing the Commission did 
was to experiment with ways of Com- 
municating this knowledge to teachers 
in service out in the fourteen groups 
of cooperating school systems. Most of 
the traditional ways we tried met with 
but indifferent success. But one group 
of insightful teachers insisted that we 
help them understand some of the indi- 
vidual children in their classrooms 
rather than learn scientific principles as 
such. In three years this group of 
teachers had made conspicuous progress 
not only in understanding their pupils 
but also in the amount of new know- 
ledge they had acquired and in the de- 
velopment of their capacities to figure 
out ways of helping children. 

The last five years have been spent 
in perfecting this pattern of profession- 
al growth in service and in trying it 
out in city and rural schools in various 


parts of the country. It is called a 
Child Study Program and is exactly 
what the name implies. Children are 
studied with a view to understanding 
their motivation, capacities, and needs. 
Scientific methods of learning about 
them are practiced until they become 
habitual in teachers and established 
explanatory principles are learned as 
the basis for interpreting the Children's 
motivation and needs. Then plans are 
made for helping the children to take 
their next steps in learning and grow- 
ing, the results are checked, and plans 
are modified as new knowledge is ac- 
quired and new insights obtained. At 
the present moment our staff is helping 
about 6000 teachers in 58 counties in 
11 states to carry on this program 
of child study. 

Dr. Theresa Wiedefeld 

Three years ago Dr. Theresa Wiede- 
feld, President of the State Teachers 
College at Towson, organized a series 
of meetings to discuss the outcomes of 
the work of the Commission on Teacher 
Education. In this way the nature and 
purposes of the "child study program" 
were brought to the attention of the 
educators of the state and attracted 
their interest. Its effectiveness in other 
places was investigated and evaluated, 
and the State Department of Educa- 
tion decided to sponsor its introduction 
into Maryland in connection with the 
work of the supervisors of elementary 
schools. It proved so interesting and 
valuable that it spread rapidly into 
secondary schools, and at the present 
moment about 2500 teachers all over 
the state are working hard at building 
up their scientific knowledge and using 
it to help them deal more effectively 
with the pupils in their classrooms. 

Alert to the needs of the children 
and of the school people of the state, 

(Please turn to Page 45) 




Realistic Home Economics. High school pupils directed by a 
student teacher study home furnishings in the living room of 
a home economics department. 

A student teacher uses a chart to drive home a point at 
Hyattsville High School. 

A college student learning to teach Physical Education. 

The Stuotnt Tries His Hand. Organized practice or cadet 
teaching is a part of the Industrial Education curriculum. 

Social Studies For Citizenship. Teacher in training, Mont- 
gomery-Blair High School. 


Student Teacher in English, Langley Junior High School, Agriculture Teacher in Training secures practice through 

Washington, D. C. teaching boys in Sandy Spring School. 

Play Guided by Skillfu' Hands. Miss Nataly Natz-Fitzmorris. 
a student teacher at Beauvoir Nursery School Division, National 
Cathedral Elementary School, Washington, D. C. 

High School Social Studies. 
High School. 

Student teacher at Greenbelt 



9*i Baltltnale a*td Wailii+iCfta+i 

Educational Resources At Maryland 

Library of 

Congress and 
Other Facilities 
In Nation's Capital 
As Well As In 
Baltimore Aug- 
ment University's 

By Norman E. Bliss 

Full-Time Graduate Student 

On leave from Cooke School, 

Washington, D. C. 

ONE of the greatest assets of the 
University of Maryland is its 
nearness to the City of Baltimore and 
to Washington, D.C. The proximity to 
these two cultural centers assures stu- 
dents access to a wealth of materials 
in libraries, museums, art galleries, 
governmental buildings, and in the 
headquarters of many national organi- 

Among the many resources in vVash- 
ington, those of special importance to 
students include the following: the Li- 
brary of Congress, the U. S. Office of 
Education, the National Education As- 
sociation and its many departments, the 
American Council on Education, The 
Smithsonian Institute, Folger Shakes- 
peare Library, the Pan-American 
Union, the National Archives Build- 
ing, the Textile Museum, the four 
great art galleries, the Lincoln Mu- 
seum, the National Academy of Science, 
the Brookings Institute, the Carnegie 
Institute of Washington, the National 
Geographic Society, the American Phar- 
maceutical Association, the American 
Forestry Association, the Interstate 
Commerce Commission, the six other 
universities located in Washington, and 
many other institutions, agencies, and 
associations for educational, scientific, 
and cultural purposes. 

In Baltimore 

In Baltimore, the many resources in- 
clude the Enoch Pratt Free Library, 
the Peabody Conservatory of Music, 
and Peabody Library, the Baltimore 
Museum of Art, the Municipal Art Mu- 
seum, the Walters Art Gallery, the 
Maryland Institute of Art, the Sidney 
Lanier Museum, the Maryland Aca- 
demy of Sciences, several prof >ssional 
schools of the University of Maryland, 
the Johns Hopkins Medical School, the 
Johns Hopkins University Schools, the 
University of Baltimore, and three 
other prominent colleges. 

Lack of space makes a description of 


Unsurpassed library facilities a 

each of the facilities impractical. This 
article is therefore limited to a de- 
scription of three resources readily ac- 
cessible from the College Park campus 
and of special importance to students in 
education: the Library of Congress; the 
Library of the U. S. Office of Educa- 
tion; and the National Education As- 

Library of Congress 

The Library of Congress, is housed in 
an imposing building located approxi- 
mately eight miles from the university. 
Separating the library from the Capi- 
tol is a small, but beautiful park. In 
the park is a massive elm tree, which 
was planted by George Washington at 
the laying of the corner stone for the 

Marylanders may well feel proud of 
the role played by Robert Wright of 
Queenstnwn, Maryland, in the develop- 
ment of the Congressional Library. 
Wright, who had served in the Conti- 
nental Army before his election to Con- 
gress, was an outstanding advocate of 
the purchase by the government of 
Thomas Jefferson's personal book col- 
lection. During the War of 1812 the 
British had burned part of the Capitol 
and had destroyed all of the books be- 
longing to Congress. In 1814, Thomas 
Jefferson, being financially embar- 
ressed, offered his collection of 6,487 
books for purchase by the government. 


re available to Maryland students. 

It was only after much persuasion by 
Wright and others that Congress fin- 
ally approved the purchase of Jeffer- 
son's books* for $23,950. The bill 
authorizing the purchase passed by a 
narrow margin of ten votes, the oppo- 
sition objecting that many of the books 
were in a foreign language, and that 
much of the material was literary in- 
stead of being legal or historical. 

The Jefferson Books 

The purchase of the Jefferson books 
■ initiated a change in nature of the 
Library of Congress from a special to a 
general collection. These six thousand 
books, mostly hand-picked by Jefferson 
from the bookstalls of Paris, formed a 
firm sub-stratum for the Library as we 
know it today. 

For many years the growing collec- 
tion of books for Congress was housed 
in poorly lighted, ill-ventilated rooms in 
the Capitol. Several fires retarded the 
growth of the collection. One confla- 
gration, in 1851, destroyed 35,000 vol- 
umes. The blaze began on a bitterly 
cold Christmas Eve, and the efforts 
of the firemen were almost useless be- 
cause of the freezing of the hoses. 
"But the situation was saved," ac- 
cording to a newspaper of that time, 
"when the frozen hoses were put back 
in order and rendered unfreezable by 
the use of whiskey." We owe no little 


thanks to sacrificing citizens who gave 
up their "liquid spirits" on Christmas 
Eve in order to save the majority of 
the Library's books. 

By 1882 the Library of Congress was 
bursting its seams in the three rooms 
it occupied in the Capitol. In that year 
it was proposed in Congress, in all 
seriousness, to jack up the Capitol 
dome fifty feet in order to make more 
library space. General Meigs, Capitol 
Engineer, quickly discouraged this idea 
for reasons of safety. Four years later, 
a bill was passed to allow the construc- 
tion of the present main building, which 
was completed and occupied in 1897. 

Important Position 

The place of the Library of Congress 
in higher education today is very im- 
portant. According to Luther Evans, 
present Librarian of Congress, "No 
university library can hope to purchase 
and place under adequate bibliographi- 
cal control all of the recorded informa- 
tion necessary to meet the demands of a 
dynamic and productive university." 
The Congressional Library, as the 
great national library, assumes much of 
this obligation by offering its facilities 
and services to its fellow institutions, 
which include the university libraries. 

At present the Library of Congress 
is cooperating with the U. S. Office of 
Education in an effort to increase the 
effectiveness of its service to education. 
The Office of Education appoints 
specialists from its staff as Fellows of 
the Library. These specialists recom- 
mend the acquisition of materials which 


Located in the library of the U.S. Office of Education, which constitutes one of the major educa- 
tional resources of the Nation's Capital. 

ii would be impossible or impractical 
for the Office of Education to acquire 
for its own library. Such materials are 
then made available to the Office of 
Education on long-term loans. 

The nation's scholars have always 
been encouraged to visit the library 
and employ its facilities. In average 
pre-war years 450 graduate students 
and 250 faculty members were annually 


The association, with its departments, constitutes a valuahle resource for research workers in 

provided for with special private study 
rooms convenient to the stacks, and 
more scholars will be provided for in 
the future. 

The Library is well able to assist the 
scholar in locating materials not in its 
own collections. The Union Catalog, 
maintained by the Library, contains 
over 13,500,000 card entries of ma- 
terials to be found in other research 
libraries of the nation. 

Library of U. S. Office of Education 

A little over a mile due west of the 
Library of Congress is located the ex- 
cellent Library of the United States 
C ffice of Education. This in one of the 
largest education libraries in the world, 
and its 325,000 volumes make up a valu- 
able storehouse of information on the 
educational history of mankind. These 
materials include books, reports, pam- 
phlets, catalogs, school journals, and 
monographs on educational subjects. 

This library was established with the 
primary purpose of providing reference 
materials for employees of the govern- 
ment who might be working on sub- 
jects touching the field of education. 
However, it has been the policy to 
make the facilities of the Library avail- 
able to all investigators whether they 
?ve connected with the government or 

It is interesting to find that thi.> 
large library had its beginnings with 
the personal books of Henry H. Barn- 
ard. Dr. Barnard, who was the first 
Commissioner of Education, brought his 
own books when he was appointed in 
18(57. Upon his retirement, this small 


State Superintendent of Schools in Maryland. 

but select collection was purchased by 
the government and thus became the 
nucleus of the Education Library. 
Thanks to the ability of Dr. Barnard 
to recognize and select books of great 
educational value, the collection pro- 
vided an excellent foundation. Under 
the direction of succeeding commission- 
ers, it grew in size and usefulness. 

Special Collections 

There are now many special collec- 
tions which the library makes available 
to students of education. Valuable to 
the scholar working on the history of 
American education are the old reports 
of state departments of education, the 
bound volumes of educational maga- 
zines, and the records of the proceed- 
ings of state teachers associations. 

Persons studying higher education 
have found the file of reports and cata- 
logs from colleges to be valuable in 
such subjects as the history of particu- 
lar institutions, of curriculum develop- 
ment, of standards, and of the contri- 
butions of outstanding college presi- 

dents. In tracing the history of higher 
education for women, the proceedings 
and reports of such organizations as the 
American Women's Educational Asso- 
ciation, founded by Catherine Beecher 
in 1853, are also helpful. 

The Education Library is well sup- 
plied with materials on comparative 
education, much of it in the form of 
official foreign documents, bound vol- 
umes of foreign educational periodicals, 
and catalogs and histories of colleges 
and universities of other countries. 

In addition to materials on educa- 
tional history and comparative educa- 
tion, the library offers current year- 
books of national education associa- 
tions, and new books in school admin- 
istration, progressive education, child 
study, child psychology, and educational 
theory and practice. 

National Education Association 

The National Education Association, 
with its headquarters at 16th and M 
Streets in Washington, D. C, must be 
given consideration in any discussion of 
resources for education students. Since 
its official birth in 1870, the N.E.A., 
iargest professional education associa- 
tion in the nation, has had a colorful 
history which has included financial 
difficulties, struggles between different 
groups for power in the organization, 
charges of dictatorship by administra- 
tors, and other matters of contention. 

But in spite of these rough spots, the 
Association has continued to grow. To- 
day it numbers an active membership 
of over 330,000 persons and includes 
twenty-eight major departments. With 
its numerous committees, commissions 
and councils, the N.E.A. carries out a 
dynamic program for the betterment of 
the schools and the profession. The 
basic platform of this program is the 
proposition that "Education is the in- 
alienable right of every ^merican; that 
k is essential to our society for the pro- 
motion and preservation of democratic 


Mrs. Patricia Hazel, who graduated in busi- 
ness education in 1943, is now Assistant Train- 
ing Director at Lansburgh and Brothers, one 
of Washington's largest department stores. 

The program of service, under the 
various departments of the association, 
covers almost every phase of education. 
Elementary and secondary curriculum, 
juvenile delinquency, adult education, 
teacher's salaries, health, handicapped 
pupils, and veteran's education are just 
a few of the problems receiving direct 
attention at the present time. With 
specialists and materials in a wide 
variety of fields, the N.E.A. has facili- 
ties not duplicated elsewhere. 

The Best 

Washington, with its wealth of of- 
ferings for students in all fields, offers 
particularly abundant resources in edu- 
cation. A student at the University of 
Maryland, therefore, has an opportun- 
ity to utilize resources unequalled in 
any other part of the United States. 


Miss Jean Sinclair, who graduated from the College of Educa- 
tion last year, is now an instructor in the English department. 



Mr. Kenneth Horvath, who earned the Master of Arts Degree 
at the University of Maryland, teaches social studies classes in 
the Warren S. Seipp General Vocational School in the City of 


OFFERINGS at the graduate level 
in the College of Education are 
designed to help teachers and adminis- 
trators keep abreast of significant de- 
velopments in their fields of speciali- 
zation. The chief concern in setting up 
requirements for the graduate degrees 
is school improvement through the im- 
provement of teaching and administra- 
tive personnel. Candidates for advanced 
degrees in Education are allowed much 
latitude in pursuing courses in other 
colleges of the university, since it is 
recognized that professional improve- 
ment in a complex technological society 
requires the extensive resources of the 
whole university. 

At Various Levels 

The offerings of the College of Edu- 
cation include courses for elementary, 
secondary, and junior college teachers 
and administrators. For each level, 
courses are concerned with history and 
philosophy of education, sociological 
and psychological foundations of educa- 
tion, methods in specific teaching areas, 
curriculum making, child study and 
guidance, supervision, and administra- 
tion. At the elementary level, profes- 
sional courses include recent develop- 
ments in physical education, art, music, 
and the social studies, as well as basic 
techniques in the time-honored areas 
of reading, language and arithmetic. 
At the secondary level, offerings in 
business education, home economics edu- 
cation, and industrial arts are con- 
sidered to be especially important. 
Since teachers are essentially personnel 
workers, regardless of grade level or 
subject matter area, much stress is 
placed on the study of human growth 
and development. 

The College of Education has recently 
added the Doctor of Education degree 
to three other degrees — the Master of 
Arts, the Master of Education, and 
the Doctor of Philosophy. Although this 
new degree is basically comparable to 
the Doctor of Philosophy degree, it 
gives the candidate somewhat greater 


Student takes oral examination for a Master's Degree. 

For Elementary, 
Seeontlary and 
Junior College 

By Alvin W. Schindler 

Professor of Education 

freedom to shape his graduate study to 
meet the particular needs of the posi- 
tion in which he is working. For ex- 
ample, the foreign language require- 
ment is optional, and instead of a 
thesis, the students may record a "field 
study" which is conducted to solve a 
particular problem in his school system. 
Several of the leading universities are 
now offering this degree, and in this 
region teachers and administrators 
have repeatedly urged that opportuni- 
ties leading to it be provided at the 
University of Maryland. Beginning in 
September 1947, several teachers and 
administrators will be doing work to- 
ward the degree either on a part-time 
or on a full-time basis. 

Master of Education 

The Master of Education degree is 
taken by approximately two-thirds of 
the candidates for the Master's degree 
in the College of Education. This de- 
gree was introduced several years ago 
for students who felt a greater need 
for additional courses relating to their 
teaching problems than for the research 
work required with a Master of Arts 
degree. Candidates for this degree as 
well as candidates for the Master of 
Arts degree may take from one-third to 
one-half of their course work in other 
departments of the university accord- 
ing to their needs. In planning summer 
session offerings, all colleges and de- 
partments are concerned with the de- 
velopment of courses which are of 
special interest to teachers. 

At the June commencement 1947, 
the Master's degree was conferred on 
approximately 65 candidates in the Col- 
lege of Education. During the summer 
session, at least 35 students will com- 

plete requirements for the degree, rais- 
ing the number to receive the master's 
degree through the College of Educa- 
tion to at least 100 during the school 
year. Among the graduates are teach- 
ers in elementary and secondary 
schools, principals of elementary and 
secondary schools, counselors, and in- 
structors in colleges and universities. 
Candidates for the degree are primarily 
from Maryland and the District of 
Columbia, but at least nine other states 
and a foreign country are represented 
by the graduates this year. 

To make courses readily available to 
teachers in Maryland and the District 
of Columbia, the College of Education 
offers late afternoon and evening 
classes and Saturday classes through 
its Baltimore Division as well as on the 
campus at College Park. These courses 
are considered to be important responsi- 
bilities of the regular members of the 
staff. Furthermore, in developing these 
courses, an attempt is made to capita- 
lize on the unique advantages of this 
area for graduate study by calling in 
leaders in education from Washington, 
D. C. 

Searching Examination 

The process of meeting the require- 
ments for a master's degree in the Col- 
lege of Education is not only one of 
developing the necessary number of 
credits. Applicants for the degree must 
pass a searching qualifying examina- 
tion before they can be admitted to 
candidacy. Then, upon completion of 
the work, each candidate is given an 
oral examination over course work and 
the thesis or the seminar paper de- 
pending upon the degree for which the 
applicant is a candidate. Likewise, 
applicants for the doctor's degree must 
pass a preliminary examination before 
being admitted to candidacy a final 
written examination in the major field, 
and a final oral examination over the 
minor field and the thesis or the field 
study, according to the degree for which 
the student is an applicant. 

yy< JU Jle&U a/ tkt Wed" 

Saskatchewan: Bread and a Prayer 


By Gladys A. Wig gin 

(Based on Agriculture Adult Education Pro- 
grams in Saskatchewan, doctoral dissertation, 
University of Maryland, June, 1947.) 

MAN does not live by bread alone, 
even in Saskatchewan, Canada, 
in this western prairie province dedi- 
cated to the growing of wheat, the- 
people, the land, and a foreign market 
are woven into a complicated pattern 
which agricultural adult educators are 
trying to re-design. Although wheat 
provides 45 per cent of Saskatchewan's 
income, it recedes in importance as one 
examines the human and natural ele- 
ments found in this "Heart of Canada's 

Southern Saskatchewan (the inhabit- 
ed portion) is an extension of that high 
plateau and great plains area in which 
North Dakota and Montana alas lie 
just south of the international boun- 
dary. Saskatchewan's settling was an 
extension of America's West into the 
twentieth century. In response to agents 
of the United States and Canada, 
European settlers came looking for land 
in the last quarter of the nineteenth 
century and the first decades of the 
twentieth. Many journeyed through 
Canadian and United States ports into 
the rich lands of Alberta, Saskatche- 
wan, and Manitoba. Frederick Jackson 
Turner's frontier in the United States 
had closed in 1890; but land-hungry 
people could still find opportunities in 
the Canadian West. Turner's suc- 
cessive front : ers of fur trapping, ranch- 
ing, and farming were repeated in 
Saskatchewan, and some of each are 
still to be found in this province which 
has not yet completely fulfilled its first 
geographic- destiny. 

Later Than United States 
Because the settling of Saskatchewan 
was later than that cf the United 
States, it received the later German and 
Slavic immigrants from Europe. Many 
of the same Scandinavians who had 
come to the United States in the last 
half of the nineteenth century also 
came up into Canada. However,' that 
wave of immigration had begun to level 
off when Saskatchewan was being popu- 
lated. This prairie province received 
instead many British people, German 
Mennonites, Ukranians, Russian Dunk- 
hcbais, Dutch, Poles and French. 





Home of the provincial University of Saskatchewan which serves not only college 
farmers through the extension departments and the School of Agriculture. 

students but 

In the first decade of the twentieth 
century there happily converged a set 
of circumstances which were to control 
the character of Saskatchewan's econo- 
my. Settlers began to arrive in large 
numbers. The railroads sprawled 
across the Southern plains and sent 
their branch lines to Prince Al- 
bert and other convenient points. 
The rains came and the harvests 
were good. It became known that 
the application of the principle of the 
summer fallow might solve the problem 
of farming in the semi-arid prairies. 
With the meeting of these elements and 
stimulation in various ways from the 
Dominion government, Saskatchewan 
soon developed into the largest wheat- 
producing province in Canada. 

To all outward appearances the peo- 
ple and the land had solved the prob- 
lem of Saskatchewan's place in the 
Canadian economy. From 1905 (and 
earlier) when the province was sepa- 
rated from Northwest territories, until 
recent times, however, there have been 
increasingly ominous signs of serious 

Farmers Protest 

As early as 1906 farmers of the three 
prairie provinces registered their pro- 
tests against railroads and elevator 
companies which they believed were 
absorbing more than a just share of 
profits from wheat. Through the suc- 
ceeding years until 1924 when farmers 
established their own Saskatchewan 
Wheat Pool to market their grain, 
they fought a bitter battle to control 
the price and grading of their export 

Although the first years of the wheat 
economy enjoyed favorable climatic con- 
ditions, the 1910's and especially the 
193()'s brought serious droughts against 
which not even the tested principle of 
summer fallowing appeared to prevail. 

The scorching sun and dry winds, 
coupled with a serious depression, re- 
duced the wheat economy to a shambles. 
In 1938 approximately 35 per cent of 
the people of Saskatchewan were on 

During the years of the second 
world war, Saskatchewan recovered in 
an unnatural boom, as did most agri- 
cultural countries. Since the war, cer- 
tain favorable export treaties, particu- 
larly with Great Britain, have con- 
tinued to buoy the economy. 

Recall Lean Years 

Agricultural adult educators, how- 
ever, do not wish to take any chances. 
They remember the lean years of 1931- 
1941 when Saskatchewan lost an esti- 
mated 15 per cent of her population, 
as well as a considerable proportion of 
her revenues. They know that a world 
depression will rapidly deflate an econo- 
my built almost wholly on an export 
market. They sense, though they do not 
express it in words, that Saskatchewan 
is the captive of a one-crop economy. 
With monotonous regularity, farmers 
year after year raise wheat, whether 
the market, climate or soil warrant it. 

For these reasons, since the early 
1930's and particularly since 1944 when 
a new government came into power, 
agricultural adult educators have been 
developing a more clearly defined pro- 
gram for bolstering the wheat economy. 

For this task, the agricultural adult 
educators possess what they believe to 
be the right kind of scientific informa- 
tion. Research workers after studying 
minutely the soil types in the inhabited 
portion of Saskatchewan have reported 
that farmers have broken to the plow 
many acres unsuitable for cultivation. 
These non-arable areas, however, will 
support livestock. Judicious growing 
of forage crops will improve other acres 


and also provide feed for bacon hogs 
for which there is a waiting British 
market. Poultry and dairy products can 
be profitably raised on most farms. 
Many types of fruits and berries as 
well as vegetables can be readily grown 
in this cold area. The Dominion govern- 
ment will provide liberal assistance on 
water-development projects. Saskatche- 
wan can cushion her economy, so these 
researchers imply, by diversifying her 

More Security 

Fortified with this scientific informa- 
tion, agricultural adult educators have 
taken as their point of departure the 
developing of a happier and more se- 
cure life for Saskatchewan farm fami- 
lies. To secure the good life, say they, 
farmers must diversify, must learn to 
use their land more profitably, must 
participate more actively in solving 
their own problems. To help them do 
these necessary jobs, there are three 
basic types of agencies with several 
others of a secondary nature. 

The Agricultural Representative Ser- 
vice which is now the Saskatchewan 
Co-operative Agricultural Extension 
Program is established under the pro- 
vincial Department of Agriculture. 
Thirty-six field men under the direction 
of a director, an assistant director and 
four supervisors perform functions 
closely akin to those of the county agent 
in the United States. To assist them in 
their several districts, they have local 
committiees of farmers, district boards, 
and a provincial advisory council. 

The bias of the men in the Agri- 
cultural Representative Service is clear. 
The answers to Saskatchewan's eco- 
nomic difficulties are to be discovered 
in the findings of the technical agri- 
culturists. Let the farmer know of 
these discoveries, let him work with 
them through his own committees, and 
his problems will be solved. 

So the agricultural representatives 
promote farm-machinery field days, per- 
suade farmers to accept government 
diversification bonuses, and assist on a 
multitude of other technical agricul- 
tural problems. 

Extension Department 

For technical assistance experts to 
assist the agricultural representatives 
turn to the University of Saskatche- 
wan's extension departments. The Ex- 
tension Department proper, in turn, se- 
cures help either in its own organiza- 
tion or from the staff of the College of 

The Extension Departments in addi- 
tion have its own special jobs to do. 
Members of the staff work with semi- 
governmental agricultural and horticul- 
tural societies promoting better grow- 
ing practices and fairs of all kinds. 

The Extension Department also su- 
pervises and staffs a series of short 
courses under sponsorship of local 

farm organizations and financed by Do- 
minion and Province developing these 
short courses for farm young people. 
Extension staff members have some- 
times indicated their doubts of the 
overall program of agricultural adult 
education in the province. They are not 
sure that farmers will grow less wheat 
merely by learning how to grow better 
hogs. They have some doubts as to 
whether a narrowly vocational agricul- 
tural program is the answer to Sas- 
katchewan's vanishing population and 
economic ills. To pay respects to their 
doubts, the Extension staff includes in 
short courses, citizenship and general 
home and community betterment items. 
The School of Agriculture carries, on 


Hunting and fishing vacation land of Canada. 

this extra-agricultural program in its 
two-year schedule for young farmers 
and farmers-to-be. These young men 
who come to the University for training 
receive courses in reading, public 
speaking, and rural leadership. At 
Christmas time when they are home for 
the holidays, they make surveys of 
their own communities. Saskatchewan 
rural communities are underdeveloped, 
say staff members of the School. They 
hold few attractions for young people 
who see only bleakness and isolation for 
themselves on the prairies. These young 
men must be helped to acquire tech- 
niques for improving their social as 
well as their economic environment. 

To the director of women's work, 
life on the Saskatchewan prairies is 
even more decidedly a matter of im- 
proving conditions of daily living and 

those health and welfare institutions 
which provide essential services for 
farm families. Homemakers' clubs 
study agriculture and industry, arts 
and literature, education, home econo- 
mics, international relations, legis- 
lation, and public health. 

The field men of the Saskatchewan 
Co-operative Producers Limited (The 
Wheat Pool) also use the answers of 
the technical agriculturists, adding 
thereto answers of their own. The far- 
mer must not only diversify, he must 
aiso receive an adequate price for his 
products. He must not only use his 
land well, but he must also buy sup- 
plies for his land at reasonable prices. 
He must not only improve life in the 
abstract, he must also do it in the con- 
crete through community halls and 
picnic grounds. 


The cooperative society and particu- 
larly the cooperative spirit is the main 
answer of the Wheat Pool and its 
educational staff. A farmer operating 
alone has neither energy nor capital to 
provide himself with the good things of 
life. Many farm families working to- 
gether can secure a variety of benefits 
through their own credit unions, mar- 
keting association, cooperative stores, 
and cooperative recreational agencies. 
Wheat Pool educators therefore coop- 
crate with the University and the Agri- 
cultural Representative Service, but 
they also work with farmers in their 
own way spreading the cooperative gos- 

Great Enthusiasm 

To their several tasks the agricul- 
tural adult education agencies of 
Saskatchewan bring unlimited enthu- 
siasm. If energy will win the battle of 
the wheat economy, Saskatchewan has 
a rosy future. Missionaries in agri- 
culture adult education work on the 
problems of diversification and coopera- 
tives seven days a week and 365 days 
a year. No group is too small or a far- 
mer to remote to miss their ministra- 
tions. To fan their enthusiasms there is 
constantly Mowing from research agen- 
cies under the University and the 
Dominion Experimental Farms Ser- 
vices new information on wheat, weeds, 
warble flies, and soil drifting. 

Agricultural adult educators know 
how to make bread. They also know 
how to. cure bacon. They know how to 
grow fruit trees. They know how to 
build stock-watering dugouts. They 
know how and where to market wheat. 

To teach these skills to their farmer- 
constituents they rely on exhortation : 
a particularly boisterous and engaging 
plea to their flock to undertake those 
tasks which will save their economy. 
For while studying the wheat economy, 
agricultural adult educators have for- 
got to study the men and women on 

(Please titri- li> Page ;>i 


rf-an. £di>uxitia*t, Sciestce, GuUwie 

UNESCO: Challenge and Opportunity 

THE writers of the present article 
admit to special and personal con- 
cern for the success of the new United 
Nations Educational, Scientific, and 
Cultural Organization. One of them 
served with the United States delega- 
tion to the first annual conference of 
the organization in Paris, November 
and December, 1946. The other attend- 
ed the constituent conference of UN- 
ESCO in London, November, 1945, and 
represented the United States on the 
education committee of the Prepara- 
tory Commission in May, 1946 in the 
same city. Both of them have worked 
on various tasks for the United States 
National Commission for UNESCO. As 
students of comparative education, fur- 
thermore, they are professionally inter- 
ested in any agency in this field, and 
particularly in one which has a signifi- 
cant chance of becoming an effective 
international office of education. 

Hope for World Peace 

These professional sources of keen 
regard for the future of UNESCO, 
however, sink to the level of academic 
busy-work when ranged alongside the 
hope for world peace, shared not only 
with fellow educators but with fellow 
veterans and with fellow human beings 
over much of the earth's surface. That 
UNESCO will make studies of educa- 
tion for international understanding, 
conduct workshops for teachers, sponsor 
international relations clubs, promote 
international exchanges of students and 
teachers, and seek to improve textbooks 
and other teaching materials is a mat- 
ter of strong professional interest to 
the writers. That by these and other 
activities, well conceived and daringly 
carried, out, the organization may wage 
successful peace in the hearts and minds 
of men, is a source of flaming hope to 
anyone, knowing the possibilities of 
UNESCO, who has ever observed war 
at first hand. 

Deserves Support 

If UNESCO can meet this hope by 
contributing to the establishment of 
world peace and security, it deserves 
the strongest support of all men' of 
good will everywhere. If it cannot or 
will not do this job, let it die and be re- 
placed by another organization, more 
powerful, more intelligently operated, 
more daring, and better fitted to carry 
out the world's number one mission. 

How well fitted is UNESCO for 
carrying out this task of promoting 
peace through education for interna- 
tional understanding? What are its 
possible assets and liabilities? 

Authors Attended 
United Nations 
Conferences in 
Paris and London 

By Dr. Harold Benjamin 

U. S. Representative, Education Committee, 
Preparatory Commission, UNESCO (Dean. Col- 
lege of Education, University of Maryland) 

Dr. George J. Kabat 

Acting Chief European Educational Relations 
Section, U. S. Office of Education 

Looking first at its liabilities, we ob- 
serve at the outset that the organiza- 
tion has to subsist on watery gruel 
rather than on red meat by reason of 
the simple fact that it has no teeth. 
It can carry on researches to determine 
what educational materials and pro- 
grams are good or bad for internation- 
al peace and security. It can give full 
publicity to its findings. It can recom- 
mend most persuasively those books 
and methods of teaching which it finds 
valuable in the development of better 
international understanding. But no 
countries, not even the members of the 

Dean, College of Education 

Dean Benjamin has had the following educa- 
tional assignments in recent months: Technical 
Expert, U. S. Delegation, Constituent Confer- 
ence of United Nations Educational, Scientific, 
and Cultural Organizations, London, 1945; 
Member of Education Mission to Japan, Febru- 
ary-March, 1946; U. S. representative, Educa- 
tion Committee, Preparatory Commission of 
UNESCO, London, May, 1946; Consultant on 
Education, U. S. Military Government, Ger- 
many, June, 1946; Secretary, Education Sec- 
tion, First Meeting, U. S. National Commission 
for UNESCO, Washington, December, 1946; 
and Chairman, Section on Improvement of 
Textbooks and Other Instructional Materials, 
First National Conference on UNESCO, Phila- 
delphia, March, 1947. 

Dean Benjamin's recent book, "Under Their 
Own Command," is the 1947 volume in the an- 
nual Kappa Delta Pi Lecture Series. 

The Dean served actively in the Mexican 
Campaign of 1916 and in World Wars I and II. 

organization, need accept any of those 

Like Predecessors 

In this respect, UNESCO is dan- 
gerously like some of its predecessors 
in the field. Perhaps the comparison is 
facilitated by the fact that it has its 
headquarters in Paris and is largely 
directed by Europeans and run on 
European lines. This fact is mentioned, 
not at all by way of criticism but 
rather "n the interest of clarity. The 
Internau.nal Bureau or Education at 
Geneva and the Institute of Intellec- 
tual Cooperation at Paris were organi- 
zations operating in the period between 
the two world wars along lines similar 
to some of those which UNESCO pro- 
poses to follow. The distinguished edu- 
cators and cultural leaders who have 
directed the work of the Bureau and 
the Institute would probably be the first 
to point to the inadequacies of these 
agencies and to recommend that UNE- 
SCO go much further in the direction 
of becoming a world office of education. 

Both the International Bureau of 
Education and the Institute of Intel- 
lectual Cooperation did excellent work 
within their limitations. Those limita- 
tions were of three main kinds; first, 
the agencies lacked authority second, 
they had very little financial support; 
and third, they had European direc- 
tion and European staffs and so tended 
to look at all educational issues through 
European glasses. 

Greatest Danger 

UNESCO faces its greatest dangers 
in the same three respects. It must 
achieve educational authority, within 
the framework of the present consti- 
tution if possible, under the provisions 
of an amended constitution if neces- 
sary. It must receive generous finan- 
cial support. It must be more than 
a merely European agency situated in a 
great European capital. It must achieve 
these goals fairly rapidly. A few years 
of existence without educational author- 
ity will put a permanent stamp of 
futility on the organization so that it 
will never be granted authority. A few 
annual budgets for UNESCO smaller 
than those of provincial universities 
will soon make it of far less impor- 
tance than any provincial university. 
A short period of life in a European 
mold will make a long period in that 
mold so much the easier and more in- 
evitable. Let us consider some specific 
ways in which UNESCO may hope to 
overcome these dangers. 

In asking that UNESCO shall get 
and use educational authority, we do 


not suggest that it should attempt to 
become an international ministry of 
education. We believe that UNESCO's 
authority will come most effectively 
from the quality and amount of its ser- 
vices to the educational, scientific, and 
cultural agencies of its member states. 
We believe that such authority can be 
achieved only if UNESCO is allowed 
and dares to carry out important educa- 
tional jobs. 

Important Job 

What are some important educational 
jobs that need to be done by an inter- 
national office of education? 

One example is found in a problem 
which has been presented to the organi- 
zation in one way or another since its 
founding, a problem which it will have 
to face squarely in the next few years 
or suffer a loss of authority and effec- 
tiveness. This is the problem of pro- 
viding international university educa- 
tion for international services of var- 
ious kinds. The United Nations and the 
various related agencies such as the 
International Labor Organization, the 
World Health Organization, The Inter- 
national Court of Justice, the Food and 
Agriculture Organization, and UN- 
ESCO itself all require the best avail- 
able abilities on their staffs. The men 
and women who will work for these or- 
ganizations will need to be educated on 
a high technical level for specific inter- 
national jobs. This will be the kind of 
education that can be done only in part 
by even the most distinguished of the 
present-day national and regional uni- 
versities of the world. 

Many employees of national govern- 
ments, as members of the diplomatic 
and military relations; professors in 
many colleges and universities through- 
out the world; and various students 
from smaller countries lacking techni- 
cal education on a high level will also 
benefit by attendance at an interna- 
tional university. 

Continue to Tremble? 

If UNESCO continues to sip its 
watery gruel of doing nothing authori- 
tative, it will never establish an inter- 
national university. It will continue to 
tremble at the growls of big nations 
with famous universities, claiming that 
Oxford, Harvard, the Sorbonne, and all 
the other famous institutions which 
imagine they are like Oxford, Harvard, 
and the Sorbonne, only better, are al- 
ready international universities, and 
that anything that UNESCO would set 
up along such lines would be small, 
impractical, unimportant. 

If UNESCO establishes an interna- 
tional university, it can discard its 
bowl of gruel. It will be in the red 
meat class at once. The need for such 
an institution is so great, and the de- 
mand for its services, once established 
will be so far beyond anything now 

commonly imagined, that UNESCO's 
authority in the field of higher edu- 
cation will be an accomplished fact. Of 
course, its troubles and its responsi- 
bilities will increase with its authority, 
but that is not only to be expected; it is 
also to be demanded of an agency 
which pretends to significance in any 
area of education. 

We should suppose that a Univer- 
sity of the United Nations would have 
universities, colleges, and research as- 
sociations and institutions all over the 
world as its institutional members or 
associates. It would probably have its 
own faculties and institutes in various 
parts of the world. It would have its 
students and professors working on 
special researches from Greenland to 
New Guinea, from Norway to Mada- 
gascar. It would have students and 
professors from its institutional mem- 
bers' countries doing special work in 
its own divisions throughout the world. 

An Example 

This is only an example of one way 
in which UNESCO may achieve proper 
educational authority. It happens to be 
an example of an activity which is 
opposed by many persons interested in 
UNESCO at the present time as being 
unsuited to the organizations capacities. 
In the program which the secretariat 
of UNESCO submitted to the execu- 
tive board of the organization in April, 
1947, however, there was item after 
item of proposed activity which could 
be done better if UNESCO had an in- 
ternational university as part of its 
arsenal in the waging of peace. Among 
such items are a study of education for 
international understanding, a work- 
shop for teachers of international 
understanding, investigation and try- 
out of international study centers, con- 
ference on adult education, and develop- 
ment of a method of textbook analysis. 

Another example of an area in which 
UNESCO would either have to develop 
authority or die in the attempt is in the 
organization and direction of education 
in the trusteeship areas under the 
United Nations. Certainly the world 
has seen enough of national education 
in mandated areas under the League of 
Nations. The advantages in the pro- 
motion of world peace and security in 
having an international direction of 
schools in trusteeship areas are ob- 
viously very great. UNESCO should 
and must seek this responsibility. 

Informed and Enriched 
By setting up a program of educa- 
tion so fitted to the needs of a particu- 
lar people and so informed and enriched 
by all the available curricular and 
methodological techniques that it would 
be an example of the best that could be 
done, UNESCO would exercise a most 
inspiring and effective authority over 
the course of world education. Prob- 
lems which a national direction of edu- 

cation in such an area find very diffi- 
cult, moreover, would often be much 
easier to solve by mere reason of the 
fact that an international agency ap- 
proached them. It is doubtful that UN- 
ESCO, for example, would see the 
same difficulties in relation to the 
teaching of particular languages and 
particular national histories as would 
the United States Navy or any other 
national agency which might other- 
wise determine the educational policies 
to be followed in the education of de- 
pendent peoples. 

Other Fields 

Many other examples of fields in 
which UNESCO should do educational 
work could be given. What should be 
the top policy-formulating and policy- 
testing agency on educational matters 
in the countries now occupied by the 
United Nations, for example? We be- 
lieve it should be UNESCO. There are 
plenty of people, some of them connect- 
ed with UNESCO, who would sputter 
impatiently at this point, "But the 
occupying powers wouldn't ever allow 
such a thing! Incredible! Impossible!" 
Of course, the first answer to such a 
protest is that the occupying powers 
are the United Nations, and that the 
United Nations Educational, Scientific, 
and Cultural Organization might very 
well take its courage in one hand and 
some well-organized plans of coopera- 
tion in the other and march up to the 
occupying powers and offer its services 
in the field where it is supposed to be 
expert. Maybe its services would be 
accepted. How does it know otherwise? 
It would better do that pretty soon 
now, moreover, or it will be too late to 
do it at all. It will have eaten so much 
thin gruel that it will be too painful 
for it to contemplate all the red meat 
that a participation in the re-educa- 
tion of Germany and Japan would 

Large Budget Needed 

When UNESCO starts moving into 
fields where it can and must exercise 
real educational authority, its budgets 
will be much larger than at present. 
Of course they will never be large in 
comparison with the military budget 
of even a small nation, but they will be 
very large compared with the budget of, 
let us say, the schools of Emporia, 
Kansas. The important tasks UNESCO 
has to do in waging peace by education 
over a whole world are going to require 
more financial support than the schools 
of most cities. If UNESCO needs sixty 
millions of dollars for significant and 
authoritative educational activities in 
any one year, it will be a grave error to 
suppose that with six millions it can 
carry on- at least one-tenth as many 
significant activities. It is much more 
probable that with six millions, indeed, 
UNESCO would succeed merely in be- 


ing another cultural institute situated 
in Paris, and not significant at all. 

The danger that UNESCO will be- 
come more and more European is also 
one that can be met most effectively by 
undertaking big and important jobs. 
If it sets up an international university, 
directs educational organization in 
trusteeship areas, participates in the 
re-education of occupied areas, and ex- 
tends its researches and its authority 
around the world, it will not be Euro- 
pean. American, Asiatic, or anything 
else of a local character. It will be in- 
ternational in the sense of being at 
home in every educational area of the 

We want this international office of 
education to work, to get results, to 
have authority. We understand it is 
designed to promote peace and security. 
We are in favor of that job being done. 
We know that millions of Americans 
and millions of people in other countries 
are in favor of that too. We think 
that maybe if UNESCO worked at its 
job just as hard and courageously as it 
could, it would be surprised how many 
of those millions would support to the 


President Byrd has announced a 
number of important additions to the 
faculty of the College of Education 
effective this fall. 

W. G. Eckles will be Professor of 
Educational Administration. Mr. Eck- 
les is a leading authority on school 
building construction. He received his 
Master's Degree from George Peabody 
College, and lor the past nineteen years 
has been employed by the Mississippi 
State Department of Education, where 
he is Director of School Building Con- 
struction and School Transportation. In 
addition to his work in Mississippi. Mr. 
Eckles has served as consultant on 
school building programs in Maryland 
and other states. He has been an active 
participant in the National Council on 
Schoolhouse Construction, and has con- 
tributed articles to the American School 
Board Journal, the Nation's Schools, 
and School Management. 

Daniel E. Prescott, will be professoi 
of Education and Director, Institute for 
Child Study. Dr. Prescott is already 
known in Maryland for his work as 
Director of the Child Study Program 
being carried on in the public schools 
of the state. He is well known through- 
out the nation as an authority on child 
development and teacher education. 

Dr. Prescott was born in Manassas. 

Virginia, in 1898. He was awarded the 
Bachelor of Science Degree by Tufts 
College, and the Master of Education 
and Doctor of Education degrees by 
Harvard University. He served as an 
instructor at Harvard University from 
1923 to 1927, and conducted research 
for Harvard University in Europe dur- 
ing the year 1-926-27. He was a lecturer, 
J. J. Rousseau Institute, Geneva Swit- 
zerland, 1927-28; Research Investigator 
for the General Education Board, New 
York City. 1931-32; Professor of Edu- 
cation, Rutgers University, 19^,8-31 and 
1932-39: and Research Associate, Insti- 
tute of Child Welfare, and Lecturer, 
School of Education, University of Cal- 
ifornia. 1937-38. Since 1939, Dr. Pres- 
cott has been Professor of Education at 
the University of Chicago. His books 
include The Determination of Anatomi- 
cal Age in School Children, 1923; LE 
Vocabulaire des En fonts et Les Litres 
de Lecture, 1928; Education and Inter- 
national Relations, 1930; The Training 
of Teachers, 1933; Emotion and the 
Educative Process, 1938; and Helping 
Teachers Understand Children, 1945. 

ILigh Gerthon Morgan is to be Asg 
ciate Professor of Education, and will 
work with Dr. Prescott in the Insti- 
tute for Child Study. Dr. Morgan ie- 
ceived the Bachelor of Arts Degree 
from Furman University, and the 
Master of Arts and Doctor of Philoso- 
phy degrees from the University cf 
Chicago. More recently, he has been a 
member of the faculty of the University 
of Delaware. He has served as a con- 
sultant for workshops in Texas and 
Louisiana, and for child study groups 
in Baltimore and Philadelphia. 

Madelaine Mershon is to be Assistant 
Professor of Education and will work 
with Dr. Prescott in the Institute for 
Child Study. Miss Mershon received the 
Bachelor of Science degree from Drake 
University, and the Master of Arts 
degree at the University of Chicago. 
She has done additional graduate woi - k 
at Ohio State University and at the 
University of Chicago. She has served 
as consultant and workshop staff mem- 
ber in Louisiana and Maryland, and 
during the past three years has been on 
the staff for child study at the Univer- 
sity of Chicago. 

G. S. Wall is to be Associate Pro- 
fessor in Industrial Education. Mr. 
Wall holds the Master of Arts Degree 
from the University of Minnesota, and 
has taken extensive graduate work be- 

yond the Master's degree. He has had 
over twenty years of experience in the 
field of industrial education, including 
six years of teaching industrial arts in 
public schools and twelve years of vo- 
cational trade and industrial experi- 
ence at Dunwoody Institute. While at 
Dunwoody Institute, Mr. Wall super- 
vised the teacher trainees in indus- 
trial education from the University of 
Minnesota. In addition, Mr. Wall has 
taught at the Minneapolis School of 
Art and has had four years of experi- 
ence in the building trades. During 
World War II, he served with the 
Naval Air Technical Command. 


A University of Maryland historian 
labeled the United States as the most 
dangerous power in the world because 
possession of the atomic bomb has en- 
abled it to "control the destiny of man- 

In an address at Colgate Univer- 
sity's convocation, Dr. Wesley M. 
Gewehr, University of Maryland His- 
tory Department head said: 

"We are dangerous simply because 
we have attained an influence and 
produced a weapon which we may not 
know how to use. If we do not use it 
properly, if we make a false step and 
the world drifts into an atomic war, it 
may mean destruction of whole civili- 

Dr. Gewehr also said the United 
States was dangerous because of its 
economic and financial power, its lack 
of world mindedness and "too much 
concern with too many" domestic prob- 
lems, the indifference of its people and 
its lack of preparation as a nation for 


The University of Maryland's 1947 
Baccalaureate Services took place at 
7 P. M. on Sunday, June 1, 1947 on the 
lawn in front of the Administration 

The principal speaker at the exer- 
cises, to which students and public 
were invited, was the Rev. Edward G. 
Latch, of the Metropolitan Memorial 
Church. Washington, D. C. His topic 
was "Life is what you make it." 

The invocation was by Rev. James 
Orth, student minister, St. Andrews, 
College Park; Scriptures by Rev. W. 
Keith Custis, Riverdale Presbyterian 

Music for the program was fur- 
nished by the University of Maryland's 
Men's Glee Club. 

[ !5l 

2>*. Jlesfuf, Jl. BiecltkUl Wniiei. 


(Editor's Note: The following letter 
was written by Dr. Brechbill Pro- 
fessor of Education, and Assistant 
Dean, College of Education, in Ber- 
lin last April 30. At that time Dr. 
Brechbill was serving as Expert Con- 
sultant for the Allied Military Gov- 
ernment in Germany.) 

The Editor of Maryland 
Dear Sir: 

Your suggestion that I write an 
article on some phase of my experiences 
in Europe is a compliment, but a doubt- 
ful one. One must either be very wise 
to learn in five short weeks enough 
about a foreign country to appear in 
print or else very vain or foolish to 
think he has done so. Lacking the 
requisite wisdom and desiring to avoid 
gross vanity or folly, I must decline 
your suggestion. However, if you think 
the Maryland Alumni would desire to 
share with you this letter, you have my 
permission to make such use of it as 
you desire — but as a letter, not an 

From the Air 

I have seen a great deal of Germany 
and Austria from a distance of a mile 
or two above them. A half-dozen cities 
I have visited on the ground and have 
spent a week or two each in Berlin, 
Vienna and Salzburg. 

The first impression which I received 
as a novice in European travel was 
two-fold and opposite in emotional 
quality. First, it is delightful to find 
that Europe is actually European, that 
it really is like the pictures and descrip- 
tions in our school books, travel lec- 
tures, National Geographic Magazine, 
and other common sources of geographi- 
cal knowledge. Second, it is distressing 
and depressing in the extreme to wit- 
ness the enormous destruction of war 
to which no picture nor description can 
do full justice, and which has erased 
forever so much of man's finest artistic 

Berlin Shattered 

Of the cities I have seen, Berlin is by 
far the most tragic war victim. As a 
city her heart is utterly gone, both 
literally and figuratively. If one can 
imagine Baltimore with the whole area 
between Greene St. and Calvert St. 
from North Avenue to the harbor com- 
pletely demolished and every tenth to 
fifth building in the remaining area 
wrecked, he would have a picture of a 
city resembling the actual Berlin of to- 

To make matters worse, Berlin has, 
at least for the present, lost her raison 
d'etre. She existed to be the Capital 
of the Reich ; now there is no Reich. 

Nazi Regime 
Went Not Only 
To Defeat 
And Destruetion 
Rut To Deepest 

Two-thirds or more of the city lies in 
the American, British and French sec- 
tors and is surrounded by the Russian 
Zone, which separates it from the Wes- 
tern Zones by a barrier more formid- 
able than a matter of miles. Deprived 
of her function, shorn of her hinter- 
land and segmented into artificial and 
unnatural sectors, Berlin goes on from 
day to day, a sort of animated corpse, 
lifeless yet unable to die. Her people 
eke out a precarious existence by woi'k- 
ing for the occupying powers, selling 
their heirlooms and shoveling rubble. 

Utilities Operate 

On the other side, of this dreary 
picture is the fact that the public 
utilities, — water, sewage, lighting, 
transportation, and telephone systems 
are fairly well intact and there is al- 
ways the hope, as there was for Mr. 
Micawber, that "something will turn 
up." The German people are a patient 
people. They have lost the war. Stolid- 
ly they suffer, but trudge along. 

Those who hate Germany for her 
past offenses and delight in punishment 
for sin should visit Berlin. In only one 
respect would they be disappointed. 
They would not find penitence and a 


Asssitant Dean and Professor of Education, 
College of Education. This spring Dr. Brechbill 
was in Germany as Expert Consultant, Office of 
Military Government. 


national sense of guilt. To expect that 
would be to ignore history. Has any 
defeated people anywhere ever taken 
upon their consciences the responsi- 
bility for the evils resulting from the 
wars they have lost? Let the historians 
answer; but the books they have writ- 
ten, I think, record no such event. 
1918 Armistice 

There were those who said in 1918 
that the Armistice was a mistake, that 
the war should have been continued un- 
relentingly until allied troops stood in 
Berlin. If that was a mistake, it was 
surely not repeated in 1945. The Nazi 
regime has gone not merely to defeat 
and destruction, but to deepest igno- 
miny. The ruins of Hitler's famous 
office in the Reich Chancellory lie open 
and unguarded to the mob. Guided by a 
grinning German lad of seventeen or 
eighteen, I tramped through the de- 
molished rooms of what was to have 
been by Hitler's plan, the seat of the 
world's government. Gone is every ar- 
ticle of furniture, broken the beautiful 
marble decorations. The very floors and 
walls are yielding up their mosaic tiles 
to the onslaughts of curio-seekers; I 
saw, myself, the wall towel rack in Der 
Fuhrer's private bathroom wrenched 
from its fastenings and carried away 
as a souvenir by a pair of passing 
Americans. And there was no one to 
object, no one even to regret. His last 
hide-out is partly filled with dirty water 
and the alleged spot of his death in- 
dicated without reverence or even re- 
spect. His house at Berchtesgaden is 
similarly held in disregard and is fast 
disintegrating. The very intelligent 
young German who showed me the 
ruins at Berchtesgaden was almost 
gleeful in the presence of these sym- 
bols of the destruction of his country's 
greatest might. 

How much regret for the fall of the 
mighty Nazidom exists among the Ger- 
man people or what the attitude of 
future Germany will be can only be 
guessed. At present the expressed atti- 
tude is one of indifference or approba- 

War Does Not Pay 

In parts of Germany outside of Ber- 
lin, significant beginnings of recon- 
struction are in evidence. Rebuilding on 
a permanent basis is under way in 
Munich and Frankfurt and I know not 
how many other places. We can only 
hope that the Germany that emerges 
from the catastrophe of 1945 will be 
one that is fully convinced that, right 
or wrong, the war did not pay and 
that another one is not to their liking. 

Did I say we can "only hope"? I 

(Please turn to Page 19) 


Harvey L. Miller 

Managing Editor 

David S. Brigham 

General Alumni Secretary 

Anne S. Dougherty 

Circulation Manager 


IF, some day, the World War II his- 
tory of Maryland graduates is writ- 
ten it will present a volume of out- 
standing and heroic achievement, both 
in quantity and quality of personnel 

Questionnaire forms sent to alumni 
are, in many cases, bringing back the 
sad information that the addressee 
gave his life for his country. Proud 
parents supply the information. 

Such a proud — and deeply saddened 
— parent is Captain John F. Curtin. 
U. S. Naval Reserve, 12 Colonial Drive, 
Plandome Manor, Long Island, N. Y. 
Like many another old timer Captain 
Curtin went on active duty well be- 
fore Pearl Harbor. The Captain was 
down at the Ellipse in Washington, 
D. C. when the District's Marine Corps 
Reserve troops shoved off in November 
1940. Few anticipated that the enthu- 
siastic young civilian - leathernecks 
would be fighting for their lives on an 
unheard of island called "Guadal- 

When the University of Maryland's 
boxing team appeared at Kings Point 
Captain Curtin was at the ringside. 
He lives near Kings Point U. S. Mer- 
chant Marine Academy. Had things 
gone along normally Captain Curtin 
would have been accompanied by John 
F. Curtin, Jr., a proud graduate of 
the University of Maryland. But 
young John was not at the ringside. He 
had fought and won the greater fight. 
He was killed in action in France on 
August 3, 1944. 

On that day on the Ellipse in 1940 
Captain Curtin could hardly have an- 
ticipated that his son, John F. Curtin, 
Jr., then a sophomore in the Univer- 
sity's College of Engineering, would 
soon be on active duty as an outstand- 
ing soldier; one of the boys who did 
not come back. 

At Maryland young Curtin had been 
active in Scabbard and Blade and in 
Pi Kappa Alpha, Society of American 
Engineers. He majored in aeronau- 
tical engineering and entered the 
Army immediately upon graduation. 

He was commissioned in the Infan- 
try, soon promoted to First Lieutenant 
and commanded Company "B", 112th 
Infantry, 28th Division. Selected as 

an outstanding young officer he was 
ordered to duty on Division Staff. How- 
ever, he requested to be returned to 
the line. He liked troops and troops 
liked him. 

There is not much that can be told 
further about this fine young officer. 
The citation below speaks for itself, 
viz: — 

Headquarters, 28th Infantry 


APO 28, U. S. Army 

15 October 1944. 
The Silver Star 
is awarded posthumously to First Lieu- 
tenant JOHN F. CURTIN, JR., 
0463914, Infantry, Company "B", 112th 
Infantry, for gallantry in action 
against the enemy near Margueray, 
France, on 3 August 1944. 

In the action to secure commanding 
ground near Margueray, France, Lieu- 
tenant CURTIN was wounded in lead- 
ing his Company against the severe 
enemy machine gun, artillery, mortar, 
and small arms fire that swept the ter- 
rain. Receiving first aid treatment at 
the unit Aid Station, he returned to 
the Company to find that the enemy 
had inflicted heavy casualties upon it. 
Disregarding the hail of machine gun 
fire which consistently hit the dirt 


First Lieutenant John F. Curtin, Jr. 

about him, he reorganized the remain- 
der of his Company, and led it forward 
into the attack. Exhibiting traits of 
equanimity, and maintaining complete 
composure in the face of the withering 
enemy fire, he reassured his men — at 
all times urging them forward. 
Through personal bravery, aggres- 
sive leadership, and determination, he 
led his company to the successful com- 
pletion of the hazardous mission as- 
signed it. Shortly after the mission 
was accomplished, enemy machine gun 
fire mortally wounded Lieutenant 
CURTIN. The conspicuous gallantry, 
intrepidity, and devotion to duty which 
characterized his actions is worthy of 
emulation, and reflect the highest 
credit upon himself and the Armed 
Forces of the United States. 

Norman D. Cota, 
Major General, USA., 


Elsewhere in this issue there ap- 
pears "A letter from Germany" written 
By Dr. Henry Brechbill, of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland's College of Educa- 

Dr. Brechbill's fine letter suggested 
that our readers might be interested in 
another letter from Germany which 
goes to show further how correct Dr. 
Brechbill is in calling attention to the 
utter depths reached by the country 
that marched when Der Fuehrer rolled 
the drums. Goethe, with his "Ehre ver- 
loren; alles verloren" was truly a pro- 
phet without honor in his own country, 
when the little man who played for big 
stakes found that he could not win in 
spite of marked cards and a stacked 

The following letter comes from Ed- 
win and Ruth Miessner, Apostel Paulus 
Strasse 19, Berlin-Schoneberg, respect- 
ively 17 and 14 years of age. 

The letter is addressed to Mr. Joe 
Dougherty, ex-GI student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, who is employed 
in the Publications Office. Mr. Dougher- 
ty recently married Miss Anne L. 
Slingluff, daughter of Commander 
Thomas C. Slingluff, U. S. N., retired, 
one of the Navy's athletic Slingluff's of 
a few years ago. 


Mrs. Dougherty, who is now circu- 
lation manager for "MARYLAND", 
served in the Red Cross in Germany 
and met her husband while he was in 
the Army in that country. 

The letter from the Miessner young- 
sters was typewritten in English and is 
reproduced exactly as typed (not bad 
for a youngster handling a foreign 
language) . 

The letter, viz: — 

"We received your letter and we were 
very glad to hear from you. It took 
your letter two month to reach us. And 
we think that is a very long time. We 
thought that we never would get an 
answer from you, but we are not 
naughty why we must wait such a long 
time. We hope with all our heart that 
your next letter will come earlier. — 

"Now to your letter. — We read about 
your trips through Germany and we 
think you will know South Germany 
better than we do. We knew that you 
had been in a little village near Bam- 
bert. On our trip from Regan to Berlin 

we saw Captain' ' and some 

boys of H.Qu.Co. in Lichtenfels on the 
26th of Sept. 45. They were dressed 
in base-ball dresses and they drove 
through Lichtenfels by truck. So they 
did not notice us. We asked for H.Qu. 
Co. at the M.P. station and they told us, 
that you were only a couple of miles 
outside of Lichtenfels beside the high- 
road Lichtenfels-Bamberg. We wanted 
to visit you but we could not. Our next 
train was going in two hours. — You 
told us about your wedding. Isn't it 
wonderful, that you had to go to Ger- 
many to find an American girl, the 
girl of your life? — We read that you 
are going to school. I finish my high- 
school at the 1st of April. I begin to 
work for three years as a surveying 
technician. After that I go to the school 
of technology to make my engineer 
examination. — Ruth is attending school 
for two years more. 

"Now we shall write of our life in 
the last half year. — We had a good 
Christmas. We even had a little Christ- 
mas tree, but no candles. The few 
candles we have we must spare. Coal is 
very scanty in Germany and so the 
electricity too. In Berlin we have each 
day four hours no electric light. This 
week we are sitting from 14-18 o'clock 
in our dark room. Next week from 
18-22 and so on. So you can see why 
we did not burn our candles at the 
Christmas tree. For Christmas our 
Mother baked a cake for us. (We 
spared for it from our ration card 
long enough.) Only a shade fell on our 
feast and that was that our Father 
coukl not feast' with us. God alone 
knows on which place he must spend 
his Christmastime. Till today we did 
not hear anything about our Father. 
On the 3rd of March 44, just one day 
before by fourteenth birthday I saw 

him the last time. He wa's in Berlin 
till the 2nd of May 45. From that day 
we are without news of him. But we 
hope that he will come back soon or we 
get a letter or something else. — And on 
the 31st of December we said "Happy 
New Year" at eight o'clock and jumped 
in our beds. — That was our Christmas- 
season. Ruth's birthday (14) on the 
27th of February was a day as each 

"Now it was very cold in Berlin. 
We had — 15° Celsius. That means 5° 
Fahrenheit. We dwell with our grand- 
parents together in their lodging. You 
know, our right home was bombed 
down in August 43. We have a little 
room with a tiny stove in it. In our 
room it was so cold, that our potatoes 
(we have our potatoes in our sleeping- 
room) were frozen. We could not afford 
it to throw them away. So we cooked 
them thin and ate them as a sweat 
soup. When we were out of bed we 
were sitting at the stove and froze. 
Most time we were in the bed, because 
the bed was the warmest place. We had 
no school, because the schools did not 
have coal. Most of the coal in Berlin is 
for hospitals, the bakers, doctors and 
the other for the life in Berlin most im- 
portant places. Our water for cooking 
and washing we had to take from our 
neighbourhouse. Our waterreeds had 
been frozen in and broken. Snow was 
not very high in Berlin, but we had a 
strong and very cold wind. We do not 
have glass for every window. So we 
closed the windows with pasteboard. 
You can believe, pasteboard is no hin- 
drance for a strong wind. We are hap- 
py that the roof of our house is almost 
safe and that we do not have Rainwater 
in our room. We have only some clothes 
in Berlin. Most of our clothes are in 
March near Regan, the little village in 
Bavaria where we met you and where 
we had such happy days. When we 
drove to Berlin we had only some 
clothes with us. We had no pass and we 
had to go back over the boundary into 
the Russian Zone in the night. So you 
can think, that we three could not 
carry much. And the clothes we had 
in Berlin had been stolen at the end of 
the war. Our furnitures which -we had 
saved in August 43 are here, but the 
cupboards are all empty. We are not 
allowed to go back to Bavaria to fetch 
our other trunks but we hope that the 
day when we can do this is not very 
far. We are wholesome, but Ruth has a 
very sensible lung. Every three month 
she must go to a hospital. The doctors 
make a photograph of her lung and 
examine it for tuberculosis. We hope, 
that she will not get a sickness. 

"Now we shall write to you about an 
accident happened shortly in Berlin. — • 
A soccer-club had a night fancy-dress 
ball in a rambling, stucco dance hall 
and restaurant in Berlin's British zone. 

Outside it was bone cold. Inside big 
stoves were stocked red-hot to warm 
the eighthundred dancers who whirled 
over the floor. The ceiling of the danc- 
ing hall was painted with a fire-dan- 
gerous colour. Flames suddenly flick- 
ered around one of the overheated stove- 
pipes. In the screaming panic all dan- 
cers pushed to the door. A few dan- 
cers tried the windows. But the Weh- 
macht had barred them during the war, 
when the restaurant was a prison- 
camp storehouse. The lights went out. 
In a terrible burst of flame the roof 
collapsed. For some reason most people 
seemed more concerned about their 
clothes, than their lifes. Almost every- 
body jammed into the entry way by 
the coat room, and there they piled up 
in front of the narrow door. Then the 
roof fell in. — The Wehmacht's bars and 
the value which Germans today put on 
their clothing cost 84 lifes. 20 were 
missing and many people were brought 
into a hospital. They found out the 
names of the half of the dead people. 
All the others were burned so much, 
that nobody knew who they were. 
Among the death were six British 
soldiers. It was Berlin's worst peace- 
time disaster in 100 years. — 

"So, that is a little letter about our 
daily life in Berlin. It is a hard life, 
but we do not let hang our head. 
Someday it will be better and everyone 
will prosper. 

"We hope we hear from you shortly. 
"Many greetings and love to you and 
your wife from 



(Concluded from Page 17) 

believe we can and should, in our own 
interest and that of the whole world, 
do much more than hope. A generous 
guiding policy by America might do 
much to direct the education of German 
children so that they would not be- 
come the willing puppets of militarism 
that their parents were. Books in Ger- 
man language, lectures from platform 
and radio, 1 collaboration in the writing 
of school books, and most of all scholar- 
ships for German teachers in Ameri- 
can Universities are among the impor- 
tant means at our disposal both for 
preventing the recurrence of Naziism 
and for holding the line of Western 
Democracy against any other form of 
irresponsible totalitarianism in this 
critical and strategically important 
part of the earth. 

Cordially yours, 

Henry Brechbill 

x Our Dr. Adolph Zucker is now in Germany 
giving a series of lectures (German language) 
upon great democrats — German history. 



Ever since the publication of 
Maryland was inaugurated the Edi- 
tor has been confronted with the 
question, "Who is the oldest alumnus? 
In years of age? In years since gradua- 

Until some alumnus comes along to 
challenge the honor we call attention to 
R. Sumter Griffith, class of 1880 and 
College Park and Medical School, 1886. 

Dr. Griffith was born in 1861. He is 
now 87 years old. It has been 67 years 
since he graduated. 

Dr. Griffith resides and practices 
medicine at Basic City (Waynesboro), 
Virginia. He is Past President of the 
Augusta (Va.) Medical Society and 
Past Vice President of the Virginia 
State Medical Association. He is the 
son of Colonel F. L. Griffith, one of the 
original stockholders in Maryland Agri- 
cultural College. 

Birthdays come and birthdays go — 
as do people — and Dr. Griffith seen 
quite a few of both. 

A gentleman of the old school and a 
practicing physician in Basic City and 
Waynesboro since 1891, Dr. Griffith was 
born in Friendship, Anne Arundel 
County, Maryland in 1861. 

His middle name, Sumter, is in honor 
of Fort Sumter. 

To hear the doctor tell it, the Con- 
federate forces fired upon the Federal 
troops at Fort Sumter, S. C. on April 
12, the Fort surrendered on April 13, 
but the news took 3 days to reach the 
part of Maryland where the Griffiths 
were living. 

Being a gentleman of the South at 
heart, Dr. Griffith's father, Col. F. L. 
Griffith was greatly exhilerated over 
the news, only to be told by the doctor 
on the scene to hush up and go see his 
new son who had just come into the 
world, in honor the glorious day — R. 
Sumter Griffith. 

Still hale and hearty at 87, Dr. 
Griffith is an active booster of healthy 
life. He touched neither liquor nor to- 
bacco all through his life. To back his 
claim that temperance leads to long- 
evity, he cites a Negro man in town, 
aged 95 who puts forth the same boast 
that he has never tasted alcohol. 

Active in civic and affairs 
since his arrival in what was then 
Basic City, Dr. Griffith on his 87th 
birthday is probably most proud of the 
four 50-year oganization pins which he 
has, all of which add to considerably 
more than his age in years. Two come 
from the railroad which cross paths not 
more than 300 yards from his front 
door, for the venerable doctor has been 
physician for the C&O R.R. and the 
N&W R.R. each for over half a cen- 
tury, since 1894 for the N&W and 
since 1895 for the C&O. 

Now rounding out almost 57 years as 
an active Mason, Dr. Griffith wears on 

Four Senators served in the Spanish- 
American War, 35 in World War I and 
eight in World War II. Two hundred 
and four representatives at some time 
served in the military or naval service. 
Of this number, 131 served in World 
War I, 59 saw service in World War II, 
and 14 saw service in both World Wars. 


M. A. C. 1880. Is he the "dean" of Maryland 

his watch chain the 50-year Masonic 
pin presented to him in 1941 by then 
Governor James H. Price, pin carrying 
the seals of the Scottish Rite and the 
Knights Templar. Latest "50" badge in 
the collection is the Odd Fellows pin 
presented in a ceremony marking the 
50th year of the local lodge of that 
organization in December of last year. 

While the many statistical 'facts 
about Waynesboro's oldest doctor would 
fill a volume, the fact that he is cur- 
rently tending the fourth generation in 
two or more families in town. 

Harking back to the past and his 
early days as a doctor, Dr. Griffith 
speaks longingly of the days when he 
used to ride horse back to tend his 
patients for miles around. He claims 
that he used to go many places on a 
horse that the modern day doctors will 
not go unless they have a car. 

Practiced over 20 years on horse back 
did the doctor, and what does he miss 
most about his horse? 

"You could go to sleep on a horse. 
Go to sleep and he would bring you 
right back home. Can't do that in an 

At one time, the doctor says, he 
knew just about every one in town. 
That was back when Basic City and 
Waynesboro were two communities. 
But now he says that he does not 
know hardly anyone. 


Once there was a little boy, whose 
name was Robert Reese; and every 
Friday afternoon he had to speak a 
piece. So many poems thus he learned, 
that soon he had a store of recitation in 
his head, and still kept learning more. 

And now this is what happened: he 
was called upon, one week, and totally 
forgot the piece he was about to speak! 
His brain he cudgeled. Not a word re- 
mained within his head! And so he 
spoke at random, and this is what he 
said : 

"My Beautiful, my Beautiful, who 
standest proudly by, it was the schooner 
Hesperus — the breaking waves dashed 
high! Why is the Forum crowded? 
What means this stir in Rome? Under 
a spreading chestnut tree there is no- 
place like home . . . 

"When Freedom from her mountain 
height cried, Twinkle, little star, shoot 
if you must this old gray head, King 
Henry of Navarre! Roll on, thou deep 
and dark blue castled crag of Drachen- 
fels, my name is Norval, on Grampian 
Hill,':, ring out, wild bells! 

"If you're waking, call me early to be 
or not to be, the curfew must not ring 
tonight! O woodman spare that tree! 
Charge, Chester, charge! On, Stanley, 
on! Let him who will be clever! The 
boy stood on the burning deck, but I go- 
on forever." 

His elocution was superb, his voice: 
and gestures fine; his schoolmates all. 
applauded as he finished the last line. 
"I see it doesn't matter," Robert thought,. 
'what words I say, so long as I declaim. 
with oratorical display!" 


The Legislative Reference Section of 
the Library of Congress has compiled 
a list of war veterans in the 80th Con- 
gress. Forty-seven Senators at some 
time served in the military or naval 
service. Senator E. V. Robertson, of 
Wyoming saw service in the Boer War. 


"What State of the Union has the- 
lowest state taxes?" 

When you have students working 
around the office you get questions like- 
that. Keeps you on your toes and illu- 
strates what many educators have re- 
peated, "You learn more while teach- 
ing than you do while studying." 

Well, the $64.00 answer would be,. 

Years ago Nebraskans wrote into, 
their Constitution a prohibition against, 
state indebtedness. It is still there and 
Nebraska still pays cash for its roads, 
buildings and improvements. 

Nebraska has no State bonded debt, 
no state sales tax, no state income tax, 
no state luxury tax. State tax on real 
property, in Nebraska, has averaged 
for the last ten years $2.40 per $1,000* 



Shorthand is a skill learned by students preparing to teach business education. 


(Continued from Page 3) 

In order to train business teachers 
with a broad point of view, the univer- 
sity requires students in business edu- 
cation to take extensive courses in Eng- 
lish, the social sciences, and mathe- 
matics. Professional courses, designed 
to develop basic understandings for 
teaching, are likewise required. In addi- 
tion, majors in business education are 
required to take the specialized or vo- 
cational courses which prepare them for 
the teaching of vocational business 

Two curriculums are offered: the 
general business education curriculum 
and the secretarial curriculum. The 
general curriculum qualifies a person to 
teach courses such as general business, 
retailing, typewriting, bookkeeping and 
office practice. The secretarial curricu- 
lum places more emphasis on the skill 
subjects such as shorthand, typewriting, 
and office machines. 

Home Economics Education 

The curriculum in home economics 
education leads to a Bachelor of Science 
Degree and qualifies graduates to teach 
vocational homemaking in the public 
high schools of Maryland. In addition 
to the undergraduate courses, there are 
graduate offerings which lead to ad- 
vanced degrees with a major home eco- 
nomics education. 

The offerings in the undergraduate 
program center around three major 
courses with specific emphases. The 
course entitled "Curriculum, Instruc- 
tion and Observation," is designed to 
acquaint students with the place and 
function of home economics in a total 
school program, the characteristics of 

the pupils, and teaching procedures. 

Concentrated emphasis in the senior 
year is on student teaching and prob- 
lems related to the administration of a 
home economics department. Student 
teaching is done in both junior and 
senior high schools to enable prospec- 
tive teachers to develop ability to direct 
the learning of pupils at these two 
levels and to gain insight into the six- 
year high-school home-economics curri- 

Teachers in nearby high schools co- 
operate in the student teaching pro- 
gram through regularly scheduled con- 
ferences devoted to group'planning and 
evaluation, supervising student teach- 
ers, and attending weekly seminar 

The department of home economics 
education maintains a bureau of in- 
structional materials consisting of 
timely illustrations, pamphlets, folders, 
and recent texts and references, avail- 
able for use by students and super- 
vising teachers. 

The entire program of home eco- 
nomics education is planned and de- 
veloped in cooperation -with the State 
Department of Education and the State 
Supervisor of" Vocational Homemaking. 

Industrial Education 

The Industrial Education depart- 
ment, within the College of Education'^ 
has a comprehensive program which 
embraces the education of Industrial- 
Arts and Vocational-Industrial teach; 
ers and supervisors. 


College students majoring in home economics education use department bureau of instructional 



These wives of G.I. students constitute a class in child development, conducted by Miss Edna B. McNauehton. 

The Industrial Education department 
offers a Bachelor of Science degree to 
those who major in Industrial Arts. 
By meeting the requirements of this 
curriculum the graduate is qualified to 
teach Industrial Arts in the secondary 
schools of Maryland. 

The graduate program includes stu- 
dies leading to the degrees of Master of 
Education, Master of Arts, Doctor of 
Education, and Doctor of Philosophy. 

The University of Maryland offers 
unusally fine opportunities for an In- 
dustrial Arts graduate student to grow 
professionally by following an indivi- 
dually planned pattern of courses 
chosen from his immediate field and 
other departments and colleges. 

The Vocational-Industrial education 
phase of the program parallels the In- 
dustrial Arts program in scope, but 
there are administrative variations 

Stanley Drazek, 
look on. 


majoring in industrial arts education, studies while his wife and daughter 

prompted by differences in the person- 
nel served and in the function of Vo- 
cational Education. 

The requirements for the certification 
of Vocational-Industrial teachers in the 
public schools of Maryland are estab- 
lished by The Maryland State Plan for 
Vocational Education. The State Plan 
in turn conforms with those federal 
laws and policies which must be 
satisfied if the State seeks to qualify 
for certain federal reimbursements. 
The State Plan has designated the 
University of Maryland as the agency 
for preparing Vocational-Industrial 

The Industrial Education department 
also directs the work of those Voca- 
tional-Industrial teachers and super- 
visors who seek to earn either bac- 
calaureate or advanced degrees in 
their field. 

The shop facilities of the Industrial 
Education department are excellent and 
are currently housed in the Industrial 
Education Building, located on Uni- 
versity Lane directly east of the En- 
gineering Building. 

The undergraduate program has 
proved popular with veterans and the 
graduate program has attracted out-of- 
state persons as well as residents of 
Maryland. All of the persons enrolled 
as full-time students are men. 

Adult Education 

Before a community educates its chil- 
dren, it educates its adult population. 
Adult education is as old as the first 
council of our caveman ancestors who 
sat around the tribal fire discussing 
their food-getting problems. 

In the modern world this educative 
process among adults, however, has 
been considered largely an extra-school 
concern. Only recently have we recog- 


nized that under industrial, private, 
and public auspices men and women are 
enrolling for all sorts of courses, in- 
stitutes, and discussions groups by 
which they hope to extend their eco- 
nomic or social intelligence. 

To study those adult-education agen- 
cies already in existence and to improve 
those sponsored by the public schools, 
the College of Education has set up 
two courses for teachers and adminis- 
trators in principles and practices of 
adult education. 

These courses are based on studies of 
adult psychology. They give opportun- 
ity for the individual teacher or admin- 
istrator to study his own community 
and its needs. They assist him to de- 
velop under his own or other auspices, 
courses and institutes for parent and 
other adults in his school district. 


Schools have become increasingly 
aware of their guidance function. 
Schools in this region are especially 
oustanding in this respect. All teach- 
ers have assumed increased responsi- 
bility for guidance, and in addition 
school officials are employing full-time 
counselors to help pupils with special 
problems which they encounter in the 
process of choosing, planning and ad- 

The guidance courses for teachers in 
the College of Education are designed 
on the assumption that (1) all teach- 
ers must assume certain responsibility 
for guidance work and that (2) coun- 
selors or other guidance experts must 
be provided to assume responsibilities 
which cannot be met by teachers who 
have full-time teaching assignments. 
The major guidance courses offered at 
present are Guidance in Secondary 
Schools, Counseling Techniques, Occu- 
pational Information, Characteristics 
and Problems of the Adolescent, Semi- 
nar in Guidance, and Analysis of the 

Individual. Others will be added in the 
future. The study of child growth and 
development is stressed for all teachers 
since it is regarded as basic to guidance 
work as well as to effective teaching. 

Educational Administration 

Graduate work leading to a master's 
or doctor's degree is offered for prin- 
cipals, supervisors, superintendents of 
schools, and others desiring prepara- 
tion in school administration. 

The work emphasizes the human 
values in administration. Education is 
a means of heiping to promote changes 
in human beings. The highest values in 
school administration must therefore be 
human values. 

Too often in the past, daily class 
schedules, budgets, and prerogatives of 
the administrator have been obstacles 
to effective education. The college be- 
lieves that the mechanics of adminis- 
tration can be justified only as they 
contribute to learning. 

The teaching staff is considered to be 
of paramount importance. The teacher 
is present to help each child learn. She 
should not be coerced but should be 
allowed to exercise initiative and origi- 
nality. An Administrator should stimu- 
late growth by helping teachers think 
through their problems rather than by 
trying to force acceptance of his own 
solutions. In addition, he should be con- 
cerned about providing conditions es- 
sential to teacher happiness and wel- 

Relationships between the home and 
the school are recognized as being of in- 
creasing importance. The development 
of each child is conditioned by his home, 
and the parents and teachers should 
cooperate. Furthermore, the ultimate 
control over the schools rests with the 
people, and the schools cannot get 
very far ahead of the community. An 
effective administrator is one who un- 
derstands how the school functions in 


Engineering Extension class group in Tool Engineering for Glenn L. Martin Company 
employees — 1946-47. Instructor, John J. Buckley, Director, Glenn L. Martin Company Engineering 
Training School. 



Professor and Head of Department of Indus- 
trial Education; Director, Baltimore Education 

relation to the parents and community. 
The college offers nine courses and 
one seminar in school administration, 
and additional offerings will be avail- 
able next year. The twenty-four school 
systems of the state provide an excel- 
lent school-administration laboratory 
within easy access of the university, 
and this laboratory is used both by stu- 
dents and by staff in the study of ad- 
ministrative problems. 

Baltimore Division 

Through the College of Education, 
the University of Maryland conducts 
the Baltimore Division for students liv- 
ing in or near the City of Baltimore. 
Late afternoon and evening classes 
accommodate qualified adults who seek 
in-service improvement or desire to pur- 
sue other types of college work. 

Courses in education are set up to 
conform to requirements of the Mary- 
land State Department of Education 
and the Baltimore Department of Edu- 
cation. Students are advised to confer 
with the appropriate official to deter- 
mine whether a specific course will be 
accepted as meeting the training re- 
quirement for a salary increase. Courses 
required by the Baltimore Department 
of Education to enable students to 
qualify for appointments as vocational, 
occupational, or shop teachers have 
been set up by the University as a 
special adaptation to the needs of the 
Baltimore schools. 

The University plans and adminis- 
ters programs in cooperation with in- 
dustry, business, and other agencies. 
When administratively feasible, in- 
plant classes are conducted for the 
convenience of employed students. The 


Planning a budget holds the attention of these students. 


Instructional materials available for use in 

class meetings are scheduled at loca- 
tions and times most favorable to em- 
ployees and to the adult public in gen- 

Some of the outstanding programs 
administered in cooperation with in- 
dustry are Industrial Safety Engineer- 
ing, The Sea-Cal-University, Program, 
and the Glenn L. Martin-University of 
Maryland Engineering Program. 

A standard course in Industrial 
Safety Engineering is featured under 
the direction of Mr. A. Burton Metzger, 
an assistant superintendent in the 
Western Electric Company, Baltimore. 
Mr. Metzger has secured the continued 
interest and cooperation , of the Balti- 
more Safety Council's Board of Di- 
rectors, of which he is president. 

The University of Maryland, Purdue 
University, and the University of 
Louisville have in effect an in-plant 
education program for staff employees 
of the Seagram-Calvert Corporation 
and other Seagram Corporation sub- 
sidiaries in proximity to any of these 
universities. Jointly-established curri- 
cula and class schedules permit unin- 
terrupted attendance despite the rota- 
tion of employees among departments 
and industry divisions. Employees are 
afforded opportunities to continue a 
liberal college education, secure specific 
training, and obtain progressive job ex- 
periences leading to occupational ad- 

At the present time, the three univer- 
sities maintain a series of courses in 
common, and supplement these with 
other university courses peculiar to the 
needs and interests of the employees. 
Courses are currently being offered in 
the following areas: Bacteriology, 
Fundamentals of Effective Speaking, 

Industrial Management, Business Law, 
Distilling Plant Operations, English 
Composition, Fundamentals of Manu- 
facturing Accounting, History of Paint- 
ing, and Technical Writing. 

Joint planning by the College of En- 
gineering, staff and officials of the 
Glenn L. Martin Company led last fall 
to the initiation of a University of 
Maryland Program of Engineering, 
administered by the Baltimore Center. 
Classes are conducted either at the 
Middle River Plant or at other con- 
venient locations. 

Currently, the following courses are 
in effect in cooperation with the Glenn 
L. Martin Company: Detailed Aircraft 
Structural Analysis, Advanced De- 
tailed Aircraft Structural Analysis 
Mechanics of Aircraft Structure, Aero- 
nautical Airplane Design, Statics and 
Dynamics, Analytics Applied to Air- 
craft, Aircraft Tool Engineering, and 
Engineering Electronics. 

The educational opportunities afford- 
ed the Glenn L. Martin Company per- 
sonnel are of course open to the em- 
ployees of any industry, business, or 
public agency in metropolitan Balti- 

In addition to the featured programs, 
special programs are being conducted 
at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Rustless 
Iron and Steel, State Department of 
Recreation, Maryland Training School 
at Westminster, and the Maryland Em- 
ployment Service. 

During the school year 1946-47, there 
were enrolled in the Baltimore Center 
approximately 225 graduate students 
and 800 undergraduate students pur- 
suing 141 courses. Of the total 1025 
individual students, approximately 300 
were veterans enrolled under the GI 



Loan desk handles h< 

Galle^e a^ ZducatiOM, 

University of Maryland College of Education Students, along with stu- 
dents of the other colleges, use the varied and extensive facilities of the en- 
tire University. 



m% i 


Mr. Lee Martin, Principal of Middle River Elementary School (Baltimore County) and candidate 
for a Master of Arte Desr»e. believes that a principal should spend most of his time helping to 
improve teaching and learning. 


George J. Rabat, Acting Chief, Eu- 
ropean Educational Relatione Section, 
Division of International Educational 
Relations, U. S. Office of Education, is 
one of three students in the College of 
Education who were awarded the de- 
gree of Doctor of Philosophy at com- 
mencement this June. His dissertation, 
The Training of Teachers in France, 
involved his observation of schools 
throughout France. 

Dr. Kabat was born at Nantes, 
France, in 1912. He received the 
Bachelor of Education degree from Wi- 
nona State Teachers College, and the 
Master of Arts degree from the Uni- 
versity of Colorado. He attended' the 
Lycee' Clemenceau at Nantes, France, 
during the 1933-34 school year, and 
has done graduate work at the Uni- 
versity of Southern California and the 
University of Minnesota. Dr. Kabat 
was supervisor of adult education in 
Winona, Minnesota, and has taught in 
the Crosby-Ironton High School, in the 
University of Colorado, and in the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. As President of 
the Trinidad State Junior College (in 
Colorado) from 1939-1941, he was the 
youngest college president in the 
United States. During World War II. 
he served in the U. S. Army from 1942 
to 1946, and spent 27 months on over- 
seas duty in the European Theater. 
Dr. Kabat was U. S. Delegate to the 
Ninth International Conference on 
Public Education, International Bu- 
reau of Education, Geneva, Switzer- 
land, in March, 1946, and was a mem- 
ber of the U. S. Delegation to the 
First General Conference of UNESCO, 
held at Paris, France, during Novem- 
ber and December, 1946. 

Marie C. Wheatley, Associate Pro- 
fessor of Education, Florida State Col- 
lege for Women (Tallahassee, Flor- 
ida) likewise received the Doctor of 
Philosophy degree at the June com- 
mencement. Her thesis was entitled 
The Primary Mental Abilities of Deaf 
Children. The research involved exten- 
sive administration of tests with pro- 
cedures which eliminated language as a 
factor in achievement. 

Dr. Wheatley was born in New York, 
in 1919. She received the Bachelor of 
Arts degree from Hunter College in 
1940, and the Master of Arts degree 
from Columbia University in 1941. Be- 
fore coming to the University of 
Maryland to work for the Ph.D. degree, 
she was employed in the School for 
Deaf, West Trenton, New Jersey. Mrs. 
Wheatley has concentrated on Special 
Education. Her experiences with deaf 
children enabled her to conduct her re- 
search with unique effectiveness. 

Dr. Wheatley reports that comple- 
tion of the degree requirements 
brought her a promotion to the rank of 
Associate Professor. 

Gladys A. Wig gin, a member of the 
faculty of the College of Education, 
was also awarded the degree of Doctor 
of Philosophy. Her dissertation, Agri- 
cultural Adult Education Programs in 
Saskatchewan, is a critical evaluation 
of existing programs in Saskatchewan, 
where she spent considerable time se- 
curing data for the study. 

Dr. Wiggin is a native of Minne- 
sota, and holds the degrees Bachelor 
of Science and Master of Arts from 
the University of Minnesota. She was 
employed as a teacher and supervisor 
in the Minneapolis public schools from 

1929 to 1937. She was Assistant Direc- 
tor, Center for Continuation Study, 
University of Minnesota, 1937-38; and 
was Executive Secretary, Adult Educa- 
tion Council of Denver, 1938-1940. She 
has served as Assistant Professor at 
the University of Colorado, Research 
Worker for the Educational Policies 
Commission, and Assistant Specialist 
at the U. S. Office of Education. Dur- 
ing World War II, Dr. Wiggin worked 
in a confidential assignment for the 
U.S. Army. She is Associate Professor 
at the University of Maryland, and 
was formerly in charge of the Balti- 
more Division of the College of Edu- 

Dr. Wiggin has been appointed As- 
sociate Professor, of Education. 

A HALT, Arthur M., Prof, of Agri- 
cultural Ed. B.S., Univ. of Md., 
1931; M.S., Penn. State College, 1937. 
Tchr. of Voc. Ag. : Vienna High School, 
1931-1934; Walkersville and Liberty 
High Schools. 1934-1936; Frederick 
High School, 1936-1939. Univ. of Md., 
1939- Grad. with first honors at Univ. 
of Md. Major author of following bul- 
letins of Md. Agr. Experiment Station: 
Cost and Advisability of Raising Dairy 
Heifers (1942) ; The War-Time Ma- 
chinery Situation on Farms in Md. 
(1944) ; Post-War Purchase and Im- 
provement Plans of Farmers (1945) ; 
Father-Son Partnerships in Farming 
(Bulletin in preparation.) 

Benjamin, Harold, Dean, College of 
Education. (Pseud: Raymond Wayne 
and J. Abner Peddiwell). A.B. (1921) 
and A.M. (1924), Univ. of Oregon. 
Ph.D., Stanford University, 1927. 
Prin., Salem Heights Elem. Sch., Sa- 
lem, Ore., 1915-17; Supt. of Sch., Uma- 
tilla, Ore., 1920-22; Asst. Prof, of Ed., 
and Prin., Univ. High Sch., Univ. of 
Ore., 1922-25; Grad. Asst. Dir. of 
Prac. Tchg., and Assoc. Prof, of Ed., 
Stanford Univ., 1925-31; Prof, of Ed., 
Asst. Dean, College of Ed., and Dir., 
Center for Continuation Study, Univ. 
of Minn., 1931-37. Dir., Col. of Ed., 
and Dean of Summer Quarter, Univ. 
of Col., 1937-39. Dir., Div. of Inter- 
nal. Ed. Relations, U.S. Office of Edu- 
cation, 1945-46. Served in Mexican 
Border Campaign of 1916, World Wars 
I and II. U.S. Del., 2nd Inter-Amer. 
Conf. on Ed., Santiago, 1934; mem., 


mission to South America, Carnegie 
Endowment for Internat'l. Peace, 1941. 
Author: Man, the Problem Solver, 1931; 
Saber-Tooth Curriculum, 1939; Emer- 
gent Conceptions of the School Ad- 
ministrator's Task, 1942. Consult, 
editor of edu. series for McGraw-Hill 
Book Co. Recent activities: 24 major 
addresses, January-May 1947, includ- 
ing Annual National Education Lec- 
ture, Kappa Delta Pi, Atlantic City; 
Addresses before State Teachers 
Assns., in Kansas, Oklahoma, and 
Georgia; and Addresses at the follow- 
ing universities — Johns Hopkins Uni- 
versity; George Washington Univer- 
sity; Madison College, Va.; Univ. of 
Texas; Heidelberg College, Ohio; 
Univ. of Pennsylvania; S.E. Louisi- 
ana State College; and Ball State 
Teachers College, Indiana. Most re- 
cent book: Under Their Own Com- 
mand: Observations On the Nature of 
a People's Education for War and 
Peace (1947). Recent articles in The 
Educational Forum, School Life, and 
Higher Education. 

Benton, Rachel, Prof, in Chg. of 
Women's Phys. Ed., A.B. De Pauw 
Univ., 1925; A.M. (1932), Ph.D. 
(1942), St. Univ. of Iowa. Instr. in 
Phys. Ed., De Pauw Univ. 1925-32; 
Dr. of Phys. Ed. for Women, De Pauw 
Univ., 1932-42. Instr., State Univer- 
sity of Iowa, S.S., 1945; Instr. Butler 
Univ.,- S.S. 1937. Recent Activities: 
Mem., Exec. Bd. Women's Nat'l. Offi- 
cials Rating Comm. ; Nat'l. Judge, 
Women's Nat. Off. Rating Comm.; 
Mem.-at-Large, Exec. Bd., Eastern 
Assn. for Phys. Ed. for Col. Women; 
Pres., Wash. Field Hockey. Assn.; 
Mem., Md. St. Comm. on Basketball 
and Softball, 1946-47. Articles in Re- 
search Quarterly; Official Speedball 
Guide for Girls and Women, 1939-40, 
and Official Basketball Guide for Girls 
and Women, 1946 47. 

Brechbill, Henry H., Prof, of Ed., 
and Asst. Dean, Col. of Ed. A.B., Blue 
Ridge Coll., 1911; A.M., Univ. of Pitts- 
burgh, 1917; Ph.D., George Wash. 
Univ., 1933. Asst. Blue Ridge Col., 
1911-12; Prin., High School, Boons- 
boro, Md., 1912-16; Teh., East Liberty 
Acad., 1916-17; High School, Bruns- 
wick, Md., 1920-21; Prin., Thurmont, 
1921-23; Tchr., Washington Co., 1926- 
27; Tchr. High Sch., Hyattsville, Md., 
1927-33. Univ. of Md., since 1933: 
Acting Dean, 1945-46; Asst. Dean, 
since 1946; and Dir. of Student Tchg. 
Author: An Analysis and Evaluation 
of Courses in the Teaching of Science 
(1933). Helped eval. many high 
schools in Md. and Dist. of Col. Cont. 
to ed. and scientific mag. 

Brown, Glen D., Prof, and Head of 
Dept. of Ind. Ed.; and Dir., Baltimore 
Ed. Center. A.B., Indiana State Tchrs. 
Coll., 1916; A.M., Indiana Univ., 1931; 
adv. grad. study, Johns Hopkins Univ., 

1931-34. Tchr., Dist. Sch., Miami Co., 
Indiana, 1910-11; Prin., Consolidated 
Sch., Deedsville, Ind., 1911-14; Inst., 
Terre Haute High School, 1914-15; 
Prin., West Terre Haute High School, 
1915-17; Teh., and supv., Muncie, and 
Instr., Purdue Univ., 1917-18; Supv. 
and Dir. of Voc. Ed., Muncie, 1918-25, 
and Asst. Supt. of Schools, 1925-31. 
Supv., Baltimore City Schools, 1931- 
33; Prin., Boys' Adv. Occ. School, 
Baltimore, 1933-37; Univ. of Md., since 
1937. While on leave from Univ. of 
Md.: State Administrator, N.Y.A.; 
Acting State Dir. of Voc. Ed., 1942-43; 
and State Supv. of Trade and Ind. Ed., 
1944-46. Partic. in various surveys of 
sec. and voc. ed. programs on local 
and state levels in Indiana, Penn., and 
Md. Development of prog, in Occ. Ed. 
for Retarded Adolescents, Baltimore, 


1931-32. Chairman, Ed. Comm., Gov- 
ernor's Comm. on Prob. Affecting the 
Negro in Md., 1944-45. Member, 
Nat'l. Comm. on Ind. Arts. Ed., U.S. 
Office of Ed., 1940-42. Life Member: 
Nat'l. Ed. Assn. and Am. Voc. Assn. 
Author of numerous prof, articles and 
bulletins. Listed in Who's Who in 
American Education. 

Bryan, Marie D., Asst. Prof. Coll. of 
Arts and Sciences and Education. A.B., 
Goucher College, A.M. U. of Md. 1945. 
Inst. Union Bridge High School, Prin. 
Fairlee High School, Inst. Chestertown 
High School; Inst, and Grad. Stud., 
U. of M.; Inst. Eng. and Ed., U. of 
Md. Journal Correspondent for Phi 
Kappa Phi, 1945-46; Sec, A.A.U.P., 
1945-46; Md. State Public Relations 
Rep., Nat'l. Council of Teachers of 
English, 1944; Cor. Sec, Eng. Section, 
Md. State Teachers' Association, 1942. 

Burnett, Louis Raymond, M.D. Dir., 
Dept. of Health, Phys. Ed., and Recre- 
ation Coll. Orthopedic and Psychiatry. 
Grad., War Dept. School for Aviation 
Surgeons. Ass't. Instr. in Anatomy 
and Physiology, Tufts College; Gen'l. 
Medical practice near Harvard Square, 
Cambridge; Medical Member, Bd. of 
Health, Milton, Mass.; Instr. in His- 
tology, Harvard Univ., S.S.; Medical 

examiner for Baltimore Y.M.C.A. ; Di- 
rector, Health, Physical Education, 
and Athletics, Balto. Pub. Schools, 
1930-1946. Author of articles in The 
Nation's Schools, Baltimore Bulletin of 
Ed., and The American Golfer. 

Curtiss, Vienna, Prof, of Pract. Art, 
A.B., Ariz. St. Col., Tempe, Ariz., 1933; 
A.M. Col. Univ., 1935; two yrs. grad. 
study N.Y. Sch. of Fine and Applied 
Art; one summer, . grad. study, Col. 
Univ. Assoc, in designing and mer- 
chan. with Gilbert Rohde Studies, 
N.Y.; R. H. Macy, Inc., N.Y.; Bullock's 
Barker Bros., Los. Ang. ; and Howard 
Verbeck Studies, Hollywood. Head 
Crafts Councillor, Pine Knoll Camp, 
Conway, N. H., S., 1927; Instr. in Art 
and Tr. Sch. Art. Supv., Arizona St. 
Col., 1933-37; Prof, of Prac Art, and 
Head. Dept. of Prac. Art, Unv. of Md., 
1937-. Valedictorian, College Grad. 
Class Author: You Are An Artist; 
Does Your Child Like to Draw; Today 
the World Is Artminded; Pointing the 
Way to Better Living; two forthcom- 
ing textbooks; articles in The Arizona 
Woman and Parent Magazine. 

Hornbake, R. Lee, Assoc. Prof., Ind. 
Ed. B.S., State Tchrs. Coll. Califor- 
nia, Pa., 1934; A.M. (1936) and Ph.D. 
(1942), The Ohio State Univ. Instr., 
Gen. Metals Shop, Voc. High School, 
Ambridge, Pa., 3 yrs.; Instr., Metals 
and Drawing, State Tchrs. Coll., Cali- 
fornia, Pa., 1937-39 ; Assoc. Prof., State 
Tchrs. Coll., Oswego, N.Y., 1940-42; 
Instr. Ohio State Univ., one term and 
three summers; Unit Head, Curtiss- 
Wright Corp., Columbus, Ohio, three 
yrs. Secretary, Phi Sigma Pi. Major 
publications: Experimental study in 
industrial arts in the elem. schools; 
series of training manuals for Curtiss- 
Wright Corp. Recent Activities: On 
Program, Nat'l. Conf. of Am. Ind. Arts 
Assn.; addressed Ind. Arts Tchrs. of 
Washington, D.C., and Nat'l Council 
of Phi Sigma Pi. Recent articles in 
Ind. Arts and Voc. Ed. Mag., and the 
Nat'l. Ed. Assn. Journal. 

McNaughton, Edna B., Prof, of 
Nursery School Ed. B.S., Mich. State 
Coll.; A.M., Col. Univ. Tchr. of Home 
Ec, Michigan Public Schools. Worked 
with Home Ec. Ed., Extension of 
Penna. State Coll. Prof, of Home Ec. 
Ed., Univ. of Md., 1919-46; Prof, of 
Nursery School Ed., Univ. of Md., 
1946. Awarded Laura Spelman Rocke- 
feller Fellowship in Child Develop- 
ment and Parent Ed., 1927-28. Mem- 
ber Bd. of Managers, Md. Congress of 
Parents and Teachers. Articles in 
Journal of Home Economics and The 
Maryland Teacher. 

Meshke, Edna, Assoc. Prof in charge 
of Home Economics Ed., B.S., Univ. of 
Minn.; A.M., Tchrs. Coll., Columbia, 
U.; Ph.D., Univ. of Minn. (1942). 
Teh., vocational homemaking, High 
School at Lamberton, Minn., two years. 


Tchr., Junior High School, Minneapo- 
lis, four years. Demonstration Sch. 
Tchr., Univ. of Minn, and Tchrs. Coll., 
Buffalo, N.Y.; Instr., North Dakota 
Agr. College, Fargo, N. Dak. Doc- 
toral dissertation, "The effect of uti- 
lizing selected community resources in 
ninth and tenth grade homemaking 
classes," published in Journal of Ex- 
perimental Ed., Sept., 1943. 

Newell, Clarence A., Prof. Ed. 
Admin. A.B., Hastings College, 1935; 
A.M. (1939) and Ph.D. (1943), Teach- 
ers Coll., Columbia Univ. Private 
piano study, Elaine Feez Lambrino, 
Leipzig, Germany, summer 1936. Instr. 
High School, Grand Island, Nebr., 
1935-38; Research Asst., Conn. State 
Dept. of Ed., 1940-41; Supv., Conn. 
State Dept. of Ed., 1942-46. Asst. 
Prof., Univ. of Alabama, 1945-46. 
Univ. of Md., 1946-. Dean's Scholar 
(1938-39) and Northsworthy Fellow 
(1941-42), Teachers Coll., Columbia 
Univ. Consultant, Met. Sch. Study 
Council, 1944-45. Mem. sch. survey 
staffs: State of Rhode Island; Newark; 
St. Louis; Mobile; and Wethersfield, 
East Htfd., and Simsbury, Conn. Con- 
sultant, Special Comm. to Study Why 
Many Parents in Prince George's Co. 
Send Their Children to Pub. Sch. in 
the Dist of Col. (1947) ; Consultant, 
Special Comm. on Salaries of Part- 
Time Teachers, City of Baltimore 
(1947); Chrm., Comm. on Doct. Pro- 
gram in Ed., Univ. of Md. Author: 
Class Size and Adaptability (1943) ; 
and The Growing Edge — An Instru- 
ment for Measuring the Adaptability 
of School Systems (with Paul R. Mort 
and William S. Vincent, 1946) ; Recent 
articles in The Nation's Schools and 
Am. School Board Journal. 

Patrick, Arthur S., Asst. Prof. B. ed., 
Tchrs. Col., Whitewater, Wis. (1931); 
A.M. Commerce, Univ. of Iowa (1940). 
Adv. Gr. Study, George Wash. Univ., 
Cost Acct. and Asst. Emp. Mngr., Wis. 
Motor Corp., Milwaukee, 1929-30; Tchr. 
and Hd. of Bus. Ed. Dept., High School, 
Onalaska, Wis. (1931); Tchr. and Hd. 
of Bus. Ed. Dept., High School, Belvi- 
dere, 111. (1932-34); Tchr. of Bus. 
Subj. and Athl. Coach, High School, 
Freeport, 111., 1934-42; Instr. in Bus. 
Ed., S.S., Univ. of Iowa, 1937; Lect. 
on Bus. Ed. S.S., Temple Univ. (1946) ; 
Asst. Prof. Bus. Ed., Off. Tech. and 
Mgmt., and Cons., Univ. of Md. 
(1942-.). Rec'd. Am. Leg. Award. Re- 
cent Activities; Chrm. Ed. Comm. of 
Washington Chap, of Nat'l. Off. 
Mgmt. Assn.; Mem., Ed., Joint Yrbk. 
of Nat. Bus. Tchrs. Assn. and East. 
Bus. Tchrs. Assn.; Mem., Comm. on 
Supv. and Curr.,U. Bus. Ed. Assn., Md. 
State Dir. for Nat'l. Ent. Tests of U. 
Bus. Ed. Assn. and Nat'l. Off. Mgmt. 
Assn., Md. St. Dir. for Fut. Bus. Ldrs. 
of Am. Recent Publ: Co-auth. "Expl. 
Course in Bus. Tr." in press; Cont., 
1947, Jnt. Yrbk. of Nat. Bus. Ed. 

Assn. and East. Bus. Tchrs. Assn. 

Schindler, Alvin W., Prof, of Ed. 
A.B., Iowa St. Tchrs. Col., 1927; A.M. 
(1929) and Ph.D. (1934), Univ. of 
Iowa. Tchr. prin., and supt. public 
schools of Iowa, 1924-32; Grad. Asst., 
Univ. of Iowa, 1932-34. Member of 
Kappa Delta Phi, Phi Delta Kappa. 
Author: Geography of Colorado; Iowa 
Every-Pupil Tests in Physics and Gen- 
eral Science. 

Wig gin, Gladys A., Assoc. Prof., 
B.S. (1929) and A.M. (1939) Univ. 
of Minn.; Ph.D., Univ. of Md., 1947. 
Supv. and Tchr., Adult Ed., Minne- 
apolis Pub. Schools, 1920-1937; Ass't. 
Director, Center for Continuation 
Study, Univ. of Minn., 1937-1938; 
Exec. Sec, Adult Ed. Council of Den- 
ver, 1938-1940; Univ. of Md., 1940-42; 
1945-fall; anld 1946-47. Ass't. special- 
ist, U.S. Office of Ed., 1946. Ass't. 
Prof., Univ. of Colorado, summers 1938 
and 1940. Research Worker, Educa- 
tional Policies Commission, Winter, 
1940. Confidential work for U.S. 
Army, 1942-1945. 


His Excellency, Hon. William Pres- 
ton Lane, Governor of Maryland, de- 
livered the Commencement Address at 
the University of Maryland on June 7. 

The commencement program took 
place in the Coliseum at College Park. 

Invocation and benediction was given 
by the Rev. Hugh Hatigan, OFM, the 
University's Catholic Student Pastor. 

Honorary certificates of Merit in 
Agriculture were presented to Richard 
C. Riggs. and Alice Wolf, both of Bal- 
timore County; Lloyd Balderston III, of 
Cecil County and (posthumously) J. 
Andrew Cohill, Washington County. 

Miss Alma H. Preinkert, registiar. 
announced that 870 were awarded de- 
grees, distributed as follows: 

Degrees of Doctor of Philosophy 
numbered 23; Master of Arts, 28; Mas- 
ter of Science, 27; Master of Educ- 
tion, 40; Master of Business Adminis- 
tration, 6; Doctor of Medicine, 97; Doc- 
tor of Dental Surgery, 79; Bachelor of 
Laws, 43; Bachelor of Science (Agri- 
culture), 38; Bachelor of Arts (College 
of Arts and Sciences), 138; Bachelor 
of Science, (College of Arts and Sci- 
ences), 61; Bachelor of Science (College 
of Business and Public Administration), 
54; Bachelor of Arts (College of Edu- 
cation), 25; Bachelor of Science (Col- 
lege of Education), 77; Bachelor of Sci- 
ence (College of Engineering), 71; 
Bachelor of Science (College of Home 
Economics), 48; Bachelor of Science 
(College of Military Science, Physical 
Education and Recreation), 2; Bachelor 
of Science in Pharmacy, 16; Graduates 
in Nursing, 87. 


Several hundred rural women at- 
tended "Visitors' Day" at the Rural 
Women's Short Course on Thursday, 
June 19th. This was the traditional day 
set aside for Maryland women unable 
to spend the entire week at the Univer- 
sity. They attended classes and assem- 
bly programs as well as the special 
event of the day — the Stephen Foster- 
Pageant which is to be put on during 
the evening at 8:00 P. M. in the Ar- 

About 300 members of the Short 
Course from 20 Maryland counties par- 
ticipated in the musical pageant staged 
under the direction of Mrs. Thomas 
Lewis of Baltimore and Helen Irene 
Smith, Home Economics Extension 
Specialist at the University. It fea- 
tured two groups of Stephen Foster's 
songs. The first were his songs of ro- 
mance and the second, the minstrels. 
The program concluded with a medley 
of Stephen Foster songs and the finale 
was the Battle Hymn of the Republic- 
Virginia Csonka of Waldorf, Mi was 
the pianist for the evening, and, in ad- 
dition to the county groups, there were 
selections by Jean Alice Sweetman of 
Beltsville, a ballet by the Alma Loth 
dancers of Baltimore, songs by the 
Brandywine quartette, and solos by 
Mrs. Harold Nesbitt of Baltimore, and 
J. R. Sleeth of University Park. Mr. 
and Mrs. Lee Page of Baltimore took 
the parts of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen* Fos- 

Many of the women attending the 
evening's program wore colonial type 


The Collegiate Chapter of the Future 
Farmers of America is made up of 
students who are preparing to teach 
vocational agriculture. The chapter is 
affiliated with the F.F.A. in the high 
schools, where membership is made up 
of boys taking vocational agriculture. 

The primary objective of the Col- 
legiate Chapter is to develop advisers 
of high school chapters of the F.F.A. 
An attempt is made each year to have 
at least one high school chapter of 
F.F.A. and one high school teacher of 
agriculture appear on a regular pro- 
gram of Collegiate Chapter. The chap- 
ter joins also with other agricultural 
clubs to arrange and stage major events 
such as the barn dance and the student 
livestock show. In addition, the Col- 
legiate Chapter acts as host to Chap- 
ters of F.F.A. each year for the Voca- 
tional Field Day, a day devoted to 
judging contests and a state F.F.A. 

At the regular meetings, which are 
held each month, various aspects of 
Future-Farmer work are discussed. 
Student participation in the meetings 
is encouraged. 


'gAmIcmoI B 

■BEAUTY and smartness counted most when University of Maryland students picked Miss Marilyn Beissig, pictured herewith, of Floral Park, 
•*• Long Island, to represent them at the twentieth annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom festival at Winchester, Va., 1947. Miss Beissig was one of 
the princesses in the festival queen's court. She is a junior in the Lo:-.ege of Education and as proof that she's the apple of more than one eye, she 
also is president of Sigma Kappa sorority. 





ALUMNI files at Maryland are re- 
sponsible for the following from 
a letter dated October 19, 1932, signed 
by R. H. Ruffner, a member of Dr. 
H. C. Byrd's class, viz: 

"The North Carolina Group of the 
University of Maryland Alumni Asso- 
ciation assembled in the dining room of 
the Washington Duke Hotel and en- 
joyed an informal dinner and get-to- 
gether meeting. 

"Dr. E. B. Howie, D.D.S. 1908, M.D. 
1910, presided in a delightful manner. 

"Talks were made by G. F. Pollock, 
representing the University of Mary- 
land Alumni Association; Dr. L. B. 
Broughton, representing the University 
Athletic Association; Dr. Alex. H. Pat- 
erson of the University Dental School 
and Dr. Robert L. Felts*., practicing 
physician of Durham, N. C. Dr. Felts 
graduated from the University of 
Maryland Medical School in 1898 and 
gave an interesting' talk", citing remi- 
niscences of -his' days in Maryland. 
Every one of the 54 former graduates 
and guests were given an opportunity 
to speak 2 minutes, stating when they 
graduated, degree received and what 
they had been doing since graduation. 
At the conclusion of the program Dr. 
Howie introduced John McDonald, a 
special humorist brought over from 
Raleigh for the occasion. Dr. Howie 
introduced Mr. McDonald as 'Dr.' and 
said he was a chiropractor of the high- 
est order. 'Dr.' McDonald started off 
his remarks highly complimenting his 
profession and especially himself, ex- 
plaining in a humorous way how the 
word chiropractor originated and that 
M.D. stood for Mental Deficiency. At 
this point a very unfortunate occur- 
rence took place. A part of the audi- 
ence had not yet realized that he was 
not a real chiropractor and about 5 or 
6 of the physicians left, taking then- 
wives with them. Dr. Howie and I 
headed them off and urged them to re- 
turn, explaining that he was a come- 
dian and not a chiropractor at all but 
we could do nothing with them and 
they went on out. A few of them re- 
mained in the lobby and talked with 
Mr. McDonald after the meeting. 'Dr.' 
McDonald's demonstration of the hu- 
man spine, using a banana stalk strip- 
ped of its fruit, was a real treat. 
"We are very sorry that some of the 


Colonel Mahlon N. Haines was a member of 
the class of 1896. He is the sponsor of the 
Mahlon N. Haines '94 trophy which goes an- 
nually to the Major of the winning R.O.T.C. 

This Haines is known in Pennsylvania and 
Maryland as "Haines. The Shoe Wizard." 

He has a 4,000-acre ranch near Rapid City, 
South Dakota, as well as twelve of the biggest 
and best farms in Pennsylvania. He owns the 
largest chain of shoe stores in America, owned 
by an individual, but has been, ever since he 
was a boy, interested in horses. 

Not long ago he "kicked out" of the horse 
game, sold his horses, his carts, his sulkies, 
blankets, harness, everything, said "I am 
t-'rotigh," but went down, with his friend, 
Parker Mitchell, to Pinehurst, North Carolina 
and "kicked right in again" by buying five out- 
standing trotters and pacers. 

Haines, at University of Maryland, was star 
short stop on the University team and also 
won a gold medal as individualy driii a 

Alumnus Haines is quite a fellow, very proud 
of the fact that the class of 1896 is still going 
strong. It was 53 years ago that the Mary- 
land campus featured a competitive military 
drill of the down and out variety. The lad who 
made no mistakes survived and won the entire 
drill. It lasted two and one half hours. Mr. 
Haines won it. He's still proud of that. 

The Grand Lodge of the State of Pennsyl- 
vania, through White Rose Lodge No. 706, of 
York, recently presented Mr. Haines with a 
Fifty-year Gold Button, for fifty years' service 
to Masonry. 

Recently the National Council of the Boy 
Scouts of America, of which Mr. Haines is 
National Councilman, presented him with a 
Thirty-year Service Pin. In other words, Mah- 
lon N. Haines has been an active Scouter, for 
thirty years, in York-Adams Area. He was also 
the first one to receive the Silver Antelope from 
the Region, which takes in Pennsylvania, Mary- 
land, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginia 
and part of North Carolina and part of West 
Virginia. He is also a member of the National 
Council Committee On Relations. 

physicians were offended. Mr. McDon- 
ald had appeared with the same dem- 
onstration before the Virginia Medical 
Society at their Annual Banquet and 
we were told by physicians who heard 
him that it was good for such an oc- 
casion. We hope that our fellow alum- 
ni will have more confidence in us in 
the future and not fly off too quick. 
The joke was certainly on those who 
left the meeting. 

"Those Alumni present were as fol- 

Dr. Walter C. Ashworth, M.D., 1892. 

E. H. Bowling, M.D., 1891. 

215 First National Bank Building, Dur- 
ham, N. C. 

Dr. P. R. Darkis, Chemist, 1923. 

Mildred Morris Darkis, 1924. 

Duke University, Durham, N. C. 

R. S. Dearstyne, B.S., 1917, College Park 
N. C. State College, Raleigh, N. C. 

L. M. Edwards, D.D.S., 1907. 

First National Bank Bldg., Durham, N. C. 

B. W. Fassett, M.D., 1898. 

303 Watts Street, Durham, N. C. 
Robert L. Felts, M.D., 1898. 

Durham, N. C. 
J. Martin Fleming, Dental, 1895. 

Raleigh, N. C. 
H. K. Foster, D.D.S., 1914. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
N. M. Gibbs, M.D., 1896. 

Captain University Maryland Football team 

1896 and trained Football team 1897. 

New Bern, N. C. 
Fred M. Haig, B.S., 1918. 

Asso. Professor Animal Husbandry, N. C. 

State College, Raleigh, N. C. 

C. S. Hicks, M.D., 1904. 
Durham, N. C. 

E. B. Howie. D.D.S., 1908: M.D., 1910. 
Raleigh. N. C. 

A. T. Jennette, D.D.S., 1927. 
Washington, N. C. 

W. M. Jones, M.D. 

c /c Jefferson Standard Life Ins. Co., 

Greensboro, N. C. 
E. M. Lawrence, D.D.S., 1909. 

Raleigh, N. C. 
Charles T. LeViness, Law, 1902: Post Gradu- 
ate, 1925. 

Greensboro, N. C. 

B. R. Morrison, D.D.S., 1919. 
Wilmincrlon, N. C. 

L. G. Page, D.D.S., 1929. 

Yanceyville, N. C. 
E. M. Perry, M.D., 1907. 

R^ckv Mount, N. C. 
A. P. Reade. D.D.S., 1907. 

First National Bank Building, Durham, 

N. C. 
I. T. Reamer, Phar., 1924. 
Duke University Hospital, Durham, N. C. 
Edwin M. Robertson, M.D., 1924, Durham. 

N. C. 
R. H. Ruffner, B.S., 1908. 

N. C. State College, Raleigh, N. C. 
T. W. Seay, M.D., 1921. 

East Spencer, N. C. 
S. W. Shaffer, D.D.S., 1929. 

Greensboro, N. C. 
Everett L. Smith, D.D.S., 1916. 

801 Professional Building. Raleigh, N. C. 
Dr. Henry L. Stephenson, D.D.S. (Quite a 

young fellow. I did not get date of gradu- 

Weldon, N. C. 
J. Symington, 1902. 

Carthage, N. C. 

C. H. Teague, 1921. 

720 N. C. Bank Building, 

Greensboro, N. C. 
J. W. Whitehead, D.D.S., 1924. 

Smithfield, N. C. 
Claude T. Whittington, M.D., 1927. 

307-8 N. C. Bank Building, Greensboro. 

N. C." 


PRESIDENT, 1888-1892 

Major Henry Alvord, President of Maryland 
Agricultural College, 1888-1892. 

F. W. Besley wrote: 

A letter from F. W. Besley, State 
Forester, dated July 27, 1935, had this 
to say, viz: 

"Inclpsed is a photograph of Major 
Henry Alvord, who was president of 
The Maryland Agricultural College 
from 1888 to 1892. 

"You will have to admit that this is 
a distinguished looking gentleman, if 
whiskers count, and as I was a student 
in the College during his term as presi- 
dent, I can vouch for the high integrity, 
marked ability, and sterling character 
of the man. He could not or would not 
play politics according to the Mary- 
land rules which prevailed at that time, 
so he did not last long. 

"Major Alvord was a man of sterling 
character and great integrity with 
bright scientific attainments, but as a 
product of Massachusetts he was not 
fully acceptable to the Maryland Agri- 
culture College which was very pro- 
vincial at that time. My class of '92 
for several years about a decade ago 
showed up at alumni meetings with the 
highest percentage of living graduates 
present. There were eight in the class. 

Robert W. Hill, '27 

The following is from a letter from 
Robert W. Hill, '27, dated Jackon 
Heights, L. I., October 3, 1932, viz: 

"Just a short while ago I had letters 
from Frank Terhune, '27 and John 
Bowie, '25. The former was helping his 
little daughter celebrate her first birth- 
day at home in Plainfield, N. J. Bowie 
was busy in a Coast and Geodetic Sur- 
vey of Kodiak Island, Alaska in his 
party are also Eddie Baum and Garber, 
now known as "Coffee" Barber, both of 
them also engineers of the class of '25, 
I think. They expect to be back in 

Seattle in November. Jack Krein, '27, 
is a salesman covering the New Eng- 
land territory with headquarters in 
New Haven where I saw him frequent- 
ly last year. One month he makes a 
record in sales and another month he 
feels like ripping up the administra- 
tion in general. As for me, I have 
moved into another job, in the manu- 
scripts division of the New York Pub- 
lic Library, working upon collections 
of historical source material, helping 
to make them accessible to students 
and to the public. 

"A little piece in the Baltimore Sun 
of several mornings ago, mentions an 
enrollment of 1800 on 'The Hill.' Here's 
hoping it doesn't go much higher or 
that delightful condition of by-gone 
days, everybody knowing everybody 
else, may disappear. Still, it's better to 
see growth rather than stagnation pro- 
viding real development goes along 
that increase in numbers'' 

From Boise, Idaho 

And this is a more modern letter, 
about old times, however, from Edward 
G. Rosenheim, '98, viz: 

"Would one suppose one could get a 
thrill at the age 68? Well, I did and 
the occasion was the arrival here in 
Boise, addressed to Edward G. Rosen- 
heim", of "MARYLAND," the Alumni 
Publication of the University of Mary- 

"The writer is of the law class of 
1898, a member of the Maryland, Penn- 
sylvania and Idaho bars, and of the 
United States Courts of Maryland, 
New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Idaho. 
The faculty in my day in the law school 
consisted of Bernard Carter, John P. 
Poe, Richard M. Venable, Henry D. 
Harlan, Charles D. Phelps, William T. 
Brantly, Edgar Gans, Thomas Hall, Al- 
bert Ritchie, Thomas S. Baer. 

"This is from way out West, where 
men are men and women are glad of it. 
It's from the home town of the great 
Wm. E. Borah, deceased, who for many 
years was a member of a Round Table 
which I helped found, and that's still 
going strong after 28 years. Daily ses- 
sions at noon, where we settle the af- 
fairs of the nation and world each day, 
but they simply won't stay settled. 

"I am of the Mencken generation, 
Henry L. Mencken of Baltimore, with 
whom I have corresponded during the 
35 years of my residence here, and 
great as he has become in the world 
of letters, I am still Eddie Rosenheim 
to him, God bless him. 

"At present, I am an Assistant At- 
torney General of Idaho, Inheritance 
Tax Director, and attorney for the 
Commissioner of Finance and the de- 
partments under his jurisdiction, to 
wit: State Income Tax, Banks and 
Banking, Store Licenses, Unfair Sales 
Practices, Public Investments, Insur- 


Edward G. Rosenheim, '98, who writes an in- 
teresting letter from Boise, Idaho. 

ance Department and so each day when 
I get through with my work (I never 
do) 'I have nothing to do until tomor- 

"Mine was the Spanish-American 
War class of 1898. In my senior year I 
was President of what was known as 
the Senate of the University of Mary- 
land, a debating society of the law 
school, fashioned after the United 
States Senate. 

"Now I am the father of a full 
fledged doctor, graduate of Jefferson 
Medical School of Philadelphia. Really, 
I am 'Mrs. Rosenheim's husband.' She 
was secretary of the Republican dele- 
gation to the last national convention 
and is quite a Republican entity. Is 
Secretary-Treasurer of the Women's 
Republican Clubs of Idaho. I was born 
a Democrat, but I could not 'take' the 
golden voice of radio any longer when 
he started monkeying with the Supreme 
Court, and definitely and publicly left 
the party, joined up with the Republi- 
cans and have been very happy with 
them ever since." 


Much is being printed in the daily 
press, in these days of specialists in 
medicine, emphasizing the continued 
need and importance of the good old 
"family doctor", the type illustrated in 
stories and famous paintings. 

Let us point out such a fine prac- 
titioner in the person of Benjamin 
Harris Tatum, M. D., 126 West Ridge- 
way, Clifton Forge, Virginia. Dr. Ta- 
tum is from Maryland's class of 1891, 
B.A., M.A. Behind him fifty six years 
of practice in New Castle and Clifton 



National professional fraternity for men in education. 

Forge and twenty five years of hospi- 
tal staff duty in the Chesapeake and 
Ohio Hospital. 

Following graduation from Maryland 
Dr. Tatum took post graduate work, 
1895-96, under Dr. William Osier and 
several times attended courses and 
clinics at Johns Hopkins. 

Poor vision kept the doctor out of 
the service in World War I. 

His has been an unselfish life spent 
in valuable service to the people of a 
community in which he is respected and 

As a young medical student, Dr. Ta- 
tum was able to complete the then re- 
quired three-year course in two years. 
Since that time and throughout his 
extremely busy professional life, he has 
kept in close touch with changing medi- 
cal practice and always used the proven 
best of the newer and later treatments. 
Younger in appearance than his years, 
he is perennially alert in his profes- 
sional skill. 

Highly esteemed by his fellow 
physicians, he has many times been 
told by them that he could have special- 
ized in diagnosis, obstetrics, or some 
other branch of his profession. 

As the perfect type of the beloved 
General Practitioner or "Family Doc- 
tor," Dr. Tatum has always inspired the 
utmost confidence on his patients. "It 
makes me feel better just to see Dr. 
Tatum!" is a common expression in 
Clifton Forge. His big heart, kindness 
and sympathy make young and old 
alike come to him with their important 

Dr. Tatum loves his work so much 
that he has given it all of himself, 
never turning an indifferent ear to the 
poor and lowly and always foregoing 
his own comfort or plans to attend to 
his patients' needs. 

Now, at seventy-seven years of age, 
he is very active in his practice. Still 
not thinking of himself, he tries to 
spend more time with his invalid wife, 
to whom he is devoted. 

nick; Recording Secretary, John Klier; 
Visitor, Alvin W. Schindler; and His- 
torian, Herman E. Westerberg. 


Phi Delta Kappa is a national pro- 
fessional fraternity for men in edu- 
cation. Beta Epsilon, the University 
of Maryland chapter, was installed on 
May 22, 1942 under the sponsorship of 
Alpha Rho Chapter. Beta Epsilon has 
grown from 52 charter members to a 
total of 132 active members, including 
students, professors, teachers and ad- 
ministrators in Maryland and in states 
as distant as California. 

The motto of the fraternity is "Re- 
search, Service, and Leadership." 
Meetings are planned to provide pro- 
fessional stimulation. A national maga- 
zine, the "Phi Delta Kappan" with 
scholarly articles and suggestions for 
service, reaches all members. 

Last year Beta Epsilon, working in 
conjunction with Alpha Rho, was in- 
strumental in the organization of the 
Maryland Council on Education, com- 
posed of representatives of educational 
and civic groups in the state. The pur- 
pose of the council is to disseminate 
information on educational matters 
and to bring about some degree of co- 
ordination among the many organi- 
zations seeking to improve public edu- 
cation in the state. 

Professor Henry H. Brechbill, Assis- 
tant Dean of the College of Education, 
is the Faculty Advisor for Beta Epsi- 
lon. John P. Speicher, Principal of 
Greenbelt High School, is the Presi- 
dent. Other officers are: Vice President, 
Robert L. Smith; Corresponding Sec- 
retary and Treasurer, Donald C. Hen- 

THOS.. W. AYERS, '86 

The history record of Thomas W. 
Ayers, 978 Guniper Street, N.E., At- 
lanta, Georgia, Class of 1886, College 
of Physicans and Surgeons, brings to 
light an interesting story of foreign 
service. This alumnus spent fifteen 
years in private practice in Anniston, 
Alabama and later served twenty-five 
years as a medical missionary in 
China. He built the first foreign mis- 
sion hospital in the world constructed 
by a Southern Baptist. It was built in 
Hwanghsien, Shantung, China. For his 
activities and for Red Cross and quaran- 
tine work in China Dr. Ayers was deco- 
rated on two separate occasions by two 
of China's presidents. Their names 
were Wan Shi Kai and Lee Wuan Hung. 


Edward K. Bender, Assistant Coun- 
ty Agent in Montgomery County since 
March 1946, has resigned to join the 
Extension Staff at the University of 
Maryland. He will be working as a 
full-time vegetable crop specialist in 
the department of horticulture. 

Bender, who was born and brought 
up on a vegetable and dairy farm in 
York County, Pennsylvania is a 
graduate of Pennsylvania State Col- 
lege and has taken graduate work 
there and at the University of Hawaii. 
Starting in 1941, he taught vocational 
agriculture in Bucks County, Pennsyl- 
vania for three years before entering 
service in the U. S. Navy. At the close 
of the war he taught agriculture in one 
of the Navy's courses until his dis- 
charge early in 1946. 

«ssss®sssssssgs»sssessss3»?ssss£ IMPORTANT NOTE sssgsgsssssgssgsssssssssssssssgss 

The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the publication by the alumni itself. 
Alumni are urgently requested to supply any changes of address known to them, news items of general or personal interest, occupational and 
professional news items, social news such as births, engagements, marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST". The more news received the better the publication. Please accord us your support. 

Keep "MARYLAND" posted on your correct address. The Post Office Department does not forward second class mail matter. 


While working in Montgomery 
County during the past year, he de- 
voted considerable time to work with 
gardeners and gave special attention 
to the 1946 victory garden program. 
He also worked with general farmers 
and commercial fruit and vegetable 

As vegetable crop specialist at the 
University of Maryland, he will be 
spending all of his time on Extension 
work with vegetable growers in the 
State, according to Dr. I. C. Haut, 
head of the Horticulture Department. 
These growers are producing such 
crops as tomatoes, snap beans, sweet 
corn and peas for both the fresh 
market and for canning companies. 
Other crops include sweet potatoes, 
Irish potatoes, spinach, and asparagus. 


Dr. Symons, Dean and Director of 
Agricultural Extension Service at the 
University of Maryland, in comment- 
ing on Dairy Month, said that the value 
of milk sold by Maryland farmers in 
1946 totaled about $53,000,000. This 
was approximately 20 to 25 per cent of 
the total agricultural income for the 
State. Dairy and poultry products have 
about equalled each other in total farm 
income during recent years. 

"We are proud of the progress dairy- 
ing has made in Maryland," Dr. Sy- 
mons said. "The number of dairy cows 
has increased from 188,000 in 1936 to 
about 232,000 this year. Milk produc- 
tion per cow as increased more than 
500 lbs. We have good markets with 
most of the milk going into fluid con- 
sumption in Washington, Baltimore, 
Philadelphia, and the small local mar- 

"The areas in which the greatest in- 
crease has come in dairying are the 
Eastern Shore of Maryland and the 
vestern mountainous area. Here, as in 
the rest of the state the dairy cow is 
the best market outlet for the pasture 
and hay crops as well as for much of 
the grain produced on the farm." 


National professional fraternity for men in education. 


Nu Chapter of Iota Lambda Sigma, 
national professional fraternity for men 
in industrial education, was installed 
at the University of Maryland on 
April 5, 1941. The nucleus for Nu 
Chapter was the group of 77 mem- 
bers of the Industrial Education Club, 
which had been organized on the cam- 
pus in 1936. 

The motto of the fraternity is "In- 
dustry, Loyalty, and Service." The pur- 
pose of the organization is to promote 
the causes of industrial education 
through three major objectives: the 
recognition of professional training; 
the special recognition of high scholar- 
ship; and the development of a closer 
fraternal bond between actual and pro- 
spective teachers, supervisors, and di- 

Nu Chapter numbers among its mem- 
bers many of the outstanding men in 
industrial education in the State of 
Maryland. Through meetings, bulletins, 
and newsletters, the Chapter helps its 
members to keep professionally alert, 
establishes rapport between education 
and industry, and helps maintain a 
good relationship between the men in 
the field and those in school. 

Professors Glen D. Brown and R. Lee 
Hornbake of the Department of In- 
dustrial Education are co-sponsors of 
the Chapter. Donald C. Hennick, In- 
structor in the College of Engineering, 
is the President. Other officers are: 
Charles W. Dudderar, First Vice Presi- 
dent: James O. Proctor, Second Vice 
President: Bernard J. Stinnett, Secre- 
tary: Charles Wolfe, Treasurer; and 
Herman E. Westerberg, Historian.- 


Be sure to read the message 
printed on the inside Lark 


At the recent ceremony for Awards 
and Honors at Maryland the speaker 
was Colonel John W. Harmony, U. S. 
Army, former boxing coach at Mary- 
land. The Colonel spoke on "Leader- 
ship" and offered this definition,"Lead- 
ership is that quality in one man that 
enables him to lead a group of men 
toward a common purpose." That's one 
to remember! 

The Dr. H. C. Byrd Citizenship Prize 
for Men went to Roger Cohill while 
the Mrs. Albert F. Woods Citizenship 
Prize for Women was taken by Erao- 
gene L. Simmons. 

The James Douglas Goddard Memo- 
lial Award went to Anthony Zalonis, 
the Rabbi Israel Interfaith Scholarship 
to Carol Marie Haase, the Charles B. 
Hale Dramatic Award to John Walter 

Scholastic Awards were as follows: — 

Omicron Nu Sorority Medal to Bar- 
bara R. Carpenter; Book Award to 
Patricia R. Schertz; Sigma Chi Medal 
to James Bok Wong; Delta Delta Delta 
Medal to Helen P. Brown; Dinah Ber- 
man Memorial to James L. Queen; Tau 
Beta Pi Award to Leonard E. Eisen- 
berg; Bernard L. Crozier Award to 
James D. Engle; American Society of 
Civil Engineers Award to August W. 
Noack; Alpha Lambda Delta Sorority 
Award to June E. Chance; Sigma Alpha 
Omicron Award to Shirley Knibb; Delta 
Gamma Scholarship Award to June E. 

Lest anyone think these awards come 
easy note that Miss Chance maintained 
a scholastic average of 3.96 for four 

The National Inter-Collegiate Rifle 
Trophy went to Maryland's powerful 
rifle team coached by Colonel Harland 
C. Griswold, with individual medals to 
Walter Bowling, E. Briguglio, A. Cook, 
J. Decker and J. Wesson. 

The Southern Conference Boxing 
Championship Trophy was awarded to 
the Terrapin ring team coached by 
Colonel Heinie Miller, with individual 
championship trophies to the Coach and 



Marguerite ("W»eti'*" St : t'ly is crowned Queen of the May during 1947 May Day Exercises by- 
Carol Haase, May Day Chairman. 

At the left is Genie Simmons. At the right is Louisa White. The three year old tike is Mary 
Jo Kleiner. 

The 1947 May Day was a Silver Anniversary affair, featuring Maryland's 25th May Day. Twenty- 
four former Queens were invited to return to the campus. The program featured the costumes and 
music of the preceding twenty-five years. It was a successful and colorful event under ideal weather 

The qualifications for which Miss Stitely was chosen as Queen include: Vice President of Pres- 
byterian Club; Member of W.R.A. 43-45; Intramural- for four years; Secretary Clef and Key, 
Make-up Chariman; Off Campus Chairman of W.S.S.F. Drive; Food Drive Committee of '45; Sec- 
retary of Student Grange '45; Member of B.S.L. 43-45; Assistant Treasurer, Vice President of 
Alpha Xi Delta; President of Panhellenic Council; President of Women's League; Freshman Week 
Committee for two years; "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges"; Treasurer of Mor- 
tar Board; Chosen from 17. of Md. for 1947 Membership in American Association of University 
Women; Program Chairman of May Day 1946; Member of Student Government Association for two 

to Kenny Malone, Heavyweight Cham- 
pion and Eddie Rieder, 155 pound title 

The State Championship Golf Trophy 
went to the team coached by Frank 
Cronin, with individual awards to L. 
Leibman, J. Call, W. Cassedy and R. 

The Southern Conference javelin 
championship trophy went to August E. 

Other athletic awards were: — 

Meeks Memorial Rifle Trophy to Jo- 
seph M. Decker; Mehring Silver Rifle 
Medal to Thomas L. Taylor; Mehring 
Gold Rifle Medal to Arthur Edward 
Cook; Edward Powell lacrosse trophy 
to John D. Ruppersberger; Louis W. 
Berger baseball award to Harold Evans; 
Jack Dempsey outstanding athlete 
award to Tommy Mont; Charles L. Lin- 
hart athletic Maryland ring to Stirling 
Kehoe; Silvester Watch Athletic award, 
'08, to Tommy Mont. 


A breakfast meeting for Maryland 
alumni who graduated in Bacteriology 
was held at the Belleveu-Stratford 
Hotel in Philadelphia. These alumni 
were attending the annual meeting of 
the Society of American Bacteriologists. 
The group was welcomed by Dr. J. E. 
Faber, after which each alumnus intro- 
duced himself in turn. Those who at- 
tended are listed below. 

Cornelia Cotton, Livestock Sanitary 
Service, College Park, Md.; Roy C. 
Dawson, Soil Conservation Service, Col- 
lege Park, Md.; Virginia T. Dawson, 
Soil Conservation Service, Washington, 
D. C; Arthur P. Dunnigan, Food and 
Drug Administration, Washington, D. 
C; John E. Faber, University of Mary- 
land, College Park, Md.; Charles E. 
Fogle, 4029 Birch Avenue, Madison, 
Wis. ; Margaret Tewell Goldsmith, 
U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Beltsville, 
Md.; George J. Harris, Celanese Cor- 

poration of America, Cumberland, Md.; 
Bernard Heinemann, Bristol Research 
Laboratories, Syracuse, N. Y.; Melvin 
E. Koons, State Health Department, 
Grand Forks, N. D.; Joshua M. Leise, 
Yale University School of Medicine, 
New Haven, Conn.; Richard K. Lynt, 
Jr. Virus Laboratories, E. R. Squibb & 
Sons, New Brunswick, N. J.; Evelyn L. 
Oginsky, Harvard Medical School, Bos- 
ton, Mass.; Louis F. Ortenzio, Food 
and Drug Administration, Washington, 
D. C; Elizabeth J. Oswald, Food and 
Drug Administration, Washington, D. 

Several former members of the staff 
of the Department of Bacteriology also 
attended the breakfast meeting. In- 
cluded in this group were: 

Ethel K. Allen, University of Wis- 
consin, Madison 5, Wis.; 0. N. Allen, 
University of Wisconsin, Madison 5, 
Wis.; L. A. Black, U. S. Public Health 
Service, 8th and Walnut Streets, Cin- 
cinnati 2, Ohio; Howard L. Bodily- 
California State Department of Health, 
Berkeley, Cal.; P. Arne Hansen, Fish 
and Wildlife Service, Hampton Roads, 
Va.; L. H. James, 189 West Madison 
Street, Chicago, 111.; L. A. Sandholzer, 
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, College 
Park, Md.; Michael J. Pelczar, Univer- 
sity of Maryland; Roy Schneiter, Na- 
tional Institute of Health, Bethesda 14, 
Md.; Donald E. Shay, Dental School, 
University of Maryland; Mary S. 
Shorb, Poultry Husbandry, University 
of Maryland; Hutton D. Slade, 
Wallerstein Co., Inc., 125 Lake 
Avenue, Staten Island 3, N. Y. ; Marvin 
L. Speck, National Dairy Research 
Labs., Inc., 1403 Eutaw Place, Balti- 
more 17, Md.; Patricia Spellacy, Camp 
Detrick, Frederick, Md.; L. S. Stuart, 
Agricultural Research Center, Belts- 
ville, Md.; Virgil Troy, Marie Wenzel, 
Plant Industry Station, Beltsville, Md.; 
Evan Wheaton, American Can Com- 
pany, Maywood, 111.; C. E. Winter, 
Fish and Wildlife Service, College Park, 
Md.; Jack Wolk, Emulsol Corporation, 
Chicago, 111. 


The Washington, D. C. Alumnae 
Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta observed 
an annual custom by entertaining the 
seniors of the University of Maryland 
Chapter at a dinner and bridge party 
in Washington. 

The program included a talk on art 
by Mrs. M. Robert Deo, who presented 
one of her paintings to the Beta Beta 
chapter house at Maryland. 

Each senior received a silver gift 
from the alumnae chapter. 

"The pleasantest things in the world 
are pleasant thoughts; and the great 
art of life is to have as many of them 
as possible. — Montaigne. 


Li/heir Zrln^em 

Dubin — Mohney 

IN Baltimore the engagement of 
Miss Romaine A. Mohney, of Pitts- 
burgh, Pa. to Mr. Richard M. Dubin, 
of Baltimore was announced last month. 
Mr. Dubin graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland School of Phar- 
macy in' 1934 and from Baltimore City 
College in 1931. He is in the adver- 
tising sales business, among his ac- 
counts being the University of Mary- 
land football program. 

Davis — Drake 

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L. Drake, Col- 
lege Heights, Md., have announced the 
engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to 
Wilbur C. Davis, Rockville, Md. 

Miss Drake is a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, College of Arts 
and Sciences, where her fiance has re- 
sumed his studies following more than 
two years in the armed forces. 

Jawish — Fyfe 
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Fyfe an 
nounced the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Sara Jean Fyfe, to Mr. 
William Kaiser Jawish, Jr., son of Mr. 
and Mrs. William "K. Jawish. 


University of Maryland 

Miss Fyfe attended Marjorie Web- 
ster Junior College, graduating in 

Mr. Jawish is attending the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. 

Parsell — Chapman 

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Chapman 
of Chillum, Md., announce the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Ruth G., to J. 
Foster "Parsell, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
John E. Parsell of Mount Rainier, Md. 

Miss Chapman was graduated from 
University of Maryland and her fiance 
is employed by American Airlines. 

Burleigh — Repp 

Mrs. Morris Kight Repp of Western- 
port has announced the engagement of 
her daughter, Martha Virginia, to Ar- 
thur C. Burleigh, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Arthur C. Burleigh, Sr., of Wellesley, 

Miss Repp, who attended Potomac 
State School, is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland with B.S. and R.N. 
degrees. She was a lieutenant in the 
Army Nurse Corps during the war. 

Mr. Burleigh is a graduate of Car- 
negie Institute of Technology. He was 
a major in the Army during the war. 

Anderson — Nichols 

The engagement of Margaret Ruth 
Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- 
land L. Nichols, of 710 Montgomery 
Street, Laurel, to Julian Bradley An- 
derson, Jr., son of Capt. and Mrs. J. B. 

Anderson, of 408 Prince George Street, 
Laurel, has been announced. 

The bride-elect is a graduate of St. 
Mildred's School and Laurel High 

Mr. Anderson, a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, is taking post 
graduate work there preparatory to 
receiving his Master's degree. 

Fioramonti — Abbott 

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Abbott an- 
nounce the engagement of their daugh- 
ter, Miss Marjorie Ann Abbott, to Mr. 
Robert Frank Fioramonti, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Ernesto Fioramonti, all of 

Miss Abbott was president of the 
1943 Class of Wilson Teachers College 
and is a member of Who's Who In 
American Universities and Colleges. 
She now is a teacher in the District. 

Mr. Fioramonti served with the 1st 
Cavalry during the entire Philippine 
campaign and now is completing his 
senior year at Maryland University. 

Tiller— Reeder 

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reeder of 
Newburg, Md., announce the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Mary 
Elizabeth Reeder, to Mr. Richard E. 
Tiller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. 
Tiller of Bethesda. 

Miss Reeder graduated from Hood 
College and Mr. Tiller is on the faculty 
of the University of Maryland, of 
which he is a graduate. 


Schaefer — Murphy 

The engagement of Miss Elizabeth 
Ida Murphy to Richard Edgar Schaefer, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Schaefer, 
Riverton, Wyo., is announced by the 
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 
Murphy, Chevy Chase, Md. 

Miss Murphy is a graduate of Beth- 
esda-Chevy Chase High School and at- 
tended the University of Maryland. 
Mr. Schaefer, a member of Sigma Chi 
fraternity, is a student at the Univer- 
sity of Wyoming. 

Reiter — Dauphin 

The Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Dauphin, of 
Accident, Md., announce the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Dorothy R. 
Dauphin, to Dr. Ralph A. Reiter, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Reiter, 
Cumberland, N. J. 

Miss Dauphin attended Catherman's 
Business School and, following her busi- 
ness training, was employed by the 
Prudential Insurance Company in Cum- 
berland for two and a half years. She 
is now enrolled in the American Uni- 
versity School of Nursing, Washington, 
D. C. Her father is pastor of Zion 
Lutheran Church in Accident. 

Dr. Reiter recently finished his hospi- 
tal internship at U. S. Naval Hospital, 
Long Beach, California. After a twen- 
ty day leave, he left for San Fran- 
cisco. From there he will proceed 
for duty on Peleliu Island in the South 
Pacific. Dr. Reiter, who is a graduate 
of the University of Maryland Medical 
School, Baltimore, has been in the Navy 
since 1942. He is a graduate of Fort 
Hill High School, attended Bridgewater, 
College, Bridgewater,Va., and received 
his bachelor of science degree from the 
University of Maryland. 

Kiger — Fowble 

Mrs, Joshua A. Fowble, of Reisters- 
town, has announced the engagement 
of her daughter, Miss Florence Wilson 
Fowble, to Mr. Lowell Edward Kiger, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kiger, 
of Cisne, 111. 

Miss Fowble, daughter of the late 
Mr. Fowble and granddaughter of the 
late Doctor and Mrs. James H. Wilson, 
of Fowblesburg, was graduated from 
Hannah More Academy and the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. Her fiance was 
graduated from the University of 
Illinois and is completing a course in 
radio engineering in New York. Dur- 
ing the war he served for three years 
in the Naval Reserve. 

Thomas — deLashmutt 

Miss Helen Lee deLashmutt daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. John M. deLashmutt, 
Woodbine, will be married soon to John 
Edward Thomas, Jr., of Washington 
and New York. Miss deLashmutt at- 
tended Mount St. Agnes school, Balti- 
more, and the University of Maryland. 
■Mr. Thomas, who was discharged from 
the Army with the rank of Captain 
after three years service, is now at- 

tending the University of Maryland. 
College of Business and Public Admin- 

Johnson — Trittipoe 

The engagement of Miss Kathryn 
Mae Trittipoe to Mr. Charles P. John- 
son is announced by the bride-elect's 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. 

Mr. Johnson is the son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Paul D. Johnson of Mount Rainier 
and is a former lieutenant in the Army 
Air Forces. He now is a student at the 
University of Maryland and Miss 
Trittipoe is attending Wilson Teachers 

Ellett— Holland 

Col. Harvey H. Holland, Army air 
forces, and Mrs Holland announce the 
engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Lois Helene Holland, to William Clin- 
ton Ellet, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. 
Ellett of Washington. 

Miss Holland attended the Univer- 
sity of Maryland where she was a 
member of the Kappa Delta Sorority. 

During the war Mr. Ellett served 
more than two years as a captain in 
the 15th air force in Europe. He has 
resumed his studies at the University 
of Maryland and is a member of Sigma 
Nu fraternity. 

McKeever — Carothers 

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Carothers 
of Silver Spring announce the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Reta May 
Carothers, to Mr. Robert Livingston 
McKeever, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Robert L. McKeever, also of Silver 

Miss Carothers is attending Ameri- 
can University and is studying voice 
with Mr. Frank Bibb of the Peabody 
Conservatory of Music in Baltimore. 
She is a member of Kappa Delta Sorori- 
ty and is student member of the Fri- 
day Morning Music Club. 

Mr. McKeever graduated from the 
University of Maryland and is a mem- 
ber of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. 
He served five years in the Coast Ar- 
tillery Corps, 14 months of which were 
with the Ninth Army in the European 
theater, and holds the rank of major 
in the Organized Reserve Corps. 

Harden — Stewart 

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Stewart of 
this city have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, R. Virginia, to 

Keith C. Harder Jr., son of Dr. and 
Mrs. Harder of Mount Rainier, Md. 

Miss Stewart attended the Carolyn 
A. Pearson Progressive School in Flush- 
ing, L. I., and was graduated in Jan- 
uary from the University of Maryland. 

The prospective bridegroom attended 
the University of Virginia and was 
graduated from the Aeronautical En- 
gineering College of the University of 
Michigan in January. During the war 
he served as an ensign in the Naval 

Mr. Harder is engaged in engineering 
research at the David Taylor Model 
Basin in Washington, D. C. 

Hagerman — Fusselbaugh 

Sara Ann Fusselbaugh, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Fusselbaugh 
of Philadelphia and niece of Mrs. B. 
Harris Henderson of Homeland, will be 
married soon to Thomas Hagerman of 

Miss Fusselbaugh attended Hood Col- 
lege and is a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. 

Mr. Hagerman, who is attending the 
University of Maryland, served during 
the war as a captain of infantry in 

Stackig — Beckett 

The Rev. and Mrs. Edgar Wells 
Beckett of Hyattsville announce the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Mi:;s 
Beverly Anne Beckett, to Mr. Sven 
Goran Stackig of Stockholm, Sweden. 

Miss Beckett attended George Wash- 
ington University and the University 
of Maryland and is an employe at the 
Bureau of Standards. 

Mr. Stakig is with the Swedish Le- 
gation and expects to be in this country 
for the next two years. 

Weyforth — Hoban 

Mrs. George W. Hoban, of Baltimore, 
has announced the engagement of her 
daughter, Miss Jeanne Elanor Hoban, 
to Mr. William Philip Weyforth, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Weyforth.' 

Miss Hoban, daughter of the late Mr. 
Hoban, is a graduate of Mount St. 
Agnes. Mr. Weyforth is attending the 
University of Maryland School of en- 

Warren — Hunter 

Mr and Mrs. George F. Hunter of 
Mount Rainier announce the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Florence 
Mary Hunter, to Mr. William Pittman 
Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 
Warren of Swansboro, N. C. 

Miss Hunter is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland and served for 
two years as a pharmacist's mate in 
the Naval Reserve. She now is study- 
ing for her master's degree in science 
at East Carolina Teachers College in 
Greenville, N. C. Mr. Warren served 
for three years as a yeoman in the 
Navy and now is studying business 
education at East Carolina Teachers 


Orange Blossom Parade 

McDonald — Krehnbrink 

DOROTHY Willis Krehnbrink, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 
F. Willis, became the bride of William 
J. McDonald in Baltimore. 

The bride was graduated from the 
University of Maryland in 1946 and 
now is an instructor of speech in the 
College of Arts and Sciences there. 
While an undergraduate she was a 
member of Tri Delt sorority and was 
very active in dramatics. 

Mr. McDonald now is attending the 
university and is employed in the 
school's publications and publicity de- 
partment. He served three years in the 
Army, doing public relations work, and 
serving as sports editor of the Hono- 
lulu edition of Stars and Stripes. 

Shapiro— Feldman 

Miss Sylvia Feldman, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. David Feldman, was married 
to Dr. Albert Shapiro, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Joseph Shapiro, of Baltimore. 
Both attended the University of Mary- 
land. The wedding ceremony was per- 
formed in Washington, D. C. 

Logan — Eisinger 

Miss Margaret Neil Eisinger became 
the bride of Mr. John Ballard Logan 


Ever Popular with Students and Visitors 

in Washington, D. C. 

The bride is a graduate of Mount 
Vernon Seminary and Junior College. 
She attended George Washington Uni- 
versity where she was a member of Pi 
Beta Phi Sorority. Her husband has 
resumed his studies at Maryland Uni- 
versity after serving four years in the 
Army Air Corps. He held the rank of 

Griffith— Shetterly 

In Takoma Park the marriage of 
Mrs. Barbara Smith Shetterly, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bond Smith to 
Mr. William Bastable Griffith, son of 
Mrs. Howard Griffith of Silver Spring 
and the late Postmaster Howard Grif- 

Mrs. Griffith is a graduate of Mont- 
gomery Blair High School and attend- 
ed Delaware University. Mr. Griffith 
graduated from Montgomery Blair High 
School, attended Greenbrier Military 
Academy and the University of Mary- 
land. He served for three and one-half 
years in the E.T.O. 

England — Sibley 

Miss Mildred Sibley, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sibley, became 
the bride of Leon Gardner England, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul England in 

The bride is a graduate of Fort 
Hill High School and active in church 
work. She is employed by Rosenbaum 
Brothers. Mr. England is a graduate 
of Fort Hill and attended the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. He is employed by 
the American Tea Company. 

Chambliss — Gates 

The Chaplain of the House of Repre 
sentatives, the Rev. Dr. James Shera 
Montgomery, assisted at the wedding 
ceremony recently of Miss Marie Ridge- 
ly Gates and Mr. Charles Edward 
Chambliss III. Dr. Montgomery was the 
officiating clergyman at the marriage 
23 years ago of the bride's parents. 

Mrs. Chambliss attended the Chevy 
Chase Junior College and until recently 
was secretary to the commercial at- 
tache of the Iranian Embassy. Mr. 
Chambliss attended the Citadel, and the 
University of Maryland. He is com- 
pleting his course of engineering at 
George Washington University, having 
interrupted his studies to serve as a 
lieutenant in the Army. He had two 
years duty in the China-Burma-India 

Evans — Morton 

Miss Roberta Elizabeth Morton 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dare 
Morton and Harold Wiggens Evans Jr., 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wiggens 
Evans, Takoma Park, were married last 

The bride, a graduate of Frederick 
High School in 1940, has her B. S. and 
R. N. degrees from the University of 
Maryland and its School of Nursing. 
Since her graduation in 1945 she has 
been employed as one of the infirmary 
nurses at the University. Mr. Evans, 
who was graduated from Central High 
School. Washington, in 1940, matricu- 
lated at the University of Maryland in 
the College of Business and Public Ad- 
ministration, in September of that year. 
In July, 1943, he entered the Marines. 


Pollit— Edwards 

Former Maryland classmates of the 
bride were attendants at the wedding 
last month of Miss Elizabeth Cockerell 
Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Henry Gladstone Edwards, to Mr. Jesse 
Morris Pollit, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Jesse Morris Pollit. 

The bride is a graduate of Virginia 
Intermont College, Bristol, Va., and al- 
so attended the University of Mary- 

Tilghman — Jameson 

In Washington, D. C, Miss Mary 
Edith Jameson and Mr. Raymond 
Tench Tilghman were married recently. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Charles G. Jameson of Washing- 
ton and the granddaughter of Mr. C. P. 
Herbert of Hughesville, Maryland. Mr. 
Tilghman attended Maryland Univer- 
sity and served in the Fifteenth Air 
Force of the Army with the rank of 
First Lieutenant. He was a German 
prisoner for eight months and received 
the Purple Heart and Air Medal. 

Peaslee — Issbrucker 

Charlotte Issbrucker, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Carl Issbrucker, has become 
the bride of Rev. Joseph Kemp Peaslee, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Peaslee 
of Washington, D. C. The wedding 
took place in Washington. 

Rev. Mr. Peaslee is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland and the Gettys- 
burg Lutheran Theological Seminary. 
He was formerly pastor of Bethany 
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Balti- 

Schaffer — Yewell 

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warren Ye- 
well, Sr. of Bel Air, have announced 
the marriage of their daughter, Miss 
Betty Lee Yewell, and Mr. Charles 
Schaffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George 
Schaffer of Pittsburgh, Pa., which took 
place on Sunday, May 4th, at Emanual 
Church, Bel Air. Mrs Schaffer is a 
graduate of the University Hospital 
School of Nursing. 

Gilbert — Munro 

Miss Margaret Esther Munro, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Munro of 
Scarsdale, was married to James Gaw- 
ley Gilbert Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Gilbert of Omaha, Neb. last month in 
White Plains, New York. 

The bride received a B.S. degree 
from the University of Maryland in 
1046. She was a member of Alpha 
Omicron Pi Sorority. Mr. Gilbert at- 
tended the University of Omaha. He 
received an honorable discharge recent- 
ly from the Coast Guard after six 
years' service, most of which time was 
spent overseas. He participated in 
many major invasions in the Pacific 

Murray — Purdy 

Miss Elizabeth Purdy, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs E. Griffith Purdy, became 
the bride of Mr. James Murray, son of 

Mr. and Mrs. James William Murray 
of Green Meadows, Md. 

Mr. and Mrs. Murray will make their 
home in Washington. Mrs Murray at- 
tended Maryland University in 1941 in 
the College of Education, and Mr. 
Murray served with the airborne divi- 
sion during the war. 

Audet — Amlicke 

Dr. Jeanne D. Amlicke, daughter of 
Mrs. Edmund S. Amlicke, Passaic, and 
the late Mr. Amlicke, and Dr. Robert 
J. Audet, son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles 
H. Audet, of Waterbury, Conn., were 
married last month in New Jersey. 
The bride's cousin, the Rev. Joseph L. 
Amlicke, performed the ceremony. 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, and the univer- 
sity's school of Medicine and Surgery. 
She and her husband are interning at 
St. Mary's Hospital, Waterbury. Dr 
Audet was a lieutenant (j.g.) in the 
naval reserve, studied at Loyola Col- 
lege, Montreal, and is a graduate of the 
Maryland School of Medicine and Sur- 

Julius GoK^nbe 

JULIUS GOLEMBfc, M.D., 50, of 
the Bronx, died in New York. He 
was senior clinical assistant in oto- 
laryngology at the outpatient depart- 
ment of Mount Sinai Hospital. He 
graduated from the University of 
Maryland Medical School in 1924. Dr. 
Golembe was a member of the Amer- 
ican Medical Association, and the New 
York State and County medical socie- 

Charles V. Delahunt 

Charles V. Delahunt, manger of the 
dining hall at the University of Mary- 
land, College Park, died last month in 
Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City, 
N. C. of a heart attack. Mr. Delahunt 
was at the hospital trying to recu- 
perate from a six weeks' illness. He 
suffered from asthma. 

Mr. Delahunt born in New York 
City on February 1, 1894, had been in 
the hotel and dining room business all 
of his life. He came to Maryland in 
February of 1944. 

Dr. Arthur J. Lomas 

Dr. Arthur J. Lomas, 67, retired 
superintendent of the University of 
Maryland hospital and veteran of both 
World Wars, died in his home in 
Lutherville, Md., of a heart attack. 

Before his retirement in 1939, Dr. 
Lomas had served as superintendent for 
16 years. Since then he had served as 
administrative consultant to Catholic 
hospitals in Maryland. 

Born in Montreal, he received his 
medical degree from McGill university 
in 1902. 

He became associated with the Uni- 
versity of Maryland hospital in 1923. 

He is survived by his wife, the for- 
mer Elena Marie Perez, daughter of 
the Spanish consul general in New- 
foundland whom he met when he was 
sent there to help fight a typhoid epi- 

Bundles from Heaven 

JEAN Louise Mier was born Feb- 
ruary 17th to Jack (Monk) and 
baibera Crane Mier. The Miors, hj u 
former football ace and she a Tri Delt, 
are living in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. 

A boy, Norman Glenn, Jr., arrived 
March 25th at the Sedgwick, Kansas 
farm of the Mannings. She is the for- 
mer Judy King and is now living with 
her husband on a 168-acre dairy farm. 

Caroline McGill Whelan gave birth 
April 23rd to Frederick Graf Whelan 
III, in Berlin, New Hampshire. She is 
a '42 graduate and her husband a Hop- 
kins alumnus. 

Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Tilles an- 
nounce the birth of daughter Sandra 
Anne on April 26th. She is the former 
Florence Trinkel, of the class of '43. 


Are you an active alumnus, the kind 

that would be missed? 
Or are you quite contented that your 

name is on the list? 
Do you take an active interest and 

mingle with the flock? 
Or do you stay within your shell and 

sit around and knock? 
Do you take an active part to help 

alumni work along? 
Or are you satisfied to be the kind that 

"just belong"? 
Do you ever dig into your purse to 

make the outfit click? 
Or leave the work to others and talk 

about "that clique?" 
There's quite a program going on which 

you should have heard about, 
It will be appreciated, too, if you will 

help it out. 
So join the throng for Maryland and 

help with hand and heart, 
Don't "just be" an alumnus, but take 

an active part. 
Think this over, Brother Terrapin, as 

you know right from wrong, 
Are you an active member or do you 

"just belong"? 



THE Alumni Secretary welcomes 
news about any alumni or 
former students. The following items 
about majors in Education were avail- 
able for this issue of Maryland. 

Nanles are grouped by the year 
when the university awarded a degree — 
regardless whether it was a bachelor's, 
master's, or doctor's degree. 

Pinkney A. Hanver, the first gradu- 
ate of the department of Agricultural 
Education, is now in the dairy business 
in Deerfield, Wisconsin. 

Dowell J. Howard, who taught Vo- 
cational Agriculture in Virginia for 
several years, has recently been made 
State Supervisor of Vocational Agri- 
culture of Virginia. 


J. Homer Remsberg, whose picture 
and biography appeared recently in the 
Agriculture Issue of Maryland, has 
farmed near Middletown since his 
graduation. In addition, he taught Vo- 
cational Agriculture at Middletown 
from 1926-1945. 


Peter Wood Chichester, is a member 
of the firm Dietrick and Gambrill, Inc., 
manufacturers of poultry and live-stock 
feed. Among his many civic duties, he 
is this year the general chairman of the 
Frederick Red Cross Campaign. 

Harry M. McDonald has been ap- 
pointed State Supervisor of Agricul- 
ture in Maryland. 

Harriet Willette (Bille) Bland has 
been a teacher in Harford County since 

• Walter W. Peterman is now the Prin- 
cipal of the Clear Spring Elementary 
and High School. 

P. Calvert Cissel, who last reported 
in 1941, first taught in high school and 
then organized the American Disin- 
fectant Company. In 1941, he was serv- 
ing as President and Manager of the 
Company, and he was elected President 
of the National Pest Control Associa- 
tion at the National Convention in San 
Francisco in October, 1941. 


William E. Tarbell was first a high 
school teacher, then a principal, and is 
now the County Agricultural Agent, 
University of Delaware Extension Ser- 
vice, Agent for Kent County Office, 
Dover, Delaware. 

Wilbur J. Glenn has been Principal 
of the Friendsville High School since 
1928; a trustee in the First National 
Bank of Friendsville from 1933-1938; 
director, from 1934-1947; and director 

and vice-president, from 1937-1947. 

Lucy Knox is teaching Home Eco- 
nomics at McKinley High School. She 
is also chief counselor at Camp May 


Nellie S. Bucky began her career as 
a teacher of Home Economics at Hy- 
attsville and is now the State Super- 
visor of Home Economics in Connecti- 

R. Z. Coblentz, who taught Voca- 
tional Agriculture in Carroll County 
and then transferred to Pennsylvania, 
has been promoted to a position as 
County Supervisor of Agriculture in 


Betty Amos Bull is the First Vice- 
President of the Maryland Congress of 
Parents and Teachers. 

Franklin D. Day is Superintendent 
of Schools for Queene Anne's County. 

H. E. McBride is Superintendent of 
Schools for Cecil County. 

T. C. Martin is Principal of the 
Hughesville Junior High School in 
Charles County. 

Mary M. Brown Riley is the Head of 
the Home Economics Department and 
Cafeteria at the Hyattsville High 

Benjamin C. Willis has served for a 
number of years as Superintendent of 
Schools in Washington County. He will 
leave Washington County next fall to 
accept a position as Superintendent of 
Schools in Yonkers, New York. 


Amos B. Beachley, who became an 
official with the Playground Athletic 
League of Baltimore immediately after 
his graduation, is now in the insurance 
business with the Wilson-Oliver Com- 
pany in Aberdeen, Maryland. 

Josephine Blandford is now in Tex- 
tile Division of the Bureau of Stan- 
dards in Washington, D.C. 

Mylo Downey taught Vocational Ag- 
riculture at Thurmont, Maryland, was 
then made County Agent for three 
Maryland Counties, and has been serv- 
ing as the State Leader of the Boys 
4-H Clubs for several years. 

John E. Faber, Jr. is now Professor 
and Acting Head of the Department of 
Bacteriology at the University of Mary- 
land. He is also Head Lacrosse Coach. 

Paul E. Huffington is now Supervisor 
of Colored Schools, Maryland State De- 
partment of Education. 

Ruth McRae is the Assistant Princi- 
pal of Central High School, Washing- 
ton, D. C. 

Myron B. Stevens, after two years of 
directing high school athletics, became 
a professional baseball player. He then 
went to the Washington College of Law, 
won his L. L. B. and became a mem- 
ber of the Washington D. C. Patent 



Charles Wightman Seabold is teach- 
ing Vocational Agriculture at Reisters- 
town, Maryland. 

May-Louise Wood is teaching Eng- 
lish at the Montgomery Blair High 
School, Silver Spring, Maryland. 


Howard H. Anderson has been teach- 
ing Vocational Agriculture at Princess 
Anne since his graduation. He has 
served as the President of the Somer- 
set County Farm Bureau. 

M. Gladys Dickerson is the Super- 
visor of Home Economics for Prince 
Georges County. She served as Presi- 
dent of the Maryland Home Economics 
Association from 1944-46, and is now 
State Advisor for The Association of 
Future Homemakers of America. 

Samuel M. Jenness succeeded Ray- 
mond Hyson as Superintendent of the 
Carroll County Schools in July, 1946. 

Ann Matthews is now a nutritionist 
in The Maryland State Department of 


Margaret Karr Comstock has made a 
career of Nursery School work. She has 
been the Supervisor of the W. P. A. 
Nursery Schools in Nevada; a teach- 
er at Ruggles Street Nursery School in 
Boston, and at Friends School in Balti- 
more. At present she is with the United 
States Public Health Service at Rich- 
mond, Virginia. 

Frank J. Getty is Principal of the 
Grantsville High School and President 
of the Grantsville Rotary Club. 

Willis H. White is Principal of Cam- 
bridge High School in Dorchester 


Kenneth W. Baker, after teaching 
Agriculture in Sudlersville and Church 
Hill High Sthool, became in turn; 
County Agent of Queen Anne's County; 
Associate Director, Extension Service, 
University of Delaware; Chief of Mis- 
sion, Food Production, Brazil and Vene- ' 
zuela, Office of Coordinator, Inter- 
American Affairs; and Personnel Di- 
rector, Sales Manager, O. A. Newton 
and Son Company, Bridgeville, Dela- 

Gerald A. Biggs, who has taught at 
Oldtown at Federalsburg and at Hag- 
erstown, is at present in charge of the 
Vocational Center in Hagerstown. 

Sidney T. Lawler is Principal of the 
Sherwood High School, Sandy Springs, 

Richard T. Rizer is Assistant Super- 
intendent of Schools, for Allegany 

Elaine Knowles Weaver has taught 
Home Econo v mics in the Maryland Pub- 
lic Schools, has been the Home Demon- 
stration Agent for Calvert County, has 
served as a specialist in Home Manage- 
ment for the Cornell Extension Service, 
and is now the head of the Home 

Management Department, Teachers 
College, Columbia University. She has 
her Ph.D. from Cornell University. 


F. P. Blunt is Principal of Mt. Rain- 
ier High School in Prince George's 

Max A. Smith is Principal of the 
Clarksville High School. 


John W. Fisher is Principal of Bruce 
High School in Allegany County. 

Guy Gienger, who was employed by 
the Farm Credit Administration from 
1943-1946, is Associate Professor of 
Agricultural Engineering at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

George E. Gifford is Principal of Cal- 
vert High School in Cecil County. 

Salena Reynolds Mackie is the Super- 
visor of Home Economics in Cecil 

Evelyn F. Miller is the Supervisor of 
Home Economics in Allegany County. 

G. Gardner Shugart has been Super- 
intendent of the Prince George's County 
Schools since 1943. 

Albert Woods, who served as Educa- 
tional Advisor in the Civilian Conser- 
vation Corps from 1935-1937, is now 
Assistant Professor of Physical Educa- 
tion for Men at the University of Mary- 


Gertrude Nicholls Bowie was the 
President of the Maryland Vocational 
Association for 1945-46. She is Assis- 
tant State Supervisor of Home Eco- 
nomics, Chairman of the School Lunch 
Committee, in Maryland, and the 
National Chairman of the School Lunch 
Committee of the American Home Eco- 
nomics Association. 

Carl M. Mann has been teaching 
Mathematics, Science, and Industrial 
Arts at the South Potomac Junior 
High School, Hagerstown, since his ap- 
pointment in 1935. In addition, he has 
worked in the experimental planning 
division of Fairchild Aircraft Company 
for four summers. He has served as the 
Washington County Counselor repre- 
senting the State Department of Educa- 
tion for "on-the-job-training for vete- 

Albert G. Packard is Supervisor of 
Vocational Testing in the Baltimore 
Public Schools. 


C. Robert Boucher, Sales Manager of 
the R. A. Humphries Company, is a 
member of the Washington, D. C. Real 
Estate Board and the Board of Trade. 
During the late war he received the 
E. T. 0. Ribbon with six battle stars, 
American Theatre Ribbon, Victory Rib- 
bon and the French Croix de Guerre. 

Elmer K. Chandlee is the Principal of 
the Walkersville High School in Freder- 
ick County. 

Wilbur Devilbiss is Supervisor of 

High Schools, Maryland State Depart- 
ment of Education. 

Paul R. Poffenberger is Associate 
Professor of Agricultural Economy at 
the University of Maryland. He served 
as Lieutenant in the Navy in com- 
mand of an L. S. T. during World War 

Gerald E. Richter is Principal of 
Westminster High School, Carroll 


Dorsey Donoho is Principal of 
Ridgely High School, Caroline County. 

Everett Hollister Northrop, who 
graduated from the School of Library 
Science, Syracuse University, summa 
cum laude, became the Librarian of the 
College of Law Library, Syracuse Uni- 
versity, and later served as the Assis- 
tant State Supervisor, Library Exten- 
sion and Assistance Project, Works 
Projects Administration of New York 


Janet T. Anderson is a teacher of 
Social Sciences in Allegany High 
School, Cumberland, Maryland. 

Helen Granbery, who had taught in 
the Washington elementary schools is 
now teaching in the American School 
in Nurnberg, Germany. 

Flora Waldman Reid, formerly the 
Head of the Home Economics Depart- 
ment of the Maryland College for Wo- 
men, is now living in Media, Pennsyl- 

Mrs. Kathryn G. Reidy is Principal 
of the Ager Road School, Prince 
George's County. 

Edith Williams is Principal of the 
Ludlow Elementary School and the act- 
ing principal of two other elementary 
schools, in Washington, D. C. 

Charles F. Yeager, Jr. spent several 
years in coaching football at Mt. St. 
Joseph's College. During World War II, 
he was a First Lieutenant in the Air 
Corps. He is now the Executive Secre- 
tary of the Towson Town Association. 


Albin O. Kuhn is Associate Profes- 
sor of Agronomy at the University of 
Maryland. During World War II, he 
served in the Navy as a Lieutenant 


Ruby A. Dahlgren, Demonstration 
Teacher, Frostburg State Teachers Col- 

Charles W. Dudderar is a teacher in 
the Baltimore City Public Schools. 

Evelyn Byrd Jackson, formerly Head 
of the Home Economics Department of 
Mt. Vernon Seminary, is now with her 
husband and children in Tsingtao, 

Eileen Neuman taught Chemistry at 
Western Reserve College in Cleveland. 
She then did research work for the 
Good Housekeeping Institute and is now 
with Standard Brands, New York. 


Gladys King Bollinger is the Li- 
brarian and Coordinator of Diversi- 
fied Training at the Maryland Park 
High School. 


Virginia McLuckee is now the Assis- 
tant Home Demonstration Agent of 
Montgomery County. 

John J. Speicher is the Principal of 
Greenbelt High School in Prince 
George's County. 


Lee W. Adkins is the Supervisor of 
Agriculture and Cafeterias of Anne 
Arundel County. He served in the 
Navy as a Lieutenant (j.g.) from 1944- 

Melva Beard is teaching Home Eco- 
nomics at the Garrison Junior High 
School in Baltimore. 

Marie Denecke is a member of the 
faculty of Wilson Teachers College, 
Washington, D. C. 

Edward G. Stapleton is Associate 
Supt. of Schools, Baltimore County. 


C. Paul Barnhar-t is Principal of 
Bladensburg High School Prince 
George's County. 

B. Bernard Cohen is All-American 
Fellow in English at Indiana Univer- 
sity. He has been engaged in research 
concerning English and American lit- 

Paul Cooper is Associate Superinten- 
dent of Schools in Prince George's 

John U. Michaelis, who was awarded 
his Ph.D. with a major in education at 
Maryland, is Director of Educational 
Extension, University of California. 

Reverend George Vincent Oberle is a 
member of the faculty of St. Charles 
Academy in Catonsville, Maryland. 

Edna Peters is teaching in the ele- 
mentary schools of Prince George'^ 
County. She has been engaged in re- 
search on better methods of teaching. 

Julia Watkins is County Supervisor 
of Home Economics in Montgomery 

Sterling Wheelwright, who completed 
his Ph.D. in 1943 with a major in edu- 
cation, is now Director of Music at 
Stanford University. 

Akce Ruth Zerbola is Assistant 
Junior Dean, College of Education, 
Ohio State University. 


Vernon Norman Albrecht served as 
Fiscal Analyst for the Bureau of the 
Budget, Executive Office of the Presi- 
dent in Washington, and then became 
an Instructor in Economics at the Uni- 
versity of Minnesota in April, 1940. 

Alice Coulbourn, is the elementary 
supervisor in Somerset County. 

Edna Gilbert is the Director of the 
Calvert Hills Nursery School and is in 
charge of the Nursery School for 


Crippled Children in Washington, D. C. 

Virginia Giles teaches in the Lanham 
Nursery Schools and directs the 
Langley Day Care Center. 

Edith Grove is supervising teachers 
for Wilson Teachers College in one of 
the Washington elementary schools. 

Julius Seeman is completing his work 
this summer for the Ph.D. degree at the 
University of Minnesota. 


Jane Adams is teaching Home Eco- 
nomics in Talbot County, Maryland. 

Carol Berstein, who worked as a re- 
search assistant in the History Divi- 
sion of the American Red Cross, is now 
teaching in ths Baltimore School sys- 
tem. She has been doing research on 
the services of the American Red Cross 
in World War II. 

Louise Dickson is teaching mathe- 
matics in Woodrow Wilson High School, 
Washington, D. C. 

Mrs. Virginia Gaffney is teaching in 
an elementiy school in Washington, D. 

Evelyn Medwedeff is employed in the 
Bureau of Laboratories, Baltimore City 
Health Department. 


Lucille Stewart Beard is teaching the 
Seventh Grade in the Junior High 
School Section of the Hyattsville Ele- 
mentary School. 

W. Theodore Boston is Superinten- 
dent of Schools, Dorchester County. 

William C. Diehl is Supervisor of 
High Schools, Washington County. 

Sonja J. Johnson is now a social 
studies teacher at Greenbelt High 

Joyce Reside is doing secretarial work 
with the legal firm of Hogan and Hart- 
son of Washington, D. C. 

Harold Thompson, first post-war 
graduate in Vocational Agriculture, is 
teaching at Sherwood High School in 
Sandy Springs. 

Herman Westerberg is teaching in 
the Baltimore public schools. 


For 1947 and 1948 the University of 
Maryland announces foreign study cen- 
ters for a graduate year abroad, for 
students registered in the University 
of Maryland's College of Education. 
These facilities have been established 
in the Department of Foreign Lan- 
guages and Literature, within the Di- 
vision of Humanities. 

The Foreign Study Office will estab- 
lish and staff Foreign Study Centers as 
the need arises. It will operate two 
such Centers during 1947-48: one in 
Paris, the other in Zurich. A Resident 
Dean, a Maryland professor, will be in 
charge of each Center and supervise 
the program of each student. He will be 
assisted by such other Maryland profes- 
sors as enrollment may require. 

William F. Falls, Ph.D. will be the 
Resident Dean in charge of the Foreign 
Study Center in Paris, with offices at 
Reid Hall, rue Chevreuse, 4, Paris 

Dieter Cunz, Ph.D., will be the Resi- 
dent Dean in charge of the Foreign 
Study Center in Zurich, with offices at 
Zeltweg 4, Zurich, Switzerland. 

At College Park the foreign study 
program is in charge of Dr. Edmund 
E. Miller, with Dr. A. E. Zucker as 
Chaiiman of the Division of Humani- 

Before the European school year ba- 
gins, the Maryland registrants par- 
ticipate in an orientation period with 
required language work (French in 
Paris, German in Zurich). When the 
university year opens, the student is 
enrolled in the faculty or school best 
suited to his preparation and interests. 

The Foreign Study student divides 
his program between his major and his 
minor. Twelve to sixteen semester hours 
plus six hours for the thesis satisfy 
the requirements of the major. The re- 
maining eight to twelve semester hours 
are devoted to the student's minors. 

The year's program is evaluated at 
thirty semester hours. 

At European universities courses are 
usually offered in cycles of three to five 
semesters, so that it is impossible to 
list the exact course titles for a given 
semester very far in advance. 

Majors and Minors'are offered in the 
following three fields: 

Linguistics : General, Germanic, 

Literature: Comparative, French, 

History: Roman, Medieval, Mo- 
dern, Contemporary, American- 

Minors only are offered in these 
fields: History of Art, Economics, 
Education, Geography, Govern- 
ment,, International Relations; 
American, English, Italian, Rus- 
sian or Spanish Literature; Music, 
Philosophy, Political Science, Psychol- 
ogy, Sociology, Theology, Volkskunde. 

The candidate v for a degree has a 
weekly conference with his adviser and 
submits progress reports at stated in- 


Maryland's 1947 delegates for the 
National 4-H Club Camp at Arlington 
Farms, Virginia were: Rita Bittle, of 
Oakland; Margaret Schwarten of Cor- 
dova; John A. Holter of Middletown; 
and John Bruce of Conowingo. 

Representatives chosen to attend the 
camp are selected on the basis of their 
accomplishments in 4-H Club work. 

Rita Bittle has been a club member 
for 6 years and is a past president of 
the Garrett County Council of 4-H 
Girls' Clubs. 

Margaret Schwarten has also been in 
Club work about six years and has 
recently started leading a 4-H Club at 
Easton. She is now president of the 
Talbot County Senior 4-H Council. 

John Holter, has completed 10 years 
of Club work and during that period 
has earned a total of $6705.00 from 
his projects in dairy and swine. His 
achievements include awards for fourth 
high individual in the 1942 State dairy 
judging contest, silver cup for dairy 
showmanship in a contest at Frederick 
in 1944, and for showing the Junior 
Champion heifer at the 1945 State 
Show at Hagerstown. In addition to 
holding several offices in his local club, 
he acted as discussion leader at a train- 
ing school and at Club Week at College 

John Bruce during five years of 
work, has completed projects in dairy, 
garden and handicraft, and has built 
shelters and feeders in wildlife con- 
servation. After having served as presi- 
dent, and secretary of his local club, he 
is now president of the county 4-H Club 
and a leader of a local club. 


Colonel Heinie Miller, Terrapin Box- 
ing Coach, was the guest speaker at 
the Richmond Sportsmen's Club Lunch- 
eon at the Hotel Richmond in that city 
last month. The Sportsmen's Club is 
similar in membership to the Touch- 
down Club of Washington, D. C. 

Later Miller spoke on the same sub- 
ject for the Marine Corps Reserve Of- 
ficers' Association meeting at Fort 
McHenry in Baltimore. 


"We sometimes speak of winning 
reputation as though that were the 
final goal. The truth is contrary to 
this. Reputation is a reward, to be 
sure, but it is really the beginning, not 
the end of endeavor. It should not be 
the signal for a let-down, but rather, a 
reminder that the standard which won 
recognition can never again be lowered. 
From him who gives much — much is 
forever after expected." — Alvan Ma- 




assistant football coach at the 
University of Oklahoma, was named 
head of athletics at the University of 
Maryland when the athletic board acted 
en a recommendation made by Jim Ta- 
tum, who came to the Old Line school 
as general manager of sports. 

Tatum, who will devote his full time 
to the development of football, request- 
ed the appointment of his former Okla- 
homa associate to the post in order to 
be relieved of the details of directing 
all Terrapin sports. 

"Football at the University of Mary- 
land involves so much work that it is 
not possible for me to do a good job in 
that, the field in which I am most 
interested, and at the same time man- 
age other sports," Tatum said in ask- 
ing the athletic board to make the 

Driskill will have the title of Pro- 
fessor of Physical Education in charge 
of intercollegiate and intramural ath- 
letics. He is a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Colorado and held his first job 
there, as assistant football coach and- 
director of intramural boxing. 

The new athletic head was assistant 
football coach at the University of Wyo- 
ming from April, 1941 until March, 
1942, when he entered the Navy's pre- 
flight athletic training program. 

Driskill returned to Wyoming as as- 
sistant football coach in the fall of 1945 
and became assistant to Tatum at Okla- 
homa last year. He joined Tatum at 
Maryland last January. 


Dr. Harold Benjamin, Dean of the 
College of Education and Dr. Louis R. 
Burnett, Director of Summer school 
Courses in Health, Physical Educa- 
cation and recreation, University of 
Maryland, announce a ten-day course 
in the Athletic Coaching School, June 
23 to July 3, 1947, at the University. 
The course includes the latest ideas in 
coaching by experts in their respec- 
tive sports fields. ' 

The course, is expected to particu- 
larly appeal to High School and Pre- 
paratory School Coaches and Athletic 
Directors, will count for college 
credit hours. Some of the courses of- 
fered count for two credits, while some 
count for only one. Not more than three 
college units can be secured during the 
ten day period, but students may take 

other courses which continue through 
the regular summer school between 
June 23rd and August 1st, thus secur- 
ing additional credits. 

The courses offered and the instruc- 
tors for each course are: — Football, 
Walter Driskill, Jim Tatum, George 
Barclay, Houston Elder, Bill Meek, 
Flucie Stewart; Basketball, Flucie 
Stewart; Baseball, Burton Shipley; 
Boxing, Heinie Miller; Lacrosse, Jack 
Faber; Golf, Frank H. Cronin; Tennis, 
Doyle Royal; Wrestling, Sully Krouse; 
Softball and soccer, Warren Evans; 
Field ball, volley ball, touch football, 
Fausto Rubini; Track, Jim Kehoe; 
Training and Conditioning, Duke 
Wyre; Officiating, various recognized 


Director of Athletics, University of Maryland. 



AT College Park Maryland racked 
up a 7-3 victory over Davidson. 
It was the second meeting between the 
Terps and Hoyas, Georgetown having 
won the first game on its home lot. 

Joe Fitzpatrick's 8-hit twirling and 
good support featured Maryland's sec- 
ond straight conference win. The 
Terps clubbed Blanks for 10 blows, in- 
cluding a triple and double by Charley 
Anacker and a two-bagger by Al Tu- 
minski. Three runs in the fourth and 
two in the seventh clinched matters for 

Johns Hopkins 

Taking advantage of five-hit pitching 
by Harry Hughes, the Maryland base- 
ball team defeated Johns Hopkins, 9 
to 1 on the Homewood field. 

The Marylanders smacked the offer- 
ings of Joe Rembock for 12 safeties, 
four coming in the sixth when they 
counted three times, to take a 5-0 lead 
and sew up the contest. 

Hughes was the master of the Blue 
Jays from the start. Koerber opened 
with a single and that was the only 
safety in the first six innings. 

North Carolina 

The University of North Carolina 
baseball team blasted 18 hits off the 
offerings of four Maryland pitchers in 
a Southern Conference game at College 

All of the Carolina hits were singles 
and came off four Maryland hurlers. 

Maryland Wins 

Sweeping nine of fourteen events to 
pile up 106 points, Maryland's track 
team walked away with a triangular 
meet at College Park between the Old 
Liners, Georgetown, and the Quantico 
Marines. Georgetown had 18 points 
and Quantico two. 

Ike Eickorn, freshman weight star, 
led the Liners with 11 points, captur- 
ing the javelin and the discus and 
placing third in the shotput. 

King's Point 

Boots Panella pitched a four-hit 
game as the Maryland baseball team 
defeated King's Point (N. Y.) Mer- 
chant Marine Academy, 8-2, at College 

Panella struck out nine King's Point 
batsmen and allowed only one walk. 
Joe Andrus, with two for three, paced 
the Maryland attack, driving in one 
run and scoring twice. 

West Virginia 

The baseball club climbed above the 
.500 mark for the first time this year, 
defeating West Virginia, 10-3, at Col- 
lege Park. It was Maryland's seventh 
victory against six losses. 

Joe Fitzpatrick gave the Mountain- 
eers seven scattered hits as he went 
the route for the Old Liners. 

The Terps cemented the victory in the 
sixth with four runs on five hits and 
a walk off Mountaineer flinger Ryan 
who went the route for the West Vir- 
ginians despite being found for 12 



Students in the College of Education join with other students in emphasizing physical fitness, and they do it in a colorful way. 

Maryland hits, including three singles 
by Stuffy Evans and a homer and sin- 
gle by Joe Andrus. 


Arnold Galiffa's two-base hit sent the 
tying and winning runs across the plate 
in the last half of the ninth inning to 
give Army a 4-3 decision over Mary- 

The Terrapins, shut out in the first 
eight innings by the impressive pitch- 
ing of Roger Gonover and Jack Tully, 
made three singles and a walk good for 
three runs in the ninth. 


Maryland's baseball team dropped a 
7-4 decision to Virginia's crack nine in 
Charlottesville, as the Cavaliers pound- 
ed Boots Panella for 12 hits. 

Virginia got three in the second, two 
in the sixth and two in the eighth, 
while the Terps pecked away for one 
in the opener, two in the third and 
another in the sixth. 


Dave Charles hurled his seventh vic- 
tory for the Virginia baseball team as 
the outfit from the Old Dominion de- 
feated the University of Maryland, 6-3. 
Charles issued seven scattered hits and 
fanned seven Maryland batters. Al Tu- 
minski paced Maryland, with three for 
three, including a double and two runs. 


Mt. Washington 

THE experienced Mount Washing- 
ton lacrosse team handed the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and 8 to 5 setback 
in a night game at Homewood. 

Starting early, the Wolfpack scored 
after two minutes and 27 seconds of 

Scoring three times in the first quar- 
ter and once in the second Mt. Wash- 
ington held a 4-3 advantage at half- 

Rip Hewitt scored twice for the 
Wolfpack, while Grelecki was credited 

with two markers for the Terps. 

Princeton University's varsity la- 
crosse team trounced the University of 
Maryland, 11-6, in Palmer Stadium in 
a rough contest which saw three play- 
ers leave the game because of in- 

Princeton scored first after three 
minutes of play had elapsed when Lar- 
ry Eccles charged through the middle 
and made an unassisted goal from 40 
feet out. 


Who holds the A.A.U. Senior Outdoor Low 
Board Diving Championship for the District of 
Columbia. Here, Barbara, who is preparing to 
be a teacher in Physical Education, shows the 
form which has helped her win many contests. 

Princeton added four more goals be- 
fore Maryland could score its first 
tally shortly before the end of the first 
half, when Bob Moulden scored on an 
assist from Austin Barnhardt. 

Maryland rallied during the third 
quarter to close the gap to 8-5 but the 
Tigers rebounded and won easily. 


Army's lacrosse team overcame a 
5-1 University of Maryland lead to de- 
feat the Old Liners, 9-6, and eliminate 
any hope Maryland had for the myth- 
ical National championship. 

Maryland went ahead, 4-1, in the 
first half and made it 5-1 before the 
Cadets could tally again by 12.01 of 
the third period, Army's John Egbert 
sank the tying marker, and then Mar- 
ley got his three straight goals to sew 
up the contest. 

Giles Freeman and Ray Grelecki led 
the Maryland attack with two goals 
each, but once rolling, the Cadet ma- 
chine outclassed the Old Liners com- 
pletely. It was Maryland's fourth loss 
against three victories this season. 


After 36 hours of campus raids, hair- 
cuts and painting incidents, the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and Johns Hopkins 
finally got around to playing a lacrosse 
game at College Park, and the Jays 
came away with the national title as 
they gave the Terps a 15-6 licking, the 
worst defeat ever suffered by an Old- 
Line stick team at the hands of Hop- 

The Terps startled 5000 spectators as 
they grabbed a 3-0 lead in the first 
quarter on goals by Charley Herbert, 
Ray Grelecki, and Otts Lunball, but the 
Jays dropped in five markers in the last 
10 minutes of the first half and were 
never pressed after that point. 

Twelve Hopkins stickmen contributed 
to the Jay total, with two apiece by Bob 
Sandell, Wilson Fewster and Harry 




UJzai Lka^iV>>3, 


(0 9 jfii 


„ ., F "?" t R»»:Jon" Kun , cks /, Jim Meade Mascot Dick Brelsford, Fred Hewitt, Bill Cole, Bill Bond. Jack Grier. Middle Row: Jordan Sexton, Jim 
Heil, Milton Mulitz, Jack Mueller. Leo Mueller, Joseph Randall, Fred Widener. Back Row: Jack Badenhoop. John Garrett Charlie Allen Gary Todd 
Jim Forrester, Oscar Xevares, Alan Bradley, Bob Brand. Frank Heyer. George Lawrence. 

By Charley McGinnis 

t^ONTINUING his march of Mary- 
J land champions, Jack Faber in 
1939 fielded one of the greatest lacrosse 
teams ever to grace the black and gold, 
capturing his third straight national 
championship and sweeping through a 
nine-game schedule with only two de- 

These Terrapins were champions! 
We picture them here hoping they will 
serve as inspiration to present and 
future Maryland athletes. 

If there were to be one man among 
those who represented Maryland on the 
Lacrosse field that year to be singled 
out as the margin of victory or defeat, 
it would be a thick-necked, hell-for- 
leather All-American who paced the 
Old Liners' scoring in the first five 
games and climaxed a sensational year 
by pumping in six goals as Maryland 
thumped Princeton, 7-4. Rip Hewitt, 
one of the outstanding stickmen in the 
nation during the 1938 season, staged 
a repeat performace in 1939, much to 
the delight of Faber and university 

One of the most pleasing aspects of 
the campaign from the Maryland view- 
point was an 11-1 shiner hung on the 
Mount Washington club of Baltimore. 
Annually one of the top tens in the 
country and a continual stumbling 
for the Terrapins, the Wolfpack found 
the Liners a savage foe in the opening 
game of the season and ripped open at 

the seams and Hewitt & Co. poured on 
the gas to revenge many a miserable 
Saturday of the past. 

Maryland, which had shared the na- 
tional championship with Princeton in 
1937, snuffed out any chance the Tigers 
had of horning in on their honor in 1939 
by running up seven goals in the early 
periods and then coasting home to beat 
their New Jersey rivals, 7-4. It was 
here that Hewitt staged one of the 
highest scoring sprees ever recorded by 
a Maryland player. 

Unlike the two seasons previous, Fa- 
ber had little trouble moulding his 
third championship club in a row. From 
goalie to close attack the Terrapins 
were solidly manned and, although 
they did not appear to be any great 
shucks at the outset of the season, 
proved to be a clever, tireless outfit. 

Jim Meade, converted from the foot- 
ball field in 1938, again fitted in among 
the lighter, fancier "good stickers" 
from Baltimore's high schools and his 
rugged defensive play was a keynote in 
holding the club together. 

Jack Grier and Johnny Muncks 
alternated at the goal and, as witnessed 
by the fact that only 25 goals were 
scored against their efforts, that de- 
partment was well handled. Mickey 
Mullitz, George Lawrence, and Meade 
handled the defensive posts, and Gary 
Todd, Smiley Sexton, Oscar Nevares, 
Chick Allen, and Willie Bond operated 
in the attack positions. 

Maryland's lone defeats were admin- 
istered by the Baltimore Athletic Club, 
a 6-5 job, and Johns Hopkins, 6-3, but 
the Liners were a rugged, aggressive foe 
for any club they met, and, save for 
these losses, may well have checked out 
with the best record ever turned in by 
a Maryland team. 



Mt. Washington 








Penn State 




St. Johns 






















George Washington 

THE University of Maryland golf 
team surprised a strong George 
Washington University aggregation in 
a Southern Conference match at Ken- 
wood Golf and Country Club, 6-3. 

The Maryland victory started with 
the match between the captains, when 
the Terps' Bill Cassedy surprised Bill 
Griffin of the Colonials by a 3-and-2 
margin for Griffin's second defeat of 
the season. 

V. M. I. 

Maryland's golf team scored its 
second victory of the season over Vir- 
ginia Military Institute on the Prince 
George's Country Club links, hVz-ZVz- 


The Liners lost three straight 
matches before Phippeny could produce 
a 5 and 3 victory over the Cadets' 
Poindexter to get them started to the 

At Annapolis 

Led by Reed Phippeny, who fired an 
82-84 over the tricky Naval Academy 
layout, Maryland's golf team placed 
second in the Academy's annual invi- 
tation golf tournament which the hosts 

Other teams competing were Johns 
Hopkins and Loyola. 

The match closed the Terrapin's sea- 
son and gave them a record of seven 
victories, two losses, and a tie in dual 
competition. The Liners split even in 
tournament play, capturing the Western 
Maryland open, and placing second in 
the Naval Academy invitational. 
Terps Take Title 

Maryland University's golf team won 
the Western Maryland College Invi- 
tational gold tournament at Westmin- 
ster, defeating 14 teams with a low 
score of 610. 

Leonard Leibman led the Liners with 
a 72-75-147 low score. 

Lehigh University of Pennsylvania 
placed second with a 617 total, and 
Loyola of Baltimore third with 621. 



RUNNING over a heavy track and 
straight through a heavy down- 
pour, Maryland's trackmen nosed out 
Virginia, 65% to 60%, while a small 
army of schoolboy stars fought it out 
for honors in their divisions as the 
University of Maryland resumed its 
annual field day at College Park. 

Virginia won seven events to six for 
Maryland in their dual meet and 
shared in a triple-tie for high-jumping 
honors, but the Terps' depth was the 
decisive factor. The 220-yard dash, 
final event, went to Walt Galliford of 
Virginia, but he was the Cavaliers' lone 
entry, running for a lost cause. Galli- 
ford's time of 9.9 for the century and 
22.2 in the 220 was exceptionally good 
under prevailing conditions. 
D. C. A. A. U. 
Sterling Kehoe, a Maryland runner 
who carries a German sniper's bullet 
in his back as a memento of World War 
II, provided the highlight performance 
in winning the mile run in the annual 
District A.A.U. track championships at 
College Park. 

Kehoe's performance was part of an 
easy victory for Maryland. The Terps 
marked up 51 points to 15 for George- 
town, 11 for Catholic University, and 9 
for American University. Washington 
Track and Field club recorded three 
points and unattached runners scored 
another 3. 

A check by officials after the meet 
disclosed that Maryland's mile relay 
team had set a Byrd Stadium record 

with a mark of 3:26 minutes. Charley 
Wilson, Mario Salvanelli, Tom Devlin 
and Ed Mathews were the members of 
the quartet that broke the previous 
record of 3:27.2. 

Ed Matthews had a double, taking 
the 440 and 220, as did Mario Salva- 
nelli with victories in the high and low 

Southern Conference 

By compiling a record-breaking score 
of 83 three points, North Carolina won 
the Southern Conference track and 
field meet at Durham. Duke was second 
with 42 points. 

Maryland U. was third, with 26 x k 

High scorer was Duke's Doug Aus- 
bon. He won the 100-yard dash and the 
broad jump, and finished second in the 
220-yard run. 

Eichorn of Maryland won the javelin 
throw with a heave of 189 feet, 4y 2 


Catholic University 

MARYLAND'S tennis team swept 
an intra-city tennis match from 
Catholic University's Cardinals, 9-0, at 
Brookland as Ed LaBerge and Ed Mil- 
ler again teamed up to score doubles 
and singles victories. 

Ken Kefauver of the Liners whipped 
the Cards' Bill Garlington in straight 
love sets. 

N. C. State 

The Old Liners' rapidly improving 
tennis team thumped North Carolina 
State's traveling squad, 8-1 on the Col- 
lege Park courts for its fourth straight 
victory after losing the opener to 
Princeton's powerful squad. 

farm. Wili they manage their farms 
better if they have more of the same 
kind of information? Or will they im- 
prove their ways when their leaders 
learn what kind" of people they are? 


(Concluded from Paye U) 

whom it depends. In adapting programs 
to their constituents, they have no such 
reliable information as they do for 
adapting crops to soil. 

Nationality blocs are still strong in 
some parts of Saskatchewan. Yet few 
have studied how to use these blocs in 
promoting the purposes of prosperous 
agriculture. Under-currents of race 
feeling are still to be found in the towns 
as well as in the country areas. There 
are few who can tell what this has to 
do with cooperation. Age and educa- 
tional cleavages may handicap the or- 
derly processes of adult education, yet 
few educators ever refer to them in 
building their programs. 

The languages of the sociologist and 
the educational methodologist are 
foreign to the tongues of agricultural 
adult educators in Saskatchewan. 
Whether the people of the great prairie 
province will solve the problem of the 
wheat economy without learning these 
new languages is an open question. 

The people of Saskatchewan already 
know how to farm better than they do 


(Concluded from Page 5) 

Pi-esident Byrd and Dean Benjamin 
came to feel that the University of 
Maryland should take active steps to 
make new scientific knowledge contin- 
uously available to teachers and parents 
and to provide direct consultant service 
to the schools. Accordingly, they pro- 
posed the establishment of an Institute 
for Child Study and the recruitment of 
a staff of sufficient size and compe- 
tence to insure the further development 
of the program. The people of Mary- 
land appear to want the best possible 
schools for their children. Members of 
the State Department of Education and 
local superintendents of schools have 
shown a high level of professional 
understanding and motivation and a 
very sincere pattern of cooperation in 
developing the child study program 
during the past two years. All these 
factors offer convincing evidence that 
the Institute for Child Study can give 
a demonstration in Maryland of the 
application of scientific knowledge in 
educational practice that will attract 
national attention and influence the 
work of schools throughout the nation. 
In fact, we anticipate that many other 
state universities will wish to duplicate 
the services that Maryland will offer 
the public schools and that the Insti- 
tute will become an important agency 
for training consulting experts who will 
serve elsewhere. 

We have worked out a plan for 
financing the Institute for Child Study 
whereby the University will contribute 
approximately one half the costs, with- 
out reimbursement, and school sys- 
tems receiving services will pay the 
other half of the costs as consultant 
fees. If consultant fees amount to 
more than this proportion of the 
costs, the surplus will be ploughed 
back into the work of the Institute 
in the form of fellowships for graduate 
students or in broadening the scope of 
the research we shall make. 

It should not be assumed from the 
foregoing account of the background 
and purposes of the Institute that its 
program is completely cut and dried at 
this point. Its primary aim will be to 
serve the schools of the state and it 
will, therefore, be ready to give school 
people help on any problem where a 
knowledge of the scientific principles 
that explain human development and 
behavior might be relevant. It is pos- 
sible and even probable that the services 
offered by the Institute will evolve as 
concrete work on new problems opens 
up leads to new patterns of helpfulness. 


WE are getting a bit fed up with 
the birds who are continually 
sounding off about "Old Maryland" ana 
about how much inferior the present 
is to the old. Maybe we are a little be- 
low the old standard, maybe folks are 
slower and less efficient, and more di- 
vided but in the name of all that's Holy, 
whose fault is it? 

If we of the present, you and I, all of 
us, are inferior to our brothers of ten 
to twenty years ago, lets quit beefing 
about how fine things used to be, and 
make 'em that way now! 

When fresh paint is on a wall we 
stick up a "Fresh Paint" sign. When 
its on a girl's face it doesn't need a sign. 

Responsibility: — Being left in charge 
nf a bull pup, a Maltese cat and a bowl 
of gold fish. 

Says Goofy Saunders, "I'd give a lot 
to know where I am going to die? And 
if I knew the place I wouldn't go near 

The meanest guy in the 
world is the fellow who'll 
borrow a dollar off a barber 
for the purpose of buying a 

A Bulletin board outside a 
church announced: "Do you 
know what hell is?" Under- 
neath was printed in small 
letters: "Come and hear our 
organist this evening." 

You'll live longer if you 
don't drink, smoke, chew, 
swear, dance, or gamble — 
at least it'll seem longer. 

Sign over a florist's window reads: 
"Say it with flowers" 
(It can't be done.) 

"Ah,' 1 said the customs officer, find- 
ing a bottle of White Horse, "I thought 
you said there were only old clothes in 
that trunk." 

"Aye, that's my nightcap." 

"And so." said the judge to the de- 
fendant. "I've decided to give your 
w ife $50 a month." 

Husband: "That's fine, judge. I'll try 
to slip her a couple of bucks myself 
now and then." 

Three sightseeing members of the 
class of '49 as observed from the top 
of the Washington Monument: — 

Uncrowded occupation: — Hot cross 
bun maker. Works one day a year. 

Another: — Oiler for hinges on secret 

"I've just taken a shine to your wife," 
said the stork to the colored brother. 

Nurse: It's a boy." 

Professor: "What does he want?' 

If the shoe fits, put it on. If the 
heel pinches, get rid of him. 

If some fellows spent as much time 
walking for a job as they do walking 
around a pool table they'd make out 

"Where'd ya get the money?" 
"Playing a horse." 
"No, vaudeville." 

Walsh: "Did you go to the show?" 
MacDonald : "I sure did." 
Walsh: "Gosh you're back early." 
MacDonald: "Well I looked at the 
program and it said. "4th Act same as 
Act 1" and I beat it out after the third 
act. Didn't want to see the same one 


"What was your sco 
asked a golfer. 

"Seventy-two," replied 

"Seventy - two? That's 

"It's not so bad, agreed 
the novice, "but I'm hoping 
to do better on the second 

Baby: "I want my bottle." 
Mother: "Shut up, you 
sound like your father." 

When a German wears 
wooden shoes he does so to be 
systematic; makes him wood- 
en on both ends. 

Little dog, looking up at 
parking meter : "Gosh, you've 
got to pay now!" 

Salty : "Drinking makes 
you beautiful." 

Sweetie: "But I don't 

Salty: "But I do." 


Hubby wandered in at 3:00 
A. M. after a glorious even- 
ing. In a few minutes a 
series of unearthly squawks 
howled out of the radio loud 
speaker. Wifie looked into the 
room and discovered him 
twisting the dial back and 
forth frantically. 

"For heaven's sake, what 
in the world are you trying 
to do?" she exclaimed. 

"G'way. G'way. don't both- 
er me," he yelled. "Some- 
body's locked in the safe and 
I've forgotten the combina- 


Bunny Huggins, saw an ad in the 
Police Gazette reading "For men only: 
Send Two Cents in Stamps and Re- 
ceive Valuable Information; For Men 
Only." Bunny sent the stamps and re- 
ceived a card which read, "Valuable in- 
formation for Men Only — When whit- 
tling a stick cut away from yourself 
and you'll never cut your finger." 

Once he sent ten cents "for a hand- 
some steel engraving of George Wash- 
ington." He received a two-cent stamp 
by return mail. 

An Irishman may take his coat off to 
beat a bass drum but a Scotchman 
takes his pants off to blow a bag-pipe. 

Hold on to your forks, men, we're 
gonna maybe have pie. 

Mary had some hidden charms. 

It made her mad as fury, 

When she would meet a lot of guys, 

Who chirped, "I'm from Missouri." 

Kampus Kitty tells us her kid 
brother has granulated lids caused by 
the lad being hit on the head with a 
sugar bowl. 

Wish I wuz a little fish, 

All frozen in the ice, 

And when the girls came skating by 

Gee, wouldn't that be nice? 

1st Drunk: "Shay, do you know what 
time it is?" 

2nd Drunk: "Yeah." 
. 1st Drunk: "Thanks." 

The mistress of the boarding house 
glanced grimly down the table as she 
announced: "We have a delicious rab- 
bit pie for dinner." 

The boarders all nodded resignedly; 
all, that is, but one. He glanced ner- 
vously downward, shifting his feet. 
One foot struck something soft, some- 
thing that said, "Me-ow." 

Up came his head. A relieved smile 
crossed his face as he gasped, "Thank 

A drunk in the Empire State Build- 
ing stepped into an elevator shaft and 
dropped thirty stories to the basement. 
When he landed, he shook his fist and 
remarked, "I said up, not down." 

Terp on a weekend in New York: 
A highwayman stepped out of the 
shadow of a doorway, stuck a big 
turret into the guy's face and muttered, 
"Throw up your hands or I'll blow out 
your brains." "Fire when you're ready," 
replied the Terp, "I can have fun in 
New York without brains, but not with- 
out money." 

Sailor's wife ran away and left him. 
He took her for a mate, but she pro- 
moted herself to a skipper. 

"The proper side on which to milk a 
cow," says one of our boys, "is on the 

Why take life serious? You'll never 
get out of it alive anyway. 

Men prefer well formed women to 
well informed women. 

Home is where you can scratch any 
place that itches. 

Some fellows are so close the only 
time you can get anything out of them 
is when they undergo an operation for 
appendicitis. And you have to chloro- 
form 'em to get that. 

"Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat, where have 
you been?" 

"I've been to London to see the 

"Pussy-cat, Pussy-cat what did you 
see there?" 

"I saw a big gob knock three 
limeys right under a chair." 

The leaves blush red in autumn when 
they think of how green they were all 

1st Electrician: "Have you any four- 
volt, two-watt bulbs?" 
2nd Ditto: "For what?" 
First: "No, two." 
Second: "Two what?" 
• First: "Yes." 

We have not yet received the 1946 
deer hunt "score" from Wisconsin and 
Minnesota. Every year the Swedes go 
North from Minneapolis and the Dutch- 
men from Milwaukee. Last year the 
score was 6 to 3, favor the Swedes. 

You can tell a deer hunter from a 
deer by the inscription on the hunter's 

College campuses are so crowded you 
can't even play a mouth accordion or 
eat corn on the cob. 

Scotsman ran all the way home be- 
hind a bus and saved a dime. Then 
worried all night because he could 
have trotted home behind a taxi and 
paved forty cents. 

"Mr. Bones, why am a chicken sit- 
tin on a fence like a nickle." 


In these days of specializa- 
tion so many people are 
learning a whole lot about 
one thing. So few are learn- 
ing a little about a lot of 
things. Soon we'll produce 
a fellow who knows ALL 
there is to know about 

"Mr. Intolocuta, because it's head's 
on one side and it's tail's on the other." 

The only time a modern woman puts 
her foot clown is when the light turns 

Stoop: "You remember when you 
cured my rheumatism, Doc, a couple 
of years ago and you told me to avoid 

Doc: "Yes." 

Stoop: "Well, kin I take a bath 

Goofey Saunders had eaten too much 
limburger cheese. It knocked him over 
and kind friends stretched him out 
and sent for the doctor, who asked, 
"How long has he been dead?" 

A member of a psych class on tour 
asked an inmate his name. 

"George Washington," was the reply. 

"But," said the perplexed lad, "last 
time we were here you were Abraham 

"That," said the inmate sadly, "was 
by my first wife." 

Fresh guy in a sports auto halted 
on the highway to pick up one of our 

"I'm going North", he said. 

"0 that's just splendid", replied the 
Terpette, "and please give my regards 
to the eskimos." 

Dan Wiseman: (To a man staggering 
down the highway at 3:00 a.m.): Where 
are you going at this time of the night? 

Man: To a lecture. (The guy wasn't 

Smarty was gingerly picking his way 
along the ties of the B. & O., seem- 
ingly in search of someone or some- 

"What are you looking for?" inquired 
Mr. Apfallschmeiser. 

"The president of this line," was the 

"But you will not find him here." 

"Maybe not, but I'm on his track." 

If little Red Riding Hood lived today 
The modern girl would scorn'er. 
She only had to meet one wolf, 
Not one on every corner. 

A rich man is one who isn't afraid 
to ask the clerk to show him something 

Some fellows walk around with a 
chip on their shoulder, but the chip 
merely fell off of their head. 

Wife of an Ex-G.I. applied for a 
pension the other day, saying both she 
and her husband had fought all 
through the war. 

• [47] 

OUR publication, "MARYLAND," 
is colorful and interesting. I 
wish you the best of luck with it," 
writes F. W. Besley, '92, 303 Wendover 
Road, Baltimore 18, Md. 

Mr. G. Carville McCormick writes 
from Tampa, Florida the following 
praise of the publication and a few 
notes on items published : 

"The Medical Schools number of 
'Maryland' contained many items of in- 
terest to me. For instance, The article 
on Miss Louisa Parsons was of special 
interest as she pulled me through a 
very severe attack of scarlet fever con- 
tracted from immigrant patients in the 
ward while I was an interne. The 
names of Louis McLane Tiffany, I. E. 
Atkinson, and St. Clair Spruill were 
very familiar. . .1 have now retired 
from active practice and spend my time 
doing water color painting and read- 
ing. . ." 

Amos A. Holter writes from Freder- 

"I express my appreciation for the 
last several issues of the magazine now 
known as "Maryland." The paper has 
been published in a very attractive man- 
ner, and I extend to you congratula- 
tions for an excellent job to date 
and a wish for continued success." 

From Cumberland Samuel B. McFar- 
lane wrftes as follows: 

"This new publication is a real suc- 
cess and it gives me great pleasure to 
receive it. The magazine should do 
much to effect the revitalization of the 
alumni organization." 

R. Karl Shank writes from Hagers- 
town : 

"It certainly is a pleasure to see the 
plans that have been in development 
for reorganization of the alumni. I am 
sure that they will pay dividends for 
the University. I certainly wish yon 
every success and am sure that you will 
have the wholehearted cooperation of 
the alumni." 

California sends its contributions 
through Robert P. Straka: 

"The alumni organization is to be 
congratulated for issuing "Maryland," 
and Harvey Miller and his staff are 
doing a fine job. From my California 
observation post it appears that the 
alumni body back in College Park is 
doing an excellent job in building up a 
strong and well-balanced organization." 
Dora Rowe Digby writes from Lan- 
sing, Michigan : 

"May I compliment you on the new 
publication "Maryland." It's a real in- 
spiration that makes my college days 
seem alive and around me once more. 
I haven't visited the campus since 1940, 

and it is a thrill to read what all of 
my old friends are doing." 

Helen Stephens writes from Wash- 
ington, D. C. : 

"May I congratulate you on the ex- 
cellent alumni magazine which is be- 
ing published by the Maryland Alumni 
Association. I look forward to receiv- 
ing each new issue." 

Mr. Ted Bissel, B.S. 1920, writes to 
Dr. Byrd to commend the publication: 
"I want to speak about the handsome 
publication, Maryland, that the Univer- 
sity is putting out now. It is full of 
fine articles, and my wife and I are 
very glad to receive it and enjoy read- 
ing it." 

T. Ray Stanton writes from nearby 
Beltsville to commend "Maryland" and 
the growth of the University: 

"I believe "Maryland" is one of the 
finest university publications in the 

"The development of the University 
at College Park has been almost phe- 
nomenal and has been of great interest 
to me, as I am a member of the class of 
1910 of the old M.A.C. In a span of 37 
years, there has been an increase from 
the 200 students in my college days to 
over 7000 at present. What a change! 
"I urge all alumni to support the 
splendid new magazine Maryland and 
thus help make it a success." 

From Catonsville writes Rita C. 
Frey : 

"This magazine is more like it! Each 
edition is better than the one before — 
so many juicy pages." 

From Oaklyn, N. Y. Arthur D. 
Bowers writes a short commendation: 
"The issuance of this magazine is a 
praiseworthy effort and gives us a 
publication comparable to those of 
other universities. I trust there will be 
sufficient appreciation and support on 
the part of the alumni body to keep it 

From West Virginia comments 
Charles Wilhelm, '21, '22: 

"The alumni publication which you 
now are issuing is a great improve- 
ment over the previous types, and is one 
that is worthy of support." 

R. Karl Shank writes from Hagers- 
town : 

"It is gratifying to see such a fine 
step both to organize the alumni, and 
also to see that the news is circulated 
by means of this fine publication." 

From Catonsville, Maryland writes 
Millard C. Ross: "I have enjoyed read- 
ing every issue of Maryland very much 
and hope you keep up the good work." 
Writes Colonel Bob Jones, of the Ath- 
letic Department at Clemson Agricul- 
tural College, "Congratulations on the 
fine magazine you are putting out at 
Maryland. It is a pity that all colleges 
in this country do not have a publica- 
tion of this type." 

"Allow me to congratulate you on the 
splendid publication you are putting 

out, as well as on your excellent box- 
ing team of this year. Both are fine 
examples of outstanding work at Mary- 
land," writes G. Franklyn Mclnturff, 
III, A&S '41. He concludes, "Each and 
every old grad should give his unquali- 
fied support to your publication, and 
will do everything possible in my line 
to help." 

Dr. Carl P. Schott, Dean of the Penn 
State College of Physical Education 
writes : 

"Thanks for having sent to me copies 
of the Maryland Alumni publication. 
These are very interesting and cer- 
tainly tell a story that is not only of 
interest to Alumni of Maryland but to 
graduates from other colleges as well. 
I want to compliment the Alumni As- 
sociation of Maryland for the very ex- 
cellent publication which they put out." 
"I considered the first numbers of 
"MARYLAND" the finest all-around 
collegiate publication I had ever been 
privileged to read," writes Walter A. 
Rath, D.D.S., 1835 Eye St., N.W., 
Washington, D. C, "but it grows better 
and better with each issue. The Medi- 
cal Schools Number, featuring with the 
other schools your fine old School of 
Dentistry was excellently impressive. 
The University may well be proud of 
that magazine. It is beautiful, instruc- 
tive, alive and breathing with person- 
ality. Congratulations on a great job." 
"We wish to thank the staff respon- 
sible for producing 'MARYLAND'," 
writes Betty L. Kirk, '38, 1011 Bridges 
Street, Morehead City, N. C, "as we en- 
joy it greatly and look forward to its 
coming each month as a means of keep- 
ing us in touch with the University". 
"MARYLAND fills a great need. It 
is a fine paper. Please keep on sending it 
to me", writes Walter J. Keefe, M.D., 
350 Farmington Ave., Hartford, Conn. 
"I greatly enjoyed Maryland, a 
splendid publication", writes B. F. Car- 
penter, D.D.S., Merchant's Bank Bldg., 
Whitehill, N. Y. 

Writes T. K. McAleese, D.D.S., 1570 
Main Street, Springfield, Mass., 
"MARYLAND is a fine magazine. It 
deserves all the success in the world and 
that is what I wish for it". 

"The new alumni program and the 
magazine appear to be most promis- 
ing and congratulations are due to 
those responsible for its development", 
writes Rolf L. Allen, '34, 131 R. Street, 
N. E., Washington, D. C. 

Writes R. W. Baldwin, Supervisor, 
Maryland Casualty Company, 925 La- 
fayette Building, Detroit, Mich. 

"Words cannot adequately express 
my appreciation for receiving the splen- 
did new magazine being put out by the 
Alumni Association," writes R. W. 
Baldwin, Supervisor, "and I can assure 
you that I will look forward to receiv- 
ing it during the coming months. As I 
think back on the early struggles we 
had, I am amazed at the great stride 
being made by the present publication." 




General Alumni Secretary 

"Remember the turtle: He progresses 
only when his neck is out, but De- 
mobilizes himself when he jiulls it 

SEVERAL progressive steps have 
been taken in recent months. All 
concern you, the University of Mary- 
land, and the future of alumni activi- 
ties. Each is designed^ to encourage 
your interest in both building and sup- 
porting a strong alumni organization. 
Briefly, this is the action which has 
been taken : 

The Alumni News discarded its 
cocoon and almost overnight became 
the full size magazine "Maryland." 
We feel this publication is unexcelled 
in the alumni field. 

Alumni history questionaires were 
sent to all former students whose 
addresses were available. Over 10,- 
000 have been completed and re- 
turned. Is yours in? 

A Board of Managers, consisting 
of alumni in close proximity to the 
University and readily available for 
meetings, was selected, by alumni in 
attendance at Homecoming last fall. 
These representatives hold monthly 

A full time office of alumni affairs 
was established with the two imme- 
diate objectives of obtaining accu- 
rate addresses of all graduates and 
compiling records of their activities. 
Regular alumni dues to the Gen- 
eral Association were discontinued, 
thereby giving each alumnus the op- 
portunity to contribute to the sup- 
port of "Maryland" and other alum- 
ni activities as he or she sees fit. 
Now our attention is focused on your 
future support. We enlist your back- 
ing in three major directions: 

By voluntary contributions — The 
first $3.00 will be earmarked as your 
subscription to "Maryland." 

By submitting news items — send 
us news about yourself and other 
former students concerning marri- 
ages, births, deaths, activities, and 

Assist in locating alumni — help us 
locate any former students now 
out of touch with the University and 
notify us promptly of any change 
of address on your part. This is ex- 
tremely important, since the Post Of- 
fice Department does not forward 
second class matter. 
Gloccamorra is said to be the initial 
point for starting to find the pot of 
gold at the end of the rainbow. We 
find ourselves at that point as con- 
struction commences on the foundation 
of what we hope to make an ideal alum- 

ni structure. This must be a dual ef- 
fort with the burden carried equally by 
both the University and the alumni. 
Neither can be expected to do all the 
contributing while the other merely re- 
ceives. A thumbnail inventory of the 
situation reveals several interesting 

gave each graduate at least a portion 
of the tools for facing life. These are 
now directly used in professional en- 
deavors, are contributing to personal 
pleasures or are held in reserve as an 
entering wedge to future opportunities. 
Through publications, personal con- 
tacts, and reunions the University re- 
calls for graduates the old experiences, 
past events, and memories of campus 
days. Even more important is the 
present pride each alumnus must have 
in the steady progress of the institu- 
tion to its present position of promi- 
nence and leadership. 

The ALUMNI in turn must direct to 
the University a steady stream of alert, 

high caliber students. From the grad- 
uates must come the gifts that may 
well be called the life blood of the in- 
stitution. These may be in the form 
of scholarships, endowments, cash, 
memorials, or books, to mention only a 
few. Above all each alumnus must lend 
the active support which will guaran- 
tee the fulfillment of the best inter- 
ests of the University. 

On the opposite page appear ex- 
tracts from letters, selected at random, 
from an ever-increasing mail, showing 
reader re-action to "Maryland." 

It has been well said "No man re- 
ceives more from an organization than 
he himself puts into it." We want 
you to have the best the University 
has to offer and in return ask your 
support for the University of Mary- 
land, the publication "Maryland," and 
future alumni activities. All are here 
to serve you and for you to serve. To- 
gether we go forward. 

"CUT ITouj,, 


General Secretary, 
Alumni Association, 
University of Maryland, 
College Park, Maryland. 

Inclosed please find check for 

dollars ($ ) my contribution to the Alumni Association. 

Three dollars of the above amount is to cover subscription for 
''Maryland" for twelve issues. 




j/inv/ 'ii *s "aa 


\ iiiiiIht Nine 

XlU^HSl liF' 

■ WW WjmMW>J — MM V *T 

Cents the Copy 







Pleale Be £ube 'Ja (lead 9t 




"MARYLAND," the publication of the alumni of the Univer- i 

sity of Maryland, is keeping pace, in size and appearance, with the [ 

rapid growth of the University as a whole. The inside back cover [ 

tells you more about it. j 

RE you an active alumnus, the 


kind that would be missed? 

Or are you quite contented that your [ 

name is on the list? [ 

Do you take an active interest and 

mingle with the flock? f 

Or do you stay within your shell and [ 
sit around and knock? 

Do you take an active part to help j 

alumni work along? I 

Or are you satisfied to be the kind that 

"just belong"? 
Do you ever dig into your purse to i 

make the outfit click? j 

Or leave the work to others and talk 

about "that clique?" I 

There's quite a program going on which 

you should have heard about, 

It will be appreciated, too, if you will 

help it out! 
So join the throng for Maryland and 

help with hand and heart, 
Don't "just be" an alumnus, but take 

an active part. 
Think this over, Brother Terrapin, as 

you know right from wrong, 
Are you an active member or do you 

"just belong"? 

Work is underway in developing, centralizing, and vitalizing the 

organization of alumni so that alumni strength and influence will be 

commensurate with the number of alumni. In this development 
"Maryland" plays a vital part. Your help is needed. 

<g&&£&&&&&~!z&^^ IMPORTANT NOTE »&&&&&z&*&&^^ 

The proper and complete presentation of alumni news depends almost entirely upon the interest shown in the publication by the alumni itself. 
Alumni are urgently requested to supply any changes of address known to them, news items of general or personal interest, occupational and 
professional news items, social news sue!, as births, engagements, marriages, deaths. 

In these pages alumni news is top priority "MUST". The more news received the better the publication. Please accord us your support. 

Keep "MARYLAND" posted on your correct address. The Post Office Department does not forward second class mail m-itter. 




VI I %iNI I I I IK \lli> - 

Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and. entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class 
mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. r 

$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. Twenty-five Cents the Copy 



"Be A liuild^i; Not A Wlecke* 


THE ill4.ll IIOAIt OF G»ICOtpin>>S 

Being The 
1947 Conimenee- 
ineiif Day Aildress 
At University of 



William Preston Lane, Jr. 

Governor of Maryland 

YOUR President has just paid me a 
high compliment on my interest in 
education and on what my administra- 
tion was able to accomplish in the re- 
cent session of the General Assembly to 
help the educational institutions of the 
State. These kind and appreciative 
words naturally give me a sense of 
gratification. I would be a little less 
than human were it otherwise. But I 
seek no personal credit for what has 
been achieved. I wanted the State of 
Maryland to have the benefit of the ex- 
panded program of public education 
because I believe the essential sound- 
ness of such a policy, and I believe that 
such an effort was, and is needed if we 
as a nation are to prosper and the 
ideals of this nation are to endure. 

For whatever I may have done, or 
may do, I look for no personal credit 
other than the satisfaction which one 
finds in his own heart as a result of 
effort expended in a worthy cause. 

Whatever I have done was motivated 
solely by my firm belief in the inherent 
and potential values in public education. 
Because of this belief, I would like to 
talk briefly about those causes which 
prompted me to assist the heads of our 
educational system, of which this Uni- 
versity is a part, to give to the people 
of Maryland and their children the op- 
portunities that come with the power of 

"We, the People" 

The people of Maryland, when they 
adopted in 1867 the present constitu- 
tion, stated as a preamble to their dec- 
laration of rights: 'We, the people of 
the State of Maryland Grateful to Al- 
mighty God for our civil and religious 
liberty, and taking into our serious con- 
sideration the best means of establish- 
ing a good Constitution in this state for 
the sure foundation and more perma- 
nent security thereof, declare . . ." 

And then, in Article 43, among the 
rights enumerated, added the declara- 

"That the Legislature ought to 


His Excellency, the Honorable William Preston Lane, Jr., Governor of Maryland (left), receives 
the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from President H. C. Byrd at 1947 Commencement Exer- 
cises at College Park. 

Miss Alma H. Preinkert, Registrar of the University, prepares to adjust the Governor's hood. 

encourage the diffusion of knowledge 
and virtue, the extension of a judicious 
system of general education, the pro- 
motion of literature, the arts, sciences, 
agriculture, commerce and manufac- 
tures, and the general amelioration of 
the condition of the people." 

Article 43 

Unquestionably, the interpretation of 
Article 43 of Maryland's Declaration of 
Rights is that we should give to our 
youth all that education and knowledge 
which is necessary to enable succeeding 
generations to assume the increasingly 
complex responsibilities that are to be 
met in the nation's social, economic and 
governmental life. In stating such a 
thesis, and in applying it, as I, in my 
humble way, attempted to apply it in 
the recent session of the Legislature, 
I am not unmindful that there are a 
few who are willing to criticize such a 
program, and that there are some who 
protest against the taxes necessary to 
pay the cost thereof. 

To those few who may be critical of 
our expanded educational program I 
say that I know of no surer way to pre- 
serve American ideals than by teaching 


our youth the value of these ideals; 
that I know of no surer way to help 
the youth of this State to succeed in 
life, than to give them the kind of 
training and education necessary to 
equip them to live and prosper in a 
highly competitive world. 

Simple Question 

Of those who may be critical of the 
cost of our educational program, I ask 
this simple question, "Are you not will- 
ing to expend a reasonable share of 
your income and should not the State 
be willing to expend a reasonable 
share of its wealth to insure for your 
son or daughter a secure future in life." 

To this question I am confident of 
what the answer of the majority of our 
people will be. , 

It is true that the appropriations 
from general funds in the State bud- 
get for the next biennium have in- 
creased by the amount of $53,883,922, 
but few people in Maryland realize that 
practically 65% of this large increase, 
or the sum of $34,941,243 has been ap- 
propriated to the increased cost and 
the expansion of our system of educa- 
tion. We in Maryland have faced two 

clear alternatives. On the one hand, 
we have been confronted with the 
choice, because of insufficient funds, of 
permitting our educational system to 
sink to a low comparative level among 
the other States of the Union. On the 
other hand, we had the other choice, 
through vision and sacrifice, of putting 
Maryland in the happy position of be- 
ing able, within a reasonable time, to 
improve the educational opportunities 
of our children to a point comparable 
with the leading States of this country. 

Chose High Road 

We have chosen the latter, the high 
road of educational progress and have 
adopted an expanded program of educa- 
tion for the State that calls for fair 
compensation for teachers, for smaller 
classes, for high school supervision on 
the local level, for visiting teachers, 
for the raising of the compulsory school 
age, for State aid to public junior col- 
leges, for greater aid for vocal rehabili- 
tation, for State aid for public libraries, 
for State aid in the construction of 
schools, and for greater payment by the 
State of the total cost of education in 
order that no county or Baltimore City 
may incur an undue burden in carrying 
out our minimum program. 

We can now face the future confident 
in our belief that we have acquitted 
ourselves in the debt we owe to future 
generations to provide for their ade- 
quate education. 

Life in the early days of our republic 
was one of comparatively simple proc- 
esses. Even in 1867, when the Mary- 
land Declaration of Rights was adopted, 
life had not become involved in the 
many complexities that modern day 
science and communication have de- 
veloped. Now, when powers never be- 
fore dreamed of are in our hands, when 
the obligations of our nation to the rest 
of the world have become so err°it that 
we dare not shirk them our best re- 
course, so far as I can see, is to teach 
our people, the advancing generations, 
how to develop and control those 
powers; yes, and how to develop even 
greater powers, and thereby evolve 
from the complexities of government, of 
business, of sometimes unworkable 
laws, a system of life which will enable 
our children to attain a greater measure 
of contentment and happiness than we, 
or our fathers have been privileged to 

Dismal Predictions 

Too often, from men in public life, 
and from the pulpit, and from our in- 
dustrial and business leaders, we hear 
dire and dismal predictions for the 
world of tomorrow. I am not one of 
those who believes that all government, 
all business, all monetary standards, 
and mankind are headed for destruc- 
tion. Neither am I one of those who 

believes that mankind is standing at a 
cross road, that in one direction lies 
complete success, in the other, failure 
and destruction. Rather do I believe 
that mankind today stands on the 
threshold of new corridors of magnifi- 
cent opportunities. 

Throughout the ages, there have al- 
ways been those who regarded the fu- 
ture as black and impenetrable, who 
saw in the future of man only misfor- 
tune and disaster. It is amusing to 
recall some of the dire predictions that 
have been made, and then to see, in the 
light of following events, how com- 
pletely silly they have proved to be, 
although probably considered in all 
seriousness at the time of their utter- 


(By Hank Barrow, Associate Press) 

In the 1840's the Commissioner of 
Patents of the United States said 
that the limit of inventive genius had 
been reached and recommended that the 
U. S. Patent Office be closed! 

In the light of what we have seen 
since 1840, that statement seems to us 
almost idiotic. Since then have come 
the inventions that have eased the bur- 
dens of everyday life; since then have 
come automobiles, the radio, the air- 
plane, typewriters, electric lights and 
countless scientific and commonplace 
devices that have made our days more 
pleasant. We now know that there are 
unlimited fields for man's inventive 
genius to explore. I believe that the 
future will see scientific developments 
that will dim into insignificance what 
we today enjoy as the progress of the 

Perhaps I should qualify this state- 
ment by saying that I believe these 
things will come to pass, if you and I 
do not become frightened at the mag- 
nitude of the possibilities that lie 

What are these possibilities? 

In the sciences, they are almost lim- 
itless. Man for centuries has dreamed 

of unlocking the power of the atom. 
Save for a venturesome few, most men 
considered that the force of the atom 
lay within the realm of the omnipotent, 
and never would be found. Today, that 
power is in our hands. No one can with 
assurance delimit the benefits and ad- 
vantages of the constructive application 
of this power in days to come. 

I am told that some of our scientists 
are closer to a determination of the 
properties of the cosmic ray, and how 
to harness it, than most of us realize. 
We now know some of the effects of 
this ray, both good and bad. What do 
we know about the uses to which this 
ray may be put, once it be harnessed 
through scientific discovery and inven- 
tive genius ? 

Much to be Learned 

In the medical world, in our lifetime, 
we have seen great progress through 
the discovery of new drugs and the ap- 
plication of new surgical technique, but 
the knowledge thus far gained only 
serves to make us realize how much 
more there is to be learned. Only re- 
cently, one of the chemists of this Uni- 
versity discovered a new drug which is 
a cure for a disease for which no cure 
had hitherto been known. How many 
years will it be before another trained 
mind discovers a way to relieve man of 
the scourge of cancer, of some of our 
blood diseases, or give us corrective 
knowledge of glandular troubles? 

Not only in science is there oppor- 
tunity for creative genius and discov- 
ery. It has been said that the develop- 
ments in science have gone far beyond 
our abilities to direct these develop- 
ments to the welfare of the people. 
There is no broader field for advance- 
ment than the social sciences. All 
around us we see the ravages of war. 
We know that war is stupid and de- 
structive. Our great military leaders, 
our publ'c officials and our people, gen- 
erally, hate war. Virtually all the peo- 
ple of the world abhor the thought of 
war, yet we do not know how to prevent 
it. Certainly that brings us to the 
realization that we still have much to 
learn about how to live. 

Some Fair Questions 

In our domestic life, who among our 
people knows how to prevent clashes 
between capital and labor? 

Who has been able to work out a 
satisfactory system of distribution of 
our agricultural products ? 

Who among our great business and 
industrial leaders has been able to de- 
vise a plan by which we can eliminate 
practices that prevent the consumer 
from getting better products at lower 

Who is there among us who is able 

(Continued on page 10) 



THE College of Arts and Sciences is 
the largest college in the Univer- 
sity and comprises a number of depart- 
ments offering work at the undergradu- 
ate and the graduate levels. The ac- 
tivities of the staff are concerned with 
research, instruction, and guidance. Dr. 
J. Freeman Pyle is Acting Dean of this 

Registration Increase 

The registration in the College has 
increased greatly since 1944 when the 
total registration was 980; in the spring 
semester of 1946 the number went up 
to 1360; in the fall semester of 1946 
the total registration rose to 2200. The 
faculty of the College teaches large 
numbers of students registered in other 
colleges. During the fall semester of 
1946 the number was equivalent to 13,- 
089 students taking one course in the 
College of Arts and Sciences. 

The following brief statements con- 
cerning several of the departments in- 
dicate the important part the College 
plays in the work of the University and 
the contribution its faculty makes to- 
ward the welfare of the state and the 


The Department of Bacteriology is 
organized with three objectives in view. 
They are as follows: 

1. To make available to all students 
of the University course work 
which will provide them with a 
general knowledge of the science 
of bacteriology and its practical 
applications. Advanced course 
work permits the students to pur- 
sue extensively the fundamental 
and applied phases of bacteriol- 

2. To provide specialized training so 
that students may qualify for po- 
sitions as bacteriologists in fed- 
eral, state and municipal labora- 
tories; hospital, clinic or private 
laboratories; as well as the control 
and research laboratories of in- 

3. To encourage and foster original 
thought and pursuit of research 
in fundamental and applied bac- 
teriology. Facilities are provided 
for extensive research in any 
phase of the fundamental science 
as well as the applied fields such 
as medical, dairy, food, soil and 
sanitary bacteriology. 
The scope of the extra-departmental 
activities may be summarized as fol- 

Registration Show* 
Great Inerease In 
Largest of Mary- 
land's Colleges 

Services are made available to other 
departments of the University who may 
desire special studies concerning bac- 
teriological problems. Cooperative in- 
vestigations are undertaken with the 
Live Stock Sanitary Service Laboratory 
on bacteriological problems which arise 
in the field of Veterinary medicine. 
Close association is maintained with the 
State Department of Health Labora- 
tories in order to keep abreast of cur- 
rent laboratory problems in the field 
of public health and to coordinate ideas 


Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences 

of training of prospective bacteriolo- 
gists who choose to enter this field. 
A cooperative research program has 
been undertaken between this depart- 
ment and the Federal Fish and Wild- 
life Service. This involves investiga- 
tions particularly in the sea food in- 

Frequent Requests 

Frequently the department receives 
requests from industrial concerns for 
assistance in the study of some bac- 
teriological problem. Such studies are 
undertaken after careful consideration 
of the proposed project indicates that 
the work can be satisfactorily per- 

Active associations are also main- 
tained with the personnel of such 
agencies as the National Institute of 
Health, the Food and Drug Administra- 
tion of the Department of Agriculture 

and various sections of the Beltsville 
Research Center. 

The future development of the Bac- 
teriology Department will be along the 
following lines: 

1. To provide the best possible facili- 
ties (personnel as well as physical 
equipment) for instruction and research 
in bacteriology. 

2. To maintain close associations and 
to provide services when desired for 
other departments of the University. 

3. To maintain and extend contacts 
with the bacteriology sections of vari- 
ous State and Federal agencies. 

4. To assist industrial organizations 
with research whenever the facilities 
of the department will permit. 


The English Department teaches the 
largest number of students at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and presents ex- 
tremely varied offerings. The nearly 
sixty members of the staff teach 
courses ranging from fundamental 
classes required of freshmen and soph- 
omores through classes open to grad- 
uate students only. The work has to do 
with language, with expository and 
creative writing, with news writing, 
with literary history, with methods of 
research, with literary criticism, and 
with the appreciative understanding of 
the greatest and most various of all 
literatures, the English and American. 

American Civilization 

At the freshmen and sophomore level, 
required courses form part of the basic 
program in American Civilization. They 
are intended to aid in developing well- 
rounded citizens capable of occupying 
positions of leadership in democratic 
society. Readings in the freshmen year 
contribute directly to the student's 
understanding of American civilization. 
Readings in the sophomore year aid 
the student in understanding the great 
cultures which have contributed to 
American culture and help him to see 
American civilization in proper per- 
spective against its European back- 
ground. At the same time, the student 
has the experience of studying texts 
for their formal values as works of 
art. In the first semester of 1946-47, 
approximately 4,800 students enrolled 
in the basic English courses. More 
than 3,300 of these students were regis- 
tered in colleges other than the College 
of Arts and Sciences. 

Many purposes and interests are 
served by the elective courses intended 
primarily for juniors, seniors, and grad- 



University of Maryland, College Park, Md. 

uates. Writing courses aid students in- 
terested in journalism, creative writing, 
or the preparation of technical papers. 
Advanced work in grammar, language, 
and literature help prepare the pro- 
spective teacher for a place in Mary- 
land's public and private schools. 
Every student may elect from a num- 
ber of reading courses. He may, for 
example, study Beowulf, Chaucer, 
Shakespeare, Milton, Tennyson, Emer- 
son, or Eugene O'Neill. He may elect 
courses in periods of English or Ameri- 
can literature, courses dealing with one 
or more great writers, or courses deal- 
ing with literary types. In the first 
term of 1946-47, more than four hun- 
dred registrants took advanced work 
in English. 

Opportunity to Develop 

The rapid expansion of the Univer- 
sity has presented the English Depart- 
ment with an opportunity to develop 
its program of graduate studies. In 
addition to its full-time graduate stu- 
dents, the department now instructs 
more than twenty graduates who de- 
vote half-time to advanced studies and 

half-time to teaching. Both total grad- 
uate enrollment and the number of 
graduate assistants will undoubtedly in- 
crease in the next few years. Having 
completed their studies, many of these 
graduates will go out to teach in the 
high schools of Maryland and will aid in 
giving the students of the state effec- 
tive instruction in English. Others will 
teach in colleges or will find places for 
themselves in such professions as jour- 

English Department 

The English Department depends 
primarily on members of its full-time 
faculty as instructors for its graduate 
classes, but it also relies on several 
part-time lecturers. The department ex- 
pects to offer additional single courses 
by prominent scholars from time to 
time. For some years, the Acting Di- 
rector of the Folger Shakespeare Li- 
brary has given graduate instruction at 
the University in literature of the Re- 
naissance, and since February 1947, the 
Director of the Division of Music and 
Folklore at the Library of Congress 
has offered instruction in American 

folklore for graduates and undergrad- 
uates. Students in classes in folklore 
will deposit in the library of the Uni- 
versity materials which they gather 
throughout Maryland. The value of the 
collection of Maryland ballads, legends, 
superstitions, and other folk materials 
will increase with the years. 

The department of English cooper- 
ates with other departments to offer 
work leading to the bachelor's degree 
and to advanced degrees in American 
Civilization. Students working in 
American Civilization and stressing li- 
terature will normally take several 
special courses taught by members of 
the English Department, such as a 
course in the literature of American 
democracy, a course in American folk- 
lore, and a conference course in which 
small groups of students working under 
the supervision of one or more faculty 
members from the English and another 
department will make a close study of 
eight or ten germinal American books, 
receiving at the same time training in 
group discussion and in independent 

Foreign Languages 

The work of the Foreign Language 
Department extends into many phases 
of the University, from elementary in- 
struction in languages to work for the 
doctor's degree in the Graduate School. 
The greatest part of the work of the 
staff is absorbed in the teaching of 
French, German, Spanish, Russian and 
Hebrew to undergraduate students. 
About half the students at the College 
Park campus take part in this work. 

Advanced undergraduate courses are 
likewise offered in the fields of lan- 
guage and literary study. The under- 
graduate major is offered in two 
groups; the first being for students 
having a cultural interest in the study 
of literature and language, and par- 
ticularly those preparing themselves 
for a teaching career. The second type 
of major is for students preparing 
themselves for foreign service in vari- 
ous fields, and endeavors to give the 
student a speaking knowledge of the 
language through intensive training in 
conversation courses, while the minor 
is taken up with work in economics, 
sociology and political science, history, 
and kindred subjects selected in each 
case with the aid of the student's ad- 

Graduate School 
In the Graduate School, advanced 
work is offered both in the study of 
language as a linguistic phenomenon, 
' and in the study of literature in the 
various tongues, with an aim toward 
gaining an appreciation of the values 
of aesthetic expression. 

Finally, the Department has played a 
leading role in establishing work in 



Front Row (left to right): Professor Charles Kramer, Miss Virginia Smith, Dr. A. E. Zucker, Mrs. Graciela Nemes, Mrs. Zenobia Jimenez; Sec- 
ond Row (left to right) : Mrs. Leonora Rosenfield, Professor Julius Wildstosser, Mr. A. C. Parsons, Mr. Edmund Field, Dr. Dieter Cunz, Dr. A. J. 
Prahl; Third Row (left to right): Mr. Jose Luis Reyes, Dr. William Falls, Mr. S. P. Garden, Mr. Henri deMarne, Mr. Leon Gilbert, Mr. Eitel Dobert, 
Dr. Ludwig Hammerschlag. 

comparative or world literature. This 
is an attempt to break down the bar- 
riers between various departments by 
offering the students, in English trans- 
lation, the opportunity of studying 
classical English and other literatures. 


The Department of History has had 
to assume greatly increased responsi- 
bilities because of the introduction of 
the program in the American studies 
which requires undergraduates of all 
the colleges to enroll in the History of 
American Civilization, normally in the 
sophomore year. This requirement will 
involve about 3000 students in the first 
normal year of operation, which will be 
1947-48. In presenting this course, the 
department aims to give the student an 
understanding of the particular con- 
tribution made by Americans to the 
development of democracy and an ap- 
preciation of the American way of life. 
This is in no sense to disparage what 
other nations have contributed to the 
development of free institutions nor to 
prove that our democracy has attained 
perfection. Rather our goal is to trace 
ideals as mirrored in the American way 
of life and to show that our America 
is the composite of many racial groups 
which have been welded into a great 
nation by common experiences, common 
aspirations and common ideals. Such 
a contribution is a worthy objective to 
be set by a university in this era when 
freedom is threatened on every hand 
and when citizens need to know more 
than at any time in history that eter- 
nal vigilance is the price of liberty. 

The Department of History partic- 
ipates in the sequence of courses lead- 
ing to an undergraduate major in 
American Civilization and to graduate 
degrees of M.^. and Ph.D. in the same 

While principal emphasis is placed 
upon the American Civilization pro- 
gram, the wider field is by no means 
neglected. In addition to the more or 
less conventional period courses in 
Ancient and Modern European history, 
the department recognizes its respon- 
sibility to a global-minded generation 
in offering opportunity to study in such 
fields as Russian history, Latin Ameri- 
can history and the History of the 
British Empire and Commonwealth. 
Such courses for Ame± ~tudents are 

more important than ever in view of 
the fact that they touch the personal 
experience of so many of our veterans 
and because of the much greater re- 
sponsibilities being assumed by the 
United States in world affairs. 

The instructional staff in 1946-47 in- 
cludes four teachers of full professorial 
rank, two associate professors and four 
assistant professors. They represent a 
diversified background having received 
their graduate training in such widely 
scattered institutions as Stanford Un- 
versity, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Chicago, 
Harvard, and Columbia. Additional in- 
structors are being added to meet the 
demands of a rapidly increasing enroll- 
ment in the University. 

From Vanderbilt 

In order to give added strength and 
prestige to the American Civilization 
program, the Administration has pro- 
vided for a visiting professor of na- 
tional reputation to offer courses in 
the summer session and for a visiting 
lecturer of like status to offer a grad- 
uate seminar during the regular aca- 
demic year. Professor Frank L. Owsley 
of Vanderbilt University will be the 
first visiting professor under this ar- 
rangement in the summer session of 
1947. Professor Owsley is perhaps the 

outstanding authority on Confederate 
history. He is the author of King Cot- 
ton Diplomacy: The Foreign Relations 
of the Confederate States of America 
and of States Rights in the Confedera- 
cy, as well as other monographs and 
studies in the field of Southern history. 
A native of Alabama, Professor Ows- 
ley did his graduate work under the 
late Professor William E. Dodd of the 
University of Chicago. He has been at 
Vanderbilt since 1920. In 1941 he was 
president of the Southern Historical 
Association. With Professor 0. P. 
Chitwood of West Virginia, he is com- 
pleting a two volume college text in 
American history entitled A Short His- 
tory of the American People. Volume 
one was published in 1945 and volume 
two will follow this year. Professor 
Owsley will offer an undergraduate 
course in the History and Culture of 
the Ante Bellum South and a graduate 
seminar on Reconstruction and Its 

An announcement of the appointment 
of the first visiting lecturer for the 
academic year of 1947-48 is expected 


The present work of the department 
centers around the teaching of math- 
ematics and mathematics research. 

The courses offered by the depart- 
ment fall into two broad categories: 

1. Service courses for students whose 
primary interests lie in fields other 
than mathematics. 

2. Courses intended primarily for 
students who wish to prepare them- 
selves for a career in mathematics. 

In the first category we find courses 
in mathematics taken by students in 
Agriculture, Chemistry, Engineering, 
Education, Home Economics, Physics, 



Front row, left to right: William R. Davey, Marie Bryan, Allan A. Brockman, E. A. Mooney, Lillian Johnson, Jane Carmar C. R. Ball, Minerva 
Martin, Charles Shafer, Martha E. Byers, Helen R. Kahn. 

Second row, left to right: Constance Hartma::, Janet S. Wexler, Mary W. Fleming:, Marguerite Jenkins. Cornelius Moxley, Jean Sinclair, Charles 
D. Murphy, Louise A. Bradley, Jacqueline Qualey, Susan Harman. 

Third row, left to right: John G. Fischer. Charles W. Anthony, C!iailes Manning. Franklin D. Cooley, William Gravely, Guy A. Cardwell, Fran- 
cis Adams, Harry Bacas, Mary Lee Andrews, Charles P. Martin. 

Pre-Medical and Pie-Dental. In addi- 
tion to acquiring skills and technique 
necessary in the above fields, courses 
in mathematics offer the student train- 
ing in precise thinking. 

In addition to courses on the campus, 
the department is sponsoring a number 
of courses at the advanced level at the 
Naval Research Laboratory, the Na- 
val Ordnance Laboratory, and the 
Taylor Model Basin. Through the me- 
dium of these courses, the department 
enables young scientists in these lab- 
oratories to continue their studies to- 
wards an advanced degree and to im- 
prove their technical training. 

Various Fields 

The research activities of the staff 
indicated by its publications lie in the 
fields of analysis, algebra, geometry, 
topology, and applied mathematics. In 
the field of applied mathematics, we 
have recently included a research con- 
tract with the Navy sponsored by the 
David Taylor Model Basin to develop 
mathematical and numerical methods 
for designing and determining the 
characteristics of mechanical, electrical, 
and other physical problems having 
single, multiple, or infinite degrees of 
freedom. We expect to enter upon a 
similar contract with the Navy for 
the investigation of Mathematical prob- 
lems connected with the design of ser- 

Each week the department holds a 
colloquium devoted to the exposition 
of current research conducted by the 
staff and graduate students and to re- 
ports upon scientific papers appearing 
in recent mathematical journals. 

The future plans for the department 
include the establishment of a Math- 
ematics Club under Professor Jackson 
to foster interest in mathematics 
among the undergraduates. To meet the 
demands for training leading to the 
doctorate we are developing a well 
rounded program of graduate work and 
research in algebra, analysis, geometry, 
topology, and applied mathematics. 


The Department hopes to have a new 
and well equipped laboratory in the 

near future. The work in phys'cs w'll 
then be greatly extended. The under- 
graduate courses will be arranged to 
meet the interests of a greater number 
of students. Courses leading to the 
degree in engineering physics will be 
added to those in pure physics. The 
space and equipment will make possible 
extensive programs of both acadenr'c 
and industrial research. The present 
lack of space and facilities have preven- 
ed the Department from taking re- 
search projects. Graduate students will 
have ample provisions for research, and 
a greater number can be accommodat- 

Close Relationships 

The Department should be a center 
of activity in physics in the State of 
Maryland. Close relationships with in- 
dustry and technical societies will be 
maintained and the Department will 
take an active interest in meeting the 
problems arising in industry or in the 
Government. Teachers of physics in 
the public schools should look to and 
find the Department a ready source of 
information, on teaching problems such 
as outlining courses in physics, buying 
books and laboratory equipment, and 
giving lectures on current topics. 

Along with the development of aca- 
demic and industrial activities, it is 
proposed that the Department expand 
in the field of bio-physics. In the near 
future, it is hoped that this work will 
be sufficiently established to maintain 
cooperation with the medical school and 
all biological departments in extensive 
research and training of students in 
the field. 


The growing demand for more edu- 
cation started by the GI Bill of Rights 
is here to stay and will increase. Mary- 
land must meet it with a permanent 
State Board of Higher Education, the 
legislative council was told. 

William L. Marbury, who heads the 
Governor's Commission on Higher Edu- 
cation, said this was the inescapable 
and unanimous conclusion of the com- 


mission from its 384-page report on 
Maryland's colleges and universities. 

A State system of junior colleges and 
more aid for Morgan State College for 
Negroes also are programs "for which 
we found no real alternative," Marbury 

He said what the University of Mary- 
land has been able to accomplish on the 
little State aid it has had "is a source 
of amazement." 

"The support we have given Mary- 
land is nothing to be proud of in com- 
parison with what other States do," 
Marbury added. 

The commission recommends that 
Maryland University be expande i to a 
capacity of 10,000 students and that 
all teacher training be done there in- 
stead of at State teachers colleges, Ma - 
bury added. 

Marbury told the council "Maryland 
ranks forty-fifth in post-high school op- 
portunities offered in the 48 States, but 
Maryland still contributes more to in- 
stitutions of higher education than any 
other comparable State." 

"We have reached a new plateau of 
demand for education," he said. "The 
problem is how to supply it at the least 
cost to the taxpayers." 

Marbury said the most efficient sys- 
tem of junior colleges would mean 
eliminating State aid to St. Mary's 
Seminary in Southern Maryland, Frost- 
burg State Teachers College, Coppin 
Teachers College and Princess Anne 

"We can't afford useless duplication," 
he said. "The State must provide new 
junior colleges near population centers." 
He said Washington College should 
be taken over by the State, in order to 
provide a cultural center for the East- 
ern Shore. 

"The college is practically State-con- 
trolled and State-supported already," 
he said. 

The commission recommends that 
State aid be discontinued for St. John's 
College in Annapolis, "wh ; ch doesn't 
qualify graduates to teach and largely 
benefits out-of-Staters," Marbury said. 
St. John's ranks about with the Pea- 
body Library or Walters Art Gallery as 
a cultural asset to Maryland, he said. 

fyioe Mojo*, S^i-2>laillo^U 



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Reading from left to right: Top row — Doctors H. B. Pickard, E. W. Reeve. N. L. Drake, C. F. Stuntz. G. F. Woods, C. S. Dewey, C. E. White. 
Front row— Doctors W. J. Svirbely, C. L. Rollinson, R. C. Wiley, E. F. Pratt. J. V. Quagliano. 

THE Chemistry Department com- 
prises five major subdivisions in 
which instruction is offered in the fields 
of analytical chemistry, bio-chemistry, 
general and inorganic chemistry, or- 
ganic chemistry and physical chemistry. 
Graduate work in metallurgy and high- 
polymer chemistry will be offered when 
the facilities of the projected new 
Chemistry Building become available. 
The department not only provides in- 
struction leading to the B.S., M.S. and 
Ph.D. degrees in chemistry but also 
such instruction in chemistry as may be 
necessary to the curricula of other de- 
pai-tments and colleges. 

The Staff 

Three professors, five associate pro- 
fessors, and four assistant professors 
comprise the present permanent staff. 
Fifty-nine graduate students assist the 
permanent staff mainly by supervision 
cf laboratory work. Two more assis- 
tant professors and another associate 
professor will be added to the perma- 
nent staff as soon as possible. 

Research Constitutes 
Great Part Of 

By Professor Nathan L. Drake 

Head, Chemistry Department 

Research is conducted by the perma- 
nent staff and by graduate students 
under the direction of staff members. 
No small part of the funds for the sup- 
port of this research is supplied by 
outside agencies; a number of research 
fellowships requiring no service to the 
department are available to properly 
qualified advanced graduate students. 
One such fellowship, the Dupont Pre- 
doctoral Fellowship, is awarded for the 
period of the last predoctoral year to 
an outstanding candidate for the Ph.D. 
degree in chemistry; the present in- 
cumbent is Mr. John A. Garman. Mr. 
E. H. Price, a Maryland undergraduate 
and returned veteran, holds one of the 

predoctoral fellowships awarded on a 
country-wide basis by the American 
Chemical Society to outstanding stu- 
dents who are studying for the Ph.D. 
degree. This fellowship was awarded 
for a period of 36 months. 

Reduced Scale 

During the war years the normal 
academic activities of staff members 
continued on a reduced scale. However, 
the Army's A.S.T. program made de- 
mands upon the department which more 
than offset the decline in normal regis- 
trations. Registrations in courses in 
general chemistry rose from a prewar 
average of about seven hundred to well 
over a thousand. Above the freshman 
level classes were very small and nor- 
mal graduate work gave way to re- 
search sponsored by the Committee on 
Medical Research and the National De- 
fense Research Committee, agencies op- 
erating under the Office of Scientific 
Research and Development. 


W. M. Eareckson measuring the dielectric constant of a liquid. Robert Creamer in a corner in the Radiochem Laboratory. 



John Sterling in a corner of the room devoted to high-pressure hydrogenation. Richard Peck operating Spectograph in Chemistry Laboratory. 

Research was conducted on the de- 
tection of chemical warfare agents, in- 
sect repellents and DDT, and antima- 
larial drugs. Our major effort was de- 
voted to the preparation of potential 
antimalarials; intermediates from lab- 
oratories all over the country were sent 
here for combination into finished drugs 
for test purposes. The writer will never 
forget one of the most hectic periods 
of this work when it became necessary 
to supply several kilograms of the 
drug now known as chloroquin for 
large scale clinical experiments. Chloro- 
quin was described in patent literature, 
but little other data of consequence 
were available to serve as a guide in 
its preparation. After preliminary 
small scale experiments, a production 
line was operated in shifts in our lab- 
oratories twenty-four hours a day, 
seven days a week preparing drug from 
intermediates obtained from various 
other laboratories. In retrospect it is 
gratifying to note that chloroquin has 
found extensive use as a suppressive 
and as a cure for the clinical manifes- 
tations of malaria; the drug possesses 
many advantages over atabrine for 
these purposes. 

Many new drugs and numerous in- 
termediates were prepared in our lab- 
oratories. The most important discov- 
ery resulting from our work was the 
drug "pentaquin" (SN-13276) which 
has shown great promise as a cure for 
vivax malaria. This drug, which was 
first prepared in our laboratories, has 
been listed among the most important 
scientific discoveries in the field of 
chemotherapy of the past year. It is 
important to bear in mind that the de- 
velopment of pentaquin was the result 
of "team work." The chemistry of the 
drug was developed at Maryland; pre- 
liminary screening, a study of its tox- 
icity, and all clinical testing have been 
done by cooperating groups; clinical 
work is still in progress. 

For Better Drugs 

Research along similar lines sup- 
ported by a grant from the Public 
Health Service is being continued with 
the object of finding a better drug 
which will combine the curative prop- 
erties of pentaquin with a lower 

Many other research projects are 
being actively prosecuted: 

Dr. White is continuing his studies 
on the fluorescence caused by traces of 
metals in solutions containing certain 
organic compounds and has developed 
useful quantitative methods for the de- 
termination of beryllium, aluminum and 
boron and qualitative methods for 
thorium, zirconium and zinc. Dr. Quag- 
liano is continuing earlier studies on 
complex coordination compounds, using 
the polargraph as a tool. 

Dr. Svirbely is studying the dielec- 
tric constants of various solutions of 
compounds in order to calculate the 
dipole moments of the dissolved mole- 
cules. From these moments important 
deductions about the relative arrange- 
ment of groups and charges in the 
molecules can be made. Dr. Pickard is 
planning to continue his work on super- 
sonic vibrations and their effect on 
chemical and physical processes. 

Drs. Dewey, Pratt, Reeve and Woods 
are investigating problems in theo- 
retical and synthetic organic chemistry. 
One of Dr. Reeve's projects is a co- 
operative one with Poultry Husbandry; 
methods of preparing certain rare 
amino acids and their use as additives 
to poultry feed are being investigated. 


Left: Apparatus for molecular distillation. Right: Ed Stirewalt determining the ultra-violet absorbtion spectrum of compound Dy means of 

Beckmann photoelectric spectrophotometer. 



Tra Solel measuring the fluorescence of a 

solution by means of a photoelectric 


Next year laboratory work in radio- 
chemistry will be offered to supplement 
the theoretical course which was offered 
this year on the same subject. Dr. Rcl- 
linson is at present assembling the 
necessary apparatus to make possible 
the use of radioactive isotopes as 
tracers in various reactions. This type 
of work has become increasingly at- 
tractive since radioisotopes have be- 
come available at reasonable costs. Its 
application in all branches of theoretic- 
al chemistry and in biochemistry will 
make possible a better understanding of 
the mechanisms of reactions and the 
role and fate of chemical compounds in 
plants and animals. 

Certain elements, not ordinarily con- 
sidered as plant food, have been found 
important for normal plant growth. 

Eleanor Werble weighing by means of a micro- 

Dr. Wiley is investigating the role of 
so-called minor elements in plant nu- 

Dr. Stuntz has problems in instru- 
mental analysis under investigation, 
and plans to extend his work to include 
the use of new organic reagents in 
quantitative analysis. 

Now Overcrowded 

During the next academic year the 
overcrowded condition which exists at 
present will be relieved somewhat by 
three temporary buildings which will 
house the greater part of the laboratory 
work in three elementary courses, 
general chemistry, organic chemistry 
and biochemistry. The present building 
will then be used principally for upper- 
class work and research. The return of 

R. .1. Madden carrying out a fractional distillation. 

many veterans has increased registra- 
tions in chemistry courses to an all- 
time high. More than two thousand 
students were enrolled in our courses in 
general chemistry during the first 
semester of the present year. Another 
freshman class as large or larger than 
the present one is anticipated for next 
year; the temporary buildings will be 
used at capacity even during their first 

Plans for a new chemistry building 
which will provide ample space for ex- 
pansion of present teaching and re- 
search activities and also for extension 
of these activities into the fields of 
metallurgy, high-polymer chemistry and 
radiochemistry are well under way. 



A corner of one of the research laboratories. A corner of the preparations laboratory. 


Awards are going to five Maryland 
Dairy Herd Improvement Association 
Supervisors for "outstanding work" 
during 1946, according to Marvin Sen- 
ger, Extension Dairyman at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Herman Shipp, Jr. of the Washington 
County No. 2 Association, wins a wrist 
watch as first prize, while fountain 
pens go to Lloyd Gifford, Carroll No. 2; 
George Fuller, Montgomery County 
Association; Russell Poole, Howard 
County Assocation and to John Wol- 
finger, of the Frederick No. 1 Associa- 
tion. This is the third year that Fuller 
has been among the winners and the 
second year for Poole and Shipp. The 
awards are given by the Maryland 
State Fair Board. 

Senger explains that to win an a- 
ward, the DHIA supervisor must have 
been testing for at least a year by the 
end of the contest and must still be on 
the job when the prizes are awarded at 
the Annual Spring Tester's Conference. 



(Continued from Page 2) 

to convince labor, manufacturers, dis- 
tributors, and consumers, that all their 
interests are as one, and that, by work- 
ing together, through a study of the 
problems of all, we should be able to 
develop a way of life in wh'ch poverty 
and want would become only mem- 
ories ? 

I do not pose these questions to imply 
that the answers to them cannot be 
found. They can be. Without oppor- 
tunities for education, I would agree 
with those who say that the future is 
dismal. Without the broadening of 
the scope of our children's educational 
opportunities, I should feel very much 
like one of my friends who said that he 
thought the best thing to do would be 
to buy a little farm in a hidden valley 
and return to the simple, restricted life 
of the pioneer. But we as a nation 
cannot retire to the simple life. 

No, my friends, we shall not solve 
our problems by withdrawing into a 
shell. We cannot meet difficulty by re- 
fusing to recognize that difficulty exists. 
We cannot solve problems without first 
finding out the basic factors that cause 
those problems, and then developing the 
methods by which these basic factors 
can be eliminated. 

Our hope for the future lies in what 
we do today. Our hope lies on the 
courage with which we look forward in- 
to the distant years, and how successful 
we are in providing our children with 
knowledge to enable them to meet the 
challenge of those years. 

Boundless Resources 
America is a nation of boundless re- 
sources. We have developed our re- 
sources more efficiently than any other 
nation of the earth. Many reasons 
might be found for this development, 
but, in my opinion, the basic reason for 
it is that we have developed the level 
of intelligence of our people more fully 
than the people of most of the other 
nations of the world. 

If our American way of life fails, if 
we fail as a leader among nations, if 
we do not solve satisfactorily our do- 
mestic, economic and social problems, I 
am confident that history would find 
that failure in a great measure would 
be because we did not accept and dis- 
charge our responsibilities in the edu- 
cation of our people. 

This is Bedrock 

Our educational system, from the ele- 
mentary school to the university, is the 
bedrock upon which we, as a nation and 
as a people stand, and it has been, and 
is, my purpose to give that system in 

Maryland all the support that lies in 
my power. 

Of course, I realize that no Governor 
and no Legislature can do more for 
education than the people of the State 
are willing to have them do, but I have 
an unbounded confidence in the willing- 
ness of the people of Maryland to pro- 
vide opportunity for their children and 
in their desire to give to this nation 
the security and advantages that ac- 
crue from a trained and educated peo- 

Of one thing you may be assured, the 
perpetuation of our form of govern- 
ment, and our way of life, rests pri- 
marily on the assumption that at least 
the vast majority of our citizens will 
understand their obligations and func- 
tions as citizens, and will discharge 
these obligations and exercise those 
functions conscientiously and intelli- 
gently. This cannot be done by an un- 
educated people. 

To you young men and women who 
are receiving your degrees today, re- 
member that education and research are 
not magic words that alone can conjure 
wealth. Education and research are 
fruitful only when they are intelligently 
applied by diligent, hard working men 
and women. I hope that your education 
in this University has created within 
you the ability to think introspectively. 
Do not, when something goes wrong, 
and you are faced with difficulties, look 
for an opportunity to see the trouble as 
the fault of someone else. First, think 
where you may be at fault and if you 
are, correct it. You will go much far- 
ther in this world if you do not attempt 
to blame other people for your difficul- 

Word of Caution 

You may regard yourselves this 
morning as educated men and women. 
Let me inject a word of caution. You 
are not. You have reached the point 
where you have the opportunity to be- 
gin those final processes of education 
which, if you are diligent and industri- 
ous, will eventually make you educated 
and successful men and women. One 
who graduates from a university is 
never educated until he has learned the 
lessons that come to him from the suc- 

cessful application of his knowledge ti> 
the everyday problems of life. 

Many of you who leave here today 
will be leaders in your chosen fields, but 
let me say to you that leadership will 
carry responsibility, and also that lead- 
ership requires courage; sometimes a 
courage that is more difficult than any 
you have had to show in your young 
lives. Whenever you face a decision 
that requires courage, remember the 
words of Robert E. Lee in a letter to 
his son, "Duty is the sublimest word in 
the English language." 

Criticism to Come 

Remember, too, that as leaders you 
will be subject at times to virulent criti- 
cism, sometimes unjust criticism. Per- 
haps your leadership may cost you 
dearly, so far as material rewards for 
yourself are concerned, but remember 
that the finest satisfactions of life come 
from a consciousness of having done the 
right thing. 

Theodore Roosevelt once wrote: "The 
leader for the time being, whoever he 
may be, is but an instrument to be used 
until broken, and then to be cast aside. 
... In the long fight for righteousness, 
the watchword for all of us is to spend 
and be spent. It is a little matter 
whether any man fails or succeeds, but 
that the cause shall not fail, for it is 
the cause of mankind." 

One more word: Whatever you do, be 
constructive! Be a builder, not a wreck- 
er. What I mean by this is told better 
than I could possibly express in this 

I watched them tearing a building down, 

A gang of men in a busy town. 

With a ho-heave and a lusty yell. 

They swung a beam and the side wall fell. 

I asked the foreman, "Are those men skilled, 

And the men you'd hire if you had to build? 

He gave a laugh and said, "No indeed ! 
Just common labor is all I need. 
I can easily wreck in a day or two 
What builders have taken a year to do." 

I thought to myself as I went my way. 
Which of these roles have I tried to play? 
Am I a builder who works with care. 
Measuring life by the rule and square? 
Am I shaping my deeds to a well-made plan, 
Patiently doing the best I can? 
Or am I a wrecker who walks the town. 
Content with the labor of tearing down ? 

My friends of the graduating class- 
es, upon the way you answer this last 
question may depend your success in 

To the parents and friends of the 
graduating class, who are here, let me 
emphasize again that education is op- 
portunity. Let us give of this oppor- 
tunity, in the broadest and highest 
sense, to our children. In this way, we 
shall provide for those that are to come 
after us a new revelation and a new 

9*i PanM. and fiwiicJt 


For Graduate 
Students In The 
Humanities And 
Related Fields 

By Professor A. J. Prahl 

Language Department 

SPEARHEADING a program which 
will eventually serve several de- 
partments of the University, the De- 
partment of Foreign Languages and Li- 
terature will open two Foreign Study 
Centers in Europe this September. The 
one will be located in Paris and the 
other in Zurich. 

The initial program makes provision 
for graduate students in the Human- 
ities and related fields, with the fullest 
offerings in Linguistics, Literature and 

Professor Falls 

Successful completion of the year's 
program leads to the award of the de- 
gree of Master cf Foreign Study. This 
qualified master's degree was establish- 
ed by the Graduate Council to distin- 
guish the degree awarded for work 
done at the Foreign Study Centers from 
the degree granted for work done in 
residence at Maryland. The require- 
ments in respect to hours, thesis, and 
examination are the same for the two 

Professor William F. Falls is to be 
in charge of the Foreign Study Center 
in Paris, 1947-48. 

Office and conference rooms are lo- 
cated in Reid Hall, rue Chevreuse, 4, in 
which the newly re-opened American 
University Union is also housed. Most 
of the students will register in the 
Faculty of Letters of the Sorbonne and 
do most cf their course work there. 

In Switzerland 

The Zurich Foreign Study Center 
will be under the supervision of Pro- 
fessor Dieter Cunz, during 1947-48. 
Headquarters will be in the building 
at Zeltweg 4, where the American 
Council on College Study in Switzer- 
land is located. Most of the students 
in Zurich will be registered in the Fac- 
ulty of Philosophy. 

Dr. Edmund E. Miller is returning to 
Maryland to serve as Director of the 
Foreign Study Office. Dr. Miller went 
on leave in 1942 to serve as Field Di- 
rector with the American Red Cross. 
During the current year he has been 
associated with Professor Mark 
Schweizer, also of Maryland, in the 
Junior Year Program in Zurich. 

Inquiries in hand indicate that the 
program will attract a number of grad- 


The above picture shows two members of the faculty of Maryland University attending a meet- 
ing of the Inter-Allied Council in Berlin. The two members are Dean H. Benjamin of the College 
of Education and Professor A. E. Zucker, Head of the Foreign Language Department. The picture 
was taken in 1946. Both members of the staff were at that time in Germany, sent there by the 
IT. S. Army to supervise the reorganization of the German school system. 

Professor A. E. Zucker of the University of Maryland Modern Language Department spent the 
year 1945-1946 in Germany as an employee of the War Department in the Education Branch. His 
particular assignment was textbooks for all schools from primary grades up. First there was the task 
of censoring old Nazi school books that were often criminally misguided in the reading mutter given 
the students and the militaristic ideals they attempted to inculcate. Millions of such books were de- 
stroyed. On the other hand, it was possible to find some excellent authors for new books among the 
thousands who had not bowed their knee to Hitler and, despite the bad paper shortage, some good 
texts have been issued. 

From April to July Professor Zucker was assigned the post of American head of the Berlin 
School System and as such he had to meet once a week with the British, French, and Russian repre- 
sentatives who held similar positions. The photograph shows such a group meeting at which the 
Russian (bald Colonel Londakoff. at the head of the table) acted much the same way on a lower 
level in which Molotov acts in the ministers' peace conference. Dean Benjamin of the College of 
Education just happened to be passing through Berlin at that time and Dr. Zucker invited him to a 
so-called "Kommandatura Meeting," as perhaps the most interesting thing he could witness in Ber- 
lin. He is seated beside Professor Zucker while in the rear corner is another Maryland man. Mr. 
Frank G. Banta, instructor in Modern Languages. He served as secretary - and interpreter. 

Professor Zucker was asked by the War Department to return to Germany in order to lecture 
at the German Universities in the American Zone in the field of education for democracy. He has 
been granted leave of absence for two months during May and June for this purpose. 

nate students from other institutions. 
Such students must qualify for admis- 
sion to the Graduate School and follow 
the usual registration procedure. Cor- 
respondence concerning the project 
should be addressed to the Foreign 
Study Office, University of Maryland, 
College Park, Maryland (Phone: Exten- 
sion 292). 

Instructional Program 
Before the European school year be- 
gins, the Maryland registrants partici- 
pate in an orientation period with re- 
quired language work (French in Paris, 
German in Zurich). When the univer- 
sity year opens, the student is enrolled 
in the faculty or school best suited to 
his preparation and interests. 

The Foreign Study student divides 
his program between his major and 
his minor (s). Twelve to sixteen semes- 
ter hours plus six hours for the thesis 
satisfy the requirements for the major. 
The remaining eight to twelve semes- 

ter hours are devoted to the student's 

The year's program is evaluated at 
thirty semester hours. 

At European Universities courses are 
usually offered in cycles of three to 
five semesters, so that it is impossible 
to list the exact course titles for a 
given semester very far in advance. 

Fields of Concentration 
Majors and Minors are offered in the 
following three fields: 
Linguistics: General, Germanic, Rom- 
Literature: Comparative, French, Ger- 
History: Roman, Medieval, Modern, 
Contemporary, American-European. 
Minors only are offered in these 
fields: History of Art, Economics, Edu- 
cation, Geography, Government, Inter- 
national Relations; American, English, 
Italian, Russian or Spanish Literature; 
Music, Philosophy, Political Science, 


Psychology, Sociology, Theology, Vo!k- 

The candidate for a degree has a 
weekly conference with his advisor and 
submits progress reports at stated 


Admission to the program of the 
Foreign Study Centers is dependent up- 
on admission to the Graduate School 
of the University of Maryland, at Col- 
lege Park, Maryland. 

Admission to the Graduate School 
requires that the applicant hold a 
Bachelor's degree from an accredited 
institution. , 

Because seniors find it necessary to 
make preliminary arrangements for the 
Graduate Year Abroad before they are 
graduated, a preliminary application 
form has been prepared for submission 
to the Foreign Study Office. 

The usual application blank for ad- 
mission to the Graduate School will be 
forwarded by the Foreign Study Office 
after the preliminary application has 
been passed upon. 

Academic Recognition 

Two kinds of awards are offered: the 
Certificate, for the successful comple- 
tion of an approved program of thirty 
semester hours; the Master's degree 
for completion of twenty-four semes- 
ter hours, plus six hours for a thesis, 
and final examination. 


Upon successful completion of the 
year's work (thirty semester hours), 
the student is awarded a "Graduate 
Year Abroad Certificate." The award 
is made at the Foreign Study Center 
(Paris, Zurich). (The thirty hours may 
or may not include a thesis.) 

Advancement to Candidacy for 
Master's Degree 

A student registered in the Foreign 
Study program in September may ap- 
ply in December for advancement to 
candidacy for the Master's degree. 


A registered Holstein-Friesian cow 
and dairy herd owned by McDonogh 
School, McDonogh, Md., completed a 
365-day production record of 638 
pounds of butterfat and 17,141 pounds 
of milk, The Holstein-Friesian Associa- 
tion of America announced. This is 
more than three and one-half times the 
production of the average dairy cow in 
the nation. 

Her official name is Dunloggin Prin- 
tress. She was milked three times daily 
and was two years, five months of age 
when she began her test period. 

Testing was supervised by the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in cooperation with 
The Holstein-Friesian Association of 


It is too bad that all the friends of 
France cannot have the privilege of 
spending a few weeks of sabbatical 
leave in postwar France. If they could, 
they would feel differently, I am sure, 
about many controversial questions. 
For example, we are told so frequently 
that "all Gaul is clearly divided into 
three parts: Communists, Socialists, 
and M. R. P's." Many people in Ameri- 
ca hear that and are prone to fear that 
with party lines so sharply drawn 
present-day Frenchmen may not a- 
chieve the unity they need for recovery. 
A few weeks in France spent in the 
company of ordinary, everyday people 
would dispel that fear, for in spite of 
political differences, Frenchmen found 
unity long ago in a bond which is really 
second nature to them; i.e., love of 
country and work. I saw them and 
talked to them last summer and fall: 
farmers, shopkeepers, working people 
in various trades. They will never all 
vote the same way, but whatever may 
be their political sympathies, they are 
united in the desire and the effort to 
bring back the prosperity and good 
times that are traditional in France. — 
Wm. F. Falls, Professor of French, 
University of Maryland. 


The University of Maryland has pub- 
lished an Economic Survey of Allegany 
County, Maryland, made by Dr. John 
H. Cover, Director of the Bureau of 
Business and Economic Research of the 
College of Business and Public Adminis- 
tration. This survey was undertaken 
at the request of a citizens' group and 
covers an analysis of local industry, in- 
cluding agriculture, manufacturing, 
mining and transportation. It also in- 
cludes suggestions for future develop- 
ments in these fields. 

The report appears in two parts, the 
second consisting of a supplement on 
current business conditions and pros- 
pects, and the first covering a wide 


range of topics including, in addition to 
general industry, banking and finance, 
construction, power, water supply and 
control, government finance and sug- 
gestions for the stabilization of employ- 

In summarizing Allegany County con- 
ditions the report finds the local eco- 
nomy in general upon a favorable level. 
It states: "The immediate future is de- 
pendent in large part upon solution of 
problems which are national in scope, 
including inflation, industrial controver- 
sies, transitional adjustments of the 
labor force, narrowing of the gap be- 
tween the demand for and supply of 
commodities, and increasing productiv- 
ity." It proposes promotion of a stable, 
balanced economy with a long-time 
point of view in mind and suggests, 
among a number of specific proposals, 
that diversity of industrial activity 
rather than mere expansion be emphas- 
ized and that only such new industries 
be encouraged as will fit into the total 
production pattern. It is warned that 
new businesses which are likely to 
liquidate in the first business depression 
should be discouraged from starting. 

In a study of the labor force and em- 
ployment in the area, it was discovered 
that many persons traveled long dis- 
tances daily from homes in Pennsy- 
lvania and West Virginia, and that 
there was a tendency on the part of 
large numbers of the industrial em- 
ployees to live in small farm communi- 
ties and to engage in part-time agricul- 
ture. Some persons traveled as far as 
57 miles to their daily employment. 

In providing a measure of changing 
business conditions, the Bureau develop- 
ed a composite barometer consisting of 
employment by the three largest manu- 
facturers, industrial and commercial 
electricity consumption, coal production, 
advertising linage, and bank debits. The 
two most depressed industries are coal 
mining and building construction. The 
more profitable coal seams have been 
depleted to the point where costs of 
production exceed the total cost of 
strip mining and hauling coal from 
Arkansas. Price inflation has resulted, 
as elsewhere in the United States, in 
prohibitive building costs. The latter 
industry had been counted upon to start 
a boom which would assure continued 
large-scale employment in the post-war 
period. Stymied by inflation, even the 
most essential building is deferred. 

The report states: "Early tendencies 
in 1947 suggest that developments may 
depend in large part upon two factors: 
the price level and the supply of indus- 
trial fuel. Allegany County stability is 
a concomitant of the national economy, 
and much depends upon concerted ac- 
tion toward industrial peace and the 
parity balance of the general price 

Posit 61 "AmesUccui GuMltyatian" 



First Row (left to right) : Dr. Paul Shankweiler, Associate Professor, Dr. Peter Lejins, Associate Professor; Mrs. Leah Houser, Instructor; Dr. 
Harold Hoffsommer, Head of the Department; Mr. Paul Houser. Assistant Professor; Dr. Margaret Cussler, Instructor. 

Second Row (left to right) : Mr. Luke Ebersole, Instructor; Dr. James Fleming, Assistant Professor; Dr. Charles Hutchinson, Assistant Profes- 
sor; Mrs. Lessie Fleming, Instructor; Mr. Thomas Imse, Instructor. 

EVERY student at the University 
of Maryland takes the course in 
Sociology of American Life as part of 
the American Civilization curriculum. 
This shows how important a place so- 
ciology has won for itself. Sociology at 
Maryland grew as did the field as a 
whole from a modest beginning to- 
gether with the other social sciences it 
developed into an independent Depart- 
ment of recognized stature. 

From Yale 

Old timers on the campus remember 
that the eminent social scientist, George 
Peter Murdock of Yale, was an instruc- 
tor in sociology at Maryland in 1925-27. 
At that time Sociology was taught in 
the Department of Social and Political 
Science. Dean Frederick E. Lee of the 
College of Arts and Sciences also of- 
fered several courses in sociology back 
in those days. For one year, Sociology 
appears as an independent Department, 
namely in 1926-27. The next year, 
however, we find a combined Depart- 
ment of Economics and Sociology, con- 
tinuing in this form through 1935-36. 
Sociology then contributed considerably 
to Social Science 1, a joint course of 
several departments in the division of 
the Social Sciences. In the catalogs 
of these years appear also such sociolo- 
gy courses as Principles of Sociology, 
Cultural Anthropolgy, Rural Sociology, 
Urban Sociology, Social Pathology and 
Social Work, The Family, and Labor 

A new era in the history of Sociology 
at Maryland began with the appoint- 
ment of Prof. Theodore B. Manny as 
head of the Department. Dr. Manny, a 
student of such outstanding sociologists 
as E. A. Ross and G. H. Kolb of Wis- 
consin, and Dwight Sanderson of Cor- 
nell, came to Maryland in October 1935 

Older Alumni 
Remember George 
Peter Murdock. of 
Vale. During 1925 
to 1927 

By Dr. Peter Lejins 

Associate Professor 

from the U. S. Department of Agri- 
culture. Once more an independent 
Department of Sociology appears in the 
catalog of 1936-37, this time to stay, 
and with a staff of several instructors, 
several of these holding professorial 
rank. A broad program of teaching and 
research in rural sociology and com- 
munity organization within the State 
was launched. The untimely death of 
Manny in September 1938 put an end 
to this development. The Department 
continued, however, with Dr. Carl S. 
Joslyn, who had joined the staff of the 
Department in the meantime, as the 
head. At the outbreak of the war there 
were one full professor, two associate 
and two assistant professors as well as 
two graduate fellows and a number of 
candidates for masters and doctors de- 
grees in the field. 

During War 

During the war the Department con- 
tributed considerably to the teaching of 
the Army Specialized Training Pro- 
gram, especially that of the advanced 
Area and Language group. As the war 
went on, the Department, like all de- 
partments and universities in general, 
suffered a loss both in students and 
staff. However it managed to continue 
a full program until the postwar re- 
vival of academic life. With the resig- 
nation of Dr. Joslyn in January, 1944, 
the Department continued with Dr. 

Peter P. Lejins as Acting Head until 
January, 1946. Dr. 0. E. Baker, an 
outstanding authority in the field of 
population, began to teach population 
courses for the Department in the fall 
of 1944. The Sociology Club was foun- 
ded in the summer of 1944 and went 
into full swing that same fall. Some- 
what later the national sociology hon- 
orary AKD was brought to the campus. 
In the fall of 1945 the Department be- 
gan the course in Sociology of American 
Life as part of the basic American 
Civilization curriculum introduced at 
that time and from then on required of 
all freshmen. In January, 1946 Dr. Ed- 
ward W. Gregory, formerly Head of 
the Department of Sociology of the 
University of Alabama, took over the 
duties of Head of the Department. He 
was succeeded in the fall of 1946 by 
Dr. Harold C. Hoffsommer, who came 
to Maryland after completing the 
Regional Land Tenure Research Project 
of which he was the Director. Prior to 
that, Dr. Hoffsommer was connected 
with the University of Louisiana. 

Present Work 

The present work of the Department 
of Sociology will be analyzed according 
to the types of functions which this 
Department performs. There are three 
of these: 

1. training in sociology for the stu- 
dents of the College of Arts and 
Sciences who are majoring in this 

2. research and training of graduate 
students primarily in connection 

with materials in the State. 

3. sociological background courses re- 
quired by other departments and 
colleges for their students and sup- 
plied by the Sociology Department. 


The first of these tasks is being ac- 
complished by the Department by offer- 
ing a broad and varied undergraduate 
curriculum in sociology. The 1946-47 
catalog lists some 30 courses on the 
undergraduate level from which a stu- 
dent majoring in sociology has ample 
opportunity to select a curriculum 
which is best suited to his needs. There 
is hardly a field of sociological study 
which is not represented in the Mary- 
land offerings. There are the "time 
tested" and widely recognized courses, 
and there are also some representing 
the most recent developments in the 
field, such as e.g., industrial sociology. 

Social Service Training 

There has always been a demand on 
the part of the students of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland for an undergraduate 
curriculum in social service: preparing 
either for further graduate study in 
the accredited schools of social work, 
or for work immediately upon gradua- 
tion from college in social service posi- 
tions which do not require graduate 
professional training. With the rapid 
expansion of the field of professional 
social service both in the sense of in- 
crease of functions and stress on 
trained personnel, the Department of 
Sociology is now operating a pre- 
professional social service program. The 
first three years of this curriculum are 
devoted to a broad liberal education 
with emphasis on the study of the fun- 
damentals of human associations, social 
motivation, and societal organization. 
The fourth year includes an introduc- 
tion to the basic principles, methods, 
and organization of the social services. 

Crime Control Curriculum 

The field of prevention and control 
of crime and delinquency has recently 
become a subject of intensive study. It 
is in the departments of sociology all 
over the country that most of the re- 
search and teaching in this field is 
being done now. The Maryland De- 
partment offers a carefully planned 
crime control curriculum on the under- 
graduate level as well as training on 
the graduate level leading to the Mas- 
ter's and Doctor's degrees. Students are 
prepared for positions in correctional 
and penal institutions, institutions for 
juveniles, probation and parole services, 
the so-called area projects, as well as 
research and teaching positions. Con- 
siderable interest in the field has been 
expressed by the returning veterans. 

Among the other fields in which the 
Department at present is prepared to 
give intensive training, rural sociology, 
population studies, and sociological 
theory should be mentioned. 

Aside from and in addition to the 
work on the undergraduate level, soci- 
ology at Maryland has the task of re- 
search and training of graduate stu- 

dents. For a department in a State 
University this means a great oppor- 
tunity and at the same time an equally 
great responsibility. Our rapidly chang- 
ing civilization confronts the various 
groups which make up the population 
of a state with many social problems. 
Objective analysis of these, and recom- 
mendations for a rational solution as 
well as suggestions for the prevention 
of new problems, are the tasks which 
should naturally fall into the orbit of 
a sociology department in a State Uni- 
versity. The work of this type so ably 
started by Dr. Manny and interrupted 
by his untimely death and the subse- 
quent depletion of staff during the war, 
is now again gathering momentum. As 
one example of this might be mentioned 
the library project, conducted by Dr. 
Hoffsommer, Head of the Department, 
and Prof. Paul M. Houser. 

Current Research 

Its purpose is to provide information 
basic for setting up and planning the 
development of expanded county library 
facilities, particularly with reference to 
the public mobile truck library system. 
The study was first requested by a 
county librarian and the Extension Di- 
vision of the State Department of Edu- 
cation. However, other counties have 
requested that the study be extended 
to cover their areas also. The library 
study is being done in cooperation with 
the Division of Farm Population and 
Rural Welfare of the U. S. Department 
of Agriculture. In addition to this co- 
operation, the Department of Agricul- 
ture has placed a full-time research 
worker in the Department of Sociology 
to conduct cooperative rural research in 
the fields of population, levels of living, 
farm labor and community organiza- 
tion. Current research concerns an 
analysis of community organization in 
one of the counties, the results of which 
are to be published as a University of 
Maryland Experiment Station bulletin. 

Another example is the Maryland 
Crime and Delinquency Survey which 
the Department is carrying on already 
for several years. The information 
collected is available for teaching 
purposes and service as a reference 
depository for any individual or agency 
doing work in prevention or control of 
crime in Maryland. 

Advantageous Location 

The location of the University near 
the Nation's Capital places the Depart- 
ment of Sociology in a unique position 
regarding social science materials col- 
lected by the various government agen- 
cies. The documentary wealth of the 
Library of Congress and the National 
Archives are only a few of the oppor- 
tunities open to the student doing re- 
search in the social sciences at the Uni- 

versity. Research on the national as 
well as on the state and local commun- 
ity levels is both an invitation and a 

Finally within the scope of the 
University work, the Department of 
Sociology provides several important 
courses, sociological in nature but re- 
quired by other departments and 
colleges. The most important one is, 
of course, the course in the Sociology 
of American Life, already mentioned, 
which is a part of the American Civili- 
zation curriculum and is required of all 
University students. It has been de- 
scribed elsewhere in this magazine. 
Recently as many as seventeen hundred 
students have been enrolled in this 
course each semester. It represents the 
major departmental project at this 
time. It is expected that the work done 
by the members of the staff in connec- 
tion with this course will be incorpor- 
ated in a text representing a decided 
departure from the traditional texts 
dealing with the American social scene 
and sociology. Another course serving 
students all over the university is the 
course in Marriage and the Family, 
which for quite some time has been 
attracting students to the Department. 

With its present staff of eleven mem- 
bers with the rank of instructor and 
above and a growing group of gradu- 
ate students, fellows and assistants, 
the Department is looking forward to 
a promising future both within the 
University in its service to the state, 
and among other sociology departments 
in the country. 


Rose Border Fields may be edged in 
pink, in the Junes of years to come. 
Hardy, fast-growing, tough-stemmed 
roses are recommended instead of wire 
fences by the U. S. Department of Ag- 
riculture. Added beauty will come from 
the fact that in new ersosion-checking 
field layouts the boundaries follow the 
curving contour lines of the hills, in- 
stead of running intolerantly straight 
and crossing at right angles, as wire 
fences too often do. 

Most suitable species for hedge pur- 
poses, say Department botanists, is the 
multiflora rose. It is as hardy as the 
proverbial iron poker, and puts down 
strong, soil-retaining roots. Its stems 
are 20 times more spiny than barbed 
wire; they grow to a height of six or 
eight feet and never require pruning. 

In addition to their dual principal 
job of keeping stray animals out of 
the fields and the soil in, rose hedges 
will also serve as shelter for birds and 
smaller animals. The rose hips, though 
scantily pulped, have at least a minor 
food value: they are rich in vitamin C 
and are good for jelly-making. 


Sttteteit Qieaihf, 9+tcsieate& 



Back Row (left to right): Josephine Good, A. H. Mason, Jessie Menneken, Catherine Callegary, Ruth A. Bari, Ethel Snyder; Second Row (left 
right): Dick Wick Hall, Harvey Cheston, Richard A. Good, Monroe H. Ma-tina Waters, Leon Luckenbach, John L. Vanderslice; Front Row (left to 
to right): Lawrence A. Ringenberg, Jean Marie Boyer, G. P. Brewster, Vern, Head of the Department; Henry P. Dantzig, Daniel C. Lewis, Stanley B. 

WORLD WAR II and the tre- 
mendously intensified interest in 
the Sciences and Engineering, coupled 
with the educational advantages ex- 
tended to the returning veteran under 
the "GI Bill of Rights," has caused the 
unprecedented increase in enrollment 
in Mathematics shown in accompanying 

This illustrates how the interest in 
mathematics, measured in terms of the 
teaching load, has increased over the 
past ten years. 

Years ago, the study of mathematics 
was recommended to students solely as 
a mental discipline or for its sheer in- 
tellectual beauty. Today, the average 
student who takes mathematics takes 
it, not only because of its training in 
careful and precise thinking, but also 
because he or she finds it an indispens- 
able aid in preparing for a career. In 
addition to those rare students who find 
pleasure in the study of mathematics 
for its own sake, we find young men 
and women in our undergraduate class- 
es who are preparing for careers in 
engineering, chemistry, physics, busi- 
ness, medicine, dentistry, agriculture, 
and even home economics! 

Predominant Role 

At the more advanced levels of study 
mathematics plays a predominant role 
in the life of the educated citizen. If 
we examine the history of the develop- 
ment of any department of human 
knowledge, we find that it begins with 
the qualitative description of the phe- 
nomena peculiar to the subject. Large 
masses of data and observations are 
collected from which basic laws and 
theories relating the observations and 
data gradually emerge. These laws in 
turn lead to predictions of other phe- 

Average Student 
Finds Mathematics 
An Indispensable 
Aid on Preparing 
For Life's Work 

By Professor Monroe Martin 

Head, Department of Mathematics 

nomena as yet unobserved which, sub- 
jected to experimental test, either con- 
firm or modify existing theories. It is 
at this point that mathematics enters 
upon the scene, for it offers a universal 
language for the formulation of basic 
laws, and at the same time, a powerful 
tool for the further development of the 
theory and extension of knowledge. 
Perhaps the best illustration is offered 
by the study of Astronomy in which 
man has been interested since the 
earliest times. The observations of as- 
tronomers over hundreds of years were 
reduced by Sir Isaac Newton to one 
fundamental law — the law of universal 

gravitation. Subjected to mathematical 
analysis, this law led to the prediction 
of a new planet, Neptune, in our solar 
system, the actual existence of which 
was subsequently confirmed by astro- 
nomical observations! 

In addition to Astronomy, mathe- 
matics has played a predominant roie 
in the development of the natural 
sciences, physics, chemistry, and in 
engineering. In recent years as other 
branches of knowledge developed, we 
find it being used by workers in new 
fields. Biologists, statisticians, and 
very recently, economists have called 
upon mathematics for assistance in the 
solution of their problems. 

A Paradox 

One of the paradoxes in the relation 
of mathematics to other branches of 
knowledge is that some of the mathe- 
matics which have proved so useful to 
workers in other fields were created by 
mathematicians who had no concept of, 
and in some cases, actually no interest 
in the application of mathematical dis- 
coveries. Impelled by their interest in 
the subject for itself alone, they forge 
a weapon which years later turns out 
to be precisely what is needed for the 
solution of problems in hitherto un- 
related fields. 

There are, and must be, workers in 
every branch of science who are guided 
by the fundamental desire to know and 
to understand, by the feeling that they 
must, in the words of Thomas Jefferson 
"follow truth wherever it may lead." 
As Hermite has said, "We are rather 
servants than masters in mathematics." 
The path which must be followed is 
imposed on us by truth, and there is no- 
course but to follow it. These so-called 


"pure" scientists find the impetus for 
their work in their recognition of the 
esthetic beauty of discovery and the de- 
sire to add whatever they can to the 
harmonious structure which is science. 
In his recent book, The Psychology of 
Invention in the Mathematical Field, 
Hadamard gives many examples show- 
ing the value of this approach. Newton, 
for example, could not possibly have 
discovered the law of universal gravita- 
tion were it not for the study of the 
ellipse by the Greeks some four hun- 
dred years before Christ. Without this 
conception, Kepler's laws of motion 
would also have been impossible. 

In more modern times, Elie Cartan 
in 1913, driven by the beauty of the 
subject, invented a class of transfor- 
mations without which physicists 
would have found it impossible to 
understand phenomena concerning elec- 
trons not discovered until 15 years . 

"Drive for Discovery" 

The history of mathematics is replete 
with so many examples of this charac- 
ter that Hadamard is led to the follow- 
ing conclusion, which is surprising only 
to those unacquainted with the facts: 
"These examples are a sufficient answer 
to Wallas's doubt on the value of a 
sense of beauty as a 'drive' for dis- 
covery. On the contrary, in our mathe- 
matical field it seems to be almost the 
only useful one." 

On the other side, many of the dis- 
coveries which have had a profound 
influence on the development of pure 
mathematics have been made by men 
like Newton, Poincare, Gauss, and 
Riemann in their efforts to solve prob- 
lems arising in the application of 
mathematics to other fields. 

This would seem to point the way 
for the future development of Mathe- 
matics. If we are to gain the most 
from this subject, we shall have to en- 
trust its development to both the pure 
and applied mathematician, for only 
when they go hand-in-hand does this 
field of knowledge render its greatest 
service to mankind. 

By Rachel Frank 

Instructor, Department of Modern Languages 

STUDENTS of Spanish Life and 
Culture and Spanish Poetry of the 
Twentieth Century were privileged to 
listen to three talks on Spanish poetry 
and painting by Juan Ramon Jimenez 
— widely acknowledged by the best 
critical opinion to be the greatest and 
most influential of living Spanish poets. 
In late years Mr. Jimenez has rarely 
spoken in public. But the department 
of modern languages is fortunate in 
having his wife, Zenobia Jimenez, on 
its staff. Apart from her own rich ex- 

perience in Spanish cultural activities, 
she has often arranged for Mr. Jimenez 
to contribute his authoritative observa- 
tions on Spanish art for the benefit of 
students. And if the poet's health per- 
mits, the department looks forward to 
welcoming him as an official lecturer in 
the coming school year. 

After leaving Spain in 1936, Mr. 
Jimenez gave graduate seminars in 
Spanish literature and painting in the 
Universities of Puerto Rico, Miami and 
Duke. He and his wife have been living 
in Washington since 1943. 

Mr. Jimenez conducted most of the 
discussions at Maryland by answering 
students' questions. In reply to the 
question, "What do you think of sur- 
realism?" he stated ironically that 
modern art was full of splinter move- 
ments, creationism, futurism, demon- 
isrn, surrealism, etc, which were less di- 
vided by real issues than by a feverish 
straining for novelty on the part of 
young artists eager to make a name for 
themselves in a hurry. He described 
some spectacular incidents from Dali's 
career to show that, in many cases an 
"ism" is a banner under which artists 
indulge in freakish pranks having no- 
thing whatsoever to do with art. But 
although surrealism both in painting 
and literature might be teaming with 
charlatans, one could not in fairness 
condemn the school as a whole, since 
it had produced at least one good poet 
— the Frenchman, Paul Eluard. As Mr. 
Jimenez explained, however, strictly 
speaking it is impossible to evaluate an 
artistic school as a whole. A school is 
a historical movement to be accepted 
as a fact. All that we can evaluate is 
the work of each artist. And an artist 
is great by virtue of his own powers, 
not the tenets of the movement he es- 
pouses, for movements usually empha- 
size one side of life at the expense of 
another, whereas a great artist encom- 
passes all sides of life. 

In his talk on Spanish painting — a 
brilliantly summarized historical sketch 
— Mr. Jimenez showed how the creation 
of a magic dream-world, far from being 
exclusive with the surrealists, had al- 
ready been accomplished in the work 
of Francisco Goya. He contrasted the 
spiritual vision of El Greco with the 
atmosphere buoyancy and realistic vig- 
or of Velazquez, proving that each ex- 
treme — mysticism and realism — com- 
bined to express the Spanish attitude 
towards experience. 

His specific comments on Spanish 
poetry were particularly valuable, since 
Mr. Jimenez has occupied much the 
same role of leadership in the world 
of Spanish letters as Stephane Mal- 
larme in France at the end of the nine- 
teenth century, and T. S. Eliot in Eng- 
land today. As he himself one worded 
it, he has "encouraged the young, crit- 
icized the mature, and tolerated the 
old" writers. The poet earned his lead- 


crship by being a perennially young 
writer — an experimentalist in the best 
sense: one who, instead of abandoning 
tradition, changed its pattern by re- 
vealing it in a new light. His own 
poetry has had an overwhelming in- 
fluence on the major Spanish poets fol- 
lowing him. Expression, in his work, 
is never heavier than the impulse of 
feeling giving rise to it. This just 
balance between impulse and language 
gives his poetry the sincerity and na- 
turalness of a popular ballad, even 
though the qualities he evokes, ranging 
from an intimate, meditative nostalgia 
to a mystical exaltation in the moment 
could only result from an exquisitely 
sensitized imagination. 

His talk, thus, on the relation of the 
popular ballad to modern Spanish poet- 
ry reflected his own contribution to- 
wards molding that poetry. The one 
source, he said, from which the Spanish 
ballad has arisen and still arises is the 
peasantry. A member of the more cul- 
tivated classes cannot write folk poet- 
ry, simply because he does not undergo 
the experiences of a peasant which 
would enable him to express himself 
in their fashion. Unlike much culti- 
vated verse that passes for poetry, folk 
poetry is real poetry; its irregular 
rhythms are torn from genuine emo- 
tion; its language is simple and direct, 
untortured by elaborate syntactical in- 
volutions and uncomplicated by learn- 
ed allusions. Though it may be real 
poetry, however, folk poetry is never 
perfect; literally, it is never "finished" 
because it leaves a vibration behind it, 
opening the reader to suggestion rather 
than supplying him with a conclusion. 
This suggestiveness is the mark of 
true poetry wherever it may occur, and 
the cultivated poet, instead of disdain- 
ing popular poetry ought to keep it in 
mind as an ideal. 

When asked his opinion on contem- 
porary poetry in Spain, Mr. Jimenez, 
indicating that most of the better poets 
are now expatriated, regretted that the 
one or two good poets left in Spain — 
like Damaso Alonso — had failed to 
undertake the responsibility of leading 
the younger poets, with the result that 
most of the new poetry produced there 
lacked originality and conviction. 

Mr. Jimenez filled these talks with 
personal reminiscences of important 
figures in modern Spanish literature. 
And Spanish students came away with 
a new realization that the works they 
had read and discussed in class were 
a vital part of a living literary tradi- 


John Thomas Presley, University of 
Maryland, B.S. '35, was awarded the de- 
gree of Doctor of Philosophy by the 
University of Minnesota at commence- 
ment excerises in June. 

9nauc^iated 9a 1900 



Top Row (left to right): Ray F.hrensberger, Ted Stell : Second Row (left to right): Orville K. Larson. Pierce Ommanney, Robert Ander- 
son. Gordon Brigham, M. J. Wiksell, Edgar Wood, Richard Hendricks. Bottom Row (left to right): Joan O'Byrne, Lyle V. Mayer, Charles Niemeyer, 
Hester B. Provensen. (Not in picture) : June Gadde, Dorothy McDonald. 

MANY people still think of Speech 
Departments in our modern col- 
leges and universities as departments 
of elocution and oratory; but today 
Speech departments do much more than 
teach public speaking. The courses in 
the Department of Speech and Drama- 
tic Arts at the University of Maryland 
have two main functions: (1) to pro- 
vide work in public speaking and allied 
fields which will meet the needs of ali 
students in the University; (2) to pro- 
vide an integrated unit of work which 
will allow a student to major in Speech. 

Composite Group 

The well-rounded Department here at 
Maryland is a composite group of cor- 
related subjects, including the study of 
the Drama with courses in Acting, 
Stagecraft, History of the Theatre, 
Stage Make-up, Costuming, Stage De- 
sign and Direction; the study of Radio 
with courses in Announcing, Radio 
Speech, Radio in Retailing, Radio Con- 
tinuity Writing, Radio Acting, Radio 
Production, and Advanced Radio Writ- 
ing; the study of corrective speech in- 
cluding the symptoms, causes, nature 
and treatment of minor speech dis- 
orders with courses in Pathology, Ad- 
vanced Speech Pathology, Speech Clinic, 
Semantics and Teachers Problems in 
Speech; the study of Public Speaking 
with courses in Debate and Group Dis- 
cussion, Oral Interpretation, and Public 

Drama, Acting, 
Stagecraft. History 
Of Theatre, 
Cost lulling, Design. 
Direction And 
Other Suhjects 

The teaching of speech at the Mary- 
land Agriculture College was inaugu- 
rated by Professor Charles S. Richard- 
son, who came to Maryland in 1900 as 
director of Physical Culture and In- 
structor in Elocution. Speech courses 
were offered under the English Depart- 
ment, but in 1915, in keeping with the 
trend of separating Departments of 
Speech from Departments of English 
in Universities all over the country, 
Professor Richardson was made Profes- 
sor of English and Public Speaking. 
Shortly after this, in 1918, a separate 
Department of Speech was established 
at Maryland with Professor Richardson 
as chairman of the Department. The 
courses offered by this department in 
its elementary stage were courses in 
Public Speaking required of all Fresh- 
men and special courses in Public 
Speaking for the engineering students. 
There were no courses in Drama at 
that time, but there was enthusiastic 
participation in extra-curricular dra- 
matic activities by interested groups of 
students who were directed in their 


efforts by Professor Richardson. 

Dr. Ray Ehrensberger joined the 
staff in 1936 and upon Professor Rich- 
ardson's retirement in 1939, was ap- 
pointed Chairman of the Department. 
In 1937, here at Maryland, he organized 
the first radio cooperative system of 
broadcasting with the CBS station in 
Washington, D. C. Maryland was the 
first University to tie in with a net- 
work in this fashion. 

Three in 1936 

In 1936 there were three instructors 
in the Department. Today, just seven 
years later, there are eighteen instruc- 
tors in the department, teaching over 
3,000 students with approximately 100 
students majoring or minoring in the 
Department. A great tribute was paid 
by Dr. William N. Brigance, Presi- 
dent of the National Association of 
Teachers of Speech, when he recently 
said, "No school surpasses Maryland 
University with its well-balanced and 
complete offering of speech courses on 
the undergraduate level." 

The progress of dramatics at the Uni- 
versity until recently was slow and im- 
peded by a lack of planning toward the 
necessary welding of the Speech De- 
partment and student dramatic activi- 
ties. The plays presented by the extra- 
curricular organization, the Footlight 
Club, were received by the student- 
faculty audience with enthusiasm, but 


A modern Russian farce given by the University of Maryland Theatre under direction of the 

Speech Department. 

and the direction and staging of plays 
is now considered part of the academic 
load of individual teachers within the 
Department of Speech. In the fall of 
1945, the University Theatre was or- 
ganized, combining the efforts of the 
staff of the Speech Department and the 
Footlight Club. 

The Footlight Club then started its 
growth from an extracurricular club for 
undergraduate students who produced 
and staged three or four plays each 
scholastic year, into a well-knit group 
of students who have proved their 
ability in acting, interpretation, and 
stage technique. Membership in the 
club is available to those students who 
have demonstrated their ability by ap- 
pearing in University Theatre produc- 
tions, or who have proved their sincere 
interest by participating in conscien- 
tious work backstage. Upon recommen- 
dation, a prospective member's name is 
submitted to the faculty members of 

the usual problems of a purely extra- 
curricular activity were apparent to all 
concerned. Dr. Chai-les B. Hale, of the 
English Department, had served in the 
capacity of advisory director to the 
Footlight Club during the 1930's. Dr. 
Hale contributed much to the growth 
of dramatics on the campus, and his 
death in 1944 was a real loss to the 
University. Upon the death of Dr. Hale, 
the Footlight Club and its activities 
were placed under the auspices of the 
Speech Department. Instead of having 
various faculty members direct plays 
in their spare time, people were brought 
to the Speech Department with specific 
training in all phases of the theatre, 


A masterpiece of production and performance in collegiate dramati 
given in recent years. The highly stylized drama of 14th century life in 
accorded an extra week's run because of student demand. 


This famous play, by Lillian Hillman, starred Tallulah Bankht. H in the Broadway production. 

the University Theatre staff, who act 
in the capacity of an advisory board 
for the University Theatre productions, 
in consultation with the Executive Com- 
mittee of the Footlight Club. After 
final approval of both of these groups 
the newly elected members of the Foot- 
light Club are entitled to all privileges 
of membership. 

The Footlight Club undertakes sever- 
al projects each year in connection with 
the ultimate purpose of the University 
Theatre. This purpose is to provide the 
University of Maryland with experi- 
enced student actors and better facili- 
ties with which to present a well- 
rounded dramatic schedule each year. 
Club members also participate in the 
productions of the plays. They head 
various committees and organize the 
back-stage work in cooperation with the 
faculty technical advisor. The mem- 
bers, as well as all students, are eligible 
to try out for each play produced in 
the Theatre. 

The recent University Theatre pro- 
ductions at Maryland have surpassed 
all expectations. They have enjoyed an 
enthusiastic following by the faculty 

rs. The most successful play 
Venice, by Ben Johnson, was 


and student audience which has grown 
with each performance. The University 
Theatre schedules a five night run for 
each play, and it schedules four plays 
for the scholastic year. The first pro- 
duction of the past year was a delight- 
ful modern Russian farce entitled 
Squaring the Circle, which was followed 
by Lillian Hellman's The Little Foxes. 
Both of these productions were out- 
standing for their excellent sets and 
their capable direction. The most suc- 
cessful play of recent years, given by 
the University Theatre, was the third 
production of the 1946-47 season, Ben 
Johnson's highly stylized drama of 16th 
century life in Venice, Volpone. This 


Rehearsing the Show. 

play was held over for an extra week. 
The popular farcial-comedy, My Sister 
Eileen, was scheduled to be the final 
production of the year, but because of 
the building program this performance 
was postponed until the fall of 1947. 
National Collegiate Players, honorary 
national dramatic fraternity, granted 
the University of Maryland a charter 
this year as a result of its outstanding 
work in dramatics. 

One of the most interesting curricu- 
lums offered in the Department of 
Speech is the study of radio. For ti>*" 
student interested in radio there are 
courses offered to include every phase 
of modern broadcasting. These courses 
are limited in their enrollment so that 
special attention can be given to the 
individual and his progress, and the ad- 
vanced courses in this field are open 
only to junior and senior students. All 
programs are recorded, and then played 
back for analysis. There are specialized 
courses offered in Radio which include 
Announcing, Production, Radio Contin- 
uity Writing, Acting, and Radio in 


This highly successful psychological drama will be remembered by many patrons because of the 
movie version, 'Gas Light," which starred Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman. 

All students enrolled in the freshman 
courses of Public Speaking are given 
the opportunity, each semester of their 
one year course, of using the radio 
studio. The assignment the first semes- 
ter is presented in the form of a radio 
interview between groups of two stu- 
dents. The second semester assignment 
is a radio roundtable discussion con- 
ducted by groups of students from each 
class. It is not expected that the aver- 
age student in a beginning public speak- 
ing class will ever be called upon to do 
any extensive radio work, but these stu- 
dents do gain the experience of talking 
at least twice before a microphone rath- 
er than before a live audience. When the 
building program is completed, it is 
planned to start educational broadcasts, 
in addition to campus programs, and 
to air the former over local stations in 
near-by Baltimore and Washington. 

High school and Elementary students 
from Prince George's County, as well 
as students in the University, have the 
advantage of the use of the Speech 
Clinic. Students who are majoring in 
Speech Correction, and other speech 
majors who are interested in the study 
of the symptoms and treatment of 

Retailing. The latter course is limited 
to home economics students who are 
given practice in writing and producing 
women's programs. 


The first step in the preparation of a broadcast, 
with members of the class in production. 

Dr. Kay Ehrensberger is checking the script 



Mr. Jose Reyes of Mexico City, one of the many foreign students at the University, is making 
a recording of his voice in order that he may hear his own mistakes in pronunciation. Lyie V. 
Mayer of the speech department is the instructor. 

speech disorders, are instructed by well- 
trained pathologists to recognize diffi- 
culties in the speech of students coming 
to the clinic, and are given the oppor- 
tunity of analyzing and treating these 
problems. Students of speech have a 
well organized curriculum offered to 
them to prepare them for graduate 
study in this field. 

The facilities of the radio studio are 
at the disposal of the students of speech 
correction. They use the equipment to 
do periodic recordings of clinic cases 
which are used to record the progress 
of individuals participating in this 
work. The equipment that the path- 
ology instructors have at their disposal 
includes an audiometer, several plastic 
models of the vocal and audio mechan- 
ism, and equipment for oral examina- 
tion which includes head mirrors, den- 
tal mirrors, tongue depressors, etc. It. 
is hoped in the future to render state- 
wide service of the Speech Clinic to 
any person who needs this training. 

If a student learns to stand before 
his classmates and talk effectively about 
a subject, it is fair to assume that in 
private conversation he will exhibit the 
same degree of effectiveness. The more 
self-confidence he acquires through 
practice in talking to class-groups, the 
more assured he will be when trying to 
state his views before small groups of 
friends and strangers. What is more, 
the development of a discriminating ear 
is an equally important aim of speech 
training. The average citizen is sub- 
jected to a constant barrage of speech- 
making, especially to what comes 
through his loudspeaker. An under- 
standing of speech techniques will make 
him wary of the merely bombastic and 
superficial. Practically all students in 
the University, regardless of their col- 
lege or curriculum, are required to take 
at least one year of freshman speech. 
There are many additional courses 
which students can elect following this 
preparatory course, which will aid the 
average student in preparing himself 


Miss Jerry Hathaway, a major in speech correction, is showing a high school student how to 
re'ax his throat muscles. One of the many cases under treatment by the department. 


A speech major shown working with a grade 
school pupil who is a stutterer. By reading to- 
gether the teacher can build up confidence in 
the patient. 

Most college students who enroll in 
beginning courses in Public Speaking 
have had little or no experience in talk- 
ing before groups of people. The fresh- 
man speech courses at Maryland are 
set up with this viewpoint in mind. The 
opening speech assignments, therefore, 
are simple, and require little formal 
research. As the student gradually ad- 
justs himself to the process of speech- 
making the assignments become more 
difficult. His successive speaking ex- 
periences are planned to develop and 
keep pace with his increasing ability to 
speak in public — namely, the develop- 
ment of conversational skill. The basic 
principles of the two are, after all, the 


for future life in his community where 
speech will be his best medium of ex- 

The Speech Department probably 
touches many phases of student activi- 
ty. For almost every event on the 
campus including athletic events held 
in the Coliseum or in the stadium, 
Greek organization musicals, Clef and 
Key productions and other activities, 
the Department members are called 
upon for advice regarding the use of 
the public address systems, staging of 
the over-all production, directional dif- 
ficulties, and general planning. The 
Department is a vital instrument in the 
welfare and general development of the 

Ooe*. 1,300 Student* 


Growth Parallels 
General Expansion 
of Entire University 
As 2,000 Students 
Are Expeeted 

MANY graduates of the Universi- 
ty remember the Department of 
Zoology when it was housed in two 
laboratories and two offices. The De- 
partment now occupies over half of 
Morrill Hall and is teaching this year 
more than thirteen hundred students 
each semester. This is expected to ex- 
ceed two thousand students each semes- 
ter next year. 

The growth of the department has 
paralleled that of the University; and 
if the increase in teaching and research 
continues at its present rate, the de- 
partment will need new and larger 
quarters in the near future. Additional 
equipment for teaching and research 
has been added, keeping the work in 
stride with the advances in Zoology. 

Professor C. J. Pierson, formerly 
head of the department, is living in 
Hyattsville and maintains an interest 
in the affairs of the department. We 
see him quite frequently and talk about 
former students in the department. 

Research Program 

In addition to teaching, the depart- 
ment is carrying on a comprehensive 
research program. Dr. Robert Little- 
ford, who is in charge of Marine Zo- 
ology and Hydrobiology, working in co- 
operation with the Fish and Wild Life 
Service, is making an ecological survey 
of some newly established fish ponds on 
the Federal Reserve at Beltsville. This 
work is expected to extend over several 
years and will be probably the most 
comprehensive study of its kind which 
has ever been made. Two or three 
graduate students will assist Dr. Little- 
ford in this project. In addition to this, 
a survey is being made of the soft shell 
clam in Maryland, with the idea of de- 
termining whether this form can be- 
come a commercially important pro- 
duct in Maryland. Another zoological 
project which may prove to be of im- 
portance to the fishing industries of the 
state is a hydrographic survey of the 
bay, including a study of plankton or- 
ganisms. These organisms are essen- 
tially the food for all the commercially 
important fin fish and shell fish of the 

Dr. Sumner Burhoe is continuing his 
work on blood groups in the Norwegian 
rat. In former work Dr. Burhoe has 


Members of the Department of Zoology — Lower row, left to right: Dr. S. O. Burhoe, Dr. Nor- 
man E. Phillips, Henry J. Werner; Back row: Dr. Robert A. Littleford, Richard E. Tiller. Dr. Orr 
E. Reynolds and Professor Freeman Quimby, not in the picture, are also members of the staff. 

identified four blood groups. The meth- 
od of inheritance has been determined 
and certain immunological aspects are 
being investigated now. In this connec- 
tion he has described a method of draw- 
ing large quantities of blood from the 
heart of the anaesthetized rat without 
permanent injury to the animal. Grad- 
uate students working under Dr. Bur- 
hoe are investigating embryonic de- 
velopment of the mammalian heart and 
transplantation of the embryonic mam- 
malian tissue onto the developing chick 
embryo, with the hope of finding 
whether mammalian tissue will grow in 
the hen's egg. In order to carry on this 
work, the department maintains an 
animal colony of approximately 600 
rats and mice. 

In Histology 

Mr. Henry J. Werner, who came to 
us at the beginning of the present year 
to take over the work in histology, is 
engaged in research on the anatomy 
and histology of Littorina irrorata 
(Say), the small snail which is so com- 
monly seen along the beaches and 
waterfront. This aspect of his work 
has been completed, and he expects to 
extend his studies further into the 
ecology of this interesting animal. 

Dr. Norman E. Phillips is engaged in 
research which centers principally a- 
round aviation physiology. A grant 
was made to the Department of Zoology 
by the Navy Department for carrying 
out work on the respiration of small 
animals at high altitude. This work 
has been going on for about a year, 
with the result that certain advances 
have buen made in our knowledge of 

tolerance to low oxygen pressure. It 
appears from this work that many of 
the physiological disadvantages to 
which humans find themselves when 
subjected to high altitude are due to 
an unexpected increase of loss of heat 
from the body. Ways are being found 
to overcome this situation, and we have 
found it possible to increase the "ceil- 
ing" of small animals. By further 
work we hope to make it possible for 
humans to reach higher altitudes than 
have formerly been attained. In this 
research the department has had the 
cooperation of various other depart- 
ments on the campus and other labora- 
tories in the vicinity of Washington. 
Although the research originally was 
planned for experimentation with small 
animals, human subjects will be used 
in the near future. 

Glenn L. Martin 

This research is obviously of impor- 
tance in military and commercial avia- 
tion. With the establishment of the 
new Glenn L. Martin School of Aero- 
nautical Engineering, it is expected 
that this work in physiology will be 
closely correlated with that of the engi- 
neering school. It is well known that 
man can make planes with speed and 
attainable altitude which far exceed the 
limits of human physiological endur- 
ance. If man is to continue to pilot and 
ride in planes, more must be known 
about his reactions. Seven people are 
employed for part-time on this Navy 

Another cooperative project with the 
Fish and Wild Life Service is the de- 
termination of the emptying time of 



Measuring the metabolism of a mouse. The animal, 
contained in a flask, is at a pressure which repre- 
sents an altitude of about 18,000 feet. 

An experiment in human respiration. Heat 
loss due to evaporation of water in the lungs 
and warming of the breath is being meas- 
ured. The subject is a graduate student. 

the stomach and small intestines. This 
is important since from the nutritional 
standpoint it is being found that differ- 
ent foods affect the rate of digestion. 
The method used in this study involves 
the use of radio-active substances and 
the well-known Geiger Counter. 


The best thing to give to your enemy 
is forgiveness; to an opponent toler- 
ance, to a friend, your heart; to your 
child, a good example; to a father, 
deference; to your mother, conduct 
that will make her proud of you; to 
yourself, respect; to all men, charity. 
— Balfour. 


To at least one University of Mary- 
land student, his engineering diploma 
will probably serve him best as a deco- 
ration for his taxicab, temporarily at 

The reason is that the small fleet of 
taxis Hewitt G. Robinson operates out 
of College Park is making him more 
money right off the bat than he can 
hope to make for several years as a 
graduate engineer. 

Besides, he likes it better. 

"This way," he points out, "if I want 
to say to somebody 'you stink,' why I 
just say it and that's that. No mad 
boss, no lost job and practically no 
back talk." 

It was, in fact, just this feeling about 
bosses and back talk that led Robinson 
to start his taxi project three months 

A senior in the University's College 
of Chemical Engineering, he had been 
picking up a little money on the side 
as a driver for a regular taxi service. 

"The boss told me, 'Son, you'll never 
make a taxi driver, never.' " Robinson 
recalls, "so I just thought I'd show 

Now, he is running two vehicles on 
a 24-hour schedule, employs three other 
students as drivers and covers all points 
between College Park, Washington, An- 
napolis and Baltimore. He is also set- 
ting up a branch office in Ocean City. 

Among the 7,000 students, he does a 
rushing business in general passenger 
runs and has added features of shop- 
ping and delivery services especially 
tailored to the needs of College Park 

A feature of his vehicles is the com- 
bination cooling system-soft-drink dis- 
penser which Robinson worked out him- 

The contrivance is nothing but a 59- 
cent bucket filled with ice and bracketed 
beneath the front ventilator. In addi- 
tion to keeping passengers comfortable 
in the flow of iced air, the bucket is 
kept filled with bottled soft drinks for 
the pampered riders. 

Robinson, who expects to have five 
cabs operating by fall, foresees a busy 
time ahead. It's so busy already that 
he is just squeaking by in his studies. 

When he showed up in one class, 
which he had been neglecting with great 
regularity since March, his professor 
glanced up in surprise and said: 

"Good heavens, Robinson, what's the 
matter? Is business bad today?" 


This little thought on Friendship is 
contributed by Dr. Tehyi Hsie, well- 
known Chinese lecturer of Boston: 
"I've a garden where the flowers never 
And year *. y year the blossoms bright- 
er glow; 
Each flower is some friend that I have 

The best are where the everlastings 


Importation of Bahaman and Jamai- 
can labor to Maryland ceased after 
July 1, 1947, according to Paul E. Nys- 
trom, Deputy Director of the Extension 
Service, in charge of Farm Labor, who 
reports that word was received from 
the Department of Agriculture that all 
importations of West Indies labor were 
stopped due to lack of funds. 

Meanwhile, Bahaman or Jamaican 
labor now in Maryland may remain 
throughout the season with those em- 
ployers who have contracted for them, 
says Mr. Nystrom. But no additional 
numbers will be imported. 

A request has been made to have 
some Mexican labor shifted from the 
West to meet some emergency needs. It 
is not certain yet whether these Mexi- 
cans will become available and in what 
numbers. But they can only be utilized 
in fairly large groups where they can 
be housed and fed in central camps. 
They will not be available in small 
numbers for private housing. 


Construction of an apiary at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland to be used in re- 
search work, demonstrations and ex- 
tension work in bee-keeping, was an- 
nounced by T. B. Symons, dean of the 
university's college of agriculture and 
director of extension. 


Dean S. S. Steinberg of the University of 
Maryland. College of Engineering, who has beer 
elected for a two-year term as President of the 
Engineering College Administrative Council, 
composed of the deans of all the engineering 
colleges in the United States. He was also 
elected Vice President of the American Society 
for Engineering Education. The meeting of en- 
gineering educators wan held at the University 
of Minnesota in Minneapolis. 

Dean Steinberg has been a member of the 
Executive Committee of the Council group ; has 
served as President of the National Capital Sec- 
tion of the Society; and has represented the en- 
gineering colleges in Washington on legislation 
and on distribution of surplus war property to 
educational institutions. 



Local ion Is Aid To 
The Department 

THE Department of Psychology at 
the University of Maryland centers 
its offering's in the applied phases of 
the field. The Department has been 
successful in attracting- outside sources 
of research funds and in bringing in 
graduate students from other universi- 
ties. At the present time, something 
over $35,000 in outside funds and ma- 
terials has been made available for re- 
searches on practical problems of a 
'human engineering' type. The gradu- 
ate group consists of 25 candidates for 
advanced degrees, representing under- 
graduate degrees from more than a 
dozen universities. More than half of 
these graduate students are candidates 
for the Ph.D. 

Staff: The Senior staff of the De- 
partment comprises seven men of the 
rank of Assistant Professor or above. 
Each of these men obtained his doc- 
torate at a different institution. Five 
members of the staff saw wartime ser- 
vice as commissioned officers in the 
Navy's specialist officer program. The 
average length of service was four 
years. Three of these men are current- 
ly retained by the Navy as consultants 
under civilian contract status. The de- 
partment as a whole is active in re- 
search as well as instruction. 

Outrun Quota 

Graduate Students: Applications for 
graduate work in psychology at the 
University of Maryland far outrun the 
quota that the Department is willing to 
accept. This year, for example, not 
more than one in five applicants will be 
accepted, and the proportion may run 
as high as one-in-ten. Selection is 
made on the basis of excellence of 
undergraduate record and recommenda- 
tion by men of known competence. The 
number accepted must be kept small if 
the Department is to maintain its poli- 
cy of individualized graduate instruc- 

The twenty-five students now making 
up the graduate group have been drawn 
chiefly from other universities. This is 
in keeping with a policy that Maryland 
undergraduates should be encouraged to 
turn elsewhere for graduate study, to 
avoid any professional 'inbreeding.' The 
staff makes an integrated effort to 
place its undergraduate majors who 


Front Row: Walker, Jenkins, Smith; Second row: Schaefer, Hackman ; Missing from photo: 
Sanford, Sprowls. 

wish to obtain graduate degrees. 

Included in the graduate group are 
four Army officers (one Major and three 
Colonels) who were sent here for a 
year's graduate instruction in the field 
of personnel. Their presence here con- 
stitutes a recognition of the standing 
of the Department in this field, for the 
total number of officers involved in the 
program is small and the choice of 
universities carefully supervised. One 
of these officers has already received 
his orders to continue on for a second 
year of graduate study, in order to re- 
ceive his Master's degree. All four have 
proved to be serious students who have 
made sound places for themselves in a 
very active, capable graduate group. 

Clinical Psychologists 

At this time, most of the Ph.D. can- 
didates are headed toward industrial 
psychology or toward careers in voca- 
tional orientation. In the Fall of 1947- 
48, a new Associate Professor will be 
added to the staff for work in the field 
of Clinical Psychology. There is a very 
great demand for Clinical Psychologists, 
due to the increased activities of men- 
tal health clinics, both in the Veterans' 
Administration Hospitals in the U. S. 
Public Health Service, and in civilian 

Research: The Army Air Forces has 
awarded a contract to the Department 
for a long-term research program deal- 
ing with warning devices for aircraft. 
As aircraft speeds increase, it becomes 
increasingly impossible for pilots to 
read huge banks of dials, meters, and 
gauges. As many as possible must be 
replaced by automatic warning devices 


which will tell the pilot that he is safe 
to land, that something is wrong with 
his engine, or that he must quickly 
change his flight-altitude. The contract 
awarded to Maryland calls for basic re- 
search on these problems, with immedi- 
ate checks in the Link Trainer. In ad- 
dition to about $15,000 in funds, the 
AAF has provided an air-conditioned 
quonset hut to house the project and 
has equipped this with a new-type Link 
Trainer, Harvard noise-generator, pre- 
cision timing devices and with other 
research gear. 

From Ohio State 

Investigations got under way this 
spring, with Dr. R. Y. Walker in charge. 
Dr. Walker joined the staff this Spring, 
after more than 6 years of full-time 
research in Aviation Psychology at 
Ohio State University and in National 
Research Council laboratories. 

The Navy has recently signed a con- 
tract with the University for research 
on the development and use of research 
materials on leadership. The plans call 
for members of the staff to assemble 
existing psychological materials which 
are based on controlled investigations 
of leadership in practical situations. 
These will then be tested out at the 
Naval Academy and in NROTC units 
at colleges and universities to determine 
the most effective method of presenting 
them to officers-in-training. Dr. F. H. 
Sanford will direct this project, which 
grows directly out of researches carried 
on in the field during the war by mem- 
bers of the Maryland staff. 

Various other research projects are 
under way. One candidate for the Ph.D. 

is completing a thesis on radio audience 
measurement which has already attrac- 
ted the attention of commercial broad- 
casting companies. Another is working 
on the problem of the 'readability' of 
letters-to-employees, institutional ad- 
vertisements, and manuals of instruc- 
tion. A third graduate student has 
worked for the last five months in a 
Baltimore industrial plant, attempting 
to develop new methods of making con- 
tinuing surveys of employee morale. 
A fourth will assist Dr. Sanford in the 
leadership survey. Dr. Jenkins, the 
chairman of the Department, recently 
reported to the Market Research Coun- 
cil in New York on some long-term re- 
searches on 'idea-projecting advertise- 
ments' which he has been carrying on 
for the Psychological Corporation. 

1,000 Veterans 

University Advisement Bureau: Un- 
der the direction of Dr. D. D. Smith, 
who was in charge of the Classification 
of cadets at Pensacola Naval Air sta- 
tion during the war, the University 
maintains an Advisement Bureau of 
sizeable proportions. Under a contract 
with the Veterans Administration ap- 
proximately one thousand veterans are 
counselled by this Bureau during the 
course of a year. In addition, each stu- 
dent is entitled to use the facilities of 
the Bureau for information regarding 
jobs and areas of work for which his 
abilities and interests best fit him. The 
Bureau is equipped with a well-trained 
technical staff and maintains a large 
stock of standardized tests on which to 
base its advisement. 

Visiting Psychologists: The Depart- 
ment makes the most of its favorable 
geographical location to invite psy- 
chologists who visit Washington to come 

cut and address graduate and under- 
graduate students. It would be difficult 
to overestimate the value of these out- 
side contacts. During the past year, the 
Department has averaged more than 
one visiting psychologist per week. In- 
cluded in the list are Professor F. C. 
Bartlett (Cambridge, England), Kurt 
Lewin (M.I.T.), M. S. Viteles (Pennsyl- 
vania), Joseph Tiffin (Purdue), E. L. 
Kelly (Michigan), G. A. Kelly (Ohio 
State), and Dael Wolfle (National Sec- 
retary American Psychological Ass'n). 
Undergraduate Instruction: The em- 
phasis at the undergraduate level is 
also on the applied phases of psycholo- 
gy. The staff has recently devoted a 
seminar to a review of undergraduate 
programs at other universities and has 
revised our own undergraduate offer- 
ings accordingly. This has resulted in 
a carefully integrated program of 
courses which will allow the student to 
see where he is going next and why. 




THE number of students selecting 
the science of Bacteriology as a 
profession has increased significantly 
during the past few years. This may 
be accounted for in part by such fac- 
tors as the development of new micro- 
biological industrial processes such as 
penicillin and streptomycin production, 
the general trend toward establishment 
of bacteriological research departments 
in various industrial organizations and 
the extension of control and research 
work in Federal, State, and other lab- 


Left to right: Dr. Pclczar, Dr. Faber, Mr. Doetsch, Dr. Laffer. 

At present the number of undergradu- 
ates majoring in Bacteriology exceeds 
one hundred and the graduate student 
group is double that of prewar days. 
The same trend is evident with selec- 
tion of Bacteriology as a minor science. 

In September of 1946, the direction of 
the department was assumed by Dr. 
John E. Faber who was appointed act- 
ing head. Other members of the staff 
include Dr. Michael J. Pelczar, Dr. 
Norman C. Laffer and Mr. Raymond 
N. Doetsch. 

Dr. John E. Faber, well known to all 
Maryland alumni, returned to the Uni- 
versity in 1945 after more than three 
years duty as a Major in the Sanitary 
Corps. His tour of duty at the Army 
Medical School provided unusual ex- 
periences in serology and pathogenic 
bacteriology, his fields of specialization. 

Dr. Michael J. Pelczar, a graduate of 
Maryland, received his Ph.D. at the 
State University of Iowa after which he 
returned to the staff of this department. 
His principal interests are in the field 
of bacteriology, physiology and metabol- 

Dr. Norman C. Laffer received his 
Ph.D. degree from the University of 
Illinois in 1937. He formerly taught 
bacteriology at the Universities of 
Maine and Arizona and prior to the 
war was associated with the Lederle 
Laboratories. His fields of specializa- 
tion are food and sanitary bacteriology. 

Mr. Raymond N. Doetsch is a gradu- 
ate of the University of Illinois and 
the University of Indiana, and prior to 
coming to the department, he was with 
the National Dairy Research Labora- 
tories, Incorporated. Mr. Doetsch is 
primarily interested in dairy bacteri- 
ology and is engaged in research in 
this field. He is nearing completion of 
requirements for the Ph.D. degree. 

The current research program of the 
department extends over several funda- 
mental and applied phases of bacteri- 
ology. Investigations are in progress 
dealing with a new class of disinfec- 
tants designated as quaternary ammon- 
ium compounds. Methods for evaluat- 
ing their efficiency by laboratory pro- 
cedures and their practical usefulness 
in the dairy industry are being studied. 
Several phases of milk bacteriology 
with reference to specialized groups of 
bacteria are being investigated. Re- 
cently grants in aid were received from 
the United States Public Health Ser- 
vice to study problems in water bac- 
teriology, bacterial classification and 

A cooperative research program is 
maintained between the Bacteriology 
Department and the Fish and Wildlife 
Service of the Department of Interior. 
Here the many aspects of sanitary bac- 
teriology as related to the sea food in- 
dustry are constantly under investiga- 



Leon Gonshery Reading the Results 

of Bacteriological Analyses of 


Frances Stouffer Evaluating the 

Bacteriological Potency of 


Nancy Kincaid Inoculating a Rab- 
bit with Bacterial Antigen. 

Jacqueline Hajek Recording Results 
on the Comparison of New Media 
for Enumerating Bacteria in Milk. 


THE experimental work on an X-ray 
and electron diffraction study of 
silvered mirrors has been completed, 
and the preparation of a paper for 
publication is now in progress in the 
Physics Department, College of Arts 
and Sciences, University of Maryland. 
The purpose of the study was to deter- 
mine the cause and the nature of spoil- 
age of silvered mirrors. The work, car- 
ried out under the direction of Dr. Mor- 
gan, was sponsored by the Hobbs Glass 
Limited and the Pittsburgh Plate Glass 
Company. A study of the optical pro- 
perties of the mirrors is being made 
by Mr. Martino as a thesis for the 
Master's degree. 

A research project has been started 
in biophysics. It constitutes a study 
of the physiological effect of high al- 
titudes. At present, observations are 
being made upon the temperature and 
pulse changes under conditions created 
to simulate the rate of change to dif- 
ferent altitudes. This work is being 
done by Boyd Cary under the direction 
of Dr. Morgan in collaboration with 

Dr. Phillips of the Zoology Depart- 
ment. The project is supported by a 
Navy contract. 

In June, Sidney Liebson will receive 
his Ph.D. in Physics. His thesis on the 
quenching mechanism in Geiger coun- 
ters was carried out at the Naval Re- 
search Laboratory under the direction 
of Dr. Myers. He presented two papers 
on his research at the May meeting of 
the American Physical Society in 

Dr. Cooper is directing a program of 
research in cosmic rays, which includes 
an extensive study of the directional 
intensity, carried on by Lawrence Fagg, 
and a study of meson decay in ma- 
terials of low atomic number by 
Charles Kissinger. 

Dr. Richard W. Iskraut is doing re- 
search work in the field of theories of 
fundamental particles of nuclear and 
cosmic ray phenomena. He presented a 
paper entitled "On the Restricted Five 
Dimensional Treatment of Wave Theo- 
ries" at the Washington Meeting of the 
American Physical Society on May 1-3, 

Irene Cooney and William Gautier 
are constructing apparatus consisting 
of an ice calorimeter and a specially 
designed high temperature furnace for 
the determination of specific heats and 
related thermodynamics properties of 
materials at elevated temperatures. 
This work is under the direction of Dr. 
Ferdinand G. Brickwedde, part-time 
professor of physics. 


Philip S. Pepe, originator and instruc- 
tor of the "One-Day Typing Course" 
offered by the Evening and Extension 
Division of the City College School of 
Business of New York, had so many 
requests to give demonstrations of the 
course at various colleges and univer- 
sities, that he arranged a one-month 
tour of speaking engagements. He lec- 
tured at the University of Maryland at 
the request of Professor Arthur S. Pa- 
trick, College of Business and Public 


Back Row (left to right): Richard W. Iskraut, Earl H. Kennard, Howard Wright, Ferdinand G. Brickwedde; Front Row (left to right): Densil 
C. Cooper, Howard McMillen; Raymond Morgan, Montgomery H. Johnson, Ralph D. Myers. 


, ^r ■ I ■ 3 

* o 


Two students in public speaking making recordings of their voices. Each student has an opportunity to hear himself and thereby criticize his own 

vocal mannerisms. Department of Speech, College of Arts and Sciences 


The Second Annual School for Mary- 
land Assessing Officers will be held on 
ihe campus of the University of Mary- 
land from August 4 to 7, 1947. This 
school, as was the case with the school 
held last year, is arranged under the 
joint sponsorship of the Maryland As- 
sociation of Assessing Officers, the Na- 
tional Association of Assessing Officers, 
the Maryland State Tax Commission, 
the State Department of Education, and 
the University of Maryland. The first 
school was devoted to instruction in 

general principles of property tax as- 
sessment. This year's school will spe- 
cialize in advanced land appraisal. In- 
struction in class will be combined with 
field work done under supervision. Per- 
sons eligible to enroll in the course 
are state and local governmental of- 
ficials in Maryland who hold certificates 
in last year's preliminary course. Cer- 
tificates in advanced land appraisal 
will be awarded to those completing 
the course satisfactorily. 

Director of the school will be Aldro 
Jenks, City Assessor of Waterbury, 

Connecticut. Other members of the 
staff will be George B. Horan, Assessor 
of the Town of Portland, Connecticut; 
Glen L. Brown, Director of the Balti- 
more Education Center of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland; and Joseph M. Ray, 
Head of the Department of Government 
and Politics of the University of Mary- 
land. Richard T. Boyle, of Cecil Coun- 
ty, who is Chairman of the In-Service 
Training Committee of the Maryland 
Association of Assessing Officers, has 
participated actively in planning the 

X-ray diffraction apparatus for the study 
crystal structure in Physics Department. 


of The Physics Department mechanic, Karl Nydeg- 
ger, constructs apparatus for research. In mod- 
ern physics much of the apparatus, like the ob- 
servation, is entirely new and can be had only 
by building it. 


Electron Diffraction apparatus used by the Phy- 
sics Department for the study of thin metallic 
film and surface layers on metals. 


Center: Professor B. Harlan Randall, Director. 


OUT of the confusion and babble of 
the voices of a hundred boys who 
tried out for Glee Club as the Uni- 
versity of Maryland opened last Fall, 
sixty made good and formed the Men's 
Glee Club for the 13th Season under the 
direction of Professor Harlan Randall, 
Head of the Music Department. The 
year for these boys was an interesting 
and successful one with appearances on 
campus, nearby areas and trips to 
points throughout the State, climaxing 
with a train trip to White Plains, New 
York, in May. Here the Glee Club sang 
as a group and joined with some 
eighteen hundred men for a Massed 
Concert of the Associated Male Chorus- 
es of America, Atlantic Conference. 

No less thrilling was the season for 
the Women's Chorus of sixty voices. 
They appeared on campus in a Concert 
with Thomas L. Thomas, famous bari- 
tone, had several trips around the State 
and finished their engagements with a 
trip to Annapolis, Maryland, where they 
were acclaimed by the Midshipmen. 

One of the high points of the year on 
campus was the varsity production of 
the Clef and Key — outgrowth of the 
Opera Club which has functioned steadi- 
ly for twenty years. The fun and frolic, 
as well as the work and planning for 
these varsity shows creates an unusual 
interest among the students. They are 
100% written, staged and produced by 
the students, with supervision by a 
member of the Music Department fac- 
ulty, and are widely applauded. 

Music courses in Harmony, Apprecia- 
tion, History of Music, and Survey of 
Opera give impetus and inspiration to 
the writers of these original musical 


Left to right: Band Leader Frank Sykora; 
Joseph M. Power. Assistant in Music. 

comedies and supply the answers to 
difficult musical problems. The teaching 
and guidance of these students is in the 
hands of Prof. Randall. 

During the year, starting actively in 
the Fall with football, the Music De- 
partment trains the Band that supports 
the Athletic program and keeps the 
R.O.T.C. boys in step with their lively 
marches, and works the emotions to a 
veritable frenzy during a close match 
playing the many popular school songs, 
most of them written by students or 
alumni of our own University of Mary- 
land. The Band has made several trips 
with the football team, an item which 
keeps the members grossly interested. 

At many functions during the two 
winter semesters the University of 
Maryland Orchestra is in great de- 
mand. The twenty-five to thirty mem- 
bers are rehearsed by a member of the 
Music Department faculty and for the 

Professor B. Harlan Randall, Director of Music: 

past four or five years have been ably 
assisted by Joseph M. Power, Violinist, 
part time Assistant Instructor. For the 
past twelve years it has been the final 
duty of the Orchestra to play for the 
graduation exercises of the University 
before some five thousand people. 

All members of the above organiza- 
tions find their schedules full to the 
brim with exciting engagements at in- 
numerable campus functions, for what 
Assembly is successful without some 
form of music? What would May Day 
be without the Band, the Orchestra, 
the Women's Chorus? In fact, how 
could organizations, large or small, 
have interesting programs without the 
aid of those talented in music? To the 
hundreds of students of the Music De- 
partment who gave of their time and 
musical talent come the plaudits of 
literally thousands of people who have 
enjoyed their varied programs. 



ssor; Dr. Fred W. Wellborn, Prof* 

A^i^'p^rJIf'n , w h V : M-J?° na i d o G , ordon - 6 SSis ^ a "i Pr ° fess »'-: Dr- Beverly McAnear, Assistant Professor; Dr. Wilhelmina F. Jashemski, 
Assistant Professor; Dr. Wesley M. Gewehr, Professor; Mr. Herbert Crosman, Assistant Professor. 

S. M B erriil R ALo < c^V pr r ofe h ss > o : r Dr ' Verne Chatelain - Pr ° fes sor; Dr. Fred W. Wellborn. Professor; Dr. Richard Bauer, Associate Professor; Dr. Horace 


MEMBERS of the staff of the 
History Department are con- 
stantly participating in programs which 
carry the influence of the department 
far beyond the confines of the campus. 
Of special significance among these ac- 
tivities are participation in forums, ad- 
dresses to many groups in the state and 
in the Washington area such as service 
clubs, federation of women's clubs, 
P. T. A. organizations, and other edu- 
cational and church groups. In January 
and February, Professor Gewehr served 
on five successive Sunday afternoons as 
moderator of the Enoch Pratt Free 
Library's Institute on Atomic Energy. 
These sessions were attended by an 
average of from 1500 to 2000 persons. 

Two members of the instructional 
staff, Professor Gewehr and Associate 
Professor Bauer, served in the Army 
universities in England and France. 
Professor Bauer also lectured on Ger- 
man history at the United States Zone 
Constabulary School at Santhofen, Ger- 
many, and his lectures were published 
by the United States Army for class 
use after he left. Professor Gewehr 
was the civilian chairman of the history 
departments in the two army universi- 
ties at Shrivenham, England and Biar- 
ritz, France, and was responsible for 
recruiting the civilian teaching staff. 
He also served in the Army Lecture 
Bureau in Germany as a member of a 
discussion panel which appeared before 
audiences embracing thousands of 

Professor Gordon W. Prange is on 
leave of absence in Tokyo to supervise 
the writing of a history of the Pacific 
war based on the Japanese sources. 
During his service in the Navy, Dr. 
Prange pursued post-doctoral studies at 
Columbia University and taught in the 
Navy program at Princeton University. 
He has attained a mastery of the Rus- 

sian and Japanese languages and will 
be in a position to make a unique con- 
tribution to the University upon re- 
sumption of his professorship. His 
rank was that of Lieutenant Comman- 
der when he was discharged from the 
Navy and attached to the Historical 
Section, G2, in Tokyo. 

A most pretentious undertaking in 
the field of scholarly publication is the 
editing and annotating of a five volume 
revolutionary diary of the years 1753- 
1783 by Assistant Professor McAnear. 
The diary is that of a high ranking 
New York Tory, William Smith, Junior, 
who was a Royal Councillor and Chief 
Justice of the colony and later on Chief 
Justice of Quebec. The project is being 
sponsored by the Princeton University 
Press. Associate Professor Merrill has 
completed a study of the Bourbon De- 
mocracy of the Middle West 1865-1896 
which he expects to publish soon. As- 
sistant Professor Gordon has recently 
submitted to Columbia University a 
study of British imperial history en- 
titled The British Annexation of Pa- 
pua. Assistant Professor Jashemski is 
completing a study in Roman history 
The Origin and History of the Pro- 
consular and Propraetorian Imperium 
which will be published by the Univer- 
sity of Chicago Press. Assistant Pro- 
fessor Crosman will soon complete a 
biography of Jose Ives Limantour, fi- 
nancier of the Diaz period. He spent 
the year 1945-46 in Mexico in gathering 
his source material and will return 
there in the summer of 1947 to com- 
plete the project. The study will prob- 
ably be published by the Harvard Uni- 
versity Press. Dr. Fred W. Wellborn, 
formerly of Iowa State Teachers Col- 
lege, is now Professor of History at 
Maryland and is author of The Growth 
of American Nationality which is used 
as one of the textbooks in the History 
of American Civilization. Dr. Verne 

Chatelain joined the staff in September 
1945 as Professor of Social and Eco- 
nomic History. He was previously 
chief historian of the United States 
National Park Service, director of the 
St. Augustine historical program and 
research associate in the Carnegie In- 
stitution, Washington, D. C. 


IN the fall of 1945 the University of 
Maryland instituted a department of 
Art in the College of Arts and Sciences, 
organized and directed by Professor 
Maurice R. Siegler. Classes were 
opened officially the following semester. 

The courses in Art presented first 
were necessarily the basic courses, in 
which the students were taught the fun- 
damental principles of drawing, paint- 
ing and composition. There was also 
an outline lecture course in the history 
of the visual arts, including painting, 
sculpture and architecture, the purpose 
of which was to serve as a background 
to a better understanding of Art in its 
relation to the history of civilization, as 
well as providing a background for 
more detailed study. A class in Art 
Appreciation was included among these 
basic courses, to guide the student to 
a proper approach and better under- 
standing of art and its objectives. 

With the background covered, more 
advanced courses were planned and are 
now being given for those who wish to 
continue and work toward a degree in 
the Fine Arts. The Art Department has 
also welcomed students who are inter- 
ested in these courses from the purely 
cultural standpoint, and those major- 
ing in Education and planning to teach 

The spontaneous and enthusiastic re- 
sponse of the students to the estab- 



Seated: Maurice R. Siegler, Head of Art De- 

Standing: Herman Maril, Instructor Painting 
and Composition, and Evalyn Greenberg, In- 
structor of Art Appreciation. 

Maurice R. Siegler, Head of the Department 
of Art, College of Arts and Sciences, University 
of Maryland, received his training in Art at 
the Art Students League, New York, Pennsyl- 
vania, Florida, Julian Academy in Paris, Foun- 
tainbleau School of Fine Arts, France, also 
Andrew Arch at University of Pennsylvania, 
Columbia University, Georgia Tech., where he 
got his B.S. degree in Architecture. He served 
as instructor in the Arch. Dept. of Clemson A. 
& M. College, S. C, as Asst. Prof, of Archt. 
at Ga. Tech. and Director of Art Dept., Brenau 
College, Gainesville, Ga. 

His paintings may be found in such perma- 
nent art collections and public buildings as: 

Richmond Museum of Arts and Sciences. 

Lobby of Hotel St. Frances, Newark, N. J. 

Military Hospital, Fountainbleau, France. 

Law Library, U. of Ga., Athens, Ga. 

State House, Atlanta, Ga. 

Chamber of Commerce, Atlanta, Ga. 

C. W. Long Hosp., Atlanta, Ga. 

Herman Maril, Instructor of Painting and 
Composition. He was taught at the Cumming- 
ton School in Massachusetts, and at the New 
King-Smith School in Washington, among others. 

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 

Phillips Memorial Gallery, Washington, D. C, 

Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, 

Cone Collection, Baltimore, 

American University, Washington, D. C, 

Howard University Gallery of Art, Washing- 
ton. D. C, 

Encyclopedia Britannica, etc., etc. 

He has executed murals in the Post Office of 
West Scranton, Penna., and Alta Vista, Vir- 

He is a member of the Board of Directors n" 
the Baltimore Museum, and has a prominent 
place among the most important of the youn . 
artists of the United States. 

lishing of a department of Art on the 
campus is clearly evidenced by the in- 
creasing enrollments for the classes. 
The department has found it necessary 
to add to the studio space originally 
alloted to it, with a corresponding in- 
crease in the size of the faculty. In 
September, 1946, the Art Department 
was able to acquire the services of the 
well known artist and teacher, Herman 

Maril. Stephen Schoen, a graduate stu- 
dent and a brilliant young lecturer, who 
was engaged to assist in the art ap- 
preciation course, was replaced by Mrs. 
Evelyn Greenberg in February. 

"Art has become so important to 
Americans that it transcends politics. 
Frick, Morgan, Mellon, Huntington and 
others have secured from Europe's 
treasures great works of art which are 
now available to the public in museums. 
America's store of ancient art is large 
and surprisingly good. In the last fif- 
teen years or thereabouts, the great 
Whitney and Rockefeller fortunes have 
been thrown in the scale for modern 
art. Add to this the vastly important 
assistance of the Federal government 
which has spent more than nineteen 
million dollars during the latter half of 
the 1930s to encourage the native 
painter and to bring original art before 
the masses of Americans. At the same 
time, art interest has greatly increased 
among the people, as shown by the 
growing attendance at museums and 
galleries. Within the last quarter cen- 
tury, while the population has gained 
slightly less than twenty-five percent, 
there has been more than three hun- 
dred percent increase in the number of 
art museums, art schools, art societies 
and professional artists. 

"Modern American painting is a vast 
movement. There are twenty thousand 
active artists in the United States to- 
day. Of these it is safe to say that two 
hundred are doing work of real signifi- 
cance. Hundreds of young recruits are 
coming up every year from the nation's 
art schools and universities. 

"The public schools have awakened to 
the need for art. More and more col- 

leges are installing the position of ar- 
tist-in-residence, which means that a 
prominent artist is engaged to live on 
ihe campus, not to teach formal classes, 
but to inspire the students by bringing 
them into actual contact with art in the 

The University of Maryland has 
■lemonstrated how sensitive it is to this 
rising trend toward art consciousness 
in the developing of our American cul- 
ture by thus responding to these grow- 
ing demands, and by taking part in the 
nationwide move to provide for the 
needs of the creative artist in the pro- 
gram of the academic world. 

It has become increasingly evident 
with the accelerated tempo at which 
American art, as such, is developing, 
that the academic community has a 
responsibility to provide explicitly for 
the education of the creative artist. The 
four or five years of college study are 
the vital and formative years in an ar- 
tist's career. It is with this in mind 
that the University of Maryland is 
making it possible for the potential art- 
ist to avail himself of a curriculum 
which provides the necessary freedom 
for creative work within an academic 
program, leading to the degrees of 
Eachelor of Arts and Master of Arts. 

At the same time the university stu- 
dent who is preparing for other fields 
of endeavor, but who still feels the need 
of the enriching experience of actual 
contact with the practical side of ar- 
tistic creativity, is here given this 

Future plans for the Art Department 
include courses in Book and Magazine 

(Continued on Page S3) 


Elizabeth J. Kurz, Art major, at work on a 
class project. 

John A. Curtis and Rachel A. Lewis, students of 

the Art Department, discussing a composition 

in class. 


'cMAfloAixll £ 


This is Gloria Myers from Baltimore, Md. Gloria is a swimmer, a dancer and an acrobat in Maryland's Gymkana Troupe. Member of Dance 
Club and WRA. She hopes to become a teacher or take up YWCA work. She's a senior in Physical Education. Five feet one, blue eyes, brown 
hair. Formerly of Eastern High in Baltimore and St. Mary's Junior College. 

Harvey L. Miller 

Managing Editor 


David S. Brigham 

General Alumni Secretary 

Anne S. Dougherty 

Circulation Manager 


ALUMNI who haven't yet found 
their final choice of occupation as 
well as newly graduated alumni have 
many chances to make selections from 
the inquiries received by the University 
placement offices, advises Mr. George 
W. Fogg, the University's Director of 

Engineers are still in the greatest 
demand. The opportunities range all 
the way between selling and research. 
One of the more promising opportuni- 
ties in the latter field is offered by the 
Glenn L. Martin Company, Baltimore, 
which is interested in men specializing 
in electronics, liquid rockets, computer 
designs, servo mechanisms and radar. 
Interested alumni should get in touch 
with Mr. Roy G. Andrews, Industrial 
Relations Division, Glenn L. Martin 
Company, Baltimore 3, Maryland. 

Other companies who have inquired 
about engineers are: Carbide and Car- 
bon Chemicals Corporation, South 
Charleston 3, W. Va.; Bethlehem Steel 
Company, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; 
Potomac Electric Power Company, 
Washington, D. C. The Gilling Manu- 
facturing Company, 1207 Chateau St., 
Pittsburgh, 12, Pennsylvania wants a 
girl with engineering training. 

Good salesmen always have oppor- 
tunities. Mr. Clark of the Washington 
District of Flintkote Company, Wood- 
ward Building, Washington, has in- 
quired about personnel age 24 years to 
33 years. They have an especially at- 
tractive situation for young men. 

Various social agencies are looking 
for new personnol. The American Red 
Cross, Eastern Area, 615 North St. 
Asaph St., Alexandria, Virginia, has 
been interested in a man with a Mas- 
ter's degree in Education to adapt pro- 
gram material to school systems. In- 
quiries should be addressed to Mr. 
George E. Hand at the Alexandria 
address. Boy Scouts of America, 2 
Park Avenue, New York is interested 
in locating young men with Scouting 
experience for professional careers with 
that organization. Their contact man 
is Mr. H. F. Pote. 

Expectant young business executives 
have quite a field to choose from. 
Among the choices is the W. T. Grant 

Company, 1441 Broadway, New York 
18, N. Y. which is looking for young 
men with an interest in the retail field. 
Write to Mr. C. E. Whitman. 

Montgomery Ward & Company, has 
a regular recruiting program for men 
trained in business departments. Mr. 
F. G. Schmitt, House Personnel Mana- 
ger, c/o Montgomery Ward & Com- 
pany, Baltimore, Maryland has been 
interviewing prospects. 

Young men who are personable and 
good speakers and who have degrees 
in science are of interest to Mr. Ken- 
dall G. Getmas of the John Wiley & 
Sons, Inc., publishers of scientific books, 
440 Fourth Ave., New York, 16, N. Y- 
They will be asked to negotiate with 
authors of books about to be published. 
Also with this same company is an op- 
portunity for a young man with English 
training to become connected with 
their advertising department. 

For the young ladies we have a choice 
opportunity as a dietitian with St. An- 
drew's School, Middletowu, Deleware. 

Regardless of the wide publicity 
about governmental cutbacks on ac- 
count of the economy budget, many 
government departments are in the 
market for specialized personnel. Civil 
Service announcements have been is- 
sued for the following recently: 

Mathematicians ($3397 to $5905), 
for service in Washington; 

Metallurgists ($3397 to $5905), for 
service in or near Washington, D. C; 

Radio Engineer ($2,644 to $3397), 
for service throughout the United 

The U. S. Naval Ordnance Testing 
Station, Inyokern, California has nu- 
merous positions for physicists, chem- 
ists, mathematicians, engineers, techni- 
cians and scientific aids. The location 
is 160 miles north of Los Angeles and 
the station is larg-ely self-contained 
with its own public services and enter- 
tainment. Inquiries should be addressed 
to Director of Personnel, Naval Ord- 
nance Testing Station, Inyokern, Cali- 

A little nearer home, there was re- 
cently issued a call for a Fire Marshall, 
CAF 12, at $5905.20 per annum. The 
inquiries should be addressed to the 

U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Fifth 
Naval District, Naval Station, Norfolk 
11, Virginia. 

Some of these civil service opportuni- 
ties may have been closed before this 
sees print, but similar opportunities 
are regularly coming up and interested 
alumni would gain by keeping in con- 
tact with their Civil Service Regional 

Accountants can command attention 
from the Shell Company, 909 East 22nd 
St., Baltimore (18), which is offering a 
good chance to men under 30. Lee R. 
Staples, Certified Public Accountant, 
Standard Oil Building has also invited 
the University to call the attention of 
its graduates to the possibility of en- 
tering his staff as junior accountants. 

Several teaching opportunities in 
fields ranging from English to secre- 
tarial science are on file with the Uni- 

Young men who are qualified and in- 
terested in becoming farm managers 
will have several offers to choose from 
by contacting Mr. Arthur Hamilton in 
the College of Agriculture. 

Although the margin between the 
number of offers and the number of 
candidates is rapidly growing smaller, 
the University is in frequent receipt of 
inquiries for qualified alumni in a 
number of fields and is anxious to 
learn about interested candidates. 


There are many tangible evidences 
that we are advancing in civilizaton. 
For instance: 

We are making better padlocks than 
ever before — and using them on a 
larger number of our belongings, in- 
cluding the tires on our automobiles. 

We have greatly improved our peni- 
tentiaries and are boarding more peo- 
ple in them at government expense. 

Our war machine is the wonder of 
the world and our means for driving 
terror to the hearts of people would 
make old Nero a piker. 

Our cigarette bill is making tremen- 
dous strides forward and anything in 
the form of alcoholic drinks has official 

Ain't civilization wonderful! 






ROBERT H. ARCHER, Jr., Belair, 
Maryland '35, AB, LLB, was elect- 
ed Judge Advocate of the 29th Division 
Association at the Division's convention 
in Baltimore. 

Mr. Archer was inducted with the 
29th Division for World War II on 
February 3, 1941. Successively pro- 
moted to Captain and Major, he served 
in England, France, Belgium, Holland 
and Germany. 

He was promoted to Lieutenant Colo- 
nel in 1943. Colonel Archer wears the 
Bronze Star Medal, European, African, 
Middle Eastern Campaign medals with 
four battle stars and the usual service 

Members of the 29th Division Asso- 
ciation called on the Secretary of the 
Treasury to tax all gifts made to Com- 
munist "front" organizations. 

In a resolution passed at the group's 
annual reunion the veterans contended 
that wealthy persons now contribute to 
left-wing organizations on a tax-free 
basis, thus depriving the Government 
of income taxes. 

C. Arthur Eby, Baltimore attorney, 
was elected president of the association. 
Dr. William Triplett, who commanded 
the division's 104th Medical Regiment 
in World War I, was named vice com- 

Brig. Gen. D. John Markey of Fred- 
erick recommended that the 29th Divi- 
sion Association urge the State to erect 
in Baltimore a monument commemorat- 
ing the part played by the 29th in 
World Wars I and II. 

The division landed on Omaha Beach 
in the Normandy invasion. 


Mr. Charles W. Sylvester, Maryland 
(Agricultural College), '08. has been 
promoted from the position of Director 
of Vocational Education in Baltimore 
to that of Assistant Superintendent for 
Vocational Education. He will continue 
his activities in the interest of vocation- 
al education as a member of the Board 
of Superintendents. Coincident with 
this well-deserved promotion, Mr. Syl- 
vester rounded out his 25th year of 
service as Director of Vocational Ed- 
ucation in Baltimore. 

Thirty-nine years ago, Mr. Sylvester 
entered the teaching profession as in- 
structor of manual training in Nor- 

folk, Virginia. For fourteen years he 
served successively as instructor, super- 
visor, and director at Indianapolis, 
Indiana; Springfield, Illinois; and Ham- 
mond, Indiana. Prior to assuming his 
position in Baltimore, he was District 
Vocational Officer for the Federal Gov- 
ernment, in directing the rehabilitation 
of disabled soldiers of World War I in 
Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. 

Under Mr. Sylvester's administration 
as director, the program of vocational 
education in Baltimore was developed 
upon a sound philosophy aimed at 
meeting the needs of boys and girls at 
many levels of ability. Over the years 
there was evolved the present Multi- 
Level Plan of Vocational Education, 
which has been in successful operation 
since 1935. This plan is unique in 
America today. Many educators point 
to it as a pattern for vocational educa- 


Hooper S. Miles. State treasurer, was elected 
to membership on the Board of Trustees of the 
Johns Hopkins Hospital and also to the position 
of treasurer of the hospital. 

A native of Cambridge. Mr. Miles was edu- 
cated in the public schools in Baltimore and al 
the University of Maryland. 

President of the Baltimore Association of Com- 
merce, Mr. Miles also is chairman of the execu- 
tive committee of the Baltimore National Bank, 
a director and member of the executive com- 
mittee of the United States Fidelity and Guar- 
anty Company and of the County Trust Company 
of Maryland and a director of the Eutaw Sav- 
ings Bank and of the Continental American Life 
Insurance Company. 



Miss Ruth C. Hastings, 117 Talbot 
Ave., Cambridge, Md., a 1946 graduate 
of the College of Home Economics, has 
been awarded the degree of Master of 
Arts by Teachers College, Columbia 
University. This degree was conferred 
at the 193rd annual commencement 
exercises of Columbia University. 


A graduate of the University of 
Maryland with a most interesting life 
is the former Idella S. Horsey, who re- 
ceived her Master of Arts degree in 

After leaving the University of 
Maryland, Miss Horsey married Count 
Otto Heberstein, and after his death, 
Baron Seutter von Loetzen. She lived 
in Austria from 1936 until July, 1946 
when she returned to this country with 
her two children, Count Otto Heber- 
stein, age ten, and Baron Toni Seutter 
von Loetzen, age four. 

Her husband followed her in Febru- 
ary, 1947. He is now at the Austrian 
Legation in Washington, D. C. Baroness 
von Loetzen is living at her former 
home at Crisfield, Maryland. She spent 
the war years in Austria, part of the 
time under Russian occupation. The 
family home is in Austria near the 
Hungarian border. Her plans for the 
future are indefinite. 


Lansing G. Simmons, who was grad- 
uated from our Department of Civil 
Engineering in 1923, was recently ap- 
pointed Chief Mathematician of the 
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in 

Mr. Simmons' previous experience: 
Geodetic Engineer, U. S. Geological 
Survey 1928 to 1929; Geodetic Engi- 
neer, Aerotopograph Corporation, 
Junior Hydrographic & Geodetic Engi- 
neer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur- 
vey, 1923 to 1928. Field work of all 
geodetic types. 
Geodetic Engineer to Principal Geodetic 
Engineer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic 
Survey, 1931 to 1947. (In charge of 
reconnaissance, triangulation, and 
Computing Office. Also on special war 
time field projects.) 
Chief Mathematician, U. S. Coast and 
Geodetic Survey, 1947. 

In charge of computations and arrang- 
ing of geodetic data for publication, 
Geodetic Survey of Georgia, 1937- 

Mr. Simmons developed several meth- 
ods now used in geodetic computations. 
He is a member of American Society 
Civil Engineers, American Congress on 
Surveying & Mapping, American Soci- 
ety of Photogrammetry, American Geo- 
physical Union, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Nu, 
Phi Kappa Phi. 


The following named University of 
Maryland graduates are employed by 
the Westinghouse Electric Company as 
shown : — 

Barrett, Jack R. 1942, B.S.-M.E., 
Service Engineer, Engineering & Ser- 
vice Department; Beckham, Robert W. 
1937, B.S.-E.E., Correspondent, General 
Contract; Butts, John A. 1922, B.S.- 
E.E., Manager, Standard Control Div., 
Transportation & Generator Div.; Car- 
ter, John M. 1941, B.S.-E.E., Design 
Engineer, Industrial Electronics De- 
partment; Godwin, Gurney L. 1942, 
B.S.-E.E., Junior Engineer, Motor Engi- 
neering Department; Harrison, William 
E. 1915, B.S.-E.E., Representative, Mar- 
ket Development Department; Lininger, 
Floyd R. 1930, B.S.-E.E., Application 
Engineer, Sales Department; McLean, 
John A., Jr. 1937, B.S.-M.E. Junior 
Engineer, Electrical Appliance Engi- 
neering Dept.; Nevy, Inez A. 1939, 
B. A. -Sociology, Correspondent - Order 
Service Dept., West. Electric Interna- 
tional Co.; Pusey, Merwyn L. 1922, 
B.S.-E.E., Application Engineer, In- 
dustrial Division; Russell, Stuart B. 
1928, B.S.-Bus.Ad., Order Service Cor- 
respondent, X-Ray Division; Sener, 
Herman H. 1921, B.S.-E.E., Application 
Engineer, Transportation Division; 
Shipman, John R. 1934, B.S.-E.E., Jun- 
ior Patent Attorney, Patent Depart- 
ment; Steiner, Joseph W. 1934, 1938, 
B.S.-E.E., M.S.-M.I.T., Lighting Divi- 
sion Engineer, Government Office; 
Thumm, C. Ashton, Jr. 1942, B.S.- 
Physics, Junior Engineer, Lamp Divi- 
sion; Wallace, Bert E., Jr. 1946, B.S.- 
E.E., Junior Engineer, Industrial Elec- 
tronics Division; Weber, Charles S. 
1927, B.S.-E.E., Manager, Branch Office; 
Wilson, Lawrence L. 1941, B.S.-M.E., 
Asst. Application Engineer, Central 
Sta., Transp., & Marine Division. 

The below listed Maryland students, 
non-graduates, are also employed by 

Beazley, Robert H. 1929-30, General, 
Steam Service Engineer, Engineering 
and Service Department; Di Costanzo, 
Salvatore 1931-33, Pre-medical, Time 
and Motion Analyst, Manufacturing 
and Repair Department; Meehan, Clar- 
ence M. 1922-23, Civil Engineering, 
Publicity Representative, Radio and 

X-Ray Division; Nichols, Helen E. 
1937-41, Political Science, Junior 
Draftsman; Walker, Harold J. 1934-35, 
Pre-dental, Time Study Analyst, Radio 
Division; White, Wilfred F. 1919-20, 
Electric Engineering, Division Man- 
ager, Lighting Division; Willey, Lorian 
W. 1925-28, Law, Schedule Supervisor, 
Purchasing Department. 


Poole and Kent Co., Mechanical Con- 
tractors, 2322 North Charles Street, 
Baltimore, Md. represents not only a 
business partnership but a friendship 
and association of long standing. 

Bob Kent and Bob Poole attended 
Baltimore Poly together. They were 
both in the class of 1934 at Maryland, 
both A.T.O. and roommates. After 
graduation they both worked for five 
years for the same firm. 

Their new firm specializes in air con- 
ditioning, heating, refrigeration, plumb- 
ing, power plants and process piping. 
They plan to concentrate their activi- 
ties on industrial, commercial and in- 
stitutional projects primarily in Balti- 
more but also in other parts of Mary- 


The former Millicent Wright, Home 
Economics, 1944, Alpha Xi Delta, i^ 
now Mrs. Robert Allan Weir. Her hus- 
band is a graduate of the U. S. Naval 
Academy, 1946. 

The Weirs have done a lot of travel- 
ing but may always be reached at their 
permanent mail address, 430 East 57 
Street, New York City. 


If you gaze steadily at the wheels on the con- 
traption Joe Twerp, the terp, is riding- they will 
appear to spin rapidlv. 


But it's no illusion that the Alumni Associ- 
ation, including "MARYLAND," your alumni 
publication, needs your support in order to keep 
wheeling ahead. 

Better read Dave Brigham's "Turtle Talk" 
message on the inside back cover and then fill 
out the coupon on the page opposite Dave's ar- 

Keep the wheels spinning. 


Bob Harleston, General Student 
Chairman for Homecoming November 
1, outlines tentative plans for Home- 
coming as follows: — 
9:30 A. M. — Alumni registration 
10:00 A. M. — Alumni Meetings by 

schools and graduations 
11:00 A. M. — General meeting of entire 

alumni group 
12:30 P. M.— Alumni lunch 
2:00 P. M.— Entrance of 1946 Home- 
coming Sweetheart who will 
reign during the game 
2:15 P. M.— Kick off of West Virginia 
Half Time — Parade with bands, floats, 
and prospective Sweethearts of 
After Game — Fraternity and Sorority 
parties and open house for 
alumni. Also open house for all 
other alumni at Rossborough 
8:00 P. M. — Homecoming Dance 
10:30 P. M. — Crowning of new Mary- 
land Sweetheart with the old 
Sweetheart relinquishing her 
In addition to prizes for floats, there 
will be awards for the best house and 
dormitory decorations. No central 
theme is planned since this might be 
expected to limit decorations. 

For the first time a "Sweetheart of 
Maryland" is to be selected. She will 
leign at functions throughout the year 
and represent the University of Mary- 
land at off campus affairs. The Univer- 
sity Sweetheart will relinquish her 
crown at the 1948 Homecoming game. 
She will be selected by the student 
body with each organized girl's club 
being permitted to offer one candidate. 
An initial election will be held to select 
the five favorites. From these five the 
Sweetheart will be chosen at the sec- 
ond election and the remaining four 
will serve as her court. Announcement 
of a Sweetheart will not be made until 
the Homecoming Ball is in progress. 


(Continued from Page 29) 

Illustration, Sculpture, Graphic Arts, 
Architectural Design (in collaboration 
with the Engineering Departments), 
and Art Education. 

There will be an exhibition room de- 
voted to ciruculating art exhibitions, 
which will include professional work as 
well as student work. Student exhibits 
will come from other universities and 
art schools as well as from our own 
Art Department. The exhibition room 
will also serve as an art library not only 
for books on art, but also for prints and 
slides. A lecture series planned for 
the year will be held in the exhibition 

3 3 


DOWN the orange path went Miss 
Dale Valerie Sherman, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Val C. Sherman of 
Kenwood, Md., who became the bride 
of Brooks W. Setzer, Jr., son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Brooks W. Setzer of Wash- 
ington, D. C. 

The former Miss Sherman received 
a B.A. degree from the University of 
Maryland in 1946 and is a member of 
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. 

The bridegroom attended Wake For- 
est College, Wake Forest, N. C, and 
Fishburne Military Academy. He is a 
member of Kappa Sigma fraternity and 
spent over three and a half years in 
the Navy, serving most of the time in 
the Pacific. On going to inactive duty, 
he was a lieutenant (j.g.). 


Miss Ruby Angeline Patterson be- 
came the bride of Herman Jones 
Bounds, Jr. in Alexandria, Virginia. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Edgar W. Patterson of Liberty 
Way Extension in McKeesport, Pa., 
while the bridegroom is the son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Herman J. Bounds of Wash- 

The bride was a chief yeoman in the 
Waves during the war and is a grad- 
uate of McKeesport High School. Her 
husband attended the College of Engi- 
neering at the University of Maryland 
in 1940 and served with the army in 
the China-Burma-India theater. 

McGrew — Doherty 

Last-minute sailing orders moved up 
the wedding of Miss Barbara Ann Do- 
herty, daughter of Col. John H. Doher- 
ty, U. S. A., of West Point, and the 
late Mrs. Doherty, and Lt. Verne Moore 
McGrew, Jr., of U. S. M. S., son of Mr. 
McGrew of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mrs. 
Hazel D. McGrew of Washington. 

The ceremony was performed in 
Washington by Chaplain George D. 

Lt. McGrew was graduated from 
Central high school, attended the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, was graduated 
from the U. S. Merchant Marine acade- 
my and now is in the marine division 
of the Standard Oil company of New 

Bald— Showell 

Miss Sarah Harriet Showell, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. John Dale Showell, Jr., 
of Washington and Ocean City, Md., and 
LeRoy Bald, son of Mrs. George Bald 
of Baltimore and the late Mr. Bald were 
married in Washington. 

A third generation Washingtonian, 
the bride studied at Mary Baldwin col- 
lege. She is the granddaughter of Dr. 
Percy Hickling, well-known psychia- 
trist, and her great-grandfather, Wil- 
liam A. Stone was at one time governor 
of Pennsylvania. 

The bridegroom is a graduate of 
Colgate university and served for five 
years in the Marine Corps. He now is 
attending the University of Maryland 
law school and teaching at St. Paul's 
Boys school in Baltimore. 

McCormack — Kinlein 

Miss Alma Kinlein, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Julius A. Kinlein. of Ellicott 
City and William Rand McCormack of 
New Haven, Connecticut were united in 
marriage at Ellicott City. 

The bride is a graduate of Notre 
Dame College and Mr. McCormack is a 
student at the University of Maryland. 

Jernigan — Coale 

The wedding of Miss Helen Harvey 
Coale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 
Merryman Coale, of Baltimore, and Dr. 
Lane McDermott Jernigan, son of Mrs. 
John M. Jernigan and the late Mr. Jer- 
nigan, of Charlestown, S. C, took place 
in Baltimore. Dr. Jernigan, who was 
graduated in medicine this year from 
the University of Maryland, will be an 
intern at Mercy Hospital. 

Keene — Trimble 

Mr. and Mrs. Victor K. Trimble, Mt. 
Savage, announced the marriage of 
their daughter, Mary Ann, to Donald 
E. Keene, Wellersburg, Pa., which took 
place in Washington. 

The bride, a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, plans to teach home 
economics in the Gwynn Park High 
School, near Baltimore, while Mr. Keene 
completes his education at the Uni- 

Both are graduates of Beall High 
School, Frostburg, class of 1943, and 
Mr. Keene is a former resident of 

Noll— Cool 

Married in Washington, D. C. were 
Miss Sylvia Catherine Cool, daughter 
of Mrs. Claude P. Cool of Washington, 
and Otto W. Noll, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Otto F. Noll of Hamilton, Va. 

Mrs. Noll attended University of 
Wisconsin and George Washington 
University and her husband attended 
University of Maryland. 

WLu the Biack £\jecl £usani CfKcw 


Deitrick — Everett 

Miss Shirley Curtis Everett, daughter 
of Maj. and Mrs. John Barry Naughton, 
Jackson, Miss., was married in Wash- 
ington to Douglas Wade Deitrick, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. William Wade Deitrick, 
Chevy Chase, Md. 

The bride, a registered nurse, is a 
graduate of the Lucy Webb Hayes Na- 
tional Training School and Sibley Me- 
morial Hospital. Mr. Deitrick is attend- 
ing the college of B. & P. A., University 
of Maryland. 

Warwick — Allen 

Prof, and Mrs. Russell Bennet Allen 
announced the marriage of their daugh- 
ter, Miss Loraine Edith Allen, to Mr. 
Gerard T. Warwick, Jr. The wedding 
took place in College Park. Both are 
students at Maryland. 

Crosland — Murphy 

Mr. Robert E. Crosland, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. T. C. Crosland of Punta 
Gorda, Fla., and Miss M. Patricia 
Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Albert C. Murphy of Salisbury, Md. 
were married at Kensington. The groom 
Is a member of Maryland's football 
team, having played end in '45 and '46. 
Jawish — Fyfe 

Sara Jean Fyfe, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Charles M. Fyfe of Washington, 
was married to William Kaiser Jawish, 
Jr., whose parents are also of Wash- 

Mrs. Jawish was graduated from 
Marjorie Webster Junior College and 
her husband, a former student at the 
University of Virginia, attends the 
University of Maryland. 

Crawford — King 

In St. Andrew's Chapel at the United 
States Naval Academy at Annapolis, 
Miss Colene King, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. John Morrison King of Silver 
Springs was married to Ensign William 
Donham Crawford, son of Mrs. W. T. 
Sitlington and Dr. S. R. Crawford, both 
of Little Rock, Arkansas. 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland where she was a member of 
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. 

The bridegroom attended Columbia 
Military Academy, the University of 
Arkansas, where he was a member of 
Kappa Sigma fraternity; the University 
of New Mexico and the California 
School of Technology. During the v/ar 
he served as a lieutenant in the Army 
Air Forces. He was graduated from the 
Naval Academy just before the wedding. 
Ivie — Banton 

Washington, D. C. was the scene of 
the wedding of Miss Patricia June Ban- 
ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. 
Banton, and Mr. Arnold W. Ivie, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Ivie. 

The bride attended George Washing- 
ton University and the bridegroom was 
a student at the University of Mary- 


Wedding bells rang out for Miss Ruth 
Clayton Grove, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Paul F. Grove, Jr., of Washington, 
and Robert J. Weir, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Robert J. Weir, also Washington. 

The bride attended the University 
of Miami and is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. The bridegroom 
attended Franklin and Marshall Col- 
lege, Notre Dame university and is now 
studying at the University of Mary- 
land. He served as an officer in the 
Navy for 3% years. 

De Gourse-Knauer 

The marriage of Miss Helena Knauer 
to Mr. Donald De Gourse was solem- 
nized in Mt. Rainier. 

The bride, a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, has been employed 
for the past four years as Assistant 
Director of Recreation in Greenbelt. 

Mr. De Gourse is a student at the 
Mabelle Honour School of Beauty Cul- 
ture in Washington, and served for 
three years in the army. 


Miss Margaret Ann Imirie, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Imirie of 
Bethesda, became the bride of Mr. Wal- 
lace Ashby Marshall, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. C. Ashby Marshall of Washington, 
D. C. 

The bride is a graduate of Bethesda- 
Chevy Chase High School and is now 
with the United tSates Public Health 
Service. Mr. Marshall served with the 
Army of the United States and has re- 
sumed his studies at the University of 
Maryland, where he is a member of 
Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. 


Miss Doris Helen Lundquist, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Arthur Lund- 
quist, became the bride of Perce Leith- 
coe Wolfe, Jr., Maryland '47, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Perce L. Wolfe of River- 
dale, Md. 


Miss Elizabeth Bullard, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bullard of Clemmons, 
N. C, became the bride of Edwin J. 
Kelly, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin 
J. Kelly of Hyattsville. 

The bride served with the Wacs, 
Army air forces, during the war, and 
the bridegroom served in the Army. 
Mr. Kelly was graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Leather wood- Altman 

Miss Madolyn Mae Altman, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. George Robert Altman, 
of Prospect, became the bride of Calvin 
Russell Leatherwood, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Russell Leatherwood, Mt. Airy. 

Mr. Leatherwood is a graduate of 
Mt. Airy High School. While attend- 
ing Western Maryland College he en- 
tered the Army, serving in Italy. He 
is now attending Maryland University. 









Not only from Maryland alumni but from graduates of other 
universities comes high praise for "Maryland", your alumni 
publication ! 

They tell us it is "tops." 

Printing 21,000 copies of a magazine of this volume and 
make-up is definitely not a minor publication project. 

Things like this just don't "Happen." Manna quit falling 
in the Oid Testament. 

"Maryland" represents hard work, planning, expenditure. 

The magazine, along with other alumni activities, needs your 

Read "TALKING TURTLE" on the in- 
side baek eover! 

Use the coupon on the last page, oppo- 

Doukas — Vidos 

The marriage of Miss Mary Anna 
Vidos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eman- 
uel Vidos, and Harry Michael Doukas, 
son of Michael Doukas and the late 
Mrs. Doukas, has been announced. The 
bridegroom is a graduate of Maryland 

Smoot — McAnallen 

In Hyattsville, Md. Mr. and Mrs. John 
Jones Smoot were married last month. 

Miss Patricia Anne McAnallen, the 
bride, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Martin A. McAnallen of Hyattsville. 

The groom is the son of Mrs. William 
S. Smoot of Braddock Heights, Md. 

Both Mr. and Mrs. Smoot are gradu- 
ates of the University of Maryland. 
The bride received a B.S. degree from 
the College of Commerce. 

Winkler— Volland 

Miss Doris Jeannette Volland, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Volland, 
Washington, and Carl Thomas Winkler, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Winkler, 
also of Washington were married re- 
cently in Washington. The bridegroom 
is a junior at the University of Mary- 
land, College of Engineering. 

Caswell — Sellman 

The wedding of Miss Dorothy Vivian 
Sellman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al- 
bert Hall Sellman, and John Lewis Cas- 
well, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John 
Lewis Caswell of Washington and 
Warrenton, Va. took place recently. 

The bride attended Maryland Univer- 
sity and Mr. Sellman is a graduate of 
the United States Merchant Marine 
Academy at King's Point, Long Island, 
N. Y. 


Cloninger — Hubner 

Miss Anne Elizabeth Hubner, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman 
Hubner of Nanticoke and Philadelphia, 
became the bride of Dr. Rowell Conner 
Cloninger, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. 
Cloninger of Claremont, N. C. 

They will live in Jacksonville, Fla., 
where Dr. Cloninger, a lieutenant 
junior grade, is stationed with the medi- 
cal corps at the naval hospital. 

The bride is a graduate of Nanticoke 
High School and the University of 
Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore. 
Dr. Cloninger is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of North Carolina and the Uni- 
versity of Maryland Medical School. 

Miss Doris Carson, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Sari Carson of Washington, 
became the bride of Mr. Calvin C. Hig- 
bie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L. Hig- 
bie of Silver Spring. 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, where she was a 
member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. 

The bridegroom attended Benjamin 
Franklin University. 


Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Schubert, who 
were recently married in Pocohantus, 
Ark., are now residing in Cleveland, 

Mrs. Schubert is the former Nancy 
Troth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 
E. Troth of Chevy Chase, Md. She 
received a B.A. degree from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1945 where she 
was enrolled in the College of Arts and 


Miss Josephine Elizabeth Miller, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chris- 
tian Miller of Washington, and Charles 
Thomas Crouch, son of Winter Edwin 
Crouch of Easton, Md. were married in 
College Park. 

Mr. and Mrs. Crouch are both grad- 
uates of the University of Maryland. 
Magiros — Valmas 

In Baltimore, Minnie J. Valmas, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Valmas 
of Ellicott City, became the bride of 
John G. Magiros of Elkton, Md. 

The groom plans to complete his 
studies, as a pharmacist, at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 


Miss Barbara Lee Price and Mr. 
Clark were married last month at the 
Alpha Pi Sorority House at College 
Park. Miss Nance Jean Price, the 
bride's sister, as well as sorority sister, 
served as bridesmaid. 

Miss Price, of Baltimore, and Mr. 
Luther of Hooper, Nebraska, both 
were graduated this year from the Col- 
lege of Business and Public Administra- 
tion. Mr. Luther is a member of Alpha 
Tau Omega fraternity. He served as a 
pilot in the Army Air Forces during 
the war. 

Pool — Bovard 

Miss Janet B. Bovard, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bovard of Ta- 
koma Park, Md., was married to 
Charles T. Poole, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Charles T. Poole, also of Takoma 

The bride graduated from the Penn- 
sylvania College for Women. The bride- 
groom is a student at the University 
of Maryland after spending three years 
in the Army air forces. 

Menzel — Reside 

Miss Joyce Robinson Reside, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson Re- 
side of Silver Springs, became the 
bride of Mr. George Herman Menzel, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. Menzel 
of Catonsville. 

The bride graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in 1946; her hus- 
band from Franklin and Marshall Col- 
lege this June. 

Trunnell — Anderson 

Mt. Rainier was the scene of the 
wedding of Ruth June Trunnell, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Trunnell 
of Decatur Heights, to William J. An- 
derson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. An- 
derson of Washington. 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland and Strayer's College, and 
Mr. Anderson, who served two years 
with the Navy's Engineer Corps, is now 
studying at Temple University. 

Lucke — Klakring 

Miss Lois Selena Klakring, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Klakring 
of Eastport, and Mr. Robert Numsen 
Lucke, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. 
Lucke of Round Bay were married in 

The bride is a graduate of Annapolis 
High School and of the University 
of Maryland School of Nursing. Her 
husband was also graduated from An- 
napolis High School and is now a stu- 
dent at Maryland. 



Ellett— Holland 

Silver Spring was the scene of the 
wedding of Miss Lois Helene Holland 
and Mr. William Clinton Ellett. 

Mrs. Ellett attended the University of 
Maryland and is a member of Kappa 
Delta Sorority and the Army Daughters 
Society. Her husband is a student at 
the University of Maryland and is a 
member of Sigma Nu Fraternity. He 
served as Captain in the 15th Air Force. 

Brockman — Humphrey 

Miss Anne Agnes Humphrey, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Humphrey 
became the bride of Mr. Ray Ellis 
Brockman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 
Brockman. The bridegroom is enrolled 
in the College of Engineering at Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Dosh — Kilmain 

At Bethesda, Miss Dorothea Theresa 
Kilmain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
William Patrick Kilmain of Bethesda, 
became the bride of Walter Wetzel 
Dosh, son of Mrs. Walter Wetzel Dosh, 
of Washington and the late Mr. Dosh. 

The bride attended Holy Cross Acad- 
emy, the University of West Virginia 
and the University of Maryland where 
she received her B.A. degree. 

The bridegroom attended St. John's 
College and the Columbus University 
law school. He served as a lieutenant 
commander in the Navy overseas during 
the war. 

Speilman — Mueller 

The marriage of Miss Emma Clare 
Mueller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo 
Mueller of Rochester, N. Y., to Mr. 
John Robert Speilman, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Harry C. Speilman of Washington 
took place in that city. 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Rochester, where she received 
both her A.B. and M.A. degrees, and 
she is a member of Delta Phi Alpha. 
She was a lieutenant in the Waves. 
During the past year she has been a 
member of the faculty at the Northfield 
School for Girls in Massachusetts. 

Her husband is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland, B.S. in engi- 
neering. He is a member of Phi Kappa 
Phi, Phi Eta Sigma and Tau Beta Pi. 
He served as a lieutenant in the Navy. 
He is attending Georgetown Law 

De Tamble — Connor 

Mrs. Valinda Beall Connor, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. David Raymond Snively 
of Breathedsville, Md., was married to 
Lieut, (j.g.) Paul Allen de Tamble, 
USN, son of Mrs. Mildred de Tamble of 
Arlington, Va. 

Mrs. de Tamble was graduated from 
Hannah Academy and attended Sweet 
Briar College and University of Mary- 
land. Her husband is a graduate of 
University of Maryland. 

Irvin— Hallett 

Earle M. Hallett, formerly of Ster- 
ling, 111., announces the recent marriage 
of his daughter, Miss Mary Ellen Hal- 
lett, to Herbert McClellan Irvin, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Irvin of West 

The bride attended American Uni- 
versity and Purdue University, receiv- 
ing her B.A. degree from the University 
of Maryland. She is a member of the 
Beta Sigma Phi sorority. 

Mr. Irvin was graduated from Shep- 
herd College, Shepherdstown, W. Va., 
and also attended the Navy supply 
school at Harvard. During World War 
II he served with the Navy for more 
than four years as supply and disburs- 
ing officer. 

Herring — Jaharias 

Miss Mary Elizabeth Jaharias, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Jaharias, 
of Baltimore and formerly of Frederick, 
became the bride of Jerome Charles 
Herring, son of Mr. and Mrs. August 
Herring, Baltimore. 

The bride was graduated from Ken- 
wood High School and attended the 
University of Maryland. The groom 
served six years in the United States 


At Greenville, N. C, Miss Florence 
Mary Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
George Frederick Hunter of Mt. Rainier 
was recently married to Mr. William 
Pittman Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Robert Warren of Swansboro, North 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, class of '43, taught 
at the Mt. Rainier High School for a 
year and served two years as a Phar- 
macist's Mate in the Naval Reserve. 
The bridegroom was a Navy yeoman 
for three years at Camp Lejeune, N. C. 

Mr. and Mrs. Warren are now both 
attending East Carolina Teachers' Col- 
lege in Greenville. 


The marriage of Miss Beverly Elaine 
Bildman and Bernard B. Libby took 
place in Washington, D. C. 

The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Henry Libby, attended University of 
Maryland and Benjamin Franklin Uni- 
versity. The bride is a graduate of 
George Washington University. 


Miss Katherine Elizabeth Wilhide, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 0. 
Wilhide, Baltimore, and Kenneth Nevin 
Ports, son of Capt. and Mrs. J. Nevin 
Ports, of Guam and Frederick, were 
married at Frederick. 

Mrs. Ports attended the University 
of Maryland where she was a member 
of Alpha Xi Delta national sorority. 
Mr. Ports, after serving with the 87th 
Infantry Division during the war, is 
also a student at the University of 

Lock wood-Richardson 

Miss Margaret Emma Richardson 
was married to Robert Kenneth Lock- 
wood. The bride is daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Wilton Richardson, White Hall, 
Md. Mr. Lockwood is son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Henry Lockwood, Gordonville, Pa. 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and a member of 
Alpha Xi Delta. Mr. Lockwood received 
his degree from Maryville College and 
is now attending George Washington 
Law School. 

Burton — Bradford 

Miss Virginia Aileen Bradford walked 
to the altar for her marriage to Mr. 
Charles Lorenz Burton. The bride is 
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 
Walter Bradford. 

The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Charles Wesley Burton of Balti- 
more. Mr. and Mrs. Burton both at- 
tended the University of Maryland. The 
bride was enrolled in the College of 
Arts and Sciences and is a member of 
Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. The 
bridegroom was in the College of Busi- 
ness and Public Administration and is a 
member of Kappa Alpha Fraternity. 

Anderson — Trunnell 

Wedding bells rang out for Miss Ruth 
June Trunnell, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Walter J. Trunnell of Washington, 
who became the bride of William J. 
Anderson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. 
William J. Anderson, also of Washing- 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland and Strayers College and the 
bridegroom attended Temple University 
and spent two years in the naval corps 
of engineers. 


Wally — "But I do not care to dance." 
Betty — "That's wrong. Dancing is good for 
you. Look at the people of Germany. They'd 
be happy today if they had t*ken up jitterbug- 
ging instead of goosestepping." 

Garlick — Morriss 

Miss Hillis Reid Morris, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. George Maurice Morris 
of this city, was married to Dr. William 
Lynnewood Garlick of Baltimore, son of 
Mrs. John Robert Garlick of Culpeper, 
Va., and the late Mr. Garlick. 

The bride was graduated from Miss 
Hall's school and Vassar College. She 
was engaged in public relations work 
in New York and is a member of the 
Junior League. The bridegroom was 
graduated from Emory University and 
the George Washington University 
school of medicine. He interned in 
Baltimore at Church Home and In- 
firmary and Mercy Hospital, where he 
was resident in surgery. At present he 
is on the staff of both hospitals and 
instructor in surgery at the University 
of Maryland school of medicine. 

Dr. Garlick served 38 months over- 
seas in the Pacific. As a major he was 
in command of the 3d portable hospital. 
Klein — Dover 

Miss Edith Gurney Dover, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harold Dover of 
Winchester, Mass., was married last 
month in Winchester to Robert Ernest 
Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cyril 
Klein, of Frederick. 

The bride is a graduate of Winchester 
High School and a senior at University 
of Massachusetts where she is a mem- 
ber of Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Klein attended 
University of Maryland and graduated 
from University of Massachusetts 
where he was a member of Theta Chi 
and on the Dean's List. He will return 
to University of Massachusetts with 
his bride in the fall to do graduate work 
leading to a degree of landscape archi- 

Thomas-De Lashmutt 

Miss Helen Lee de Lashmutt, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Michael de 
Lashmutt, of Baltimore and Mr. John 
Edward Thomas, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Edward Thomas, of Washington, 
D. C, and New York, were married in 

The bride comes of distinguished 
Maryland ancestry. She attended Mount 
St. Agnes School in Baltimore and the 
University of Maryland. Mr. Thomas, 
after serving in the Armed Forces dur- 
ing the war, was also a student at the 
University of Maryland. 

Lankford — Vincer 

Added to the list of .June brides was 
Miss Virginia May Vincer, daughter of 
Mrs. John Robert Vincer of Mt. Pleas- 
and, Mich., and the late John Robert 
Vincer, who became the wife of Stephen 
Errett Lankford, son of Mrs. Beulah 
Lankford Wilhite of Washington. 

Mr. Lankford attended the University 
of Maryland in 1935 in the College of 
Arts and Science and is now connected 
with the bureau of internal revenue. 

The bride was graduated from Cen- 
tral Michigan college. 


Brigham — Forbes 

The marriage of Miss R. Jean Forbes, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Forbes, 
Sr., South Arlington, Va., to Gordon 
Dexter Brigham, College Park, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Lockwood, 103 West 
Anderson Street, Aurora, Mo., will take 
place in Cumberland. 

Miss Forbes is speech correctionist 
for the Alleghany County League for 
Crippled Children. She did undergradu- 
ate work at American University, 
George Washington University and the 
University of Maryland. 

Mr. Brigham is a graduate of the 
University of Kansas and is speech 
professor at the University of Mary- 


Married in Washington, D. C. to Lt. 
(j.g.) Kenneth Ralph Scudder was Miss 
Carolyn King, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. John Meador King. 

The bride was a student of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, Alpha Xi Delta. 

Bare — Remsberg 

Miss Carol Remsberg, formerly of 
Middletown, Md. was married recently 
to Mr. Daniel H. Bare of Westminster. 

The bride graduated in 1942 from the 
University of Maryland, College of 
Home Economic Education. She is the 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Homer 
Remsberg. While attending school here 
the new Mrs. Bare was a member of 
the Grange and the Baltimore Section 
of the Maryland Home Economics Club, 
of which she is still an active member. 
Her father is now one of the members 
of the Board of Managers of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Ensor — Mizell 

Miss Nina Annette Mizell and Robert 
Ellwood Ensor were married recently. 

Mrs. Ensor is the daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Russell F. Mizell of Kensing- 
ton, and her husband is the son of Mr. 
and Mrs. G. Ellwood Ensor of Cockeys- 
ville, Md. 

Mrs. Ensor attended Western Mary- 
land College and was graduated from 
Gettysburg College. Mr. Ensor at- 
tended Western Maryland College and 
is now a senior at the University of 
Maryland Medical School in Baltimore. 

Chapman — Gross 

The double ring marriage ceremony 
uniting Miss Esther B. Gross and Mr. 
J. Dreher Chapman was performed last 
month in Sharpsburg. 

Mrs. Chapman is the daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Gross of 
Sharpsburg. She is a graduate of the 
Boonsboro High School, attended Shep- 
herd College in Shepherdstown, W. Va., 
for one year and graduated from the 
University of Maryland. She has been 
employed as a home economics teacher 
at the Clear Spring High School. 

Mr. Chapman is the son of Mrs. Clara 

Chapman and the late Rev. H. D. Chap- 
man, a former minister of the Lutheran 
Church in Sharpsburg. He has com- 
pleted his work at Gettysburg College 
since his release from the Army. While 
in the Army he served as a captain. He 
is now employed in Gettysburg at the 
Inductive Equipment Corporation as 
production manager. 

•M l^singA xJn 





MR. and Mrs. John Edward Peel- 
ing, of Finksburg, Md., have an- 
nounced the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Alice Cader Peeling, to 
Mr. Charles B. Brock, of El Paso, 

Miss Peeling, who was graduated 
from Friends School and attended Earl- 
ham College, Richmond, Indiana for a 
year, is a junior at the University of 
Maryland and a member of Gamma Phi 

Mr. Brock studied for two years at 
the College of Mines and Metallurgy, 
University of Texas, and then at the 
University of Maryland. He served a 
year in Europe as a cryptographer at 
headquarters, Allied Expeditionary 
Force. He graduated this June from 
the University of Maryland as presi- 
dent of the senior class there and head 
of Sigma Chi fraternity. 

Chakan- White 

Mr. and Mrs. F. Malcolm White of 
Dickerson, Md., announce the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Charlotte 
Blake, to Mr. Albert Chakan, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. John Chakan of Freeland, 

Miss White, who is a teacher at Le- 
land Junior High School, Chevy Chase, 
is a graduate of the University of 



Aggressive Agnes — "But, Hector, think of 
TRADITION!" (Art Cosing in "The Diamond- 

Maryland and is a member of Gamma 
Phi Beta sorority, Mortor Board and 
Phi Kappa Phi. 

Mr. Chakan graduated from Frank- 
lin and Marshall College after which he 
served as a captain in the Army Air 
Corps for four and one-half years. He 
is at present teaching at Poolesville 
High School. 


Mr. and Mrs. Granville Elgar Far- 
quhar, of Sandy Spring, Md., announce 
the engagement of their daughter, Faith 
Elizabeth, to John Hewes Stetson, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Stetson of 
Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 

Miss Farquhar received a B.A. degree 
from the University of Maryland in 
1943. The prospective bridegroom was 
graduated from the Albany Academy 
and attended Middlebury College. He 
is a member of Delta Upsilon fratern- 
ity. During the war he served in the 
Army Air Forces. 

Carrico — Davis 

Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Davis of 
Bradley Farms, Md., announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Miss 
Katherine Isabel Davis, to William T. 
Carrico, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 
liam Temple Carrico of Annadale, Va. 

Miss Davis is a graduate of the 
Academy of the Holy Cross and the 
University of Maryland where she was 
a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma 

Mr. Carrico attended the University 
of Virginia. He is now in the real es- 
tate business. 

Kiger — Fowble 

The engagement of Miss Florence 
Fowble, daughter of Mrs. Joshua Fow- 
ble and the late Mr. Fowble, of Reis- 
terstown, to Mr. Tovell E. Kiger, of 
Illinois, was announced last month. 

Miss Fowble is a graduate of Hannah 
More Academy and the University ol 
Maryland, where she received a B.S. 
degree in 1939. She was a member of 
Alpha Delta Pi sorority, was at one 
time a teacher in the Sparks High 
a teacher in the Sparks High School. 
Westcott— Brill 

Mrs. Charles Nelson Brill, of Catons- 
ville, has announced the engagement of 
her daughter, Miss Jo Ann Whitworth 
Brill, to Mr. Howard Royce Westcott, 
son of Mr. Bertram Westcott and the 
late Mrs. Westcott, of Cambridge, Mass. 

Miss Brill is a graduate of Salem 
College and of the University of Mary- 
land School of Nursing and during the 
war served in the Army Nurse Corps 
in Korea. Mr. Westcott as an Army 
lieutenant served in the Pacific and was 
postal officer for the occupational forces 
in Korea. 

Hoidra — Young 

Announcement is made by Col. and 
Mrs. Robert N. Young of Fort Leaven- 
worth of the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Corinne Frances Young, 


to Lt. George E. Hoidra, son of Mrs. 
Peter Hoidra of St. Clair, Pa., and Mr. 

Miss Young attended the University 
of Maryland, College of Arts and Sci- 
ence in 1944. She was a member of Pi 
Beta Phi sorority and St. Mary's Col- 
lege in Kavier, Kan. Her fiance served 
with the 8th Air Force during the war. 

Temin — Crowell 

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Crowell of Wash- 
ington announce the engagement of 
their daughter, Miss Esther Hannah 
Crowell, to Mr. Samuel C. Temin, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Temin, also of 

The bride-elect is a senior at George 
Washington University and her fiance 
is a graduate student at the University 
of Maryland. 

Buker — Engle 

The marriage of Miss Anne Caroline 
Engle to Mr. Kenneth Cook Buker, son 
of the Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Buker of 
Washington, will take place in the near 
future. The announcement of their en- 
gagement is made by the bride-elect's 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hauke 
Engle of Carroll County, Md. 

Miss Engle received a B.A. degree 
from the College of Education at the 
University of Maryland this year. Her 
fiance, who served with the United 
States Coast Guard in the South Pacific 
area, is a student at the University of 
Maryland in the College of Arts and 

Raymond — Decker 

The engagement of their daughter, 
Miss Dorothy Jean Decker, to John U. 
Raymond has been announced by Mr. 
and Mrs. Lollis G. Decker. Mr. Ray- 
mond is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lafour 
L. Raymond. 

Miss Decker attended the University 
of Maryland, College of Education in 
1939, where she was a member of Alpha 
Omicron Pi. Mr. Raymond served over- 
seas with the Air Force for 27 months. 

Tichenor — Stevens 

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Stevens have 
announced the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Suzanne Nelson Stevens, 
to Mr. Charles Beckham Tichenor, son 
of Mr. Norman B. Tichenor, of Minne- 
apolis, formerly of Indianapolis, and 
the late Mrs. Esther Tichenor. 

Miss Stevens was graduated from 
Notre Dame School of Maryland and 
for the past year has been attending 
the College of Home Economics, at the 
University of Maryland, where she is 
a member of Pi Beta Phi. 

Mr. Tichenor was graduated from 
Duke University, where he was a mem- 
ber of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Omi- 
cron Delta Kappa. During the war he 
served as an ensign in the Naval Re- 
serve, with duty in the Pacific. 

Fernandez — Sbarbaro 

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sbarbaro of 
Cheverly, Md. announce the engage- 
of their daughter Miss Virginia Louise 
Sbarbaro, to Orman B. Fernandez, Jr., 
son of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Fernandez 
of Old Town, Me. 

The bride-to-be received a B.S. degree 
from the College of Home Economics at 
the University of Maryland in June. 
Mr. Fernandez is a graduate of Colby 
College, Waterville, Me., class of 1942, 
and is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha 
fraternity. He served in the Navy 
throughout the war. 


Mrs. George E. S. Williams an- 
nounces the engagement and approach- 
ing marriage of her daughter, Emma 
Kathryn, to Whitman Kennedy Alger, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Alger 
of Crystal City, Texas. 

Miss Williams attended Maryland 
University. Mr. Alger was a student 
at Texas A. and M. College before the 
war and will be graduated from the 
American Institute for Foreign Trade, 
Phoenix, Arizona, in June. 


Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Shapiro of 
Washington announce the engagement 
of their daughter, Lenora, to Harry 
Goldmann, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Har- 
ry Goldmann of Baltimore, Md. 

Miss Shapiro was a member of the 
graduating class of University of 
Maryland this year and her fiance at- 
tends Johns Hopkins University. 


Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Stewart of 
Norwalk, Conn., have announced the 
engagement of their daughter, R. Vir- 
ginia, to Keith C. Harder, Jr., son of 
Dr. and Mrs. K. C. Harder of Mount 
Rainier, Md. 

Miss Stewart attended University of 
Connecticut and was graduated from 
University of Maryland. Her fiance, 
a graduate of University of Virginia, is 
a former Navy ensign. 


Mr. and Mrs. S. Lambert Byrn, Jr., 
of Cambridge, Md., announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Miss 
Beverly Lewis Byrn, to Mr. Charles 
Newton Davis, son of Mayor and Mrs. 
Dorsey E. Davis, of Cambridge. 

Miss Byrn, who is a graduate of 
Cambridge High School, attended Har- 
cum Jr. College, Byrn Mawr, Pa. 

Mr. Davis spent three years in the 
United States Army. He is a graduate 
of the Cambridge High School and at- 
tended the University of Maryland 
where he was a member of the Phi 
Delta Theta fraternity. 

Rosenthal- Weger 

Mrs. Mildred Weger announced the 
engagement of her daughter, Miss 

Deana Weger, to Alvin Rosenthal of 
Baltimore, Md. The bride-elect is a 
senior at the University of Maryland 
and a member of Phi Sigma Sigma 
sorority. Mr. Rosenthal is the son of 
Mrs. Kate Rosenthal and the late Louis 


Miss Edith Lewis, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Basil C. Lewis, Braddock 
Heights, will be married soon to Mr. 
Wendell Nusbaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Rockward Nusbaum, of near Frederick. 

Miss Lewis has just completed her 
sophomore year at the University of 
Maryland, College of Home Economics. 


The engagement has been announced 
by Mr. and Mrs. E. Albert Rossman of 
the betrothal of their daughter, Miss 
Janet Lee Rossman, and Mr. Arthur 
E. Lundvall, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Arthur E. Lundvall. 

Miss Rossman graduated from Wil- 
son College. Upon return from their 
wedding trip the couple will live at 
College Park, where Mr. Lundvall re- 
sumed study in the University of Mary- 
land School of Engineering following 
his return from the Philippines. He is 
a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity. 


Mr. and Mrs. L. Calvin Hubbard an- 
nounce the engagement of their daugh- 
ter, Evelyn, to Mr. Hugh H. Karns, son 
of Mrs. Reuben Karns and the late 
Mr. Karns of Cumberland, Md. 

Miss Hubbard is a graduate of the 
Hurlock High School, class of '37 and 
the School of Nursing, Easton Mem- 
orial Hospital, Class of '43. 

Mr. Karns is a graduate of Alleghany 
High School, Cumberland, Class of '26 
and the School of Pharmacy, Univer- 
sity of Maryland, class of '30. 

Queen — Lund 

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Lund of Clinton, 
announced the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Evelyn H. Lund, to Mr. 
James L. Queen of Bethesda. 

The bride-elect received a B.A. from 
the College of Arts and Science at the 
University of Maryland with the class 
of 1947. 

Mr. Queen served two years in the 
Army in Europe and now is a student 
at the University of Maryland. 


Mrs. Josephine Olker of Washington, 
D. C, announced the engagement of her 
daughter, Miss Harriet Estelle Olker, 
to Mr. Eugene Anderson Martin, son of 
Mrs. Eugene H. Martin of Downer, N. J. 

Miss Olker is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, Alpha Xi Delta 
and her fiance is enrolled at the same 
school, Alpha Gamma Rho. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Biron an- 
nounced the engagement of their daugh- 


ter, Miss Bernice Marilyn Biron to 
Mr. Aaron Schlossberg, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Albert Schlossberg. 

Miss Biron is a graduate of Univer- 
sity of Maryland. The bridegroom-elect 
attended George Washington Univer- 
sity and during the war served in the 

Chapman — Parsell 

Mr. i nd Mrs. George W. Chapman of 
rilil lum announced the engagement of 
their daughter, Miss Ruth Georgiana 
Chapman, to Mr. John Foster Parsell, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Parsell 
of Mt. Rainier. 

Both Miss Chapman and Mr. Parsell 
are graduates of Mt. Rainier High 
School. Miss Chapman received her 
B.S. degree in Home Economics from 
the University of Maryland and is now 
doing textile research work at the 
Agricultural Research Center, Belts- 

Mr. Parsell is employed by American 
Airlines. He has been stationed at Fort 
Worth, Texas, La Guardia Field, N. Y., 
and is now stationed at the National 
Airport in Washington, D. C. 


Mr. and Mrs. August Heimerle of 
Valley Stream, Long Island, announced 
the engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Ruth Louise Heimerle, to Richard 
Charles Nowak, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Rudolf Nowak of New Hyde Park, Long 

The prospective bride is a graduate 
of Hofstra College of Hempstead, Long 
Island, where she was a member of 
Alpha Theta Beta. During the war she 
served 3% years as a lieutenant in the 
Naval Reserve in Washington. 

Mr. Nowak is a graduate of the 
Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and has 
done graduate work at the University 
of Maryland. He saw active duty dur- 
ing the war in the Naval Reserve as a 
research engineer. 

Wright— Zinn 

Announcement was made by Mr. and 
Mrs. Lester A. Zinn of the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Katherine Gran- 
ville Zinn, to Mr. Calvert F. Wright, 
son of Comdr. Paul N. Wright, Jr., re- 
tired, and Mrs. Wright. 

Mr. Wright, who served in the Coast 
Guard during the war, now is attending 
the University of Maryland. 

DeBinder — Gordon 

Mr. and Mrs. Montrose Gordon of 
Washington and Texas, announce the 
engagement of their daughter, Rose- 
mary, to Robert Clayton DeBinder, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde V. DeBinder, 
Bethesda, Md. 

Miss Gordon attended Virginia In- 
termont College and is now a student 
at the University of Maryland, College 
of Arts and Sciences, and a member of 

Kappa Delta sorority. 

Mr. DeBinder served with the Naval 
Air Corps during the war, and since his 
discharge has resumed his work at the 
University of Maryland, College of 
Business and Public Administration. 
He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega 

Brooks — Hungerford 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jerrold Hunger- 
ford of Milford, Conn., announced the 
engagement of their daughter, Jane 
Claire Hungerford, to Richard Alexan- 
der Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 
Bosley Brooks of Lutherville. 

Miss Hungerford received her B.S. 
degree from the Maryland College for 
Women June 1. Mr. Brooks is a gradu- 
ate of the University of Maryland. 

Mr. Brooks is manager of the Towson 
branch of the Brooks-Price Company. 

Filbert— Gillespie 

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Gillespie of 
Washington, D. C. announced the en- 
gagement of their daughter, Miss Mar- 
garet Mary Gillespie to Mr. William 
Filbert of Baltimore. 

Miss Gillespie graduated from the 
University of Maryland in February, 
1947 and is now studying for a Master 
of Science degree here. 

Mr. Filbert graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland in June, 1946. He 
was a member of the Varsity Boxing 
Team for three years. Mr. Filbert is 
now employed by a Consultant Engi- 
neering Firm in Baltimore. 


Mr. and Mrs. B. H. McCarn of Balti- 
more, announced the engagement of 
their daughter, Jewell Doris, to Mr. 
David Park Reeves II, son of Mrs. 
Geoi'ge Allen Reeves, Jr., of Salisbury, 
and the late Mr. Reeves. 

Miss McCarn was graduated from 
high school at Elon College, N. C, and 
is now attending the University of 
Maryland where she is majoring in 
Home Economics. She is a member of 
Alpha Delta Pi. 

Mr. Reeves, a graduate of Wicomico 
High School, attended State Teachers 
College for one year prior to his en- 
trance in the Army Air Forces. He is 
at the University of Maryland, College 
of Engineering, and is a member of 
Lambda Chi Alpha. 

Bowker — Pauls 

Mrs. Gustav Pauls of Arlington, an- 
nounced the engagement of her daugh- 
ter, Miss Edith Marie Pauls, to Mr. 
John Ernest Bowker, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Jay Hinckley Bowker of Chevy 

Rev. Hugh Radigan 

THE Rev. Hugh Radigan, 0. F. M., 
47, chaplam of the Newman Club 
at Maryland University, died last 
month at Providence Hospital. 

A Professor of the Franciscan Col- 
lege of the Holy Name in Washington, 
D. C, Father Radigan suffered a stroke 
and was rushed to the hospital where 
he died a few hours later. 

A teacher during most of his priest- 
hood, he had been a staff member at the 
Franciscan College since 1930. He was 
appointed chaplain of the Catholic or- 
ganization at Maryland by the late 
Most Rev. Michael J. Curley. Arch- 
bishop of Baltimore and Washington. 

Father Radigan, a native of Croghan, 
N. Y., was educated at the Franciscan 
Preparatory Seminary, Callicon, N. Y., 
and in 1917 entered the Order of Friars 
Minor at Paterson, N. J. After further 
study at St. Bonaventure Seminary, 
Alleghany, N. Y., he was ordained a 
priest in 1924. 

After his ordination, he did graduate 
work in theology at the Franciscan In- 
ternational College of St. Anthony in 
Rome, where he received the degree of 
lector generalis. From 1927 to 1930 he 
taught at St. Bonaventure Seminary. 
When the Holy Name College was 
opened in Washington, he was named 
professor of dogmatic theology and 
church history. 

He was a moderator of the Father 
Flanagan Veterans' Unit of the Catho- 
lic Mission Crusade, and was a member 
of the Catholic Historical Society and 
the Theological Society. He was a 
member of the committee which revised 
the catechism of Christian doctrine 
several years ago. 

Father Radigan used to spend part 
of every summer in street preaching in 
the diocese of Kansas City. He also 
was a frequent lecturer at clubs and 
societies in the Washington area. 

Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Clar- 
issa Radigan, Croghan; three brothers, 
Harold E. Radigan, Watertown. N. Y.; 
Edward E. Radigan, New York City, 
and Charles M. Radigan, Arlington, and 
a sister, Sister Alma Rose of St. Agnes' 
Convent, Utica, N. Y., a member of the 
Order of St. Joseph. 

J. Hanson Mitchell 

Funeral services were held for J. Han- 
son Mitchell, from his home at 4417 
Wickford Road, Baltimore. Interment 
followed in the local cemetery at La 
Plata, Maryland in his native and be- 
loved Charles County. 


He had recently passed his sixty- 
eighth birthday. He died at his home 
after an illness of several months dura- 
tion. Mr. Mitchell will be well remem- 
bered by many of the old graduates as 
he was for a number of years very ac- 
tive in the Alumni Association, and 'M' 
Club. He was President of the Alumni 
Association. He had the distinction of 
being among the first, if not the first, 
to receive a diploma in 1898 from the 
Maryland Agriculture College, after 
having taken a four year course in 
Mechanical Engineering. 

He remained at College Park for 
several years after graduation, as an 
instructor in Mechanical Engineering, 
and was also Acting Commandant for 
one year. He was well qualified for this 
post as he had been Cadet Major. 

From this time on his life was de- 
voted entirely to engineering work in 
different parts of the Country. During 
World War II, he was employed by the 
Eastern Stainless Steel Company, as 
Plant Engineer, and as such was re- 
sponsible for the production of car- 
tridge cases needed by the Artillery of 
our Armed Forces. Just prior to his 
illness he was associated with the War 
Assets Corporation, which had to do 
with the disposition of government 
owned surplus material. 

He is survived by his widow, two 
sons, two daughters, and four sisters. 

Dr. Joseph P. Franklin 

Dr. Joseph P. Franklin, 50, Cumber- 
land city and county health officer, died 
in Baltimore last month. 

The body was taken to Birmingham, 
Ala., where interment will be made near 
the grave of his father. 

Dr. Franklin had been ill about two 
months and underwent an operation. 

A veteran of both World Wars, Dr. 
Franklin came to Cumberland in 1927. 

Dr. Franklin became associated with 
the Maryland Department of Health in 
1921 shortly after he received his med- 
ical degree from the University of 
Maryland. From 1921 to 1927 he served 
as public health officer in Baltimore 
and several Eastern Shore counties. 

In 1927 Dr. Franklin was assigned 
tc Cumberland as deputy state health 
officer and remained there until 1941 
when he entered the Army with the 
Maryland National Guard at the time 
Company G was mustered into service. 

During his four years Army service, 
of which 27 months were spent in the 
European Theater, Dr. Franklin attain- 
ed the rank of lieutenant colonel. 

In World War I he enlisted in the 
Army and served with a medical unit as 
private in World War I. 

After being discharged at the close 
of the war, he entered the University 

of Maryland and completed his studies, 
receiving his medical degree in 1921. 

Charles E. Hudgins 
Warrant Officer Charles E. Hudgins, 
U.S.M.C, died at Camp Lejeune, N. C. 
as a result of accidental inhalation of 
tetrachloride being used for cleaning 
floors in his quarters. His brother-in- 
law, Earl E. Bauman, also was a vic- 

Mr. Hudgins, while a student at the 
University of Maryland, where he was 
preparing for a career as a veterinary, 
enlisted in the Fifth Marine Corps Re- 
serve Battalion in Washington in 
1934. He was an extremely competent 
and talented fellow. During the 1934 
summer training period he won the 
VFW medal as the best drilled private, 
a cash prize as a tap dancer for the 
best theatrical act, and the gold medal 
for the lightweight boxing champion- 

He was one of a sizable group from 
the Fifth Battalion to win commission- 
ed rank on Guadalcanal. He left the 
service as a Captain and returned to 
the regular Marine Corps as a warrant 

He was an exceptionally popular fel- 
low and was rated as an excellent of- 

Besides his widow, he is survived by 
a son, Charles E. Hudgins, Jr., 2, and a 
7 week-old daughter, Joy Elaine Hud- 
gins. They live at 4013 Thirtieth street, 
Mount Rainier. A brother, John E. 
Hudgins of Baltimore, and a sister, 
Mrs. Anna Moe Potts, of Alexandria, 
also survive. 

Mrs. Dwight G. Rivers 

Mrs. Dwight Gray Rivers, formerly 
of Lynchburg, died at her home at 
Crumpler, W. Va. 

Mrs. Rivers was born in Farmville, 
March 17, 1886, and was a graduate of 
Farmville State Teachers College and 
of the University of Maryland Nurses 
Training School. She was a member of 
First Presbyterian Church, Lynchburg, 
the Colonial Dames, Daughters of the 
American Revolution and was the first 
State president of the Virginia Hugue- 
not Society. 

Mrs. Rivers went to McDowell, W. 
Va., in 1936 with Dr. Rivers, who be- 
came associated with Dr. W. L. Johns- 
ton, coal company physician at Crum- 

In addition to Dr. Rivers, Mrs. Rivers 
is survived by a son, Dwight G. Rivers, 
Jr., of Blacksburg; a daughter, Mrs. 
Frederick V. Reed of Charleston, W. 
Va., and two grandchildren, Linda Gray 
and Frederick Venable Reed, Jr. 

uiullcs from Heaven 

THERE'S a little guy in three cor- 
nered pants at the home of Dr. 
and Mrs. Harry C. Bowie at Hagers- 
town, Md. The little fellow is Harry 
C. Bowie, III. He reported on March 12, 
1947. The mother, Helen Kaylor Bowie, 
'38. The proud father, Dr. Harry C. 
Bowie, Maryland Medical School '36. 

There is a new baby boy, Coleman 
F. Headley, at the home of Coleman 
and Frances Headley. Date of arrival, 
April 29, 1947. Weight, eight pounds, 
three ounces. 


Upon conclusion of the series of 
special editions of Maryland, each 
featuring one of the University's col- 
leges or schools, the magazine will 
proceed with articles featuring all 
schools, Baltimore as well as College 
Park, in all issues, thus presenting 
each month a better balanced, all- 
University publication. 

The special editions, mostly historic 
records of the schools concerned, have 
served their purpose. 

The system to be followed in the fu- 
ture was submitted to all deans and 
heads of departments. The vote in 
favor of each issue of Maryland being 
a general publication was unanimous. 

Special editions yet to come are: — 

October — Graduate School. This num- 
ber will also be largely general. 

November — Women's number, fea- 
turing "Women at Maryland" and the 
College of Home Economics. 

January — Military Science and Tac- 
tics and Physical Education. 

The next issue, September, will be 
the Athletic and sports annual, which 
will be a feature each year, the publi- 
cation serving a two-fold purpose as 
an alumni publication and athletic 


A station wagon is some- 
thing a city person buys 
when he moves to the coun- 
try so the country people 
will know he's from the city. 

A man is never so weak 
as when a pretty girl is tell- 
ing him how strong he is. 

Many a fellow gets a 
reputation for being ener- 
getic when in truth he is 
merely fidgety. 



W ork To Sl.irl On ^Indium Anil Auditorium 

Greater Plant 
Needed For 
1948 Games 

THE University of Maryland's 
much-discussed and long-awaited 
new football stadium, in the works for 
about 10 years, is well beyond the 
dreaming stage and getting down to 
a practical basis. Director of Athletics 
Walter S. Driskill announced final plans 
have been approved by President H. C. 
Byrd and work is expected to begin 

The horseshoe-shaped stadium is to 
be constructed in four units. It is being 
designed so that each unit after the 
first may be built without difficulty, so 
as to avoid troubles encountered in 
cases where stadiums have been erected 
without thought of future additions. 
The first unit will seat slightly over 
31,000 persons, and it is expected to 
have this unit ready by the opening of 
football in 1948. The other three units 
will be added as need may indicate, and 
ultimately the structure will seat in 
permanent stands almost 100,000. With 
temporary seats the stadium in 1948 
will take care of about 38,000. 

The stadium must be ready for use 
in 1948 because Maryland has signed 
Duke, Vanderbilt and other teams for 
home-and-home series, with an under- 
standing that suitable facilities will be 
available at College Park for big-time 
football. Double-decked, the place will 
resemble Franklin Field in Philadelphia. 
The site of the new stadium is ex- 
pected to be in the area Southwest of 
the dairy barns, to the North of the 
"back road" and North of Margaret 
Brent Hall. 

This location, well off of the Balti- 
more-Washington Highway, will solve 
the automobile parking problem. 

"Maryland, meeting the better teams 
in the country," Driskill said, "must 
have a good stadium in which to ac- 
commodate the crowds such games will 

Next on the building agenda is the 
new indoor auditorium to be used, in 
addition to sports, for commencement 
exercises and other large non-athletic 
functions. In basketball and boxing, 
Maryland cannot now take care of its 
own student body. If the alumni and 
general public are to see these teams 



Saturday, September 27 — South Carolina at Columbia, S. C. 
'Friday, October 3, 8:15 P. M. — Delaware at College Park. 
*Friday, October 10, 8:15 P. M. — Richmond at College Park 

October 18 — Duke at Durham, N. C. 

October 25 — Virginia Tech at Blacksburg, Va. 
'November I, 2 P. M. — West Virginia at College Park. Homecoming. 

November 8 — Duquesne at Pittsburg, Pa. 
'November 15. 2 P. M. — North Carolina at Griffith Stadium. Washington, D. C. 

November 22 — Vanderbilt at Nashville, Tenn. 
♦November 29, 2 P. M— North Carolina State at College Park 

*Home games 







©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©3 1 

in intercollegiate contests, more seat- 
ing capacity will have to be provided. 
The new Auditorium is expected to ac- 
commodate from 12,000 to 14,000 spec- 

The plans call for an entire new set- 
up for athletic facilities which, when 
completed, will match or better any- 
thing in the country. 

some of our foes napping and not lose 
too many games next fall. I never saw 


JAMES M. (Big Jim) Tatum, new 
head coach of football at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, after six weeks 
of winter and spring drills, firmly is 
convinced that the Old Liners need 
much more strength, particularly in the 
line, to make a creditable showing in 
the tough 10-game schedule next fall 
and to start on the upward path in the 
grid pastime. 

Tatum, while fairly well pleased with 
the backfield outlook, except that he is 
badly in need of a punter, opined that 
he didn't have more than two or three 
linemen who could match the kind of 
forwards the Old Liners must oppose 
during the 1947 campaign, and earnest- 
ly is hoping that the fall term will 
produce some potent talent, especially 
for the up-front jobs. 

"Frankly, I don't know of any team 
on our schedule we could beat at pres- 
ent," Tatum remarked at the close of 
the drills as he wrung out the crying 
towel, "but with the hustle and scrap 
of these boys, I'm hoping we'll catch 



Big Jim really gave the proverbial crying tow- 
el, familiar to all collegiate coaches, a good work 
out with dim football predictions for the coming 
season. But student body, faculty and alumni, 
knowing how hard the big fellow and his asso- 
ciates have been working and how enthusiastic 
the players are about a "1947 comeback," hope 
that Tatum maybe had his tongue in his 
cheek and that the Terps will do e little scoring 
this year at that. 

an outfit work so hai'd and have as 
much fight. If their willingness is any 
criterion of the future, they'll do a good 
job of representing Maryland. However, 
I fear we'll need more than that to 
combat the teams on our schedule." 

In other words, Tatum doesn't expect 
to perform a miracle in 1947. He real- 
izes fully that time is essential to build- 
ing a sound football team and feels 
that it will take four years, at least, 
to accomplish the huge task. 

"By 1950 we should have a team of 
which Maryland can be proud, one 
which truly can represent the univer- 
sity," said Tatum. "But it takes lots 
of time and plenty of hard work. Mean- 
while we'll do our best to turn out a 
good, interesting and scrappy eleven." 

Big Jim somehow recalled Winston 
Churchill's words after the Nazis had 
first driven British forces into the sea, 
"Courage is not enough." Alumni and 
student body, however, are hoping Ta- 
tum had, at least partly, his tongue in 
his cheek and that the Terps, under 
Tatum leadership and the enthusiasm 
of the players and assistant coaches, 
will not be entirely pushed out of the 
picture, and that the Old Liners will 
win some of the games on a tough 


Colonel Harvey L. Miller, Director 
of Publications and Head Boxing Coach 
at the University of Maryland, was 
elected Treasurer of the Sportsmen's 
Committee, Damon Runyon Cancer 
Fund, at a meeting at the Hotel Statler 
in Washington last month. 

Clark Griffith, owner of the Wash- 
ington Baseball Club was chosen Chair- 
man with Francis Stann, of the Wash- 
ington Star and Bus Ham, of the Wash- 
ington Post as Vice Chairman and Sid- 
ney Lust, prominent theatre owner, as 
publicity director. Other members of 
the Board with specific duties intended 
to interest promoters of all sports 
events in the Washington Area toward 
conducting shows with part of the pro- 
ceeds going to the Cancer Fund are- — 

Jim Gibbons, WMAL; Bob Wolfe, 
and Dick O'Brien, Times-Herald. Sid- 
ney Lust, prominent Maryland theatre 
operator, and Joseph Holman were del- 
egated to handle publicity. 

Other well known sports figures who 
pledged their support to the drive were: 
Gteorge Garner, Times-Herald; Dick 
McCann, Redskins; Art Brown and Bill 
Brundige, WOL; Jerry Strong, WEAM; 
Hugh "Bingo" Flynn, president, and 
Lewis "Knocky" Thomas, manager of 
the Touchdown Club; Thomas P. Mor- 
gan and Clarence Talley of the boxing 
commission; Bill Herson, WRC and 
Tony Howard, WPIK; Ray Michael, 

WMAL; and Eddie Galliher, WTOP. 
The objective is to raise $50,000 in 
the Washington area through sports 
events and individual contributions 
from sportsmen. Such individual con- 
tributions in any amount may be sent 
to the Treasurer, Sportsmen's Commit- 
tee, Damon Runyon Cancer Fund, Room 
2053, New Municipal Center, 300 In- 
diana Ave., N.W., Washington, D. C. 



Lewis (Knocky) Thomas, one of the greatest 
football backs ever turned out at the University 
of Maryland, assumed his duties as manager of 
the Touchdown Club of Washington. 

Thomas was one of 13 charter members who 
helped organize the club back in the 1930's. and 
also one of its ablest early presidents. 


Lt. Col. Lewis W. (Big Knocky) 
Thomas, Jr., '28, one of Maryland's 
finest gridmen and trackmen of all- 
time, as a member of the 12th Air 
Force, was awarded the Legion of 
Merit for his outstanding service as 
wire officer during the African, Sicilian, 
Italian and Southern France invasions. 

Knocky, who was a 10-second 1U0- 
yard dashman and fast-stepping quar- 
ter miler, was a great back on the 
football teams of 1925, 1926 and 1927 
and he and Myron (Mike) Stevens 
teamed up as one of the best all-around 
backfield pairs in Old Line history. 
They played stellar roles, offensively 

and defensively, as Maryland whipped 
Yale ir 1926 by 15-0 and shone in many 
other games, singly and collectively. 

Fred (Little Knocky) followed broth- 
er Lewis to Maryland and was cut- 
standing in basketball and baseball. 


Boots Panella, mainstay of the Mary- 
land baseball team's hurling corps took 
matters in his own hands as the Old 
Liners closed their season by spilling 
heavily favored Yale, 3-2, at New 

The game was the second in a sched- 
uled four-game northern swing. Two 
of the contests were rained out, and the 
Liners dropped the fourth to Harvard, 

Yale, runner-up for the national 
championship, edged along on a 2-1 
lead until the eighth inning when 
Panella, who had hurled a remarkable 
game, went to work at the plate. With 
two mates aboard, the husky chucker 
poled a triple to the far parts of center 
field, winning his own ball game and 
accounting for Maryland's outstanding 
victory of the 1947 season. 

Bill Zupnik suffered a fit of wildness 
as the Terps squared off against the 
Harvards, walking eight men in the 
first two innings and accounting largely 
for the Crimson lead. From that point 
Bob Keene took over and shut out the 
opposition for the remainder of the 

Bob Andrus, slugging centerfielder 
put in his chunk for the Maryland cause 
with a home run, but none were on and 
the blow did little good. 


Tom Chisari, well known Maryland 
football player and all around athlete, 
who graduated in June, has been signed 
by Catholic University of America as 
Director of Physical Education and 
trainer for C. U.'s athletic teams. C. U. 
is resuming football this year with a 
series of games in the Mason-Dixon 

'51: "I shall never marry until I find 
a girl who is my direct opposite." 

'49: "Well, there are a great many 
intelligent girls on the Maryland cam- 

The first lie detector was made out 
of the rib of man. No improvement 
has ever been made on the original 


3Inrvhiml Boxers Fim-«* ltiii>;»4'<l * fit S<°Im»iIiiI<» 

Louisiana State. 
Michigan and 
Other Good 
Opponents On 
Home and Home 

By Merrill Dodson 

THE boxing schedule for the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, announced by 
Director of Athletics, Walter S. Dris- 
kill, shows Coach Heinie Miller's South- 
ern Conference champions tackling the 
most pretentious ring schedule in Mary- 
land's boxing history. 

On February 9th, at East Lansing, 
Michigan, the Marylanders will face 
powerful Michigan State. The Spar- 
tans, undefeated in 1947 and with a 
win to their credit over University of 
of Wisconsin team, have three out- 
standing letter men in southpaw 
Charles Davey, national intercollegiate 
135 pound champion; Daniel Hickey, 
stellar 145 pound national runner up, 
who was eliminated in the nationals 
due to a cut eye; and 175 pound Billy 
Richey, who lost a very close decision 
in the national finals. The agreement 
with the Spartans is on a home and 
home basis. They will show at College 
Park in 1949. 

L. S. U. Here 

On January 30th, at College Park, 
the Old Liners face Louisiana State 
University's mittsters. Coached by J. 
T. Owen, the L. S. U. boys, as in pre- 
war days, are fistic dynamite. They 
draw much of their talent from the 
Louisiana high school boxing program 
as exemplified at the recent national 
junior scholastic meet at Charlottesville, 
where Louisiana lads from Palomine 
High School turned in outstanding box- 
ing jobs. Maryland boxers will meet 
the L. S. U. Tigers in 1949 at Baton 
Rouge, La. under a home and home 

Army Again 

The Terrapins will face the Army at 
West Point on January 17th, continu- 
ing the rivalry between the Terps and 
Coach Billy Cavanagh's fighting cadets. 

Two more new names on the Mary- 
land schedule are Clemson Agricultural 
College and The Citadel. 

The Clemson Tigers, who meet Mary- 
land at College Park on February 14th, 
are coached by Colonel Bob Jones, are 
always tough. In their line up is Jerry 
Orr, Southern Conference 130 pound 
champion and Carl Pulkinen, 135 pound 

r 32S2ffi2nS25252ffi52S252SZS3H52S3Z5Z52SH525252SH53HS2m^^ 


January 9 — South Carolina at College Park 
January 17 — Army at West Point 
January 24 — Catholic University at Washington 
January 3C — Louisiana State at College Park 
February 9 — Michigan State at E. Lansing, Mich. 
'February 14 — Clemson at College Park 
-February 20 — The Citadel at College Park 
February 28 — Bucknell at Lewisburg, Pa. 

*Home meets 


Southern title holder. The Terps will 
box at Clemson in 1949. 

The Citadel boxes Maryland at Col- 
lege Park on February 20th. They are 
coached by H. L. Mathews and have one 
Southern Conference champion in Dale 
Mathews, 165, the coach's son. The 
agreement with the Bulldogs is also on 
a home and home basis, the Terrapins 
journeying to Charleston, S. C. in 1949. 

The rivalry between Maryland and 
the University of South Carolina, where 
Durnas Turner is coach, will be con- 
tinued when the Gamecocks meet the 
Terrapins in the season's opener at Col- 
lege Park on January 9th. Maryland's 
team will return the visit by appearing 
at Columbia, S. C. in 1949. South Caro- 
lina boasts two Southern Conference 
champions in Ray Avant, 145, and 
Chuch Spann, 175. The latter lost out 
in the NCAA finals due to a very close 
split decision. 

C. U. A. Also 

Moving the inter-school boxing rival- 
ry between Maryland and Catholic Uni- 
versity into the twelfth dual meet be- 
tween the Terps and Coach Eddie La- 
Fond's clouters, Maryland faces C. U. 
A. at Brookland on January 24th. The 
score now stands at five wins for Mary- 
land, four for C. U. and two draws. 

Maryland won in 1935, 1942, 1943, 
1946, and 1947. 

C. U. won in 1936, 1938, 1940 and 
1941. The 1937 and 1939 meets, during 
which years Maryland had an unde- 
feated record and the Southern Confer- 
ence championship, resulted in draws 
with C. U. 

The Terrapins close their 1948 dual 
meet season by facing Bucknell at 

Lewisburg, Pa. on February 28th. 
Billy Richards coaches the Bisons. 

It has not yet been decided where the 
Southern Conference tournament will 
be held. Very likely this event will be 
staged at either Columbia, S. C. or Col- 
lege Park, Md. depending upon which 
of the Southern Conference teams 
shows the best record during the dual 
meet season. 

"The Nationals" 

While the place and date for the NC 
AA Tournament ("The Nationals") 
have not yet been selected, the last 
week in April has been tentatively 
chosen for the tournament because that 
date will not bring about a great inter- 
val of time between the NCAA meet 
and the final Olympic tryouts. 

It is understood that the University 
of Minnesota, at Minneapolis, is favored 
for the tournament. 

For the NCAA tournament in 1948 
the Olympic weights will be used. 
These weights are 112, 118, 126, 135, 
147, 160, 175, Heavyweight. • 

The normal collegiate weights are 
125, 130, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, Un- 


Writes Mr. Abe J. Greene, managing 
editor of the Paterson Evening News, 
"Kenny Malone, University of Mary- 
land's Southern Conference heavyweight 
champion, was a guest last night at 
the Diamond Gloves Tournament. We 
presented him from the ring as a pro- 
duct of our tournament and as Mary- 
land's Champion. He received a fine 
hand from the audience." 


Recoil &G/ilif, ^baifl 


Football Team 
was Ragged Rut 
Right and Tough 
Rabies to Lather, 
Recall five Veteran 

By Dave Brighum 

THE good die young; the bad live 
forever," observed five returning 
members of the class of 1897. 

At College Park to attend their 50th 
reunion were Harry Heward, Class 
Vice-president, Greenville Lewis, Sec- 
retary-Treasurer, C. J. Queen, Franklin 
Sherman, and Benjamin Watkins. All 
played on the undefeated football team 
of '96. Lewis, now a Naval Personnel 
Superintendent, was coach, captain, and 
one of the all time greats at fullback. 
Sherman, Professor of Entomology at 
Ciemson, was the center-rush. Tackle 
Heward is now a Philadelphia shellfish 
wholesaler. Queen, a retired New York 
police Lieutenant, played guard, and 
Watkins, a life-long farmer, was at 
halfback. The only class member to 
play on this team and not in attend- 
ance for the reunion was Halfback Bert 
S. Nelligan. 

Eleven Alive 
Eleven members of the original class 
of eighteen are still known to be alive. 
Their favorite recollection concerns 
painting a white horse red, white and 
blue with paint acquired on a midnight 
tour during the construction of the old 
Engineering Building. 

From these five came a challenge to 
the University presented by "Journey" 
Queen and endorsed by the others. 
"Where is the initiative and pride we 
had in '97? The personnel and stu- 
dent body of the great University of 
Maryland seem to have lost sight of 
the college spirit of our day. Perhaps 
the individual player and student has 
forgotten his own importance. As an 
exponent of state liberties and of the 
freedom personified in this original 
colony the University of Maryland 
must continue to represent the prin- 
ciples under which this great State 
was chartered. It should be a leader 
in athletics and in all events and 
ideas of benefit to humanity. The 
football team should be the para- 
mount achievement in athletics. We 
have a great student body, supported 
by a great State, and there is little 
reason for our not being a leader in 
this commendable sport. Good active 


Back to the old campus where they attended as students, graduating- with the class of 1897, 
these four enthusiastic alumni attended Commencement Exercises last month. 

Left to right, seated: Greenville Lewis, Class Secretary-Treasurer; Harry Heward, Class Vice- 
President; Ben Watkins; Left to right, standing: Franklin Sherman, Charles J. Queen. 

men and women are the key to our 
future. My association with the vast 
responsibility of police control in 
New York City demonstrated how 
vital good health, good sport, alert 
minds, and above all the will to win 
are to the security of the United 
States. No man is finished until the 
final call and no team is licked until 
the final gun. Maryland has the man- 
power and can easily develop the 
pride, the will to conquer, and the 
necessary fight which will guarantee 
that no team will down the Universi- 
ty of Maryland." 

Trained Hand 

Members of the team of '96 agreed 
they made up in training what they 
lacked in knowledge of the game. Each 
morning during the training season the 
men took a ten mile run. Any man who 
smoked, drank coffee, or ate pie during 
the training period or the playing s> a- 
son was dropped from the squad. Also, 
in those days smoking by a student 
meant expulsion from Maryland Agri- 
culture College. There were thirteen 
men on the team and games were play- 
ed on both Wednesday and Saturday of 
each week. Each man played the full 
sixty minutes or until he was carried 
off the field. 

The football field located near the 
present site of the main flagpole was 
four-fifths gravel. Every tackle meant 
a loss of hide. The uniforms were per- 
sonally owned, ragged and usually well 
perfumed. Each man made his own 

shoes and cleats. 

Even these men were not without 
superstition. Lewis obtained a new and 
bright colored shirt for an important 
game. M. A. C. was losing until team 
members removed his shirt and re- 
placed it with a ragged jersey. They 
won the game. 

Tackling Dummy 

Lewis served as tackle dummy for 
team members and those present for 
the reunion recalled they received no 
pleasure in bringing him to the gi-ound. 
Sherman was noted for his ability to 
get down the field after a quick kick 
faster than the ends. His favorite recol- 
lection was blocking and spilling a man 
much heavier than he after which he 
threw the ball carrier for a loss, Queen, 
big and raw boned with little knowledge 
of the game, became a main stay at 
guard. Halfback Watkins preferred 
jumping would-be tacklers and made 
numerous spectacular runs. During a 
game with the University of Baltimore, 
Heward found the opposing line taller, 
more mature, and forty pounds per man 
heavier than himself. With a face badly 
bruised and bleeding he told coach and 
teammate Lewis he could take no more 
punishment. Lewis suggested he grab 
his opponent by the stomach and hold 
on. This he did on every occasion and 
the big tackle was taken out of every 

One of the outstanding games was 
a win over Bethel Military Academy of 
Virginia, 20 to 10. There were no 

(Concluded on page 1,7) 


T,HE best story to come out of 
World War II has a collegiate 
angle and is worth repeating here. 

Professor Thomas A. Simpson, teach- 
ing English at a mid-western Univer- 
sity, received a letter from the Navy 
Department. Would he consider accept- 
ing a commission as a Commander (spe- 
cialist) for the teaching of English at 
a pre-Flight class in North Carolina? 
Yes, he would. So he accepted and in 
due time bought his uniforms and 
awaited orders. 

The orders came, directing him to 
report to the Boston Navy Yard. He 
reported there and was rushed off to a 
pier head where a nervous Lieutenant- 
Commander asked, "Is this Commander 
Simpson? We've been waiting, sir." 
They tossed Commander Simpson on 
board the ship. The ship shoved off. 
The Commander promptly took seasick 
and curled up in his bunk. All the way 
to England. He learn- 
ed, by golly, that he 
that ship, Seasick all 
the way to Boston, too. 
When the ship pulled 
into Boston there was a 
red faced and irate 
deep water Commander 
pacing the dock. As 
Commander Simpson 
came down the gang- 
plank the red faced pac- 
ing Commander asked, 
"Are you Commander 
Thomas A. Simpson?" 
"I am," replied the 
worried and weary Pro- 

"Well," replied the 
red faced Commander, 
"So am I! Same name 
and same initials. Now 
if you think you made 
a heluva mess of com- 
manding my ship, wait 
'til you arrive in North 
Carolina and see what 

I left of your 

English class!" 

The two most dangerous things in 
the world are a field music with a .45 
pistol and a Second Lieutenant with a 
lead pencil — Field music will shoot any- 
thing and a Second Lieutenant will 
sign anything. 

"Mamma, I'm not hungry. I ate all 
those raisins on the sticky paper." 

He was just out of college and back 
in civilian clothes. 

Eskimo girls are so cold they have 
Arctic Circles under their eyes. 

Hirohito wants to buy our glass bot- 
tom boats at Catalina so he can review 
his fleet. 

A real good job with not much work 
would be to be a hot cross bun maker. 
Another would be an oiler for hinges 
on secret doors. 

"Why is it that you go steady with 

"Oh, she's different from the other 

"How's that?" 

"Well, she'll go with me." 

Overheard in the corridor, "Yeh, he's 
the kind of a guy like when you put 
'H. A.' behind his name it does not 
mean 'hour angle,' 'home address' or 
'hospital apprentice'!" 

Ted: "Last night we had a beer 
drinking contest." 

Johnny: "You don't say! Who won 
the second prize?" 

Roses are green, violets are pink, 
Immediately after the 13th drink. 

One cigarette to the 
other: "Here we go 
making ashes of our- 


"Sh h h! Go to sleep. 
The sandman is com- 

Junior: "Fifty cents 
and I won't tell daddy." 

"I shall now illus- 
trate what I have in 
mind," said the practice 
teacher as he erased 
everything on the 

At a New York thea- 
trical booking agency a 
ventriloquist tried to 
get booking for a dog 
act. He had two of his 
dogs with him. Turn- 
ed down flat by t he 
booking agent, the ven- 
triloquist shooed the 
dogs out of the door. 
Then, tossing his voice, 
he said, "That's a fine 
way to treat even a 

"Hold on there," ex- 
claimed the agent, "can 
that big dog talk?" 

"No," replied the ac- 
tor, "the little one is a 

The meanest guy in 
the whole world is the 
warden that puts a tack 
on the electric chair. 


That explosion in Cy Perkins chic- 
ken yard? Cy had fed the chickens a 
good meal of "Layorbust" and one of 
'em was a rooster. 

Mrs. Smith: "I thought I saw you 
with a gentleman last night." 

Miss Smith: "Yeah, that's what I 
thought, too." 

Radio commentator Art Godfrey 
slows our terrapin down to well below 
the terp's normal leisurely gait. Sez 
Art, sez he: 

"Two terrapins were drinking beer 
at a bar. One says, 'I've got to use the 
phone. I'll be back in about five years.' 
However, he was back in three years, 
explaining, 'Another guy was using the 
phone and I didn't want to wait.' " 

A former GI, who had to do with 
guarding German prisoners during the 
tail end of the recent ruckus, tells us 
that many of the German enlisted men 
despised Hitler and referred to him as 
'der Zwitter." The former GI stated he 
was going to ask one of the profs in 
German what that word meant. We 
can tell him here. A "zwitter" is a guy 
like when his pappa wanted a boy and 
his mama wanted a girl they were both 

Said a young thing to her mother, 
"It isn't fair. At night you tell me I'm 
too little to stay up, and in the morning 
you say I'm too big to stay in bed," 

Snorky tells us that a guy ran an ad 
in a Washington, D. C. paper like this: 
"WANTED— Young man, V. M. I. grad- 
uate or equivalent." A Maryland fellow 
wrote, "As to equivalent, do you mean 
two University of Virginia men or a 
Maryland graduate on half time?" 

An Iowa family with a summer cot- 
tage in the Leach Lake region in Min- 
nesota bought blueberries from an In- 
dian for several years at 50 cents per 
pail. This year he upped the price to 
one dollar. 

"Why?" asked the guy from Gowrie. 

And the Indian replied: "Big war 
some place." 

Traffic lights turn red because they 
change in the middle of the street. 

The nose is the most important organ 
of the body. It is the human scenter. 

Mac Tavish killed himself in front 
of an undertaker's shop. 

A little knowledge is not a dangerous 
thing. It is the big ignorance that ac- 
companies it that makes the trouble. 

About the most useless thing in the 
world is a good intention that was 
never put to work. 


DEPARTMENT (Concluded from page 45) 

1. "There's a nice girl in Italy?" inside accomodations for the visiting 
"Genoa?" team at half-time so the men of M.A.C. 

2. "I met a fine girl in the West spent the entire intermission running 
Indies?" "Jamaica?" around the field to keep "hot." 

^ 3. "Saw a woman hanged in China?" The greatest game of '96 recalled by 
' Shanghai . these five was played against the Uni- 
versity of Maryland at Baltimore. The 
Girl in Oahu, School at College Park was then Mary- 
Name is Gert, ] an( j Agricultural College. From the 
Sure can toss Reveille of '97 comes this comment, "We 
A wicked skirt. played a tie game with the University 

of Maryland in which neither side 

"That hoss you sold me can't hold scored. This was the hardest fought 

his head up. game in which we participated and 

"That's his pride. He's ashamed at should have been ours by a score of six 

the price you paid." t nothing, but our opponents took ad- 

vantage of the approaching darkness 

A guy woke up one morning with a when we were within two yards of 

red tulip growing out of the top of their goal and allowed three extra men 

his head. He rushed down to "Believe to take places in the lines. This pre- 

or Not Bob Ripley." vented our scoring and we were unable 

"I wanna see Ripley," he told the to make a second attempt as the umpire 

receptionist. called the game." 

She asked, "What about?" l n ne of the early games Watkins, 

who had been injured in practice session 

"I would like for my last meal," said the two previous seasons, ran into a 

the condemned man, "a big ration of goal post with his head down. Think- 

mushrooms. I've always been afraid to ing it was a tackier, he backed off and 

eat them before for fear of poison." charged the post a second time. 

Lewis, Watkins, and Sherman also 

So often it is the case that the first played baseball. All five boxed on the 

screw to get loose in a person's head well waxed gymnasium floor where 

is the one which controls the tongue. every blow that landed meant a knock- 

down. This building now known as the 

Campus wife: "Just suppose we old library, houses the Dean of Women, 

wives should go on a strike." lt > the ^sborough Inn, and the wing 

„ r on the Education Building are the only 

GI husband: Go right ahead, Ive . . ,. ■ ,. ^ e , Ar7 

, ., , structures which the Class of 97 recog- 

got a peach of a strike-breaker in i t v , 

. , „ mzed on the present campus, 

The determination of five men who 

returned for their fiftieth reunion con- 
Dentist: 'You needn t open your , u ■ 1,-u ou u a 

K J tinues in their children. Sherman had 

mouth any wider. When I pull the , • i nr u 

J H two sons and a son-in-law in World 

tooth I expect to be on the outside." Tlr TT T t j i j h. t 

H " U a uc. ^r al . jj Heward had the same. Lewis 

had a son in service and Queen a son 

"Does she have her own way?" and daughter. Watkin's son, of the 

"I'll say. Why she writes her diary Class of '25, is the fourth generation on 

a week ahead of time." the same farm. 




© Q 

Alumni Secretary, © 

g University of Maryland, © 

o College Park, Md." © 

| ° 

© 'Maryland' is addressed to me as follows: § 

a © 

© Q 

a ° 


& ® 

g © 

§ Correct address should read © 


© ". 


© J? 

© g 



WRITES Mr. Leland F. Leland, 
Publisher, The Fraternity 
Month, St. Paul, Minn., "We are us- 
ing the May 1947 cover illustration of 
Maryland on The Fraternity Month, 
adding, "we have been very interested 
in your lovely and well edited and de- 
signed publication. In the early fall we 
would like to feature the University of 
Maryland as 'The University of the 
Month.' " 

In a letter to Dr. H. C. Byrd, Colonel 
Melvin J. Maas, U.S.M.C.R., former 
Congressman from Minnesota, now a 
resident of Silver Spring, wrote, "As 
the father of a former student at the 
University of Maryland, I read regular- 
ly and with great interest, Maryland 
magazine. I have been tremendously 
impressed by the professional qualities 
of this publication, while retaining the 
full spirit of an alumni magazine. I 
enjoy it immensely and get considerable 
educational value from its pages. 

"I think it is such an unusual college 
publication," Colonel Maas continued, 
"that I could not refrain from telling 
you of my admiration for it. While it 
was my daughter who went to Mary- 
land, I feel almost like an alumnus 

"It is a pleasure to receive Mary- 
land," writes Colonel Raymond Stone, 
Jr., Headquarters, Antilles Department, 
APO 851, c/o Postmaster, Miami, Fla., 
"a magazine with great possibilities 
which I hope will be achieved." 

"It must have taken a lot of worry 
and trouble and concentrated applica- 
tion to produce Maryland, a splen- 
did publication," writes Mrs. Robert Al- 
len Weir, the former Millicent Wright, 
Home Economics, '44, 430 East 57 
Street, New York City, "but the Editor 
may well be proud of the product We 
all are." 

"I agree with the others who have 
expressed themselves," writes John W. 
Clark, Engineering '41, "Maryland 
magazine is now a wonderful publica- 
tion. Mr. Clark is with the Turner Con- 
struction Company, Box 1548, Water- 
bury, Conn. 

"It was with a great deal of pleasure 
that I received and read Maryland," 
writes Murray M. Reckson, M.D., '28. 

"CUT IT our,,, 


General Secretary, 
Alumni Association, 
University of Maryland, 
College Park, Maryland. 

Inclosed please find check for 

dollars ($ .) my contribution to the Alumni Association. 

Three dollars of the above amount is to cover subscription for 
"Maryland" for twelve issues. 

(See also coupon on other side) 

School of Medicine '32, 541 Lincoln 
Road, Miami Beach, Fla., "which pub- 
lication I regard as a great job, deserv- 
ing of all the praise it is receiving." 

"I am very glad to receive Mary- 
land," writes Christopher J. O'Connell, 
D.D.S., 225 High St., Holyoke, Mass., 
"and I extend my compliments to those 
whose time and effort have gone to 
make it so very attractive and newsy." 

"As a brand new alumnus (I love 
that word)," writes Shirley J. Rouse, 
1440 North Bentalou Street, Baltimore, 
"I'd like to express my whole hearted 
appreciation of Maryland. It is the 
perfect source of University news and 
helps overcome the campus nostalgia 
that has already overtaken me. I am 
looking forward with special interest 
to the Arts and Sciences number." 

"Just finished perusing Maryland, 
really a worthy journalistic acheive- 
ment," writes Lula Chandler, Route 1, 
Silver Spring, Md., "and, after thor- 
oughly enjoying the paper may we 
commend its editor and staff. It is 
really good." 

William D. Groff, '00, whose son, Bill, 
graduated in '39, writes, "I'm much in- 
terested in Maryland and you can 
be sure I read it thoroughly. It is 
quite a job to keep up with the ex- 
pansion of things at the University but 
the magazine is doing that." 

Maryland magazine is a very fine 
publication and is greatly enjoyed 
here," writes Jane L. Simpson, Annapo- 
lis Junction, Md., adding "I have been 
receiving three copies each month, ad- 
dressed to Jane Lois Hahn, Jane Lois 
Hahn Simpson and Jane L. Simpson, 
all three of whom are just me." 

"From time to time I have seen vari- 
ous alumni publications of various col- 
leges," writes William L. Fenster, 
2779 Wells Street, Milwaukee, Wiscon- 
sin, "but that Maryland paper is so 
far ahead of the field, in professional 
make-up, content and volume that it is 
in a class by itself. You may well be 
proud of it." 

"My most sincere congratulations to 
all who had a part in making possible 
that very fine alumni magazine," writes 
George E. Johnson, '23, 101% Lincoln 
Way West, Mishawaka, Ind., continu- 
ing, "This publication represents a defi- 
nite step forward and upward for the 
University in stimulation of alumni in- 
terest even though many are unable to 
return often to their Alma Mater. My 
best wishes for the magazine's con- 
tinued success." 

"Best wishes for the continued suc- 
cess of this excellent magazine." writes 
Richard K. Hart, 2906 Westwood Ave., 



ORGANIZATIONAL steps are now 
being taken to establish active 
alumni associations for the six College 
Park schools of Agriculture, Arts and 
Science, Business and Public Adminis- 
tration, Education, Engineering, and 
Home Economics. The same is being 
done for the Law School in Baltimore. 
Dental, Medical, Nursing and Pharmacy 
Associations are already well organized. 
Steering committees have been in ses- 
sion and are piecing together those fac- 
tors essential to top notch Alumni 
Associations. They have already out- 
lined initial moves for drafting a con- 
stitution and nomi- 
nating officers for 
election at School 
alumni meetings on 
November 1. The 
; 4||^* Deans of the colleges 
are working closely 
with these alumni 
committees, and all 
former students of 
each school are in- 
vited to attend the 
organizational meet- 
ing of the school 
from which they 
nave Bri-ham graduated. 


The Board of Regents and President 
Byrd set aside $30,000 for alumni activi- 
ties which were sidetracked during the 
war. These include the publication 
Maryland, measures to obtain current 
data about all alumni and the reorgani- 
zation of alumni groups, clubs, and 
classes. All efforts are designed to 
arouse interest in alumni affairs. It is 
now our turn to show our appreciation 
for this action through a live organiza- 
tion and through financial assistance 
for alumni programs and projects. If 
you enjoy Maryland, if you want a 
strong alumni organization, and if you 
desire the University of Maryland to 
continue its outstanding progress you 
will not hesitate to demonstrate your 
interest through a contribution. It is 
not possible for us to continue the 
present pace without your help. 


The date of November 1 should go 
on your calendar immediately. Sched- 
uled for the first of that month are 


By Drive Brigham 

General Alumni Secretar> 

7 hate to be a griper. I always long for 
peace; but the wheel that does the 
squeaking is the one that gets the 

school and general alumni meetings 
plus Homecoming. You can't go wrong 
by planning to attend both. Here are 
plans which are still only tentative but 
which will give you an idea of the 
program for the day. Definite details 
will appear in future issues of Mary- 
land. Registration of alumni will prob- 
ably begin at 9:30 A. M. School alumni 
meetings will follow at 10:00 A. M. with 

NOVEMBER 1, 1947 

The Law: "Why does he strain at the 
leash like that? Where does he want to 

Black Eyed Susan: "All Terrapins 
are like that on Homecoming Day. He's 
heading for College Park!" 

a General Alumni Meeting at 11:00 
A.M. The remainder of the day will be 
consumed by an alumni luncheon, the 
West Virginia football game, alumni 
open house with a buffet supper at a 
central campus location, and the Home- 
coming Ball from 8:00 P. M. to mid- 

For future issues of Maryland the 
plan is to print feature articles from 
all University schools both in Baltimore 
and College Park rather than special 
editions featuring one college in each 
issue. Thus we shall present a balanced 

all-Maryland publication. We also plan 
to run as much news about alumni of 
all schools as can possibly be obtained. 
This necessitates cooperation of the 
schools in submitting feature material 
and the help of alumni in forwarding 
news items about themselves and other 
former students. We want Maryland 
to please you and to contain the news 
and information which you want to 


Send to the Alumni Office the name 
and address of any former student not 
now receiving Maryland. 

If you have not submitted an Alumni 
History Record please do so immediate- 
ly and encourage others to do the same. 
We cannot print the proposed Universi- 
ty Alumni Directory until accurate in- 
formation about a majority of the 
former students is available. 

Be sure to keep the magazine ad- 
vised of any change of address. The 
Post Office Department does not for- 
ward second class mail matter. Note 
your address as it appears on the cover 
of the magazine. If the address is in 
error or if any part of your name is 
misspelled, advise us accordingly. There 
is a coupon on page 39 for this purpose. 

Some are receiving more than one 
copy of the magazine. We are making 
an effort to eliminate this duplication 
but we need your help. If you are re- 
ceiving more than one copy let us know 
and give us the address to which the 
magazine should be sent. Use the 
coupon on page 47. We need the old 
address to find your name in the geo- 
graphical file. It would help to clip 
and inclose the old address. 


On the adjacent page you will note 
"Orchids" received from readers. These 
individuals have expressed their ap- 
preciation both by words of encourage- 
ment and by a contribution to the 
alumni fund. Is it possible for you to 
ao as much? Below the "Orchids" there 
is an item of interest to you. This con- 
cerns the future of our magazine and 
of our alumni program. It merits your 
very careful consideration! 






Co-starring with Ingrid Bergman in 

Arch of Triumph 

Enterprise Studio's Great Motion Picture of 
Erich Maria Remarque's Great Novel. 

Cop) right 19 47, Liggett &. Myers Towrro Co. 

Volume XVIII 
Nn in bo r Ten 

September 1947 

Cents the Copy 




. yes, the man said 'terrific production costs' and his paper 
is required to retrench. 

. all production costs — printing costs — are abnormally high 
for all publications, including 'MARYLAND'." 

. in spite of which we are giving you the finest alumni 
magazine in the college field." 

. but, as the man says figuratively, 'You can't do it on ginger 

. read Dave Brigham's 'TALKING TURTLE' on the inside 
back cover." 

. then use the coupon on the last page." 






Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and, entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class 
mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor; Anne S. Dougherty, Ci/culation Manager. Board of Man- 
agers, Alumni Association: Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21; Vice-Chairman, Harry E. Hasslinger, '33; Dr. Charles E. White, Secretary, Board of 
Managers; Talbot T. Speer, '18; J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Hazel Tenney Tuemmler, '29; Charles V. Koons, '29; Agnes Gingell Turner, '33; James 
E. Andrews, '31; David L. Brigham, '38; General Alumni Secretary, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. 

J.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 

Twenty-five Cents the Copy 


Weeded ^ai leadeMUip. 



THE primary purpose of the Ameri- 
can colleges and universities is 
to educate and develop American youth. 
Many theories are propounded as to 
how this objective can best be reached. 
However, one factor on which all seem 
to agree is that competitive athletics 
offer values to be found nowhere else. 
On the athletic field, the young man 
goes through a leavening process which, 
in its democratic influences, is far- 
reaching. Here the young man must 
stand among his fellows and achieve 
only on the basis of what he proves 
himself able to do. It is the place where 
the poor boy with better qualities, rises 
to be the hero above the rich boy who 
may be his competitor. There exists 
here no class, no favoritism, no poli- 
tical influence. On the athletic field, the 
man receives honors for what he is able 
to do, and for no other reason. 

Barefoot Boy to President 

It is the same democratic system that 
has, in our free society, enabled a bare- 
foot boy from a tow path to rise to the 
presidency; a penniless immigrant to 
rise to the head of a great industry. 
Such an example of achievement on 
one's own is worthy of a place in our 
university life, even if no other value 
were attached thereto. 

But where does one find an opportuni- 
ty for the development of leadership so 
much as on the athletic field? Where in 
college life is leadership so productive 
as in football, where in months of gruel- 
ing preparation, in which no quarter is 
asked or given, men struggle to outdo 
their fellows. 

In football men must think or drop by 
the wayside. They must have courage 

Teaches Men to Eight 
To Overcome 
Tiee Fear of Defeat 

By Dr. H. C. Byrd 

University of Maryland 

or fail under hard physical punishment. 
They must, at times, be able to rise 
above their own limitations to become 
inspired apostles. At the same time, 


By Theodore Roosevelt 

IN the battle of life it is not 
the critic who counts; not the 
man who points out how the 
strong man stumbled, or where 
the doer of a deed could have 
done better. The credit belongs to 
the man who is actually in the 
arena; whose face is marred by 
dust and sweat and blood; who 
strives valiantly; who errs and 
comes short again and again be- 
cause there is no effort without 
error and shortcoming; who 
who does actually strive to do 
the deeds; who knows the great 
enthusiasm, the great devotions, 
spends himself in a worthy cause; 
who at the best knows in the end 
the triumph of high achievement; 
and who at the worst if he fails, 
at least fails while daring greatly, 
so that his place shall never be 
with those cold timid souls who 
knew neither victory nor defeat." 

they must understand what it is to be 
considerate of others, to lend a helping 
hand, to worry together, each player a 
cog in a great wheel. Mental alertness, 
willingness to sacrifice personally to en- 
able all to succeed are virtues that they 
must have or must develop. 

Men play football and engage in other 
athletics, not because they receive pe- 
cuniary reward, not because of scholar- 
ships, but because they have within 
them that competitive spirit which dif- 
ferentiates between the aggressive 
fighter and one who is content to take 
things as they come. And in the de- 
velopment of this aggressive fighting 
spirit, is found the essence of most 
human progress. 

Men With Ideals 

Men who have objectives, who have 
ideals, and who are willing to get out 
and fight for those objectives and ideals 
are the men who have led the world 
and mankind onward and upward to a 
better life. They are the men on whom 
the world must depend to solve its 
problems. They are the men who are 
the leaders of men. 

Athletics exist on a well-organized 
basis in the colleges and universities of 
America, not because some of the alum- 
ni want to see games played on Satur- 
day afternoon, not to make a Roman 
Holiday for the public, but because of 
their inherent and potential values, 
both for the men who participate and 
for the universities that the teams rep- 

The idea that successful athletic 
teams bring students to a university is 
groundless, but successful athletes do 


bring to the university and develop in 
its student body a high morale and 
build up the will to do, the will to win, 
in a way that by example, could not be 
better shown. This will to win is the 
essence of success in everything. 

One of the greatest lessons that a 
man must learn is earned more quickly, 
on the athletic field than anywhere else, 
namely, to overcome the fear of taking 
a licking. He will learn in a boxing 
ring a black eye is something to be 
shaken off, to make sterner the deter- 
mination to go on to a successful end. 
Many men fall by the wayside because 
of their fear of defeat. Such men 
simply do not have that quality which 
enables them to take a knockdown and 
get up and go on. 

Up Off of the Canvas 

Last winter, in a Southern Confer- 
ence boxing bout a University of Mary- 
land chap was knocked down for a 
count of eight in the first round. Most 
of the 4,000 persons in the Ritchie Coli- 
seum that night thought that bout was 
lost. That chap, though, got up, hung 
on throughout the first round, and 
then came back in the two remaining 
rounds to win his fight and the Con- 
ference championship. Ed Rieder won a 
boxing bout and a championship, but, 
far more worthwhile, he learned the 
invaluable lesson that a knockdown does 
not mean defeat. That young man will 
not dodge problems or difficulties as he 
goes through life. He will meet and 
overcome them. And the inspiration of 
that lesson was not lost on the 4,000 
others who saw the contest. 

Loss Was Gain 

Years ago, a young University of 
Maryland halfback, in the closing sec- 
onds of a game, dropped a punt, and 
allowed a winning touchdown to be 
made by the opposing team. In the 
dressing room immediately after that 
game, that halfback was sitting in the 
corner alone, tears running down his 
cheeks as if some catastrophe had over- 
come him. The coach walked over and 
said, "What's the matter?" The young 
halfback replied, "I lost the game." 
The coach looked at him for a moment 
and observed, "You have lost nothing. 
You have gained for yourself an oppor- 
tunity to understand the difference be- 
tween success and failure, to know that 
failure means that a fellow is knocked 
down and does not get up and go on, 
that success is to the fellow who, after 
being knocked down, has the courage to 
get up and go on." 

Some months after that, in the first 
World War, a letter came to the coach 
from the young halfback, written on the 
back of an old sheet of paper and 
sewed together with black thread. The 
letter said, "I never knew until today, 
sitting here in the mud and slime of 

of these trenches, with death and de- 
struction all around me, just what you 
meant that day when you told me that 
the difference between success and fail- 
ure was the difference between the 
fellow who was down and stayed down, 
and the fellow who was down but got 
up and went on." That same young 
halfback today is one of Maryland's 
most successful businessmen. The year 
before last he paid the largest income 
tax paid by any man in Maryland. He 
plays a large part in civic work of all 
kinds and is a courageous, splendid 

Of such stuff are athletes made. 

Of such stuff is it necessary for 
future leaders of the nation to be made. 

Such are the values that athletics 
give to the young men who are, in the 
future, to guide our destinies as a 
people and as a nation. 


Maryland's football players will wear 
natty but simple uniforms during the 
1947 campaign. 

The Old Liners will have two sets of 
jersies, one black with gold numbers 
and the other white with black numer- 
als. The numbers you can be assured 
will be large enough to be easily read- 
able by the scribes and fans. 

Tan pants, which, of course, will be 
of high quality, will be worn. 


Three athletes were tapped for Omi- 
cron Delta Kappa (ODK) national 
honorary fraternity, at ceremonies last 
May. They were Ken Malone, Southern 
Conference heavyweight boxing cham- 
pion ; Don Shuerholz, basket ball ace, 
and Eddie Matthews, Southern Confer- 
ence quartermile champion in 1946. 


Harold (Stuffy) Evans, left fielder 
on the baseball team, took time out 
during the season to wed Roberta E. 
Morton, graduate nurse, of the Uni- 
versity Health Infirmary. Evans who 
came back after war service to get his 
degree, had been a varsity regular in 
1941 and 1942. 


Maryland's hurculean task in foot- 
ball this fall very definitely is told in 
these few salient facts. The Old Liners' 
ten foes won a total of 53 games, lost 
25 and tied six last fall, four of them 
figured in bowl games and four of the 
five which again are being met gave 
the Terps a licking in 1946. 

North Carolina, which lost to Geor- 
gia in a Sugar bowl thriller, was the 
Southern Conference champ which 
whipped us 33-0; Delaware, which has 
won 31 straight, routed Rollins Col- 
lege in the Cigar Bowl at Tampa; Vir- 
ginia Tech, one outfit Maryland beat in 
1946, lost to Cincinnati U., in the Sun 
Bowl at El Paso, and a huge ray of 
hope from the coaching standpoint 
comes in the fact that Jim Tatum's 
powerful Oklahoma U. outfit routed 
N. C. State, conqueror of the Terps in 
the Gator Bowl at Jacksonville by 3412. 

Richmond U. and South Carolina 
were other victors over Maryland in 
1946 on which revenge will be sought, 
while Delaware, Duke, West Virginia, 
Vanderbilt and Duquesne, the last nam- 
ed for the first time, complete the 1947 

As Maryland won only 3 of 9 games 
last year for an average of .333. the 
picture is made none the brighter by 
the fact that our 1947 foes had a total 
winning average of .679 in 194C with 
the following records: 

Team W. L. T. 

South Carolina 5 3 

Delaware 9 

Richmond 6 2 2 

Duke 4 5 

Virginia Tech 3 3 3 

West Virginia 5 5 


North Carolina... _.. 8 11 

Vanderbilt 5 4 

N. C. State 8 2 

*No team since 1942. 

Totals 53 25 6 

"Had no 1946 team. 


Byrd Stadium, revamped and refur- 
bished, will seat 13,053 persons at foot- 
ball games next fall. This is close to 
2,000 more than could be accommodated 
last year. 

Nearly 8,000 of these seats are in the 
permanent stands, an accurate count 
showing there 4,221 seats in the steel, 
wooden-seated structure on the East 
side of the field and room for 2,728 in 
the concrete stand on the west side. 

A stand, with elevations, will provide 
] ,008 chairs on the east side while boxes 
en the west side will seat 1,036. 

Bleacher stands at each end of the 
gridiron will add a total of 4,060, 1,960 
at the south end and 2,100 at the north 

Prices, tax included on all tickets, 
will be $3 for the chairs and box seats, 
$2.50 for those in the east and west 
stands and $2 for the bleachers. 



New Leader is Near 
Doctor's Degree in 
Chinese History 

came to Maryland last Febru- 
ary 1 as assistant football coach and 
drifted into the job of athletic director, 
is only several credit hours away from a 
doctor's degree in Chinese history, and 
along the way he has acquired that 
Oriental calm and patience that is 
needed in his new task. In fact, he 
appears to have absorbed so much 
Chinese that he emulates them in his 
handwriting. Stenographers and type- 
writers, though, easily can take care of 
that problem. 

A Million Details 

Driskill, who was tossed into the job 
of a "million" details with the best 
wishes of Jim Tatum, head football 
coach who arrived at College Park with 
the title of athletic director also tacked 
to his name, has found so much to do that 
he is wondering if he'll be able to get 
a little vacation before football practice 

In addition to getting the new athletic 
organization functioning as a strictly 
separate unit at Maryland for the first 
time in history, which means setting 
up varied budgets, arranging for tick- 
ets and their sale, supervising the mak- 
ing of the schedules for various teams, 
providing equipment, looking to the im- 
provement and upkeep of the present 
facilities and other things too numerous 
to mention, he will share the responsi- 
bilities of the construction of the new 
stadium and field house that are plan- 
ned to be ready for the 1948-49 term. 

Job Covers Wide Scope 

Tatum sure hit the nail on the head 
when he opined, in shifting the detail 
job, to his good friend by saying he 
would have little time, if any, to coach 
football if he stuck to both jobs. Dris- 
kill could well envy the one-handed 
paperhanger with the hives. 

The scope and demands of Driskill's 
job is told in his official title which is 
Professor of Physical Education in 
charge of intercollegiate and intra- 
mural athletics. In announcing the 
change in setup, President Byrd said : 

"Driskill will be in authoritative 
charge of all athletics. He will have 
authority in regard to schedules, bud- 
gets, personnel, and all matters relat- 
ing to the conducting of athletics and 
will be a member of the new athletic 


Mix-yland's affable Athletic Director 

council. The one exception will be that 
Tatum will continue to arrange his own 
football games. The new athletic coun- 
cil will be composed of a majority of 
members of the faculty but probably 
will have on it both alumni and student 
representation. Driskill will be subject 
only to the authority of the athletic 
council and the president of the uni- 

Graduate of Colorado U. 

Driskill, a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Colorado in the class of 1936, 
did a lot of studying in addition to 
doing a good job at tackle for the foot- 
ball team. He picked up his B.A. and 
M.A. degrees in Chinese History and 
got well on the road to his Ph.D. in 
that intricate subject that he remained 
in athletics as a coach. 

His first job in sports was at his 
alma mater where he was assistant 


who belies the glum look in this picture 

football coach and director of intra- 
mural boxing from 1936-41. He was 
assistant grid coach at the University of 
Wyoming from April, 1941, until 
March, 1942, when he entered the Uni- 
ted States Navy and aided in the estab- 
lishment and the conducting of the ath- 
letic and academic programs in the 
various preflight schools and other Na- 
val training activities. It was in the 
Navy jobs that he got a good lesson in 
detail work that is standing him in good 
stead now. 

On U. S. S. Wasp 

From October, 1943, until October, 
1945, he was athletic director aboard 
the U. S. S. Wasp, and also served as 
First Lieutenant and damage control 
officer. He was at the Navy preflight 
school at Athens, Ga., as supervisor of 
the sports program during the sum- 
mer of 1945. In that fall he returned 











'Saturday, September 27 — South Carolina at Columbia, S. C. 
*Friday, October 3. 8:15 P. M.— Delaware at College Park. 
♦Friday, October 10, 8:15 P. M. — Richmond at College Park 

October 18 — Duke at Durham, N. C. 

October 25 — Virginia Tech at Blacksburg, Va. 
♦November 1, 2 P. M. — West Virginia at College Park, Homecoming. 

November 8 — Duquesne at Pittsburg, Pa. 
*November 15, 2 P. M. — North Carolina at Griffith Stadium, Washington, D. C. 

November 22 — Vanderbilt at Nashville, Tenn. 
♦November 29, 2 P. M. — North Carolina State at College Park 

*Home games 


to Wyoming as assistant football coach, 
going to Oklahoma last season as aide 
to Tatum. 

Will Proceed Sanely 
Driskill sees an opportunity as well 
as a challenge in his new job. but, like 
Tatum, doesn't expect to perform any 
miracles. "We're not going to turn 
things upside down or try to change in 
five minutes what they've been 35 years 
in building here at the University of 
Maryland", he said in discussing his 
new assignment. 

Although he has absolutely no inten- 
tion of trying to pressure football into 
the State schools where it is not now 
supported, Driskill is hoping more 
school officials will realize the benefits 
of the game and encourage its growth. 
It is the dearth of football in the Mary- 
land high schools that makes the grid- 
iron task at Maryland so much more 
difficult than it is elsewhere. 

Driskill, his wife and young daughter 
are living in a Bunt Watkins apartment 
in College Heights, known to the older 
graduates as "Cat Tail Hill". 


Jim Tatum, Maryland's head foot- 
ball coach, has a 50-50 record against 
the Old Liners. Maryland didn't play 
North Carolina in football when Tatum 
was a star tackle and baseball catcher 
and outfielder there but they clashed 
twice on the diamonds. He helped the 
Tar Heel nine win at Chapel Hill in 
1933 by 8-0 but was with a 7-5 loser 
at College Park in 1935. A scheduled 
game in 1934 was rained out. 


Delaware U., which Maryland plays 
at football on October 3 at College Park, 
has declared two of its grid stars in- 
eligible for signing with pro teams. 
They are Fullback Paul Hart, who was 
lured by the Los Angeles Dons, and 

End Harold Thompson, who cast his 
lot with the Chicago Rockets. Both are 
in the class of 1948. 


Driskill, University of Colorado, '36. 

M. Tatum, North Carolina, '35. 

ES — George Barclay, North Carolina, 
'35; Bill Meek, Tennessee, '43; Houston 
Elder, Murray Stats Teachers College, 
'36; Al Heagy, Maryland, '30; Al Woods, 
Maryland, '33. 

(Ship) Shipley, Maryland, '14. 

Stewart, Ciemson, '32. 

BOXING COACH— Harvey L.(Hein- 
ie) Miller. 


(Sulley) Krouse, Maryland, '42. 

E. (Jack) Faber, Maryland, '26, and 
Albert B. Heagy, Maryland, '30. 

Doyle Royal, Maryland, '43. 

GOLF COACH— Frank Cronin, 
Maryland, '40. 

RIFLE COACHES— Col. Harland 
Griswald, Acting Dean of Department 
of Military Science and Tactics, and 
T-Sgt. Fay Norris. 

TRAINER— Duke Wyre, for 15 
years assistant at Yale. 


FOOTBALL— Bob Andrus, Randy 
Bishop, Harry Bonk, Jim Brasher, 
:r Eddie Chovanes, Bob Crosland, Fred 
Davis, Joe Drach, Francis Evans, Wal- 
ly Fehr, *Emile Fritz, Lucien Gam- 
bino, Jim Goodman, Fred Jackson, 
*Bob James, Dick Johnston, Jim 
Kurz, Gene Kinney, Paul Massey, *Pat 
McCarthy, "Torn Mont, LeRoy Morter, 
Al Phillips, Bill Poling, Eddie Schwartz, 
Vernon Seibert Emmett Shaughnessy, 

Adam Stuart, Vic Turyn, and : Jack 

BASKET BALL— Bill Brown, John 
Edwards, *John Heise, manager; *Tom 
Mont, *Melvin Peck, manager; *Don 
Schuerholz, John Shumate and Eddie 

BOXING — John Albarano, Bob 
Gregson, Bob Hafer, Dave Lewis, Ken- 
neth Malone, Tom Maloney, Dan Mc- 
Laughlin, Andy Quattrocchi, Eddie 
Rieder, Albert Salkowski and Dan 

WRESTLING— Ted Crom, Harry 
Gamble, Eddie Gurny, Bob Marsheck, 
Bob Tall and Edwin Wilson. 

CROSS COUNTRY— Arthur Berry- 
man, Lindy Kehoe, Stirling Kehoe, Jim 
Umbarger, Howard Umbarger, Herb 
White and Bill Wisner. 

TRACK — Lambert Anderson, Hank 
Boyer, Eddie Crandell, "Tom Devlin, 
Augustus Eichhorn, Jim Goodman, 
Howard Gugel, Pete Hambleton, Jack 
Hibbitts Lindy Kehoe, "Stirling Kehoe, 
Jim Kurtz, Eddie Matthews, Mario 
Salvanelli, Jim Umbarger, Donald 
Weick, Herb White, Charley Wilson and 
Bill Wisner. 

LACROSSE— Jim Barnhart Bob Ber- 
ger, Irvin Dubin, Clint Ewing, Jiles 
Freeman, =:: Ray Grelecki, Charley Her- 
bert, Tom Hoffecker, Howard Hughes, 
Eddie Looper, Arthur Ludvall, *Harry 
McCauley, manager; Mark Medairy, 
Tom Mont, Bob Moulden, Lou Phipps, 
John Ruppersberger, Bill Ruppersber- 
ger and Leigh Wolfe 

BASE BALL— Charley Anacher, Joe 
Andrus, Ralph Beach, John Condon, 
; Harold Evans, Joe Fitzpatrick, Harry 
Hughes, John Hunton, Dick Johnston, 
Bob Keene, Franklin McAdams, man- 
ager; Nick Panella, Wayne Reynolds 
and Al Tuminski. 

TENNIS— Phil Glazer manager; 
Bob Grogan, Kenneth Kefauver, Eddie 
LaBerge, Eddie Miller, Jim Render and 
Dave Rothenhoefer. 

GOLF — Leonard Liebman, Bill Cas- 
sedy, John Call, Bob Clark, Reid Phip- 
peny and Bert Smiley. 

RIFLE— Walter Bowling Emanuel 
Briguglio, Arthur Cook, *Joe Decker, 
Dave Weber, Bob Wertz, manager; and 
Jack Wesson. 

"Senior Gold Awards. 


QoothUl 9i. Onenaui. flak 


More Material, Time 
to Build Winner 
Deelared Essential 

WHILE James M.(Big Jim) Ta- 
tum exemplified his intense in- 
terest in football and bared his great 
determination to build up the game at 
College Park by relinquishing his ath- 
letic directorship to Walter Driskill, he 
also made it plain that he does not 
expect to accomplish the task in a jiffy. 
Tatum, although relieved of general 
details, will continue to arrange his own 
football schedules. 

Tatum was firmly convinced, after 
six weeks of winter and spring drills, 
that the Old Liners will need consider- 
ably more strength, especially in the 
line, to make a creditable showing in 
the tough ten-game 1947 schedule and 
to start on the upward path in the grid 
pastime. This was his reason for de- 
siring to devote his supreme efforts to 
the game and he clearly expressed his 
sentiments when he turned the direct- 
ing of other sports over to Driskill, 
when he said : 

Difficult Proposition 

"Football at Maryland presents such 
a difficult proposition and involves so 
much work that it is not possible for me 
to do a good job in that, the field in 
which 1 am most interested, and at the 
same time look after the details and 
management of the sports. There is a 
mammoth construction program in ath- 
letic facilities underway at Maryland 
and this also will need the athletic di- 
rector's attention." 

Sees Time as Essential 

Tatum does not expect to perform 
a miracle in 1947, he realizes fully that 
time, and plenty of it, is essential to 
building a sound football team and feels 
that it will take four years, at least, to 
accomplish the huge job. 

"By 1950 we should have a team of 
which Maryland can be proud, one 
which truly can represent the univer- 
sity", Tatum said, "but in the mean- 
time we'll do our best to turn out a 
good, interesting and scrappy eleven". 

It would please Tatum no end, of 
course, to develop a winner his first 
season, for Jim doesn't like a loser any 
more than any other coach, but he is 
looking at the Maryland situation with- 
out rose-colored glasses and with a 
level head. 

Tatum taught the split T during the 
drills and intends to use that system 



Head Football Coach fondles Maryland's Mascot 

during the coming campaign, especially 
since he was well satisfied with his two 
top quarterbacks, Vic Turyn, regular 
in 1946, and Joe Tucker, wno served in 
a reserve role last year. 

Wants Maryland Boys 

During the six weeks of toil the 
squad shrunk from 127 to about 70 and 
Tatum got a pretty thorough picture of 
his football debits and credits and that 
is what inclined him toward the pessi- 
mistic side. He found the very small 
number of candidates from Maryland 
high schools as the most discouraging 

Tatum is used to having winners. 
His head coaching efforts brought a 
total of 23 victories, seven defeats and 
two ties in three years, all in his first 
seasons on the job. He won six, lost 
two and tied two while tutoring the 
North Carolina varsity in 1942 and 
volunteered for Navy duty immediately 
after the season. He took nine of 11 
games while at the helm at Jackson- 
ville Naval Air Station in 1945 and 
last year he had an 8-3 record at 
Oklahoma U., including the 34-13 tri- 
umph over N. C. State in the Gator 

Of great encouragement to Old Lin- 
ers, although Tatum doesn't expect such 

quick results at College Park, is the 
vast impi'ovement that came each time 
he took over a new team. North Caro- 
lina had won only two out of 10 games 
in 1941, Jacksonville NAS had a 3-4 
record in 1944 ,and Oklahoma had only 
split even in 10 contests in 1945 and 
was shellacked by Oklahomas Aggies, 
its deadly rivals, 47-0. And included in 
his 8-3 mark for the Sooners last year 
was an amazing 73-12 triumph over the 
Aggies, the first in many years. 

Eyed Job at Maryland 

His ties at North Carolina in 1942 
were by Fordham and Duke. His losses 
at Oklahoma were to Army, 21-7; 
Texas, 20-13, and Kansas, 16-13, on a 
muddy field. 

Before his varsity job at North Caro- 
lina, his alma mater, Tatum was assis- 
tant to Caid Snavely, present Tar Heel 
mentor, at Cornell and Chapel Hill. He 
was at Iowa Preflight School in 1943 
where he helped the famous Don Faurot 
and got his introduction to the split 
T. He also was at Jacksonville NAS a 
year before becoming head coach. 

"It was while I was assistant at 
North Carolina that I became tre- 
mendously impressed with the possi- 
bilities at Maryland", Tatum said. 
"Then, too, I like being close home", 



Assistant Football Coach 

meaning near his birthplace of Mc- 
Coll, S. C. and his alma mater. His 
wife also is a North Carolinian. In 
fact, the woods in the Carolinas are 
full of Tatums. He has what is called 
a millionaire family, Becky, a little 
over 2 years old, and James M., Jr., who 
was born last February. 

But getting back to football, Tatum 
opines, "Frankly, I don't know of a 
team on our schedule we could beat at 
present, but with the hustle and scrap 
and willingness these boys showed in 
the drills, I am hoping we'll catch 
some of them napping and not lose too 
many games. However, I am fearful 
we'll need more than that to combat 
the teams on our schedule." 

While he found no Blanchards or 
Davises among his backs in the practice 
sessions, including Turyn and Tucker, 
(two T's for the split T, incidentally), 
he was pleased with two sets of ball 

toters, but needs that added power in 
the forward wall so that they may 

Shy of Line Strength 

"We need much more and improved 
line material and what we have will 
need an awful lot of hard work," he 
said. "I'd say we have just two or 
three men who could make an opposing 
team's line. That's discouraging and 
what makes it more so is the average 
age of our men. We'll average about 
24 years and I am afraid at that age 
they won't develop as they should since 
many are just learning football. Re- 
actions are not fast enough, especially 
among the men up front and we have a 
terrific lack of line speed which, in my 
mind, is a lot more important than 

Tatum earnestly is hoping that the 
new fall class will produce some potent 
talent, particularly for the up-front 
jobs, and that the picture quickly will 
become brighter than he is able to paint 
it now. 

But there is one thing the student, 
alumni, and just plain Old Line follow- 
ers may be assured of for 1947, the 
Maryland team will play up to its 
potentialities and offer sound and inter- 
esting football. That should satisfac- 
torily fill the gap until Tatum can mar- 
shall his forces for better things. 


Houston Elder, latest to be added to 
the Maryland football coaching staff — 
(all the others had write-ups in pre- 
vious alumni issues) is another com- 
parative youngster, having had only 
33 birthdays. 

A native of Kentucky, Elder is a 
1936 graduate of Murray State Teach- 
ers College where he played the back- 
field in approved style in 1933, 1934 
and 1935. He was leading scorer all 
three years in the Southern Inter col- 
legiate Athletic Association and loop 
all-star choice in the last two seasons. 

He in turn coached Catlettsburg 
(Ky.) High from 1936-40, Owensboro 
(Ky.) High in 1941 and 1942 and Ports- 
mouth, Ohio, High in 1943 and 1946. 
Between his two years at Portsmouth, 
Elder was in the Navy at Great Lakes. 

Of the 107 games his high school 
elevens played in nine years, the Elder 
list shows 90 victories, 10 defeats and 
7 ties. 

Elder came to College Park direct 
from his latest previous job of physi- 
cal education director for the Bartow 
«'Fla.) County schools. 


Assistant Football Coach 


There were four Wilsons, all home 
state boys, on the 1947 spring sports 
squads at Maryland, the track team 
having two. They were Charley Wilson 
from Bel Air and Edwin Wilson from 
Rockville, both dash men; Ben Wilson 
from Towson, a defense man on the 
lacrosse ten, and Bob Wilson, an out- 
fielder on the nine from Mardell- 


Edgar (Eggs) Manske, who helped 
coach the 1946 Maryland eleven, has 
gone to the University of California as 
assistant to Lynn Waldorf, who shifted 
to the West Coast after a long stay 
at Northwestern. Manske played under 
Waldorf at Northwestern and was ail- 
American end in 1934. 


Assistant Football Coach 


Assistant Football Coach 




•George Simler E 

•Fred Davis E 

••Francis Evans E 

••Joe Drach T 

•AI Phillips T 

xWilbur Rock T 

•Fred Jackson T 

••Ed Schwarz G 

•Jim Kurz _ G 

yOtts DuBois ... G 

Jack McQuade — G 

••Gene Kinney C 

•Jim Brasher C 

••Vic Turyn QB 

Joe Tucker QB 

••Sam Behr HB 

•Lucien Gambino HB 

•Vernon Seibert HB 

John Baroni HB 

••Harry Bonk FB 

Norman Beaulieu .. FB 

zHubie Werner HB 

Aubrey McCall E 

Edwin Burnley E 

•Jim Goodman T 

Bob Troll HB 

Age Wt. 












6-2 ^ 









5-9 Vz 







6-6 % 

5-9 % 

Yrs. on 

























High School 


Fort Hill 


N.E. Catholic 



Lower Merion ... 
Strong-Vincent . 

Central . 


Central Union 

St. Xavier 




Talladega, Ala.. 

Patterson Park 
Catholic Centra 
Port Jefferson. 





Mt. St. Joe 


Home Town 
Johnstown, Pa. 
-Cumberland, Md. 
.. Springfield, Mass. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 
. Vandergrift, Pa. 
~ Washington, D. C. 
. Ardmore, Pa. 
.. Erie, Pa. 
Washington, D. C. 

Bridgeton, N. J. 

El Centro, Calif. 

Louisville, Ky. 

_E1 Paso. Tex. 

Logan, W. Va. 

Washington, D. C. 

Orlando, Fla. 

Chicago, 111. 

Baltimore, Md. 
Steubenville. O. 
Coram, N. Y. 
Barre, Vt. 

Collingswood, N.J. 

Cambridge, Md. 

Bluefield, W. Va. 

. Baltimore, Md. 
Washington, D. C. 

-One letter. **Two letters, x — Letter in 1943 and 1944. y — Letter in 1942. 
out in 1940 from broken ankle. 

-Letter in 1942. 


Wally Fehr, president of the Student 
Government Association, who played a 
fine game of football at backfield and 
guard for Maryland in 1945 and 1946, 
has decided to forego the 1947 cam- 
paign. He has a wife and three children 
and with his family and student leader- 
ship task will be able to keep busy. 
He'll be a top rooter at the games. 


Vanderbilt, which the Old Liners 
battle at Nashville on November 22, in 
1931 spoiled Maryland's nearest ap- 
proach to an unbeaten season in modern 
football by winning a wild game in 
the Tennessee City, 39-12. It was a 
much closer game than the score would 
indicate, Maryland losing the ball sever- 
al times on fumbles when near the 
goal. That year Maryland w-on eight of 
its other nine games and played a 6-6 
tie with the powerful Kentucky eleven 


that included the famous Shipwreck 
Kelly. The Old Liners' victims included 
Navy which was beaten 6-0, in Griffith 
Stadium in Washington. 


Football End 


Football Halfback 


Comparisons of the past may mean 
little, and we hope they do in this case. 
but Maryland will have to do vastly 
better against its football foes of 1947 
than it did against them in other years 
if it is to have anything approaching a 
successful campaign. 

The Old Liners have battled all of 
their 1947 rivals in the past, except 
Duquesne, and out of 85 contests have 
won just 25, lost 51 and tied six for a 
winning average of only .354. 

Maryland leads only one team, Rich- 
mond U., against which it has won 
seven, lost four and tied two, and is 
even with Virginia Tech at 12-all in a 
series begun back in 1897 and which 
has been almost continuous since 1919. 
The Terps have blanks in four games 


Football Fullback 

each with Duke, Vanderbilt and West 
Virginia but have two deadlocks with 
the last named. 

The Old Liners other worst record 
is against Delaware, from which only 
one of eight games has been won. Six 
of Delaware's victories, though, were 
scored between 1899 and 1905, Curley 
Byrd being a player on the Maryland 
outfit that took a 13-0 defeat in the last 
mentioned season. 

Dr. Byrd, however, had a 50-50 mark 
against Delaware in a coaching capa- 
city. The Mudhens whipped his first 
College Park team in 1912 but the Old 
Liners got even in 1917 and they 
haven't met since. That's exactly 30 
years ago. 

Maryland's past record against teams 
it will play this fall follows : 

Team W. L. T. 

South Carolina 2 4 

Delaware . 17 

Richmond 7 4 2 

Duke 4 

Virginia Tech .. 12 12 

West Virginia 2 2 


North Carolina _____ _ 4 10 

Vanderbilt 4 

N.C. State . 2 4 2 

Totals 28 51 6 


Virginia Tech likely will "put on the 
dog" when the Old Liners visit Blacks- 
burg October 25 for the 25th meeting 
between their football teams. The con- 
test will mark their 50th anniversary of 
their first clash in 1897, and the series 
stands 12-all, Maryland winning last 
year, 6-0, to get on even terms. The 
Gobblers lead in total points, having 
made 214 to the Old Liners 196. Neither 
team ever has scored more than 24 
points in any game. 


Nine SUosd On, Jlittiruj, 


LACK of batting power in a re- 
building year kept the Old Line 
baseball team, with Burt Shipley at 
the helm for the 24th season, from 
having a much better record than its 
creditable 10 victories against 11 de- 
feats during the 1947 schedule. A few 
timely hits would have added a num- 
ber of triumphs. 

Four of Maryland's wins were scored 
in seven Southern Conference games, 
giving the Old Liners a tie for fourth 
place in the loop, with Virginia Tech 
as Clemson romped off with the title. 
A game with the Gobblers that would 
have broken the tie was rained out. 

Dartmouth, Kings Point, West Vir- 
ginia and George Washington twice 
were among the nines beaten and one 
of the defeats was a near-triumph over 
Army at West Point. The Cadets, who 
lost only to Navy during the entire sea- 
son, nipped the Terps, 4-3 on two runs 
in the ninth. Army was unbeaten 
at the time. 

Yale is Beaten, 3-2 

The Old Liners took a trip north 
after school was over to play four 
games, but the tilts with Rutgers and 
Dartmouth were prevented by rain. On 
this jaunt Yale, Eastern Intercollegiate 
League champion, was beaten. 3-2, and 
5-3 loss suffered to Harvard. 

Three infielders set the batting pace, 
with Al Tuminski, second sacker, lead- 
ing with .371 and Bob Keene, made 
over from a pitcher to a first baseman, 
right on his heels with .367. Ralph 
Beach third sacker, was the only other 
regular in the .300 class with .314. Al 
Cesky, who came out late and played 
in only a few games, batted an even 
.300 Joe Andrus, ace outfielder and 
usually a top clouter, could do no better 
than .260 to top the rest. Keene, a 
southpaw hurler and righthanded hit- 
ter, also pitched a winning game. 

Nick Panella, freshman pitcher, was 
the workhorse on the mound and his 
four wins against six losses do not do 
him justice by any means. He pitched 
the victory over Yale at New Haven 
and lost several games he might easily 
have won, including the Army tilt. 
Sophs Harry Hughes and Joe Fitzpat- 
rick each were credited with two wins 
r.gainst a single defeat. 

Enjoyed Early Success 
With Outfielder Harold Evans the 
only loss, all Shipley apparently needs 
to have a winning nine in 1948 is a few 
more lads who can lay the wood on the 

Baseball, in which Shipley has played 
big roles, really "beat the gun" at 

Ties For Fourth Spot 
In S. C. And Scores 
Victory Over Yale 

Maryland. While sports were not put 
on an organized basis at College Park 
until after the first official football team 
came into being in 1892, the diamond 
pastime enjoyed success during the sea- 
son of 1888. This nine went to Anna- 
polis and whipped St. John's in the 
morning and Navy in the afternoon. 

That Annapolis invasion apparently 
satisfied for a while as the next men- 
tion of baseball came in 1893 when a 
team that would not have taken any 
prizes for eligibility beat only Laurel 
High School in a six game schedule. 

Prof. Thomas H. Spence, vice-presi- 
dent of the college, was first baseman 
and captain; Prof. Henry Harrison and 
H. M. Strickler, athletic director, were 
two of the outfielders, and S. D. Bow- 
man qualified for pitcher because he 
handled the college mail. Others ap- 
parently were less eligible and Catcher 
Jack Davis took a half hour of spelling 
each week that was taught by the ath- 
letic director. 

Captain in 1895 

The late S. H Harding, who later be- 
came District of Columbia engineer, 
was captain and manager of the 1895 
nine that won 7 of 8 games. He did his 
bit with a .387 batting average. 

Grenville Lewis, whom Curley Byrd 
in an athletic publication in 1914, said 
"perhaps was the greatest athlete ever 
developed at Maryland Agricultural 
College," was the leader in the next 
couple of years. He played first base 


Head Baseball Coach 

on the nine and was an all-time back in 

Captures 21 of 22 Games 

The nine continued along in good 
fashion until baseball had its best rec- 
ord in the history of the game at Col- 
lege Park in 1901. The team lost its 
opening tilt to Georgetown, which it 
later defeated, and then won 21 straight 
contests. An epidemic of scarlet fever 
prevented a proposed Southern trip or 
several more games would have been 
played. Among the victims that sea- 
son were V.M.I., Washington and Lee, 
Virginia Tech, Western Maryland, 
Washington College, and Gallaudet. 

W. W. Cobey, father of Bill Cobey, 
cashier at the University, was manager 
that year and H. C. Whiteford, who 
played third base, was captain. Cy 
Nichols, shortstop of that team, who 
went to the Philadelphia Athletics, was 
rated the greatest in his position in 
his time, died of pneumonia early in 
his pro career. Others on that team 
were J. Elgin, catcher; D. E. Brown 
and F. C. Farrall, pitchers; A. R. Hirst, 
first base; B. Elgin, second base; Fran- 
cis Peters, right field; J. T. Hardisty, 
center field and J. H. Gassaway, left 
field. W. R. Mitchell and R. H. Loker 
were reserves. 

Curley Byrd who started out as an 
outfielder in 1906, and finished as a 
pitcher in 1907 and 1908, and Shipley, 
who came on the scene in 1909 and 
remained through 1914, were conspicu- 
ous during this stretch. Byrd, who 
took over the baseball coaching in 1913, 
had Shipley as one of his players for 
two years. Records were not so well 
kept in those days but Maryland was 
State champion most of the time. 

Byrd Near Big-leaguer 

Byrd became a minor loop pitcher 
and was hurling for Sacramento in the 
Pacific Coast League in 1910 when he 
got homesick and came back to College 
Park in the middle of the season. He 
then gave up pro baseball entirely al- 
though he had been bought for spring 
delivery by the Chicago White Sox. 
Ship, a six-letter winner in baseball 
and captain three years, also played 
minor league ball and managed Mar- 
tinsburg to a Blue Ridge League pen- 
nant in 1923. He piloted Salisbury in 
the Eastern Shore loop in 1924 and 
after that devoted his full time to col- 
legiate coaching. Frank Hoffecker, 
father of Tommy, the lacrosse goalie 
and one of the Old Liners' best pitch- 
ers, joined Shipley in 1911 and also 
played under Byrd. 

William G. (Country) Morris, an all- 



Outfielder who won Louis W. (Bozie) Berger 
Trophy as outstanding senior ball player. 

around athlete, was another of the bul- 
warks in this period, and Kenneth 
Knode, later with the St. Louis Cardi- 
nals, was captain and shortstop in 
1915 and 1916. Catcher Dukey Mess 
was another, the best receiver up to 
this time. 

Stellar Parade 
Then stars came so thick and fast 
that it is impossible to name them all. 
They included two more Knodes, Bob 
and Stuart; Todie Riggs, later a minor 
league ace; Vic Keene, probably Mary- 
land's greatest pitcher who was with 
several big league clubs; Leiter Aitche- 
son, who hurled on the same nines and 
was a minor league star; Caleb (Zeke) 
Bailey, now a Marine colonel, who still 
is rated the Terps top catcher; Johnny 
Eiseman. Johnny Moran, Rosy Pol- 
lock, captain in 1923 and now in Japan; 
Boots Groves, Eddie Semler, Kirk Bes- 
ley, now head of the Prince Georges 
Hospital; Pitcher Pete Schrider, also a 
Marine colonel; Mike Stevens, who also 

played in the minors; Herby Murray, 
Ed Nishiser, Page Gardner, Miel Bur- 
gee, Archie Spinney, Walter Troxell, 
still another Marine colonel; Gordon 
Kessler, Bob Burdette, and others too 
numerous to mention carried on dur- 
ing the next 20 years. 

Shipley Relieves Byrd 

In the meantime, Shipley had come 
back to College Park to take over the 
basket ball and baseball coaching jobs, 
and relieved Byrd of the diamond task 
in the 1924 season. He has had many 
able performers and has enjoyed grati- 
fying success. 

Mentioning some of Shipley's greats 
down the line we run across Burton 
McGann, Fred Hetzel, Bob Gaylor, Jim 
Demarco, Bozey Berger, later a big 
leaguer; Shorty Chalmers, who was 
among the best; Julie Radice, Jack 
Batson, Wilfred Higgins, Curtis Mace, 
Harry Milburn, Ralph Sterling, Willie 
Wolfe, Hymie Gorman, Bob Maxwell, 
Spencer Chase, Lloyd Jones, Ray Da- 
vidson, Buckey and Bernie Buscher, 
Steve Physioc, Ralph Ruble, Lyman 
McAboy, Pete Chumbris, Willis Ben- 
ner, Bob Love to name a few and bring 
us through 1934. Some, of course, 
played in later campaigns. 

Pitcher Vic Willis, along with Char- 
ley Keller, making his varsity debut; 
Norwood Sothoron, Jack Stonebarker 
and John Gormerly, were the shining 
lights in 1935 and in several following 
seasons and Keller, who hit .500 in 1935 
and .499 in 1936, joined Newark for 
which he prepped for the New York 
Yankees, in the spring of 1937 and did 
not play at all with the Terps. Mike 
Surgent, Dale Patterson, Waverly 
Wheeler, Bill Bryant, Fred Thomas and 
Bill Guckeyson made their debut in 
1936. Guckeyson played only one sea- 
son, but the others played major roles 
in following years. 

Some Later Celebrities 

Coming along later were such cele- 
brities as Shorty and Cleo Chumbris, 
Charley Weidinger, George Knepley, 
Eddie Johnson, Earl Springer, killed in 
the war, who was pitching for the Bal- 
timore Orioles when he went into the 
service, Newton Cox, Adam Bengoecece, 
who later played Class A ball; Pershing 
Mondorff, George Wood, Hugh Keller, 
brother of Charley; Bob Burns, Wilmet 
Steiner, Fritz Maisel, Sherry Robert- 
son, now with the Washington Sena- 
tors; Bill England, Burton Culver, 
Mearle DuVall, Jim Wharton, Artie 
and Charley Woodward, Frank Dwyer, 


CKjrley Keller, the King Kong of the New 
York Yankees, leading American League in 
home runs and runs batted in, was operated 
upon by Dr. Thomas Hoen, New York neuro- 
logical surgeon, for an infected vertebral disk 
in the spine. It is anticipated that Keller will 
be O.K. for the world's series, if the Yanks win 
the pennant. Big Charley is the particular 
pride and joy of Coach Burton Shipley. All at 
Maryland are pulling for Keller to be back in 
the Yankee line-up. 

Max Hunt, killed in the war; Roscoe 
Whipp, Joe Hoopengardner, Kenny 
Bransdorf, Harry Crouthamel, Harold 
Evans, Hartley Crist and Louis Tier- 
ney to bring us up to World War II. 

To name all the deserving would take 
a directory and we doubtless will be 
redfaced often from being reminded of 
those we left out. 

Boothe and Evans came back to fin- 
ish after the war, the former in 1946 
and the latter during the past cam- 


Charley Keller, former Old Line base- 
ball great from Frederick, and for 
years an outfield and batting star for 
the New York Yankees, "has a slight 
hitch in his knee that makes him a 
sucker for a low, inside fast ball". This 
ir the conclusion of Bert Dunne, San 
Francisco advertising man, who has 
been labeled the swat doctor. Dunne, 
who batted .519 at Notre Dame for a 
record that still stands, and later played 
for the New York Giants under Mc- 
Graw, quit the game because of a 
weak throwing arm. Now he gets his 
baseball "fun" by diagnosing the weak 
spots of noted hitters. Keller in his two 
full seasons for Maryland, set a uni- 
versity batting mark with .500 in 1935 
and .499 in 1936. He left to join New- 
ark, a Yankee farm, before the start 
of the 1937 campaign. 



Harmony Rig Faetor 
In Starting Sport 
On Speedy Climb 

BOXING, in which the present 
coach, Col. Harvey L. (Heinie) 
Miller, won seven of eight matches and 
his third Southern Conference crown 
this year in five tries in six seasons of 
tutoring the Old Liners, climbed to a 
top spot nationally in a short space of 
time after being put on the sports list 
at College Park in 1931. 

Maryland's 1947 boxers, after losing 
a heart-breaking duel to Virginia by 
'6V2. -4V2 in the opener, took their next 
seven matches, scoring over Bucknell, 
West Point, Catholic U., South Caro- 
lina, North Carolina, Kings Point and 
U. S. Coast Guard Academy. Three of 
the seven, though, were hard struggles, 
West Point, C. U. and Coast Guard 
each being whipped by a single point. 

Andy Quattrocchi, freshman 130 
pounder, who was kept out of the title 
tourney because of a broken hand, was 
top man of the team with five victories, 
four of them by KO's or TKO's. Eddie 
Rieder, 155, and Ken Malone, heavy, 
who won S. C. titles, had 5-2-1 and 6-1-1 
records, respectively. Maryland's other 
12 points in the S. C. team win were 
three each by runners-up Danny Smith, 
135; Tommy Maloney, 145; Bob Greg- 
son, 165, and Bob Hafer, 175. 

Total scoring was: Maryland, 22; 
Clemson, 19; South Carolina, 10; North 
Carolina, 8, The Citadel, 5. 

Fail in National Tourney 

Al Salkowki, 125; Maloney and Ried- 
er went to the National tourney at the 
University of Wisconsin but all were 
(•liminated there. 



Bob Gregson, Terrapin middleweight stylist, 
draws a set of soarring gloves from Coach 
Miller. (Baltimore Sun Foto.) 




*JAN. D (Fri.)— South Carolina at 
College Park 
JAN. 17 — Army at West Point 
JAN. 24 — Catholic University at 
C. U. 
*JAN. 30 (Fri.) — Louisiana State 
at College Park 
FEB. 9— Michigan State at E. 

Lansing, Mich. 
■FEB. 14 (Sat.)— Clemson at Col- 
lege Park 
•FEB. 20 (Fri.)— The Citadel at 

College Park 
FEB. 28— Bucknell at Lewisburg, 

Home meets 

G25252S2SZ5ESS5H525S5SW5252K t ^525252SE5S5ZSS5^^ 

Counting dual meets, Southern Con- 
ference and national competition, Eddie 
Rieder led the team by answering the 
initial gong twelve times during the 

All those mentioned and Dan Mc- 
Laughlin and Davey Lewis, 125 pound- 
ers, and John Albarano, 145, received 
letters. All will be on hand this coming 
peason, and Phil Rogers, 135, and Dave 
Mills, heavyweight, both former letter- 
men, will be regained. Heavyweight 
Clarence Whipp, ineligible last year, will 
also turn out. 

Miller, at the helm from 1937-40 and 
back since 1946, and Col John W. Har- 
mony, a captain in the Department of 
Military Science and Tactics at the 
University at the time who tutored the 
Terp ringmen in 1933-36 inclusive, were 
the big guns in the flashy fistic advance. 
No other coach except Bill Whipp who 
bandied the first two teams in 1931 
and 1932, was on hand more than one 

Harmony Did Good Job 

Harmony did not produce a Southern 
Conference team champion during his 
four years but he put Maryland on the 
winning path and his charges won 17 
matches, lost only seven and fought 
5 draws for an average of .708. He had 
two individual loop titlist, Lightheavy 
Stewart McCaw in 1934, Ivan Nedo- 
matsky at 135 in 1935 and at 145 in 

Miller had his top seasons in 1937, 
1939 and 1947 when he had Conference 
team champions. Nedomatsky won his 
third S. C. title at 145 for Miller in 
1937 while Tom Birmingham, 125, and 
Ben Alperstein, 135, also took loop 
honors and the last named went on to 
garner the national crown. While Mil- 


ler didn't have the stuff for a team title 
in 1938, Ben Alperstein remained in 
front with Conference and National 
titles at 125 pounds. 

Alperstein, 135; Frank Cronin, 155, 
and Newton Cox, 165, all earned titles 


Southern Conference 155-pound Champion 

Alperstein, brother of Ben, 145; Jack 
Gilmore, Maryland's last four-letter 
athlete, 165, and Herb Gunther, 175. 


Southren Conference Heavyweight Champion 

in 1939 and the 15 points were sufficient 
to bring home the Conference team 
crown again. 

Highlights from the time Miller went 
into the service after the 1940 ring 
campaign, were the winning by Herb 
Gunther of the lightheavy Conference 
title under Mike Lombardo, an alumnus 
and former Terp boxer, in 1941, and 
the capturing of the Eastern Inter- 
collegiate honors in 1942 when Bobby 
Goldstein, a product of Virginia, was 
the coach. Invited as a "fill-in" team, 
Maryland nosed out Syracuse, 15-13, 
with five runners-up. They were Joe Ci- 
cala, 120; Judson Lincoln, 127; Hotsy 


While organized boxing and compe- 
tition with other schools began at Mary- 
land in 1931, the sport really started 
at College Park as far back as 1911 
when Harry Sheehy, known in the pro- 
fessional ring as "Original Kid O'Sulli- 
van," coached and held classes. 

Sheehy, who then lived in Berwyn, 
was one of fistiana's greatest light- 
weights, meeting the best in the long 
distance era of pugilism in the Nation. 
Outstanding in his record was a win 
over Battling Nelson, worlds light 
weight champion. Sheehy, now 66 years 
of age, resides in Washington and is in 
excellent health. He boxed a twelve 
round professional bout and won when 
he was 42 years old. 

He recalled recently that prominent 
Maryland alumni were on the volunteer 
squad he taught. "They would have 
beaten other student teams had boxing 
been in vogue in colleges in 1911," 
Sullivan said, adding, "I used to give 
them five boxing lessons for three dol- 

Officers of this club, which was men- 
tioned in the year book, were Khistka 
Mudd, president; A. B. Duckett, vice- 
president, and N. L. Clark, secretary 


W L D 

1931 3 Whipp 

1932 13 Whipp 

1933 3 3 Harmony 

1934 6 2 1 Harmony 

1935 6 1 Harmony 

1936 _ 2 5 Harmony 

-1937 6 1 Miller 

1938 13 2 Miller 

*1939 3 3 Miller 

1940 2 2 1 Miller 

1941 3 3 1 Lombardo 

K1942 4 2 1 Goldstein 

1943 6 1 Campagna 

1944 3 3 Rubini 

1945 15 Kane 

1946 3 5 Miller 

*1947 7 10 Miller 

Totals - 57 38 14 

'"Southern Conference champion. 
xEastern Intercollegiate champion. 


"Her husband was a triple threat man at 


1931-1932: William Whipp of Wash- 
ington, D. C. 
1933-1936: Capt. John W. Harmon 

(West Point) 
1937-1940— Col. Harvey L. Miller, of 

Washington, D. C. 
1941: Mike Lombardo (Maryland, '37) 
1942: Bobby Goldstein (Virginia) 
1943: Tom Campagna of Chicago 
1944: Fausto Rubini (Wisconsin) 
1945: Paddy Kane of Chicago 
1946-1947: Col. Harvey L. Miller 


Frank Cronin, Maryland '40, and now 
a member of the physical education 
staff and golf coach, had an unusual, 
if not unique, record in boxing for the 
Old Liners. Never having boxed before, 
he came out for the squad in late No- 
vember in 1938 and during the 1939 
season won all his six bouts in dual 
team matches and all the three needed 
to gain the Southern Conference 155 
pound crown. All were decisions, but he 
was such a "ring natural" that he 
never really took a punishing blow. 

Cronin also holds two University 
track records, 48.3 for the 440, which 
he made in the Southern Conference 
games at Durham in 1938, and 12 feet 
4% inch in the pole vault, set in a dual 
meet against Virginia Tech at Blacks- 
burg in 1936. 





A/eiu (leaufte 9*i Balket Ball 


Clemson Grad Takes 
Reins Shipley Held 
For 24 Campaigns 

ANEW regime in basket ball will be 
started in the coming season 
when Alfred L. (Flucee) Stewart, a 
tall, husky and good natured guy with 
plenty of background and experience in 
sports, takes over the reins that Burton 
Shipley dropped at the end of the 1946- 
47 schedule. 

Stewart, who came to Maryland from 
his post as athletic director, football 
and basket ball coach at Appalachian 
Teachers College of Boone, N. C, had a 
10-day look at some of the aspirants 
the latter part of May but will not get 
things going in full blast until October. 

Three Better Men 

The new mentor who used the double 
pivot style of offense and the man-for- 
man defense, will inherit three of last 
season's regulars in Bill Brown, Johnny 
Edwards and Vic Turyn, but he'll have 
to wait awhile for the last named who 
is a quarterback on the football team. 

Brown was the leading scorer of the 
1946-47 outfit, compiling 245 points in 
23 regular games and in the first 
round defeat in the Southern Confer- 
ence tourney. Edwards gathered 205 
points and Turyn 202 but Tommy Mont, 
who finished his athletic career at 
Maryland with the lacrosse season, was 
second in line with 233. Don Schuer- 
bolz, a clever little guard and ball 
hawk, was the other regular tosser to 
be lost. He registered 127 points but 
his great value was in the defensive de- 
partment. John Shumate, who was in 
the graduating class, and Freshman 
Eddie Waller, were the others to get 

No Exception to Rule 

Stewart, like most coaches, particu- 
larly in basket ball these days, is said 
to have his excitable moments when 
things are going badly and may do a 
little pacing and tearing of his hair on 
occasions. These probably just are the 
kind of characteristics of a redhead. 

He is a graduate of Furman Univer- 
sity in the class of 1932 and played 







-Western Maryland 

*JAN. 28— Richmond 




JAN. 31— Army 




FEB. 7— Wash. & Lee 



-Wash. & Lee 

tFEB. 11— George Wash'n 



-V. M. I. 

*FEB. 13— No. Carolina 



-N. Carolina 

*FEB. 16— Virginia 




FEB. 21— So. Carolina 




FEB. 23— Clemson 




FEB. 26— Richmond 




MAR. 1— George Wash'n. 




-So. Carolina 


*At College Park. 



-V. M. I. 

tAt Washington, D. C. 




Head Basket Ball Coach 

football, basket ball and baseball for 
the Purple Hurricane. He remained at 
Furman three years after graduating 
to handle varsity basket ball and fresh- 
man baseball. He went to Appalachian 
for the first time in the fall of 1935 and 
was there until after the 1940 basket 
ball season. 

He shifted to Tampa University as 
athletic director and coach in the fall 
of 1940 and held forth until after the 
1941 football season. The following 
March he went into the Navy as a 
lieutenant (jg) and came out a lieuten- 
ant commander on November 7, 1945. 
He took part in the battle of Tarawa and 

Returns to Appalachian 

Stewart stepped right back into foot- 
ball after leaving the Navy, helping 
coach at Clemson during the fag end of 
the 1945 campaign. He returned to Ap- 
palachian in January 1946, and re- 
sumed with football last fall and with 
basket ball the past season. His grid 
team won 6 out of 9 games and his 
basketers took 18 out of 23 to win the 
North State Conference crown. 

Previously his Appalachian quints 
had won the loop title in the 1938-39 
and the 1939-40 seasons and had gone 
to the national intercollegiate tourney 
in Kansas City twice. 

Shipley, a member of the class of 
1914 at Old Maryland Agricultural 
College, played a double role in basket 
ball at his alma mater. He was a player 
and captain in the spasmodic years it 

was supported and became the coach in 
the 1923-24 season when it was put on 
a regular basis with the construction of 
a gymnasium to give the game its first 
real facilities. Before that time the 
basketers had played in the "Y" Hut 
and even in a church in Berwyn. 

Farewell Five Does Well 

His farewell team, lacking the caliber 
of most of its rivals and being particu- 
lary short in reserve strength, did bet- 
ter than reasonably could have been 
expected in winning 14 out of 23 regu- 
lar season games. Highlights of the 
Campaign were victories over Army 
and Georgetown and an even break with 
North Carolina and George Washing- 
ton. Defeat of the Hoyas and the split 
with Colonials gave the Old Liners the 
mythical District of Columbia area 

During his 24 years at the helm, 
Shipley's team won 243 games against 
199 defeats, despite that he had several 
squads that lacked altogether in top- 
notch talent. His best seasons were in 
1925 when 14 of 16 games were won, 
a 27-24 loss being suffered to Stevens 
and two games split with Virginia, and 
in 1931 when he took 16 of 19 scheduled 
tilts and whipped Louisiana State, 
North Carolina, Georgia and Ken- 
tucky to gain the Southern Conference 
crown when the circuit included the 
present Southeastern loop schools. His 
quints failed to make the tourney grade 
in only three seasons. 

Developed Many Stars 
Louis W. (Bozie) Berger was all- 
America in 1931 and 1932 and Ed Ron- 
kin, who helped gain the loop crown, 
along with Berger, was a Southern Con- 
ference selection. 

Other Southern Conference choices 
who played for Ship were Bernie Bus- 
cher in 1936, George Knepply in 1938 and 
1939, George DeWitt in 1939 and 1940 
and Eddie Johnson, son of the immor- 
tal Walter Johnson, in 1939. Despite 
the fact that Maryland lost in the final in 
1939, Knepply, Johnson and DeWitt were 
placed on the all-tourney first team. 

Basket ball was just about a hit-and- 
miss affair until Shipley started his 24 
season stretch. The game had just a 
passing mention in 1897-1898, but no 
team was listed until 1905 when it was 
stated that losses were suffered at the 
hands of the Washington Y. M. C. A. 
and Carroll Institute. No mention of 
games again was made until a quint 
captained by Shipley lost 9 of 12 tilts 
during the 1910-11 term. 

Evidently another year was skipped 


Leading Basketball Scorer 

but Shipley again was leading quints 
in 1912-13 and 1913-14. William G. 
(Country) Morris, one of Maryland's 
best all-around athletes was on the 
1912-13 outfit, and Les Bopst, now 
State chemist, was one of the basketers 
the next season. Curley Byrd tutored 
these two teams and there is no record 
of any more real competition until Ship- 
ley took over in the fall of 1923. 


The first of the World War II Vic- 
tory medals was presented to Colonel 
Harvey L. Miller, U.S.M.C.R., of the 
University of Maryland's faculty at 
ceremonies in the Sylvan Theatre, 
Washington, D. C. on July 19th, featur- 
ing the D. C. Department Encampment 
of the American Legion. 

The medal was pinned on Colonel 
Miller by General Wm. T. Clement, 
U.S.M.C., Director of the Marine Corps 
Reserve. Miller, in turn, then presented 
medals to former members of the Fifth 
Marine Reserve Battalion which he 

organized and commanded. The Batta- 
lion went on active duty in November 
of 1940, thirteen months before Pearl 
Harbor. Most of the battalion splashed 
ashore in Guadalcanal. 

This first presentation of the new 
medals to Colonel Miller's old Marine 
outfit was made possible due to the co- 
operation of the War and Navy Depart- 
ments and at the request of the Ameri- 
can Legion. 


Doyle Royal, who uses his spare time 
from other university tasks to tutor 
soccer in the fall and tennis in the 
spring is mapping ambitious plans to 
put the former pastime back on a big- 
time schedule and hopes to have a pre- 
tentious list of 1947 foes lined up, before 

After having its greatest season in 
the history of the skin-kicking pastime 
at Maryland in 1941, the game took a 
wartime lapse until last fall when only 
three contests were staged. Maryland 
won two of them, losing a two -period 
overtime clash to Johns Hopkins, 3-2, 
before whitewashing Western Mary- 
land, 2-0, and licking Salisbury Teach- 
ers, 5-3. 

Royal, who played inside right on 
that classy 1941 aggregation that won 
eight games, seven of them shutouts, 
and played 1-1 and 0-0 ties with Temple 
and Navy, two of the Nation's best, 
believes that the 1947 team will be an- 
other topnotcher. 

In addition to the two deadlocks, the 
1941 team blanked Virginia, Duke, 
Gettysburg, Delaware, Franklin and 
Marshall, Loyola and Hopkins and trim- 
med Western Maryland, 3-1. 

Bob Fatters, who was all-America 
defenseman in 1946 and voted the top 
man of the season, was the goalie on tne 
famous soccer outfit, yielding just two 
points in 10 games, the 1-1 tie with 
Temple and the 3-1 defeat of the Green 

Springfield College was the only 
other unbeaten team in 1941 and it did 
not play as tough a schedule as the 
Old Liners. 

Soccer history at Maryland is rather 
meager, as it appears that the publica- 
tions, even the campus ones, neglected 
the sport badly in its early stages, but 
it has been played a long time at 
College Park and merits much more 
attention than it has received. It was 
revealed, though, that the 1938 Terps 
were State champions who also blasted 
a two year winning streak of Dela- 
ware with a 3-1 shellacking. 






Q^ieat (lu+inesi Galilei On 


JAMES H. (Jim) KEHOE, the ami- 
able gentleman from Bel Air, Md., 
who played such a lustrous role as a 
member of the varsity track teams from 
1938 through the 1940 seasons, bids fair 
to carry on just as successfully as a 

The nationally famed runner did all 
right during the 1946-47 campaign, in 
which his charges won four of five dual 
meets, including a heard-earned and 
prized triumph over Virginia, and 
easily took the District A A U Champion- 
ship with 52 points, more than all their 
rivals scored. The Terps also were 
third to North Carolina and Duke in 
the Southern Conference games. 

Frosh Help Set Pace 

Jim, though, is giving a lot of credit 
to Maynard (Pat) Redd, member of 
the 1928 and 1932 Olympic teams, for 
the showing of the Terps. Redd did a 
tremendous job in coaching the field 
events men and it a vast improvement 
in this department, as well as the rapid 
development of some of the runners 
under Kehoe that brought such a grati- 
fying record. The squad had the essen- 
tial balance. 

Two freshmen, Hurdler Mario Sal- 
vanelli and Edward Augustus (Ike) 
Eichorn, joined Eddie Matthews, 220 
and 440 ace, and sprinter Howard Gugel 
in setting the point-getting pace. Sal- 
vanelli, who scored consistently in the 
hurdles and ran on a mile relay four 
that set a stadium record of 3:26, was 
top scorer. He compiled 52% points, 
just two more than Matthews counted. 

Eichorn, though, was the surprise 
package. The 6 foot 2 inch, 210 pound 
GI rookie from Lonaconing, Md., was 
late in joining the squad and never 
had tossed the javelin before. He not 
only won the title in this event in the 
Southern Conference games with a 
heave of 189 feet 4 inches but added 
enough places in the shot discus to 
garner 33 points in four meets. Gugel 
also with 33 points, won both the 100 
and 220 against William and Mary. 

Stirling Kehoe Honored 

Tom Develin, quarter and half miler, 
one of two who will be lost, picked up 
27 % points; Two-miler Bill Wisner 
chalked up 26 1 ,->; Eddie Crandell, sprint- 
er and jumper, gathered 25% ; Jim Urn- 
barger, half miler, made 25, and Jim 
Kurz and Jim Goodman, shot and discus 
tossers, earned 23 and 22, respectively. 

It was Matthews, Devlin and Charley 
Wilson, another good quartermiler, who 
joined with Salvanelli in setting the re- 
lay mark. 

Team Has Good Year 
Anil Prospects For 
Future Are Bright 

Stirling Kehoe, who overcame the 
handicap of carrying parts of German 
bullets in his back, was the only other 
senior on the squad. Although his com- 
petition was limited he garnerd 18 points 
as a half miler and miler, and this, 
with his great running on the cross 
country team, earned him the Maryland 
Ring, offered by Charles L. Linhardt to 
the Maryland man outstanding for the 
year in athletics. 

Another Kehoe 

Lindy Kehoe, a yearling and another 
brother of Coach Jim, picked up 19 
points in the middle distances, and Herb 
White, the peewee of the outfit, got 
himself 17% as a two miler. Others to 
get their letter were Lambert Anderson, 
high jumper; Jack Hibbets, high and 
broad jumper; Hank Boyer, sprinter, 
and Don Weick, hurdler. As seniors 
who were on the squad three years, 
Stirling Kehoe and Develin got gold 

Redd's hand in the strides in the 
field events was forcibly shown in the 
case of Freshman Jim Ewin. 5 foot 7 
inch, 145 pound pole vaulter, who im- 
proved steadily until he did 12 feet 3 
inches in a triangular test with George- 
town and Quantico Marines which Mary- 
land won easily. This is only 1% inches 


Head Track Coach 

short of Frank Cronin's record made in 

In addition to Virginia, dual clashes 
were won from William and Mary and 
V. M. I. by wide margins and a 50 1/3- 
75 2/3 affair was lost to Navy at Ann- 
apolis. This was the opening tilt of the 
season and the Terps were much better 

Sport Started in 1897-98 

But the teams of the future will have 
to be good to match the feats some have 
recorded since the sport first took a 
toe-hold in 1897-1898 with William C. 
Nesbitt as captain and J. A. E. Eyster 
as manager. Eyster, '99, incidentally 
became nationally famous as a physio- 
logist. Their missionary work was car- 
ried on in 1899 by Capt. Matthew H. 
Gait and Manager J. Bernad Robb. 

Apparently nothing of great conse- 
quence happened during the next several 
years. Dr. T. B. Symons, dean of the 
College of Agriculture and director of 
the Extension Service, was mentioned 
as weight tosser in 1902, and then 
Lt. S. B. Shaw, now retired from the 
university staff and also living in Col- 
lege Park, was manager in 1904. Then 
Curley Byrd bobbed up as a gridder, 
trackman and ball player in the fall of 
1905 to make prep things merry for 
three years, and on the same relay team 
with him in 1908 was Dr. E. N. Cory, 
State entomologist and member of the 
Athletic Board. 

Byrd, who later coached track, set 
records that were not beaten until the 
1924-25 season. He jointly held the 50 
yard mark of 5.4 with Uriah Long, 
the 100 at 10 seconds, the 220 at 22.6, 
the 440 at .52 and the now extinct 
standing broad jump at 9 feet 4 inches. 

Relay Team is Unbeaten 

In 1910 a relay team, composed of 
Chester Adams, A. B. Duckett, J. C. 
Morris and W. D. Munson, jumped into 
the limelight. It won all its seven races, 
including a mile affair against eight 
other quartets in the Penn Relays. Its 
rivals in the Philadelphia race included 
City College of New York, Gettysburg, 
Franklin and Marshall, Gallaudet and 
St. John's. 

Dr. William B. (Bill) Kemp, who also 
was football captain that year, set a 
mile record of 4:57 in 1912. He now is 
director of the Experiment Station. 

Some dual meets were held in the 
early days but really did not come into 
vogue until 1921. Relay teams, though, 
apparently were maintained regularly 
with individual entrants in various 
affairs indoors and outdoors. Brooke 


Southern Conference Javelin Champion 

(Untz) Brewer, the great football back 
and kicker in 1916 and after the war; 
Bill Grace and Tol Speer were among 
the leaders in those days. 

Then came a stretch starting in 
1922 when Brewer was captain, when 
such great runners as Henry (Gump) 
Matthews, Lewis (Big Knocky) 
Thomas, Charley and Ed Pugh, Dave 
and Joe Endslow, Roger and Ham 
Whiteford and Charley Compher, and 
fields events men like Bill Supplee, Big- 
Bill Beers and Hurdler Leroy Sheriff 
stood out. 

Byrd's Records Smashed 

It was during the 1924-25 season that 
remarkable strides were made in the 
sport and all of Byrd's marks, except 
for the 50, which Carl Widemeyer later 
tied were wiped off the slate. There was 
an epidemic of record smashing includ- 
ing a 49.6 quarter mile by Joe Endslow, 
the fastest run below the Mason and 
Dixon Line at that time. It will be 
seen, by referring to the university 
record chart, that Matthews still shares 
the 220 mark of 21.4 that he made in 

A redhot relay team of that period 
was composed of Ed Pugh, Sheriff, 
Roger Whiteford and Joe Endslow and 
it beat some of the best in the east and 
north. Beers put the shot 49 feet 9 
inches for a then record and Dr. Wil- 
liam C. (Bill) Supplee, now professor 
of chemistry and an Athletic Board 
member, competed in as many of five 
events — shot, discus, high jump, hurdles 
and javelin for years. He scored 17 
points in one meet in these competitions. 

Quite a few of these fellows lasted 
through the 1927 campaign and some 
through 1928 when Matthews was cap- 
tain, and Footballer Earl Zulick came 
into the spotlight in the latter year 

when he tossed the shot 46 feet 10 4/5 
inches to win the Southern Conference 
crown and establish a university re- 
cord that still stands. 

Kinnamon Wins at Penn 

Bill Kinnamon, hurdler, who won the 
440 yard timbertopping event in the 
Penn Relays in 1930; Urban Linzey, 
Southern indoor half mile champ, and 
Bob Quin, sprinter, were the pacesetters 
during the next two years. 

Jess Krajcovic, a great football 
guard, who hurled the shot and discus, 
pole vaulted and high jumped; Ralph 
Shure and Phil Cooper, distance men, 
were top scorers in 1931. Krajcovic far 
on to with nearly 90 points. Charley 
Fouts, pole vaulter and high jumper; 
Sprinter E. Quinn, who carried on for 
three years; Hurdler Willard Piggot 
and Runner Cornelius Cronin, were 
prominent in 1932. 

From that time until that memorable 
1940 campaign, in which Coach Kehoe 
was the leading figure, Maryland had 
such famous runners as Widmyer, War- 
ren Evans, Bob Archer, Bob and Milo 
Sonen, Bill Thies, Frank Cronin, who 
also was a pole vaulter; Coleman Head- 
ley, Joe Ryan, Joe Murphy, Mason 
Chronister, who was victim of the Japs 
after Bataan ; Allie Miller, Vernon Mil- 
ler, Gene Ochsnerieter, Tommy Fields, 
Bob Condon, and those great hurdlers, 
Bob Slye and Hermie Evans; Bill Guc- 
keyson, who just about swept the dis- 
cus, shot and javelin events in the two 
years he competed ; Eddie Miller, high 
jumper, little Bill Beers, broad jumper, 
and Tiny Horn, shot putter and dis- 
cus thrower. And it is a cinch we have 
overlooked too many. 

It will be noticed that most all of the 
records, except tne 21.4 Matthews made 
for the 220 in 1926 and that was tied 


by Murphy in 1939, and Zulick's shot 
put mark of 1928, have been hung up 
by athletes on teams from 1934 through 
1940. Only two have come since, Horn's 
discus mark in 1942 and the Byrd Sta- 
dium relay record this season. Widmyer, 
who never was beaten in the 100 or 220 
in a dual meet in his three years on 
the varsity and who won Conference 
titles in both, still jointly holds the 
loop mark for the century of :09.8. 

Upset the Dope 

Warren Evans, Archer, Widmyer and 
Headley upset the dope and thrilled the 
Penn Relay fans when they won the 
sprint medley race in 1935 over Colum- 
bia, Pitt, Colgate and others in the fast 
time of 3:38.8. In that race Widmyer 
ran his 220 in 21.2. 

And Vernon Miller, Kehoe, Ochsn- 
reiter and Allie Miller still hold the 
Conference relay mark of 3:18.6, which 
they made at Chapel Hill, N. C, in 1939. 
They broke a record of just a second 
slower that was set by Archer, Head- 


Awarded Maryland ring, offered by Charles 
L. Linhardt, to State man outstanding for year 
in athletics. 

ley, Milo Sonen and Evans at the same 
place in 1936. 

While all the Terps mentioned helped 
bring great glory to Maryland, includ- 
ing triumphs in other national events 
that space prevents recording, it was 
the 1940 outfit, headed by Jim Kehoe, 
Tommy Fields, Alan Miller, Joe Mur- 
phy, Gene Ochsenreiter, Vernon Miller 
and Bob Condon, that won three Penn 
Relay crowns and just about cleaned up 
the running events in the Conference 
meet which reached the topmost pin- 
nacle in track at College Park. 

Shine in Penn Relays 

This was the aggregation which took 
the two mile, distance medley and four 
mile titles at Philadelphia with only 
six men doing the running. Kehoe and 
Chronister ran in all three events, Alan 
Miller was on the two mile and distance 
medley teams and Fields ran on the 
last named and in the four miles. Och- 
senreiter filled out the two mile com- 
bination and Condon completed the four 
mile quartet. 

In the Conference meet, in which 
Maryland was nosed out by North Caro- 
lina, Murphy won the 100 and 220, Mil- 
ler took the 440 with Ochsenreiter 
second, Kehoe annexed the 880 with 
Chronister third and Ochsenreiter 
fourth. Chronister captured the mile 
followed by Kehoe and Fields and the 
last named set a mark of 9:38.6 in 
winning the two miles. The Terp team 
of Alan Warfield, Kehoe, Ochsenreiter 
and Alan Miller won the mile relay in 
3:20.8. Miller also got fourth in the 

Kehoe won the national junior cham- 
pionship in 1940 in 1:51.2 and outran 
many of the Nation's best in indoor 
meets in the north. 

Fields Has Big Year 

Fields, Murphy and Ochsenreiter also 
were on the 1940-41 team and Tommy, 
who won the Conference indoor mile 
title and many other honors that sea- 
son, topped the Terps in spring. 

Stirling Kehoe in running and Horn 
in the shot and discus were Maryland's 
top scorers in 1942 and when track was 
resumed in 1946 Matthews topped the 
runners by a wide margin and Nick 
Kozay, discus, shot and javelin, was 
next in line. Matthews won both the 
indoor and outdoor Conference 440 
yards championships. 

If there were any coaches before 
Curley Byrd took charge in 1912-13 
held forth through 1926, although the 

their names were kept a secret. He 
load was carried by Geary Eppley, '21, 
now dean of men and director of student 
welfare, during several of these years. 
He turned the job fully over to Eppley 
in 1926-27 and Swede kept things going 
until Jim Kehoe became the mentor in 
1946. It is noteworthy that all of the 
university records, except Matthews 
21.4 in the 220, were set while Eppley 
was at the helm. 

Epply once held the high jump re- 
cord with the "magnificant" leap of 5 
feet 7 inches in 1916, but Matthews 
bettered this by three inches in 1925 as 
Swede looked on, and it kept climbing 
until Eddie Miller topped the bar at 
6 feet 3% inches in 1937. Eppley also 
pole vaulted 10 feet 6 inches. 


Herb White from Forest High of 
Baltimore, who ran the 2 miles in 
good style for the Old Line track team, 
was the smallest competitor at Mary- 
land during the 1946-47 term. He is 
just 5 feet 5% inches tall and scales 
120 pounds. White, a sophmore also 
ran on the cross country team. 


The first Terp track star was the 
terrapin who, with the aid of a twin 
brother at the finish line and the fact 
that his opponent took a nap, beat out 
the hare. Publicity on that was han- 
dled by a fellow named Aesop. It was 
before Bill Hottel's time. 


CROSS Country, revived after a 
hiatus since 1941, with Jim Kehoe 
as tutor, had a great season, winning 
four of five meets and finishing just a 
point back of North Carolina for the 
Southern Conference title at Chapel 

Navy, by 21-34, was the only team 
to outrun the Old Liners, who scored 
easily over Johns Hopkins, Virginia, 
Georgetown and won a triangular test 
with the Hoyas and the Quantico Ma- 

Stirling Kehoe, Lindy Kehoe, Jim 
Umbarger and Howard Umbarger 
flashed home in a 4-way tie against 
Hopkins and Georgetown. All except the 
last named shared first place in the 
triangular meet, and the Kehoes split 
the honors against Virginia. Lindy was 
third, Stirling fifth and Umbarger 
seventh against Navy. 

Others to share in the honors were 
Arthur Berryman, Herb White and 
Pete Hambleton. 

Some Early Stars 

Cross Country, with Dr. R. V. Truitt 
as the early coach and Geary Eppley tak- 
ing over later, flourished from the early 
1920's until there was a break in 1931. 
Among the early stars were Charley 
Compher, W. C. Cracks, Al Petruska, 
Carleton Newman, Julian Bowman, 
John Gadd,, Horace Buckman, Bob Hill, 
Al Myers, Walter Plumley, Urban Lin- 
zey, Ralph Shure, Phil Copper, John 
Duncan, Arthur Froeslich, Bob Rems- 
burg, Sam McGlathery, Don Hammer- 
lund and Cornelius Cronin. 

In 1931 the Terps won 4 of 5 dual 
meets and beat St. John's and Hopkins 
for the State title at Annapolis. Virginia 

was beaten rather consistenty and the 
South Atlantic AAU title garnered 
several years. Petruska gained unusual 
distinction when he ran fourth to three 
veteran distance runners in the Laurel- 
to-Baltimore marathon in 1924. with 
Froeslich eighth. Both were novices. 

Jim Kehoe, Mason Chronister and 
Joe Peaslee were on the team when 
the sport was revived in 1937. Kehoe 
and Chronister ran one, two in de- 
feating Virginia and they finished third 
and fourth in the Conference meet. 
Tommy Fields, who started as fresh- 
man in 1937, and Kehoe ran a dead heat 
for first in licking Virginia and the 
latter was second in the Conference 
meet in 1938. 

Finish as Triplets 

Kehoe, Fields and Chronister ran 
across the finish line with locked arms 
each time in defeating Virginia and 
Washington and in a triangular affair 
and North Carolina and Navy in dual 
tests in 1939. Kehoe and the team both 
were second in the Conference race. 

The Terps outran Virginia and 
Washington and Lee in 1940 in sepa- 
rate matches and lost to North Carolina 
and Fields won the Conference indi- 
vidual crown as the team was runner 
up to North Carolina. Gene Ochsen- 
reiter was fourth and Randall Cronin 
fifth in the title race. Maryland doubt- 
It ss lost the team title when Bob Cronin 
became ill on the course. 

Ochsenreiter, Condon, Stirling Kehoe, 
Stanley Kihn and Judson Lincoln were 
the leaders as the 1941 team outran 
Duke and Georgetown, lost to Virginia 
and North Carolina and got third in the 







X-100 Earl Widmyer 

100 . Joe Murphy 

220 - Henry Matthews _ 

220 _ - Joe Murphy 

S-220 Earl Widmyer 

S-440 Frank Cronin 

440 Frank Cronin 

S-880 __ Jim Kehoe 

880 Coleman Headley ... 

X-Mile — Mason Chronister.. 

X-2-Mile Jim Kehoe 

120 High Hurdles Bob Slye 

S-120 High Hurdles Harvey Woodstra 

220 Low Hurdles Hermie Evans 

S-220 Low Hurdles Bill Gillis 

High Jump ...._ Edwin Miller 

S-High Jump Edwin Miller 

Broad Jump Bill Beers 

S-Broad Jump Bill Beers 

Shot Put Earl Zulick 

S-Shot Put Tony Geniawicz .... 

X-Discus Tiny Horn 

X-Javelin _ Bill Guckeyson 

Pole Vault Frank Cronin 

S-Pole Vault... ... Bill Bailey . 

Mile Relay 































6 ft. 3% in. 


6 ft. 2% in. 


23 ft. 

2% in. 


22 ft. 

11 in. 


46 ft. 

10 4/5 in. 


46 ft. 

9 in. 


150 ft 

. 7% in. 


208 ft 

5 in. 


12 ft. 

4% ir 


12 ft. 

10 in 







(Vernon Miller, Jim Kenoe, Gene Ochensreiter and Alvin M 

S-Mile Relay __ 

(Charley Wilson, Mario Salvanelli, Tom Devlin and Ed Matthews.) 
X — Both University and Stadium records. S — Stadium record. Others (not marked) are University records. 


William and Mary 

Southern Conference meet 

Johns Hopkins 

Southern Conference meet 

William and Mary 


Southern Conference meet 


Southern Conference meet 


Michigan State 

University of Richmond 

(Of Michigan State) 

William and Mary 

(Of West Point) 

University of Richmond 


Southern Conference meet 

Virginia Tech 

Southern Conference meet 

(Of Dartmouth) 

V. M. I. 

D.C.A.A.U. meet 

Virginia Tech 

(Of Dartmouth) 

Southern Conference meet 

D.C.A.A.U. meet 


College Park 
Chapel Hill, N. C. 
Chapel Hill, N. C. 
College Park 
College Park 
Durham, N. C. 
College Park 
Durham, N. C. 
College Park 
College Park 
Richmond, Va. 
College Park 
College Park 
College Park 
Richmond, Va. 
College Park 
Durham, N. C. 
College Park 
Birmingham, Ala. 
College Park 
College Park 
College Park 
Blacksburg, Va. 
College Park 
Chapel Hill, N. C. 

College Park 


Dog trouble, not trouble with "his 
dogs" ruined Ed Matthews' chance of 
retaining his 440 yard title in the 
Southern Conference track meet at Cha- 
pel Hill on May 16-17. 

Matthews was running in second 
place in the race and was in a good 
position to move ahead when a mongrel 
took a dislike to him and, while Ed was 
defending himself, the field swept past 
him and he didn't even finish among 
the first five point scorers. 

And strange as it may seem, the 
same thing happened again in the mile 
relay in which Maryland finished sec- 
ond to Duke. This time the mongrel 
took only a pass at Matthews and 
didn't interfere enough to have any 
effect on the outcome of the event. 

Some one suggested that the dog 
must have been a friend of Neigborgall 
of Duke, who not only won the quarter- 
mile crown but ran anchor on the Blue 
Devils relay quartet. 


Fred Stieber of Towson, who played 
for Maryland in 1930 and 1931, is the 
perennial star of lacrosse. Now at 38, 
Fred apparently has just reached 
his peak. He has been a member of the 
powerful Mount Washington Club team 
for years and it was his scintillating 
and heady play on the night of June 4 
that enabled the Mounts to whip Johns 
Hopkins 6-5 and keep the Jays from 
being open champs as well as unbeaten 
collegiate titleholders. He scored the 
pinch goal that tied it at 4-all and made 
neat assists for three other points, one 
of them the deciding marker. 

Stieber, incidentally, is one of the 

country's leading badminton players, 
being Baltimore champion in singles, 
men's doubles and mixed doubles, and 
also is a ranking diver in the South 
Atlantic section. He also played basket 
ball at Maryland and has dabbled in the 
game at times since. He is in business 
in Towson. 

Stieber, an attack man and teammate 
of Al Heagy's in 1930, figured in two of 
the greatest games Maryland ever 
played. In 1930 the Old Liners beat 
Hopkins, 6-0, for the only shutout the 
Jays ever have suffered, and in 1931 
was a party to an 8-6 upset licking of 
the Baltimoreans in what has been 
termed the epic game of lacrosse. 

Fred, who played at 5 feet 10 inches 
and 160 pounds, still looks and acts the 
same as he c'.id 16 years ago. He was 

the "life of the party" at Peck Auer's 
lively prelude to the North-South game 
on June 6 as he sipped his coca cola. 
It was the night previous that Fred 
had done his "dirty work" against Hop- 


Franklin High School of Reisterstown 
provided two valued members of each to 
the baseball and track squads at Mary- 
land during the spring campaign. 
Ralph Beach, an infielder, and Arthur 
Bosley, a southpaw pitcher, were a big 
help to Coach Burton Shipley of the 
Terp nine, and George Fanshaw, a 
quartermiler, and Arthur Berryman, a 
half miler, added strength to Jim Ke- 
hoe's track outfit. All are ex-service- 
men. Berryman also was a harrier last 


Jack Gilmore, Maryland's last four- 
letter athlete, came back after war 
service to complete work for his degree 
during the 1946-47 term. Jack was a 
football end, basket ball guard, South- 
ern Conference high jump champion in 
1941 and a clever 165-pound boxer dur- 
ing his athletic years at College Park, 
his final fling was in the ring during 
the 1943 season. He was called into the 
Army in February 1943 after gaining 
four victories and a draw. He is now 
an Inspector for the District of Colum- 
bia Boxing Commission. 


Football End 

There will be a national convention 
of all college students who have never 
criticized an athletic coach. The con- 
vention will be held in the nearest 
phone booth. 


. ■ ' ■ .-■..:*■ 


Harvey L. Miller 

Managing Editor 

David L. Brigham 

General Alumni Secretary 

Anne S. Dougherty 

Circulation Manager 


WE think our readers will agree 
that the lead article in this 
issue, by Dr. H. C. Byrd, President of 
the University of Maryland, is an out- 
standingly excellent one, stressing the 
true value of athletics only as a means 
to an end, a part of the general plan 
to turn out students well fitted to fight 
life's battles. 

Dr. Byrd's article recalls early days 
in the naval service. There were some 
officers who had no use at all for 
athletics. They could not see the con- 
nection between a happy, snappy ship 
and athletic teams. However, they soon 
learned ! 

There was the battleship Mississippi. 
Her athletic teams swept the fleet. She 
won the coveted "Iron Man", symbol of 
athletic supremacy. That alone did not 
make the Mississippi a better fighting- 
ship. After all her mission was to hit 
the target, to win battles. However, the 
Mississippi, the athletic ship, invari- 
ably won the target practice and battle 
practice trophies. The athletic ship was 
not only the happy, contented ship, 
but she was also the efficient ship. 

Earlier than that, away back at the 
turn of the century, there was a tiny 
gunboat in China waters, the U. S. S. 
Wilmington. Just an old tub, built in 
1897 with a U-shaped bottom. She was 
a miserable thing, as ships go, and she'd 
roll your innards out. 

Acting singly on the Yangtze River, 
away from the fleet, the Wilmington, 
with less than 200 men, had athletic 
teams. A five team baseball league, a 
race boat crew, that rowed in a boat the 
ship's company had to buy because only 
the big ships rated race boats, a soccer 
team, water polo team, track and field 
team, an eight man boxing team, a 
cracker jack rifle team. 

When the Wilmington pulled into 
Hongkong harbor a sport cartoonist in 
the local paper presented a picture of 
the ship showing a boxing glove pro- 
truding from each port. When the big 
fleet came into port a team was selected 
from the Wilmington's five league 
teams. The Willie's ball team won. Her 
boxers dominated the picture in the Far 
East for years. Her rifle team shot 
rings around competition. Her race 
boat crew challenged and defeated the 
crews from large battleships. 

In these days there were awards for 
Fall Battle Practice and Spring Target 
Practice. These two awards went in 
various classes, battleships, cruisers, 
gunboats, destroyers. For three long 
years the Wilmington was the ONLY 
ship in the Navy that had both the 
spring and fall trophies in her class. 

That little ship had an athletic letter 
system. If you had taken part in five 
winning 20 round bouts you wore a red 
"W". The rifle team wore a yellow "W", 
and so on for all sports. 

A young midshipman named Claude 
Banks Mayo inaugurated this letter 
system. Years later, as a Commander, 
he took the Navy's Olympic team to the 
Olympic games. He'd cut his eye teeth 
in sports on the old Wilmington. 

One day the Wilmington pulled into 


Most of the content of this Athletic issue of 
MARYLAND was assembled by Bill Hottel, for 
many years the Maryland campus' sports au- 
thority and all around sports booster. 

This is a sort of "Farewell to Sports" for 
Uncle Bill, the grand old man of Maryland 
sports publicity, as his new assignment is not 
concerned with athletic publicity or sports re- 

The data contained in this issue is made pos- 
sible by the voluminous and accurate records 
kept by Bill down through the years. He 
knows his Terps and is probably the greatest 
booster for Terrapin athletic teams. 

A well known sports writer once said, "Bill 
is the fairest booster for Maryland sports in the 
whole Old Liners' set up. Bill don't care 
WHAT the score is, just so Maryland wins!" 

Down through the years Bill Hottel has been 
a real wheel horse for Maryland sports pub- 
licity and has contributed more toward Mary- 
land sports publicity than can possibly be ap- 
preciated. (H.L.M.) 

Manila, after a horrific and miserable 
trip from China. But before the ship 
entered Manila proper she dropped into 
Olingapo and cleaned up, fore and aft, 
later steaming past the flagship, spic 
and span, to drop anchor. 

The next day was Sunday with the 
crew already promised a couple of days 
of shore leave. Came a message from 
the flagship, "Wilmington will coal ship 
tomorrow. Coal barges will be alongside 
this evening". So the Captain, he was 
Commander W. R. Rush, announced, 
"We'll have shore liberty later. To- 
morrow, beginning at 4:00 a. m. we'll 
coal ship. All hands into the lighters." 
So the Wilmington coaled. Working 
like madmen they had the job done and 
the ship washed down by 8:00 a. m. 
Then the skipper sent a message to the 
flagship, "Wilmington took on board 
so and so many tons in so and so 
many hours. What is the world's re- 
cord for gunboats?" 

Whatever the record was, the Wilming- 
ton broke it. She broke that and other 
Naval records because she was manned 
by men who had learned their lessons 
in sports. 

As Dr. Byrd points out in his article, 
such things are done by fellows who 
get up off the deck when floored, who 
have the stuff to stretch a single into a 
double, who make one more try for 
touchdown in that last quarter when 
they're tired, done in and sick at 

That sort of fellows are not licked 
until they are licked in their hearts, 
which means that they are never licked ! 
(H. L. M.) 


Diddle Heidelbach and Weller Hollo- 
way, two former Old Line attack stars, 
have sons playing lacrosse for Catons- 
ville High where they live. Young 
Heidelbach is on the varsity and the 
more youthful Holloway is with the 
Jayvees. Both, of course, are headed for 
College Park. Diddle played at Mary- 
land in 1921-24 and Weller in 1927-29. 


Nick Panella, Maryland's ace fresh- 
man pitcher, is said to have spurned 
big league offers-one from the Dodgers- 
to come to college. He is a product of 
Anacostia High School of Washington, 
D. C. 



Although most Maryland Teams did 
not measure up to the usual standard 
of success in 1946-47, they finished on 
the right side of the ledger in total and 
provided almost enough thrills to off- 
set the drab spots. Six of ten teams had 
winning averages and in lacrosse and 
baseball both were on the edge of .500 
marks. Here are the bare figures, the 
various pastimes being discussed in de- 
tail in other articles : 

Team W. L. T. Pet. 

f*Boxing 7 10 .875 

-Track 4 10 .800 

t*Golf 6 2 1 .750 

Soccer 2 10 .667 

Basketball 14 9 .609 

Tennis 7 5 .583 

Baseball 10 11 .476 

Lacrosse 4 5 .444 

Football 3 6 .333 

*Wrestling 2 5 .286 

Total 59 46 1 .562 

J — State Champions. 

{Southern Conference Champions. 

-Dual Meets. 


At the University of Maryland Oc- 
tober 3, will bring the opening football 
game at College Park. Similarly, all 
over the country, college students — 
boys and girls — aided and abetted by 
enthusiatic alumni of all sizes, shapes 
and ages, will turn out with never sub- 
siding verve and enthusiasm. 

Here at College Park "M" club vete- 
rans of other years and past glory, like 
retired fire horses snorting at the sound 
of a bell, return to the scene of past 
achievements to root for the grid war- 
riors of '46. 

It's all pep and enthusiasm. 

Football, like other college sports, 
has contributed much to American edu- 
cation by providing the sound body for 
the sound mind. It also has contri- 
buted much for those whose privilege 
it is to only watch the game. 

No football fan ever forgets the 
golden October afternoons when the 
season opens. Surrounding countryside 
aflame in woodland color. Confident, vi- 
brant, cheering youth massed in the 
bleachers. Sun a-glisten on band in- 
struments, blaring the ancient tribal 
call. Sound bounding and re-echoing 
across the gridiron. Romance budding. 
Chrysanthemums, pennants, ribbons. 
Hero worship. A pervading tenseness 
building up to the familiar thud of the 
initial kickoff. There is enduring qual- 
ity to the sights and sounds of a foot- 
ball game. 

Seme foreigners fail to fathom the 
typical American enthusiasm for foot- 
ball, as we fail to get a thrill out of 
a bullfight. Its not just the alma mater 
spirit that does it either, for the pro- 
fessional game packs the ball parks 
with the lure of the game itself, its 
tactics and technique. 

Dyed-in-the-wool football enthusiasts 
get their first bite from the football bug 
at high school and college contests. 
From then on they're incurable. Nos- 
talgic rememberances haunt them. In 
the jungles of distant isles men try to 
short wave to get the scores. 

Nothing is more Yankee-Doodle-dan- 
dy star-spangled-American than a foot- 
ball game at which youth of all ages 
let themselves go. 

Nothing so retains youth. That is 
why portly old grads seek so diligently 
to hold on to their sophmore bleacher 

As a Runyonesque character from 
Manhatten put it after witnessing what 
he described as "the Yales playin' the 
Harvards," "Gee, this could be built 
up into a great racket if it wuzn't so 
d clean!" 


Since this is an athletic issue we can 
possibly get away with our favorite 
swerve story. Swerve originated in Bos- 
ton. Other cities may call it double 
talk but in Boston it is still called 

At Annapolis some years ago, when 
Navy played Boston College, a poor but 
honest Navy file got a shot of "swerve" 
and he hasn't figured it out yet. 

The Navy file just had to leave the 
stands for a few minutes. Returning to 
catch up on the plays he had missed he 
asked the beezark next to him for a re- 
sume. The fellow was from Boston and 
he unbent as follows: 

"While you were out brenerizing the 
ouaddis, Navy staged a murvent sprat- 
tis that bondrave towad the Boston 
conmartis. The play was the old spe- 
min of the rossent with the rieberstoff 
lagpaining the stramfin. It looked as 
though it might ferbit the spauldins 
and actually omitrad. However, Bos- 
ton's halfback codesperled the framson 
away from the escotart, working the 
old drillspain toward the mercanthal. 
That resperved the quobots who 
smashed all the way back to the apper- 
love with the beelmite set for the 
grontlaub. But the fobanbren was not 
so easy to ermot, the spemin out- 
guessing the rossnot. So the whole 
colemer galtigated. This all could have 
been dismarted if we had fendered the 
ertaba and gwelged them, being fulcare 
not to drought their targets. We could 
have wampfed to fwengle the mimbling- 
er. That would have drawn in the 

"Sir," asked the Navy file, meek, 
humbled and bewildered, "what are 




•21,000 copies of "Maryland" 
per issue! 

•Quite a circulation! 

•Not only from Maryland alumni 
but from other Universities 
comes praise of "Maryland" as 
tops in alumni publications. 

•If you like the magazine please 
give it your support. 

•Read Dave Brigham's "Talking 
Turtle" on the inside back cover. 

•Use the coupon on the last page. 

•Help your Alma Mater remain 
on top in the field of collegiate 

•It cannot be done without your 
help and, as the man says on 
the radio, we DO mean YOU! 


Bitll'd, £ye ^aJzed, Beating 



National Junior Rifle Champion and All- 
American team selection. 

SHOOTING of some kind, we pre- 
sume particularly "sniping", has 
been going on at Maryland ever since 
the institution was founded as Maryland 
Agricultural College in 1856, but rifle 
marksmanship never was as accurate 
before as it was during the 1946-47 

In fact, nothing like it ever previously 
happened in the college realm as the 
undefeated Old Liners carried off the in- 
dividual crown when Walter Bowling 
hung up a 287 score and the team, of 
which he was a member, also brought 
home top honors with 1,408, both of 
them records. 

Members of the winning team were 
Arthur Cook, junior national champion, 
called the "best of the younger gener- 
ation" by the National Rifle Association, 
with 290; Emanuel Briguglio and Joe 
Decker each with 280, and Jack Wesson 
and Bowling with 279 apiece. 

Team Has 1,419 Score 

That 1,408, incidentally, was not 
Maryland's best team score of the sea- 
son, as an amazing 1,419 was compiled 

Fights Off Hay Fever 
To Win Junior Title 
And Other Honors 

in the defeat of the United States 
Aggies by a wide margin. 

Cook, along with Briguglio and Bow- 
ling was picked on the Intercollegiate 
all- America (Golden Bullet) rifle team 
by the N.R.A., was high average man 
on the Terp squad. He blasted a re- 
markable 290.14 average as Maryland 
won all its 21 shoulder-to-shoulder 
matches. In all. the Old Liners defeat- 
ed 105 teams during the campaign. 
Decker, the only shooter to be lost. 
Jack Wesson and Hilton Easter were 
en the second All-America team. 


Head Rifle Coach 

Cook in one meet won si v shoulder 
matches and smashed four world rec- 
ords. These previously have been de- 
tailed in "Maryland." 

Cook in three matches shot the 
startling score of 296, had one 293, two 
292's, a 291, a 290 and several 289's. 
One 296 was against Navy and another 
in that 1,419 team score in which Deck- 
er at 284 and Briguglio at 283 were next 
in line. 

Background is Hazy 

As is some other Maryland sports, 
the background of rifle shooting is rath- 
er hazy. As said, we are sure it is an 
old pastime at College Park, but the 
first mention of it in a campus publi- 
cation was in the 1912 "Reveille". This 
listed a Rifle Club, of which E. R. Bur- 
ner was president, H. S. Koehler, vice- 
president and N. R. Warthen, secretary- 

treasurer. Harvard, Princeton and 
Pennsylvania were among 12 opponents 
that year but no scores were given. 

Greatest strides previous to 1946-47 
were made when the then Maj. Frank 
Ward (now colonel), who was a mem- 
ber of the miltary staff, was at the helm 
from 1934 through 1937. His 1937 out- 
fit registered the first Old Line victory 
ever scored over the Navy riflemen. It 
was gained on the range at Annapolis. 

Col. Ward, who was at College Park 
recently on his way from China to take 
up his latest assignment at Fort Ben- 
ning, marveled at the scores of the Old 
Liners. He previously had written Col. 
Harland Griswold and his proteges a 
letter of congratulations. 

"We aimed constantly and energetic- 
ally to reach the team score of 1,400 
while I was at Maryland, but we just 
couldn't make it," Col. Ward said. 
Displays His Fortitude 

It is not generaly known that young 
Cook is badly afflicted with hay-fever 
that at times nearly blinds him and had 
to fight off this handicap at Camp Perry 
last year when he won the junior 
crown, finished tenth in the senior com- 
petition, firing against many of the 
best in the world. He also earned a 
place on the U. S. International Dewar 

It is revealed by the N.R.A. that the 
night before the U. S. team, of which 
"Cookie" was a member, was to shoot 
against Great Britain, Canada and New 
Zealand, he suffered an attack of hay- 
fever that made him completely blind in 
his right eye — his shooting optic — but 

(Concluded on opposite page) 


Assistant Rifle Coach 


Started tf-iam eSctatcU 

Krouse Is Big Figure 


Sully Was Star In 
Sport He Now 
Coaches For Terps 

BIG William (Sully) Krouse, a tre- 
mendous figure two ways in put- 
ting wrestling on the map at Maryland, 
hopes to have the pastime climb a few 
rungs up the ladder of success in his 
second year of coaching during the 
1947-48 campaign. 

Sully, who helped start the sport on a 
collegiate basis at Maryland in 1940 
and continued as one of its bulwarks in 
1941, did all right in his first year of 
tutoring, a rebuilding campaign, al- 
though he was able to annex only two 
of seven matches. 

Krouse started from scratch last fall 
but he is in much better position for 
the coming campaign as most of his 
last season's squad were freshmen. 
Capt. Eddie Marsheck, defeated only 
once in dual competition at 175 pounds, 
leads the returning matmen. Among 
many others he will have Harry Gam- 
ble, winner of two straight at 136 
pounds before being injured; Bob Tall, 
victor in four out of five 155-pound 
tilts, and Ed Gurny, Gamble's replace- 
ment, who like Marsheck, was runner 
up in the Southern Conference title 

Sully an Ace Matman 

Sully, and it is needless to say he 
was a heavyweight, won six of his 
nine dual matches during the 1940 and 
1941 campaigns and he helped the Old 
Liners to a 6-1 record, the best ever, in 
1940, and was runner-up for the South- 
ern Conference heavy title in 1941. 
These two teams were coached by Jim 
(Deacon) Douglas, a former Purdue 
star, while the 1942 outfit, the last be- 
fore Sully took charge, was tutored by 
Joe McDaniel, one of the many ace 
products of the Oklahoma Aggies. 


(Concluded from page 20) 

for some strange reason his left eye 
was perfectly normal. He fully intend- 
ed to shoot in an unorthodox way but 
the right eye cleared up during the 
night and he fired an amazing 399 out 
of a possible 400 the next morning to 
share conspicuously in an American tri- 

And "Cookie", who is at Camp Perry 
again this summer, has three more 
years on the Maryland rifle team. 


Wrestling Coach when he was winning on mat for Old Liners 

Paul McNeil, who played football and 
wrestled for Maryland in the 1940 and 
1941 seasons, now stands out as the Old 
Liners' greatest matman by all odds. 
McNeil, a handsome 175 pounder, cap- 
tured all his bouts in dual meets in 
these two seasons and capped his amaz- 
ing string by taking the Southern Con- 
ference crown in 1941. Including his 
high school days, McNeil chalked up a 
mark of 40 straight victories. He won 
his Maryland grid letter as a lineman. 
An Optimistic Fellow 

Krouse doesn't expect to unearth an- 
other McNeil but he naturally is an 
optimistic soul and looks forward 
eagerly to his task. 

Maryland supported intramural 
wrestling in 1938 and 1939 before giv- 
ing its higher status in 1940 and the 
Old Liners won the District of Colum- 
bia AAU team title all these three years 
and in 1941. McNeil and Krouse annex- 
ed individual AAU championships all 
four seasons. 

Bob Searles, a valued member of the 
1941 team, gave his life in the war as 
a member of a submarine crew. 

"When Maryland gets that new big 
swimming pool do you think the ath- 
letic program will include water polo?" 

"No, the pool will not be THAT big, 
with loom for all those horses?" 

Britisher: "I say, old top, whom do 
you fancy for the pennant?" 

American: "The Yankees." 

Britisher: "Naturally, but what 
blooming club?" 


Heinie Miller at his desk in Wash- 
ington in 1936. The phone rings. Says 
a voice, "This is Byrd, at Maryland. 
How would you like to coach boxing 
out here?" Reply, "I'd like to." Sim- 
ple, isn't it, when you know how. 



Wrestling Star 

£a&OiAe. Needi Mcvie AiAeti 



Head Lacrosse Coach 

Boasts Great Record 
Since Pastime went 
Big-Time In 1920's 

and the Middies, after edging out the 
Terps, also took it on the chin from 
the three others. 

Maryland, following a two-year war 
lapse in the game from 1943 until 1946, 
felt that it would take about three 
years to catch up with Army and Navy, 
which carried on during the war, but 
didn't expect Princeton to get so tough 
so soon and certainly never figured any 
rival would have all that Hopkins now 
possesses. It means that Maryland will 
have to "get on the ball" to continue to 
hold its head high in a pastime that has 
become traditional at College Park. 

This doesn't mean that the Old Liners 
will have to go out and grab a horde of 


Lacrosse Defense Coach 

MARYLAND must bolster its la- <f //?//// f/Y J/*/. 

crosse forces to retain the na- */////////'/ " ' ' ' 

tional position in the game it earned 
the hard way and that it has held for ■ • ■ ■ 

nearly 25 years. This forcibly was dem- ,' J a0 "& ■ 

onstrated during the past season when ','.' 

the Old Liners suffered a shutout by ■ « ■ ' 

major foes for the first time since the ' . . • 

pastime really was seriously considerd C ' . • 

back in the early 1920's. ■ V .' . 

The Old Liners, who broke even in . •' ' 

eight collegiate games, and also lost to ■'. ■ \ 

powerful Mount Washington Club, 
matched only one of its four big-time 
collegiate rivals in assets. That was \ • '. 

Navy to which it bowed 10-9 in over- : . • ' 

time in a toss-up affair that they might 
easily have won. 

Foes Superior in Assets 
Princeton, Army, Johns Hopkins 
simply had too many assets for Mary- 
land, the last named being conceded to 
have the greatest array of lacrosse ma- 
terial ever assembled at one institution. 
Hopkins, in fact, subscribed to this ap- 
praisal in presenting two sets of highly 
capable attack and defense men and 
three sets of midfielders who ran the 
tongues out of their rivals. 

Princeton and Army couldn't really 
approach Hopkins in material although 
the latter sent the Jays into overtime 
before succumbing, and West Point 
gave the Baltimoreans a battle to the 
finish. But Maryland and Navy were 
the teams that sorely lacked reserves 



Lacrosse Goalie and All-America 

lacrosse stars but it does mean they'll 
have to muster a few and resort to the 
oldtime success method of developing 
some football and basket ball players 
and others into ace stickmen. This 
blend brought Maryland its most suc- 
cessful years in the great Indian pas- 
time and there appears no reason why 
it shouldn't work again. Then, too, 
only Tommy Mont, defenseman, and 
Ray Grelecki, attack, of the 1947 team 
will be lost. 

Reserves Decide Issue 

That Hopkins game, in which the 
Jays ran up a record 15-6 count against 
Maryland gave telling testimony of the 
need and value of reserve strength. 
Maryland outfought and outplayed 
Hopkins until the intense heat and con- 
stant pressure of ace players ran the 
Old Liners into the ground. After 26 
minutes Maryland was leading 3-1 but 
the Old Liners then became exhausted, 
yielded four goals in as many minutes 
to trail 3-5 at intermission and never 
again were in the running. It remind- 
ed us of the Confederate soldier's defi- 
nition of the outcome of the Civil War: 
"We weren't licked, we were outnum- 

Princeton had the strength to lead 
Maryland all the way to win, 11-6; but 
Army had to emulate Hopkins to a 
lesser degree to get a 9-6 decision after 
the Old Liners had led by 4-1 at inter- 
mission and made it 5-1 early in the 
second half. 


Maryland played a swell game on a 
cool night in Baltimore to hold Mount 
Washington to an 8-5 score and had 
easy times in defeating Harvard, 15-2; 
Duke, 11-3; Loyola, 10-2, and Rutgers, 

So it can be assumed that with a 
couple of weak spots in the starting 
line-up plugged and a few able re- 
serves, the Old Liners could have held 
their own in any company. 

Game Started in 1910 

Rising slowly in lacrosse for more 
than a dozen years after L. E. Powell 
of Baltimore, now donor of a trophy to 
the stickman who has rendered the 
greatest service during the year, found- 
ed the sport at College Park in 1910, 
Maryland finally decided to bulwark 
its stick forces with gridmen. This im- 
petus was given in 1922 when M, M. 
(Tater) Clark, a footballer, was cap- 
tain and soon bore fruit. The 1923 
team continued the upswing and Mary- 
land really made itself a national fig- 
ure in 1924 when Navy and Johns Hop- 
kins were beat for the first time. 

The Maryland-Navy battle that year 
was a classic, the Old Liners winning a 
grueling struggle in Washington, 5-3, 
a contest that old timers still are say- 
ing was the most rugged lacrosse game 
ever played. It was Navy's first de- 
feat in seven years. Hopkins later was 
beaten, 3-1, and the Old Liners place 
in the game was solidly established. 
Jack Faber was a reserve player that 

That 1924 team (they used 12 men 
then) was made up of Arthur Sleas- 
man, goal; Ivan Marty, cover point; 
Joe Burger, point; Jack McQuade first 
defense; Tony Hough, second defense; 
Mack Brewer, third defense; Ed Smith, 
center; Taylor Rowe, third attack; T. 
B. Maiden, second attack; Diddle Hei- 
delbach, first attack Tubby Branner, 
out home; Gomar Lewis, in home. That 
murderous defense was all football hus- 
kies except Marty. Marty and Lewis 
were all-America choices. 

And believe it or not, Emile Zale- 
sak, proprietor of the Varsity Grill, 
was a 150 pound reserve goalie on this 
squad. He had been the regular net 
tender in the previous seasons. 

Dr. Truitt is Pioneer 

Dr. R. V. Truitt, former professor of 
Zoology and Agriculture, and now di- 
rector of the Maryland Department of 
Research and Education, who was one 
of Powell's first players, became cap- 
tain and coach in 1914 and was the 
man who generated the pastime to the 
high place it has attained. He took 
time out to serve in World War I but 
took over again in 1920 and remained at 
the helm through 1927, although . he 
was taken ill in midseason, and Faber, 
captain that year, carried on for him. 


All-State lacrosse defense selection 
who won the E. E. Powell trophy as 
outstanding Maryland player of year. 

Faber took over the reins in 1928 and 
has been on the job ever since, pick- 
ing up Al Heagy, his companion coach, 
when the latter was graduated in 1930 
after starring for three seasons and 
becoming an all-America defense play- 
er. Neither had played the game be- 
fore matriculating at College Park. 

They are striking examples of how 
lacrosse talent can be developed and 
scores of others could be pointed out. 
The most notable, considering his lack 
of athletic background, is Joe Deck- 
man, who presented the lacrosse letters 
at awards day on May 28. Just an 
"Apple Knocker from Bel Air," as he 
states it, he fought his way to an all- 
America berth and probably had no 
peer as a defense man in his last two 
years with the Old Liners in 1930 and 

Marty, Maryland '25, and] now a 
dairy farmer at Cockeysville, Md., was 
an all-time defense great who played 
in the upswing years of 1921-24, and who 
helped Faber coach in 1930 and 1931 
until Heagy stepped up from tutoring 
the freshmen. 

Lead All Old Rivals 

Despite what happened the past sea- 
son, the Faber-Heagy regime still 
holds an edge on all major foes and 
almost complete supremacy over all 
other opponents, Duke being the only 
team outside of the "Big Six" to ever 
defeat them. Here is their record 
against the "Big Six", the "Big Five" 
since St. John's dropped all athletics 
in 1942: 

Team W L T 

West Point 5 3 

Johns Hopkins _ 10 8 

Naval Academy 11 6 1 

Princeton 7 2 

St. John's 7 5 

Totals 40 24 1 

Here is the all-time record against 
these teams, with Maryland holding a 



^— P 


margin on all, except Hopkins, which 
evened the games at 14-all last May: 
West Point- 6 5 

Johns Hopkins... 14 14 

Naval Academy 12 11 1 

Princeton 8 2 

St. John's... . 13 5 

Totals .. 53 37 1 

Since the Wilson Wingate Memorial 
national collegiate championship tro- 
phy was inaugurated in 1936, Maryland 
has earned the crown three times — the 
first year, 1939 and 1940 and was joint 
champion with Princeton in 1937. The 
Old Liners also were runners-up in 
1938 and 1943 and had no teams in 
1944 and 1945. 

Beats All College Foes 

Possibly Maryland's greatest year 
was in 1940 when it won all its ten 
college games and lost only to powerful 
Mount Washington Club in the first 
contest of the season. Then it defeated 
m order, Dartmouth, Harvard, Loyola, 
Army, Rutgers, Penn State, Duke, 
Princeton, Navy and Johns Hopkins, 
scoring 96 points to its rivals 34. 

This starting team was: Markland 
Kelly goal; Leo Meuller, Bill Graham, 
Milt Multiz, defense; Jack Mueller, Bill 
Cole and Al Slesinger or Jim Heil, mid- 
field, and Oscar Nevares, Jordan Sex- 
ton, Bill Bond, attack. Slesinger also 
played close attack when Heil was in 
the game. Mulitz and Nevares were 

Practically all the other teams that 
have fostered the game in the United 
States have been played by the Old 
Liners at one time or the other — 
Carlisle, one of the early bulwarks of 
the sport; Syracuse, Yale, Cornell, Col- 
gate, Lehigh, Stevens, Lafayette, 
Drexel, Hobart, New York U., Penn, 
Swarthmore, Virginia, Washington and 
Lee, Georgia Tech, Randolph-Macon, 
Washington College and Western 

Besides Duke, Yale, in 1925, was the 
only team outside of the "Big Six" 
to defeat Maryland since it went big- 


Lacrosse had its biggest year since 
prewar days during 1947 as the game 
and its support grew in leaps and 

Interest was at its highest pitch in 
\ears as a number of schools, notably 
Washington and Lee and Virginia in 
this section, came back into the sport 
with really good teams, and the turnout 
of the fans was almost amazing. 

Fully 10,000 saw Mount Washington 
Club beat Hopkins, 6-5; over 8,000 
watched Army lick Navy at Annapolis, 
between five and six thousand saw 
the Maryland-Hopkins tilt at College 
Park the same day of the service classic, 
and more than 5,000 paid to witness the 
North rout the South, 15-3, in the an- 
nual all-star game in Baltimore. Hop- 
kins and Princeton also had a fullhouse 
for their contest, an overtime game 
that the Jays won on their way to the 
national collegiate title. Navy and 
Maryland also thrilled an Annapolis 
throng with an extra period battle. 

Princeton, for the first time, played 
Maryland and other major foes in 
historic Palmer Stadium, the game at- 
tracted so much attention at Cornell 
that it was moved to Schoellkopf Field, 
previously reserved for football and 
track, and got unusual support at other 

With Duke and Washington and Lee 
in line, along with Maryland, more 
Southern Conference schools may take 
up the pastime, and a loop title series 

is a possibility. Ohio State is aiming to 
start the game and if the Buckeyes 
come through the sport may be expec- 
ted to catch fire in other Big Nine 

In fact, the pastime appears definite- 
ly on the road to becoming a really 
national game. 


Here is an interesting item from 
Joseph H. Deckman, Engineering '31, 
former lacrosse ace and a redhot stick 
game fan, and the pen of Lewis F. 
Atchison, sports writer for the Wash- 
ington Star: 

Joe Deckman, who may coach 
Maryland's freshman lacrosse 
squad next year, vows this story 
is true. It happened at Bel Air, 
Md., hometown of Joe as well as 
Maryland's famed Kehoe brothers. 
Jim Kehoe, now Terp track coach, 
was taken in tow by the town doctor, 
who thought he saw the makings of 
a good runner in the gangling 
youngster. Jimmy was flat-footed 
and walked on his heels, but the 
doc fixed that by stuffing paper in 
his shoes and putting him up on 
his toes until it came naturally to 
the boy and he developed the spring 
that marked his collegiate work. 

One day the doctor had a group 
of Bel Air track hopefuls lined up 
for a practice race. 

"On your mark . . . get set . . ." 
he intoned, when suddenly a 
breathless youngster burst on the 
scene with information that a 
townswoman was ailing with a pain 
in her side and calling for the doc- 

"Which side?" asked the medi- 
cine man, not even bothering to 
lower the upraised pistol. It was 
on the lower right side of the abdo- 
men, the carrier informed him. 
"She's got appendicitis, nothing 
I can do for her," said the doctor. 
"Tell them to take her to the 
General Hospital. . . . On your 
mark . . . get set ..." 


Bob Fetters, all-America defense man 
in 1946, and Jack Hoyert, all-America 
attack player in 1946, did a good job of 
coaching their alma mater's lacrosse B 
squad. Fetters is employed at the Naval 
Ordnance Laboratory near Silver 
Spring and Hoyert was taking graduate 
work during the 1946-47 term. 


Maryland's lacrosse team, as far as 
is known, figured in the longest and 
second longest collegiate games ever 

What is the undisputed record-length 
dual was a 5-5 deadlock between Mary- 
land and Stevens on May 9, 1925, at 
Hoboken, N. J., in which they battled 
three extra 10 minute periods before 
both teams, completely exhausted, 
agreed to call it quits. The next ranking 
engagement, as far as time was con- 
cerned, was a 6-6 game with Navy at 
Annapolis on a scorching May day in 
1934 when, after 18 extra minutes of 
battling, the old rivals were unanimous 
in calling it a day. 

In the game at Hoboken, Maryland 
led 3-2 with a half minute to go when 
Stevens tied it. They both scored in 
the first extra period, Maryland count- 
ing early and Stevens netting the ball 
just as the whistle blew to avert de- 
feat. Neither could count in the second 
extra session but in the next period 
Maryland again got an early goal only 
to have Stevens match it in the last 
15 seconds to again save its bacon. 

Maryland and Navy were 5-all at the 
end of regulation time and each scored 
in the first extra period of 10 minutes. 
Then they agreed to battle eight more 
minutes and when neither scored in' 
that time, and with the temperature 
hovering around 100, there was no ar- 
gument about halving the honors. 

Incidentally, Jack Faber was one of 
the attack men in the game with Ste- 
vens, and becoming Old Line head coach 
in 1928. he tutored the team at the 
time of the stalemate with the Mid- 
shipmen. Al Heagy, later all-America 
and now defense coach of the Terps, 
and then a sophomore first defense 
player, was a starter in the Navy con- 

Leaders on the squad (it then was a 
12-man game) that tied Stevens were: 

Goal — Arthur Sleasman and Emile 
Zalesak; Defense — Capt. Joe Burger. 
Downey Osborn,John Hough, Edward 
Allen and Kinsley McDonald; Center — 
Ed Smith; Attack — Jack Faber, Buddy 
Ensor, T. B. Marden, Bill Beatty and 
Corner Lewis. Munroe (Money) Leaf, 
who wrote "Ferdinand the Bull", was a 
reserve on the team. 

"Did you play in the football team 
at college?" 

"Did you play in the band?" 
"Like hell you went to Notre Dame!" 




Left to Right: Front Row — Jack Call, Bob Clark. Bill Cassedy and Reid Phippeny. Back Row — John Silverthorn, 
Liebman, John Armacost and John Doe. 

Bert Smiley, Leonard 

GOLF, which went on the Maryland 
sports list in 1940, took a firm 
grip during the 1947 season, by far its 
best. With Frank Cronin handling the 
team, Old Liners captured six dual 
matches, lost two and tied one, won 
the Western Maryland invitation tour- 
ney and finished second to Navy in the 
State championship affair at Annapolis. 
Only complete failure was in the South- 
ern Conference title affair at Winston- 
Salem, N. C, where the Terps were far 
down the list. 

With Leonard Liebman as the lone 
prewar player on the squad, the Old 
Liners lost only to Virginia and George 
Washington, with which they gained 
an even break in two matches, and 
scored twice over V. M. I. and beat The 
Citadel in their other dual affairs in 
the Southern Conference. This gave a 
4-1 loop standing. 

Bill Cassedy and Liebman were the 
only players left from 1946. This pair 
with Bob Clark, Reid Phippeny, John 


Golf Coach and Assistant in Boxing 

Call and Bert Smiley played all of 
Maryland's competitive golf. 

Prince Georges Country Club, about 
six miles from the university, was used 
as Maryland's home course. 

Cassedy, who shot a 69, two under 
par, when Delaware was tied at New- 
ark, turned in the best 18 hole round, 
while Liebman had 72-75-147, to pace 
the team to victory in the Western 
Maryland tournament. Cassedy also 
scored one of the season's upsets when 
he whipped Bill Griffin, George Wash- 
ington ace over the Kenwood course 
while the Terps were getting revenge 
for a previous licking. 

Cronin is planning a more extensive 
dual match schedule next spring and 
the Old Liners doubtless again will take 
part in the three tourneys in which 
they figured during 1947. 

Liebman and Smiley will be lost, but 
the other four to gain awards will be 
around next season and the chances are 
some other apt club swingers will make 
their appearance. Cronin hopes so. 



DOYLE ROYAL'S 1947 tennis 
squad, the second postwar outfit, 
with most of the players wearing the 
purple heart, chalked up seven victories 
against five defeats, fully living up to its 
potentialities. Included in the Terps tri- 
umphs were wins over their neighbor- 
ing rivals, George Washington, George- 
town and Catholic University, which 
earned them the mythical District of 
Columbia area honors. Royal, with all 
of his lettermen due back, of course 
looks to better things in 1948. 

While Royal's team this year was 
marked by balance, rather than any 
outstanding stars, Eddie Miller, who 
played for the 1942 Terp freshmen, 
and Eddie LaBerge of the 1946 squad, 
were the mainstays. 

Royal, who served overseas as an 
Army lieutenant, was one of the big 
guns of the 1941 and 1942 teams which 
won a total of 15 matches, lost only 
four and tied one. Rain halted Duke 
and Maryland at 4-all in 1942. 

Old Sport at Maryland 

Tennis, which has been played at 
Maryland for fully 50 years, was spas- 
modic in its early days, it was learned 

Ex - G. Fs Turn In 
Good Record At 
Net Game 

from reading the campus publication. 
It was mentioned as being in its in- 
fancy at College Park in 1898, but 
nothing more was found about it until 
1905 when a picture with no names 
under it appeared in the year book. 
Then there was another lapse of men- 
tion until 1910 when still another pic- 
ture, minus names, was published. 

Originated in 1913 

Tourneys for the school title evidently 
originated in 1913 with E. E. Powell, 
the father of Old Line lacrosse in 1910, 
being the spring and fall champion 


One of Aces of Tennis Team 


Soccer and Tennis Coach 

that year. Burton Ford, who lived in 
College Park for years after graduating 
was captain of the team for the next 
three seasons, and it was during his 
legime that outside competition was 
started in 1914. Jim Shumate, now a 
construction firm executive who lives 
in Chevy Chase, also was a leader dur- 
ing that period and was captain in 1917. 
Shumate and Ford had some merry 
battles for the top ranking spot. 

Teams, which had their good and bad 
years, continued to represent the school 
annually from 1917 on but not until 
Les Bopst, now State chemist, took 
charge in 1933 and remained at the 
helm through the 1940 season, did 
Maryland really branch out in the 
games. Bopst, a graduate in the class of 
1916, played baseball in preference to 



Helped Net Team to Success 

tennis while in college but later became 
enamored of the net pastime. 

Tennis Booms 

Larry Phillips, No. 1 man and cap- 
tain in 1924, was regarded as the best 
tennis player ever to perform for the 
Old Liners up to that time, although 
Bob Haig, who led the 1921 outfit, was 
rated highly. And probably the best 
team until the Bopst reign was the 1926 
combination, which won seven of nine 
matches. It contained John Burns, play- 
ing manager; Bill Weber, captain; 
Egbert Tingley, now postmaster at Hy- 
attsville who gave out the tennis let- 
ters at awards day, May 28; Winship 
Green; Joe Taw, Charley Shelton and 
Nelson Sportswood. 

Bopst didn't enjoy all banner seasons 
but most of them were good and his 
teams of 1938, 1939 and 1940, led by 
Allie Ritzenberg and Nathan Askin, 
gave Maryland the best stretch of ten- 
nis in its history. This pair, occupying 
the first two spots in the singles and 
pairing in the doubles, paced the Old 
Liners to 9-1, 7-3 and 8-1 records dur- 
ing their three campaigns and carried 
off the Southern Conference doubles 
crown in 1939. 

All in all, you could say that the net 
results were okay. 



Eddie Crandall, sprinter and broad jumper, is the "patient." 

DUKE WYRE, who joined the Mary- 
land staff after nearly 15 years as 
assistant at Yale, including time taken 
out for war service, is the Old Liner's 
first really full-time trainer. He has 
been on the job since April 8 and every- 
one concerned is happy. 

Wyre fully intended to be a doctor 
but circumstances intervened and he 
chose what he felt was the next most 
desirable and interesting profession for 

Wyre, a native of New Haven, lost 
his parents in his youth and after 
graduating from Hillhouse High School 
of that city in 1925, went to work. 
Always fond of athletics, he saw an 
opportunity ss a trainer to combine a 
knowledge of medicine with sports and 
since that decision has devoted all his 
time and study to the development of 
his chosen line. 

Too Light for Football 

Only a 135-pounder while in high 
school, Wyre indulged in three sports — 
baseball, football and basket ball, with 
the last named as his leading pastime. 
His size held down his football efforts, 
although his top interest was in that 

He started his work at Yale in 1933 
and, in addition to his regular duties 
there, took special courses in the Yale 
Medical School and Department of 
Health and at the New Haven Hospital. 
Wyre worked and studied with J. H. 
Kiphuth, Yale's director of physical 
education and swimming coach, who 
now also is director of athletics, study- 
ing all phases of conditioning and ex- 
ercises. He also took summer courses 
at a hospital and physical education 

Wyre has been an instructor in the 
American Red Cross for about 17 years, 
has taught courses in prevention and 
care of athletic injuries at coaching 
clinics and has published a number of 
articles on these subjects and on con- 

In Navy Three Years 
He was on leave from Yale to serve 
in th? Navy for three years. He was 
graduated from the Physical Instruc- 
tors' School (USN) and the Navy Phy- 
sical Rehabilitation School and the last 
year and a half he was in the service 
was in the Navy Rehabilitation pro- 
gram at Chelsea (Mass.) Navy Hospi- 

Wyre's final assignment for Yale was 
to take the Eli rugby team to Ber- 
muda for a series of matches. His 
charges went to the championship 
round where they were beaten in the 
last minute of play by a penalty kick. 



Facilities Manager 


Affable Maj. George M. Bohler, who at 
various times has been trainer and 
equipment manager and lastly super- 
visor of athletic facilities, will devote 
all his time in the future to the last 
named job. 

He will have plenty to do now, with 
tennis courts one of his problems, and 
his duties will about double with the 
building of the new stadium and field 

Bohler, who recently retired as a 
lieutenant colonel after 30 years in the 
Army, was at College Park in 1942 as 
an assistant in the Military Department 
and in charge of equipment. He re- 
turned last fall after varied wartime 
duties, to serve in the double job as 
equipment manager and trainer. 

He is graduate of Washington State 
College and his brother, J. Fred Bohler. 
is athletic director there. 


Bob: "It's the coach's birthday today and 
the team has promised him a win as a birthday 

nrpspnt '* 



Betty: "I hope he's not expecting the usual 


I HE trouble with Maryland foot- 
ball," wisecracked an egg in a 
Washington hotel lobby, "is that Mary- 
land alumni." 

"Yeh," yeh'd a yeh guy, "I saw that 
Alumni play for Maryland years ago. 
He was a rough guy and broke every 
rule in the book. Played either guard 
or tackle, that Alumni, big Italian." 

"Can you tell me the name of the 

"No, I'm just a football player here." 

Heard in the end zone, "He doesn't 
look like an athlete. All skinny and 
emancipated looking." 

Which recalls that when little Heinie 
Orchard, a good featherweight boxer of 
years ago, also won a Marathon run, 
a columnist referred to him as a "ver- 
satile fellow" and Orchard wanted to 
punch the guy on the nose. 

Triple threat man. Stumble, Fumble 
and Tumble. 

Just saw a guy with scrambled eggs 
all over his vest. Ought to go out for 
basketball. Dribbles perfectly. 

Snorky's athletic ambition: To be a 
pinch hitter in a boxing match. 


"Let him stand on the bench! When he was 
on Curley's team he always sat on the bench." 

Clark Griffith, President of Washing- 
ton's American League Baseball Team, 
is surprisingly "hep" on football . . . He 
never misses a game and can argue 
with any of the grid boys about tech- 
nicalities . . . But somebody recalled 
when Griff saw his first football 
frame . . . The safety man on one 
(earn had several quick kicks go over 
his head and Griff exploded: "Consarn 
it that center-fielder is playing in too 
close." — Bob Addie in the Times- 

"He was an actor before he took up 

"Yeh, he played one of the ruts in 
'Tobacco Road'!" 

$J€ IW€F?E WM TEH? 3£2> 

Every hard boiled egg is 

yellow at heart. 

A fellow who used to be 
classified as a guy born with 
a silver spoon in his mouth 
now knows he rates after 
the guy born on the 50 yard 

A boxing bout had gone eight rounds. 
In every round Kid Piano was on the 
floor. On his neck, on his back, on his 
ear. He fell in a million crazy positions. 
During all that time his seconds gave 
him no advice at all. Coming up for 
the ninth the second yelled, "Go in 
there and slug with him now, Piano, 
jou've been boxing him clever long 

Heard in the corridor: "For a nickle 
I'd punch you right on the nose!" 

"Yeh, for a nickle you would. You 
dirty pro!" 

"Who's game?" asked the guy who 
had just sort of wandered into Byrd 
Stadium during the third quarter. 

"I am," replied the shy young thing 
next to whom he sat down. 

Kumpot at football game horning into 
section where he didn't belong. Some 
guy yelled, "Block that pint!" 

The Old Sport who sat in a grand- 
stand chair, 

With a crease in his pants and hay- 

seed in his hair, 

And he yelled out loud to the crowd 
that was there, 

"She wins in a walk by cracky!" 

The Old Sport is the guy who insists 
that heritage is the thing; that blood 
will tell. He proves it by the tale of a 
mare named "Dream o' Dawn." 

"Yezzir," sez the old sport, "yezzir. 
Dream o' Dawn proved it. 'Twas at 
I'imlico back in the early days. Good 
field in there too. Dream o' Dawn, off 
like a shot, had the race in the satchel 
at the first quarter pole. At the half 
way mark Dream o' Dawn is so far 
ahead it would take $9.00 to send her a 
postal card. At the three-quarter mark 
she halts and gives birth to a colt, 
right there on the track. But she goes 
on from there and wins the race any- 

"Gee, whillikins!" exclaimed a wide 
eyed, hapless, hopeless Johnny-come- 
Lately, "what became of the colt?" 

"Son," explained Old Sport, "they 
put the little shaver in as an added 
starter and he finished for second 

"Yezzir." concluded the Old Sport, 
"blood will tell!" as he jumped on his 
hoss and rode away into the roseate 


Tntum : "Which one of you is the kid from 


"Are you one of Tatum's O's or one of his 


Middle of the third quarter, Navy vs 
Notre Dame, at the request of the 
Navy center, time was called. The Navy 
man said, "Look here, Mr. Referee, I 
don't like to gripe, but every time we 
tangle that big Irish center bites me." 

Snapped the referee, "Play him only 
on Fridays!" 

This one should amuse all loyal fol- 
lowers of the Terrapin and, in best 
Jerseyese might be called "The Verce 
of the Toitle." When Jim Braddock won 
the world's heavyweight boxing cham- 
pionship from Max Baer he phoned Mrs. 
Braddock, who had and has never seen 
Jim box, "Mom, keep the kids up. Tell 
them I'm bringing home the title!" 
That meant no more dock work. No 
more relief. Easy Street for the kids. 
So when Jim triumphantly swung open 
the door in his Jersey home he shouted, 
"I'm heavyweight champion of the 
world!" But his two kids began to sob. 
Jim couldn't understand that until the 
kids whimpered, "Pop, but where is 
the toitle?" 

At a boxing show one of the con- 
testants was a futile flutterbug hitter. 
He punched with no authority at all; 
finally a ringside stentor let forth with, 
"Hit 'm now! You got the wind wit' 

In order to kick a goal in life, you 
must have one. 

"Does the coach work out all these 
plays at a blackboard with chalk?" 

"Yes, except for games on rainy days. 
Then he works them out on canvas 
after dipping his finger in gravy." 

Which recalls that when Jack Demp- 
sey was nailing the daylights out of 
Jess Willard at Toledo a guy yelled, 
"Jess, you're wanted on the phone!" 

There is the story of the Iowa foot- 
ball team that had three colored boys 
in the line-up. They were playing an- 
other mid-Western team on which a 
big Swedish lad was carrying the ball. 

He tried a plunge off left tackle and, 
bingo, was set back with his head left 
spinning. He looked up and there stood 
a gigantic colored boy, ivory teeth re- 
splendent in a wide grin. 

He tried the other side of the line 
and, whacko, he got it again, from an- 
other dusky linesman. 

"I'll try an end run," thought the 
Swedish lad and here he was knocked 
over to look up and see a tall tan 
fellow standing over him. 

"I'll try the other end," figured Ole 
and this time he was brought down by 
a Swedish counterpart, a big yellow 
haired white lad. 

Ole got up, extended his hand, say- 
ing, "Doctor Livingston, I presume!" 

Speed demon, "We must be getting 
near College Park. I just knocked over 
three pedestrians with "M" on their 

One of the young men on the boxing 
team was describing a tremendous shel- 
lacking incurred by a certain pro in a 
Baltimore ring. "By gosh," said the 
Terp, "when he went home that night 
his loving mother mistook him for a 
totem pole." Which recalls the fellow 
who left the roped arena with a mouse 
over his eye and his hand over the 
mouse. For days all his friends called 
him "Alladin," on account of his won- 
derful lamp. 

In the good old days when athletes 
were carried along regardless of studies 
a certain college further North had a 
star player who was enrolled at a near- 
by grammar school. He studied there 
but played for the Big U team. One 
afternoon the players were discussing 
their difficulties with a calculus exam 
and the boy who could lug that old 
ball chirped in his two cents worth 
with, "All math is tough. That long 
division is no bargain either." 

"When I was a boy," the old timer 
said, "I used to like to watch the base 
drummer in the band. Now I like to 
watch the girl cheer leaders turn cart 

"The referee for today's game is at 
the gate with two friends. Shall I 
pass them in?" inquired |the gate- 

"A referee with two friends!" gasp- 
ed the coach. "Sure! Let 'im in!" 


"Well, he says he'll take orders only from a 
top sergeant.** 

"Hi, coach!" 

"Hi! Weren't you told not to drink 
while in training?" 

"What makes you think I've been 
drinking, coach?" 

"I'm not the coach." 

College Coach: "Come on, snap it up, 
you guys. You're playing like a bunch 
of amateurs." 

Behold the great pro rassler, 
Behold his mighty hands, 
Behold his straining muscles 
As taut as iron bands, 
His arching chest is solid 
As a co-ed's loaf of bread, 
And yet his arching chest is not 
As solid as his head. 

"He beat her to death with a mashie- 

"How many strokes?" 

Usher: "How far down do you wish 
to sit lady?" 

Lady: "All the way, of course." 

Drunk: "Hey, pal, do me a favor. 
Is the sun going down, or the moon 
coming up?" 

Other Drunk: "Shorry, buddy, can't 
tell you. I'm a stranger in town my- 

Plain case of bottle fatigue. 

Last year's hero, this year's assis- 
tant coach. 

And the freshman who had been at 
the dairy so long that he shook hands 
one finger at a time. 


^le^iuxlxi- 'lah&i AnatUesi {Jaunt 



One of by-products of Maryland-Johns Hopkins lacrosse feud. Both the "barbers" and their vic- 
time gave fictitious names. 

structible Terp mascot for 
Maryland athletics, which most of the 
time sits peacefully and undisturbed on 
his throne in front of Ritchie Coliseum, 
again rests there after being the prin- 
cipal in another sports feud, this time 
as a prelude to the Old Line-Johns 
Hopkins lacrosse game that was played 
at College Park on May 24. While 
victory in the battle of wits, paint 
brushes, hair-cutting and a good 
sprinkling of most rugged hostilities, 
was claimed by both sides, the stick 
struggle — told about elsewhere — we'll 
have to admit deservedly was won by 
the Blue Jays. 

Traveling to Baltimore and back, 
however, was just another trip for 
"Testudo", who at intervals has been 
the cause of warfare between Maryland 
students and those of Georgetown, Wes- 
tern Maryland and Hopkins ever since 
he took his place in front of Ritchie 
Coliseum during commencement week in 
1933, the gift of the Senior Class of 
that year of which George Weber, an 
engineering graduate and now business 

manager of the Maintenance Depart- 
ment, was president. 

Stage Three-Day Battle 

After the three-day pre-game battle 
had surged back and forth between 
the two campuses and "Testudo" had 
been hidden for a time in the "wilds of 
Hopkins", he and some of the students 
of both schools who had been jailed on 
Friday night, were at College Park in 
time for the clash in Byrd Stadium. 
"Testudo" had been brought home 
shortly after noon in an official Johns 
Hopkins truck, but precaution had been 
taken in covering up the name on the 
vehicles with long strips of heavy pa- 
cer. "Testudo" hastily was replaced, as 
Dan Wiseman, popular campus police- 
man, stood guard and the returnee then 
hurriedly stepped on the gas. All that 
was needed to make "Testudo" as good 
as ever was a bath to remove Hopkins' 
blue and white colors and the letter H 
from his anatomy and that was accom- 
plished quickly by Old Line students. 

It all started when some Old Liners 
secretly visited the Jays campus on 
Thursday night and painted the side- 

Paint Daubing, Hair 
Trimming Battles 
Precede Contest 

walks with Maryland colors of black 
and gold and slogans declaring "Mary- 
land will beat Hopkins". 

Although no one saw the painters at 
work, Hopkins students found the signs 
after an anonymous telephone call tell- 
ing them to "look around". With 
bloody revenge in their eyes, a caval- 
cade of Hopkins lads counter-attacked 
early Friday morning. Paint flowed 
freely again and during the melee some 
members of the Blue Jays "suicide 
squad" swiped "Testudo". 

Terps Become Barbers 

But the Jays didn't get away Scot 
free by any means. Marylanders jump- 
ed into cars and caught about 25 of 
the Hopkins task force on the boulevard 
near Laurel. They hustled them back 
to College Park and shaved what was 
intended to be a big "M" on some of 
their pates but it hardly could be called 
an artistic job. Later they put their 
captives to work with tooth brushes 
scrubbing paint from Maryland build- 
ings and walks under a red hot sun. 

But the whereabouts of "Testudo" 
still was a mystery. So in the wee hours 
of Saturday morning a battalion of 
Terps took off in a motorcade to Balti- 
more to retrieve him. When they ar- 
rived at Hopkins the fun really began 
and before all of the Terps got back 
home a few had suffered the same type 
of haircut that had been inflicted on 
the Jays. 

Hopkins had posted scouts as far 
south as Washington boulevard. Mary- 
land students found they were not un- 
expected and some 200 policemen, with- 
out using unreasonable force, were 
needed to curb the battle. The Terps 
passed up one dormitory entrance which 
had been barricaded with barbed wire 
and were met with a fire hose at an- 
other. Battling their way into the dor- 
mitory, they found themselves sliver- 
ing and slipping. The floor had been 
covered with soap chips and wetted 
down. "We shoulda had bananas," one 
Hopkins field general lamented. 

Is Show Worth Watching 

Inside and outside the dormitories, 
the air was filled with flying missiles. 
Residents of nearby apartments and 
houses, attracted by the din, came out 
in their pajamas or leaned out of 
windows. It was a show worth watch- 


Only eleven students, eight from Col- 
lege Park and three from Hopkins, were 
grabbed by the cops during the fracas, 
but a sympathetic judge let them go 
later in the morning. In all the battle 
for the return of the Terp lasted about 
and hour and a half. By that time the 
Maryland lads were convinced that 
their mascot was hidden elsewhere than 
in the Hopkins dorm. He was and the 
temporary hiding place still is a secret, 
"perhaps for future use," said the Hop- 
kins boys. 

Dr. H. C. Byrd, Maryland prexy, 
smiled when asked about the incident. 
He has been around a long time, has 
seen such things happen before, and, 
as an old newspaper man, certainly 
would not sneer at the publicity angle, 
which not only became national but in- 
ternational. One clipping of this inci- 
dent was received from Paris, France. 
Despite Hopkins being an odds-on- 
favorite, nearly 6,000 watched the 

Dr. Byrd, like "Testudo", should take 
these occurrences in his stride, as he is 
indirectly responsible for them. Back in 
1922 the diamondback terrapin, par- 
ticularly in Byrd's home waters around 
Crisfield, was one of the State's most 
noted and delectable products, and when 
the university student newspaper was 
seeking a new name, Diamondback was 
suggested by him and accepted. The 
paper previously had been the Mary- 
land State Review. 

Soon Sliced to Terps 

It was not long after this time that 
Maryland athletic teams and athletes 
began to be designated at the Terrapins 
and the daily newspapers of Washing- 
ton and Baltimore soon had cut it to the 
briefer "Terps" which fits much more 
easily into the headlines. In 1935 the 
yearbook changed its name from the 
Reveille to the Terrapin by a vote of 
the student body, so the name insepar- 
ably is tied up with the university. 

Bronze for "Testudo" was provided 
and his creation made possible by E. C. 
Mayo, president of the Gorham Manu- 
facturing Co., of Providence, R. I., who 
played quarterback for Maryland back 
in 1903. "Testudo" was modeled after 
a live diamondback terrapin which was 
brought from Crisfield and sent to 
Providence. Tied to a light rope he 
unveiled his own statue at fitting cere- 
monies but died shortly afterward. 

Ralph I. Williams, president of the 
1932-33 Student Government Associa- 
tion, conceived the idea of the memo- 
rial; Aristide B. Cianfarani, noted 
sculptor, and Robert J. Hill of the 
bronze division of the Gorham Co., gave 
particular attention to the details in 
creating "Testudo", and Maj. Howard 
Cutler, architect of the Coliseum, gave 
his services in designing the base. 


Tied to a light rope the live Diamondback Terrapin unveiled his own likeness at Class Day cere- 
monies on May 26, 1933. At left is President Byrd and on right is Ralph I. Williams, prexy of the 
1932-33 Student Government Association. 

Origin of Old Liners 

Some folks like Old Liners for a 
nickname better than Terps but while 
both will be used freely, the latter be- 
cause of its terseness appears to hold 
the upperhand. Many are not familiar 
as to how Old Liners really originated, 
although an explanation has been pub- 
lished in football programs and other 
publications. Of several theories ad- 
vanced, the two most plausible are 
widely divergent. The generally accep- 
ted version, however, is that which 
emanated from the New York campaign 
of the War of the Revolution. Accord- 
ing to the story, the Continental troops 
were drawn up across Long Island 
facing south, with a similar array of 
the British directly opposite. The 
Maryland troops held the center posi- 
tion of the American lines. During the 
course of the battle, the Continental 
troops flanking the Marylanders began 
to give way under the pressure of the 
British attack, but Maryland held her 
ground. The line of battle thus became 
bow-shaped, with the Free Staters at 

the most advanced portion of the arc. 
The American commanding officers thus 
began to refer to the lines of battle as 
"the old line," and "the new line." 

But the British advantage was brief 
and after a few hours the tide of the 
battle turned in favor of the Americans, 
inspired no doubt by the tenacity of the 
boys from Maryland. Upon seeing the 
lines of battle begin to straighten out 
to their original position again, Col. 
Smallwood, commanding a Maryland 
regiment cried out "See! The old line 
holds!" From thenceforward, the Mary- 
land soldiers were known as "The Old 
Line" regiments, and upheld their glor- 
ious record throughout the rest of the 

Battle Over Dividing Line 

The other story is about the fierce 
skirmishes between the Marylanders 
and the Pennsylvanians over the then 
indefinite boundary between the States. 
It seems that there were two lines, the 
original known as "The Old Line," being 
the one most favorable to Maryland. 
The Marylanders, of course, defended 


'O.K. SOLDIE-R, f (^ 
LET'S SHowf 



this border, while the Pennsylvanians 
fought for a new line, which would 
give them more land. It is said that the 
Marylanders held so strenuously for the 
old marker that they earned Maryland 
its name as "The Old Line State." 

Finally, after Mason and Dixon sur- 
veyed the boundary, completing it in 
1767, the quarreling came to an end, 
but the Old Line still retains it place 
in history. 


Here is the list of head football 
coaches who served in the past 55 
years at Maryland : 

1892-96— Prof. H. M. Strickler of 
Randolph Macon, who also acted as 
athletic director; 

1897-99 — No coach, athletic commit- 
tee in charge; 

1900— Roy Mackall of St. John's. 

1901-04— D. John Markey, Western 

1905-06— Fred Nielsen, Nebraska. 

1907— C. G. Church, Virgina, and 
Charles W. Melick, Nebraska. 

1908 — William Lang, Delaware. 

1909— Dr. Edward P. Larkin. Cornell 
and Georgetown, and Barney Cooper, 
Maryland. '08. 

1910 — R. Alston, George Washington. 

1911— C. F. Donnelly, Trinity of 
Connecticut, and H. C. Byrd, Maryland, 
'08, who coached the then Aggies for 
the Western Maryland game, which was 
won, 6-0, in a stunning upset. 

1912-32— H. C. Byrd. 

1933-35— Jack Faber, Maryland, '26, 
with Dr. Byrd advisory coach in 1933. 

1936-1939— Frank Dobson, Prince- 

1940-41— Jack Faber, Al Heagy, '30, 
and Al Woods, '33, all Maryland. 

1942 — Clark Shaughnessy, Minnesota. 

1943-44 — Clarence Spears, Minnesota. 

1945 — Paul Bryant, Alabama. 

1946 — Clark Shaughnessy. 

WHILE the 1946 football cam- 
paign, the 55th in the history of 
the university, was not one over which to 
become elated, with only three out of 
nine games placed in the victory column, 
there were some pleasant spots along 
the thorny path. 

Two old Southern Conference rivals 
were beaten, Virginia Tech at College 
Park by 6-0 and Washington and Lee 
in the Baltimore Stadium by 24-7, and 
a homecoming triumph should have 
been scored over South Carolina which 
pulled a game out of the fire on a long 
touchdown pass in the last ten seconds 
to win 21-17. In fact, the Old Liners 
played their best game against the 
Gamecocks, coming back to lead 17-14 in 
the second half after trailing 14-0 at 

Tommy Mont was his old self against 
Carolina, pacing the team by two touch- 
downs and kicking a long field goal to 
give Maryland what appeared to be a 

winning edge. Mont also snagged an 
enemy forwad pass and ran 98 yards to 
score on Washington and Lee to "break 
the Generals' back" in what had been a 
nip-and-tuck battle. 

Mont also thrilled the Chapel Hill 
fans by his passing of a wet ball in a 
game that North Carolina won, 33-0, 
and he and others provided some stir- 
ring moments in other contests. 

Bainbridge NTS was the third team 
beaten but other losses were suffered to 
University of Richmond, William and 
Mary, Michigan State and North Caro- 
lina State. 

Outside of Mont, Ed Chovanes and 
Emile Fritz, guards; Bob James and 
Pat McCarthy, ends, and John (Reds) 
Wright, fullback, finished their college 
careers. Wright, who shone brilliantly 
in the 1942 backfield with Mont, and 
Fritz also has turned pro, joined the 
Baltimore Colts of All-American Con- 


ONE of the high spots of the sports 
year at Maryland is the annual 
field clay, which was inaugurated in 1911, 
and which has had only war lapses. 
The affair, now always held on the first 
Saturday in May, was revived this 
year after the wartime break in 1943 
and again was a marked success. 

There was only one dark spot to the 
1947 games, the fact that it rained for 
the first time during the 26 years it 
has been staged but not enough to pre- 
vent all of the track events from being 
run off. More than 30 schools sent over 
300 athletes into action, with Washing- 
ton-Lee High of Arlington, Va., win- 
ning the open interscholastic trophy 
and Fort Hill of Cumberland taking the 
honors in the division limited to high 
schools of the State. 

E. W. (Pete) Stoll, one of Mary- 
land's early aces on the gridiron, who 
played four years, 1901-04, inclusive, and 
also a fields events star in track, and 
who then was a captain in the Philip- 
pines Constabulary, in the winter of 
1911 forwarded a contribution to Alum- 
ni Association to be used to further the 
athletic interests of the college. Upon 
the suggestion of Dr. E. N. Cory, now 
State entomologist and Athletic Board 
member, it was decided to institute an 
annual track and field meet and the 
first gun was fired the following spring. 

The inaugural meet was an inter-col- 
legiate and interscholastic affair. Now 
main attention is given to the scholastic 
event, but Old Line trackmen usually 
oppose an old rival in a companion 
meet and other contests, lacrosse or 


baseball or both, are added attractions. 

Most of the meet records have been 
broken time and again but one that 
has stood the test since 1915 is Brooke 
Brewer's :09.8 for the 100 but that was 
tied by Neil Vincent of Seton Hall Prep 
in 1940. Brewer, a Washingtonian, 
came to Maryland in 1916 to become one 
of the best halfbacks of his time and to 
add to his track fame. Curley Byrd, 
who coached him and others who saw 
him in action rate him the greatest 
kicker who ever booted the pigskin. 

Scores of others who competed in 
the meets later have become stars in 
track and other sports at College Park. 


Back in '34 to '37 Maryland had a 
grade "A" 127 pound boxer named Tom 
Birmingham. Tom could box and Tom 
could punch and he won the Southern 
Conference championship in his class. 
In '38, after Tom had graduated, the 
Maryland team boxed Duke at Dur- 
ham, N. C. One of the students asked 
the Maryland coach, "What ever be- 
came of that boxer Montgomery?" The 
coach replied, "We had no Montgom- 
ery." "You suah 'nuf did," insisted the 
Duke lad, "that hah'd hitten' 127 poun- 
der." "His name," replied the coach, 
"was Birmingham." "Shucks yes," con- 
cluded the Duke youngster, "Ah jes' 
knew it was suthin' from Alabama." 


^andflcuid B 

THIS is Helen Patricia Draper, light-haired and blue-eyed, generally known on the College Park Campus as "Pat" Draper. She is from Milton, 
Delaware and is a Senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. Pat is a student in Psychology and her sorority is Kappa Delta. During the 
recent Southern Conference Championship Boxing Tournament at College Park, Pat was chosen as one of the sponsors for the ring teams, her 
assignment being with the team of tile University of South Carolina. 

Qieateii Old JLUie Atldete. 


Maryland and Army 
Grad Met Death on 
Bomber Mission 

CAPTAIN John William (Bill) Guc- 
keyson, University of Maryland's 
greatest all-around all-time athlete, lies 
in an unknown grave in Germany where 
he was shot down May 21, 1944, while 
piloting an Army bomber. His mates, 
who returned, thought they saw him 
bail out but there never has been any- 
thing definite as to how he met his 

Guckeyson, always quiet, unassuming 
and admired by everyone with whom he 
came in contact, entered the University 
of Maryland in the fall of 1933 as a 
6 foot, 180 pound freshman who had 
taken part in only the 12-pound shot 
put and played some soccer and basket 
ball for Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Md., 
High School, just nine miles from the 
College Park campus. 

GUCKEYSON Poised for Lengthy Toss 


All-around Athlete 

Maryland's "Greatest 


He left Maryland upon graduation in 
1937 to enter West Point with letters 
in four sports, as the finest all-around 
halfback ever to play for the Old Lin- 
ers, a sensational 13-event trackman, a 
ball player of big league caliber and 
a far better than average basket ball 
performer. It would take pages to real- 
ly tell of his feats but here in brief is 
the heart-tingling story that had such 
a hearbreaking end : 

Brilliant on Gridiron 

During his three years of varsity 
football he figured in most every touch- 
down that was made by the Old Liners 
or registered them himself by stirring 
individual stunts, making 16 in all. He 
was a fleet and deceptive runner, great 
kicker who booted the ball far and 
angled it out-of-bounds, was an able 
pass tosser and receiver, took good care 
of his territory on defense and could 
throw a block about as well as any back. 
Here are some highlights: 

In 1934 he scored two touchdowns on 
Navy after taking passes, made a 60- 
yard punt and ran 25 yards for a score 
against Florida, kicked 60 yards into 
the wind against V. M. I., counted on 
Virginia Tech after catching pass and 
ran 40 yards for score against St. 

Makes 85-Yard Punt 

Among his top thrillers in 1935, when 


he was exceptionally brilliant in every 
phase of the game, was a 75 yard 
quick kick and an 85-yard punt from 
behind his own goal against Florida, 
both of which setup touchdowns; runs 
for 50 yards from scrimmage and 90 
yards from the second-half kickoff to 
beat Georgetown, 12-6, with a 25 yard 
dash and a 68 yard punt thrown in to 
boot; played so superbly against Indi- 
ana that the Hoosiers rated him the 
best back they had faced that year 
despite the fact that they had played 
against Jay Berswanger, Chicago U's 
famous all-America. He also gained over 
GOO yards during the season in exchange 
of kicks with his rivals. It was his amaz- 
ing punting, all of his kicks being so 
angled that none was caught, that 
earned a scoreless deadlock with highly- 
favored Syracuse in the mud in Balti- 
more Stadium. 

It was just about the same story in 
1936 when among his top performances 
were the running back of a punt for 
60 yards for a score against Virginia, 
making two 66 yard sprints from scrim- 
mage for touchdowns that beat Rich- 
mond U., 12-0, and one punt for 80 yards, 
wrecking Syracuse with his varied skills, 
catching a pass and making a 35 yard 
dash for a touchdown against George- 
town and kicking 78 yards against 
Washington and Lee. Other than his 

scoring runs that season, Guckeyson 
piled up 685 yards in 114 running plays 
and made all his rival punters look bad. 
He was all-State all three years and 
was all-Southern Conference and all- 
Southern in 1935 and 1936. 

Three-Event Trackman 

Guckeyson took part in track at 
Maryland for only two full seasons but 
he scored 213 points with the discus, shot 
and javelin and was Conference champ 
with the spear in 1935 with a heave of 
204 feet 5 inches. His best javelin 
throw was 208 feet 5 inches, which still 
is the university record; his top shot 
put mark was 46 feet 8 Vz inches and 
his best with the discus was 135 feet 
11 inches. In six dual meets in 1937 he 
scored 83 out of a possible 90 points. 

He played baseball only one year for 
the Terps, in 1936 when his right 
shoulder was declared too weak to stand 
the strain of his three track specialties. 


Football Center 

He hit .320 for the season, despite the 
fact that he didn't take part in the early 
season practice sessions, and was a de- 
mon on the bases and in the outfield. His 
arm, too, was good enough to whip the 
ball to the home plate when it was neces- 

His basket ball was confined to two 
seasons and, while he was a letter man 
both years and his play would have 
gratified most any coach, he was not as 
forceful and proficient on the court as 
he was in the other three pastimes. 

Praised at West Point 

Guckeyson had his allotment of foot- 
ball before he went to West Point, from 
which he was graduated in 1942, but 
he starred for the Army teams in track 
and basket ball for one season each, two 

in baseball and also played a keen game 
of hockey and soccer. In fact, he was 
so brilliant that the Pointer, Cadet bi- 
weekly publication at West Point, called 
him the greatest all-around athlete 
since Elmer Oliphant. And Oliphant 
generally is conceded to have been West 
Point's all-time great. 

Guckeyson not only was Maryland's 
and the Southern Conference's greatest 
all-around athlete of recent years but 
doubtless was the Nation's best in his 


Below is a tribute to Bill Guckey- 
son from Prank Dobson, long-time 
national figure in sports as a coach, 
official and executive, who was head 
coach of the Old Line gridders 
from 1936 to 1939 after being asso- 
ciate coach with Jack Faber in 1935. 
Dobson now is director of athletics at 
the Newport News Shipbuilding Com- 
pany. He wrote: 

"During more than four decades of 
coaching from the University of Geor- 
gia to the University of Maryland it 
has been my privilege to be associated 
with hundreds of fine young American 
boys, many of whom stood out above 
their teammates because of particular 
skills or qualities, in which he partici- 
pated, the inspirational leadership and 
the sterling character that made Bill 
Guckeyson the greatest athlete I have 
ever known." 


The Algonquins and the Iroquois 
again roamed over the hills at College 
Park, Maryland, but the members of the 
10 tribes in each nation were spending 
their time studying livestock, poultry, 
conservation, home furnishing, foods, 


Football Quarterback 

clothing, and other subjects, instead of 
hunting with bow and arrow. 

The Indian nanus were assumed by 
groups of Maryland 4-H'ers as they at- 
tended the 25th annual 4-H Club Week 
at the University of Maryland. Ap- 
proximately 1,000 club members attend- 
ed the gathering which was held Au- 
gust 4 to 9. 

One of the two nations was organized 
with groups of boys and girls who are 
12, 13, or 14 years of age, while the 
other was for young people 15 years 
or older. 


Alvin L. Aubinoe, whose plans to 
build a $3,000,000 apartment-hotel re- 
quires the leveling of the Leiter man- 
sion at Dupont circle, is one of many 
Washington men who started in build- 
ing or real estate business with a few 
hundred dollars and became million- 
aires within a few years. He attended 
the University of Maryland in 1922 and 

He learned the fine points of con- 
struction and financing big ventures 
from Morris Cafritz, the Washington 
multi-millionaire builder and real estate 

Aubinoe started with Cafritz in 1925. 
At the urging of Cafritz, Aubinoe went 
in business for himself in 1929, but re- 
turned to Cafritz a little more than a 
year later when the depression had set 

In 1938 he left Cafritz again for a 
business of his own, and incorporated 
as a builder in 1939. Since then he has 
sprung up to the millionaire class, ac- 
cording to a financial agency's rating. 


"Aw football ain't nuttin' but a game o' 

"Are you a college student?" 
"No, a horse stepped on my hat." 


^OfL Qlid Qatne toad. 2>e^eat 


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Left to Right: Front Row — Fred Herzog, Skeet Parker, Bob Bartlett, Aubrey Wardwell, Jess Gundry, Ector Latham and Gomer Lewis. 
Center Row — Kirk Besley, Walter Bromley, Joe Burger, John Groves, Jack McQuade, Rosy Pollock, Mark Brewer, Tubby Branner, Downey 
Osborn and George Heine. 

Back Row — Walter Young, Tony Hough, John Waters, Ed Pugh, Irving Hall, Fats Bonnet, Pat Lanigan and Bill Supplee. 

MARYLAND'S greatest feat on 
the gridiron ended in a thrill- 
ing defeat. It happened on November 
10, 1923, in New Haven when Yale's 
unbeaten Eastern championship eleven 
eked out a 16-14 victory in a game in 
which fate undoubtedly kept the Old 
Liners from scoring one of the most 
startling football upsets of all time. 

As one writer put it: "But for two 
fumbles in the second period the score 
would have been Maryland, 28 ; Yale, 10." 

That this hectic struggle was Mary- 
land's finest and most glamorous effort 
is the conviction of Dr. H. C. (Curley) 
Byrd, now President of the University 
and then coach of the Old Line grid- 
men. And football at Maryland really 
didn't begin until Byrd took over in 
1912, four years after graduating from 
the institution. 

Makes Two Long Marches 

Both of the Maryland scores came in 
the first period after drives of exactly 
85 yards each. Kicking off to start the 
game, the Old Liners soon forced Yale 
to punt and, taking the ball on their 
own 15-yard mark, marched unbrokenly 
to score with Fullback Jack McQuade 
and Halfbacks Ed Pugh and Downey 
Osborn carrying effectively and the 
first named mixing in short passes to 
End Bill Supplee, Tackle Joe Burger, 
who was shifted to the outside, and 

Fumbles Kept Terps 
From 1923 Victory, 
Sensational Upset 

Quarterback Johnny Groves. Groves 
finally took a pass and went over and 
drop-kicked the extra point. 

Maryland received the next kickoff 
and repeated the dose in the same fash- 
ion without halting, Groves scoring in 
the same manner and again adding the 

Yale got 10 points in the second quar- 
ter, the touchdown coming on a march 
from its own 40 yard line after the Elis 
had recovered the second Maryland 
fumble of the period in their own terri- 
tory, Ducky Pond carried the ball over 
and All-America Fullback Bill Mallory 
kicked the goal. Yale honestly earned 
its next three points that made the 
score 14-10 at the half, Mallory booting 
a field goal from the 25 yard mark 
scrimmage line) after Maryland had 
halted an Eli march. 

Stevens Ruins Old Liners 

Mai Stevens, now Physician for the 

All-America Conference grid Yankees, 
deserved most of the credit for Yale's 
winning points in the third quarter. 
Stevens punting from deep in his own 
territory, kicked the ball almost to the 
goal where End Dick Luman fell on it. 
Groves kicked 40 yards down the field 
from back of the line and Stevens 
grabbed the ball and ran it within two 
yards of a touchdown. He went over on 
the next play but Mallory missed the 

That was the game but Maryland had 
two other chances in the fourth period 
and still firmly believes it did score the 
needed points on a field goal try by 
Groves from 25 yards out that was 
called "no good" by an official who 
seemed absolutely alone in his decision. 
The Old Liners again were romping to- 
ward the goal when their fifth fumble of 
the game cost them the ball and time ran 

In addition to those mentioned, Mary- 
land started Pat Lannigan, end; Walter 
Bromley, tackle; Arthur (Fats) Bon- 
net and Mack Brewer, guards, and 
George F. (Rosy) Pollock, center. 
Ector Latham at end, John Waters at 
tackle and George Heine at fullback, 
when McQuade was hurt, were the only 
Maryland substitutions. Incidentally, 
Bromley, Bonnett, Brewer and Pollock 
never played football before entering 


Yale Has Many Stars 

Other Yale players who were out- 
standing were Halfback "Greasy" 
Neale, who along with Pond and Ste- 
vens did some great running; Quarter- 
back Bill Richeson, who did the passing, 
and Tackle Winslow Lovejoy. Lovejoy 
and Luman were All-America choices 
in 1924, further testimony of what 
Maryland was up against. 

Yale had All-America Tackle Cen- 
tury Milstead out with injuries but 
Maryland was minus both its regular 
guards, John (Tony) Hough and Irving 
Hall and Kirk Besley, a versatile back 
for the same reason, and Cecil (Tubby) 
Branner, regular right halfback, was 
left home for skipping practice. Byrd 
freely admits that his discipling of 
Branner cost the game, as it was Os- 
born, his understudy, who did most of 
the fumbling. 

Before meeting Maryland Yale had 
licked North Carolina, 53-0; Georgia, 
40-0; Bucknell, 29-14; Brown, 21-0; and 
Army, 31-0. and after playing Mary- 
land the Elis whipped Princeton, 27-0, 
and Harvard, 13-0. 

An unusual sidelight to the game 
was that Head Coach Tad Jones of the 
Elis who had gone to Princeton to scout 
the Tigers, never saw them play at all. 
He heard the first period score over 

the telephone and remained there with 

a direct line to Yale field to run the Eli 

outfit for the remainder of the contest. 

Five Are Marine Colonels 

Five of the Maryland players became 
colonels in the Marine Corps, Burger, 
Hough, Lanigan, Pugh and McQuade, 
and all still are in the service with that 
rank, except the last named who was 
retired because of poor eyesight and 
lives in nearby Charles Town, West Va. 
Dr. Supplee associate professor of bio- 
chemistry at the University and mem- 
ber of the Athletic Board, served as a 
major in the Sanitary Corps in the 
European Theater, and Bonnet was a 
lieutenant commander in the Seabees 
for the duration. Bonnet now is back 
on the job with the Navy engineers in 

Hall's daughter Barty, graduated 
from Maryland last June. His son, 
Buzz, lacrosse and football ace at Sev- 
ern School, matriculates this fall. 

McQuade has a son, Jack, Jr., in the 
University, and he is one of the lead- 
ing members of the grid squad; Brew- 
er's son, George, also is in school and 
was playing shortstop for the ball team 
until an old knee injury forced him 
out for the season. 

Branner, whose daughter, Patricia, is 
a student in the College of Arts and 

Sciences, was at College Park recently 
and he and Dr. Byrd commiserated 
over the untimely incident of 24 years 
ago that kept Tubby out of the Yale 

It is Dr. Besley now (Ph.D.) and he 
is superintendent of the Prince Georges 
County Hospital. His son Bob was a 
soph in the University until called into 
the service and played shortstop on the 
ball team during the 1946 season. Hall 
is in business in Annapolis and keeps 
open house at his home there which is 
one of the show places of the Maryland 

Pollock Now in Japan 

Pollock, alumni secretary at the out- 
break of the war, went to the South 
Pacific as an army Captain with a Uni- 
versity of Maryland hospital unit and 
later to Tokyo and has remained in 
Japan in welfare work. Groves a Ma- 
rine officer for a time, now is operations 
manager for the Air Transport Asso- 
ciation in Washington; Heine has 
charge of the Southern Dairies plant at 
Florence, S. C, and all the others have 
done well in their chosen fields. 

Supplee, a general ail-American se- 
lection in 1923; Burger, Hough and Mc- 
Quade were on practically every all- 
time Maryland eleven ever selected. 

Oi.w Lixk Boone u i Has Vkw Hill Ylaiis 

FOOTBALL at Maryland, which 
has had its good, bad and indif- 
ferent years, but few dull ones, was 
put on a recognized basis at College 
Park in 1892. That year relations were 
established with St. John's and Johns 
Hopkins, both of which became tradi- 
tional rivals. It was in 1889, however, 
when George Hoblitzel organized a 
team, that the real foundation of the 
game was laid. The informal outfit of 
that season continued to function in 
1890 and 1891 and several games were 

The grid remained in an uncertain 
haze from 1892 until it stabilized with 
the advent of Curley Byrd, Maryland 
'08, as coach in 1912. Despite executive 
duties, the now president of the uni- 
versity, kept a hand in the grid game 
for 21 years through the season of 
1932 and quit with a record of 104 vic- 
tories, 71 defeats and 15 ties for a .600 

Upsets "Big Timers" 

This was remarkable in view of the 
fact that his teams played schedules 

that were "over their heads". Along 
the way jolts were handed to Yale, 
Penn, Syracuse, Rutgers and other 
"big-timers" and the Old Liners were 
in the limelight for some feat or other 
most every season. 

Maryland never has had an unbeaten 
season, but Byrd came closest in 1931, 
when eight games were won, a Ken- 
tucky powerhouse tied at 6-all and a 
defeat suffered at the hands of a great 
Vanderbilt outfit. Included in the tri- 
umphs was a victory over Navy in 

Seven different coaching setups func- 
tioned after Dr. Byrd retired from the 
game until Jim Tatum came along last 
February. Prominent in these setups 
were Jack Faber, Al Heagy and Al 
Woods, all grads of the University and 
top athletes in their day and all a long 
time connected with the institution. 
These three formed a grid coaching tri- 
umvirate for two seasons, and Faber 
either was in charge or associated with 
Frank Dobson, head coach from 1936 to 
1939, inclusive, in seven other cam- 

Some Stirring Seasons 

While slightly less than half the 
games were won over this stretch, 
three of the seasons were highly suc- 
cessful. In 1937 eight of 10 games were 
won and the losses were to Pennsyl- 
vania, 28-21, and to Penn State, 21-14. 
In 1934 and 1935 a total of 14 games 
were annexed against five defeats and 
two ties, the records reading 7-3-0 and 
7-2-2. Thrilling battles were lost to 
Indiana in these seasons, 17-14, and, 
13-7, and another redhot clash was 
dropped to Navy, 16-13, in 1934. 

Maryland's two last successful years 
came under Clark Shaughnessy in 1942, 
when seven of nine games were won, 
and under Paul Bryant, in 1945, who 
hung up a record of six victories, two 
defeats and a deadlock, including an 
upset triumph over Virginia. 

"Hey," cried Satan to a new arrival, 
"you act as if you own the place." 

"I do," said the new arrival. 'My 
wife gave it to me before I left College 


cMJtdutd "QufJitUiKj. Man" 

Terp's IIi.m; Coach Started Young 

Gainefl Fame In Navy 
After Boxing Ended 
His Sehool Days 

By Bill McDonald 

COL. HARVEY L. (Heinie) MIL- 
LER, mentor of the Old Line box- 
ers, has been a "fighting man" ever since 
he was knee high to a grasshopper, as 
a scrapper in the ring, as a Navy en- 
listed man, as a Marine Corps officer 
and as a coach. 

He really doesn't appear the actor of 
roles he has played as, except for a 
slightly squashed nose, he could serve 
as a Santa Claus in a department store. 

Colonel Miller who, as a Professor of 
Journalism, is Director of Publications 
and general publicity at the University, 
as well as managing editor of "Mary- 
land" magazine, is a short, little man 
whose stockiness has changed over the 
last ten years to a slight paunchiness. 
His round face is deeply lined and his 
nose has been adjusted until it covers 
more than its share of space. A stub of 
a cigar has become a fixture in his 
tight, firm mouth and a puffiness pe- 
culiar to boxers surrounds his spark- 
ling blue eyes. 

Was Referee 

Miller first entered the Maryland col- 
legiate ring picture as a referee. For 
many years he refereed throughout the 
Southern Conference and Eastern Inter- 
collegiates at well as the Nationals and 
at the Naval Academy. He refereed pro- 
fessionally in many states from San 
Francisco's famous Olympic Club to Ca- 
racas, Venezula. 


By Ripley 

Champion o| ihe Heuy 


Miller's opponent in the bout pictured above 
was Jimmy Dwyer, of Boston, via Australia. 
Old Doc Dougherty once wrote to Bob Ripley, 
"Heinie never looked as tough as you have him 
standing there." Ripley replied, "That's not 
Heinie standing there!" 


Andy Quottroeohi. Maryland's 130 nound kayo king, jabs a light left at Johnny Myers, a spar 
mate. Coach Miller is in the center. (Baltimore Sun Foto.) 

Has Been Through Mill 

Miller, who first came to Maryland 
in 1937 to teach boxing had a back- 
ground of 47 years of hobnobbing with 
fistic science. He fought his first pro- 
fessional fight in 1900 at the age of 12 
and thereby began a career that reads 
like a Frank Merriwell yarn. 

Miller was born in 1888 and his 
strict Lutheran parents immediately be- 
gan hoping he would grow up to be a 

Their hopes were quashed when Mil- 
ler literally fought his way out of Con- 
cordia College in Milwaukee. When his 
boxing interfered with his books to the 
extent he almost flunked out of his school, 
his father ordered him to get the prover- 
bial job. 

"This," remarks Heinie, "I solved 
very nicely by getting one that lasted. 
I joined the Navy. 

Within a short time. he won his first 
championship, the bantamweight crown 
of the three services, in a tournament at 
Newport, R. I. When life became dull 
on the domestic front, Heinie went to 
China. There he battled his way to the 
Far East featherweight and lightweight 
championships, both professional titles, 
over the long route of 20 and 25 rounds. 
He was rated as a terrific righthand 
counter puncher. Few of his bouts went 
the limit. 

His battle with Jimmy Dwyer, of 
Boston and Australia, is regarded by 


many boxing historians as one of the 
weirdest struggles in ring history. 
When things look black for the Terrapin 
squad, Miller digs out the scrapbook and 
passes clippings of the battle around. 

Dwyer flattened the bouncing Miller 
for thirteen clean knockdowns in the 
first four rounds, but Heinie got up for 
the fourteenth time and went on to 
knock out the Australian in the lucky 
thirteenth of a scheduled 45-round bout. 
Bob Ripley later cartooned that one in 

Although he now reluctantly admits 
that as a young bluejacket he saluted 
the first Devil Dog Corporal he ever 
saw, Miller is better known as a Marine 
officer than as a sailor. He first enlisted 
on April 6, 1906, and was first com- 
missioned on April, 1917. He has served 
in a reserve or active capacity since. 
During World War II he became the 
first reserve officer to command a Ma- 
rine battalion and later a regiment. 

Gets Rare Decoration 

In addition to serving in World Wars 
I and II, he wears ribbons for service 
in Cuba, China, the Philippines, Nica- 
ragua and Mexico. Recently he was 
awarded the Marine Corps Reserve 
special commendation ribbon, a rare 
decoration that goes only to Navy and 
Marine reserve commanders of long 


-By John Hix 


••heinie" miller, 

ossocin-noN, -«H- 
EDrroR, Boxing CW 

Long a prominent figure in the Na- 
tional Boxing Association, Miller was 
elected president of the organization in 
1939 and upon the completion of his 
term became the executive secretary, a 
position he still holds. In January, 
1946, he was appointed chairman of the 
District of Columbia Boxing Commis- 
sion, for which organization, as execu- 
tive secretary, he had written the book 
cf Rules and Regulations since copied 
in many states. 

When Miller was first appointed to 
the District of Columbia boxing Com- 
mission in 1934, Damon Runyon wrote, 
"Miller knows as much about boxing as 
any man in that game". Heinie, look- 
ing back over the years since 1903, 
every one of them active in boxing or 
the administration of that sport, re- 
marked, "If I didn't know by now I'd 
have to be rated as lower 'F' moron". 


Tommy Mont, who came to Mary- 
land in the fall of 1940 from Alle- 
gany High School of Cumberland, and 
who almost wore out the soles of his 
shoes in walking to and fro to receive 
honors at awards day on May 28, has 
joined the Washington Redskins and 
will strive to shine for the pros as a 
T quarterback. 

Tommy, who won three letters each 
in football and basket ball and two in 
lacrosse, had his big football year in 
1942 under Clark Shaughnessy before 
he went into the service to become an 
infantry Captain and see overseas ser- 

That season he was fifth in the Na- 
tion in yardage in forward passing, 
completing 66 of his 127 tosses for 
1,076 yards. He flipped 12 touchdown 
passes, did most of the punting and 
booted 16 points after touchdown, be- 
sides handling the elevens with extra- 
ordinary skill. 

Here is all that the modest and popu- 
lar Mont got in his Maryland farewell: 

Silvester Watch, Class of 1908 
(President Byrd's Class) to the man 
who typifies the best in college athletics. 

Handsome Jack Dempsey trophy as 

the year's top athlete by vote of all 

Gold awards for three years of ser- 
vice on the football and basket ball 
teams . 

Also "M" in these sports and lacrosse 
which he played only two seasons. 

In addition to all this, Tommy was 
given assurance that his alma mater 
would be rooting for him in his pro 


Bob Addie, Washington Times-Her- 
ald sports columnist says the man to 
head professional baseball if and when 
Happy Chandler turns in his suit, 
would be Justice Thomas A. Goldsbor- 
ough, a graduate of the University of 
Maryland. It was Justice Goldsbor- 
ough who slapped that three and a 
half million dollar fine on John L. 


The Atlantian, excellently edited and 
printed publication of the Federal 
Penitentiary at Atlanta, Ga., picks up 
a group of jokes with credit to "Mary- 
land." Our paper goes everywhere 
and, possibly, some of our readers be- 
lieve the writers of the jokes should 
have gone to Atlanta with the jokes 
and stayed there. 


Received Silvester watch, offered by class of 
1908, to the man who typifies best in college 
athletics, and other awards. 


OLD LINE athletics, which operate 
under the title of University of 
Maryland Athletic Board, Inc., now are 
centered in Ritchie Coliseum. 

Walter Driskill, athletic director, and 
the business office are installed in the 
big room on the right as you enter the 
Coliseum. Here all the business details, 
including the advance sale of tickets 
for all sports events at College Park, 
will be handled. As the Coliseum is di- 
rectly on the Washington-Baltimore 
Boulevard, the offices could not be loca- 
ted at a more convenient spot. 

Jim Tatum, head football coach, and 
his staff, with separate offices and a 
conference room for staff meetings and 
grid planning; Burton Shipley, head 
baseball coach, the director of athletic 
information, are located on the second 
floor, where there also is a recreation 
room for visitors. 

Alfred L. (Flucie) Stewart, new 
basket ball mentor, and Duke Wyre, 
trainer, occupy the office on the left as 
you enter the Coliseum, but the latter, 
of course, will spend most of his time 
in the well equipped training room on 
the right corridor of the building. 

Maj. Bohler, supervisor of athletic 
grounds and buildings also holds forth 
in the Coliseum. 

Col. Harvey L. (Heinie) Miller, box- 
ing coach, is available in the general 
publicity and publications office, which 
he heads, in the Administration Build- 
ing; Jack Faber and Al Heagy, lacrosse 
mentors, as faculty members, function 
from their regular university offices; 
Doyle Royal, tennis and soccer tutor, 
has other duties that domicile him in 
the Administration Building; Frank 
Cronin, golf coach, is in the Physical 
Education Department, and Bill 
Krouse, who teaches wrestling, may be 
found at the same place. 

Col. Harland Griswold and T-Sgt. 
Fay Norris, who are responsible for 
Maryland's national Champion rifle 
shooters naturally operate from the 
Military Department of which the for- 
mer is head. 

All of the offices and persons in 
Ritchie Coliseum may be reached over 
Warfield 2807 or Union 4384 and those 
not located in this building may be 
contacted through the regular switch- 
board of Warfield 3800. 

f 39] 


THE program for reorganizing 
alumni activities of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland has left the planning 
stage and a definite action has been tak- 
en. Those in attendance at the General 
Alumni Meeting at College Park last 
fall will recall the selection of a Board 
of Managers whose instructions were 
to develop a sound alumni program for 
the future. This Board has met at least 
once a month since that time and has 
developed a definite program designed 
to instill new life into the alumni or- 
ganization. Members of the Board have 
met with President Byrd to outline 
their aims. They have consulted with 
officers of the four well organized Balti- 
more Alumni Associations. These in- 
clude Dental, Medical, Nursing, and 
Pharmacy. All agree on a general re- 
organization plan which is presented 
here for your consideration. 

It is suggested the eleven schools of 
the University of Maryland including 
in Baltimore Dental, Law, Medical, 
Nursing, and Pharmacy and in Col- 
lege Park Agriculture, Arts and Sci- 
ence, Business and Public Administra- 
tion, Education, Engineering and Home 
Economics be organized as chapters of 
a General Alumni Association. Each 
Chapter or School Association is to 
have its own constitution, officers, and 
Board of Directors. These Chapters 
will have equal representation, on an 
overall Alumni Council. At the pre- 
sent time a total of thirty-three coun- 
cil members, three from each school 
chapter is proposed. 

Details concerning the constitutions 
and general plans are to be announced 
at the Homecoming Meetings on No- 
vember 1. All alumni are invited to be 
present on that date for the Organi- 
zation Meetings, the election of officers, 
and the General Alumni Luncheon 
Meeting. Details of the program for 
the day will be announced later. A brief 
summary appears on the inside back 
cover of this magazine. 

The ground work for school chapter 
is now being laid by Steering Com- 
mitters whose names appear under the 
school headings. In general, each of 
these committees has assumed the re- 
sponsibility for drafting a suggested 
constitution for presentation at the Or- 
ganizational Meetings. In addition, they 
have established nominating committees 
to suggest a slate for consideration at 

the Fall Meeting. Nominations from 
the floor are also to be accepted. Each 
Steering Committee is appointing a 
Homecoming Committee to lay plans for 
the individual meetings and to arrange 
an attractive program which will be of 
interest to all alumni of the school from 
which they were graduated. 

Deans of the various colleges are 
assisting materially in the organiza- 
tional efforts of alumni of their respec- 
tive schools. Those assisting include Dr. 
T. B. Symons — Agriculture, Dr. J. 
Freeman Pyle — Arts and Science & 
Business and Public Administration, 


Chairman, Board of Managers, 
Alumni Association, B. & P. A. '21 

Dr. Harold Benjamin — Education, S. 
S. Steinberg — Engineering, Marie 
Mount — Home Economics, Dr. Roger 
Howell — Law. 

As of July 15 the following definite 
action had been taken by each of the 
schools now planning organization on 
Homecoming Day. 


Those requested to serve on the Steer- 
ing Committee for organizing the Agri- 
cultural Alumni Chapter include Homer 
Remsberg '18, James Roland Ward '29, 
John Clark '34, Paul Mullinix '36, 
Harry M. McDonald '20, Warren Tyd- 
ings '35, Daniel B. Stoner '35, Roger 
Cohill '47, Clayton Reynolds '22, Sterl- 


ing R. Newell '22, George W. Clendan- 
iel '20, William D. Groff '00, Peter W. 
Chichester '23, R. S. Brown '15, and J. 
Charles Rutledge. 

The initial meeting is to be held July 
29 in Baltimore under the direction of 
Mr. Remsberg and Dean Symons. 

Arts and Science 

Membership on the Arts and Science 
Steering Committee includes Gilbert 
Abbe '35, James Andrews '31, Lester 
Willard Bosley '23, Charles Brock '47, 
Charles Walter Cole '21, Winship I. 
Green '26, Arthur B. Hershberger '32, 
Tom Holms '24, Helen Bradley Lang 
'34, William McWilliams '38, Ralph I. 
Williams '33, and Dr. Charles E. White 

At noon on July 10 the first meeting 
was held. Dr. White was elected temp- 
orary chairman and Mr. Holmes temp- 
orary secretary. Committees were ap- 
pointed and the group will assemble 
again in early September. 

Business and Public Administration 

Fifteen graduates were requested to 
serve on the Business and Public Ad- 
ministration Steering Committee and 
they began to function as a body on 
July 17. Included were Austin Diggs 
'21, C. W. Cissel '32, Robert O. Ham- 
merlund '37, Chester Tawney '31, H. 
Daniel Drake, Jr. '37, Ralph S. Frey, Jr. 
'41, George H. P. Eierman '39, Alvin 
S. Klein '37, George L. A. Dressel '32, 
John L. McKewen '26, Leonard G. Ma- 
thais '23, James D. Kemper '40, Lt. Col. 
J. Robert Troth '31, Norman M. Hol- 
zapfel '40, and Joseph C. Longridge '26. 


Two meetings have been held by the 
Steering Committee of this College. 
The dates were July 7 and July 14, and 
a third is set for July 21. Harry Hass- 
linger '33 was selected temporary chair- 
man and Mrs. Helena J. Haines '34, 
temporary secretary. Other members 
of the committee are Ramon Grelecki 
'43, John P. Speicher '41, Milton Lums- 
den '47, Irene Knox '34, Mary Browne 
Riley '26, Annie Ruth Topping '43, 
Ethel Snyder '34, Agnes Gingall Turner 
'33, Frank Cronin '40, and Dr. Henry 
Brechbill — faculty. 


In response to an invitation of the 
Board of Managers of the College Park 
Alumni Association, a Steering Com- 
mittee of sixteen alumni of the College 
of Engineering met with Dean Stein- 
berg and David L. Brigham, General 


A. & S. '33 

Secretary, at a dinner meeting on June 
25, 1947, at the University Dining Hall, 
for the purpose of taking necessary ac- 
tion to establish an Alumni Chapter 
within the College of Engineering. The 
Committee representing each Depart- 
ment of the School of Engineering was 
composed of graduates extending over 
a period of thirty years, as follows: 

M. C. Albrittain, '23, E. E.; H. B. 
Atkinson, Jr., '43, Ch. E.; J. H. Bilbrey, 
'42, Ch. E.; T. L. Coleman, '40, C.E.; 
J. H. Deckman, '31, C.E.; H. B. Hoshall, 
'08, M.E.; C. V. Koons, '29, M.E.; A. A. 
Korab, '38, M.E.; M. L. Peterson, '47. 
CH. E.; E. E. Powell, '13, C.E.; A. G. 
Van Reuth, '34, C.E.; J. Philip Shae- 
fer. '23, E.E. and D. W. Willingmyer, 
'32, E.E. 

The Committee elected C. V. Koons. 
chairman and A. A. Korab. secretary, 
work out certain organization details 
Three Committees were established to 
which are to be presented at the first 
meeting of the College of Engineering 
Alumni Chapter on Homecoming Day. 
November 1, 1947, as follows: 

(a) Constitution — E. E. Powell, 
Chairman, M. C. Albrittain and A. G. 
Van Reuth. 

(b) Nominating Committee — G. 0. 
Weber, Chairman. The Chairman is to 
select four (4) alumni to serve on his 

(c) Homecoming Day Committee — 
S. S. Stabler, Jr., Chairman; J. H. Shea- 
fer and J. H. Deckman. 

A calendar was established, as fol- 
lows: The Constitution Committee is to 
complete a proposed Constitution by 
August 1, 1947. The Nominating Com- 
mittee is to select nominees by Septem- 
ber 1, 1947, in order to permit publi- 
cation of the names in the October 
issue of "MARYLAND". The organiza- 
tion meeting of Engineering Chapter is 

to be held on the morning of Homecom- 
ing Day, November 1, 1947. 

Engineers, this program is a chal- 
lenge to establish the best Alumni 
Chapter of the University of Maryland. 
Read "MARYLAND" for details of pro- 
gress. Make your plans now to attend 
the organization meeting of the Engi- 
neering Alumni Chapter on the morn- 
ing of Homecoming Day, November 1, 

Home Economics 

The Steering Committee of the alum- 
nae of the Home Economics College 
held its first meeting on July 1, 1947, 
at the Iron Gate Inn with Dean Mount 
as hostess. Those present were Dean 
Mount, Mrs. McFarland, and Miss Mc- 
Naughton (all of the faculty), Hazel 
Tuemmler (of the Alumni Board of 
Managers), and the following who are 
graduates of the college: Mary Riley, 
'26; Katherine Appelman Longridge, 
'29; Nellie Smith Davis, '23; Martha 
Ann Cotterman Talbott, '44; Elinor 
Broughton Etienne, '38; Mildred Bland 
Miller, '40; and Charlotte Farnham 
Hasslinger, '34. 

Hazel Tuemmler presided and was 
voted into the College of Home Econom- 
ics so she could carry on as chairman. 
Charlotte Hasslinger is the secretary. 

Elinor Ettiene, Katherine Longridge, 
and Mary Langford volunteered to 
serve on the Homecoming Committee. 
It is hoped that some outstanding alum- 
na can return to speak to the alumnae 
at the meeting to be held on the morn- 
ing of Homecoming Day, the first Sat- 
urday of November. 

Dean Mount reminded everyone that 
1 948 will mark the thirteenth anniver- 
sary of the College of Home Economics 
and that we should start thinking about 
preparations for that event. 

It was urged that every person fill 
cut the History Forms and return them 
to the executive secretary and that we 
supply them to all other graduates whom 
we know have not received the form. 

A second meeting was held on Tues- 
day, July 8, 1947 and the following 
committees for the Homecoming Day 
elections were unanimously elected : 
From the Steering Committee: Martha 
Ann Talbott, '44, Chairman; Mildred 
Miller, '40. From the alumnae at large : 
Currie Nourse England, '30; Betty Mc- 
Call Roberts, '23; Erma Reidel Chap- 
man. '34. Alternates: Josephine Bland- 
ford, '27; Evelyn Miller. '33. 


Efforts again to organize the Law 
School Alumni Association began on 
July 16 at the office of Judge Eli Frank 
'96, who was made chairman of the 
Law Steering Committee. This group, 
which includes members of the last 
Executive Committee of the Associa- 
tion was composed of Judge Eli Frank. 

'96; Eldridge Hood Young, '07; Judge 
W. Conwell Smith, '08; John E. Magers, 
'14; Judge Emory H. Niles, '17; Joseph 
Bernstein, '18; Paul F. Due, '23; 
Bridgewater M. Arnold, '31; J. Gilbert 
Prendergast, '33; William J. O' Donnell, 
'41 ; W. Carl Lohmeyer, '44. 


At George Washington University, 
William Paul Briggs w r as promoted 
from adjunct professor of pharmacy to 
professional lecturer. 

He is Dean of the School of Phar- 
macy, 6600 7th St., N.W., Washington, 
D. C. Born in Washington, D. C, May 
29. 1903. Attended Eastern High School 
in Washington. Received his Graduate 
Pharmacy (1927) and Bachelor of 
Science in Pharmacy (1928) degrees 
from the George Washington Univer- 
sity. His Master of Science degree was 
conferred on him by the University of 
Maryland. Recently he was awarded an 
honorary Doctor of Science degree by 
the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy 
and Science. He was appointed to the 
University faculty in 1927. 

Dr. Briggs is a member of RX, honor- 
ary pharmacy society and of the Ma- 

During the war he served as a Com- 
mander in the USNR for 3 years, 3 
months and was awarded the Secre- 
tary of Navy Citation. He is Chief of 
the Pharmacy Division, Veterans Ad- 
ministration and treasuer of the United 
States Pharmacopoeia (1940-1950). 
Married to Lois E. Shipman, he is 
guardian for his niece, Patricia Ann 


Dr. Hugh H. Bennett, Chief of the 
U. S. Soil Conservation Service, says 
that in the last two hundred years the 
United States has ruined 100 million 
acres by soil erosion and severely dam- 
aged another 100 million acres. 


Education '43 



First Lieutenant John F. Adams, 
University of Maryland, A. & S. '43 
(Major in history) , son of Mr. and Mrs. 
John Adams, 1612 "C" Street N.E., 
Washington, D. C, is now serving with 
Eighth Army Headquarters, Yokohama, 
Japan, as Assistant Postal Officer. 

Lt. Adams entered the service on 21 
February 1943 at Fort Knox, Ken- 
tucky. He sailed overseas an 9 July 
1946, arriving at his present unit in 
August 1946. His citations include the 
European Theatre Operations Ribbon 
with two battle stars for the Rhine- 
land and Central Europe Campaigns, 
and Bronze Star Medal which he re- 
ceived while serving with the 717th 
Tank Battalion. 

Prior to entering the University of 
Maryland, Lt. Adams graduated from 
Eastern High School, Washington, D. C. 

His wife, Mrs. Lillian Adams, re- 
sides at 2104 Pacific Ave., Olympia, 


Authority on the Balkans and the 
Middle East, author of two books on the 
subject and of an early history of 
Virginia, Dr. Wesley M. Gewehr, visit- 
ing professor at the University of New 
Mexico (Albuquerque) summer session, 
was one of the most popular professors 
on the campus. 

The tall, pleasant-faced doctor, who is 
chairman of the history department at 
the University of Maryland, was civil- 
ian chairman of the history department 
of the U. S. Army universities in Stri- 
venham, England, and Biarritz, France, 
during the war, and was attached to 
the U. S. Army Lecture Bureau in 
Germany in 1946. 

Previously, the much traveled his- 
torian had been exchange professor at 
Tsinghua university in Peiping, China. 
He also visited Japan and Korea. 

In 1936 he was a member of a travel- 
ing seminar which visited England, 
France, Spain, Austria, Hungary, 
Czechoslovakia, Germany, and Den- 
mark. His party got out of Spain just 
before the Spanish Civil War got under- 
way, and was just a jump or two ahead 
of the Nazis when they moved into 

"We talked to anarchists and com- 
munists and fascists," Dr. Gewehr said. 
"We wanted to find out what made 
them what they were." 

In 1938, just before the lid blew off 
World War II, Dr. Gewehr was doing 
the same kind of questioning and 
searching in Italy, Finland, Sweden, 
and Norway. 

"Democracy can exist in the army," 
says Dr. Gewehr. 

At the close of the war when people 
were thinking of lifted rations and a 
new car, universities were being estab- 
lished in Europe for the advantage of 

officers and soldiers of combined Ameri- 
can, British, French, Polish, and other 
allied armies, he says. 

Men and women of different races, 
colors, and ranks studied together in 
this experiment in democracy, he said. 

"No major was above a private, cap- 
tain above a lieutenant. There were no 
military drills, saluting, or stiff army 
regulations. They were just an ordi- 
nary group of students striving for high- 
er learning." 

There was a difference in these 
school" Ihough, Prof. Gewehr goes on. 
There were no flunkers. 


Dr. Wesley Gewehr, University of Maryland 
Professor of History, now on the summer school 
faculty, University of New Mexico. 

"Only the cream of the army were 
invited to attend these universities for 
a course of eight weeks, at the end of 
which another group would take their 

It was Professor Gewehr's job to 
help select a staff of history professors. 

Most of the preparation for the 
schools was done in six weeks, he said. 
Professors chosen were given honorary 
ranks of lieutenant colonel with excel- 
lent salaries and all travelling expenses 

In Shrivenham county, England, near 
the University of Oxford, the first army 
university was created. After VE day 
ether universities were organized in 
Biarritz, France and in Germany. 

Biarritz had been a ritzy resort and 
the staff of professors lived in a beau- 
tiful villa where Edward VII of Eng- 
land had resided many years ago. 

English educators were amazed, Pro- 
fessor Gewehr says, that such a pro- 
gram could be carried out successfully 
in so short a time. 

In June, 1946, Professor Gewehr left 
Europe feeling, he says, that he had 
had an education himself, and with the 
words of a university song still ringing 

in his ears: 

"Mid the rolling downs of England 

In Shrivenham County Berks, 

We came from distant places 

For higher goals than marks. 

Our walls too new for ivy 

Our future's fancy free 

What's not been done 

We've just begun 

In our university." 


Jesse F. Nicholson, of Chevy Chase, 
has been appointed secretary-treasurer, 
public relations representative and ex- 
pediter of the Maryland-National Capi- 
tal Park and Planning Commission, it 
was announced yesterday. 

The office has been filled by tempor- 
ary appointees since the death of Hugh 
Frampton 18 months ago. 

E. Brooke Lee, vice chairman of the 
park commission, said that as expediter 
Mr. Nicholson would coordinate the 
work of various departments of the 

An accountant and attorney, Mr. 
Nicholson has been employed in the 
office of the general counsel of the Mari- 
time Commission. 

He attended the University of Mary- 
land for two years and in 1934 became 
a clerk in the county accountant's office 
at Rockville. He was appointed assis- 
tant county accountant in 1937 and 
county accountant in 1940. During 
these years Mr. Nicholson received his 
LLB and LLM degrees at the National 
University Law School and passed the 
Maryland bar examination. 

He was called to active duty in the 
Navy as a reserve officer in 1941 and 
served 4% years. For 18 months he 
served on the U. S. S. Tennessee, as a 
lieutenant commander, participating 
in four battles. The last 18 months of 
his service in the Navy was in the 
Judge Advocate General's Office in 

Mr. Nicholson's father, Jesse W. 
Nicholson, is a former county register 
of wills, while his mother is a former 
Democratic committee-woman from 


Farmers need no longer rely upon 
their sense of touch and sight to tell 
them when their vegetables are ready 
for market. Two new instruments, a 
"tenderometer" and a "succulometer" 
developed at the Universtiy of Mary- 
land, College Park, Md., can do the job 
for them. The tenderometer shows 
when green peas reach their peak of 
ripeness by registering the amount of 
pressure it takes for the gadget to 
shear through a sample pod. The suc- 
culometer measures the moisture con- 
tent of sweet corn to indicate its readi- 
ness for packing. 



Heat and humidity turned a bee 
catching contest at Maryland into a 
free-for-all with the bee catchers com- 
ing out for place and show. 

More than that, the uncooperative 
bees had an emissary sink a snicker 
snell into George J. Abrams, assistant 
Professor of Agriculture, who was 
supposed to judge the annual bee-catch- 
ing contest of the Maryland State Bee- 
keepers' Association. 

Abrams, whose farm at Berwyn 
Heights, was the scene of the tempest, 
said the bees were "mean because of 
the cloudy, humid and hot weather." 

The new State champion, Robert E. 
Lee of Brentwood, was about the only 
person to emerge unscathed. 

The runner-up, Joseph Ditman, 15- 
year-old son of Dr. Lewis P. Ditman, 
University of Maryland entomologist, 
was eliminated in an extra-minute run- 
off contest with Lee when a bee plunged 
his lance into Josephs hand. 

Fifteen members of the association 
selected individual hives from Abram's 
collection and then, standing alongside 
with bare hands, transferred the bees 
one at a time from the hive to a glass 
container covered by the palm of the 
other hand. Three minutes was the 
time limit. 

The prize was a "smoker" — a bel- 
lows pump which blows smoke into 
hives to quiet bees. According to 
Abrams, the bees smell the smoke, think 
its a fire and start swallowing their 
honey, which extends their stomachs 
and makes them less likely to sting the 

The injured contestants, hardened to 
stings, declined first aid and after hear- 
ing from several bee specialists on the 
prospects for a good market, went home, 
each to his own beesneez. 


The most effective control for the 
Japanese beetle is a 1% DDT spray 
according to George S. Langford, 
Specialist in Insect Control at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, who thinks that 
the spray will kill all of the beetles it 
comes in contact with and that the 
spray residues will remain on the plants 
to kill beetles for several days. 

Dr. Langford states that Japanese 
beetles are ,now emerging in large 
numbers and will be causing damage 
to fruit, ornamental plants, and farm 
crops. Consequently, he suggests that 
immediate steps be taken to kill as 
many beetles as possible. 

The 1%. solution of DDT which he 
recommends may be made by using a 
wettable powder or a miscible solution 
of DDT. If the wettable powder is 50% 
DDT two pounds should be used to 100 
gallons and if a 25% miscible DDT is 

available, four pints should be used in 
100 gallons of water. The spray should 
be applied wherever the beetles are 
found feeding. 

Other control measures should also 
be adopted. One of these is the use of 
traps; another is the establishment of 
disease and parasites which prey on the 
beetles; and a third is to shake infested 
trees and shrubs early in the morning 
and catch the beetles on sheets spread 
underneath. Hand picking will also 

The University of Maryland is co- 
operating with the county commission- 
ers in most counties and with the 
Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quar- 
antine of the U. S. Department of 
Agriculture in continuing its state wide 
control program. 

The activities vary from county to 
county, but are centered in the County 
Agents office. 



Founded 1892 


Chairman, Austin C. Diggs, '21, 326 St. 

Paul St., Baltimore, Md. 
Vice-Chairman, Hairy E. Hasslinger, 

'33, 4615 Fordham Rd., College Park, 

Dr. Charles E. White, '23, Secretary, 

Board of Managers, 4405 Beechwood 

Road, College Park, Md. 
Talbot T. Speer, '18, 3132 Frederick 

Ave., Baltimore, Md. 
J. Homer Remsberg, '18, Middletown, 

Hazel Tenney Tuemmler, '29, 4509 

Beechwood Road, College Park, Md. 
Charles V. Koons, '29, 2828 McKinley 

Place, N.W., Washington, D. C. 
Agnes Gingell Turner, '33, Frederick, 

James E. Andrews, '31, Cambridge, 

David L. Brigham, '38, General Alumni 

Secretary, Univ. of Maryland, Col- 
lege Park, Md. 


The Danish Government has extended 
an official invitation to all countries to 
participate in the Eighth World's 
Poultry Congress to be held at Copen- 
hagen, Denmark, in the summer of 
1948. The various countries through- 
out the world are expected to send 
official delegates. Poultry leaders in the 
technical and practical fields of poultry 
husbandry will also attend to partici- 
pate in a program of discussions and 
reports all phases of the poultry in- 

Dr. Morley A. Jull, of the Poultry 
Department at the University of Mary- 
land, was recently elected Vice-Presi- 
dent of the U. S. Executive Committee 
on the Eighth World's Poultry Con- 
gress. He explains that these Con- 

gresses are held under the auspices of 
the World's Poultry Science Associa- 
tion, an international organization com- 
posed of government poultry leaders, 
experiment station research workers, 
college teachers and extension person- 
nel, and poultry producers and dis- 
tributors. At each Congress reports are 
given on the latest research work. 
Regulations on the marketing of poul- 
try products and the control of poul- 
try diseases in the various countries 
are discussed, as are methods of con- 
ducting extension work among farmers 
and commercial poultrymen, and prac- 
tical problems confronting producers 
in the breeding, feeding, incubation, 
management, and marketing of all 
classes of poultry. 

The World's Poultry Science Associa- 
tion publishes quarterly the World's 
Poultry Journal. The holding of the 
eighth World's Poultry Congress in 
Denmark in 1948 will afford an excel- 
lent medium for creating and main- 
taining international goodwill and co- 

Maryland poultrymen wishing to par- 
ticipate in the Eighth World's Poultry 
Congress and become members of the 
World's Poultry Science Association 
should write Dr. Morley A. Jull, Univer- 
sity of Maryland, College Park, Mary- 


A fifteen-day work shop on Family 
Life Education was conducted at the 
University of Maryland from July 16th 
to August 1, 1947, with Dr. Muriel W. 
Brown, Consultant in Family Life Edu- 
cation, Home Economics Service of the 
U. S. Office of Education, as consul- 
tant. Dean Marie Mount, College of 
Home Economics, was the director of 
the work shop with Miss Evelyn Mil- 
ler of Fort Hill High School, Cumber- 
land, as assistant. Dr. Edna Meshke, 
Associate Professor of Home Econom- 
ics Education and Director of Teacher 
Education in Home Economics at the 
University of Maryland, consultant on 
methods and evaluation. 

The work shop, limited to 30 
students, consisted of lectures, discus- 
sions, committee work, and individual 

Basic problems in Family Life Edu- 
cation were considered from the stand- 
point of curriculum building in the field 
of homemaking. 

One of the beezarks in midring just 
would not fight, in spite of every effort 
of his opponent to make him open up 
and give out. He'd stall, cover and 
hold on. Finally an exasperated sten- 
tor from the bleachers let him have it 
with "Get in and fight in there or de- 
clare yourself an open city." 



No organization can function Jong 
without financial support, persona*, in- 
terest, and enthusiastic initiative. 
From May 1 to July 15 a total of one 
hundred and ten (110) interested alum- 
ni contributed $600 to alumni activi- 
ties. Listed below are those who have 
given alumni activities a real boost. 

Dr. H. D. Bowman 

Dr. Daniel F. Keegan 

Leora Sanford Hill '36 

Mr. John Dorsey Scheuch 

Dora J. Bresler 

Col. John T. O'Neill 

Mr. J. C. Heller 

Mr. Edward W. Harcum 

Mr. Fred W. Besley 

Mr. Maurice R. Domenici 

George J. Newgarden III 

Helen Stephens 

Mr. Robert A. B. Cook 

L. H. R. McGill 

Edward P. Coblentz 

Guy S. Kidwell, Jr. 

Robert A. Stockbridge 

W. F. Sterling 

Naomi Ryon Emerson 

Mr. Marion P. Sutton 

Herbert Zink 

Amos A. Holter 

R. Karl Shank 

Samuel B. McFaranle, Jr. 

Dr. E. A. Slavinsky 

A. V. Aviles, M.D. 
H. P. Riess 
Samuel Acree 

P. A. Garneau, D.D.S. 
Edward G. Rosenheim 
L. David Lynch, Jr. 
David M. Snyder 
Jeremiah D. Shea 
W. T. Messmore, M.D. 
S. J. Penchansky, M.D. 
Robert P. Straka 
Harry J. Mier, Jr. 
Russell D. F. Dineen 
Mrs. W. P. Chandler. Jr. 
Vivian E. Bono 
William M. Maloy 
John P. Mallery 
Gertrude Rumpanos 
Alexander W. Spedden, Jr. 
Frank P. Dunn 
Alston H. Lancaster 
William D. Groff 
Dr. Morton Kaplon 

B. F. Carpenter 
Joseph G. Zimring 
Walter J. Keefe 
T. K. McAleese 
Arthur M. Kraut 
Rolfe L. Allen 

R. W. Baldwin 

Dr. James R. Alexander 

Dr. Benjamin M. Stein 

Dr. John F. Quinn 

Mrs. Frank E. French, Jr. 

John Beweley 

Daniel De Pace 

Harvey Foss Jenkins 

Frederick A. Lambrecht 

P. F. Cardinale 

Dr. Benjamin Lavine 

Harry Clay Hyson 

Loren Burritt 

Lt. Col. J. M. Franklin 

Morriss L. Cahn 

Christopher J. O'Connell D.D.S. 

Mrs. Frederick Forrest 

Dr. Murray M. Reckson 

David F. Sheibley 

Dr. Agustin R. Laugier 

Dr. Albert C. Cook 

Mrs. Millirent E. Wehr 

John W. Clark, Jr. 

George E. Johnson 

Sarah E. Morris 

Irving Topchik 

Lee L. Oppenheimer 

Richard K. Hart 

Major Edward L. Daniels 

Dr. Arthur A. Cope 

Dr. Gordon M. GaNun 

Mrs. Eden C. Jenkins 

Walter B. Harris 

Dr. Harold E. Mullins 

D. Vernon Holter 

William T. Schnabel 

Dr. Romeo P. Charest 

Theodore M. Vial 

George R. Curry M.D. 

Harvey Todd 

Joseph M. Crockett 

Mrs. Miriam Kleeger Gerla 

Dr. Victore Goldberg 

Roman Hales 

William M. Kishpaugh 

Earle M. Sawyer 

Clarence Q. Bunderman 

Mildred W. Labaw 

Col. Raymond Stone, Jr 
Mary Roberts Patrick 
Mrs. Ellen M. Insley 
Mrs. Alton L. Bell 
Joseph M. Rochkind 
Harry E. Carter 

Each of these individuals has re- 
ceived a certificate of appreciation from 
the Alumni Office. The Certificate, six 
inches by nine inches and suitable for 
framing, contains a color picture of his- 
toric Rossborough Inn. This is an item 
every alumnus will be proud to own. 

Future issues of "MARYLAND" will 
contain additional names as they are 
added to the Alumni Roll. There will 
also be reports on the disbursements 
of funds. It is the aim of the Alumni 
Office to keep a strict account of all 
funds received in order that each con- 
tributor may know exactly how his 
funds were used. The first three dol- 
lars of every contribution is earmarked 
for twelve issues of the alumni maga- 


Thousands of farmers throughout the 
United States have found that con- 
toured strips save fertilizer, make 
every pound of plant food count. 


The University of Maryland exten- 
sion service has announced the appoint- 
ment of Miss Rachel M. Garber, of 
Haverton, Pa., as assistant home de- 
monstration agent for Carroll County. 

Miss Garber is a recent graduate of 
Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. 

Strine — Messersmith 

wedding of Miss Vii 
Jl_ Messersmith, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. J. W. Messersmith, Hagers- 
town, took place in Frederick. 

The bridegroom, a native of Freder- 
ick, served two years in the Naval Air 
Corps during the war and recently 
completed pre-law school at the Nor- 
wich University at Northfield, Vt., pre- 
paratory to entering the University 
of Maryland Law School. 

Mrs. Strine, who was graduated from 
Hagerstown High School in 1944, at- 
tended the University of Maryland 
(B. & P. A., Tri Delt) and Columbia 
Business College and is now employed 
by the Herald-Mail Company in Ha- 

Wright — Schertz 

Miss Patricia Ruth Shertz, daughter 
of Mrs. Frank M. Schertz, and James 
Howard Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Howard C. Wright, were married re- 
cently in Washington. 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland (Home Ec, '47) 
and a member of Alpha Delta Pi 
sorority. Mr. Wright received his de- 
gree at Peabody Conservatory. 

Nusbaum — Lewis 

Miss Edith Elizabeth Lewis, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Basil C. Lewis, 
Braddock Heights, and Wendell Nus- 
baum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rockward 
Nusbaum, near New Market, were mar- 
ried recently. 

The bride is a graduate of Freder- 
ick High School, class of '45, and for 
the past two years has been taking the 
home economics course at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, specializing in art. 
Mr. Nusbaum was graduated from the 
Elmer Wolfe High School at Union 
Bridge and attended Superior Sign 
School in Chicago. He is now employed 
at the Patrick Sign School in Silver 

Young — Main 

Recently Miss Janet Louise Main, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grayson E. 
Main, of Middletown, became the bride 
of Joe Allen Young, son of Mr. and 
Mr. Ernest Young, Rohrersville, in 

The bride is a graduate of the Mid- 
dletown High School and a member of 
the senior class of the University of 
Maryland, (Home Ec.) The groom 
graduated from the Boonsboro High 
School, and served with the Army in 
the European theater. He is attending 
the Bliss Electric School at Takoma 

Myers — Foster 

The marriage of Miss Sallie Hart 
Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- 
thur Crawford Foster of Chevy Chase, 
to Mr. Charles F. Myers, son of Col. 
and Mrs. Charles M. Myers took place 

Mrs. Myers is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and her husband 
is completing his electrical engineering 
course at George Washington Univer- 
sity. He was in the service for three 
years, 16 months of which were spent 
overseas as a technical sergeant in the 
94th Division. 

Hufifer — Kidwiler 

Mr. and Mrs. D. Virts Hartman, of 
Rosemont, near Brunswick, have an- 
nounced the marriage of their niece, 
Miss Marie Kidwiler, to Harry L. Huf- 
fer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. 
Huffer, Sr., of Brunswick. 

The bride, who has made her home 
with her uncle and aunt for a number 
of years, is a graduate of the Bruns- 
wick High School, class of 1945, and at- 
tended the University of Maryland 
Nurses Training School, Baltimore, for 
a year. 

r ? n 

The groom graduated from the 
Brunswick High School in 1940 and is 
employed by the B. & O. railroad. 

Putman — Peak 

Long Island, N. Y., was the scene of 
a wedding when Miss Phyllis Ann 
Peak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard 
M. Peak, Mineola, N. Y., became the 
bride of Mr. Robert E. Lee Putman, Jr., 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Putman, of 
Braddock Heights. 

Mrs. Putman is a graduate of the 
Mineola High School and of Hood Col- 
lege where she was a member of the 
class of 1947. Mr. Putman was gradu- 
ated from Frederick High School in the 
class of 1941, and then attended the 
University of Maryland, prior to his 
entry into the Navy. He served as a 
Naval Air Corps pilot in the Pacific 
for three years. He will resume his 
studies at the University of Maryland. 

Buker — Engle 

Joining the orange blossom parade 
was Miss Anne Caroline Engle, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Engle of 
Carroll County, Md., who was married 
to Kenneth Cook Buker Jr., son of the 
Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Cook Buker of 

They will make their home at Col- 
lege Park, Md., where the bridegroom 
will continue his studies at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland (A. & S.) from which 
the bride was graduated this year (also 
A. & S.). Mr. Buker served in the 
European theater during the war. 

Rhoderick — Vonderheide 

Miss Emma Mildred Vonderheide, of 
Frederick, and Richard Leon Rhoderick, 
Middletown, were married recently. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. John William Vonderheide, Balti- 
more. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rho- 
derick, Jr., Middletown, are the parents 
of the groom. 

Mrs. Rhoderick is a graduate of 
Hood College, and for several years 
has been a chemical analyst at Johns 
Hopkins University, in Baltimore, 
where she has been doing U. S. govern- 
ment research work. Mr. Rhoderick is 
a graduate of the Middletown High 
School, class of '41. After graduation 
he attended the University of Mary- 
land, in the College of Engineering, un- 
til he enlisted in the U. S. Naval Re- 
serve in 1944. 

Following his release to inactive duty 
in the Naval Reserve, after serving in 
the Pacific, Mr. Rhoderick resumed his 
studies at the University of Maryland. 

Bennett— Woodfield 

Miss Carolyn Woodfield, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Woodfield, of 
Damascus, became the bride of Harold 
T. Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. 
Bennett, Browningsville. 

The bride was graduated form Madi- 
son College, Harrisonburg, Va., and the 
groom is now attending the University 

of Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett 
will reside at College Park. 

Shortt — Speaker 

A pretty bride of last month was 
Miss Ina Jane Speaker, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Morrison 
Speaker, whose marriage to Mr. Charles 
Addison Shortt took place then. 

Mr. Shortt attended the University 
of Maryland (B. & P. A., Sigma Nu) 
and was graduated from the U liversity 
of Pennsylvania. 

Allnutt— Smith 

In Forest Glen, Miss Mary Margaret 
Smith, daughter of Mrs. Emma Carr 
Smith of Woodmoor. Silver Spring, and 
the late Mr. Frank Leo Smith, was 
wed to Mr. Richard Cromwell Allnutt, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allnutt of 

The bride graduated from the Wash- 
ington School for Secretaries and at- 
tended George Washington University. 
For the past year she has been librar- 
ian in the research and development 
division of the New Mexico School of 
Mines in Albuquerque. 

The bridegroom attended the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, taking a course in 
Commerce, and will graduate next year 
from Georgetown University. At pres- 
ent he is connected with the First 
National Bank of Gaithersburg. Dur- 
ing the war he served with the Army. 

Ross — Dickinson 

Miss Anne Katherine Dickenson, 
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Dicken- 
son of Washington, was married to 
Hugh Neil Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Hugh Ross, of Silver Spring. 

Mr. and Mrs. Ross will make their 
home in Ednor, Md. Both are now 
studying at the University of Mary- 
land (A. & S.) where the bridegroom 
is a member of Alpha Tau Omega fra- 

Stokes — Carpenter 

Miss Mary Virginia Lusk Carpen- 
ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 
Reed Carpenter, of Baltimore, Md., be- 
came the bride of Mr. Robert Stokes, 
son of Mrs. Van Harrison Stokes, of 
Washington, D. C, and the late Mr. 
Stoke, recently in Baltimore. 

Mrs. Stokes is a graduate of Mount 
St. Agnes School and the University of 
Maryland (B.A., A. & S. '46). Mr. 
Stokes was graduated from Yale Univer- 

Brown — Barger 

The wedding of Miss Thelma Barger, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. 
Barger of Ednor, to Francis Brown, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Brown 
of Ashton, took place in Woodside. 

Both Mr. and Mrs. Brown were 
graduated from Sherwood High School 
in Sandy Springs. Mr. Brown attended 
the University of Maryland, (B. & P. 
A.) He is is a veteran of three years 
in the Marine Corps. 


Irvin — Hallett 

Miss Mary Ellen Hallett, daughter 
of Earle M. Hallett and the late Mrs. 
Hallett, formerly of Sterling, 111., were 
married in Washington recently. 

The bridegroom, Herbert McClellan 
Irvin, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Her- 
bert I. Irvin of West Virginia. 

The bride attended American Univer- 
sity, Purdue, and the University of 
Maryland (A. & S., '47, B.A.) A mem- 
ber of Beta Sigma Phi, she has been as- 
sociated with national headquarters of 
the American Red Cross. 

Mr. Irvin, a graduate of Shepherd 
College and Navy Supply School at 
Harvard, served as a lieutenant in the 
Navy during the war. He is now con- 
nected with the Naval Research Labora- 

Regis— Elliott 

The marriage of Mr. Peter Regis 
and Miss Francis Ann Elliott took 
place in Washington. Mis. Regis is the 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. 
Elliott of Silver Spring. Mr. Regis is 
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Regis 
of Milwaukee. 

They sailed for Rome, Italy, where 
Mr. Regis is Attache at the United 
States Embassy. The bride was for- 
merly associated with the Department 
of State in Madrid, Spain, for several 
years, after attending the University of 
Maryland. Her husband attended the 
University of Wisconsin and served in 
the European theater during the war. 

Bacharach — Bernstein 

Miss Rhona Faye Bernstein, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bernstein, 
was married to Mr. Robert Lee Bacha- 
rach, son of Mrs. David Bacharach, and 
the late Mr. Bacharach, recently in 

Mrs. Bacharach was graduated from 
the University of Maryland and atten- 
ded Parsons School of Design. The 
groom, who served overseas for two 
years with Merrill's Maurauders and 
Mars Task Force on the Burma front, 
is attending the University of Mary- 
land. (B. & P. A.) 

Queen — Lund 

In Clinton, Md., Miss Evelyn Hansine 
Lund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel 
Peter Lund of Clinton, became the bride 
of Mr. James Lawrence Queen, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. James Queen of Bethesda. 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland where her husband 
is now an engineering student. During 
the war he served for two years with 
the Army in the European theater. 

Wentz — Downes 

Miss Marion Eloise Downes, daugh- 
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Marion H. 
Downes, of Denton, was married to Dr. 
Irl Wentz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark 
Wentz, of Pleasant Hill, Hanover, in 
Denton, Md. 

The bride attended Western Mary- 
land College and Strayer-Bryant and 


"They're all law students and they claim 
they have a legal right to 'stand mute'." 

Stratton College, in Baltimore. The 
groom, a graduate of Western Mary- 
land College and the University of 
Maryland School of Medicine, is about 
to enter the Army Medical Corps. 

Tawney — Sharp 

The wedding of Miss Mary E. Sharp, 
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. 
Frank Sharp, of Ambler, Pa., and Mr. 
Chester W. Tawney, son of Mrs. Lula 
Tawney, of Havre de Grace, Md., and 
the late Mr. Garfield C. Tawney, took 
place recently in Glenside, Pa. 

The bride is a graduate of University 
of Maryland and a member of Kappa 
Delta. The groom, a graduate of the 
University of Maryland, is a member 
of the Maryland State Legislature. 

Marzolf — Burdeshaw 

Miss Sybil Vyvian Burdeshaw, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. 
Burdeshaw of Alexandria, Va., former- 
ly of Dotham, Ala., was married to 
Joseph M. Marzolf, Jr., son of Mrs. J. 
M. Marzolf of Washington and the late 
Mr. Marzolf. 

Mrs. Marzolf was graduated from 
the University of Alabama and her 
husband was graduated from Univer- 
sity of Maryland. 

Engeberg — Strickland 

The wedding of Miss June Virginia 
Strickland, the daughter of the Rev. 
and Mrs. Robert G. Strickland of Cleve- 
land, Ga., and Mr. Stanley McClay 
Engeberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon 
B. Engeberg of Takoma Park, took 
place recently. 

Mr. Engeberg will continue his course 
at the University of Maryland, College 
of Arts and Sciences. 

Isaacson — Shor 

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shor of Washing- 
ton announce the wedding of their 
daughter, Miss Marjorie Maxine Shor, 
to Milton Isaacson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
J. Isaacson, also of Washington. 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland and George Washington Uni- 
versity and is a member of Phi Sigma 
Sigma sorority. The bridegroom is at- 
tending the Georgetown dental school 
and is a member of Alpha Omega fra- 

Spitzer — Slifer 

In Washington, D. C. Miss Hazel Sli- 
fer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sli- 
fer, became the bride of Mr. Carl W. 
Spitzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. 
Spitzer of Grottoes, Va. 

Mrs. Spitzer was graduated from 
the University of Maryland in June, 
and is a member of Alpha Delta Pi. 
Her husband is an expert in poultry 
growing and has assisted in a number 
of experiments conducted by the poul- 
try department of the University of 


Ward— Triplett 

MR. and Mrs. Robert Fulton an- 
nounce the engagement of their 
daughter, Betty Jane Triplett, to Maur- 
ice Clagett Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Spencer Ward, of Germantown, Mary- 

Miss Triplett was graduated from 
Allegany High School, received an A.B. 
degree from Juinata College and at- 
tended Duke University. She has been 
a member of the Hancock High School 
faculty during the past four years. 

Mr. Ward attended Bridewater Col- 
lege and received a B.S. degree from 
Maryland (Agri.-'42), where he was a 
member of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fra- 
ternity. Mr. Ward served as a pilot in 
th« Army Air Force with the rating of 
First Lieutenant during the war. He 
has been a member of the Hancock 
High School faculty for the past year. 

Heaps — Davis 

Mr. and Mrs. G. Harry Davis, of 
Street, Harford County, have announ- 
ced the engagement of their daughter, 
Miss Mary Harry Davis, to Mr. Henry 
W. Heaps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson 
A. Heaps, of Plyesville, Maryland. 

Miss Davis is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, and a member of 
Kappa Delta. Mr. Heaps, who attended 
Maryville College in Tennessee repre- 
sented the National Council of West- 
minster Fellowship of the Presbyterian 
Church at the second World Christian 
Youth Conference in Oslo, Norway. 

Parks— Slattery 

The engagement has been announced 
in Cumberland of Miss Ellen Slattery, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Slat- 
tery, of Shreveport, La., to John Arthur 
Parks, of New Orleans, son of Mrs. 

Frederica E. Parks, and the late John 
A. Parks. 

The bride-elect is a graduate of Byrd 
High School, Shreveport, and attended 
St. Vincent College, and Louisiana 
State University where she was affili- 
ated with Pi Beta Phi sorority. 

Mr. Parks is a graduate of Allegany 
High School and the University of 
Maryland, College Park. He is a mem- 
ber of Delta Sigma Phi, social fratern- 
ity, and Beta Alpha Psi, honorary 

Hancock — Fernandez 

Representative and Mrs. Antonio M. 
Fernandez of New Mexico announce the 
engagement of their daughter, Anita, 
to Elmo Hancock of Fort Pierce, Fla. 

Miss Fernandez attended Trinity Co- 
lege, University of Maryland and High- 
lands University in Las Vegas, N. Mex. 
She is a member of Pi Beta Phi. 

Her fiance, a veteran of the Army 
Air Forces, attended Emory Univer- 
sity, Athens, Ga., and Highlands Uni- 

Tessier — White 

The engagement of Miss Dorothy 
Virginia White to Mr. James Louis 
Tessier is announced by Miss White's 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Washington W. 
White of Laytonsville. 

The bride-elect is attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland College of Educa- 
tion, where Mr. Tessier also is a student 
in the College of Arts and Sciences. 

Baker — Stitely 

Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Stitely, Woods- 
boro, announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Marguerite La Rue, to Will- 
iam G. Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 
W. Baker. 

Miss Stitely, a recent graduate of 
the College of Arts and Sciences, was 
the 1947 May Queen. She is a member 
of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority. 

Terry — Dow 

Mr. Frank Dow, acting United States 
commissioner of customs, and Mrs. 
Dow, announce the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Mary Janet Dow, to Mr. 
John Dickenson Ferry, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Ferry of Kenwood. 

The bride-elect has just finished her 
junior year at the University of Mary- 
land after two years' study at Purdue 
University. Her fiance was graduated 
from Devitt Preparatory School, served 
two years in the Air Corps, and studied 
at Maryland University before entering 

Burton — Duval 

Col. and Mrs. Claiborne A. Duval of 
Texas and Southdown Shores, announce 
the engagement of their daughter Bet- 
ty Gwyn, to Dr. Harold Francis Burton, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Burton of 
Hereford, Md. 

Miss Duval attended Louisiana State 
University and the University of 



"Ah. the good old days'. Now right there. 
Snorky, was my regular position." 

Maryland (B. & P. A., '42) and is a 
member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. 
Dr. Burton is a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Pennsylvania, a member of Al- 
pha Psi fraternity, and is employed 
by the University of Maryland. 

Sturdevant — Enfield 

Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Enfield, of 
Forest Hill, Md., announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Miss Grace 
Evans, to Mr. Harry Edward Sturde- 
vant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. 
Sturdevant, of Annapolis. 

Miss Enfield is a graduate of Bel Air 
High School. Mr. Sturdevant, a gradu- 
ate of Annapolis High School, served 
three years in the Army, two years 
with the 1st Army overseas. Both are 
University of Maryland students, in 
Home Economics and Engineering, re- 

Baker — Crockett 

The engagement of Miss Bette Ann 
Crockett (Home Ec, Maryland,) Kap- 
pa Delta, to Jack A. Baker (A. & S.) 
Kappa Alpha, has been announced by 
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. 
Crockett of Silver Spring. Mr. Baker is 
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Baker, 
formerly of Washington. 

Both Miss Crockett and Mr. Baker 
attended the University of Maryland. 
He served with the Maritime service 
during the war and was graduated 
from the U. S. Merchant Marine aca- 

DeWitt— Haney 

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Haney, of 
Pittsville, announce the engagement of 
their daughter, Patricia, to Mr. John 
Owen DeWitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul 
DeWitt, of Oakland, Md. 

Miss Haney recently resigned her 
position as a student nurse at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland Hospital, and now 
lives with her parents in Pittsville. 
Formerly a student at Potomac State 
School, Keyser, W. Va., a branch of 
the University of West Virginia, she 
expects to return there. 

Mr. DeWitt is a sophmore at Poto- 

mac State School, now taking a pre- 
engineering course. He will continue his 
engineering study at the University of 
West Virginia. 

Morton — Robinson 

Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Holmes of 
Hyattsville announce the engagement of 
the latter's daughter, Marion Blanche 
Robinson, to James Howard Morton, 
son of Mr. and Mrs Howard J. Morton 
of Chevy Chase, Md., and Clintonville, 

Miss Robinson is a graduate of Hy- 
attsville High School, and Mr. Morton, 
after being graduated from Upper Dar- 
by High School, Philadelphia, served 
two years in the Army as an Air 
Forces Cadet. Both are now attending 
the University of Maryland. 

Diamond — Eisele 

Announcement is made by Mr. and 
Mrs. Clifton Martin Eisele, Bethesda, 
of the engagement of their daughter, 
Martha, to Douglas Byrnne Diamond, 
Jr., Gaithersburg. He is son of Mr. Dia- 
mond and the late Mrs. Diamond. 

Miss Eisele attended the University 
of Maryland and was a member of Kap- 
pa Kappa Gamma. Mr. Diamond at- 
tended the University of South Caro- 
lina, Emory College and is now attend- 
ing the University of Maryland. He is 
a member of Sigma Chi fraternity. 

Bourke — Blake 

Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Blake, of 
Stoneleigh, have announced the engage- 
ment of their daughter, Betty Stihvell, 
to Mr. Henry Clay Bourke, 3rd, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Bourke. Jr., 
of Baltimore. 

Miss Blake, a graduate of Sparks 
High School, attended the University of 
Eastern Tennessee and the University 
of Maryland. She is now a student at 
Bard-Avon Business College. 

Mr. Bourke, who served as a fighter 
pilot in the Army Air Corps, is now 
studying business administration at 
Loyola College. 

Curtis — McLean 

Mr. and Mrs. William W. McLean of 
Washington, announce the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Mc- 
Lean, to Charles Curtis of Brandywine, 

The bride-elect is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland, and a member 
of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. 

Mr. Curtis is a member of Theta 
Chi fraternity at the University of 
Maryland and will attend George Wash- 
ington Law school. 

Newell — Gorsuch 

Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Gorsuch have 
announced the engagement of their 
daughter, Margaret Ann, to Edward A. 
Newell, son of the Reverend and Mrs. 
A. M. Newell of Wilton Heights. 

Miss Gorsuch will enter the Univer- 



"Oh, I'll admit he's got power but he's good 
for only one play a season!" 

sity of Maryland in the fall. Mr. Ne- 
well will graduate from the Univer- 
sity's School of Medicine next June. 

Walker — Northrup 

The engagement of Miss Jacquelyn 
Northrup to Mr. Claxton Walker was 
announced by Miss Northrup's parents, 
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Northrup of Fair- 
way Hills, Md. 

Miss Northrup attended Chevy Chase 
Junior College and the Abbott Art 
School, and Mr. Walker, who served in 
the Marine Corps during the war, is 
attending the University of Maryland 
College of B. & P. A. He is the son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Walker of Chevy 

Prof. Franklin Sherman 

PROFESSOR Franklin Sherman, 
class of '97. who visited the 
Maryland campus on Commencement 
Day, June 7, 1947, 70-year-old head of 
the Clemson College Department of En- 
tomology and Zoology, Clemson, S. C, 
died at Clemson, following a severe 
heart attack. 

A native of Ash Grove, Fairfax, 
Virginia, Professor Sherman spent all 
but one of his working years in the 
public service of North and South Caro- 
lina. He was also a graduate of Cornell 

Soon after his graduation from Cor- 
nell University, he accepted a position 
as state entomologist of North Caro- 
lina and, with the exception of one year 
at Ontario Agricultural College, of 
Guelph, Canada, remained in that posi- 
tion for twenty-five years. 

In 1925 he became head of the Clem- 
son College Department of Entomology 
and has served in that capacity since 
that time. He had served as national 
president of the American Association 


of Economic Entomologists, and as 
president of both the North Carolina 
and South Carolina Academies of 
Sciences. He was a member of Masons 
for many years and was a past master 
of the Raleigh, N. C. Lodge. 

Professor Sherman was one of five 
brothers, all of whom are listed in 
Who's Who in America. He authored 
numerous technical bulletins, circulars 
and articles, and throughout his term 
of service at Clemson was engaged in 
recording the insect life of South Caro- 
lina. In twenty-two years he listed up- 
ward of 13,000 different species of in- 
sects and estimated that to be approxi- 
mately half of the total species in the 

Professor Sherman is survived by his 
widow, the former Miss Grace Berry, 
of McLean, Virginia, one daughter, 
Mrs. Grace C. Gregg, of Fort Bragg; 
three sons: Franklin Sherman III, Lan- 
sing, Michigan, Dallas B. Sherman, 
Washington, D. C, and Joseph E. Sher- 
man, Gainesville, Florida. The entire 

Dr. Wm. H. Hurley 

Dr. William H. Hurley, 69, retired 
Northfield and Williamstown, Vermont, 
physician died at Northfield. 

Dr. Hurley was born March 25, 1878, 
in Northfield Falls, the son of Mary 
and Daniel Hurley. 

He married Nellie V. Hoffacker, who 
survives him. 

He was graduated in 1903 from 
Maryland Medical College and prac- 
ticed in Williamstown. Later he moved 
to Northfield, where he entered the ser- 
vice in the first World War. He served 
as a major in the Army Medical Corps 
in France in 1917 and 1918. Upon his 
return to civilian life he served as a 
major in the Vermont National Guard. 

He is survived by his wife, two 
daughters, Mrs. Hilda Aimi of Barre 
and Mrs. Charlotte Hartwell of Sand- 
wich, Mass.; two brothers, Cornelius C. 
Hurley of Barre and Daniel Hurley of 
Los Angeles, Cal.; two sisters, Mrs. 
Elizabeth Rabidou of Northfield and 
Mrs. Arthur G. Baker of Melrose, 
Mass.; and four grandchildren. 

Dr. John J. Shea 

Dr. John J. Shea of 26 Sydney Ave., 
Holyoke, Mass., practicing dentist for 
35 years, died suddenly July 5, 1947, 
after being stricken in his office at 

Dr. Shea was born in South Hadley 
Falls, Mass., son of the late Mr. and 
Mrs. Jeremiah Shea. He received his 
early education in that town and gradu- 
ated from Baltimore College of Dental 
Surgery in 1912. 

Dr. Shea was a member of the Hol- 
yoke Dental Association, New England 
Dental Association and the American 
Dental Association. 

"CUT Offil 


General Secretary, 
Alumni Association, 
University of Maryland, 
College Park, Maryland. 

Inclosed please find check for _.. 

dollars ($ ) my contribution to the Alumni Association. 

Three dollars of the above amount is to cover subscription for 
"Maryland" for twelve issues. 

(See also coupon on other side) 

Besides his widow, Mrs. Mary 
(Doyle) Shea he leaves one daughter, 
Katherine Jean Shea, teacher in the 
South Hadley School Department, who 
also graduated from the University of 
Maryland in 1942, and one sister Miss 
Katherine V. Shea, Superintendent of 
North Adams Hospital, North Adams, 
Mass., who graduated from the Uni- 
versity of Maryland School of Nursing 
in the Class of 1913. 


JOSEPH M. CROCKETT, '43 writes 
from Pittsburgh the following 
note : 

"My wife, the former Shirley Mac- 
Kay AOPi '43, and I enjoy reading the 
current news of Maryland and Alumni 

Mr. William D. Groff of the class of 
1900 pays personal compliments via 
Dave Brigham: 

"I am very much interested in Mary- 
land and you can be sure that I read 
it very thoroughly. It is a job to keep 
up with the progress on the campus of 
the University and the sight of such 
beautiful campus does us all a great 
deal of good." 

"Please add my congratulations to 
the many you must be receiving re- 
garding 'Maryland'," writes Flourney C. 
Raymond, Willows, California. "I was 
deeply interested in the recent article 
on American Civilization and the way 
in which the entire paper, including the 
sports items, are presented". 

"Maryland' is a great paper for a 
great University and I enjoy reading 
it," writes Dr. Harry A. Silberman, 
D.D.S., 579 Broad Avenue, Ridgefield, 
N. J. 

Mary Roberts Patrick writes from 
Westernport: "I have certainly enjoyed 
the issues of 'Maryland' that I have 
received and I shall be looking forward 
to the new ones. It is such a pleasure 
to read of the progress of the Univer- 
sity and my college. More than this, 
I enjoy reading about my acquaint- 

From Washington writes Mildred W. 
Labaw: "I have enjoyed reading 
'Maryland' and am finding more about 
Maryland in each issue." 



By David L. Brightim 

"I saw rr.any people walking by, a few were in step. Must 
had a purpose in every move for they visioned an organi- 
zation, an objective, and something to be accomplished." 

ON three fingers name the factors you con- 
sider most important to you as an alumnus of 
the University of Maryland. See how far you miss 
these objectives now on the horizon: — 

A Leading University, including an outstanding 
faculty roster of recognized educators, a great 
physical plant, and an appealing campus. 
Athletic Prominence and strong teams supported 
by an enthusiastic alumni and student body. 
.4 Virile Alumni Organization, capable of inform- 
ing all alumni of University and graduate progress 
and news, arranging reunions, offering scholar- 
ships and blending all alumni into a strong, co- 
hesive body through School Association, town 
clubs and elected alumni representatives. 
Speaking very frankly it must be said these are 
long range objectives. No loyal alumnus will argue 
that they are not sound. Therefore, we can assume 
we are heading in the proper direction. Now we 
turn to each of you for a helping 
hand. We say very seriously, 
Please do more than glance at the 
coupon on the opposite page for it 
is you who hold the key to success 
or failure. 

Alumni Organization 

Don't fail to read the summary 
of organizational progress in this 
issue. We are a month ahead of 
this report but plan to keep you 
posted as currently as possible. If 
your School Association is one of 
those now on the assembly line in 
preparation for the trial run on 
November 1, you will be interested 
in learning about the engineers and draftsmen now 
carrying the construction burden. The October issue 
will carry the slate of nominations for the coming 
year. The elections are to be November 1, as a part 
of the School or College organizational meetings. 

Athletics and Scholarships 

In America sport has helped carry into a new civi- 
lization some of the best elements of a vanished 
age. With sport came the complex of customs and 
ideals called sportsmanship. We have come to mas- 
ter the art of winning and losing both fairly and 
gracefully. Of course we want good teams, and few 
alumni mince words on this subject, We indorse 
the statement of former Fleet Admiral Henry Braid 
Wilson who addressed his fleet athletes with, "BE 
our hearts we commend the gob in the rear rank 
who bellowed, "BUT DON'T LOSE !" 

With these thoughts in mind we have undertaken 
an Alumni Scholarship Fund program and have 


Dave Brigham 

already committed ourselves to provide four full 
scholarships plus one for room and board to five 
outstanding students. You will hear more about 
these activities and individuals in the future. 

Lost and Found 

Approximately twenty-two thousand alumni of 
the various schools of the University of Maryland 
are now on our mailing list. Nearly twelve thousand 
have submitted alumni history records which will 
serve as the basis for an Alumni Directory. If you 
have not submitted your record, please do so at 
once. Undoubtedly you know of other alumni not 
now receiving "MARYLAND" and out of touch 
with the Universitv. Won't vou encourage them to 
notify us NOW. 

Class Lists 

In the event you have a list of members of your 
class with addresses we ask that you write the 
Alumni Office and enclose a copy of your informa- 
tion. There should be some individual from every 
graduating class who has an up to date listing of 
the location of all graduates of his year. Only 
through the assistance of these individuals can we 
hope to reach all former students of the University. 

Homecoming Program 

A more definite HOMECOMING program for 
alumni has been developed. In brief, this incudes 
registration bv schools from 10:00 to 10:30 A. M. 
on NOVEMBER 1. From 10:30 to 11:45 organiza- 
tional meetings for school alumni associations plus 
the election of officers. An attractive program of 
interest to all alumni is being planned by Home- 
coming Committees from each School. A general 
meeting and luncheon is on the docket for 12:00 
Noon. Families of alumni are invited to attend. 
The Homecoming game with West Virginia will 
follow at 2:00 P. M. After the game there will be 
Open House and a Tea for alumni at a central cam- 
pus location. The Homecoming Ball is scheduled 
for 8:00 P. M. and will continue until midnight. 
We want you to plan now to attend all of these func- 
tions but we ask that you concentrate especially on 
the School Organizational Meetings and the General 
Alumni Luncheon. Note: Order your tickets for 
the Homecoming game now since a large crowd is 
expected for a small stadium. 


Certificates of Appreciation suitable for framing 
have now gone to all individuals who contributed to 
the support of alumni activities after May 1. We 
are certain you are interested in helping obtain an 
outstanding alumni association, and we know also 
that you will be proud to have a Certificate of Appre- 
ciation framed and on the wall of your home. This 
certificate is our pledge to you that we will make 
every effort to merit your interest, enthusiasm, and 


Volume Will 
dumber Eleven 

October 1947 

Cents the Copy 





By David L. Brigham 


Football — West Virginia 
Alumni Luncheon 
Homecoming Ball 


Organization of School Alumni 
Election of permanent officers 

Alumni Tea 

Dave Brigham 

YOU have a date on November 1 If you have not 
already reserved this date on your calendar for a jour- 
ney to the old campus we suggest you get it done right away. 
Big plans for Homecoming and alumni meetings are under 
way. A summary of action taken to date appears in this 
issue and should prove that all reads lead to College Park 
on November 1. 

Take a look at the address on the cover of your magazine. 
If it does not contain a key letter such as AUG48 then some- 
body else is carrying your share of the subscription load for 
MARYLAND at the present time. The key letter shows the 
month in which your subscription expires. We don't want 
to be in the positon of a neighboring University which wrote 
"An Alumnus who did not receive this 
magazine is probably not at present 
a dues-paying member." We do not have 
regular dues but we nevertheless enlist 
your voluntary support to assist us in 
continuing the publication of MARY- 
LAND and in carrying out other alumni 


We want to find all members of the 
Alumni Association immediately. Please 
take it upon yourself to advise us of the 
name and address of any alumnus not 
now receiving MARYLAND. We are do- 
ing our best to locate all former stu- 
dents but this is a responsibility which 
cannot be completed without the help 
of all with whom we are now in contact. 

^ C«JHf\T Xin g_ IT IS 


As has been indicated previously the Board of Regents 
and President Byrd made available $30,000 for alumni re- 
organization, the locating of former students, and the publi- 
cation of the present alumni magazine. Much of this 
amount has been used but the magazine alone proves the 
merit of this action. As a further step, to make funds 
available for alumni activities and alumni scholarships, 
President Byrd has placed all campus concessions at the 
disposal of the Alumni Office. Already plans are under way 
for an expansion program which will mean real dividends 
for the alumni fund. In view of this University action and 
consideration we feel that all of us should be willing to 
offer the additional financial assistance which will guarantee 
a really successful alumni program wor- 
thy of the institution from which we 


This issue contains a summary of ac- 
tion taken in the alumni reorganization 
program. There is much for you to 
consider including a proposed constitu- 
tion, nominations for permanent officers, 
the Homecoming program and the pro- 
posed alumni council. Please study 
these proposals carefully and then plan 
to give us your best thinking when you 
join us for Homecoming on November 1. 

"It's a big error to think you're the 
only one that's doing the thinking." — 
Christopher Morley. 


OCTOBER, 1947 



Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and, entered at the Post Office. College Park, Maryland, as second class 
■aail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor; Anne S. Dougherty, Circulation Manager. Board of Man- 
»gen. Alumni Association: Chairman, Austin C. Diggs. '21; Vice-Chairman, Harry E. Hasslinger, '33; Dr. Charles E. Wnite. Secretary. Board of 
Managers; Talbot T. Speer, '18; J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Hazel Tenney Tuemmler, '29; Charles V. Koons, '29; Agnes Gingell Turner. '33; James 
E. Andrews, '31; David L. Brigham, '38; General Alumni Secretary, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. 

$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues. 

Twenty -five Cents the Copy 


At Gollecfe Pa>ik 


Established In 1918 
To Administer 
Graduate Work 
And Re€|uirements 
For Higher Degr«M»s 

THE Graduate School was estab- 
lished in 1918 to administer 
graduate work and the requirements 
for higher degrees in both the College 
Park and the Baltimore branches of 
the University. The first student was 
matriculated into the Graduate School 
in September 1919. 

The Graduate School offers to quali- 
fied students with the bachelor's de- 
gree an opportunity to continue their 
education by more intensive study and 
research in a restricted field. 

The Graduate School is the unit of 
the University that is most directly re- 
sponsible for stimulating research and 
for the development of scholarly lead- 
ership. It has been called the invisible 
university. It permeates nearly all di- 
visions and departments of the Univer- 
sity but there are very few outward 
signs of its existence. 

Faculty and Administration 

The faculty of the Graduate School 
includes all members of the University 
faculty at College Park and in the pro- 
fessional schools at Baltimore who 
offer instruction in approved graduate 
courses. The general administrative 
functions of the graduate faculty are 
delegated to a representative Graduate 
Council appointed by the President of 
the University. The Dean of the Gradu- 

ate School serves as chairman of the 

Graduate Council. 

The Graduate Council 

H. C. Byrd, LL.D., President of the 

C. O. Appleman, Ph.D., Dean of the 
Graduate School, Chairman 

Harold Benjamin, Ph.D., Professor of 

Guy A. Cardwell, Ph.D., Professor of 

E. N. Cory, Ph.D., Professor of Ento- 

H. F. Cotterman, Ph.D., Professor of 
Agricultural Education 


Professor of Education. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 


President of the University. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 

N. L. Drake, Ph.D., Professor of Or- 
ganic Chemistry 

Wilbert J. Huff, Ph.D., S.Sc, Pro- 
fessor of Chemical Engineering 

John G. Jenkins, Ph.D., Professor of 

W. B. Kemp, Ph.D., Director of Ex- 
periment Station 

M. Marie Mount, M.A., Professor of 
Home and Institution Management 

H. J. Patterson, D.Sc, Dean Emeri- 
tus of Agriculture 

J. Freeman Pyle, Ph.D., Professor of 
Economics and Marketing 

A. E. Zucker, Ph.D., Professor of For- 
eign Languages 

Walter H. Hartung, Ph.D., Professor 
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Bal- 

Eduard Uhlenhuth, Ph.D., Professor of 
Gross Anatomy (Baltimore) 


Dean of the Graduate School. 
Chairman of the Graduate Council. 


The University now confers the fol- 
lowing advanced degrees: Master of 
Arts, Master of Science, Master of 
Business Administration, Master of 
Arts in American Civilization, Mas- 
ter's degree in Foreign Study, Doctor 
of Education, and Doctor of Philoso- 

The degree of Piaster of Arts in 
American Civilization is unique at the 
University of Maryland. Candidates 


Professor of Agricultural Education. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 



Professor of English. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 

for this degree are expected to under- 
stand the development of American in- 
stitutions, and to demonstrate pro- 
ficiency in the literary, social, eco- 
nomic, and political history of the 
United States. 

A total of 326 doctor's degrees have 
been conferred by the University. 
Graduate work leading to the degree 
has been confined to fields in which 
instructional and research facilities at 
the time were adequate for standard 
doctor's work. This has led to con- 
siderable concentration of doctor's 
work in certain fields. 

Of the total of 326 doctor's degrees 
that have been conferred, 33 percent 
were conferred for major work in the 
various agricultural fields including 
plant physiology, plant pathology and 
general botany. The University of 
Maryland is favorably located for 
graduate and research work in these 
fields. The great Beltsville research 
laboratories of the United States De- 
partment of Agriculture are located 

only two miles from the University 
campus. The Library and other im- 
portant resources of the National 
Capital are easily available to stu- 
dents at the University of Maryland. 
No other institution in the State of- 
fers graduate work in agricultural 

Major work in various pharmacy 
fields accounted for thirteen percent 
of the doctors. No other institution in 
the State offers graduate work in these 

Thirty-two percent of the doctors 
were chemistry students, including six 
in chemical engineering. 

In addition to the local facilities for 
reseaich in chemistry, the excellent re- 
search facilities of the National Bu- 
reau of Standards were utilized for the 
thesis research of a number of the 
doctors in chemistry. 

Fourteen percent of the doctor's de- 
grees were in the biological sciences 
exclusive of botany but including pre- 
clinical medical sciences. 

All other fields accounted for eight 
percent of the total. 

This distribution of doctors accord- 
ing to fields of study is for the period 
from 1920 to 1947 inclusive. This dis- 
tribution may be expected to shift con- 
siderably during the coming years as 
doctor's programs are extended into 
new fields. 

Doctor's work is limited to depart- 
ments that have on their staffs one or 
more active research scholars. The de- 
partment must also have available 
adequate library and laboratory facili- 
ties for doctor's research. The most 
important consideration of all is the 
problem of sufficient leisure for some 
qualified members of the staff from 
undergraduate instruction so that they 
may devote an adequate amount of 
time to their own research and to the 
research and instruction of prospec- 
tive candidates for the doctor's degree. 


Professor of Entomology. 
Member of the Graduate Couneil. 

Foreign Study 

The Master's degree in Foreign 
Study has been established since the war 
in recognition of the increasing neces- 
sity for the United States to have 
available a certain amount of person- 
nel trained in foreign languages and 
in foreign backgrounds. Most of the 
course work for this degree will be 
done in Foreign Area Study Centers 
under the supervision of University of 
Maryland professors. The first loca- 
tions are planned for Paris and Zurich. 

A minimum of three years of full- 
time graduate study or their equiva- 
lent in part-time study are required 
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 
but the degree is conferred only upon 
sufficient evidence of high attainment 
in scholarship in a special field of 
knowledge and especially for demon- 
strated ability to be independent and 
productive research. 

The degree of Doctor of Education 



Professor of Organic Chemistry. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 












1930 .. 












































































































































































Professor of Chemical Engineering. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 

stands for a type of graduate study 
beyond the Master's level which gives 
a broad and comprehensive under- 
standing of the whole field of educa- 
tion and of various subjects funda- 
mental to education for school admin- 
istrators, experienced teachers occupy- 
ing important positions in their com- 
munities, and other educational work- 
ers who are not qualified for or inter- 
ested in the research specialization of 
the candidate for the degree of Doctor 
of Philosophy. 


The enrollment in the Graduate 
School for the academic year 1919- 
1920 was thirteen students. This num- 
ber increased rapidly and steadily un- 
til the pre-war peak was reached in 
1940-1941 when the enrollment, includ- 

ing the summer session, was 819 dif- 
ferent students. A considerable de- 
crease occurred during the war years 
but with the return of peace and with 
the influx of veterans the enrollment 
for the academic year 1946-1947, plus 
the graduate students in the summer 
session of 1946, is in excess of 1500 
different students. The enrollment in 
the Graduate School is selective, since 
it depends not only upon the scholar- 
ship qualifications of the applicants 
but also upon the quotas established 
by various departments. An extra ef- 
fort has been made to accommodate 
the qualified veterans who apply, espe- 
cially the Maryland veterans. The lo- 


Dean Emeritus of Agriculture. 
Member of the Graduate Council 


Director of Experiment Station. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 

cation of the University is such that 
an unusual demand for part-time 
graduate work is to be expected. This 
demand has greatly increased since 
the war. The high percentage of part- 
time students in special late afternoon 
and evening courses makes it possible 
for the University to carry the pres- 
ent high total enrollment of graduate 

Foreign Students 

Although the majority of our gradu- 
ate students in the past have been 
products of Maryland colleges and 
universities, one or more students 
from each of 537 colleges and univer- 
sities outside of Maryland have been 
admitted to the Graduate School. 
Forty-three foreign colleges have also 
been represented. 

The Graduate School has always had 
a few students from foreign countries 


Professor of Psychology. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 

but only since the war has the number 
of applicants from foreign countries 
become a real problem. The various 
departments have made an extra ef- 
fort to accommodate the best of these 
students. Most of the students who 
are selected and financed by their own 
governments have made exceptional 
records in the Graduate School. For- 
eign students who have been enrolled 
in the Graduate School since the war 
include one or more from the follow- 
ing countries: Egypt, India, Iran, 
Iraq, Canada, China, Greece, Nether- 
lands, Spain, France, Turkey, Cuba 
and South American countries. 

General Functions 

A large proportion of the advanced 
courses now being offered for elemen- 
tary, secondary, and junior college 
teachers and administrators especially 
during the summer session, are on the 
graduate level. Graduate work equiva- 


Professor of Home and Institute Management. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 



Professor of Economics and Marketing. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 

lent to either the master's or the doc- 
tor's degree is required of practically 
all college and university teachers. 
The Graduate School is training young 
men and women for careers as college 
and university teachers. 

One of the chief functions of the 
Graduate School is to train men and 
women for research and creative scho- 
larship. These young people who are 
trained in research methods in a spe- 
cial field and who have highly special- 
ized knowledge in this field are in de- 
mand for important positions in gov- 
ernment and private research agencies 
and in industry. Industry in the fu- 
ture will support research on a much 
greater scale than in the past and 
more highly trained industrial re- 
search workers must be supplied by 
the graduate schools. 

The Graduate School prepares men 
and women for many vocations where 
highly specialized and expert knowl- 
edge is required. This highly special- 


Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 

ized training in many fields can no 
longer be met by the requrements for 
the bachelor's degree. 

Theses Research 

Through the medium of directed dis- 
sertation and theses of graduate stu- 
dents, there issues from the Graduate 
School a constant stream of contribu- 
tions to the advancement of knowledge 
in many fields and to humanistic cul- 
ture. Many of the dissertations and 
theses have been based upon investiga- 
tions of vital importance to the state. 
The students in the physical and bio- 
logical sciences have investigated prob- 
lems concerned with the public health 
of the state and with Maryland indus- 
tries, including agriculture. The stu- 
dents in education have made many 
studies of the public school system of 
the State. The students in the social 
sciences have made important contri- 
butions to the early history of Mary- 
land and to social and economic prob- 

Practical Problems 

Investigations conducted by gradu- 
ate students have included important 
practical problems in the following 
typical and diverse fields: Animal and 
plant breeding, animal and plant hor- 
mones, animal and plant growth, ani- 
mal and plant pathology, anesthesia, 
antibiotics, carbohydrate metabolism, 
chemotherapy, edocriology, food poi- 
soning, genetics, human nutrition, in- 
sect and plant disease control, indus- 
trial health hazards, juvenile delin- 
quency, land utilization, nutrition of 
crop plants, preservation of plant and 
animal food products, public health, 
radiations, syntheses of new organic 
substances of therapeutic and indus- 
trial importance, synthesis of pharma- 
ceuticals, transportation, vitamine de- 


In September 1940 the Graduate 
School issued the first volume of a 
series of university publications which 
contain abstracts of doctor's disserta- 
tions and titles of masters' theses. A 
volume is published biennially and it 
comprises a fairly complete record of 
the student research work directed and 
supervised by various members of the 
faculty named in the publication. Each 
volume is distributed to a large num- 
ber of college, university and public 
libraries and libraries of public and 
private research institutions. 

Federal Agencies 

The research laboratories of the Bu- 
reau of Mines and the Fish and Wild 
Life Service of the United States De- 
partment of Interior are located on the 
campus of the University of Maryland. 
These laboratories with their person- 
nel add very materially to the facili- 
ties for graduate work in these and 


Professor of Foreign Languages. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 

related fields. The University shares 
equally with the Bureau of Mines and 
the Fish and Wild Life Service in sup- 
porting fellowships for research in 
these laboratories. 

By a cooperative arrangement a pro- 
gram of graduate courses in engineer- 
ing, mathematics, physics and chem- 
istry is now being offered primarily for 
the personnel of the Naval Labora- 
tories or Bureaus in the Washington 
area. Most of these courses are given 
late in the afternoon. Some are offered 
in the evening and a few are given Sat- 
urday morning. 

The Graduate School of the United 
States Department of Agriculture and 
the Graduate School of the University 
of Maryland have developed coopera- 
tive arrangements under which certain 
resources jf each are made available 
to the students of both schools. 

(Concluded on page 21) 


Professor of Gross Anatomy. 
Member of the Graduate Council. 


Moitmi i II \i i . Ilisioitir L\m»i \kk 

first Srioiit*** 
Building Mill 
Stands. Completofl 
In 18116 al Tost of 

By David L. Brigham 

MORRILL HALL, the first science 
building on the campus, was 
completed in 1896 at a cost of slightly 
over $10,000. The designer and director 
of construction was Dr. H. B. McDon- 
nell, for many years State Chemist and 
head of the Chemistry Department at 

The building was named for Senator 
Morrill of Vermont who initiated the 
first land grant act and the first con- 
gressional appropriation for agricultur- 
al education purposes. 

Only $10,000 

Several faculty members were invited 
to submit plans for a science building. 
The design prepared by Dr. McDonnell 
was accepted, but the cheapest bid for 
construction was $16,000 and funds 
available totaled only $10,000. R. W. 
Silvester, then president of the Mary- 
land Agricultural College, requested Dr. 
McDonnell to attempt the construction 
with the statement: "We should at least 
be able to complete the roof and get the 
work under cover." 

Two carpenters were hired at a wage 
of $50.00 per month. The brick laying 
was the only item handled by contract. 


Sturdy Veteran of College Park Campus. 

dr. h. b. McDonnell 

Came to University of Maryland in 1891. Retired 

19.18. Formerly Head, Chemistry Department 

and State Chemist. Stiil active in civic affairs 

of College Park. 

Bricks were used for the foundations 
since Portland cement was imported at 
that time and was one of the few items 
more expensive than the cost at present. 
The basement wall is 22" thick, the 
first story 18", and the upper part 13" 
in width. Outer walls for the top floor 
are of frame construction covered by 

From Harford County 

Peach bottom slate quarried in Har- 
ford County, near the Pennsylvania 
line covers the roof. Dr. McDonnell 
said, "The roof looks as bright now as 
on the day it was laid." 

Three by twelve undressed joists of 
long leaf Georgia pine were used in 
the construction. They were set on a 
miter so they would fall inward in the 
event the building burned. 

The completed building had twelve 
class rooms and five offices. The cost 
was approximately $100 more than the 
$10,000 appropriation. 

In the northeast corner of the third 
floor, a botany laboratory was located. 


The building contained no plumbing 
other than materials needed to provide 
steam heat. Students working in the 
lab threw water out of the window into 
a drain at the top of the second floor. 
This leaked onto a plate covering joists 
at the top of the brick wall. As a re- 
sult, at least two rotted and settled, 
necessitating supplemental reinforce- 
ments for the building in recent years. 

For a number of years the little room 
m the tower was used for sleeping 
quarters. From one of these windows 
may have come the water credited with 
rotting the joists. 

Turned Chickens Loose 

Dr. McDonnell recalls many incidents 
of interest in connection with his tenure 
in Morrill Hall. At one time the physics 
laboratory, located on the south side of 
the second floor, became poultry head- 
quarters as students turned chickens 
loose in the room and departed. The 
head of the department at that time 
took this as a personal offense and 
shortly thereafter resigned. This loca- 

tion is now Photographic Headquarters 
for J. Julian Chisolm, instructor in 
entomology and campus photographer. 

On another occasion Dr. McDonnell 
entered his class room to conduct a 
lecture only to find all the chairs re- 
moved and a bull in their place. Dr. 
McDonnell says, "Stools had replaced 
the chairs." He began the period with 
questions and found none of the boys 
prepared. They were all given goose 
eggs and instructed to return for his 
"matinee" if they so desired. The mati- 
nee was a make-up period for students 
unprepared during the regular class 

Jusc Ignored Them 

At a later date Dr. McDonnell was 
detained in his office. When he entered 
the lecture room "paper fellows" were 
dancing on strings attached to the 
ceiling by wads of gum. His report 
concerning the incident is, "I gave my 
lecture without comment and the boys 
were uissappointed when I didn't go 
off about their display." 

Dr. McDonnell, the only surviving 
leader of early science development on 
the campus, is a resident of College 
Park. A classmate of Dr. H. J. Patter- 
son, former president of Maryland State 
College, he came to M. A. C. on July 1, 
1891, where he served until his retire- 
ment in early 1938. His first position 
was as Professor of Agricultural Chem- 
istry. From 1892 to 1923 Dr. McDonnell 
was head of the Department of Chemis- 
try and State Chemist. In 1914 he was 
appointed Dean of Applied Science and 
in 1923 Professor of Research. In 1929 
he was made Professor of Agricultural 

Dr. McDonnell first constructed an 
addition to the building, which housed 
the Chemistry Department, in the low 
area south of the present Dining Hall. 
The old steps leading down the bank 
to the present Music Building and the 
foundations to the west of the steps 
are two remaining evidences of a pre- 
decessor of Morrill Hall. 

The University of Maryland campus 
boasts many new buildings and more 
are being erected but there is a quiet 
dignity to the older ones, reminiscent 
of other days that contribute to the 
proud traditions of Maryland. 


Mr. Frank Sykora, Maryland's new Director 
of Instrumental Music and head of Student 
Band. Student Orchestra and R.O.T.C. Band. 


The appointment of Frank Sykora 
as Director of Instrumental Music at 
the University of Maryland, has been 
announced by Professor B. Harlan Ran- 
dall, Director of Music. Mr. Sykora 
will have charge of the Student Band 
and the R.O.T.C. band as well as the 
student orchestra. 

Director Sykora comes to Maryland 
from Florida State College where he 
organized and led the famous 75 piece 
girls' band of that school as well as the 
dance orchestra. The Florida girls' 
band was rated as one of the best 
women's musical organizations in the 
United States. 

Mr. Sykora, a United States citizen, 
is a native of Prague, Czechoslovakia. 
He is a violincellist and graduate of 
the Imperial Russian Conservatory of 

Kiev, where he studied under Prof. F. 
von Mulert and R. M. Gliore. 

For generations the Sykora family 
has been devoted to music. Joseph 
Sykora, father of Frank, was known as 
a famous bandmaster in the Austrian 
Army. Invited to Russia by the Im- 
perial Government, he held the post of 
Inspector of Army Bands in the South- 
western Military Area for 35 years. 
In the revolutionary period of 1917 Cap- 
tain Joseph Sykora served with the 
White Armies of General Kornilov and 
Donikin. The White Armies abandoned 
Russia in 1920 and Captain Sykora 
found himself in his former homeland, 
the newly born Republic of Czechoslo- 

Frank Sykora began his musical edu- 
cation at the age of four with the 
study of violin. At ten years of age he 
entered the Classical Gymnasium and 
was selected to play first chair of the 
violin section in the Gymnasium orches- 
tra. His first public solo appearance 
was as a violinist a year later. Piano 
and flute were added to his studies and 
within a few months his progress on 
the flute enabled him to play first flute 
in his father's band. The Army award- 
ed him the rank of Sergeant for his 
musicianship and when free from school 
the young thirteen year old Sergeant 
acted as Assistant Bandmaster and led 
the band while his father was on in- 
spection tours. 

At fifteen Frank Sykora was sent to 
the Conservatory of Prague, Czecho- 
slovakia, majoring in piano under Prof. 
Kann von Albest. Not wholly satisfied 
with the instruments he had studied as 
a medium of expression, he chose the 

He enterd the Imperial Conservatory 
of St. Petersburg, leaving because of 
the rigours of the climate to enroll in 
the Imperial Conservatory of Kiev. He 
completed the six year course in i918. 
While still a student in the artist class, 
young Sykora was engaged as Musical 
Director and Conductor of the Music 
Drama Theatre, Kiev. 

Sykora's education was interrupted 
for a short time when he served as 
Lieutenant Bandmaster in the 48th 
Regiment of Imperial Siberian Sharp- 


Mr. Frank Sykora is the new Director of Instrumental Music 


shooters on the Austrian Front in 
World War I. He was decorated with 
the Order of St. Anna and St. Vladimir 
with swords. 

Upon the occupation of Kiev by the 
Red Armies and the advent of the 
Germans, Sykora organized a trio and 
was acclaimed a pioneer in the intro- 
duction of chamber music to Oriental 
audiences. His trio toured Siberia, Ja- 
pan, China, indo China and the Philli- 

Arriving in the United States in July 
1920, Frank Sykora was engaged by 
Eugene Ysaye for the Cincinnati Sym- 
phony Orchestra. Since then he held 
the position of principal cellist with 
major symphony orchestras, and has 
also appeared as soloist with orchestras 
and over coast to coast radio networks. 

In 1941 Sykora took his trio on tour 
through nineteen states of this country, 
and when World War II made touring 
difficult, he accepted the position of 
Associate Professor at Florida State 
College for Women and Director of 
College Bands. He was with the Flori- 
da State College from February 1943 
to June 1945. 

Previous teaching positions were with 
the Chicago Conservatory of Music, 
Sherwood Music School, Chicago, and 
Kansas City Conservatory. 

He is a member of Bohemians, Chi- 
cago; Pi Kappa Lambda — National 
Music Honorary; Florida Music Teach- 
ers Association; Florida Bandmasters 
Association; American Association of 
University Professors. 

Mr. Sykora holds the degree of "Free 
Artist" from the Russian Imperial Con- 
servatory. That is the highest degree 
available and corresponds to the degree 
of Master of Arts in Music in the 
United States. 

Some idea of the job Director Sykora 
accomplished with the Florida State 
College of Women can be gleaned from 
the following press quotations: — 

"The Florida State College for Wo- 
men band, under the direction of Frank 
Sykora brought down the house when 
it presented its second annual spring 
concert. The picturesque garnet and 
gold band gave a stirring and hearten- 
ing musical performance which fully 
lived up to the beauty and color of its 
appearance. From presentation of 
colors to the final encore the audience 
was completely captivated, and their 
enthusiasm was so unbounded that the 
concert ended with the unusual circum- 
stance of requests from the audience. 

"Sykora's showmanship and ability 
were impressive as he led the 70 girls 
in the music of many nations. 

"During the first number-the French 
Military March-the six drum majorettes 
of the band appeared in a snappy drill 
which added immeasureably to the color 
of the occasion. 

"Persistent applause from the large 

audience brought Sykora back to the 
stage again and again, until in reply 
to called requests from the audience he 
led the band in playing again the Carib- 
bean Fantasy (Morrissey) to close the 


Registrar, University of Maryland. 

16,644 STUDENTS 

A summary of student enrollment 
for the scholastic year 1946-1947 re- 
leased by Miss Alma H. Preinkert, 
Registrar at the University of Mary- 
land and including both the College 
Park and Baltimore schools shows a 
total enrollment of 11,050 students. 

There were, from Maryland, 7,541 
enrollments of which number 5,572 
were at College Park and 1,969 at Bal- 

From the District of Columbia there 
were 1,706 at College Park and 26 in 
Baltimore for a total of 1,732. 

Every State in the Union was rep- 
resented in the University's enroll- 
ment with 1,214 out of state students 
at College Park and 458 in Baltimore, 
for a total of 1,672. 

Sixty-two students came from be- 
yond the continental limits of the 
United States to the College Park 
schools and 43 to the Baltimore 
schools, totalling 105. Twenty-two 
foreign countries and United States 
jurisdictions beyond the continental 
limits were represented as follows: 
Bolivia, Brazil, Britsh Guiana, Canal 
Zone, Canada, China, Columbia, Costa 
Rica, Cuba, Egypt, Greece, Hawaii, 
India, Iran, Iraq, Mexico, Netherlands, 
Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, 
and Venezuela. 

In addition to the regular enroll- 
ments above listed there were 3,894 stu- 
dents in the various short courses. 

The grand total, all courses, College 
Park and Baltimore, 16,644. 

945 degrees and certificates were 
awarded during the year, distributed 
as follows: 


Honorary Degrees 4 

Agriculture 36 

Arts & Sciences 60 

Bus. & Pub. Adm 44 

Education _ 30 

Engineering 67 

Home Economics 1 

Mil. Sci. & Phys. Ed.. ... 2 

Graduate School ._ _ 94 

Dentistry . 76 

Law 38 

Medicine . 93 

Pharmacy 15 

Nursing _ 

Totals _ 560 


i Total 





























A. F. Vierheller,\Extension Horticul- 
turist at the University of Maryland, 
reports that the usual summer meeting 
of the Maryland Fruit Growers' Asso- 
ciation was canceled because of the 
poor fruit crop in most parts of Mary- 

However, the association members 
and all Maryland fruit growers re- 
ceived an invitation to meet with the 
Adams County, Pennsylvania fruit 
growers at a field day and demonstra- 
tion meeting at the South Mountain 
Fair Grounds, Arendtsville, Pennsyl- 


Almost as soon as early Maryland 
settlers had firmly established them- 
selves they engaged in the business of 
tobacco raising. Tobacco was then ac- 
cepted as money, and Lord Baltimore 
had pledged the colonists entire free- 
dom from taxation. 


The Shipleys of Maryland, descen- 
dants of Adam Shipley who settled in 
the Province of Maryland in 1668, held 
their 23rd consecutive reunion in 
Ritchie Coliseum, University of Mary- 

Eight hundred members of the clan, 
which numbers about 2000 in Mary- 
land alone, gathered for a day-long 
program which was highlighted by an 
address by Congressman Lansdale G. 
Sasscer of Maryland. H. Burton Ship- 
ley, Maryland's veteran baseball coach, 
attended the reunion. 

Adam Shipley entered rights to a 
500-acre tract of land in 1669, and 
raised five sons and two daughters 
from whom the Shipleys of Maryland 
are descended. 

One of the most closely knit fami- 
lies in the country, the Shipleys have 
attained prominence in medicine, the 
ministry, and as tillers of the soil. 
Abraham Lincoln's mother was a de- 
scendant of Adam Shipley. 


"9* /Zoom A 312" 



King Charles I. Grantor of Maryland's Original Charter, is depicted in a painting by Professor 
Maurice R. Siegler, who explains the painting to an interested student. 

ON the top floor of the Arts and 
Sciences Building 1 at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, door 312 is tightly 
locked and inaccessible to any but a 
favored few. You observe, while you 
are trying to regain your breath after 
the long climb, that it is unlike the 
other doors on the floor which are all 
furnished with small squarish glassed 
in apertures through which one may 
look and see the classes in session. 
This heavy impenetrable door opens to 
a vast store room which contains all 
sorts of amazing secrets. 

Like Antique Shop 

I had occasion, one day, to be on the 
third floor, when I suddenly became 
aware that 312 was slightly ajar. Over- 
powered by curiosity, I pushed the 
door open and stepped in. What greet- 
ed my eyes was something like a cross 
between a disorganized art museum and 
an antique shop. 

There were piles of early American 
furniture and furnishings of every de- 
scription, — -old chairs and tables, a 
grandfather's clock, huge four poster 

beds, antique cabinets, lamps, and in- 
numerable other things. There was 
even an old spinning wheel and an 
ancient harp with its few remaining 
strings, loose and tangled. "Ross- 
borough Inn," I murmured uncon- 
sciously, wondering if these were the 
original furnishings of the old Inn on 
the campus which had served as a 
museum before the war came and neces- 
sitated utilizing the space for more 
urgent purposes. 

From Rossborough Inn? 

"Yes, all this must belong to the 
Rossborough Inn," came repeated in my 
ear, and I looked behind me, startled. 
It wis a student who had been at- 
tracted into this forbidden area. I 
grinned guiltily, and we continued our 
surreptitious browsing. 

"This caught my eye and tempted me 
to dare explore further," he said. What 
he referred to was a huge full-length 
painting which, he soon discovered, had 
a companion piece and on the brass 
title plates attached to the frames, were 
the names of King Charles, the first, of 

Professor Maurice 
N. Siegler Makes 
Valuable Contri- 
bution To Maryland 

By Merrill Dodson 

England and Henrietta Maria, his 
queen. There were seven more paint- 
ings there, all portraits of historical 
personages, judging by their costumes 
and the title plates on their frames. 

"This is what I came to see," my 
companion observed. "I remember 
reading about these paintings in the 
newspapers, about six or eight months 

Well — once a professor — always a 
professor. Here was a ready made 

"There are a number of portraits of 
the founders of the state of Maryland, 
and others connected with the early 
days of the state which have been re- 
cently painted for the University of 
Maryland," I began. "The portraits, 
copied from similar paintings in the 
State House in Annapolis, were com- 
pleted during the past year by Maurice 
R. Siegler, the head of the newly creat- 
ed Department of Fine Arts at the 
University of Maryland. . . ." 

"You're quoting," he interrupted, "I 
remember reading that." 

King Charles I 

"Among the poitraits designed to de- 
corate the walls of the Administration 
Building," I continued, unperturbed, 
"and a few others, will be those of King 
Charles the First of England, who 
signed a charter to the first Lord Balti- 
more in 1632 granting him territorial 
possession of what is now Maryland, 
and his wife, Henrietta Maria, daught- 
er of King Henry IV of France and 
another portrait of Queen Anne of Eng- 
land, a granddaughter of King Charles 
the first, for whom Annapolis was 

"Other portraits include George Cal- 
vert, the first lord of Baltimore, Leon- 
ard Calvert, his second son and a colon- 
ial governor; Sir Robert Eden, one of 
the last of the colonial governors and 
ancestor of the present day England's 
Anthony Eden; William Paca, a signer 
of the Declaration of Independence and 
one of the first real governors of the 
state; and Thomas Stone, another 
signer of the Declaration of Indepen- 

dence and State Senator and 
jurist. . . ." 

The student apparently knew that 
there was nothing to do when a pro- 
fessor starts talking — except listen ! 

"I always wondered." he said a trifle 
weakly, "how an artist goes about copy- 
ing — or reproducing — a painting. Does 
he try to copy it exactly — or does he 
put his own interpretation on it — or 

I thought for a moment and then 
answered. "Prom what I have been 
able to gather, the artist who under- 
takes to copy the work of another ar- 
tist, cannot help projecting something 
of himself into the copy. It is quite 
unconcious, of course, and certainly in- 
voluntary, but that is the difference be- 
tween a human and a mechanism. 

On High Wall 

"In this case, I am sure the artist had 
a great many problems. For instance, 
the paintings at the State House are 
hung high on the walls so as to neces- 
sitate considerable climbing up and 
down ladders to study details. Most 
of the paintings are very poorly lighted, 
besides. But, what must have been 
the greatest problem is the fact that 
time has undoubtedly changed and 
darkened the original colors of the 
paintings. The artist, therefore, was 
bound to draw from his imagination 
and use his knowledge and experience. 
— probably even do some considerable 
research in the museums and the li- 

It was growing late. To the bitter 
end the student was polite. He 
thanked me for the unrehearsed and 
unexpected preview of the paintings— 
and we left. 


The appointment of John Erwin Fos- 
ter as head of the Animal Husbandry 
Department at the University of Mary- 
land was announced by Dr. T. B. Sy- 
mons, Dean of the College of Agricul- 
ture and Director of the Extension Ser- 

Dr. Foster was reared on an 800 acre 
livestock farm near Jefferson, Ashe 
County, North Carolina and worked as 
assistant manager and as manager of 
the farm for a number of years before 
entering college. He graduated from 
the N. C. State College at Raleigh in 
1926 and received a Master's degree 
from Kansas State College, Manhatten. 
Kansas in 1929 and a Ph.D. degree in 
Animal Husbandry from Cornell Uni- 
versity in 19-37. 

A staff member at the N. C. State 
College since 1928, Foster has served 
as instructor. Assistant Professor, As- 
sociate Professor, and since 1941 has 
been Professor of Animal Husbandry, 
in charge of beef cattle and sheep re- 
search. During the 19 years, he taught 
courses in beef cattle and sheep, coached 


Professor Maurice R. Siegler. head of the University's Fine Arts department, is shown standing 
before one of his paintings. The subject is Senator and former Governor Herbert R. O'Conor. 

livestock judging teams and has con- 
ducted research studies with beef cattle. 
sheep, swine, draft horses, and mules. 

The research which he has conducted 
with beef cattle production includes 
studies on : protein supplements for 
winter range, vitamin A supplements 
for cottonseed meal rations, forest graz- 
ing for beef cattle, and quality of meat 
from native and grade yearling cattle. 

Studies on swine production include 
a report on vitamin A deficiency as a 
cause of lameness and death among 
swine, a bulletin on the cost of raising 
pigs to weaning age. and a comparison 
of protein supplements for fattening 
pigs. His work with sheep includes 
bulletins on : the changes in meat and 
wool characteristics which resulted 
from the use of purebred mutton rams 
on native ewes, sanitation as a method 
of controlling stomach worms in lambs, 
and on the control of internal parasites 
in sheep. 

Foster's judging experience dates 
back to his college days when he was 
a member of both the livestock and 
crops judging teams. In the latter con- 
test at the International Livestock Show 
in Chicago, he was high man in the 
contest and made the highest individual 
score ever made in the contest up to 


that time. He has been author or co- 
author of 24 bulletins in addition to 
articles in agricultural publications. 

At the University of Maryland, Dr. 
Foster will direct extension, research, 
and resident instruction in Animal Hus- 
bandry, an industry which is impor- 
tant in many parts of Maryland. Recent 
figures show that the number of beef 
cows kept for breeding purposes in the 
state has nearly doubled since 1940 
from 8,000 to more than 16,000. There 
are approximately 240.000 head of 
swine, and about 46,000 sheep in Mary- 

Foster replaces Fred H. Leinbach 
who resigned several months ago to 
become president of South Dakota 
State College. 

llu $UU Houii, Gwuibclts 


IT has been customary these many 
years for elderly Commencement 
Day orators such as myself to ex- 
pound to you your manifest duty. You 
have been solemnly adjured to go forth 
(Depart From These Hallowed Halls 
Of Learning) and, armed with your 
baccalaureate degree, save the world. 
After making this modest request the 
orator generally felt that re-enforced 
satisfaction which comes of delivering 
irreproachable sentiments and then 
transferring their execution to some- 
body else. 

All these exhortations notwithstand- 
ing, a quick continent-to-continent poll 
reveals a still unsaved world. That is 
because the elderly orators have been 
making a demand that could not pos- 
sibly be met even by those college grad- 
uates most likely to succeed. The ora- 
tors have wanted you at once to trans- 
form this punchdrunk planet into a 
heavenly Utopia. 

The $64.00 Question 

I shall today entreat you more rea- 
sonably. I shall not plead with you to 
become angelically virtuous men and 
women, for I see no grounds upon which 
I may demand more virtue from you 
than I do from myself. More important, 
by what right do I ask you to be angels 
wnen 1 am not so positive that you will 
long be men and women? And in that 
£64 question, sweet girl graduates and 
bright boy graduates, is hid the theme 
of my discourse. 

Survival I Anil II -A 
CourselVot Listed 
In The Catalog 

By O. Istris 

(Reprinted from '47 — the Magazine of the 
Year — Owned by 300 of America's leading writ- 
ers, painters, and photographers. Copyright, 
1947, Associated Magazine Contributors, Inc.) 

For this is Commencement Day ; but 
whether it marks the commencement of 
your mature flowering or the commence- 
ment of your decline and fall lies open 
to grave conjecture. Be patient then 
for a few minutes as we endeavor 
roughly to chart your tomorrow, trying 
to say whether it be the prelude to a 
fruitful future or but the final term in 
that long series, the past. 

Did Not Breathe Forever 

You have learned that today the Ro- 
man scepter throws but a faint shadow 
across the dusty pages of your history 
books. You are aware that the body of 
feudalism, though it breathed for cen- 
turies, did not breathe forever. The 
edifices of all civilizations, however 
magnificent, contain in some corner a 
spare room enclosing a death bed; and 
the Pyramids, gigantically thrown up 
to evidence the arrogance of empire, 
have dwindled to the status of organ- 
ized rubble. Yet few of us can seri- 

ously conceive our culture to be no less 
subject to mortality, just as no one, 
except the philosopher and the saint, 
really believes that he will die. 

It is almost impossible, is it not, 
for you even to play with the pos- 
sibility that, for some ages to come, 
yours may be the last generation of 
civilized Western man. Yet unless you 
play with that possibility and incorpo- 
rate it into your thinking, you are un- 
prepared for life. It does not matter 
that you are a Deke. It does not matter 
that your father is holding ready a 
desk for you in his brokerage house. 
It does not even matter that you are 
an All-American fullback (much less, 
of course, that you are a Phi Beta 
Kappa). Unless you realize that you 
are part of a civilization, which during 
your own time must either change or 
die, you are unprepared for life and 
your college career has been a waste of 
effort and money. 

Not Always Wrong 

You are young; you do not possess 
much past and are not possessed by it 
as we, your elders, are by ours. We 
know a great deal, and most of what 
we know is now wrong — though it 
was not always wrong. You youngsters 
know much less; hence you are capable 
of learning what is now right. It is 
easier for a young man to accept the 
possibility of a basic change in the uni- 
verse than for an old one to accept the 


View of the Campus, looking East toward the centered Administration Building. 


Those good old days have gone forever and many of the familiar campus scenes have gone with them. This silent, shaded pool that nestled 
beside the old infirmary could tell many tales of spring afternoons and summer nights. 

possibility of a slight change in 
his club regulations. So I will now re- 
peat what all my equally platitu- 
dinous predecessors on this platform 
have always said : You Are The Hope 
Of The Future. 

What future? 

Here, as some see it, is one possible 
future, sketchily outlined in three gen- 
eral statements: 

Is This the Future? 

1. A fairly large proportion of the 
world's children, women, and men, in- 
cluding particularly those who by ac- 
cident inhabit the planetary area 
roughly 30° N. by 50° N. latitude, 
70° W. by 125° W. longitude, will 
during the next decade or two die pre- 
mature and unnatural deaths. 

2. The technical and industrial base 
on which "advanced" peoples like our- 
selves rest will be gravely and perhaps 
fatally disrupted. 

3. The system of ideas and incen- 

tives (call it Western Civilization) 
which is what really sustains us will 
be wrecked, to be replaced by a new 
system. This new system — which is as 
old as the Egypt of the Pharaohs, for it 
is merely tyranny in modern clothes — ■ 
will offer the richest nourishment to two 
extreme types of living organisms: 
near-paranoiacs and human automata. 

Toward these three statements — actu- 
ally they are indivisible — you may adopt 
one of the three attitudes, each involv- 
ing a particular line of conduct. First, 
you may reject them as absurd. Second, 
you may accept them with resignation 
or approval. Third, you may investi- 
gate them. 

The Usual Routine 

First yon may reject the statements 
as absurd. In that case you will en- 
deavor to lead much the kind of life 
that our present culture holds out as 
desirable. It is the kind of life I and 
millions of my fellow Americans have 
been leading. 

The Main Features 
You are probably familiar with its 
main features: commercial competi- 
tion; the accumulation of money, ob- 
jects, and insurance policies; the pur- 
suit of passive diversion (spectacle- 
sports, movies, radio, magazine-and- 
newspaper reading) ; clique-gregarious- 
ness (the club, the labor union, the 
church) ; the attainment of respect- 
ability (well-dressed wife, well man- 
nered children, well-invested securi- 
ties) ; the shunning of political activity 
together with a liking for political con- 
versation ; a preference for angle-figur- 
ing over rational thought; respect for 
law, automatic gearshifts, order, clean- 
liness, mother, individual initiative, 
business, busyness, people like our- 
selves, and all successful folk, including 
cinema stars, radio comics, and politi- 
cal, industrial, and labor leaders with 
top-flight Neanderthal minds. 

There is nothing harmful about this 
life, and I am far from deriding it. 






jr J 



Part of one of Maryland University's Fine Herds. 

It is, except as regards the well-invest- 
ed securities, the one I myself for many, 
many years been leading. It is a life 
which, for all its absurdities, has hidden 
in it the seeds of freedom and ultimate 
decency. There is only one thing the 
matter with it: unless the evidence is 
false, you will not be allowed to live it 
much longer. 

A Mild Coma 

Second, you may accept the state- 
ments with resignation or pleasure. If 
you are resigned and your glands are 
on the quiet side, your cue is merely to 
drift along in a kind of mild coma. If 
you are resigned and your glands are 
lively, you will adhere, as so many in the 
past have done under roughly similar 
circumstances, to the philosophy of carpe 
diem, dancing your rumba at the foot of 
a volcano. 

If you should welcome these state- 
ments, not with resignation but with 
approval, you need have no fear of 
standing alone. There are quantities of 
people, known as realists, in all coun- 
tries who have already in their minds, 
written off one or more atomic and 
ultra-atomic wars to come. Professors 
have written books suavely explaining 
both the inevitability and the propriety 
of the ant heap state. The German, Os- 
wald Spengler, was such a professor, 
and we have some of them in our own 

country. Generals have calmly accepted 
the probability of the death of 25,000,- 
000 of our population as the unfortu- 
nate but necessary result of a sudden at- 
tack. Publishers and journalists of the 
Goebbels type — a type not in the least 
peculiar to Germany — look forward 
with interest to a social order in which 
the minds of human beings may be 
manipulated at will. They are already 
varming up for the game. 

Not All Love Freedom 

It is a grave error to assume that 
all men love freedom. Many have a 
deep passion for dictatorship, whether 
it be the small dictatorship of the fam- 
ily, or the vast dictatorship of a whole 
country. Many more have a deep pas- 
sion for servility. The first group loves 
irresponsibility; the second, no respon- 
sibility. Both groups — how expensively 
this was rehearsed for us in Germany 
between 1933 and 1945 — must hate de- 
tached thought and what is loosely call- 
ed culture. 

The reason is clear: if one thinks 
long enough one is bound to conclude 
that freedom is a good. Plato said it 
long ago: "As there are misanthropists 
or haters of men, so also are there mi- 
sologists or haters of ideas." And the 
two, you might add, are one. 

Perhaps you are such a misanthro- 
pist-misologist. Do not hesitate to con- 

fess it, for you will find yourself in the 
company of some of the greatest and 
most famous men in history. Indeed, 
for long intervals the world has been 
owned and operated by such men, the 
power men, the strong men, the shrewd 
men, the angle-figurers, the accumula- 

Study Yourself 

If you feel in yourself an irrepress- 
ible dislike of, or contempt for, people 
who do not resemble you in race, color, 
religion, manners, economic background, 
social behavior; if to your inward vi- 
sion humanity seems to be or should be 
arranged in a fixed, hiearchical order; 
if you are confident that the application 
of sufficient force will solve any prob- 
lem; if the idea of violence subtly fills 
some of your unconfessed daydreams; 
if the notion of obeying a "superior" 
supplies you with a secret comfort; if 
ir your judgement mankind has worked 
itself into such a complicated mess that 
salvation can come about only through 
the imposition of "order;" if you are 
heartily sick of the words nobody 
understands, such as democracy, free- 
dom, justice; if you are intrigued by 
the words everybody understands, such 
as success, power, security; if in the 
depths of your heart you feel that the 
idea men, from Socrates and Jesus 
down to your own philosophy professor, 


are but a procession of futile windbags ; 
if these suppositions awaken in you a 
positive response, then you will prob- 
ably be a happy and useful citizen of 
that future state so well characterized 
by H. G. Wells as a human termitar- 

In that case — for it is my duty as a 
Commencement Day orator to proffer 
helpful advice — I would urge you to 
work as hard as possible to bring the 
next war about, making sure that the 
"victory" will be ours. But in your 
proper zeal to destroy the foreign ene- 
my, do not lose sight of the more in- 
sidious enemy at home. That enemy is 
the detached intelligence, and you must 
do everything you can to lower its pres- 

A Brilliant Future 

You must, for example, vigorously 
attack those men and women who are 
subject to the absurd delusion that 
there is some nobility in every indivi- 
dual. You must — but you hardly need 
specific counsels; your own sound, 
healthy instincts will tell you which 
side to choose, which men to eultivats. 
which phrases to utter, which measures 
to support, and which office-seekers to 
elect. And, should the atomic bombs 
miss you, and the killing emanations 
and germs and poison gases and clouds 
of fire — should you survive all this, I 
predict for you a brilliant future. You 
will end up as master or slave in either 
case you will feel just dandy. 

However, it may turn out that you 

wish to serve as neither master nor 
slave — for both are servile, each being 
the prisoner of an unnatural relation- 
ship. It may be that you neither accept 
nor reject the dark future I have 
sketched. Schooled, as I presume you 
have been, in the methods of free in- 
quiry, you may prefer a third alterna- 
tive. You may prefer to investigate the 
statements. You will then seek to de- 
termine, first, the degree of probability 
of their truth; and, second, the methods, 
in case that degree is found danger- 
ously high, of averting the catastrophe 
they picture. 

Dismal News 

Very well. We will start with some 
dismal news. You hav-e just spent four 
years in an atmosphere of books and 
studies, at least in part. You are 
doubtless eager to step out of this at- 
mosphere into what is loosely called 
"practical life." 

Such an eagerness is quite under- 
standable. But there is a catch to it. 
To determine whether that "practical 
life" is to continue (otherwise there's 
not much sense, is there, in rushing in- 
to it?) you will have to go back at 
once to the very thing you have just 
left behind : the world of thought. 

I am not underestimating the diffi- 
culty of your task, for there is nothing 
harder than fundamental thinking — 
and that is the requirement for this 
course, which we may call Survival One 
and Two. Those who do not care to 
elect this postgraduate course need lis- 


University of Maryland. College Park. Md. 

ten no longer. They should remember, 
however, that they have thrown away 
some of their chances of persisting as 
free men and women who are slowly on 
the way to become civilized men and 
women also. 

The Atom 

To the die-hard rest of you: first you 
must study something you cannot see, 
touch, taste, smell, or hear : the atom. 
To do this read Selig Hecht's book Ex- 
plaining the Atom (The Viking Press, 
18 East 48th Street, New York). This 
will require about 12 hours of concen- 
trated work: like all good books, Ex- 
plaining the Atom is clear but not easy. 
After these 12 hours, you will know 
more about atomic energy than virtu- 
ally all our representatives in Congress, 
most of our other officials, and most of 
our military leaders; for you will know 
that there is unfortunately no "secret," 
as supposed, to the manufacture of 
atomic bombs. 

Next you must study Hiroshima. Not 
the event, which is what the newsreels 
and picture magazines are so anxious 
to convey to you, but the meaning of 
the event which, as they do not make a 
specialty of reflection, they are not 
quite so able to convey to you. Your 
study of the meaning of Hiroshima can 
best be started by dropping a postcard 
to the National Committee on Atomic- 
Information, 1749 L Street N.W., 
Washington 6. D. C, asking for a list 
of their study materials. Some of these 
materials are free; the rest — including 

a year's subscription to the Bulletin of 
the Atomic Scientists — add up to an in- 
vestment of exactly $6.50, approximate- 
ly the price of two tickets to the movies 
plus four drinks afterwards. As a conse- 
quence of your reading you will come to 
many conclusions about the bomb. 

War or Genocide 

One of the conclusions will be that 
it is less a weapon of war than a 
method of genocide. You will reflect on 
the meaning of the difference that one 
will now find between war and genocide. 

Now you must on your own do a 
little research into the history of inven- 
tion. From this you should emerge 
with one idea: that the atomic bomb is 
merely one of a series of more lethal 
weapons to come. You will link this 
fact with another, which you will find 
demonstrated by the researchers of the 
best of modern historians: that im- 
provements in the art of war tend to ac- 
company setbacks in civilization. The 
greater the improvement, apparently, 
the greater the setback. 

You have now in theory completed the 
preliminary work required in our 
course, Survival One and Two. It is 
not my purpose today to lay out a cur- 
riculum of advanced studies, for you 
are bound to perceive its proper direc- 
tion. I will, however, outline two gen- 
eral conclusions that your elementary 
studies are apt to suggest to you. 

Symbol of Hiroshima 

The first is that Hiroshima symbo- 
lizes one of the most crucial events in 
recorded history. It symbolizes man's 
formal announcement not merely of his 
ability but of his apparent willingness 
to make an end of himself. You will 
conclude that, if svici ie is to b? avoided. 
a fundamentally new relationship will 
have to be established among men, na- 
tions, and the physical energy that 
science has released. That new rela- 
tionship you will yourself have to de- 
termine. This will take laborious read- 
ing; plus a great deal of stripped, un- 
compromising thought. Dull work — but 
there's no way out of it. 

Your second general con lus ; on is 
equally important. By and large you 
will find that the most sensible — if also 
the most frightening — statements about 
the meaning of Hiroshima seem to have 
been uttered by the "impractical" men, 
such as scientists, educators, philoso- 
phers, and writers. The fuzziest state- 
ments, with some honorable exceptions, 
seem to have come from the "practical" 
men in all countries. 

Think Detachedly 

A little reflection will give you the 
reason for this odd circumstance. By 
the very nature of their jobs (research 
into the truth) the impractical men are 
accustomed to think detachedly ; to think, 
at least as compared with the rest 
of us, in terms of all time and all 

space. Once in a great while this kind 
of thinking becomes necessary, not for 
the long run — it is always necessary for 
that — but for the short run. Now is 
one of those times. 

Practical men, by the nature of their 
jobs (action in terms of the present 
plus a short-term future), are accus- 
tomed to think expediently. Expedi- 
ent thinking, conditioned by the prac- 
tical men's perfectly understandable 
fidelities to a particular time and place, 
is unfortunately unequal to the task of 
solving the problems raised by Hiro- 

Hence you will probably place more 
emphasis on the ideas of certain phil- 
osophers, historians, educators, and 
scientists than on the utterances of 
commissars, foreign secretaries and edi- 
torial writers. In time you will learn 
to separate almost by instinct pre-Hiro- 
shima thinking from post-Hiroshima 

Hiroshima Thinkers 

One odd thing you will discover — this 
will be confusing at first — is that pre- 
Hiroshima thinkers can be contempo- 
rary, and post-Hiroshima thinkers may 
have been dead for a long time. For 
example, Molotov and Thomas E. 
Dewey strike me as pre-Hiroshima, 
whereas Plato is surprisingly post- 
Hiroshima in his ideas. 

By the time you have reached this 
point you will be an altered human 
being. Certain qualities that are pre- 
cious and lovable you will perhaps in 
part have lost — vigorous optimism, easy 
gaiety, and maybe, though Heaven for- 
bid, humor. That is the penalty you 
must pay for being part of the most 
terrible of all recorded centuries. 

You will have become, not a pessi- 
mist, but a man or woman with a sense 
of tragedy. You will have become big 
enough (your studies in time and space 
will have enlarged you) to conceive as a 
real thing the possibility of a major 
cataclysm, comparable in its effects to 
the coming of an ice age. When you 
are transformed into this altered hu- 
man being, you will be able to think of 
methods of averting the cataclysm — but 
not before. 

Some of you — I hope all of you — will 
have formed a new view of politics. 
You may even want to enter the field, 
determined to transform it from an 
arena of power-manipulation to an 
agency for the just and rational 
governing of human beings. 

At this point I must cease my ex- 
hortation. I cannot tell you what to do 
next. What you do will flow out of what 
you are. If the scale of your thinking 
has become sufficiently great, the scale 
of your actions will be correspondingly 
great. That the actions must be great 
and not small, rooted in the future, not 
in the past, is obvious from the cir- 
cumstance that our present dilemma is 

great and not small, unique and not 

This is Commencement Day. 

It is time to commence! 


The first English Catholic Church in 
America was founded in 1634, in St. 
Mary's County. 

The first Presbyterian Church, 1688, 
was in Somerset County. 

It is claimed that the first Methodist 
Protestant Church in this county was 
in Worcester County. 


Religion is as necessary to reason 
as reason is to religion. The one can- 
not exist without the other. A reason- 
ing being would lose his reason, in at- 
tempting to account for the great phe- 
nomena of nature, had he not a Su- 
preme Being to refer to: and well has 
it been said, that if there had been 
no God, mankind would have been 
obliged to imagine one.— Washington. 


The use of DDT dust was cited by 
E. N. Cory, head of Entomology De- 
partment at the University of Mary- 
land, as a low-cost and practical pro- 
tection against the dog tick. These 
ticks, also commonly known as wood 
ticks, are carriers of the Rocky Moun- 
tain Spotted Fever. 

"We recommend a light dusting of 
grass, weeds and shrubs at the rate 
of 2 to 4 pounds of a 10 per cent DDT 
powder to the acre," he said. "This can 
be used in small areas, such as back 
yards, and children's play grounds, at 
the rate of one ounce to 1000 square 

Dr. Cory explained that the dog ticks 
are especially active in spring and early 
summer and recommended that one 
dusting be made early in the season 
with a second dusting later if ticks are 
discovered in the area. He pointed out 
that it is particularly important to do a 
job of dusting or spraying along the 
edges of roads and paths. This is 
necessary because ticks seem to migrate 
toward the road or path, apparently 
attracted by the scent of animals or 
human beings. 

Dr. Cory stressed that the ticks carry 
the spotted fever virus and stated 
mothers have been advised to make a 
daily inspection of children who have 
been playing in woods or fields or have 
been in contact with dogs. The ticks are 
most likely to be found at the edge of 
the hairline. An evening inspection is 
satisfactory because the tick does not 
ordinarily transmit the disease until it 
has been attached for from five to six 
hours. They should be removed without 
crushing, preferably by tweezers. 


SuAvey, 01 QladucUei. 

Relationship Between Study And Job 

IN the Fall of 1945 the University of 
Maryland Sociology Club, at the 
suggestion of Dr. Peter P. Lejins, the 
advisor, undertook the present research 
to determine the relationship between 
college studies and job opportunities af- 
ter graduation. The study is the first of 
its kind directed by the Sociology Club, a 
student organization at the University, 
whose membership consists of majors 
and minors in Sociology. 

It was hoped that this informa- 
tion would be available as a guide 
to students in curriculum planning at 
the University and in preparation for 
employment opportunities. Those di- 
lectly connected with the survey ac- 
quired excellent personal experience as 
well as knowledge of research tech- 

Miss Preinkert 

By April 3, 1946, a committee had 
completed the collection of names and 
addresses from the Registrar's office of 
all social science majors graduated from 
the College of Arts and Sciences in the 
years 1935-1945. (Appreciation is ex- 
tended to Miss Alma H. Preinkert, 
Registrar, who cooperated generously 
in making her records available.) The 
letter and questionnaire were then for- 
mulated with the aid of Dr. Lejins and 
Dr. Charles E. Hutchinson, members of 
the Sociology Department staff. 

To 454 Graduates 

Questionnaires were mailed to the 454 
graduates of the College of Arts and 
Sciences with Social science majors 
(Economics, History, Political Science, 
Psychology, Sociology.) One hundred 
and fifty-eight, or slightly over one- 
third of the forms, were returned be- 
tween April 10 and June 13, 1946. 
Response to the survey was gratifying; 
for those who answered indicated their 
genuine interest in the project by their 
lemarks and by the excellent return of 
over one-third of the questionnaires, a 
response especially favorable for this 
type of research since many letters 
were not delivered due to changes of 
address in a ten year period. Replies 
were received from all parts of the 
United States and from South America, 
Mexico, and Canada as well. The ma- 
jority of the forms were completely 
filled out and 158 were to be used in the 
analysis which follows. 

Due to an error on the part of the 
workers, a group of 30 questionnaires 
was misplaced — an error that would, 
of course, invalidate many of the pro- 

A Research Project 
Of The Sociology 
Club Social 

By Jeanette S. Feldman 

Maryland A. & S. 'bl 

ject's conclusions. A second question- 
naire was mailed to 58 graduates, 28 of 
whom answered, thus giving a total of 
156 questionnaires to be used with still 
over one-third return. This was done to 
replace the lost questionnaires since it 
was known which sequence of forms 
were missing. This second group, in- 
cluding all the female Psychology ma- 
jors and a few male Economics and 
Political Science majors, completely fill- 
out their forms but were not so help- 
ful as at first in the substance of their 
remarks. This second group is typified 
rather by the absence of remarks. The 
last of these returns arrived the end of 
September, 1946, and were tabulated 
with the previous returns. 

Analysis of Answers 

Seventy-five men graduates, 47 of 
whom are married, and 28 single an- 
swered the questionnaire, while 81 wo- 
men graduates responded, 43 being 
married and 38 single — making a grand 


Miss Feldman, who graduated from Maryland 
University in June, 1947, majored in Sociology 
at the University. She was a vice-president of 
the Sociology Club as well as a charter member 
and vice-president of Alpha Kappa Delta, na- 
tional sociological honorary fraternity. The ac- 
companying article represents a year's work by 
Miss Feldman. 

total of 156 answers. The total age 
range is from 21 years to 36 — 23-36 
for men; 21-33 for the women. The 
median for the men is 27 years, and 
for the women, 25 years. 

1943 Model Year 

The model year of graduation for the 
women is 1943, from which class 20 
answered; while 1941 is the average 
graduation year of the males. The 
graduation by graduation years is very 
definite for the females — starting with 
only two replies from the year 1935 
and gradually building up to 20 in 1943. 
The male picture analysis by gradua- 
tion year differs in that there is no 
such marked graduation, for the fre- 
quencies are just about the same — 
starting with five until they reach 1941 
tvith that, plus 1942 and 1943 combined 
totaling 32 persons. 

Sociology majors outnumber other 
social science majors in the number of 
answering female graduates with a to- 
tal of 39 women, followed by history 
with 16 and psychology with 15. Male 
graduates are about equally divided be- 
tween economics and political science 
with 26 and 27 majors in each respec- 
tively. The preponderance of men in 
political science probably results from 
the selection of this major by pre-law 


Department Male Female Total 

Economics 26 3 29 

Political Science 27 7 34 

History _._ 9 16 25 

Psychology 5 15 20 

Sociology 5 39 44 

(Some of the total numbers listed are fewer 
than the total number of questionnaires since 
some questionnaires, although useful, omitted 
certain questions.) 

A total of 120 persons — 58 male and 
62 female — attended only the Univer- 
sity of Maryland for undergraduate 
work. A total of 34 persons — 14 male 
and 20 female — started their college 
work at one or more other schools. 

Twenty-two men and 14 women took 
graduate work — seven in law, seven in 
psychology, five in economics, seven 
in political science, six in sociology and 
five in history. Twenty people took 
graduate work in professional schools , 
while 20 more went for further 
education, 12 in the field of their 
undergraduate major, and eight pur- 
suing a new field. Thus, it seems 
that the curriculum should provide 
specialized preparation for professional 
work and for graduate study. Seven 
had secured master's degrees at the 
time of the study; but none had com- 
pleted a doctor's degree, although one 
person was in the process of attaining 


it. Of 11 completed professional de- 
grees, 10 were in the field of law. and 
one in the ministry. Twenty—two per- 
sons were engaged in occupations di- 
rectly related to their graduate majors. 
Of the 36 who took graduate work. 14 
studied at the University of Maryland, 
while 22 attended other institutions. 


The occupations most frequently re- 
corded are listed below. 

Those who majored in political 
science and history were more frequent- 
ly employed in occupations unrelated 
to their majors than was the case with 
those who majored in other social 

In the distribution of occupations ac- 
cording to major subject, the recording: 
is as follows: Sociology majors most 
frequently secured employment as so- 
cial workers, with a few engaged in 
personnel work, research, teaching and 
secretarial and typing work. The few 
men who majored in sociology were con- 
centrated in teaching. Personnel work 
and psychometry were the favored em- 
ployments of psychology majors. Those 
trained in political science became eco- 
nomists in Federal or State Adminis- 
trations, managers or supervisors, at- 
torneys, and adjusters and abstractors 
for insurance concerns. Most history ma- 
jors turned to teaching positions, with a 
few doing social work and sales work. 
Male graduates trained in economics be- 
came supervisors or managers, workers 


Looking Toward the Main Gate at Colleee Park 

for insurance companies, salesmen and 
buyers, and industrial engineers. Wo- 
men economics majors were principally 
engaged in research and legal secre- 
tarial work. Positions held by these 
graduates are approximately of the 
same rank for all majors. However, 
each major seems to lead to definite 
occupations. Throughout, the women, 
regardless of major, occupy secretarial 
and clerical positions, while it must be 
understood that a majority of the men 
were occupied with military duties in 
the second World War. 

Subjects Helpful 

The undergraduate subject selected 

courses most frequently mentioned as 
being helpful were Personnel Psy- 
chology, Applied Psychology, Mental 
Hygiene, and Tests and Measurements. 

Thirty-five people, or 22%, answered 
that sociology was particularly helpful, 
with Social Case Work heading the list 
of specified courses and Juvenile De- 
linquency and Criminology following in 
popularity. Thirty-four people, or 21' < . 
designated English as being helpful and 
creative courses in the English curri- 
culum in particular. 

Economics was regarded by 29 stu- 
dents, or 18 r ;, as the most helpful sub- 

Supervisors i Dept store, factory, warehouse, government service, engineer- 
ing, etc. I 

Military Service. Officer __. 

Military Service, Enlisted 


Male Female 


Insurance, (Adjustors, abstractors, salesmen i 

F. B. I. 

Economist or Statistician - 

attorney or Law Clerk- _ - 

Personnel - 

Newspaper writing or editing 

Social Worker 


i Some persons are recorded in more than one category, 
are not shown. I 
































Occupations with less than six persons 

as the most helpful in the performance 
of their work was psychology. Sixty 
people, or 38' '< of the total, designated 
it to be more helpful in the performance 
of work than any other subject. This 
was due to the number of sociology ma- 
jors concentrated in social work who 
said psychology was all-important in 
their field. The specific psychology 

ject, with male Political Scientists and 
female sociology majors listing it most. 
Twenty-eight people, or about 18' <-. 
voiced the opinion that Political Science 
was most helpful, with law courses fa- 
vored, particularly Constitutional and 
International Law, and Government 
courses. The number of persons listing 
ether subjects as helpful is as follows: 


Speech— 19 

Business courses — 17 

History — 17 (American History 
taking the lead) 

Accounting — 15 

Statistics — 12 (Psychology and So- 
ciology majors especially) 

Science — 11 

Mathematics — 8 

All courses — 8 

No course — 6 

Language — 5 

ROTC— 5 

Graphic Design — 3 

Education courses — :j 

Philosophy — 2 

Library Science — 2 

Extra-curricular activities — 2 

Courses Mentioned 

When asked what subjects not taken 
as an undergraduate they would recom- 
mend to one planning to enter their 
held, the graduates mentioned courses 
that were more remotely related to 


their occupation but appropriate to 
their needs as individuals. The answers 
were generally for more advanced work 
in these courses, or better constructed 
or taught courses. 

Psychology, with the emphasis on Ap- 
plied Psychology, headed the list, with 
economics almost on a par with it. 
Business courses, accounting, mathema- 
tics, "better" statistics, more philoso- 
phy, more history, a more practical ap- 
proach to sociology — in field experience 
and advanced case work — law, political 
science, engineering courses, science — 
mainly physics — English, languages, 
geography, home economics, library 
science, and education were also recom- 
mended. Several mentioned that gen- 
eral courses were better in giving one a 
broader picture. 

Detailed Groups 

Analysis of recommendations made 
by the eight largest occupational 
groups are as follows: 

The Lawyers say economics and poli- 
tical science courses were the subjects 
they took that were helpful to them — 
with history, speech, and psychology 
also mentioned. The subjects that they 
would now recommend that they did 
not take as undergraduates are soci- 
ology, philosophy, lots more English, 
economics, business, and accounting. 

F.B.I. People 

F. B. I. investigators mention Eng- 
lish primarily as having been helpful, 
with American History, accounting, 
Business Law, economics, criminology 
and Juvenile Delinquency aiding greatly. 
They indicated that all courses are sig- 
nificant in giving a well-rounded basis 
tor law. They would now take Business 
coui ses, PJconomics and Accounting. Per- 
sonnel Management and English. 

Personnel workers would Lake psy- 
chology first and foremost with the top 
course being Personnel, and then Ap- 


Sigma Alp^o EpsilorJH 

Phi Koppo SigmN^B VB-B 


University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 

plied Psychology, with some Psycho- 
technology, Statistics, and Psychology 
of Personality and Mental Hygiene, 
much Political Science — especially Pub- 
lic Administration — Social Case Work, 
Labor Economics, and just a general 
blending of Psychology and Sociology — 
for some said that specialized courses 
are not too worthwhile. The personnel 
workers would also take Public Admin- 
istration, Economics, elementary Mathe- 
matics, better Statistics, and more 
courses in industrial and human rela- 

Would Take Statistics 

The economists found that Economics, 
Government, Mathematics and Account- 
ing were helpful, while now they would 
decidedly take more Statistics, Eco- 
nomics, and some Logic, Mathematics, 
and research techniques. 

The reporters and editors feel that 
creative work in the English curricu- 
lum, Political Science and extra-curri- 

cular activities are the most helpful in 
their work, plus Speech, Radio and So- 
cial Studies, and are in favor now of 
Business Administration primarily, 
more History, modern political phil- 
osophy, Economics and Accounting. 
They claim, however, that any subject 
is of value to a writer. 


Researchers state most emphatically 
that statistics was the subject most 
helpful; while Techniques of Research, 
theory courses, Speech, Personnel, Eco- 
nomics, English and just a college back- 
ground were also considered valuable. 
Now they would take Advanced Sta- 
tistical Methods and Research Tech- 
niques, Theoretical Economics, Per- 
sonnel Psychology, Library Science, 
and special courses in government 
administration. They say, however, 
that some of their work is so 
specialized that on-the-job training is 
the only true preparation. 

All Psychology and all Sociology 
courses are helpful, say the social work- 
ers. Specific "helpful" courses to them 
were Social Case Work, Field Work, 
Recent Social Thought, Contemporary 
Social Problems, Community Organiza- 
tion, Marriage and the Family, Mental 
Hygiene, Criminology, Juvenile Delin- 
quency, Economics, Vital Statistics, 
Child Psychology, and English gram- 
mar. They emphasize that they would 
now take more Psychology, all the So- 
ciology courses offered, Practical Social 
Work (field work and advanced case 
work), Juvenile Delinquency, Educa- 
tion, Public Welfare, Child Welfare, 
Philosophy. Interviewing Skills — and 
one mentioned at least one year of 
graduate work. 

Foreign Service 

Those interested in the Foreign Ser- 
vice are advised to take much history, 
political science, economics, English, a 
language, and psychology. Extensive 
training in the social sciences on the 
college level is a necessity in pursuing 
such a career; and in many cases mas- 
ter's and doctor's degrees are held by 
officials in Foreign Service. The writ- 
ten examination for the career service 
contains questions on just about all 
subjects that one would study in college, 
^ but the major emphasis seems to be on 
history, economics, English and English 
literature with special examinations in 
whatever foreign languages the appli- 
cant knows. (One must be able io read 
and write fluently in at least one im- 
portant foreign language. ) 

When asked if college training helped 
to qualify them for their positions, 138 
graduates answered yes; 18 answered 

When asked if college training helps 
in the performance of their duties, 141 
answered yes; 15, no. 


In analyzing the remarks of those- 
questioned, two conflicting viewpoints 
predominated. One was that a broad 
cultural background — that which is ob- 
tained through a general social science 
curriculum — is far the superior type of 
education to be gained. The graduates 
who advocate this in opposition to the- 
other viewpoint — that of specific voca- 
tional curricula — point out that a gen- 
eral course in which a broad knowledge- 
is acquired is essential in one's work 
and in relations with other people. It 
was indicated that the social sciences 
were of inestimable value in the armed 
forces in fui-thering a basic understand- 
ing of human relations for a quicker- 
adjustment. Specific courses taken in 
college have been of limited value to 
this group, which believes that the gen- 
eral cultural background and not sepa- 
rate subjects is what makes college 
worthwhile. Specialized training should 
come only after a general arts and 
sciences background, for it is that which 
is immeasurably helpful in giving a 
broader mental outlook. They point out 


that it is from the sum of all courses that 
one derives the assurance that he is 
fairly well-versed in many fields and 
with this extensive knowledge, particu- 
larly of history and the governments 
of the world, one is better prepared to 
grasp the overwhelming problems which 
face all nations today. College training 
is invaluable in the development of one's 
thinking capacity. To some, the under- 
graduate student is not mature enough 
to know what field to choose, but should, 
in place of the more specialized courses, 
take the subjects which develop the 
thinking processes. It was further 
pointed out that college, often giving 
one the polish and poise that are so 
very necessary in many situations, also 
gives one a greater appreciation of 
life, and thus is the place to lay the 
foundation for the art of living. 

For Specific Tasks 

Those graduates who support a 
specialized curriculum do so from the 
viewpoint that it is better job prepara- 
tion to have a definite, more exact 
science background than that which the 
social sciences can contribute. These 
people say that the social sciences have 
little value for a person after college 
if he has no definite choice of a voca- 
tion, since a general education is of 
little aid to one who has to make his 
own living. Education, they feel, should 
fit one for performing specific tasks — 
as a doctor, lawyer, or a more exact 
science — with practical courses in chem- 
istry, engineering, etc. Social science 
subjects, this group claims, are too 
broad to fit one for a particular job, 
and employers are not satisfied with 
such a broad preparation. 

Cultural Backgrounds 

Although all those who mentioned a 
specific background as being better for 
job qualification were males, one cannot 
generalize and say that it must have 
been the women who were proponents 
of the general course. As it happens, 
there is equal agreement among the 
sexes as to the necessity for a general 
cultural background and, in fact, there 
are more men in the "general" category 
than in the "specific." No one, however, 
entirely believes that it must be an 
either-or proposition — that only one and 
not the other is good, and so a quote 
from one who supports or sums up both 
viewpoints seems to be in order. "The 
aids in professional work of a non- 
technical nature (i. e., as distinguished 
from Chemistry, Engineering) derived 
from college training, I believe, come pri- 
marily from the development of thought 
processes, as much or more than from 
the subjects themselves. There is not 
enough practical application of theory 
in the classroom, except where the 
exceptional teacher is involved, to ren- 
der the individual arts course of much 
practical value in business. This does 

not mean, of course, that college train- 
ing is not a most valuable asset in other 

Remarks made by the graduate fell 
into three general categories: com- 
ments on courses and suggestions, per- 
sonal intentions and difficulties, and 
enthusiasm about this research. 

In addition to the remarks previously 
mentioned, suggestions to major depart- 
ments as to content of courses are most 
helpful. Time and time again it was 
pointed out how very necessary statis- 
tics is in every occupational field, for it 
is the tool of the social scientist. Grad- 
uates felt this subject should be com- 
pulsory for all social science majors, 
particularly those who enter govern- 
ment work as economists; for they and 
statisticians are often interchangeable. 
Repeatedly, too, those who recommend- 
ed statistics felt that statistical courses 
as taught at the University of Mary- 
land were not strong enough and should 
be taught in a "better," more practical 
manner. Graduates representing vari- 
ous departments stressed the import- 
ance of mathematical statistics. 

Philosophy Helpful 

Philosophy was mentioned many 
times either as being very helpful or 
because no adequate philosophy course 
was available to undegraduates at the 
University of Maryland. 

Since a number of students entered 
the field of insurance, there was a re- 
quest that this subject be expanded. 

Several mentioned the fact that the 
method of teaching modern languages 
should be altered so that the primary 
objective would be the speaking of the 
language. Opportunities to use a lan- 
guage were lost to them since their 
only facility was in reading. 

Recommendations to the Psychology 
Department are for courses in the 
techniques of interviewing and coun- 
selling as being most helpful to those 
who do not expect to continue with 
graduate work. A course in job classi- 
fications and descriptions was com- 
mended as worthwhile for those plan- 
ning to do personnel work. The recent 
development of the Psychology Depart- 
ment was also commended as a real 
preparation and a practical one for 
career work. 

Practical Approach 

In Sociology the recommendations 
were consistently for a more practical 
approach to subjects already offered 
rather than the addition of new sub- 
jects. Pure theory courses should be 
balanced by real case work experience, 
research projects, and field visits to 
slums and institutions. Also suggested 
was the concentration of students in a 
particular phase of sociology, as crimi- 
nology, research, communications, etc., 
for the development of a working knowl- 
edge in a specialized branch in order 

to improve one's chances for a job. 
Graduate work is absolutely essential 
for advancement in the field of social 

Grammar, composition and letter 
writing, particularly as related to busi- 
ness techniques, were stressed to the 
English Department. 

Business courses, especially typing 
and accounting, were many times re- 
corded as being essential both person- 
ally and in the business world. 

Degree Helped 

It was often stated that possession 
of a college degree from an accredited 
school was the main factor in getting a 
job. Some respondents urged that stu- 
dents should be given more assistance 
at the beginning of their college careers 
to discover their potentialities and to 
direct their studies on a definite, plan- 
ned program toward their life's work. 

Enthusiasm for this study, displayed 
not alone by actual commendations of 
the research but also by the quality of 
answers and remarks and the numer- 
ous suggestions, proved an inspiration 
to those directly connected with the pro- 

One hundred and twenty-five people 
signified that they wished a copy of the 
completed report, while 31 did not re- 
quest a copy. It seemed that many who 
did not sign their names did not do so 
because they felt their filled-in ques- 
tionnaire was inadequate or they felt 
their jobs were such that could be 
handled by one with less than a col- 
lege education, and therefore did not 
wish to make themselves known. 

The remarks and suggestions from 
respondents have been of utmost aid to 
the workers, and it is believed will be of 
value to University of Maryland stu- 
dents if the results are acted upon. 

Most people indicated that they wish- 
ed the project success as they felt it to 
be a particularly worthy one, and hoped 
indeed that the results would be signi- 
ficant so that they would be available as 
a guide to future students. They felt 
that many of their mistakes could have 
been averted, or that the University 
would have been in a better position to 
assist them had the suggestions offered 
been available. Indicative of the atti- 
tude of those who cooperated by filling 
out the questionnaires is the following 
remark: "It is a source of gratification 
to discover an organization of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland engaged in such 
energetic and useful research work." 

The Sociology Club and the project 
chairman acknowledge the assistance of 
all who participated in this survey. 
They are hopeful that the report pre- 
sents a useful evaluation of the offer- 
ings of the Social Science Departments 
of the University of Maryland, as seen 
in the light of past graduate experience 
by an extensive group of former stu- 


pniTni?! a 

Harvey L. Miller 

Managing: Editor 

David L. Brigham 

General Alumni Secretary 

.Anne S. Dougherty 

Circulation Manager 


A GREAT many of Maryland's 
alumni as well as students and 
faculty will receive the World War II 
Victory medal, the first token presen- 
tations of which were made to Wash- 
ington's Fifth Marine Reserve Batta- 
lion, probably because they moved out 
as early as November of 1940. The 
medal indicates that the designer really 
believed World War II would be the 
last war. Also a goodly group of Mary- 
land parents will receive the medal be- 
cause, in all too many instances the sol- 
dier did not return from the wars. 

The medal shows the figure of Peace 
trampling upon the helmet of Mars, 
while Peace's hands hold aloft the 
sword of war, broken into two pieces, 
the sun of peace coming up over the 

The obverse emphasizes Franklin D. 
Roosevelt's "freedom from fear and 
want, freedom of speech and religion." 

The World War I Victory medal 
featured the figure of Victory defiant 
with sword and shield. 

Many a man, who served in uniform 
in World War II, sincerely bslieved 
that the great conflict really would be 
the last war. Not so many believed 
that of World War I despite Woodrow 
Wilson's "war to end wars" and "make 
the world safe for democracy." 

In view of the state of World affairs 
today, the millions of ex-GI's who will 
receive the World War II Victory medal 
with its commendable and artistic em- 
phasis on peace, wil get quite a kick 

out of the optimism displayed thereon. 
The average ex-GI, who, during the 
combat years, dreamed some beautiful 
dreams of the post war future, has 
pretty well lost faith in human nature 
as shown by nations and statesmen. 

These dreams were told off something 
like this, "As soon as this next dance 
is over (let's hope most of us are still 
around to talk about it) we can think 
about going home. Our old girls will 
be waiting for us and we'll be married. 
We'll get our old jobs back and maybe 
better ones. We can pick out any 
college we want to go to and go there 
free. We'll have priority on homes and 
(he prices of same and we'll build. And 
boy, no more short rations on food. We 
can go into any resturant and, for $1.50, 
get around a nice big steak. And we'll 
always have the credit of having fought 
the last war' ". 

The older fellows in uniform, the 
fathers and grandfathers, listened to the 
dreams. They just HOPED the dreams 
would come true. 

The men who fought the last war do 
not want to see another war. They 
fervently pray that the nations and the 
nations' statesmen will show some 
horse sense, that instinct in horses that 
prevents them from betting on people. 

Studying the design of the World 
War II Victory medal and comparing 
it with the day's headlines dealing with 
Russia, Greece, cash and supplies to 
Europe and Asia, housing shortages, 
taxes, universal military training, etc., 
etc., we could not help but recall a little 

incident that occurred in Cuba in 1940, 
when the First Marine Division was 
making ready for what they thought 
might be France, the Azores, Dakar, or 
Martinique, but which turned out to be 

It was Easter Sunday morning, 
greeted by a beautiful sunrise over the 
Carribean. The Naval Station at 
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, published a 
daily news bulletin, a little mimeo- 
graphed job that featured the night's 
radio news flashes (the Italians were 
being chased by the Greeks about that 
time, giving Hitler a chance to invade 
and take over Italy). The news bulle- 
tin also published local news, i. e., what 
was at the movies, where there would 
be church services, etc., etc. Among 
the latter items appeared "There will 
be Easter Sunday Morning sunrise ser- 
vices on the Machine Gun Range." 

Remarked Colonel Arthur D. Chail.t- 
combe, a marine with a keen sense of 
humor, but not much faith in human 
nature, "So we celebrate the fact that 
'He has Arisen' with services on, of all 
places, the machine gun range! We 
ought to give this punch drunk world 
back to the rabbits. We've made a hell 
of a mess of it!" 


He who has battled, were it only 
with poverty and hard toil, will be 
found stronger and more expert than 
he who would stay home from the 
battle. — Carlyle. 


The artist, like many a man in uniform, must have believed this was 
truly the last war. Here you have the figure of Peace, trampling 
Mars' helmet into the ground, while war's broken sword is held in two 
pieces and the sun of peace rises in the background. 

The back of the Medal features President Koosevell's four freedoms 
which, too. were meant for peace. 

Many Maryland alumni will receive this medal which will be ready 
for distribution shortly. 


Here the artist, like most men in uniform, evidently believed that 
World War I was not President Woodrow Wilson's "war to end all 
wars", and "make the world safe for democracy", for here is Victory, 
armed and defiant. Note the back of the medal with the "United We 
Stand" art. Note that the Allies of the World War I included Serbia, 
Montenegro and Japan. 

Serbia and Montenegro no longer exist as such and Japan didn't do a 
very good iob of making the world safe for anything. 


such as Judge Cole is not enough. 
House and Senate should adopt strin- 
gent rules for the government of their 
committees, as well as of themselves, 
when in session. Then committee 
members and witnesses could be called 
to account by anyone who believes in 
dignified government. 


"There was dignity." 


During the hot days of August, 
while some stage folk "summered" 
and others toiled over the "hay 
barn circuit," Washington, D. C. put 
on a short "show" that added nothing 
to the dignity of Government. 

"Liar!" was hurled across headlines. 
Party girls were advertised but failed 
to show. $100.00 an evening was an 
adveitised per capita rate for enter- 

The public has a right to expect dig- 
nity from its officials in Washington. 
Circus tickets can be had for $2.20. 
The tax rates are higher. They should 
provide for more than proof that Bar- 
num was right. 

Sensational charges in advance of 
Congressional hearings should be pro- 
hibited. On the other hand, citizens 
who shout "liar" at committee mem- 
bers should be liable for contempt of 
Congress, for belittling it as an insti- 

Dignity can be maintained! Our ju- 
dicial system proves that truth can 
be ascertained and justice done in such 
a way that the courts retain the only 
asset that gives them value, i. e., con- 
fidence of the people. 
"When Kings the sword of justice once 
lay down, 
They are no Kings, though they 
possess the crown." 

It is refreshing, in these pages, to 
recall the sessions of the House Sub- 
Committee on Petroleum. It is re- 
spected across the nation by reason of 
the courtesy of its chairman, Hon. 
William P. Cole, Jr., University of 
Maryland, '10, currently chairman of 
the University's Board of Regents. No 
snarling dog fights were tolerated in 
his presence. Mr. Truman, as Chair- 
man of the Senate Committee Investi- 
gating the National Defense Program, 
conducted its hearings with dignity. 
All of the many reports of the com- 
mittee were unanimous, an extraordi- 
nary proof of its fairness to both the 
government and the citizen. 

But to i-ely on the lucky chance of 
a dignified and fair-minded chairman 


(( '(included from page Jf) 

Libraries and Research 

In addition to the excellent library 
facilities of the university libraries, 
the great libraries and other research 
resources of the National capital are 
easily available to graduate students 
at the University of Maryland. 

The graduate students in the sci- 
ences basic to agriculture have an un- 
usual opportunity at the University of 
Maryland because of its close prox- 
imity to the great research labora- 
tories of the United States Department 
of Agriculture. The Beltsville labora- 
tories are located only about two miles 
from the campus. Many of our stu- 
dents attend seminars and otherwise 
profit by contacts with the research 
scientists in these laboratories. The 
university, on the other hand, fur- 
nishes an opportunity for the younger 
men in the?e laboratories to continue 
their graduate education on a part- 
time basis. 


A number of research fellowships 
have been established by the Univer- 

The purpose of these fellowships is 
to aid superior students to continue 
their education and eventually assume 
leadership in research and other scho- 
larly pursuits. The awards are made 
on a competitive basis. 

These research fellowships are also 
intended to add materially to the out- 
put of research and productive scholar- 
ship of the University. Several indus- 
trial and special fellowships are avail- 
able in certain departments. A num- 
ber of teaching and research assistant- 
ships for graduate students are also 
available in several departments. 

Associations and Societies 

The University of Maryland is an 
active member of the Conference of 
Deans of Southern Graduate Schools. 
The University's representative was 
the president of this association for 
the year 1939. This representative 
was also the first elected chairman of 
the newly organized Graduate Work 
Section of the Association of Land 
Grant Colleges and Universities. 

A chapter of the national honorary 
society Sigma Xi was established at 
the University in 1929 in recognition 
of the high quality of graduate and 
research work in the sciences. 




•21,000 copies of "Maryland" 
per issue! 

*Quite a circulation! 

*Not only from Maryland alumni 
but from other Universities 
comes praise of "Maryland" as 
tops in alumni publications. 

*If you like the magazine please 
give it your support. 

•Read Dave Brigham's "Talking 
Turtle" on the inside back cover. 

*Use the coupon on the last page. 

*Help your Alma Mater remain 
on top in the field of collegiate 

*It cannot be done without your 
help and, as the man says on 
the radio, we DO mean YOU! 


A I ii 111 ii i Organization Proposed — Constitution 


THE present Board of Managers of 
the College Park Alumni Associa- 
tion, elected at a meeting last fall, 
received instructions from alumni in at- 
tendance to draft plans for a workable 
alumni organization which would both 
permit and encourage alumni action. 
The Board has met at least once each 
month and in addition has consulted at 
length with President Byrd and with 
officers and representatives of the Balti- 
more associations. A plan has been 
developed which has the support of 
these groups and individuals. It is 
presented now for your consideration. 

Individual school associations are to 
be organized as segments or chapters of 
an overall association embracing all 
University of Maryland Schools in both 
Baltimore and College Park. Organi- 
zational ground work is now being 
undertaken by alumni steering com- 
mittees working in cooperation with the 
deans of the Colleges. Constitution, 
Nominating, and Homecoming Commit- 
tees have been appointed for the schools 
of Agriculture, Arts and Science, Busi- 
ness and Public Administration, Educa- 
tion, Engineering, Home Economics, 
and Law. The other four schools of 
Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and 
Pharmacy have well established alumni 
associations at the present time. 

Under the direction of the Steering 
Committees alumni of the five College 
Park schools with the exception of Agri- 
culture will meet on Homecoming Day 
November 1 at College Park to adopt 
constitutions, elect permanent officers, 
and otherwise establish permanent as- 
sociations. Law alumni will probably 
hold a meeting in Baltimore at a 
date to be announced later. Agri- 
culture will get under way at an alumni 
meeting in Baltimore on September 26. 

Each School association will be re- 
quested to send three representatives to 
an overall alumni council of thirty-three 
members. This council will have the 
responsibility of outlining an alumni 
program, will suggest issues to be con- 
sidered by alumni in general and by 
school associations, and will assist in 
the organization of University of Mary- 
land clubs and chapters in the various 
towns, cities, and states. 

These proposals and the general plan 
bave been considered by steering com- 
mittees consisting of approximately fif- 
teen representatives from each of the 
schools. It was their feeling all alumni 
would support such a plan at least on a 
trial basis. The establishment of the 
council must of necessity follow college 
organizational meetings. 

If your school is to be organized on 
November 1 you will want to be there. 
The program for the day and nomina- 
tion for permanent officers appear else- 
where in this issue of Maryland for 
your guidance. 


The six College Park schools now 
taking steps to organize alumni associa- 
tions are adopting the constitution 
which appears below with minor varia- 
tions by schools. Constitution Com- 


1 Jl 

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3it fifrnidiitinn of the Ssuuuitrl Xcrntorb 

Unturrsity of fltorylanh 

Alumni Artiuittts 



The above is a reduced photograph of the 
"Certificate of Appreciation" being sent to all 
alumni who support "MARYLAND" Magazine 
and other alumni activities through voluntary 

The actual certificate is suitable for framing. 
It is printed on gloss card stock, size 6x9 
inches. It features the same four color pic- 
ture of Rossborough Inn that appears on the 
cover of this issue of "MARYLAND." 

mittees are at work in all schools to 
draft a final constitution to be con- 
sidered at the initial organizational 
meeting. This proposed constitution 
is for your careful consideration in or- 
der that you may understand what is 
being planned and be in a position to 
discuss it when the alumni from your 
school are called together at 10:30 A. 
M. on November 1 (Agricultural Alum- 
ni will organize on September 26 at a 
night meeting in Baltimore). 



ARTICLE I— Name and Objects 

Section 1. Name — The name of this 
organization shall be the College of 

Chapter, University 

of Maryland Alumni Association. 

Sec. 2. Objects — The objects of 
this organization shall be to promote 
the interests and welfare of the College 
of and the Uni- 
versity of Maryland as a whole and to 
assist in furthering mutually beneficial 
relations between the University of 
Maryland and its alumni 

ARTICLE II— Membership 

Section 1. Active — Any former stu- 
dent of the University of Maryland who 
was regularly enrolled in the College of 
and the Depart- 
ment of _ of the grad- 
uate school is eligible for regular mem- 
bership and shall be considered an ac- 
tive member of this Chapter. Any for- 
mer student of the University of Mary- 
land who was regularly enrolled in one 
of the Colleges of the University of 
Maryland (and who was not expelled 
from the University) and who because 
of the nature of his profession, voca- 
tion or employment desires to be a 
member of this Chapter rather than a 
member of the Alumni Chapter of the 
College in which he was regularly en- 
rolled may become an active member of 
this Chapter upon application to and 
approval of the Board of Directors of 
this Chapter. The Dean of the College 
of shall be an ac- 
tive member of this Chapter by virtue 
of his Office. 

Sec. 2. Associate — Any individual 
who is not a former student of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, but who is con- 



Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, 
University of Maryland. 

nected with the College of 

or, who has displayed outstanding 

leadership in the field of __ , 

and who subscribes to the objectives of 
this Chapter, may be nominated for as- 
sociate membership. Any active mem- 
ber may present the name of such a 
nominee to the Board of Directors and 
upon approval by the Board of Direc- 
tors such nominees will be accepted as 
associate members. 


Section 1. Active members — There 
shall be no annual dues for active 
members of this Chapter. Members, 
however, are invited to contribute to 
the Alumni Fund of the University of 
Maryland for the support of the Alum- 
ni Magazine, Alumni Scholarships and 
other Alumni activities. 

Sec. 2. Associate Members — There 
shall be no annual dues for associate 
members of this Chapter. However, 
such members may contribute to the 
Alumni Fund of the University of 
Maryland or subscribe to the Alumni 

ARTICLE IV— Privileges of Members 

Section 1. Active — Active members 
in good standing shall have the right to 
vote at all meetings of the Chapter and 
to receive all communications published 
by the Chapter including all notices of 
the Annual or special meetings. 

Sec. 2. Associate — Associate mem- 
bers shall not have the right to vote but 
shall be afforded other privileges of 
active members. 

ARTICLE V — Management and Duties 
of Officers 
Section 1. Board of Directors — The 
management of this Chapter shall be 
vested in a board of eight directors, 
who shall elect from their members 
a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and a 
Secretary (the Dean of the College of 

and the Executive 

Secretary of the University of Mary- 
land Alumni Association shall be ex- 
officio members of the Board.) 

Sec. 2. Council Representatives — 
The Chairman and two members of the 
Board of Directors shall be the Rep- 
resentatives of this Chapter on the 
Alumni Council of the University of 
Maryland Alumni Association and will 
act for and in the name of this Chapter 
at all Alumni Council meetings. The 
Board of Directors shall designate the 
two Directors who are to serve as Coun- 
cil Representatives at the first regular 
meeting of the Board of Directors fol- 
lowing the Annual Meeting of the Chap- 

Sec. 3. Chairman — The Chairman 
shall preside at all meetings of the 
Chapter, and Board of Directors. He 
shall appoint all committees except as 
herein otherwise provided. 

Sec. 4. Vice-Chairman — The Vice- 
Chairman shall act for the President in 
the latter's absence. 

Sec. 5. Secretary — The Secretary 
shall be the secretary of the meetings of 
the Chapter, the Board of Directors and 
shall be responsible for the maintenance 
of the necessary records of this Chap- 
ter. He will work closely with the 
Executive Secretary, University of 
Maryland Alumni Association to as- 
sure that proper notices of meetings 
and other communications are dis- 
patched to members concerned. 

Sec. 6. Directors — The Directors 
will assist in managing the affairs of the 
Chapter and perform such duties as 
may be assigned to them by the Chair- 

ARTICLE VI— Elections 

Section 1. Officers — The Chairman, 
Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall be 
elected annually by the Directors of 
this Chapter at a meeting to be 
held immediately following the Annual 
Meeting of this Chapter. Each officer 
shall serve for one year and until his 
successor is duly elected and qualified. 

Sec. 2. Directors — There shall be 
eight Directors elected in groups of four 
in successive years for two-year terms. 
At the first Annual Meeting four Di- 
rectors shall be elected for a term of 
one year and four Directors for a term 
of two years. Thereafter the Chapter 
will elect annually four Directors for 
a term of two years each by mail ballot 
as herein provided. 

Sec. 3. Nominations — The Nominat- 
ing Committee each year shall nominate 
one candidate for each office to be filled 


Helen Elizabeth Brown. Assistant City Solici- 
tor of Baltimore, (University of Maryland 
School of Law, '26), was recently elected Vice- 
President of the Lawyers Civic Association of 
Maryland. The Association was organized to 
urge lawyers to make their proper contribution 
to civic affairs. Other officers are Thomas J. 
Tir.gley, President; Richard M. Carlin, Secre- 
tary, and Harvy C. Bickel, Treasurer. Willis R. 
Jones, former Deputy Attorney General of 
Maryland, Daniel C Joseph and Irving B. 
Grandberg were elected members of the Board 
of Governors. 

Miss Brown is a former President of the 
Women's Bar Association of Baltimore and a 
former President of the Business and Profes- 
sional Women's Council of Maryland. (Udel 
Bros. Foto.) 

and report its nominees to the Secre- 
tary not later than 45 days prior to the 
Annual Meeting. The Nominating 
Committee shall contact each nominee 
prior to the submission of its report and 
secure the consent of the nominee to 
serve as a condition precedent to his 

Sec. 4. Balloting — Voting for Direc- 
tors shall be by mail ballot except for the 
election of the first Board of Directors 
which shall be elected by voice or writ- 
ten ballot at the first Annual Meeting 
of the Chapter. 

The Secretary upon receipt of the 
names of the nominees from the Nomi- 
nating Committee shall prepare a bal- 
lot with sufficient space that the voters 
may write in the names of additional 
nominees of their choice, if they so 
desire. On or before 20 days prior to 
the Annual Meeting, the Secretary shall 
mail to the last known address of each 
active member, the ballot so prepared 
and request its return by midnight of 
the 10th day following the submission 
of the ballot. The ballots will be count- 
ed by a Committee of Tellers appointed 
for that purpose by the Chairman. The 
nominees elected shall be notified by the 
Chairman of the Tellers within 48 
hours of the counting of the ballots in 
order that they may plan to attend the 
Annual Meeting. 


ARTICLE VII— Committees 

Section 1. Nominating Committee 
— A Nomination Committee of five mem- 
bers shall be elected by the Board of Di- 
rectors. Each member will serve for one 
year and shall be not eligible to succeed 

Sec. 2. Other Committees — All Com- 
mittees except those specified herein 
.shall be appointed by the President. 

ARTICLE VIII— Meetings and 

Section 1. Annual Meeting — The 
Annual Meeting of the Chapter shall be 
held in the Fall on Homecoming Day. 
Notice of the meeting shall be made by 
letter or through the Alumni Magazine 
at least 60 days prior to the scheduled 
date. At this meeting the Board of Di- 
rectors shall report on its activities 
since the last Annual Meeting, the elec- 
tion of officers shall be held and other 
necessary business transacted. 

■Sec. 2. Special Meetings — A special 
meeting shall be held at the request of 
the Executive Board or on the petition 
of fifty members in good standing 
Notice of such meetings shall be an- 
nounced to the membership at least 20 
days prior to the scheduled date of the 

Sec. 3. Board Meetings — There 
shall be at least two meetings of the 
Board of Directors during each year. 
The Board of Directors, in addition, shall 
hold a meeting for the purpose of organi- 
zing immediately following the election 
of Directors at the Annual Meeting. One 
such meeting must be held at least 90 
days prior to Homecoming Day to com- 
plete plans for that occasion. Special 
meetings of the Board shall be held at 
the request of the Chairman or any 
three members of the Board. 

Sec. 4. Quorum — At any meeting of 
the Chapter, regularly and properly 
called, the members present shall con- 
stitute a quorum. Five members of the 
Board must be present to constitute a 
quorum for a Board of Directors Meet- 

ARTICLE IX— Procedure 

Section 1. By-Laws — To meet tem- 
porary conditions as they arise, by-laws 
may be adopted at any regularly called 
meeting of the Chapter. 

Sec. 2. Amendments — This constitu- 
tion and its by-laws may be amended 
by a two-thirds vote of the members in 
good standing who are present at any 
regularly called meeting of the Chapter, 
provided that the proposed change has 
been submitted to the members for 
their consideration at least 30 days 
prior to the date of that meeting. 

Sec. 3. Procedure — Robert's Rules 
of Order shall govern the conduct of 
meetings of the Chapter and the Board of 

ARTICLE X— Adoption 

Section 1. Adoption — This consti- 
tution shall become effective upon its 

r i 

adoption by a majority of the Alumni 
of the College of 

who are present at the meeting of said 
Alumni to be held on Homecoming Day, 



In our July 1947 number we printed 
sin article regarding Dr. R. S. Griffith, 
'80, suggesting that Dr. Griffith pos- 
sibly is Maryland's senior alumnus. 

Comes now a letter from Dr. Henry 
R. Bell, 491 Wicksom Ave., Oakland, 
California, which indicates that Dr. 
Bell graduated one year before Dr. 

Dr. Griffitn graduated from College 
Park in 1880 and from the Medical 
School in 1886. 

The interesting letter from Dr. Bell 

"I was born in Northampton County, 
Virginia, and was graduated with the 
class of March, 1879, Medical School, 
University of Maryland in Baltimore. 


Dr. and Mrs. Henry R. Bell (nee Fannie May 
Plummer), Oakland, California. Dr. Bell and 
Mrs. Bell have been married over 67 years. Dr. 
Bell graduated from Maryland's Medical School 
with the class of 1879. The Doctor is 94 years 
of age. Mrs. Bell is 83. 

I am proud to have my 'sheepskin' still 
intact, bearing that date and the sig- 
natures of the professors of that time, 
nearly all of which are still legible. I 
also have my certificate of internship 
as Resident Physician in the Baltimore 
Infirmary. Incidentally, may I add that 
I still have one- of the programs of the 
Commencement Exercises of this class, 
held in the Baltimore Opera House. 

"Upon graduation, I returned to Cali- 
fornia, where I had lived for a few 
years previous, and took up the prac- 
tice of medicine in the mountains of 
California, in and near an early gold 
mining region. I became a 'horseback' 
riding country doctor. However in 1884, 
I moved to San Francisco, married 
there, established an office and con- 
tinued in general practice; largely in 
obstetrical work. Wishing to specialize 
in eye, ear, nose, and throat, I re- 
turned, in 1893, to Baltimore, visited 
my old Alma Mater, and took a course 
in the preceding subjects with Dr. 
Julius Chisholm followed by further 
study in New York and elsewhere. 

"Returning to San Francisco, I equip- 
ped my office for the pursuit of my 


specialty, but in the disaster of 1906 
my office was completely destroyed. I 
did not open another downtown office 
thereafter, but continued general prac- 
tice at and from my home (which for- 
tunately escaped destruction by fire by 
about two blocks as it also escaped 
much damage by the quake) until my 
gradual retirement several years later. 

Five years ago I moved to our pres- 
ent residence in Oakland, Calif, to be 
nearer a nephew and his family, and 
our oldest grandson and family. Were 
it not for the difficulty of double cata- 
racts holding both Mrs. Bell and me, 
we would be able to get around by our- 
selves, but due to it, we only go a short 
ciistance from home without escort, for 
our daily outdoor exercise. However, 
we are thankful that I was able to 
drive my auto until past 87 years of 

"I, too, as does Dr. Griffith, wear an 
I.O.O.F. gold emblem and pin, which 
was presented to me commemorating 
my membership in the order for 50 

"In closing, let me say, if there is 
found a living older alumnus in age or 
years following graduation, I would be 
glad to hear from or of him." 

Cordially, a loyal alumnus, 
Henry R. Bell. 


David L. Stoddard '38, who received 
a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology this June 
after seven years at the University of 
Maryland and a tour of duty in World 
War II, has just been appointed Asso- 
ciate Plant Pathologist at the Ever- 
glades Experiment Station, Belle Glade, 
Florida. This station is located in the 
heart of the Everglades vegetable grow- 
ing area and Stoddard says "Since 
most of the work will deal with muck 
soil it appears my agricultural educa- 
tion is starting over again." 


The University of Maryland Chapter 
of Alpha Xi Delta received the 
"achivement tray," awarded annually 
for efficiency, at the 21st convention of 
the national women's fraternity re- 
cently held at Murray Bay, Quebec, 
Canada Sixteen members attended from 
the Washington Alumnae and Mary- 
land University Chapter, including Mrs. 
Beverley Robinson, the retiring na- 
tional president. 

Alpha Xi Delta is celebrating its 55th 
anniversary. It now has a membership 
of 20,000 in more than 150 college and 
alumnae groups throughout the coun- 

B. & O., 1821 

The first railroad charter in America 
was granted by the Maryland Legisla- 
ture to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- 
road, 1827. 

. iTiFi'mi 


Nominating committees consisting of 
alumni from the six respective College 
Park schools of the University have 
suggested the slates which appear be- 
low for consideration at organizational 
meetings. Additional nominations 

from the floor will be received when 
alumni of these schools meet in indi- 
vidual meetings at 10:30 A. M. on 
Homecoming Day, November 1. The 
College of Agriculture will hold its or- 
ganizational meeting at the Lord Bal- 
timore Hotel in Baltimore on Septem- 
ber 26. The time is 6:30 P. M. 

Alumni of all schools with the ex- 
ception of Education will choose eight 
directors. The alumni of the College 
of Education will elect nine from their 
slate of eighteen plus any nominations 
from the floor with three each serving 
for one, two, and three year terms. 
The following nominations are offered 
all alumni for their consideration prior 
to the organizational meeting. 


Peter W. Chichester '20, Frederick ; J. Ho- 
mer Remsberg '18, Middletown ; Ridgely Todd 
'26, Sparrows Point; J. Roland Ward '31, 
Gaithersburg ; Otis Twilly '21, Salisbury ; Park- 
er Mitchell '92, Perryville; W. D. Groff '00, 
Owings Mills; Mahlon H. Haines '96, York, 

Arts and Science 

Myron B. Stevens "27, Washington, D. C. ; 
June Barnsley Fletcher '36, Bethesda ; Arthur 

B. Hersberger '32, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ; 
Donald H. S. Parris '29, Falls Church, Virginia ; 
Dr. Orr Reynolds '41, Washington, D. C. ; W. I. 
Greene '26, Silver Spring ; Edwin Harlan '31, 
Baltimore ; Dorothy Ann Pitt '46. Baltimore. 

Business and Public Administration 

Benjamin Alperstein '39. Takoma Park ; G. 
Carville Bowen "25, Hyattsville ; Albert J. 
Carry '42, Washington, D. C. ; C. W. Cissel '32, 
College Park ; Austin Diggs '21, Towson ; Alvin 
S. Klein '37. Frederick : Talbot T. Speer '18, 
Baltimore; Chester Tawney '31, Baltimore. 


Ed Walters "34. Cambridge; Charlotte Stubbs 
'41, Mt. Rainier; Lucille Laws Smith '37, Col- 
lege Park ; Stew-art McCaw '35, Berwyn ; Paul 
Pfeiffer '37, Arlington, Virginia ; Carlisle Hu- 
melsine '37, Silver Spring; Frank R. Davis '27, 
Stieet: C. Paul Barnhardt '40, Greenbelt : John 
P. Speicher '41, University Park; Russell Schu- 
macher '44, Baltimore; Helena J. Haines '34, 
Hyattsville; Harry E. Hasslinger '33. College 
Park; Raymond Grelecki '43, College Park; Ag- 
nes G. Turner '33, Walkersville ; Milo W. So- 
nen '36. Arlington. Virginia : Melvin H. Deri- 
'31, Frederick : Alma Preinkert '23, College 
Park ; Cecil Holter '21 ; Jefferson. 


E. E. Powell '13. Towson ; Fred H. Cutting 
'34. College Park ; J. Philip Schaefer '23. Beth- 
esda ; A. A. Korab '38. College Park ; M. C. 
Albrittain '23, Baltimore; S. S. Stabler '39, 
Washington; M. J. Peterson '47. Baltimore; 

C. V. Koons '29. Washington, D. C. 

Home Economics 

Hazel Tenney Tuemmler '29. Calvert Hills : 
Charlotte Farnham Hasslinger '34, College 
Park ; Nellie Smith Davis '23, Washington 

D. C. ; Margaret Wolfe Aldrich '26, Frostburg ; 
Florence Rea McKenney '36, Baltimore ; Mar- 
guerite Jefferson Willey '38, Eden ; Doris Mc- 
Farland Kolb '42. Anne Arundel County; Greeba 
Hoffstetter '47. Baltimore. 


Registration for alumni of all 
schools will be held in the lobby of the 
Administration Building and in the 
meeting places appointed for each 
alumni group. All meetings will start 
promptly at 10:30 A. M. and the gen- 
eral alumni luncheon will be held in the 
Old Gym at 12:00 Noon. School or- 
ganizational meetings will be held in 
the following locations: Arts and Sci- 
ence — Al Lecture Room: Business and 
Classroom Building; Education — Ad- 

ministration Auditorium; Engineering 
— Agricultural Auditorium; Home Eco- 
nomics — Maryland Room. Guides will 
be furnished from the lobby of the Ad- 
ministration Building. 


The College of Business and Public 
Administration invites all former stu- 
dents of the University now in business 
to join the BPA Alumni Association. 
This includes those who graduated 
prior to the establishment of this Col- 
lege. BPA is the youngest of the eleven 
University of Maryland Schools. 


The Steering Committee of the Col- 
lege of Education alumni has suggest- 
ed the following differences in their 
constitution which may be checked 
against the printed constitutions ap- 
pearing in this issue. They recommend 
nine directors who will serve three 
year terms and who will be nominated 
by a committee elected at each annual 
meeting. Two nominations wil be made 
from each office, the list to be published 
not later than thirty or earlier than 
sixty days before the meeting, and elec- 
tion will be by written ballot at the an- 
nual meeting. A plurality would be 
required for election. 


The following alumni of the law 
school have agreed to serve on the 
Steering Committee for the purpose of 
reactivating the law school alumni as- 

Judge Eli Frank, Chairman ; Bridgewater M. 
Arnold, Joseph Bernstein, Allan Cleaveland, 
Paul F. Due, Judge William Henry Forsythe. 
N. Irvin Gressitt, Thomas M. Harrington, John 
H. Hessey. John L. ; G. Lee. W. Carl Lohmeyer, 
John E. Magers.~ Judge Emory H. Niles, Wil- 
liam J. O'Donnell, M. Luther Pittman, J. Gil- 
bert Prendergast, Judge W. Conwell Smith. 
Maxwell Suls and Eldridge Hood Young. 

A meeting of the Steering Commit- 
tee was held August 7th in Judge 
Frank's office in Baltimore with sixteen 
members present. Two sub-committees 
were designated to handle the organi- 
zation and drafting of a constitution 
and to make nominations for perma- 
nent officers. After these sub-commit- 
tees have met and acted they are to re- 
port back to the Steering Committee. 

Judge William Henry Forsythe and 
J. Gilbert Prendergast were designated 
as temporary representatives to serve 
with John E. Magers as representatives 
on the Alumni Council. 


Proposed amendments to the Consti- 
tution, By-Laws of the General Alumni 
Association of the College Park School 
of the University of Maryland. 

The Alumni Reorganization Plan en- 
visages the formation of chapters com- 
posed of alumni of the respective col- 
leges of the University federated or 
brought together under a General 
Alumni Council. It is believed that the 
reorganization requires three steps, 
namely: (11 the organization of the 
various college chapters; (2) the con- 
tinuation of the Association of the Col- 
lege Park Schools with such organiza- 
tional changes as may be necessary to 
provide for the college chapters; and 
(3) the formation of a general alumni 

organization which will include the 
alumni of both the College Park and 
Baltimore Schools. Step (1) will be 
completed on Homecoming Day 1947. 
Step (2) will have to be taken on 
Homecoming Day, 1947. Step (3) will 
be consummated in the future after 
Homecoming Day. 

Public Administration — R-100 New 
The Board of Managers, therefore, 
proposes the following amendments to 
the Constitution, By-Laws of "The Gen- 
eral Alumni Association of the College 
Park Schools of the University of 
Maryland" in order to provide for a 
structure based upon organization by 
chapters and to continue the College 
Park Association as a medium of ac- 
complishing alumni business insofar as 
it affects the College Park Schools. 

1. Amend Art. II by substituting 
therefor the following: 

ARTICLE II.— Membership 

Section 1. Eligibility. 

Any former student of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland who was regularly en- 
rolled in one of the colleges or schools 
located at College Park, Maryland is 
eligible for regular membership. 

Membership in the Association shall 
be obtained and maintained through 
membership in one of the Chapters 
representing the several colleges lo- 
cated at College Park. 

Section 2. Dues. 

The Annual dues or contributions or 
other monies to be collected from the 
membership shall be determined by the 
Alumni Council. 

2. Amend Art. Ill by substituting 
therefor the following: 

ARTICLE III. — Organization and Man- 

Section 1. Chapters. 

The alumni of each of the colleges 
and related graduate departments or 
schools of the University located at 
College Park, Maryland, shall be organ- 
ized into separate Chapters. The Chap- 
ters shall adopt Constitutions and By- 
Laws not inconsistent with this Consti- 
tution and By-Laws, elect Chapter Offi- 
cers and provide for meetings of their 
members to carry out the objects of the 
Association, including an annual meet- 
ing to be held at the University of 
Maryland. College Park, Maryland on 
the date designated as the Annual Fall 
Homecoming Day. 

Section 2. Alumni Council. 

The government of the Association 
shall be vested in an Alumni Council 
which shall be composed of three (3) 
representatives from each Chapter of 
the Association. The Alumni Council 
shall organize each year following the 
annual meeting of the Association and 
elect by a majority vote from its own 
membership, a Chairman, a Vice-Chair- 
man and a Secretary-Treasurer who 
shall hold office for one year. 

3. Amend Art. IV, Section 2 by 
substituting therefor the following: 

A majority of the Alumni Council 
shall constitute a quorum. 

4. Strike the phrase "college or" 
from Art. VI. 

5. Substitute the term "Alumni 
Council" for the phrase "Board of 
Managers" wherever it appears in the 
Constitution, Bv-Laws. 



DARK hair and dark eyes plus an engaging smile emphasize the beauty of Lucile Betty Andrews, junior in the College of Home Economics where 
she is a student in Costume Design. Miss Andrews, who lives at 4828 Chevy Chase Drive, Chevy Chase, Maryland, is a member of Delta Delta 
Delta Sorority. During the recent Southern Conference Boxing Championship Tournament Miss Andrews was chosen as one of the sponsors, her 
assignment being with the team of the University of North Carolina. 


The Maryland State Department of 
Education announced that reports from 
county school superintendents indicate 
they will be able to fill all teaching po- 
sitions for the first time since before 
the war. 

The reports attributed the availabili- 
ty of teachers to increased pay scales 
by the 1947 General Assembly. The 
minimum for teachers with degrees was 
raised $400 to $2,200 a year. 

The superintendents said the supply 
of instructors with degrees would en- 
able the counties to dispense with many 
teachers holding emergency wartime 

In addition to filling vacancies that 
have existed for years, most counties 
will be able to increase their staffs. 

Montgomery County's teacher situa- 
tion has "vastly improved" since last 
year, the school superintendent's office 
said. That county does not limit sal- 
aries to the Statewide teacher pay scale, 
but uses the scale for comparison to 
insure that Montgomery County teach- 
ers are not paid less than in other 
areas, the office said. 

The Montgomery County scales were 
listed as $2,200 to $4,000 a year com- 
pared with $1,700 to $3,500 formerly 
paid teachers without college degrees; 
$2,500 to $4,300 annually, compared 
with $1,900 to $3,900 for those with 
bachelor's degrees, and $2,700 to $5,300, 
compared with $2,100 to $4,300 for 
those with master's degrees. 


John Moore of Upper Marlboro has 
been appointed an instructor in plant 
pathology at the University of Mary- 
land and has taken up his new duties 
in Extensioi work. 

Moore grew up on a farm in Prince 
George's County, graduated from the 
Upper Marlboro High School and spent 
three years m the Navy before gradu- 
ating from the University of Maryland 
last June. He spent two summer vaca- 
tions working with the Soil Conserva- 
tion Service. 

It is expected that he will spend con- 
siderable time on the Eastern Shore 
of Maryland where he will be available 
for emergency calls from county 
agents and growers. He will have gen- 
eral charge of the department's field 
trials and demonstrations with such 
crops as sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and 

Moore will aid in finding and report- 
ing outbreaks of plant diseases. This 
is part of the reporting system con- 
ducted by the department in coopera- 
tion with the U. S. D. A. He will also 
do much of the strawberry and other 
nursery inspection work. 



Dr. Carl Bode and Dr. Alfred Owen 
Aldridge have been added to the De- 
partment of English at the University. 

It also was revealed that Mr. Jack 
W. Bryan will return to the University 
in the fall to head the newly-expanded 
courses in journalism. 

Dr. Bode is an authority on Henry 
David Thoreau and has published two 
books on his works. Entitled "The 
Collected Poems of Henry Thoreau" 
r.nd "The Portable Thoreau," the books 
soon will be followed by Dr. Bode's 
third, "The Letters of Henry David 

Dr. Aldridge comes to the University 
from the University of Buffalo where 
he recently completed a book entitled 
"The Characteristics of Lord Shaftes- 

Dr. Bode has his Ph.D. from North- 
western University, and Dr. Aldridge 
from Duke. Both men will be pro- 


Dr. Daniel F. Lynch, Washington, D. 
C, graduate of the University of Mary- 
land School of Dentistry was elected 
trustee of the fourth district of the 
American Dental Association defeating 
Dr. George Anderson of Baltimore. 

Election of officers and trustees 
marked the end of business sessions of 
the House of Delegates of the A. D. A. 
in Boston. 

The fourth district includes the Dis- 
trict of Columbia,, Delaware, Maryland, 
New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the 
Army, Navy, Public Health Service, and 
Veterans Administration units. 

Phillips — Bussey 

THE engagement of Miss Allvertta 
H. Bussey to Dr. David L. Phil- 
lips, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Phillips, 
of Baltimore, has been announced by 
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bussey, 
of Linthicum Heights. 

Miss Bussey, a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, is doing graduate 
study in psychology. Dr. Phillips is a 
graduate of Johns Hopkins University 
and the University of Maryland Medi- 
cal School. 

Kelly — Monck 

Mr. and Mrs. Claude F. Monck, Bay 
Village, Ohio, announce the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Miriam Monck 
of Washington, to Howard Kelly, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kelly, Warren- 
ton, Va. 

The bride-elect was graduated from 
Miami University and has been a hos- 
tess with Capital Airlines. Mr. Kelly, 
formerly a lieutenant, junior grade, in 
the Naval Air Corps, is attending 
Maryland University. 

Houff — McKinnon 

The engagement of Marjorie McKin- 
non to Mr. Clifford G. Houff, son of 
Mrs. Lewis B. Houff and the late Mr. 
Houff, is announced by the bride-elect's 
father, Lt. Col. John L. McKinnon. 

Miss McKinnon, who is the daughter 
of the late Mrs. McKinnon, attended 
George Washington University. Her 
fiance, whose home formerly was in 
Staunton, Va., now is associated with 
International Business Machines in New 
York City. He attended Maryland and 
George Washington Universities. 

Naehr — McKenzie 

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McKenzie of 
Mt. Savage, announce the coming mar- 
riage of their daughter, Kathleen V. 
McKenzie, to Robert Naehr, of Colum- 
bus, Ga. 

Mr. Naehr is a veteran of three years 
service in the Army Air Corps and is 
attending the University of Maryland, 
College of B. & P. A. 

Davis — Dise 

Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dise, of Glen 
View, Glen Rock, Pa., announce the 
engagement of their daughter, Eliza- 
beth Ann, to Robert Lee Davis, son of 
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Davis, Rockwell 

Miss Dise was graduated from the 
Glen Rock High School, class of 1943, 
and Hood College, Frederick, class of 
1946. At present she is employed as 
buyer of millinery in Baltimore. ^:. 

Her fiance was graduated from the 
Massanutten Military Academy, Wood- 


stock. Va. ; and is now a pre-dental stu- 
dent at the University of Maryland. 
He served in the Navy for four years, 
stationed in the Pacific theatre during 
the war. 

Graff— Hill 

Mrs. Rowland T. Hill of Laurel an- 
nounces the engagement of her daugh- 
ter, Miss Florence Hill, to Dr. Henry 
F. Graff of Baltimore, son of Mrs. 
Frederick F. Graff of Parkersburg, W. 
Va., and the late Mr. Graff. 

Miss Hill is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and her fiance is a 
graduate of Marietta College and the 
University of Michigan. He is an 

W> lde — McGinniss 

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. McGinniss of 
Kensington announce the engagement 
of their daughter, Miss Bell Weir Mc- 
Giniss, to Mr. Ronald James Wylde, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wylde of St. 

Miss McGinniss was graduated with 
honors from the University of Mary- 
land and elected to membership in Phi 
Kappa Phi, honorary scholastic fra- 
ternity. She was on the faculty of 
Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School and 
now holds a secretarial job in Wash- 

Mr. Wylde came to Washington after 
being graduated from Washington Uni- 
versity in St. Louis. He served in the 
Navy during the war as a lieutenant 
(J. g-), and saw service in Japan and 
the Philippines. He is now a physicist 
al the Naval Research Laboratory at 
White Oak, Md. 

Trettin — Harmer 

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Harmer, of 
Lansdowne, Pa., have announced the 
engagement of their daughter, Kathe- 
rine Lee, to Gene Douglas Trettin, son 
of Dr. and Mrs. Clarence McAllister 
Trettin of Baltimore. 

Miss Harmer is a graduate of Ursin- 
us College in Pennsylvania, of which 
Mr. Trettin is also a graduate. 

Mr. Trettin is a junior at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland Medical School. 

Weiss — Hansbarger 

Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Weiss have 
announced the engagement of their 
daughter, Miss Charlotte Cushman, to 
William H. Hansbarger, 2nd, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hansbarger, 
Leesburg, Va. 

Miss Weiss was graduated from Mc- 
Kinley High School in June, 1946, and 
completed one year at Maryland Uni- 
versity. Mr. Hansbarger attended Vir- 
ginia Military Institute, and was gradu- 
ated from the University of Maryland. 
During the war he served three years 
as a combat air crewman in the Navy. 

Gerken — Logan 

The engagement of Miss Anna Ruth 
Logan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hop- 
per Logan, formerly of Kent County, 

Md.. to Mr. Homer Gerken, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. George C. Gerken, of Ocean 
City, N. J., has been made known. 

Miss Logan, a graduate of Chester- 
town High School attended Washington 
College, was graduated from the school 
of nursing of the University of Mary- 
land and is on the staff at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. Mr. Gerken, a senior 
at the college of dental surgery of the 
University of Maryland, is a member 
of Psi Omega dental fraternity and of 
the Gorgas odontological honorary so- 

Russell — Smith 

Mrs. Arthur Horn announced the en- 
gagement of her sister, Miss Grayson 
Smith, to 1st Lt. James W. Russell, of 
Cleveland, Ohio. 

Miss Smith formerly from Greens- 
boro, Maryland, was graduated from 
the University of Maryland, where she 
was a member of the Delta Delta Delta 
Sorority. She taught high school for 
several years and now holds a position 
with the Government. 

Her fiance served with the 82nd Air- 
borne Division throughout the war and 
had thirty-two months overseas. He 
is now stationed at Fort George G. 
Meade, Maryland. 

Falkenstein — Alter 

Announcement has been made of the 
engagement of Miss Miriam Marcia 


Major Newton Cox, Engineering '40. cur- 
rently at Maryland in the Military Department, 
has been selected for the Corps of Engineers 
of the regular army. 

Cox, a native of Baltimore, is the son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Newton I. Cox, 2449 Pickwick 
Road. Major Cox is married and the father of 
three year old daughter Diane. 

Major Cox went on active duty in the Army 
immediately after Pearl Harbor. He holds the 
Bronze Star and the combat infantry badge, 
as well as the usual service ribbons. 

Major Cox was director of the Army's ath- 
letic school for the European Theatre. 

While a student at the University of Mary- 
land. Major Cox won the Southern Conference 
middleweight boxing championship in 1933 on 
the Maryland team that won the Southern Con- 
ference team title that year. 

He also played first base on the Maryland 
baseball team. 

Alter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack 
Alter of Washington, to Robert Fal- 
kenstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. George 
P'alkenstein, also of Washington. 

Both the bride-e'.ect and the prospective 
bridegroom attend the University of 

Elder — Farson 

Mr. and Mrs. Enoch S. Farson, of 
Baltimore announced the engagement of 
their daughter, Miss de Camp Butler 
Farson, to Dr. John David Elder, Jr., 
son of Mr. and Mrs. John David Elder, 
of Catonsville. 

Miss Farson is a graduate of Bryn 
Mawr School, Goucher College and the 
graduate school of the University of 
Friends' School, Hamilton' College and 
Maryland. She attended the University 
of Maryland Medical School. 

Dr. Elder was graduated from 
Friends' School, Hamilton College and 
the Johns Hopkins Medical School. 

Benson — Stein 

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Stein, Glen 
Burnie, announced the engagement of 
their daughter, Miss Norah Jean Stein, 
to Mr. B. Byron Benson, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. H. Grady Benson, of Linthicum. 
Miss Stein is a senior at Western Mary- 
land College. Mr. Benson will be 
graduated next year from the Univer- 
sity of Maryland. 

Johnston — Bowman 

Mrs. M. Isabel Bowman of Washing- 
ton, D. C. announces the engagement of 
her daughter, Alice Mary, to Lynn E. 
Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 
Johnston of Hagerstown, Maryland. 

Miss Bowman attended the Univer- 
sity of Minnesota for two years, and 
graduated from the University of 
Maryland in June 1947. She was a 
member of the Gamma Phi Beta Sorori- 

Mr. Johnston served as a Lieutenant 
in the Army Air Corps during the war, 
He has now resumed his studies at the 
University of Maryland, where he is a 
member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon 

Saunders — Perry 

Announcement is made of the en- 
gagement of Miss Hazel Bernice 
Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- 
nard C. Perry, to Mr. Edward Ripley 
Saunders, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. 
E. R. Saunders of Kensington. 

Mr. Saunders spent three years in. 
the Army with the Signal Corps Engi- 
neering Laboratory. He is now a senior 
at the University of Maryland, and is 
a member of Pi Kappa Alpha frater- 


Drop a word of cheer and kindness, 
Just a flash and it is gone, 

But there's half a hundred ripples 
Circling on and on and on. 


Wootton — Myers 

and Mr. William Wootton were 
married recently in Washington. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Charles G. Myers. 

Mr. Wootton is a son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Albert Wootton of Rockville. 

Mr. Wootton served five and a half 
years as a captain in the Army with 
the finance department and with the 
Air Forces. He was graduated from 
the Army Finance School at Duke Uni- 
versity and attended Strayer College 
of Accountancy. His bride was gradu- 
ated from Southern Seminary Junior 
College and the University of Mary- 

Brooks — Buckingham 

Joining the orange-blossom parade 
was Miss Nancy Bristol Buckingham, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Llewel- 
lyn Buckingham, who became the bride 
of William Teller Brooks, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Arlington D. Brooks of Rich- 

The bride attended Montgomery 
Junior college. The bridegroom at- 
tended Maryland and Cornell univer- 
sities and is a member of Sigma Chi 
fraternity. He served in the Navy for 
three and a half years during the war. 

Fioramonti — Abbott 

Miss Marjorie Ann Abbott, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heider Abbott 
of Washington, became the bride of 
Mr. Robert Frank Fioramonti, son of 
Mr. and Mi". Ernesto Fioramonti. 

Mrs. Fioramonti is a graduate of 
Wilson Teachers College and did gradu- 
ate work .it George Washington Uni- 
versity. Her husband, who served in 
the Army during the Philippine cam- 
paign, is a senior at the University of 

Maiersperger — Rees 
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. Rees of 
Hyattsville announce the marriage of 
their daughter, Jean Elizabeth, to Mr. 
Robert J. Maiersperger, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Joseph J. Maiersperger, also of 

The bridegroom is attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Walker — Silver 

Miss Ruth Hopkins Silver, daughter 
of Mrs. Benjamin S. Silver and the 
late Mr. Benjamin S. Silver, and Mr. 
Ralph D. Walker, son of Mrs. Wilbur- 
Walker and the late Mr. Wilbur Walk- 
er, were married recently in Havre de 

Mr. Walker attended the University 
of Maryland for two years before en- 
listing in the Army. Mrs. Walker was 
employed at the Aberdeen Proving 
Grounds as a clerk-typist. 

Williams — Adam 

In France, Miss Andree Adam, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Adam 
of Rheims, became the bride of John R. 
Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. 
Williams, University Park, Md., not far 
from the schoolhouse where the armi- 
stice for World War II was signed. 

They will make their home in Clinton, 
Md., where Mr. Williams will teach at 
Gwynn Park High School. 

The bridegroom was graduated from 
the University of Maryland and during 
the war served 21 months overseas with 
the Army. 

K a rl — Robber son 

Announcement is made by Dr. and 
Mrs. Price Robberson of Avalon, Pitts- 
burgh, of the marriage there of their 
daughter, Miss Ardelle Robberson, to 
William A. Karl, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. William A. Karl of Baltimore. 

Both attended the University of 

Scotnicki — O'Hazza 

In Hershey, Pa., the marriage of 
Miss Peggy O'Hazza of Harrisburg 
and Beaver Meadows, Pa. took place 
to Mr. Frank J. Scotnicki of West 
Hazelton, Pa. 

The bride was Supervisor of Officer's 
Pay and Allowances at Olmstead Field, 
Pa. and Headquarters 11th Air Force, 
in Harrisburg. 

The groom, a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, '40, was a member of 
the varsity football team '36-'40. As a 
major in the Air Corps, he saw action 
in England, Africa and Italy. At pres- 
ent he is attached to a banking com- 
pany in Hazelton, Pa. 

Mathews — Miller 

Miss June Miller, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. J. Rex Miller, became the 
bride of Robert A. Mathews, son of Dr. 
and Mrs. L. B. Mathews, LaVale. 

The bride is a graduate of Allegany 
High School. 

Mr. Mathews served as a fighter pilot 
in the Army Air Corps in World War 
II, being discharged with the rank of 
first lieutenant. He served in the CBI 
theatre. Mr. Mathews is enrolled in the 
University of Maryland Medical School. 

Geckle — Craston 

The marriage of Miss Elaine G. 
Craston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
John P. Craston, of Lawrence, Mass., 
and Mr Andrew B. Geckle, of Balti- 
more, took place in Lawrence. Mrs. 
Geckle, a graduate of the College of 
Notre Dame of Maryland, has been a 
member of the faculty of Catonsville 
High School. Mr. Geckle, a graduate 

of Loyola High School and Loyola Col- 
lege, is enrolled in the University of 
Maryland Law School. 

Hertz — Crystal 

The marriage of Miss Iris Rita Cry- 
stal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis 
Crystal, to Mr Selig S. Hert, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Irving Hertz, both of Balti- 
more, took place this summer. 

Mr. Hertz is a senior at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland School of Pharmacy. 

Brockman — Dyer 

Mrs. Mary Margaret Dyer, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dyer, of Balti- 
more, and Mr. John Henry Brockman, 
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs John H. Brock- 
man, of Baltimore, were married there 

Mrs. Brockman is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland and a member 
of Gamma Phi Beta. 

Faught — Quinn 

One of the most recent weddings was 
that of Miss Kathleen M. Quinn, daugh- 
ter of Mrs, Marie T. Kuster of Wash- 
ington, D. C, to Harold F. Faught, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Faught of 

The bride is a graduate of Rockville 
High School. 

The bridegroom, who was graduated 
with the degree of mechanical engineer- 
ing from Cornell University after at- 
tending the University of Maryland, 
received his preliminary education at 
Hyattsville High and Elementary 
Schools. He served as an ensign in the 
Navy during the war. 

Hurson — Ridgeway 

Edward Hurson and Eleana Louise 
Ridgeway were married in Washing- 
ton, D. C. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. John A. Ridgeway, Jr., of Wash- 
ington. The bridegroom is the son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hurson of Sil- 
ver Spring, Md. 

The bride attended the University of 
Maryland from which the bridegroom 
was graduated. He served for 26 
months in the Naval Air Corps. 

Wade — Fielding 

Miss Alice Lee Fielding, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Fielding be- 
came the bride of Herbert C. Wade Jr., 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade of Washing- 

The bride attended the College of 
William and Mary and the University 
of Maryland. Mr. Wade served three 
years in the Marine Corps. 

Carter — Blake 

Before her recent marriage to Mr. 
Spencer Montague Carter, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Wilmer C. Carter, of Luther- 
ville, Mrs. Carter was Mrs. David Graf- 
fiin Blake of Roland Park. Formerly 
Miss Katherine Clellan Causey, she is 
the daughter of Mrs. Katharine Luckett 


The bride attended the University of 
Maryland and was a member of Delta 
Delta Delta Sorority. 

Mr. Carter is now a senior in the 
University of Maryland College of 
Agriculture and is a member of Sigma 
Chi fraternity. 

Popieniuck — Turcotte 

Forest Glen was the scene of the 
wedding of Miss Anne Louise Tur- 
cotte, dughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emile 
Turcotte of Silver Spring, to Walter 
Popieniuck, son of Mr. and Mrs An- 
thony Popieniuck of Maynard, Massa- 

The bride was graduated from Mary- 
land University. Her husband attended 
the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 

Johnson — Langenf elder 

Miss Betty Langenfelder, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Langen- 
felder, of Rosedale, Md., and Mr. Jay 
Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward 
Johnson, of Syracuse, N. Y. were mar- 
ried in Washington. 

Miss Langenfelder attended the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. Mr. Johnson was 
recently discharged from the Naval Re- 
serve as an ensign after four and a 
half years of service. 

Dixon — Klein 

Miss Emily Mae Klein, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klein, of Chesa- 
peake Beach, was married to Samuel 
Mason Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs 
Samuel H. Dixon of Plum Point, Prince 

The groom is a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Shook — Carty 

At Catoctin Furnace, when Rosella 
Carty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs 
Charles Carty, became the bride of 
William Shook, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
James Shook. 

The groom is a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Cline — Johnson 

Washington, D. C. was the scene of 
the wedding of Miss Anne Elizabeth 
Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Howard Hamilton Johnson, and Mr. 
Ralph William Cline, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Frank Cline of Harrisonburg, Va. 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland where she was a 
member of the Delta Delta Delta sorori- 
ty. Her husband attended the Vir- 
ginia Polytechnic Institute for two 
years prior to entering the service and 
last year attended University of Mary- 

Van Royen — Fetty 

Miss Alice Irene Fetty, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Francis Fetty of 
Winchester, Ky., and Dr. William Van 
Royen of Washington were married in 

Mrs Royen was graduated from Ken- 
tucky Wesleyan College and received a 
degree in Library Science from West- 
ern Reserve University. She also did 
graduate work at the University of 
Chicago, Columbia University and the 
University of Kentucky. She has 
served as a member of the faculties of 
several colleges, and during the past 
several years has been Chief of Cir- 
culation of the United States Depart- 
ment of Agriculture Library. 

Dr. Van Royen is professor at the 
University of Maryland, and a con- 
sultant to the Departments of War and 
of Agriculture. He is a native of the 
Netherlands and holds an M.A. degree 
from the University of Utrecht and a 
degree of Doctor of Philosophy from 
Clark University, Worcester, Mass. 

Chas. L. Callahan 

Baltimore, Maryland died July 20. 
Funeral services were held July 23 in 
Baltimore. He was thirty-three years 
old and had been associated with his 
brother in a Baltimore Chemical Supply 
Company. While at Maryland he was 
Sergeant At Arms for his senior class 
and played varsity tackle on the foot- 
ball team in '33 '34 '35. He was chosen 
on the second All-Maryland collegiate 
team in '35. A graduate of Loyola 
High, he was selected for the All-state 
high school team in 1931. 

Dr. Charles E. Harris 

Dr. Charles E. Harris, 78, of 568 
Main Street, Hyannis, Mass., died at 
the Cape Cod Hospital. 

Dr. Harris was born in Waterford, 
Vt., son of Charles D. and Isabella 
(Farrow) Harris. A graduate of St. 
Johnsbury Academy, he attended Uni- 
versity of Maryland School of Medicine, 
graduating in 1897, and practiced Medi- 
cine in Hyannis since 1898. 

He is survived by his widow Caroline 
Thacher Harris, a son Richard of Hy- 
annis, a daughter Mrs. C. V. Mackie 
of Hyannis and a daughter Mrs. C. H. 
Matterson of Ames, Iowa. There are 
six grandchildren. 

Dr. Edwin B. Goodall 

Dr. Edwin Baker Goodall, 65, of 
Newton Center, Mass., Boston eye spe- 
cialist, died at his office. 

Born in Jefferson, N. H., July 17, 
1882, he attended Jefferson High 
School and received his medical de- 

gree from the University of Maryland 
in 1909. He engaged in general prac- 
tice in Ossining, N. Y., 1909 to 1912, 
and at Haverhill, 1912 to 1916. 

He was house officer at the Mass- 
achusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary from 
1916 to 1918, and the following year 
began practice in Boston specializing 
in ophthalmology. 

He served as a captain in the Army 
medical corps during the first world 
war. He was a member of the Amer- 
ican Medical Association, American 
Board of Ophthalmology, American 
Academy of Ophthalmology, New Eng- 
land Ophthalmology Society, Massa- 
chusetts Medical Society, Theta Nu Ep- 
silon and Masons. 

Dr. Lee Knight 

Dr. Lee Knight of Temple, Tex., 
passed away on the 6th of July, 1947 
at the age of 82. He was a graduate 
of the University of Maryland. 

Joseph W. Daley 

Joseph W. Daley, '11, Mechanical 
Engineering, Branch Manager of Na- 
tional Shawmut Bank, Boston, died 
in Boston in 1944. 

Dr. E. B. Ramsey 

Dr. E. B. Ramsey, Smithfield, Va., 
departed this life April 4, 1945 at the 
age of 74 years, 5 months and 4 days. 
He graduated from the University of 
Maryland, Medical, in June 1897. Prior 
to attending Maryland he graduated 
at William and Mary College, Va. 

He had to give up his practice of 
medicine early in life on account of 
deafness. He practiced in Newport 
News a few years and the rest of the 
time in Isle of Wight County. 

MR. and Mrs. Joseph Hamer an- 
nounce the birth of a daughter, 
Janice Ellen. (5 lbs. 14 oz.) Dr. 
Hamer got his B.S. in Chemistry in 
1938 and did his graduate work at the 
Fetroleum Refining Laboratory at The 
Pennsylvania State College. He re- 
cently accepted a position at Esso Lab- 
oratories, Elizabeth, N. J. Mrs. Hames, 
the former Millie Baitz, received her 
B.A. in Education in 1940. 

f 3 " 


i ' 


FOOTBALL practice at College 
Park donned a cloak of secrecy 
with the practice beginning- on Sep- 
tember 1. Head Coach "Sunny Jim" 
Tatum has his charges working out 
behind a wooden fence that incloses a 
complete practice field, shielded from 
the eyes of prying scouts. 

In this "Tatum Bowl" the split-T 
will be the order of the day. With the 
roughest schedule in Terp history just 
beyond the horizen Tatum is making no 
promises but is dead serious about the 
job ahead. There will be a complete 
variation of the Shaughnessy "T" for 
the returning lettermen and new comers 
will get a load of the Faurot split "T". 
Big Jim Meade, the same Jumbo who 
carried the mail for the Terps and later 
on for the Washington Redskins, has 
been added to the coaching staff which, 
in addition to Tatum under Athletic 
Director Walter S. Driskill, includes 
George Barclay, Houston Elder, Bill 
Meek, Flucie Stewart and Al Woods, 
another Terp grid great. 

The season opens at South Carolina 
on September 27 and, on October 3, the 
flood lights will go on in the first home 
game between Maryland and unbeaten 
University of Delaware. 


The late and great Knute Rockne 
employed a neat trick for snapping in 
star gazers and day dreamers during 
football skull drill. Noting some hap- 
less beezark whose thoughts had strayed 
to somewhere down by the old mill 
stream, Knute would stop in the middle 
of a sentence and, addressing the doper. 
ask, "What day of the week is it?". 
That usually caught the doping young- 
ster fiatfooted. 

But Knute's method probably takes 
second place to the routine employed 
by Lieutenant Jimmy Hicks of the 
Navy. Jimmy'd be giving out with a 
lecture to a platoon of dog tired boots 
and suddenly switch to: 

"Don't be a 'walk-off!' Do you salt- 
less salts know what a walk-off is? I'll 
tell you. When the Good Lord created 
man he did the job in a military 
manner. He made a squad of eight 
perfect 160 pound middleweights. 
Beautiful guys with movie profiles 
and torsos like the dinkus thrower in 
the vacation at Rome. Perfect co- 

ordination, reflexes and control. Then 
he set 'em up against a fence to dry, 
breathed the breath of life into 'em 
and they moved about and had their 

"Then the Lord commanded, 'In place, 
halt! I forgot one thing, I forgot to 
give you guys brains. So stand fast 
while I go down to the brain locker and 
bring a bucket of brains to pour into 
you fellows.' 

"When the Good Lord returned there 
were only four guys there. The other 
four had walked off and a lot of de- 
scendants of the last named four are 
right here in this outfit! ! !" 

Then here is the one about the old 
coach at good old Riebersdorf U. who, 
had suffered a particularly trying day 
during which his gallant pigskinners 
had degenerated to the mental plain of 
grade 16 morons. 

The old coach had just about decided 
that Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 
with a little backfield help from Goldie 
Locks and the Three Bears, could just 
about send his team to the Eagle Laun- 

"Sit down," said the coach, "While 
I tell you a story." 

"When I was a little boy," he sobbed, 
"I had a very, very unhappy childhood. 
We were very poor. My dear old 
mother was always sickly. My dad 
was a mean old drunken man. He'd 
come home Saturdays and just belt 
hell out of mother. 

"My older brother, Skunkton, and I," 
continued the coach, "were too small to 
pitch in and help Maw. 

"We never had any Christmas toys 
like other children," the old coach sobbed 
on, "and each year I hoped — and hoped 
in vain — for a set of wooden soldiers. 
I always wanted those wooden soldiers 
with which to play. 

"Then one day my dear old Maw 
layed down and died", the old coach 
went on to say. "She called me to her 
bed side just before she passed away 
and said, 'Snorky, all your life you 
wanted a set of wooden soldiers to 
play with. You have never gotten 
them. But, Snorky, God's in his heaven 
and all's right with the world. Some 
day. Snorky, somehow, somewhere you'll 
get your wooden soldiers to play with ! '. 

"And," suddenly roared the old coach. 
"I want this hopeless, hapless, helpless 
assortment of knuckleheads to know 
has COME! !" 


Here's a football story from China 
where you grab a rickshaw which ad- 
vertises, "20 cents a go, 20 cents a 
come, 30 cents a complete went" and 
right turn off the Bund out toward 
Bubbling Well Race Course and the 
Metropole, where Wang, the man child 
of the tubercular tenor, Wun Lung Yet 
Ah Sing, is reporting an American foot- 
ball game. Wang had answered an ad 
for a typewriting reporter with, "I am 
Wang. I can drive a typewriter with 
great noise and my English is great. 
My former job has now left me for the 
reason that the man died dead. That 
was on no account from me. If I can 
be of use to you I shall go to work 
on the very date you can guess." 

Anyhow, Wang reported as follows 
to wit, namely, i. e., colon and dash, e. 
g. although we always liked that viz: — 
"This is the American style of foot- 
ball taken from the Chinese battle dore 
shuttle cock, but with damage. All of 
one team stands on one side. The other 
on the other. All are constantly con- 
fusing. Any number may be used. 

"The players kick and throw the ball 
at each other. The object is to strike 
the other player with the ball. If a 
player is injured and dragged from the 
field his opponent wins six points. 
However, if that ball comes back at the 
player and he kicks it back over a cross 
bar he counts another point. 

"It is dangerous to fall on the ball 
because that privileges all other players 
of both sides to fall on top. Here the 
officials count from one to ten. 

"If the ball is kicked or thrown at a 
player and he avoids it and lets it pass 
he is disgraced and must leave the 
game. He may return later, however, 
if re-instated by vote of his team mates. 
These votes are conducted from time to 
time during the game when the players 
huddle together. If he is reinstated he 
is then called a pinch hitter. 

"There are also officials who com- 
municate with each other by means of a 
code of hand signals. This code is 
secret and very confusing." 


7a M&et Micltiaa+i State 

3l;irvhiii<l IBoxcrs To ^po To ,f Sugar Howl* 

THE University of Maryland's box- 
ing team has been invited to box 
in the "Sugar Bowl", the New Orleans 
Mid-Winter Sports Carnival, in the 
Crescent City on December 29, 1947 Di- 
rector of Athletics Walter S. Driskill 
has announced. 
The Terrapin ring- 
sters' opponents 
will be Michigan 
state, a truly pow- 
erful squad. 

The entire box- 
ing squad was can- 
vassed. Over- 
whelmingly they 
favored the New 
Orleans contest. It 
was appreciated 
that the date, De- 
cember 29th, pretty 
well knocks the 
prop out from un- 
der the Yule holi- 
day, what with the training grind that 
precedes the bouts. It was also made 
plain that the opposition would be rugg- 
ed, as the Sugar Bowl is definitely major 
league stuff. 

Tough Schedule 

The New Orleans date precedes a 
hardy regular season of eight dual 
meets, four at home and four away, 
against South Carolina, Army, Catholic 
University, Louisiana State, Michigan 
State, Clemson, The Citadel, and Buck- 
nell. Following that comes the South- 
ern Conference tournament and, later, 
most likely at Minnesota, the N.C.A.A. 
tournament, ("The Nationals"), which 
this year are an Olympic Team tryout 
at Olympic weights, 112, 118, 126, 135, 

Mr. O'Brien 

Veteran Terrapin 
Couch Emphasizes 
Puneli And Road 

By Dick O'Brien 

Boxing Expert 
Washington Times-Herald 

147, 175, and Heavyweight, instead of 
the usual collegiate 125, 130, 135, 145, 
155, 165, 175, and Unlimited. 

The weights to be used at New Or- 
leans will be at the usual collegiate 

The Officials 

The referee for the Sugar Bowl meet 
will be Dr. L. Barrodale, of Houma, La., 
who is a listed N.C.A.A. official. The 
judges will be Jack Pizzano and George 
Manteris, both former collegiate box- 
ing champions from Tulane University. 


"When his opponents tried to nail him Frank 
C'ronin just wasn't there. He had those legs! 
He was a great counterpuncher and a champion 
against real good ringmen." 


"Another good Maryland puncher is Andy 
Quattrocchi. who ran into tough luck with hand 
injuries last season. In five starts Andy stop- 
ped four opponents and had the fifth one on 
the floor. He's a whole lot like Nedomatsky." 

Maryland's boxers will be guests at 
all events of the Mid-Winter Sports 
Carnival, including the Sugar Bowl 
football classic on New Year's Day. 

In the latter premise here is a word 
from Jim Kehoe, Maryland's track 
coach and former cinder path star. 
Says Coach Jim, "The Sugar Bowl is 
the biggest thing in sports. I ran 
down there. New Orleans will show 
our boxers a truly wonderful time; 
nothing like it anywhere else." 

Says Professor George D. Quigley, 
staunch Maryland boxing booster, "The 
pre-holiday bowl meet in New Orleans 
will tend to eliminate the problem of 
the team getting out of shape over the 
holidays and moving right into dual 
meet competition shortly after the holi- 
days. The New Orleans event will pro- 
vide every incentive for getting into 


"Maryland had a great puncher, circa 1934- 
1937, in Ivan Nedomatsky. If 'Ivan the Ter- 
rible' didn't stretch them for the full count he 
had them doing some funny things standing 

shape and starting the schedule with a 
bang. For the rest of the season, re- 
gardless of the outcome in New Or- 
leans, wel'll always be 'Maryland's 
Sugar Bowl Team.' With good condi- 
tion and pointing for the Sugar Bowl, 
no injuries, and three competant offi- 
cials there appears to be no reason 
why Maryland ring followers shouldn't 
hope for a win in Louisiana." 

With Maryland making a bid for 
Bowl honors it is not amiss to recall a 
little history. 

Three Titles 

It was in 1936 that Dr. H. C. ("Cur- 
ley") Byrd a keen judge of all branches 
of sport, asked Colonel Heinie Miller 
to take over the helm in boxing at Col- 
lege Park. The Terps had never won a 
Southern Conference boxing title. 
They won their first one after an unde- 
feated season in Miller's initial year. 
They repeated in 1939 after another 
undefeated season and topped that one 
by defeating Army's Eastern intercol- 
legiate champions in a post season 

Last year the Terp ring team, again 
under Miller, who had returned from 
the Pacific and the Marine Corps after 
an absence of five years and two 
months, again won the Conference title 
after a dual meet season in which they 
won seven matches and lost one. Win- 
ning three titles in five chances is not 
a bad average in any league. 


In boxing since 1902, when he 
weighed in as a 12 year old 100 pound- 
er, Coach Miller is rated nationally as 
a fellow who knows the answers where 
the game of block and counter is con- 

Miller's favorite type is a smart box- 
er with a punch. 

"With green kids who are just taking 
up the game it is smart to teach them 
to hit hard and correctly before they 
are taught anything else," he said, add- 
ing, "The puncher can be on the 
floor and badly stung, but, bouyed 
by the realization that he can HIT, 
he knows he has a winning chance 
all the time." 

Remember Nedo? 

"Punching is not hard to learn," 
Heinie added, "because it is simply an 
intelligent application of weight. It 
has nothing to do with 'build' or 

Maryland had a great puncher, 
circa 1934-1937, in Ivan Nedomatsky. 
If "Ivan the Terrible" didn't stretch 
them for the full count he had them 
doing some funny things standing up. 

Another good Maryland puncher is 
Andy Quattrocchi, who ran into tough 
luck with hand injuries last season. In 
five starts Andy stopped four opponents 
and had the fifth one on the floor. He's 
a whole lot like Nedomatsky. 

"What", we asked Miller, "is the most 
important feature of training for box- 

"That would be boxing," replied the 
coach, continuing, "If you are training 
a swimmer you put him in the water. 
The best training for a boxer is in the 
ring against various types of oppon- 
ents; boxers, sluggers, counterpunchers, 
southpaws. The more varied the styles, 
the more the participants will learn. 
It is not good for a boxer to train al- 
ways with the same sparring mates." 

That Roadwork 

"Next in importance, if not equally 
important in the showdown," Miller 
said, "is roadwork. I do not mean road- 
work just before the contest. By hit- 
ting the road only during the training 
season you only get back into shape. 
You do not advance over last year's 
condition. The benefits of roadwork 
pay off over the years. That is why 
Frank Cronin, Maryland's undefeated 
155 pound Southern Conference cham- 
pion in 1939, did so well when he was 
really a ring neophyte. Frank had 
years of track behind him. When his 
opponents tried to nail him Frank just 
wasn't there. He had those legs. He 
was a great counterpuncher and a 
champion against real good ringmen. 

"Roadwork," Miller continued, "is 
best in the early mornings and next 
best just before gymnasium work. 
However, when the schedule is so that 
you just can't take roadwork in the 

morning or before a gym workout it is 
very good medicine to take it after the 
gym workout rather than have no 
roadwork at all." 

The Last Round 
"Many a bout," Miller continued, "is 
lost in the last round and the fellow 
who wins the third round is usually the 
fellow who has the wind and the legs 
that come from consistent and earnest 
attention to roadwork. It is not much 
fun, but it wins boxing contests. The 
true stamina that comes as a result of 
months of application. The best reac- 


Those Were the Happy Days 


Maryland's ring coach is pictured here in his 
youth by Dick Mansfield, in the Washington 
Star. Miller to this day emphasizes punchers 
and roadwork. His favorite type is a boxer 
with a punch. Old Doc Dougherty said, "In his 
youth Miller never had anything but a head 
and a right hand." Either or both are a great 
help to any boxer. 

tions come as a result of a steady diet 
of training." 

"Such great champions as Bob Fitz- 
simmons and Jack Britton, who boxed 
until they were 45 years old, did not 
have to pull comebacks. They had 
never been away. They never broke 
training and stayed in shape over the 
years. They emphasized consistent 
roadwork and plenty of boxing," the 
coach said. 

"What" we asked Miller, "is your 
favorite punch?" 

"Next to Lesson 1, which is a straight 
left jab," Miller replied, "I like the 
double-left hook. That is the old 'in- 
verted 3'. It slams a full steam left 
hook into the body and loops it over to 
the chin. Two separate and distinct 
punches. So many boxers know how to 
use that punch, but fail to use it often 
enough. Billy Conn, in his first bout 
with Louis, double left hooked the 
champion throughout the bout. Conn 
was within touching distance of the 
world's title by dint of that double left. 
In his second bout with Louis Conn for- 
got all about the 'inverted 3'. He never 
tried it Once." 


Nice Puncher 

As a youngster Heinie Miller won 
three Service titles over the long route 
of 20 and 25 rounds. His record indi- 
cates that he could belt like nobody's 
business, but strangely enough, not with 
a double left hook but rather with a 
right cross. 

We asked Miller about that. 

"I never could take a punch well," 
Miller said, "and I used to like to make 
the other fellow lead. Then if I was 
lucky enough to make him miss or 
could block his lead, I'd try to nail him 
with a right while his weight was com- 
ing toward me. The distance was too 
long to let anything but Sunday 
punches go." 

That recalled a remark made by Old 
Doc Dougherty at Annapolis some years 
ago. Doc had seen Heinie box many 
times. A youngster wanted to know 
what Miller "had" as a ringman. 

Dougherty replied, "Heinie used to 
win, but he was usually on the floor 
several times. He didn't have much. 
All he had was a head and a right 
hand." (It must have been a pretty 
good right judging by an old yellowed 
clipping book.) 

There must be something to that busi- 
ness of a puncher always having the 
edge by knowing he can punch. 

Plenty to Learn 

"No boxer," Miller concluded, "has 
ever learned all there is to know about 
boxing. Two of boxing's very best, the 
immortal Joe Gans and Philadelphia 
Jack O'Brien, used to say that they 
learned at every show by watching pre- 
liminary boys in action. They believed 
every boxer had something no other 
boxer had." 

That recalled the fellow who, upon 
hearing the coffee advertisement over 
the radio, "Good to the last drop", 
wanted to know, "What's wrong with 
that last drop?" 

A goal of absolute perfection may 
not be attainable in boxing or any other 
line of endeavor, but no man is going to 
look ridiculous or absurd in going after 


The Washington Senators baseball 
team is reputed to have manager trou- 
bles in that the players are organizing 
against Manager Ossie Bluege. Owner 
Clark Griffith, who has been around 
a long, long time and knows the base- 
ball answers says, "They're supposed 
to put out all they have. When they 
buck the manager they're not playing 
the game. One man, no more, is at 
fault. It's always one man. He leads 
others and the others are not really re- 

*1Ue4/, plained Jland 

Maryland's National Rifle Champions Lauded 


Greatly responsible for the University of Maryland's fine shooting record is Colonel Harland C. Griswold who. during his entire Army career, 
has been an outstanding rifleman and rifle coach. Add to that Maryland's fine indoor target range, pictured above, a part of Maryland's big armory 

RIFLE shooting- doesn't get near- 
ly as much publicity as it should," 
said the colonel. "It's really a great 
sport, although it doesn't have much 
spectator appeal, and a god rifleman 
trains as diligent- 
ly as an all-Amer- 
ican halfback and 
competes under 
terrific pressure. 
Physical r e 1 a x a- 
tion and mental 
concentration — a 
very fine co-ordi- 
nation between the 
eye and trigger 
finger, makes a 
good rifleman, and 
it isn't easy. Yet 
you don't see much 
Mr. Atchison about it in the 

The speaker was Col. Harland C. 
Griswold, coach of the University of 
Maryland's national champion rifle 
team, and an old hand in the trigger- 
squeezing business. We always thought 

Good Shooters, 

Attracted by Fame 
of Terrapin 
Marksmen. Kept 
Out by Rules 

By Lewis F. Atchison 

The Washington Star 

the requisites for a winning gun team 
were: (A) a range to practice on; (B) 
five rifles and plenty of ammunition, 
and (C) five men to use the rifles and 
ammunition. But it didn't take the col- 
onel long to get us untwisted. Compe- 
tition with a shootin' iron is a tough 
and highly skilled pastime. 

Not Like Glen Echo 
First call for candidates usually 
brings out some 150 Deadeye Richards 
who have an idea its like pinking pie 
plates at Glen Echo — for free. The col- 
onel issues instructions for three weeks 
training at the end of which, he tells 
them, the squad will be cut. But long- 
before the deadline trigger-happy boys 
find their patience too short, the hours 
too long and their co-ordination sadly 

unco-ordinated. The colonel hasn't had 
to use the paring knife yet. 

A rifle coach has as much trouble as 
his football counterpart digging up ma- 
terial. One New York State high 
school coach wrote the colonel after 
Maryland's national triumph, stating he 
had three sharpshooters desirous of ma- 
triculating at College Park. But only 
one measured up to the scholastic re- 
quirements and he doesn't want to come 
without the others, so the Terps miss 
out on three fine prospects. 
Started at Ten 
The colonel smuggled his first .22 
into the barn on the family homestead 
back in Yorkville, 111., at the tender age 
of 10 and sent two of the neighbor's 
fattest hens to wherever fat and thor- 
oughly dead hens go before the rifle 
quietly disappeared. He wasn't much 
bigger then, he recalls, than Freshman 
Arthur Cook when he first saw him a 
few years ago. Cook, the Terps' No. 1 
man, fired two matches against Mary- 
land with the Pinwheel Juniors when 
Artie wasn't much taller than his rifle. 



"I wouldn't have believed it possible if I 
hadn't seen it!" 

"And he doesn't look a whole lot bigger 
now," the colonel added. 

Cook was the Terps' sparkplug, al- 
though all the boys stood up well in 
tight competition. The coach still 
doesn't know how he fired a standing 
position score of 98x100 and marked up 
296x300, not once but twice, confessing 
"I wouldn't believe it possible if I had- 
n't seen it!" 

In the national title shoot, in which 
Maryland's 1,408 shattered Iowa's mark 
of 1,403, Cook, who average 291 during 
the season, finished a point below team- 
mate Walter Bowling's 287, which won 
the individual crown. Artie's only 
comment was that he was glad his team 
score helped set the record. A similar 
spirit helped Cook capture the national 
junior crown two years ago. 

All Were Good 

But Col. Griswold gives other mem- 
bers of the squad their fair share of 
credit for winning the championship. 
Cook, Bowling and Emanuel Briguglio 
were named on the National Rifle As- 
sociation's "Golden Bullet" team, the 
all-America of rifle shooting, and Joe 
Decker, Jack Wasson and Hilton Carter 
were picked on the second team. It 
was another record-smashing per- 

The Terps fired approximately 100,- 
000 rounds last year, winning 21 
shoulder-to-shoulder matches plus the 
majority of their postal contests. 
There's no such thing as a practice 
round — every target counts, so they 
were on the bulls-eye every time they 
pulled the trigger. And if you want to 
know one of the reasons for Maryland's 
success the colonel says it was absti- 
nence from cigars. A puff or two on a 
cigarette before a match will do no 
harm, but the stogies make the little 
black spot bounce like a bad check. 


George Leo Carroll, of Philadelphia, 
has taken over as athletic publicity di- 
rector at the University of Maryland, 
succeeding William H. (Bill) Hottel, 
who relinquished the job to do some 
special work at* the University, it was 
announced by Walter S. Driskill, ath- 
letic director. 

Carroll, who is 26 years of age, is a 
1942 graduate in journalism from St. 
Joseph's College of Philadelphia, and 
did publicity at his alma mater last 
year after four years in the Marine 
Corps. He did promotional work for 
the Philadelphia Inquirer Charities and 
for the 100-mile AAA national auto 
lacing championships. He was also 
associated with Franny Murray, well 
Known Philadelphia sportscaster on 
various broadcasts. While in the ser- 
vice Carroll was sports editor of the 
Camp Lejeune Globe at Camp Le- 
jeune, N. C. and covered major foot- 
ball games as a Marine Corps Corres- 
pondent. He also served in Washing- 
ton as associate editor of Headquarters 
Bulletin, official U. S. Marine Corps 
publication. Carroll has assumed his 
duties at College Park and is busy 
getting matters lined up for the foot- 
ball campaign. 

Bill Hottel, for many years a close 
friend and associate of Dr. H. C. Byrd, 
President of the University, did 
public relations work at Maryland for 
more than 25 years, but in recent years 
confined himself to athletic publicity. 
He assumed the public relations job in 
1922, which then embraced both general 
and sports publicity, but he was allied 
with Dr. Byrd even before the latter 



Emile Fritz, guard on Maryland's 1945 and 
1946 teams, is now with the Baltimore Colts. 
Emile was rated by opposing players as just 
about as good as any guard in college football. 

came to the University as coach of foot- 
ball and other sports in 1922. Hottel 
has witnessed the rise of Dr. Byrd from 
a grid mentor to the Presidency. 

"We had to give him an honorary degree in 

science — he's financing six halfbacks in the 

engineering school." 

[George Lichty in The Chicago Times] 


The Mountaineers are rough old dears, 

They love their pleasure hearty, 

They throw their janes through window panes 

Each time they give a party. 

Judge Kenna Clark, of Fairmount, 
W. Va., Chairman of the West Virginia 
State Athletic Commission, was waited 
upon by a committee of citizens who 
complained that they believed the pro- 
fessional wrestling matches were fixed 
and they wanted the judge to do some- 
thing about it. 

"You like movies?", asked Judge 

"Sho do", replied the committee 

"Like Humphrey Bogart?", asked 
the Judge. 

"He's a fine actor", was the reply. 

"Well", reminded Clark "you know 
every fellow he shoots in the movies 
doesn't really die." 

Civilization moves forward and we 
recall the reports, some years ago, out 
of Miles City, Montana, when the irate 
populace tried to lynch a whole the- 
atrical company when the audience 
learned that the actors were shooting 
blanks and that all the dead actors got 
up from there and walked right out'n 
the stage door. The crowd demanded 
their money back. And then there was 
the French- Canadian backwoodsman, 
armed with an axe, who chased a car- 
nival performer clear out of Medicine 
Hat because the guy was sawing a per- 
fectly good looking woman in half. 



Lower insert shows Coach Bobby Goldstein. The team, left to right: Len Rodman, terrific punching heavyweight; Herbie Gunther Southern 
Conference 175 pound champion; Johnny Gilmore, 165; Alex Bobenko, 155; Hotsy Alperstein, 145; Tom Jones, 135; Jud Lincoln, 127; Joe Cicala, 120. 

THESE Terrapins were Champions! 
We recall them here, hoping such 
action will inspire present and future 
Maryland teams in all branches of 

These Terrapins, when their own lea- 
gue folded due to the war back in 1942, 
hopped over into the other fellows' 
briar patch and p'cked up the marbles. 

The Southern Conference, in 1942, 
called off its Tournament. The Eastern 
Intercollegiate loop invited the Terps as 
"guests". They were not very polite 
guests. They brought home the title. 
That was the last of such invitations. 

The team pictured herewith accom- 
plished the remarkable feat of winning 
a team title without winning a single 
individual championship. 

The 1942 Terps were coached by Bob- 
by Goldstein, former national 135 
pound champion from the University of 
Virginia. Bobby was one of five suc- 
cessive coaches who held the fort at 
Maryland for one year at a time. Four 
of them, Mike Lombardo, Goldstein, 

Tom Campagna and Fausto Rubini left 
for the service. Paddy Kane held the 
job in 1945. Heinie Miller, Maryland's 
coach who left in 1940, returned in 

Unlike previous Maryland titular 
teams this squad did not enjoy an un- 
defeated season. They lost to Virginia, 

'I'liKf MAKllNli 

Mike Lombardo, from Maryland's 1935-<1937 
boxing teams and, for 1941 Maryland's ring 
coach, recently Athletic Officer at Quantico. 
Mike, who came into the Corps through Wash- 
ington's Fifth Reserve Battalion, is a veteran of 
Okinawa and has just returned to civilian life. 


4V 2 to 3% and to Coast Guard, 5 to 3. 
However, they drew with South Caro- 
lina, defeated Western Maryland, Vir- 
ginia Tech, Catholic University and 
North Carolina. 

In the Eastern Intercollegiate Tour- 
nament, including Virginia, Coast 
Guard and other Eastern teams, Terra- 
pins Hotsy Alperstein, 145 ; Herby Gun- 
ther, 175; Jud Lincoln, 127; Joe Cicala, 
120; and Johnny Gilmore, 165 were 
eliminated in the finals. But each of 
them won tlu'ee points and, added up, 
that gave the Terps 15 markers and 
the Eastern Intercollegiate Boxing 

This was a well balanced, hard fight- 
ing team that, regardless of the breaks 
against them, kept on pitching its level 
best. Winning the Eastern title proved 
great spirit. Never before nor since 
had a team won a title without 
winning individual championships and 
never before had a Maryland team in- 
vaded another Conference to bring 
home the bacon. 


(From "The Touchdown," 
Washington, D. C.) 

WHAT universities give 
their professors in the 
way of salaries 

Is fairly proportionate to their 
football galleries. 

And to improve his university's 

Prexy is not so concerned with 

Professors famous for their knowl- 

And methods of teaching at some 
well known college 

As he is in signing near or far, 
Some potential football star. 

Which explains why Prexy's an- 
nual budget allotment 

Gives a large amount to the ath- 
letic depotment 

(Wouldn't that one make Ogden 
Nash his teeth?) 

Thus the degree of our student's 


Maryland End 


jqmr' ■ ' ■ 


Maryland Fullback 

Depends on what the pig skin's 

And the athlete chuckles in his 

When he gets his tuition, board 

and laundry free — 
He thinks the school supports him, 

but as a rule, 
He's the one who supports the 



Maryland Guard 


Maryland Guard 


Maryland Fullback 


Turning Out 
For 1947 


Maryland Tackle 


Member of the '42 team, away in the war, 
Hubie was on the sidelines all last year with a 
broken ankle. He'll try again this year. 

H1LDEGARDE, the Incomparable, 
who, before she became incom- 
parable, exotic and Parisian, sang in a 
little German church choir in Adell, 
Wisconsin, had an Army officer up be- 
fore the microphone for an interview. 
"1 see by your silver leaves," said Hil- 
degarde, "that you are a Lieutenant- 
Colonel. And how long will you remain 
a Lieutenant-Colonel?" 

"Until tomorrow," replied the sol- 

"Oh, and then you will become a full 
Colonel," chortled the Incomparable. 

"No," corrected the soldier, "then I 
will become a Major." 

A coed who came from Vandalia, 

Went to a fancy dress ball as a dahlia, 

When the petals divided 

Onlookers decided 

That the dress, as a dress 

Was a fahlia. 

"Daddy, what is the curse of 

"Being stuck with the check" 

"Me and the wife ain't speaking," he 
said as he drew a blank sheet of paper 
from the envelope in the mail box. 

Outside the toy factory the storm 
raged furiously. Inside the machines 
were silent. 

The enraged owner dashed up to the 
night foreman. 

"Why aren't you turning out your 
usual quota of toy animals?" 

The foreman drew himself up to his 
full height as he replied: 

"I wouldn't turn out a dog on a night 
like this." 

Brenda: Oh, he's so romantic. When 
he addresses me, he always calls me 
"Fair Lady." 

Cobina: Force of habit, my dear. He's 
a street-car conductor. 

Then there was the spinster who 
sniffed when anyone suggested she 
might be happier in wedded bliss. She'd 
rail, "I have a dog that growls, a par- 
rot that swears, a fireplace that smokes 
and a cat that stays out all night — so 
whv should I want a husband?" 

Landstreicher thought he saw a 
shaggy bear sitting next to a guy in the 
movies. He edged up to take a look-see. 
Sho' nuf it was a bear. "Is that your 
bear?", he asked of the guy. 

"Yes, it is," admitted the seated one. 

"Why on earth did you bring it to the 

Replied the bear's friend: "Ah, he 
was just fascinated by the book." 

"I married a man in the fire depart- 

"A volunteer?" 
"No. Pa made him." 

The girl who thinks no man is good 
enough for her may be right. But more 
often she is left. 

Teacher: "Johnny, what domestic 
bird cannot fly, has to scratch for his 
food, and is the first one you hear in the 

Johnny: "Paw!" 

You haven't had a r< al hangover un- 
til you can't stand the noise made by 
the Broino-Seltzer. 

"Pawdon me, Mrs. As- 
tor, but that would never 
have happened if you 
hadn't stepped between 
me and the spittoon." 

Cafe sign in Des 
Moines: "If you want to 
put your ashes and ciga- 
rette butts in your cup 
and saucer, let the wait- 
ress know and she will 
serve the coffee in the ash 

Wang, the Man: "Our 
children velly white. Is 
velly strange." 

Lotus Flower, the Wife: 
"Occidents will happen." 

"I may be down but I'm 
not out," said the shirt 
tail to the garter. 

"Good night, Daddy. 
Sleep tight." 

"Don't worry, sonny 
(hie) — I have for years. 

Father: "What do you 
mean bringing my daugh- 
ter home at this hour of 
the morning?" 

Stude: "Had to make a 
class at 8:20." 

"Some thinkle may peep 
I'm under the alfluence of 
incohol but I'm not as 
think as they drunk I 

Chem Prof: What can 
you tell me about ni- 
trates ? 

Soph : Well-er— They're 
lot cheaper than day 

Guy left the campus to 
join the Navy as a bugler 
so he could blow his horn 
without being lynched. 


"Did you miss your 

"No, I didn't like its 
looks, so I chased it out 
of College Park." 


'51 : A man is never older than he 
feels. This morning I felt as fresh as 
a two-year old. 

'49: Horse or egg? 

Doctor: "What your husband needs, 
Mrs. Naggett, is a complete rest. I 
have prescribed a sleeping pill. Don't 
give it to him, you take it." 

Her eyes were Hazel, her laugh was 
Mary, her mouth was Rose, her skin 
« as Olive, she was all Grace, but they 
called her Joan, Ah! 

The Burlap sisters — a couple of 

Guy got dizzy from reading circular 


"Smee. Stime gettup. Squarter- 




"Awright. Dondope offagen." 

"Awright. Iyaint gonnacallyergen. 

"Mama, tell me a fairy story." 

"It's half-past midnight dear, and 

daddy isn't home yet. He'll tell a fairy 

story when he gets here." 

Wunst I had a little sled 

On which I'd speed around, 

The sled upset in the ice and snow, 

Massa's in de col', col' ground. 

Tho' there be some who say he's not, 
The Yank is shrewder than the Scot — 
He sold his scrap across the sea 
And then he got it all back free. 

Mother: "Do you like your new gov- 
erness, William?" 

Junior Terp: "No. I'd like to grab 
her and bite her on the neck just like 
pa does." 

"Are the hot irons ready?" 

"Yes, red hot." 

"Is the oil boiling?" 

"Yes, searing!" 

"Is the victim tied securely in the 
massive chair?" 

"Yes, she cannot move!" 

"Has the shroud been placed over 
her lithe figger?" 

"Yes, — heh, heh, heh!" 

"O. K. Give her the $10 permanent." 

Mother: Sonny, don't use such bad 

Son: Shakespeare used 'em. 

Mother: Don't play with him any 

Few people are so poor that they 
can't boast of at least one rich relative. 

Three great R's: Readin', Ritin', 
Rithmetic. Three more: Rent, Rheu- 
matism, Raspberry. 

Patent cigar lighters are like some 
of our campus friends. Expensive, 
won't work, and broke most of the 

A tattooed sailor is a remarkable hu- 
man document. 


Snorky, above tells us about his Uncle Auf- 
denplatz who slipped on his wife's morning robe 
to answer the doorbell. It was the ice man. 
He kissed Uncle Aufdenplatz. So Unc figured 
out that the ice man's wife owned a similar 

"Do you know what is hominy?" 
"Sure, that's what they ask you at 
the movie ticket window." 

Gosh! Barber prices are going up 
again. Barber asked us last month, 
"Shall I trim you close?" He did. We 
had to borrow bus fare. 

Rogues' gallery pictures always ap- 
pear in guilt frames. 

Telegram from New York: Al — Do 
not come up Saturday. The Fleet is in. 
He's back — Margie. 

Oh the moonshine is bright 
In my old Kentucky home. 
Two shots of it and all is gay, 
The whole gang's tight, 
From a drinkin' of the corn. 
In my old Kentucky home, 
Far away. 

It is easier to paint a lily than to 
make one. 

Happiness, consideration, intelli- 
gence and interest are all habits, and 
can be cultivated. 

Weep no more, my lady, 
Weep no more, that's right, 
Take two more shots of 
This old Kentucky corn, 
Then my old Kentucky gal, 

"As you were," commanded the co-ed 
as she assisted her roomate in remov- 
ing lipstick and hair rat. 

Wooden wedding — two I'oles getting 

Some people have no more ambition 
than an alligator. An alligator's high- 
est aspiration is to become a satchel. 

"Son, fetch the old horse. - ' 
"Why the old one, father?" 
"My motto is: "Wear out the old 

"Then you go fetch the horse." 

We have seen a lot of fellows with Marrying a woman for her beauty is 

wooden legs, but last month we met a like buying a house for its paint. Which 

girl with a cedar chest. also leads us to observe, in passing, 

that a lot of house hunters are getting 

They say it's a crime to keep liquor stucco these days. 

these days. It's not a crime. It's an 

art. "Turn over; y'r on y'r back!" 


© a 



© © 

© Alumni Secretary, © 

§ University of Maryland, § 

© College Park, Md. | 

© © 

© "Maryland" is addressed to me as follows: © 

© © 

© © 

Q © 

© 8 

© 2 

Q g 

© 2 

© _.__ . . .... © 

© ----- - Q 

© Correct address should read 2 

8 © 

© © 

© 2 

© 2 

© 2 

© © 

© 2 




College bred is made from the flour 
of youth and the dough of old age. 

Cashier: "My beauty must be fad- 
ing. The men are beginning to count 
their change!" 

1 Jtt 

^Po rchids 

An old maid who was the self-ap- 
pointed supervisor of village morals 
accused a man of being a drunkard be- 
cause she saw his car parked outside 
one of the local taverns. 

The accused man made no comment, 
but the same evening he parked his car 
outside his accuser's door — all night. 

An old grad is a guy who's stopped 
growing at both ends but not in the 

He tossed nickels around like man- 
hole covers. 

You are the first model I've ever 

"Really? How many have you had?" 
"Four — an apple, a vase and a ba- 

Mrs.: "How do you suppose those 
dozens and dozens of empty bottles 
got into the cellar?" 

Mr.: "I'm sure I don't know, I never 
bought an empty bottle in my life." 

THE University of Maryland is on 
the road to national promi- 
nence," writes Major Carl A. Sachs, 
U. S. Marine Corps, '41 (Ag), "scholas- 
tically and athletically and the splen- 
did presentation provided by 'MARY- 
LAND', the alumni magazine, is a big 
step in the right direction. I feel that 
all alumni who read the magazine will 
pledge their whole hearted cooperation 
in keeping our alumni moving forward 
and upward. Those responsible for 
'MARYLAND' and alumni progress de- 
serve a hearty 'Well done!'". Major 
Sachs, who has been elected for reten- 
tion in the regular Marine Corps, is 
now in the Army Ground Forces School, 
Fort Benning, Ga. 

"I think 'MARYLAND' is great and 
I look forward each month to the next 
issue. Congratulations and many 
thanks," writes Gerald A. Swan, 6450 
Georgia Ave., N.W., Washington 12, 
D. C. 

Writes Betsy Ross, '41, "I look for- 
ward each month to the arrival of 
'MARYLAND', a grand publication." 

"CUT Hour,, 


General Secretary, 
Alumni Association, 
University of Maryland, 
College Park, Maryland. 

Inclosed please find check for 

dollars ($ ) my contribution to the Alumni Association. 

Three dollars of the above amount is to cover subscription for 
"Maryland" for twelve issues. 

(See also coupon on other side) 

"Please convey my congratulations 
and appreciation to those who make 
'MARYLAND' possible", writes Mrs. 
David F. Altimier (Nancy Lee Jones, 
A&S '42), 802 87th Street, Niagara 
Falls, N. Y., adding, "it is a means of 
following the growth of our school as 
it moves rapidly toward the top. The 
paper keeps us in touch with each oth- 
er. Best of luck for the future of 

" 'MARYLAND' is very interesting", 
writes Virginia C. Hickling, Moose 
Lake, Minnesota, "and recalls many 
pleasant associates with some of whom 
you write. Keep up the good work. 
This is one of the finest publications 
cf University magazines I have ever 

"Put me down," writes Marilyn Bart- 
lett, 25 Hamilton Road, Scarsdale, 
N. Y., "as one of the many alumni who 
appreciate 'MARYLAND' and the asso- 

"I wish to express to you my hearty 
appreciation for such a fine alumni 
publication", writes Linwood Q. Jar- 
rell, Sr., Greensboro, Md., "and it is 
really a part of my life to know what 
is going on at the University of Mary- 
land. I want to keep on being in- 
formed." (The writer adds that his 
son, grandson and granddaughter 
graduated in June of this year. Mr. 
Jarrell is a classmate of Dr. Cory's). 

"'MARYLAND' is quite fine and I 
am happy to see such a good publica- 
tion representing the Alumni Associa- 
tion", writes Abbe L. Maxwell, '43, 33- 
54 83rd Street, Jackson Heights, L. I., 
N. Y. 

"It has been our pleasure here at 
Western Michigan College to look over 
seme excellent numbers of 'MARY- 
LAND' and we would like to use it as a 
guide and background", writes Dick 
Kishpaugh, Editor of Brown and Gold, 
Western Michigan, "since some of these 
issues are truly outstanding." 

"I find 'Maryland' as a welcome link 
with my fellow alumni and appreciate 
all the time and effort that has been 
freshly put into the Association," 
writes Sonja Johnson. 


Calvert County was the birth-place 
of Chief Justice Taney of Dred Scott 
decision fame. 


Benjamin Latrobe, architect of the 
National Capitol, was a Baltimorean. 


Washington College, on the Eastern 
Shore, was endowed by George Wash- 
ington, he having donated for this pur- 
pose the bonus given to him by Con- 
gress after the Revolutionary War. It 
is claimed that the College conferred a 
degree upon Washington. 


o I ii mo W III 
dumber Twelve 

November 1947 

Cents the Copy 



Women at 

Bv Adele Stamp 
Dean of Women 


Welcome Home!" 

A Homecoming Message by 

Dr. H. C. Byrd 

he College of 
ome Economies 

By Marie Monni 

eature /trtic/eJ 


ANNE ARUNDEL HALL, Women's Dormitory, College Park 

Dave Brigham 

Homecoming Day. To all alumni 
this is an important date for it 
represents a climax in the efforts of 
many interested alumni. Your Home- 
coming program in this issue reveals 
that on this date five separate groups 
are undertaking the formation of 
school alumni associations. Unlike 
Topsey, this dream of a strong alumni 
group for the Uni- 
versity of Maryland 
did not grow alone. 
Behind what we 
hoped will prove 
the most successful 
alumni organization 
in Maryland's h i s - 
tory, there is a net- 
work of careful 
planning and con- 
scientious thought. 
You will find also 
the expenditure of 
an enormous 
amount of volun- 
tary energy. If the 
plan is successful, 
and we have no 
other thought, ap- 
preciation from all of us must go to 
the Alumni Board of Managers, Presi- 
dent Byrd, the Board of Regents, and 
school alumni Steering, Nominating, 
and Constitutional Committees. Credit 
also must be given those who have 
contributed financially to a program 
designed to launch an aggressive and 
coordinated alumni plan. 

No individual or group can debate the 
wealth of power which lies in the hands 
of 22,000 alumni of the University of 
Maryland. We have only to choose 
well our objectives and then act. Many 
eyes are upon the University alumni 
body, for the organization of indi- 
vidual school associations as segments 
of an overall alumni group is revolu- 
tionary in the alumni field. We want 
every alumnus with us on Homecoming 
Day in order that each may be a mem- 
ber of the team at the kick-off. 


In this issue we are listing former 
students of the University lost in ser- 
vice in World War II. For this list we 
are indebted to University officials and 
families of men who were lost. We 
are indebted also to W. W. Cobey '30 
who served as Alumni Secretary dur- 
ing the war years. He maintained a 
scrap book about Maryland men in ser- 


By David L. Brigham 

"Yet days go by and weeks rush on, 
And before I know it 
A year has gone, 

And I never see my old friends face; 
For life is a swift and terrible race." 

vice which has recently been presented 
to the alumni. Each former student is 
requested to assume the responsibility 
of notifying the Alumni Office concern- 
ing any names which should be added 
to our Gold Star roll. We would like 
to know full name, the home address, 
and something about the action respon- 
sible for the casualty. 


It is not a pleasant task to continu- 
ally ask why our Honor Roll of contri- 
butors is steadily growing, but to date 
only two percent of alumni have con- 
tributed to the support of the publica- 
tion "MARYLAND" and to alumni ac- 
tivities. A great deal of expense was 
incurred and the figure continues to 
grow to publish an alumni magazine 
worthy of the University and of the 
alumni who represent it. Many felt 
the interest in such a publication would 



10:00 to 10:30 A. M.— Registration 
of alumni by schools 

10:30 A. M. — School organization 

Arts & Science — Arts & Science 
Building, A-l Lecture Room 

Business & Public Administra- 
tion — New class room building. 
Room R-100 

Education — Admini s t r a t i o n 
Building, auditorium 

Engineering — Agri cultural 
Building, auditorium 

Home Economics — Home Eco- 
nomics Building, Maryland 

12:00 Noon — General alumni lunch- 
eon — Old Gym 

2:00 P. M.— Maryland vs. West Vir- 
ginia — Byrd Stadium 

5:00 P. M.— Alumni tea— Old Gym 

8:00 P. M.— Homecoming Ball — 

10:30 P. M.— Crowning of Maryland 
"Sweetheart" — Armory 

Families of alumni are invited to 
attend all functions as guests of the 
University; and all activties will 
commence promptly at the times 
scheduled on your Homecoming pro- 

be keen and generous support forth- 
coming. To date these individuals have 
been disappointed. Now it becomes a 
question of how much longer we can 
continue the publication of the best 
magazine in the alumni field. The so- 
lution is obvious. Verbal and written 
comments prove we appreciate the 
magazine and want to continue it in its 
present form. We ask as a special 
favor that those of you who have ne- 
glected the subscription blank take 
time to give us your support for the 
months ahead. If we did not have a 
serious problem we would not burden 
you with it here. 


Perhaps you have wondered why you 
read incorrect information about your- 
self or others in "Maryland." Someone 
is sure to complain, "They've got Bill's 
history listed right, why not mine?" 
The chances are that Bill filled in his 
alumni history record blank and we 
have the latest information about his 
location and activities. Your record 
will set us straight on your proper ad- 
dress also. We still want to publish an 
alumni directory and we are tied hand 
and foot until we get more word from 
more people. If you do not have a 
blank we will gladly send one to you. 
If the magazine is not coming to a for- 
mer student he has not sent in an 
alumni history form. The data you 
supply is filed permanently in your in- 
dividual folder in the alumni records. 
We need your complete record. 


We are able this year to plan for a 
really great Homecoming because an- 
other conflict is behind us. As we 
stretch out a hand on Homecoming Day 
and say, "Excuse me, but aren't you 

?" we may very well recall 

those who cannot give us a return salu- 
tation. These are the men on our Gold 
Star list. They would have enjoyed be- 
ing with the group of plain folks gath- 
ered to recall days of the past and to 
lay plans for the future. Like the rest 
of us, they loved and struggled and 
sacrificed. They too wanted to live. 
With us they would have been think- 
ing about a fitting memorial on the 
campus of the University of Maryland 
for those who had not returned. We 
can please them best by making this 
the greatest Homecoming in our his- 
tory and by laying the ground work 
which will perpetuate their service to 
us all. 






Published Monthly at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, and, entered at the Post Office, College Park, Maryland, as second class 
mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Harvey L. Miller, Managing Editor; Anne S. Dougherty, Circulation Manager. Board of Man- 
agers, Alumni Association: Chairman. Austin C. Diggs, '21; Vice-Chair man, Harry E. Hasslinger, '33; Dr. Charles E. White, Secretary, Board of 
Managers; Talbot T. Speer, '18; J. Homer Remsberg, '18; Hazel Tenney Tuemmler, '29: Charles V. Koons, '29: Agnes Gingell Turner, '33; James 
E. Andrews, '31: David L. Brigham, '38: General Alumni Secretary, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. 

$3.00 Per Year of Twelve Issues 

Twenty-five Cents the Copy 



Alumni Should Insist 
That The Highest 
Standards Be Main- 
tained In Residence 
Education And 
Other Services 

By Dr. H. C. Byrd 

University of Maryland 

THE University of Maryland is a 
tribute to the vision of those men 
and women in Maryland who believe in 
a state and a nation supported by an 
intelligent electorate, alive to obliga- 
tions as citizens, and concerned with 
methods by which to make these obli- 
gations effective. More than ever are 
our state leaders awakening to the rea- 
lization that in education of all the peo- 
ple lies the hope of democratic institu- 

These leaders believe that liberty 
can only be preserved by those who are 
intelligent enough to appraise liberty 
at its true value. 

The University of Maryland is the 
medium through which the state ren- 
ders certain services that develop 
a better economic and social life, and, 
consequently, a higher standard of liv- 

For a Higher Standard 

The University of Maryland, through 
its connection with the State Board 
of Agriculture, also is an enforcement 
institution, in that it is charged with 
the obligation to see that nothing is 
done to break down standards set up 
by the state in the agricultural indus- 

A Vital Part of Life 

An institution like the University of 
Maryland, with obligations so far- 
reaching, with services so necessary to 
the welfare of the state's people, with 
broad educational programs that mean 
an enlightened, democratic, government 
operating for the welfare of all, is a 
vital part of the life of the people of the 
state. The University must have the 
courage to exert that form of leader- 
ship which, at times, may be more far 
seeing, but not popular. Leadership 
carries responsibilities as well as op- 

The University has grown because 
the people of the state need its services, 
and the extent to which it will continue 
to grow depends entirely on how the 
University fulfills its responsibilities to 
the people. The University cannot now, 
possibly cannot ever, do all the things 

that the people of the state want done. 
What it may accomplish is limited by 
its income, but it will at all times 
carry on such work and projects as the 
people of the state demand and for 
which they are willing to provide funds. 

Serious Responsibilities 

On Homecoming Day, every alumnus 
who is at College Park should realize 
that his University is charged with 
serious responsibilities and that its 
staff is embued with high resolves. 
Every alumnus will no doubt regard 
with pride and satisfaction the position 
that his University holds as a part of 
the state government. Every alumnus 
will no doubt insist, and rightly, that 
the highest standards be maintained in 
residence education and in other ser- 
vices that are rendered. He will rea- 
lize, too, that it is the obligation of the 
University to provide education for all 
in the state who can avail themselves 
of the opportunities that it offers. This 
does not mean that every man who 
wants to be an engineer can be an 
engineer, or that every man or woman 
who wants to be a doctor can be a doc- 
tor, but it does mean that every man 
who wants to improve himself should 
be able to find some department in the 
University through which his particu- 
lar capacities or capabilities can be de- 
veloped so that he may be equipped to 
create for himself a place in life satis- 
factory to himself and to his com- 

Value of Athletics 

Athletics in the University of Mary- 
land are carried on as a part of the 
educational program. No one would 
deny that football, boxing, basketball, 
baseball, track, and other competitive 
sports have their parts in the building 
of men. No one denies any more that 
the experiences of discipline and sacri- 
fice in these sports offers one of the 
best training grounds for the develop- 
ment of character and courage and per- 
severence, and ability to work under 
pressure, that are so needed. 

The University of Maryland has close 
to 25,000 alumni. These alumni are its 
products and the good that it does, the 
influence that it exerts on the future of 
the state and nation, is measured by 
the ability and character and courage 
and resourcefulness of these men and 
women. The University's responsibility 
is their responsibility. Theirs is the 
duty to put into action the fundamental 
principles on which democratic insti- 
tutions are founded. The University 
knows that they will not fail. 

"On Homecoming: Day every alumnus should 
realize that his University is charged with seri- 
ous responsibilities and that its staff is embued 
with high resolves." 


In the name of the Board of Regents, 
the members of the faculty and stu- 
dents, I welcome you all to the Univer- 
sity on 1947 Homecoming Day on which 
a group of University of Maryland men 
test their physical and moral strength 
against a representative of a sister 
state institution, the University of West 

Welcome, West Virginia! 

We extend to the University of West 
Virginia people who are our guests on 
Homecoming Day a second welcome, 
nonetheless sincere because it comes 
second to the welcome to those students 
who constitute our own family. 

We hope that the University of 
Maryland will win, but we know that 
both teams cannot win. We do know, 
though, that whichever team may be the 
winner, or whichever may be the loser, 
the game represents that type of train- 
ing and education which is making the 
young men of today into the leaders 
who will maintain the United States 
as the leader among nations of the 


Courage, by keeping the senses quiet 
and the understanding clear, puts us 
in a condition to receive true intelli- 
gence, to make computations upon dan- 
ger, and pronounce rightly upon that 
which threatens us. Innocence of life, 
consciousness of worth, and great ex- 
pectations, are the best foundations of 
courage. These ingredients make richer 
cordial than youth can prepare; they 
warm the heart at eighty, and seldom 
fail in operation. — Elmes 


Started Canitf 



Dean of Women. 

IT is difficult for the College Park 
alumni to realize that in the profes- 
sional schools of our University, wo- 
men were admitted as early as 1872. 
In that year one woman enrolled in the 
School of Dentistry. It is interesting 
to note that she came from Pennsyl- 
vania. From 1873 to 1879 five women 
from Germany entered, and two more 
from Prussia. No more women entered 
until 1900, when Clara C. Walker from 
Pennsylvania was admitted. The fol- 
lowing year Mary Parker Bosley from 
Maryland was registered. 

Dental College First 
Registered Women 
As Early As 1872 

By Adele Stamp 

Dean of Women 

In 1898 one woman was graduated 
in Pharmacy. She was an English 
noblewoman, Lady Mary Johnson. She 
asked to have her title put on her di- 
ploma, but this was denied her as 
"titles are not permitted generally". At 
the present time, however, she is list- 
ed among the alumni as Lady Mary 
Johnson. The Baltimore Sun of May 
20, 1898 listed Miss L. M. Johnson as 
one of the graduates. The reader may 
be interested to learn what the Com- 
mencement speaker, Dr. Jere Knode 
Cooke, then Assistant Rector of Grace 
Church, said in speaking of the first 
woman graduate: 

The First 

"This is the first time in the history 
of the school that a woman has been 
favored with a diploma. In times past 
woman has been delegated to the rear; 
indeed, it has been thought that her 
duties were confined to household work, 
even to handling the kettles and pans, 
but now woman has come forward, and 
has begun the battle of the survival of 
the fittest. She has not acquired this 
position by her winning ways or her 
pretty face, but has won her position 
by her intellect. I congratulate the 
Maryland College of Pharmacy for 
having opened its doors to women. To 


Mrs. William Preston Lane, wife of the Gov- 
ernor of Maryland, shown as one of the honor 
guests at the 1947 Commencement Exercises. 
Seated at her right is Judge William P. Cole. 
Jr., Chairman of the Maryland's Board of 

you, young men of this class, I would 
say to be careful that you are not rele- 
gated to the rear." 

Women were admitted to the School 
of Medicine in 1918, and to the Law 
School in 1920. 

At College Park, the yearbook of 
1908 carried the picture of Miss Flora 
Darling, who registerd in 1907 for a 
special two years course. In 1918 Miss 
Emma Jacobs, from Washington, re- 
ceived her Master's Degree, and in 1919 


Well equipped Radio Studios are conducive to work — and much fun. 


Making of costumes, modeling them, and organizing a fashion show 
for Parent Day are a pleasant part of Clothing and Practical Art 
curricula. Mrs. John L. Whitehurst addresses the students. 


a Miss Grace Holmes, a teacher from 
Washington, D. C, received her B.S. 
degree. The first woman, however, to 
enter as a full-time student, spending 
four years on our college campus, reg- 
istered in 1916 and graduated in 1920. 
She was Elizabeth Hook Day of Balti- 
more. Very few women attended the 
University until 1922, when ninety- 
four registered, and approximately 
twenty of these were freshmen. It 
was in this year that the Department 
of the Dean of Women was established. 
The increased enrollment of women 
made necessary the creation of a sepa- 
rate department, which would direct 
the social activities of the women stu- 
dents, counsel and guide them, super- 
vise their housing needs, and, in short, 
organize their entire life. 

Department of Dean of Women 

It is very difficult to define the duties 
of the Dean of Women in exact terms. 
The office is both an administrative 
and a personnel office. The aim of 
the department is to practice and per- 
fect the ideals of human relationship, 
as well as the handling of adminis- 
trative duties. The business of the 
office is the welfare of women students 
from every angle. The staff deals with 
students as individuals, and the work is 
based on a careful study of the inter- 
ests, abilities, and needs of each stu- 
dent. The program is one of construc- 
tive, cooperative guidance, directing the 
stream of life that flows in and out of 
the University. 

In 1937, 786 women students were 
registered. This year saw the addition 
of two Assistant Deans to help with 
the expanding program. In 1946-47 
there were approximately 1900 women, 
which indicated a corresponding in- 
crease in the responsibilities of the 
Office of the Dean of Women. The two 
Assistant Deans are Miss Rosalie Les- 
lie and Miss Marian Johnson. 


A whirl of social activity serves persons of introvertive, as well as extrovertive tendencies. 


Corinne Franz, President of the Women's 
League, in conference with Rachel Lewis, a 
senior from Berwyn. 

The largest number of women is 
found in the Arts and Sciences College, 
and the remainder in the following or- 
der: Education, Home Economics, Busi- 
ness and Public Administration, Agri- 
culture, and Engineering. 

Women's Activities 

The first decade at the University 
from 1922-1932 saw the organization of 
various activities for women. The wo- 
men's Student Government Association, 
now called the Women's League, was 
the first to be established; and Esther 
Williams Newell, 1924, was the first 
President. All through the years it has 
proved itself a competent and effective 
body in dealing with women's affairs 
from every angle. It is interesting to 
note that during the recent war years 
two girls, Dorothy Douglas Sullivan 
'44 and Frances Pfeiffer Miller '44, 
served as president of the student body. 
Their administrations were marked 
with efficiency and honesty. 

The Women's Senior Honor Society 
was founded in the spring of 1925. Ten 
years later this coveted organization 
became Mortar Board. Membership in 
this organization, the coveted prize 
among college women, is awarded to 
the Senior women who have been most 
outstanding in scholarship, leadership, 
and service during their college days. 
This is considered so important an 
event in the lives of the tappees that 
their parents are notified secretly in 
advance so they can be present at the 
impressive tapping ceremony. 


The Honor Society for Freshmen Wo- 
men, organized in 1930, became Alpha 
Lambda Delta, the National Honor So- 
ciety, in 1934. Membership is based 
solely on scholarship. A Freshman 
must have an average of 3.5 to be 
eligible. Their motto is "Intellectual 
Living." Twenty students recently 
made the Alpha Lambda Delta average 
in their first semester. By an early 
recognition of this fine beginning, these 
women are stimulated to maintain this 
high average, while others are encour- 
aged to emulate them. It is interest- 


Assistant Dean of Women. 


Reading Charts 

ing to note that many of these members 
become Mortar Boards or Phi Kappa 
Phi's in their Senior year. 

The Panhellenic Council, an out- 
growth of the Inter-Sorority Council, 
was established in the first decade. It 
handles competently the affairs of the 
various sororities. Thirteen National 
Sororities have chapters on our campus. 
They are: Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa 
Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta, Delta 
Delta Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, Phi Sig- 
ma Sigma, Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Kap- 
pa, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Epsilon 
Phi, Pi Beta Phi, Delta Gamma, and 
Kappa Alpha Theta. 

good one), one small space on the very 
top floor of the Agriculture Building, 
large enough for only one person to 
shoot, and a very interested and very 
excellent coach, Sergeant Simmonds. 
The next year there were two army 
rifles, in addition to the coach and 
range. That year, to everyone's sur- 
prise, the University came out second 
in the National Championship. The 
following year the team won the Na- 
tional Championship. Rifle was a favo- 
rite sport for approximately fifteen 
years. During that period the Univer- 
sity won another National Champion- 

ship, several seconds, and usually came 
out near the top. Gradually, the inter- 
est and emphasis shifted to other 

When the first Gym Armory was 
completed and the women were per- 
mitted to use it at certain stated times, 
the following sports were added: basket 
ball, volley ball, track, and archery. 
The Women's Athletic Association was 
organized in 1924. In 1930 a full time 
Physical Education faculty member was 
appointed, and in 1931 the present Wo- 
men's Field House was completed. 

University at War 

With the coming of the second world 
war, almost over night the physical 
aspect of the University campus chang- 
ed. The A.S.T.P. took over the men's 
dormitories and Margaret Brent Hall, 
thus keeping the proportion of boys 
to girls in preponderance. The boys 
were under a strict military regime, 
and as a result, the social life of our 
campus changed materially. After-din- 
ner dances were terminated at 7:30 
P.M., and only on Saturday nights 
could they dance until midnight. On 
Sundays, the sororities and nearby resi- 
dents entertained the A.S.T.P.'s at din- 
ner; and one sorority (Alpha Xi Delta) 
instigated dancing lessons for those 
who could not dance. Dozens of boys 
flocked to the house for the popular 
instruction. Many romances flowered, 
and in the fall of 1942 it was difficult 
for the young people to realize the tra- 
gic path that lay ahead. 

After one year, the A.S.T.P. was 
withdrawn and the University almost 
became a woman's college for the rest 
of the war. During the war years our 
program, of necessity, was concerned 
chiefly with the war effort and the prob- 
lems incident to the war. The Univer- 
sity changed from the two semester 

Delta Delta Delta 

Each year an inter-fraternity and 
inter-sorority "Sing", sponsored by 
Delta Delta Delta, is held. Competi- 
tion is keen for the two silver cups, 
and interest runs high. The event is 
one of the most colorful on our campus. 

An account of women at Maryland 
would not be complete without mention 
of Physical Education for women in the 
early years. The Dean of Women was 
also Head of Physical Education for 
Women. There was no field house or 
gym, no playing field, and no equip- 
ment at that time. In the spring of 
1923, one tennis court was built for 
women between Gerneaux Hall (now 
Gamma Phi Beta House) and the Prac- 
tice House. In consequence, the first 
sport organized was that of The Rifle 
Club. The equipment for the latter 
consisted of one army rifle (not a very 


Luncheons, Teas, Musicales, Lectures, Museum Trips and Bridge Parties 
contribute to the social program. 


system to the year around quarter sys- 
tem of three months each, thus making 
it possible for students to graduate in 
three years and take their place in the 
war effort. Many of our former campus 
leaders were killed. This brought the 
war very close to the University doors. 
Tragedy and sorrow, complicated by 
difficult adjustments and problems, 
multiplied. Students came to the office 
of the Dean of Women as never before, 
with their problems of delayed or im- 
mediate marriages, accelerated pro- 
grams, and women's place in a world 
at war and in a post war world. Their 
problems were both emotional and aca- 
demic. • As never before tact, sympathy, 
experience, courage, and understanding 
were needed on the part of those who 
guided the youth. 

Answered the Call 

The women students were quick to 
respond to the call for service to their 
country during the war years. A num- 
ber of them interrupted their college 
education and donned the uniforms of 
the WAVES, the WACS, and the 
SPARS. Nurses trained at Maryland 
entered every theatre of action to bring 
comfort to the sick and wounded. The 
ones left behind threw their efforts into 
the Red Cross and Victory Council. 
Scrap metal was collected. Blood do- 
nations were offered unhesitatingly. 
Dances were sponsored to sell war 
bonds. The Women's Glee Club made 
frequent trips to nearby camps and U. 
S.O. Centers to entertain the soldiers. 
Individuals and sororities signed up to 
serve as hostesses at the canteen cen- 
ters. The Red Cross provided enter- 
tainment for patients in the hospitals, 
and dormitories invited convalescents 
to their dances. A signal honor came to 
the University College Unit Chapter of 
the American Red Cross when it was 
chosen as the one to be visited by 
foreign delegates. 

In these various ways the women of 
Maryland "kept the home fires burn- 
ing" for those in service and contri- 
buted in winning our nation's greatest 

The most pressing need all through 
the years has been for living space. 
From the early days of the Y-Hut, 
Gerneaux Hall, and the Home Eco- 
nomics Practice House, which housed 
only fifty seven girls, to the present, the 
problem has been acute. From 1928 
until 1931 every possible off-campus 
house and room that could be found 
were used. In 1931, Margaret Brent, 
the first dormitory built for women, 
was completed. This dignified colonial 
structure, set high on a rolling hill, 
added much to the beauty of Mary- 
land's campus. In 1935 Ann Arundel 
Hall was completed, to be the second 
dormitory for women, and to serve as 
the keystone of the University's future 

building program for women's dormi- 

The war years further complicated 
the housing picture. Margaret Brent 
was taken over by the A.S.T.P., and 
women students had to occupy four 
fraternity houses (Sigma Chi, Phi Delta 
Theta, Kappa Alpha, and Alpha Gam- 
ma Rho). When the A.S.T.P. left, the 
women moved back into Margaret 
Brent, kept two of the fraternity 
houses, and overflowed into Calvert Hall 
and two new men's dormitories. When 
UNRRA Training Center was closed, 
this space was also used for women. 
The end of the war found the University 
unprepared for such a sudden and a 
radical contraction of its living space 
for both men and women. The women 
who once occupied most of the men's 
quarters had to be placed in the pre- 
sent two dormitories for women and 
two borrowed from the men. There 
are 570 residential women on the cam- 
pus this year. Approximately 375 girls 
live in the sororities and the off-campus 
houses. The rest commute. Among this 
latter group there are girls who spend 
from two to three hours a day commut- 
ing and who would like to find living 
accommodations on the campus. 


We point with pride to the record of 
the alumnae of Maryland through the 
years. We find our women graduates 
holding important positions and play- 
ing a leading role all over the State 
in such civic bodies as American As- 
sociation of University Women, Wo- 
men's Clubs, League of Women Voters, 
Parent-Teacher Associations, Home- 
maker's Clubs, and American Red 
Cross. World War II found them scat- 
tered all over the globe as officers in 
the WAVES, WACS, SPARS, Women's 

aryland , 

my Maryland 

Marine Corps, with American Red 
Cross, and with our own and other 
hospital units as dietitians and nurses. 

Future plans for women at Maryand 
include expanded housing facilities. 
Within the near future three new dormi- 
tories for women will be constructed. 
The money for these greatly needed 
buildings has already been appropriated 
by the State Legislature. They will be 
located in the vicinity of Ann Arundel 
and Margaret Brent. Ultimately, we 
will have five units for women, con- 
nected by a colonnade. Money has also 
been appropriated for a community ac- 
tivity building, which will fill a long 
felt need. In the not too distant future 
it is hoped an outdoor swimming pool 
will be constructed. 

Future plans also call for counsellors 
in the dormitories to help students with 
their immediate problems. To meet the 
demand for deans of girls in high 
schools, and like positions in institu- 
tions of higher learning, it is planned 
to give training in this field in con- 
junction with the College of Education. 
The work will be on the graduate level, 
find majors in this field will gain their 
experience in the women's residence 

Where the Black Eyed Susans grow. 



James L. Case, an East Boston drug- 
gist, who for years has been mixing 
advertising with a little modern philo- 
sophy, finds the prescription a success. 
Every day for twenty-nine years, Mr. 
Case has called a timely anecdote on 
a three by five slate, prominently dis- 
played in his store window. Beneath 
the witticism he gets in a brief com- 

That Bostonians approve of the 
blackboard and its pertinent messages, 
there can be no doubt. Mr. Case's 
pharmacy is new a landmark in the 
district. Boston school children are 
often instructed to glean some of Mr. 
Case's advice ^or their compositions. 
A leading Boston newspaper recently 
devoted several columns, complete with 
picture, to the story of the Case black- 

Case quip.s range from those with a 
moral . . . "Money doesn't grow on 
sprees", "The human body is a re- 
markably sensitive thing; pat a man's 
back and his head swells." "The higher 
you feel at night, the lower you feel 
in the morning" ... to straight humor 
. . ."A hula girl is a shake in the grass." 

With a keen sense of humor and a 
novel idea, Mr. Case has turned an 
ordinary drug store window into an 
institution. As Mr. Case himself might 
put it (on his blackboard of course) he 
owes his present enviable position in 
the community to starting each day off 
with a "clean slate". 

9*tteAde.Ham4^tatio*uil Chapel Needed 

Spiritual Emphasis Ox The Campus 

College Park 

THE University of Maryland re- 
cognizes the importance of the 
spiritual development of the students 
by cooperating with the religious 
group and local churches in promoting 
their programs on the campus. Religion 
on this, a State University campus, is 
placed on a purely voluntary basis. 
Here, as elsewhere, freedom of wor- 
ship is guaranteed. 

Though assisting the religious or- 
ganizations in every way possible, the 
University does not require attend- 
ance at religious services, nor does it 
offer a course in religion which the stu- 
dents must take. The University re- 
cognizes, as does the government, that 
religion and the State are, though al- 
lied, separate entities; so the matter 
of religion is left to the individual stu- 
dent's conscience. 

Medium for Worship 

The religious clubs, sponsored by 
each denomination, provide a medium 
for worship and service. Wise and 
friendly student pastors assist these 
clubs in their programs and counsel 

the students who seek their advice. The 
various religious clubs unite their ef- 
forts from time to time in worthwhile 
projects, such as the Religious Life 
Reception for new students during 
Freshman Week, a Thanksgiving can- 
tata, a religious pageant at Christmas, 
and Religious Emphasis periods. 

Relief Packages 

The clubs have taken a particular 
interest in sending relief packages over- 
seas, in collecting clothes for under- 
privileged children, in spreading the 
Christmas spirit to less fortunate 
homes near the University, and in 
making the foreign students on the 
University campus feel more at home 
in a new community. 

Each year the Hillel Foundation of- 
fers a $300 scholarship in honor of the 
late Rabbi Israel to the student who in 
his or her Religious Life on the Uni- 
versity of Maryland Campus junior 
year has a record of having contribut- 
ed most to interfaith understanding 
and cooperation. This scholarship has 
been offered for three years. It is in 

University of Mary- 
land Recognizes 

Importance of 
Religious Life 

By Rosalie Leslie 

Assistant Dean of Women 

teresting to note that each year a girl 
has been the recipient — Marjorie Pfeif- 
fer '45, Mary Ellen Wentz '46, and 
Carol Haase '47. 

Throughout the school year, out- 
standing speakers and spiritual lead- 
ers are invited to the campus by the 
Faculty Religious Life Committee, in 
co-operation with the Student Re- 
ligious Council. In recent years, the 
following have spoken at the Univer- 
sity: Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, Congress- 
man Walter H. Judd, Dr. Peter Mar- 
shall, the Rev. Samuel Shoemaker, Dr. 
Ruth Seabury, Madame Chu Shih- 
Ming, Dr. Sverre Norberg, Dr. Wesley 
Gewehr, Mr. Ivan A. Jacobson, and Dr. 
Raymond Seeger. The inspiration 
which these speakers have brought to 
our campus has been immeasurable. 

Chapel Needed 

It was through the students in the 
religious groups that interest was first 
focused on the need for an interde- 
nominational chapel. From this small 
beginning various State groups, such 
as the Grange, have backed such a cha- 
pel. It now appears that this dream 
will be realized within the near future. 
Such an edifice will serve well the 
students of the University and the citi- 
zens of the State. It can be the heart 
and soul of a great and an expanding 


Assistant Dean of Women. 



Mrs. John L. Whitehurst. 


THE appointment of Mrs. John L. 
Whitehurst to the Board of Re- 
gents of the University of Maryland in 
1934 by the late Governor Ritchie was a 
signal honor. She was the first woman 
appointed to this distinguished position, 
and she continues to be the only woman 
to serve on this important body. She 
was reappointed by Governor Nice, but 
since his term of office was up before 
her term expired she was ratified by 
Governor 'Conor. She has served 
thirteen and one-half years, and re- 
cently has been reappointed by Gover- 
nor Lane for another term of nine 
years. Her appointment at the begin- 
ning, and at present, continues to be 
met with widespread interest and ap- 

She brought to this important post 
both training and experience. Her 
appointment to increasingly significant 
offices during her years on the Board 
of Regents is proof of the wisdom 
exercised in her selection. Mrs. White- 
hurst has boundless energy and enthu- 
siasm. She is interested in people and 
in being of service to others. Her 
chief interest is women, however, and 
the part they should play in these 
difficult times. She is outstanding as a 
person, noted for her friendliness, in- 
terest, candor, and courage. If she 
believes in a cause, nothing will stop 
her. She is not easily frightened, and 
is determined to carry through what- 
ever she undertakes. 

She is in great demand as a speaker 
on both national and international pro- 
grams. When she was President of the 
General Federation of Women's Clubs 
she visited England, Scotland, Ireland, 
Mexico, Cuba, and the Dominican Re- 
public as an official guest of these 

Some of the important positions she 
has held other than the Presidency of 
the General Federation are President 
of the Maryland Federation of Women's 
Clubs, President of Southeastern Coun- 
cil of Federation of Women's Clubs, 
Member of Executive Committee of 
the Women's Board of the University 
Hospital, and Parliamentarian of the 
Baltimore Music Club. At present she 
is a Director of the Baltimore Sym- 
phony Orchestra Association, and of the 
Child Study Association of Baltimore. 
She is regional chairman of the Na- 
tional Education Association of the 
Adult Education Forum. Her latest 
honor, and' certainly one of her most 
important, is that of Extension Secre- 
tary for Foreign and Territorial Clubs 
of the General Federation. She feels 
that the greatest deterrent to peace is 
the lack of understanding between the 
peoples of the world. In an effort to pro- 
mote understanding and friendship she 
has launched a program for Club Ex- 
tension in foreign countries on a scale 
never before attempted. Her four point 
program consists of: 

1. Club extension in foreign and 
tentorial countries. 

2. Letter writing and exchange of 

3. Food and clothing sent to needy 
persons in foreign countries. 

4. Exchange of teachers and stu- 
dent scholarships. 

Although born in Pennsylvania, the 
State of Maryland is proud to claim 
her because of the services she has 
rendered. The University also is 
proud of this adopted daughter, and 
appreciates her efforts on behalf of 
this great expanding institution of 
which we are so proud. 


The University of Maryland has long 
been recognized as having the unusual 
advantages over other institutions of 
its country air and spaciousness, com- 
bined with the opportunities afforded by 
nearness to metropolitan Baltimore and 
Washington. The College of Home Eco- 
nomics of the University makes every 
effort to extend to its students full 
benefit of these opportunities. 

Both Washington and Baltimore serve 
students with excellent libraries, mu- 
seums and art galleries for individual 
special projects as well as for class 
visits. Old homes, with their beautiful 
gardens, of Maryland, Georgetown, and 
nearby Virginia, are interesting to the 
students both artistically and histori- 
cally. These houses and their furnish- 
ings and equipment depict family liv- 
ing during the early days of our coun- 

Being near the federal government 
gives students the opportunity to know 
first-hand what the Bureau of Human 
Nutrition and Home Economics, the 
Bureau of Standards, and other re- 
search agencies are doing to better fam- 
ily living through research. This also 
makes it possible for students to be- 
come familiar with legislation such as 
that of the School Lunch Bill in the 
process of being enacted. 

Markets, both wholesale and retail; 
plants concerned with food processing, 
such as meat packing, baking, food 
freezing and storage, canning, and the 
preparation of tea, coffee, and condi- 
ments are accessible for an afternoon 
trip. Hotels, hospitals, inns, clubs, res- 
taurants, catering establishments, illu- 
strate to majors in Institution Manage- 
ment the application of such training, 
and provide opportunities for part time 
experience or summer employment. De- 
partment stores, specialty shops for 
clothing, and household furniture are 


Undergraduates in Home Economics sampling frozen food on a field trip to New York. 



Trips to Baltimore and Washington Museums, Theatres, and Restaurants provide Home Man- 
agement House residents with cultural inspiration important to fine family living. 

near at hand for the majors in Practi- 
cal Art and in Clothing, both for visit- 
ing and for sales and merchandising 

Our proximity to two important cities 
makes it convenient for extra lectur- 
ers to visit classes, and for outstanding 
persons in Home Economics to be pres- 
ent and meet students interested in 
their fields. 

Occasional group visits to New York 
for tours of food and other institutions 
add another important incentive to the 
usual classroom work. 

The theme for the 1947 Short Course 
was — 

"Today's Home Builds Tomor- 
row's World". 

The week's program is filled with 
subject matter classes from 8:00 to 
10:00 each morning. General assembly 
is held from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 
2:00 until 4:00 p m. Each evening 
there is a social event of some kind. 

Vesper Services are held in the Ar- 
mory the first evening. One of the 
highlights of this service was the Wash- 

ington Boys' Choir from the First Cal- 
vary Baptist Church. 

On Tuesday evening, June 17, was 
the annual reception given by Dr. 
Byrd. This is really the only formal 
event of the entire week. 

Because the Short Course was of 
age this year, we celebrated by having 
a symphony orchestra on Wednesday 
evening. This was the first time in 
the history of the Short Course to have 
an orchestra on the program. 

Thursday night the different counties 
put on a Stephen Foster Pageant. This 
was a very gay event. The audience 
came dressed in costumes of the Ste- 
phen Foster period and the pageant it- 
self was a very lovely affair to see 
and hear. 

On Friday morning the program was 
followed as in previous years of giving 
certificates to the women who had at- 
tended Short Course for four years. 
The speaker of the morning was Dr. 
Peter Marshall from the First Congre- 
gational Church in Washington, who 
spoke on the subject, "The Keeper of 
the Spring." 

In the afternoon the annual sight- 
seeing trip was taken to Washington. 
This trip has become traditional and 
women look forward to it each year. 

The general assembly programs will 
long be remembered for the very fine 
speakers who left inspiring messages. 

Venia M. Kellar, Assistant Director 
of Extension, says that the Short 
Course is a week that lives in the mem 
ory of every woman who attends. The 
program serves as an inspiration and 
sets standards and ideals for rural home 
life in Maryland. 


The annual Rural Women's Short 
Course, or "College Week for Women," 
sponsored each year by the Home De- 
monstration Department of the Ex- 
tension Service and held at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, became of age in 
June. This important week in the lives 
of all Maryland women was started 
in 1923 and has been held annually 
except for four years during the war. 

In 1946 it was continued with a new 
vision and a new purpose, and with the 
largest number ever to attend any 
Short Course. The 1947 Short Course 
was attended by practically 1,000 wo- 
men. Each of the twenty-three coun- 
ties was represented by women who 
were interested in spending the week 
at the University. They arrived with 
as much enthusiasm as a group of co- 
eds. They registered Monday, June 
16th and were assigned to their differ- 
ent classes for the week. 


Barbara Kephart and Inez McLeod gain experience at the National Child Research Center 




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Senators Tydings and O'Conor (left) greet Dean T. B. Symons and ladie.s attending the Rural Women's Short Course on the steps of the Capitol. 


A three-weeks' workshop in family 
Life Education was held during this 
summer session, sponsored by the Col- 
lege of Home Economics and Educa- 
tion. Dean Marie Mount served as Di- 
rector, with Evelyn Miller of Cumber- 
land as Assistant Director. Dr. Muriel 
Brown of the Office of Education and 
Home Economics Education in the Col- 
lege of Education, were the consultants. 
Dr. Edna Meshke, in charge of the 
Twenty-three Home Economics teachers 
from Maryland and the District of 
Columbia attended. The following 
home economics supervisors helped to 
organize the workshop and were pres- 
ent: Mrs. Ola Day Rush of Washing- 
ton; Elizabeth Amery of the State De- 
partment of Education; and Mary 
Faulkner, Baltimore Department of 
Education. This is the first of a series 
of such workshops. 


Household Economics Demonstration Team, 4-H, from Harford County. Lucy Amerlin and Betty 


Left: Buffet Luncheon. Right: Class in Session. 



Left: Joint meeting of Chewsville and Leitersburg 4-H Clubs, with Phyllis Lehman, 15 year old Leitersburg President, presiding. 
Right: Martha Davis, Kent County member of 4-H Collegiate Club demonstrating 4-H uniform. 


By Dorothy Emerson 
Girls' Club Agent 

4-H Club work is a phase of Coopera- 
tive Extension work that provides an 
opportunity for boys and girls, ages 

10-21, to have a more rich and satisfy- 
ing experience in their rural life. 
The girls' 4-H Club work is under the 
direction of the Home Demonstration 
department and supervised on the 
county level by the Home Demonstra- 

tion Agents. 

Last year 6,544 Maryland girls were 
4-H'ers, and they reported completing 
in their project work, 17,986 garments, 
107,226 meals prepared, and 128,875 
quarts of food canned. 



Caroline County Needlework Group. Right: Joan Giddings, Anne Arundel County, supervises a hat demonstration. 


When 4-H girls enter the University 
of Maryland they become members of 
the campus 4-H Club. This group does 
much to help with state 4-H plans and 
activities. This Spring they entertained 
on the campus a group of younger 
4-H'ers who are looking forward to 
entering the University later on. 

Martha Davis of the campus Club is 
pictured here wearing the National 4-H 
uniform of green and white striped 

During the 1947 summer season the 
4-H girls from Allegany, Garrett, Balti- 
more, Caroline and Harford counties 
enjoyed a week of camping. 


The 1947-1948 formal rushing season 
began with approximately 350 new co- 
eds attending Open House teas at the 
15 sorority houses on the campus. 

A new system of rotation for Open 
House teas was initiated this year 
whereby the rushees were divided into 
12 groups. 


Virginia Rustin (right), the outgoing President of Alpha Lambda Delta, Freshman Women'* 
Honor Society, passes her responsibilities on to the incoming President, Betty Jobe. 

'Itud 3.5 Ao&uife!" 


DURING Freshman Week new stu- 
dents are soon acquainted with 
the gratifying recognitions and rewards 
that come to the student who distin- 
guishes herself for high scholarship. 
Of most immediate interest to the new 
student is the National Freshman Wo- 

men's Honor Society known as Alpha 
Lambda Delta. In order to qualify as 
a member in this group a freshman 
woman must make a 3.5 average her 
first semester or an average of 3.5 
for her entire first year in college. 
Last year sixteen women attained the 


Carol Haase being tapped for Mortar Board by Emogenc Simmons, President, with Jean Roby 
at the microphone. 


University of Mary- 
land Recognizes 
Outstanding Scho- 
lars Through Es- 
tablished Honor 

honor of membership in Alpha Lambda 

The various University departments 
recognize the outstanding scholars 
through established societies. For the 
major in Bacteriology, there is Sigma 
Alpha Omicron. For the major in 
physical activities, there is Sigma Tau 
Epsilon. Recently, the National So- 
ciology honor society, Alpha Kappa 
Delta, was established on the campus 
of the University of Maryland. In order 
to be eligible for this group a student 
must be a major in sociology or a grad- 
uate student doing specialized work in 
this field. An all-time 3.0 average is 
required for membership. Omicron Nu 
is open to the Home Economics stu- 
dents of high scholarship. The chapter 
selects not over fifteen per cent of the 
girls having senior standing and not 
over five per cent having junior stand- 

A student can qualify for member- 
ship in the honorary journalistic fra- 
ternity, Pi Delta Epsilon, if she has 
contributed one year of outstanding 


Front Row (left to right) : Emogene Simmons, Marguerite Stitely, Sara Conlon, Jean Roby, Louisa White, Ramona Randall. 

Back Row (left to right) : Corinne Kranz, Jacqueline Hastings, Carol Haase, Marian Benson, Mildred Burton, Jasmine Armstrong, Nancy Sim- 
mons, Louise Stephenson, Patricia Piper. (Not in picture but a newly tapped Mortar Board — Marilyn Beissig.) 

work on one of the University publi- 
cations. For especially gifted and in- 
dustrious students who are interested 
in acting and in play production, there 
is a chapter of the National Collegiate 
Players. This organization was estab- 
lished in the spring of 1947 on the 
University of Maryland campus. 

Those students majoring . in Busi- 
ness and Public Administration who 
are in the upper ten per cent of their 
senior class or the upper three per 
cent of their junior class are eligible 
for membership in Beta Gamma Sig- 

Phi Kappa Phi offers membership 


Alpha Lambda Delta initiates freshmen who 
have high scholastic attainment. Left to right 
are Jane Stone, Emily Hamon, Helen Baker, 
Jean Highbarger, Hilda Jaska. 

to seniors who exhibit general excell- 
ence of character, outstanding scholar- 
ship, and who are in the upper ten 
per cent of their colleges. 

Membership in Mortar Board, the 
coveted prize among college women, is 
awarded to the senior women who have 
been most outstanding in scholarship, 
leadership and service during their 
college days. The tapping of these girls 
is the climax of the May Day festivi- 
ties, and so important an event is it 
considered in the lives of the girls 
that their parents are notified secret- 

(Concluded on opposite page) 


Members of Omicron Nu, (Above) Home Economic Club, 
talk over campus activities with visiting students from 
South America. 


Mortar Board tapping (Left) comes as a surprise in the 
Spring to seniors of high scholarship and extensive 


For Women 

Some Of The Best Of 
The World's Con- 
cert, Stage And 
Itailio Personages 
Appear On Campus 

^W^ WO years ago the University of 
_M. Maryland inaugaurated a cultural 
program for students. This program 
was planned by a joint committee of fa- 
culty and students. There is no charge 
to the student for any part of it. 

Such well-known personages as Mona 
Paulee, mezzo-soprano of the Metro- 
politan Opera, and Thomas L. Thomas, 
baritone of radio and concert fame, 
have been brought to the campus. Other 
attractions within the last two years 
have been the Salzedo Ensemble, fea- 
turing the world's leading harpist, Mr. 
Salzedo; the Don Cossack's Male Cho- 
rus, the ever popular American Ballad 
singers; and the National Symphony 
Orchestra, which proved to be the most 
popular of all. 

Wonderful Audiences 

The silent attention and enthusiastic 
applause have confirmed the musical 
appreciation of the student body as a 
whole, and the student's eagerness for 
this kind of entertainment. Several of 
the artists have remarked on the "won- 
derful audience" Maryland students 
have been. 

The campus offers many avenues of 
expression to students whose apprecia- 
tion of the arts includes creative tal- 
ents. Music, dramatic, and dance 
groups contribute mutually to the stu- 
dents who participate and to those who 
form the audiences. 



Joan Ryan, President of the Cosmopolitan 
Club, helps with the Cultural Program pub- 

The University Band contributes 
spirit and enthusiasm to football games 
and many other campus activities. 

Forty to sixty women students from 
all classes make up the Women's Chor- 
us. The popularity of the group has 
spread from concerts on campus to in- 
vitations to sing at Fort Meade, Anna- 
polis, and Baltimore. 


Modern Dance is taught by persons who have 
achieved national recognition for proficiency in 
this art. Every woman student is given a foun- 
dation in several physical activities. 

Modern Dance has proved a success- 
ful avenue of expression. The advanc- 
ed groups work out the choreography 
for their numbers. Their presentation 
in the Spring Recital included original 
compositions. A challenging activity 
from all approaches, modern dance re- 
quires skill in the use of muscle, mind, 
emotions, originality, and in group co- 

The University Theatre deserves 
special merit. Now that the boys are 
back to do some of the technical and 
heavy backstage work and to star in 
plays with difficult male roles, the per- 
formances have exceeded all previous 
standards. No one in the audience un- 
acquainted with the lack of facilities 
would suspect from the smooth per- 
formance the handicaps under which 
this outstanding work is accomplished. 


An Impressive Feature of Maryland's Cultural Program. 


Elliott Dexter Katzen, B.S., Uni- 
versity of Maryland, has just won a 
Master of Science degree in aeronau- 
tical engineering at the University of 


A* .-* 




(Concluded from opposite page) 

ly in advance so that they can be 
present at the impressive tapping cere- 

The honor societies on the Univer- 
sity campus serve an important func- 
tion. They not only recognize excell- 
ence of scholarship and character but 
also they equip the industrious and 
often gifted student with a recommen- 
dation to a future employer. 

A Needed SeSuUoe 


Till < OIJJ4.E Ol HOME i:< OXOMH S 

College Has Grown 
Steadily Sinee 
Meager Beginning 
In 1918 

By Marie Mount 

Dean oi the College of Home Economics 

AT a recent meeting of the heads of 
home economics in the Northeast 
States, education for women was the 
main topic for discussion. We com- 
pared our part of the country with the 
Middle West. Here in the East the 
women's college has supplied the high- 
er education for women almost en- 
tirely until within the last twenty-five 
years when women have attended the 
coeducational state institutions and in 

particular the Land Grant Colleges, 
where home economics has developed 
as coeducation did. 

In the Middle West there were few 
degree-granting women's colleges and 
women attending State universities 
were part of the State's educational 
plan long before it was here. As more 
women attended the State institutions, 
those responsible for the curriculum 
thought it was not enough to prove that 
women could compete with men aca- 
demically; they should have an edu- 
cation fitting them to do the thing that 
most women do — marry, manage a 
home, and rear a family. Preparing 
for family living became a part of 
many of the midwest state educational 
institutions long before women were 
attending coeducational colleges here. 
As such an education plan grew, pro- 
fessional outlets for graduates devel- 
oped, until colleges with a home eco- 
nomics curriculum were giving a real 
and needed service to the homes of the 

Started in 1918 

Home Economics began at the Mary- 
land University in 1918 with fever than 
ten students, with one office and a 


1'niversity of Maryland, College Park. Maryland 


Dean of the College of Home Economics. 



Former student counseling for home furnishings in Washington. 


Each Home Management hostess takes pride in 
gracious entertaining. 

clothing laboratory. The enrollment in- 
creased and the number of courses and 
teachers increased. We moved to the 
reconditioned chemistry building which 
was all ours. We had very meager 
equipment compared to the well equip- 
ped building which we have occupied 
since February, 1940. Emphasis and our 
efforts were put on establishing sound, 
basic courses and a good core curricu- 
lum. We did not attempt to expand 
beyond our facilities. Although our 
program was limited, we have reason 
to be proud of our roster of graduates 
of those years before 1940. They have 
served the State in many ways through 
establishing good homes, always an 
asset to a community; throughout the 
State they are leading in various civic 
activities. I was proud to see two of 
these early graduates serving as lead- 
ers with our State Congress of Parents 
and Teachers this year. Many are pro- 
minent professionally. Two are doing 
excellent radio programs for the women 
of the State; two have been successful 
in industrial feeding, and another be- 
came the dietitian for a large railroad. 
A good number served during the war 
as army dietitians. One, with the rank 
of Captain, was Public Relations 
Officer with the Marines at New River. 
Three of our graduates are employed 
oy the same firm, a large food corpora- 
tion in New York City. I wish there 
were space to write about all of the inter- 
esting things these early graduates are 

Better Facilities 

Those who have graduated since 1940 
had more advantages in the way of 
facilities and more courses from which 
to choose. The majority of this group 



Graduate engaged in organization of radio 
programs in Baltimore. 


Home Management House, very familiar to all 
Home Economics graduates. 

live in Maryland with homes and fami- 
lies of their own. Those using their 
home economics education profession- 
ally represent a variety of services: 
teaching home economics in the public 
schools and in the extension service; 
managing a school lunch; serving as 
nutritionists with Public Health and 
Public Welfare; directing the food ser- 
vice in county and city hospitals and 
in public cafeterias and restaurants; 
working with consumers for a large 
dairy and for utility companies; doing 


Home Management House students marketing 
at nearby store. 



Maryland graduates testing cake flour for a nationally known food corporation. 


Demonstration is an effective part of group instruction. 


Crafts provide diversion as well as foundation for industrial 


Photography courses will fill a widely felt need on campus. 

research with the Bureau of Home 
Economics and with textile institutes; 
modeling, selling clothes, or doing ad- 
vertising, or personnel work with the 
Department stores. 

A new building (one floor of which 
was left unfinished until this year) 
with good equipment, met the expan- 
sion of all home economics work. Ad- 
vanced courses in textiles and cloth- 
ing were added, also courses in com- 
munity nutrition, advanced experimen- 
tal food, meal service, and diet in dis- 
ease. A Department of Practical Art 
was established with a curriculum in 
crafts and one in Practical Art for both 
women and men. All phases of mer- 
chandising are emphasized. Photo- 
graphy, used in fashion work and in 
food advertising, will be offered by this 
Department. The first man to do so, 
graduated with a major in Practical 
Art in the College of Home Economics 
this June. A number of men are reg- 
istered in this department with the 
idea of applying their art training to 
advertising and merchandising. 

Men Are Interested 

Men are also interested in preparing 
to be directors of food service, and are 
registering in Institution Management. 

A curriculum in Nursery School Edu- 
cation has been added by the College 
of Education. These students take 
much of their work in the College of 
Home Economics. 

The College of Home Economics has 
received a number of honors during 
recent years. We were one of a group 
of colleges to receive $1500 from the 
Borden Company to be used for five 
$300 scholarships, awarded one each 
year to the senior home economics stu- 
dent with the highest scholastic aver- 

The District of Columbia Home Eco- 
nomics Association has established a 
loan fund for our students and has 
added to the fund each year. 

Two thousand dollars were given to 
Home Economics recently as a begin- 
ning of a fund for scholarships. Three 
$300 scholarships are offered yearly 

to Home Economic students interested 
in Merchandising as a career by de- 
partment stores in Baltimore and 

Our College was one of sixty insti- 
tutions selected by the American Home 
Economics Association this year for 
study in an endeaver to establish cri- 
teria for evaluating home economics 

Plans for Future 

We have plans for future develop- 
ment: the fourth floor of our building 
has been finished recently and is being 
equipped now. A much needed addi- 
tional clothing laboratory will bt; on 
this floor; also a laboratory for photo- 
graphy. Two rooms for a textiles- 
laboratory will be used for teaching 
textiles and will provide facilities for 
textile research. Also on this floor is 
an experimental foods laboratory to 
be used for experimental work particu- 
larly with food produced in Maryland. 
Recipes famous in the State will be 
tested here. 

A crafts room on the ground floor 
with facilities for weaving and metalry 
is being finished. Also a laboratory 
for home management and equipment 
will be completed this year. New 
laboratory courses in housework and 
in the use of household equipment will 
be made. We need another home man- 
agement house. Because of the num- 
ber of seniors in next year's class, the 
home management house was operat- 
ed all summer and with larger groups 
than usual. 

With our more complete facilities, 
the College of Home Economics can 
develop a real program of research. 
With this will develop a larger pro- 
gram of graduate studies. 

This year graduate courses will be 
given on Saturday in order that home 
Economists who are employed, and 
teachers especially, may do work to- 
ward an advanced degree. By attend- 
ing classes on Saturdays, and perhaps 
some evening classes, it should be pos- 
sible to complete work for a Master of 
Science Degree in two years and two 
rummer sessions. 


"fey ^<4e Sweat o£ Jt&i Bto-iv" 

How Girls Help Pay College Expenses 


Jacqueline Hastings, who was tapped for 
Mortar Board at May Day, has paid her way 
through school by working. This past summer 
she served as an aide at the Statler Hotel in 
Washington, assisting guests by telling them 
of the facilities of the hotel and of the City.' 
(Chase-Statler Foto.) 

Various Interesting 
Activities Contri- 
bute Toward 
Degrees for Women 
at Maryland 


Janice Vieau works in her father's grocery store and in a baby's ready-to-wear shop during the 
summer in order to help pay her college expenses. 


Jane Fowke, a sophomore in Arts and Sciences, works in the Charles Carroll home as a 
mother's helper taking care of Eric, Allen and Martha for her room and board. 

MANY girls help defray their 
college expenses by working in 
various capacities on and off the campus 
during the school year and in the 
summer months. It is not uncommon foi 
large groups of close friends to go to 
the resorts along the Eastern seaboard 
to wait on tables and to help with the 
recreational programs during the sum- 
mer months. Some counsel in camps. 
Others work in stoi'es and model in 
ladies' ready-to-wear departments. For 
instance, last summer Peggy Raffety, 
Class of '47, modeled expensive clothes 
at Bergdorf-Goodman on Fifth Avenue 
in New York. A number of future 
nurses gain valuable experience along 
.with extra pennies working in hospi- 
tals, such as the Bethesda Naval Hospi- 
tal, Garfield Hospital, and the Univer- 
sity of Maryland Hospital. Some stu- 
dents who do not find it necessary 
to work to put themselves through 
school take the summer months 
in which to experiment and find out by 
working if they have chosen wisely 
their future careers. 

Capable and Ingenious 

During the school year girls prove 
themselves very capable and ingenious 
in finding and holding positions both 
on and off the campus. The following 
are examples of such positions: serving 
as a secretary and file clerk in pro- 
fessors' offices, checking books in and 
out at the library, printing the num- 



Mary Sealock, a junior in Arts and Sciences, 
works as a secretary in Dean Eppley's office. 

bers on library books, serving meals 
and clearing tables in the dining hall, 
serving as cashier in the dining room, 
taking calls and contacting girls at the 
dormitory desks, assisting in the lab- 
oratories by preparing media and clean- 
ing equipment, baking cup cakes and 
"jerking" sodas in the dairy, selling 
books and equipment in the Students' 
Supply Store, sorting mail in the post 

office, typing Masters' theses, and as- 
sisting the nurses in the infirmary. In 
some of these positions a student may 
make enough money to take care of 
her room and board while in college, 
providing she can give approximately 
three hours a day to such endeavors. 

Off Campus Jobs 

Off the campus students find part- 
time employment in the nearby Wash- 
ington and College Park florist shops, 
cleaning establishments, clothes shops, 
and restaurants. There is a long list 
of girls who pick up "pin money" by 
sitting with babies and occasionally 
looking after elderly ladies. A few 
girls pay for their room and board by 
giving approximately three hours a day 
of their time to helping with domestic 
responsibilities in a nearby, often a 
faculty, home. Many girls pay for all 
of their sorority expenses through part- 
time and summer work. Occasionally, 
a senior is found who has paid for all 
of her college expenses. She, however, 
usually finds it a very difficult under- 
taking, both physically and mentally. 
Frequently, such girls have stayed out 
of school a year or so to earn enough 
money to take care of their college ex- 
penses. The Dean of Women's office 
does not recommend that a girl work 
more than three hours a day while 
carrying a full schedule. 

Those girls who work, almost with- 
out exception, maintain that such an ex- 
perience has given them a broader out- 
look and a greater appreciation of 
what a college education means in the 
business and professional world. They 
are now finding that jobs for women 
are much harder to get both on and off 
the campus because of the priority 
given to returning veterans; therefore, 
they appreciate the more the oppor- 
tunities for work that come their way. 


Angela Puleo, Arts and Sciences pre-medical 
student serves Stewart Widoof in the dining 
hall. Such a position is highly sought after, 
for a student can pay for her room and board 
by giving three hours a day. 


Two agricultural specialists of the 
University of Maryland, as well as three 
poultry breeders from this state, were 
included in the schedule of speakers 
for the Tenth Poultry Industry Ex- 
position of the Northeastern Poultry 
Producers Council which was held at 
Saratoga Springs, New York. 

The poultry raisers considered the 
problems of making their poultry farms 
pay if there is a depression in the 
future, and Dr. Morely A. Jull, head of 
the Poultry Department at the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, spoke on the topic: 
"Will Your Birds be Efficient Enough?" 

H. F. Williamson, of Parsonsburg, 
Maryland, acted as moderator of the 
panel on "Growing Broilers More 
Efficiently." Among the speakers at 
this panel were Dr. Paul R. Poffen- 
berger, associate Professor of agricul- 
tural economics of the University of 
Maryland, who explored "The Eco- 


Nancy Kincaid, a senior majoring in bac- 
teriology, making an injection in "Skunky, the 
Guinea Pig," in the Livestock Lab. 

nomic Factor Affecting Today's Out- 
look for Broilers." 

On the same panel, Clarence S. Gass- 
away, manager of an experimental 
farm at Salisbury, Maryland, disclosed 
"Recent Developments in Broiler Man- 
agement", while Maryland NEPPCO 
director Walter Spearin had as his 
topic: "The Importance of Chick Qual- 


Dolores Barry, sophomore in the College of 
Business and Public Administration, baking cup 
cakes in the dairy to help pay her college ex- 


MAY PAY, 1947 

The 1947 May Day was a Silver Anniversary affair featuring Maryland's 25th May Day. Twenty-five former Queens were invited to return to the 
campus. The program featured the costumes and music of the preceding twenty-five years. It was a successful and colorful event under ideal 
weather conditions. Marguerite (Weetie) Stitely was crowned Queen of the May. 


LITTLE did the Pioneers of May 
Day, the Junior women of the 
class of 1924, realize that they were 
making history when in May 1923 they 
embarked on a new venture and inaugu- 
rated the first May Day at the Univer- 
sity establishing thereby an unbroken 
tradition. For twenty-five years the 
May Day Pageant has been held. All 
through the war this tradition has been 
carried on, although observed with 
marked simplicity during those tragic 
years. You must remember, too, that 
there were only seventeen girls in that 
Junior class of a quarter of a century 
ago, and those pioneers established one 
of our most cherished traditions, and 
certainly one of our loveliest. 

Many Memories 

The first May Day holds many mem- 
ories for alumnae of that period. None 
of the girls attending Maryland at that 
time will ever forget Dale Simmonds 
who, in her quest for green for her 
garland, returned from the woods 
boasting of her "beautiful glossy green 
leaves", which unfortunately were poi- 
son ivy. Dale, being a city girl, did 
not recognize it. She lasted through 
May Day, but spent the following week 
in bed. Nor will these same alumnae 

((iieens of <he Past 
Return to famous 
For 1*147 Renewal 
of Old Tradition 

By Allele Stamp 

Dean of Women 

"Who shall be Queen of the Maye? 
Not the prettiest one, not the wit- 
tiest one, 
Nor she with the gown most gaye, 
But she who is pleasantest all the 
day through 
With the pleasantest things to say 
and to do, 
She shall be Queen of the Maye." 

ever forget the gathering of the for- 
get-me-nots at dawn for the little hand 
made paper baskets to be hung on each 
Senior's door, containing her invita- 
tion from the Junior class. Times have 
changed since those early years when 
the girls made their own costumes out 
of cheesecloth or crepe paper, gathered 
the flowers, decorated the throne, and 
made the train and crown for the 
Queen. Now, the crown and flowers 
come from a florist, and the Horticul- 
ture Department decorates the throne. 
You may be interested to know how 
our throne was decorated this year on 

our Silver Anniversary. The canopy 
was made of white lillies and wis- 
teria; the lattice work in the back- 
ground was covered with green and 
massed with white lillies and red roses. 
Palms and colorful potted plants out- 
lining the steps completed the decora- 
tion. We no longer hold our May Day 
in front of Gerneaux Hall, the scene of 
the first May Day, which is now Gamma 
Phi Beta House, nor in the amphi- 
theatre in front of the tunnel, nor in 
the meadow in back of the Women's 
Field House. We have grown so large 
that now our May Day is held in front 
of the Administration Building on the 
beautiful green quadrangle which ex- 
tends from the Administration Build- 
ing to Ann Arundel Hall at the crest 
of the hill. 

Twenty-Five in Court 

Since it was our Silver Anniversary 
we had twenty-five girls in the Queen's 
Court, and twenty-five in the Honor 
Guard. Our Queen this year, lovely, 
popular Marguerite Stitely, was dress- 
ed in white with a silver train. Her 
crown of white roses was touched with 
silver, and her scepter was wrapped in 



Maryland's 1947 May Day celebration was the 25th, the Silver Anniversary. 

Here the first May Day Queen of twenty-five years ago, Zita Ensor HufFord, is shown crowning 
this year's Queen, Marguerite ("Weetie") Stitely. 

Aiding in the ceremony is Carol Haase, May Day Chairman. 

At the left is Genie Simmons. At the right is Louise White. 

The qualifications for which Miss Stitely was chosen as Queen include: Vice-President of Pres- 
byterian Club; Member of W.R.A. 43-45; Intramurals for four years; Secretary Clef and Key, 
Make-up Chairman: Off-Campus Chairman of W.S.S.F. Drive; Food Drive Committee of '45; Sec- 
retary of Student Grange '45: Member of B.S.L. 43-45: Assistant Treasurer, Vice-President of 
Alpha Xi Delta; President of Panhellenic Council; President of Women's League; Freshman Week 
Committee for two years; "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges"; Treasurer of Mor- 
tar Board; Chosen from U. of Md. for 1947 Membership in American Association of University Women; 
Program Chairman of May Day 1946: Member of Student Government Association for two years'. 

The girls in the Queen's Court wore 
long white dresses, and carried huge 
bouquets of multi-colored spring flow- 
ers tied with silver ribbon. The little 
train bearers, Katherine Longridge and 
Mary Jo Kleiner, daughters of alumni, 
were dressed in blue organdy with 
wreaths of flowers in their hair. The 
flower girls, Linda Gifford, Terry 
Etienne, Sylvia Ann Bogley, and Tuck- 
er Ewing, also daughters of alumnae, 
wearing organdy in pastel colors with 
wreaths in their hair, carried baskets 
of flowers decorated with silver ribbon. 
Our little crown bearer, Steven Quirk 
Abbey, Eleanor's second son, aged three, 
dressed all in white, marched like a 
soldier carrying the crown. The pillow 
on which the crown rested was made 
from lovely old lace given to us by Zita 
Ensor Hufford, our first May Queen. 
It was part of her wedding dress which 
in turn was made from her Grand- 
mother's wedding dress. The Honor 
Guard, in long pastel dresses, carried 
garlands of green. The Seniors, dressed 
in traditional white, carrying the laurel 
chain, were led on by Mortar Board. 

Scenes of Other Days 

This year the May Day Committee 

decided to portray for the returning 

alumni, scenes from the past May Days. 

They chose five former May Days from 

approximately five year periods, and 
wove them into a May Day Tapestry. 

The first theme chosen was Mother 
Goose, and the first episode Bo Peep. 
In 1928, Eleanor Freeny Adams, as Bo 
Peep, was rushed across the green in 
front of Gerneaux Hall with lightning 
rapidity by a very determined and 
frightened sheep, straining at his leash. 
This year the sheep had actually to be 
pushed and shoved across the May Day 
green by Bo Peep. The other Mother 
Goose characters were Little Miss Muf- 
fet, Jack Horner, and Mary, Mary Quite 

The second thread of the tapestry 
unrolled before us scenes from the 
Gypsy May Day of 1930. 

Third Thread 

The third thread depicted our Mary- 
land May Day. All the girls of this 
period will remember our tercentenary 
celebration of the founding of Mary- 
land, and of life in the colony. Lord 
Calvert, Margaret Brent, and Marquis 
de Lafayette passed before our eyes, 
and the minuet was danced in colonial 
costume on the green. 

The fourth thread chosen out of the 
tableaux of the past was that of "Fa- 
mous Women Past and Present". These 
included Helen of Troy, Cleopatra, 
Catherine of Russia, Queen Elizabeth, 

Madame Du Barry, and Pocahontas. 

Scenes from "Maryland, a Miniature 
of America" were enacted as the final 
thread and a fitting close. 

May Day closed with the tapping of 
ten girls by Mortar Board. They were 
Jasmine Armstrong, Mildred Burton, 
Marian Benson, Marilyn Beissig, Carol 
Haase, Jacqueline Hastings, Corinne 
Kranz, Patty Piper, Nancy Simmons, 
and Louise Stephenson. 

Immediately afterwards, tea was 
served by the Women's League in the 
garden of Rossborough Inn for the May 
Day Court, Mortar Board, their 
parents and returning alumnae. 

Return of Alumnae 

The success of our festival was large- 
ly due to the return of so many of our 
former students. The first May Queen, 
Zita Ensor Hufford, came back. From 
the seventeen Junior girls of the very 
first May Day, five were present. They 
were Esther Williams Newell, Lillian 
Earnest Wilson, Lucy Knox, Portia 
Melown Filbert, and Salome Warren- 
feltz Sturgis. Catherine Clay TerVeer, 
from California, wrote her regrets and 
wished us every success, as did Sarah 
Morris from New York City, and Vera 
Mullin Walrath from Massachusetts. 
Dale Simmonds Moreau wrote from 
New Jersey that she hoped to come, 
bringing her two daughters, but un- 
fortunately she was not here. Virginia 
Brewer could not leave the Legislative 
Reference Service of the Congressional 
Library, while Congress was in session. 

We lost one of our seventeen pion- 
eers, Anna Margaret Murphy Clark, a 
great many years ago. Her daughter, 
Anna Margaret, graduated this June, 
as did Portia's daughter, also named 
Portia. The letters to the remaining 
six, Ruth Alderman, Olive Castella, 
Ethel Dorsey, Lillian Long Mildred 
Morris, and Anne Stewart, weie re- 
turned to me marked "address un- 
known". If any know their where- 
abouts, I would appreciate being told. 

Many Returned 

So many alumnae returned that it 
was impossible to see all of them in the 
crowd. However, from the May Queens 
and their Courts, the following were 
seen: Zita Ensor Hufford, Lucy Knox, 
Frances Wolf, Polly Savage Snouffer, 
Katherine Baker Bromley, Frances 
Gruver Stevens, Mary Spence, Alma 
Essex, Curry Nourse England, Eieanor 
Baumel Kak, Agnes McNutt Kricker, 
Mary Ingersoll Jenkins, Peg Burdette 
Consley, Barbara Lee Nowell, June 
Barnsley Fletcher, Jean Barnsley Brad- 
ley, Laura Duncan Shaw, Jane Kephart 
Keller, Barbara Boose Prentice, Fred- 
ericka Waldman Ferrill, Betsy Ross, 
Jane Howard Anderson, Barbara Kep- 
hart Clark, Betty Ring Bransdorf, Mar- 
garet Hughes, Barbara Brown, and 
Carol Moody. 


Glimpsed among the throng were the 
following: Louise Richardson Bowen, 
Priscilla Pancoast Richman, Elgar 
Jones Gilmore, Hilda Jones Nystrom, 
Eleanor Freeny Adams, Louise Town- 
send Savage, Emma Gibbs Diggs, Ger- 
trude Chestnut Kalec, Sanneye Hardi- 
man Williams, Anna Quirk Tydings, 
Jane Boswell Shipp, Lula Trundle 
Chandler, Edith Dunsford Gillespie, 
Evelyn Bixler Griffith, Helen Bradley 
Lang, Kathryn Bailey, Barbara Lee 
Nowell, Tica Davis, Loretta Dolan Tal- 
bot, Gwendolyn Blanz, Marian Lane 
Foster, Edna Huyler, Maude Roby, 
Ruth Wegman, Alice Cushman Eliot, 
Gussie Needle, Leah Goldsmith, Evelyn 
Thedwedeff, Helen Stevens, Edith Gram 
Poole, Van Gruver Wells, Betty Gruver 
Weston, Robbia Hunt Coddington, and 
Elizabeth Flenner Eppley. 

From Far and Near 
Replies were received from alumnae 
from far and near, sending their regrets 
and best wishes. Margaret Williams 
wrote from Geneva Switzerland, where 
she is employed by the State Depart- 
ment and Frances Freeny Buryce 
from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where her 
husband is in command of the post. 

Space does not permit me to list all 
of those who replied to the invitations 
sent to all Maryland women, but I shall 
mention a few now scattered across the 
country. Ruth Reppart Marsh, of the 
class of 1923, for whom the first May 
Day was given, wrote from Beaver 
Falls, Pa. Her son will be ready for 
college next fall. Victoria Vaiden Wor- 
den, also of 1923, wrote from Dover 
Delaware. From New York State re- 
plies were received from the following: 
Jane Beals, Norwich, Gloria Gittlieb 
Faine, Long Island, Helen Reindollar 
Baker, New York City, Betty Wascher, 
New York City, and Velman Hailman, 
Syracuse. From the middle west we 

heard from Emma Shelton, who is 
working toward her Ph.D. at Chicago, 
Babette Sellhausen her M.A. at Indi- 
ana, and Margaret Arrel Doan, 
Youngstown. Vivian Bono wrote from 
Dallas, Texas, saying she did not like 
Southern Methodist University as well 
as Maryland. Helen Beyerle sent us a 
picture of her two daughters. One is 
the image of Helen, and the other of 
her husband. Regrets were also re- 
ceived from Florence M. Hunter, from 
Greenville, North Carolina, Isabel Re- 
snitsky Kleinzabler, Palisades, New Jer- 
sey, Flo Waldman Reid, Media, Penn- 
sylvania, Katherine Barker McClenan, 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Anne Hay- 
den, Huntington, West Virginia, Mar- 
garet Price Pinson, Williamson, West 
Virginia, and Bernice Grodjesk Bed- 
rick, Linden, New Jersey. I must men- 
tion a few scattered across the years 
and across our own State of Maryland: 
Thelma Tyler Heidelbach and Janet 
Andrae Stedman from Catonsville; 
Elizabeth Bonthron, Felisia Jenkins 
Bracken, Eva Brooks Rochkind, Mar- 
garet Wilson Webster, Loretta Dolan 
Talbot, and Helen Elizabeth Brown 
from Baltimore; Dorothy D. Sullivan, 
from Kennedy ville; Nancy Holland from 
Cumberland; Elizabeth S. Fitzell, Dun- 
dalk; Mabel V. Becraft, Washington 
Grove; and from Washington, D. C, 
Lucille Stringer, Mary Dillon, and Caro- 
lyn Buck. 

An excellent colored movie was taken 
by one of our students. Mr. David 
Brigham, our Alumni Secretary, is 
planning to show it at the regional 
meetings. Those of you who were pres- 
ent at this year's May Day will be in- 
terested, and those who did not attend 
will find this a pleasant substitute. 


Dining Hall Manager. 


Floyd E. Rush, for 18 years manager 
of the Hotel Washington in Washing- 
ton, D. C, has been named the new 
manager of the University of Maryland 
dining hall. 

Rush, a veteran of 30 years in the 
restaurant and hotel business, fills the 
position formerly held by Mr. Charles 
V. Delahunt, who died last spring. 

A native Marylander, Rush now re- 
sides at 117 Upnor Road, Baltimore. 

The new manager,who already has 
assumed his duties at College Park, 
plans "first class" service for Mary- 
land students and faculty and is mak- 
ing plans for the completion of the new 
dining hall addition, which will have 
a seating capacity of 2,400. 

"This will be a first class operation," 
said Rush, "and only the best of food 
and service will prevail." 

Prior to managing the Hotel Wash- 
ington, Rush held a like position with 
the Bellevue-Stratford in Philadelphia. 
He also has owned his own restaurant, 
the Sedgfield Inn, in Greensboro, North 


Directs the newly-instituted College of Spe- 
cial and Continuation Studies. 


Dr. George J. Kabat has been reap- 
pointed to the staff of the University 
to direct the newly-instituted College 
of Special and Continuation Studies, a 
centralization point for all after hours 
and off-campus work conducted by the 

Dr. Kabat, a veteran of the combat 
engineers and the 0. S. S., was an 
instructor in the College of Education 
in 1941 before entering the Army where 
he saw extensive action in occupied 

The new College will utilize the staffs 
of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, 
Business and Public Administration, 
and Education to "take college into the 
counties," offering instruction in Eng- 
lish, history, psychology, government 
and politics, sociology, speech, geog- 
raphy, physics, math, and industrial 

A special program is being set up 
for benefit of teachers in elementary 
and high schools who heretofore have 
had to wait until summer sessions to 
do advanced work. Under the new 
college they will be able to pick up 
credits after their regular teaching 
hours throughout the year. 

The college also will take over the 
direction of the extensive evening pro- 
gram set up in Baltimore by Profes- 
sor Glenn D. Brown, head of the De- 
partment of Industrial Education. 

Dr. Kabat points out the purposes 
of the new College as follows : "the 
chief purpose of the school is to render 
the greatest educational service pos- 
sible to all the people of Maryland." 


The greatest friend of truth is time; 
her greatest enemy is prejudice; and 
her constant companion is humility. 

— Colton. 




Various Sports Are 
Taught On Campus 
With Emphasis On 
Posture And Physi- 
eal Efficiency 

By Rachel Benton 

Professor of Physical Education for Women 

THE Department of Physical Edu- 
cation provides a varied program 
of class work for all freshman and 
sophomore women, sponsors the intra- 
mural sports competition for all women 
students, and offers four curricula for 
major work. 

All freshmen are taught fundamen- 
tals of individual and team sports, 
rhythms, and basic skills of body move- 
ment. They are given training in good 
posture anc\ are encouraged to im- 
prove their own physical efficiency 


Professor of Physical Education for Women 


through vigorous activities. Sopho- 
mores may choose as their physical 
activity hockey, speedball, volleyball, 
basketball, golf, tennis, badminton, 
archery, softball, fencing, modern 
dance, or recreational dance. 

Any student who is in need of addi- 
tional help and training in posture, is 
urged to enroll in special body mechan- 
ics classes. 

The intramural program is managed 
by the Women's Recreation Associa- 
tion with the advice of the Department 
of Physical Education. Seasonal com- 
petition is provided in hockey, tennis, 
volleyball, bowling, badminton, riflery, 
basketball,and softball. For the highly 
skilled players intramural competition 
is arranged through Sports Days with 
nearby colleges. 

Students enrolled in the major curri- 
cula may select as a specialty the 
teaching of physical education, the 


teaching of health, recreational leader- 
ship, or pre-physical therapy. Major 
students are given careful guidance in 
their course of study by a series of 
group discussions and individual con- 
ferences with their faculty advisors. 
Many graduates take positions as 
teachers of health and physical educa- 
tion in schools and colleges or recrea- 
tion directors in cities and in industries; 
some continue study at the graduate 
level; some enter hospital work in phy- 
sical therapy. The great majority 
simply become good housewives! 


Random Comments on "Economic 
Survey of Allegany County," published 
by the College of Business and Public 
Administration, Professor John H. 
Cover, Author, viz: — 

"Thank you very much for sending 
me a copy of your excellent study, 'An 
Economic Survey of Allegany County.' 
This is a real contribution, not simply 
for those interested in Maryland's par- 
ticular economic problems, but even 
more so for those interested in the 
techniques of regional economic study. 
This can well serve as a model for 
studies of other regions." — Samuel P. 
Hayes, Jr., Associate Director, Market- 
ing and Research Service, Dun & Brad- 
street, Inc., 290 Broadway, New York 

"Many thanks for the copy of your 
'An Economic Survey of Allegany 


County, Maryland'. I certainly wish I 
had one-tenth this information in the 
same form for the other 3,073 counties 
in the United States. This certainly 
appears to me to be a very complete 
job." — Vergil D. Reed, Associate Di- 
rector of Research, J. Walter Thomp- 
son Company, 420 Lexington Ave., 
New York. 

"... The study certainly is a model 
treatment of regional economic prob- 
lems. I hope very much that you will 
be able to continue your work in other 
parts of the state, and I feel sure that 
the results will be equally valuable 
contributions to econometrics. I hope 
that other universities will follow your 
lead and turn their facilities and grad- 
uate students from unrealistic spec- 
ulations to the application of theory in 
close connection with the facts and 
problems of their immediate environ- 
ment." — J. Herbert Furth, Economist, 
Board of Governors of the Federal Re- 
serve System, Washington, D. C. 

"By preparing such an elaborate 
economic study for the county, I take 
it that you are setting a precedent. I 
doubt that other counties of similar 
population have undei'taken correspond- 
ing studies. You certainly have pro- 
duced a fine report. Congratulations!" 



John Moore of Upper Marlboro (pictured 
above) has been appointed as instructor in 
plant pathology at the University of Maryland 
and has taken up his new duties in Extension 

Moore grew up on a farm in Prince George's 
County, graduated from the Upper Marlboro 
High School and spent three years in the Navy 
before graduating from the University of Mary- 
land last June. He spent two summer vaca- 
tions working with the Soil Conservation Ser- 

It is expected that he will spend considerable 
time on the Eastern Shore of Maryland where 
he will be available for emergency calls from 
county agents and growers. He will have gen- 
eral charge of the department's field trials and 
demonstrations with such crops as sweet pota- 
toes, tomatoes, and strawberries. 

Moore will aid in finding and reporting out- 
breaks of plant diseases. This is part of the 
reporting system conducted by the department 
in cooperation with the U. S. D. A. He will 
also do much of the strawberry and other nur- 
sery inspection work. 


Anne Fennessey taking her horse over the hurdle. 

— Willford I. King, Economic Analyst, 
28 Shore Road, Douglastown, New 

"... Please accept my most sincere 
congratulations upon a fundamental 
treatise, and one which I feel confident 
will be used to advantage for a long 
time to come by business, political and 
other groups in Allegany County for 
the improvement of their economic en- 
vironment." — Wilford White, Chief, 
Management Division, Office of Small 
Business, Department of Commerce, 
Washington, D. C. 

"I have looked at some of the Parts 
carefully and am very much impressed 
by the clarity and scope of the ap- 
proach. I hope to be able to give more 
detailed attention to the report soon." — ■ 
Rudolph Modley, Aircraft Industries 
Association, 610 Shoreham Building, 
Washington, D. C. 

"Thank you very much for your 
kindness in sending me a copy of 'An 
Economic Survey of Allegany County, 
Maryland.' I anticipate that there will 
be many ways in which we will make 
good use of the material. I am sure 
that when other counties in Maryland 
see this report they will all request the 
College to have similar studies made of 
their counties." — Margaret C. Klem, 
Chief, Medical Economic Section, Di- 
vision of Health and Disability Service, 
Social Security Administration, Wash- 
ington, D. C. 

"Thank you very much for the copy 
of 'An Economic Survey of Allegany 
County, Maryland'. We have already 
alerted individuals who may be inte- 
rested in this study and it is conceivable 


that you will receive request for it 
from our members." — -Kenneth H. Ba- 
ker, Director of Research, National As- 
sociation of Broadcasters, 1771 N 
Street N.W., Washington, D. C. 

"Recently I was in the Hagerstown 
Public Library and saw a copy of the 
booklet entitled 'An Economic Survey 
of Allegany County — Studies in Busi- 
ness and Economies'. The two voca- 
tional advisers of the Veterans Ad- 
ministration for the western counties of 
Maryland would like to use this infor- 
mation. We shall therefore sincerely 
appreciate it if you will send us . . . two 
copies of this booklet." — G. A. Sieverts, 
Vocational Adviser, Veterans Admin- 
istration, 74 West Washington Street, 
Hagerstown, Md. 


Paul E. Nystrom, deputy director 
of the University of Maryland Exten- 
sion Service in charge of farm labor, 
has been awarded a fellowship at Har- 
vard University for graduate studies 
in the field of extension administration 
during the coming academic year. He 
is being granted a year's leave of ab- 
sence from his present duties. 

Nystrom is one of seven cooperative 
agricultural extension workers in the 
United States who have been selected 
to receive these fellowships, the first 
ever offered by Harvard in the field of 
study. The awards were made possible 
through the cooperation of the Car- 
negie Foundation and will be under 
the administration of Harvard's School 
of Social Sciences. 


One of Maryland's outstanding 
Physical Education students was 
Jackie Richards, featured in a 
national news magazine. 

At the left Jackie is shown offi- 
ciating a field hockey match. 

At the right she supervises a 
gymnasium class. 

Lower left shows Miss Rich- 
ards correcting posture. 

Lower right shows her leading 
setting up exercises. 


From service in General Eisenhower's 
headquarters in Germany, from hospi- 
tals in Iceland, from offices in Honolulu, 
Waves, Wacs, Spars, and Women Ma- 
rines have come to the class rooms 
of Maryland, where many have dis- 
tinguished themselves scholastically. 
They have founded their own service- 
women's Club as an auxiliary to the 
Association of Veterans. 

The Servicewomen's Club offers a 
clearing house for all matters affect- 
ing servicewomen on campus, a social 
center, and an opportunity to work 
eifectively with the Veterans' club. 
On Hallowe'en in '46, it was informally 
organized. The first Director was 
Florence Kretchmer, ex-'Marine tele- 
type and radio operator, who joined 
the Marine Corps in spite of having 
lived all her life previously on Army 
posts. She is now a Sociology major, 
and is active in various clubs, having 
held offices in both veterans' organiza- 
tions. She has a 3.3 average. 

The present officers of the Club are 
June Miller, director, and ex-Wave from 
Hagerstown, with a 4.0 average, who 

served for some of her time as Radio- 
man first class in Hawaii; secretary, 
Norma Watts, ex-Wave Pharmacist's 
Mate whose work was chiefly physio- 
therapy; publicity, Alice Werner, for- 
mer Spar, now an English major in the 
College of Education; co-social chair- 
men, Helen Hall, ex-Marine corporal, 
and Ida Lillie, former Marine Cook, now 
continuing her studies in Home Eco- 

Fifteen ex-servicewomen have records 
of 3.0 or higher. One has a 4.0. 

The service duties of these girls were 
widely varied. Amy Heckinger, of Chi- 

"FOR $64.00!" 

'Terrapin huh? Diamondback or common?' 


cago, a former staff sergeant in the 
Wac, was correspondence action writer 
in General Eisenhower's headquarters 
at Frankfurt, Germany. She is now in 
the College of Home Economics, ma- 
joring in advertising and merchandis- 
ing. Bess Sheppard, on special service 
duty in the morale branch, was in 
charge of off-duty Army activities: 
movies, clubs, libraries, athletics, and 
U.S.O. and recreational facilities. Jill 
Johnson spent part of her time, as 
Army Nurse, in Iceland. Among those 
stationed at Pearl Harbor were Hester 
Brown, ex-Wave, Florence Bernacki, ex- 
Spar, and June Miller. 

Isabelle Tomberlin, graduate student 
and part time instructor in Home Eco- 
nomics, was an Army mess officer, 
stationed at Des Moines, Iowa, Fort 
Oglethorpe, Georgia, and the Jersey 
City Quartermaster Depot. 


Think not so much of what thou hast 
not, as of what thou hast; but of the 
things which thou hast, select the best, 
and reflect how eagerry they would have 
been sought if thou hadst them not. — 
— Marcus Aurelius. 




ONE dream is not enough! Quite 
a few former students have made 
suggestions concerning recognition for 
the men of the University of Maryland 
who lost their lives in world War II. 
Some thought has also been given to 
recognition of the men from the Uni- 
versity who saw service in the war. 

All of us are anxious to take steps to 
provide a fitting memorial and proper 
recognition for those who represented 
all of us so well. No move can be made 
until a complete list of our Gold Star 
graduates and former students is ob- 
tained. We have printed below the 
names of those individuals now on our 
record. For the present, your thought 
in a memorial will be to help us deter- 
mine additional names which should be 
added to the list. If you know of oth- 
ers who should be included please let us 
know immediately. Just send a brief 
note to the Alumni Office giving the 
name, address, and any other pertinent 
information which you feel to be of 
value. Don't put it off. Let us hear 
from you today if you have information 
about a Gold Star alumnus whose name 
does not appear on the list below. 

Addison,' Thomas 
Alexander, "Duke" 
Alexander, Hugh R. 
Amass, Jack Robt. 
Athey, Milton Woodward 
Axtell, Harold A., Jr. 


Generally rated as Maryland's greatest athlete. 
Captain Guckeyson gave his life in World War 
II. Other fine athletes on the accompanying Gold 
Star list were Mason Chronister, track luminary, 
Georgie Pyles and Izzy Leites, Grade A varsity 

Bagby, Wm. W. 
Baldwin, John S. 
Beall, W. R. 
Bell, Harry L. 
Bell, Jas. Russell 
•Bennett, J. H. 
?Betts, Wm. S. 
Bierer, Donald S. 
Blake, David G. 
Booth, Robt. Sinclair, Jr. 
♦Bradley, Robt. Bell 
Branch, Hugh Wellington 
Butler, Harry M. 
Carter, Lewis Townsend 
Chiswell, Lawrence R. 
Chronister, Mason 
Cline, Carl A. 
Cole, Wm. P. Ill 
•Conlon, John Francis 
Cooke, Chas. H. 
Cranford, Leonard C. 
Crawford, Wm. K. 
Curtin, John F. 
Daly, John Joseph 
Davis, Bruce 
Dorn, Robt. L. 
Dorsey, Nathan G. 
Drysdale, Wm. B. 
Duke, Jas. P. 
Dulin, Thaddeus R. 
Dullea, Joseph 
Edyvean, John H. 
Edwards, Robt. H. 
Feindt, Wm. B. 
Fisher, Ralph C. 
Fitzwater, Earl Wayne 
Forsythe, John R. 
Foss, K. E. 
Friedberg, Herbert 
Gatch, Benton R. 
Goldman, Daniel W. 
Gordon, William 
Gorsuch, Gilbert F. 
Guckeyson, John Wm. 
Guerrant, Morris P. 
Hall, Thomas 
Hurley, Geo. Matthew 
Jenkins, W. R. 
'.'Kirby, Wm. Wallace, Jr. 
Krehnbrink, Wm. H. 
LaPorte, Robt. Walford 
Lehman, Paul E. 
Lehmann, Theodore S. 

Leites, Israel L. 

Lichliter, Lawrence D. 

Lines, W. F. 

Lloyd, Edward 

Loomis, Malcolm L. 

Lowman, Morris S. 

MacKenzie, Lawrence 
*Magness, John Newton 

Marzolf, John C. 

McKee. Robt. C. 

McKinstry, V. L. 
•McNeil, John P. 

Mears, John 

Meeks, George 
?Milburn, Henry M. 

Miller, Luther B. 

Moore, Chas. Davis 

Nardo, Anthony C. 

Newgarden, Paul W. 

Nixon, Robt. L. 

Patterson, James Webster 

Peak, Frank L., Jr. 

Pyles, Geo. V. 

Randall, J. Howard 

Reckord. John G. 
*Reid, Richard S. C. 

Robertson, Sam Thomas, Jr. 

Rosenfeld, Norman P. 

Rubin, Jesse Jay 

Schack, Wm. Robt. 

Sehmitt, Edwin M. 
•Searls, R. W. 

Sesso, Geo. A. 

Shaw, Joseph M. 

Sheridan, David L. 

Simpson, John G. 

Sirlouis, Jas. R. 

Smith, Talbert A. 

Smith, Robt. H. 
•Smith, Warren C. 

Springer, Earl Victor 

Timmerman, F. P. 

Tittsler, Robt. Warren 

Trojakowski, Wadsworth C. 

Tsehantre. John A. 

Valenti, Gino 

Voris, John B. 
Warren, W. J. 
Walters, Julian F. 
Wieland, John T. 
Woodward, Albert Davis 
Young, W. H., Jr. 
Ziegle. Frank J. 
Zulick, Chas. M. 

•Reported missing 
? — Uncertain 


Dr. Charles W. Armstrong, graduate 
of The University of Maryland Medi- 
cal School, 1914, and a member of the 
board of medical examiners for the 
State of North Carolina and health 
officer of the City of Salisbury for the 
past 28 years, was elected president of 
Kiwanis International at its 1947 Con- 
vention in Chicago. 

A 27-year member of the Kiwanis 
Club of Salisbury and a trustee of 
Kiwanis International for four years, 
Dr. Armstrong in the year ahead will 
be the principal spokesman of the com- 
munity service organization, which em- 
braces more than 2,600 clubs and 180,- 
000 business and professional leaders 
in the United States, Canada, Alaska, 
and Hawaii. 

Dr. Armstrong has long been active 
in medical and health circles, having 
served as a director of the National 
Tuberculosis Association and president 
of the North Carolina Tuberculosis As- 
sociation. He is a fellow in the Ameri- 
can Public Health Association, chair- 


Maryland (Medical) 1914. 
President of Kiwanis International 


man of the child welfare section of the 
American Legion, and a member of the 
American Medical Association. 

In addition, Dr. Armstrong is a for- 
mer president of the Kiwanis Club of 
Salisbury, governor of the Carolinas 
Kiwanis District, and chairman of 
various committees of Kiwanis Inter- 

He was a captain in the medical 
corps in France during World War I. 

Dr. Armstrong is married and the 
father of two daughters and two sons. 


Turner G. Timberlake, '41 (ME) is 
attached to the Naval Engineering Ex- 
perimental Station at Annapolis as As- 
sistant Head of the Lubricants Section. 

He is co-author of a paper to be 
presented at the Fuels and Lubricants 
Meeting of the American Society of 
Engineers in Tulsa, Okla. in November 
which will be published in the SAE 
magazine in the near future on "The 
Development of Heavy Duty Lubri- 
cants for Naval Service." 

Paul Kestler and Wilbur F. Yocum 
both mechanical engineers of the class 
of '40 are employed at the Experimen- 
tal Station in the research of Naval 


Paul N. Winn, Jr., of Skipwith, Virginia, 
Assistant Research Agricultural Engineer on 
labor-saving work methods, College of Agricul- 
ture, University of Maryland. He is concentrat- 
ing, at first, on the problems involved in the 
production and curing of tobacco, and will be 
helping farmers find easier ways of doing the 
work. This will include the development of 
machinery and equipment to reduce the hand 
labor required. 

An important part of his task will be to lo- 
cate "tricks of the trade" developed by some 
farmers and make them available to all to- 
bacco growers. He will also be studying the 
time required on various farms to plant, culti- 
vate, harvest and house tobacco. After these 
figures have been summarized, his problem will 
be to show how some farmers do the same jobs 
in less time than others. 

The project is being conducted in cooperation 
with the Emergency Farm Labor Program and 
the Agricultural Engineering Department of the 
U. S. D. A. 

Diesel Engines. Paul has lots of ex- 
perimental work on bearings, while 
Wilbur has been interested in large 
engine failures. Then too, there are at 
least five openings for P-l engineers 
both mechanical and chemical that may 
be of interest to recent graduates. 
These openings exist in the Internal 
Combustion Engine Laboratory. 


H. William Hess '16, a graduate of 
the Law School of the University, is 
anxious to locate a class yearbook for 
1916. His law yearbook and other per- 
sonal belongings were lost while he 
was serving in World War I. He ex- 
presses his willingness to pay any rea- 
sonable sum to secure a copy. Any 
alumnus who happens to have a law 
yearbook for 1916 which Mr. Hess 
might obtain is requested to advise the 
alumni office. 


Ed Rider, SAE, has been appointed 
to the recently created positon in the 
extension service "Information Special- 
ist in Soil Conservation," and has taken 
up his new duties on the campus. 

Rider received his degree in 1947, 
returning to the University after three 
years in the Army. In his senior year 
he was president of ODK, and during 
his entire undergraduate stay was very 
active in publications and other campus 


Appointment of Pierre Frank Smith 
as assistant professor of pharmaceu- 
tical chemistry in the School of Phar- 
macy, Western Reserve University, ef- 
fective with the beginning of the win- 
ter semester in September, was an- 
nounced by President Winfred G. Leut- 
ner of Reserve. 

Dr. Smith was an H. A. B. Dunning 
Fellow in pharmaceutical chemistry at 
the University of Maryland in 1943 and 
1944 and from 1946 to 1947. He was a 
graduate assistant in chemistry at the 
University of Maryland from 1941 to 
1943, and a summer school instructor 
in inorganic chemistry at Maryland in 
1942. He was an officer in active duty 
with the United States Navy from 
September 1944 to August 1946. 

Born in North Tonawanda, N. Y., on 
August 17, 1920, he received the degree 
of bachelor of science in pharmacy at 
the University of Buffalo in 1941 and 
the degree of doctor of philosophy at 
the University of Maryland in 1947. 
He is a member of the American 
Chemical Society, American Pharma- 
ceutical Association, American Associa- 
tion for the Advancement of Science, 
the Society of Sigma Xi, Rho Chi 
Honorary Pharmaceutical Society, 
Maryland Biological Society, and Kappa 
Psi Fraternity. 



John E. Foster recently appointed head of the 
Animal Husbandry Department, College of Ag- 
riculture at the University of Maryland. 


The number of contributors to the 
publication "Maryland" and to gen- 
eral alumni activities has shown a 
steady if not startling rise in the past 
two months. Since May 1 alumni have 
sent a total of $1400. Those who have 
contributed and whose names did not 
appear in an earlier issue include the 

Ellsworth G. Acker 

Samuel M. Allerton 

Charles L. Armstrong 

Lester P. Baird 

J. Hicks Baldwin 

Marilyn Bartlett 

George G. Becker 

Mabel V. Becraft 

Judson H. Bell 

A. K. Besley, M.D. 

Richard Binion, M.D. 

C. Robert Boucher 

Otto C. Brantigan, M.D. 

Helen Elizabeth Brown 

Norma R. Brogdon 

Cecelia R. Buckner 

James M. Burns 

Loren Burritt 

Sylvia G. Cary 

John W. Chambers 

Peter W. Chichester 

C. E. Collins, D.D.S. 

H. E. Colwell 

Linne H. Corson, M.D. 

R. W. Crews, D.D.S. 

Gilbert L. Dailey. M.D. 

George A. David 

Leonard I. Davis, D.D.S. 

C. G. Donovan 

Louis H. Douglass, M.D. 

Jean Eickelberg 

Mary Alice Evans 

E. C. M. Fadden 

Jean R. Freese 

Clifton E. Fuller 

Herbert D. Gilbert 

Robert Lee Gill, Jr. 

Donald M. Gillett 

Mrs. Giles Q. Gilmer 

Rebecca Glading 

Russell H. Goff 

Lt. Eloise J. Goode 

J. J. T. Graham 

Elizabeth H. Grassmuck 

Squire E. Hamer 

Emily Marie Hamon 

Miss Barbro Hansson 

Rev. Leighton E. Harrell, Jr. 

Edward C. Hawkins 

H. William Hess 

Malcolm Hickox 

Lewis F. Hobbs 

T. D. Holder 

Matthew C. Horms, D.D.S. 

Linwood O. Jarrell, Sr. 

Temple D. Jarrell 

S. Lloyd Johnson, M.D. 

Henry V. P. Keilly, D.D.S. 

Joseph M. Joyce 

Miriam E. Kefauver (Mrs.) 

Emily E. Kenney 

Virginia C. Kickling 

George E. Kirschner, D.D.S. 

Alvin S. Klein 

Doris Vriginia Kluge 

Mary T. Kroen 

Ruth Lenson-Lambros, M.D. 

Joseph G. Laukatis, M.D. 

Phillip Francis Lee 

Samuel J. Lefrak 

A. C. Lewis 
Georgiana Lightfoot 
Clarence Lippel 
John F. Lutz, M.D. 
Rosalie T. Lyon 

Carl MacAloose, D.D.S. 

R. H. McHenery 

Lawrence R. McKenney 

William E. Martin, M.D. 

Anne L. Maxwell 

Ester L. Melvin 

Harry B. Messmore, M.D. 

John W. Millsaps 

Tow Moy 

Jerrold W. Nell, Jr., D.D.S. 

E. Chandler Newnam 
Alfred J. O'Ferrall 
Elliott P. Owings 
William P. Parr 
Mathias Palmer 
Charles R. Parsons 
Dudley Phillips, M.D. 
Edward A. Pisapia 

F. G. Prather, M.D. 
William L. Putzel 
R. V. Rangle, M.D. 
R. H. Real 

Charles K. Rittenhouse 
John A. Robinson 
William C. Rolth 
Elizabeth L. Ross 
H. S. Rubinstein, M.D. 
Major Carl A. Sachs 

B. Beale Sasscer 
Allan Sauerwein 
Eleanor Seiter 

Rev. J. Letcher Showell 

Harry A. Silberman, D.D.S. 

Roy K. Skipton 

H. Richard Smalkin 

R. G. Somers 

Jack G. Sottroff. M.D. 

Charles A. Spahn, D.D.S. 

Elma L. Staley 

Neale S. Stirewalt, M.D. 

Daniel B. Stoner 

Maxwell Suls 

Gerald A. Swan 

Eugene B. Swartz 

Charles W. Sylvester 

E. Eugene Thomas 

Turner G. Timberlake 

E. H. Tonolla, M.D. 

A. D. Turtle. M.D. 

Warren Tydings 

J. H. Underwood 

M. H. Vandenberg 

Nelson H. Van Wie 

A. A. Verrett, D.D.S. 

Allan F. Voshell 

William H. Watkins 

George C. Webster 

J. P. Wenchel 

William Kelso White, M.D. 

Richard P. Whiteley 

Alfred C. Whiton 

Charles E. Wilson 

Doris L. Wolfe 

William E. Wolfel 

Reuben Wolk 

Charles W. Woodward, Jr. 

A. F. Woods 

Charles A. Young, M.D. 

Herbert E. Zepp, M.D. 

Eleanor C. Zink 

We are expressing our thanks to 
those who have contributed through a 
Certificate of Appreciation. The certifi- 
cate is large enough for framing and 
contains a color picture of Rossborough 
Inn. We feel this is the least we can 
do for those who are willingly support- 
ing the publication "Maryland" and our 
general alumni efforts. We know that 
you are interested in the University, in 
its alumni affairs and in this magazine. 
We ask that you give us the oppor- 
tunity to add your name to our Honor 
Roll so you may receive your certificate 
in the near future. 


President Calvert N. Ellis announced 
the appointment of Miss Ruth C. Hast- 
ings of Cambridge, Md., as instructor 
in home economics on the Juniata Col- 
lege faculty, Huntingdon, Pa. 

Miss Hastings was graduated from 
the University of Maryland in 1946 and 
received her master's degree from the 
teachers college of Columbia University 
last June. 

Experienced as a food chemist and 
student dietitian, Miss Hastings is a 
member of the American Home Eco- 
nomics Association and the Maryland 
Home Economics Association. She has 
served as a camp dietitian in Girl Scout 
camp and has done volunteer Red Cross 



Dr. Alfred K. Mitchell and Dr. F. J. 
Massey have been added to the staff of 
the Department of Mathematics of the 
University of Maryland. 

Dr. Mitchell, who has his Ph.D. from 
Johns Hopkins University, comes to 
Maryland from the Pratt & Whitney 
Aircraft Corporation where he was ac- 
tive in research on applied aerody- 
namics. He was an instructor at Yale 
University and at Trinity College of 
Hartford, Conn., prior to his service 
with Pratt & Whitney. 

Dr. Massey, a Ph.D. from the Uni- 
versity of California, has been with the 
Joint Target Group in Washington as 
a consultant on statistics, and earlier 
was a research statistician with the 
University of California Statistical 


The University of Maryland has announced 
the establishment of a Bureau of Public Ad- 
ministration for the study of problems of state 
and local government. The Director of the new 
Bureau is Dr. Joseph M. Ray (pictured above), 
who is also Head of the Department of Govern- 
ment and Politics. Both the Bureau and the 
Department are in the College of Business and 
Public Administration. 

Tha Bureau of Public Administration is con- 
cerned primarily with study and research in the 
problems of government within the State of 
Maryland. One of its first projects will be an 
an-ivis of Maryland's present constitution, 
pointing toward the popular election in 1950 on 
the issue of a new constitution for Maryland. 
Other general studies are planned. Surveys 
were made by Dr. Ray last year of the govern- 
ments of Hagerstown and Cumberland. Similar 
studies in other localities will be undertaken by 
the new Bureau upon request. It is planned 
also to make the Bureau a clearing house of 
news and information regarding governmental 
problems and developments throughout the 
state. Smilar bureaus exist at many other state 


Several members of the Faculty of 
the School of Pharmacy attended the 
meeting of the American Pharmaceu- 
tical Association and Affiliated Organi- 
zations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Dean A. G. DuMez presented the re- 
port of the American Council on Phar- 
maceutical Education, of which he is 
Secretary-Treasurer, in the House of 
Delegates of the A. Ph. A.; and also 
before the second session of the Ameri- 
can Association of Colleges of Phar- 

Dr. Walter H. Hartung, was the re- 
cipient of one of the coveted prizes in 
pharmacy — The Ebert Prize, which was 
awarded at the second session of the 
General sessions of the American Phar- 
maceutical Association. This prize was 
awarded for a series of four papers on 
amino acids by Dr. Hartung. 

Many other graduates of the School 
of Pharmacy from Baltimore and else- 
where were in attendance, including J. 
Benner Kelly from Arizona, R. L. 
Swain of Drug Topics, New York, Dr. 
W. Paul Briggs of the Veterans Admin- 
istration, J. Milton Cross and Noel E. 
Foss of New Jersey; Marion L. 
Jacobs of North Carolina; Albert M. 
Mattocks, Western Reserve College of 
Pharmacy, Cleveland, Ohio; Theodore T. 


Dittrich of Kansas City, Mo.; William 
B. Baker of New York City; Dr. and 
Mrs. Walter C. Gakenheimer of New 
Jersey; Marvin J. Andrews, Samuel 
Goldstein, L. M. Kantner, Melville 
Strasburger of Baltimore, and others. 
B. Olive Cole presented a paper in 
the Historical Section of the A. Ph. A-, 
was a member of the resolutions Com- 
mittee of the A. Ph. A., and a delegate 
from the Economics Section of the A. 
Ph. A. to the House of Delegates. Dr. 
George P. Hager was a delegate from 
the Baltimore Branch of the A. Ph. A. 
to the House of Delegates. Dr. Gaylord 
B. Estabrook presented a paper on 
"Physical Chemistry on the Graduate 
Level" in the Conference of Teachers of 
Chemistry of the American Association 
of Colleges. 

Dr. Frank J. Slama attended the 
meetings of the Plant Science Seminar 
in Chicago the week preceding the 
meetings of the A. Ph. A. and also at- 
tended the meetings of the A. Ph. A. 

The following named graduates of 
the School of Pharmacy who took the 
Maryland Board of Pharmacy exami- 
nations in June 1947 have been granted 
registration as pharmacists: 
Henry J. August 
Otto K. Boellner, Jr. 
Mary A. Coleman 
Morton Kahn 
Maurice W. Mercier, Jr. 
Sidney B. Litvin 
Harold D. Mondell 
Elmer W. Nollau 
John J. O'Hara, Jr. 
Howard A. Pippig, Jr. 
Sidney Pats 
Vivian S. Davidov 
Benjamin Ginsberg 
Bernard B. Lachman 
Harold B. Singer 
The following passed the theoretical 
Board examinations, but registration is 
withheld until they have met the legal 
requirements for practical drug experi- 
ence and passed an examination in 
practical pharmacy: 

Marvin H. Abrams 
Alvin Berlin 
Louis M. Bickel 
Irvin Friedman 
Morton L. Pollack 
Howard S. Sirulnik 
Alex Weiner 
Dr. Joseph Millett of Hempstead, N. 
Y. was a recent visitor in the School 
of Pharmacy. Dr. Millett received his 
undergraduate diploma in pharmacy in 
1927, B.S. in Pharmacy in 1929, and 
graduated from the School of Medicine 
of the University of Maryland in 1934. 
Dean A. G. DuMez and Prof. Clifford 
W. Chapman, Emerson Professor of 
Pharmacology, attended a meeting of 
the U. S. P. Revision Committee, Sept. 
10th to 13th, 1947, at Pocono Manor, 

Dr. Adele B. Ballman, Assoc. Prof. 
English in the School of Pharmacy, 

enjoyed quite an extended automobile 
trip, with her brother, through Vir- 
ginia, North Carolina and the Southern 

Dr. and Mrs W. Arthur Purdu"m 
have just returned from an extended 
automobile trip, including Yellow- 
stone National Park, Denver and Colo- 
rado Springs. Dr. Purdum attended 
the meetings of the American Pharma- 
ceutical Association and the American 
Society of Hospital Pharmacists which 
was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 
August 25th to 30th. Dr. Purdum is 
Chief Pharmacist at the Johns Hop- 
kins Hospital, and is very much in- 
terested in the American Society of 
Hospital Pharmacists. He received 
his undergraduate diploma in the 
School of Pharmacy in 1930 and the 
Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1941. 

Dr. Walter H. Hartung, Professor 
of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in the 
School of Pharmacy and representa- 
tive of that school in the Graduate 
Council, attended the meeting of the 
American Chemical Society in New 
York City, September 14th to 19th, 


Dean S. S. Steinberg of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland announces the ap- 
pointment of the following 20 new mem- 
bers in the College of Engineering: 

Dr. Henry R. Reed, Professor of 
Electrical Engineering. Dr. Reed 
earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees at 
the University of Minnesota and re- 
ceived his Ph.D. from the University 
of Iowa. He taught Electrical Engi- 
neering at both Minnesota and Iowa, 
and until recently was Chief Telephone 
Engineer of Stromberg-Carlson. 

Professor Edward S. Barber, Asso- 
ciate Professor of Civil Engineering. 
Professor Barber is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland College of 
Engineering, and for the last twelve 
years has been with the Public Roads 
Administration. He is nationally recog- 
nized as an expert in engineering soils. 

Professor Louis E. Otts, Jr., Asso- 
ciate Professor of Civil Engineering. 
Professor Otts received his B.S. and 
M.S. from the Texas A. and M. College. 
He has wide experience in water supply 
and sewage treatment plants, and until 
recently was Assistant Professor of 
Sanitary Engineering at Vanderbilt 

Professor John Flodin, Associate Pro- 
fessor of Mechanical Engineering. Pro- 
fessor Flodin is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Washington from which he 
received B.S. and M.S. degrees. He also 
has an M.S. degree from the University 
of Minnesota. He was engaged for a 
number of years in engineering practice 
and taught for eight years at the Uni- 
versity of Minnesota. 

Presley A. Wedding, Assistant Pro- 

fessor of Civil Engineering. Professor 
Wedding is a graduate of the Univer- 
sity of Maryland College of Engineer- 
ing. He has been engaged for a num- 
ber of years in the practice of archi- 
tectural engineering and until recently 
was an instructor at the Catholic Uni- 

Claude D. Kinsman, Assistant Pro- 
fessor of Civil Engineering. Professor 
Kinsman, received his B.S. degree from 
the University of Nebraska and his M.S. 
from Purdue, having taught at both 
these Universities. He has been in 
government service for a number of 
years, and until recently was with the 
Office of the Housing Expediter. 

Walton R. Read, Assistant Professor 
of Mechanical Engineering. Professor 
Read is a graduate of the U. S. Naval 
Academy and received his M.S. degree 
from Columbia University. He served 
in the U. S. Navy, rising from Ensign 
to Captain. For a number of years he 
was instructor at the U. S. Naval 

Thomas C. Slingluff, Assistant Pro- 
fessor of Mechanical Engineering. Pro- 
fessor Slingluff is a graduate of the U. 
S. Naval Academy and served in the 
Navy for 25 years. He also served as 
instructor in marine engineering at the 
Academy. Until recently he was Engi- 
neer in Charge of the Diesel Engi- 
neering Division of General Motors. 

Thomas T. Witkowski, Assistant Pro- 
fessor of Electrical Engineering. Pro- 
fessor Witkowski is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland, Class of 1942. 
In 1947, he received his M.S. degree. 
Last year, he taught in the Department 
of Mathematics. 

Other appointments are: 

Charles W. Yantis, Instructor of 
Civil Engineering. 

Peter S. Vial, Instructor of Engi- 
neering drawing. 

Walter R. Beam and John W. Stunz, 
Instructors in Electrical Engineering. 

Addison B. Eyler, Audley B. Lea- 
man, Hugh L. Sinclair, Jr., and Robert 
K. Warner, Laboratory Assistants in 
Mechanical Engineering. 

Henry W. Price, Laboratory Assis- 
tant in Electrical Engineering. 

George W. Harmon, Jr., Teaching 
fellow in Chemical Engineering. 

Ronald E. Bowles, Assistant in Engi- 
neering Drawing. 


Seven new housemothers have been 
added to the campus scene this semes- 
ter. Mrs. Mary Anderson comes to 
Alpha Xi Delta; Mrs. Charlotte G. 
Backus to Gamma Phi Beta; Mrs. 
Gladys S. Davis to Kappa Alpha 
Theta; Mrs T. H. Estes to Alpha Tau 
Omega; Mrs. William H. McNeil to 
Delta Sigma Phi; Mrs. Marie Moore 
to Delta Delta Delta, and Mrs. Perry 
L. Null to Dormitory C. 


jr^ f~^nhmdlcs from Heaven 

Turner G. Timberlake, '41 RFD 
No. 3, Weems Creek, Anna- 
polis, Md. reports the arrival in the 
Timberlake household of a new baby 
girl, Christine Marie. 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eugene Funk 
announce the birth of a son, Jon Gre- 
gory Funk. The mother, Dorothy Rea- 
chard Funk, is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland, School of Nursing 
in the class of 1946. 

Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace Evans, 
2942 Upton St., N.W., Washington, D. 
C. now have two boys. Robert Walter 
Evans arrived on May 8, 1947 but 
William Clark Evans has been around 
the house since August 1, 1944. The 
mother is the former Mary Alice Clark, 
A&S '43, Alpha Delta Pi. 

A little girl has taken over at the 
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. William Mil- 
ler at 5011 Malflower Road, Norfolk, Va. 
The young lady's name is Sue Fletcher 
Miller. She arrived on July 1, 1947, 
weighing nine pounds. Her mother is 
the former Mildred Bridges Pittman of 
Norfolk. The father, formerly of Boons- 
boro, Md., recieved his B.S. from the Col- 
lege of Commerce in 1939. 

Well, its Vernon Houston Miller, Jr., 
at the home of Doris and Whitey Miller, 
at Rockville. The proud papa will be 
recalled as. a track and football work- 
man at College Park with a grand war 
record as a major in the Marine Corps. 

Dr. and Mrs. William Howard Hunt, 
Stamford, Conn., announce the arrival 
of twins — William Howard and Deborah 
Lewis, on August 30, 1947. Dr. Hunt 
received his undergraduate diploma in 
Pharmacy in 1931 and the Doctor of 
Philosophy in 1937. 

A little late comes the announcement 
of a baby girl born in Washington, D. C, 
March 27, 1947 to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin 
W. Scott, Jr., Engineering '39. The 
youngster is named Elaine Thomasanne. 
She has an older sister, Frances Jean, 
born in Los Angeles on November 22, 


The most agreeable of all compan- 
ions is a simple, frank man, without 
any high pretensions to an oppressive 
greatness; one who loves life and un- 
derstands the use of it; obliging, alike 
at all hours; above all, of a golden 
temper, and steadfast as an anchor. 
For such a one we gladly exchange the 
greatest genius, the most brilliant wit, 
the profoundest thinker. — Lessing. 

Col. George Musgrave 

Col. George Musgrave, 79 at- 
torney of Washington and 
Prince Georges County, died at Laurel. 

Born in Silver City, Idaho, Col. Mus- 
grave moved to Baltimore as a young 
man. He was graduated from City Col- 
lege there and then studied law at the 
University of Maryland. He became a 
member of the Maryland Bar in 1893 
and later was admitted to the District 
bar. The commandant of the Veterans 
Corps of Maryland's famed 5th Regi- 
ment, Col. Musgrave was actively en- 
gaged in law practice and civic duties 
until he was taken ill. 

His only survivor is his wife, Anne S. 

Warren F. Hofler 

Warren Ferguson Hofler, 35, of 
Portsmouth, Va. died in that city. He 
was a native of Portsmouth, the son of 
John Powell Hofler, Sr., and the late 
Mrs. Mary Ferguson Hofler. 

He is survived by his wife, (the for- 
mer Virginia Bundick, '31) his father; 
four sisters, Miss Rachel Hofler, Mrs. 
Ida Green, Mrs. Pauline Hewitt and 
Mrs. Helen Alexander; a brother, John 
Powell Hofler, Jr., and a half-brother, 
Frank O. Hofler. 

Mr. Hofler's death was caused by 


Dr. Raymond Davis, Jr., has been 
promoted to the position of Group 
Leader in Physics in the research de- 
partment of Monsanto Chemical Com- 
pany's Central Research Laboratories, 
St. Louis, Missouri. 

Dr. Davis received his bachelor's and 
master's degrees at the University of 
Maryland and his doctorate at Yale. 
He was formerly employed by Dow 
Chemical Company and served four 
years in the Chemical Warfare service 
with the rank of major. He came to 
the Monsanto Project in February, 


'Time for your eyedrops, Malone!' 


Harrell — Blackwell 

MR. and Mrs. LeRoy E. Black- 
well, Sr., of Miami, Fla., an- 
nounce the engagement of their daugh- 
ter, Virginia Dick, to the Rev. Leigh- 
ton E. Harrell, Jr., son of Chaplain 
and Mrs. Leighton E. Harrell of Hy- 

Miss Blackwell, a graduate of Miami 
Edison High School, is now a junior at 
Duke. She is a member of Alpha Chi 

Mr. Harrell received his A.B. from 
the College of Arts and Sciences at 
Maryland in 1943. In 1946, he re- 
ceived his B.D. from Duke Divinity 
School. In both schools he was active 
in Sigma Alpha Epsilon. At pres- 
ent he is pastor of the New Castle 
Charge in New Castle, Va. 

London — O'Connor 

Dr. and Mrs. John Andrew O'Connor 
of Springlake way have announced the 
engagement of their daughter, Peggy 
Rene, to Donald Vernon London, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Whiteford London. 

Miss O'Connor is a graduate of Notre 
Dame of Maryland. 

Mr. London, who served three years 
in the U. S. Navy, is attending the 
University of Maryland. 

Fussell — Hartman 
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Hartman of 
Rollingwood, Chevy Chase, Md. an- 
nounce the engagement of their daugh- 
ter, Vera Louise Hartman, to Taylor 
Fussell son of Mr. and Mrs. Norris 
Fussell of Ashton, Md. The bride-elect 
was graduated from the University of 
Maryland, and Mr. Fussell from Earl- 
ham College. During the war Mr. Fus- 
sell served overseas as captain with the 
Army Air Forces. 

Ketner — O'Hara 

The engagement of Miss Mary Stella 
O'Hara to Mr. Robert T. Ketner was 
announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 
Andrew O'Hara of Ernest, Pa. Mr. 
Ketner is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Patrick F. Ketner of Washington. 

The bride-elect was graduated from 
Indiana High School and attended In- 
diana State Teachers College, both in 
Indiana, Pa., now is attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Cole — King 

Gladys Theodora King, daughter of 
Dr. and Mrs. Howell A. King, will be- 
come the bride of Robert Lewis Cole, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jennifer Irving 
Cole, of Towson. 

Mr. Cole is studying in the College 
cf B. & P. A. 

Ammerman — Stuckman 
The engagement of Miss Wilma Ar- 
lene Stuckman to Mr. Howard K. Am- 
merman was announced by her parents, 
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stuckman of 
Quincy, 111. Mr. Ammerman is the son 
of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ammerman, 
Jr., of Cynthiana, Ky. 

Miss Stuckman studied at the Co- 
lumbia School of Art and is employed 
in the office of the Army Air Forces. 
Mr. Ammerman, who served as a cap- 
tain in the Quartermaster Corps in 
Puerto Rico during the war, received 
a B.S. degree from the University of 
Kentucky and now is taking graduate 
work at the University of Maryland. 

Watzich — Shepherd 

A wedding is being planned by Miss 
Shirley Avon Shepherd whose parents, 
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Shepherd of Ta- 
koma Park, are announcing her engage- 
ment to Mr. Julius Watzich, Jr., son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Watzich of Cliffside Park, 

Miss Shepherd attended the Univer- 
sity of Maryland and is associated with 
the United States Chamber of Com- 
merce. Mr. Watzich was graduated 
from Purdue University and is with the 
Naval Ordnance Laboratory. 

Butler — Wilson 

Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Wil- 
son, Jr., of Towson, have announced 
the engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Betty Jane Wilson, to Mr. Thomas La- 
tane Butler, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Thomas 0. Butler, of Stoneleigh. Miss 
Wilson is completing her course in the 
Cadet Nurse Corps at Union Memorial 
Hospital, and Mr. Butler is a student 
at the University of Maryland. 

Hill— Willett 

Mr. and Mrs. E. Jean Willett of 
Washington, formerly of Kansas City, 
Mo., and Los Angeles, announce the 
engagement of their daughter, Lillian 
Hathaway Willett, to William Sasscer 
Hill, son of Mrs. William Sasscer Hill 
and the late Mr. Hill of Pleasant Hills, 
Upper Marlboro, Md. 

The bride was educated at Holton 
Arms School and George Washington 
University and in Europe where she 
studied in Paris and at the Royal Aca- 
demy of Dramatic Arts in London. She 
studied voice as a pupil of the late 
Oscar Segal of New York. During the 
war she worked for the coordinator of 
inter-American affairs. 

Mr. Hill attended University of Mary- 
land and George Washington Univer- 
sity Law School and is an attorney with 
the Federal Trade Commission. He is a 
member of District of Columbia Bar, of 
Kappa Alpha fraternity, of Southern 
Maryland Society and Marlboro Hunt 
Club. He was a major in the U. S. 
Army during the war serving in Mili- 
tary Intelligence in Washington and as 
Foreign Claims Commissioner in Eu- 

Buckingham — Howard 

Miss Willie Edith Howard, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Harry M. Howard, and Mr. Forrest 
Allen Buckingham, nephew of Mrs. 
Lula M. Pickett of Mt. Airy, were mar- 
ried recently. 

Mrs. Buckingham is a graduate of 
Frederick High School, the Towson 
Teachers' College, and the University 
of Maryland. She has been teaching in 
various schools in Frederick County 
and has accepted a position at Da- 

Mr. Buckingham graduated from Mt. 
Airy High School. He served four 
years in the Army Air Forces. 

Groves — Provance 

First Lieutenant Dorothy Jan Pro- 
vance, Army Nurse Corps, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Provance, became 
the bride of Captain Elmer C. Groves, 
of Amsterdan, N. Y., in Yokahoma, 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland School of Nursing 
in the class of 1940. 

Windes — Howard 

Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston How- 
ard of Fairglen road, announce the 
marriage of their daughter, Miss Anne 
Howard, to Mr. Dudley E. Windes of 
Tang-O-Mar, Santa Rosa, Florida, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Windes, former 
residents of Washington, D. C. 

The bride is a graduate of Bethesda- 
Chevy Chase High School and attended 
the University of Maryland. Mr. Win- 
des attended the University of Virginia. 

Moy — Lee 

Miss Rose Lee and Mr. Tow Moy, 
both former students of Maryland Uni- 
versity, exchanged vows recently in 
Washington, D. C. 


"These ligrht homes they throw up aren't like 
the old homes, Ralph — you shouldn't have 
chained Hotsy to it!" 

The bride was a student in the Col- 
lege of Home Economics, while the 
groom, who was graduated this year 
from the University's College of En- 
gineering, is now with the Corps of 
Engineers of the War Department in 
the Buggs Island Dam Project near 
South Hill, Va., where the couple now 

Link — Bolin 

Miss Virginia Gayle Bolin, daughter 
of Mrs. Harry E. Bolin and the late Mr. 
Bolin, and Roger John Link were mar- 
ried in Washington. 

The bride and bridegroom are both 
attending the University of Maryland. 

Walker — Northrup 

Mr. and Mrs. Claxton Walker, were 
married recently in Washington. 

The bride is the former Miss Mar- 
garet Jacquelyn Northrup, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed Northrup of 
this city, and the bridegroom is the son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Walker of 
Chevy Chase. 

The bride was graduated from Chevy 
Chase junior college and Abbott Art 
school. Mr. Walker is attending the 
University of Maryland after three 
years' service with the Marines. 

Pace — Ream 

Mrs. Carol Ream, daughter of Mrs. 
O'Della Shoultz, and Dr. Jerome Pace 
were married this summer. 

Mrs. Pace, who is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland, class of 1926, 
was formerly a public health nurse in 
Lawrence County, Indiana. Dr. Pace is 
superintendent at the Silvercrest Tu- 
berculosis Hospital, Indiana. 

Skinker — Bragunier 

Miss Marjorie Alyese Bragunier, 
daughter of Mrs. Pearl Hiett Bragun- 
ier, was married in Washington to Mr. 
Thomas Campbell Skinker, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Muscoe B. Skinker. 

The groom attended George Washing- 
ton and Maryland Universities and his 
bride attended George Washington Uni- 

Carrico — Davis 

The wedding of Miss Katherine Isa- 
belle Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
John Harrison Davis of Bradley 
Farms, Md., and Mr. William T. Car- 
rico, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Carrico 
of Annandale, Va., took place at Brad- 
ley Farms. 

Mrs. Carrico was graduated from 
Holy Cross Academy and the University 
of Maryland where she was a member 
of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. Mr. 
Carrico attended the University of 

Wilson — Waller 

The marriage of Miss Jean M'Cam- 
mon Waller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Alvis Carey Waller, to Mr. Henry Clay 
Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mirza J. 
Wilson, took place in Washington. 

The groom formerly was a student 
at the University of Maryland. 


Ferry — Dow 

Miss Mary Janet Dow, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dow, and John 
Dickinson Ferry, were married in 
Washington. The bridegroom is the son 
of Mr. and Mrs Montague Ferry of 
Kenwood, Md. 

The bride studied for two years at 
Purdue University and one year at 
Maryland University. She is a member 
of Kappa Alpha Theta and president 
of the Maryland University chapter, 
Mr. Ferry was graduated from Devitt 
Preparatory School and attended the 
University of Maryland. 

Wylde — McGinniss 

Miss Bell Weir McGinniss, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. McGinniss, 
became the bride of Ronald James 
Wylde in Washington. The bridegroom 
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wylde 
of St. Louis. 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and the bridegroom 
of Washington University in St. Louis. 
He served as a Lieutenant (j.g.), U. S, 
N. R., overseas during the war. 

Clements — Duncan 

Miss Dorothy Anne Duncan, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Garsuch 
Duncan of District Heights, Md., be- 
came the bride of Russell Rodda Clem- 
ents, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. 
Clements of Cheverly, Md., recently in 

The bride attended Maryland Uni- 
versity. The bridegroom served for two 
years as a captain in the quartermas- 
ter corps. 

Martin — Trotter 

Miss Ida June Trotter, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Trotter, of Sa- 
lix, Pa., and Mr. John Clifford Martin, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Martin, 
of York Haven, Pa., formerly of Balti- 
more, were married in Salix. 

The bride, a graduate of Pennsyl- 
vania State College, was head of the 
music department of the schools of 
Adams Township, Pennsylvania, for 
several years. The groom, a graduate 
of Kenwood High School, served in the 
United States Navy in the Pacific 

The couple will live near the Univer- 
sity of Maryland, where Mr. Trotter is 
a student. 

Carr — Henderson 

Miss Lillian May Henderson, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hender- 
son of Washington, was married to 
Robert Atkinson Carr, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Thomas M. Carr of Elkton, Md. 

Mr. Carr is a student at Maryland 
University College of Dental Surgery. 
Both Mr. and Mrs. Carr attended 
Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa. 

Klaphook— White 

Miss Esther Marie White, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White of Bel- 
videre, N. C, and David Thomas Klap- 

hook, son of Mrs. Mary Roberts Klap- 
hook and the late Peter John Klap- 
hook of Washington, were married in 
an afternoon ceremony in Washington. 
The bride was graduated from North 
Carolina State Teachers College. The 
bridegroom attended University of 
Maryland and was graduated from the 
George School of Pennsylvania. 

Weberman — Schwartz 

Announcement has been made by Mr. 
and Mrs. Hyman S. Schwartz, of the 
engagement of their daughter, Miss 
Naomi Schwartz, to Mr. Saul Wilfred 
Weberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abra- 
ham Weberman, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Miss Schwartz was graduated from 
the University of Maryland. Mr. Web- 
erman, an alumnus of the Yeshiva 
and Mesifta Torah Vadaath, Brooklyn, 
was graduated from Brooklyn College 
and studied at the C.C.N.Y. School of 
Business Administration. He recently 
returned from a four-months' tour of 
displaced persons camps in Europe for 
the United Lubacitcher Yeshivoth, a 
national relief and educational agency. 
Solomon — Oisboid 

Mr. and Mrs. Alec Oisboid have an- 
nounced the engagement of their 
daughter, Doris Beverly Oisboid* to 
Stanley Lawrence Solomon, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Walter Solomon. 

Miss Oisboid is attending Maryland 
University. Mr. Solomon is a student 
at George Washington University. 
Diamond — Eisele 

The marriage of Miss Martha Eisele, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mar- 
tin Eisele of Bethesda, to Mr. Douglas 
Byrnne Diamond, Jr., son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Diamond of Gaithersburg, took 
place at Gaithersburg. 

Mr. Diamond attended Emory College 
and both he and his bride attended the 
University of Maryland. 

Bennington — Bolen 

Miss JoAnn Bolen, daughter of Mrs. 
Gladys M. Riley of Cheverly, Md., and 
Robert L. Bennington, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Henry L. Bennington of Aberdeen, 
were married at Cheverly. 

Both the bride and bridegroom are 
students at the University of Maryland. 
The former is a member of Sigma 
Kappa Sorority. Her husband served 
three years overseas. 


"While he keeps me waiting: would yon care 
to dance?" 


Morse — Philips 

Fort Myer chapel was the scene of 
the marriage of Miss Margaret Philips, 
daughter of Brig. Gen. Joseph Leon 
Philips, U.S.A. (ret.) and Mrs. Philips 
of San Diego, Calif., and Maj. Mason 
Harwell Morse, U.S.M.C, son of Mrs. 
Bryan Morse, of Washington and the 
late Mr. Morse of the Washington 

The bride is a graduate of Arlington 
Hall and attended the University of 

Maj. Morse was graduated from Wes- 
tern High School and the University of 
Virginia. He is also a member of 
Washington's Fifth Marine Reserve 

Devlin — Vorobey 

Miss Stella Anna Vorobey daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Vorobey of 
Washington, and Thomas Howard Dev- 
lin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher 
Devlin of Baltimore were married in a 
lovely church ceremony. 

Both Mr. and Mrs. Devlin were in the 
June graduating class of University 
of Maryland. They will live in Balti- 
more and the bridegroom will do gradu- 
ate work at the university. 

Wright — McKinley 

Miss Evelyn Morris McKinley, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. P. Mc- 
Kinley, of Washington, and Zeno Ran- 
dall Wright, Jr., son of Mrs Z. R, 
Wright, also of Washington, were mar- 
ried recently. 

Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright attended 
University of Maryland. 

Wagner — Mangum 

Another wedding of interest is that 
of Miss Elise Mangum and Robert E. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Webb L. Mangum of Washington, 
and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. 
and Mrs. E. Earl Wagner also of Wash- 

The former Miss Mangum is a gradu- 
ate of Wilson Teachers College and did 
graduate work at George Washington 
University where she was a member of 
Kappa Delta Pi. 

Mr. Wagner, an alumnus of Wilson 
Teachers College, also studied at Prince- 
ton University and the University of 
Maryland where he was a member of 
Phi Sigma Pi. He served in the Army 
four years, during which time he was 
on duty in Alaska one year. 
Tawney — Sharp 

The wedding of Miss Mary E. Sharp, 
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. 
Frank Sharp, of Ambler, Pa., and Mr. 
Chester W. Tawney, son of Mrs. Lula 
Tawney, of Havre de Grace, Md., and 
the late Mr. Garfield C. Tawney, took 
place in Glenside, Pa. 

The bride is a graduate of University 
of Maryland and a member of Kappa 
Delta. The groom, also a graduate of 
the University of Maryland, is a mem- 
ber of the Maryland State Legislature. 

Chakan— White 

Poolesville, Md., was the scene of the 
wedding of Miss Charlotte Blake White, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mal- 
colm White, and Mr. Albert Chakan, 
son of Mr. John Chakan and the late 
Mrs. Chakan of Freeland, Pa. 

Mrs. Chakan is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland and her hus- 
band was graduated from Franklin 
and Marshall College at Lancaster, Pa. 
Both are teachers in the Montgomery 
County Schools. 

Mulcare — Sheahin 

Miss Mary Rose Sheahin, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sheahin, be- 
came the bride of Mr. James William 
Mulcare, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice 
A. Mulcare. 

The bride attended St. Patrick's Aca- 
demy and the bridegroom, Gonzaga 
High School and the University of 

Potter — Barnes 

Silver Spring was the scene of the 
wedding of Miss Claudia Barnes, of 
Silver Spring, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. C. L. Barnes of Warba, Minne- 
sota, and Mr. Frank Ellwood Potter of 
Sabbatus, Maine. 

The bridegroom is a graduate of the 
University of Maine and now holds an 
assistantship and will continue his 
studies at the University of Maryland. 

Wilson — Waller 

The marriage of Miss Jean M'Cam- 
mon Waller and Henry Clay Wilson 
took place recently. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Alvis Carey Waller of Baltimore, 
and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Mirza J. Wilson of Washing- 

Mrs. Wilson, a graduate of McKin- 
ley High School, has been with the 
National Lumber Manufacturers asso- 
ciation the last two years. Her husband 
attended the University of Maryland 
and is now attending Catholic Univer- 
sity. He served in the Naval Air Corps 
during the war. 

Burleigh — Repp 

A wedding took place in Piedmont, 
when Miss Martha Virginia Repp, 
daughter of Mrs. Norris Right Repp, 
of Westernport, and the late Norris K. 
Repp, became the bride of Arthur Cilley 
Burleigh, Jr., Detroit, Mich., son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Burleigh, 
Wellesley, Mass. 

The bride is a graduate of Bruce 
High School, Westernport; Potomac 
State College, Keyser, W. Va., and the 
University of Maryland, College Park, 
where she received her Bachelor of 
Science degree, and is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland Hospital Nurs- 
ing School, Baltimore. She served near- 
ly three years in the Army Nurse 
Corps unit as a first lieutenant during 
World War II in the E.T.O. She has 

been on the staff of McGuire Hospital 
at Richmond, Va., since she was dis- 
charged from the army, January 1946. 

Mr. Burleigh is a mechanical engi- 
neer, a graduate of Carnegie Institute 
of Technology at Pittsburgh. He served 
nearly three years as a captain in the 
army during World War II in the Euro- 
pean Theatre and was discharged as a 

MacKenzie — Stevenson 

Miss Gladys Stevenson became the 
bride of Arnold MacKenzie. 

The bride is the daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Frederick James Stevenson, of 
Takoma Park. 

The groom is the son of Mr. and 
Mrs. Arnold MacKenzie of Hyattsville. 

Mrs. MacKenzie was graduated from 
Montgomery Blair High School and the 
University of Maryland. The bride- 
groom is a graduate of the University 
of California at Berkeley, Calif. 

Marshall — Imirie 

Miss Margaret Ann Imirie, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Imirie, of 
Bethesda, was married to Mr. Wallace 
Ashby Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
C. Ashby Marshall of Washington. 

The bride is connected with the U. S. 
Public Health Service. The bridegroom 
is now attending the University of 

Hannon — Otto 

Miss Jean R. Otto, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Joseph Norman Otto of Ca- 
tonsville, and Philip A. Hannon, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Verne F. Hannon of 
Waterloo, Iowa, were married in Balti- 

The bride is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Maryland and a Tri Delt. 
The groom is in his senior year at the 
University, and served in the Euro- 
pean theatre during the war. 

Senning — Beggs 

Miss Betty Ann Beggs, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jervis Beggs, of 
Rosedale road, and Dr. Frederick Step- 
hen Senning, son of Mrs. Frederick Sen- 
ning and the late Mr. Senning, of Ar- 
nold, Md., formerly of Baltimore were 
married last month. 

Mrs. Senning is a graduate of Duke 
University where she was a member of 
Alpha Delta Pi and Phi Beta Kappa. 
Dr. Senning attended Cornell Univer- 
sity and was graduated in June from 
the University of Maryland Medical 
School. He is a member of Alpha Tau 


Opportunity knocks ; it is 
only to a woman it comes 
with a ring. 

When you haven't said a 
thing, you don't have to ex- 
plain it. 

The boy may get through 
school, but does school "get 
through" the boy ? 

Stetson — Farquhar 

Miss Faith Elizabeth Farquhar, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Granville 
Elgar Farquhar, and John Hewes Stet- 
son were married in Sandy Spring, Md. 
Mr. Stetson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Harold T. Stetson of Northfield, Mass. 

The bride was graduated from the 
University of Maryland. The bride- 
groom, who served in the Army Air 
Forces during the war, will continue 
his schooling at the University of 

Wilson — Simmons 

The wedding of Miss Emogene Lewis 
Simmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Howard Webster Simmons, of Cam- 
bridge, Md., and Mr. George Allison 
Wilson, Jr., son of Senator and Mrs. 
George A. Wilson, of Des Moines, Iowa, 
and Washington, D. C, took place in 

Mrs. Wilson is a graduate of the 
University of Maryland, where she was 
a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. 
Mr. Wilson is attending George Wash- 
ington University after serving as a 
lieutenant in the armored force during 
the war. He is a member of Sigma 
Alpha Epsilon. 

Wright — Zinn 

At the home of her parents, Mr. and 
Mrs. Lester Aubry Zinn, Miss Kathe- 
rine Granville Zinn was married to Cal- 
vert Fogle Wright. 

The bridegroom is the son of Comdr. 
Paul Nolan Wright, Jr., (USN), re- 
tired, and Mrs. Wright. 

The bridegroom attended University 
of Maryland and the bride attended 
local schools and has been employed at 
Petworth Library. 

Miller Trotter 

A nuptial mass followed the marriage 
of Miss Katherine E. Trotter, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs Frank H. Trotter of 
Elkridge, to Mr. Gerald Ignatius Miller, 
son of Dr. Lawrence G. Miller -vf Relay, 
and the late Mrs. Katherint Heuisler 
Miller, which took place in Elkridge. 

The bride is a graduate of Trinity 
Preparatory School and the groom, 
Mount St. Joseph's. After serving over- 
seas with the 116th Infantry of the 29th 
Division, he now is attending the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 

Seitz — Baldwin 

Mrs. C. Benham Baldwin of Bethesda, 
has announced the marriage of her 
daughter, Miss Sally Baldwin, to Mr. 
Robert Seitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
George F. Seitz of Kenwood, Maryland. 

Mrs. Seitz was graduated from Beth- 
esda-Chevy Chase Senior High School 
in 1945. She attended Maryland Uni- 
versity for one year, and then spent a 
vear at the Washington School for 

Mrs. Seitz is a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland. 


" ( SHOULD H F\\ 



There is an urgent need for rooms and apartments to house students and faculty members at Maryland. The caitpus facilites at the 
University are taxed to the limit. A large number of reasonably priced off-campus accommodations are needed in order that all students who desire 
may obtain their education at the University of Maryland. Those having: such accommodations available are requested to call WArfield 3800, 
Extension 375 or Write: Housing Bureau. Office of the Dean of Men. College Park, Maryland. 

Brown — Jacobs 

Miss June MacBayne Jacobs, daught- 
er of Mr. and Mrs. Paul MacBayne 
Jacobs of Washington, became the bride 
of Earle Willard Brown, son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Julian 0. Brown of Hagers- 
town, Md. 

Mr. and Mrs. Brown both attend the 
University of Maryland. Mrs Brown 
is a member of Alpha Xi Delta Soror- 
ity and her husband belongs to Alpha 
Tau Omega, where the wedding was 
held in College Park. 

Cooper — Winquest 

Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Edgar Cooper 
were married in Holdrege, Nebr. The 
bride is the former Miss Betty Win- 
quest, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bern- 
ard Winquest of Holdrege, and the 
bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Joseph Edgar Cooper of Washington. 

Mrs. Cooper attended Nebraska Wes- 
leyan University and the bridegroom is 
an alumnus of Maryland University. 

Lynch — Pugh 

Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Pugh of Wythe- 
ville, Va., announce the marriage of 
their daughter, Miss Geraldine Pugh, 
to Robert J. Lynch, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
John E. Lynch and a student at the 
University of Maryland. 

Mr. Lynch is a graduate student and 
lives in Washington, D. C. 

Showacre — Hartge 

Miss Mary Alice Hartge, the daught- 
er of Mr. and Mrs. Alan McCanley 
Hartge of Annapolis, became the bride 
of Mr. Harold Gerstell Showacre, the 
son of the Rev. and Mrs. Edgar H. 
Showacre, formerly of Annapolis and 
now of Odenton. 

The new Mrs. Showacre is a graduate 
of the Annapolis High School and is 
employed by the Anne Arundel Board 
of Education. Mr. Showacre was gradu- 
ated from the University of Maryland 
and is a teacher in the Alice Deal 
Junior High School in Washington. 

Kiger — Fowble 

Miss Florence Wilson Fowble, daugh- 
ter of Mrs. Jousha Fowble and the late 
Mr. Fowble, of Reisterstown, and Mr. 
Lowell Edward Kiger, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. C. E. Kiger, of Cisne, 111., were 
married in Reisterstown. 

The bride is a graduate of Hannah 
More Academy and the University of 
Maryland, and was a member of the 
faculty of the Sparks High School for 
several years. 

The groom, who is a graduate of the 
University of Illinois and a radio Engi- 
neering college in New York, served in 
the Navy during the recent war. 

Horine — Maxson 

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Maxson, of 
Cincinnati, O., announce the marraige 
of their daughter, Verna May, to Car- 
roll Lee Horine, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Grover F. Horine, of Myersville. 

Mrs. Horine is a member of Phi Mu 
sorority and was active in the campus 
life of the University of Cincinnati. She 
also studied piano and voice at the Cin- 
cinnati Conservatory of Music. 

Mr. Horine was a student at the Uni- 
versity of Maryland before his induc- 
tion in the Army Air Forces. He re- 


He needs a place in which to live. He won't 
'keep" this way. 


turned to the university where he com- 
pleted his work for a bachelor's degree 
in Education. He was elected to Alpha 
Zeta and is now teaching agriculture in 

Schiller — Koren 

Miss Elaine Merle Koren, daughter 
of Mrs. Mina J. Koren, became the 
bride of Irwin Max Schiller, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Schiller. 

Mr. Schiller is attending the Univer- 
sity of Maryland where he is a member 
of Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity. 

Bush — McGehee 

Miss Patricia McGehee, daughter of 
former Rep. and Mrs. Daniel R. Mc- 
Gehee of Mississippi was married in 
Washington, D. C. to William Reaves 
Bush, son of Mrs. William R. Bush and 
the late Mr. Bush. 

Mr. Bush attended the University of 
Maryland where he was a member of 
Kappa Alpha fraternity. He served as 
a lieutenant (j.g.) in the Naval air 

The bride was graduated from 
George Washington University and 
previously attended Rollins College at 
Winter Park, Fla., where she was a 
member of Chi Omega sorority. She 
also studied at Holton Arms in Wash- 

Martin — Olker 

Miss Harriet Estelle Olker, daughtei 
of Mrs. Josephine A. Olker of Washing- 
ton, became the bride of Eugene Ander 
son Martin, son of Mrs. Berthalee P 
Martin of Downer, N. J. 

The bride is a graduate of Marylana 
University. The bridegroom attended 
Maryland University and this fall will 
attend the University of Pennsylvania. 


The Coming Sports Scene At Maryland 

*•}■ ^^^^BBW 

WITH the acquisition of a new 
football coaching staff, a new 
basketball coach and an invitation for 
the boxing team to compete in the 
Sugar Bowl this year, Maryland Uni- 
versity has an interesting outlook on 
the sporting world for the coming se- 

In bringing "Big" Jim Tatum to the 
College Park institution, the powers 
that be have made a master step in 
building the University into football 
prominence, for Tatum, one of the 
youngest big-time 
football coaches in 
the country, has 
already achieved 
success on the first 
rung of the build- 
ing campaign. To 
do this, he insti- 
tuted one of the 
largest and tough- 
est gridiron sched- 
ules ever to be 
faced by a Terra- 
pin eleven. He 
brought one of the 
largest and most 
experienced coach- 
ing staffs ever to 
be gathered together and he coordinated 
his Intercollegiate Athletic Program so 
as to bring a man with 15 years experi- 
ence to Maryland as Director of Ath- 

With the greatest influx of students 
ever to enroll at the University of 
Maryland, something had to be done 
and Tatum was it. Both as a coach and 
business man, he enjoys an enviable 
reputation and, because he foresaw the 
great possibilities at Maryland, he was 
lelieved of his five year contract at the 
University of Oklahoma. 

Maryland, already enjoying cham- 
pionship teams in Boxing and Rifle, is 
out to achieve more honors in other 
sports. With no drab future looking at 
us in Boxing, since the team, coached 
by Heinie Miller, has been invited to 
compete against Michigan State for 
signal honors in the Sugar Bowl, De- 
cember 29; Maryland has achieved one 
of the top athletic honors in the na- 
tion. This is another part of the Uni- 
versity's quest for building toward the 
attainment of athletic prominence. 

Mr. Carroll 

Things Are Sort 
Of Perkiir up 
At College Park 

By George L. Carroll 

As the school year opened, the pos- 
sibility of a new football stadium was 
on everyone's tongue. True, plans are 
already made for a stadium, seating 
30,000 at the outset and graduating it- 
self to hold more when the demand 
exists; however, due to building con- 
ditions, these plans are being set for 
the future and someday soon will be- 
come a reality. 

When the word, "football" was 
sounded off on Labor Day, September 
1, exactly 100 aspirants answered. 
These boys, predominately freshmen, 
since the Southern Conference still per- 
mits them in Varsity competition, were 
eager and looking forward to working 
with their new coach. They gave up 
their vacations to return before the 
school's official opening and work hard 
all day at football. Sessions were held, 
two a day, the first at 6:30 A. M. till 
8:30 A. M. and the second, 3:30 P. M. 
till 5:30 P. M. In between time was de- 
voted to blackboard talks and movies 
of former games. 

A training table was set up in the 
dining hall, where carefully planned 
meals were served three times daily 
to the hungry gridsters. A complete 
and modern training room was install- 
ed, where the first full-time trainer in 
athletic history at Maryland was hired 
to treat any injuries that may have been 
incurred. Whirl-baths, lamps and the 
most modern of equipment were placed 
at the squad's disposal. All in all, 
training time at College Park was one 
of hard work and justly so. 

Scrimmage sessions were held several 
times a week, with full dress sessions 
being held each Saturday. On several 
occasions other college teams were 
brought here for secret sessions. The 
backfield began to look very strong at 
the outset but our line was weak. We 
had many experienced holdovers as 
backs but frosh aspirants were the main 
contenders for the line. 

Careful planning was the keynote of 
football prior to and during the pre- 
season training. As the season opens 
with such teams as South Carolina, 
Delaware, Richmond, Duke, V. P. I., 
West Virginia, Duquesne, North Caro- 
lina U., Vanderbilt, and North Caro- 
lina State to be met, mighty careful 
planning was on the agenda. For this 
season may not be a good one for Mary- 
land, nevertheless it shouldn't be a bad 

one but what it will be 

and what is most important, is the first 
stepping stone in the "Terrapins" quest 
to build upward and onward in the 
Collegiate sports field. 


Mr. E. J. Clarke, of the Worcester 
Democrat, Pocomoke City, writes the 
following interesting letter to Dr. H. 
C. Byid, President of the University of 
Maryland, viz: — ■ 

"I am in receipt of a copy of the 
September 1947 'MARYLAND,' a Uni- 
versity publication, the contents of 
which are concerned with the athletic 
activities of your institution. 

"Inasmuch as I was always "nutty" 
on the subject of sports, especially 
those developed at educational insti- 
tutions, I noted the issue of 'MARY- 
LAND' with a great deal of interest. 

"When a man get as old as I am, he 
is apt to deal largely in reminisces and 
when I read the football items in the 
publication referred to, I vividly re- 
called a game which took place back 
in the late 70's between what was then 
Maryland Agricultural College, and St. 
John's College, on the campus of 
M.A.C. I played with St. John's. 

"To reveal the football calibre of the 
two teams, all that is necessary to 
state is that, at 135 pounds, I played 



When Coach Jim Tatum, Maryland's new gridiron mentor, called a milkman's matinee football practice at 6:30 a. m. on Labor Day he trotted 
out exactly 100 gridiron prospects. While pruning started almost immediately the picture for the first squad as well as the "B" aggregation looks like 
large fellows in large numbers at College Park. 

quarterback and ran the ball many 
times. Our team would not have aver- 
aged more than 145 pounds. But we 
won two games — and that's not saying 
much for our opponents. 

"In those days, transportation facili- 
ties did not provide for any daily 
round trip between M.A.C. and St. 
John's; consequently, we were enter- 
tained over night. So, after supper, our 
boys assembled in the rooms of the old 
dormitory where we played that game 
over and over — discussing it from every 
viewpoint until almost the break of day. 

"There was one big fellow on the 
M.A.C. team — at least, he looked big 
to us — who said to me: 

" 'You are one stringy guy. I grabbed 
you today about a dozen times, slam- 
med you down and tried to break your 
damned neck, but you always fell on 
your feet.' 

" 'Well,' I said, 'I'm glad you didn't 
break my damned neck, and probably 
what you say accounts for a slight 
stiffness which has already developed 
in my ankles.' 

"When I was at St. John's, we had 
morning and evening prayer in the 
Chapel, seven days in the week. Now, 
I believe, they have such a service only 
cnce a week — Thursday morning, and 
it is called a 'convocation.' 

"Years after the football game just 
mentioned, I happened to be in Anna- 
polis on a Thursday morning. I 
thought I would go up on the hill and 
attend the Convocation. 

"I entered the door of the Chapel as 

quietly as I could, and took the first 
seat available. But Enoch Gary was 
persistent then and when he saw me, 
he left the platform, made his way 
down to me, and insisted I sit on the 
stage. It was no time and place for an 
argument, so I went with him. 

"On the stage was a gentleman who, 
I afterward saw, was the speaker for 
the day. I was introduced and took my 
seat in a chair alongside of his. 

"As I did so, he leaned over and said: 

" 'What did Gary say your name 

"I told him. 

"'Ah!' he said, 'I know you, I once 
played a game of football against you, 
and I tried to break your damned neck.' 

"What a coincidence! That man had 
finished M.A.C, had finished a law 
course at the Maryland University in 
Baltimore, had gone into law practice, 
and had practiced long enough and 
successfully enough to be selected Judge 
of the Circuit Court, which included 
Annapolis. He was no other than Judge 
Moss, who has been dead some years, 
and whom, I am sure, you knew well. 

"After the convocation service was 
over, the Judge and I sat there and 
talked, and what we said was a plenty. 

"All this occurred to me as I went 
through the pages of 'MARYLAND.' 

"I would like to send my very best 
respects to my old friend, Charley 
Richardson, and say to him I hope he 
is enjoying life and has many years 
ahead for him." 


Jim Meade, assistant football coach 
at the University of Maryland and a 
product of the home state was on hand 
at 6:30 Labor Day morning for the 
opening practice session of the Terra- 
pin season. 

Meade, who hails from Havre de 
Grace, recently joined Coach Jim Ta- 
tum's staff. A former All-Southern 
Conference football great and All- 
American lacrosse player while attend- 
ing the College Park School, Meade has 
had a brilliant career in athletics. 

Upon his graduation from Maryland 
he coached lacrosse at Lehigh Univer- 
sity and then joined the Washington 
Redskins as a backfield running mate 
to Sammy Baugh and Dick Todd. 

He is a veteran of five years in the 
Army paratroops. 


Maryland has been conducting a re- 
cruiting drive for 100 members for the 
Band. Posters proclaiming the ad- 
vantages and privileges of playing in 
the Band have appeared on various 
bulletin boards. 

Plans are under way to present 
half-time shows and entertainment at 
all football games. Joe Bove, chair- 
man of the stunt committee, and Mary 
Zimmerli, head cheer leader, have been 
working to coordinate stunts and 
cheers for the pep rallies and games. 


"South Carolina" 



'South Carolina' 




Chuck Spann, who won Conference title by split decision over Maryland's Bob Ha- 
fer, went all the way up to the finals at the Nationals to lose the title by split verdict at 

Dale Mathews, 165, won Conference title by win over Maryland's Bob Gregson. 
Dale is from Clemson. 

Ray Avant, 145, who won Conference title, defeated Terps' Tommy Maloney. 
Avant is from South Carolina. 

Carl Pulkinen, Clemson 135 pounder, who won title when Maryland's Danny Smith 
pulled up with a cut eye. 

Jerry Orr, Clemson, won the 130 pound title, after having eliminated Maryland's 
Davey Lewis, substituting for Andy Quattrocchi. 



Colonel Harvey L. Miller, Maryland';- 
Boxing Coach, was re-elected Executive 
Secretary of the National Boxing Asso- 
ciation at the 27th Annual Convention 
of that body, held recently in Montreal. 

The NBA now is comprised of 55 
Boxing Commissions representing 47 
states and foreign countries. 

There were 144 delegates at Mon- 
treal, boxing men from all over the 


God offers every mind its choice be- 
tween truth and repose. Take which 
you please, and you can never have 
both . — Emerson. 


"Money won't buy happiness, Hosentraeger. 
Yon do want to be happy, don't you ?" 


Next year's NCAA boxing tournament ("The 
Nationals") will be an Olympic team tryout. 
the winners eligible for Olympic competition 
against A.A.U. and Golden Gloves talent for 
places on the Olympic team. The weights used 
in the NCAA tournament will be the Olympic 
weights, i.e., 112, 118, 126, 135, 147, 
160, 175, Heavyweight. 

However, Dr. Carl P. Schott, Penn State Col- 
lege member of the NCAA rules committee, 
points out that these weights are not mandatory 
for dual meet or conference competition where 
the weights should be mutually agreed upon by 
competing institutions. 

Maryland has officially recommended the addi- 
tion of a 150 pound class to collegiate weights 
because War Department as well as Public 
Health service statistics prove that 150 pounds 
is the peak weight for American youth. That is 
wh-re the most talent is. That would make a 
nine man team. 

Colonel Bob Jones, coach of Clemson College's 
scrappy squad, comes through with an excellent 
suggestion. Writes Colonel Bob, "I suggest col- 
lege boxing forget about the 112 or flyweight 
class. They don't come that small in American 

"A good weight scale," continues Colonel 

Jones, "readily adaptable to the Olympic scale, 

would be 118, 125, 130, 135, 145, 150, 155, 165, 
175 and Unlimited." 

That would be a ten man team with the 118 
and 150 classes added to the usual collegiate 
weight scale. The recommendation makes sense. 


I believe in honesty, sincerity and the 
square deal ; in making up one's 
mind what to do — and doing it. 

I believe in fearing God and taking 
one's own part. 

I believe in hitting the line hard when 
you are right. 

I believe in speaking softly and carry- 
ing a big stick. 

I believe in hard work and honest sport. 

I believe in a sane mind in a sound 

I believe we have room for but one 
soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to 
the American people. 

— Theodore Roosevelt 






"Lousy decision! I'll show 'em! 
case to the United Nations!" 

Ml take this 





Back Row — Thumm, Sexton, Cole, Graham, Burlin, Randall, Lawrence, Vial. 

Middle Row — Slesinger, Grier, Kelly, Garrett, Bachrach, Carter, Widener. 

Front Row — McGregor, Allen, Hewitt, Bond, Nevares, Mulitz, J. Mueller, L. Mueller. 

THESE Terrapins were National 
Collegiate Champions! We recall 
them here hoping they will serve as an 
inspiration for current and future 
Maryland athletes. 

With all of 1939's National Inter- 
collegiate championship lacrosse team 
back except Jim Meade and Rip Hewitt, 
lost through graduation, the prospects 
for a trophy repeat in 1940 were fairly 
encouraging as the season opened. 

To fill the gaps in the starting line-up 
left by the loss of these two stars, 
Coach Faber found ample material 
from the 1939 squad, besides several 
players from the freshman team. Out- 
standing yearlings sporting the Varsity 
colors were Al Slesinger, on attack, 
Mark Kelly in the goal, and Bill Mc- 
Gregor in the midfield. The greatest 
strength in 1940 lay in the trio of close 
defense men. Leo Mueller and Micky 
Mulitz held down regular berths in 1939 
and Bill Graham was a regular the 
year before. The first of the season saw 
these three men working together beau- 
tifully to do their share in returning 
the title to the Terps. 

Except for Rip Hewitt, the efficient 
attack of 1939 returned intact. Sev- 
eral advantageous changes altered the 

game against college competition. At 
appearance of the spearhead of the 
team. Lively Billy Bond played in- 
home. A familiar face on the close at- 
tack was Oscar Nevares. Playing the 
same brilliant game that won him recog- 
nition in 1939, Oscar gave some fine 
performances before he turned in his 
uniform for the last time at the end of 
the season. The only sophomore play- 
ing regularly, Al Slesinger, performed 
in great style. 

The others in the midfield were vet- 
erans Jack Mueller and Billy Cole. 
Muller's experience gained in the pre- 
vious season stood him in good stead 
and he did well in his new position. 
Several times he ran the length of the 
field to score unassisted. The center 
position, possibly the toughest spot on 
the team, fell to Billy Cole, an aggres- 
sive lad. Meeting the Mount Washing- 
ton stickmen in the 1940 opener the 
Terps took an 8-3 setback. 

Dartmouth was the lead-off team in a 
series of three games played in six days 
as they met the Faberman at College 
Park. The Indian raid was ineffectual 
the Terps turning back the Dartmouth 
ten 12 to 4. Al Slesinger let his team 
with four tallies in his first varsity 

no time was the Indian team in the 
same league with the Marylanders. 

Three days later Maryland overran 
the Harvard team 11 — 1. Harvard 
scored first and the fans thought per- 
haps a lacrosse miracle was in the mak- 
ing before their very eyes, but the 
Terps soon swamped the Maroon with 
tally after tally. 

Everybody on the team got a good 
workout when the Terrapins ran rough- 
shod over a hopelessly outclassed Loyola 
ten from Baltimore. Starting their at- 
tack early, the Terps downed the visit- 
ing team 16 — 4. 

Others to bow to the Terps were 
West Point, Rutgers, Penn State, Prin- 
ceton, Navy and Hopkins. 

The season's record, 

Mt. Washington, _ 3 — 8 

Dartmouth, 12 — 4 

Harvard 11 — 1 

Loyola 16 — 4 

Army 6 — 2 

Rutgers 6 — 2 

Penn State 7—3 

Princeton 9 — 5 

Navy _____ 12 — 3 

Hopkins 7 — 6 


IT was at the annual picnic of the 
Gas Company's employees. Mr. 
Pidie, the big exec, was making a 
speech. "We have to do with providing 
heat and light to many people. We 
should be honored for that. In fact," 
continued Mr. Pidie, "the people might 
well call us the light brigade and say 
'Honor, the light brigade!"' Just then 
a raucous stentor from the rear rank 
bellowed, "Think of the charge they 

Eng: "My stock in trade is brain." 
Home Eco: "You have a funny look- 
ing sample case." 

Pa: "I think I'll go downstairs 
send Nancy's young man home." 

Ma: "Now, Elmer remember 
way we used to 

Pa: "Yeah, out he 



The girl and her 
uncle (M. A. C. '97) 
stood watching the 
young people dance 
about them. 

"I'll bet you never 
saw any dancing like 
that back in the nine- 
ties, huh, uncle!" 

"Once, in Baltimore, 
— but the place was 

Mark Antony made two famous 
speeches. One was at Caesar's grave. 
"I came here to bury Caesar, not to 
praise him." The other was at Cleo- 
patra's tent, "I didn't come here to talk, 

"Try these," said the neighbor, haul- 
ing out a third set. 

They were O.K. The man made his 
speech and, turning to his benefactor, 
asked, "Are you a dentist?" 

"No," replied the fellow, "I'm an un- 

The after dinner speaker at the 
alumni dinner bit onto what he thought 
was a stuffed olive. But the olive had 
a hard pit and the speaker, just about 
to be called upon to speak, broke his 
upper denture right up the middle. 
Turning to the guest seated next to 
him he said, "I can't speak. I just 
broke my upper plate." 

"Here, try these," said his neighbor, 
slipping a plate out of his pocket. 

"These are too small," said the 

"Try these," said the neighbor, hand- 
ing him another set. 

"Too big," was the verdict. 

Teacher: "Willie, you were told to 
write a full page on the subject of milk. 
Your paper covers less than half a 

Willie: "I wrote about condensed 

There are only two kinds of folks, 
the Quick and the Dead. 

Some people are so busy tabbing the 
mistakes of others they strike out en- 
tirely on their own. 

"Paw's the best shot 
in the country." 

"What does that 
make me?" 

"My husband." 

A man was reading 
birth and death statis- 
tics. Suddenly he 
turned to the man on 
his right and said, "Do 
you know that every 
time I breathe a man 

"Very interesting," 
replied the other. 
"Why don't you chew 

Slim: "For months I 
couldn't discover where 
my wife was spending 
her evenings." 

Slam: "How'd ya find 

Slim: "One evening 1 
went home and there 
she was." 

Mrs. A.: "Oh, I'm so 
happy. My husband is 
going in for anthro- 
pology. I've always 
known that he was 
capable of doing some- 
thing worthwhile." 

Mrs. B.: "How did 
you find out?" 

Mrs. A.: "I found 
some little green tick- 
ets in his pocket and 
upon them was writ- 
ten 'Mudhorse, 15 to 1.' 
When I asked him 
about them, he told me 
they were relics of a 
lost race." 



"My dear Mr. Schauckelpherd, you may be taking a business course but even^ Mary- 
land's most successful alumni are not privileged to give dictation in that manner." 

Then there's the 
lucky G.I. student who 
has a cigarette lighter 
and a wife, both work- 


"Do you know a fel- 
low down your way 
with one leg named 

"Well, now, I'm not 
sure. What's the name 
of the other leg?" 

1st Vet.: "Did you 
volunteer, or were you 

2nd Vet.: "Well, it 
was like this. My num- 
ber came up, I had no 
dependents, and I 
passed my physical . . . 
so I volunteered." 

One can become a 
stiff before being 
ready for the under- 

"Why don't you an- 
swer the phone?" 
"It isn't ringing." 
"Must you always 
wait until the last mo- 

Aviation experts 
have definitely proven 
the bumblebee has not 
enough wing space to 
fly. However, the bum- 
blebee does not know 
this and flys anyway. 

"Well, I came down 
with flying colors, any- 
how," remarked the 
painter, as he fell with 
a pail of paint in each 

Applicant: "Sir.have 
you an opening for 

Office Manager : 
"Yes, but don't slam it 
as you go out." 

Prof: "I seem to have forgotten my 
umbrella this morning, dear." 

Wife: "When did you realize you 
had forgotten it?" 

Prof: "Well, I first noticed it when I 
raised my hand to close it after it 
had stopped raining." 

Stranger: "Good morning, doctor. I 
just dropped in to tell you how much 
I've benefited from your treatment." 

M.D.: "But you're not one of my 

Stranger: "I know, but my uncle 
was, and I'm his heir." 


'What are you reading, 

College Park Junior: 

Mother: "Oh, that's all right, dear. 
I was afraid you'd gotten hold of the 
'Old Line'." 

"I saw you last night with your girl 

"Yes, that was Agnes. She's as per- 
fect as a poem. 

"Yes, she does have nice lines." 

An up-state freshman watched a guy 
in Dietz's at Hyattsville open a pack- 
age of fancy-colored men's pajamas. 
"Whut's them?" he asked. 


"Pajamas," echoed the kid, "Whut're 
they for?" 

"Why you wear them nights," the 
clerk pointed out. Do you want a 

"Nope," said the freshman; "I don't 
go nowhere nights except to bed." 

It's the little things that bother 
And put us on the rack; 

You can sit upon a mountain 
But not upon a tack. 

It's a fine thing to keep that school- 
girl complexion, but it's risky to have 
it on your coat lapel. 

I wish I was a wittle egg, 

Away up in a twee. 
I wish I was a wittle egg, 

As wotten as can be. 
And when some upper classman 

Would start to shout at me, 
I'd frow my wotten wittle self, 

And spatter down on he. 

Her hat was on one side, her clothes 
rumpled and her shoes were in shreds. 

"Were you knocked down by a mo- 
torist?" asked he. 

"No, picked up," she snapped. 

Judge: "It seems to 
me I have seen you be- 

Prisoner: "You have, 
your honor. It was I 
who taught your 
daughter to play the 


they catch 

Pop: "Oh, that's 
easy. A little lipstick 
and rouge, a hairdo, 
and a pretty dress." 


"Pop, how do 

Better get a good 
laugh at the bathing 
suits they're wearing 
in these times because 
in a little while they 
won't be anything to 
laugh at. 


Big "M": "I don't trust you too far." 
Gal: "I don't trust you too near." 

WHILE a student at the Uni- 
versity I was connected with 
publications", writes Turner G. Timber- 
lake, '41, RFD 3, Weems Creek, Anna- 
polis, "and I realize the great amount 
of work involved in turning out a paper 
such as 'MARYLAND'. I appreciate 
your headaches and deadlines and I do 
not see how you could turn out a better 
paper. Here's hoping that 'MARY- 
LAND' is getting the support it needs 
to stay in the forefront of collegiate 

" 'MARYLAND' is a very worth- 
while publication", writes Charles K. 
Rittenhouse, '35, 503 N. Chapel Gate 
Lane, Baltimore 29. 

Edward Baum, M.D., class of 1895, 
6114 Carpenter St., Philadelphia, 
writes, "Congratulations on a fine paper 
and good luck for its future." 

"The Alumni Association has every 
right to be very proud of 'MARY- 
LAND'. It's a fine publication and we 
look forward to its monthly arrival," 
writes Elgin W. Scott, Jr., Eng. '39, 5627 
S. 4th St., Arlington, Va. 


"In particular, I enjoyed the lead ar- 
ticle by Dr. Byrd in the September 
athletic issue of 'MARYLAND'," 
writes Brigadier General William T. 
Clement, U. S. Marine Corps, adding, 
"It was meaty straight through and it 
shows the caliber of man developed by 
your athletic program. It is to the 
point, good sound advice and I should 
like for all young boys starting school 
to thoroughly digest it, for unquestion- 
ably it would influence their charac- 

"That's a grand magazine you're 
turning out at Maryland", writes Thos. 
H. Devlin, 4718 York Rd, Baltimore 12. 

"I wish to express my appreciation 
of the excellent magazine. I enjoy it 
very much", writes Norman C. Thur- 
low, DDS, Fryeburg, Me. 

"The very best of luck to your maga- 
zine, representing a wonderful univer- 
sity in a wonderful State", writes E. 
C. Bennett, Ukiah, Cal. 

Mrs. William A. Hasfurther, 1602 
W. Capitol Ave., Springfield, 111., (the 
former Virginia Lamond, H.Ec. '36), 
writes, "Thank you for the fine issues 
of 'MARYLAND', a greatly enjoyed 
publication. I enjoy reading the alumni 
news and am especially interested in 
hearing from and about Kappa Delta. 
My husband is a graduate of the Uni- 
versity of Illinois and we have a very 
much animated three year old son. My 
best wishes for the magazine's con- 
tinued success". 

"We enjoy very much reading 
'MARYLAND'," writes Ralph W. 
Keller, '38, Major, Air Corps, the "we" 
including Mrs. Keller, the former Jane 
F. Kephart, '39, adding "We do not 
want to miss a single copy as it keeps 
us in touch with what is going on at 
the University and among alumni." 

Major Keller is stationed at Stan- 
ford University, Palo Alto, Cal. where 
he is studying for a Master's Degree 
in Physical Education under the Air 
Force Education program. Mrs. Keller 
is with him, together with son Richard 
and daughter Barbara. 

Writes Mrs. Charlotte C. White, 3005 
St. Paul St., Baltimore 18, "Both Doc- 
tor (Dr. Wm. Kelso White) and I want 
to congratulate 'MARYLAND', its 
editor and staff, for a very interesting 
paper. We wish it all success and that 
it will grow and find greater possibili- 
ties, which I hope it will achieve." 

"I consider 'MARYLAND' one of 
the best of University papers and I 
congratulate those who are responsible 
for making it successful as well as 
beautiful." writes Clifton E. Fuller. 
'96, Commissioner of Finance and 
Revenue, Cumberland, Maryland. Mr. 
Fuller, a former Maryland quarter- 
back, states he will visit the campus on 
Homecoming Day, November 1st. 

"My thanks for all those grand copies 
of 'MARYLAND'," writes Mrs. W. 
Wallace Evans, 2942 Upton St., N.W., 
Washington, D. C, "for they have cer- 

"CUT IT our,,, 


General Secretary, 
Alumni Association, 
University of Maryland, 
College Park, Maryland. 

Inclosed please find check for 

dollars ($ ) my contribution to the Alumni Association. 

Three dollars of the above amount is to cover subscription for 
"Maryland" for twelve issues. 

tainly kept me in touch with the life on 
the campus of which I was a part not 
so long ago and which I shall never for- 

" 'MARYLAND' is a very fine publi- 
cation and I appreciate it," writes Rev. 
Leighton E. Harrell, Jr., New Castle, 
Va., adding, "It is entirely in keeping 
with the forward steps the University 
is taking. Please accept my thanks for 
the swell job you are doing". 

"It is a real pleasure for us who are 
far away from the University to re- 
ceive these monthly 'trips' back to the 
campus via 'MARYLAND' magazine", 
writes Mrs. R. E. Freese (Jean Rowley 
A&S '46), 301 W. Warren St., Calu- 
met City, 111. 

"Your grand magazine is helping 
promote the Good Neighbor policy as 
my Mexican friends enjoy reading it", 
writes Rosalie T. Lyon, American Em- 
bassy, Mexico, D. F., adding, "thank 
you very much and my best wishes for 
the continued success of a swell publi- 

"Your new and revitalized 'MARY- 
LAND' alumni magazine is most inter- 
esting and enlightening. It makes Case 
Alumni jealous. Keep up the good 
work", writes Russell H. Goff, A&S, 
'42, Department of Physics, Case School 
of Applied Science, Cleveland, 0. 

"Judging from the Orchids in recent 
issues all of the adjectives have been 
used and reused in applauding the new 
alumni magazine," writes J. William 
Miller, 5011 Mayflower Road, Norfolk, 
Va. "However, I would like to add my 
compliments to the many you have al- 
ready received. My best wishes for 
your continued success." 

"We always enjoy reading up on 
who's where and what's what concern- 
ing Maryland alumni," says Ralph W. 
Keller, "so we don't want to miss out on 
the news by failing to get our copy of 
'MARYLAND'. Many thanks." 

"Compliments on a fine alumnae 
magazine, 'MARYLAND' " writes Dr. 
Roy Schneiter, Ph.D. '43, 9201 Kings- 
bury Drive, Silver Spring. 

"I have greatly enjoyed 'MARY- 
LAND' ", writes Roy Leight, 317 E. 
North St., Mayfield, Ky., "for it is 
very informative and keeps me up to 
date on the University". 

Charles V. Cairnes, of the M. A. C. 
class of 1894, writes the following com- 

"How the old school has grown since 
my graduation 53 years ago! I think 
there were never more than 70 or 80 
students there during my time. 

"I have been fortunate in living in 
Washington the last 25 years where I 
can keep in touch with the University 
and sometimes fall in with old contem- 
poraries, although we are getting some- 
what scarce." 
