CONTOURS Elevation_Contours_2ft_2023 2ft contours derived from 2023 LiDAR ELEVATION RASTERS DTM: A DTM is a 'bare earth' elevation model, unmodified from its original data source (such as lidar, ifsar, or an autocorrelated photogrammetric surface) which is supposedly free of vegetation, buildings, and other 'non ground' objects. DSM: A DSM is an elevation model that includes the tops of buildings, trees, powerlines, and any other objects. Commonly this is seen as a canopy model and only 'sees' ground where there is nothing else overtop of it. nDSM: A nDSM depicts the difference between the digital surface model (DSM)—which reflects the highest points of objects (tops of structures, vegetation)—and the digital elevation model (DEM), which reflects the underlying “bare earth”. Essentially a nDSM is a height of objects on the ground. POINT CLOUD 2023 compressed QL1 point clouds. To uncompress use the "Convert LAS" Conversion Tool found within ArcGIS Pro Toolbox QL1 uses 8 samples per square meter which means that the new QL1 technology is better able to capture smaller saplings that the QL2 technology could have missed. QL1 also has the ability to better detect the fringes of tree canopy. Because of the higher resolution of QL1, the overall tree canopy capture for any given area is higher than it would be if it were measured by the older QL2 today.